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Integration testing
   with Cucumber:
How to test anything
        Dr Nic Williams


     $ sudo gem install tweettail
     $ tweettail jaoo -f
Ruby on Rails scenarios

Scenario: Login via OpenID
  Given I am on the home page
  And OpenID "" maps to "Dr Nic"
  When I follow "login"
  And I fill-in "OpenID" with ""
  And I press "Login"
  Then I should see "Welcome, Dr Nic"
Not just Rails
       newgem - package + deploy RubyGems
       tabtab - DSL for tab completions
       choctop - package + deploy Cocoa apps

Scenario: Build a DMG with default custom DMG config
  Given a Cocoa app with choctop installed called 'SampleApp'
  When task 'rake dmg' is invoked
  Then file 'appcast/build/SampleApp-0.1.0.dmg' is created
$ sudo gem install tweettail
$ tweettail jaoo
mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week -
Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo
theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
New Gem in 2min
newgem tweet-tail
cd tweet-tail
script/generate executable tweettail
rake manifest
rake install_gem
$hoe ='tweettail', TweetTail::VERSION) do |p|
  p.developer('FIXME full name', 'FIXME email')

$hoe ='tweettail', TweetTail::VERSION) do |p|
  p.developer('Dr Nic', '')
= tweet-tail

* FIX (url)

= tweet-tail

New Gem in 2min
newgem tweet-tail
cd tweet-tail
script/generate executable tweettail
rake manifest
rake install_gem
  SUCCESS!! To update this executable,
  look in lib/tweet-tail/cli.rb
User story
Feature: Live twitter search results
         on the command line

  In order to reduce cost of getting
         live search results
  As a twitter user

  I want twitter search results
         appearing in the console
Describe behaviour in plain text
Write a step definition in Ruby
Run and watch it fail
Fix code
Run and watch it pass!
Install cucumber

sudo gem install cucumber
script/generate install_cucumber
cp story_text features/command_line_app.feature
Feature: Live twitter search results on command line
  In order to reduce cost of getting live search results
  As a twitter user
  I want twitter search results appearing in the console

  Scenario: Display current search results
    Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo"
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week...
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for...
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week...
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation...
Running scenario
$ cucumber features/command_line_app.feature
1 scenario
2 skipped steps
1 undefined step

You can implement step definitions for missing steps
with these snippets:

Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1|

Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |query|
    :file => File.dirname(__FILE__) +

mkdir -p features/fixtures

curl > 
    "results": [
        "text": "reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation",
        "from_user": "drnic",
        "id": 1666627310
        "text": "Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week",
        "from_user": "theRMK",
        "id": 1666334207
        "text": "@VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo",
        "from_user": "Steve_Hayes",
        "id": 1666166639
        "text": "Come speak with me at JAOO next week -",
        "from_user": "mattnhodges",
        "id": 1664823944,
    "refresh_url": "?since_id=1682666650&q=jaoo",
    "results_per_page": 15,
    "next_page": "?page=2&max_id=1682666650&q=jaoo"

gem "fakeweb"
require "fakeweb"

Before do
  FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false
Running scenario
$ cucumber features/command_line_app.feature
  Scenario: Display current search results
    Given a safe folder
    And twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo"
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week...
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles...
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation

1 scenario
1 failed step
3 passed steps
fetching JSON feed

def initial_json_data
fakeweb failure?!
  Scenario: Display current search results
    Given a safe folder
    And twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo"
getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
	 from .../net/http.rb:564:in `open'
	 from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/tweet_poller.rb:24:in
	 from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/tweet_poller.rb:9:in `refresh'
	 from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/cli.rb:39:in `execute'
	 from .../tweet-tail/bin/tweet-tail:10
    Then I dump stdout

