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Java 7 Features and Enhancements

                     Gagan Agrawal
Fork and Join Framework
New File System API(NIO 2.0)
   Asynchronous I/O
   Custom File System Provider
Dynamic Language Support
The try-with resources Statement
Improved Exception Handling
Other improvements
   Underscores in Numeric Literals
   String in switch Statement
   Diamond Operator
Fork and Join
Fork/Join framework is an implementation of
  ExecutorService interface.
Helps to take advantage of multiple processors.
It is designed for work that can be broken into smaller pieces
The goal is to use all the available processing power to make
  application wicked fast.
Fork/Join framework distributes tasks to worker threads in a
  thread pool.
It uses a work-stealing algorithm
Worker threads that run out of things to do can steal tasks
 from other threads that are still busy
Fork and Join
Suitable for work that can be broken into smaller pieces
Fork and Join
Works on "divide and conquer" algorithm
Also referred to as "map and reduce"
   Map Phase : Splitting the data space to be processed
    by an algorithm into smaller, independent chunks.
   Reduce Phase : Collection of partial results to form
    the final result once a set of chunks has been
Fork and Join
Basic Use

  if (my portion of the work is small enough)
     do the work directly
     split my work into two pieces
     invoke the two pieces and wait for the results
Fork and Join
Fork and Join
Important Classes
  ForkJoinPool - An ExecutorService for running

  ForJoinTask - Abstract base class for tasks that run
   within a ForkJoinPool
      RecursiveAction : A recursive resultless ForkJoinTask
      RecursiveTask : A recursive result-bearing ForkJoinTask.
Fork and Join
Typical Steps :
Partition into subproblems - Break up main problem into
  several parts. Each part should be as independent as
Create subtasks - Construct each solution to each part as a
Fork subtasks - Feed subtasks to pool of worker threads.
  Base pool size on number of CPUs or other resource
Join subtasks - Wait out processing of as many
subtasks (usually all) needed to compose solution
Compose solution - Compose overall solution from
 completed partial solutions.
Fork and Join
Some Facts
Different kind of tasks
Most useful with Computation-intensive tasks
Normally best to have one worker thread per CPU
Each new task is queued in current worker thread’s dequeue (double-
  ended queue)
Workers run tasks from their own dequeues in stack-based LIFO (i.e.,
 newest task first) order.
If a worker is idle, it steals a task, in FIFO (oldest task first) order from
    another thread’s dequeue or entry queue
Fork and Join
Work Stealing
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
New package java.nio.file to access files, file attributes and file
New classes to ease life of developer when working with multiple
  file systems.
New file system API (NIO 2.0)

  File I/O Methods Arranged from Less Complex to More
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
OpenOptions Parameters
    WRITE – Opens the file for write access.
    APPEND – Appends the new data to the end of the file. This option is used with the WRITE or
      CREATE options.
    TRUNCATE_EXISTING – Truncates the file to zero bytes. This option is used with the WRITE
    CREATE_NEW – Creates a new file and throws an exception if the file already exists.
    CREATE – Opens the file if it exists or creates a new file if it does not.
    DELETE_ON_CLOSE – Deletes the file when the stream is closed. This option is useful for
      temporary files.
    SPARSE – Hints that a newly created file will be sparse. This advanced option is honored on
      some file systems, such as NTFS, where large files with data "gaps" can be stored in a
      more efficient manner where those empty gaps do not consume disk space.
    Example :
         Path path = Paths.get("file.txt")
         OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(path, CREATE, APPEND);
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
File Creation supports optional set of initial attributes. e.g.
   For UNIX based file system one can specify
       Group Owner
       File permissions at the time file is created.
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Reading All Bytes or Lines from a File
  readAllLines(Path, Charset)
      Path file = Paths.get("c:Tempxyz.txt");
      byte[] fileArray = Files.readAllBytes(file);
Writing All Bytes or Lines to a File
  write(Path, byte[], OpenOption...)
  write(Path, Iterable< extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
      Path file = Paths.get("c:Tempxyz.txt");
      byte[] buf = ...;
      Files.write(file, buf);
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Methods for Creating Regular and Temporary Files
   Creating Regular Files
        Path sourceFile = Paths.get("source.txt");
        Path newFile = Paths.get("new.txt");
        PosixFileAttributes attrs = Files.readAttributes(sourceFile, PosixFileAttributes.class);
        FileAttribute<Set<PosixFilePermission>> attr =
        Files.createFile(newFile, attr);
        Path file = Paths.get("test.txt");
        Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------");
        FileAttribute<Set<PosixFilePermission>> attr = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms);
        Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file, perms);
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Creating Temporary Files

