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ACITA 2009

      Agile Sensor-Mission Assignment
                                       Alun Preece, Diego Pizzocaro , Konrad Borowiecki ,

                                       Geeth de Mel , Wamberto Vasconcelos,

                                       Amotz Bar-Noy , Matthew P. Johnson ,

                                       Tom La Porta , Hosam Rowaihy                                              
ACITA 2009

      Agile Sensor-Mission Assignment
                                       Alun Preece, Diego Pizzocaro , Konrad Borowiecki ,

                                       Geeth de Mel , Wamberto Vasconcelos,

                                       Amotz Bar-Noy , Matthew P. Johnson ,

                                       Tom La Porta , Hosam Rowaihy                                              
                                       Sensor-Mission Assignment problem
                                                  Previous work

                                           Ontology-based matching


                1. Task Representation                            2. Asset Allocation


                                             Conclusion & Future                                     
Main problem

                 is the problem of assigning sensing assets to
                missions to cover the information needs (ISR)
                          of individual tasks in each mission.             
                         (or Sensing assets)

                        Simple sensors

                         (or Sensing assets)

                        Simple sensors

                         (or Sensing assets)       Missions

                        Simple sensors         composed by different TASKS:

                                                 e.g. Peace Support mission

                                                                              TASK 3
                            Platforms               TASK 4
                                                     Area        TASK 1
                                                                 vehicle       TASK 2


 •      A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:       
                                                             TASK 3
                                           TASK 7
                                           Localize          Detect
                                            Jeep             People
                                                                      TASK 4

                                              TASK 6                  Aircraft
                                                                       TASK 1
                                                           TASK 2
                                        TASK 5
                                                            Detect     Identify
                                                            Ground      people

 •      A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:

            -      Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors                                    
                                                             TASK 3
                                           TASK 7
                                           Localize          Detect
                                            Jeep             People
                                                                      TASK 4

                                              TASK 6                  Aircraft
                                                                       TASK 1
                                                           TASK 2
                                        TASK 5
                                                            Detect     Identify
                                                            Ground      people

 •      A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:

            -      Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors

            -      Sensors are scarce and in high demand.                                    
                                                             TASK 3
                                           TASK 7
                                           Localize          Detect
                                            Jeep             People
                                                                      TASK 4

                                              TASK 6                  Aircraft
                                                                       TASK 1
                                                           TASK 2
                                        TASK 5
                                                            Detect     Identify
                                                            Ground      people

 •      A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:

            -      Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors

            -      Sensors are scarce and in high demand.

            -      Highly dynamic (sensor failures, change of plan)                                    

                                                 Where to send that particular bundle?

                                                                         TASK 1
                                                        TASK 2

                                                        Detect           Identify
                                                        Ground            people

 •      A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:

            -      Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors

        -       Sensors are scarce and in high demand.

            -      Highly dynamic (sensor failures, change of plan)                                           
Problem formulation

 •     We need schemes to assign bundles of assets to
      demonstrates how the core knowledge-based approach can be                                                           BT1
       the task they best serve.                                                                                                        A1
      used to drive asset allocation, using the CASS combinatorial                                                 B1
      auction algorithm as an illustration. In Section VI we review                                                                     A2
      the status of our illustration-of-concept application, SAM                               T1
      (Sensor Assignment entities competing for assets.
             Tasks: the to Missions), and discuss a variety of
      roles this kind of tool can play in supporting the process of

             Each task is associated with Information Requirements.
      sensor-mission assignment.                                                                                          BT2
         While other papers have presented earlier or incomplete                                                   B3                   A4
        •    Bundles: collections approach
      parts of our knowledge-driven of assets. to sensor-mission
      assignment (notably has a[8], [9]) Bundle Type (BT).
             Each bundle [6], unique and resource allocation                                   T2                  B4                   A5
      (notably [10], [7]) this is the first paper to show how these
        •    Assets: individual sensors and platforms.
      elements can provide an integrated solution.

              II. S ENSOR -M ISSION A SSIGNMENT P ROBLEM                                                           B5                   A6
                              F ORMULATION
                                                                                              Tasks             Bundles               Assets
           We formulate the sensor-mission assignment problem as a
        graph; an example is shown in Figure 1. We distinguish three                Fig. 1.    Example sensor-mission assignment problem as a grap
        kinds of node:
           • Tasks denote the entities that are competing for available
               assets.1 In our approach, the only important feature of
                                                                                (MSR) which must be surveilled and protected. Surve
               a task is its information requirements — these are what
                                                                                the border will likely involve, among other things, det
               drive the asset matching and allocation processes — so
                                                                                of suspicious vehicle activity near it: vehicle detectio
               the task nodes represent information requirements.
                                                                                be formalized as an information requirement task T1
           • Bundles are collections of individual assets (sensors and
                                                                                may be accomplished by a variety of means, dependi between a bundle and a task indicates
               platforms). An                                                                                   
Problem formulation

 •     We need schemes to assign bundles of assets to
      demonstrates how the core knowledge-based approach can be                                                       BT1
       the task they best serve.                                                                                                   A1
      used to drive asset allocation, using the CASS combinatorial                                             B1
      auction algorithm as an illustration. In Section VI we review                                                                A2
      the status of our illustration-of-concept application, SAM                           T1
      (Sensor Assignment entities competing for assets.
             Tasks: the to Missions), and discuss a variety of
      roles this kind of tool can play in supporting the process of

             Each task is associated with Information Requirements.
      sensor-mission assignment.                                                                                      BT2
         While other papers have presented earlier or incomplete                                               B3                  A4
        •    Bundles: collections approach
      parts of our knowledge-driven of assets. to sensor-mission
      assignment (notably has a[8], [9]) Bundle Type (BT).
             Each bundle [6], unique and resource allocation                               T2                  B4                  A5
      (notably [10], [7]) this is the first paper to show how these
        •    Assets: individual sensors and platforms.
      elements can provide an integrated solution.