When /^I run local executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |exec, arguments|
  @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out"))
  executable = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../bin", exec))
  in_project_folder do
    system "ruby #{executable} #{arguments} > #{@stdout}"
Can I ignore a
There’s probably always something
you can’t quite test
Minimise that layer of code
Test the rest

                bin     main lib
Can I ignore a
  There’s probably always something
  you can’t quite test
  Minimise that layer of code
  Test the rest

                  bin     main lib
1x sanity check
Can I ignore a
  There’s probably always something
  you can’t quite test
  Minimise that layer of code
  Test the rest

                  bin      main lib
1x sanity check
                   all other integration tests
                        on internal code

                                       Do I ne ed to test this?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Created on 2009-5-1 by Dr Nic Williams
# Copyright (c) 2009. All rights reserved.

require 'rubygems'
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/tweet-tail")
require "tweet-tail/cli"

TweetTail::CLI.execute(STDOUT, ARGV)
  Scenario: Display current search results
    Given twitter has some search results for 'jaoo'
    When I run local executable 'tweettail' with arguments 'jaoo'
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week...
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for...
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week...
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation...
  Scenario: Display some search results
    Given a safe folder
    And twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo"
    Then I should see some twitter messages

  Scenario: Display explicit search results
    Given a safe folder
    And twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo"
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
end result
$ rake install_gem
$ tweettail jaoo
JAOO: Linda R.: I used to be a mathematician - I couldn't very well have started...
bengeorge: Global Financial Crisises are cool: jaoo tix down to 250 for 2 days.
kflund: First day of work at the JAOO Tutorials in Sydney - visiting the Opera House
wa7son: To my Copenhagen Ruby or Java colleagues: Get to meet Ola Bini at JAOO Geek Nights
ldaley: I am going to JAOO... awesome.
jessechilcott: @smallkathryn it's an IT conference. .
scotartt: Looking forward to JAOO Brisbane next week -
scotartt: JAOO Brisbane 2009
gwillis: @tweval I would give #jaoo a 10.0
rowanb: Bags almost packed for Sydney. Scrum User Group then JAOO. Driving there
mattnhodges: busy rest of week ahead. Spking @ Wiki Wed. Atlassian booth babe @ JAOO
conference Syd Thurs & Fri. Kiama 4 Jase's wedding all w'end #fb
pcalcado: searching twiter for #jaoo first impressions.
kornys: #jaoo has been excellent so far - though my tutorials have been full of
Steve_Hayes: RT @martinjandrews: women in rails - provide child care at #railsconf
CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...
‘I run executable internally’ step
When /^I run executable internally with arguments "(.*)"/ do |arguments|
  require 'rubygems'
  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../lib/tweet-tail"
  require "tweet-tail/cli"

  @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out"))
  in_project_folder do
    TweetTail::CLI.execute(@stdout_io =, arguments.split(" "))
    @stdout_io.rewind, "w") { |f| f << }
Many provided steps
Given    /^a safe folder/ do
Given    /^this project is active project folder/ do
Given    /^env variable $([w_]+) set to "(.*)"/ do |env_var, value|
Given    /"(.*)" folder is deleted/ do |folder|

When    /^I   invoke "(.*)" generator with arguments "(.*)"$/ do |generator, args|
When    /^I   run executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args|
When    /^I   run project executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args|
When    /^I   run local executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args|
When    /^I   invoke task "rake (.*)"/ do |task|

Then    /^folder "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |folder, is|
Then    /^file "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |file, is|
Then    /^file with name matching "(.*)" is created/ do |pattern|
Then    /^file "(.*)" contents (does|does not) match /(.*)// do |file, does, regex|
Then    /^(does|does not) invoke generator "(.*)"$/ do |does_invoke, generator|
Then    /^I should see$/ do |text|
Then    /^I should not see$/ do |text|
Then    /^I should see exactly$/ do |text|
Then    /^I should see all (d+) tests pass/ do |expected_test_count|
Then    /^I should see all (d+) examples pass/ do |expected_test_count|
Then    /^Rakefile can display tasks successfully/ do
Then    /^task "rake (.*)" is executed successfully/ do |task|
‘I should see...’
Then /^I should see$/ do |text|
  actual_output =
  actual_output.should contain(text)

Then /^I should not see$/ do |text|
  actual_output =
  actual_output.should_not contain(text)

Then /^I should see exactly$/ do |text|
  actual_output =
  actual_output.should == text
‘When I do something...’

