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Agile Management for Software Engineering

                             Applying theory of constraints for business results
                                             David J Anderson

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Vishwanath Ramdas

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Vishwanath Ramdas
Eli Schragenheim - Improving the flow of the Features that truly bring value to
                  the customer and also have a good chance of generating revenues for the
                                software organization is what this unique book is all about.

               • The relevance of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to the software industry
                 is twofold:
                    – Vastly improving the flow of new products to the market.
                         • The Agile Manifesto principle of "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer
                           through early and continuous delivery of valuable software" is fully in line with the
                           Theory of Constraint's objectives.
                    – Determining the real value of a proposed project, or even just a feature, to
                      the final user. The underlying assumption is that if we know the real value to

                      the user, it is possible to develop the right marketing and sales approach to
                      materialize the value to the user and to the software organization.
               • Learn how to make more with less.
                    – Don't accept every claim David raises just because he says it is so. If you truly
                      want to make more with less, you need to be able to internalize the claim.
                    – All I ask is you give it a chance. Dedicate time in order to rethink your
                      environment, and then see for yourself what to do. Overcoming inertia is the
                      biggest challenge of any really good manager in any organization.
               • A new Feature can bring value to the user only if it eliminates, or vastly
                 reduces, an existing limitation
                    – the examples of the value of “spell check” feature to end users

Vishwanath Ramdas
"Poor management can increase software costs more rapidly than any other
                                                                  factor‖ - Barry Boehm

                • "if the only way this can be done is badly, then let me do it badly at a
                  fraction of the cost."
                    – Senior executives, perplexed by the spiraling costs of software development
                      and depressed by poor results, poor quality, poor service, and lack of
                      transparency are simply shrugging their shoulders and saying,
                • The result is a switch to offshore development and layoffs.’

                • many techniques do exist that can improve the competitiveness of
                  software development businesses that have been proven in other
                  industries. Techniques such as the
                    – Theory of Constraints [Goldratt 1990a],
                    – Lean Production [Womack 1991],
                    – Systems Thinking [Senge 1990],
                • Improvements of 4 times are easily achieved.
                    – The Agile manager must construct an Agile learning organization of
                      empowered knowledge workers and results will be dramatic.
                    – 10 times is definitely possible. Imagine if your software engineering
                      organization could do 5 times as much work in half the time it currently takes.
                • What would it mean for you, your job, and your organization?

Vishwanath Ramdas
Accept Uncertainty, Manage with Transparency

                 • Knowledge work isn't like manufacturing.
                       – Knowledge work is neither linear nor defined
                            • For e.g. Stamping out car bodies can be performed with a high degree of certainty.
                              Failures and errors are rare.
                            • Manufacturing is in many ways predictable, linear, and, in the case of chemical
                              processes, defined by scientific rules.

                 • The secret is to manage the right things and to do so with transparency
                 • Management must learn to accommodate greater Uncertainty
                 • IT staff/workers turn up for 4 Reasons
                       –   The Cause
                       –   The Technology Challenge
                       –   The Money
                       –   The Boss [ this is the focus of the book]

Vishwanath Ramdas
The Agile Manifesto: The word "agile" implies that something is flexible and
                 responsive and has an innate ability to cope with change. Methods enable
                    survival in an atmosphere of constant change and emerge with success.

                    – We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping
                      others do it.
                    – Through this work we have come to value:
                • Individuals & interactions over processes and tools

                • Working software        over comprehensive documentation
                • Customer collaboration           over contract negotiation
                • Responding to change over following a plan
                    – That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on
                      the left more.
                         • Kent Beck, James Grenning, Robert C. Martin, Mike Beedle, Jim Highsmith, Steve
                           Mellor, Arie Van Bennekum, Andrew Hunt, Ken Schwaber, Alistair Cockburn, Ron
                           Jeffries, Jeff Sutherland, Ward Cunningham, John Kern, Dave Thomas, Martin
                           Fowler and Brian Marick
                              – © 2001, the above authors, this declaration may be freely copied in any form,
                                  but only in its entirety through this notice.

Vishwanath Ramdas


                                                                                           12 Principles of Agile:

                •   Our highest priority is to satisfy the          •    Working software is the primary
                    customer through early and continuous                measure of progress.
                    delivery of valuable software.                  •    Agile processes promote sustainable
                •   Welcome changing requirements, even                  development. The sponsors,
                    late in development. Agile processes                 developers, and users should be able to
                    harness change for the customer's                    maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

                    competitive advantage.                          •    Continuous attention to technical
                •   Deliver working software frequently,                 excellence and good design enhances
                    from a couple of weeks to a couple of                agility.
                    months, with a preference to the                •    Simplicity—the art of maximizing the
                    shorter timescale.                                   amount of work not done—is essential.
                •   Business people and developers must             •    The best architectures, requirements,
                    work together daily throughout the                   and designs emerge from self-
                    project.                                             organizing teams.
                •   Build projects around motivated                 •    At regular intervals, the team reflects
                    individuals. Give them the environment               on how to become more effective, then
                    and support they need, and trust them                tunes and adjusts its behavior
                    to get the job done.                                 accordingly.
                •   The most efficient and effective method
                    of conveying information to and within
                    a development team is face-to-face
Vishwanath Ramdas
Chapter Summary

                1.   Objectives                        1.   Facts
                2.   Guidelines                        2.   Execution Apporaches
                3.   Principles
 Chapter Name

                1.   Benefits, Outcomes                1.   Best Practices
                2.   Value                             2.   Innovations

                1.   Risks, Danger, Fear Perceptions   1.   Downside, Problems
                2.   Issues

Vishwanath Ramdas
Agile Methods is not a Fad but a trend: Rightly understood, management is a
liberal art, drawing freely from the disciplines that help us make sense of ourselves
            and our world. That's ultimately why it is worth doing – Magretta 2002
                1.   Lean Production at Toyota produced a 10 time    1.   Defines 4 basic roles that form a 2-tiered
                     improvement over its American mass                   management model along with set of
                     production competitor                                practices for each role.
                2.   Can / If Agile software development do 4 time
                     improvement within 9 months
                3.   Software development is about making more
                     profit, not about making great code.

                1.   Methods to report believable, familiar          1.   Framework to scientifically measure and
                     statistics and have meaning to the business.         assess Agile methods based on - Throughput
                2.   Demonstrate the economic advantages and              Accounting from TOC
                     focus on real business benefits.                2.   Agile Maturity Model: inside-out approach to
                3.   Argue a business case based on hard                  phase out capability as working practices ,
                     numbers indicating better profitability and          traceability, metrics, learning, and eventually
                     higher return on investment.                         financial metrics and results.

                1.   Agile methods propose some unusual working      1.   Agile brings its own jargon and vocabulary not
                     practices. E.g. Extreme Programming                  understood by management
                2.   The strange language and the strange            2.   Agile is adopted not based on hard facts and
                     practices scare management                           benefits but more as a FAD
                3.   Agile methods introduce scary counter
                     intuitive working practices.

Vishwanath Ramdas
The best companies in an industry build process that allows them to outperform
                                                              their competitors― - Louis V. Gerstner [2002]

                                    • Peter Senge's fifth discipline [1990]–Systems Thinking
 1. Theories for Agile Management

                                        – Approach the management of software engineering as a holistic business
                                        – Profitability and investment return from software engineering is treated as a
                                          "limits to growth" system archetype.
                                        – "Limits to growth" systems archetypes can be addressed and improved using
                                          Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints [1990].

Vishwanath Ramdas
Theories that support and enable agile software development

                        •           The Theory of Constraints                            •   Total Quality Management
                                     –   Underlying assumption: Production is as fast         –     Japanese realized that better quality was
 1. Theories for Agile Management

                                         as the slowest process in the chain.                       important
                                     –   Value chain is only as strong as the weakest         –     Quality Assurance - Edwards Deming through
                                         link in the chain.                                         Statistical Process Control (SPC) theory,
                                     –   Identify bottlenecks [capacity of the weakest        –     Interpret the control charts of Walter
                                         link] = current system constraint.                         Shewhart [Wheeler 1992].
                                     –   Exploit constraint - rate of throughput in           –     Improved quality improves the throughput of
                                         constraint is system throughput                            a system.
                                     –   Technique is known as Drum-Buffer-Rope.              –     TQM espoused the notion that manufacturing
                                     –   Thereby Reduce inventory of material                       could be more efficient (read "profitable") if
                                         throughout the system.                                     quality were improved.
                        •           Just-in-Time Inventory                                    –     Quality could be improved through improved
                                                                                                    traceability, which would provide audit trail
                                     –   Toyota Production System [Kanban Approach]                 information for verification and validation of
                                         - Taiichi Ohno [Ohno 1988].                                quality.
                                     –   Minimize inventory in the factory                    –     TQM gave rise to ISO-9000, Tick-IT, and other
                                     –   Ohno had based the technique on methods                    quality-related initiatives.
                                         used by American grocery store chains, ROI =         –     Upstream process was the "supplier" and the
                                         {Throughput – Ops Expense}/ Value of System                downstream process the "customer."
                                                                                              –     Everyone had an "internal customer" for their
                                     –   Throughput Accounting, reducing inventory                  work.
                                         reduces the level of investment. Competitive
                                         advantage of lower inventory levels is               –     Quality improves production because it
                                         reduced the financing charges cost of storage       qqqq   reduces rework. = less waste, less OE, and a
                                         space, thereby reduced Operating Expense                   higher Production Rate (R).
                                         (OE) and increased profitability.

