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Tecniche di Programmazione – A.A. 2012/2013
1.   Problem definition
2.   Insertion Sort
3.   Selection Sort
4.   Counting Sort
5.   Merge Sort
6.   Quicksort
7.   Collections.sort

 2                        Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
1.   Problem definition
2.   Insertion Sort
3.   Selection Sort
4.   Counting Sort        Special
5.   Merge Sort
6.   Quicksort
7.   Collections.sort

 3                         Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Problem definition

Formal problem definition: Sorting
       Input:
           A sequence of n numbers <a1, a2, …, an>
       Output:
           A permutation <a’1, a’2, …, a’n> of the original elements, such
            that a’1  a’2  …  a’n

    5                                  Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Types of sorting approaches
       Internal sorting
           Data to be sorted are all within the main computer memory
           Direct access to all element values
       External sorting
           Data to be sorted may not all be loaded in memory at the
            same time
           We must work directly on data stored on file
           Typically, sequential access to data

    6                                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Sorting objects
       Book-algorithms always refer to sorting sequences of
       In practice, we need to sort the elements of a collection,
        of some class type
       The objects to be sorted must implement the
        Comparable interface

    7                             Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
       public interface Comparable<T> (java.lang)
       Must implement:
           int compareTo(T other)
           Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this
            object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified other
           It is strongly recommended, but not strictly required
            that (x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y))

    8                                     Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Sorting Comparable objects
       Given a class, usually
           A sub-set of the fields is used for sorting
           The fields for sorting are called the «key» of the objects
           .equals and .compareTo are defined according to the key
           Other fields are regarded as «additional data»
       Different types of keys (and thus ordering criteria) may
        be defined
       The Comparable interface specifies the «natural»
           Other orderings may be achieved with the Comparator helper

    9                                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    public interface Comparator<T> (java.util)
    Must implement:
        int compare(T obj1, T obj2)
        Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the
         first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
        It is generally the case, but not strictly required
         that (compare(x, y)==0) == (x.equals(y))
    Comparators can be passed to a sort method

    10                                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

public class Studente implements Comparable<Studente> {

   private int matricola ;

   private String cognome ;
   private String nome ;

   private int voto ;

   public int compareTo(Studente other) {
       return this.matricola - other.matricola ;

    11                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

public class Studente implements Comparable<Studente> {

   private int matricola ;

   private String cognome ;
   private String nome ;
                                                    «Natural» ordering:
                                                     by Matricola field
   private int voto ;

   public int compareTo(Studente other) {
       return this.matricola - other.matricola ;

    12                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Based on the same
    Example                                              «key» fields

    // Since we define compareTo, we should also redefine equals and
    hashCode !!!

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return this.matricola == ((Studente)other).matricola ;

    public int hashCode() {
        return ((Integer)this.matricola).hashCode();

    ... getters & setters ...

    13                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Comparator for sorting by name

public class StudenteByName implements Comparator<Studente> {

    public int compare(Studente arg0, Studente arg1) {
        int cmp = arg0.getCognome().compareTo(arg1.getCognome()) ;
        if( cmp!=0 )
               return cmp ;
               return arg0.getNome().compareTo(arg1.getNome()) ;


                                                       Check names only if
                                                       surnames are equal.

    14                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Comparator for sorting by voto

public class StudenteByVoto implements Comparator<Studente> {

    public int compare(Studente o1, Studente o2) {
        return o1.getVoto()-o2.getVoto() ;


                                       Note: repeated values for the
                                         Voto field are possible

    15                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    A sorting algorithm is said to be stable when, if multiple
     elements share the same value of the key, in the sorted
     sequence such elements appear in the same relative
     order of the original sequence.

