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Longevity of teeth and implants – a systematic review
C. TOMASI, J. L. WENNSTRO¨ M & T. BERGLUNDH Department of Periodontology, Institute of Odontology,
The Sahlgrenska Academy at Go¨teborg University, Go¨teborg, Sweden
SUMMARY The objective of this systematic review
was to describe the incidence of tooth and implant
loss reported in long-term studies. Prospective lon-
gitudinal studies reporting on teeth or implants
survival with a follow-up period of at least 10 years
were considered. Papers were excluded if the drop
out rate exceeded 30% or if <70% of the initial
subject sample was examined at 10 years of follow-
up. Seventy publications on teeth were identified as
potentially relevant for the focussed question. The
analysis of the abstracts yielded 37 studies eligible
for full-text analysis. The inclusion criteria were met
in 11 of the publications that included in all 3015
subjects. The initial search on implant studies gen-
erated 52 publications that possibly could be in-
cluded. Following the evaluation of the abstracts
and full-text analysis nine publications were found
to fulfil the inclusion criteria. The nine studies
included 476 subjects. The incidence of tooth loss
among subjects with a follow-up period of 10–
30 years varied from 1.3% to 5% in the majority of
studies, while in two epidemiological studies on
rural Chinese populations the incidences of tooth
loss were 14% and 20%. The percentage of implants
reported as lost during the follow-up period varied
between 1% and 18%. In clinically well-maintained
patients, the loss rate at teeth was lower than that at
implant. Bone level changes appeared to be small at
teeth as well as at implants in well-maintained
patients. Comparisons of the longevity at teeth and
dental implants are difficult due to heterogeneity
among the studies.
KEYWORDS: implants, longevity, teeth, prospective
Accepted for publication 4 November 2007
Decision-making in treatment planning should be
based on scientific evidence. In the clinical situation
when deciding on either treating a tooth disorder or
extracting the tooth in favour of implant placement,
data that provide guidelines for the choice of strategy
are sparse. Although implant therapy is regarded as a
safe and reliable method in the treatment of complete
and partial edentulism, complications of technical and
biological nature occur (1). The ultimate complication
in implant therapy is the loss of implants, as for teeth
the extraction is the definitive failure. To determine the
longevity of teeth and implants, information on the
occurrence of these final events on a long-term basis
must be provided.
The objective of this systematic review was to
describe the incidence of tooth and implant loss
reported in prospective longitudinal studies with a
follow-up of at least 10 years. Alterations in marginal
bone support at teeth and implants were also
Material and methods
Type of studies
Prospective longitudinal studies with a follow-up period
of at least 10 years were considered. Thus, cohort
studies, controlled clinical trials and randomized clinical
trials that provided data on tooth and ⁄or implant loss
over the indicated time period were analysed. Studies
reporting life-tables were analysed with respect to the
proportion of subjects or implants ⁄ teeth that were
followed ‡10 years. Publications were excluded if
<70% of the initial subject sample was examined at
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2007.01831.x
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008 35 (Suppl. 1); 23–32
10 years of follow-up, or if data corresponding to
10 years of observation could not be achieved. Studies
in which the rate of subject dropout at 10 years
exceeded 30% were also excluded.
Subjects who were part of epidemiological studies or
enrolled in maintenance programmes of treatment
studies on teeth were included in the review. Implant-
related studies comprised edentulous and partially
edentulous subjects who were treated with endosseous
dental implants supporting fixed or removable recon-
structions. Studies that reported data on implant-tooth
connected prostheses were not included in the review.
Number and age of subjects included at baseline and
the number of subjects lost to follow-up were recorded.
The number of teeth present at baseline and the
number of installed implants were retrieved, as well
as the number of (i) teeth and implants lost during the
study and (ii) subjects who had experienced tooth or
implant loss. Data on marginal bone loss around teeth
and implants were also recorded.
Weighted mean values were calculated for the
number of teeth and implants at baseline and the
number ⁄ percentage of teeth and implants lost during
follow-up. For studies in which information on implant
loss was not clearly defined, the inverse of the cumu-
lative survival rate was calculated.
Search strategy
A search in PubMed was performed in May 2007 to
retrieve articles published in the English language. The
search terms used and the resulting matches were as
1 dental implants AND longitudinal studies (1664)
2 dental implants AND longitudinal (286)
3 dental implants AND clinical trial (810)
4 dental implants AND cohort studies (1677)
5 dental implants AND prospective studies (534)
6 dental implants AND survival (815)
7 dental implant AND longevity (54)
8 dental implants AND randomized clinical trial (314)
9 dental implants AND prospective (1713)
10 oral epidemiology AND tooth loss (434)
11 oral epidemiology AND longitudinal AND teeth
12 oral epidemiology AND periodontal disease (2344)
13 oral epidemiology AND caries (2843)
14 tooth loss AND prospective (361)
15 tooth loss AND cohort (138)
16 tooth loss AND longitudinal (200)
17 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND tooth loss
18 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND bone loss
19 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND attachment
loss (958)
20 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND implant loss
Manual search included bibliographies of previous
reviews and of selected publications. Furthermore, a
‘search for related articles’ in PubMed was applied for
all studies that were evaluated in full text.
