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Commercial Global Data Research
                                                                                  Consultant – Survey – Research – Report
                                       Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat – INDONESIA
                        Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, 083818377515 Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email:
                                               Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok

                                                                                                                      Garis Besar Isi Buku
                                                       STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI CAT DI INDONESIA, 2012
                                                                                                           Outline of Book Contents

Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera.                                       Our customers love! Peace.
Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!                                       May we all exist in the protection of God!

Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)                               Background of Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
         Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan                  We are an agency Consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in
di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual    the field of global research data, presents a variety of actual business
yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi,       information that includes the Industrial sector, manufacturing, mining,
studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya.                                           banking, insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services.
         Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan
                                                                                            We are here as your consultant partner to provide the actual
informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam
                                                                                   information you need to determine the policy direction in developing your
mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami
tawarkan kepada Anda adalah “Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan
                                                                                   company. One study book product that we offer to you is the "Study on
Prospek Industri Cat di Indonesia, 2012.                                           the Market Conditions and Prospects of the Paints Industry in
         Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 7.000.000             Indonesia”, 2012.
(Tujuh juta rupiah) atau US$ 850, guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada                     We offer these books to you for Rp 7,000,000 (Seven million
Industri Cat, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau                rupiah) or $ 850, to assist business people in the paints industry, helping
Kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan        investors, helping the banks or creditors, and other related parties, with
diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun           how to view a map of power among competitors/partners you, good
dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Cat di              competitors from overseas and domestic, Export and Import of studying the
Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang                    development of paint products in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and
kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Cat,        opportunities for companies whose condition fluctuates, knowing the Main
mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan               Market of every paint company, know the market share abroad, knowing
Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. (terlampir contoh      the composition of Directors and Commissioners, and Other information
Profil Perusahaan).                                                                you need to know. (The attached sample Company Profile).
         Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan                       How big is your company's contribution in increasing production
kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal                capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at
maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan           every available opportunity, and are expected to have this book, your
dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien,
                                                                                   company become more productive, efficient, more forward and compete
lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat.
Kata Pengantar
          Bangunan/obyek akan tampak lebih bersih, nyaman, dan indah bila          Preface
dicat. Biasanya pemilik bangunan/obyek akan memilih warna yang disesuaikan                   Building/objects will appear more clean, comfortable, and beautiful
dengan kebutuhan dan selera mereka. Tapi tahukah Anda, ternyata cat mulai          when painted. Usually the owner of the building/object will choose colors
digunakan pada zaman manusia gua untuk menggambar suatu obyek atau                 that are tailored to the needs and tastes. But you know, it paints began to
keadaan?.                                                                          be used in the days of cavemen to draw an object or situation?.
          Pada zaman manusia gua, bahan-bahan berwarna sudah ada di                          In the days of cavemen, colored materials already exist in the
sekeliling dinding batu. Mereka menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan di             surrounding stone wall. They draw an object or situation in the vicinity.
sekitarnya. Mereka mencampur arang, kapur, warna tanah, air, dan warna-            They mix charcoal, chalk, soil color, water, and the colors are produced
warna yang dihasilkan alam untuk mewarnai dinding gua. Hasil campuran              natural to coloring the cave walls. The results of these mixtures such as
tersebut seperti semen. Kemudian mereka menggambar apa yang mereka                 cement. Then they draw what they want on the walls of the cave, though
inginkan di dinding gua, meski hasilnya tidak tahan lama.                          the results are not durable.
          Kemudian, penggunaan cat mulai digunakan oleh orang Mesir dan                      Then, use the paint began to be used by the Egyptians and
orang Timur. Para seniman mendekorasi sisi piramid, patung, ornamen dengan         Orientals. The artists decorated the side of the pyramids, statues,
warna natural. Bahan pasir, soda, dan tembaga dibakar untuk menghasilkan           ornaments with natural color. Material of sand, soda, and copper burned to
warna biru. Sedangkan tulang dan sisa pembakaran sampah digunakan untuk            produce a blue color. While the bones and the rest of the incinerator is
menghasilkan warna hitam.
                                                                                   used to produce the color black.
          Pada masa raja Mesir Fir'aun, warna sepuhan emas tampak lebih
                                                                                             At the time of Pharaoh king of Egypt, gold gilding colors appear
dominan karena warna emas dianggap dapat melambangkan kekayaan. Cat
juga berkembang di China, Jepang, dan Amerika. Mereka menggunakan
                                                                                   more dominant because of the color gold is considered to symbolize
minyak rami untuk mengembangkan pigmen dan untuk merekatkan bahan. Cat             wealth. Cat is also growing in China, Japan, and America. They use
pun sudah digunakan untuk memperindah permukaan tembok suatu                       linseed oil to develop pigments and to glue the material. Cat had been
bangunan.                                                                          used to embellish the surface of the wall of a building.
          Kemudian penggunaan cat pun semakin berkembang. Pada abad ke                       Then use the paint too is growing. In the 15th century found a thick
15 ditemukan cat minyak kental oleh Leo Battista Alberta. Kemudian pada            oil paint by Leo Battista Alberta. Then in the 19th century, the paint industry
abad ke 19, industri cat makin pesat pertumbuhannya. Perkembangan industri         increasingly rapid growth. Rapid industrial development of advanced paint
cat maju pesat ketika industri cat menjadi bagian dari industri kimia yang         when the paint industry to be part of the chemical industry that produces
menghasilkan cat siap pakai. Kini, apa yang diawali oleh manusia gua, telah        ready-made paint. Now, what was preceded by a caveman, has grown into
berkembang menjadi industri yang sangat besar dimana-mana. Bahkan tanpa            a huge industry everywhere. Even without paint, the house seemed
cat, rumah serasa kurang lengkap.                                                  incomplete.
          Cat adalah istilah umum yang digunakan untuk keluarga produk yang                  Paints is a general term used for a family of products that are used
digunakan untuk melindungi dan memberikan warna pada suatu obyek atau              to protect and provide color to an object or surface is coated with a
permukaan yang dilapisi dengan lapisan berpigmen.                                  pigmented layer.
Cat dapat digunakan pada hampir semua jenis objek, antara lain untuk            Paint can be used on almost any type of object, among others, to
menghasilkan karya seni (oleh pelukis untuk membuat lukisan), salutan industri   produce works of art (by the painter to paint), coating industry (industrial
(industrial coating), bantuan pengemudi (marka jalan), atau pengawet (untuk      coatings), driver assistance (road markings), or preservatives (to prevent
mencegah korosi atau kerusakan oleh air).                                        corrosion or damage by water).

Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di Indonesia                          Industrial Paint and Marketing Developments in Indonesia
          Pasar cat di dalam negeri belakangan ini terus berkembang, walaupun              In the domestic paint market is growing lately, though its performance
kinerjanya menurun dihantam krisis yang berkepanjangan. Pesatnya                 decreases prolonged crisis hit. The rapid development in the construction
pembangunan di sektor konstruksi, khususnya properti seperti real estate,        sector, especially property such as real estate, apartments, and shopping
apartemen, dan pusat perbelanjaan. Kenaikan permintaan juga terjadi di sektor    centers. The increase in demand also occurred in the automotive sector to
otomotif untuk merakit kendaraan dan sektor industri lainnya.                    assemble vehicles and other industrial sectors.
          Sebagian kebutuhan cat di Indonesia dari hasil impor, khususnya                  Some need paint in Indonesia from imports, particularly for certain
untuk jenis dan kualitas tertentu yang tidak atau belum diproduksi di dalam      types and qualities that are not or have not produced domestically. Indonesia
negeri. Impor cat Indonesia sebagian besar dari jenis solvent-based paint.       imports most of the paint of the type of solvent-based paint. The larger the user
Semakin besar populasi pemakai cat seperti properti, otomotif, dan sektor        population such as the properties of paint, automotive, and industrial sectors,
industri, maka semakin tinggi pula potensi permintaannya. Pengecatan ulang       the higher the potential demand. Repainting (refinishing) of buildings or
(refinishing) bangunan atau kendaraan bermotor misalnya, dilakukan kembali       vehicles for example, be returned if the layer of paint is dull and dirty, or to
jika lapisan cat sudah kusam dan kotor ataupun untuk memperoleh kesan            obtain a visual impression or a certain color. Rising incomes will lead to greater
visual atau warna tertentu. Meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat akan              frequency of repainting.
mendorong meningkatnya frekuensi pengecatan ulang.                                         Unless the technology manufacturing process is generally good
          Kecuali teknologi proses pembuatannya yang umumnya sudah cukup         enough to master, for the formulation technology, especially for products that
baik dikuasai, untuk teknologi formulasi, terutama untuk produk yang menuntut    require quality standards for bodies such as motor vehicles, ships agency, or
standar mutu seperti untuk badan kendaraan bermotor, badan kapal, atau           heavy duty coatings, most are still standard to foreign companies. Use well-
heavy duty coating, sebagian besar masih berstandar kepada perusahan luar        known brand licensing is also intended to strengthen its market penetration.
negeri. Pemakaian lisensi merek terkenal juga dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat       Popular brands on the market including ICI/Dulux, Nippon Paint, Pacific,
penetrasi pasarnya. Merek-merek popular di pasaran diantaranya ICI/Dulux,        Kansai, Mowilex, and Danapaint.
Nippon Paint, Pacific, Kansai, Mowilex, dan Danapaint.                                     Some manufacturers of world famous brand operates its own factory
          Beberapa produsen merek terkenal dunia mengoperasikan pabrik           in Indonesia, such as ICI Paint (established PT. ICI Paint Indonesia), Kansai
sendiri di Indonesia, seperti ICI Paint (mendirikan PT. ICI Paint Indonesia),    Paint, Japan (PT. Prima Dayin Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating (PT.
Kansai Paint, Jepang (PT. Dayin Prima Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating      Courtauld Coatings Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet
(PT. Courtauld Coating Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet     Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), and Jotun,
Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), dan Jotun,       Norway (PT Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals).
Norwegia (PT. Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals).                                          Paint industry in the country belonging to the assembly industry
          Industri cat di dalam negeri tergolong industri perakitan (industri    (industrial formulations), with the main activity of mixing (blending). Raw
formulasi), dengan aktivitas utama mixing (blending). Bahan bakunya siap         materials ready to use on the market. Another prominent enough activity is the
pakai yang ada di pasaran. Aktivitas yang cukup menonjol lainnya adalah          packaging. Paint manufacturers generally have the upper-middle-canned
pengemasan. Produsen cat menengah ke atas umumnya memiliki unit kaleng           packaging unit itself. Generally, paint manufacturers make specific colors of the
kemasannya sendiri. Umumnya pabrik cat membuat warna-warni spesifik dari         composition of the basic use of color is different from one another. Some paint
komposisi pemakaian warna dasar yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya.         companies serving the manufacture of paints with a color or a certain
Beberapa perusahaan cat melayani pembuatan cat dengan warna atau                 specification for special orders. With a relatively simple production processes
spesifikasi tertentu atas pesanan khusus. Dengan proses produksi yang relatif    and facilities that are not too complicated machinery, manufacturing paints can
simpel dan fasilitas mesin yang tidak terlalu rumit, pabrikasi cat dapat juga    also be done by the entrepreneur or small-cap domestic-scale industries.
dilakukan oleh pengusaha bermodal kecil atau industri berskala rumah tangga.               In this regard, Commercial Global Data Research or abbreviated CDR
          Dalam kaitan ini, Commercial Global Data Research atau disingkat       as a research institute working to make a complete study of the "STUDY ON
CDR sebagai salah satu lembaga riset berupaya membuat studi lengkap              THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PAINTS INDUSTRY IN
mengenai "STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI                       INDONESIA" 2012. In the study discussed in depth the development and
CAT DI INDONESIA" 2012. Dalam studi ini dibahas secara mendalam                  marketing of industrial paints and coatings materials in Indonesia, both at the
perkembangan industri dan pemasaran cat serta coating material di Indonesia,     level of producers and consumers. Industrial paint and coating materials to be
baik pada tingkat produsen maupun konsumen. Industri cat dan coating             discussed in this study include the number of firms, production capacity,
material yang akan dibahas dalam studi ini meliputi jumlah perusahaan,           realization of production, import export development, and so forth. Supply and
kapasitas produksi, realisasi produksi, perkembangan ekspor impor, dan lain      consumption is one aspect that will be addressed in this study, so the
sebagainya. Supply dan konsumsi merupakan salah satu aspek yang akan             components that affect it such as the development of local production, exports,
dibahas dalam studi ini, sehingga komponen yang mempengaruhinya seperti          and imports of paints and coatings materials will also be discussed in full.
perkembangan produksi lokal, ekspor, dan impor cat dan coating material juga     Market developments, market prospects, and kebijakaan government also
akan dibahas secara lengkap. Perkembangan pasar, prospek pasar, dan              discussed in this study, as well as distribution and pricing system. Industry
kebijakaan pemerintah juga dibahas dalam studi ini, demikian pula sistem         outlook and market paints a chain that corresponds quite closely, so the
distribusi dan harga. Prospek industri dan pasar cat merupakan mata rantai       discussion will be linked to the development of production in recent years, the
yang memiliki keterkaitan cukup erat, sehingga pembahasannya akan dikaitkan      business establishment and expansion of factories, industrial development of
dengan perkembangan produksi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, usaha                the wearer, as well as the development of new projects are expected to affect
pendirian dan perluasan pabrik, perkembangan industri pemakainya, serta          the market of paints and coatings material. The study is also equipped with a
perkembangan proyek-proyek baru yang diperkirakan akan mempengaruhi              paint company directory.
pasar cat dan coating material tersebut. Studi ini juga dilengkapi dengan
direktori perusahaan cat.                                                                                       Table 1
                                                                                            Development of Capacity, Production and Utilization
                          Tabel 1                                                                     Types of Paints, 2000-2011
          Pekembangan Kapasitas, Produksi dan Utilisasi
                                                                                                        Capacity       Production Utilization
                 Macam-macam Cat, 2000-2011                                                    Year
                                                                                                           (Ton)           (Ton)      (%)
                    Kapasitas      Produksi       Utilisasi                                   2000       498,020          323,713    65.00
                      (Ton)          (Ton)            (%)                                     2001       498,020          323,713    65.00
            2000     498.020        323.713          65,00                                    2002       498,020          333,424    66.95
            2001     498.020        323.713          65,00                                    2003       498,020          373,515    75.00
            2002     498.020        333.424          66,95                                    2004       498,020          384,720    77.25
            2003     498.020        373.515          75,00                                    2005       498,020          388,456    78.00
            2004     498.020        384.720          77,25                                    2006       498,020          392,192    78.00
            2005     498.020        388.456          78,00                                    2007       498,020          395,981    79.25
            2006     498.020        392.192          78,00                                    2008       498,020          400,182    81.03
            2007     498.020        395.981          79,25                                    2009       498,020          404,208    82.04
            2008     498.020        400.182          81,03                                    2010       498,020          408,131    81.35
            2009     498.020        404.208          82,04                                    2011       498,020          418,431    83.55
            2010     498.020        408.131          81,35                                  Source: Ministry of Industry (Processed)
            2011     498.020        418.431          83,55
          Sumber: Kementerian Perindustrian (diolah)
DAFTAR ISI                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