When /^I run project executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args|
  @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out"))
  in_project_folder do
    system "ruby #{executable} #{arguments} > #{@stdout}"

When /^I invoke task "rake (.*)"/ do |task|
  @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "tests.out"))
  in_project_folder do
    system "rake #{task} --trace > #{@stdout}"
‘Given a safe folder...’

Before do
  @tmp_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../tmp"
  @home_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "home"))
  FileUtils.rm_rf   @tmp_root
  FileUtils.mkdir_p @home_path
  ENV["HOME"] = @home_path
tweettail jaoo -f

    polling please?

how to test polling?
Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled
  Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
  When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f"
  Then I should see
    mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week
    Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for
    theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
    drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
  When the sleep period has elapsed
  Then I should see
    mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week
    Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for
    theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
    drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
    CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...
  When I press "Ctrl-C"
adding -f option
$ cucumber features/cli.feature:22
  Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled
    Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f"
      invalid option: -f (OptionParser::InvalidOption)

module TweetTail::CLI
  def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[])
    options = { :polling => false }
    parser = do |opts|
      opts.on("-f", "Poll for new search results each 15 seconds."
              ) { |arg| options[:polling] = true }

    app =, options)
    stdout.puts app.render_latest_results

    "results": [{
        "text": "Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...",
        "from_user": "CaioProiete",
        "id": 1711269079,
    "since_id": 1682666650,
    "refresh_url": "?since_id=1711269079&q=jaoo",
    "query": "jaoo"

Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |query|
    :file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) +

  since = "1682666650"
    :file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) +
hmm, sleep...
$ cucumber features/cli.feature:22
  Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled
    Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f"
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week -
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
    When the sleep period has elapsed
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week -
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
      CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...

  Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled
    Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
    When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f"
and wait 1 sleep cycle and quit
    Then I should see
      mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week
      Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for...
      theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
      drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
      CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...
When /^I run executable internally with arguments "([^"]*)" and
wait (d+) sleep cycles? and quit$/ do |args, cycles|
  When %Q{I run executable internally with arguments "#{args}"}

module TimeMachineHelper
  # expects sleep() to be called +cycles+ times, and then raises an Interrupt
  def hijack_sleep(cycles)
    results = [*1..cycles] # irrelevant truthy values for each sleep call
using mocha
 require "mocha"


 Before do

 After do

$ cucumber features/cli.feature:22
Feature: Live twitter search results on command line
  In order to reduce cost of getting live search results
  As a twitter user
  I want twitter search results appearing in the console

  Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled
     Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo"
     When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" and wait 1 sleep cycle and
     Then I should see
       mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week -
       Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo
       theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week
       drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
       CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...

1 scenario (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)
              task :default => [:features]

$ rake
(in /Users/drnic/Documents/ruby/gems/tweet-tail)
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w -
Ilib:ext:bin:test -e 'require "rubygems"; require "test/unit"; require "test/
test_helper.rb"; require "test/test_tweet_poller.rb"'
Finished in 0.002231 seconds.

4 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -I "/Library/
Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.3.2/lib:lib" ...

