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The news from            For His Children
                                                 A Christian ministry to children in Ecuador
                                                                        January – 2009

We’re feeling relief…thank you, thank you, thank you! for the financial and prayer
support that FHC received in December. We are so grateful for the response from our
supporters that kept us out of a deficit in December. Thank you from our hearts for
your generosity. Our cost-saving measures are still in place, and will remain in place
indefinitely. We are immensely appreciative for all who keep this ministry front and
center in their prayer and giving. We’re still “afloat”; (although donations are very low
for January…) we know God will carry this ministry forward. FHC’s “spokes-girl” Carla
Coveña, 5 ½, sends a million-dollar smile to all our supporters to say “gracias” for
your support…and she’d blow you all a kiss except she’s drying her nails – a
manicure is a pretty exciting event for an almost 6 yr. old!

Clark and I, (Melinda) always look forward to January when we have a peaceful
moment to relax and open the Christmas cards and letters we received from all of you,
our supporters and friends. The quantity of cards we receive dwindles each year now
that there is e-mail, internet cards, going green and the budget squeeze, so
we value even more this peaceful hour spent reading your newsy Christmas letters and enjoying the photos. Thank you to
the 20 families or so who sent cards and electronic greetings. You gave Clark and me a fun and yet poignant time
together reminiscing and marveling at how the passage of time brings joy, change, and sorrow. To all the families who
sent us cards and photos – how your children have grown – and what a special delight it is to receive photos of children
adopted from FHC. Congratulations! Your children are SO beautiful! Now that we are grandparents, we can view the
parenting process from the perspective of a generation apart. The privilege of being a parent is a very impressive job.
(How DID/DO we do it?)

                                         …which is a perfect lead-in to our family news, not something we do a lot of in
                                         our newsletters, but hey, the “spirit” is leading, so…son Phillip, 27, and his wife,
                                         Daniela, (at left) celebrated the birth of their second child, a beautiful daughter,
                                         Maya Melinda, on October 5th. Brother Matias is 2 ½. The family now lives in
                                         northwest Florida. Phillip is a pilot in the USAF, stationed at Hurlburt Field.
                                         Daughter Lesley, 24, is putting down roots in Los Angeles, and hopes to buy a
                                         home soon after spending two years in the company and support of her (maternal)
                                         grandparents, Max and Betty. Lesley is teaching, modeling, dancing, perfecting
                                         her skills in aerial dance, and started studying massage therapy in January.
                                         Melinda’s parents, now in their amazing 80’s, had some health setbacks this year,
                                         but we’re thankful that both are now doing better and are almost back to normal
                                         at their home in L.A.

Clark’s mom continues to enjoy the Palm Springs desert area, and
travels a few times a year to visit family. She and Clark’s two
sisters enjoyed Thanksgiving in Florida with Phillip for a family

Siblings are doing well and are spread out across the map:
Melinda’s sister Karen and her family live in Los Angeles near Max
and Betty, Leslie (FHC’s interior decorator!) and husband live in
the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Audrey lives and works in Santa Fe,
New Mexico.

Clark’s sister, Chris, lives in London with her family, and Cindy and
family live in Southern California. We count our blessings, because
every family member adds to the joy that it is to be surrounded by
loved ones. It is our wish for 2009 that all of you, our friends and
supporters, will count this same joy among your blessings in 2009.
The Fairlawn Church of Apple Creek, Ohio, is faithful to
                                                                send a mission team every year. In early January, a team of
                                                                ten, led by Roger Yoder (second row, at left, in blue shirt, in
                                                                front of Clark and Melinda), made their annual visit to FHC.
                                                                The team painted rooms at the new home in Latacunga, as
                                                                well as the new playroom (inside and out) at FHC-Quito.
                                                                And they restored all our wooden wagons (which they built
                                                                during last year’s visit!). Accompanying the team this year
                                                                was Merle Amstutz, father to Felipe, now 6 1/2, adopted
                                                                from FHC. Roger and his wife, Kim, adopted Johana, now
                                                                4, from FHC. Thank you to the members of this team and
                                                                the Fairlawn Church. We grateful for their friendship and

