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                                                                                                             CH ARTER FO R TH E
                                                                         N O M IN A T IO N A N D G O V E R N A N C E C O M M IT T E E
                                                                                              O F T H E B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S

                                                                                                                                       A s R e v is e d J u ly 1 5 , 2 0 0 4


                         T h e N o m in a tio n a n d G o v e rn a n c e C o m m itte e (th e “ C o m m itte e ” ) s h a ll o v e rs e e ,
re v ie w , a n d m a k e p e rio d ic re c o m m e n d a tio n s c o n c e rn in g th e C o m p a n y ’s c o rp o ra te g o v e rn a n c e
p o lic ie s , a n d s h a ll re c o m m e n d c a n d id a te s fo r e le c tio n to th e C o m p a n y ’s B o a rd o f D ire c to rs (th e
 “ B o a rd ” ).


                        Th    e C om         m itte e s   h a ll b e c o m p ris e d o f n o t le s s th a n th re e d ire c to rs e a c h o f w h o m
s h a ll b e a n “ in d e p     enden      t d ire c to   r” a s re q u ire d b y th e ru le s o f T h e N a s d a q S to c k M a rk e t, In c .
 (“ N a sd a q ” ). E a c h      C om     m itte e m       e m b e r s h a ll b e s u b je c t to a n n u a l re c o n firm a tio n a n d m a y b e
 re m o v e d b y th e B       o a rd a     t a n y tim     e.


                       In c a rry in g o u t th e p u rp o s e s e t fo rth in S e c tio n 1 a b o v e , th e C o m m itte e s h a ll:

                       1.      Id e n tify a n        d re    v ie w c        a n d id a te s fo r th e B o a rd a n d re c o              m m end        to th e fu ll B o a rd
                               c a n d id a te s       fo r    e le c tio      n to th e B o a rd , a n d fro m tim e to                    tim e re   v ie w th e p ro c e s s
                               fo r id e n tify        in g      and ev          a lu a tin g c a n d id a te s fo r e le c tio n          to th e B    o a rd . T h e
                                C o m m itte e          ma      y enga          g e c o n s u l t a n t s o r t h i r d -p a r t y s e a   rc h firm     s to a s s is t in
                                 id e n tify in g       and       e v a lu   a tin g p o te n tia l n o m in e e s .

                       2.      R e v ie w fro         m     tim   e to tim e           th e a p    p ro p ria te s k ills a n d         c h a ra c te ris tic s re q u ire d o f
                                B o a rd m e m          b e rs,    in c lu d in g        such      fa c to rs a s b u s in e s s      e x p e rie n c e , d iv e rs ity , a n d
                                 p e rso n a l sk      ills in      te c h n o lo     g y , fin     a n c e , m a rk e tin g , in      te rn a tio n a l b u s in e s s ,
                                  fin a n c ia l re    p o rtin    g a n d o th        er are     a s th a t a re e x p e c te d         to c o n trib u te to a n
                                  e ffe c tiv e B     o a rd .

                       3.      P e rio d ic a lly re v ie w th e C o m p a n y ’s c o rp o ra te g o v e rn a n c e p o lic ie s a n d
                               re c o m m e n d to th e B o a rd m o d ific a tio n s to th e p o lic ie s a s a p p ro p ria te .

                       4.      H a v e fu ll a c c e s s to th e C o m p a n y ’s e x e c u tiv e s a s n e c e s s a ry to c a rry o u t th is
                                re s p o n s ib ility .
5.    P e rfo rm a n y o th e r a c tiv itie s c o n s is te n t w ith th is C h a rte r, th e C o m p a n y ’s
                                     B y la w s a n d g o v e rn in g la w a s th e C o m m itte e o r th e B o a rd d e e m s n e c e s s a ry o r
                                    a p p ro p ria te .

                             6.    R e v ie w th e C o m m itte e C h a rte r fro m tim e to tim e fo r a d e q u a c y a n d
                                    re c o m m e n d a n y c h a n g e s to th e B o a rd .

                             7.    R e p o rt to th e B o a rd o n th e m a jo r ite m s c o v e re d a t e a c h C o m m itte e m e e tin g .

4. C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G S

                                 T h e C o m m itte e w ill m e e t     per    io d ic a lly a     s nec       essary         to a c t    upon       any m a      tte     r w ith in
its      ju ris    d ic tio n . A m a jo rity o f th e to ta l n u       mb      er of m em         b e rs     o f th e     C om m        itte e   s h a ll c o   ns    titu te a
qu     o ru m         a t a ll C o m m itte e m e e tin g s . A ll m      ee    tin g s s h a ll      be h   e ld s u b       je c t to    and     in a c c o r   da     n c e w ith
Se      c tio n      3 0 7 (in c lu d in g w ith o u t lim ita tio n     no     tic e , q u o ru     m an       d v o te   s /a c tio     ns of     th e c o m     m      itte e )
an    d o th      e r a p p lic a b le s e c tio n s o f th e G e n e   ra l   C o rp o ra tio        nLa     w ofC          a lifo rn    ia . M      in u te s   sh    a ll b e
ke    ptof          e a c h m e e tin g o f th e C o m m itte e .