5 scenarios (5 passed)
17 steps (17 passed)

                         Run unit tests + features
1. Create account with
2. Press ‘Test Hook’
1. Create account with
2. Press ‘Test Hook’
Integration testing
   with Cucumber:
How to test anything
       Dr Nic Williams
       twitter: @drnic

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Integration Testing With Cucumber How To Test Anything J A O O 2009

  • 1. Integration testing with Cucumber: How to test anything Dr Nic Williams @drnic $ sudo gem install tweettail $ tweettail jaoo -f
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Ruby on Rails scenarios Scenario: Login via OpenID Given I am on the home page And OpenID "" maps to "Dr Nic" When I follow "login" And I fill-in "OpenID" with "" And I press "Login" Then I should see "Welcome, Dr Nic"
  • 5. Not just Rails newgem - package + deploy RubyGems tabtab - DSL for tab completions choctop - package + deploy Cocoa apps Scenario: Build a DMG with default custom DMG config Given a Cocoa app with choctop installed called 'SampleApp' When task 'rake dmg' is invoked Then file 'appcast/build/SampleApp-0.1.0.dmg' is created
  • 6.
  • 7. tweettail $ sudo gem install tweettail $ tweettail jaoo mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation
  • 8. New Gem in 2min newgem tweet-tail cd tweet-tail script/generate executable tweettail rake manifest rake install_gem
  • 9. Rakefile $hoe ='tweettail', TweetTail::VERSION) do |p| p.developer('FIXME full name', 'FIXME email') ... end $hoe ='tweettail', TweetTail::VERSION) do |p| p.developer('Dr Nic', '') ... end
  • 10. README.rdoc = tweet-tail * FIX (url) = tweet-tail *
  • 11. New Gem in 2min cont... newgem tweet-tail cd tweet-tail script/generate executable tweettail rake manifest rake install_gem tweettail SUCCESS!! To update this executable, look in lib/tweet-tail/cli.rb
  • 12. User story Feature: Live twitter search results on the command line In order to reduce cost of getting live search results As a twitter user I want twitter search results appearing in the console
  • 13. Describe behaviour in plain text Write a step definition in Ruby Run and watch it fail Fix code Run and watch it pass!
  • 14. Install cucumber sudo gem install cucumber script/generate install_cucumber cp story_text features/command_line_app.feature
  • 15. features/cli.feature Feature: Live twitter search results on command line In order to reduce cost of getting live search results As a twitter user I want twitter search results appearing in the console Scenario: Display current search results Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week... Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for... theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week... drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation... """
  • 16. Running scenario $ cucumber features/command_line_app.feature ... 1 scenario 2 skipped steps 1 undefined step You can implement step definitions for missing steps with these snippets: Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1| pending end
  • 17. features/step_definitions/ twitter_data_steps.rb Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |query| FakeWeb.register_uri( :get, "{query}", :file => File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/search-#{query}.json") end
  • 18. features/step_definitions/ twitter_data_steps.rb mkdir -p features/fixtures curl > features/fixtures/search-jaoo.json
  • 19. features/fixtures/search-jaoo.rb { "results": [ { "text": "reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation", "from_user": "drnic", "id": 1666627310 }, { "text": "Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week", "from_user": "theRMK", "id": 1666334207 }, { "text": "@VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo", "from_user": "Steve_Hayes", "id": 1666166639 }, { "text": "Come speak with me at JAOO next week -", "from_user": "mattnhodges", "id": 1664823944, }], "refresh_url": "?since_id=1682666650&q=jaoo", "results_per_page": 15, "next_page": "?page=2&max_id=1682666650&q=jaoo"
  • 20. features/common/env.rb gem "fakeweb" require "fakeweb" Before do FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false end
  • 21. Running scenario $ cucumber features/command_line_app.feature ... Scenario: Display current search results Given a safe folder And twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week... Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles... theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation """ 1 scenario 1 failed step 3 passed steps
  • 23. fetching JSON feed def initial_json_data Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("{query}")) end
  • 24. fakeweb failure?! Scenario: Display current search results Given a safe folder And twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo" getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError) from .../net/http.rb:564:in `open' ... from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/tweet_poller.rb:24:in `initial_json_data' from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/tweet_poller.rb:9:in `refresh' from .../tweet-tail/lib/tweet-tail/cli.rb:39:in `execute' from .../tweet-tail/bin/tweet-tail:10 Then I dump stdout
