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Java SE 8 and Java EE 7
Peter Doschkinow
Senior Java Architect
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 Java SE 8 New Features
– Language
– Libraries
– Platform and JVM
 Java EE 7 Overview
– Focus on HTML5 support
 New functionality
– JSR 308: Annotations on types
– JSR 310: Date and Time API
– JSR 335: Lambda expressions
 Updated functionality
– JSR 114: JDBC Rowsets
– JSR 160: JMX Remote API
– JSR 199: Java Compiler API
– JSR 173: Streaming API for XML
– JSR 206: Java API for XML Processing
– JSR 221: JDBC 4.0
– JSR 269: Pluggable Annotation-Processing API
Component JSRs
Java SE 8 (JSR 337)
 Biggest changes to the Java language since Java SE 5
 Significant enhancements in the class libraries
 The main goals of these changes are:
– Better developer productivity
– More reliable code
– Better utilisation of multi-core and multi-processor systems
 Code is no longer inherently serial or parallel
Java SE 8
 Lambda expressions provide anonymous function types to Java
– Replace use of anonymous inner classes
– Provide more functional style of programming in Java
Closures and Functional Programming
Lambda Expressions
doSomething(new DoStuff() {
public boolean isGood(int value) {
return value == 42;
doSomething(answer -> answer == 42);
Simplified to:
class Person {
String name;
int age;
String getName() { return name; }
int getAge() { return age; }
List<Person> list = ... ;
Collections.sort(list, ???);
Sorting a list of objects
Lambda Expressions Example
List<Person> list = ... ;
class ComparePersonsByName implements Comparator<Person> {
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());
Collections.sort(list, new ComparePersonsByName());
Sorting a list of objects traditionally
Lambda Expressions Example
List<Person> list = ... ;
(p1, p2) -> p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName())
Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(p -> p.getName())
Sorting a list of objects with lambdas
Lambda Expressions Example
List<Person> list = ... ;
(p1, p2) -> p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName())
Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(p -> p.getName())
Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(Person::getName)
Sorting a list of objects with lambdas and method references
Lambda Expressions Example
 Provide a mechanism to add new methods to existing interfaces
– Without breaking backwards compatability
– Gives Java multiple inheritance of behaviour, as well as types (but not
Bringing Multiple Inheritance (of Functionality) to Java
Extension Methods
public interface Set<T> extends Collection<T> {
public int size();
... // The rest of the existing Set methods
public T reduce(Reducer<T> r)
default Collections.<T>setReducer;
 Annotations can currently only be used on type declarations
– Classes, methods, variable definitions
 Extension for places where types are used
– e.g. parameters
 Permits error detection by pluggable type checkers
– e.g. null pointer errors, race conditions, etc
Annotations On Java Types
public void process(@notnull List data) {…}
 Mechanism to retrieve parameter names of methods and constructors
– At runtime via core reflection
 Improved code readability
– Eliminate redundant annotations
 Improve IDE capabilities
– Auto-generate template code
 Method and Constructor now inherit from new Executable class
– getParameters() returns array of Parameter objects
– Name, type, annotations for each parameter
Access To Parameter Names At Runtime
 Repeating annotations
Multiple annotations with the same type applied to a single program element
 No more apt tool and associated API
– Complete the transition to the JSR 269 implementation
 DocTree API
– Provide access to the syntactic elements of a javadoc comment
 DocLint tool
– Use DocTree API to identify basic errors in javadoc comments
Small Things @OneToOne
public Part getPart() {
return part;
 No small task!