    16                         Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    Various sorting algorithms are known, with differing
        O(n2): simple, iterative
            Insertion sort, Selection sort, Bubble sort, …
        O(n): applicable in special cases, only
            Counting sort, Radix sort, Bin (o Bucket) sort, …
        O(n log n): more complex, recursive
            Merge sort, Quicksort, Heapsort

    17                                   Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Insertion Sort

Insertion sort

         Already ordered                     Not considered yet
2    3     6   12   16     21    8

                                     Move right by one cell all
                                     elements ‘i’ for which v[i]>v[j]

2    3     6   8    12     16   21

2    3     6   8    12     16   21       5

19                              Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Quick reference

20                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Running example

21                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    Number of comparisons                       Number of data copies
        Cmin = n-1                                  Mmin = 2(n-1)
        Cavg = ¼(n2+n-2)                            Mavg = ¼(n2+9n-10)
        Cmax = ½(n2+n)-1                            Mmax = ½(n2+3n-4)

                                                         C = O(n2), M = O(n2)
     Best case: already sorted vector
                                                               T(n) = O(n2)
Worst case: inversely sorted vector

                                                            T(n) is not (n2)
                                                          Tworst case (n) = (n2)

    22                                  Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Selection Sort

Selection Sort
       At every iteration, find the minimum of the yet-unsorted
        part of the vector
       Swap the minimum with the current position in the
               Already ordered                      Not ordered

    2      3     6   12   16     21     34     81      25     28       41     27     60


    2      3     6   12   16     21     25     81      34     28       41     27     60

    24                                 Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    The loops don’t depend on the data stored in the array:
     complexity is independent from the contents of the
     values to be sorted
    Worst case performance : О(n2)
    Best case performance: О(n2)
    Average case performance: О(n2)

    25                        Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
public void sort(T[] vector, Comparator<T> comp) {

    for(int j=0; j<vector.length; j++) {

         // find minimum
         int pos = j ;
         for(int i=j+1; i<vector.length; i++) {
             if([i], vector[pos])<0 )
             pos = i ;
         // swap positions
         if( j!=pos ) {
             T temp = vector[pos] ;
             vector[pos] = vector[j] ;
             vector[j] = temp ;
    26                           Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Counting Sort

Counting sort
    Not applicable in general
    Precondition (hypothesis for applicability):
        The n elements to be sorted are integer numbers ranging from
         1 to k, for some positive integer k
    With this hypothesis, if k = O(n), then the algorithm has
     complexity O(n), only!

    28                            Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Basic idea
    Find, for each element x to be sorted, how many
     elements are less than x
    This information allows us to directly deposit x into its
     final destination position.

    29                         Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Data structures
    We need 3 vectors:
        Starting vector : A[1..n]
        Result vector :   B[1..n]
        Support vector : C[1..k]
    Vector C keeps track of the number of elements in A that
     have a certain value:
        C[i] = how many elements in A have value i
    The sum of the first i elements in C equals the number of
     elements in A with value <= i.

    30                           Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

31            Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    For each j, C[A[j]] is the number of elements <=A[j], and
     also represents the final position of A[j] in B:
        B[ C[A[j]] ] = A[j]
    The corrective term C[A[j]]  C[A[j]] – 1 handles the
     presence of duplicate items

    32                         Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Example (n=8, k=6)

A    3   6   4   1   3   4   1   4

C    2   0   2   3   0   1

C    2   2   4   7   7   8

B                            4             C      2    2    4     6   7    8

B        1                   4             C      1    2    4     6   7    8

    33                               Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

A    3   6   4   1   3   4   1   4

B                            4             C      2    2    4     6   7    8       j=8
B        1                   4             C      1    2    4     6   7    8       j=7
B        1               4   4             C      1    2    4     5   7    8       j=6
B        1       3       4   4             C      1    2    3     5   7    8       j=5
B    1   1       3       4   4             C      0    2    3     5   7    8       j=4

B    1   1       3   4   4   4             C      0    2    3     4   7    8       j=3
B    1   1       3   4   4   4   6         C      0    2    3     4   7    7       j=2

B    1   1   3   3   4   4   4   6         C      0    2    2     4   7    7       j=1
    34                               Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
        1-2: Initialization of C: O(k)
        3-4: Computaion of C: O(n)
        6-7: Running sum in C: O(k)
        9-11: Copy back to B: O(n)
    Total complexity is therefore: O(n+k).
    The algorithm is useful with k=O(n), only…
        In such a case, the overall complexity is O(n).