One of the following methods can be used

    Files.createTempFile(Path dir,String prefix,String suffix,FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
          Allows to specify the directory in which temporary file will be created.
    Files.createTempFile(String prefix,String suffix,FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
          Creates new file in default temporary file directory.
          try {
              Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(null, ".myapp");
              System.out.format("The temporary file has been created: %s%n", tempFile)
          } catch (IOException x) {
              System.err.format("IOException: %s%n", x);
                  The temporary file has been created: /tmp/509668702974537184.myapp
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Reading a File by Using Buffered Stream I/O
   BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, charset)

Writing a File by Using Buffered Stream I/O
   BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, charset)

Similar methods exists for InputStream and OutputStream
   InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(path)
   OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(path)
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Access Control Lists(ACL)
   Adds entry to existing ACL to grant "joe" access
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
Managing Metadata
   size(Path) - Returns the size of the specified file in bytes.
   isDirectory(Path, LinkOption) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a
   isRegularFile(Path, LinkOption...) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a
      regular file.
   isSymbolicLink(Path) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a symbolic link.
   isHidden(Path) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is considered hidden
      by the file system.
   getLastModifiedTime(Path, LinkOption...) / setLastModifiedTime(Path, FileTime) - Returns
      or sets the specified file's last modified time.
   getOwner(Path, LinkOption...) / setOwner(Path, UserPrincipal) - Returns or sets the owner
      of the file.
   getPosixFilePermissions(Path, LinkOption...) / setPosixFilePermissions(Path,
      Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Returns or sets a file's POSIX file permissions.
   getAttribute(Path, String, LinkOption...) / setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...)
      -    Returns or sets the value of a file attribute.
New file system API (NIO 2.0)
File change notifications
   WatchService API – To receive notification events
    upon changes to the subject (directory or file).
      Create a WatchService. This service consists of a queue to
        hold WatchKeys
      Register the directory/file you wish to monitor with this
      While registering, specify the types of events to receive
        (create, modify or delete events)
      Start an infinite loop to listen to events
      When an event occurs, a WatchKey is placed into the
      Consume the WatchKey and invoke queries on it
Asynchronous I/O
Asynchronous I/O API for both sockets and files.
Asynchronous channel represent a connection that
 supports nonblocking operations e.g connecting,
 reading or writing.
Provides mechanisms for controlling the operations after
  they have been initiated.
  Future Style – Initiate I/O operation, returning
  Callback Style – Specify CompletionHandler when
   invoking I/O operation. CompletionHandler invoked
   when I/O operation completes.
Asynchronous I/O
Asynchronous Channel APIs
Asynchronous I/O
Future Style (Server setup)
Asynchronous I/O
Future Style (Client setup)

Reading/Writing – Client/Server
Asynchronous I/O
Callback Style
   Create CompletionHandler