– Java SE 7 has 4024 standard classes
 Modernize general library APIs
 Improve performance
– Gains from use of invokedynamic to implement Lambdas
 Demonstrate best practices for extension methods
Enhance Core Libraries With Lambdas
 java.util.function package
– Function, Predicate, Consumer, Supplier interfaces
 package
– Stream, Collector interfaces
 Hidden implicit iteration
 Serial and parallel implementations
– Generally expressed with Lambda statements
 Parallel implementation builds on Fork-Join framework
 Lazy evaluation
Filter, Map, Reduce for Java
Bulk Data Operations For Collections
List<Person> persons = ...
int oldestPeter =
.filter(p -> p.getName() == “Peter”)
.map(p -> p.getAge())
Java Streams API
Stream Result
filter map max
 Higher abstraction view on
 Uses the Unix concept of
fipes and filters
 No storage
 Functional in nature
 Seeks laziness
List<Person> persons = ...
int oldestPeter = persons.parallelStream()
.filter(p -> p.getName() == “Peter”)
.map(p -> p.getAge())
Java Streams API
Stream Result
filter map max
 Higher abstraction view on
 Uses the Unix concept of
fipes and filters
 No storage
 Functional in nature
 Seeks laziness
 Support parallel execution
using Fork-and-Join
 A new date, time, and calendar API for the Java SE platform
 Supports standard time concepts
– Partial, duration, period, intervals
– date, time, instant, and time-zone
 Provides a limited set of calendar systems and be extensible to others
 Uses relevant standards, including ISO-8601, CLDR, and BCP47
 Based on an explicit time-scale with a connection to UTC
Date And Time APIs
 Currently developers are forced to use non-public APIs
– sun.misc.BASE64Encoder
– sun.misc.BASE64Decoder
 Java SE 8 now has a standard way
– java.util.Base64.Encoder
– java.util.Base64.Decoder
– encode, encodeToString, decode, wrap methods
Base64 Encoding and Decoding
 New Modern Theme: Modena
 JavaFX 3D
 Rich Text
 New widgets: TreeTableView, DatePicker
 Public API for CSS structure
 WebView Enhancements
 Embedded Support
 Support the direct launching of JavaFX applications
– Enhancement to the java command line launcher
JavaFX 8 New Features
 Optimize java.text.DecimalFormat.format
– Improve performance of common DecimalFormat usages
 Statically Linked JNI Libraries
– Needed for embedded applications
– Currently only dynamically linked supported
 Handle frequent HashMap collisions with balanced trees
– Hash bucket switches from linked list to balanced tree at certain threshold
to improve performance
Small Things
Approximate static footprint goals
Compact Profiles
Compact1 Profile
Compact2 Profile
Compact3 Profile
Full JRE 140Mb
 Fix some assumptions about classloaders
 Use ServiceLoader rather than proprietary SPI code
– E.g. JAXP does not use ServiceLoader
 JDK tool to analyse application code dependencies: jdeps
 Deprecate APIs that will impede modularisation
– e.g. java.util.logging.LogManager.addPropertyChangeListener
Getting Ready For Jigsaw
Modularisation Preparation
 Improve performance, quality, and portability of method handles and
 Reduce the amount of assembly code in the JVM
 Reduce native calls during method handle processing
 Better reference implementation of JSR 292 (invokedynamic)
Assembly language code re-written in Java
Lambda-Form Representation For Method Handles
 Lightweight, high-performance JavaScript engine
– Integrated into JRE
 Use existing javax.script API
 ECMAScript-262 Edition 5.1 language specification compliance
 New command-line tool, jjs to run JavaScript
 Internationalised error messages and documentation
Nashorn JavaScript Engine
 Rarely used
– DefNew + CMS
– ParNew + SerialOld
– Incremental CMS
 Large testing effort for little return
 Will generate deprecated option messages
– Won’t disappear just yet
Retire Rarely-Used GC Combinations
