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A soft introduction to


@fbiville / @LateraIThoughts / /
What we have always known

selection sort (O(n2))
What we have always known

selection sort (O(n2))
heap sort (O(n*log(n))
What we have always known

selection sort (O(n2))
heap sort (O(n*log(n))

same algorithm, different data structure,
better execution time !
What we have always known

1 data structure
1 usage
One NOSQL lesson?

1 data STORE
1 usage
One NOSQL lesson?

polyglot persistence, anyone ?
ZOOM on Graph Databases

Graph DB : a common model
property graph
labeled relationships
K/V pairs
Graph DB : a common model
property graph
labeledneov2 nodes
labeled relationships
K/V pairs
Property Graph DBs

lock DB
Property Graph DBs


Graph-based computing

Intuitive model
Expressive querying
Powerful analyses
Graph-based computing

Intuitive model


Expressive querying

Pregel (GOOG), TAO (FB)

Powerful analyses

Pattern matching, path
A glimpse at usecases: mantra


A glimpse at usecases
People I may know

ex: people known by contacts I have
worked with in the past
A glimpse at usecases
People I may know

ex: people known by contacts I have
worked with in the past

Products I should buy

ex: people who bought “Twilight” and
“Justin Bieber biography” like you
also bought “The ultimate emo
A glimpse at usecases
People I may know

ex: people known by contacts I have
worked with in the past

Products I should buy

ex: people who bought “Twilight” and
“Justin Bieber biography” like you
also bought “The ultimate emo

Movies I should watch with whom and where...
A glimpse at usecases
Pattern detection

ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have
made a purchase of game X
in the last hour
A glimpse at usecases
Pattern detection

ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have
made a purchase of game X
in the last hour

Disease detection

ex: DNA sequencing
A glimpse at usecases
Pattern detection

ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have
made a purchase of game X
in the last hour

Disease detection

ex: DNA sequencing

Trend detection

ex: the term Flu has been tweeted
789% times more in Guatemala area
in the last 24 hours
A glimpse at usecases
Path finding

ex: is François Mitterand related to
Elizabeth II ? (yes)
A glimpse at usecases
Path finding

ex: is François Mitterand related to
Elizabeth II ? (yes)


ex: what is the cheapest way to go
to a sushi < 15€ for me (Place de
Clichy) and my friend (Place d’Italie)?
A glimpse at usecases
Path finding

ex: is François Mitterand related to
Elizabeth II ? (yes)


ex: what is the cheapest way to go
to a sushi < 15€ for me (Place de
Clichy) and my friend (Place d’Italie)?

Impact analysis

ex: which customers are impacted if
network switch XYZ fails?
A glimpse at usecases
and more...
Topological ordering

ex: given a set of dependencies, in
which order should I include them?

Community detection

ex: tag clustering on annotated
resources to detect groups of interest
(targeted advertising)

and much more...
A glimpse at usecases
In short


Neo4J - the origins

Circa 2000, somewhere in Sweden
2 swedish guys hacking in a garage
Neo4J - the origins
- Man, I cannot stand Informix anymore
- Right, we’ve pushed it to the limit
- All these documents, these workflows…
- Right, it’s way too densely connected.
- Connected… connections? CONNECTIONS??
Flash-forward: Neo Technology!

1 company

Neo Technology

1 main product


~50 employees
All over the world

Sweden, US, Germany,
France, Malaysia, NZ...
Neo4J - moaar facts & figures


2.0.0.M06 / 1.9.4


GPL, AGPL, OEM, Commercial

235 nodes


235 relationships
> 236 properties

at most 238

… capacity can be tailored on demand
Neo4J anatomy

original presentation:
Neo4J anatomy

GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory ()

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ));
character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" );
transaction .success();
officially distributed
test version!

GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory()

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ));
character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" );
transaction .success();

GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory ()

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ));
character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" );
transaction .success();

transaction is MANDATORY
Java 7 required since 2.0

GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory ()

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel.label("CHARACTER"));
character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" );
transaction .success();

labels are a way
to semi-structure your nodes
(since 2.0)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Node node: graphDB.findNodesByLabelAndProperty(
DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ),
"Homer Simpson" )) {
/* do something very useful */
transaction .success();

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Node node: graphDB.findNodesByLabelAndProperty(
DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ),
"Homer Simpson" )) {
/* do something very useful */
transaction .success();


avoid graphDB.findById !!!


transaction is MANDATORY for reads as well (new in 2.0)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character = /*lookup*/ ;
transaction .success();

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node character = /*lookup*/ ;
transaction .success();


no relationships must be attached when transaction commits


all properties will be automatically removed
Relationship CRUD (JVM)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node homer = /*lookup*/ ;
Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ;
Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo(
DynamicRelationshipType .withName("LOVES_EATING" )
eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE);
transaction .success();
Relationship CRUD (JVM)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node homer = /*lookup*/ ;
Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ;
Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo(
eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE);
transaction .success();

unrelated to
Node labels
Relationship CRUD (JVM)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Node homer = /*lookup*/ ;
Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ;
Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo(
DynamicRelationshipType .withName("LOVES_EATING" )
eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE);
transaction .success();


relationship direction matters at query time


avoid human-eating doughnuts ;-)
Relationship CRUD (JVM)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Relationship relationship = /*lookup*/ ;
relationship .delete();
transaction .success();
Relationship CRUD (JVM)

try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Relationship relationship = /*lookup*/ ;
relationship .delete();
transaction .success();


a write lock is set on the relationship, as well as both start AND end
nodes of the relationship
Core API

Low Level
Transactions are ALWAYS required (v2.0)
Technical IDs are dangerous (findById)
have a look at

SAME capabilities with REST API

Neo4J anatomy
Two strategies

VERY extensive
Totally customizable

100% under your


VERY intuitive
90% of your needs

No free lunch (yet)!
Might not be as performant
Two strategies



Traversal - basic git


try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Path position : Traversal.description()
DynRelType .withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ),
).traverse(headCommit)) {
Node currentNode = position.endNode;
transaction .success();
Traversal - basic git


try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Path position : Traversal.description()
lazy traversal



).traverse(headCommit)) {

Node currentNode = position.endNode;
transaction .success();
Traversal - basic git


try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Path position : Traversal.description()
DynRelType.withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ),
).traverse(headCommit)) {
Node currentNode = position.endNode;
transaction .success();

start traversal
with node
Traversal - basic git


try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
for (Path position : Traversal.description()
DynRelType.withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ),
).traverse(headCommit)) {
Node currentNode = position.endNode;
transaction .success();

keeps track of
current position
& visited nodes/rels

but verbose
and error-prone

Pattern matching and ASCII art

WE <3
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Pattern matching and ASCII art
Cypher syntax with <3


Cypher syntax with <3


Cypher syntax with <3



Cypher syntax with <3

Cypher reads

START <lookup>


MATCH <pattern>
WHERE <filtering>
RETURN <expression>
Cypher reads

MATCH (homer:HUMAN)-[:LOVES_EATING]->(doughnut:FOOD)
WHERE = "Homer Simpson"

AND doughnut.brand = "Fattylicious!"
RETURN homer
Cypher reads

WHERE = "Florent Biville"
AND me <> sugg
RETURN me, sugg
Cypher reads
● MATCH for results
● use WHERE to filter (WHERE


a-[:F]->b or NOT(a-[:F]->b)

● favour parameters over literals (exec. plan reuse)
● “optimizing Neo4j Cypher Queries”
Cypher writes

CREATE (UNIQUE) <expression>

MERGE <expression>
Cypher writes

CREATE (homer:HUMAN:DAD {name: "Homer Simpson"})
RETURN homer
Cypher writes

START homer = node:characters("name:Hom*")
WHERE d.brand = "Fattylicious!"
CREATE (homer)-[luv:LOVES_EATING {quantity:∞}]->(d)
Cypher writes

MERGE (keanu:ACTOR {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
SET keanu.created = timestamp()
ON MATCH keanu
SET keanu.lastSeen = timestamp()
RETURN keanu
Cypher - I want moaaar

Declarative power
Super nice syntax
Evolutionary design with MERGE! to try it out!
Cypher will the #1 way to query data!