   Open a file
        For Reading

        For Reading/Writing

   Write content to file
Asynchronous I/O
Asynchronous Channel Groups
   Each asynchronous channel constructed belongs to a channel group that
     shares a pool of Java threads.
   They are used for handling the completion of initiated asynchronous I/O
   By default, channels constructed with the open() methods belong to a
     global channel group.
   That can be configured using the following system variables:
       java.nio.channels.DefaultThreadPoolthreadFactory - defines a
          java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory to use instead of the default one
       java.nio.channels.DefaultThreadPool.initialSize - specifies the thread
          pool's initial size
Asynchronous I/O
Three utility methods in java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
  provide a way to create new channel groups:
Custom File System Provider
The NIO 2.0 API provides the ability to develop a custom file
  system provider.
A file system is essentially a container with organized,
   homogenous elements referred to as file system objects
A file system provides access to file system objects.
A file system object can be a
   File store
Custom File System Provider
A file store is a volume or partition in which files are stored
For e.g in Windows, C: and D: are file stores
On the Solaris operating system, / (root) and mounted directories
  are considered file stores.
The java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider class allows you to
  develop a custom file system provider
Custom File System Provider
A custom file system provider is useful in the following situations
   Developing a memory-based or zip-file-based file
   Developing a fault-tolerant distributed file
    system(Data Striping and Replication for high
    performace and to maintain data integrity)
   Replacing or supplementing the default file system
    provider(e.g. logging all system operations and
    delegate to the default provider for other routine
Custom File System Provider
Implementing Custom File System Provider
  Create a custom file system provider class that extends the
    java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider class.
  Define a URI scheme (e.g file, jar, memory) for the file system
    provider. The getScheme method should return the URI scheme
    of this provider.
  Create an internal cache to keep track of file systems created by this
  Implement the newFileSystem method.
  Implement the getFileSystem method.
  Implement the newFileChannel method or the
    newAsynchronousFileChannel method. This method should return
    a FileChannel object that allows a file to be read or written in the
    file system.
Dynamic Language Support
New Java bytecode "invokedynamic" has been added
Accompanying linkage mechanism that involves a new construct
  called a "Method Handle".
Dynamic Language Compilers can use this new bytecode
Dynamic Language should run faster on JVM
Dynamic Language Support
What is "Dynamic Language"
  A class of high level programming language that
    execute at run time many common behaviours that
    static languages perform during compilation.
  Behaviour such as extension of the program by
     Adding new code
     Extending objects and definitions
     Modifying type sytem
  E.g Groovy, JRuby, Jython etc.
Dynamic Language Support
The Challenge of Compiling Dynamically Typed Languages
   Example to add two numbers
       def addtwo(a, b)
             a + b;

Statically Typed Language Compliler chooses implementation of "+" based on
   static types of a and b(iadd for integer)
Dyanmically Typed Language Compiler must differ the choice until run time.
   The statement a + b is compiled as the method call +(a, b), where "+" is the
     method name
   The types of a and b will be determined at run time and accordingly the
     implementation of "+" will be called.
Dynamic Language Support
Current Problem
  Bytecode instructions for Method invocation
      invokevirtual : Invokes a method on a class.
      invokeinterface - Invokes a method on an interface
      invokestatic - Invokes a static method on a class.
      invokespecial - Invokes a method without reference to the
        type of the receive e.g constructors, superclass methods
        or private methods.
Dynamic Language Support
Java Code
  String s = "Hello World";