From the screening of titles obtained from the database
search, 70 publications were identified as potentially
relevant for the focussed question. The evaluation of
abstracts yielded 37 studies eligible for full-text analysis.
11 publications met the inclusion criteria. The 26
excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion are
listed in Table 1.
The 11 included studies are presented in Table 2. Six
studies were epidemiological surveys of general popu-
lations (2–7), while three publications described sub-
jects who were classified as regular dental care
attendants (8–10). One study reported data from
institutionalized patients (11) and one study evaluated
subjects with untreated periodontitis (12). Three pub-
lications were grouped together as they reported on
findings from the same subject sample included in an
epidemiological survey (5–7). The follow-up period in
the 11 studies ranged between 10 and 30 years. In
several studies the data were reported according to age
categories and for these studies weighted mean values
were calculated. The age of the subjects at baseline
varied between 20 and 65 years. The total number of
subjects recorded at baseline in the 11 studies was 3015.
The number of subjects examined at the end of the
studies was 2304.
C . T O M A S I et al.24
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
The mean number of teeth per subject at baseline was
reported in 10 of the studies and ranged from 21 to 26.
The incidence of tooth loss among subjects with a
follow-up period of 10–30 years varied from 1.3% to
5% in the majority of studies. Results presented in
epidemiological studies on rural Chinese population
samples, however, revealed an incidence of tooth loss
of 14–20% (2, 3). The proportion of individuals that
experienced tooth loss showed a range of 25–75% with
the highest figure in the studies on the Chinese
populations and in patients with untreated periodonti-
tis. Rosling et al. (2001) reported that the percentage of
subjects that experienced tooth loss was 64% for
patients with high susceptibility to periodontitis, while
among subjects with a ‘normal’ susceptibility the
corresponding figure was 26%. Main causes for tooth
extraction, when reported in the studies, were caries
and tooth fracture.
Data regarding marginal bone loss could be retrieved
from four studies, all from Sweden. The calculated
10-year rate of bone loss varied between 0.2 and
0.8 mm. For subjects who were evaluated in epidemi-
ological studies the corresponding figure was 0.6 mm.
The initial search generated 52 publications that possi-
bly could be included. Following the analysis of the
abstracts 39 of these studies were rejected. Hence, full-
text analysis was made in 23 studies, out of which nine
publications were found to fulfil the inclusion criteria.
The 14 excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion
are listed in Table 3.
The nine studies on implants included in this review
are reported in Table 4. The longest follow-up period
was 20 years. The age of the subjects at the time of
implant placement ranged between 18 and 80 years.
The overall number of subjects who received implants
was 476, while the number of subjects attending a final
examination was 355.
The majority of the studies reported data on
implants of the Bra˚nemark System. Four studies
reported data on implants placed in edentulous jaws
to support an overdenture (13–16) while other three
studies regarded implants placed in edentulous jaws to
support fixed prosthetic reconstructions (17–19). The
total number of implants placed in the nine studies
was 1460. The percentage of implants reported as lost
during the follow-up period varied between 1% and
18%. Only four studies presented information on the
number of subjects who had experienced implant loss.
The calculated proportion of such subjects in this
group of studies ranged between 3% and 29%. Causes
for implant loss were rarely reported. On the other
hand, the timing of implant loss was frequently
described. Between 9% and 100% of the implant loss
in the various studies were reported as ‘early loss’, i.e.
implants that were removed before the connection of
the prosthetic reconstruction.
Data on the amount of marginal bone loss over a
10-year period could be retrieved from eight studies.
In these studies the amount of bone loss was given in
mm per year or as a difference between the baseline
and the final follow-up examination. Most studies also
described the amount of bone loss that occurred
during the first year in function in addition to the
subsequent bone level alterations. The calculated 10-
year bone loss varied between 0.7 and 1.3 mm in the
available studies.
Table 1. Excluded publications on teeth and reasons for
Reference Reason for exclusion
Ahlqwist et al. (1999) (20) % Subject drop
out >30%
Baljoon et al. (2005) (21) Same
Bergstro¨m et al. (2000)(22) Same
Bergstro¨m (2004) (23) Same
Burt et al. (1990) (24) Same
Ettinger & Qian (2004) (25) Same
Fure (2003) (26) Same
Halling & Bjo¨rn (1986) (27) Same
Hamalainen et al. (2004) (28) Same
Hiidenkari et al. (1997) (29) Same
Hujoel et al. (1999) (30) Same
Ismail et al. (1990) (31) Same
Jansson et al. (2002) (32) Same
Krall et al. (1999) (33) Same
Krall et al. (2006) (34) Same
Neely et al. (2005) (35) Same
Petersson et al. (2006) (36) Same
Rohner et al. (1983) (37) Same
Tezal et al. (2005) (38) Same
Warren et al. (2002) (39) Same
Fardal et al. (2004) (40) Same
Heitz-Mayfield et al. (2003) (41) Retrospective design
Scha¨tzle et al. (2003a), Scha¨tzle
et al. (2004), Scha¨tzle et al.