    35                               Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Quick Reference

36                Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Merge Sort

Merge Sort
    The Merge Sort algorithm is a direct application of the
     Divide et Impera approach

                        6 12 4               5   2       9       5 12
                    6 12 4               5           2       9    5 12
         Solve                                                                 Solve
                    4       5       6 12             2       5    9 12

                        2       4    5       5   6       9 12 12

    38                                       Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Merge Sort: Divide
       The vector is simply partitioned in two sub-vector,
        according to a splitting point
       The splitting point is usually chosen at the middle of the

    1                                  8                          p                         r
    6 12 4       5   2       9       5 12
6 12 4       5           2       9    5 12

1            4       5                  8                       p              q      q+1       r

    39                                       Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Merge Sort: Termination
    Recursion terminates when the sub-vector:
        Has one element, only: p=r
        Has no elements: p>r

                                                       p                         r

                                                     p              q      q+1       r

    40                            Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Merge Sort: Combine
    The combining step implies merging two sorted sub-
        Recursion guarantees that the sub-vectors are sorted
        The merging approach compares the first element of each of
         the two vectors, and copies the lowest one
        The result of the merging is saved in a different vector
    Such algorithm may be realized in (n).

                 4       5       6 12         2     5   9 12

                     2       4    5   5   6       9 12 12

    41                                            Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

     MERGE-SORT(A, p, r)
     1 if p < r                                             Termination
     2      then q  (p+r)/2                              Divide
     3          MERGE-SORT(A, p, q)
     4          MERGE-SORT(A, q+1, r)
     5          MERGE(A, p, q, r)                           Combine

42                       Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    We often use the following symbols:
        x = integer part of x, i.e. largest integer preceding x (floor
        x = smallest integer following x (ceiling function)
    Examples:
        3 = 3 = 3
        3.1 = 3; 3.1 = 4

    43                               Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
The Merge procedure
MERGE(A, p, q, r)                                          Complexity: (n).
1 i  p ; j  q+1 ; k  1
2 while( i  q and j  r )
3     if( A[i] < A[j]) B[k]  A[i] ; i  i+1
4     else              B[k]  A[j] ; j  j+1
5     k  k+1
6 while( iq ) B[k]A[i] ; ii+1; kk+1
7 while( jr ) B[k]A[j] ; jj+1; kk+1
8 A[p..r]  B[1..k-1]

 44                        Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
The Merge procedure
MERGE(A, p, q, r)               At each iteration, the smallest number
                               between the heads of the two vectors is
1 i  p ; j  q+1 ; k  1                    copied to B
2 while( i  q and j  r )
3     if( A[i] < A[j]) B[k]  A[i] ; i  i+1
4     else              B[k]  A[j] ; j  j+1
5     k  k+1
6 while( iq ) B[k]A[i] ; ii+1; kk+1
7 while( jr ) B[k]A[j] ; jj+1; kk+1
8 A[p..r]  B[1..k-1]
                                           The «tail» of one of the vectors is

 45                             Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Complexity analysis
    Termination: a simple test, (1)
    Divide (2): find the mid-point of the vector, D(n)=(1)
    Solve (3-4): solves 2 sub-problems of size n/2 each,
    Combine (5): based on the Merge algorithm, C(n) = (n).

    46                       Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Complexity analysis
    Termination: a simple test, (1)
    Divide (2): find the mid-point of the vector, D(n)=(1)
    Solve (3-4): solves 2 sub-problems of size n/2 each,
    Combine (5): based on the Merge algorithm, C(n) = (n).

                                      One sub-problem has size
                                        n/2 , the other  n/2 .
                                    This detail does not change the
                                           complexity result.

    47                       Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    T(n) =
        (1)      for n  1
        2T(n/2) + (n) for n > 1

    The solution (proof omitted…) is:
        T(n) = (n log n)

    48                          Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Intuitive understanding (n=16)

                                                  16                                                       1 x 16 = n

                                  8                                8                                       2x8=n

log2 n

                      4                   4                4                        4

              2           2       2           2            2           2            2              2       8x2=n

          1   1   1       1   1       1   1       1    1       1   1       1    1       1      1       1   16 x 1 = n

     Recursion levels: log2 n                                                  Operations per level: n

                              Total operations: n log2 n
         49                                            Tecniche di programmazione           A.A. 2012/2013
    Not all recursive implementations have (n log n)
    For example, if merge sort is used with asymmetric
     partitioning (q=p+1), it degrades to an insertion sort,
     yielding (n2).