Spring Data
History ~2010

Rod Johnson,
Scala last poet

Emil Eifrem,
Neo Tech. founder & CEO
Spring Data
Familiar model for Spring apps

THIN common layer
Embraces diversity


Current version

Vanilla Neo4J repositories with Spring
public class BranchRepository {
public Relationship createBranch (Node p, Node c, Map<String,?> props) {
try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Relationship relationship = p.createRelationshipTo(
DynamicRelationshipType .name("HAS_BRANCH" )
for (Entry<String,?> entry:props.entrySet()) {
relationship .setProperty(entry .getKey(), entry .getValue());
transaction .success();
return relationship;
Vanilla Neo4J repositories with Spring
public class BranchRepository {
public Relationship createBranch (Node p, Node commit, Map<String,?> props)
try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) {
Relationship relationship = p.createRelationshipTo(
DynamicRelationshipType .name("HAS_BRANCH" )
for (Entry<String,?> entry:props.entrySet()) {
relationship .setProperty(entry .getKey(), entry .getValue());
transaction .success();
return relationship;
Spring Data Neo4J repositories
public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> {
// look ma! no code!
Moaaar Spring Data Neo4J repositories

public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> {

Iterable<Branch> findByNameLike (String name);

Page<Branch> lookMaIveGotPages ();

Branch findByNameAndCommitIdentifierLike (String name, String commit);
Moaaar Spring Data Neo4J repositories

public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> {

Iterable<Branch> findByNameLike (String name);


Cool things

Page<Branch> lookMaIveGotPages ();

● Branch findByNameAndCommitIdentifierLike (String
boilerplate methods already provided

name, String commit);

you declare methods following a naming convention, Spring Data Neo4J
generates the right implementation for ya!


YOU EXPOSE YOUR DOMAIN, no Nodes, no Relationships!
Spring Data Neo4J node entities
public class Person {
private Long id;
@Indexed(indexName = "people", type=FULLTEXT)
private String name;
@RelatedTo (type="OWNS", enforceTargetType = true)
private Car car;
@RelatedToVia (type="FRIEND_OF" , direction = Direction.INCOMING)
private Iterable<Friendship> friendships;
@GraphTraversal (traversal = PeopleTraversalBuilder .class,
elementClass = Person.class, params = "persons")
private Iterable<Person> people;
Spring Data Neo4J relationship entities
@RelationshipEntity(type ="FRIEND_OF" )
public class Friendship {
private Person person;
private Dog humansBestFriend;
@GraphProperty /* optional here ;-) */
private Date since;
* moaaaaar properties
And much more

Geospatial queries

Cross-store support
Dynamic relationships
“Advanced” mapping
So much to talk about, so little time
● moaaar Cypher
○ standard API
○ unmanaged extensions
○ streaming
● Tinkerpop abstractions,
● dataviz
○ auto :, Neoclipse, Gephi
○ custom : d3.js, sigma.js…
● NeoAAS :, Heroku
● misc. : backup, batch-import, JDBC drivers
And one more thing

AssertJ-Neo4J 1.0 is coming soon!
Fluent test assertions for Neo4J
Soft Shake Event / A soft introduction to Neo4J

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Soft Shake Event / A soft introduction to Neo4J

