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Context-Sensitive Transformation
                         Lecture 8

                                               Course IN4308
     Eelco Visser
                                    Master Computer Science          Delft University of Technology

                  Parse Table           Signature

                    Parse              Transform            Pretty-Print

entity User {
                                                                           class User {
 name :: String
                                                                             String _user;
 pw :: Secret
                                                                             public User
                                                                               getUser() {
def output(u :

                     syntax definition is basis of language definition
                                                                               return _user;
User) {
Coming up
Lecture 8: Context-sensitive transformation
   ★ design 2
   ★ transformation with dynamic rewrite rules

Lecture 9: Static analysis & error checking
   ★ name resolution, reference resolution
   ★ type analysis

Lecture 10: Code generation
   ★ string templates, code generation by model transformation
   ★ concrete object syntax

Lecture 11: Code generation strategies
   ★ customization of generated code

Design 2
   ★ designing a domain-specific language

Context-sensitive transformation
   ★ global-to-local, local-to-global

Rewriting strategies
   ★ controlling the application of rules

Dynamic rewrite rules
   ★ context-sensitive transformation with rewrite rules
Design 2
Build your own DSL
Design 2: Purpose

Design a domain-specific language
Domain analysis
   ★ find abstractions in an existing programming domain

Language design
   ★ define a notation and translational semantics

Language implementation
   ★ build IDE and code generator

Understand tradeoffs in language design
Design 2: Ingredients

Syntax definition
   ★ elegant and efficient notation for a domain

Model transformation
   ★ reduce rich surface syntax to core language

Static analysis
   ★ find errors during editing

Code generation
   ★ generate complete implementation from models
Design 2: Considerations

Type system
   ★ do you catch errors at compile-time (in the IDE)?

   ★ can application developers work around lack of coverage?

Native interface
   ★ how are models integrated with environment?

   ★ can models be broken down into smaller components?

Incremental language processing
Design 2: Inductive (bottom-up) design

Finding abstractions
Identify coding patterns
   ★ are there standard patterns in programs in this domain

Identify commonality
   ★ code generation templates

Identify variability
   ★ language constructs
Design 2: Examples

Improve existing language
-   Software building DSL generating ANT

-   XML transformation DSL generating XSLT

Abstract from existing framework/library
-   DSL for Vaadin (

-   Javascript widget DSL generating JQuery or Dojo

-   Game DSL generating Ogre C++

-   Generate Java for Android applications

-   Android & Nexus One phones available for experiments
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Test3 {
  public static void main(String[] ps) {
                                                   import javax.swing.*;
    JFrame frame = frame {                         import java.awt.*;
       title = "Welcome!"                          public class Test3
       content = panel of border layout {          {
                                                     public static void main(String[] ps)
         center = label { text = "Hello World" }     {
                                                       JButton jButton_1;
         south = panel of grid layout {                JButton jButton_0;
                                                       JPanel jPanel_1;
           row = {                                     JLabel jLabel_0;
             button { text = "cancel" }                JPanel jPanel_0;
                                                       JFrame jFrame_0;
             button { text = "ok"}                     jFrame_0 = new JFrame();
           }                                           jPanel_0 = new JPanel();
         }                                             BorderLayout borderLayout_0 = new BorderLayout();
       }                                               jFrame_0.setContentPane(jPanel_0);
                                                       JFrame frame = jFrame_0;
    };                                                 jLabel_0 = new JLabel();
                                                       jLabel_0.setText("Hello World");
    frame.pack();                                      jPanel_0.add(jLabel_0, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.setVisible(true);                            jPanel_1 = new JPanel();
                                                       GridLayout gridLayout_0 = new GridLayout(1, 2);
  }                                                    jButton_0 = new JButton();
}                                                      jButton_1 = new JButton();
                                                       jPanel_0.add(jPanel_1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
private String[] initAddressList() {

             contactList.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
                 public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
                     Object id = contactList.getValue();
                     contactEditor.setItemDataSource(id == null ? null : contactList
                     contactRemovalButton.setVisible(id != null);
             return visibleCols;

         private void initFilteringControls() {
             for (final String pn : visibleCols) {
                 final TextField sf = new TextField();
                 bottomLeftCorner.setExpandRatio(sf, 1);
                 sf.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
                     public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
                         if (sf.toString().length() > 0 && !pn.equals(sf.toString())) {
                             addressBookData.addContainerFilter(pn, sf.toString(),
                                      true, false);
                                 "" + addressBookData.size() + " matches found");

         private static IndexedContainer createDummyData() {

             String[] fnames = { "Peter", "Alice", "Joshua", "Mike", "Olivia",
                     "Nina", "Alex", "Rita", "Dan", "Umberto", "Henrik", "Rene",
                     "Lisa", "Marge" };
             String[] lnames = { "Smith", "Gordon", "Simpson", "Brown", "Clavel",
                     "Simons", "Verne", "Scott", "Allison", "Gates", "Rowling",
                     "Barks", "Ross", "Schneider", "Tate" };
Design 2: Advice

Choosing a domain
-   choose a domain that you know or are interested to learn

Agile software development
-   identify iterations

-   minimize risks

-   create working version in first week and evolve

-   don’t get stuck on it

-   choose a domain and go
Model Transformation
Compilation by Normalization
Types of Model Transformation

Reduction to sub-language
   ★ Normalization
   ★ Desugaring
   ★ Optimization
   ★ Aspect weaving
   ★ Instrumentation
   ★ Refactoring

