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• Introduction to species habitat and some concepts in community ecology
• Statistical methods dealing with communities
    • Analysis of β-diversity: Similarity and distance matrices & Mantel and
       partial Mantel test
       Practical session “Community Ecology with R”
    • Direct Ordination Methods (CCA and RDA)
    • Variation partitioning
       Practical session “Community Ecology with R”
    • 4th corner method

• Which are the main factors that determine the distribution (or the habitat) of species?

     • Environmental factors (e.g. temperature, nutrients, …) → Adaptation processes
     • Dispersal limitation factors (reproduction and mortality rate, growth,
     migration,…) → Historical processes

     • for a species, but species compete for resources (hence, for space)
     • for an assemblage (or community) of species, within a guild

     A guild (or ecological guild) is any group of species that exploit the same
     resources: e.g. zooplankton, phytoplankton, trees

         Site 1              Site 2                     Site 1           Site 2

                              E                                      B
                     D                              A                        F
     B                                                      C                     E
              C             G                                    G       D

              Shared species ↓                          Shared species ↑

• Which are the main factors that determine the species composition of a
community in a region?

• What are the factors that determine the maintenance of local and regional


  γ-diversity /

                  α-diversity /                β-diversity /
Within an homogeneous habitat               Environnemental

                                      Whittaker (1960, 1977)

                       Habitat theories
         1.   Environmental factors ⇔ Niche ⇔ « Environmental patchiness »

Abundance                   a   b            c   d        e

                                    Environmental Gradient

   2.   Geographic Distance ⇔ Dispersal limitation ⇔ « random walk »
                             (Neutral theory, Hubbell 2001)


                            Distance between sites
 Neutral community: all individuals have the same rates of reproduction and mortality

                                        Niche model

•   The Hutchinsonian niche views niche as an multi-dimensional hypervolume, where the
    dimensions are environmental conditions and the resources that define the requirements of
    an individual or a species (E. Hutchinson, 1957).
•   The full range of environmental conditions (physical and biological, i.e. the resources) under
    which an organism can exist describes its fundamental niche.
                              Unidimensional niche
                                                              Two dimensional niche

                                    Three dimensional niche

                                  Dispersal-limited model
     • Species composition fluctuates in a random, autocorrelated way.

           Site 1                 Site 2                          Site 1               Site 2

                                     E                                         B
                         D                                    A                         F
    B                                                                 C                         E
                C                G                                         G       D

                     Similarity ↓ : β-diversity↑     Similarity ↑: β-diversity ↓

          Distance decay
                          β-diversity              Metacommunity: a set of local communities
Shared                                             that are linked by dispersal of multiple,
species                      Metacommunity A
                                                   potentially interacting species

                     Metacommunity B

                    Geographical distance

A metapopulation is a group of spatially separated populations of the same
species which interact at some level


A metacommunity is a set of local communities that are linked by dispersal of
multiple, potentially interacting species

                            na2   ma1
                                  mb1            nb1
                                      The theory of island biogeography
                                        (MacArthur and Wilson, 1967)

•   The number of species found on an undisturbed island is determined by immigration and
•   Immigration and emigration are affected by the distance of an island from a source of colonists
    (distance effect).
•   Large islands => lower extinction
•   Near islands to continents => higher immigration rate

MacArthur, R. H. and Wilson, E. O. 1967. The Theory
of Island Biogeography. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.

                    Dispersal limited model

                                                    Variance partitionning

Condit et al. Science, January 25, 2002.   Duivenvoorden et al. Science, January 25, 2002.

                                    Spatial Autocorrelation


                        Environmental Gradient             Geographic distance
Legendre, P. (1993) Spatial autocorrelation: trouble or new paradigm. Ecology, 74, 1659–1673.

•   Environmental variables and species distributions tend to be spatially autocorrelated:
      • Species distributions are most often aggregated because of contagious biotic processes such as
           local dispersal
      • But also, environment is structured primarily by climate and geomorphological processes on
           land that cause gradients and patchy structures.
•    Therefore values of these variables are not stochastically independent from one another. This may
    lead to misinterpretation of patterns using classical statistics when ecologists conclude that species–
    habitat associations are statistically significant.
•   To evaluate the relative importance of environmental segregation and limited dispersal in explaining
    species distributions, spatial structure must be considered.
•   Spatial autocorrelation can be a problem for explaining species ecological niche, however, it can
    improve habitat modelling

Some statistical methods to analyse distribution
       patterns of species communities

          • Similarity and distance matrices &
            Mantel and partial Mantel test
            (Analysis of β-diversity)
            Practical session “Community Ecology
            with R”
          • Direct Ordination Methods (CCA and
          • Variation partitioning
          • Practical session “Community Ecology
            with R”
          • 4th corner method

     Analysis of β-diversity:
Similarity and distance matrices
 Mantel and partial Mantel test

                               Similarity and distance matrices
     Species Matrix: m sites x n species                             β-diversity
                                                                                             e.g. n = 5 sites
            x11   x12 ...         x1n                         1 s12   s13   s14   s15 
                                       (Jaccard, …)                                   
                                                                . 1     s23   s24   s25 
           x      ... .            . 
       S =  21                                       S sim   = . .     1     s34   s35 
              :    .       .        .                                                  
                                                              . .      .    1     s45 
           x                      xmn                         . .
            m1    .       .                                            .    .      1 

                                   Similarity Coefficient / Distance

           x11     x12 ...         x1q                       1    s12 s13 s14 s15 
                                                                                  
                                                               .     1 s23 s24 s25 
           x21     ... .            . 
    AMB =                                             AMB 
                                         (Euclidean, …) sim =  .    . 1 s34 s35 
             :         .       .     .                                               
                                                             .     .   . 1 s45 
          x                                                  .
           m1         .       .    xmq 
                                                                     .   .   . 1   
Environmental Matrix: m sites x q variables                   Environmental similarity