  • 25. features/step_definitions/ common_steps.rb When /^I run local executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |exec, arguments| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) executable = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../bin", exec)) in_project_folder do system "ruby #{executable} #{arguments} > #{@stdout}" end end
  • 26. Can I ignore a There’s probably always something you can’t quite test Minimise that layer of code Test the rest bin main lib
  • 27. Can I ignore a There’s probably always something you can’t quite test Minimise that layer of code Test the rest bin main lib 1x sanity check
  • 28. Can I ignore a There’s probably always something you can’t quite test Minimise that layer of code Test the rest bin main lib 1x sanity check all other integration tests on internal code
  • 29. bin/tweettail Do I ne ed to test this? #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created on 2009-5-1 by Dr Nic Williams # Copyright (c) 2009. All rights reserved. require 'rubygems' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/tweet-tail") require "tweet-tail/cli" TweetTail::CLI.execute(STDOUT, ARGV)
  • 30. features/cli.feature ... Scenario: Display current search results Given twitter has some search results for 'jaoo' When I run local executable 'tweettail' with arguments 'jaoo' Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week... Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for... theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week... drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation... """
  • 31. features/cli.feature ... Scenario: Display some search results Given a safe folder And twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see some twitter messages Scenario: Display explicit search results Given a safe folder And twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation """
  • 32. end result $ rake install_gem $ tweettail jaoo JAOO: Linda R.: I used to be a mathematician - I couldn't very well have started... bengeorge: Global Financial Crisises are cool: jaoo tix down to 250 for 2 days. kflund: First day of work at the JAOO Tutorials in Sydney - visiting the Opera House wa7son: To my Copenhagen Ruby or Java colleagues: Get to meet Ola Bini at JAOO Geek Nights ldaley: I am going to JAOO... awesome. jessechilcott: @smallkathryn it's an IT conference. . scotartt: Looking forward to JAOO Brisbane next week - scotartt: JAOO Brisbane 2009 gwillis: @tweval I would give #jaoo a 10.0 rowanb: Bags almost packed for Sydney. Scrum User Group then JAOO. Driving there mattnhodges: busy rest of week ahead. Spking @ Wiki Wed. Atlassian booth babe @ JAOO conference Syd Thurs &amp; Fri. Kiama 4 Jase's wedding all w'end #fb pcalcado: searching twiter for #jaoo first impressions. kornys: #jaoo has been excellent so far - though my tutorials have been full of Steve_Hayes: RT @martinjandrews: women in rails - provide child care at #railsconf CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...
  • 33. ‘I run executable internally’ step defn When /^I run executable internally with arguments "(.*)"/ do |arguments| require 'rubygems' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../lib/tweet-tail" require "tweet-tail/cli" @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) in_project_folder do TweetTail::CLI.execute(@stdout_io =, arguments.split(" ")) @stdout_io.rewind, "w") { |f| f << } end end
  • 34. Many provided steps Given /^a safe folder/ do Given /^this project is active project folder/ do Given /^env variable $([w_]+) set to "(.*)"/ do |env_var, value| Given /"(.*)" folder is deleted/ do |folder| When /^I invoke "(.*)" generator with arguments "(.*)"$/ do |generator, args| When /^I run executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args| When /^I run project executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args| When /^I run local executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args| When /^I invoke task "rake (.*)"/ do |task| Then /^folder "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |folder, is| Then /^file "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |file, is| Then /^file with name matching "(.*)" is created/ do |pattern| Then /^file "(.*)" contents (does|does not) match /(.*)// do |file, does, regex| Then /^(does|does not) invoke generator "(.*)"$/ do |does_invoke, generator| Then /^I should see$/ do |text| Then /^I should not see$/ do |text| Then /^I should see exactly$/ do |text| Then /^I should see all (d+) tests pass/ do |expected_test_count| Then /^I should see all (d+) examples pass/ do |expected_test_count| Then /^Rakefile can display tasks successfully/ do Then /^task "rake (.*)" is executed successfully/ do |task|