Translation to another language
   ★ Conversion
   ★ Migration
   ★ Compilation
Term Rewriting
Term Rewriting

Term rewrite rules
   ★ transform term to term
   ★ pattern matching
   ★ variable binding
   ★ substitution

Rewriting strategy
   ★ algorithm for applying rewrite rules
Term Rewrite Rule

                         left-hand side pattern

      desugar :
        Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])

                                                  right-hand side pattern
Rewrite Strategy

                                  generic strategy
strategy definition

     desugar-all = innermost(desugar)

                                              strategy instantiation

              apply transformation s exhaustively to all sub-
                terms of subject term in bottom-up order
Constant Folding
y := a + (3 * 5 - 17);

        , Plus(
          , Minus(Times(IntLit("3"), IntLit("5")), IntLit("17"))
parse     )

                   , BinOp(Var("a"), "+", IntLit("25"))
 desugar + eval    )

                                                  y := (a + 25);
Constant Folding Rules


 eval-all = innermost(desugar + eval)


 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "-", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<subtS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "*", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<mulS>(x, y))

 eval :
   BinOp(IntLit(x), "/", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<divS>(x, y))
Conditional Rewrite Rules

                                    bound in condition

            eval :
              BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(z)
condition     where z := <addS>(x, y)

               match          apply transformation

     eval :
       BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))
define page blog(b : Blog) {
       Template Inlining                   header{output(}
                                             for(p : Post in b.posts) {
                                               listitem{ outputPost(p) }
                                         define outputPost(pst : Post) {
                                           navigate post(pst) { output(   }
                                         define list()     { <ul> elements </ul>   }
                                         define listitem() { <li> elements </li>   }
                                         define header()   { <h1> elements </h1>   }

define page blog ( b : Blog ) {
    for ( p : Post in b.posts ) {
         navigate post(p) { output( }
Context-sensitive Transformation

   ★ replace term by another term

   ★ local term influence terms in other parts of model

   ★ global information influences transformation of local terms
define page blog(b : Blog) {
                                             for(p : Post in b.posts) {
                                               listitem{ outputPost(p) }
 Inlining is Global-to-Local             }
                                         define outputPost(pst : Post) {
                                           navigate post(pst) { output(   }
                                         define list()     { <ul> elements </ul>   }
                                         define listitem() { <li> elements </li>   }
                                         define header()   { <h1> elements </h1>   }

define page blog ( b : Blog ) {
    for ( p : Post in b.posts ) {
         navigate post(p) { output( }
Inlining as Rewrite Problem

outputPost(p) -> navigate post(p) { output( }
where define outputPost(pst : Post) {
        navigate post(pst) { output( }

          (this is not a valid Stratego rewrite rule)
Rewrite Rules are Context-free

desugar :
  Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])
Simplification: Parameterless Templates

                                define page blog(b : Blog) {
                                define footer() {
                                  navigate url( { “WebDSL” }

define page blog ( b : Blog ) {
  container() { navigate url( { “WebDSL” } }
Rewrite in Context

Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1*

    local traversal              bound in context

      container needed to replace single call with multiple elements
Rewriting Strategies
partial* function from terms to terms

          * transformation may fail to apply to a term
Defining Transformations: Rules & Strategies

Rewrite rules are basic transformations
   ★ transform term matching lhs to instantiation of rhs
   ★ evaluate condition (where clause)

Strategies combine rules into complex transformations
   ★ select rules to apply
   ★ select algorithm to apply rules

Strategy combinators
   ★ composition of custom transformations
Strategy Combinators

     ★ Identity

     ★ failure

s1 ; s2
     ★ sequential composition

s1 <+ s2
     ★ choice
{x, y : s}
     ★ term variable scope

     ★ match term pattern t

     ★ build term pattern t

t1 := t2
     ★ match term t2 to term (pattern) t1

<s> t
     ★ apply strategy s to term t
Rewrite Rules

l : t1 -> t2 where s
  ★ named, scoped rewrite rule
  ★ all variables in t1, t2, s are in scope of the rule

(t1 -> t2 where s)
  ★ unscoped rewrite rule
  ★ variables are in scope of enclosing scope
Rewrite in Context

Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1*

                                bound in context
Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem*)))> def1*

f                            elem*

      [ TemplateDef(
        , []
        , [Navigate(PageRef("webdsl", []), [String("WebDSL")])]
      , TemplateDef(
        , [Param("b", SimpleType("Blog"))]
        , [Call("footer")]

Strategy Definitions

f(x,y|a,b) = s
  ★ x, y are strategy parameters
  ★ a, b are term parameters
  ★ s uses all parameters

f(x) = s          f = s
  ★ term parameters are optional
  ★ all parameters are optional

  ★ try(s) = s <+ id

  ★ repeat(s) = try(s; repeat(s))
Rules with Parameters

Transform all elements of a list
 map(s) : [] -> []

 map(s) : [x|xs] -> [<s>x | <map(s)> xs]

Invert order of elements of a list
 inverse(|ys) : [] -> ys

 inverse(|ys) : [x|xs] -> <inverse(|[x|ys])> xs

Pair elements of two lists
 zip(s) : ([],[]) -> []

 zip(s) : ([x|xs],[y|ys]) -> [<s>(x,y) | <zip(s)>(xs,ys)]
Traversal Combinators

  ★ apply s to all direct sub-terms (children)