 Part of the HotSpot, JRockit convergence
 Current objects moved to Java heap or native memory
– Interned strings, class metadata, class static variables
 Metaspace – for native allocation
– Limited only by process address space
– To force a limit use -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<size>
 Class Data Sharing – Experimental feature
– Available on all platforms, -Xshare:<flag>
– Reduce footprint and startup by sharing JDK classes between processes
Remove The Permanent Generation
 Autoconf based build system
– ./configure style build setup
 Enhance javac to improve build speed
– Run on all available cores
– Track package and class dependences between builds
– Automatically generate header files for native methods
– Clean up class and header files that are no longer needed
Increased Build Speed, Simplified Setup
The Java EE Journey
Java EE 7
Ease of
Developer Productivity & HTML5
Java Platform
2013 - Future
Java EE 7 Themes
 Batch
 Concurrency
 Simplified JMS
 More annotated POJOs
 Less boilerplate code
 Cohesive integrated
 WebSockets
 Servlet NIO
Java EE 7
Java EE 7 JSRs
 TCP based, bi-directional, full-duplex
 Originally proposed as part of HTML5
 IETF-defined Protocol: RFC 6455
– Handshake, data transfer
 W3C defined JavaScript API
– Candidate Recommendation
 Supported by most browser already
 Starts with HTTP handshake
– Supports HTTP proxies, filtering, authentication and intermediaries
 Data transfer
– Text/Binary frames
– Ping/Pong control frames for keep-alive
– Data frames don’t have HTTP overhead
 No headers/cookies/security/metadata
– Close frame
 Full duplex and bi-directional
WebSocket Protocol Summary
 Create WebSocket Endpoints
– Annotation-driven (@ServerEndpoint)
– Interface-driven (Endpoint)
 SPI for extensions and data frames
 Integration with Java EE Web container
 Client and server APIs
Java API for WebSocket Features
Server Side Object Model
public class ChatBean {
Set<Session> peers = Collections.synchronizedSet(…);
public void onOpen(Session peer) {
public void onClose(Session peer) {
public void message(String message, Session client) {
for (Session peer : peers) {
WebSocket Chat Sample
value = "/websockets/{id}",
decoders = ShapeCoding.class,
encoders = ShapeCoding.class)
public class DrawingWebSocket { … }
public class ShapeCoding implements Decoder.Text<Drawing.Shape>, Encoder.Text<Drawing.Shape> {
public boolean willDecode(String s) { return true; }
public Drawing.Shape decode(String s) throws DecodeException { … }
Custom Encoders and Decoders
 Standard Java API to help building of RESTful web services and clients
 Annotation driven: a DSL for HTTP
 POJO-Based Resource Classes
 HTTP Centric Programming Model
– Maps HTTP methods to java method invocations
 Entity Format Independence
Java API for RESTful Web Services
 Serializar and Deserializer
– MessageBodyReader, MessageBodyWriter
 Response object for complex responses
 ExceptionMapper for Exception-Mapping
 Container Independence
 Included in Java EE – for Java EE 7 also in the web profile
Java API for RESTful Web Services
public class AtmService {
public String balance(String card, String pin) {
return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin));
public Money withdraw(String card,String pin, String amount){
return getMoney(card, pin, amount);
Converting a POJO in a REST Resource
JAX-RS Concepts in an Example
public class AtmService {
@GET @Path ("/balance")
public String balance(String card, String pin) {
return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin));
@POST @Path("/withdrawal")
public Money withdraw(String card, String pin,
String amount){
return getMoney(card, pin, amount);
Converting a POJO in a REST Resource, HTTP method binding
JAX-RS Concepts in an Example
public class AtmService {
@GET @Path ("/balance")