Vishwanath Ramdas
Theories that support and enable agile software development

                        •           Lean Production                                 •   Comparison & Evaluation of the
 1. Theories for Agile Management

                                     – "Lean" was first coined by Womack and
                                       colleagues in their book, The Machine             – TOC originally focused on bottlenecks.
                                       That Changed the World,                           – JIT originally focused on reduction of
                                     – The Toyota Way," – The management                   inventory.
                                       method can be used beyond just                    – TQM and SPC were focused on quality
                                       production.                                         and conformance to specification.
                        •           Six Sigma                                            – Lean is the effective combination of all
                                     – Refers to a defect level of less than four          of them.
                                       per million [~represent perfection]               – Six Sigma also focuses on quality and is
                                     – Improved quality and focused                        complementary to Lean
                                       investment to eliminate errors.                   – Theories produced an immense
                                     – Associated with General Electric and                economic improvement for society
                                       Motorola.                                         – e.g amazingly complex technical
                                     – Two focus areas: quality assurance and              products like DVD players < $20.
                                       reduction of variance.                       •   Has Improved Profitability Been the
                                     – Better to have defects with a repeatable         Only Benefit?
                                       pattern - common cause can be found               – Improved overall competitiveness.
                                                                                         – Manufacturing is now more flexible and
                                                                                           faster to react to market conditions.
                                                                                         – Mary Poppendieck [Lean Programming]
                                                                                           states that the theories of JIT and TQM
                                                                                           can be applied to software
                                                                                           development [2001].
Vishwanath Ramdas

                                    Three Phases of Scientific Development: Eli Goldratt suggested that the sciences
                                                                                     evolve in three distinct phases

                                       •   Phase 1—Classification
 1. Theories for Agile Management

                                            –   Debate and standardize nomenclature is debated and agreed upon.
                                            –   Agile Software Development: XP, Scrum, and FDD, though may not yet be complete.
                                            –   OOAD : UML Modeling frameworks
                                            –   Scott Ambler's Agile Modeling Initiative – ongoing effort
                                            –   Agile methods as a combined science can be considered to be in the classification stage.
                                       •   Phase 2—Correlation
                                            – Corroborating evidence to show that a method works in practice. Correlation is a phase
                                              of pattern recognition.
                                            – E.g Astrology to Astronomy | Alchemy to Chemistry
                                            – OOAD: Analysis Patterns [Fowler 1997], Object Models [Coad 1996], JAVA Modeling in
                                              Color with UML [Coad 1999], and Streamlined Object Modeling [Nicola 2001]. Design
                                              Patterns [Gamma 1995]
                                            – Agile: There is some evidence on the results
                                       •   Phase 3—Effect-Cause-Effect
                                            – Astronomy became a science after Isaac Newton proved why apples fall down, rather
                                              than sideways.
                                            – For software management to be developed into a science, agreement must be reached
                                                  • what is to be measured and what those measurements are called.
                                                  • How one measurement affects another must be understood.

Vishwanath Ramdas
Systems Thinking and Learning Organizations - Approach organization
                               holistically , the first step towards learning. Systems have feedback [learning] to
                                                                            provide opportunity for improvement.
                        •           Empirical Versus Defined Processes                                      •      Emergence
                                     – qqqq
                                         Schwaber and Beedle published their book describing                         –    Phenomena described as "emergent." -- Complex
 1. Theories for Agile Management

                                         the Scrum method.                                                       qqqq     Adaptive Systems.
                                     – Webster's dictionary defines empirical as "Depending                          –    Simple rules govern the internal behavior of the
                                         upon experience or observation alone, without due                                system, which results in the externally observed
                                         regard to science and theory."                                                   adaptive behavior.
                                     – Impacts how we measure measurements around                                    –    Understand what the simple rules are that produce
                                         observation repetition                                                           often amazing results.
                                     – Schwaber defined that empirical processes are                                 –    Simple rules are what inspire ants to build great
                                         "chaordic," [lives on the edge of chaos]                                         anthills and to work as a team to perform tasks that
                                     – Used this to argue - that there is no point in planning                            ought not to be possible for such basic creatures.
                        •           Convergent Versus Divergent Processes                                            –    software development is a complex adaptive system,
                                     –   This may be more critical to how we control and                             –    Agile Manifesto principle, "The best architectures,
                                         manage processes                                                                 requirements, and designs emerge from self-
                                                                                                                          organizing teams."
                                     –   Convergent = under control process will converge
                                         over time on a predictable solution.                                        –    The proper jobs of executives are to set the goal for
                                                                                                                          the adaptive behavior of the system and to select the
                                     –   Divergent = under control produce inconsistent                                   method with which the goal is measured and the
                                         results                                                                          system feedback delivered.
                        •           Chaos Theory and Uncertainty                                                     –    In addition, they may need to create an environment
                                     –   Renee Descartes [1625] - suggested that everything                               within which the complex adaptive system of
                                         could be gradually decomposed to scientifically                                  software development can exist freely to self-
                                         explain behavior and composition.                                                organize at the appropriate level.
                                     –   Its corollary held that something that was not                              –    What is important is that those setting the rules set
                                         understood simply had not been sufficiently                                      rules that reflect the nature of the system holistically,
                                         decomposed.                                                                      which leads to delivery of global optima rather than
                                     –   In contrast The principle of uncertainty [Hiesenberg]                            local efficiencies
                                         is closer modeling of reality
                                     –   TOC helps manage the business systems to cope with
                                                 On anthills, it is predictable that a nest of ants will build an anthill. The size of the anthill and the area it will cover can be
                                                 predicted with some certainty, based on knowledge of the type of ants and the population. What cannot be predicted is the
                                                 precise shape, the precise time of completion, or the necessary level of effort. Nevertheless, predicting the growth of an anthill
                                                 is like predicting the weather, it can be done with a degree of accuracy. It is not chaotic.
Vishwanath Ramdas
Agile Management

                    Section I

Vishwanath Ramdas
qqqq   "Tell me how you will measure me and I will tell you how I will behave.― - Eli Goldratt [1990b]

                                        Consider the stages of the transformation of an idea into tangible
                                                                                            working code.
 2. Management Accounting for Systems

                                        •    Systems are non-linear, have feedback
                                             and exhibit adaptive behavior
                                               –    Systems have balancing loops which
                                                    makes the system to adapt
                                        •    Systems thinking is difficult
                                               –    People tend towards detailed complexity
                                                    [large projects, software code ]
                                               –    Systems complexity with feedback
                                                    mechanisms and sensitivity is more
                                               –    Understanding inherent complexity with
                                                    varying rules and effects is difficult
                                        •    Throughput accounting for education.
                                               –    Unit of Inventory = Pupil
                                               –    Value of Inventory = Knowledge of Pupil                                              qqqq
                                               –    Investment = KnowledgeInput =
                                               –    Value Added = ValueOutput - ValueInput
                                               –    Throughput = KnowledgeOutput-
                                        •    To Summarize [in order]
                                               –    Increase Throughput (T)
                                               –    Decrease Investment (I)
                                               –    Decrease Operating Expense (OE)

Vishwanath Ramdas
TOC is a method that helps Focus on the right problem within the value chain
                                       1.   The Value chain is only as strong as the         1.     Identify the System Constraint.
                                            weakest link                                     2.     Decide how best to exploit the System
                                       2.   The system is subordinate to the capacity               Constraint.
                                            constrained resource [CCR] – where inventory     3.     Subordinate everything else to the decision in
                                            pileup happens                                          step 2.
 3. TOC in software production

                                                                                             4.     Elevate the Constraint.
                                                                                             5.     If steps 1 through 4 have created a new
                                                                                                    constraint, return to step 2.

                                       1.   TOC ensures that excess inventory in the         1.     Exploiting the CCR is an area for innovative
                                            system is eliminated, especially critical for           problem solving, waste elimination [Lean]
                                            perishable inventory                             2.     Subordination is driven through Drum-Buffer-
                                       2.   Assessment of incremental investment is                 Rope [Takt Time + Kanban]
                                            done through throughput accounting               3.     Balance the flow of product through the
                                                                                             4.     Hire and develop Good people

                                       1.   Subordination to the CCR could / may result in   1.     Systems can have multiple constraints that
                                            stress elsewhere [ Road Runner behavior]                impede the flow
                                                                                             2.     Choosing and recognizing constraints
                                                                                                    correctly is critical to successful TOC

Vishwanath Ramdas
Uncertainty in software process is inevitable, which acts on the 5 general
                                                                                   constraints at 4 levels

                               1.    There are 5 types of general constraints        1.   People constraints are most critical
                                      1. People, Resources, Budgets,                 2.   Time constraints could be externally driven as
                                            Functionality, Time                           in compliance and regulatory requirements
                               2. There are 4 types of Uncertainty                   3.   Manage Scope constraint through tier-ing by
                                      1. Variability Foreseen, Unforeseen,                need e.g. ―good to have‖ and by time
                                            Chaos                                    4.   Variation & foreseen uncertainties are
                               3. Uncertainty is handled through provision of a           endemic and are called ―common cause‖
 4. Dealing with uncertainty

                                     buffer                                          5.   Chaos & unforeseen >> are ―Special Cause‖

                               1.   a                                                1.   Add people buffers to the project early [
                                                                                          brooks law >> adding people to a late project
                                                                                          makes it later!]
                                                                                     2.   Time buffer is dependent on maturity and level
                                                                                          of uncertainty
                                                                                     3.   Complexity & Risk analysis are key to
                                                                                          providing estimates without local safety

                               1.   It is important that senior management see       1.   Broken promises on scope and time are bad
                                    that buffer for people are needed as people           for business
                                    are the most critical constraint                 2.   Revealing ―dark matter‖ is critical in the early
                               2.   Good relationship /trust with users / business        stages of software design and architecture
                                    is critical to scoping
                               3.   Creating too much local safety results in over