(2003b) (42–44)
Retrospective design
Eickholz et al. (2006) (45) Regenerative therapy
L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 25
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
C . T O M A S I et al.26
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Comparisons between teeth and implants
Due to the heterogeneity among the studies a meta-
analysis using statistical comparisons between teeth and
implants was not feasible. A graphic illustration of the
different studies on teeth and implants with regard to
the outcome of tooth ⁄ implant loss and the sample size
is presented in Fig. 1. Weighted mean values for loss
rates were calculated and plotted when data were
reported in subgroups. Tooth studies included larger
subject samples than studies on implants. The rate of
tooth and implant loss varied between as well as within
the two categories of studies.
In the present systematic review the longevity of teeth
and dental implants was described. Comparisons
between long-term investigations on teeth and im-
plants, however, are difficult due to the differences in
the subjects included and the overall lack of implant
studies employing an epidemiological approach in
study design. Thus, implant publications in the current
review were in general longitudinal cohort studies of
well-defined groups of subjects who all received
implant therapy. In other words, the evaluation in this
category of studies was confined to a distinct group of
subjects who required a certain treatment of partial or
complete edentulism. The character of tooth studies, on
the other hand, was in most cases entirely different.
Although well-maintained groups of subjects were
included in some studies, many of the included studies
on teeth in the present review comprised ‘untreated’
subjects who did not receive appropriate regular main-
tenance. In addition, the epidemiological approach that
was employed in several studies provided a sample
representing a general population, while in other
studies the participants exhibited varying susceptibility
to periodontitis. The differences in the character of
tooth- and implant studies must, therefore, be consid-
ered in the comparisons of longevity criteria.
Many publications that were identified in the Pub-
Med search fulfilled the criteria of 10 years of follow-up
but were excluded from the evaluation due to other
grounds. The most common reason for not including
such a study on teeth in the present review was the rate
of subject dropouts that exceeded 30%. This feature is a
frequent problem in epidemiological research using
large population samples. The reasons for excluding
implant studies of 10 years of follow-up were different.
This finding may be explained by the variations in study
character and subject sample between tooth- and
implant studies as discussed above.
One particular problem in the evaluation of studies to
be eligible for the present review was the question
whether the longitudinal study applied a prospective or
retrospective design. The decision taken in this review
to describe the longevity of teeth and dental implants
prompted the selection of prospective studies. In several
identified publications during the search, the study
design was clearly stated and described, while in other
reports the description of the study methods raised
doubts with regard to the use of a prospective or
retrospective design. A retrospective design was the
common reason for excluding studies on both teeth and
The main outcome variable that was evaluated in the
current review was tooth- and implant loss. The
incidence of tooth loss varied considerably. Thus, in
one study on an untreated old rural population in
China (2) the loss rate was 20%, while in an epidemi-
ological study on a general population in China tooth
loss occurred in 14% (3). A third investigation that
reported a mean tooth loss rate that amounted to 18%
was performed in a small cohort of patients institution-
Table 3. Excluded publications on implants and reasons for
Authors ⁄ year Reason for exclusion
Jemt & Johansson (2006) (46) % subject drop out >30%
Attard & Zarb (2003) (47) Retrospective design
Merickse-Stern et al.
(2001) (48)
Retrospective design
Naert et al. (2000) (49) <80% of subjects at 10 years
Hultin et al. (2000) (50) Subgroup of (51)
Bra¨gger et al. (2005) (52) Connection teeth-implants
Gunne et al. (1999) (53) Connection teeth-implants
Yanase et al. (1994) (54) Non-endosseous implants
Nystro¨m et al. (2004) (55) Bone grafting before implant
Roos-Jansa˚ker et al.
(2006) (56)
Cross-sectional with
retrospective analysis
Willer et al. (2003) (57) Unclear design and description
of the study lacking
Attard & Zarb (2004a) (17) Retrospective design
Attard & Zarb (2004b) (13) Retrospective design
Zarb & Zarb (2002) (58) Retrospective design
L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 27
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ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
alized for mental disease (11). Thus, the three studies
referred to represent subject samples that may not be
comparable to those reported in the implant studies of
the present review. Furthermore, in the studies involv-
ing Scandinavian populations the 10-year rate of tooth
loss was below 5%.