public String balance(@PathParam ("cardId") String card,
@QueryParam("pin") String pin) {
return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin));
@POST @Path("/withdrawal")
public Money withdraw((@PathParam ("cardId") String card,
@QueryParam("pin") String pin,
String amount){
return getMoney(card, pin, amount);
URI Parameter injection, built-in and custom serialization
JAX-RS Concepts in an Example
GET http://[machine]:[port]/[web-context]/atm/3711/balance?pin=1234
POST http://[machine]:[port]/[web-context]/atm/3711/withdrawal?pin=1234
 New features
– Client API
– Client and Server Configuration
– Asynchronous processing
– Filters and Interceptors
– Hypermedia support
JAX-RS 2.0
HTML5 Architectural Implications
 HTML5 is the new UI across devices
– Applications == HTML5 + JavaScript + CSS3 + Server Resources
 Requires a different programming approach
 Servers no longer generating markup language
 Clients responsible for presentation logic and execution
 JavaScript is part of the domain model, JSON is the payload
 Event-Driven
 No need for browser plugin
The Browser Is the Platform
Thin Server Architecture (TSA) Diagram
Server Push
Data Services
Runtime application
App download
App Server
 Improved performance
– Caching, no presentation data transmitted again and again
 Scalability
– Less data to transfer, session state is on the client
 Reduced complexity
– UI control is not split bethween client and server, UI events stay on client
 Improved user experience
 Offline support only possible with TSA
Thin Server Architecture
With Java EE
Thin Server Architecture
Data Sources
Data Services
Java EE Server
 Collaborative drawing
 Two-page application
– List of drawings
– Drawing
 Demonstrating
– Server-side: JAX-RS, JSON, WebSocket, SSE Java API
– Client-side: JAX-RS, WebSocket, SSE Java and JavaScript API
– JavaFX hybrid Java/HTML5 application
Drawing Board Demo
TSA - Architecture
Drawing Board Demo
Data Service
GlassFish 4.0
HTML5 Browser
send(...) onEvent(...)
 JSON 1.0: Java API for JSON parsing/processing, similar to JAXP
 Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0
 Java Batch API 1.0
 JPA 2.1: Schema generation props, entity graphs and converters, …
 Servlet 3.1: Non-blocking IO, Upgrade to WebSocket, …
 JTA 1.2: Transactional CDI interceptors, …
 CDI 1.1: Ordering of interceptors, Servlet events, …
 EJB 3.2: Optional CMP/BMP, Ease-of-use, …
 JSF 2.2: @FlowScoped, HTML5 data-* attributes, …
 Bean Validation 1.1: method constraints, injectable artifacts, ...
Many other Improvements
 Java EE 7 SDK
– With GUI installer for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
– Web and full profile, english and multi-language
– API docs, tutorial and samples
 GlassFish 4.0 OSE with GUI installer or as Zip
 Java EE 7 RI binaries and sources for the web and full profile
 Maven dependencies and javadocs
– javaee-api-7.0.jar, javaee-web-api-7.0.jar, javaee-api-7.0-javadoc.jar
Java EE 7 Implementation Deliverables
Java EE Next
HTML5 ++Cloud / PaaS
Java EE 8
and Beyond
Java EE 8 Survey Results
 Modular end-to-end TSA-framework for HTML5 applications
 Service complonents implemented in JavaScript
– Using a JavaScript runtime based on Nashorn, NodeJS compatible
 View components implemented in JavaScript
– Using HTML5 + Widgets + Data Binding with EL
– Minimal JavaScript code needed
Project Avatar
 Java SE 8 adds plenty of new features
– At the language, libraries and JVM level
 Java SE continues to evolve
 Java EE continues to evolve
– Java EE 7 is the most exciting of Java EE ever
– GlassFish distributions for Java EE continue to be regularly updated with
major releases of the Java EE specification
– Work on Java EE 8 started
Java SE 8 & EE 7 Launch
Java SE 8 & EE 7 Launch

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Java SE 8 & EE 7 Launch

  • 1.