  ldc #2 // Push the String "Hello World" onto the stack
  astore_1 // Pop the value "Hello World" from the stack and store it in local variable #1
  getstatic #3 // Get the static field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream from the class
  aload_1 // Load the String referenced from local variable #1
  invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
Dynamic Language Support
Different ways to handle
   Create language-specific Java types for the return
     value and method arguments, especially those
     which act as method call receivers
   Use java.lang.reflect.Method to invoke method
   Create a language-specific interpreter for method
     invocation to run on top of the JVM.
Dynamic Language Support
Invokedynamic – New Bytecode instruction
MethodHandle – Direct executable reference to an underlying
 method, constructor, field, or similar low-level operation, with
 optional transformations of arguments or return values
CallSite – Holder for MethodHandle, which is called its target. An
  invokedynamic instruction linked to a CallSite delegates all calls
  to the site's current target.
Bootstrap Method - This method links the name specified by the
  invokedynamic instruction with the code that should be
  executed (the target method), which is referenced by a method
Dynamic Language Support
The invokedynamic instruction
  Simplifies and improves implementations of compilers and
    runtime systems for dynamic languages on the JVM
  Each instance of invokedynamic instruction is called a
    dynamic call site.
  A dynamic call site is originally in an unlinked state. i.e there is
    no method for call site to invoke.
  It is linked to a method by means of a bootstrap method
  Bootstrap method is specified by the compiler for the
    dynamically-typed language that is called once by the JVM
    to link the site
  The object returned from the bootstrap method permanently
    determines the call site's behavior
Dynamic Language Support
  IntegerOps class belongs to the library that
    accompanies the dynamic language's runtime
  The method Bootstrap.mybsm is a bootstrap method
    that links the invokedynamic call site to the adder
  The object callerClass is a lookup object, which is a
    factory for creating method handles.
  The method MethodHandles.Lookup.findStatic (called
    from the callerClass lookup object) creates a static
    method handle for the method adder.
Dynamic Language Support
Invokedynamic bytecode
The try-with-resources Statement
Is a try statement that declares one or more resources
A resource is as an object that must be closed after the program is
   finished with it.
It ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the
Any object that implements java.lang.AutoCloseable can be used
  as a resource.
static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
        return br.readLine();
The try-with-resources Statement

Declaring multiple resources
try ( zf = new; writer = java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedWriter(outputFilePath, charset)

     //perform work
     The close methods of resources are called in the
       oppositeorder of their creation.
The try-with-resources Statement
Can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try
Any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have
  been closed
The try-with-resources Statement
Suppressed Exceptions
  An exception can be thrown from the block of code associated
    with the try-with-resources statement.
  In the example writeToFileZipFileContents, an exception can
     be thrown from the try block, and up to two exceptions can
     be thrown from the try-with-resources statement when it tries
     to close the ZipFile and BufferedWriter objects.
  Suppressed exceptions can be retrieved by calling the
    Throwable.getSuppressed method from the exception
    thrown by the try block.
Improved Exception Handling
Handing more than one type of Exception
   Before Java 7
      catch (IOException ex) {
          throw ex;
      catch (SQLException ex) {
          throw ex;

   In Java 7
      catch (IOException|SQLException ex) {
          throw ex;
Improved Exception Handling
Rethrowing Exceptions with More Inclusive Type Checking
   Before Java 7
   static class FirstException extends Exception { }
   static class SecondException extends Exception { }

    public void rethrowException(String exceptionName) throws Exception {
        try {
            if (exceptionName.equals("First")) {
                throw new FirstException();
            } else {
                throw new SecondException();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
Improved Exception Handling
In Java 7
   public void rethrowException(String exceptionName)
    throws FirstException, SecondException {
        try {
            // ...
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
Underscores in Numeric Literals
Any number of underscore characters (_) can appear anywhere
  between digits in a numerical literal
  long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L;
  long socialSecurityNumber = 999_99_9999L;
  float pi = 3.14_15F;
  long hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E;
  long hexWords = 0xCAFE_BABE;
  long maxLong = 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL;
Underscores in Numeric Literals
Allowed only between digits
Not allowed
   At the beginning or end of a number
   Adjacent to a decimal point in a floating point literal
   Prior to an F or L suffix
   In positions where a string of digits is expected
      float pi1 = 3_.1415F;      // Invalid; cannot put underscores adjacent to a decimal point
      float pi2 = 3._1415F;      // Invalid; cannot put underscores adjacent to a decimal point
      int x1 = _52;           // This is an identifier, not a numeric literal
      int x3 = 52_;           // Invalid; cannot put underscores at the end of a literal
String in switch Statement
The switch statement compares the String object using the
  String.equals method
Consequently the comparison is case sensitive
The Java compiler generates generally more efficient bytecode
  from switch statements that use String objects than from
  chained if-then-else statements.
Diamond Operator(<>)
Type declaration is not required on right side
Before Java 7
   Map<String, List<Trade>> trades = new TreeMap<String, List<Trade>> ();

In Java 7
   Map<String, List<Trade>> trades = new TreeMap <> ();