  ★ apply s to exactly one sub-term

  ★ apply s to at least one sub-term
Traversal Strategies

topdown(s) = s; all(topdown(s))
  ★ apply s to all sub-terms in top-down order

bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s
  ★ apply s to all sub-terms in bottom-up order

oncetd(s) = s <+ one(oncetd(s))
  ★ apply s to one sub-term

alltd(s) = s <+ all(alltd(s))
  ★ apply s to frontier
Rewrite in Context: Local Traversal

Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1*

    local traversal
Dynamic Rewrite Rules
Rewrite in Context: Not Optimal
Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1*

                 requires def before use
                 local traversal for each declaration
Dynamic Rewrite Rules
Inline :
  [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*]
  where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1*

declare-inline :
  TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) -> TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*)
  where rules(
    InlineTemplate : Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)

inline =

        separate traversal from rule definition (binding closures)
Inlining as Rewrite Problem (Revisited)

  outputPost(p) -> navigate post(p) { output( }
  where define outputPost(pst : Post) {
          navigate post(pst) { output( }


declare-inline :
  TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) -> TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*)
  where rules(
    InlineTemplate : Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)

                  (formal; but not yet complete)
define page blog(b : Blog) {
       Template Parameter                  header{output(}
                                             for(p : Post in b.posts) {
                                               listitem{ outputPost(p) }
                                         define outputPost(pst : Post) {
                                           navigate post(pst) { output(   }
                                         define list()     { <ul> elements </ul>   }
                                         define listitem() { <li> elements </li>   }
                                         define header()   { <h1> elements </h1>   }

define page blog ( b : Blog ) {
    for ( p : Post in b.posts ) {
         navigate post(p) { output( }
Inlining Templates with Parameters
declare-inline :
  def@TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> def
  where rules(
    InlineTemplate :
      Call(f, e*, []) -> Call("container", [], elem3*)
      where elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*)

substitute :
  (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2*
  where {| Subst
         : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*)
         ; elem2* := <alltd(Subst)> elem1*

bind-arg :
  (Param(x, t), e) -> (Param(x, t), e)
  where rules( Subst : Var(x) -> e )
Element Parameters

              define list() { <ul> elements </ul> }

declare-inline :
  def@TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> def
  where rules(
    InlineTemplate :
      Call(f, e*, elem2*) -> Call("container", [], elem3*)
      where {| Subst
             : rules(
                 Subst : Elements() -> Call("container",[],elem2*)
             ; elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*)
Removing Intermediate Structures

rules // remove containers

 desugar-container :
   [Call("container",[], elem1*) | elem2*] -> [elem1*, elem2*]

 desugar :
   elem1* -> elem2*
   where elem2* := <at-suffix(desugar-container)> elem1*

     container needed to replace single call with multiple elements
Inlining Strategy

module template-inlining

imports libstratego-lib
imports include/nwl
imports desugar


  inline-all =
    innermost(desugar <+ InlineTemplate)


  declare-inline : ...
module template-inlining

                    imports libstratego-lib
                    imports include/nwl
                    imports desugar


                     inline-all =
                       innermost(desugar <+ InlineTemplate)


                     declare-inline :
                       TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*)
                       where rules(
                         InlineTemplate :
                           Call(f, e*, elem2*) -> Call("container", [], elem3*)

Template Inlining          where {| Subst
                                  : rules( Subst : Elements() -> Call("container", [], elem2*) )
                                  ; elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*)

 Transformation        )

                     substitute :
                       (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2*
                       where {| Subst
                              : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*)
                              ; elem2* := <alltd(Subst)> elem1*

                     bind-arg :
                       (Param(x, t), e) -> (Param(x, t), e)
                       where rules( Subst : Var(x) -> e )

                    rules // remove containers

                     desugar-container :
                       [Call("container",[], elem1*) | elem2*] -> [elem1*, elem2*]

                     desugar :
                       elem1* -> elem2*
                       where elem2* := <at-suffix(desugar-container)> elem1*
Free Variable Capture
Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining
define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
    for(p : Post in b.posts) {
        postInline(p) { par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } }
define postInline(pst : Post) {
  for(p : Tag in pst.tags) {
Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining
define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
    for(p : Post in b.posts) {
        postInline(p) { par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } }
                   define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
                     <h1> output( </h1>
                       for(p : Post in b.posts) {
define postInline(pst : Post) {
                            for ( p : Tag in p.tags ) {
  for(p : Tag in pst.tags) {
                                 "Posted by "
                                 navigate user( { output( }
Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining

define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
  for(p : Post in b.posts) {
    postInline(p) { "Posted by " outputUser( }
define postInline(pst : Post) {
  for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { output( elements }

                    define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
                      for(p : Post in b.posts) {
                        for(p : Tag in p.tags) {
                          "Posted by "
                          navigate user( { output( }
Avoiding Free Variable Capture

substitute-args :
  (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2*
  where {| Subst
         : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*)
         ; elem2* := <substitute> elem1*

substitute =
  alltd(Subst <+ rename-bound)

rename-bound :
  ForElem(x, t, e1, elem1*) -> ForElem(y, t, e2, elem2*)
  where {| Subst
         : y := <newname> x
         ; e2 := <substitute> e1
         ; rules( Subst : Var(x) -> Var(y) )
         ; elem2* := <substitute> elem1*

             rename bound variables
Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining

define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
  for(p : Post in b.posts) {
    postInline(p) { "Posted by " outputUser( }
define postInline(pst : Post) {
  for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { output( elements }

                    define page blogfront(b : Blog) {
                      for(p : Post in b.posts) {
                        for(p3 : Tag in p.tags) {
                          "Posted by "
                          navigate user( { output( }
Aspect Weaving
Aspect Weaving