  • 2. Java SE 8 and Java EE 7 Overview Peter Doschkinow Senior Java Architect
  • 3. The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
  • 4. Agenda  Java SE 8 New Features – Language – Libraries – Platform and JVM  Java EE 7 Overview – Focus on HTML5 support
  • 5.  New functionality – JSR 308: Annotations on types – JSR 310: Date and Time API – JSR 335: Lambda expressions  Updated functionality – JSR 114: JDBC Rowsets – JSR 160: JMX Remote API – JSR 199: Java Compiler API – JSR 173: Streaming API for XML – JSR 206: Java API for XML Processing – JSR 221: JDBC 4.0 – JSR 269: Pluggable Annotation-Processing API Component JSRs Java SE 8 (JSR 337)
  • 6.  Biggest changes to the Java language since Java SE 5  Significant enhancements in the class libraries  The main goals of these changes are: – Better developer productivity – More reliable code – Better utilisation of multi-core and multi-processor systems  Code is no longer inherently serial or parallel Java SE 8
  • 7.  Lambda expressions provide anonymous function types to Java – Replace use of anonymous inner classes – Provide more functional style of programming in Java Closures and Functional Programming Lambda Expressions doSomething(new DoStuff() { public boolean isGood(int value) { return value == 42; } }); doSomething(answer -> answer == 42); Simplified to:
  • 8. class Person { String name; int age; String getName() { return name; } int getAge() { return age; } } List<Person> list = ... ; Collections.sort(list, ???); Sorting a list of objects Lambda Expressions Example
  • 9. List<Person> list = ... ; class ComparePersonsByName implements Comparator<Person> { @Override public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName()); } } Collections.sort(list, new ComparePersonsByName()); Sorting a list of objects traditionally Lambda Expressions Example
  • 10. List<Person> list = ... ; Collections.sort(list, (p1, p2) -> p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName()) Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(p -> p.getName()) Sorting a list of objects with lambdas Lambda Expressions Example
  • 11. List<Person> list = ... ; Collections.sort(list, (p1, p2) -> p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName()) Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(p -> p.getName()) Collections.sort(list, Comparator.comparing(Person::getName) Sorting a list of objects with lambdas and method references Lambda Expressions Example
  • 12.  Provide a mechanism to add new methods to existing interfaces – Without breaking backwards compatability – Gives Java multiple inheritance of behaviour, as well as types (but not state!) Bringing Multiple Inheritance (of Functionality) to Java Extension Methods public interface Set<T> extends Collection<T> { public int size(); ... // The rest of the existing Set methods public T reduce(Reducer<T> r) default Collections.<T>setReducer; }
  • 13.  Annotations can currently only be used on type declarations – Classes, methods, variable definitions  Extension for places where types are used – e.g. parameters  Permits error detection by pluggable type checkers – e.g. null pointer errors, race conditions, etc Annotations On Java Types public void process(@notnull List data) {…}
  • 14.  Mechanism to retrieve parameter names of methods and constructors – At runtime via core reflection  Improved code readability – Eliminate redundant annotations  Improve IDE capabilities – Auto-generate template code  Method and Constructor now inherit from new Executable class – getParameters() returns array of Parameter objects – Name, type, annotations for each parameter Access To Parameter Names At Runtime
  • 15.  Repeating annotations Multiple annotations with the same type applied to a single program element  No more apt tool and associated API – Complete the transition to the JSR 269 implementation  DocTree API – Provide access to the syntactic elements of a javadoc comment  DocLint tool – Use DocTree API to identify basic errors in javadoc comments Small Things @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name=“PARTNUM”) @JoinColumn(name=“PARTREV”) public Part getPart() { return part; }