    50                         Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013


Sorting, in practice, in Java
    A programmer’s motto says:
        Use the system sort
        i.e., the sorting algorithm already provided by your libraries
        In other words, don’t re-implement your own sorting functions
    The Collections framework provides:
        public class Collections
        This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate
         on or return collections
            public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
             void sort(List<T> list)
            public static <T> void sort(List<T> list,
             Comparator<? super T> c)

    74                              Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to
     the natural ordering of its elements.
        All elements in the list must implement
         the Comparable interface.
        Furthermore, all elements in the list must be mutually
         comparable (that is, e1.compareTo(e2) must not throw
         a ClassCastException for any elements e1 and e2 in the list).
    This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will
     not be reordered as a result of the sort.
    The specified list must be modifiable, but need not be
    75                              Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Implementation of Collections.sort
    This implementation is a stable, adaptive, iterative
     mergesort that requires far fewer than n lg(n)
     comparisons when the input array is partially sorted,
     while offering the performance of a traditional mergesort
     when the input array is randomly ordered.
    If the input array is nearly sorted, the implementation
     requires approximately n comparisons.
    Temporary storage requirements vary from a small
     constant for nearly sorted input arrays to n/2 object
     references for randomly ordered input arrays.
    76                        Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
    Algorithms in a Nutshell, By George T. Heineman, Gary
     Pollice, Stanley Selkow, O'Reilly Media

    77                        Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013
Licenza d’uso
    Queste diapositive sono distribuite con licenza Creative Commons
     “Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo (CC
    Sei libero:
        di riprodurre, distribuire, comunicare al pubblico, esporre in pubblico,
         rappresentare, eseguire e recitare quest'opera
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        Attribuzione — Devi attribuire la paternità dell'opera agli autori
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    78                                   Tecniche di programmazione   A.A. 2012/2013