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Java 7 Features and Enhancements

  • 1. Java 7 Features and Enhancements Gagan Agrawal
  • 2. Agenda Fork and Join Framework New File System API(NIO 2.0) Asynchronous I/O Custom File System Provider Dynamic Language Support The try-with resources Statement Improved Exception Handling Other improvements Underscores in Numeric Literals String in switch Statement Diamond Operator
  • 3. Fork and Join Fork/Join framework is an implementation of ExecutorService interface. Helps to take advantage of multiple processors. It is designed for work that can be broken into smaller pieces recursively. The goal is to use all the available processing power to make application wicked fast. Fork/Join framework distributes tasks to worker threads in a thread pool. It uses a work-stealing algorithm Worker threads that run out of things to do can steal tasks from other threads that are still busy
  • 4. Fork and Join Suitable for work that can be broken into smaller pieces
  • 5. Fork and Join Works on "divide and conquer" algorithm Also referred to as "map and reduce" Map Phase : Splitting the data space to be processed by an algorithm into smaller, independent chunks. Reduce Phase : Collection of partial results to form the final result once a set of chunks has been processed.
  • 6. Fork and Join Basic Use if (my portion of the work is small enough) do the work directly else split my work into two pieces invoke the two pieces and wait for the results
  • 8. Fork and Join Important Classes ForkJoinPool - An ExecutorService for running ForkJoinTasks. ForJoinTask - Abstract base class for tasks that run within a ForkJoinPool RecursiveAction : A recursive resultless ForkJoinTask RecursiveTask : A recursive result-bearing ForkJoinTask.
  • 9. Fork and Join Typical Steps : Partition into subproblems - Break up main problem into several parts. Each part should be as independent as possible. Create subtasks - Construct each solution to each part as a ForkJoinTask. Fork subtasks - Feed subtasks to pool of worker threads. Base pool size on number of CPUs or other resource considerations. Join subtasks - Wait out processing of as many subtasks (usually all) needed to compose solution Compose solution - Compose overall solution from completed partial solutions.
  • 10. Fork and Join Some Facts Different kind of tasks Computation-intensive I/O-intensive Event-intensive Most useful with Computation-intensive tasks Normally best to have one worker thread per CPU Each new task is queued in current worker thread’s dequeue (double- ended queue) Workers run tasks from their own dequeues in stack-based LIFO (i.e., newest task first) order. If a worker is idle, it steals a task, in FIFO (oldest task first) order from another thread’s dequeue or entry queue
  • 11. Fork and Join Work Stealing
  • 12. New file system API (NIO 2.0) New package java.nio.file to access files, file attributes and file systems. New classes to ease life of developer when working with multiple file systems. Path Paths FileSystem FileSystems Files
  • 13. New file system API (NIO 2.0) File I/O Methods Arranged from Less Complex to More Complex
  • 14. New file system API (NIO 2.0) OpenOptions Parameters WRITE – Opens the file for write access. APPEND – Appends the new data to the end of the file. This option is used with the WRITE or CREATE options. TRUNCATE_EXISTING – Truncates the file to zero bytes. This option is used with the WRITE option. CREATE_NEW – Creates a new file and throws an exception if the file already exists. CREATE – Opens the file if it exists or creates a new file if it does not. DELETE_ON_CLOSE – Deletes the file when the stream is closed. This option is useful for temporary files. SPARSE – Hints that a newly created file will be sparse. This advanced option is honored on some file systems, such as NTFS, where large files with data "gaps" can be stored in a more efficient manner where those empty gaps do not consume disk space. Example : Path path = Paths.get("file.txt") OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(path, CREATE, APPEND);
  • 15. New file system API (NIO 2.0) File Creation supports optional set of initial attributes. e.g. For UNIX based file system one can specify Owner Group Owner File permissions at the time file is created.
  • 16. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Reading All Bytes or Lines from a File readAllBytes(Path) readAllLines(Path, Charset) Path file = Paths.get("c:Tempxyz.txt"); byte[] fileArray = Files.readAllBytes(file); Writing All Bytes or Lines to a File write(Path, byte[], OpenOption...) write(Path, Iterable< extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...) Path file = Paths.get("c:Tempxyz.txt"); byte[] buf = ...; Files.write(file, buf);