Joe Ting came all the way from Melbourne, Australia, after reading about FHC
on the internet. Joe is a 3rd-year law student, and has traveled and worked with
refugees and underprivileged children over the past few years. He googled
“Ecuador orphanages” on the web and found us, wrote and offered to come and
help. Joe’s one of those guys who’s willing to pitch in and help with whatever we
ask him to do. And to top it off, he’s great with the children. He’s been a blessing
to the ministry these past few months. Thank you, Joe! (At right: Joe and Cecilia
Salinas, FHC’s social worker.)

We’ll be adding a new staff member at FHC soon as our social worker, Cecilia Salinas, accepted a job with the
Ecuadorian government’s newly restructured adoption program after 4 1/2 years at FHC. We know that her presence in
the adoption program will continue to work in favor of all the children of Ecuador. We ask for your prayers as we interview
and train a new social worker.

Stacey Smith (we wrote about her helping out at FHC in our newsletter a few months ago) became a foster mother in
December to three Ecuadorian children, so her time at FHC has concluded. Last year Stacey wrote a “can’t put it down”
book about the children she cared for when she was the Director of Precious Miracles children’s home in Quito, entitled
For the Least of These. The stories are not unlike those of the children FHC cares for – so if you’d like to read more about
Precious Miracles and the stories behind the children cared for in ministries like P.M. and FHC, contact

                                                  When we think of all the children who have left in adoption in late 2008,
                                                  we wanna give a jump, punch the air, and shout, “YES!”. Here they are,
                                                  all the children who are now enjoying the love and warmth of a family. Let
                                                  these photos grow a big smile on your face and in your heart!

                                                  At FHC-Latacunga:

                                                  Evelyn, 4, is now the daughter of Hilmar and Beatriz, (photo at left)
                                                  residents of Quito. Evelyn will have a 14 year old big brother. The family
                                                  is open to the possibility of adopting Evelyn’s younger brother, Omar,
                                                  who is still at FHC-Latacunga while his legal case is processed.

                                           Johon Paúl, 1, (at right) is now
                                           the son of Luís and Pilar. Luís
                                           works at a sports complex in Quito,
                                           and Pilar is an accountant.

                                           Isaías, (at left) 19 months, was
                                           adopted by René and Tatiana,
                                           who live and work in Quito. The
                                           family has a 5 year old adopted
At FHC-Quito: Sebastián, 15 months, met his new mom, Anne (at left), who is a university
                              professor in Quito. She is thrilled with her handsome and vivacious son. Congratulations!

                              Julia Alicia, 16 months, was adopted by Arturo, a
                              lawyer, and his wife, Mercedes, (at right) who
                              works as an accountant. The new family lives in
                              Latacunga. Alicia has a 7 year old big sister.

                               Marina, 4 ½, met her forever family in December.
                               Dean and Leah Rosnau are long-time friends of
                               the Vaughns and supporters of FHC. Home is the
                               beautiful eastern Sierra town of June Lake,
                               California. Dean and Leah have served on FHC’s
Board of Directors, and Dean is currently a Board member. Marina’s new big
sister, Micah, accompanied her parents to Quito (photo below left). The family
spent a week at FHC to start the adoption process and then returned to
California. They will travel back to Ecuador to complete the adoption in February.