BAB I     PENDAHULUAN                                                       CHAPTER I    INTRODUCTION
          1.1. Sejarah Industri Cat                                                      1.1. History of Paint Industry
               1.1.1. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di                           1.1.1. Paint industry and marketing developments in
                       Indonesia                                                                       Indonesia
               1.1.2. Bahan Baku Cat                                                          1.1.2. Paint Raw Materials
               1.1.3. Macam-macam cara Pengeringan Cat                                        1.1.3. All kinds of ways Drying Paint
          1.2. Ruang Lingkup Studi                                                       1.2. Scope of Study
          1.3. Sumber Data dan Informasi                                                 1.3. Sources of Data and Information

          INDONESIA                                                                    2.1. Indonesia Population
          2.1. Populasi Penduduk Indonesia                                             2.2. Indicators of Economic Development of Indonesia
          2.2. Perkembangan Indikator Perekonomian Indonesia                                2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
               2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                                          2.2.2. Inflation
               2.2.2. Inflasi                                                               2.2.3. Unemployment Rate
               2.2.3. Tingkat Pengangguran                                             2.3. Economic Growth in Indonesia
          2.3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia                                                2.3.1. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter I-2010
               2.3.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2010                         Value of GDP by Sector Quarter I-2009,
              Nilai PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha                                              Quarter IV-2009, and Quarter I-2010
                                Triwulan I-2009, Triwulan IV-2009, dan                      Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I-
                                Triwulan I-2010                                                               2010
              Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha                         The use of GDP by Quarter I-2010
                                Triwulan I-2010                                             Spatial profiles Indonesia's economy
              PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan I-2010                                        under the Provincial Group Quarter I-
              Profil Spasial Perekonomian Indonesia                                         2010
                                menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan I-2010              2.4. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter II-2010
          2.4. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010                               2.4.1. Indonesia's economic Quarter of 2010 grew 6.2
               2.4.1. Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010 tumbuh 6,2                                  percent
                       persen                                                               2.4.2. On the basis of GDP Current Prices and
               2.4.2. Besaran PDB atas dasar Harga Berlaku dan Harga                                 Constant 2000 Prices and Second Quarter 2010
                       Konstan 2000 Triwulan I dan II 2010                                  2.4.3. Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I and II
               2.4.3. Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan I                                 Years 2009-2010
                       dan II Tahun 2009-2010                                               2.4.4. The use of GDP by Quarter II-2010
               2.4.4. PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan II-2010                               2.4.5. Spatial Economic Profile Indonesia by Province
               2.4.5. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok                              Group Quarter II-2010
                       Provinsi Triwulan II-2010                                       2.5. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter III-2010
          2.5. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan III-2010                              2.5.1. The growth of Indonesia's economy grew 6.3%
               2.5.1. Pertumbuhan Perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh 6,3%                                 in the quarter III/2010
                       pada kuartal III/2010                                                2.5.2. Indonesia Economic Growth Rapid Growth in
               2.5.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Tumbuh Pesat                                     2010
                       2010                                                            2.6. Economic Growth in Fourth Quarter 2010 reached 6%
          2.6. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan IV 2010 mencapai 6%                        2.7. Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation at
          2.7. Perkembangan Indeks Harga Konsumen/Inflasi sebesar                           0.12% in the month of May 2011
               0,12% pada bulan Mei 2011                                                    2.7.1. Description by Expenditure Group
               2.7.1. Uraian menurut Kelompok Pengeluaran                                   2.7.2. Comparison of Annual Inflation
               2.7.2. Perbandingan Inflasi Tahunan                                          2.7.3. Comparison between the City
               2.7.3. Perbandingan antar Kota                                               Comparisons between cities on the
              Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Sumatera                                     island of Sumatra
              Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Jawa                       Comparisons between cities in Java
              Perbandingan antar kota diluar Pulau Jawa                   Comparisons between cities outside
                                dan Sumatera                                                                  Java and Sumatra
               2.7.4. Inflasi Komponen Inti Mei 2011                                        2.7.4. Components of Core Inflation in May 2011