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Sorting Algorithms in Java

  • 2. Summary 1. Problem definition 2. Insertion Sort 3. Selection Sort 4. Counting Sort 5. Merge Sort 6. Quicksort 7. Collections.sort 2 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 3. Summary 1. Problem definition 2. Insertion Sort Iterative 3. Selection Sort 4. Counting Sort Special 5. Merge Sort Recursive 6. Quicksort 7. Collections.sort 3 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 5. Formal problem definition: Sorting  Input:  A sequence of n numbers <a1, a2, …, an>  Output:  A permutation <a’1, a’2, …, a’n> of the original elements, such that a’1  a’2  …  a’n 5 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 6. Types of sorting approaches  Internal sorting  Data to be sorted are all within the main computer memory (RAM)  Direct access to all element values  External sorting  Data to be sorted may not all be loaded in memory at the same time  We must work directly on data stored on file  Typically, sequential access to data 6 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 7. Sorting objects  Book-algorithms always refer to sorting sequences of numbers  In practice, we need to sort the elements of a collection, of some class type  The objects to be sorted must implement the Comparable interface 7 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 8. Comparable  public interface Comparable<T> (java.lang)  Must implement:  int compareTo(T other)  Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified other object.  It is strongly recommended, but not strictly required that (x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y)) 8 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 9. Sorting Comparable objects  Given a class, usually  A sub-set of the fields is used for sorting  The fields for sorting are called the «key» of the objects  .equals and .compareTo are defined according to the key fields  Other fields are regarded as «additional data»  Different types of keys (and thus ordering criteria) may be defined  The Comparable interface specifies the «natural» ordering  Other orderings may be achieved with the Comparator helper classes 9 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 10. Comparator  public interface Comparator<T> (java.util)  Must implement:  int compare(T obj1, T obj2)  Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.  It is generally the case, but not strictly required that (compare(x, y)==0) == (x.equals(y))  Comparators can be passed to a sort method 10 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 11. Example public class Studente implements Comparable<Studente> { private int matricola ; private String cognome ; private String nome ; private int voto ; @Override public int compareTo(Studente other) { return this.matricola - other.matricola ; } 11 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 12. Example public class Studente implements Comparable<Studente> { private int matricola ; private String cognome ; private String nome ; «Natural» ordering: by Matricola field private int voto ; @Override public int compareTo(Studente other) { return this.matricola - other.matricola ; } 12 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 13. Based on the same Example «key» fields // Since we define compareTo, we should also redefine equals and hashCode !!! @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return this.matricola == ((Studente)other).matricola ; } @Override public int hashCode() { return ((Integer)this.matricola).hashCode(); } ... getters & setters ... } 13 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 14. Comparator for sorting by name public class StudenteByName implements Comparator<Studente> { @Override public int compare(Studente arg0, Studente arg1) { int cmp = arg0.getCognome().compareTo(arg1.getCognome()) ; if( cmp!=0 ) return cmp ; else return arg0.getNome().compareTo(arg1.getNome()) ; } } Check names only if surnames are equal. 14 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 15. Comparator for sorting by voto public class StudenteByVoto implements Comparator<Studente> { @Override public int compare(Studente o1, Studente o2) { return o1.getVoto()-o2.getVoto() ; } } Note: repeated values for the Voto field are possible 15 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 16. Stability  A sorting algorithm is said to be stable when, if multiple elements share the same value of the key, in the sorted sequence such elements appear in the same relative order of the original sequence. 16 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 17. Algorithms  Various sorting algorithms are known, with differing complexity:  O(n2): simple, iterative  Insertion sort, Selection sort, Bubble sort, …  O(n): applicable in special cases, only  Counting sort, Radix sort, Bin (o Bucket) sort, …  O(n log n): more complex, recursive  Merge sort, Quicksort, Heapsort 17 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 18. Insertion Sort Sorting