Aspect definition
   ★ modular definition of cross cutting concerns

Aspect weaving
   ★ apply aspects to base program

   ★ instrumentation for logging, tracing, debugging, profiling
   ★ access control, data validation, entity extension
Access Control Rules
define page post(p : Post) {
  par{ "Posted by " outputUser( }
  navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" }

rule page editpost(pst : Post) {
  principal ==

define page editpost(p : Post) {
  action save() {
    return post(p);
    submit save() { "Save" }
Access Control Weaving
define page post(p : Post) {
  par{ "Posted by " outputUser( }
  navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" }

rule page editpost(pst : Post) {
  principal ==

define page editpost(p : Post) {
  action save() {
    return post(p);
    submit save() { "Save" }
Access Control Weaving: Protect Page
define page post(p : Post) {
  par{ "Posted by " outputUser( }
  navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" }
                                     define page editpost(p : Post) {
                                       init {
rule page editpost(pst : Post) {
                                         if(!(principal == {
  principal ==
                                           return accessdenied() ;
define page editpost(p : Post) {
                                       action save() { return post(p) ; }
  action save() {
    return post(p);
                                         submit save ( ) { "Save" }
    submit save() { "Save" }
Access Control Weaving: Protect Link
define page post(p : Post) {
  par{ "Posted by " outputUser( }
  navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" }
                                      define page editpost(p : Post) {
                                         init {
rule page editpost(pst : Post) {
                                           if(!(principal == {
  principal ==
                                             return accessdenied() ;
define page editpost(p : Post) {
                                         action save() { return post(p) ; }
  action save() {
    return post(p);
                                  define page post ( p : Post ) {
                                       par{"Posted by "outputUser(}
                                       if(principal == ( ) { "Save" } {
                                           submit save
                                         }navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" }
    submit save() { "Save" }
Access Control Weaving: Strategy

weave-ac-rules =
	 bottomup(try(ProtectPage <+ ProtectNavigate))
Access Control Weaving: Protect Navigate

declare-ac-rule :
	 r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r
	 where rules(
	    ProtectNavigate :
	      elem@Navigate(PageRef(f, e*), elem*) -> If(e2,Block([elem]),Block([]))
	      where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, e*, e)
Access Control Weaving: Protect Page

declare-ac-rule :
	 r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r
	 where rules(
     ProtectNavigate : ...

	       ProtectPage :
	         TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, elem*) ->
	         TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*,
                  Block([ReturnPage(PageRef("accessdenied", []))]),
	         where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, <map(param-to-exp)> param2*, e)

param-to-exp :
  Param(x, t) -> Var(x)
Access Control Weaving: Complete*
    weave-ac-rules =
    	   bottomup(try(ProtectPage <+ ProtectNavigate))
    declare-ac-rule :
    	   r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r
    	   where rules(
    	     ProtectPage :
    	       TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, elem1*) ->
    	       TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*,
                   Block([ReturnPage(PageRef("accessdenied", []))]),
    	       where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, <map(param-to-exp)> param2*, e)
    	     ProtectNavigate :
    	       elem@Navigate(PageRef(f, e*), elem*) -> If(e2,Block([elem]),Block([]))
    	       where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, e*, e)
    param-to-exp :
      Param(x, t) -> Var(x)

* complete specification for this limited example; WebDSL AC is more complex
Extend Entity

module blog

entity Post {
  url    : String (id)
  title : String (name)
  text   : WikiText
  blog   : Blog (inverse:posts)
  author : User
                  module tags
  blog   : Blog
                  entity Tag {
                    key    : String (id)
                    title : String (name)
                    text   : WikiText
                    posts : Set<Post>

                 extend entity Post {
                   tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts)

                modular extensibility => more cohesion (?)
Extend Entity                           module woven

                                            entity Post {
                                              url    : String (id)
                                              title : String (name)
module blog                                   text   : WikiText
                                              blog   : Blog (inverse:posts)
entity Post {                                 author : User
  url    : String (id)                        blog   : Blog
  title : String (name)                       tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts)
  text   : WikiText                         }
  blog   : Blog (inverse:posts)
  author : User                             entity Tag   {
                  module tags
  blog   : Blog                               key    :   String (id)
}                                             title :    String (name)
                  entity Tag {
                                              text   :   WikiText
                    key    : String (id)
                                              posts :    Set<Post>
                    title : String (name)
                    text   : WikiText
                    posts : Set<Post>

                 extend entity Post {
                   tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts)

                modular extensibility => more cohesion (?)
Other Model
Other Applications of Model Transformation

   ★ behaviour preserving transformation to improve design
   ★ e.g. extract/inline function/template/entity

Difference detection
   ★ detect differences between two models

   ★ update model to conform to new meta-model

   ★ derive more efficient version
   ★ e.g. query prefetching
Case 3
  ★ Syntax definition & term rewriting
  ★ Deadline:

Design 2
  ★ Make a proposal (can be submitted separately)
  ★ Deadline:

Lab this week
  ★ Install Spoofax
  ★ Make Case 3

  ★ Lecture 9: static analysis

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Context-Sensitive Transformation