             II. S ENSOR -M ISSION A SSIGNMENT P ROBLEM                                                        B5                  A6
                             F ORMULATION

                                                                                          Tasks             Bundles              Assets
           We formulate the sensor-mission assignment problem as a
        GOAL: an assignment of bundles to tasks, such that
        graph; an example is shown in Figure 1. We distinguish three               Fig. 1. Example sensor-mission assignment problem as a grap
            1. One-to-One matching between tasks-bundles
        kinds of node:
           • Tasks denote the entities that are competing for available
            2. assets.1 In our approach, the onlybetween bundles-assets
                    One-to-Many matching important feature of
                                                                              (MSR) which must be surveilled and protected. Surve
               a task is its information requirements — these are what
                                                                              the border will likely involve, among other things, det
               drive the asset matching and allocation processes — so
                                                                              of suspicious vehicle activity near it: vehicle detectio
               the task nodes represent information requirements.
                                                                              be formalized as an information requirement task T1
           • Bundles are collections of individual assets (sensors and
                                                                              may be accomplished by a variety of means, dependi between a bundle and a task indicates
               platforms). An                                                                                
Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis
specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso
how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a
using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten
by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information
              • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation
semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat
                       ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border
he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR)
                                defines the
                       !  Bases
earch space relating what bundles of assets
re required for different types of task.
                  TASK                                  BUNDLE                      SENSOR
Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)}
                            BT1 = allow                                               Predator (UAV)
 nowledge base to offer widest range of
STAR solution types."
                                                                                        Reaper (UAV)
 Task: detect vehicles

                                          Bundle 1: UAV
                                         BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)}
                                          +IMINT                                      Acoustic array 1

                                                                                      Acoustic array 2   Bundle 2: acoustic                    
Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis
specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso
how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a
using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten
by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information
              • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation
semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat
                       ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border
he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR)
                                defines the
                       !  Bases
earch space relating what bundles of assets
re required for different types of task.
                  TASK                                  BUNDLE                      SENSOR
Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)}
                            BT1 = allow                                               Predator (UAV)
 nowledge base to offer widest range of
STAR solution types."
                                                                                        Reaper (UAV)
 Task: detect vehicles
                   TASK 1


                                          Bundle 1: UAV
                                         BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)}
                                          +IMINT                                      Acoustic array 1

                                                                                      Acoustic array 2   Bundle 2: acoustic                    
Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis
specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso
how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a
using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten
by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information
              • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation
semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat
                       ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border
he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR)
                                defines the
                       !  Bases
earch space relating what bundles of assets
re required for different types of task.
                  TASK                                  BUNDLE                      SENSOR
Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)}
                            BT1 = allow                                               Predator (UAV)
 nowledge base to offer widest range of
STAR solution types."
                                                              B1                        Reaper (UAV)
 Task: detect vehicles
                   TASK 1

                    Detect                                    B2                          DaylightTV

                                          Bundle 1: UAV
                                         BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)}
                                          +IMINT                                      Acoustic array 1

                                                              B3                      Acoustic array 2   Bundle 2: acoustic                    
Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis
specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso
how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a
using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten
by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information
              • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation
semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat
                       ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border
he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR)
                                defines the
                       !  Bases
earch space relating what bundles of assets
re required for different types of task.
                  TASK                                  BUNDLE                      SENSOR
Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)}
                            BT1 = allow                                               Predator (UAV)
 nowledge base to offer widest range of
STAR solution types."
                                                              B1                        Reaper (UAV)
 Task: detect vehicles
                   TASK 1

                    Detect                                    B2                          DaylightTV

                                          Bundle 1: UAV
                                         BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)}
                                          +IMINT                                      Acoustic array 1

                                                              B3                      Acoustic array 2   Bundle 2: acoustic                    
Previous Work

                               matches types of assets to types of tasks,
                              based on sensing capabilities provided and required.

                                       SENSING ASSET TYPES


Previous Work

                               matches types of assets to types of tasks,
                              based on sensing capabilities provided and required.

                                       SENSING ASSET TYPES



 •      Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset
        types to the information requirements of a task.

                                       Ontology-based matching                                

 •       Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset
         types to the information requirements of a task.

     •      We use ontologies for:

                         Ontology-based matching                                 

 •       Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset
         types to the information requirements of a task.

     •      We use ontologies for:

                         Ontology-based matching
                                                         Specify the information
                                                         requirements of a task.
                      ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors,

                                                          Specify the sensing capabilities
                                                          provided by assets.                                  

 •       Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset
         types to the information requirements of a task.

     •      We use ontologies for:

                                                               Compare the two of them.

                         Ontology-based matching
                                                                Specify the information
                                       MMF ontology
                                                                requirements of a task.
                      ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors,

                                                                Specify the sensing capabilities
                                                                provided by assets.                                        

 •       Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset
         types to the information requirements of a task.

     •      We use ontologies for:

                                                        Compare the two of them.

                         Ontology-based matching
                                                         Specify the information
                               MMF ontology              requirements of a task.
                      ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors,

                                                          Specify the sensing capabilities
                                                          provided by assets.                                  
MMF ontology

      •      Based on the pre-existent Missions and Means Framework (MMF)

                 !     MMF is an informal framework to help human planners determine the
                       capabilities required to accomplish a military mission. (developed by US ARL)

                 !     In the military domain very precise definitions of capabilities required:
                             ! ISR requirements


                                       Surveillance                      Reconnaisance                                                
MMF ontology (contd)

 •      Main concepts and relations in MMF ontology (implemented in OWL DL):

                                             Task                  requires                Capability

                                                                   allocatedTo             provides

                                 comprises          toAccomplish

                                                                                    is-a                is-a

                                 comprises          toAccomplish         Platform          mounts              System
Ontology-based matching

    •      Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements:   RT = {R1, R2, ...}

    •      Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type:
           bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task.                                    
Ontology-based matching

    •      Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements:            RT = {R1, R2, ...}

    •      Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type:
           bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task.

    •      Steps to build a BT:

              1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S)
                               where    P is a single platform type ,
                                        S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time).                                                               
Ontology-based matching

    •      Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements:            RT = {R1, R2, ...}

    •      Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type:
           bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task.

    •      Steps to build a BT:

              1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S)
                               where    P is a single platform type ,
                                        S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time).

              2. generate a (PK) Package Configuration = { PC1 , PC2 , ... }
                     The aggregate capabilities of PK have to semantically match RT                                                               
Ontology-based matching

    •      Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements:            RT = {R1, R2, ...}

    •      Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type:
           bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task.

    •      Steps to build a BT:

              1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S)
                               where    P is a single platform type ,
                                        S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time).

              2. generate a (PK) Package Configuration = { PC1 , PC2 , ... }
                     The aggregate capabilities of PK have to semantically match RT

              3. Create BT by adding cardinality constraints to each PC in the PK:
                     e.g. : “2 UAVs with a DaylightTV each” ! BT1 = { (UAV, DaylightTV), (UAV, DaylightTV)}                                                               

  •      This approach is conceptually simple, extensible and well founded (MMF)

  •      Limitation:                                                                                                        and w
         Task requirements have to be specified at a low level
                                                                                                                            to dri
            ! Over-reliant on the ontology of INT types                                                                     over-
                                                                                                                            of AC
                         E.g. RT = { ACINT, IMINT }                                                                         — th
                         trivially determines the need                                                                      next
                         for acoustic and imagery sensing.