                      (Dis)Similarity and distance indices
                                                                   Site 1            Site 2

Similarity indices (for species data): 0 → 1                                     B
                                                               A                                  E
     • Jaccard index (for presence-absence data) is the                C
     number of species shared between the two plots,                                 D
     divided by the total number of species observed.
           0 (no shared species) → 1 (all species shared)           Jaccard = 4 / 6
     • Bray-Curtis index (for abundance data) is defined by
     2W/(A+B), where W is the sum over all species of the
     minimum abundances between the two stations of                         sp1          sp2       min
     each species, and A and B are the sums of the             St1           3               4     →3
     abundances of all species at each of the two stations.
                                                               St2           5               2     →2
     • Bray-Curtis is also known as Steinhaus dissimilarity,
     Sørensen index, or Czekanowski                                                      W=        5
Distance indices (for variables):                                                var1             var2
     • Euclidean :                                       d     St1               32.3              0.2
                                                               St2               34.6              0.3
                                                                             d1=2.32             d2=0.12

   Species Matrix                                       β-diversity

       x11   x12 ...         x1n                       1 s12 s13 s14     s15 
                                  (Jaccard, …)                               
                                                          . 1 s23 s24      s25 
      x      ... .            . 
  S =  21                                       S sim =  . .   1 s34      s35 
         :    .       .        .                                              
                                                       . .    .   1      s45 
      x                                                . .
       m1    .       .       xmn                              .   .       1 

                              Similarity Coefficient / Distance                     Mantel Test

       x11    x12 ...         x1q                       1    s12 s13 s14 s15 
                                                                             
                                                          .     1 s23 s24 s25 
       x21    ... .            . 
AMB =                                            AMB 
                                    (Euclidean, …) sim =  .    . 1 s34 s35 
         :        .       .     .                                               
                                                        .     .   . 1 s45 
      x                                                 .
       m1        .       .    xmq 
                                                                .   .   . 1   
   Environmental Matrix                           Environmental similarity

    Species Matrix                                     β-diversity
                                                                                     e.g. 5 sites
     x11     x12 ...     x1n                         1 s12    s13   s14   s15 
                              (Jaccard, …)                                    
                                                       . 1      s23   s24   s25 
    x        ... .        . 
S =  21                                     S sim   = . .       1    s34   s35 
       :       .     .     .                                                   
                                                     . .       .    1     s45 
    x                    xmn                         . .
     m1       .     .                                          .    .      1 

                           Similarity Coefficient / Distance                         Mantel Test

            x1          y1                            0    d12 d13 d14 d15 
                                                                           
            x2          ...                           .     0 d23 d24 d25
d        =  .                                      d = .    . 0 d34 d35
                                 Euclidean                                 
            .                                         .     . . 0 d45
                                                      .     . . . 0
            xm          ym                                                 

           Site location: x,y                          Geographic distance

                           Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama

Floristic data:
 708 tree species (> 10 cm dbh)
 53 sites of ~1 ha


                                             Environmental Variables:
                                             •   Precipitation
                                             •   Elevation
                                             •   Slope
                                             •   Water accumulation flow
                                             •   Geology
                                             •   Fragmentation

                                                              Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama

                                                                                                 Geographical Distance (GD)    0.637
Fraction species shared

                                                                     Dispersal-related factors   ln(GD)                        0.696
                                         β-diversity                                             Cross-plot forest fraction    0.323
                                                                                                 Elevation                     0.424
                                                                                                 Slope                         0.318
                                                                                                 Runoff                        0.078
                                                                     Environmental factors
                                                                                                 Precipitation                 0.572
                                                                                                 Dry season                    0.461
                                                                                                 Geologic types                0.126
                                                                                                 Band 1                        0.305
                                                                                                 Band 2                        0.117
                                                                                                 Band 3                        0.127
                                                                     Spectral data
                                      Distance (km)                                              Band 4                        0.258
                                                                                                 Band 5                        0.148
                          Condit et al. Science, January 25, 2002.
                                                                                                 Band 7                        0.160

       Identification of complementary areas of diversity

      Site 1              Site 2                     Site 1        Site 2

                 D                               A                  F
  B                                                      C                  E
           C              G                                    D

• Problem of the minimal area
         Minimise the total surface while preserving all species
• Problem of the maximal coverage
         Maximise the number of species within a fixed surface

 Optimising γ-diversity

                                       Identification of complementary areas

 Step 1. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering

Cluster 3.1                3.2              3.3 3.4 3.5    2.1 2.2 1.1 1.2

Plots 1,3,4,21,22,    2,S0,S1,S3,S2,S4,     34 40 41      31,32   36 35 37
       29,23,27,24,   SH,25,26,5,17,13,                   33
       28,30,C1,      10,11,18,14,P1,
       C4,C2,C3       P2,6,7,12,15,16,8,
                      9, 20,19,G1,G2

     Step 2. Multiple Regression Model
             between distance matrices

                                                  Identification of complementary areas

 Step 1. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering

Cluster 3.1                 3.2                                         3.3 3.4 3.5       2.1 2.2 1.1 1.2

Plots 1,3,4,21,22,     2,S0,S1,S3,S2,S4,                                 34 40 41     31,32       36 35 37
       29,23,27,24,    SH,25,26,5,17,13,                                              33
       28,30,C1,       10,11,18,14,P1,
       C4,C2,C3        P2,6,7,12,15,16,8,
                       9, 20,19,G1,G2

                                                                                                                           Step 3.
     Step 2. Multiple Regression Model                                                                                     Extrapolation
             between distance matrices                                                                                     of the model
                                                                                                                           and cluster
                                       Jaccard similarity