  • 16.  No small task! – Java SE 7 has 4024 standard classes  Modernize general library APIs  Improve performance – Gains from use of invokedynamic to implement Lambdas  Demonstrate best practices for extension methods Enhance Core Libraries With Lambdas
  • 17.  java.util.function package – Function, Predicate, Consumer, Supplier interfaces  package – Stream, Collector interfaces  Hidden implicit iteration  Serial and parallel implementations – Generally expressed with Lambda statements  Parallel implementation builds on Fork-Join framework  Lazy evaluation Filter, Map, Reduce for Java Bulk Data Operations For Collections
  • 18. List<Person> persons = ... int oldestPeter = .filter(p -> p.getName() == “Peter”) .map(p -> p.getAge()) .max(); Java Streams API Source Stream Intermediate Stream Result Intermediate Stream filter map max  Higher abstraction view on Collections  Uses the Unix concept of fipes and filters  No storage  Functional in nature  Seeks laziness
  • 19. List<Person> persons = ... int oldestPeter = persons.parallelStream() .filter(p -> p.getName() == “Peter”) .map(p -> p.getAge()) .max(); Java Streams API Source Stream Intermediate Stream Result Intermediate Stream filter map max  Higher abstraction view on Collections  Uses the Unix concept of fipes and filters  No storage  Functional in nature  Seeks laziness  Support parallel execution using Fork-and-Join framework
  • 20.  A new date, time, and calendar API for the Java SE platform  Supports standard time concepts – Partial, duration, period, intervals – date, time, instant, and time-zone  Provides a limited set of calendar systems and be extensible to others  Uses relevant standards, including ISO-8601, CLDR, and BCP47  Based on an explicit time-scale with a connection to UTC Date And Time APIs
  • 21.  Currently developers are forced to use non-public APIs – sun.misc.BASE64Encoder – sun.misc.BASE64Decoder  Java SE 8 now has a standard way – java.util.Base64.Encoder – java.util.Base64.Decoder – encode, encodeToString, decode, wrap methods Base64 Encoding and Decoding
  • 22.  New Modern Theme: Modena  JavaFX 3D  Rich Text  New widgets: TreeTableView, DatePicker  Public API for CSS structure  WebView Enhancements  Embedded Support  Support the direct launching of JavaFX applications – Enhancement to the java command line launcher JavaFX 8 New Features
  • 23.  Optimize java.text.DecimalFormat.format – Improve performance of common DecimalFormat usages  Statically Linked JNI Libraries – Needed for embedded applications – Currently only dynamically linked supported  Handle frequent HashMap collisions with balanced trees – Hash bucket switches from linked list to balanced tree at certain threshold to improve performance Small Things
  • 24. Approximate static footprint goals Compact Profiles Compact1 Profile Compact2 Profile Compact3 Profile Full JRE 140Mb 24Mb 17Mb 10Mb
  • 25.  Fix some assumptions about classloaders  Use ServiceLoader rather than proprietary SPI code – E.g. JAXP does not use ServiceLoader  JDK tool to analyse application code dependencies: jdeps  Deprecate APIs that will impede modularisation – e.g. java.util.logging.LogManager.addPropertyChangeListener Getting Ready For Jigsaw Modularisation Preparation
  • 26.  Improve performance, quality, and portability of method handles and invokedynamic  Reduce the amount of assembly code in the JVM  Reduce native calls during method handle processing  Better reference implementation of JSR 292 (invokedynamic) Assembly language code re-written in Java Lambda-Form Representation For Method Handles
  • 27.  Lightweight, high-performance JavaScript engine – Integrated into JRE  Use existing javax.script API  ECMAScript-262 Edition 5.1 language specification compliance  New command-line tool, jjs to run JavaScript  Internationalised error messages and documentation Nashorn JavaScript Engine
  • 28.  Rarely used – DefNew + CMS – ParNew + SerialOld – Incremental CMS  Large testing effort for little return  Will generate deprecated option messages – Won’t disappear just yet Retire Rarely-Used GC Combinations