  • 1. Context-Sensitive Transformation Lecture 8 Course IN4308 Eelco Visser Master Computer Science Delft University of Technology
  • 2. Syntax Definition Pretty-Print Parse Table Signature Table Parse Transform Pretty-Print @Entity entity User { class User { name :: String String _user; pw :: Secret public User } getUser() { def output(u : syntax definition is basis of language definition return _user; User) { }
  • 3. Coming up Lecture 8: Context-sensitive transformation ★ design 2 ★ transformation with dynamic rewrite rules Lecture 9: Static analysis & error checking ★ name resolution, reference resolution ★ type analysis Lecture 10: Code generation ★ string templates, code generation by model transformation ★ concrete object syntax Lecture 11: Code generation strategies ★ customization of generated code
  • 4. Outline Design 2 ★ designing a domain-specific language Context-sensitive transformation ★ global-to-local, local-to-global Rewriting strategies ★ controlling the application of rules Dynamic rewrite rules ★ context-sensitive transformation with rewrite rules
  • 6. Design 2: Purpose Design a domain-specific language Domain analysis ★ find abstractions in an existing programming domain Language design ★ define a notation and translational semantics Language implementation ★ build IDE and code generator Understand tradeoffs in language design
  • 7. Design 2: Ingredients Syntax definition ★ elegant and efficient notation for a domain Model transformation ★ reduce rich surface syntax to core language Static analysis ★ find errors during editing Code generation ★ generate complete implementation from models
  • 8. Design 2: Considerations Type system ★ do you catch errors at compile-time (in the IDE)? Customization ★ can application developers work around lack of coverage? Native interface ★ how are models integrated with environment? Modularity ★ can models be broken down into smaller components? Incremental language processing
  • 9. Design 2: Inductive (bottom-up) design Finding abstractions Identify coding patterns ★ are there standard patterns in programs in this domain Identify commonality ★ code generation templates Identify variability ★ language constructs
  • 10. Design 2: Examples Improve existing language - Software building DSL generating ANT - XML transformation DSL generating XSLT Abstract from existing framework/library - DSL for Vaadin ( - Javascript widget DSL generating JQuery or Dojo - Game DSL generating Ogre C++ AndroidDSL - Generate Java for Android applications - Android & Nexus One phones available for experiments
  • 11. JavaSwul import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Test3 { public static void main(String[] ps) { import javax.swing.*; JFrame frame = frame { import java.awt.*; title = "Welcome!" public class Test3 content = panel of border layout { { public static void main(String[] ps) center = label { text = "Hello World" } { JButton jButton_1; south = panel of grid layout { JButton jButton_0; JPanel jPanel_1; row = { JLabel jLabel_0; button { text = "cancel" } JPanel jPanel_0; JFrame jFrame_0; button { text = "ok"} jFrame_0 = new JFrame(); jFrame_0.setTitle("Welcome!"); } jPanel_0 = new JPanel(); } BorderLayout borderLayout_0 = new BorderLayout(); jPanel_0.setLayout(borderLayout_0); } jFrame_0.setContentPane(jPanel_0); JFrame frame = jFrame_0; }; jLabel_0 = new JLabel(); jLabel_0.setText("Hello World"); frame.pack(); jPanel_0.add(jLabel_0, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setVisible(true); jPanel_1 = new JPanel(); GridLayout gridLayout_0 = new GridLayout(1, 2); } jButton_0 = new JButton(); jButton_0.setText("cancel"); } jButton_1 = new JButton(); jButton_1.setText("ok"); jPanel_1.setLayout(gridLayout_0); jPanel_1.add(jButton_0); jPanel_1.add(jButton_1); jPanel_0.add(jPanel_1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } }
  • 12. private String[] initAddressList() { contactList.setContainerDataSource(addressBookData); Vaadin contactList.setVisibleColumns(visibleCols); contactList.setSelectable(true); contactList.setImmediate(true); contactList.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object id = contactList.getValue(); contactEditor.setItemDataSource(id == null ? null : contactList .getItem(id)); contactRemovalButton.setVisible(id != null); } }); return visibleCols; } private void initFilteringControls() { for (final String pn : visibleCols) { final TextField sf = new TextField(); bottomLeftCorner.addComponent(sf); sf.setWidth("100%"); sf.setInputPrompt(pn); sf.setImmediate(true); bottomLeftCorner.setExpandRatio(sf, 1); sf.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { addressBookData.removeContainerFilters(pn); if (sf.toString().length() > 0 && !pn.equals(sf.toString())) { addressBookData.addContainerFilter(pn, sf.toString(), true, false); } getMainWindow().showNotification( "" + addressBookData.size() + " matches found"); } }); } } private static IndexedContainer createDummyData() { String[] fnames = { "Peter", "Alice", "Joshua", "Mike", "Olivia", "Nina", "Alex", "Rita", "Dan", "Umberto", "Henrik", "Rene", "Lisa", "Marge" }; String[] lnames = { "Smith", "Gordon", "Simpson", "Brown", "Clavel", "Simons", "Verne", "Scott", "Allison", "Gates", "Rowling", "Barks", "Ross", "Schneider", "Tate" };
  • 13. Design 2: Advice Choosing a domain - choose a domain that you know or are interested to learn Agile software development - identify iterations - minimize risks - create working version in first week and evolve Proposal - don’t get stuck on it - choose a domain and go
  • 16. Types of Model Transformation Reduction to sub-language ★ Normalization ★ Desugaring ★ Optimization ★ Aspect weaving ★ Instrumentation ★ Refactoring Translation to another language ★ Conversion ★ Migration ★ Compilation
  • 18. Term Rewriting Term rewrite rules ★ transform term to term ★ pattern matching ★ variable binding ★ substitution Rewriting strategy ★ algorithm for applying rewrite rules