  • 35. ‘I should see...’ features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb Then /^I should see$/ do |text| actual_output = actual_output.should contain(text) end Then /^I should not see$/ do |text| actual_output = actual_output.should_not contain(text) end Then /^I should see exactly$/ do |text| actual_output = actual_output.should == text end
  • 36. ‘When I do something...’ features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb When /^I run project executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, args| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) in_project_folder do system "ruby #{executable} #{arguments} > #{@stdout}" end end When /^I invoke task "rake (.*)"/ do |task| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "tests.out")) in_project_folder do system "rake #{task} --trace > #{@stdout}" end end
  • 37. ‘Given a safe folder...’ features/support/env.rb Before do @tmp_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../tmp" @home_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "home")) FileUtils.rm_rf @tmp_root FileUtils.mkdir_p @home_path ENV["HOME"] = @home_path end
  • 38. tweettail jaoo -f polling please? how to test polling?
  • 39. features/cli.feature Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation """ When the sleep period has elapsed Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia... """ When I press "Ctrl-C" ...
  • 40. adding -f option $ cucumber features/cli.feature:22 ... Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" invalid option: -f (OptionParser::InvalidOption) lib/tweet-tail/cli.rb module TweetTail::CLI def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[]) options = { :polling => false } parser = do |opts| opts.on("-f", "Poll for new search results each 15 seconds." ) { |arg| options[:polling] = true } opts.parse!(arguments) end app =, options) app.refresh stdout.puts app.render_latest_results end end
  • 41. features/fixtures/ search-jaoo- { "results": [{ "text": "Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia...", "from_user": "CaioProiete", "id": 1711269079, }], "since_id": 1682666650, "refresh_url": "?since_id=1711269079&q=jaoo", "query": "jaoo" }
  • 42. features/step_definitions/ twitter_data_steps.rb Given /^twitter has some search results for "([^"]*)"$/ do |query| FakeWeb.register_uri( :get, "{query}", :file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/search-#{query}.json")) since = "1682666650" FakeWeb.register_uri( :get, "{since}&q=#{query}", :file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/search-#{query}-since-#{since}.json")) end
  • 43. hmm, sleep... $ cucumber features/cli.feature:22 ... Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation """ When the sleep period has elapsed Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia... """
  • 44. features/cli.feature Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" and wait 1 sleep cycle and quit Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for... theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia... """
  • 45. features/step_definitions/executable_steps.rb When /^I run executable internally with arguments "([^"]*)" and wait (d+) sleep cycles? and quit$/ do |args, cycles| hijack_sleep(cycles.to_i) When %Q{I run executable internally with arguments "#{args}"} end features/support/time_machine_helpers.rb module TimeMachineHelper # expects sleep() to be called +cycles+ times, and then raises an Interrupt def hijack_sleep(cycles) results = [*1..cycles] # irrelevant truthy values for each sleep call Kernel::stubs(:sleep).returns(*results).then.raises(Interrupt) end end World(TimeMachineHelper)
  • 46. using mocha require "mocha" World(Mocha::Standalone) Before do mocha_setup end After do begin mocha_verify ensure mocha_teardown end end features/support/mocha.rb
  • 47. working! $ cucumber features/cli.feature:22 Feature: Live twitter search results on command line In order to reduce cost of getting live search results As a twitter user I want twitter search results appearing in the console Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" and wait 1 sleep cycle and quit Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia... """ 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed)
  • 48.
  • 49. Rakefile task :default => [:features] $ rake (in /Users/drnic/Documents/ruby/gems/tweet-tail) /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w - Ilib:ext:bin:test -e 'require "rubygems"; require "test/unit"; require "test/ test_helper.rb"; require "test/test_tweet_poller.rb"' Started .... Finished in 0.002231 seconds. 4 tests, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -I "/Library/ Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.3.2/lib:lib" ... ................. 5 scenarios (5 passed) 17 steps (17 passed) Run unit tests + features
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. 1. Create account with 2. Press ‘Test Hook’
  • 59. 1. Create account with 2. Press ‘Test Hook’
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Integration testing with Cucumber: How to test anything Dr Nic Williams twitter: @drnic