  •      Need for higher-level representation of ISR tasks.                                                                    •

                                               Fig. 3. Sample concept taxonomies relevant to the ISR domain: ISR tasks
                                               and INT types                                                            
Extension 1

                            Task Representation
                         specify only WHAT is the information requirement,
                           and avoid saying HOW it should be obtained.

                                       T = {ACINT, IMINT}   T = {“Detect Vechicle”}                                        

  •      Approach based on National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS)

      !      determines the kinds of data that are interpretable
             to answer an information requirement:                 T= {“Detect Vehicles”}
                     E.g. Visible, Radar, etc.

      !      defines ratings on a ten point scale (0–9)               Visible NIIRS 4                                      

  •      Approach based on National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS)

      !      determines the kinds of data that are interpretable
             to answer an information requirement:                                  T= {“Detect Vehicles”}
                     E.g. Visible, Radar, etc.

      !      defines ratings on a ten point scale (0–9)                                Visible NIIRS 4

                         •     Platform Configurations can be rated with NIIRS values

                                       “UAV with DaylightTV-camera”      Visible NIIRS 4

                         •     Therefore “UAV with DaylightTVcamera” matches “Detect Vehicles”

                               ! NIIRS can support the task-asset matching                                                      
Hybrid reasoning
   •      To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching:

              !     We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for:

                                                       Task specification
                                       Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables>

   We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning

   !      Reasoning steps:

        1) Specify high-level task:

        2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities:

        3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types:                                            
as our approach makes clear, they ca
                                                                                          level capabilities, from which lower-l

                                                  Hybrid reasoning                        inferred. However, we prefer to locate
                                                                                          our ontology as specialisations of the
                                                                                          the Capability class to avoid confusion
                                                                                          current implementation, we omit T as
                                                                                          are required to happen in the same mi

   •      To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching:

              !     We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for:

                                                       Task specification
                                       Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables>

                                                                                              !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1         !3

   We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning
                                                                                          Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl

   !      Reasoning steps:                                                                   Full details of the representation of t
                                                                                          rules for performing reasoning with i
                                                                                          various “detectable” types of entity are
        1) Specify high-level task:                                                       drawn from the entities appearing in
                                                                                          the NIIRS documentation. A portion of
        2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities:                             in Figure 4. Using this ontology, we
                                                                                          NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c
                                                                                          form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh
        3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types:                              • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as
                                                                                               distinguish-between, identify);
                                                                                             • DS is a set of detectables, as abo
                                                                                             • F S is a set of more specific fea
                                                                                               entities (for example, the roads o
                                                                                               the runways of an airport, or the p                                                           a port)
                                                                                                        — these features are also
                                                                                               of “detectables”;
as our approach makes clear, they ca
                                                                                          level capabilities, from which lower-l

                                                  Hybrid reasoning                        inferred. However, we prefer to locate
                                                                                          our ontology as specialisations of the
                                                                                          the Capability class to avoid confusion
                                                                                          current implementation, we omit T as
                                                                                          are required to happen in the same mi

   •      To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching:

              !     We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for:

                                                       Task specification
                                       Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables>

                                                                                              !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1         !3

   We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning
                                                                                          Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl

   !      Reasoning steps:                                                                   Full details of the representation of t
                                                                                          rules for performing reasoning with i
                                                                                          various “detectable” types of entity are
        1) Specify high-level task:                    T = {“Detect Vehicles”}            drawn from the entities appearing in
                                                                                          the NIIRS documentation. A portion of
                                                                                          in Figure 4. Using this ontology, we
                                                                                          NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c
                                                                                          form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh
                                                                                             • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as
                                                                                               distinguish-between, identify);
                                                                                             • DS is a set of detectables, as abo
                                                                                             • F S is a set of more specific fea
                                                                                               entities (for example, the roads o
                                                                                               the runways of an airport, or the p                                                           a port)
                                                                                                        — these features are also
                                                                                               of “detectables”;
as our approach makes clear, they ca
                                                                                                     level capabilities, from which lower-l

                                                  Hybrid reasoning                                   inferred. However, we prefer to locate
                                                                                                     our ontology as specialisations of the
                                                                                                     the Capability class to avoid confusion
                                                                                                     current implementation, we omit T as
                                                                                                     are required to happen in the same mi

   •      To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching:

              !     We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for:

                                                       Task specification
                                       Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables>

                                                                                                         !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1         !3

   We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning
                                                                                                     Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl

   !      Reasoning steps:                                                                          Full details of the representation of t
                                                                                                 rules for performing reasoning with i
                                                                                                 various “detectable” types of entity are
        1) Specify high-level task:                    T = {“Detect Vehicles”}                   drawn from the entities appearing in
                                                                                                 the NIIRS documentation. A portion of
        2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities:                    RT =   {ACINT-level0, IMINT-level4} we
                                                                                                 in Figure 4. Using this ontology,
                                                                                                 NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c
                                                                                                 form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh
                                                                                                    • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as
                                                                                                      distinguish-between, identify);
                                                                                                    • DS is a set of detectables, as abo
                                                                                                    • F S is a set of more specific fea
                                                                                                      entities (for example, the roads o
                                                                                                      the runways of an airport, or the p                                                                  a port)
                                                                                                               — these features are also
                                                                                                      of “detectables”;
as our approach makes clear, they ca
                                                                                                   level capabilities, from which lower-l

                                          Hybrid reasoning                                         inferred. However, we prefer to locate
                                                                                                   our ontology as specialisations of the
                                                                                                   the Capability class to avoid confusion
                                                                                                   current implementation, we omit T as
                                                                                                   are required to happen in the same mi

  •    To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching:

          !    We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for:

                                                Task specification
                           Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables>

                                                                                                       !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1         !3

  We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning
                                                                                                   Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl

  !    Reasoning steps:                                                                   Full details of the representation of t
                                                                                       rules for performing reasoning with i
                                                                                       various “detectable” types of entity are
         1) Specify high-level task:           T = {“Detect Vehicles”}                 drawn from the entities appearing in
                                                                                       the NIIRS documentation. A portion of
         2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities:           RT = {ACINT-level0, IMINT-level4} we
                                                                                       in Figure 4. Using this ontology,
                                                                                       NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c
                                                                                       form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh
         3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types:                          • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as
                                                                                            distinguish-between, identify);
                       BT1 = {UAV, DaylightTV}    BT2 = {AcousticArray, AcousticArray}    • DS is a set of detectables, as abo
                                                                                          • F S is a set of more specific fea
                                                                                            entities (for example, the roads o
                                                                                            the runways of an airport, or the p                                                        a port)
                                                                                                     — these features are also
                                                                                            of “detectables”;
The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the
                          search space relating what bundles of assets
                                       Advantages & Limitations
                          are required for different types of task.