  • 19. Term Rewrite Rule left-hand side pattern label/name desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, []) variable right-hand side pattern
  • 20. Rewrite Strategy generic strategy strategy definition desugar-all = innermost(desugar) strategy instantiation apply transformation s exhaustively to all sub- innermost(s) terms of subject term in bottom-up order
  • 21. Constant Folding y := a + (3 * 5 - 17); Assign( Var("y") , Plus( Var("a") , Minus(Times(IntLit("3"), IntLit("5")), IntLit("17")) parse ) ) Assign( Var("y") , BinOp(Var("a"), "+", IntLit("25")) desugar + eval ) y := (a + 25); pretty-print
  • 22. Constant Folding Rules strategies eval-all = innermost(desugar + eval) rules eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "-", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<subtS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "*", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<mulS>(x, y)) eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "/", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<divS>(x, y))
  • 23. Conditional Rewrite Rules bound in condition eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(z) condition where z := <addS>(x, y) match apply transformation eval : BinOp(IntLit(x), "+", IntLit(y)) -> IntLit(<addS>(x, y))
  • 25. define page blog(b : Blog) { Template Inlining header{output(} list{ for(p : Post in b.posts) { listitem{ outputPost(p) } } } } define outputPost(pst : Post) { navigate post(pst) { output( } } define list() { <ul> elements </ul> } define listitem() { <li> elements </li> } define header() { <h1> elements </h1> } define page blog ( b : Blog ) { <h1> output( </h1> <ul> for ( p : Post in b.posts ) { <li> navigate post(p) { output( } </li> } </ul> }
  • 26. Context-sensitive Transformation Local-to-local ★ replace term by another term Local-to-global ★ local term influence terms in other parts of model Global-to-local ★ global information influences transformation of local terms
  • 27. define page blog(b : Blog) { header{output(} list{ for(p : Post in b.posts) { listitem{ outputPost(p) } } } Inlining is Global-to-Local } define outputPost(pst : Post) { navigate post(pst) { output( } } define list() { <ul> elements </ul> } define listitem() { <li> elements </li> } define header() { <h1> elements </h1> } define page blog ( b : Blog ) { <h1> output( </h1> <ul> for ( p : Post in b.posts ) { <li> navigate post(p) { output( } </li> } </ul> }
  • 28. Inlining as Rewrite Problem outputPost(p) -> navigate post(p) { output( } where define outputPost(pst : Post) { navigate post(pst) { output( } } (this is not a valid Stratego rewrite rule)
  • 29. Rewrite Rules are Context-free desugar : Property(x, t) -> Property(x, t, [])
  • 30. Simplification: Parameterless Templates define page blog(b : Blog) { ... footer() } define footer() { navigate url( { “WebDSL” } } define page blog ( b : Blog ) { ... container() { navigate url( { “WebDSL” } } }
  • 31. Rewrite in Context Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1* local traversal bound in context container needed to replace single call with multiple elements
  • 33. transformation is partial* function from terms to terms * transformation may fail to apply to a term
  • 34. Defining Transformations: Rules & Strategies Rewrite rules are basic transformations ★ transform term matching lhs to instantiation of rhs ★ evaluate condition (where clause) Strategies combine rules into complex transformations ★ select rules to apply ★ select algorithm to apply rules Strategy combinators ★ composition of custom transformations
  • 35. Strategy Combinators id ★ Identity fail ★ failure s1 ; s2 ★ sequential composition s1 <+ s2 ★ choice
  • 36. Variables {x, y : s} ★ term variable scope ?t ★ match term pattern t !t ★ build term pattern t t1 := t2 ★ match term t2 to term (pattern) t1 <s> t ★ apply strategy s to term t
  • 37. Rewrite Rules l : t1 -> t2 where s ★ named, scoped rewrite rule ★ all variables in t1, t2, s are in scope of the rule (t1 -> t2 where s) ★ unscoped rewrite rule ★ variables are in scope of enclosing scope
  • 38. Rewrite in Context Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1* bound in context
  • 39. Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem*)))> def1* f elem* [ TemplateDef( "footer" , [] , [Navigate(PageRef("webdsl", []), [String("WebDSL")])] ) , TemplateDef( "blog" , [Param("b", SimpleType("Blog"))] , [Call("footer")] ) ] Call(f) def1*
  • 40. Strategy Definitions f(x,y|a,b) = s ★ x, y are strategy parameters ★ a, b are term parameters ★ s uses all parameters f(x) = s f = s ★ term parameters are optional ★ all parameters are optional Examples ★ try(s) = s <+ id ★ repeat(s) = try(s; repeat(s))
  • 41. Rules with Parameters Transform all elements of a list map(s) : [] -> [] map(s) : [x|xs] -> [<s>x | <map(s)> xs] Invert order of elements of a list inverse(|ys) : [] -> ys inverse(|ys) : [x|xs] -> <inverse(|[x|ys])> xs Pair elements of two lists zip(s) : ([],[]) -> [] zip(s) : ([x|xs],[y|ys]) -> [<s>(x,y) | <zip(s)>(xs,ys)]
  • 42. Traversal Combinators all(s) ★ apply s to all direct sub-terms (children) one(s) ★ apply s to exactly one sub-term some(s) ★ apply s to at least one sub-term
  • 43. Traversal Strategies topdown(s) = s; all(topdown(s)) ★ apply s to all sub-terms in top-down order bottomup(s) = all(bottomup(s)); s ★ apply s to all sub-terms in bottom-up order oncetd(s) = s <+ one(oncetd(s)) ★ apply s to one sub-term alltd(s) = s <+ all(alltd(s)) ★ apply s to frontier
  • 44. Rewrite in Context: Local Traversal Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1* local traversal
  • 46. Rewrite in Context: Not Optimal Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1* requires def before use local traversal for each declaration