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  1. Abstract: You can write a small Ruby library in only a few lines. But then it grows, it expands and then it starts to break and become a maintenance nightmare. Since its open source you just stop working on it. Users complain that the project has been abandoned. Your project ends up causing more grief for everyone than if you&apos;d never written it at all. Instead, we will learn to write all Ruby libraries, RubyGems with tests. This session is NOT about &quot;how to do TDD&quot;. More importantly this session will teach you: * the one command you should run before starting any new Ruby project * the best way to write tests for command-line apps, Rake tasks and other difficult to test code * how to do Continuous Integration of your Ruby/Rails libraries with Once you know how to write tests for all Ruby code, you&apos;ll want to do it for even the smallest little libraries and have the confidence to know your code always works.
  2. The tools and attitudes to acceptance testing and unit testing your applications and libraries have been evolving and improving in all languages and frameworks. In the Ruby space, Cucumber is the one tool has dominated all conversations about acceptance testing.
  3. Most Ruby developers write Rails applications, so the most common usage for Cucumber is describing user stories for a web application.
  4. But its entirely possible to write acceptance tests for libraries, command line applications and generators too.
  5. Since we&amp;#x2019;re at JAOO, we want to track conversations on twitter about JAOO. Since we&amp;#x2019;re nerds, let&amp;#x2019;s pull these into to the command line and print them out. Perhaps we&amp;#x2019;ll also add a &amp;#x201C;tail&amp;#x201D; feature to sit there watching for new tweets as they come along. A twitter terminal client. Very nerdy. Very JAOO.
  6. This would be our sample (truncated) output from the previous example page. It will then sit there pulling down search results and printing new search results when they appear. We&amp;#x2019;ll use Ctrl-C to cancel.
  7. &amp;#x2018;newgem&amp;#x2019; is the one command you should run before starting any new Ruby project or Rails plugin.
  8. And we have a working command line application!
  9. In agile development we describe a user story. What is it that the user wants from our software system? And what is the value to them for it.
  10. story_text is the content from the &amp;#x201C;Basic user story&amp;#x201D; slide
  11. If this search query is called then the contents of the fixtures fill will be returned.
  12. If this search query is called then the contents of the fixtures fill will be returned.
  13. Save a real copy of actual data from the target feed into your project.
  14. This wires fakeweb into cucumber and asks it to throw errors if we ever ask for remote content that hasn&amp;#x2019;t been setup via FakeWeb.request_uri
  15. So when we run our feature scenarios again we just get the error. Why? We haven&amp;#x2019;t written any code yet; but we&amp;#x2019;ve finished setting up our integration test.
  16. Ben Mabey took 137 slides to discuss when and why to start with Cucumber and then progress to unit tests of sections of your code.
  17. Somewhere in our solution code we call out to the json feed, parse the JSON, and print out the results.
  18. If I disable my internet and run my tests then I should definitely see fakeweb coming into effect. But it doesn&amp;#x2019;t. Bugger. This is because &amp;#x201C;When I run local executable...&amp;#x201D; invokes the executable in new Ruby process. It knows nothing about fakeweb.
  19. This is the default implementation of &amp;#x201C;run local executable&amp;#x201D;. We actually make a pure external system call to run the app, just like a user.
  20. If you do need to stub out something - a remote service, change the clock, speed things up, then its a lot easier to do it within the same Ruby process. So we&amp;#x2019;ll break up our integration test: 1 sanity check to test that the bin/tweettail executable is wired up correctly and pulls down some twitter data. The rest of our integration tests will invoke the library code directly within the same Ruby process.