                    Higher-level task representations allow
      •             knowledge base to offer widest range of
             Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task.
                    ISTAR solution types."
                               Task: detect vehicles
                                        TASK 1                             “IMINT” Bundle

                                                       Bundle 1: UAV
                                                       +IMINT              “ACINT” Bundle

      •      Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT).

                 ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic
                                                       Bundle 2:
                 • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types

                 • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature
                 • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended!
                     Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning:
                          Rule-based representation of (extended)
                           NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:                                              
The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the
                          search space relating what bundles of assets
                                       Advantages & Limitations
                          are required for different types of task.

                    Higher-level task representations allow
      •             knowledge base to offer widest range of
             Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task.
                    ISTAR solution types."
                               Task: detect vehicles
                                        TASK 1                             “IMINT” Bundle

                                                       Bundle 1: UAV
                                                       +IMINT              “ACINT” Bundle

      •      Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT).

                 ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic
                                                       Bundle 2:
                 • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types

                 • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature
                 • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended!
                     Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning:
                          Rule-based representation of (extended)
                           NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:                                              
The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the
                          search space relating what bundles of assets
                                       Advantages & Limitations
                          are required for different types of task.

                    Higher-level task representations allow
      •             knowledge base to offer widest range of
             Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task.
                    ISTAR solution types."
                               Task: detect vehicles
                                        TASK 1                             “IMINT” Bundle

                                                       Bundle 1: UAV
                                                       +IMINT              “ACINT” Bundle

      •      Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT).

                 ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic
                                                       Bundle 2:
                 • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types

                 • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature
                 • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended!
                     Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning:
                          Rule-based representation of (extended)
                           NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:                                              
Extension 2

                                       Asset Allocation
                         assign bundles instances to competing tasks,
                                based on recommended bundle types.

                                                        X       X
                                                      Task 4   Task 2

                                          Task 1

                                                      Task 3                          
Extension 2

                                       Asset Allocation
                         assign bundles instances to competing tasks,
                                based on recommended bundle types.

                                                        X       X
                                                      Task 4   Task 2

                                          Task 1

                                                      Task 3                          
Extension 2

                                       Asset Allocation
                         assign bundles instances to competing tasks,
                                based on recommended bundle types.

                                                        X       X
                                                      Task 4   Task 2

                                          Task 1

                                                      Task 3                          
Allocation model

 •      A set of tasks competing for                                                                      Sensors
                                                                                                      (sensing assets)
        the exclusive usage of sensing assets.
                                                                 Tasks                      Bundles
            !    For each task:
                                                                               e11, c11

                  d = utility demand              (p1, d1, w1)     T1                         B1

                  w = budget                                             e1

                  p = priority                                                          2


 •      A set of sensors to be grouped into      (p2, d2, w2)     T2                          B2

        bundles based on bundle types.                                                                         S4

            !    For each bundle-task pair:
                  e = joint utility to a task
                  c = joint cost to a task

 •      Goal: an allocation of sensor bundles that maximizes the total profit.                                                        
Allocation model

 •      A set of tasks competing for                                                                          Sensors
                                                                                                          (sensing assets)
        the exclusive usage of sensing assets.
                                                                     Tasks                      Bundles
            !    For each task:
                                                                                   e11, c11

                  d = utility demand                  (p1, d1, w1)     T1                         B1

                  w = budget                                                 e1

                  p = priority                                                              2


 •      A set of sensors to be grouped into          (p2, d2, w2)     T2                          B2

        bundles based on bundle types.                                                                             S4

            !    For each bundle-task pair:
                  e = joint utility to a task
                  c = joint cost to a task

 •      Goal: an allocation of sensor bundles that maximizes the total profit.
        •       The profit is a function of the utility cumulated by the task.                                                            
Combinatorial auction

  •       This can be seen as a combinatorial auction
             !       bidders: tasks
             !       items: sensors
             !       tasks bids for bundles of sensors

  •    Many algorithms have been proposed:
       we use CASS (Combinatorial Auction Structured Search)                 
Combinatorial auction

  •       This can be seen as a combinatorial auction
             !       bidders: tasks
             !       items: sensors
             !       tasks bids for bundles of sensors

  •    Many algorithms have been proposed:
       we use CASS (Combinatorial Auction Structured Search)

  •       Bundle generation issue:
        !        In the worst case we might have 2N bundles (with N = number of sensors)

              !       The REASONING step improves the bundle generation:

       Generate only bundles                   Reduce the number of           Prune the set of bids
      matching bundle types                      generated bundles              placed by tasks                                             
                          Two prototypes of Top-to-bottom applications
                             to solve the Sensor-Mission assignment.                           
user to “backtr
                                  Section IV. A screenshot of the new user interface is shown in asset instances o
                                  Figure 5. As before, a user logs-in as a member of a coalition catalogues, obtain
                                                                                                               and then and g
                                          SAM - base station
                                  (in our example, we have a US/UK coalition). The user is the package con     way. For examp
                                  able to select one or more areas-of-interest on a map (left additional cardinthe vehicle dete
                                                                                                               obtained by a U
                                  panel) and, for each, to select multiple ISR tasks (top-right Section III. Bec
             •                                                       •
                                  panel) using an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM reason, they cou
                         Level of use: our NIIRS-based representation. (As we noted in demonstration, t
                               Fig. 5.      Setting
                               application IV our approach is currently simplified to assume that the user, to for e
                                  Section                                             High-level task representation from, mak
                  !            Base station                                      "
                                  all tasks are required at the same time; this could easily be is shown in Figu   While the cur
                  !            Operational analyst
                                  extended.)                                     " Subscribe bundles manuallyInknowledge-d
                                                                                                               of doing this,
                                                                                                              these incorporate
                                                                                                               yet resources,
                                                                                                              shows UK/US w
                                                                                                               an inventory ow
                                                                                                              and whether the
                                                                                                               combinatorial a
                                                                                                              assets (shown b
                                                                                                               separately. Integ
                                                                                                              While simple, th
                                                                                                               ber of choices t
                                                                                                              point Users need
                                                                                                                   • to allow th
                                                                                                              policies inthat is
                                                                                                                       way futur
                                                                                                              asset has been se
                                                                                                                       done using
                                                                                                              to available data
                                                                                                                       it ought to
                                                                                                                         [27]. Add
                                                                                                              user to “backtrac
                                                                                                                       in some ca
                                                                                                              and then obtain
                                                                                                                       (for examp
                                                                                                              way. For exampl
                                                                                                                       normally ta
                                                                                                              the vehicle detec
                                                                                                                   • Further res
                                                                                                              obtained by a UA
                                                                                                                       most appro
                                                                                                              reason, they coul
                                  Fig. 5.     Setting an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM
                                  Fig. 6. Selecting an asset bundle manually using the SAM application
                                                                                                                       It is clear
                                                                                                              data from, for ex
user to “backtr
                                  Section IV. A screenshot of the new user interface is shown in asset instances o
                                  Figure 5. As before, a user logs-in as a member of a coalition catalogues, obtain
                                                                                                               and then and g
                                          SAM - base station
                                  (in our example, we have a US/UK coalition). The user is the package con     way. For examp
                                  able to select one or more areas-of-interest on a map (left additional cardinthe vehicle dete
                                                                                                               obtained by a U
                                  panel) and, for each, to select multiple ISR tasks (top-right Section III. Bec
             •                                                       •
                                  panel) using an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM reason, they cou
                         Level of use: our NIIRS-based representation. (As we noted in demonstration, t
                               Fig. 5.      Setting
                               application IV our approach is currently simplified to assume that the user, to for e
                                  Section                                             High-level task representation from, mak
                  !            Base station                                      "
                                  all tasks are required at the same time; this could easily be is shown in Figu   While the cur
                  !            Operational analyst
                                  extended.)                                     " Subscribe bundles manuallyInknowledge-d
                                                                                                               of doing this,
                                                                                                              these incorporate
                                                                                                               yet resources,
                                                                                                              shows UK/US w
                                                                                                               an inventory ow
                                                                                                              and whether the
                                                                                                               combinatorial a
                                                                                                              assets (shown b
                                                                                                               separately. Integ
                                                                                                              While simple, th
                                                                                                               ber of choices t
                                                                                                              point Users need
                                                                                                                   • to allow th
                                                                                                              policies inthat is
                                                                                                                       way futur
                                                                                                              asset has been se
                                                                                                                       done using
                                                                                                              to available data
                                                                                                                       it ought to
                                                                                                                         [27]. Add
                                                                                                              user to “backtrac
                                                                                                                       in some ca
                                                                                                              and then obtain
                                                                                                                       (for examp
                                                                                                              way. For exampl
                                                                                                                       normally ta
                                                                                                              the vehicle detec
                                                                                                                   • Further res
                                                                                                              obtained by a UA
                                                                                                                       most appro
                                                                                                              reason, they coul
                                  Fig. 5.     Setting an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM
                                  Fig. 6. Selecting an asset bundle manually using the SAM application
                                                                                                                       It is clear
                                                                                                              data from, for ex
SAM - mobile
 •      Level of use:

       !      Mobile user (on the field)
       !      Not an expert
       !      Time constraint           
SAM - mobile
 •      Level of use:

       !      Mobile user (on the field)        •   Features:

       !      Not an expert                        "   High-level task representation

       !      Time constraint                                      
SAM - mobile
 •      Level of use:

       !      Mobile user (on the field)        •   Features:

       !      Not an expert                        "   High-level task representation

       !      Time constraint                      "   Automatic asset allocation

                                                        Satisfied             Unsatisfied                                      
Conclusion & Future

    •      We extended our original ontology-based approach to provide:

          !      a richer and more realistic specification of task requirements (using NIIRS)

          !      automatic asset allocation (using combinatorial auctions)

    •      We also showed these new features in a centralized and a mobile application.

     •     Future:
           -     Assets or bundle of assets might be shared between tasks
           -     Most appropriate “choice points” for user intervention (human-in-the-loop)
           -     Information delivery to a mobile user (bandwidth constraints)                                         
Thanks for listening!