  • 29.  Part of the HotSpot, JRockit convergence  Current objects moved to Java heap or native memory – Interned strings, class metadata, class static variables  Metaspace – for native allocation – Limited only by process address space – To force a limit use -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<size>  Class Data Sharing – Experimental feature – Available on all platforms, -Xshare:<flag> – Reduce footprint and startup by sharing JDK classes between processes Permanently Remove The Permanent Generation
  • 30.  Autoconf based build system – ./configure style build setup  Enhance javac to improve build speed – Run on all available cores – Track package and class dependences between builds – Automatically generate header files for native methods – Clean up class and header files that are no longer needed Increased Build Speed, Simplified Setup The JDK
  • 31. The Java EE Journey Java EE 7 2005-2012 Ease of Development Lightweight Developer Productivity & HTML5 1998-2004 Enterprise Java Platform Robustness Web Services 2013 - Future
  • 32. Java EE 7 Themes  Batch  Concurrency  Simplified JMS  More annotated POJOs  Less boilerplate code  Cohesive integrated platform DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY  JAX-RS  WebSockets  JSON  Servlet NIO MEETING ENTERPRISE DEMANDS Java EE 7
  • 33. Java EE 7 JSRs
  • 34.  TCP based, bi-directional, full-duplex messaging  Originally proposed as part of HTML5  IETF-defined Protocol: RFC 6455 – Handshake, data transfer  W3C defined JavaScript API – Candidate Recommendation  Supported by most browser already WebSocket
  • 35.  Starts with HTTP handshake – Supports HTTP proxies, filtering, authentication and intermediaries  Data transfer – Text/Binary frames – Ping/Pong control frames for keep-alive – Data frames don’t have HTTP overhead  No headers/cookies/security/metadata – Close frame  Full duplex and bi-directional WebSocket Protocol Summary
  • 36.  Create WebSocket Endpoints – Annotation-driven (@ServerEndpoint) – Interface-driven (Endpoint)  SPI for extensions and data frames  Integration with Java EE Web container  Client and server APIs Java API for WebSocket Features
  • 37. Server Side Object Model WebSocket
  • 38. @ServerEndpoint(path="/chat") public class ChatBean { Set<Session> peers = Collections.synchronizedSet(…); @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session peer) { peers.add(peer); } @OnClose public void onClose(Session peer) { peers.remove(peer); } ... @OnMessage public void message(String message, Session client) { for (Session peer : peers) { peer.getRemote().sendObject(message); } } } WebSocket Chat Sample
  • 39. @ServerEndpoint( value = "/websockets/{id}", decoders = ShapeCoding.class, encoders = ShapeCoding.class) public class DrawingWebSocket { … } public class ShapeCoding implements Decoder.Text<Drawing.Shape>, Encoder.Text<Drawing.Shape> { ... @Override public boolean willDecode(String s) { return true; } @Override public Drawing.Shape decode(String s) throws DecodeException { … } ...} Custom Encoders and Decoders
  • 40.  Standard Java API to help building of RESTful web services and clients  Annotation driven: a DSL for HTTP  POJO-Based Resource Classes  HTTP Centric Programming Model – Maps HTTP methods to java method invocations  Entity Format Independence Java API for RESTful Web Services JAX-RS
  • 41.  Serializar and Deserializer – MessageBodyReader, MessageBodyWriter  Response object for complex responses  ExceptionMapper for Exception-Mapping  Container Independence  Included in Java EE – for Java EE 7 also in the web profile Java API for RESTful Web Services JAX-RS
  • 42. public class AtmService { public String balance(String card, String pin) { return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin)); } public Money withdraw(String card,String pin, String amount){ return getMoney(card, pin, amount); } ... } Converting a POJO in a REST Resource JAX-RS Concepts in an Example
  • 43. @Path("/atm/{cardId}") public class AtmService { @GET @Path ("/balance") public String balance(String card, String pin) { return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin)); } @POST @Path("/withdrawal") public Money withdraw(String card, String pin, String amount){ return getMoney(card, pin, amount); } ... } Converting a POJO in a REST Resource, HTTP method binding JAX-RS Concepts in an Example