                                                Edwin, 3, also met his parents
                                                in December – Patricio and
                                                Sofía, who live in Quito (photo
                                                at right) and work in the private
                                                business sector. The photos
                                                below of Edwin saying goodbye
                                                to Marianela and Fabian at FHC
                                                say it better than a million

                                                Congratulations to the new

We’re setting a date! We hope to move into the new FHC-
Latacunga home on or about March 1st! During the next few
months we’ll be installing a return-air ventilation system, the
kitchen sinks and counter tops, interior and exterior light fixtures
and more. FHC Board member Dean Rosnau will be coming to
Ecuador soon to install frames and hang doors. Other tradesmen
from the U.S. have committed to come to Latacunga to install the
central heating and vacuum systems, the generator, security lights,
etc. Hmm, March 1st may be a bit optimistic. Funding is still
needed…Clark says the above items and more still need to be
paid for ($3,500 for doors and frames, $2,500 for acoustical ceiling,
$1,500 for kitchen counters and sinks, etc.). Goodness, you are saying. In every newsletter it’s the same…”more money
needed”, and “we still need more funding”. It seems like the expenses never end. There’s a lot involved in building a big
home! A bright bit of news – employees at a bank in Latacunga have committed to purchase and plant trees on the
property, and we’ve been busy finding native trees suited to the soil and precipitation in the area. We’re greatly
encouraged by the progress on the home. It’s a moving testimony of the generosity and faithfulness of our supporters.
Below, some previews of the new FHC-Latacunga home: at left, a view of the kitchen – counter tops and sinks still need
to be purchased and installed; center: master tile-layer Jorge puts finishing touches on the infant bathroom; at right: the
five bedrooms are spacious and each has its own full bath.
FHC had quite the social calendar over the holidays. The
                                                                    number of people, organizations and schools that contacted us
                                                                    wanting to celebrate with the children was almost overwhelming!
                                                                    Seventeen parties were held at FHC-Quito, and about four at
                                                                    FHC-Latacunga. And the guests don’t come empty-handed – our
                                                                    storage rooms in Quito and Latacunga are overflowing with large
                                                                    sacks of beans, rice, oatmeal, flour, lentils, sugar, powdered milk,
                                                                    as well as diapers, canned tuna, cookies, toilet paper, and more.
                                                                    Our children didn’t lack for CANDY, either, no sir! To keep sugar
                                                                    “highs” to a minimum, we shared it with the children and saved
                                                                    the other half for parties and special occasions in the coming
                                                                    months. We are very appreciative of the generosity of the Quito
                                                                    and Latacunga communities.

                                                     FHC’s administrator, Verónica, directed the operations of both
FHC-Quito and Latacunga very professionally which enabled the Vaughns to spend the holidays with family in Florida.
Please remember Verónica in your prayers as she does a great job of overseeing many, many details on a daily basis.

                                                         Above: “Are we
                                                         having fun yet?” A
                                                         group photo at the
                                                         Harlow House makes
                                                         one wonder!

                                                         At left, Fabian is
                                                         hoping just one
                                                         hotdog won’t be

                                                   At right, FHC’s staff
                                                   enjoys their low-cost
                                                   holiday party which
included a donated lunch and lots of dancing and skits! In the photo,
it’s the administrative and professional staff’s turn to dance! From left
to right are: Psychologist Raúl, Physical Therapist Sylvia (in white),
                                     Language therapist Lili, (behind Lili in turquoise shirt) is Verónica, FHC’s Administrator,
                                     Guard Alfredo (black shirt), and Tía Irene Pucha in her indigenous costume.

                                          At left, Yahaira sits patiently for her face painting at one of FHC’s 17 holiday parties in

                                          We send our sincere wishes for a joyful and healthy New Year, and please know we
                                          deeply appreciate your support and prayers.

                                          Clark and Melinda Vaughn, Directors                      Verónica Rodríguez, Administrator

                                          Great news! We just received an offer from Sierra Bible Church in Sonora, CA,
                                          that it will donate up to $2500 towards the completion of the first floor of the
                                          Latacunga home, as matched by other supporters of FHC during the month of
                                          February. So if you give $50 it really becomes $100! Please mark on your check
                                          that it is to go to this matching gift program. Thanks Sierra Bible Church.