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  • 2. ACITA 2009 Knowledge-Driven Agile Sensor-Mission Assignment Alun Preece, Diego Pizzocaro , Konrad Borowiecki , Geeth de Mel , Wamberto Vasconcelos, Amotz Bar-Noy , Matthew P. Johnson , Tom La Porta , Hosam Rowaihy
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  • 4. Main problem Sensor-Mission Assignment is the problem of assigning sensing assets to missions to cover the information needs (ISR) of individual tasks in each mission.
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  • 9. Scenario • A network of heterogeneous sensing assets:
  • 10. Scenario TASK 3 TASK 7 Localize Detect Jeep People TASK 4 Detect TASK 6 Aircraft Identify Tank TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 5 Detect Identify Detect Ground people Vehicle Helicopter • A network of heterogeneous sensing assets: - Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors
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  • 12. Scenario TASK 3 TASK 7 Localize Detect Jeep People TASK 4 Detect TASK 6 Aircraft Identify Tank TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 5 Detect Identify Detect Ground people Vehicle Helicopter • A network of heterogeneous sensing assets: - Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors - Sensors are scarce and in high demand. - Highly dynamic (sensor failures, change of plan)
  • 13. Scenario Where to send that particular bundle? TASK 1 TASK 2 Detect Identify Ground people Vehicle • A network of heterogeneous sensing assets: - Support multiple tasks competing for bundles of sensors - Sensors are scarce and in high demand. - Highly dynamic (sensor failures, change of plan)
  • 14. Problem formulation • We need schemes to assign bundles of assets to demonstrates how the core knowledge-based approach can be BT1 the task they best serve. A1 used to drive asset allocation, using the CASS combinatorial B1 auction algorithm as an illustration. In Section VI we review A2 the status of our illustration-of-concept application, SAM T1 • (Sensor Assignment entities competing for assets. Tasks: the to Missions), and discuss a variety of roles this kind of tool can play in supporting the process of B2 A3 Each task is associated with Information Requirements. sensor-mission assignment. BT2 While other papers have presented earlier or incomplete B3 A4 • Bundles: collections approach parts of our knowledge-driven of assets. to sensor-mission assignment (notably has a[8], [9]) Bundle Type (BT). Each bundle [6], unique and resource allocation T2 B4 A5 (notably [10], [7]) this is the first paper to show how these • Assets: individual sensors and platforms. elements can provide an integrated solution. II. S ENSOR -M ISSION A SSIGNMENT P ROBLEM B5 A6 F ORMULATION Tasks Bundles Assets We formulate the sensor-mission assignment problem as a graph; an example is shown in Figure 1. We distinguish three Fig. 1. Example sensor-mission assignment problem as a grap kinds of node: • Tasks denote the entities that are competing for available assets.1 In our approach, the only important feature of (MSR) which must be surveilled and protected. Surve a task is its information requirements — these are what the border will likely involve, among other things, det drive the asset matching and allocation processes — so of suspicious vehicle activity near it: vehicle detectio the task nodes represent information requirements. be formalized as an information requirement task T1 • Bundles are collections of individual assets (sensors and may be accomplished by a variety of means, dependi between a bundle and a task indicates platforms). An
  • 15. Problem formulation • We need schemes to assign bundles of assets to demonstrates how the core knowledge-based approach can be BT1 the task they best serve. A1 used to drive asset allocation, using the CASS combinatorial B1 auction algorithm as an illustration. In Section VI we review A2 the status of our illustration-of-concept application, SAM T1 • (Sensor Assignment entities competing for assets. Tasks: the to Missions), and discuss a variety of roles this kind of tool can play in supporting the process of B2 A3 Each task is associated with Information Requirements. sensor-mission assignment. BT2 While other papers have presented earlier or incomplete B3 A4 • Bundles: collections approach parts of our knowledge-driven of assets. to sensor-mission assignment (notably has a[8], [9]) Bundle Type (BT). Each bundle [6], unique and resource allocation T2 B4 A5 (notably [10], [7]) this is the first paper to show how these • Assets: individual sensors and platforms. elements can provide an integrated solution. II. S ENSOR -M ISSION A SSIGNMENT P ROBLEM B5 A6 F ORMULATION • Tasks Bundles Assets We formulate the sensor-mission assignment problem as a GOAL: an assignment of bundles to tasks, such that graph; an example is shown in Figure 1. We distinguish three Fig. 1. Example sensor-mission assignment problem as a grap 1. One-to-One matching between tasks-bundles kinds of node: • Tasks denote the entities that are competing for available 2. assets.1 In our approach, the onlybetween bundles-assets One-to-Many matching important feature of (MSR) which must be surveilled and protected. Surve a task is its information requirements — these are what the border will likely involve, among other things, det drive the asset matching and allocation processes — so of suspicious vehicle activity near it: vehicle detectio the task nodes represent information requirements. be formalized as an information requirement task T1 • Bundles are collections of individual assets (sensors and may be accomplished by a variety of means, dependi between a bundle and a task indicates platforms). An
  • 16. Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso Example how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR) defines the ! Bases earch space relating what bundles of assets re required for different types of task. TASK BUNDLE SENSOR Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)} BT1 = allow Predator (UAV) nowledge base to offer widest range of STAR solution types." Reaper (UAV) Task: detect vehicles DaylightTV Bundle 1: UAV BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)} +IMINT Acoustic array 1 Acoustic array 2 Bundle 2: acoustic
  • 17. Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso Example how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR) defines the ! Bases earch space relating what bundles of assets re required for different types of task. TASK BUNDLE SENSOR Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)} BT1 = allow Predator (UAV) nowledge base to offer widest range of STAR solution types." Reaper (UAV) Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 Detect DaylightTV vehicle Bundle 1: UAV BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)} +IMINT Acoustic array 1 Acoustic array 2 Bundle 2: acoustic
  • 18. Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso Example how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR) defines the ! Bases earch space relating what bundles of assets re required for different types of task. TASK BUNDLE SENSOR Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)} BT1 = allow Predator (UAV) nowledge base to offer widest range of STAR solution types." B1 Reaper (UAV) Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 Detect B2 DaylightTV vehicle Bundle 1: UAV BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)} +IMINT Acoustic array 1 B3 Acoustic array 2 Bundle 2: acoustic
  • 19. Knowledge representation and reasoning techniques can support sensor-mis specification of information requirements, to the allocation of assets such as senso Example how assets can be matched to mission tasks by formalising the military missions a using this ontology to drive a matchmaking procdure. The work reported here exten by providing a richer and more realistic way for a user to specify their information • Mission process ITA scenario: Peace support operation semantic matchmakingbased on an to define the search space for efficient asset allocat ! UK and US bases established to surveil the border he Task-Bundle-Asset modelrely on a Main Supply Route (MSR) defines the ! Bases earch space relating what bundles of assets re required for different types of task. TASK BUNDLE SENSOR Higher-level task representations{(UAV, DaylightTV)} BT1 = allow Predator (UAV) nowledge base to offer widest range of STAR solution types." B1 Reaper (UAV) Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 Detect B2 DaylightTV vehicle Bundle 1: UAV BT2 = {(AcousticArray), (AcousticArray)} +IMINT Acoustic array 1 B3 Acoustic array 2 Bundle 2: acoustic
  • 20. Previous Work Ontology-based matching matches types of assets to types of tasks, based on sensing capabilities provided and required. SENSING ASSET TYPES TASK Aerial Imagery Intelligence
  • 21. Previous Work Ontology-based matching matches types of assets to types of tasks, based on sensing capabilities provided and required. SENSING ASSET TYPES TASK Aerial Imagery Intelligence
  • 22. Methodology • Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset types to the information requirements of a task. Ontology-based matching
  • 23. Methodology • Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset types to the information requirements of a task. • We use ontologies for: Ontology-based matching
  • 24. Methodology • Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset types to the information requirements of a task. • We use ontologies for: Ontology-based matching Specify the information requirements of a task. ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors, etc Specify the sensing capabilities provided by assets.