  • 44. @Path("/atm/{cardId}") public class AtmService { @GET @Path ("/balance") @Produces("text/plain") public String balance(@PathParam ("cardId") String card, @QueryParam("pin") String pin) { return Double.toString (getBalance(card, pin)); } @POST @Path("/withdrawal") @Produces("application/json") public Money withdraw((@PathParam ("cardId") String card, @QueryParam("pin") String pin, String amount){ return getMoney(card, pin, amount); } ... } URI Parameter injection, built-in and custom serialization JAX-RS Concepts in an Example GET http://[machine]:[port]/[web-context]/atm/3711/balance?pin=1234 POST http://[machine]:[port]/[web-context]/atm/3711/withdrawal?pin=1234
  • 45.  New features – Client API – Client and Server Configuration – Asynchronous processing – Filters and Interceptors – Hypermedia support JAX-RS 2.0
  • 46. HTML5 Architectural Implications  HTML5 is the new UI across devices – Applications == HTML5 + JavaScript + CSS3 + Server Resources  Requires a different programming approach  Servers no longer generating markup language  Clients responsible for presentation logic and execution  JavaScript is part of the domain model, JSON is the payload  Event-Driven  No need for browser plugin The Browser Is the Platform
  • 47. Thin Server Architecture (TSA) Diagram JavaScript HTML CSS HTML5DOMAPI UserInterface Browser WebSocket Server Push Static Resource Services Data Access RESTful Data Services DB EIS Web Storage Runtime application presentation input display App download HTTP XHR WebSocket Server-Sent-Events App Server
  • 48.  Improved performance – Caching, no presentation data transmitted again and again  Scalability – Less data to transfer, session state is on the client  Reduced complexity – UI control is not split bethween client and server, UI events stay on client  Improved user experience  Offline support only possible with TSA Advantages Thin Server Architecture
  • 49. With Java EE Thin Server Architecture Data Sources HTTP/S Web Sockets SSE Clients JAX-RS Data Services JMS JPA JAXB POJO/EJB Java EE Server EIS JSON XML JCA WS Endpoint
  • 50.  Collaborative drawing  Two-page application – List of drawings – Drawing  Demonstrating – Server-side: JAX-RS, JSON, WebSocket, SSE Java API – Client-side: JAX-RS, WebSocket, SSE Java and JavaScript API – JavaFX hybrid Java/HTML5 application Drawing Board Demo
  • 51. TSA - Architecture Drawing Board Demo HTTP/S Web Sockets SSE Clients JAX-RS/SSE Jersey Data Service GlassFish 4.0 JSON JSON DataProvider POJO WS Endpoint HTML5 Browser JavaFX WebView/WebKit webSocketSend.send(...) send(...) onEvent(...) DrawingService.query(...)
  • 52.  JSON 1.0: Java API for JSON parsing/processing, similar to JAXP  Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0  Java Batch API 1.0  JPA 2.1: Schema generation props, entity graphs and converters, …  Servlet 3.1: Non-blocking IO, Upgrade to WebSocket, …  JTA 1.2: Transactional CDI interceptors, …  CDI 1.1: Ordering of interceptors, Servlet events, …  EJB 3.2: Optional CMP/BMP, Ease-of-use, …  JSF 2.2: @FlowScoped, HTML5 data-* attributes, …  Bean Validation 1.1: method constraints, injectable artifacts, ... Many other Improvements
  • 53.  Java EE 7 SDK – With GUI installer for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X – Web and full profile, english and multi-language – API docs, tutorial and samples  GlassFish 4.0 OSE with GUI installer or as Zip  Java EE 7 RI binaries and sources for the web and full profile  Maven dependencies and javadocs – javaee-api-7.0.jar, javaee-web-api-7.0.jar, javaee-api-7.0-javadoc.jar Java EE 7 Implementation Deliverables
  • 56.  Modular end-to-end TSA-framework for HTML5 applications  Service complonents implemented in JavaScript – Using a JavaScript runtime based on Nashorn, NodeJS compatible  View components implemented in JavaScript – Using HTML5 + Widgets + Data Binding with EL – Minimal JavaScript code needed Project Avatar
  • 57. Summary  Java SE 8 adds plenty of new features – At the language, libraries and JVM level  Java SE continues to evolve – –  Java EE continues to evolve – Java EE 7 is the most exciting of Java EE ever – GlassFish distributions for Java EE continue to be regularly updated with major releases of the Java EE specification – Work on Java EE 8 started