  • 47. Dynamic Rewrite Rules Inline : [def@TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) | def1*] -> [def | def2*] where def2* := <alltd((Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*)))> def1* declare-inline : TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) -> TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) where rules( InlineTemplate : Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*) ) inline = alltd(declare-inline); topdown(try(InlineTemplate)) separate traversal from rule definition (binding closures)
  • 48. Inlining as Rewrite Problem (Revisited) outputPost(p) -> navigate post(p) { output( } where define outputPost(pst : Post) { navigate post(pst) { output( } } (informal) declare-inline : TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) -> TemplateDef(f,[],elem1*) where rules( InlineTemplate : Call(f) -> Call("container", elem1*) ) (formal; but not yet complete)
  • 49. define page blog(b : Blog) { Template Parameter header{output(} list{ for(p : Post in b.posts) { listitem{ outputPost(p) } } } } define outputPost(pst : Post) { navigate post(pst) { output( } } define list() { <ul> elements </ul> } define listitem() { <li> elements </li> } define header() { <h1> elements </h1> } define page blog ( b : Blog ) { <h1> output( </h1> <ul> for ( p : Post in b.posts ) { <li> navigate post(p) { output( } </li> } </ul> }
  • 50. Inlining Templates with Parameters declare-inline : def@TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> def where rules( InlineTemplate : Call(f, e*, []) -> Call("container", [], elem3*) where elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*) ) substitute : (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2* where {| Subst : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*) ; elem2* := <alltd(Subst)> elem1* |} bind-arg : (Param(x, t), e) -> (Param(x, t), e) where rules( Subst : Var(x) -> e )
  • 51. Element Parameters define list() { <ul> elements </ul> } declare-inline : def@TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> def where rules( InlineTemplate : Call(f, e*, elem2*) -> Call("container", [], elem3*) where {| Subst : rules( Subst : Elements() -> Call("container",[],elem2*) ) ; elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*) |} )
  • 52. Removing Intermediate Structures rules // remove containers desugar-container : [Call("container",[], elem1*) | elem2*] -> [elem1*, elem2*] desugar : elem1* -> elem2* where elem2* := <at-suffix(desugar-container)> elem1* container needed to replace single call with multiple elements
  • 53. Inlining Strategy module template-inlining imports libstratego-lib imports include/nwl imports desugar strategies inline-all = desugar-all; alltd(declare-inline); innermost(desugar <+ InlineTemplate) rules declare-inline : ...
  • 54. module template-inlining imports libstratego-lib imports include/nwl imports desugar strategies inline-all = desugar-all; alltd(declare-inline); innermost(desugar <+ InlineTemplate) rules declare-inline : TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) -> TemplateDef(mod*,f,param*,elem1*) where rules( InlineTemplate : Call(f, e*, elem2*) -> Call("container", [], elem3*) Template Inlining where {| Subst : rules( Subst : Elements() -> Call("container", [], elem2*) ) ; elem3* := <substitute> (param*, e*, elem1*) Transformation ) |} substitute : (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2* where {| Subst : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*) ; elem2* := <alltd(Subst)> elem1* |} bind-arg : (Param(x, t), e) -> (Param(x, t), e) where rules( Subst : Var(x) -> e ) rules // remove containers desugar-container : [Call("container",[], elem1*) | elem2*] -> [elem1*, elem2*] desugar : elem1* -> elem2* where elem2* := <at-suffix(desugar-container)> elem1*
  • 56. Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining define page blogfront(b : Blog) { header{output(} list{ for(p : Post in b.posts) { listitem{ postInline(p) { par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } } } } } } define postInline(pst : Post) { header{output(pst.title)} output(pst.text) for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { elements } }
  • 57. Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining define page blogfront(b : Blog) { header{output(} list{ for(p : Post in b.posts) { listitem{ postInline(p) { par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } } define page blogfront(b : Blog) { } <h1> output( </h1> } <ul> } for(p : Post in b.posts) { } <li> define postInline(pst : Post) { <h1>output(p.title)</h1> header{output(pst.title)} output(p.text) output(pst.text) for ( p : Tag in p.tags ) { for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { <p> elements "Posted by " } navigate user( { output( } } </p> } </li> } </ul> }
  • 58. Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining define page blogfront(b : Blog) { for(p : Post in b.posts) { postInline(p) { "Posted by " outputUser( } } } define postInline(pst : Post) { for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { output( elements } } define page blogfront(b : Blog) { for(p : Post in b.posts) { for(p : Tag in p.tags) { output( "Posted by " navigate user( { output( } } } }
  • 59. Avoiding Free Variable Capture substitute-args : (param*, e*, elem1*) -> elem2* where {| Subst : <zip(bind-arg)> (param*, e*) ; elem2* := <substitute> elem1* |} substitute = alltd(Subst <+ rename-bound) rename-bound : ForElem(x, t, e1, elem1*) -> ForElem(y, t, e2, elem2*) where {| Subst : y := <newname> x ; e2 := <substitute> e1 ; rules( Subst : Var(x) -> Var(y) ) ; elem2* := <substitute> elem1* |} rename bound variables
  • 60. Free Variable Capture in Template Inlining define page blogfront(b : Blog) { for(p : Post in b.posts) { postInline(p) { "Posted by " outputUser( } } } define postInline(pst : Post) { for(p : Tag in pst.tags) { output( elements } } define page blogfront(b : Blog) { for(p : Post in b.posts) { for(p3 : Tag in p.tags) { output( "Posted by " navigate user( { output( } } } }