  • 19. Insertion sort Already ordered Not considered yet v[j] 2 3 6 12 16 21 8 Move right by one cell all elements ‘i’ for which v[i]>v[j] 2 3 6 8 12 16 21 2 3 6 8 12 16 21 5 19 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 20. Quick reference 20 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 21. Running example 21 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 22. Complexity  Number of comparisons  Number of data copies  Cmin = n-1  Mmin = 2(n-1)  Cavg = ¼(n2+n-2)  Mavg = ¼(n2+9n-10)  Cmax = ½(n2+n)-1  Mmax = ½(n2+3n-4) C = O(n2), M = O(n2) Best case: already sorted vector T(n) = O(n2) Worst case: inversely sorted vector T(n) is not (n2) Tworst case (n) = (n2) 22 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 23. Selection Sort Sorting
  • 24. Selection Sort  At every iteration, find the minimum of the yet-unsorted part of the vector  Swap the minimum with the current position in the vector Already ordered Not ordered 2 3 6 12 16 21 34 81 25 28 41 27 60 Mimimum v[j] 2 3 6 12 16 21 25 81 34 28 41 27 60 24 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 25. Complexity  The loops don’t depend on the data stored in the array: complexity is independent from the contents of the values to be sorted  Worst case performance : О(n2)  Best case performance: О(n2)  Average case performance: О(n2) 25 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 26. Implementation public void sort(T[] vector, Comparator<T> comp) { for(int j=0; j<vector.length; j++) { // find minimum int pos = j ; for(int i=j+1; i<vector.length; i++) { if([i], vector[pos])<0 ) pos = i ; } // swap positions if( j!=pos ) { T temp = vector[pos] ; vector[pos] = vector[j] ; vector[j] = temp ; } } } 26 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 27. Counting Sort Sorting
  • 28. Counting sort  Not applicable in general  Precondition (hypothesis for applicability):  The n elements to be sorted are integer numbers ranging from 1 to k, for some positive integer k  With this hypothesis, if k = O(n), then the algorithm has complexity O(n), only! 28 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 29. Basic idea  Find, for each element x to be sorted, how many elements are less than x  This information allows us to directly deposit x into its final destination position. 29 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 30. Data structures  We need 3 vectors:  Starting vector : A[1..n]  Result vector : B[1..n]  Support vector : C[1..k]  Vector C keeps track of the number of elements in A that have a certain value:  C[i] = how many elements in A have value i  The sum of the first i elements in C equals the number of elements in A with value <= i. 30 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 31. Pseudo-code 31 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 32. Analysis  For each j, C[A[j]] is the number of elements <=A[j], and also represents the final position of A[j] in B:  B[ C[A[j]] ] = A[j]  The corrective term C[A[j]]  C[A[j]] – 1 handles the presence of duplicate items 32 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 33. Example (n=8, k=6) A 3 6 4 1 3 4 1 4 C 2 0 2 3 0 1 C 2 2 4 7 7 8 B 4 C 2 2 4 6 7 8 B 1 4 C 1 2 4 6 7 8 33 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 34. Example A 3 6 4 1 3 4 1 4 B 4 C 2 2 4 6 7 8 j=8 B 1 4 C 1 2 4 6 7 8 j=7 B 1 4 4 C 1 2 4 5 7 8 j=6 B 1 3 4 4 C 1 2 3 5 7 8 j=5 B 1 1 3 4 4 C 0 2 3 5 7 8 j=4 B 1 1 3 4 4 4 C 0 2 3 4 7 8 j=3 B 1 1 3 4 4 4 6 C 0 2 3 4 7 7 j=2 B 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 6 C 0 2 2 4 7 7 j=1 34 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 35. Complexity  1-2: Initialization of C: O(k)  3-4: Computaion of C: O(n)  6-7: Running sum in C: O(k)  9-11: Copy back to B: O(n)  Total complexity is therefore: O(n+k).  The algorithm is useful with k=O(n), only…  In such a case, the overall complexity is O(n). 35 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 36. Quick Reference 36 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 37. Merge Sort Sorting
  • 38. Merge Sort  The Merge Sort algorithm is a direct application of the Divide et Impera approach 6 12 4 5 2 9 5 12 Divide 6 12 4 5 2 9 5 12 Solve Solve 4 5 6 12 2 5 9 12 Combine 2 4 5 5 6 9 12 12 38 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 39. Merge Sort: Divide  The vector is simply partitioned in two sub-vector, according to a splitting point  The splitting point is usually chosen at the middle of the vector 1 8 p r 6 12 4 5 2 9 5 12 Divide 6 12 4 5 2 9 5 12 1 4 5 8 p q q+1 r 39 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 40. Merge Sort: Termination  Recursion terminates when the sub-vector:  Has one element, only: p=r  Has no elements: p>r p r p q q+1 r 40 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 41. Merge Sort: Combine  The combining step implies merging two sorted sub- vectors  Recursion guarantees that the sub-vectors are sorted  The merging approach compares the first element of each of the two vectors, and copies the lowest one  The result of the merging is saved in a different vector  Such algorithm may be realized in (n). 4 5 6 12 2 5 9 12 Combine 2 4 5 5 6 9 12 12 41 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 42. Pseudo-code MERGE-SORT(A, p, r) 1 if p < r Termination 2 then q  (p+r)/2 Divide 3 MERGE-SORT(A, p, q) Solve 4 MERGE-SORT(A, q+1, r) 5 MERGE(A, p, q, r) Combine 42 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 43. Note  We often use the following symbols:  x = integer part of x, i.e. largest integer preceding x (floor function)  x = smallest integer following x (ceiling function)  Examples:  3 = 3 = 3  3.1 = 3; 3.1 = 4 43 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 44. The Merge procedure MERGE(A, p, q, r) Complexity: (n). 