Vishwanath Ramdas
Uncertainty in software process is inevitable, which acts on the 5 general
                                                                                      constraints at 4 levels

                                  1.     focus on simplicity and relevance to the       1.   Throughput is the most important metric, shift
                                         system goal.                                        from effort driven metrics
                                  2.     Metrics should be self-generating              2.   Non-functional requirement lead to measuring
                                  3.     Metrics should provide leading or predictive        throughput, but one should follow minimalism
 5. Software production Metrics

                                         indication of the system performance rather    3.   Tasks are not inventory – don’t represent
                                         than lagging or reactive performance                customer interest
                                  4.     Should relate to financial or economic goals

                                  1.     Operational Expense [OE]                       1.    Littles Law >> inventory in the system is
                                           1. Average Cost per Function[ACPF]                directly proportional to the lead time given
                                  2.     Investment in the flow [I]                          throughput as a constant
                                           1. Inventory levels in the flow [V]          2.   Reinersteins advice – Metrics should be
                                  3.     Throughput of the flow [T]                          simple, relevant, self generating and lead
                                           1. Production Quantity [Q]                        indicators
                                  4.     Finance >> T I OE
                                           1. Production >> Q V ACPF

                                  1.     Clients don’t value tasks and other inputs     1.   Measurements that are effort and input driven
                                  2.     What is inventory? In the flow?                     which don’t add much value to the customer
                                                                                        2.   Measurements that are complex and manual
                                                                                             to maintain

Vishwanath Ramdas
Manage Software based on the level of uncertainty. Time, Budget and Scope are
                                           in increasing sequence of uncertainty.
                               1.   Agile methods require a negotiable scope and       1.   Feature driven delivery FDD extends the
                                    an agreed scope buffer in order to be            qqqq   model to make both Scope and budget
                                    successful                                              flexible though tightly bound
                               2.   This requires trust between customer & team        2.   Effort / task based planning does not
                                                                                            represent systems thinking
                                                                                       3.   PM needs to assist flow through maintaining
                                                                                            issues log that impede the flow
 6. Agile Project Management

                                                                                              * Throughput Accounting

                                                                                       1.    Koskela & Howell >> 3 dimensional Model of
                                                                                            Flow of Value through transformation
                                                                                       2.   TA* depreciates incomplete code on time vs
                               1.   Focus on better quality information for                 Cost accounting that appreciates code based
                                    manage to enable decisions                              on effort
                               2.   Focus on outcomes and throughput and how it        3.   TA considers efforts as OE not value, no need
                                    can be delivered on promised time                       to timesheet
                               3.   Segregate costs from value that customer
                               4.   Highlight issues and risks and deliver
                                    throughput early

                               1.   Traditional PMI, fix scope and focus on close
                                    estimates – worst case! with varying timelines
                                    for outcomes!
                               2.   Traditional Cost accounting assumes that
                                    effort == earned value! [time-sheets]

Vishwanath Ramdas
Project Planning is the process in which delivery uncertainty is managed [buffer,
                                 groups, parallel workflow] to ensure throughput and timeliness

                             1.   Products are built from assembles that are     1.   Develop CPM and PERT to plan
                                  done in parallel [feed chains]                 2.   Non-Critical path items should be developed
                             2.   Grouping is based on testing and release            based on cost implications not AEAP
                             3.   Move away from local safety to group safety,   3.   Monitor the buffer usage of each feeding
                                  reduces overall buffer in the system                chain – constantly
 7. Agile Project Planning

                                                                                 4.   All inventory that are blocked should have
                                                                                      issues logged
                                                                                 5.   Main constraint =Schedule/Time/Delivery date
                                                                                 6.   PERT should factor in resource Constraint
                             1.   Measure – Buffer Usage through progress

                                                                                 1.   Goldratt asserted that everything eventually
                                                                                      hits the critical path qqqq
                                                                                 2.    The resource constrained buffered plan is
                                                                                      called the Critical Chain

                                                                                 1.   Hidden Assumption that all developer skills
                                                                                      are equal
                             1.   How to buffer for parallel & serial tasks?     2.

Vishwanath Ramdas
There are 4 management roles to define the new paradigm of agile software

                     •            Development Manager                            •   Product Manager
                                   – Runs the system for software                     – Manages release or product mix,
                                     production, maintain continuous flow               defines what is the input to the flow
 8. The agile Managers New Work

                                   – Motivate the team and understand the             – Manages the features to be released
                                     development environment                            based on throughput and development
                                   – De Lucas first law “Managing a team is             capabilities
                                     80% psychology & 20% technology”                 – Generates ideas and captures
                                   – Increase productivity, remove                      requirements
                                     constraints                                      – Owns: NP, ROI, Investment [I], AIPF
                                   – Owns:Production Rate[R], Lead time
                                                                                 •   Project Manager
                     •            Program/ Release Manager                            – Manages a specific release through the
                                   – Owns a Collection of project, what may             code production flow
                                     be called a platform, portfolio                  – Does project planning [Ch. 7]
                                        • Mcgrath Defines this as product line
                                          strategy                                    – Issues, CCPM, PERT,CPM
                                   – Manage release sequence, control the             – Owns: Issues control, Buffer
                                     Rope in DBR and feed the constraint
                                   – Owns: Throughput[T], Inventory[V]

Vishwanath Ramdas
Smooth flow can be interrupted by three causes: a bottleneck, poor quality, and
                                                                     an overly large batch size
                                                                                          1.    Investigate reasons why stockpiling happens?
                                   1.   Inventory piles up at the point where             2.    Use Visual control for awareness & decisions
 9. Agile Development Management

                                        production rate is minimal
                                   2.   Use the right batch size to optimize the flow
                                                                                          1.    In Projects, inventory is a better lead indicator
                                          1. Batch reduces setup but increases
                                                                                                than Lead time
                                                Queue time, waiting, fatigue, LT..
                                                                                          2.     Quality is more expensive, downstream in the
                                   3.   Intellectual efficiency is the avoidance of
                                                                                                flow as more areas would need rework,
                                        waste in the flow
                                                                                                multiplying the impact
                                                                                          3.    Capers Jones and Karl Wiegers [2002]
                                                                                         qqqq   studies suggest 10% of effort in developer
                                                                                                peer review results in 45% defect reduction,
                                                                                                65% if unit tests are included and 80%if formal
                                   1.   Calculate true cost of bottleneck using TA, at          inspections are done
                                        bottlenecks, lost time cant be recovered          4.    Small batches result in smooth flow
                                         1. What is the loss of capacity in cost and      5.    The less pronounced S the better the team
                                               value terms
                                   2.   What is the true cost of Quality?
                                         1. The capacity and prodctivity impact of

                                   1.    It is dangerous to assume that bugs stand in
                                        isolation, when code fails regression testing,
                                        there may be multiple units of production lost    1.    In software development, bad management
                                        through multiple stages of the system                   gets compensated by free overtime, abuse of
                                        resulting in large loss of effort and outcomes          engineers
                                   2.   Too small a batch size results in high setup      2.    Large batches create execution fatigue
                                        time [ context switching]                               resulting in defects

Vishwanath Ramdas
Control the release of software inventory in order to reduce the WIP inventory,
                lead time, operating expense and waste caused by excess queue and wait times.

                                  1.   Subordinate the MRP to the CCR [ TOC -3]       1.   Use Drum-Buffer-Rope system for production
                                  2.   Do not swamp or starve the CCR                      subordination,
 10. Software Resource Planning

                                  3.   Do not process the wrong or stale material            1. CCR is the drum | production rate the
                                  4.   Waste must be minimized.                                  beat | inventory buffer is the rope that
                                                                                                 protects CCR from starvation
                                                                                      2.   use cumulative flow diagram to monitor
                                                                                           production rate and inventory in the system

                                  1.   Requirements that get scrapped before          1.   Extreme Programming, is adept at coping with
                                       delivery                                            expediting. As it is "serial expediting."
                                  2.   Waste will increase if lead times are long.          1. As everything is an expedite request,
                                  3.   Reducing LT has a positive derivative affect         2. No additional cost for short order
                                       on R and OE.                                              requests
                                        1. Increased LT >> More Waste >>
                                              reduce R and increase OE.

                                  1.   Change requests can have an impact on the      1.    Swamping could result in expedition of work
                                       analysis, design, and coding of a software          which has adverse effects.
                                       project                                        2.   Longer LT due to swamping results in time
                                                                                      3.   Too much defects results in analysis paralysis

Vishwanath Ramdas

The Learning Organization Maturity Model: To examine whether business is under
                           control and whether it is focused on making a profit.

                               Stage     Title                   Essence                                     Todo
                                                                                                             1.     Decompose system input into basic units
                               Stage 0 Analysis Ability                                                             of measurement.

                                                                 Tom DeMarco correctly observed, "You
 11. An Agile Maturity Model

                                                                                                          1.        Implement system for capturing &
                               Stage 1 End-to-End Traceability   cannot control, what you cannot measure"
                                                                                                                    monitoring measurements.
                                                                 [Wiegers 1996]

                                                                                                             1.     Inventory; lead time; production rate;
                                                                 Demonstrate that software development
                                                                                                             2.     Demonstrate basic statistical process
                                         Stabilize System        can be brought under control with
                               Stage 2                           conformant quality. [ i.e. within some
                                         Metrics                                                             3.     Show that system is stable against a
                                                                 acceptable tolerance]
                                                                                                                    target and within a tolerance.