  • 1. A soft introduction to (Reality)-[:IS_A]->(Graph) @fbiville / @LateraIThoughts / /
  • 2. What we have always known selection sort (O(n2))
  • 3. What we have always known selection sort (O(n2)) | heap sort (O(n*log(n))
  • 4. What we have always known selection sort (O(n2)) | heap sort (O(n*log(n)) same algorithm, different data structure, better execution time !
  • 5. What we have always known 1 data structure 1 usage
  • 6. One NOSQL lesson? 1 data STORE 1 usage
  • 7. One NOSQL lesson? polyglot persistence, anyone ?
  • 8.
  • 9. ZOOM on Graph Databases graph = nodes/vertices + edges/relationships/arcs
  • 10. Graph DB : a common model property graph = nodes + labeled relationships + K/V pairs
  • 11. Graph DB : a common model property graph = labeledneov2 nodes + labeled relationships + K/V pairs
  • 13. Property Graph DBs WHY DO THEY KICK ASS?
  • 16. Graph-based computing Intuitive model Whiteboard-friendliness Expressive querying Pregel (GOOG), TAO (FB) Powerful analyses Pattern matching, path finding...
  • 17. A glimpse at usecases: mantra RELATIONSHIPS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS E N T I T I E S
  • 18. A glimpse at usecases Recommendations People I may know ex: people known by contacts I have worked with in the past
  • 19. A glimpse at usecases Recommendations People I may know ex: people known by contacts I have worked with in the past Products I should buy ex: people who bought “Twilight” and “Justin Bieber biography” like you also bought “The ultimate emo guide”
  • 20. A glimpse at usecases Recommendations People I may know ex: people known by contacts I have worked with in the past Products I should buy ex: people who bought “Twilight” and “Justin Bieber biography” like you also bought “The ultimate emo guide” Movies I should watch with whom and where...
  • 21. A glimpse at usecases Pattern detection Fraud ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have made a purchase of game X in the last hour
  • 22. A glimpse at usecases Pattern detection Fraud ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have made a purchase of game X in the last hour Disease detection ex: DNA sequencing
  • 23. A glimpse at usecases Pattern detection Fraud ex: many IPs from Fraudistan have made a purchase of game X in the last hour Disease detection ex: DNA sequencing Trend detection ex: the term Flu has been tweeted 789% times more in Guatemala area in the last 24 hours
  • 24. A glimpse at usecases Path finding Genealogy ex: is François Mitterand related to Elizabeth II ? (yes)
  • 25. A glimpse at usecases Path finding Genealogy ex: is François Mitterand related to Elizabeth II ? (yes) Navigation ex: what is the cheapest way to go to a sushi < 15€ for me (Place de Clichy) and my friend (Place d’Italie)?
  • 26. A glimpse at usecases Path finding Genealogy ex: is François Mitterand related to Elizabeth II ? (yes) Navigation ex: what is the cheapest way to go to a sushi < 15€ for me (Place de Clichy) and my friend (Place d’Italie)? Impact analysis ex: which customers are impacted if network switch XYZ fails?
  • 27. A glimpse at usecases and more... Topological ordering ex: given a set of dependencies, in which order should I include them? Community detection ex: tag clustering on annotated resources to detect groups of interest (targeted advertising) and much more...
  • 28. A glimpse at usecases
  • 31. Neo4J - the origins Circa 2000, somewhere in Sweden 2 swedish guys hacking in a garage
  • 32. Neo4J - the origins Dialogue - Man, I cannot stand Informix anymore - Right, we’ve pushed it to the limit - All these documents, these workflows… - Right, it’s way too densely connected. - Connected… connections? CONNECTIONS??
  • 33.
  • 34. Flash-forward: Neo Technology! 1 company Neo Technology 1 main product Neo4J ~50 employees All over the world Sweden, US, Germany, France, Malaysia, NZ...
  • 35. Neo4J - moaar facts & figures Versions 2.0.0.M06 / 1.9.4 Licenses GPL, AGPL, OEM, Commercial 235 nodes 34_359_738_368 235 relationships > 236 properties at most 238 … capacity can be tailored on demand
  • 37. GRAPH ON DISK (roughly) original presentation:
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 44. Node CRUD (JVM) GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory () .newImpermanentDatabase(); try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" )); character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" ); transaction .success(); }
  • 45. Node CRUD (JVM) officially distributed test version! GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory() .newImpermanentDatabase(); try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" )); character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" ); transaction .success(); }
  • 46. Node CRUD (JVM) GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory () .newImpermanentDatabase(); try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" )); character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" ); transaction .success(); } transaction is MANDATORY Java 7 required since 2.0