  • 17. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Methods for Creating Regular and Temporary Files Creating Regular Files Path sourceFile = Paths.get("source.txt"); Path newFile = Paths.get("new.txt"); PosixFileAttributes attrs = Files.readAttributes(sourceFile, PosixFileAttributes.class); FileAttribute<Set<PosixFilePermission>> attr = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(attrs.permissions()); Files.createFile(newFile, attr); *************************************************************************************** Path file = Paths.get("test.txt"); Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------"); FileAttribute<Set<PosixFilePermission>> attr = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file, perms);
  • 18. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Creating Temporary Files One of the following methods can be used Files.createTempFile(Path dir,String prefix,String suffix,FileAttribute<?>... attrs) Allows to specify the directory in which temporary file will be created. Files.createTempFile(String prefix,String suffix,FileAttribute<?>... attrs) Creates new file in default temporary file directory. *********************************************************************************************** try { Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(null, ".myapp"); System.out.format("The temporary file has been created: %s%n", tempFile) ; } catch (IOException x) { System.err.format("IOException: %s%n", x); } ************************************************************************************************ Result The temporary file has been created: /tmp/509668702974537184.myapp
  • 19. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Reading a File by Using Buffered Stream I/O BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, charset) Writing a File by Using Buffered Stream I/O BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, charset) Similar methods exists for InputStream and OutputStream InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(path) OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(path)
  • 20. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Access Control Lists(ACL) Adds entry to existing ACL to grant "joe" access
  • 21. New file system API (NIO 2.0) Managing Metadata size(Path) - Returns the size of the specified file in bytes. isDirectory(Path, LinkOption) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a directory. isRegularFile(Path, LinkOption...) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a regular file. isSymbolicLink(Path) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is a symbolic link. isHidden(Path) - Returns true if the specified Path locates a file that is considered hidden by the file system. getLastModifiedTime(Path, LinkOption...) / setLastModifiedTime(Path, FileTime) - Returns or sets the specified file's last modified time. getOwner(Path, LinkOption...) / setOwner(Path, UserPrincipal) - Returns or sets the owner of the file. getPosixFilePermissions(Path, LinkOption...) / setPosixFilePermissions(Path, Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Returns or sets a file's POSIX file permissions. getAttribute(Path, String, LinkOption...) / setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...) - Returns or sets the value of a file attribute.
  • 22. New file system API (NIO 2.0) File change notifications WatchService API – To receive notification events upon changes to the subject (directory or file). Create a WatchService. This service consists of a queue to hold WatchKeys Register the directory/file you wish to monitor with this WatchService While registering, specify the types of events to receive (create, modify or delete events) Start an infinite loop to listen to events When an event occurs, a WatchKey is placed into the queue Consume the WatchKey and invoke queries on it
  • 23. Asynchronous I/O Asynchronous I/O API for both sockets and files. Asynchronous channel represent a connection that supports nonblocking operations e.g connecting, reading or writing. Provides mechanisms for controlling the operations after they have been initiated. Future Style – Initiate I/O operation, returning java.util.concurrent.Future Callback Style – Specify CompletionHandler when invoking I/O operation. CompletionHandler invoked when I/O operation completes.
  • 24. Asynchronous I/O Asynchronous Channel APIs AsynchronousSocketChannel AsynchronousServerSocketChannel AsynchronousFileChannel AsynchronousDatagramChannel
  • 26. Asynchronous I/O Future Style (Client setup) Reading/Writing – Client/Server
  • 27. Asynchronous I/O Callback Style Create CompletionHandler Open a file For Reading For Reading/Writing Write content to file
  • 28. Asynchronous I/O Asynchronous Channel Groups Each asynchronous channel constructed belongs to a channel group that shares a pool of Java threads. They are used for handling the completion of initiated asynchronous I/O operations. By default, channels constructed with the open() methods belong to a global channel group. That can be configured using the following system variables: java.nio.channels.DefaultThreadPoolthreadFactory - defines a java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory to use instead of the default one java.nio.channels.DefaultThreadPool.initialSize - specifies the thread pool's initial size