Moreover the incidence of implant loss varied. While
most implant studies presented loss rates <10% (62),
few publications contained data on 17–18% lost
implants. It is evident that a major part of the number
of lost implants reported occurred between the implant
installation and before the connection of the supra-
structure. Three studies reported on implants support-
ing overdenture type reconstructions (13–16), which
pooled together did not present higher loss rates than
other studies reported. The finding is in contrast with
the data presented in a previous systematic review on
biological and technical complications in implant ther-
apy (1). In this review it was concluded that the
incidence of implant loss in overdenture therapy was
twice as high as that when using fixed reconstructions
on implants. In one study in the current review two
different implant systems were compared using a
randomized controlled clinical trial design (15). The
subjects that were included received an overdenture
supported by two implants of either IMZ or Bra˚nemark
implants. A significantly larger probing depth for IMZ
implants was reported at the 1-year and 10-year
examinations. The incidence of implants loss at
10 years, however, was twice as high in Bra˚nemark
implants as in IMZ implants.
Marginal bone loss was not considered as a suitable
variable for meta-analysis due to the heterogeneity of
data that was reported. For teeth, such data were
frequently lacking and also in the case when data on
bone loss were obtained from attachment level mea-
surements, results were presented either in mm ⁄year
or in total mm for the follow-up period. In one study
with long follow-up and more strict maintenance, a
gain in attachment levels at the end of observation
period was reported. It is interesting to note that there
was no apparent relation between marginal bone loss
and the rate of tooth loss rate. The problem of
heterogeneity of data was more pronounced in studies
on implants than in studies on teeth. The use of mean
bone loss at the subject level may hide the presence of
an implant or a tooth presenting pathological bone
loss. Another important consideration in the compar-
ison of the longevity of teeth and dental implants is
the fact that the number of years in service for teeth is
much larger than that of implants despite the study
design of similar follow-up periods. Thus, in a 40-year-
old subject who is enrolled in a longitudinal study, the
teeth have already history of about 30 years of service.
The corresponding function period for an implant,
however, will commence at the time of implant
installation. A further comment to the data obtained
from the implant studies in the present review is the
fact that the types of implants that were evaluated are
no longer available. The requested follow-up docu-
mentation for implants that are currently in use
appears to be lacking. Finally, it must be realized that
Tooth ( ) vs. Implant ( ) Loss
Rosling 2001
Paulander 2004
Norderyd 1999
Chen 2001
Baelum 1997
Rosling 2001
Axelsson 2004
Wennström 1993
Buckley 1984
Gabre 1999
Ekelund 2003
Naert 2004
Rasmusson 2005
Karoussis 2004
Deporter 2002
Lekholm 1999
Meijer 2004
Meijer 2004
0 100 200 300 400 500
No. of subjects followed
Fig. 1. Rate of tooth and implant
loss in relation to subject sample.
L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 29
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
in studies on teeth the subjects may exhibit varying
systemic and local compromising conditions, while
studies on implants in most cases demonstrate ideal
conditions regarding subject selection and situation of
oral tissues.
1 In clinically well-maintained patients, the survival
rates of teeth were higher than that of implants.
2 In well-maintained patients, the bone level
changes appeared to be small at teeth as well as
at implants.
3 Comparisons of the longevity of teeth and dental
implants are difficult due to marked heterogeneity
among the studies. Thus, in most implant studies the
subjects were selected for a dedicated treatment
procedure, while in studies on teeth most the
conditions that existed for a random population were
described (epidemiological study).
4 The number of subjects evaluated in studies on teeth
was considerably larger than that in studies on
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
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Correspondence: Cristiano Tomasi, Department of Periodontology,
Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Go¨teborg
University, Box 450 SE 405 30 Go¨teborg, Sweden.