1 i  p ; j  q+1 ; k  1 2 while( i  q and j  r ) 3 if( A[i] < A[j]) B[k]  A[i] ; i  i+1 4 else B[k]  A[j] ; j  j+1 5 k  k+1 6 while( iq ) B[k]A[i] ; ii+1; kk+1 7 while( jr ) B[k]A[j] ; jj+1; kk+1 8 A[p..r]  B[1..k-1] 44 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 45. The Merge procedure MERGE(A, p, q, r) At each iteration, the smallest number between the heads of the two vectors is 1 i  p ; j  q+1 ; k  1 copied to B 2 while( i  q and j  r ) 3 if( A[i] < A[j]) B[k]  A[i] ; i  i+1 4 else B[k]  A[j] ; j  j+1 5 k  k+1 6 while( iq ) B[k]A[i] ; ii+1; kk+1 7 while( jr ) B[k]A[j] ; jj+1; kk+1 8 A[p..r]  B[1..k-1] The «tail» of one of the vectors is emptied 45 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 46. Complexity analysis  Termination: a simple test, (1)  Divide (2): find the mid-point of the vector, D(n)=(1)  Solve (3-4): solves 2 sub-problems of size n/2 each, 2T(n/2)  Combine (5): based on the Merge algorithm, C(n) = (n). 46 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 47. Complexity analysis  Termination: a simple test, (1)  Divide (2): find the mid-point of the vector, D(n)=(1)  Solve (3-4): solves 2 sub-problems of size n/2 each, 2T(n/2)  Combine (5): based on the Merge algorithm, C(n) = (n). One sub-problem has size  n/2 , the other  n/2 . This detail does not change the complexity result. 47 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 48. Complexity  T(n) =  (1) for n  1  2T(n/2) + (n) for n > 1  The solution (proof omitted…) is:  T(n) = (n log n) 48 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 49. Intuitive understanding (n=16) 16 1 x 16 = n 8 8 2x8=n 4x4=n log2 n 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8x2=n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 x 1 = n Recursion levels: log2 n Operations per level: n Total operations: n log2 n 49 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 50. Warning  Not all recursive implementations have (n log n) complexity.  For example, if merge sort is used with asymmetric partitioning (q=p+1), it degrades to an insertion sort, yielding (n2). 50 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 51. Quicksort Sorting
  • 52. Collections.sort Sorting
  • 53. Sorting, in practice, in Java  A programmer’s motto says:  Use the system sort  i.e., the sorting algorithm already provided by your libraries  In other words, don’t re-implement your own sorting functions  The Collections framework provides:  public class Collections  This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return collections  public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)  public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c) 74 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 54. Collections.sort(list)  Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.  All elements in the list must implement the Comparable interface.  Furthermore, all elements in the list must be mutually comparable (that is, e1.compareTo(e2) must not throw a ClassCastException for any elements e1 and e2 in the list).  This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result of the sort.  The specified list must be modifiable, but need not be resizable. ections.html#sort(java.util.List) 75 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 55. Implementation of Collections.sort  This implementation is a stable, adaptive, iterative mergesort that requires far fewer than n lg(n) comparisons when the input array is partially sorted, while offering the performance of a traditional mergesort when the input array is randomly ordered.  If the input array is nearly sorted, the implementation requires approximately n comparisons.  Temporary storage requirements vary from a small constant for nearly sorted input arrays to n/2 object references for randomly ordered input arrays. ollections.html#sort(java.util.List) 76 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 56. Resources  Algorithms in a Nutshell, By George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, Stanley Selkow, O'Reilly Media  able.html  77 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013
  • 57. Licenza d’uso  Queste diapositive sono distribuite con licenza Creative Commons “Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo (CC BY-NC-SA)”  Sei libero:  di riprodurre, distribuire, comunicare al pubblico, esporre in pubblico, rappresentare, eseguire e recitare quest'opera  di modificare quest'opera  Alle seguenti condizioni:  Attribuzione — Devi attribuire la paternità dell'opera agli autori originali e in modo tale da non suggerire che essi avallino te o il modo in cui tu usi l'opera.  Non commerciale — Non puoi usare quest'opera per fini commerciali.  Condividi allo stesso modo — Se alteri o trasformi quest'opera, o se la usi per crearne un'altra, puoi distribuire l'opera risultante solo con una licenza identica o equivalente a questa.  78 Tecniche di programmazione A.A. 2012/2013