  • 29. Asynchronous I/O Three utility methods in java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup provide a way to create new channel groups: withCachedThreadPool() withFixedThreadPool() withThreadPool()
  • 30. Custom File System Provider The NIO 2.0 API provides the ability to develop a custom file system provider. A file system is essentially a container with organized, homogenous elements referred to as file system objects A file system provides access to file system objects. A file system object can be a File store File Directory
  • 31. Custom File System Provider A file store is a volume or partition in which files are stored For e.g in Windows, C: and D: are file stores On the Solaris operating system, / (root) and mounted directories are considered file stores. The java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider class allows you to develop a custom file system provider
  • 32. Custom File System Provider A custom file system provider is useful in the following situations Developing a memory-based or zip-file-based file system Developing a fault-tolerant distributed file system(Data Striping and Replication for high performace and to maintain data integrity) Replacing or supplementing the default file system provider(e.g. logging all system operations and delegate to the default provider for other routine operations)
  • 33. Custom File System Provider Implementing Custom File System Provider Create a custom file system provider class that extends the java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider class. Define a URI scheme (e.g file, jar, memory) for the file system provider. The getScheme method should return the URI scheme of this provider. Create an internal cache to keep track of file systems created by this provider. Implement the newFileSystem method. Implement the getFileSystem method. Implement the newFileChannel method or the newAsynchronousFileChannel method. This method should return a FileChannel object that allows a file to be read or written in the file system.
  • 34. Dynamic Language Support New Java bytecode "invokedynamic" has been added Accompanying linkage mechanism that involves a new construct called a "Method Handle". Dynamic Language Compilers can use this new bytecode Dynamic Language should run faster on JVM
  • 35. Dynamic Language Support What is "Dynamic Language" A class of high level programming language that execute at run time many common behaviours that static languages perform during compilation. Behaviour such as extension of the program by Adding new code Extending objects and definitions Modifying type sytem E.g Groovy, JRuby, Jython etc.
  • 36. Dynamic Language Support The Challenge of Compiling Dynamically Typed Languages Example to add two numbers def addtwo(a, b) a + b; end Statically Typed Language Compliler chooses implementation of "+" based on static types of a and b(iadd for integer) Dyanmically Typed Language Compiler must differ the choice until run time. The statement a + b is compiled as the method call +(a, b), where "+" is the method name The types of a and b will be determined at run time and accordingly the implementation of "+" will be called.
  • 37. Dynamic Language Support Current Problem Bytecode instructions for Method invocation invokevirtual : Invokes a method on a class. invokeinterface - Invokes a method on an interface invokestatic - Invokes a static method on a class. invokespecial - Invokes a method without reference to the type of the receive e.g constructors, superclass methods or private methods.
  • 38. Dynamic Language Support Java Code String s = "Hello World"; System.out.println(s); Bytecode ldc #2 // Push the String "Hello World" onto the stack astore_1 // Pop the value "Hello World" from the stack and store it in local variable #1 getstatic #3 // Get the static field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream from the class aload_1 // Load the String referenced from local variable #1 invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
  • 39. Dynamic Language Support Different ways to handle Create language-specific Java types for the return value and method arguments, especially those which act as method call receivers Use java.lang.reflect.Method to invoke method Create a language-specific interpreter for method invocation to run on top of the JVM.
  • 40. Dynamic Language Support Invokedynamic – New Bytecode instruction MethodHandle – Direct executable reference to an underlying method, constructor, field, or similar low-level operation, with optional transformations of arguments or return values CallSite – Holder for MethodHandle, which is called its target. An invokedynamic instruction linked to a CallSite delegates all calls to the site's current target. Bootstrap Method - This method links the name specified by the invokedynamic instruction with the code that should be executed (the target method), which is referenced by a method handle.