BAB III   TEORI INDUSTRI CAT                                                CHAPTER III THE THEORY OF PAINTS INDUSTRY
          3.1. Apakah cat itu?                                                          3.1. Is it paint?
          3.2. Bahan Penyusun Cat                                                       3.2. Materials Paint Composer
          3.3. Tahapan Pembuatan Cat                                                    3.3. Preparation Stages of Paints
          3.4. Jenis Cat                                                                3.4. Types of Paint
                3.4.1. Cat Minyak                                                             3.4.1. Oil paint
                3.4.2. Cat Air                                                                3.4.2. Watercolor
          3.5. Proses Produksi Cat                                                      3.5. Paint Production Process
          3.6. Macam-macam Produk Cat                                                   3.6. Types of Paint Products
          3.7. Spesifikasi produk Cat                                                   3.7. Product specifications of Paints
          3.8. Terobosan baru dalam Industri cat                                        3.8. New breakthrough in the paint industry
          3.9. Depperin terapkan Wajib SNI pada Produk Cat                              3.9. Mandatory SNI of DEPPERIN apply on Paint Products
          3.10. Produksi Cat Tembok Berkualitas                                         3.10. Wall Paint Production Quality
          3.11. Cat Genteng                                                             3.11. Paints Tile
          3.12. Fitur-Fitur Cat                                                         3.12. Paints Features
                3.12.1. Klasifikasi Pigmen                                                    3.12.1. Classification of Pigments
                3.12.2. Fitur-fitur pigmen organik (Pigment Ekstender dan                     3.12.2. Features organic pigment (Pigment extender and
                          Pigment Efek)                                                                 Effect)
                3.12.3. Pigmen Spesial Efek                                                   3.12.3. Special Effect Pigments
          3.13. Polymer                                                                 3.13. Polymer
                3.13.1. Polymerisasi                                                          3.13.1. Polymerization
                3.13.2. Copolymer                                                             3.13.2. Copolymer
                3.13.3. Teknik Polymerisasi                                                   3.13.3. Polymerization technique
                3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer                                                       3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer
                3.13.5. Polymerisasi Emulsi                                                   3.13.5. Emulsion polymerization
                3.13.6. Bahan Baku Polymerisasi Emulsi                                        3.13.6. Emulsion polymerization Raw Materials
          3.14. Efek Komposisi Monomer terhadap Latex                                   3.14. Effect of Latex Monomer Composition
          3.15. Aditif Dispersing dan Wetting Agent                                     3.15. Dispersing additive and wetting agent
          3.16. Aditif Pengawet                                                         3:16. Additives Preservatives
3.16.1. Perlindungan saat kondisi basah (Wet State)                              3.16.1. Protection during wet conditions (Wet State)
                 3.16.2. Perlindungan film cat (Dry State)                                        3.16.2. Paint protection film (Dry State)
                 3.16.3. Bahan kimia untuk perlindungan wet state                                 3.16.3. Chemicals for wet state protection
         3.17.   Aditif Pembentuk Film                                                    3.17.   Film Forming Additives
         3.18.   Aditif Buffer                                                            3.18.   Buffer Additives
         3.19.   Aditif Antifoam                                                          3.19.   Antifoam Additives
                 3.19.1. Asal Foam                                                                3.19.1. Origin Foam
                                                                                                  3.19.2. Chemicals Antifoam
                 3.19.2. Bahan Kimia Antifoam
                                                                                          3.20.   Various kinds of the processor paint
         3.20.   Macam-macam Mesin Pemproses Cat
                                                                                                  3.20.1. High Speed Disperser
                 3.20.1. High Speed Disperser                                                     3.20.2. Bead Mill
                 3.20.2. Bead Mill                                                                3.20.3. Roller Mill
                 3.20.3. Roller Mill                                                      3.21.   When determining the color
         3.21.   Ketika warna menentukan                                                  3.22.   Problems that often arise in the wall paint
         3.22.   Masalah yang sering timbul pada cat dinding                              3.23.   Car Paint
         3.23.   Cat Mobil                                                                3.24.   Ultrasound in Coating Formulation
         3.24.   USG dalam Penyusunan Coating                                             3.25.   Powder Coating
         3.25.   Powder Coating                                                           3.26.   Chemicals in the Paint
         3.26.   Bahan Kimia dalam Cat
                                                                           CHAPTER IV MARKET CONDITIONS AND PAINTS PERFORMANCE
         INDONESIA                                                                    4.1. Businesses are increasingly brighter of paints
         4.1. Bisnis Cat yang semakin cerah                                                 4.1.1. National Paint consumption is projected to rise
               4.1.1. Konsumsi Cat Nasional diproyeksi naik                                 4.1.2. Paints in the domestic market is growing
               4.1.2. Pasar Cat didalam negeri semakin tumbuh                               4.1.3. Paint and Coating Industry is no longer sluggish
                                                                                            4.1.4. Industrial Coating Demand grew 30%
               4.1.3. Industri Cat dan Coating tidak lagi lesu
                                                                                            4.1.5. Paint industry experienced growth of 3-4% per year
               4.1.4. Permintaan Coating Industri tumbuh 30%
                                                                                      4.2. Avian rely Paint without the smell
               4.1.5. Industri Cat alami pertumbuhan 3-4% per tahun                   4.3. Paints Industrial Property participated harvest progress
         4.2. Avian andalkan Cat tanpa bau                                                  4.3.1. Restored property sector, CSAP Sales increase
         4.3. Industri Cat turut memanen kemajuan Properti                                             15%
               4.3.1. Sektor Properti Pulih, CSAP tingkatkan Penjualan                      4.3.2. Shuttle Systems Ball
                        15%                                                                 4.3.3. Growth opportunities open Property Industrial Paint
               4.3.2. Sistem Jemput Bola                                                    4.3.4. Development of Real Estate
               4.3.3. Pertumbuhan Properti buka peluang Industri Cat                        4.3.5. A total of 509 thousand tons of paint consumed
               4.3.4. Perkembangan Real Estate                                                         Property sector
               4.3.5. Sebanyak 509 ribu ton Cat dikonsumsi sektor                           4.3.6. Property Investment encourage the growth of
                        Properti                                                                       Building Materials Industry
               4.3.6. Properti dorong pertumbuhan Investasi Industri                  4.4. Automotive Paint Industry Opportunities
                        Bahan Bangunan                                                      4.4.1. Selecting the type of Car Paint to Repaint
         4.4. Peluang Industri Cat Otomotif                                                 4.4.2. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never
               4.4.1. Memilih jenis Cat Mobil untuk Repaint                                            dies
               4.4.2. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah                 4.5. Growth of Cars and Motor Vehicles
                        mati                                                                4.5.1. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never
         4.5. Pertumbuhan Kendaraan Mobil dan Motor
                                                                                            4.5.2. Honda's king of the world's second wheel
               4.5.1. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah                       4.5.3. Technology
                        mati                                                                4.5.4. Custom paint
               4.5.2. Honda raja di dunia roda 2                                      4.6. Local Paints airworthy
               4.5.3. Teknologi                                                       4.7. DuPont Refinish paint products developed low-emission car
               4.5.4. Cat custom                                                      4.8. Be careful, many dangerous of Paints Import outstanding!
         4.6. Cat lokal laik terbang                                                  4.9. Variety of Interior Paint
         4.7. DuPont Refinish kembangkan produk Cat Mobil rendah emisi                4.10. The best of the Chugoku
         4.8. Hati-hati, banyak Cat Impor berbahaya beredar!                          4.11. Jotun optimistic to compete in the field of Industrial Paints
         4.9. Ragam Cat Interior                                                            4.11.1. Jotun Paints 40% Boost Production
         4.10. Yang terbaik dari Chugoku                                                    4.11.2. Jotun, Paints High Quality and True decorations
         4.11. Jotun optimis bersaing di bidang Industri Cat                                4.11.3. Jotun boost production to be 14 million liters
               4.11.1. Jotun Dongkrak Produksi Cat 40%                                      4.11.4. Jotun aim at number two in the paint industry
               4.11.2. Jotun, Cat Kualitas Tinggi dan Pendekor Sejati                       4.11.5. Jotun paints Indonesia's largest market in Asia
               4.11.3. Jotun tingkatkan produksi jadi 14 juta liter                         4.11.6. Jotun continues to introduce its products Anti-
               4.11.4. Jotun bidik nomor dua di industri cat                                           fouling
                                                                                      4.12. Face the best quality capitalize China Products
               4.11.5. Indonesia pasar terbesar cat Jotun di Asia
                                                                                      4.13. Challenges for Industrial Coatings Paint Ship
               4.11.6. Jotun terus perkenalkan Produk Anti Fouling-nya
                                                                                      4.14. PT. Dayin obtained from Kansai Paint Co. License. Ltd.
         4.12. Hadapi Produk China bermodalkan mutu terbaik                           4.15. Paints Belazo play on Premium Brand
         4.13. Tantangan bagi Industri Pelapisan Cat Kapal                            4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Main wake Paint
         4.14. PT. Dayin peroleh Lisensi dari Kansai Paint Co. Ltd.                   4.17. Downstream Chemical Industry Investment need of U.S. $ 1
         4.15. Cat Belazo bermain di Premium Brand                                          billion
         4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Utama bangun Pabrik Cat                                4.18. Paints Industrial Investment Opportunities in India
         4.17. Industri Kimia Hilir butuh Investasi US$ 1 miliar                            4.18.1. New Opportunities for Foreign Companies of Paints
         4.18. Peluang Investasi Industri Cat di India                                      4.18.2. Market Potential
               4.18.1. Peluang baru untuk Perusahaan Cat Asing                              4.18.3. Market Characteristics
               4.18.2. Potensi Pasar                                                        4.18.4. Industry Characteristics
               4.18.3. Karakteristik Pasar                                                  4.18.5. Investment Opportunities
               4.18.4. Karakteristik Industri                                         4.19. Paint and Coating Industry Development in the World
               4.18.5. Peluang Investasi                                              4.20. Expand Markets, Mowilex in Low End Segment
         4.19. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Coating Dunia                            4.21. Coatings industry demand grew by 30%
         4.20. Perbesar Pasar, Mowilex masuk Segmen Low End                           4.22. Take advantage of the paint sector of economic growth in
         4.21. Permintaan industri coating tumbuh 30%                                       Indonesia
                                                                                      4.23. Political temperatures in Indonesia to boost investment
         4.22. Manfaatkan sektor cat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia
                                                                                      4.24. Indonesian paints exports to the Middle East and Africa
         4.23. Suhu Politik di Indonesia tingkatkan Investasi
                                                                                      4.25. Pacific Paint Retailers are targeting 18 thousand
         4.24. Ekspor Cat Indonesia ke Timur Tengah dan Afrika                        4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Paint & Coatings Market Asia Pacific region
         4.25. Pacific Paint targetkan 18 ribu Peritel                                      grew Double Digits
         4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Pasar Cat & Coating Asia Pasifik tumbuh              4.27. Indonesia is expected to be consuming coating of the fastest
               Double Digit                                                                 growing markets in Asia
         4.27. Indonesia diharapkan menjadi pengkonsumsi pelapis yang                 4.28. Behind the optimism, sales growth of paints disturbed
               paling cepat berkembang pasar di Asia                                        regulation
         4.28. Dibalik Optimisme, pertumbuhan penjualan Cat terganggu
4.29. Untuk pertama kalinya Indonesia dipercaya menjadi tuan                         4.29. For the first time Indonesia is believed to host Level of Paints
               rumah Pameran Produk Cat Tingkat Asia Pacifik                                        Products Exhibition in Asia Pacific
         4.30. Indonesia dan Vietnam pasar utama industri cat                                 4.30. Indonesia and Vietnam the main market of paint industry
         4.31. Propan Unggulkan Inovasi di Dunia Cat Premium                                  4.31. Propane superior of Premium Innovation at the Paints World

         5.1. Pengurangan Limbah Industri dengan penerapan Clean                              5.1. Waste Reduction in Industry with the implementation of
                                                                                                   Clean Technology
                                                                                              5.2. Waste generated in Paint Production Process
         5.2. Limbah yang dihasilkan dalam Proses Produksi Cat
                                                                                              5.3. Characteristics of waste in the process of paints making
         5.3. Karakteristik limbah dalam proses pembuatan Cat                                 5.4. Paints Industrial Waste Management in Industrial
         5.4. Penanganan Limbah Industri Cat dalam Manajemen Industri                              Management
         5.5. Penanganan Limbah Padat                                                         5.5. Solid Waste Handling
         5.6. Penanganan Limbah Cair                                                          5.6. Liquid Waste Handling
         5.7. Pengelolaan limbah cair Industri Cat Solvent-Based                              5.7. Industrial liquid waste management Solvent-Based Paints
         5.8. Unit Pengelolaan Limbah Cair untuk Cat Solvent-Based                            5.8. Liquid Waste Management Unit for Solvent-Based Paints
         5.9. Pengendalian di dalam Pabrik untuk mengurangi pencemaran                        5.9. Control at the factory to reduce pollution

         6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk enamel dan                      6.1. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including enamels
               lak) berdasarkan polimer sintetis atau polimer alam yang                         and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or modified
               dimodifikasi secara kimia, didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam                   natural polymer chemistry, dispersed or dissolved in non-
               media non berair (HS Kode 3208)                                                  aqueous medium (HS Code 3208)
               6.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Berdasarkan Polyester (HS                             6.1.1. Export Development Based Polyester (HS Code
                        Kode 3208.10)                                                                    3208.10)
                                                                                                Export Development varnish (including
               Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk
                                                                                                                    lacquers), exceeding 100 º C heat
                                 lak), melebihi 100ºC tahan panas
               Perkembangan Ekspor Enamel cat dan                             Export Development Enamel paints and
                                 polimer berdasarkan akrilik/vinil HS Kode                                          polymers based on acrylic / vinyl HS
                                 3208200000 – 3208209000                                                            codes 3208200000 to 3208209000
               Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk                           Export Development varnish (including
                                 lak), tidak melebihi 100ºC tahan panas (HS                                         lacquers), not exceeding 100 º C heat
                                 Kode: 3208901900 – 3208909000)                                                     resistant (HS Code: 3208901900-
               6.1.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk                                                  3208909000)
                        enamel dan lak) dibuat dari polimer sintetis atau                       6.1.2. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including
                        polimer alam yang dimodifikasi secara kimia,                                     enamels and lacquers) are made from synthetic
                        didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam media air (HS                                polymers or modified natural polymer chemistry,
                        Kode: 3209000000 – 3209900000)                                                   dispersed or dissolved in aqueous media (HS
               Terbuat dari polimer akrilat atau vinil                                 Code: 3209000000-3209900000)
         6.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun                               Made of acrylic or vinyl polymers
               2006 – 2011                                                                 6.2. Development of Paints Export (HS Code 32081-32139 Year
         6.3. Perkembangan Impor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun                                2006 to 2011)
               2006 – 2011                                                                 6.3. Development of Paints Import (HS Code 32081-32139 Year
                                                                                                2006 to 2011)
         6.4. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS
                                                                                           6.4. Paints by Commodity Export Development (HS Code
               3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011                                        3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011)
         6.5. Perkembangan Import Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS                             6.5. Development of the Paints by Commodity Import (HS Code
               3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011                                        3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011)
         6.6. Perkembangan Ekspor Bahan Baku Cat                                           6.6. Paint Raw Material Export Development
               6.6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Solvent                                               6.6.1. Development of Export Solvent
               6.6.2. Perkembangan Impor Solvent                                                6.6.2. Import developments Solvent
               6.6.3. Perkembangan Ekspor Pigment                                               6.6.3. Development of Pigment Export
               6.6.4. Perkembangan Impor Pigment                                                6.6.4. Development of Pigment Imports
               6.6.5. Perkembangan Ekspor Additive                                              6.6.5. Export Development Additive
               6.6.6. Perkembangan Impor Additive                                               6.6.6. Import developments Additive
               6.6.7. Perkembangan Ekspor Resin                                                 6.6.7. Export Development Resins
               6.6.8. Perkembangan Impor Resin                                                  6.6.8. Development of Resin Imports