                                                                 gradually tightening the screws on the      1.     Focus on continuous improvement.
                                                                 achieved metrics; look for the constraints, 2.     New targets: lower inventory, shorter lead
                                         System Thinking and a   to determine how best to exploit them, to          time, higher production rate.
                               Stage 3                           subordinate the rest of the process to that 3.     Identify constraints; exploit constraints;
                                         Learning Organization
                                                                 decision, and then to consider investment          subordinate to decision; elevate
                                                                 in order to elevate the constraint                 constraint.

                                                                 Not afraid to push the boundaries or to
                                                                 take on projects with high risk.           1.      Encourage risk taking.
                                       Anticipated ROI and the   An environment in which line managers      2.      Focus on Throughput ($), not production
                               Stage 4 Failure Tolerant          are unafraid to take risks                         quantity.
                                                                 Organization must be completely mature 3.          Focus on market research/feedback (i.e.,
                                       Organization              along its entire value stream                      external constraints).
                                                                 software system does not work in isolation

Vishwanath Ramdas
The essence of Agile is to be highly delegated, "self-organizing." : plans should at a
    high level and the desired adaptive behavior should emerge from the system.

                                   1.   Establish the simple rules governing the         1.   process that allows tracking requirements
                                        system of software production                         through the lifecycle must be introduced first
 12. Setting the Governing Rules

                                   2.   Focus on behavior & adaption, and tweak          2.   Introducing end-to-end traceability in the
                                        when outcomes are not observed                        software development lifecycle is a nontrivial
                                   3.   Main goals for managers:                              first step. This first barrier to entry defeats
                                          1. Skills Gap Education                             many organizations
                                          2. End to End Traceability [V R LT]            3.   Expected ROI metric, as the control of reward
                                          3. Production Metrics                          4.   that team members understand what is being
                                          4. Continuous Improvement                           measured and why
                                          5. Fault tolerance Organization
                                   4.   Engineers must be encouraged to focus on         1.   Reinertsen's Three Tiers of Control
                                        exploiting themselves as a capacity                    1. Executives : Select system & Define
                                        constrained resource                                        governing rules.
                                                                                               2. Managers: Set tolerances & rules for
                                                                                               3. Staff: Adapt based on feedback from
                                   1.   Rules based on Maturity and ROI                             system metrics.
                                   2.   Incentive based on overall system, rather than   2.
                                        local, production rate results in systems

                                                                                         1.    [DeMarco and Lister] Process improvement is
                                                                                              primarily focused on quality, estimation scope
                                                                                         2.   in CMMi, organization develop balanceing
                                   1.    Engineers can be afraid of measurement
                                                                                              loop at high maturity and stagnate [risk
                                        schemes. They may rebel against them from
                                                                                              averse, not take up truly valuable projects]
                                        fear of misuse
                                                                                         3.   Production rate metrics fail to sustain
                                                                                              challenge over long term, through wrong
Vishwanath Ramdas
Taking Staffing Decisions

                          1.   TA as the basis for costing value of employees   1.   properly analyze the Throughput Accounting
                               lost                                                  implications of a decision to outsource and to
                          2.   Adding Staff is OE, they don’t become                 understand its true contribution to Net Profit
                               productive immediately                                and ROI before any decision is made
 13. Staffing Decisions

                          3.   Outsource resources?
                                 1. Costs, Resource Constraint
                          4.   Ensure that a non-constraint is not elevated
                          5.   Ensure that there is balanced maturity across
                               the flow before outsourcing

                          1.                                                    1.

                          1.   Outsourcing challenges                           1.   Bad management causes staff turnover.
                                1. Can org managing vendor relationship?        2.   tendency to take staff turnover as "industry
                                2. How good at writing requirements?                 standard" or "normal."
                                3. What will be the lead time from the          3.   Cognitive dissonance that turnover is
                                     vendor?                                         management induced and preventable.
                                4. Agility of offshore dev vendor?              4.   Failure to understand the true costs of staff
                                5. CR Process and costs of CR?                       turnover

Vishwanath Ramdas
This is the essence of Agile management: Create a culture of openness, trust, a
                                 common understanding of the issues and to debate the opportunity for
                               1.   Issues should be surfaced not concealed,         1.   all business owners upstream and
                                    disguised, or shrouded in a sea of                    downstream in the same value chain should
                                    meaningless data.                                     be invited
                               2.   Should not intended as a control mechanism.      2.   operations review should be held monthly—
 14. Operations Review

                               3.   Daily feedback based on production metrics            not quarterly!
                                    should be used for control.                      3.   visually present the information that the
                                                                                          business needs to operate successfully
                                                                                     4.   director of operations for the business unit
                                                                                          should have recorded the minutes of the

                               1.   Learning opportunity, vital to the health of a   1.   Lead with Financial Information
                                    learning organization                            2.   Driven Through visual control

Vishwanath Ramdas
An Agile IT department is one focused on high-quality business analysis, selecting
 only the most valuable feature requests for development whilst capping the total
                                           release size using strict inventory control
 15. Agile Management in the IT Department

                                                 1.    Effectiveness of a corporate IT department, it                    1.    The key metrics for a CIO are the level of
                                                       is necessary to show that it can add value to                           inventory of ideas (V), total sum of money
                                                       the business                                                            invested in IT (I), cycle time (LT).
                                                 2.    Budget basis, value of deploying systems in                       2.    Throughput = Budget Basis– DDC*
                                                       comparison with system budgets                                    3.    True Basis == also adds the improvements
                                                 3.    True Basis for Financial metrics, value of                              post deployment, lifecycle ongoing = Value
                                                       operating & improving systems in comparison                             Add – [DDC – Ops costs]
                                                       to incremental usage benefit
                                                 4.    Calculating Value add is critical                                 * DDC = Direct deployment costs which involves all input materials like
                                                                                                                               licenses, hardware etc.. Not including people time

                                                 1.    significantly reduce OE,                                          1.    Monitoring the flow of inventory is the most
                                                 2.    Net Profit increased and investment                                     important action a CIO can take to improve
                                                       decreased,                                                              the performance of the IT business unit.
                                                 3.    Significant improvement in ROI                                    2.    Calculate both Budget and True Basis ROI
                                                         1. ROI = [T – OE] / Investments+                                3.    Focus on how to improve ROI through T,
                                                                                                                               Investment, Lead time & OE
                                                                                                                         4.    Manage by Objectives and outcome [OE]
                                                                                                                         5.    Monitoring the flow of inventory is the most
                                             +   includes all investments in ideation, requirements, design, analysis,         important action a CIO can take
                                                                                                                         6.    Key Metrics are: inventory of ideas (V), sum
                                                                                                                               invested in IT (I), and cycle time (LT)
                                                 1.    Requirement Bulge = minimize audit, paper
                                                       work, reduce travel and interaction costs,
                                                       penny pinch
                                                 2.    Bloated Lead time                                                 1.    Budget Basis which is derived from Biz Case
                                                 3.    Bloated OE = manage by objectives, smaller                              is not agile, estimate effort accurately, scope
                                                       releases [reduce WIP]                                                   lock down,

Vishwanath Ramdas
Understand the unpredictable variable in the finance equations—Throughput &
                                                   the Learning Is Not Restricted to Engineering

                                1.   Cross-functional team work is essential to       1.   Net Profit = SalesForecast – OEEngg -OEdownstream
                                     success                                          2.   ROI = [T(t)Engg – OE(t-1)Engg] / I(t-1)Req   qqqq
 16. Agile Product Management

                                2. Considering end of life in accounting during       3.   Do not assign cost and value to individual
                                     new releases provides clarity to accounting,          features!! [ messy, inaccurate, need effort]
                                     reporting and decision making [controversial]    4.   Calculate the $$ / Hrs of time on the system
                                3. Holistic approach to feature config that                CCR and ranking from highest to lowest to
                                qqqq attribute to sales, what’s sales worth? [Kano]        derive product mix priorities
                                4. 3 levels of marketing goals: must have,
                                     Desired and optional
                                5. Product mix must be prioritized in order to
                                     protect the scope constraint in the system.      1.   Agile Best is to build only what the customer
                                                                                           needs, wants, and values
                                                                                            1. not waste energy creating features
                                                                                                  customers ignore
                                                                                      2.   Writing of the current product as it is replaced
                                                                                      3.   Cluster features into groups for release
                                1.   TA helps provide End of life decisions for            management & product mix [DSM] qqqq

                                1.   Marketing forecasts are as big a black art as    1.   Cost Accounting depends on the burden of
                                     typical software engineering level-of-effort          time-sheeting by developers
                                     estimates                                        2.    TA cannot provide strategy on when to stop
                                2.   Measuring the effectiveness of engineering            new investments and stagnate the product
                                     depends on other areas of business being              into a cash cow

Vishwanath Ramdas
Throughput Accounting approach to a service industry treats the whole service as
                                                                       a system.
 17. Financial Metrics for Software Services

                                               • A service is something paid for on a renewing basis. User has no perpetual
                                                 rights—there is an implied annuity e.g: Telephone
                                               • Services need to consider the mix between Fixed and Variable costs [e.g.
                                                 Pizza, Telephones]
                                               • Derive Operational margin [NPBIDTA] and use the fixed costs as
                                                 investments to derive ROI
                                                   – Throughput = Sales.Release - Direct costs.Release .
                                                   – NPIDTA = Throughput – OEBIDA
                                                   – ROI = Throughput / Investments
                                               • This model depends on market research to identify customers who would
                                                 have switched if there were no new releases [controversial]
                                               • Ensure the organization / business deals with uncertainty
                                                   – it is better to have some numbers correctly aligned with a systems thinking
                                                     approach to the business than no numbers or numbers aligned with the
                                                     wrong model.