For His Children - Clark and Melinda Vaughn, Directors                         Tax-deductible donations may be sent to:
Casilla 17-08-8545, Quito Ecuador                                              For His Children
Telephone/Fax: 593 2 247 0832, 280 8424                                        9455 Elk Ridge South, Divide, CO 80814 USA
Email:                                         Telephone: 719 686 0132
Website: (English and Spanish)                  Brent Bourdeau, FHC Ministry Assistant

Thank you to the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Red Bluff, CA for printing and mailing this newsletter for ten years! Please advise FHC of
address changes. If you are able to receive this newsletter via e-mail, it will reduce the cost of printing and mailing. Let us know! Thank you.

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Fhc%20 news%202009 01

  • 1. The news from For His Children A Christian ministry to children in Ecuador January – 2009 We’re feeling relief…thank you, thank you, thank you! for the financial and prayer support that FHC received in December. We are so grateful for the response from our supporters that kept us out of a deficit in December. Thank you from our hearts for your generosity. Our cost-saving measures are still in place, and will remain in place indefinitely. We are immensely appreciative for all who keep this ministry front and center in their prayer and giving. We’re still “afloat”; (although donations are very low for January…) we know God will carry this ministry forward. FHC’s “spokes-girl” Carla Coveña, 5 ½, sends a million-dollar smile to all our supporters to say “gracias” for your support…and she’d blow you all a kiss except she’s drying her nails – a manicure is a pretty exciting event for an almost 6 yr. old! Clark and I, (Melinda) always look forward to January when we have a peaceful moment to relax and open the Christmas cards and letters we received from all of you, our supporters and friends. The quantity of cards we receive dwindles each year now that there is e-mail, internet cards, going green and the budget squeeze, so we value even more this peaceful hour spent reading your newsy Christmas letters and enjoying the photos. Thank you to the 20 families or so who sent cards and electronic greetings. You gave Clark and me a fun and yet poignant time together reminiscing and marveling at how the passage of time brings joy, change, and sorrow. To all the families who sent us cards and photos – how your children have grown – and what a special delight it is to receive photos of children adopted from FHC. Congratulations! Your children are SO beautiful! Now that we are grandparents, we can view the parenting process from the perspective of a generation apart. The privilege of being a parent is a very impressive job. (How DID/DO we do it?) …which is a perfect lead-in to our family news, not something we do a lot of in our newsletters, but hey, the “spirit” is leading, so…son Phillip, 27, and his wife, Daniela, (at left) celebrated the birth of their second child, a beautiful daughter, Maya Melinda, on October 5th. Brother Matias is 2 ½. The family now lives in northwest Florida. Phillip is a pilot in the USAF, stationed at Hurlburt Field. Daughter Lesley, 24, is putting down roots in Los Angeles, and hopes to buy a home soon after spending two years in the company and support of her (maternal) grandparents, Max and Betty. Lesley is teaching, modeling, dancing, perfecting her skills in aerial dance, and started studying massage therapy in January. Melinda’s parents, now in their amazing 80’s, had some health setbacks this year, but we’re thankful that both are now doing better and are almost back to normal at their home in L.A. Clark’s mom continues to enjoy the Palm Springs desert area, and travels a few times a year to visit family. She and Clark’s two sisters enjoyed Thanksgiving in Florida with Phillip for a family reunion. Siblings are doing well and are spread out across the map: Melinda’s sister Karen and her family live in Los Angeles near Max and Betty, Leslie (FHC’s interior decorator!) and husband live in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Audrey lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Clark’s sister, Chris, lives in London with her family, and Cindy and family live in Southern California. We count our blessings, because every family member adds to the joy that it is to be surrounded by loved ones. It is our wish for 2009 that all of you, our friends and supporters, will count this same joy among your blessings in 2009.