                                                                                                                         Ŝ(pixel i, site 1)
                 • Log(GD)                                  0.6                                                          Ŝ(pixel i, site 2)
                 • Elevation
                 • Bands 1-4                                0.4
                                                                                  R2 = 0.57 (p < 0.001)
                                                                                                                         Ŝ(pixel i, site 53)
                                                                  0.2   0.4     0.6         0.8       1.0


                      Predicted floristic types: identification of complementary areas
                                                                                                     Non-rain forest
                                                                                                     Water surfaces
                                                                                                     Cluster 1.1
                                                                                                     Cluster 1.2
                                                                                                     Cluster 2.1
                                                                                                     Cluster 2.2
                                                                                                     Cluster 3.1
                                                                                                     Cluster 3.2
                                                                                                     Cluster 3.3
                                                                                                     Cluster 3.4
                                                                                                     Cluster 3.5

Chust, G., J. Chave, R. Condit, S. Aguilar, S. Lao, & R. Pérez (2006) Determinants and spatial modeling of beta-
diversity in a tropical forest landscape in Panama. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 83-92.

                            Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay

                                                                                                     267 Zooplankton
                       0m                      m
                                                                                                     collected from
                                                                                                     May 2-16, 2004

                 Bay of Biscay
45                                             Cap Ferret Canyon
                                                                         Gironde Estuary             24 most abundant
                                                                         Arcachon Bay

                                                   Cap Breton Canyon
                                                                       Adour river

     -7    -6       -5           -4             -3             -2           -1             0

                                                                                               Copepod Calanus helgolandicus

Irigoien, X., G.Chust, J.A. Fernandes, A. Albaina, L. Zarauz (2011) Factors determining
mesozooplankton species distribution and community structure in shelf and coastal waters.
Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1182-1192.

                          Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay

Species similarity indices against geographic distance

                          Species similarity (Bray-curtis)


     Species similarity                                      0.4


                                                                   0   50    100   150    200      250   300   350

                                                                                   Distance (km)
                          Species similarity (Jaccard)




                                                                   0   50    100   150    200      250   300   350

                                                                                   Distance (km)

                                                                            Distance (km)

                     Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay

Species similarity indices against environment:

• 15 environmental variables (bottom depth, temperature,
  salinity and density at surface and bottom, difference in
  density between surface and bottom, Frequency of Brunt-
  Vaisala, integrated fluorescence, depth of the maximum
  fluorescence, fluorescence at the maximum, abundance of
  chaetognath, jellyfish and fish eggs)

• 32767 possible subsets were compared
   • ∑             , where n: number of var., k: combinations
                   ! !

• The best subset of environmental variables selected so that
  explain the maximum variation of the species similarity were
  4: Frequency of Brunt-Vaisala, salinity at surface, density at
  bottom and jellyfish abundance (for Bray-Curtis index)

                                                  Model Selection

   Aim: to select the best subset of environmental variables, so that distances of
   (scaled) environmental variables have the maximum correlation with community
      Environmental Matrix                                 Environmental similarity
       x11     x12 ...           x1q                       1    s12 s13 s14 s15 
                                                                                
                                                             .     1 s23 s24 s25 
       x21     ...     .          . 
AMB =                                               AMB 
                                       (Euclidean, …) sim =  .    . 1 s34 s35 
         :       .      .          .                                               
                                                           .     .   . 1 s45 
      x                                                    .
       m1       .      .         xmq 
                                                                   .   .   . 1   

                     x11   x12        
                                      
                    x      ...        
              AMB =  21               
                       :     .
                                      
                    x       .         
                     m1               

              n combinations of q variables → n Environmental similarity matrices

                                        Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay
                                                      Mantel r p-value     Terms selected for Environmental variables
Bray-Curtis × Environment                              0.54     0.001 Frequency of Brunt-Vaisala, Salinity at surface,
                                                                       Density at bottom, Jellyfish abundance
Bray-Curtis × Distance                                 0.43     0.001
Bray-Curtis × Environment (Distance partially out)     0.50     0.001

Jaccard × Environment                                  0.44     0.001   Temperature at bottom, Density at surface and at
                                                                        bottom, Fish abundance
Jaccard × Distance                                     0.47     0.001
Jaccard × Environ selec (Distance partially out)       0.34     0.001

                  ENV                                Conclusion: mesozooplankton communities in
                                  DIS                the Bay of Biscay are subjected to balanced
                                                     degree of dispersal limitation and niche

                      Case Study 2: a comparison of estuarine intertidal communities

Saltmarsh and seagrass plants         Macroalgae                 Macroinvertebrates

    rM = 0.625                       rM = 0.316                   rM = 0.064
    Slope = -0.0021                  Slope = -0.0020              Slope = -0.0003

      Software for Similarity/distance indices and Mantel tests

• R: vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2011, see Docs)

• PRIMER (Clarke & Gorley 2006;

• …

Practical session 1 “Community
Ecology with R: vegan package”

            DATA (Legendre et al. 2005, Ecological Monographs)

• The variance of a dissimilarity matrix among sites (rM2) is not the variance of the
  community composition,
• hence, partitioning on distance matrices should not be used to study the variation in
  community composition among sites.
• Partitioning on distance matrices underestimated the amount of variation in
  community composition explained by the raw-data approach.

• The proper statistical procedure for partitioning the spatial variation of community
  composition data among environmental and spatial components, and for testing
  hypotheses about the origin and maintenance of variation in community composition
  among sites, is canonical partitioning.
• The Mantel approach is appropriate for testing other hypotheses, such as the variation
  in beta diversity among groups of sites. Regression on distance matrices is also
  appropriate for fitting models to similarity decay plots.