Vishwanath Ramdas

                                             Revisit the 12 principles of Agile methods and examine what they really mean
                                                                                            from a business perspective [1/2]
 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods

                            •                Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer               •   Business people and developers must work
                                             through early and continuous delivery of valuable                 together daily throughout the project.
                                             software.                                                          –   Waste is extremely costly and rework is undesirable.
                                              –   Agile methods believe in Throughput dollars                   –   On-site client who can catch misunderstandings and
                                              –   Deliver client-valued functionality in a systematic,              correct problems with analysis and design.
                                                  process-oriented fashion of continuous production.       •   Build projects around motivated individuals. Give
                                              –   Delivered at a steady pace                                   them the environment and support they need, and
                            •                Welcome changing requirements, even late in                       trust them to get the job done.
                                             development. Agile processes harness change for                    –   leadership and delegation.
                                             the customer's competitive advantage.                              –   TOC >> focus on identifying constraints and removing
                                              –   Accept that change is a fact of life.                             them through exploitation and elevation.
                                              –   Stale requirement is valueless, Throughput dollars are        –   Think Demings 14 principles .
                                                  0 for a useless, obviated req.                           •   The most efficient and effective method of
                                              –   Cope with change, even late change.                          conveying information to & within a development
                                              –   Genetic fitness implies agility.                             team is face-to-face conversation.
                            •                Deliver working software frequently, from a couple                 –   minimizes setup time and eliminates by-products
                                             of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference                      such as documentation.
                                             to the shorter timescale.                                          –   It is not zero documentation, but on an optimal set of
                                              –   Short lead times & low inventory levels.                          minimal documentation,
                                              –   Reduce Investment & OE in producing software.                 –   Improving communication, trust and understanding
                                              –   Generate greater ROI through focus on                         –   Shorten lead times, which reduce OE, reduce
                                                    •   Increased value added                                       Inventory and Investment, resulting in increased
                                                            – More Net Profit through Throughput dollars            Throughput
                                                    •   Reduction of Operating Expenses.
                                                    •   Reduced Investment

Vishwanath Ramdas

                                             Revisit the 12 principles of Agile methods and examine what they really mean
                                                                                           from a business perspective [2/2]
 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods

                            •                Working software is the primary measure of                    •   Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of
                                             progress.                                                         work not done—is essential.
                                              –   Main metric: production quantity (Q)- code that               –   focus on simplicity of design
                                                  deliver client-valued function.                                     •   Reduce lead times through faster coding, less
                                                    •   Completed Inventory or Throughput dollars                         testing, less likelihood of bugs, and overall higher
                                              –   Compatible with Throughput Accounting, they                             quality.
                                                  measure delivered value.                                      –   Simpler designs that can be built faster potentially
                                                                                                                    increase the overall production, leading to higher
                            •                Agile processes promote sustainable development.                       Throughput dollars.
                                             The sponsors, developers, and users should be able
                                             to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.                     •   The best architectures, requirements, and designs
                                              –   Cash flow & lead time are important.                         emerge from self-organizing teams.
                                              –   Sustainable systems of software development turn              –   This is perhaps the only principle of Agile methods
                                                  Investment into Net Profit faster                                 that cannot be easily justified in business terms.
                                              –   Encourage flow and believe in slack (below maximum            –   The premise that self-organized teams, rather than
                                                  efficiency).                                                      teams commanded and controlled by a manager,
                                                                                                                    produce better designs leading to shorter lead times
                                              –   Slack allows for regeneration of staff and training to            could be tested using the metrics described in this
                                                  improve their skills                                              book.
                            •                Continuous attention to technical excellence and              •   At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to
                                             good design enhances agility.                                     become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its
                                              –   Rework and waste are costly to production and                behavior accordingly.
                                                                                                                –   Principle of a learning organization [Senge 1990].
                                              –   Value high-quality craftsmanship.
                                                                                                                –   Culture where every member is encouraged to think
                                              –   Personal mastery discipline [Senge 1990] is a vital               about how they work and devise mechanisms for
                                                  element in maturing a learning organization.                      improvement,
                                                                                                                –   Continuous learning: Most important business
                                                                                                                    benefit is the tendency toward a culture of
                                                                                                                    continuous improvement.

Vishwanath Ramdas
More than Agility
 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods

                                             • Coping with change ensures successful projects rather than failed
                                                 – By focusing on genetic fitness, agility delivers survivability.
                                                 – Especially in a world in which up to 30% of projects become extinct before
                                                   they have ever delivered any business value for the client.
                                             • Agile is "Lean Development"
                                                 – a term being popularized by Mary and Tom Poppendieck and Bob Charette
                                                   [Highsmith 2002; Poppendieck 2002].
                                                 – Is about just-in-time delivery with total quality.

Vishwanath Ramdas
A Survey of Methods

                    Section II

Vishwanath Ramdas
A survey of various software development methods
                                            Both Traditional [2 methods] & Agile [3 Methods]

          • 2 flavors of what Agile methodologists call "traditional" or "heavyweight"
                    – A general interpretation of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC),
                        • often referred to as the Waterfall method, incorporating structured analysis and
                        • method is used to represent a very traditional software development process.
                        • Although such a process is seldom used today in the precise form described, it will
                          serve as an example of how traditional methods got into trouble and why they are
                          no longer favored.
                    – A traditional object-oriented software development method will be
                        • Initiated by Ivar Jacobson, it has been known by several names:
                             – Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE), Objectory, Rational Unified
                                 Process (RUP), and Unified Development Process (UDP).
                             – precise definition of RUP/UDP used is that defined in The Rational Unified
                                 Process: An Introduction by Philippe Kruchten [2000]. And a thicker volume
                                 by Jacobson and colleagues [Jacobson 1998].
          • Three of the most popular Agile methods will then be considered
                    – Feature Driven Development (FDD),
                        • A slight bias of content towards FDD due to the 5 years of experience
                    – Extreme Programming (XP),
                    – Scrum.
          • Generic Rapid Application Development (RAD) process.
Vishwanath Ramdas
SDLC, is based on the theory of structured methods - if everything was
                                                  understood, the project would be of little value. Someone would have done it
                                                           before. Software projects tend to have an element of the unknown.
 19. Production Metrics for Traditional Methods

                                                        1.   Waterfall method helps the cost accounting        1.   Inventory in structured methods is measured
                                                             approach of tracking inventory, simplify and           using the Function Point (FP) metric
                                                             push through together                             2.   Wrong mental model >> specification-budget-
                                                        2.   Specification is fixed >> Variance measure             schedule + cost accounting == mass
                                                             from initial requirements                              production + needs for specialists + Phased
                                                                                                               3.   For efficiency, large batch sizes, denied
                                                                                                                    uncertainty in scope [reduced variance ]
                                                                                                               4.   metrics based on energy expended rather
                                                        1.   key advantage of FPs as a metric is their              than output.
                                                             repeatability, provides a benchmark
                                                               1. FPs are standardized and controlled by
                                                                   an international body

                                                        1.   Inventory is treated as an asset.
                                                               1. As raw material is processed towards a
                                                                     finished product,
                                                        2.   Specification is the project element with the
                                                             most uncertainty
                                                                                                               1.   Unwind the systemic problem - measure
                                                        3.   Phase approach multiplies inventory and
                                                             complexity                                             delivered value;
                                                        4.   long wait time, large batch sizes mean high
                                                             inventory levels, Lack of flow tat creates long
                                                             lead times and waste.                             1.   Issue with structured methods is not structural
                                                        5.   All estimation anlaysis methods, used to               decomposition, use of FP or software analysis
                                                             better understand the product are Waste                and design techniques involved.
                                                        6.   Lack of slack – re-work not accounted into        2.   The real issue is high levels of inventory, and
                                                             resource time                                          focus on documentation to ensure flow
Vishwanath Ramdas
UDP, which can be defined as rigorous dev method;
                                                  1.    UDP has two granularities, iterations and                     SDLC                             UDP
 19. Production Metrics for Traditional Methods

                                                       phases.                                           Raw          ideas delivered as a             UDP is an architecture-centric,
                                                  2.   iteration is a a batch of inventory in a phase.   Material     functional specification

                                                                                                         Inventory    Function Point (FP) metric       Business Use Case form inventory,
                                                                                                                                                       though Use cases don’t have
                                                  1.   UDP is an architecture-
                                                       centric, Use Case driven
                                                                                                         Investment   cost of creating functional      Inception phase creating Vision
                                                       method – Vision
                                                                                                                      specification and costs in       Document and related material
                                                       document called                                                performing the FP analysis
                                                       Marketing requirements
                                                                                                         Lead Time    time to take a single Function   Time for Use Case to pass through
                                                       doc                                                            Point through the lifecycle of   the Elaboration, Construction, and
                                                  2.   Use Cases can be used                                          analysis, design, coding and     Transition phases
                                                                                                                      testing until delivery
                                                       to describe the business
                                                       activities                                        Throughput   dollar value added from the      $$ value added of the software
                                                                                                                      delivered Function Points        delivered into production at the end
                                                                                                                                                       of the Transition phase
                                                  1.   key advantage of FPs as a metric is their
                                                                                                         Production   simply the number of             number of Use Cases passing
                                                       repeatability, provides a benchmark               Rate         Function Points in any given     through any phase
                                                         1. FPs are standardized and controlled by                    time period
                                                             an international body                       Process                                       Iterative incremental method, with
                                                                                                                                                       iterations and phases
                                                  1.   Business Use Cases lead to several                Inventory    Inventory Cap is reached, no     No defined minimum
                                                       downstream tech use cases, which should not       cap          more requirements would be
                                                       be counted as inventory [double counting!]                     gathered
                                                  2.   UDP adopts the PMI/ISO mental model for           Documenta                                     Business Use Cases, a Vision
                                                       project management, scope-budget-schedule.        tion                                          Document, supplementary
                                                                                                                                                       requirements, system Use Cases,
                                                  3.   UDP does not recognize software                                                                 phase plan, iteration plans etc..
                                                       development as an innately human activity. It
                                                                                                         Structure    Waterfall, phased linear         Release, Phase, Iteration
                                                       does not recognize the engineer as a capacity                  batch approach
                                                       constrained resource.
                                                  4.   UDP has Use Case as unit of inventory; not
                                                       very fine grained.
Vishwanath Ramdas
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain
Precis Book Agile mgmt software engineering david j andreson summary viramdas 200911 plain