  • 2. The Fairlawn Church of Apple Creek, Ohio, is faithful to send a mission team every year. In early January, a team of ten, led by Roger Yoder (second row, at left, in blue shirt, in front of Clark and Melinda), made their annual visit to FHC. The team painted rooms at the new home in Latacunga, as well as the new playroom (inside and out) at FHC-Quito. And they restored all our wooden wagons (which they built during last year’s visit!). Accompanying the team this year was Merle Amstutz, father to Felipe, now 6 1/2, adopted from FHC. Roger and his wife, Kim, adopted Johana, now 4, from FHC. Thank you to the members of this team and the Fairlawn Church. We grateful for their friendship and encouragement. Joe Ting came all the way from Melbourne, Australia, after reading about FHC on the internet. Joe is a 3rd-year law student, and has traveled and worked with refugees and underprivileged children over the past few years. He googled “Ecuador orphanages” on the web and found us, wrote and offered to come and help. Joe’s one of those guys who’s willing to pitch in and help with whatever we ask him to do. And to top it off, he’s great with the children. He’s been a blessing to the ministry these past few months. Thank you, Joe! (At right: Joe and Cecilia Salinas, FHC’s social worker.) We’ll be adding a new staff member at FHC soon as our social worker, Cecilia Salinas, accepted a job with the Ecuadorian government’s newly restructured adoption program after 4 1/2 years at FHC. We know that her presence in the adoption program will continue to work in favor of all the children of Ecuador. We ask for your prayers as we interview and train a new social worker. Stacey Smith (we wrote about her helping out at FHC in our newsletter a few months ago) became a foster mother in December to three Ecuadorian children, so her time at FHC has concluded. Last year Stacey wrote a “can’t put it down” book about the children she cared for when she was the Director of Precious Miracles children’s home in Quito, entitled For the Least of These. The stories are not unlike those of the children FHC cares for – so if you’d like to read more about Precious Miracles and the stories behind the children cared for in ministries like P.M. and FHC, contact When we think of all the children who have left in adoption in late 2008, we wanna give a jump, punch the air, and shout, “YES!”. Here they are, all the children who are now enjoying the love and warmth of a family. Let these photos grow a big smile on your face and in your heart! At FHC-Latacunga: Evelyn, 4, is now the daughter of Hilmar and Beatriz, (photo at left) residents of Quito. Evelyn will have a 14 year old big brother. The family is open to the possibility of adopting Evelyn’s younger brother, Omar, who is still at FHC-Latacunga while his legal case is processed. Johon Paúl, 1, (at right) is now the son of Luís and Pilar. Luís works at a sports complex in Quito, and Pilar is an accountant. Isaías, (at left) 19 months, was adopted by René and Tatiana, who live and work in Quito. The family has a 5 year old adopted son.
  • 3. At FHC-Quito: Sebastián, 15 months, met his new mom, Anne (at left), who is a university professor in Quito. She is thrilled with her handsome and vivacious son. Congratulations! Julia Alicia, 16 months, was adopted by Arturo, a lawyer, and his wife, Mercedes, (at right) who works as an accountant. The new family lives in Latacunga. Alicia has a 7 year old big sister. Marina, 4 ½, met her forever family in December. Dean and Leah Rosnau are long-time friends of the Vaughns and supporters of FHC. Home is the beautiful eastern Sierra town of June Lake, California. Dean and Leah have served on FHC’s Board of Directors, and Dean is currently a Board member. Marina’s new big sister, Micah, accompanied her parents to Quito (photo below left). The family spent a week at FHC to start the adoption process and then returned to California. They will travel back to Ecuador to complete the adoption in February. Edwin, 3, also met his parents in December – Patricio and Sofía, who live in Quito (photo at right) and work in the private business sector. The photos below of Edwin saying goodbye to Marianela and Fabian at FHC say it better than a million words!! Congratulations to the new families! We’re setting a date! We hope to move into the new FHC- Latacunga home on or