Direct (constrained) Ordination
    Variation partitionning

                       Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods
                                                             One species                            q environ. var.
                                                        (Occurrence, abundance)

                                                                x1                    x11 x12 ... x1q 
                                                                                                      
                                                               x                      x21 ... . . 
• Univariate: e.g. (multiple) regression model              S = 2             × AMB=  : . . . 
                                                                                                      
                                                               x                     x                
                                                                m                     m1 . . xmq 
• Multivariate response data: e.g. Canonical Ordination
                       Species composition data.                     q environ. var.
                        x11 x12 ... x1n                   x11          x12 ...       x1q 
                                                                                         
                        x21 ... .    .                    x21          ...     .      . 
                    S =
                          :   . .     . 
                                                   × AMB = 
                                                              :            .      .      . 
                                                                                         
                       x     . . xmn                     x              .      .     xmq 
                        m1                                m1                             

• Residual variation of multivariate response data: e.g. Partial ordination
                Species composition data.                  q environ. var.                                     Spatial terms
                 x11 x12 ... x1n                   x11     x12 ...           x1q                         x1
                                                                                                                        y1 
                                                                                 
                                                                                                             x2        ... 
                 x21 ... .    .                    x21      ...    .          . 
             S =
                   :   . .     . 
                                            × AMB = 
                                                       :        .     .          . 
                                                                                        ×       d    xy   =  .
                                                                                                         .             
                x                                 x                          xmq                         x
                 m1 . . xmn                        m1       .      .                                     m         y m 

                          Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods

• Ordination methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) are used to
reduce the variation in community composition in an ordination diagram.
(PCA uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated
variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables called principal components)

              x11 x12 ... x1n                                                     x11   x12 ...   x1q 
                                            pc1
                                                     pc 2   ...   pc 3 
                                                                                                        
              x21 ... .    .                                                      x21   ...   .    . 
          S =                   →            ...
                                       PCA = 
                                                     ...     .     . 
                                                                           × AMB =  :
                :   . .     .               
                                                :     .      .     . 
                                                                                           .    .    . 
                                            ...                ...                                  
             x     . . xmn 
                                                     .      .                    x       .    .   xmq 
              m1                                                                  m1                  
• Constrained (Canonical) Ordination: is a combination of ordination and
multiple regression. It extracts continuous axes of variation from species abundance
data in order to explain which portion of this variation is directly explained by
environmental variables. The axes are constrained to be linear combinations of
environmental variables. The orthogonal directions in PCA is particular and other
directions may well be better related to env. var. Canonical Ordination is a solution
for this.
              Response models            Indirect           Direct Multivariate

              Linear                     PCA                Constrained Ordination: RDA
              Unimodal                                      Constrained Ordination: CCA

                          Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods

Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA): species are assumed to have unimodal
response surfaces with respect to compound environmental gradient. It is related to
Correspondence Analysis and it is based on Chi-squared distance.

                                                                    a       b           c

                                                           Environnemental Gradient
Redundancy Analysis (RDA): species are assumed to have linear response surfaces with
respect to compound environmental gradients. Thus, RDA is a direct extension of multiple
regression to the modelling of multivariate response data. It is related to PCA and it is based
on Euclidean Distances.
                                      Abundance                                     b

                                                         Environnemental Gradient

                   Spatial terms for Canonical Ordination Methods: trend surface

Geographic distance                              Trend surface model
for Mantel approaches                      Linear

                                            x, y

        d                                                                    20

                                                                    Z Data


                                                                                  5                                         4



                                                                                       4                        2

    x         y                                                                            Y Da

    .         .
    .         .

                                           Cubic                           100

                             x, y, xy, x2, y2, x2y, y2x, x3, y3              50


                                                                  Z Data




                                                                                       4                        2
                                                                                           Y Da             1
                                                                                               ta       1

                                                   Variation Partitionning
      2 variable types                                Example                  3 variable types
                                                         UNA = 50%                       UNA
       UNA: Not explained

        ENV                                         ENV                          ENV           ANT
           a                                       30%                           a                 b
               c                                           10%                       e         f

                      b                                      10%                          c
                DIS                                                                      DIS

 e.g. Environment ENV, Distance DIS,                                 e.g. Environment, Distance, Anthropogenic ANT
 UNA: unaccounted (not explained)

 Steps (just algebra):
 1. Canonical Ordination (CO) between Species and ENV → a+c
 2. pCO between Species and ENV, partially out SPA→ a; → c = (a+c)-a
 3. CO between Species and (ENV & Distance) → a+b+c; i.e. 1-UNA
      Thus, b = (a+b+c) – a – c
 Or 3bis. CO between Species and DIS → b+c →
      Thus b = (b+c) – c ; UNA = 1 – [a + b + c]
                                         © AZTI-Tecnalia
Chust, G., et al. (2003). Conservation Biology 17 (6): 1712-1723.

Software for Canonical and Redundancy analysis, and Variation Partitioning:

        • R: vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2011, see Docs)

        • CANOCO (ter Braak and Smilauer 1998;

        • …

                                             Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama

 Based on Mantel test                                   Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis
                                                      terms                           17%
                                                                           25%                                Environment


Duivenvoorden et al. Science, 2002.                                   Not explained                           Chust et al. 2006. JVS*

                   Conclusion: The distribution of Panamanian tree species appears
                   to be primarily determined by dispersal limitation, then by
                   environmental heterogeneity

   *Chust, G., J. Chave, R. Condit, S. Aguilar, S. Lao, & R. Pérez (2006) Determinants and spatial modeling
   of beta-diversity in a tropical forest landscape in Panama. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 83-92.

Practical session 2 “Community
Ecology with R: vegan package”

4th Corner Method

                                      4th Corner Method (Legendre et al. 1997)

    • The fourth-corner tests for the association between biological traits to habitat at
    locations where the corresponding species are found.
    • How do the biological and behavioral characteristics of species determine
    their relative locataions in an ecosystem?
    • e.g. are the modes of dispersion related to habitat fragmentation?