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cisco systems Nomination and Governance Committee Charter

  • 1. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CH ARTER FO R TH E N O M IN A T IO N A N D G O V E R N A N C E C O M M IT T E E O F T H E B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S A s R e v is e d J u ly 1 5 , 2 0 0 4 1. PU R PO SE T h e N o m in a tio n a n d G o v e rn a n c e C o m m itte e (th e “ C o m m itte e ” ) s h a ll o v e rs e e , re v ie w , a n d m a k e p e rio d ic re c o m m e n d a tio n s c o n c e rn in g th e C o m p a n y ’s c o rp o ra te g o v e rn a n c e p o lic ie s , a n d s h a ll re c o m m e n d c a n d id a te s fo r e le c tio n to th e C o m p a n y ’s B o a rd o f D ire c to rs (th e “ B o a rd ” ). 2. C O M P O S IT IO N O F T H E C O M M IT T E E Th e C om m itte e s h a ll b e c o m p ris e d o f n o t le s s th a n th re e d ire c to rs e a c h o f w h o m s h a ll b e a n “ in d e p enden t d ire c to r” a s re q u ire d b y th e ru le s o f T h e N a s d a q S to c k M a rk e t, In c . (“ N a sd a q ” ). E a c h C om m itte e m e m b e r s h a ll b e s u b je c t to a n n u a l re c o n firm a tio n a n d m a y b e re m o v e d b y th e B o a rd a t a n y tim e. 3. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S A N D D U T IE S In c a rry in g o u t th e p u rp o s e s e t fo rth in S e c tio n 1 a b o v e , th e C o m m itte e s h a ll: 1. Id e n tify a n d re v ie w c a n d id a te s fo r th e B o a rd a n d re c o m m end to th e fu ll B o a rd c a n d id a te s fo r e le c tio n to th e B o a rd , a n d fro m tim e to tim e re v ie w th e p ro c e s s fo r id e n tify in g and ev a lu a tin g c a n d id a te s fo r e le c tio n to th e B o a rd . T h e C o m m itte e ma y enga g e c o n s u l t a n t s o r t h i r d -p a r t y s e a rc h firm s to a s s is t in id e n tify in g and e v a lu a tin g p o te n tia l n o m in e e s . 2. R e v ie w fro m tim e to tim e th e a p p ro p ria te s k ills a n d c h a ra c te ris tic s re q u ire d o f B o a rd m e m b e rs, in c lu d in g such fa c to rs a s b u s in e s s e x p e rie n c e , d iv e rs ity , a n d p e rso n a l sk ills in te c h n o lo g y , fin a n c e , m a rk e tin g , in te rn a tio n a l b u s in e s s , fin a n c ia l re p o rtin g a n d o th er are a s th a t a re e x p e c te d to c o n trib u te to a n e ffe c tiv e B o a rd . 3. P e rio d ic a lly re v ie w th e C o m p a n y ’s c o rp o ra te g o v e rn a n c e p o lic ie s a n d re c o m m e n d to th e B o a rd m o d ific a tio n s to th e p o lic ie s a s a p p ro p ria te . 4. H a v e fu ll a c c e s s to th e C o m p a n y ’s e x e c u tiv e s a s n e c e s s a ry to c a rry o u t th is re s p o n s ib ility .
  • 2. 5. P e rfo rm a n y o th e r a c tiv itie s c o n s is te n t w ith th is C h a rte r, th e C o m p a n y ’s B y la w s a n d g o v e rn in g la w a s th e C o m m itte e o r th e B o a rd d e e m s n e c e s s a ry o r a p p ro p ria te . 6. R e v ie w th e C o m m itte e C h a rte r fro m tim e to tim e fo r a d e q u a c y a n d re c o m m e n d a n y c h a n g e s to th e B o a rd . 7. R e p o rt to th e B o a rd o n th e m a jo r ite m s c o v e re d a t e a c h C o m m itte e m e e tin g . 4. C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G S T h e C o m m itte e w ill m e e t per io d ic a lly a s nec essary to a c t upon any m a tte r w ith in its ju ris d ic tio n . A m a jo rity o f th e to ta l n u mb er of m em b e rs o f th e C om m itte e s h a ll c o ns titu te a qu o ru m a t a ll C o m m itte e m e e tin g s . A ll m ee tin g s s h a ll be h e ld s u b je c t to and in a c c o r da n c e w ith Se c tio n 3 0 7 (in c lu d in g w ith o u t lim ita tio n no tic e , q u o ru m an d v o te s /a c tio ns of th e c o m m itte e ) an d o th e r a p p lic a b le s e c tio n s o f th e G e n e ra l C o rp o ra tio nLa w ofC a lifo rn ia . M in u te s sh a ll b e ke ptof e a c h m e e tin g o f th e C o m m itte e . 2