  • 47. Node CRUD (JVM) GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory () .newImpermanentDatabase(); try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character =graphDB.createNode( DynamicLabel.label("CHARACTER")); character.setProperty( "name", "Homer Simpson" ); transaction .success(); } labels are a way to semi-structure your nodes (since 2.0)
  • 48. Node CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Node node: graphDB.findNodesByLabelAndProperty( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ), "name", "Homer Simpson" )) { /* do something very useful */ } transaction .success(); }
  • 49. Node CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Node node: graphDB.findNodesByLabelAndProperty( DynamicLabel .label("CHARACTER" ), "name", "Homer Simpson" )) { /* do something very useful */ } transaction .success(); } Gotchas ● avoid graphDB.findById !!! ● transaction is MANDATORY for reads as well (new in 2.0)
  • 50. Node CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character = /*lookup*/ ; character.delete(); transaction .success(); }
  • 51. Node CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node character = /*lookup*/ ; character.delete(); transaction .success(); } Gotchas ● no relationships must be attached when transaction commits ● all properties will be automatically removed
  • 52. Relationship CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node homer = /*lookup*/ ; Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ; Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo( doughnut, DynamicRelationshipType .withName("LOVES_EATING" ) ); eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE); transaction .success(); }
  • 53. Relationship CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node homer = /*lookup*/ ; Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ; Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo( doughnut, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("LOVES_EATING") ); eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE); transaction .success(); } unrelated to Node labels
  • 54. Relationship CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Node homer = /*lookup*/ ; Node doughnut = /*lookup*/ ; Relationship eating = homer.createRelationshipTo( doughnut, DynamicRelationshipType .withName("LOVES_EATING" ) ); eating.setProperty( "quantity" , Long.MAX_VALUE); transaction .success(); } Gotchas ● relationship direction matters at query time ● avoid human-eating doughnuts ;-)
  • 55. Relationship CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Relationship relationship = /*lookup*/ ; relationship .delete(); transaction .success(); }
  • 56. Relationship CRUD (JVM) try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Relationship relationship = /*lookup*/ ; relationship .delete(); transaction .success(); } Gotcha ● a write lock is set on the relationship, as well as both start AND end nodes of the relationship
  • 57. Core API Low Level Transactions are ALWAYS required (v2.0) Technical IDs are dangerous (findById) have a look at SAME capabilities with REST API
  • 60. Two strategies IMPERATIVE VERY extensive Totally customizable 100% under your responsability DECLARATIVE VERY intuitive 90% of your needs No free lunch (yet)! Might not be as performant
  • 64. Traversal - basic git log try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Path position : Traversal.description() .depthFirst() .evaluator(toDepth(LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE)) .relationships( DynRelType .withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ), INCOMING ).traverse(headCommit)) { Node currentNode = position.endNode; logs.add(currentNode); } transaction .success(); }
  • 65. Traversal - basic git log try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Path position : Traversal.description() .depthFirst() .evaluator(toDepth(LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE)) lazy traversal .relationships( definition DynRelType.withName("PARENT_COMMIT"), Direction.INCOMING ).traverse(headCommit)) { Node currentNode = position.endNode; logs.add(currentNode); } transaction .success(); }
  • 66. Traversal - basic git log try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Path position : Traversal.description() .depthFirst() .evaluator(toDepth(LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE)) .relationships( DynRelType.withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ), INCOMING ).traverse(headCommit)) { Node currentNode = position.endNode; logs.add(currentNode); } transaction .success(); } start traversal with node
  • 67. Traversal - basic git log try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Path position : Traversal.description() .depthFirst() .evaluator(toDepth(LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE)) .relationships( DynRelType.withName("PARENT_COMMIT" ), INCOMING ).traverse(headCommit)) { Node currentNode = position.endNode; logs.add(currentNode); } transaction .success(); } keeps track of current position & visited nodes/rels
  • 69. Pattern matching and ASCII art WE <3 CYPHER