  • 41. Dynamic Language Support The invokedynamic instruction Simplifies and improves implementations of compilers and runtime systems for dynamic languages on the JVM Each instance of invokedynamic instruction is called a dynamic call site. A dynamic call site is originally in an unlinked state. i.e there is no method for call site to invoke. It is linked to a method by means of a bootstrap method Bootstrap method is specified by the compiler for the dynamically-typed language that is called once by the JVM to link the site The object returned from the bootstrap method permanently determines the call site's behavior
  • 42. Dynamic Language Support Example IntegerOps class belongs to the library that accompanies the dynamic language's runtime system. The method Bootstrap.mybsm is a bootstrap method that links the invokedynamic call site to the adder method. The object callerClass is a lookup object, which is a factory for creating method handles. The method MethodHandles.Lookup.findStatic (called from the callerClass lookup object) creates a static method handle for the method adder.
  • 44. The try-with-resources Statement Is a try statement that declares one or more resources A resource is as an object that must be closed after the program is finished with it. It ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement. Any object that implements java.lang.AutoCloseable can be used as a resource. E.g static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) { return br.readLine(); } }
  • 45. The try-with-resources Statement Declaring multiple resources try ( zf = new; writer = java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedWriter(outputFilePath, charset) ){ //perform work } The close methods of resources are called in the oppositeorder of their creation.
  • 46. The try-with-resources Statement Can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try statement Any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have been closed
  • 47. The try-with-resources Statement Suppressed Exceptions An exception can be thrown from the block of code associated with the try-with-resources statement. In the example writeToFileZipFileContents, an exception can be thrown from the try block, and up to two exceptions can be thrown from the try-with-resources statement when it tries to close the ZipFile and BufferedWriter objects. Suppressed exceptions can be retrieved by calling the Throwable.getSuppressed method from the exception thrown by the try block.
  • 48. Improved Exception Handling Handing more than one type of Exception Before Java 7 catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(ex); throw ex; catch (SQLException ex) { logger.log(ex); throw ex; } In Java 7 catch (IOException|SQLException ex) { logger.log(ex); throw ex; }
  • 49. Improved Exception Handling Rethrowing Exceptions with More Inclusive Type Checking Before Java 7 static class FirstException extends Exception { } static class SecondException extends Exception { } public void rethrowException(String exceptionName) throws Exception { try { if (exceptionName.equals("First")) { throw new FirstException(); } else { throw new SecondException(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
  • 50. Improved Exception Handling In Java 7 public void rethrowException(String exceptionName) throws FirstException, SecondException { try { // ... } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
  • 51. Underscores in Numeric Literals Any number of underscore characters (_) can appear anywhere between digits in a numerical literal long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_9012_3456L; long socialSecurityNumber = 999_99_9999L; float pi = 3.14_15F; long hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E; long hexWords = 0xCAFE_BABE; long maxLong = 0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffffL;
  • 52. Underscores in Numeric Literals Allowed only between digits Not allowed At the beginning or end of a number Adjacent to a decimal point in a floating point literal Prior to an F or L suffix In positions where a string of digits is expected float pi1 = 3_.1415F; // Invalid; cannot put underscores adjacent to a decimal point float pi2 = 3._1415F; // Invalid; cannot put underscores adjacent to a decimal point int x1 = _52; // This is an identifier, not a numeric literal int x3 = 52_; // Invalid; cannot put underscores at the end of a literal
  • 53. String in switch Statement The switch statement compares the String object using the String.equals method Consequently the comparison is case sensitive The Java compiler generates generally more efficient bytecode from switch statements that use String objects than from chained if-then-else statements.
  • 54. Diamond Operator(<>) Type declaration is not required on right side Before Java 7 Map<String, List<Trade>> trades = new TreeMap<String, List<Trade>> (); In Java 7 Map<String, List<Trade>> trades = new TreeMap <> ();