                            A                                     B                             C
               Presence/Absence                  ×             Traits            ×         Environment
                245 sp × 78 sites                           3 life form                   Fragmentation
                                                       4 types of dispersion

                      A( sp × sites ) B ( sp × trait )                D = C * A’ * B
                     C (var× sites) D(var× trait )
                                                       
                                                                       • test F (global)
                                                                       • Correlation r
Legendre, P., Galzin, R. & Harmelin-Vivien, L. (1997) Relating behavior to habitat: solutions to the fourth-corner
problem. Ecology, 78, 547–562.

Case study 1: Coral reef fish data

• Biological and behavioural traits

• Environmental variables:
        Bottom type

  Legendre et al. 1997

                  Case study 2: Plant traits

   3 life forms

                             Habitat fragmentation

4 types of dispersion
                                              Case study: Plant traits

                       Test F



  Interpretation: The effects of
  fragmentation of scrubland
  on scrub species community
  are related to the dispersal

                  Interpretation: Wind-
                  dispersed species are
                  positively related to the

                                                                                    Case study: Plant traits

                                                                                            Woody plants
                                                                                            Annual herbs       Interpretation: Wind-
                      Number of species in scrublands                                                          dispersed and annual
                                                                                                               species are positively
                                                                                                               related to the
                                                                                                               defragmentation of


                                                        0-33      34-66    67-100

                                                        Fraction of scrubland (%)

Chust, G., A. Pérez-Haase, J. Chave, & J. Ll. Pretus. (2006) Linking floristic patterns and plant traits of Mediterranean communities in
fragmented habitats. Journal of Biogeography 33: 1235–1245.

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Habitat Modelling, by Guillem Chust