  • 70. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 71. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 72. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 73. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 74. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 75. Pattern matching and ASCII art
  • 76. Cypher syntax with <3 Cypher ()-->()
  • 77. Cypher syntax with <3 Cypher (A)-->(B)
  • 78. Cypher syntax with <3 Cypher LOVES (A)-[:LOVES]->(B)
  • 79. Cypher syntax with <3 Cypher (C)<--(A)-->(B)-->(C) A-->B-->C,A-->C
  • 80. Cypher reads START <lookup> (optional) MATCH <pattern> WHERE <filtering> RETURN <expression>
  • 81. Cypher reads MATCH (homer:HUMAN)-[:LOVES_EATING]->(doughnut:FOOD) WHERE = "Homer Simpson" AND doughnut.brand = "Fattylicious!" RETURN homer
  • 82. Cypher reads MATCH (sugg:CONTACT)-[:IN_CONTACT*2..10]-(me:CONTACT) WHERE = "Florent Biville" AND me <> sugg RETURN me, sugg
  • 83. Cypher reads RULES OF THUMB ● MATCH for results ● use WHERE to filter (WHERE ) a-[:F]->b or NOT(a-[:F]->b) ● favour parameters over literals (exec. plan reuse) ● “optimizing Neo4j Cypher Queries”
  • 84. Cypher writes CREATE (UNIQUE) <expression> MERGE <expression>
  • 85. Cypher writes CREATE (homer:HUMAN:DAD {name: "Homer Simpson"}) RETURN homer
  • 86. Cypher writes START homer = node:characters("name:Hom*") MATCH (d:JUNK:FOOD) WHERE d.brand = "Fattylicious!" CREATE (homer)-[luv:LOVES_EATING {quantity:∞}]->(d) RETURN luv
  • 87. Cypher writes MERGE (keanu:ACTOR {name:'Keanu Reeves'}) ON CREATE keanu SET keanu.created = timestamp() ON MATCH keanu SET keanu.lastSeen = timestamp() RETURN keanu
  • 88. Cypher - I want moaaar Declarative power Super nice syntax Evolutionary design with MERGE! to try it out! Cypher will the #1 way to query data!
  • 91. Spring Data History ~2010 Rod Johnson, Scala last poet Emil Eifrem, Neo Tech. founder & CEO
  • 92. Spring Data Familiar model for Spring apps THIN common layer Embraces diversity MongoDB Redis Neo4J ElasticSearch… Current version 2.3.1.RELEASE
  • 93. Vanilla Neo4J repositories with Spring @Repository public class BranchRepository { public Relationship createBranch (Node p, Node c, Map<String,?> props) { try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Relationship relationship = p.createRelationshipTo( c, DynamicRelationshipType .name("HAS_BRANCH" ) ); for (Entry<String,?> entry:props.entrySet()) { relationship .setProperty(entry .getKey(), entry .getValue()); } transaction .success(); return relationship; }}}
  • 94. Vanilla Neo4J repositories with Spring @Repository public class BranchRepository { public Relationship createBranch (Node p, Node commit, Map<String,?> props) { try (Transaction transaction = graphDB.beginTx()) { Relationship relationship = p.createRelationshipTo( commit, DynamicRelationshipType .name("HAS_BRANCH" ) ); for (Entry<String,?> entry:props.entrySet()) { relationship .setProperty(entry .getKey(), entry .getValue()); } transaction .success(); return relationship;
  • 95. Spring Data Neo4J repositories public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> { // look ma! no code! }
  • 96. Moaaar Spring Data Neo4J repositories public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> { Iterable<Branch> findByNameLike (String name); @Query("MATCH (p:PROJECT)-[b:HAS_BRANCH]->(c:COMMIT) RETURN b" ) Page<Branch> lookMaIveGotPages (); Branch findByNameAndCommitIdentifierLike (String name, String commit); }
  • 97. Moaaar Spring Data Neo4J repositories public interface BranchRepository extends GraphRepository< Branch> { Iterable<Branch> findByNameLike (String name); @Query("MATCH (p:PROJECT)-[b:HAS_BRANCH]->(c:COMMIT) RETURN b" ) Cool things Page<Branch> lookMaIveGotPages (); ● Branch findByNameAndCommitIdentifierLike (String boilerplate methods already provided }● name, String commit); you declare methods following a naming convention, Spring Data Neo4J generates the right implementation for ya! ● YOU EXPOSE YOUR DOMAIN, no Nodes, no Relationships!
  • 98. Spring Data Neo4J node entities @NodeEntity public class Person { @GraphId private Long id; @Indexed(indexName = "people", type=FULLTEXT) private String name; @RelatedTo (type="OWNS", enforceTargetType = true) private Car car; @RelatedToVia (type="FRIEND_OF" , direction = Direction.INCOMING) private Iterable<Friendship> friendships; @GraphTraversal (traversal = PeopleTraversalBuilder .class, elementClass = Person.class, params = "persons") private Iterable<Person> people; }
  • 99. Spring Data Neo4J relationship entities @RelationshipEntity(type ="FRIEND_OF" ) public class Friendship { @StartNode private Person person; @EndNode private Dog humansBestFriend; @GraphProperty /* optional here ;-) */ private Date since; /** * moaaaaar properties */ }
  • 100. And much more Neo4jTemplate Geospatial queries Cross-store support Dynamic relationships “Advanced” mapping
  • 102. So much to talk about, so little time ● moaaar Cypher ● REST ○ standard API ○ unmanaged extensions ○ streaming ● Tinkerpop abstractions, ● dataviz ○ auto :, Neoclipse, Gephi ○ custom : d3.js, sigma.js… ● NeoAAS :, Heroku ● misc. : backup, batch-import, JDBC drivers
  • 103. And one more thing AssertJ-Neo4J 1.0 is coming soon! Fluent test assertions for Neo4J