  21. If you do need to stub out something - a remote service, change the clock, speed things up, then its a lot easier to do it within the same Ruby process. So we&amp;#x2019;ll break up our integration test: 1 sanity check to test that the bin/tweettail executable is wired up correctly and pulls down some twitter data. The rest of our integration tests will invoke the library code directly within the same Ruby process.
  22. If you do need to stub out something - a remote service, change the clock, speed things up, then its a lot easier to do it within the same Ruby process. So we&amp;#x2019;ll break up our integration test: 1 sanity check to test that the bin/tweettail executable is wired up correctly and pulls down some twitter data. The rest of our integration tests will invoke the library code directly within the same Ruby process.
  23. There is a very thin wrapper around the library code which was auto-generated. This helps you trust that it should &amp;#x201C;Just Work&amp;#x201D;. So let&amp;#x2019;s just test the final part instead to test the ultimate result
  24. Original version that we couldn&amp;#x2019;t fake out the remote data...
  25. New version where we can. The first scenario is a thin sanity check: does our app actually pull down the twitter search data feed and print out some message. We have no idea what it will print out, just the structure. The second and all subsequent scenarios will start testing our executable within the ruby runtime, so we can stub out the remote HTTP calls.
  26. Now we go and write some code, install the gem locally, and run it.
  27. New version where we can. The first scenario is a thin sanity check: does our app actually pull down the twitter search data feed and print out some message. We have no idea what it will print out, just the structure. The second and all subsequent scenarios will start testing our executable within the ruby runtime, so we can stub out the remote HTTP calls.
  28. If you&amp;#x2019;ve used cucumber with rails you&amp;#x2019;ll have seen the provided steps for webrat like &amp;#x201C;When I follow &amp;#x2018;link&amp;#x2019;&amp;#x201D; and &amp;#x201C;When I select &amp;#x2018;some drop down&amp;#x2019;&amp;#x201D;. If you use the cucumber in a RubyGem you get many provided step definitions too. The basic relationship between then is STDOUT and the file system. Do something which prints to STDOUT or modifies the file system, and then test the output or files.
  29. To explore how this is happening, let&amp;#x2019;s look at it in reverse. When we want to test the STDOUT, we need to be able to view and explore it. So we&amp;#x2019;re reading the STDOUT from previous steps from a file. The file name is stored in @stdout. The reason I store STDOUT into files is so that when a scenario fails, I can easily peruse each generated STDOUT file and look at what was output myself. If I just kept STDOUT in memory between steps then I&amp;#x2019;d lose that.
  30. It is all the When steps that run commands or rake tasks or generators, which in turn creates new files and prints things out to STDOUT. We run each of these commands from an external system command, just like the user would do, and then store the STDOUT to a file. Its file name is always stored in @stdout.
  31. If we&amp;#x2019;re saving STDOUT to files, if we&amp;#x2019;re testing generators or other applications or libraries that create new files, where is a safe place to do that? All scenarios get a &amp;#x201C;safe folder&amp;#x201D;. You get a tmp folder within your project source folder. You even get a fake HOME folder and the $HOME env variable wired to it, incase your application wants to manipulate dot files or other content within a user&amp;#x2019;s home folder.
  32. Let&amp;#x2019;s write a scenario first for the -f option The aim is to only very vaguely care about &amp;#x201C;how the hell am I going to implement &amp;#x2018;the sleep period has elapsed&amp;#x2019;
  33. Let&amp;#x2019;s drive development now. First, adding a -f option.
  34. We&amp;#x2019;ll need some more sample data from twitter. Here&amp;#x2019;s what the JSON might look like on a subsequent call to the API. The since_id value in the file name comes from the original sample JSON data - the refresh_url value.