  • 62. Aspect Weaving Aspect definition ★ modular definition of cross cutting concerns Aspect weaving ★ apply aspects to base program Applications ★ instrumentation for logging, tracing, debugging, profiling ★ access control, data validation, entity extension
  • 63. Access Control Rules define page post(p : Post) { header{output(p.title)} output(p.text) par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" } } rule page editpost(pst : Post) { principal == } define page editpost(p : Post) { action save() { return post(p); } header{output(p.title)} form{ input(p.url) input(p.title) input(p.text) submit save() { "Save" } } }
  • 64. Access Control Weaving define page post(p : Post) { header{output(p.title)} output(p.text) par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" } } rule page editpost(pst : Post) { principal == } define page editpost(p : Post) { action save() { return post(p); } header{output(p.title)} form{ input(p.url) input(p.title) input(p.text) submit save() { "Save" } } }
  • 65. Access Control Weaving: Protect Page define page post(p : Post) { header{output(p.title)} output(p.text) par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" } } define page editpost(p : Post) { init { rule page editpost(pst : Post) { if(!(principal == { principal == return accessdenied() ; } } } define page editpost(p : Post) { action save() { return post(p) ; } action save() { header{output(p.title)} return post(p); form{ } input(p.url) header{output(p.title)} input(p.title) form{ input(p.text) input(p.url) submit save ( ) { "Save" } input(p.title) } input(p.text) } submit save() { "Save" } } }
  • 66. Access Control Weaving: Protect Link define page post(p : Post) { header{output(p.title)} output(p.text) par{ "Posted by " outputUser( } navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" } } define page editpost(p : Post) { init { rule page editpost(pst : Post) { if(!(principal == { principal == return accessdenied() ; } } } define page editpost(p : Post) { action save() { return post(p) ; } action save() { header{output(p.title)} return post(p); define page post ( p : Post ) { form{ } header{output(p.title)} input(p.url) header{output(p.title)} output(p.text) input(p.title) form{ par{"Posted by "outputUser(} input(p.text) input(p.url) if(principal == ( ) { "Save" } { submit save input(p.title) }navigate editpost(p) { "Edit" } input(p.text) }} submit save() { "Save" } } } }
  • 67. Access Control Weaving: Strategy weave-ac-rules = alltd(declare-ac-rule); bottomup(try(ProtectPage <+ ProtectNavigate))
  • 68. Access Control Weaving: Protect Navigate declare-ac-rule : r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r where rules( ProtectNavigate : elem@Navigate(PageRef(f, e*), elem*) -> If(e2,Block([elem]),Block([])) where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, e*, e) )
  • 69. Access Control Weaving: Protect Page declare-ac-rule : r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r where rules( ProtectNavigate : ... ProtectPage : TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, elem*) -> TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, [Init([ If(Not(e), Block([ReturnPage(PageRef("accessdenied", []))]), Block([]))]), elem*]) where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, <map(param-to-exp)> param2*, e) ) param-to-exp : Param(x, t) -> Var(x)
  • 70. Access Control Weaving: Complete* weave-ac-rules = alltd(declare-ac-rule); bottomup(try(ProtectPage <+ ProtectNavigate)) declare-ac-rule : r@Rule([Page()], f, param1*, e) -> r where rules( ProtectPage : TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, elem1*) -> TemplateDef([Page()], f, param2*, [Init([ If(Not(e), Block([ReturnPage(PageRef("accessdenied", []))]), Block([]))]), elem1*]) where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, <map(param-to-exp)> param2*, e) ProtectNavigate : elem@Navigate(PageRef(f, e*), elem*) -> If(e2,Block([elem]),Block([])) where e2 := <substitute-args> (param1*, e*, e) ) param-to-exp : Param(x, t) -> Var(x) * complete specification for this limited example; WebDSL AC is more complex
  • 71. Extend Entity module blog entity Post { url : String (id) title : String (name) text : WikiText blog : Blog (inverse:posts) author : User module tags blog : Blog } entity Tag { key : String (id) title : String (name) text : WikiText posts : Set<Post> } extend entity Post { tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts) } modular extensibility => more cohesion (?)
  • 72. Extend Entity module woven entity Post { url : String (id) title : String (name) module blog text : WikiText blog : Blog (inverse:posts) entity Post { author : User url : String (id) blog : Blog title : String (name) tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts) text : WikiText } blog : Blog (inverse:posts) author : User entity Tag { module tags blog : Blog key : String (id) } title : String (name) entity Tag { text : WikiText key : String (id) posts : Set<Post> title : String (name) } text : WikiText posts : Set<Post> } extend entity Post { tags : Set<Tag> (inverse:posts) } modular extensibility => more cohesion (?)
  • 74. Other Applications of Model Transformation Refactoring ★ behaviour preserving transformation to improve design ★ e.g. extract/inline function/template/entity Difference detection ★ detect differences between two models Migration ★ update model to conform to new meta-model Optimization ★ derive more efficient version ★ e.g. query prefetching
  • 75. Schedule Case 3 ★ Syntax definition & term rewriting ★ Deadline: Design 2 ★ Make a proposal (can be submitted separately) ★ Deadline: Lab this week ★ Install Spoofax ★ Make Case 3 Next ★ Lecture 9: static analysis