C . T O M A S I et al.32
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Longevity of teeth and implants a systematic review

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Longevity of teeth and implants a systematic review

  • 1. Longevity of teeth and implants – a systematic review C. TOMASI, J. L. WENNSTRO¨ M & T. BERGLUNDH Department of Periodontology, Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Go¨teborg University, Go¨teborg, Sweden SUMMARY The objective of this systematic review was to describe the incidence of tooth and implant loss reported in long-term studies. Prospective lon- gitudinal studies reporting on teeth or implants survival with a follow-up period of at least 10 years were considered. Papers were excluded if the drop out rate exceeded 30% or if <70% of the initial subject sample was examined at 10 years of follow- up. Seventy publications on teeth were identified as potentially relevant for the focussed question. The analysis of the abstracts yielded 37 studies eligible for full-text analysis. The inclusion criteria were met in 11 of the publications that included in all 3015 subjects. The initial search on implant studies gen- erated 52 publications that possibly could be in- cluded. Following the evaluation of the abstracts and full-text analysis nine publications were found to fulfil the inclusion criteria. The nine studies included 476 subjects. The incidence of tooth loss among subjects with a follow-up period of 10– 30 years varied from 1.3% to 5% in the majority of studies, while in two epidemiological studies on rural Chinese populations the incidences of tooth loss were 14% and 20%. The percentage of implants reported as lost during the follow-up period varied between 1% and 18%. In clinically well-maintained patients, the loss rate at teeth was lower than that at implant. Bone level changes appeared to be small at teeth as well as at implants in well-maintained patients. Comparisons of the longevity at teeth and dental implants are difficult due to heterogeneity among the studies. KEYWORDS: implants, longevity, teeth, prospective study Accepted for publication 4 November 2007 Introduction Decision-making in treatment planning should be based on scientific evidence. In the clinical situation when deciding on either treating a tooth disorder or extracting the tooth in favour of implant placement, data that provide guidelines for the choice of strategy are sparse. Although implant therapy is regarded as a safe and reliable method in the treatment of complete and partial edentulism, complications of technical and biological nature occur (1). The ultimate complication in implant therapy is the loss of implants, as for teeth the extraction is the definitive failure. To determine the longevity of teeth and implants, information on the occurrence of these final events on a long-term basis must be provided. The objective of this systematic review was to describe the incidence of tooth and implant loss reported in prospective longitudinal studies with a follow-up of at least 10 years. Alterations in marginal bone support at teeth and implants were also addressed. Material and methods Type of studies Prospective longitudinal studies with a follow-up period of at least 10 years were considered. Thus, cohort studies, controlled clinical trials and randomized clinical trials that provided data on tooth and ⁄or implant loss over the indicated time period were analysed. Studies reporting life-tables were analysed with respect to the proportion of subjects or implants ⁄ teeth that were followed ‡10 years. Publications were excluded if <70% of the initial subject sample was examined at ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2007.01831.x Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008 35 (Suppl. 1); 23–32
  • 2. 10 years of follow-up, or if data corresponding to 10 years of observation could not be achieved. Studies in which the rate of subject dropout at 10 years exceeded 30% were also excluded. Subjects Subjects who were part of epidemiological studies or enrolled in maintenance programmes of treatment studies on teeth were included in the review. Implant- related studies comprised edentulous and partially edentulous subjects who were treated with endosseous dental implants supporting fixed or removable recon- structions. Studies that reported data on implant-tooth connected prostheses were not included in the review. Variables Number and age of subjects included at baseline and the number of subjects lost to follow-up were recorded. The number of teeth present at baseline and the number of installed implants were retrieved, as well as the number of (i) teeth and implants lost during the study and (ii) subjects who had experienced tooth or implant loss. Data on marginal bone loss around teeth and implants were also recorded. Weighted mean values were calculated for the number of teeth and implants at baseline and the number ⁄ percentage of teeth and implants lost during follow-up. For studies in which information on implant loss was not clearly defined, the inverse of the cumu- lative survival rate was calculated. Search strategy A search in PubMed was performed in May 2007 to retrieve articles published in the English language. The search terms used and the resulting matches were as follows: 1 dental implants AND longitudinal studies (1664) 2 dental implants AND longitudinal (286) 3 dental implants AND clinical trial (810) 4 dental implants AND cohort studies (1677) 5 dental implants AND prospective studies (534) 6 dental implants AND survival (815) 7 dental implant AND longevity (54) 8 dental implants AND randomized clinical trial (314) 9 dental implants AND prospective (1713) 10 oral epidemiology AND tooth loss (434) 11 oral epidemiology AND longitudinal AND teeth (149) 12 oral epidemiology AND periodontal disease (2344) 13 oral epidemiology AND caries (2843) 14 tooth loss AND prospective (361) 15 tooth loss AND cohort (138) 16 tooth loss AND longitudinal (200) 17 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND tooth loss (516) 18 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND bone loss (633) 19 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND attachment loss (958) 20 [‘Dental Health Surveys’ (Mesh)] AND implant loss (197) Manual search included bibliographies of previous reviews and of selected publications. Furthermore, a ‘search for related articles’ in PubMed was applied for all studies that were evaluated in full text. Results Teeth From the screening of titles obtained from the database search, 70 publications were identified as potentially relevant for the focussed question. The evaluation of abstracts yielded 37 studies eligible for full-text analysis. 