  • 1. EURO-­‐BASIN,  www.euro-­‐   Introduc)on  to  Sta)s)cal  Modelling  Tools  for  Habitat  Models  Development,  26-­‐28th  Oct  2011  
  • 2. 2 Index • Introduction to species habitat and some concepts in community ecology • Statistical methods dealing with communities • Analysis of β-diversity: Similarity and distance matrices & Mantel and partial Mantel test Practical session “Community Ecology with R” • Direct Ordination Methods (CCA and RDA) • Variation partitioning Practical session “Community Ecology with R” • 4th corner method
  • 3. 3 Hypothesis • Which are the main factors that determine the distribution (or the habitat) of species? • Environmental factors (e.g. temperature, nutrients, …) → Adaptation processes versus • Dispersal limitation factors (reproduction and mortality rate, growth, migration,…) → Historical processes • for a species, but species compete for resources (hence, for space) • for an assemblage (or community) of species, within a guild A guild (or ecological guild) is any group of species that exploit the same resources: e.g. zooplankton, phytoplankton, trees
  • 4. 4 Hypothesis Site 1 Site 2 Site 1 Site 2 A E B D A F B C E F C G G D Shared species ↓ Shared species ↑ • Which are the main factors that determine the species composition of a community in a region? • What are the factors that determine the maintenance of local and regional diversity?
  • 5. 5 diversities… γ-diversity / Landscape α-diversity / β-diversity / Within an homogeneous habitat Environnemental gradient Whittaker (1960, 1977)
  • 6. 6 Habitat theories 1. Environmental factors ⇔ Niche ⇔ « Environmental patchiness » Abundance a b c d e Environmental Gradient 2. Geographic Distance ⇔ Dispersal limitation ⇔ « random walk » (Neutral theory, Hubbell 2001) Shared species Distance between sites Neutral community: all individuals have the same rates of reproduction and mortality
  • 7. 7 Niche model • The Hutchinsonian niche views niche as an multi-dimensional hypervolume, where the dimensions are environmental conditions and the resources that define the requirements of an individual or a species (E. Hutchinson, 1957). • The full range of environmental conditions (physical and biological, i.e. the resources) under which an organism can exist describes its fundamental niche. Unidimensional niche Two dimensional niche Abundance Variable Three dimensional niche
  • 8. 8 Dispersal-limited model • Species composition fluctuates in a random, autocorrelated way. Site 1 Site 2 Site 1 Site 2 A E B D A F B C E F C G G D Similarity ↓ : β-diversity↑ Similarity ↑: β-diversity ↓ Distance decay β-diversity Metacommunity: a set of local communities Shared that are linked by dispersal of multiple, species Metacommunity A potentially interacting species Metacommunity B Geographical distance
  • 9. 9 Terminology A metapopulation is a group of spatially separated populations of the same species which interact at some level m1 n2 n1 A metacommunity is a set of local communities that are linked by dispersal of multiple, potentially interacting species na2 ma1 mb1 nb1 nb2 na1 nc1 na3
  • 10. 10 The theory of island biogeography (MacArthur and Wilson, 1967) • The number of species found on an undisturbed island is determined by immigration and extinction. • Immigration and emigration are affected by the distance of an island from a source of colonists (distance effect). • Large islands => lower extinction • Near islands to continents => higher immigration rate MacArthur, R. H. and Wilson, E. O. 1967. The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
  • 11. 11 Dispersal limited model Variance partitionning β-diversity Condit et al. Science, January 25, 2002. Duivenvoorden et al. Science, January 25, 2002.
  • 12. 12 Spatial Autocorrelation species Shared Environmental Gradient Geographic distance Legendre, P. (1993) Spatial autocorrelation: trouble or new paradigm. Ecology, 74, 1659–1673. • Environmental variables and species distributions tend to be spatially autocorrelated: • Species distributions are most often aggregated because of contagious biotic processes such as local dispersal • But also, environment is structured primarily by climate and geomorphological processes on land that cause gradients and patchy structures. • Therefore values of these variables are not stochastically independent from one another. This may lead to misinterpretation of patterns using classical statistics when ecologists conclude that species– habitat associations are statistically significant. • To evaluate the relative importance of environmental segregation and limited dispersal in explaining species distributions, spatial structure must be considered. • Spatial autocorrelation can be a problem for explaining species ecological niche, however, it can improve habitat modelling
  • 13. 13 Some statistical methods to analyse distribution patterns of species communities • Similarity and distance matrices & Mantel and partial Mantel test (Analysis of β-diversity) Practical session “Community Ecology with R” • Direct Ordination Methods (CCA and RDA) • Variation partitioning • Practical session “Community Ecology with R” • 4th corner method
  • 14. 14 Analysis of β-diversity: Similarity and distance matrices & Mantel and partial Mantel test
  • 15. 15 Similarity and distance matrices Species Matrix: m sites x n species β-diversity e.g. n = 5 sites  x11 x12 ... x1n  1 s12 s13 s14 s15    (Jaccard, …)   . 1 s23 s24 s25  x ... . .  S =  21 S sim = . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .      . . . 1 s45  x xmn  . .  m1 . .   . . 1  Similarity Coefficient / Distance  x11 x12 ... x1q  1 s12 s13 s14 s15      . 1 s23 s24 s25   x21 ... . .  AMB =  AMB   (Euclidean, …) sim =  . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .    . . . 1 s45  x  .  m1 . . xmq   . . . 1  Environmental Matrix: m sites x q variables Environmental similarity
  • 16. 16 (Dis)Similarity and distance indices Site 1 Site 2 Similarity indices (for species data): 0 → 1 B F A E • Jaccard index (for presence-absence data) is the C number of species shared between the two plots, D divided by the total number of species observed. 0 (no shared species) → 1 (all species shared) Jaccard = 4 / 6 • Bray-Curtis index (for abundance data) is defined by 2W/(A+B), where W is the sum over all species of the minimum abundances between the two stations of sp1 sp2 min each species, and A and B are the sums of the St1 3 4 →3 abundances of all species at each of the two stations. St2 5 2 →2 • Bray-Curtis is also known as Steinhaus dissimilarity, Sørensen index, or Czekanowski W= 5 •… Distance indices (for variables): var1 var2 • Euclidean : d St1 32.3 0.2 •… St2 34.6 0.3 d1=2.32 d2=0.12
  • 17. 17 Species Matrix β-diversity  x11 x12 ... x1n  1 s12 s13 s14 s15    (Jaccard, …)    . 1 s23 s24 s25  x ... . .  S =  21 S sim =  . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .      . . . 1 s45  x  . .  m1 . . xmn   . . 1  Similarity Coefficient / Distance Mantel Test  x11 x12 ... x1q  1 s12 s13 s14 s15      . 1 s23 s24 s25   x21 ... . .  AMB =  AMB   (Euclidean, …) sim =  . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .    . . . 1 s45  x  .  m1 . . xmq   . . . 1  Environmental Matrix Environmental similarity