        7.1. AkzoNobel                                                                      THE WORLD
                                                                                            7.1. AkzoNobel
             7.1.1. Produk AkzoNobel
                                                                                                 7.1.1. Product of AkzoNobel
             7.1.2. Manajemen AkzoNobel
                                                                                                 7.1.2. Management of AkzoNobel
             7.1.3. Organisasi AkzoNobel                                                         7.1.3. AkzoNobel Organization
             7.1.4. Strategi AkzoNobel                                                           7.1.4. AkzoNobel Strategy
        7.2. BASF                                                                           7.2. BASF
             7.2.1. Sejarah BASF                                                                 7.2.1. History of BASF
             7.2.2. Struktur dan Organisasi BASF                                                 7.2.2. Structure and Organization of BASF
             7.2.3. Manajemen Perusahaan dan kontrol oleh Dewan                                  7.2.3. The Company's management and control by the
                      Direksi Eksekutif serta Dewan Pengawas                                              Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory
             7.2.4. Kinerja Kimia BASF                                                                    Board
        7.3. ICI Paints                                                                          7.2.4. BASF Performance Chemicals
             7.3.1. Kemasan dan Coating ICI Paints                                          7.3. ICI Paints
             7.3.2. Produk ICI Paints                                                            7.3.1. ICI Paints and Coating Packaging
             7.3.3. Pasar Cat Dekoratif ICI Paints                                               7.3.2. ICI Paints Products
             7.3.4. Laporan Keuangan ICI Paints Q3 – 2011                                        7.3.3. ICI Paints Decorative Paints Market
        7.4. PPG Industries Inc.                                                                 7.3.4. ICI Paints Q3 Financial Statements – 2011
             7.4.1. Produk PPG Industries Inc.                                              7.4. PPG Industries Inc..
                                                                                                 7.4.1. PPG Industries Inc. product.
             7.4.2. Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                                                                                 7.4.2. Corporate Governance
             7.4.3. PPG Tim Manajemen
                                                                                                 7.4.3. PPG Management Team
             7.4.4. Laporan Rekor Pendapatan PPG Kuartal Ketiga                                  7.4.4. PPG Reports Record Third Quarter Revenues
        7.5. Dupont                                                                         7.5. Dupont
             7.5.1. Dewan Direksi DuPont                                                         7.5.1. DuPont Board of Directors
             7.5.2. Produk DuPont                                                                7.5.2. DuPont Products
             7.5.3. Lingkup global DuPont ilmu pengetahuan dan                                   7.5.3. DuPont global scope of science and technology
                      teknologi                                                                  7.5.4. DuPont FY 2010 Sales by Region
             7.5.4. Penjualan DuPont FY 2010 menurut Wilayah
7.6. Asian Paint Ltd.                                                              7.6. Asian Paint Ltd.
               7.6.1. Kehadiran Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional                        7.6.1. The presence of Asian Paints Ltd. at
               7.6.2. Tentang Asian Paint Ltd.                                                              international level
               7.6.3. Kondisi Pasar Industri Cat di India                                         7.6.2. About Asian Paint Ltd.
               7.6.4. Pemikiran investasi                                                         7.6.3. Market conditions in the Indian Paint Industry
               7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. merupakan industri cat raksasa di                         7.6.4. The investment thinking
                        India                                                                     7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. a giant paint industry in India
               7.6.6. Persaingan industri cat di India menjadi lebih intens                       7.6.6. Competition in the Indian paint industry becomes
                        dengan masuknya pemain asing seperti Jotun,                                         more intense with the entry of foreign players
                        Nippon & Sherwin Williams                                                           such as Jotun, Nippon & Sherwin Williams
               7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd. membeli tanah di Maharashtra                              7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd.. buy land in Maharashtra for
                        untuk mega proyek greenfield dengan kapasitas 4                                     mega greenfield projects with capacity of 4 lakh
                        ton lakh per tahun. Sejumlah Rs 735 cr akan                                         tonnes per year. A number of Rs 735 cr to be
                        dihabiskan untuk proyek dalam 5 tahun ke depan                                      spent on projects within the next 5 years
               7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd. mungkin melihat kenaikan harga                            7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd.. may see further price
                        lebih lanjut, jika harga bahan baku terus naik                                      increases, if raw material prices continue to rise
               7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd. manfaatkan dengan menjual Ftalat                          7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd.. advantage by selling phthalic
                        Anhidrida (PAN) di pasar terbuka                                                    anhydride (PAN) in the open market
               7.6.10. Hampir setengah dari pendapatan yang diterima oleh                         7.6.10. Nearly half of the revenues received by the
                        industri cat India adalah melalui enamel                                            Indian paint industry is through the enamel
               7.6.11. Timur Tengah penyumbang mayoritas penjualan                                7.6.11. Middle East contributing the majority of sales of
                        Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional                                          Asian Paints Ltd.. at international level
               7.6.12. Untuk 9MFY11, penjualan bersih perusahaan                                  7.6.12. For 9MFY11, the company's net sales jumped
                        melonjak 19,5% menjadi Rs 5.740,6 cr, dibandingkan                                  19.5% to Rs 5740.6 cr, compared to Rs 4804.2
                        dengan Rs 4804,2 cr di 9MFY10                                                       cr in 9MFY10
               7.6.13. Kinerja penjualan bersih Asian Paints YoY di                               7.6.13. Asian Paints net sales performance in Q2FY11
                        Q2FY11 karena musim hujan yang berkepanjangan                                       YoY due to the prolonged rainy season and
                        dan musim festival yang tertunda, tetapi penjualan                                  festival season is delayed, but no recovery of
                        ada pemulihan dalam Q3FY11                                                          sales in Q3FY11
               7.6.14. Kinerja yang kuat terlihat dalam bisnis cat dekoratif                      7.6.14. Strong performance seen in the decorative
                        meskipun bisnis cat Industri tidak sesuai kinerja                                   paints business even though business does not
               7.6.15. Harga minyak mentah telah mengalami kenaikan dan                                     match the performance of the paint industry
                        ini akan meningkatkan beban biaya para pelaku                             7.6.15. Crude oil prices have risen and this will increase
                        industri                                                                            the cost burden of industry players
               7.6.16. Krisis di Mesir dan Bahrain akan berdampak sedikit                         7.6.16. The crisis in Egypt and Bahrain will have little
                        pada bisnis Asian Paints Ltd.                                                       impact on the business of Asian Paints Ltd.
               7.6.17. SWOT Analisis                                                              7.6.17. SWOT Analysis
         7.7. Berger International, Ltd.                                                    7.7. Berger International, Ltd..
               7.7.1. Produk dan Pelayanan Berger International, Ltd.                             7.7.1. Products and Services Berger International, Ltd.
               7.7.2. Informasi Perusahaan Berger International, Ltd.                             7.7.2. Company Information Berger International, Ltd.
               7.7.3. Pernyataan Chairman Berger International, Ltd.                              7.7.3. Statement of Chairman Berger International, Ltd.
               7.7.4. Tinjauan Operasi Berger International, Ltd.                                 7.7.4. Review of Operations Berger International, Ltd.
         7.8. Cat dan Coatings Industri di beberapa Negara                                  7.8. Paint and Coatings Industry in several countries
         7.9. Konsumsi Coating di Asia paling cepat berubah                                 7.9. Coating consumption in Asia's most rapidly changing
         7.10. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dunia                                                    7.10. World Economic Growth
         7.11. Analisis Pasar (APAC Paint and Coating)                                      7.11. Market Analysis (APAC Paint and Coating)
               7.11.1. Analisis Pasar (Ukuran Pasar berdasarkan Nilai dan                         7.11.1. Market Analysis (Market Size by Value and
                        Volume)                                                                             Volume)
               7.11.2. Analisis Pasar (Pasar Cat APAC)                                            7.11.2. Market Analysis (Market Cat APAC)
               7.11.3. Analisis Pasar (Pertumbuhan Pasar Cat dan                                  7.11.3. Market Analysis (Cat Market Growth and Per
                        Konsumsi Cat Per Kapita)                                                            Capita Consumption of Paint)
               7.11.4. Analisis Pasar Industri Coating menurut Segmen                             7.11.4. Coatings Industry Market Analysis by Segment
               7.11.5. Analisis Pasar (Competitive Analysis)                                      7.11.5. Market Analysis (Competitive Analysis)
         7.12. Industri Utama di China                                                      7.12. Primary Industry in China
         7.13. Negara Utama (India)                                                         7.13. Main Countries (India)
         7.14. Negara Utama (Fokus pada Asean: Indonesia, Malaysia,                         7.14. Main Countries (Focus on ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia,
               Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)                                                      Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
         7.15. Negara Utama (Australia dan Selandia Baru)                                   7.15. Main countries (Australia and New Zealand)
         7.16. Teknologi Utama pada Industri Coating dan Dekoratif                          7.16. Major in Industrial Technology Coatings and Decorative
               (Pertumbuhan Lapisan Hijau)                                                        (Layers Green Growth)
         7.17. Teknologi Utama (Teknologi Dekorasi Coating - Trend                          7.17. Key Technology (Technology Decorative Coating - Trend
               menurut wilayah)                                                                   by region)
         7.18. Teknologi Utama (Pertumbuhan Coatings Cure Radiasi)                          7.18. Key Technology (Radiation Cure Coatings Growth)
         7.19. Kritis sebagai faktor keberhasilan pada Industri Cat dan                     7.19. As critical success factors in Industrial Paints and
               Caoting                                                                            Coatings

         9.1. Prinsip dasar Restrukturisasi kredit                             CHAPTER IX THE ROLE OF BANKING INDUSTRY IN THE CAT
         9.2. Kucuran Kredit kian Agresif                                                 9.1. The basic principles of credit restructuring
                                                                                          9.2. Credit disbursement of increasingly aggressive
         10.1. China dan India mendorong pertumbuhan pelapis Asia              CHAPTER X VARIOUS PAINTS INDUSTRIAL IN THE WORLD
         10.2. Permintaan Cat dan Coating di China terbesar di Kawasan                   10.1. China and India encourage the growth of Asian coatings
               Asia Pasifik                                                              10.2. Paint and Coating Demand in China, the largest in the
         10.3. Konsumsi Cat dan Coating India pada Kelas Menengah                              Asia-Pacific
         10.4. Dampak meningkatnya produksi Cat terhadap komoditi bahan                  10.3. Paint and Coating Consumption in Middle Class India
               baku                                                                      10.4. The impact of the increased production of Paints on
         10.5. Sepuluh Pemain Top Dunia pada Industri Cat dan Pelapis                          commodity raw materials
                                                                                         10.5. World Top Ten Players in Industrial Paints and Coatings
BAB XI     PENUTUP                                                                CHAPTER XI CLOSING
           11.1. Kesimpulan                                                                  11.1. Conclusion
                 11.1.1. Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia                                            11.1.1. Prospects of Economic in Indonesia
                 11.1.2. Prospek Pembangunan Properti di Indonesia                                 11.1.2. Property Development Prospects in Indonesia
                 11.1.3. Produksi Cat sebagai bisnis turunan Properti yang                         11.1.3. Production of Paints as the Prospective Property
                         Prospektif                                                                        derivatives business
                 11.1.4. Perumahan sektor paling prospektif pengkonsumsi                           11.1.4. Most prospective residential sector consuming of
                         Cat                                                                               Paints
           11.2. Saran                                                                       11.2. Suggestion

THERMIC COATING INDUSTRIES, PT                                                    Today, in view of higher replacement and inventory costs, increase in raw
Address           : Office & Workshop                                             material cost and as well as the heavy burden of downtimes while waiting for
                    Jl. Pulo Buaran III Blok F/7                                  the arrival of replacement parts, thermal spray capability can pay very high
                    JIEP Pulogadung Jakarta Timur - Indonesia                     dividends.
                    Tel : +62 21 460-3943                                         What Can Thermic Coating Industries do For You
                    Fax : +62 21 460-3944
                                                                                  We provide surface protection against abrasive wear, fretting and galling,
                    Email :
                                                                                  sliding wear and particle erosion. Beside TCI can also help you determine how
                    Site :
                                                                                  to increase the performance of your products, components or structure.
                         Office:                                                  Application Development is also an interest for TCI. We work with our business
                         Blk 1046 Eunos Ave 5 # 01 – 119                          partner in areas where new developments are needed, analysis of intended
                         Singapore 409746                                         surface application, specification of surface requirements, design of
                         Tel : (65) 6749 0270                                     development work, transfer of results into running production.
                         Fax : (65) 6749 0209
                         Email :                           In Summary
Capital (2007)         : a. Authorized Capital - Rp.    1,000,000,000             Thermic Coating Industries provides solutions to reduce virtually any
                         b. Issued Capital     - Rp.      600,000,000             mechanical wear or corrosion protection problems. Our services on thermal
                         c. Paid-in Capital    - Rp.      600,000,000             coating process and knowledge can enhance competitiveness and your bottom
                                                                                  line "PROFIT".
Notary Deed            : Mr. Bliamto Silitonga, SH.,
                         No. 10 tgl. 17 September 2007
                                                                                  Our Service
Stock                  : a. Total of Stock - 1,000 sheets
                                                                                  We provide surface protection against abrasive wear, fretting and galling,
                         b. Nominal Value of Shares - Rp. 1,000,000
                                                                                  sliding wear and particle erosion.
Status                 : Private Limited Company, Foreign Based Company           Beside TCI can also help you to determine how to increase the performance of
                                                                                  your products, components or structure.
Category               : Foreign Investment Scheme (PMA)
                                                                                  Application Development is also an interest for TCI. We work with our business
Condition of Company : Good                                                       partner in area where new development needed, analysis of intended surface
                                                                                  application, specification of surface requirements, design of development work,
Line of Business       : Paint and construction chemical manufacturer
                                                                                  transfer of results into running production.
Services               : Decorative; Aerospace; Anti-corrosion coating
                         on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation,               Applications
                         Powder Cable,Tower
                                                                                  Applications of Arc Spray Gun
Main Shareholders /    : a. Mr. Jonathan Bancin        : 480 Sheets                Decorative
Parent company           b. Mr. Rachmad Basuki         : 120 Sheets                Aerospace
Board of Management : a. Mr. Jonathan Bancin (Director)                            Anti-corrosion coating on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation, Powder
                      b. Mr. Rachmad Basuki (Commissioner)                             Cable,Tower.
                                                                                   Marine Industries.
REMARKS :                                                                          Blowers.
About us                                                                           Corrosion Resistant water, atmospheric & chemicals.
What’s thermal spray coating                                                       Electrical conductivity and resistivity. Bonding to Capacitors
Thermal spray coating involves heating a material, supplied in powder or wire      Aircraft Engine & Auto Body Repair
form to a molten or semi-state. The material is atomized using a stream of
                                                                                   Abrasive wear, Oxidation & heat resistance
process gases to deposit it on various substrates, creating coating with
thickness between a few micrometers to several millimeters.                        Rebuilding of Ferrous & non-ferrous parts
Upon impact, they form platelets that bond to the surface, creating a dense,       Mouldmaking upto 1/10th the time and cost
protective coating with no alternation to the substrate structure. This
combination of coating and substrate allows designers and engineers to            Applications of Flame Spray Gun
produce products with enhanced surface properties not inherent in the original        Spraying of metal to prevent corrosion against water, atmospheric &
material.                                                                              chemicals.
                                                                                   Spraying of metal in electrical and electronic industry.
Repair Or Replace                                                                  Reclamation of worn out components.
Today’s intensive use of engines and industrial equipment demands longer-          Spraying of ceramic material.
lasting components. That decision probably arises more often than any other
facing engineers. For many parts, the cost of replacement can run several
                                                                                   Building up roller surfaces.
times what it would coat repair the part with a thermal spray coating.             Decorative
In addition, the rebuilt thermal spray part will usually last longer than a new    Aerospace
one.                                                                               Anti-corrosion coating on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation, Powder
                                                                                       Cable, Tower.
                                                                                   Marine Industries.
Commercial Global Data Research
                                                               Consultant – Survey – Research – Report
                       Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat – INDONESIA
           Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, 083818377515, Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email:
                                  Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok

                                              FORMULIR PESANAN
                                                 ORDER FORM

                                  INDONESIA”, 2012.
                                  INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA”, 2012.