11 publications met the inclusion criteria. The 26 excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion are listed in Table 1. The 11 included studies are presented in Table 2. Six studies were epidemiological surveys of general popu- lations (2–7), while three publications described sub- jects who were classified as regular dental care attendants (8–10). One study reported data from institutionalized patients (11) and one study evaluated subjects with untreated periodontitis (12). Three pub- lications were grouped together as they reported on findings from the same subject sample included in an epidemiological survey (5–7). The follow-up period in the 11 studies ranged between 10 and 30 years. In several studies the data were reported according to age categories and for these studies weighted mean values were calculated. The age of the subjects at baseline varied between 20 and 65 years. The total number of subjects recorded at baseline in the 11 studies was 3015. The number of subjects examined at the end of the studies was 2304. C . T O M A S I et al.24 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 3. The mean number of teeth per subject at baseline was reported in 10 of the studies and ranged from 21 to 26. The incidence of tooth loss among subjects with a follow-up period of 10–30 years varied from 1.3% to 5% in the majority of studies. Results presented in epidemiological studies on rural Chinese population samples, however, revealed an incidence of tooth loss of 14–20% (2, 3). The proportion of individuals that experienced tooth loss showed a range of 25–75% with the highest figure in the studies on the Chinese populations and in patients with untreated periodonti- tis. Rosling et al. (2001) reported that the percentage of subjects that experienced tooth loss was 64% for patients with high susceptibility to periodontitis, while among subjects with a ‘normal’ susceptibility the corresponding figure was 26%. Main causes for tooth extraction, when reported in the studies, were caries and tooth fracture. Data regarding marginal bone loss could be retrieved from four studies, all from Sweden. The calculated 10-year rate of bone loss varied between 0.2 and 0.8 mm. For subjects who were evaluated in epidemi- ological studies the corresponding figure was 0.6 mm. Implants The initial search generated 52 publications that possi- bly could be included. Following the analysis of the abstracts 39 of these studies were rejected. Hence, full- text analysis was made in 23 studies, out of which nine publications were found to fulfil the inclusion criteria. The 14 excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion are listed in Table 3. The nine studies on implants included in this review are reported in Table 4. The longest follow-up period was 20 years. The age of the subjects at the time of implant placement ranged between 18 and 80 years. The overall number of subjects who received implants was 476, while the number of subjects attending a final examination was 355. The majority of the studies reported data on implants of the Bra˚nemark System. Four studies reported data on implants placed in edentulous jaws to support an overdenture (13–16) while other three studies regarded implants placed in edentulous jaws to support fixed prosthetic reconstructions (17–19). The total number of implants placed in the nine studies was 1460. The percentage of implants reported as lost during the follow-up period varied between 1% and 18%. Only four studies presented information on the number of subjects who had experienced implant loss. The calculated proportion of such subjects in this group of studies ranged between 3% and 29%. Causes for implant loss were rarely reported. On the other hand, the timing of implant loss was frequently described. Between 9% and 100% of the implant loss in the various studies were reported as ‘early loss’, i.e. implants that were removed before the connection of the prosthetic reconstruction. Data on the amount of marginal bone loss over a 10-year period could be retrieved from eight studies. In these studies the amount of bone loss was given in mm per year or as a difference between the baseline and the final follow-up examination. Most studies also described the amount of bone loss that occurred during the first year in function in addition to the subsequent bone level alterations. The calculated 10- year bone loss varied between 0.7 and 1.3 mm in the available studies. Table 1. Excluded publications on teeth and reasons for exclusion Reference Reason for exclusion Ahlqwist et al. (1999) (20) % Subject drop out >30% Baljoon et al. (2005) (21) Same Bergstro¨m et al. (2000)(22) Same Bergstro¨m (2004) (23) Same Burt et al. (1990) (24) Same Ettinger & Qian (2004) (25) Same Fure (2003) (26) Same Halling & Bjo¨rn (1986) (27) Same Hamalainen et al. (2004) (28) Same Hiidenkari et al. (1997) (29) Same Hujoel et al. (1999) (30) Same Ismail et al. (1990) (31) Same Jansson et al. (2002) (32) Same Krall et al. (1999) (33) Same Krall et al. (2006) (34) Same Neely et al. (2005) (35) Same Petersson et al. (2006) (36) Same Rohner et al. (1983) (37) Same Tezal et al. (2005) (38) Same Warren et al. (2002) (39) Same Fardal et al. (2004) (40) Same Heitz-Mayfield et al. (2003) (41) Retrospective design Scha¨tzle et al. (2003a), Scha¨tzle et al. (2004), Scha¨tzle et al. (2003b) (42–44) Retrospective design Eickholz et al. (2006) (45) Regenerative therapy L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 25 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 4. Table2.Prospectivestudiesonteeth StudyFollow-upSubjectsampleAgerange No. subjects Dropout (deceased) Meanno. teethbaseline Tooth loss(%) Subjects exhibiting toothloss Bonelossin 10yearsCausesfortoothloss Axelssonetal. (2004)(8) 30yearsGeneralpopulation Wellmaintained 20–65375118(49)24.83.6%NRNR62%Rootfracture 23%Endodontic Baelumetal. (1997)(2) 10yearsGeneral Epidemiologic China 20–60+58714725.520%75%NREndodonticOR3.9 Buckley&Crowley (1984)(12) 10yearsUn-treated periodontal patients 15–5882NR14%Perio6% Non-perio 61%NRNR Chenetal.