  • 18. 18 Species Matrix β-diversity e.g. 5 sites  x11 x12 ... x1n  1 s12 s13 s14 s15    (Jaccard, …)   . 1 s23 s24 s25  x ... . .  S =  21 S sim = . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .      . . . 1 s45  x xmn  . .  m1 . .   . . 1  Similarity Coefficient / Distance Mantel Test  x1 y1  0 d12 d13 d14 d15       x2 ...  . 0 d23 d24 d25 d =  .  d = . . 0 d34 d35 xy   Euclidean    .  . . . 0 d45   . . . . 0  xm ym    Site location: x,y Geographic distance
  • 19. 19 Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama Floristic data: 708 tree species (> 10 cm dbh) 53 sites of ~1 ha Precipitation Gradient Floristic Composition Environmental Variables: • Precipitation • Elevation • Slope • Water accumulation flow • Geology • Fragmentation
  • 20. 20 Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama Jaccard Geographical Distance (GD) 0.637 Fraction species shared Dispersal-related factors ln(GD) 0.696 β-diversity Cross-plot forest fraction 0.323 Elevation 0.424 Slope 0.318 Runoff 0.078 Environmental factors Precipitation 0.572 Dry season 0.461 Geologic types 0.126 Band 1 0.305 Band 2 0.117 Band 3 0.127 Spectral data Distance (km) Band 4 0.258 Band 5 0.148 Condit et al. Science, January 25, 2002. Band 7 0.160
  • 21. 21 Identification of complementary areas of diversity Site 1 Site 2 Site 1 Site 2 A E D A F B C E F C G D • Problem of the minimal area Minimise the total surface while preserving all species • Problem of the maximal coverage Maximise the number of species within a fixed surface Optimising γ-diversity
  • 22. 22 Identification of complementary areas Step 1. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering Similarity 0% 8% 20% Cluster 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.1 2.2 1.1 1.2 Plots 1,3,4,21,22, 2,S0,S1,S3,S2,S4, 34 40 41 31,32 36 35 37 29,23,27,24, SH,25,26,5,17,13, 33 28,30,C1, 10,11,18,14,P1, C4,C2,C3 P2,6,7,12,15,16,8, 9, 20,19,G1,G2 Step 2. Multiple Regression Model between distance matrices
  • 23. 23 Identification of complementary areas Step 1. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering Similarity 0% 8% 20% Cluster 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.1 2.2 1.1 1.2 Plots 1,3,4,21,22, 2,S0,S1,S3,S2,S4, 34 40 41 31,32 36 35 37 29,23,27,24, SH,25,26,5,17,13, 33 28,30,C1, 10,11,18,14,P1, C4,C2,C3 P2,6,7,12,15,16,8, 9, 20,19,G1,G2 Step 3. Step 2. Multiple Regression Model Extrapolation between distance matrices of the model and cluster 1.0 assignation Jaccard similarity 0.8 Ŝ(pixel i, site 1) • Log(GD) 0.6 Ŝ(pixel i, site 2) • Elevation • Bands 1-4 0.4 : R2 = 0.57 (p < 0.001) Ŝ(pixel i, site 53) 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Predicted
  • 24. 24 Predicted floristic types: identification of complementary areas Non-rain forest Water surfaces Cluster 1.1 Cluster 1.2 Cluster 2.1 Cluster 2.2 Cluster 3.1 Cluster 3.2 Cluster 3.3 Cluster 3.4 Cluster 3.5 Chust, G., J. Chave, R. Condit, S. Aguilar, S. Lao, & R. Pérez (2006) Determinants and spatial modeling of beta- diversity in a tropical forest landscape in Panama. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 83-92.
  • 25. 25 Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay 47 20 10 0 267 Zooplankton 0m m samples collected from 46 May 2-16, 2004 Bay of Biscay 45 Cap Ferret Canyon Gironde Estuary 24 most abundant copepods Arcachon Bay 44 Cap Breton Canyon Adour river 43 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Copepod Calanus helgolandicus Irigoien, X., G.Chust, J.A. Fernandes, A. Albaina, L. Zarauz (2011) Factors determining mesozooplankton species distribution and community structure in shelf and coastal waters. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1182-1192.
  • 26. 26 Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay Species similarity indices against geographic distance 1.0 Species similarity (Bray-curtis) 0.8 0.6 Species similarity 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Distance (km) 0.8 Species similarity (Jaccard) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Distance (km) Distance (km)
  • 27. 27 Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay Species similarity indices against environment: • 15 environmental variables (bottom depth, temperature, salinity and density at surface and bottom, difference in density between surface and bottom, Frequency of Brunt- Vaisala, integrated fluorescence, depth of the maximum fluorescence, fluorescence at the maximum, abundance of chaetognath, jellyfish and fish eggs) • 32767 possible subsets were compared ! • ∑ , where n: number of var., k: combinations ! ! • The best subset of environmental variables selected so that explain the maximum variation of the species similarity were 4: Frequency of Brunt-Vaisala, salinity at surface, density at bottom and jellyfish abundance (for Bray-Curtis index)
  • 28. 28 Model Selection Aim: to select the best subset of environmental variables, so that distances of (scaled) environmental variables have the maximum correlation with community dissimilarities Environmental Matrix Environmental similarity  x11 x12 ... x1q  1 s12 s13 s14 s15      . 1 s23 s24 s25   x21 ... . .  AMB =  AMB   (Euclidean, …) sim =  . . 1 s34 s35  : . . .    . . . 1 s45  x  .  m1 . . xmq   . . . 1   x11 x12    x ...  AMB =  21  : .   x .   m1  n combinations of q variables → n Environmental similarity matrices
  • 29. 29 Case Study 2: zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay Mantel r p-value Terms selected for Environmental variables Bray-Curtis × Environment 0.54 0.001 Frequency of Brunt-Vaisala, Salinity at surface, Density at bottom, Jellyfish abundance Bray-Curtis × Distance 0.43 0.001 Bray-Curtis × Environment (Distance partially out) 0.50 0.001 Jaccard × Environment 0.44 0.001 Temperature at bottom, Density at surface and at bottom, Fish abundance Jaccard × Distance 0.47 0.001 Jaccard × Environ selec (Distance partially out) 0.34 0.001 ENV Conclusion: mesozooplankton communities in DIS the Bay of Biscay are subjected to balanced degree of dispersal limitation and niche segregation.
  • 30. 30 Case Study 2: a comparison of estuarine intertidal communities Saltmarsh and seagrass plants Macroalgae Macroinvertebrates rM = 0.625 rM = 0.316 rM = 0.064 Slope = -0.0021 Slope = -0.0020 Slope = -0.0003
  • 31. 31 Software for Similarity/distance indices and Mantel tests • R: vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2011, see Docs) • PRIMER (Clarke & Gorley 2006; • …
  • 32. 32 Practical session 1 “Community Ecology with R: vegan package”