about March 1st! During the next few months we’ll be installing a return-air ventilation system, the kitchen sinks and counter tops, interior and exterior light fixtures and more. FHC Board member Dean Rosnau will be coming to Ecuador soon to install frames and hang doors. Other tradesmen from the U.S. have committed to come to Latacunga to install the central heating and vacuum systems, the generator, security lights, etc. Hmm, March 1st may be a bit optimistic. Funding is still needed…Clark says the above items and more still need to be paid for ($3,500 for doors and frames, $2,500 for acoustical ceiling, $1,500 for kitchen counters and sinks, etc.). Goodness, you are saying. In every newsletter it’s the same…”more money needed”, and “we still need more funding”. It seems like the expenses never end. There’s a lot involved in building a big home! A bright bit of news – employees at a bank in Latacunga have committed to purchase and plant trees on the property, and we’ve been busy finding native trees suited to the soil and precipitation in the area. We’re greatly encouraged by the progress on the home. It’s a moving testimony of the generosity and faithfulness of our supporters. Below, some previews of the new FHC-Latacunga home: at left, a view of the kitchen – counter tops and sinks still need to be purchased and installed; center: master tile-layer Jorge puts finishing touches on the infant bathroom; at right: the five bedrooms are spacious and each has its own full bath.
  • 4. FHC had quite the social calendar over the holidays. The number of people, organizations and schools that contacted us wanting to celebrate with the children was almost overwhelming! Seventeen parties were held at FHC-Quito, and about four at FHC-Latacunga. And the guests don’t come empty-handed – our storage rooms in Quito and Latacunga are overflowing with large sacks of beans, rice, oatmeal, flour, lentils, sugar, powdered milk, as well as diapers, canned tuna, cookies, toilet paper, and more. Our children didn’t lack for CANDY, either, no sir! To keep sugar “highs” to a minimum, we shared it with the children and saved the other half for parties and special occasions in the coming months. We are very appreciative of the generosity of the Quito and Latacunga communities. FHC’s administrator, Verónica, directed the operations of both FHC-Quito and Latacunga very professionally which enabled the Vaughns to spend the holidays with family in Florida. Please remember Verónica in your prayers as she does a great job of overseeing many, many details on a daily basis. Above: “Are we having fun yet?” A group photo at the Harlow House makes one wonder! At left, Fabian is hoping just one hotdog won’t be missed! At right, FHC’s staff enjoys their low-cost holiday party which included a donated lunch and lots of dancing and skits! In the photo, it’s the administrative and professional staff’s turn to dance! From left to right are: Psychologist Raúl, Physical Therapist Sylvia (in white), Language therapist Lili, (behind Lili in turquoise shirt) is Verónica, FHC’s Administrator, Guard Alfredo (black shirt), and Tía Irene Pucha in her indigenous costume. At left, Yahaira sits patiently for her face painting at one of FHC’s 17 holiday parties in December. We send our sincere wishes for a joyful and healthy New Year, and please know we deeply appreciate your support and prayers. Clark and Melinda Vaughn, Directors Verónica Rodríguez, Administrator Great news! We just received an offer from Sierra Bible Church in Sonora, CA, that it will donate up to $2500 towards the completion of the first floor of the Latacunga home, as matched by other supporters of FHC during the month of February. So if you give $50 it really becomes $100! Please mark on your check that it is to go to this matching gift program. Thanks Sierra Bible Church. For His Children - Clark and Melinda Vaughn, Directors Tax-deductible donations may be sent to: Casilla 17-08-8545, Quito Ecuador For His Children Telephone/Fax: 593 2 247 0832, 280 8424 9455 Elk Ridge South, Divide, CO 80814 USA Email: Telephone: 719 686 0132 Website: (English and Spanish) Brent Bourdeau, FHC Ministry Assistant Thank you to the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Red Bluff, CA for printing and mailing this newsletter for ten years! Please advise FHC of address changes. If you are able to receive this newsletter via e-mail, it will reduce the cost of printing and mailing. Let us know! Thank you.