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Hubungi kami / Contact Us :
DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department) “Commercial Global Data Research”
Address : Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java – INDONESIA
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Buku pesanan Anda akan segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan.
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Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami.
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                                                                                        Hormat kami/sincerely

                                                                                            DENI SILALAHI

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  • 1. Commercial Global Data Research Consultant – Survey – Research – Report Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat – INDONESIA Website: Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, 083818377515 Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email: Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok Garis Besar Isi Buku STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI CAT DI INDONESIA, 2012 Outline of Book Contents STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PAINTS INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA, 2012 Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera. Our customers love! Peace. Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan! May we all exist in the protection of God! Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) Background of Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan We are an agency Consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual the field of global research data, presents a variety of actual business yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, information that includes the Industrial sector, manufacturing, mining, studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya. banking, insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services. Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan We are here as your consultant partner to provide the actual informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam information you need to determine the policy direction in developing your mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami tawarkan kepada Anda adalah “Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan company. One study book product that we offer to you is the "Study on Prospek Industri Cat di Indonesia, 2012. the Market Conditions and Prospects of the Paints Industry in Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 7.000.000 Indonesia”, 2012. (Tujuh juta rupiah) atau US$ 850, guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada We offer these books to you for Rp 7,000,000 (Seven million Industri Cat, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau rupiah) or $ 850, to assist business people in the paints industry, helping Kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan investors, helping the banks or creditors, and other related parties, with diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun how to view a map of power among competitors/partners you, good dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Cat di competitors from overseas and domestic, Export and Import of studying the Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang development of paint products in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Cat, opportunities for companies whose condition fluctuates, knowing the Main mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan Market of every paint company, know the market share abroad, knowing Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. (terlampir contoh the composition of Directors and Commissioners, and Other information Profil Perusahaan). you need to know. (The attached sample Company Profile). Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan How big is your company's contribution in increasing production kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan every available opportunity, and are expected to have this book, your dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien, company become more productive, efficient, more forward and compete lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat. fairly. Kata Pengantar Bangunan/obyek akan tampak lebih bersih, nyaman, dan indah bila Preface dicat. Biasanya pemilik bangunan/obyek akan memilih warna yang disesuaikan Building/objects will appear more clean, comfortable, and beautiful dengan kebutuhan dan selera mereka. Tapi tahukah Anda, ternyata cat mulai when painted. Usually the owner of the building/object will choose colors digunakan pada zaman manusia gua untuk menggambar suatu obyek atau that are tailored to the needs and tastes. But you know, it paints began to keadaan?. be used in the days of cavemen to draw an object or situation?. Pada zaman manusia gua, bahan-bahan berwarna sudah ada di In the days of cavemen, colored materials already exist in the sekeliling dinding batu. Mereka menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan di surrounding stone wall. They draw an object or situation in the vicinity. sekitarnya. Mereka mencampur arang, kapur, warna tanah, air, dan warna- They mix charcoal, chalk, soil color, water, and the colors are produced warna yang dihasilkan alam untuk mewarnai dinding gua. Hasil campuran natural to coloring the cave walls. The results of these mixtures such as tersebut seperti semen. Kemudian mereka menggambar apa yang mereka cement. Then they draw what they want on the walls of the cave, though inginkan di dinding gua, meski hasilnya tidak tahan lama. the results are not durable. Kemudian, penggunaan cat mulai digunakan oleh orang Mesir dan Then, use the paint began to be used by the Egyptians and orang Timur. Para seniman mendekorasi sisi piramid, patung, ornamen dengan Orientals. The artists decorated the side of the pyramids, statues, warna natural. Bahan pasir, soda, dan tembaga dibakar untuk menghasilkan ornaments with natural color. Material of sand, soda, and copper burned to warna biru. Sedangkan tulang dan sisa pembakaran sampah digunakan untuk produce a blue color. While the bones and the rest of the incinerator is menghasilkan warna hitam. used to produce the color black. Pada masa raja Mesir Fir'aun, warna sepuhan emas tampak lebih At the time of Pharaoh king of Egypt, gold gilding colors appear dominan karena warna emas dianggap dapat melambangkan kekayaan. Cat juga berkembang di China, Jepang, dan Amerika. Mereka menggunakan more dominant because of the color gold is considered to symbolize minyak rami untuk mengembangkan pigmen dan untuk merekatkan bahan. Cat wealth. Cat is also growing in China, Japan, and America. They use pun sudah digunakan untuk memperindah permukaan tembok suatu linseed oil to develop pigments and to glue the material. Cat had been bangunan. used to embellish the surface of the wall of a building. Kemudian penggunaan cat pun semakin berkembang. Pada abad ke Then use the paint too is growing. In the 15th century found a thick 15 ditemukan cat minyak kental oleh Leo Battista Alberta. Kemudian pada oil paint by Leo Battista Alberta. Then in the 19th century, the paint industry abad ke 19, industri cat makin pesat pertumbuhannya. Perkembangan industri increasingly rapid growth. Rapid industrial development of advanced paint cat maju pesat ketika industri cat menjadi bagian dari industri kimia yang when the paint industry to be part of the chemical industry that produces menghasilkan cat siap pakai. Kini, apa yang diawali oleh manusia gua, telah ready-made paint. Now, what was preceded by a caveman, has grown into berkembang menjadi industri yang sangat besar dimana-mana. Bahkan tanpa a huge industry everywhere. Even without paint, the house seemed cat, rumah serasa kurang lengkap. incomplete. Cat adalah istilah umum yang digunakan untuk keluarga produk yang Paints is a general term used for a family of products that are used digunakan untuk melindungi dan memberikan warna pada suatu obyek atau to protect and provide color to an object or surface is coated with a permukaan yang dilapisi dengan lapisan berpigmen. pigmented layer.
  • 2. Cat dapat digunakan pada hampir semua jenis objek, antara lain untuk Paint can be used on almost any type of object, among others, to menghasilkan karya seni (oleh pelukis untuk membuat lukisan), salutan industri produce works of art (by the painter to paint), coating industry (industrial (industrial coating), bantuan pengemudi (marka jalan), atau pengawet (untuk coatings), driver assistance (road markings), or preservatives (to prevent mencegah korosi atau kerusakan oleh air). corrosion or damage by water). Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di Indonesia Industrial Paint and Marketing Developments in Indonesia Pasar cat di dalam negeri belakangan ini terus berkembang, walaupun In the domestic paint market is growing lately, though its performance kinerjanya menurun dihantam krisis yang berkepanjangan. Pesatnya decreases prolonged crisis hit. The rapid development in the construction pembangunan di sektor konstruksi, khususnya properti seperti real estate, sector, especially property such as real estate, apartments, and shopping apartemen, dan pusat perbelanjaan. Kenaikan permintaan juga terjadi di sektor centers. The increase in demand also occurred in the automotive sector to otomotif untuk merakit kendaraan dan sektor industri lainnya. assemble vehicles and other industrial sectors. Sebagian kebutuhan cat di Indonesia dari hasil impor, khususnya Some need paint in Indonesia from imports, particularly for certain untuk jenis dan kualitas tertentu yang tidak atau belum diproduksi di dalam types and qualities that are not or have not produced domestically. Indonesia negeri. Impor cat Indonesia sebagian besar dari jenis solvent-based paint. imports most of the paint of the type of solvent-based paint. The larger the user Semakin besar populasi pemakai cat seperti properti, otomotif, dan sektor population such as the properties of paint, automotive, and industrial sectors, industri, maka semakin tinggi pula potensi permintaannya. Pengecatan ulang the higher the potential demand. Repainting (refinishing) of buildings or (refinishing) bangunan atau kendaraan bermotor misalnya, dilakukan kembali vehicles for example, be returned if the layer of paint is dull and dirty, or to jika lapisan cat sudah kusam dan kotor ataupun untuk memperoleh kesan obtain a visual impression or a certain color. Rising incomes will lead to greater visual atau warna tertentu. Meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat akan frequency of repainting. mendorong meningkatnya frekuensi pengecatan ulang. Unless the technology manufacturing process is generally good Kecuali teknologi proses pembuatannya yang umumnya sudah cukup enough to master, for the formulation technology, especially for products that baik dikuasai, untuk teknologi formulasi, terutama untuk produk yang menuntut require quality standards for bodies such as motor vehicles, ships agency, or standar mutu seperti untuk badan kendaraan bermotor, badan kapal, atau heavy duty coatings, most are still standard to foreign companies. Use well- heavy duty coating, sebagian besar masih berstandar kepada perusahan luar known brand licensing is also intended to strengthen its market penetration. negeri. Pemakaian lisensi merek terkenal juga dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat Popular brands on the market including ICI/Dulux, Nippon Paint, Pacific, penetrasi pasarnya. Merek-merek popular di pasaran diantaranya ICI/Dulux, Kansai, Mowilex, and Danapaint. Nippon Paint, Pacific, Kansai, Mowilex, dan Danapaint. Some manufacturers of world famous brand operates its own factory Beberapa produsen merek terkenal dunia mengoperasikan pabrik in Indonesia, such as ICI Paint (established PT. ICI Paint Indonesia), Kansai sendiri di Indonesia, seperti ICI Paint (mendirikan PT. ICI Paint Indonesia), Paint, Japan (PT. Prima Dayin Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating (PT. Kansai Paint, Jepang (PT. Dayin Prima Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating Courtauld Coatings Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet (PT. Courtauld Coating Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), and Jotun, Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), dan Jotun, Norway (PT Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals). Norwegia (PT. Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals). Paint industry in the country belonging to the assembly industry Industri cat di dalam negeri tergolong industri perakitan (industri (industrial formulations), with the main activity of mixing (blending). Raw formulasi), dengan aktivitas utama mixing (blending). Bahan bakunya siap materials ready to use on the market. Another prominent enough activity is the pakai yang ada di pasaran. Aktivitas yang cukup menonjol lainnya adalah packaging. Paint manufacturers generally have the upper-middle-canned pengemasan. Produsen cat menengah ke atas umumnya memiliki unit kaleng packaging unit itself. Generally, paint manufacturers make specific colors of the kemasannya sendiri. Umumnya pabrik cat membuat warna-warni spesifik dari composition of the basic use of color is different from one another. Some paint komposisi pemakaian warna dasar yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. companies serving the manufacture of paints with a color or a certain Beberapa perusahaan cat melayani pembuatan cat dengan warna atau specification for special orders. With a relatively simple production processes spesifikasi tertentu atas pesanan khusus. Dengan proses produksi yang relatif and facilities that are not too complicated machinery, manufacturing paints can simpel dan fasilitas mesin yang tidak terlalu rumit, pabrikasi cat dapat juga also be done by the entrepreneur or small-cap domestic-scale industries. dilakukan oleh pengusaha bermodal kecil atau industri berskala rumah tangga. In this regard, Commercial Global Data Research or abbreviated CDR Dalam kaitan ini, Commercial Global Data Research atau disingkat as a research institute working to make a complete study of the "STUDY ON CDR sebagai salah satu lembaga riset berupaya membuat studi lengkap THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PAINTS INDUSTRY IN mengenai "STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI INDONESIA" 2012. In the study discussed in depth the development and CAT DI INDONESIA" 2012. Dalam studi ini dibahas secara mendalam marketing of industrial paints and coatings materials in Indonesia, both at the perkembangan industri dan pemasaran cat serta coating material di Indonesia, level of producers and consumers. Industrial paint and coating materials to be baik pada tingkat produsen maupun konsumen. Industri cat dan coating discussed in this study include the number of firms, production capacity, material yang akan dibahas dalam studi ini meliputi jumlah perusahaan, realization of production, import export development, and so forth. Supply and kapasitas produksi, realisasi produksi, perkembangan ekspor impor, dan lain consumption is one aspect that will be addressed in this study, so the sebagainya. Supply dan konsumsi merupakan salah satu aspek yang akan components that affect it such as the development of local production, exports, dibahas dalam studi ini, sehingga komponen yang mempengaruhinya seperti and imports of paints and coatings materials will also be discussed in full. perkembangan produksi lokal, ekspor, dan impor cat dan coating material juga Market developments, market prospects, and kebijakaan government also akan dibahas secara lengkap. Perkembangan pasar, prospek pasar, dan discussed in this study, as well as distribution and pricing system. Industry kebijakaan pemerintah juga dibahas dalam studi ini, demikian pula sistem outlook and market paints a chain that corresponds quite closely, so the distribusi dan harga. Prospek industri dan pasar cat merupakan mata rantai discussion will be linked to the development of production in recent years, the yang memiliki keterkaitan cukup erat, sehingga pembahasannya akan dikaitkan business establishment and expansion of factories, industrial development of dengan perkembangan produksi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, usaha the wearer, as well as the development of new projects are expected to affect pendirian dan perluasan pabrik, perkembangan industri pemakainya, serta the market of paints and coatings material. The study is also equipped with a perkembangan proyek-proyek baru yang diperkirakan akan mempengaruhi paint company directory. pasar cat dan coating material tersebut. Studi ini juga dilengkapi dengan direktori perusahaan cat. Table 1 Development of Capacity, Production and Utilization Tabel 1 Types of Paints, 2000-2011 Pekembangan Kapasitas, Produksi dan Utilisasi Capacity Production Utilization Macam-macam Cat, 2000-2011 Year (Ton) (Ton) (%) Kapasitas Produksi Utilisasi 2000 498,020 323,713 65.00 Tahun (Ton) (Ton) (%) 2001 498,020 323,713 65.00 2000 498.020 323.713 65,00 2002 498,020 333,424 66.95 2001 498.020 323.713 65,00 2003 498,020 373,515 75.00 2002 498.020 333.424 66,95 2004 498,020 384,720 77.25 2003 498.020 373.515 75,00 2005 498,020 388,456 78.00 2004 498.020 384.720 77,25 2006 498,020 392,192 78.00 2005 498.020 388.456 78,00 2007 498,020 395,981 79.25 2006 498.020 392.192 78,00 2008 498,020 400,182 81.03 2007 498.020 395.981 79,25 2009 498,020 404,208 82.04 2008 498.020 400.182 81,03 2010 498,020 408,131 81.35 2009 498.020 404.208 82,04 2011 498,020 418,431 83.55 2010 498.020 408.131 81,35 Source: Ministry of Industry (Processed) 2011 498.020 418.431 83,55 Sumber: Kementerian Perindustrian (diolah)
  • 3. DAFTAR ISI TABLE OF CONTENTS BAB I PENDAHULUAN CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Sejarah Industri Cat 1.1. History of Paint Industry 1.1.1. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di 1.1.1. Paint industry and marketing developments in Indonesia Indonesia 1.1.2. Bahan Baku Cat 1.1.2. Paint Raw Materials 1.1.3. Macam-macam cara Pengeringan Cat 1.1.3. All kinds of ways Drying Paint 1.2. Ruang Lingkup Studi 1.2. Scope of Study 1.3. Sumber Data dan Informasi 1.3. Sources of Data and Information BAB II PENDUDUK DAN GAMBARAN UMUM PEREKONOMIAN CHAPTER II GENERAL POPULATION AND INDONESIAN ECONOMY INDONESIA 2.1. Indonesia Population 2.1. Populasi Penduduk Indonesia 2.2. Indicators of Economic Development of Indonesia 2.2. Perkembangan Indikator Perekonomian Indonesia 2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2.2.2. Inflation 2.2.2. Inflasi 2.2.3. Unemployment Rate 2.2.3. Tingkat Pengangguran 2.3. Economic Growth in Indonesia 2.3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia 2.3.1. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter I-2010 2.3.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2010 Value of GDP by Sector Quarter I-2009, Nilai PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Quarter IV-2009, and Quarter I-2010 Triwulan I-2009, Triwulan IV-2009, dan Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I- Triwulan I-2010 2010 Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha The use of GDP by Quarter I-2010 Triwulan I-2010 Spatial profiles Indonesia's economy PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan I-2010 under the Provincial Group Quarter I- Profil Spasial Perekonomian Indonesia 2010 menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan I-2010 2.4. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter II-2010 2.4. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010 2.4.1. Indonesia's economic Quarter of 2010 grew 6.2 2.4.1. Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010 tumbuh 6,2 percent persen 2.4.2. On the basis of GDP Current Prices and 2.4.2. Besaran PDB atas dasar Harga Berlaku dan Harga Constant 2000 Prices and Second Quarter 2010 Konstan 2000 Triwulan I dan II 2010 2.4.3. Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I and II 2.4.3. Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan I Years 2009-2010 dan II Tahun 2009-2010 2.4.4. The use of GDP by Quarter II-2010 2.4.4. PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan II-2010 2.4.5. Spatial Economic Profile Indonesia by Province 2.4.5. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok Group Quarter II-2010 Provinsi Triwulan II-2010 2.5. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter III-2010 2.5. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan III-2010 2.5.1. The growth of Indonesia's economy grew 6.3% 2.5.1. Pertumbuhan Perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh 6,3% in the quarter III/2010 pada kuartal III/2010 2.5.2. Indonesia Economic Growth Rapid Growth in 2.5.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Tumbuh Pesat 2010 2010 2.6. Economic Growth in Fourth Quarter 2010 reached 6% 2.6. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan IV 2010 mencapai 6% 2.7. Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation at 2.7. Perkembangan Indeks Harga Konsumen/Inflasi sebesar 0.12% in the month of May 2011 0,12% pada bulan Mei 2011 2.7.1. Description by Expenditure Group 2.7.1. Uraian menurut Kelompok Pengeluaran 2.7.2. Comparison of Annual Inflation 2.7.2. Perbandingan Inflasi Tahunan 2.7.3. Comparison between the City 2.7.3. Perbandingan antar Kota Comparisons between cities on the Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Sumatera island of Sumatra Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Jawa Comparisons between cities in Java Perbandingan antar kota diluar Pulau Jawa Comparisons between cities outside dan Sumatera Java and Sumatra 2.7.4. Inflasi Komponen Inti Mei 2011 2.7.4. Components of Core Inflation in May 2011 BAB III TEORI INDUSTRI CAT CHAPTER III THE THEORY OF PAINTS INDUSTRY 3.1. Apakah cat itu? 3.1. Is it paint? 3.2. Bahan Penyusun Cat 3.2. Materials Paint Composer 3.3. Tahapan Pembuatan Cat 3.3. Preparation Stages of Paints 3.4. Jenis Cat 3.4. Types of Paint 3.4.1. Cat Minyak 3.4.1. Oil paint 3.4.2. Cat Air 3.4.2. Watercolor 3.5. Proses Produksi Cat 3.5. Paint Production Process 3.6. Macam-macam Produk Cat 3.6. Types of Paint Products 3.7. Spesifikasi produk Cat 3.7. Product specifications of Paints 3.8. Terobosan baru dalam Industri cat 3.8. New breakthrough in the paint industry 3.9. Depperin terapkan Wajib SNI pada Produk Cat 3.9. Mandatory SNI of DEPPERIN apply on Paint Products 3.10. Produksi Cat Tembok Berkualitas 3.10. Wall Paint Production Quality 3.11. Cat Genteng 3.11. Paints Tile 3.12. Fitur-Fitur Cat 3.12. Paints Features 3.12.1. Klasifikasi Pigmen 3.12.1. Classification of Pigments 3.12.2. Fitur-fitur pigmen organik (Pigment Ekstender dan 3.12.2. Features organic pigment (Pigment extender and Pigment Efek) Effect) 3.12.3. Pigmen Spesial Efek 3.12.3. Special Effect Pigments 3.13. Polymer 3.13. Polymer 3.13.1. Polymerisasi 3.13.1. Polymerization 3.13.2. Copolymer 3.13.2. Copolymer 3.13.3. Teknik Polymerisasi 3.13.3. Polymerization technique 3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer 3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer 3.13.5. Polymerisasi Emulsi 3.13.5. Emulsion polymerization 3.13.6. Bahan Baku Polymerisasi Emulsi 3.13.6. Emulsion polymerization Raw Materials 3.14. Efek Komposisi Monomer terhadap Latex 3.14. Effect of Latex Monomer Composition 3.15. Aditif Dispersing dan Wetting Agent 3.15. Dispersing additive and wetting agent 3.16. Aditif Pengawet 3:16. Additives Preservatives
  • 4. 3.16.1. Perlindungan saat kondisi basah (Wet State) 3.16.1. Protection during wet conditions (Wet State) 3.16.2. Perlindungan film cat (Dry State) 3.16.2. Paint protection film (Dry State) 3.16.3. Bahan kimia untuk perlindungan wet state 3.16.3. Chemicals for wet state protection 3.17. Aditif Pembentuk Film 3.17. Film Forming Additives 3.18. Aditif Buffer 3.18. Buffer Additives 3.19. Aditif Antifoam 3.19. Antifoam Additives 3.19.1. Asal Foam 3.19.1. Origin Foam 3.19.2. Chemicals Antifoam 3.19.2. Bahan Kimia Antifoam 3.20. Various kinds of the processor paint 3.20. Macam-macam Mesin Pemproses Cat 3.20.1. High Speed Disperser 3.20.1. High Speed Disperser 3.20.2. Bead Mill 3.20.2. Bead Mill 3.20.3. Roller Mill 3.20.3. Roller Mill 3.21. When determining the color 3.21. Ketika warna menentukan 3.22. Problems that often arise in the wall paint 3.22. Masalah yang sering timbul pada cat dinding 3.23. Car Paint 3.23. Cat Mobil 3.24. Ultrasound in Coating Formulation 3.24. USG dalam Penyusunan Coating 3.25. Powder Coating 3.25. Powder Coating 3.26. Chemicals in the Paint 3.26. Bahan Kimia dalam Cat CHAPTER IV MARKET CONDITIONS AND PAINTS PERFORMANCE BAB IV KONDISI PASAR DAN KINERJA PRODUSEN CAT DI PRODUCERS IN INDONESIA INDONESIA 4.1. Businesses are increasingly brighter of paints 4.1. Bisnis Cat yang semakin cerah 4.1.1. National Paint consumption is projected to rise 4.1.1. Konsumsi Cat Nasional diproyeksi naik 4.1.2. Paints in the domestic market is growing 4.1.2. Pasar Cat didalam negeri semakin tumbuh 4.1.3. Paint and Coating Industry is no longer sluggish 4.1.4. Industrial Coating Demand grew 30% 4.1.3. Industri Cat dan Coating tidak lagi lesu 4.1.5. Paint industry experienced growth of 3-4% per year 4.1.4. Permintaan Coating Industri tumbuh 30% 4.2. Avian rely Paint without the smell 4.1.5. Industri Cat alami pertumbuhan 3-4% per tahun 4.3. Paints Industrial Property participated harvest progress 4.2. Avian andalkan Cat tanpa bau 4.3.1. Restored property sector, CSAP Sales increase 4.3. Industri Cat turut memanen kemajuan Properti 15% 4.3.1. Sektor Properti Pulih, CSAP tingkatkan Penjualan 4.3.2. Shuttle Systems Ball 15% 4.3.3. Growth opportunities open Property Industrial Paint 4.3.2. Sistem Jemput Bola 4.3.4. Development of Real Estate 4.3.3. Pertumbuhan Properti buka peluang Industri Cat 4.3.5. A total of 509 thousand tons of paint consumed 4.3.4. Perkembangan Real Estate Property sector 4.3.5. Sebanyak 509 ribu ton Cat dikonsumsi sektor 4.3.6. Property Investment encourage the growth of Properti Building Materials Industry 4.3.6. Properti dorong pertumbuhan Investasi Industri 4.4. Automotive Paint Industry Opportunities Bahan Bangunan 4.4.1. Selecting the type of Car Paint to Repaint 4.4. Peluang Industri Cat Otomotif 4.4.2. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never 4.4.1. Memilih jenis Cat Mobil untuk Repaint dies 4.4.2. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah 4.5. Growth of Cars and Motor Vehicles mati 4.5.1. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never dies 4.5. Pertumbuhan Kendaraan Mobil dan Motor 4.5.2. Honda's king of the world's second wheel 4.5.1. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah 4.5.3. Technology mati 4.5.4. Custom paint 4.5.2. Honda raja di dunia roda 2 4.6. Local Paints airworthy 4.5.3. Teknologi 4.7. DuPont Refinish paint products developed low-emission car 4.5.4. Cat custom 4.8. Be careful, many dangerous of Paints Import outstanding! 4.6. Cat lokal laik terbang 4.9. Variety of Interior Paint 4.7. DuPont Refinish kembangkan produk Cat Mobil rendah emisi 4.10. The best of the Chugoku 4.8. Hati-hati, banyak Cat Impor berbahaya beredar! 4.11. Jotun optimistic to compete in the field of Industrial Paints 4.9. Ragam Cat Interior 4.11.1. Jotun Paints 40% Boost Production 4.10. Yang terbaik dari Chugoku 4.11.2. Jotun, Paints High Quality and True decorations 4.11. Jotun optimis bersaing di bidang Industri Cat 4.11.3. Jotun boost production to be 14 million liters 4.11.1. Jotun Dongkrak Produksi Cat 40% 4.11.4. Jotun aim at number two in the paint industry 4.11.2. Jotun, Cat Kualitas Tinggi dan Pendekor Sejati 4.11.5. Jotun paints Indonesia's largest market in Asia 4.11.3. Jotun tingkatkan produksi jadi 14 juta liter 4.11.6. Jotun continues to introduce its products Anti- 4.11.4. Jotun bidik nomor dua di industri cat fouling 4.12. Face the best quality capitalize China Products 4.11.5. Indonesia pasar terbesar cat Jotun di Asia 4.13. Challenges for Industrial Coatings Paint Ship 4.11.6. Jotun terus perkenalkan Produk Anti Fouling-nya 4.14. PT. Dayin obtained from Kansai Paint Co. License. Ltd. 4.12. Hadapi Produk China bermodalkan mutu terbaik 4.15. Paints Belazo play on Premium Brand 4.13. Tantangan bagi Industri Pelapisan Cat Kapal 4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Main wake Paint 4.14. PT. Dayin peroleh Lisensi dari Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. 4.17. Downstream Chemical Industry Investment need of U.S. $ 1 4.15. Cat Belazo bermain di Premium Brand billion 4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Utama bangun Pabrik Cat 4.18. Paints Industrial Investment Opportunities in India 4.17. Industri Kimia Hilir butuh Investasi US$ 1 miliar 4.18.1. New Opportunities for Foreign Companies of Paints 4.18. Peluang Investasi Industri Cat di India 4.18.2. Market Potential 4.18.1. Peluang baru untuk Perusahaan Cat Asing 4.18.3. Market Characteristics 4.18.2. Potensi Pasar 4.18.4. Industry Characteristics 4.18.3. Karakteristik Pasar 4.18.5. Investment Opportunities 4.18.4. Karakteristik Industri 4.19. Paint and Coating Industry Development in the World 4.18.5. Peluang Investasi 4.20. Expand Markets, Mowilex in Low End Segment 4.19. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Coating Dunia 4.21. Coatings industry demand grew by 30% 4.20. Perbesar Pasar, Mowilex masuk Segmen Low End 4.22. Take advantage of the paint sector of economic growth in 4.21. Permintaan industri coating tumbuh 30% Indonesia 4.23. Political temperatures in Indonesia to boost investment 4.22. Manfaatkan sektor cat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 4.24. Indonesian paints exports to the Middle East and Africa 4.23. Suhu Politik di Indonesia tingkatkan Investasi 4.25. Pacific Paint Retailers are targeting 18 thousand 4.24. Ekspor Cat Indonesia ke Timur Tengah dan Afrika 4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Paint & Coatings Market Asia Pacific region 4.25. Pacific Paint targetkan 18 ribu Peritel grew Double Digits 4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Pasar Cat & Coating Asia Pasifik tumbuh 4.27. Indonesia is expected to be consuming coating of the fastest Double Digit growing markets in Asia 4.27. Indonesia diharapkan menjadi pengkonsumsi pelapis yang 4.28. Behind the optimism, sales growth of paints disturbed paling cepat berkembang pasar di Asia regulation 4.28. Dibalik Optimisme, pertumbuhan penjualan Cat terganggu Regulasi
  • 5. 4.29. Untuk pertama kalinya Indonesia dipercaya menjadi tuan 4.29. For the first time Indonesia is believed to host Level of Paints rumah Pameran Produk Cat Tingkat Asia Pacifik Products Exhibition in Asia Pacific 4.30. Indonesia dan Vietnam pasar utama industri cat 4.30. Indonesia and Vietnam the main market of paint industry 4.31. Propan Unggulkan Inovasi di Dunia Cat Premium 4.31. Propane superior of Premium Innovation at the Paints World BAB V PENANGANAN LIMBAH INDUSTRI CAT CHAPTER V INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT OF PAINTS 5.1. Pengurangan Limbah Industri dengan penerapan Clean 5.1. Waste Reduction in Industry with the implementation of Clean Technology Technology 5.2. Waste generated in Paint Production Process 5.2. Limbah yang dihasilkan dalam Proses Produksi Cat 5.3. Characteristics of waste in the process of paints making 5.3. Karakteristik limbah dalam proses pembuatan Cat 5.4. Paints Industrial Waste Management in Industrial 5.4. Penanganan Limbah Industri Cat dalam Manajemen Industri Management 5.5. Penanganan Limbah Padat 5.5. Solid Waste Handling 5.6. Penanganan Limbah Cair 5.6. Liquid Waste Handling 5.7. Pengelolaan limbah cair Industri Cat Solvent-Based 5.7. Industrial liquid waste management Solvent-Based Paints 5.8. Unit Pengelolaan Limbah Cair untuk Cat Solvent-Based 5.8. Liquid Waste Management Unit for Solvent-Based Paints 5.9. Pengendalian di dalam Pabrik untuk mengurangi pencemaran 5.9. Control at the factory to reduce pollution BAB VI PERKEMBANGAN EKSPOR-IMPOR INDUSTRI CAT CHAPTER VI DEVELOPMENT OF EXPORT-IMPORT PAINTS INDUSTRY 6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk enamel dan 6.1. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including enamels lak) berdasarkan polimer sintetis atau polimer alam yang and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or modified dimodifikasi secara kimia, didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam natural polymer chemistry, dispersed or dissolved in non- media non berair (HS Kode 3208) aqueous medium (HS Code 3208) 6.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Berdasarkan Polyester (HS 6.1.1. Export Development Based Polyester (HS Code Kode 3208.10) 3208.10) Export Development varnish (including Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk lacquers), exceeding 100 º C heat lak), melebihi 100ºC tahan panas resistant Perkembangan Ekspor Enamel cat dan Export Development Enamel paints and polimer berdasarkan akrilik/vinil HS Kode polymers based on acrylic / vinyl HS 3208200000 – 3208209000 codes 3208200000 to 3208209000 Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk Export Development varnish (including lak), tidak melebihi 100ºC tahan panas (HS lacquers), not exceeding 100 º C heat Kode: 3208901900 – 3208909000) resistant (HS Code: 3208901900- 6.1.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk 3208909000) enamel dan lak) dibuat dari polimer sintetis atau 6.1.2. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including polimer alam yang dimodifikasi secara kimia, enamels and lacquers) are made from synthetic didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam media air (HS polymers or modified natural polymer chemistry, Kode: 3209000000 – 3209900000) dispersed or dissolved in aqueous media (HS Terbuat dari polimer akrilat atau vinil Code: 3209000000-3209900000) 6.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun Made of acrylic or vinyl polymers 2006 – 2011 6.2. Development of Paints Export (HS Code 32081-32139 Year 6.3. Perkembangan Impor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun 2006 to 2011) 2006 – 2011 6.3. Development of Paints Import (HS Code 32081-32139 Year 2006 to 2011) 6.4. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS 6.4. Paints by Commodity Export Development (HS Code 3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011 3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011) 6.5. Perkembangan Import Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS 6.5. Development of the Paints by Commodity Import (HS Code 3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011 3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011) 6.6. Perkembangan Ekspor Bahan Baku Cat 6.6. Paint Raw Material Export Development 6.6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Solvent 6.6.1. Development of Export Solvent 6.6.2. Perkembangan Impor Solvent 6.6.2. Import developments Solvent 6.6.3. Perkembangan Ekspor Pigment 6.6.3. Development of Pigment Export 6.6.4. Perkembangan Impor Pigment 6.6.4. Development of Pigment Imports 6.6.5. Perkembangan Ekspor Additive 6.6.5. Export Development Additive 6.6.6. Perkembangan Impor Additive 6.6.6. Import developments Additive 6.6.7. Perkembangan Ekspor Resin 6.6.7. Export Development Resins 6.6.8. Perkembangan Impor Resin 6.6.8. Development of Resin Imports BAB VII KINERJA BEBERAPA PERUSAHAAN CAT TERBESAR DUNIA CHAPTER VII SOME BIGGEST COMPANY OF PAINTS PERFORMANCE IN 7.1. AkzoNobel THE WORLD 7.1. AkzoNobel 7.1.1. Produk AkzoNobel 7.1.1. Product of AkzoNobel 7.1.2. Manajemen AkzoNobel 7.1.2. Management of AkzoNobel 7.1.3. Organisasi AkzoNobel 7.1.3. AkzoNobel Organization 7.1.4. Strategi AkzoNobel 7.1.4. AkzoNobel Strategy 7.2. BASF 7.2. BASF 7.2.1. Sejarah BASF 7.2.1. History of BASF 7.2.2. Struktur dan Organisasi BASF 7.2.2. Structure and Organization of BASF 7.2.3. Manajemen Perusahaan dan kontrol oleh Dewan 7.2.3. The Company's management and control by the Direksi Eksekutif serta Dewan Pengawas Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory 7.2.4. Kinerja Kimia BASF Board 7.3. ICI Paints 7.2.4. BASF Performance Chemicals 7.3.1. Kemasan dan Coating ICI Paints 7.3. ICI Paints 7.3.2. Produk ICI Paints 7.3.1. ICI Paints and Coating Packaging 7.3.3. Pasar Cat Dekoratif ICI Paints 7.3.2. ICI Paints Products 7.3.4. Laporan Keuangan ICI Paints Q3 – 2011 7.3.3. ICI Paints Decorative Paints Market 7.4. PPG Industries Inc. 7.3.4. ICI Paints Q3 Financial Statements – 2011 7.4.1. Produk PPG Industries Inc. 7.4. PPG Industries Inc.. 7.4.1. PPG Industries Inc. product. 7.4.2. Tata Kelola Perusahaan 7.4.2. Corporate Governance 7.4.3. PPG Tim Manajemen 7.4.3. PPG Management Team 7.4.4. Laporan Rekor Pendapatan PPG Kuartal Ketiga 7.4.4. PPG Reports Record Third Quarter Revenues 7.5. Dupont 7.5. Dupont 7.5.1. Dewan Direksi DuPont 7.5.1. DuPont Board of Directors 7.5.2. Produk DuPont 7.5.2. DuPont Products 7.5.3. Lingkup global DuPont ilmu pengetahuan dan 7.5.3. DuPont global scope of science and technology teknologi 7.5.4. DuPont FY 2010 Sales by Region 7.5.4. Penjualan DuPont FY 2010 menurut Wilayah