  • 25. Methodology • Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset types to the information requirements of a task. • We use ontologies for: Compare the two of them. Ontology-based matching Specify the information MMF ontology requirements of a task. ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors, etc Specify the sensing capabilities provided by assets.
  • 26. Methodology • Semantic matchmaking to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of collections of asset types to the information requirements of a task. • We use ontologies for: Compare the two of them. Ontology-based matching Specify the information MMF ontology requirements of a task. ISR ontologies: tasks, sensors, etc Specify the sensing capabilities provided by assets.
  • 27. MMF ontology • Based on the pre-existent Missions and Means Framework (MMF) ! MMF is an informal framework to help human planners determine the capabilities required to accomplish a military mission. (developed by US ARL) ! In the military domain very precise definitions of capabilities required: ! ISR requirements Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaisance
  • 28. MMF ontology (contd) • Main concepts and relations in MMF ontology (implemented in OWL DL): toPerform entails Task requires Capability allocatedTo provides comprises toAccomplish Asset Operation is-a is-a comprises toAccomplish Platform mounts System attachedTo is-a Mission interferesWith Sensor
  • 29. Ontology-based matching • Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements: RT = {R1, R2, ...} • Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type: bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task.
  • 30. Ontology-based matching • Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements: RT = {R1, R2, ...} • Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type: bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task. • Steps to build a BT: 1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S) where P is a single platform type , S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time).
  • 31. Ontology-based matching • Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements: RT = {R1, R2, ...} • Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type: bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task. • Steps to build a BT: 1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S) where P is a single platform type , S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time). 2. generate a (PK) Package Configuration = { PC1 , PC2 , ... } The aggregate capabilities of PK have to semantically match RT
  • 32. Ontology-based matching • Given a task T, with a set of ISR requirements: RT = {R1, R2, ...} • Product of matching is a (BT) Bundle Type: bundle of assets that can satisfy the requirements of a task. • Steps to build a BT: 1. generate a (PC) Platform Configuration = (P , S) where P is a single platform type , S = {S1, ... , Sm} is a set of sensor types mountable on P (at the same time). 2. generate a (PK) Package Configuration = { PC1 , PC2 , ... } The aggregate capabilities of PK have to semantically match RT 3. Create BT by adding cardinality constraints to each PC in the PK: e.g. : “2 UAVs with a DaylightTV each” ! BT1 = { (UAV, DaylightTV), (UAV, DaylightTV)}
  • 33. Limitation • This approach is conceptually simple, extensible and well founded (MMF) • Limitation: and w requi Task requirements have to be specified at a low level to dri ! Over-reliant on the ontology of INT types over- deter of AC E.g. RT = { ACINT, IMINT } — th highe trivially determines the need next for acoustic and imagery sensing. Ou tasks • Need for higher-level representation of ISR tasks. • Fig. 3. Sample concept taxonomies relevant to the ISR domain: ISR tasks and INT types
  • 34. Extension 1 Task Representation specify only WHAT is the information requirement, and avoid saying HOW it should be obtained. T = {ACINT, IMINT} T = {“Detect Vechicle”}
  • 35. NIIRS • Approach based on National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) ! determines the kinds of data that are interpretable to answer an information requirement: T= {“Detect Vehicles”} E.g. Visible, Radar, etc. ! defines ratings on a ten point scale (0–9) Visible NIIRS 4
  • 36. NIIRS • Approach based on National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) ! determines the kinds of data that are interpretable to answer an information requirement: T= {“Detect Vehicles”} E.g. Visible, Radar, etc. ! defines ratings on a ten point scale (0–9) Visible NIIRS 4 • Platform Configurations can be rated with NIIRS values “UAV with DaylightTV-camera” Visible NIIRS 4 • Therefore “UAV with DaylightTVcamera” matches “Detect Vehicles” ! NIIRS can support the task-asset matching
  • 37. Hybrid reasoning • To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching: ! We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for: Task specification Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables> We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning ! Reasoning steps: 1) Specify high-level task: 2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities: 3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types:
  • 38. as our approach makes clear, they ca level capabilities, from which lower-l Hybrid reasoning inferred. However, we prefer to locate our ontology as specialisations of the the Capability class to avoid confusion current implementation, we omit T as are required to happen in the same mi • To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching: ! We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for: Task specification Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables> !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1 !3 We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl ! Reasoning steps: Full details of the representation of t rules for performing reasoning with i various “detectable” types of entity are 1) Specify high-level task: drawn from the entities appearing in the NIIRS documentation. A portion of 2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities: in Figure 4. Using this ontology, we NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh 3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types: • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as distinguish-between, identify); • DS is a set of detectables, as abo • F S is a set of more specific fea entities (for example, the roads o the runways of an airport, or the p a port) — these features are also of “detectables”;
  • 39. as our approach makes clear, they ca level capabilities, from which lower-l Hybrid reasoning inferred. However, we prefer to locate our ontology as specialisations of the the Capability class to avoid confusion current implementation, we omit T as are required to happen in the same mi • To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching: ! We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for: Task specification Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables> !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1 !3 We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl ! Reasoning steps: Full details of the representation of t rules for performing reasoning with i various “detectable” types of entity are 1) Specify high-level task: T = {“Detect Vehicles”} drawn from the entities appearing in the NIIRS documentation. A portion of in Figure 4. Using this ontology, we NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as distinguish-between, identify); • DS is a set of detectables, as abo • F S is a set of more specific fea entities (for example, the roads o the runways of an airport, or the p a port) — these features are also of “detectables”;
  • 40. as our approach makes clear, they ca level capabilities, from which lower-l Hybrid reasoning inferred. However, we prefer to locate our ontology as specialisations of the the Capability class to avoid confusion current implementation, we omit T as are required to happen in the same mi • To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching: ! We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for: Task specification Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables> !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1 !3 We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl ! Reasoning steps: Full details of the representation of t rules for performing reasoning with i various “detectable” types of entity are 1) Specify high-level task: T = {“Detect Vehicles”} drawn from the entities appearing in the NIIRS documentation. A portion of 2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities: RT = {ACINT-level0, IMINT-level4} we in Figure 4. Using this ontology, NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as distinguish-between, identify); • DS is a set of detectables, as abo • F S is a set of more specific fea entities (for example, the roads o the runways of an airport, or the p a port) — these features are also of “detectables”;
  • 41. as our approach makes clear, they ca level capabilities, from which lower-l Hybrid reasoning inferred. However, we prefer to locate our ontology as specialisations of the the Capability class to avoid confusion current implementation, we omit T as are required to happen in the same mi • To integrate NIIRS in sensor-task matching: ! We formalized it as a set of rules which allow for: Task specification Detect/Identify/Distinguish <set of detectables> !0#$20&+$)*+3(4'1$*5$6('(3'0"7(1 !3 We adopt an HYBRID REASONING approach: ontology & rule-based reasoning Fig. 4. A portion of our ontology of “detectabl ! Reasoning steps: Full details of the representation of t rules for performing reasoning with i various “detectable” types of entity are 1) Specify high-level task: T = {“Detect Vehicles”} drawn from the entities appearing in the NIIRS documentation. A portion of 2) NIIRS rule-based system infers basic capabilities: RT = {ACINT-level0, IMINT-level4} we in Figure 4. Using this ontology, NIIRS interpretation tasks as a set of c form: N C, DS, F S, C, N T, N R , wh 3) Ontology-based matchmaking returns the bundle types: • N C is a NIIRS “capability” as distinguish-between, identify); BT1 = {UAV, DaylightTV} BT2 = {AcousticArray, AcousticArray} • DS is a set of detectables, as abo • F S is a set of more specific fea entities (for example, the roads o the runways of an airport, or the p a port) — these features are also of “detectables”;