  • 33. 33 ANALYZING BETA DIVERSITY: PARTITIONING THE SPATIAL VARIATION OF COMMUNITY COMPOSITION DATA (Legendre et al. 2005, Ecological Monographs) • The variance of a dissimilarity matrix among sites (rM2) is not the variance of the community composition, • hence, partitioning on distance matrices should not be used to study the variation in community composition among sites. • Partitioning on distance matrices underestimated the amount of variation in community composition explained by the raw-data approach. • The proper statistical procedure for partitioning the spatial variation of community composition data among environmental and spatial components, and for testing hypotheses about the origin and maintenance of variation in community composition among sites, is canonical partitioning. • The Mantel approach is appropriate for testing other hypotheses, such as the variation in beta diversity among groups of sites. Regression on distance matrices is also appropriate for fitting models to similarity decay plots.
  • 34. 34 Direct (constrained) Ordination Methods & Variation partitionning
  • 35. 35 Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods One species q environ. var. (Occurrence, abundance)  x1   x11 x12 ... x1q      x   x21 ... . .  • Univariate: e.g. (multiple) regression model S = 2  × AMB=  : . . .  :     x  x   m   m1 . . xmq  • Multivariate response data: e.g. Canonical Ordination Species composition data. q environ. var.  x11 x12 ... x1n   x11 x12 ... x1q       x21 ... . .   x21 ... . .  S = : . . .  × AMB =  : . . .      x . . xmn  x . . xmq   m1   m1  • Residual variation of multivariate response data: e.g. Partial ordination Species composition data. q environ. var. Spatial terms  x11 x12 ... x1n   x11 x12 ... x1q   x1  y1        x2 ...   x21 ... . .   x21 ... . .  S = : . . .  × AMB =  : . . .  × d xy =  .         .  x  x xmq   x  m1 . . xmn   m1 . .   m y m  
  • 36. 36 Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods • Ordination methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) are used to reduce the variation in community composition in an ordination diagram. (PCA uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables called principal components)  x11 x12 ... x1n   x11 x12 ... x1q     pc1  pc 2 ... pc 3      x21 ... . .   x21 ... . .  S = →  ... PCA =  ... . .  × AMB =  : : . . .   : . . .   . . .     ... ...    x . . xmn   . .  x . . xmq   m1   m1  • Constrained (Canonical) Ordination: is a combination of ordination and multiple regression. It extracts continuous axes of variation from species abundance data in order to explain which portion of this variation is directly explained by environmental variables. The axes are constrained to be linear combinations of environmental variables. The orthogonal directions in PCA is particular and other directions may well be better related to env. var. Canonical Ordination is a solution for this. Response models Indirect Direct Multivariate Linear PCA Constrained Ordination: RDA Unimodal Constrained Ordination: CCA
  • 37. 37 Constrained (Canonical) Ordination Methods Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA): species are assumed to have unimodal response surfaces with respect to compound environmental gradient. It is related to Correspondence Analysis and it is based on Chi-squared distance. Abundance a b c Environnemental Gradient Redundancy Analysis (RDA): species are assumed to have linear response surfaces with respect to compound environmental gradients. Thus, RDA is a direct extension of multiple regression to the modelling of multivariate response data. It is related to PCA and it is based on Euclidean Distances. c a Abundance b Environnemental Gradient
  • 38. 38 Spatial terms for Canonical Ordination Methods: trend surface Geographic distance Trend surface model for Mantel approaches Linear 30 x, y 25 d 20 Z Data 15 10 5 5 4 ta 3 Da 0 X 4 2 3 x y Y Da ta 2 1 1 . . . . . . Cubic 100 x, y, xy, x2, y2, x2y, y2x, x3, y3 50 0 Z Data -50 5 -100 4 ta 3 Da -150 X 4 2 3 2 Y Da 1 ta 1
  • 39. 39 Variation Partitionning 2 variable types Example 3 variable types UNA = 50% UNA UNA: Not explained ENV ENV ENV ANT d a 30% a b g c 10% e f b 10% c DIS DIS DIS e.g. Environment ENV, Distance DIS, e.g. Environment, Distance, Anthropogenic ANT UNA: unaccounted (not explained) Steps (just algebra): 1. Canonical Ordination (CO) between Species and ENV → a+c 2. pCO between Species and ENV, partially out SPA→ a; → c = (a+c)-a 3. CO between Species and (ENV & Distance) → a+b+c; i.e. 1-UNA Thus, b = (a+b+c) – a – c Or 3bis. CO between Species and DIS → b+c → Thus b = (b+c) – c ; UNA = 1 – [a + b + c] © AZTI-Tecnalia Chust, G., et al. (2003). Conservation Biology 17 (6): 1712-1723.
  • 40. 40 Software for Canonical and Redundancy analysis, and Variation Partitioning: • R: vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2011, see Docs) • CANOCO (ter Braak and Smilauer 1998; • …
  • 41. 41 Case Study 1: Tree rainforest in Panama Based on Mantel test Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis Shared Spatial terms 17% 25% Environment 10% 46% Duivenvoorden et al. Science, 2002. Not explained Chust et al. 2006. JVS* Conclusion: The distribution of Panamanian tree species appears to be primarily determined by dispersal limitation, then by environmental heterogeneity *Chust, G., J. Chave, R. Condit, S. Aguilar, S. Lao, & R. Pérez (2006) Determinants and spatial modeling of beta-diversity in a tropical forest landscape in Panama. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 83-92.
  • 42. 42 Practical session 2 “Community Ecology with R: vegan package”
  • 44. 44 4th Corner Method (Legendre et al. 1997) • The fourth-corner tests for the association between biological traits to habitat at locations where the corresponding species are found. • How do the biological and behavioral characteristics of species determine their relative locataions in an ecosystem? • e.g. are the modes of dispersion related to habitat fragmentation? A B C Presence/Absence × Traits × Environment 245 sp × 78 sites 3 life form Fragmentation 4 types of dispersion  A( sp × sites ) B ( sp × trait )  D = C * A’ * B C (var× sites) D(var× trait )   • test F (global) • Correlation r Legendre, P., Galzin, R. & Harmelin-Vivien, L. (1997) Relating behavior to habitat: solutions to the fourth-corner problem. Ecology, 78, 547–562.
  • 45. 45 Case study 1: Coral reef fish data • Biological and behavioural traits • Environmental variables: Bottom type Depth … Legendre et al. 1997
  • 46. 46 Case study 2: Plant traits 3 life forms Habitat fragmentation 4 types of dispersion
  • 47. 47 Case study: Plant traits Test F Fragmentation Correlation Interpretation: The effects of fragmentation of scrubland on scrub species community are related to the dispersal type Interpretation: Wind- dispersed species are positively related to the defragmentation
  • 48. 48 Case study: Plant traits Woody plants Annual herbs Interpretation: Wind- Number of species in scrublands dispersed and annual species are positively related to the defragmentation of scrublands Animal-dispersed Wind-dispersed 0-33 34-66 67-100 Fraction of scrubland (%) Fragmentation Chust, G., A. Pérez-Haase, J. Chave, & J. Ll. Pretus. (2006) Linking floristic patterns and plant traits of Mediterranean communities in fragmented habitats. Journal of Biogeography 33: 1235–1245.
  • 49. EURO-­‐BASIN,  www.euro-­‐   Introduc)on  to  Sta)s)cal  Modelling  Tools  for  Habitat  Models  Development,  26-­‐28th  Oct  2011