(2001)(3)10yearsMalesonly Epidemiologic China 20–5920023(5)25.714.1%NRNRPerio.breakdown caries,endo Gabreetal. (1999)(11) 10yearsMentalretarded Institution 41.0mean13621(19)20.717.9%NRNRNR Norderydetal. (1999)(5) Hugoson&Laurell (2000)(7) Laurelletal. (2003)(6) 17yearsGeneral Epidemiologic 15–60574141(25)24.15%34%0.6mm58%Perio 36%Caries Paulanderetal. (2004)(4) 10yearsGeneral Epidemiologic 50mean42912022.94.1%39%0.54mmCariesand attachmentloss predictorsof toothloss Roslingetal. (2001)(9) 12yearsHighsusceptibility Normal susceptibility 45.5mean 41.8mean 109 225 61(9) 7 24.1 23.5 7.8% 1.3% 64% 26% 0.8mm 0.3mm NR Wennstro¨metal. (1993)(10) 12yearsGeneral population Publicdental clinic 18–6529873(8)23.73%25%0.2mmNR OR,oddsratio. C . T O M A S I et al.26 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 5. Comparisons between teeth and implants Due to the heterogeneity among the studies a meta- analysis using statistical comparisons between teeth and implants was not feasible. A graphic illustration of the different studies on teeth and implants with regard to the outcome of tooth ⁄ implant loss and the sample size is presented in Fig. 1. Weighted mean values for loss rates were calculated and plotted when data were reported in subgroups. Tooth studies included larger subject samples than studies on implants. The rate of tooth and implant loss varied between as well as within the two categories of studies. Discussion In the present systematic review the longevity of teeth and dental implants was described. Comparisons between long-term investigations on teeth and im- plants, however, are difficult due to the differences in the subjects included and the overall lack of implant studies employing an epidemiological approach in study design. Thus, implant publications in the current review were in general longitudinal cohort studies of well-defined groups of subjects who all received implant therapy. In other words, the evaluation in this category of studies was confined to a distinct group of subjects who required a certain treatment of partial or complete edentulism. The character of tooth studies, on the other hand, was in most cases entirely different. Although well-maintained groups of subjects were included in some studies, many of the included studies on teeth in the present review comprised ‘untreated’ subjects who did not receive appropriate regular main- tenance. In addition, the epidemiological approach that was employed in several studies provided a sample representing a general population, while in other studies the participants exhibited varying susceptibility to periodontitis. The differences in the character of tooth- and implant studies must, therefore, be consid- ered in the comparisons of longevity criteria. Many publications that were identified in the Pub- Med search fulfilled the criteria of 10 years of follow-up but were excluded from the evaluation due to other grounds. The most common reason for not including such a study on teeth in the present review was the rate of subject dropouts that exceeded 30%. This feature is a frequent problem in epidemiological research using large population samples. The reasons for excluding implant studies of 10 years of follow-up were different. This finding may be explained by the variations in study character and subject sample between tooth- and implant studies as discussed above. One particular problem in the evaluation of studies to be eligible for the present review was the question whether the longitudinal study applied a prospective or retrospective design. The decision taken in this review to describe the longevity of teeth and dental implants prompted the selection of prospective studies. In several identified publications during the search, the study design was clearly stated and described, while in other reports the description of the study methods raised doubts with regard to the use of a prospective or retrospective design. A retrospective design was the common reason for excluding studies on both teeth and implants. The main outcome variable that was evaluated in the current review was tooth- and implant loss. The incidence of tooth loss varied considerably. Thus, in one study on an untreated old rural population in China (2) the loss rate was 20%, while in an epidemi- ological study on a general population in China tooth loss occurred in 14% (3). A third investigation that reported a mean tooth loss rate that amounted to 18% was performed in a small cohort of patients institution- Table 3. Excluded publications on implants and reasons for exclusion Authors ⁄ year Reason for exclusion Jemt & Johansson (2006) (46) % subject drop out >30% Attard & Zarb (2003) (47) Retrospective design Merickse-Stern et al. (2001) (48) Retrospective design Naert et al. (2000) (49) <80% of subjects at 10 years follow-up Hultin et al. (2000) (50) Subgroup of (51) Bra¨gger et al. (2005) (52) Connection teeth-implants Gunne et al. (1999) (53) Connection teeth-implants Yanase et al. (1994) (54) Non-endosseous implants Nystro¨m et al. (2004) (55) Bone grafting before implant placement Roos-Jansa˚ker et al. (2006) (56) Cross-sectional with retrospective analysis Willer et al. (2003) (57) Unclear design and description of the study lacking information Attard & Zarb (2004a) (17) Retrospective design Attard & Zarb (2004b) (13) Retrospective design Zarb & Zarb (2002) (58) Retrospective design L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 27 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 6. Table4.Prospectivestudiesonimplants Study Follow- up Subject sampleAgerange No. subjects Dropout (deceased) No. implants placed Implant type Implant loss Timingof implantloss Subjects exhibiting implant loss(%) Bonelosson 10years Deporteretal. (2002)(14) 10yearsEdentulous Overdenture 56mean529(6)156Endopore8%9%earlyloss15%0.71mm Ekelundetal. (2003)(18) Carlssonetal. 