  • 42. The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the search space relating what bundles of assets Advantages & Limitations are required for different types of task. Higher-level task representations allow • knowledge base to offer widest range of Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task. ISTAR solution types." Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 “IMINT” Bundle Detect vehicle Bundle 1: UAV +IMINT “ACINT” Bundle • Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT). ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic Bundle 2: • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types motes • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended! Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning: Rule-based representation of (extended) NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:
  • 43. The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the search space relating what bundles of assets Advantages & Limitations are required for different types of task. Higher-level task representations allow • knowledge base to offer widest range of Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task. ISTAR solution types." Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 “IMINT” Bundle Detect vehicle Bundle 1: UAV +IMINT “ACINT” Bundle • Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT). ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic Bundle 2: • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types motes • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended! Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning: Rule-based representation of (extended) NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:
  • 44. The Task-Bundle-Asset model defines the search space relating what bundles of assets Advantages & Limitations are required for different types of task. Higher-level task representations allow • knowledge base to offer widest range of Higher-level task representations allow a wider range of assets to satisfy a task. ISTAR solution types." Task: detect vehicles TASK 1 “IMINT” Bundle Detect vehicle Bundle 1: UAV +IMINT “ACINT” Bundle • Limitation: NIIRS scale is restricted to imagery intelligence (IMINT). ! How did we include acoustic intelligence?acoustic Bundle 2: • There is no reason why NIIRS cannot be extended to other types motes • We introduced a number of rules for ACINT based on literature • Still the need for NIIRS to be “officially” extended! Hybrid ontology+rules-based reasoning: Rule-based representation of (extended) NIIRS scale allows tasks of form:
  • 45. Extension 2 Asset Allocation assign bundles instances to competing tasks, based on recommended bundle types. X X X Task 4 Task 2 X Task 1 X Task 3
  • 46. Extension 2 Asset Allocation assign bundles instances to competing tasks, based on recommended bundle types. X X X Task 4 Task 2 X Task 1 X Task 3
  • 47. Extension 2 Asset Allocation assign bundles instances to competing tasks, based on recommended bundle types. X X X Task 4 Task 2 X Task 1 X Task 3
  • 48. Allocation model • A set of tasks competing for Sensors (sensing assets) the exclusive usage of sensing assets. Tasks Bundles ! For each task: e11, c11 S1 d = utility demand (p1, d1, w1) T1 B1 w = budget e1 2, c1 S2 p = priority 2 S3 • A set of sensors to be grouped into (p2, d2, w2) T2 B2 bundles based on bundle types. S4 ! For each bundle-task pair: e = joint utility to a task c = joint cost to a task • Goal: an allocation of sensor bundles that maximizes the total profit.
  • 49. Allocation model • A set of tasks competing for Sensors (sensing assets) the exclusive usage of sensing assets. Tasks Bundles ! For each task: e11, c11 S1 d = utility demand (p1, d1, w1) T1 B1 w = budget e1 2, c1 S2 p = priority 2 S3 • A set of sensors to be grouped into (p2, d2, w2) T2 B2 bundles based on bundle types. S4 ! For each bundle-task pair: e = joint utility to a task c = joint cost to a task • Goal: an allocation of sensor bundles that maximizes the total profit. • The profit is a function of the utility cumulated by the task.
  • 50. Combinatorial auction • This can be seen as a combinatorial auction ! bidders: tasks ! items: sensors ! tasks bids for bundles of sensors • Many algorithms have been proposed: we use CASS (Combinatorial Auction Structured Search)
  • 51. Combinatorial auction • This can be seen as a combinatorial auction ! bidders: tasks ! items: sensors ! tasks bids for bundles of sensors • Many algorithms have been proposed: we use CASS (Combinatorial Auction Structured Search) • Bundle generation issue: ! In the worst case we might have 2N bundles (with N = number of sensors) ! The REASONING step improves the bundle generation: Generate only bundles Reduce the number of Prune the set of bids matching bundle types generated bundles placed by tasks
  • 52. Implementation Two prototypes of Top-to-bottom applications to solve the Sensor-Mission assignment.
  • 53. user to “backtr Section IV. A screenshot of the new user interface is shown in asset instances o Figure 5. As before, a user logs-in as a member of a coalition catalogues, obtain and then and g SAM - base station (in our example, we have a US/UK coalition). The user is the package con way. For examp able to select one or more areas-of-interest on a map (left additional cardinthe vehicle dete obtained by a U panel) and, for each, to select multiple ISR tasks (top-right Section III. Bec • • panel) using an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM reason, they cou Level of use: our NIIRS-based representation. (As we noted in demonstration, t Fig. 5. Setting Features: application IV our approach is currently simplified to assume that the user, to for e Section High-level task representation from, mak data ! Base station " all tasks are required at the same time; this could easily be is shown in Figu While the cur ! Operational analyst extended.) " Subscribe bundles manuallyInknowledge-d of doing this, these incorporate yet resources, shows UK/US w an inventory ow and whether the combinatorial a assets (shown b separately. Integ While simple, th ber of choices t point Users need • to allow th policies inthat is way futur asset has been se done using to available data it ought to Fabricformalism. [27]. Add user to “backtrac in some ca and then obtain (for examp way. For exampl normally ta the vehicle detec • Further res obtained by a UA most appro reason, they coul Fig. 5. Setting an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM Fig. 6. Selecting an asset bundle manually using the SAM application It is clear data from, for ex application
  • 54. user to “backtr Section IV. A screenshot of the new user interface is shown in asset instances o Figure 5. As before, a user logs-in as a member of a coalition catalogues, obtain and then and g SAM - base station (in our example, we have a US/UK coalition). The user is the package con way. For examp able to select one or more areas-of-interest on a map (left additional cardinthe vehicle dete obtained by a U panel) and, for each, to select multiple ISR tasks (top-right Section III. Bec • • panel) using an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM reason, they cou Level of use: our NIIRS-based representation. (As we noted in demonstration, t Fig. 5. Setting Features: application IV our approach is currently simplified to assume that the user, to for e Section High-level task representation from, mak data ! Base station " all tasks are required at the same time; this could easily be is shown in Figu While the cur ! Operational analyst extended.) " Subscribe bundles manuallyInknowledge-d of doing this, these incorporate yet resources, shows UK/US w an inventory ow and whether the combinatorial a assets (shown b separately. Integ While simple, th ber of choices t point Users need • to allow th policies inthat is way futur asset has been se done using to available data it ought to Fabricformalism. [27]. Add user to “backtrac in some ca and then obtain (for examp way. For exampl normally ta the vehicle detec • Further res obtained by a UA most appro reason, they coul Fig. 5. Setting an area-of-interest and selecting tasks using the SAM Fig. 6. Selecting an asset bundle manually using the SAM application It is clear data from, for ex application
  • 55. SAM - mobile • Level of use: ! Mobile user (on the field) ! Not an expert ! Time constraint
  • 56. SAM - mobile • Level of use: ! Mobile user (on the field) • Features: ! Not an expert " High-level task representation ! Time constraint
  • 57. SAM - mobile • Level of use: ! Mobile user (on the field) • Features: ! Not an expert " High-level task representation ! Time constraint " Automatic asset allocation Satisfied Unsatisfied
  • 58. Conclusion & Future • We extended our original ontology-based approach to provide: ! a richer and more realistic specification of task requirements (using NIIRS) ! automatic asset allocation (using combinatorial auctions) • We also showed these new features in a centralized and a mobile application. • Future: - Assets or bundle of assets might be shared between tasks - Most appropriate “choice points” for user intervention (human-in-the-loop) - Information delivery to a mobile user (bandwidth constraints)
  • 59. Thanks for listening! Questions?