  • 6. 7.6. Asian Paint Ltd. 7.6. Asian Paint Ltd. 7.6.1. Kehadiran Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional 7.6.1. The presence of Asian Paints Ltd. at 7.6.2. Tentang Asian Paint Ltd. international level 7.6.3. Kondisi Pasar Industri Cat di India 7.6.2. About Asian Paint Ltd. 7.6.4. Pemikiran investasi 7.6.3. Market conditions in the Indian Paint Industry 7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. merupakan industri cat raksasa di 7.6.4. The investment thinking India 7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. a giant paint industry in India 7.6.6. Persaingan industri cat di India menjadi lebih intens 7.6.6. Competition in the Indian paint industry becomes dengan masuknya pemain asing seperti Jotun, more intense with the entry of foreign players Nippon & Sherwin Williams such as Jotun, Nippon & Sherwin Williams 7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd. membeli tanah di Maharashtra 7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd.. buy land in Maharashtra for untuk mega proyek greenfield dengan kapasitas 4 mega greenfield projects with capacity of 4 lakh ton lakh per tahun. Sejumlah Rs 735 cr akan tonnes per year. A number of Rs 735 cr to be dihabiskan untuk proyek dalam 5 tahun ke depan spent on projects within the next 5 years 7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd. mungkin melihat kenaikan harga 7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd.. may see further price lebih lanjut, jika harga bahan baku terus naik increases, if raw material prices continue to rise 7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd. manfaatkan dengan menjual Ftalat 7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd.. advantage by selling phthalic Anhidrida (PAN) di pasar terbuka anhydride (PAN) in the open market 7.6.10. Hampir setengah dari pendapatan yang diterima oleh 7.6.10. Nearly half of the revenues received by the industri cat India adalah melalui enamel Indian paint industry is through the enamel 7.6.11. Timur Tengah penyumbang mayoritas penjualan 7.6.11. Middle East contributing the majority of sales of Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional Asian Paints Ltd.. at international level 7.6.12. Untuk 9MFY11, penjualan bersih perusahaan 7.6.12. For 9MFY11, the company's net sales jumped melonjak 19,5% menjadi Rs 5.740,6 cr, dibandingkan 19.5% to Rs 5740.6 cr, compared to Rs 4804.2 dengan Rs 4804,2 cr di 9MFY10 cr in 9MFY10 7.6.13. Kinerja penjualan bersih Asian Paints YoY di 7.6.13. Asian Paints net sales performance in Q2FY11 Q2FY11 karena musim hujan yang berkepanjangan YoY due to the prolonged rainy season and dan musim festival yang tertunda, tetapi penjualan festival season is delayed, but no recovery of ada pemulihan dalam Q3FY11 sales in Q3FY11 7.6.14. Kinerja yang kuat terlihat dalam bisnis cat dekoratif 7.6.14. Strong performance seen in the decorative meskipun bisnis cat Industri tidak sesuai kinerja paints business even though business does not 7.6.15. Harga minyak mentah telah mengalami kenaikan dan match the performance of the paint industry ini akan meningkatkan beban biaya para pelaku 7.6.15. Crude oil prices have risen and this will increase industri the cost burden of industry players 7.6.16. Krisis di Mesir dan Bahrain akan berdampak sedikit 7.6.16. The crisis in Egypt and Bahrain will have little pada bisnis Asian Paints Ltd. impact on the business of Asian Paints Ltd. 7.6.17. SWOT Analisis 7.6.17. SWOT Analysis 7.7. Berger International, Ltd. 7.7. Berger International, Ltd.. 7.7.1. Produk dan Pelayanan Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.1. Products and Services Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.2. Informasi Perusahaan Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.2. Company Information Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.3. Pernyataan Chairman Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.3. Statement of Chairman Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.4. Tinjauan Operasi Berger International, Ltd. 7.7.4. Review of Operations Berger International, Ltd. 7.8. Cat dan Coatings Industri di beberapa Negara 7.8. Paint and Coatings Industry in several countries 7.9. Konsumsi Coating di Asia paling cepat berubah 7.9. Coating consumption in Asia's most rapidly changing 7.10. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dunia 7.10. World Economic Growth 7.11. Analisis Pasar (APAC Paint and Coating) 7.11. Market Analysis (APAC Paint and Coating) 7.11.1. Analisis Pasar (Ukuran Pasar berdasarkan Nilai dan 7.11.1. Market Analysis (Market Size by Value and Volume) Volume) 7.11.2. Analisis Pasar (Pasar Cat APAC) 7.11.2. Market Analysis (Market Cat APAC) 7.11.3. Analisis Pasar (Pertumbuhan Pasar Cat dan 7.11.3. Market Analysis (Cat Market Growth and Per Konsumsi Cat Per Kapita) Capita Consumption of Paint) 7.11.4. Analisis Pasar Industri Coating menurut Segmen 7.11.4. Coatings Industry Market Analysis by Segment 7.11.5. Analisis Pasar (Competitive Analysis) 7.11.5. Market Analysis (Competitive Analysis) 7.12. Industri Utama di China 7.12. Primary Industry in China 7.13. Negara Utama (India) 7.13. Main Countries (India) 7.14. Negara Utama (Fokus pada Asean: Indonesia, Malaysia, 7.14. Main Countries (Focus on ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) 7.15. Negara Utama (Australia dan Selandia Baru) 7.15. Main countries (Australia and New Zealand) 7.16. Teknologi Utama pada Industri Coating dan Dekoratif 7.16. Major in Industrial Technology Coatings and Decorative (Pertumbuhan Lapisan Hijau) (Layers Green Growth) 7.17. Teknologi Utama (Teknologi Dekorasi Coating - Trend 7.17. Key Technology (Technology Decorative Coating - Trend menurut wilayah) by region) 7.18. Teknologi Utama (Pertumbuhan Coatings Cure Radiasi) 7.18. Key Technology (Radiation Cure Coatings Growth) 7.19. Kritis sebagai faktor keberhasilan pada Industri Cat dan 7.19. As critical success factors in Industrial Paints and Caoting Coatings BAB VIII STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA (SNI) CAT & PERNIS CHAPTER VIII INDONESIAN NATIONAL STANDARD (SNI) OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES BAB IX PERANAN PERBANKAN DALAM INDUSTRI CAT 9.1. Prinsip dasar Restrukturisasi kredit CHAPTER IX THE ROLE OF BANKING INDUSTRY IN THE CAT 9.2. Kucuran Kredit kian Agresif 9.1. The basic principles of credit restructuring 9.2. Credit disbursement of increasingly aggressive BAB X ANEKA RAGAM INDUSTRI CAT DUNIA 10.1. China dan India mendorong pertumbuhan pelapis Asia CHAPTER X VARIOUS PAINTS INDUSTRIAL IN THE WORLD 10.2. Permintaan Cat dan Coating di China terbesar di Kawasan 10.1. China and India encourage the growth of Asian coatings Asia Pasifik 10.2. Paint and Coating Demand in China, the largest in the 10.3. Konsumsi Cat dan Coating India pada Kelas Menengah Asia-Pacific 10.4. Dampak meningkatnya produksi Cat terhadap komoditi bahan 10.3. Paint and Coating Consumption in Middle Class India baku 10.4. The impact of the increased production of Paints on 10.5. Sepuluh Pemain Top Dunia pada Industri Cat dan Pelapis commodity raw materials 10.5. World Top Ten Players in Industrial Paints and Coatings
  • 7. BAB XI PENUTUP CHAPTER XI CLOSING 11.1. Kesimpulan 11.1. Conclusion 11.1.1. Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia 11.1.1. Prospects of Economic in Indonesia 11.1.2. Prospek Pembangunan Properti di Indonesia 11.1.2. Property Development Prospects in Indonesia 11.1.3. Produksi Cat sebagai bisnis turunan Properti yang 11.1.3. Production of Paints as the Prospective Property Prospektif derivatives business 11.1.4. Perumahan sektor paling prospektif pengkonsumsi 11.1.4. Most prospective residential sector consuming of Cat Paints 11.2. Saran 11.2. Suggestion SAMPLE OF PAINT MANUFACTURERS THERMIC COATING INDUSTRIES, PT Today, in view of higher replacement and inventory costs, increase in raw Address : Office & Workshop material cost and as well as the heavy burden of downtimes while waiting for Jl. Pulo Buaran III Blok F/7 the arrival of replacement parts, thermal spray capability can pay very high JIEP Pulogadung Jakarta Timur - Indonesia dividends. Tel : +62 21 460-3943 What Can Thermic Coating Industries do For You Fax : +62 21 460-3944 We provide surface protection against abrasive wear, fretting and galling, Email : sliding wear and particle erosion. Beside TCI can also help you determine how Site : to increase the performance of your products, components or structure. HQ Office: Application Development is also an interest for TCI. We work with our business Blk 1046 Eunos Ave 5 # 01 – 119 partner in areas where new developments are needed, analysis of intended Singapore 409746 surface application, specification of surface requirements, design of Tel : (65) 6749 0270 development work, transfer of results into running production. Fax : (65) 6749 0209 Email : In Summary Capital (2007) : a. Authorized Capital - Rp. 1,000,000,000 Thermic Coating Industries provides solutions to reduce virtually any b. Issued Capital - Rp. 600,000,000 mechanical wear or corrosion protection problems. Our services on thermal c. Paid-in Capital - Rp. 600,000,000 coating process and knowledge can enhance competitiveness and your bottom line "PROFIT". Notary Deed : Mr. Bliamto Silitonga, SH., No. 10 tgl. 17 September 2007 Our Service Stock : a. Total of Stock - 1,000 sheets We provide surface protection against abrasive wear, fretting and galling, b. Nominal Value of Shares - Rp. 1,000,000 sliding wear and particle erosion. Status : Private Limited Company, Foreign Based Company Beside TCI can also help you to determine how to increase the performance of your products, components or structure. Category : Foreign Investment Scheme (PMA) Application Development is also an interest for TCI. We work with our business Condition of Company : Good partner in area where new development needed, analysis of intended surface application, specification of surface requirements, design of development work, Line of Business : Paint and construction chemical manufacturer transfer of results into running production. Services : Decorative; Aerospace; Anti-corrosion coating on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation, Applications Powder Cable,Tower Applications of Arc Spray Gun Main Shareholders / : a. Mr. Jonathan Bancin : 480 Sheets  Decorative Parent company b. Mr. Rachmad Basuki : 120 Sheets  Aerospace Board of Management : a. Mr. Jonathan Bancin (Director)  Anti-corrosion coating on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation, Powder b. Mr. Rachmad Basuki (Commissioner) Cable,Tower.  Marine Industries. REMARKS :  Blowers. About us  Corrosion Resistant water, atmospheric & chemicals. What’s thermal spray coating  Electrical conductivity and resistivity. Bonding to Capacitors Thermal spray coating involves heating a material, supplied in powder or wire  Aircraft Engine & Auto Body Repair form to a molten or semi-state. The material is atomized using a stream of  Abrasive wear, Oxidation & heat resistance process gases to deposit it on various substrates, creating coating with thickness between a few micrometers to several millimeters.  Rebuilding of Ferrous & non-ferrous parts Upon impact, they form platelets that bond to the surface, creating a dense,  Mouldmaking upto 1/10th the time and cost protective coating with no alternation to the substrate structure. This combination of coating and substrate allows designers and engineers to Applications of Flame Spray Gun produce products with enhanced surface properties not inherent in the original  Spraying of metal to prevent corrosion against water, atmospheric & material. chemicals.  Spraying of metal in electrical and electronic industry. Repair Or Replace  Reclamation of worn out components. Today’s intensive use of engines and industrial equipment demands longer-  Spraying of ceramic material. lasting components. That decision probably arises more often than any other facing engineers. For many parts, the cost of replacement can run several  Building up roller surfaces. times what it would coat repair the part with a thermal spray coating.  Decorative In addition, the rebuilt thermal spray part will usually last longer than a new  Aerospace one.  Anti-corrosion coating on bridges, dam, Guard pipe of foundation, Powder Cable, Tower.  Marine Industries.
  • 8. Commercial Global Data Research Consultant – Survey – Research – Report Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat – INDONESIA Website: Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, 083818377515, Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email: Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok FORMULIR PESANAN ORDER FORM Kirimkan kepada kami buku : “STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI CAT DI INDONESIA”, 2012. Send us the book : "STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PAINTS INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA”, 2012. Silahkan pilih versi buku anda Please select the version of your book Versi/version : √ ( ) Indonesia atau/or ( ) English Tanggal Pemesanan : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Booking date Nama Pemesan : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name of buyer Jabatan : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Position Nama Perusahaan : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name of Company Alamat Perusahaan : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Company Address Telepon/Fax : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Phone/Fax Email : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hubungi kami / Contact Us : DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department) “Commercial Global Data Research” Address : Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java – INDONESIA Phone : +62 (0266) 9296038, 083818377515; Fax: +62 (0266) 241346; Email: Pembayaran melalui : √ Cash Cheque Transfer Payment via Nama Bank : BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (BRI) Bank name Unit Cisaat Sukabumi Nomor Rekening : 3464-01-009044-53-3 Account number Rekening atas nama : ROHIYAH Account in the name Buku pesanan Anda akan segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan. Book your order will immediately tell us when there is confirmation from the buyer Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami. Thank you for the trust you partner with us. Hormat kami/sincerely Signature, DENI SILALAHI Marketing