2000(59) Lindquistetal. 1996(60) 20yearsEdentulous Fixed 33–64473(2)at 15years 17(6)at 20years 273Bra˚nemark1%66%earlylossNR0.9mm Karoussisetal. (2004)(61) 10yearsPeriodontal patients 19–7812738(9)179ITI7.3%NRNR0.74mm 9yearsdata Lekholmetal. (1999)(51) 10yearsPartially edentulous 18–7012738(5)461Bra˚nemark10%76%earlyloss29%0.7mm Meijeretal. (2004)(15) 10yearsEdentulous Overdenture 57mean29 32 1 7(4) 58 61 IMZ Bra˚nemark 7.1% 18% 75%earlyloss 55%earlyloss 10% 20% NR Naertetal. (2004)(16) 10yearsEdentulous Overdenture 36–853610(9)73Bra˚nemark2%100%earlyloss3%0.86mm Rasmussonetal. (2005)(19) 10yearsEdentulous Fixed 50–80368(3)199Astra3.9%100%earlylossNR1.3mm 7yearsdata ITI,Straumanndentalimplants. C . T O M A S I et al.28 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 7. alized for mental disease (11). Thus, the three studies referred to represent subject samples that may not be comparable to those reported in the implant studies of the present review. Furthermore, in the studies involv- ing Scandinavian populations the 10-year rate of tooth loss was below 5%. Moreover the incidence of implant loss varied. While most implant studies presented loss rates <10% (62), few publications contained data on 17–18% lost implants. It is evident that a major part of the number of lost implants reported occurred between the implant installation and before the connection of the supra- structure. Three studies reported on implants support- ing overdenture type reconstructions (13–16), which pooled together did not present higher loss rates than other studies reported. The finding is in contrast with the data presented in a previous systematic review on biological and technical complications in implant ther- apy (1). In this review it was concluded that the incidence of implant loss in overdenture therapy was twice as high as that when using fixed reconstructions on implants. In one study in the current review two different implant systems were compared using a randomized controlled clinical trial design (15). The subjects that were included received an overdenture supported by two implants of either IMZ or Bra˚nemark implants. A significantly larger probing depth for IMZ implants was reported at the 1-year and 10-year examinations. The incidence of implants loss at 10 years, however, was twice as high in Bra˚nemark implants as in IMZ implants. Marginal bone loss was not considered as a suitable variable for meta-analysis due to the heterogeneity of data that was reported. For teeth, such data were frequently lacking and also in the case when data on bone loss were obtained from attachment level mea- surements, results were presented either in mm ⁄year or in total mm for the follow-up period. In one study with long follow-up and more strict maintenance, a gain in attachment levels at the end of observation period was reported. It is interesting to note that there was no apparent relation between marginal bone loss and the rate of tooth loss rate. The problem of heterogeneity of data was more pronounced in studies on implants than in studies on teeth. The use of mean bone loss at the subject level may hide the presence of an implant or a tooth presenting pathological bone loss. Another important consideration in the compar- ison of the longevity of teeth and dental implants is the fact that the number of years in service for teeth is much larger than that of implants despite the study design of similar follow-up periods. Thus, in a 40-year- old subject who is enrolled in a longitudinal study, the teeth have already history of about 30 years of service. The corresponding function period for an implant, however, will commence at the time of implant installation. A further comment to the data obtained from the implant studies in the present review is the fact that the types of implants that were evaluated are no longer available. The requested follow-up docu- mentation for implants that are currently in use appears to be lacking. Finally, it must be realized that Tooth ( ) vs. Implant ( ) Loss Rosling 2001 Paulander 2004 Norderyd 1999 Chen 2001 Baelum 1997 Rosling 2001 Axelsson 2004 Wennström 1993 Buckley 1984 Gabre 1999 Ekelund 2003 Naert 2004 Rasmusson 2005 Karoussis 2004 Deporter 2002 Lekholm 1999 Meijer 2004 Meijer 2004 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 No. of subjects followed %loss Fig. 1. Rate of tooth and implant loss in relation to subject sample. L O N G E V I T Y O F T E E T H A N D I M P L A N T S 29 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 8. in studies on teeth the subjects may exhibit varying systemic and local compromising conditions, while studies on implants in most cases demonstrate ideal conditions regarding subject selection and situation of oral tissues. Conclusions 1 In clinically well-maintained patients, the survival rates of teeth were higher than that of implants. 2 In well-maintained patients, the bone level changes appeared to be small at teeth as well as at implants. 3 Comparisons of the longevity of teeth and dental implants are difficult due to marked heterogeneity among the studies. Thus, in most implant studies the subjects were selected for a dedicated treatment procedure, while in studies on teeth most the conditions that existed for a random population were described (epidemiological study). 4 The number of subjects evaluated in studies on teeth was considerably larger than that in studies on implants. Conflicts of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interests. References 1. 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