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  • 1. Agile Management for Software Engineering Applying theory of constraints for business results David J Anderson qqqq Represents high impact insights in the book, tagged for quick browse Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 2. Constraints/dp/0131424602 THERE IS NOTHING LIKE READING THE BOOK.. READ IT.. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 3. Eli Schragenheim - Improving the flow of the Features that truly bring value to the customer and also have a good chance of generating revenues for the software organization is what this unique book is all about. • The relevance of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to the software industry is twofold: – Vastly improving the flow of new products to the market. qqqq • The Agile Manifesto principle of "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software" is fully in line with the Theory of Constraint's objectives. – Determining the real value of a proposed project, or even just a feature, to the final user. The underlying assumption is that if we know the real value to FOREWORD the user, it is possible to develop the right marketing and sales approach to materialize the value to the user and to the software organization. • Learn how to make more with less. – Don't accept every claim David raises just because he says it is so. If you truly want to make more with less, you need to be able to internalize the claim. – All I ask is you give it a chance. Dedicate time in order to rethink your environment, and then see for yourself what to do. Overcoming inertia is the biggest challenge of any really good manager in any organization. • A new Feature can bring value to the user only if it eliminates, or vastly reduces, an existing limitation – the examples of the value of “spell check” feature to end users Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 4. "Poor management can increase software costs more rapidly than any other factor‖ - Barry Boehm • "if the only way this can be done is badly, then let me do it badly at a fraction of the cost." – Senior executives, perplexed by the spiraling costs of software development and depressed by poor results, poor quality, poor service, and lack of transparency are simply shrugging their shoulders and saying, • The result is a switch to offshore development and layoffs.’ INTRODUCTION • many techniques do exist that can improve the competitiveness of software development businesses that have been proven in other industries. Techniques such as the – Theory of Constraints [Goldratt 1990a], – Lean Production [Womack 1991], – Systems Thinking [Senge 1990], • Improvements of 4 times are easily achieved. – The Agile manager must construct an Agile learning organization of empowered knowledge workers and results will be dramatic. – 10 times is definitely possible. Imagine if your software engineering organization could do 5 times as much work in half the time it currently takes. • What would it mean for you, your job, and your organization? Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 5. Accept Uncertainty, Manage with Transparency • Knowledge work isn't like manufacturing. – Knowledge work is neither linear nor defined • For e.g. Stamping out car bodies can be performed with a high degree of certainty. Failures and errors are rare. • Manufacturing is in many ways predictable, linear, and, in the case of chemical processes, defined by scientific rules. INTRODUCTION • The secret is to manage the right things and to do so with transparency • Management must learn to accommodate greater Uncertainty • IT staff/workers turn up for 4 Reasons qqqq – The Cause – The Technology Challenge – The Money – The Boss [ this is the focus of the book] Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 6. The Agile Manifesto: The word "agile" implies that something is flexible and responsive and has an innate ability to cope with change. Methods enable survival in an atmosphere of constant change and emerge with success. – We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. – Through this work we have come to value: • Individuals & interactions over processes and tools qqqq INTRODUCTION • Working software over comprehensive documentation • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation • Responding to change over following a plan – That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. • Kent Beck, James Grenning, Robert C. Martin, Mike Beedle, Jim Highsmith, Steve Mellor, Arie Van Bennekum, Andrew Hunt, Ken Schwaber, Alistair Cockburn, Ron Jeffries, Jeff Sutherland, Ward Cunningham, John Kern, Dave Thomas, Martin Fowler and Brian Marick – © 2001, the above authors, this declaration may be freely copied in any form, but only in its entirety through this notice. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 7. qqqq 12 Principles of Agile: • Our highest priority is to satisfy the • Working software is the primary customer through early and continuous measure of progress. delivery of valuable software. • Agile processes promote sustainable • Welcome changing requirements, even development. The sponsors, late in development. Agile processes developers, and users should be able to harness change for the customer's maintain a constant pace indefinitely. INTRODUCTION competitive advantage. • Continuous attention to technical • Deliver working software frequently, excellence and good design enhances from a couple of weeks to a couple of agility. months, with a preference to the • Simplicity—the art of maximizing the shorter timescale. amount of work not done—is essential. • Business people and developers must • The best architectures, requirements, work together daily throughout the and designs emerge from self- project. organizing teams. • Build projects around motivated • At regular intervals, the team reflects individuals. Give them the environment on how to become more effective, then and support they need, and trust them tunes and adjusts its behavior to get the job done. accordingly. • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 8. Chapter Summary 1. Objectives 1. Facts 2. Guidelines 2. Execution Apporaches 3. Principles Chapter Name 1. Benefits, Outcomes 1. Best Practices 2. Value 2. Innovations 1. Risks, Danger, Fear Perceptions 1. Downside, Problems 2. Issues Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 9. Agile Methods is not a Fad but a trend: Rightly understood, management is a liberal art, drawing freely from the disciplines that help us make sense of ourselves and our world. That's ultimately why it is worth doing – Magretta 2002 1. Lean Production at Toyota produced a 10 time 1. Defines 4 basic roles that form a 2-tiered improvement over its American mass management model along with set of production competitor practices for each role. 2. Can / If Agile software development do 4 time improvement within 9 months 3. Software development is about making more profit, not about making great code. INTRODUCTION 1. Methods to report believable, familiar 1. Framework to scientifically measure and statistics and have meaning to the business. assess Agile methods based on - Throughput 2. Demonstrate the economic advantages and Accounting from TOC focus on real business benefits. 2. Agile Maturity Model: inside-out approach to 3. Argue a business case based on hard phase out capability as working practices , numbers indicating better profitability and traceability, metrics, learning, and eventually higher return on investment. financial metrics and results. 1. Agile methods propose some unusual working 1. Agile brings its own jargon and vocabulary not practices. E.g. Extreme Programming understood by management 2. The strange language and the strange 2. Agile is adopted not based on hard facts and practices scare management benefits but more as a FAD 3. Agile methods introduce scary counter intuitive working practices. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 10. The best companies in an industry build process that allows them to outperform their competitors― - Louis V. Gerstner [2002] • Peter Senge's fifth discipline [1990]–Systems Thinking 1. Theories for Agile Management – Approach the management of software engineering as a holistic business problem. – Profitability and investment return from software engineering is treated as a "limits to growth" system archetype. – "Limits to growth" systems archetypes can be addressed and improved using Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints [1990]. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 11. Theories that support and enable agile software development • The Theory of Constraints • Total Quality Management – Underlying assumption: Production is as fast – Japanese realized that better quality was 1. Theories for Agile Management as the slowest process in the chain. important – Value chain is only as strong as the weakest – Quality Assurance - Edwards Deming through link in the chain. Statistical Process Control (SPC) theory, – Identify bottlenecks [capacity of the weakest – Interpret the control charts of Walter link] = current system constraint. Shewhart [Wheeler 1992]. – Exploit constraint - rate of throughput in – Improved quality improves the throughput of constraint is system throughput a system. – Technique is known as Drum-Buffer-Rope. – TQM espoused the notion that manufacturing – Thereby Reduce inventory of material could be more efficient (read "profitable") if throughout the system. quality were improved. • Just-in-Time Inventory – Quality could be improved through improved traceability, which would provide audit trail – Toyota Production System [Kanban Approach] information for verification and validation of - Taiichi Ohno [Ohno 1988]. quality. – Minimize inventory in the factory – TQM gave rise to ISO-9000, Tick-IT, and other – Ohno had based the technique on methods quality-related initiatives. used by American grocery store chains, ROI = – Upstream process was the "supplier" and the {Throughput – Ops Expense}/ Value of System downstream process the "customer." Inventory – Everyone had an "internal customer" for their – Throughput Accounting, reducing inventory work. reduces the level of investment. Competitive advantage of lower inventory levels is – Quality improves production because it reduced the financing charges cost of storage qqqq reduces rework. = less waste, less OE, and a space, thereby reduced Operating Expense higher Production Rate (R). (OE) and increased profitability. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 12. Theories that support and enable agile software development • Lean Production • Comparison & Evaluation of the Theories 1. Theories for Agile Management – "Lean" was first coined by Womack and colleagues in their book, The Machine – TOC originally focused on bottlenecks. That Changed the World, – JIT originally focused on reduction of – The Toyota Way," – The management inventory. method can be used beyond just – TQM and SPC were focused on quality production. and conformance to specification. • Six Sigma – Lean is the effective combination of all – Refers to a defect level of less than four of them. per million [~represent perfection] – Six Sigma also focuses on quality and is – Improved quality and focused complementary to Lean investment to eliminate errors. – Theories produced an immense – Associated with General Electric and economic improvement for society Motorola. – e.g amazingly complex technical – Two focus areas: quality assurance and products like DVD players < $20. reduction of variance. • Has Improved Profitability Been the – Better to have defects with a repeatable Only Benefit? pattern - common cause can be found – Improved overall competitiveness. – Manufacturing is now more flexible and faster to react to market conditions. – Mary Poppendieck [Lean Programming] states that the theories of JIT and TQM can be applied to software development [2001]. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 13. qqqq Three Phases of Scientific Development: Eli Goldratt suggested that the sciences evolve in three distinct phases • Phase 1—Classification 1. Theories for Agile Management – Debate and standardize nomenclature is debated and agreed upon. – Agile Software Development: XP, Scrum, and FDD, though may not yet be complete. – OOAD : UML Modeling frameworks – Scott Ambler's Agile Modeling Initiative – ongoing effort – Agile methods as a combined science can be considered to be in the classification stage. • Phase 2—Correlation – Corroborating evidence to show that a method works in practice. Correlation is a phase of pattern recognition. – E.g Astrology to Astronomy | Alchemy to Chemistry – OOAD: Analysis Patterns [Fowler 1997], Object Models [Coad 1996], JAVA Modeling in Color with UML [Coad 1999], and Streamlined Object Modeling [Nicola 2001]. Design Patterns [Gamma 1995] – Agile: There is some evidence on the results • Phase 3—Effect-Cause-Effect – Astronomy became a science after Isaac Newton proved why apples fall down, rather than sideways. – For software management to be developed into a science, agreement must be reached • what is to be measured and what those measurements are called. • How one measurement affects another must be understood. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 14. Systems Thinking and Learning Organizations - Approach organization holistically , the first step towards learning. Systems have feedback [learning] to provide opportunity for improvement. • Empirical Versus Defined Processes • Emergence – qqqq Schwaber and Beedle published their book describing – Phenomena described as "emergent." -- Complex 1. Theories for Agile Management the Scrum method. qqqq Adaptive Systems. – Webster's dictionary defines empirical as "Depending – Simple rules govern the internal behavior of the upon experience or observation alone, without due system, which results in the externally observed regard to science and theory." adaptive behavior. – Impacts how we measure measurements around – Understand what the simple rules are that produce observation repetition often amazing results. – Schwaber defined that empirical processes are – Simple rules are what inspire ants to build great "chaordic," [lives on the edge of chaos] anthills and to work as a team to perform tasks that – Used this to argue - that there is no point in planning ought not to be possible for such basic creatures. • Convergent Versus Divergent Processes – software development is a complex adaptive system, – This may be more critical to how we control and – Agile Manifesto principle, "The best architectures, manage processes requirements, and designs emerge from self- organizing teams." – Convergent = under control process will converge over time on a predictable solution. – The proper jobs of executives are to set the goal for the adaptive behavior of the system and to select the – Divergent = under control produce inconsistent method with which the goal is measured and the results system feedback delivered. • Chaos Theory and Uncertainty – In addition, they may need to create an environment – Renee Descartes [1625] - suggested that everything within which the complex adaptive system of could be gradually decomposed to scientifically software development can exist freely to self- explain behavior and composition. organize at the appropriate level. – Its corollary held that something that was not – What is important is that those setting the rules set understood simply had not been sufficiently rules that reflect the nature of the system holistically, decomposed. which leads to delivery of global optima rather than – In contrast The principle of uncertainty [Hiesenberg] local efficiencies is closer modeling of reality – TOC helps manage the business systems to cope with uncertainty On anthills, it is predictable that a nest of ants will build an anthill. The size of the anthill and the area it will cover can be predicted with some certainty, based on knowledge of the type of ants and the population. What cannot be predicted is the precise shape, the precise time of completion, or the necessary level of effort. Nevertheless, predicting the growth of an anthill is like predicting the weather, it can be done with a degree of accuracy. It is not chaotic. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 15. Agile Management Section I Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 16. qqqq "Tell me how you will measure me and I will tell you how I will behave.― - Eli Goldratt [1990b] Consider the stages of the transformation of an idea into tangible working code. 2. Management Accounting for Systems • Systems are non-linear, have feedback and exhibit adaptive behavior – Systems have balancing loops which makes the system to adapt • Systems thinking is difficult – People tend towards detailed complexity [large projects, software code ] – Systems complexity with feedback mechanisms and sensitivity is more difficult – Understanding inherent complexity with varying rules and effects is difficult • Throughput accounting for education. – Unit of Inventory = Pupil – Value of Inventory = Knowledge of Pupil qqqq – Investment = KnowledgeInput = ValueInput – Value Added = ValueOutput - ValueInput – Throughput = KnowledgeOutput- KnowledgeInput • To Summarize [in order] – Increase Throughput (T) – Decrease Investment (I) – Decrease Operating Expense (OE) Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 17. TOC is a method that helps Focus on the right problem within the value chain qqqq 1. The Value chain is only as strong as the 1. Identify the System Constraint. weakest link 2. Decide how best to exploit the System 2. The system is subordinate to the capacity Constraint. constrained resource [CCR] – where inventory 3. Subordinate everything else to the decision in pileup happens step 2. 3. TOC in software production 4. Elevate the Constraint. 5. If steps 1 through 4 have created a new constraint, return to step 2. 1. TOC ensures that excess inventory in the 1. Exploiting the CCR is an area for innovative system is eliminated, especially critical for problem solving, waste elimination [Lean] perishable inventory 2. Subordination is driven through Drum-Buffer- 2. Assessment of incremental investment is Rope [Takt Time + Kanban] done through throughput accounting 3. Balance the flow of product through the system 4. Hire and develop Good people 1. Subordination to the CCR could / may result in 1. Systems can have multiple constraints that stress elsewhere [ Road Runner behavior] impede the flow 2. Choosing and recognizing constraints correctly is critical to successful TOC Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 18. Uncertainty in software process is inevitable, which acts on the 5 general constraints at 4 levels 1. There are 5 types of general constraints 1. People constraints are most critical 1. People, Resources, Budgets, 2. Time constraints could be externally driven as qqqq Functionality, Time in compliance and regulatory requirements 2. There are 4 types of Uncertainty 3. Manage Scope constraint through tier-ing by 1. Variability Foreseen, Unforeseen, need e.g. ―good to have‖ and by time Chaos 4. Variation & foreseen uncertainties are 3. Uncertainty is handled through provision of a endemic and are called ―common cause‖ 4. Dealing with uncertainty buffer 5. Chaos & unforeseen >> are ―Special Cause‖ 1. a 1. Add people buffers to the project early [ brooks law >> adding people to a late project makes it later!] 2. Time buffer is dependent on maturity and level of uncertainty 3. Complexity & Risk analysis are key to providing estimates without local safety 1. It is important that senior management see 1. Broken promises on scope and time are bad that buffer for people are needed as people for business are the most critical constraint 2. Revealing ―dark matter‖ is critical in the early 2. Good relationship /trust with users / business stages of software design and architecture is critical to scoping 3. Creating too much local safety results in over buffering Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 19. Uncertainty in software process is inevitable, which acts on the 5 general constraints at 4 levels 1. focus on simplicity and relevance to the 1. Throughput is the most important metric, shift system goal. from effort driven metrics 2. Metrics should be self-generating 2. Non-functional requirement lead to measuring 3. Metrics should provide leading or predictive throughput, but one should follow minimalism 5. Software production Metrics indication of the system performance rather 3. Tasks are not inventory – don’t represent than lagging or reactive performance customer interest 4. Should relate to financial or economic goals qqqq 1. Operational Expense [OE] 1. Littles Law >> inventory in the system is 1. Average Cost per Function[ACPF] directly proportional to the lead time given 2. Investment in the flow [I] throughput as a constant 1. Inventory levels in the flow [V] 2. Reinersteins advice – Metrics should be 3. Throughput of the flow [T] simple, relevant, self generating and lead 1. Production Quantity [Q] indicators 4. Finance >> T I OE 1. Production >> Q V ACPF 1. Clients don’t value tasks and other inputs 1. Measurements that are effort and input driven 2. What is inventory? In the flow? which don’t add much value to the customer 2. Measurements that are complex and manual to maintain 3. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 20. Manage Software based on the level of uncertainty. Time, Budget and Scope are in increasing sequence of uncertainty. 1. Agile methods require a negotiable scope and 1. Feature driven delivery FDD extends the an agreed scope buffer in order to be qqqq model to make both Scope and budget successful flexible though tightly bound 2. This requires trust between customer & team 2. Effort / task based planning does not represent systems thinking 3. PM needs to assist flow through maintaining issues log that impede the flow 6. Agile Project Management * Throughput Accounting 1. Koskela & Howell >> 3 dimensional Model of Flow of Value through transformation 2. TA* depreciates incomplete code on time vs 1. Focus on better quality information for Cost accounting that appreciates code based manage to enable decisions on effort 2. Focus on outcomes and throughput and how it 3. TA considers efforts as OE not value, no need can be delivered on promised time to timesheet 3. Segregate costs from value that customer perceives 4. Highlight issues and risks and deliver throughput early 1. Traditional PMI, fix scope and focus on close estimates – worst case! with varying timelines for outcomes! 2. Traditional Cost accounting assumes that effort == earned value! [time-sheets] Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 21. Project Planning is the process in which delivery uncertainty is managed [buffer, groups, parallel workflow] to ensure throughput and timeliness 1. Products are built from assembles that are 1. Develop CPM and PERT to plan done in parallel [feed chains] 2. Non-Critical path items should be developed 2. Grouping is based on testing and release based on cost implications not AEAP 3. Move away from local safety to group safety, 3. Monitor the buffer usage of each feeding reduces overall buffer in the system chain – constantly 7. Agile Project Planning 4. All inventory that are blocked should have issues logged 5. Main constraint =Schedule/Time/Delivery date 6. PERT should factor in resource Constraint 1. Measure – Buffer Usage through progress 1. Goldratt asserted that everything eventually hits the critical path qqqq 2. The resource constrained buffered plan is called the Critical Chain 1. Hidden Assumption that all developer skills are equal 1. How to buffer for parallel & serial tasks? 2. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 22. There are 4 management roles to define the new paradigm of agile software development • Development Manager • Product Manager – Runs the system for software – Manages release or product mix, production, maintain continuous flow defines what is the input to the flow 8. The agile Managers New Work – Motivate the team and understand the – Manages the features to be released development environment based on throughput and development – De Lucas first law “Managing a team is capabilities 80% psychology & 20% technology” – Generates ideas and captures – Increase productivity, remove requirements constraints – Owns: NP, ROI, Investment [I], AIPF – Owns:Production Rate[R], Lead time [LT] • Project Manager • Program/ Release Manager – Manages a specific release through the – Owns a Collection of project, what may code production flow be called a platform, portfolio – Does project planning [Ch. 7] • Mcgrath Defines this as product line strategy – Issues, CCPM, PERT,CPM – Manage release sequence, control the – Owns: Issues control, Buffer Rope in DBR and feed the constraint – Owns: Throughput[T], Inventory[V] Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 23. Smooth flow can be interrupted by three causes: a bottleneck, poor quality, and an overly large batch size 1. Investigate reasons why stockpiling happens? 1. Inventory piles up at the point where 2. Use Visual control for awareness & decisions 9. Agile Development Management production rate is minimal 2. Use the right batch size to optimize the flow 1. In Projects, inventory is a better lead indicator 1. Batch reduces setup but increases than Lead time Queue time, waiting, fatigue, LT.. 2. Quality is more expensive, downstream in the 3. Intellectual efficiency is the avoidance of flow as more areas would need rework, waste in the flow multiplying the impact 3. Capers Jones and Karl Wiegers [2002] qqqq studies suggest 10% of effort in developer peer review results in 45% defect reduction, 65% if unit tests are included and 80%if formal 1. Calculate true cost of bottleneck using TA, at inspections are done bottlenecks, lost time cant be recovered 4. Small batches result in smooth flow 1. What is the loss of capacity in cost and 5. The less pronounced S the better the team value terms 2. What is the true cost of Quality? 1. The capacity and prodctivity impact of re-work 1. It is dangerous to assume that bugs stand in isolation, when code fails regression testing, there may be multiple units of production lost 1. In software development, bad management through multiple stages of the system gets compensated by free overtime, abuse of resulting in large loss of effort and outcomes engineers 2. Too small a batch size results in high setup 2. Large batches create execution fatigue time [ context switching] resulting in defects Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 24. Control the release of software inventory in order to reduce the WIP inventory, lead time, operating expense and waste caused by excess queue and wait times. 1. Subordinate the MRP to the CCR [ TOC -3] 1. Use Drum-Buffer-Rope system for production 2. Do not swamp or starve the CCR subordination, 10. Software Resource Planning 3. Do not process the wrong or stale material 1. CCR is the drum | production rate the 4. Waste must be minimized. beat | inventory buffer is the rope that protects CCR from starvation 2. use cumulative flow diagram to monitor production rate and inventory in the system 1. Requirements that get scrapped before 1. Extreme Programming, is adept at coping with delivery expediting. As it is "serial expediting." 2. Waste will increase if lead times are long. 1. As everything is an expedite request, 3. Reducing LT has a positive derivative affect 2. No additional cost for short order on R and OE. requests 1. Increased LT >> More Waste >> reduce R and increase OE. 1. Change requests can have an impact on the 1. Swamping could result in expedition of work analysis, design, and coding of a software which has adverse effects. project 2. Longer LT due to swamping results in time risks 3. Too much defects results in analysis paralysis Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 25. qqqq The Learning Organization Maturity Model: To examine whether business is under control and whether it is focused on making a profit. Stage Title Essence Todo 1. Decompose system input into basic units Stage 0 Analysis Ability of measurement. Tom DeMarco correctly observed, "You 11. An Agile Maturity Model 1. Implement system for capturing & Stage 1 End-to-End Traceability cannot control, what you cannot measure" monitoring measurements. [Wiegers 1996] 1. Inventory; lead time; production rate; Demonstrate that software development 2. Demonstrate basic statistical process Stabilize System can be brought under control with Stage 2 conformant quality. [ i.e. within some control Metrics 3. Show that system is stable against a acceptable tolerance] target and within a tolerance. gradually tightening the screws on the 1. Focus on continuous improvement. achieved metrics; look for the constraints, 2. New targets: lower inventory, shorter lead System Thinking and a to determine how best to exploit them, to time, higher production rate. Stage 3 subordinate the rest of the process to that 3. Identify constraints; exploit constraints; Learning Organization decision, and then to consider investment subordinate to decision; elevate in order to elevate the constraint constraint. Not afraid to push the boundaries or to take on projects with high risk. 1. Encourage risk taking. Anticipated ROI and the An environment in which line managers 2. Focus on Throughput ($), not production Stage 4 Failure Tolerant are unafraid to take risks quantity. Organization must be completely mature 3. Focus on market research/feedback (i.e., Organization along its entire value stream external constraints). software system does not work in isolation Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 26. The essence of Agile is to be highly delegated, "self-organizing." : plans should at a high level and the desired adaptive behavior should emerge from the system. 1. Establish the simple rules governing the 1. process that allows tracking requirements system of software production through the lifecycle must be introduced first 12. Setting the Governing Rules 2. Focus on behavior & adaption, and tweak 2. Introducing end-to-end traceability in the when outcomes are not observed software development lifecycle is a nontrivial 3. Main goals for managers: first step. This first barrier to entry defeats 1. Skills Gap Education many organizations 2. End to End Traceability [V R LT] 3. Expected ROI metric, as the control of reward 3. Production Metrics 4. that team members understand what is being 4. Continuous Improvement measured and why 5. Fault tolerance Organization 4. Engineers must be encouraged to focus on 1. Reinertsen's Three Tiers of Control exploiting themselves as a capacity 1. Executives : Select system & Define constrained resource governing rules. 2. Managers: Set tolerances & rules for variance 3. Staff: Adapt based on feedback from 1. Rules based on Maturity and ROI system metrics. 2. Incentive based on overall system, rather than 2. local, production rate results in systems thinking 1. [DeMarco and Lister] Process improvement is primarily focused on quality, estimation scope 2. in CMMi, organization develop balanceing 1. Engineers can be afraid of measurement loop at high maturity and stagnate [risk schemes. They may rebel against them from averse, not take up truly valuable projects] fear of misuse 3. Production rate metrics fail to sustain challenge over long term, through wrong incentives Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 27. Taking Staffing Decisions 1. TA as the basis for costing value of employees 1. properly analyze the Throughput Accounting lost implications of a decision to outsource and to 2. Adding Staff is OE, they don’t become understand its true contribution to Net Profit productive immediately and ROI before any decision is made 13. Staffing Decisions 3. Outsource resources? 1. Costs, Resource Constraint 4. Ensure that a non-constraint is not elevated 5. Ensure that there is balanced maturity across the flow before outsourcing 1. 1. 1. Outsourcing challenges 1. Bad management causes staff turnover. 1. Can org managing vendor relationship? 2. tendency to take staff turnover as "industry 2. How good at writing requirements? standard" or "normal." 3. What will be the lead time from the 3. Cognitive dissonance that turnover is vendor? management induced and preventable. 4. Agility of offshore dev vendor? 4. Failure to understand the true costs of staff 5. CR Process and costs of CR? turnover Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 28. This is the essence of Agile management: Create a culture of openness, trust, a common understanding of the issues and to debate the opportunity for improvements 1. Issues should be surfaced not concealed, 1. all business owners upstream and disguised, or shrouded in a sea of downstream in the same value chain should meaningless data. be invited 2. Should not intended as a control mechanism. 2. operations review should be held monthly— 14. Operations Review 3. Daily feedback based on production metrics not quarterly! should be used for control. 3. visually present the information that the business needs to operate successfully 4. director of operations for the business unit should have recorded the minutes of the meeting 1. Learning opportunity, vital to the health of a 1. Lead with Financial Information learning organization 2. Driven Through visual control Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 29. An Agile IT department is one focused on high-quality business analysis, selecting only the most valuable feature requests for development whilst capping the total release size using strict inventory control 15. Agile Management in the IT Department 1. Effectiveness of a corporate IT department, it 1. The key metrics for a CIO are the level of is necessary to show that it can add value to inventory of ideas (V), total sum of money the business invested in IT (I), cycle time (LT). 2. Budget basis, value of deploying systems in 2. Throughput = Budget Basis– DDC* comparison with system budgets 3. True Basis == also adds the improvements 3. True Basis for Financial metrics, value of post deployment, lifecycle ongoing = Value operating & improving systems in comparison Add – [DDC – Ops costs] to incremental usage benefit 4. Calculating Value add is critical * DDC = Direct deployment costs which involves all input materials like licenses, hardware etc.. Not including people time 1. significantly reduce OE, 1. Monitoring the flow of inventory is the most 2. Net Profit increased and investment important action a CIO can take to improve decreased, the performance of the IT business unit. 3. Significant improvement in ROI 2. Calculate both Budget and True Basis ROI 1. ROI = [T – OE] / Investments+ 3. Focus on how to improve ROI through T, Investment, Lead time & OE 4. Manage by Objectives and outcome [OE] 5. Monitoring the flow of inventory is the most + includes all investments in ideation, requirements, design, analysis, important action a CIO can take 6. Key Metrics are: inventory of ideas (V), sum invested in IT (I), and cycle time (LT) 1. Requirement Bulge = minimize audit, paper work, reduce travel and interaction costs, penny pinch 2. Bloated Lead time 1. Budget Basis which is derived from Biz Case 3. Bloated OE = manage by objectives, smaller is not agile, estimate effort accurately, scope releases [reduce WIP] lock down, 2. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 30. Understand the unpredictable variable in the finance equations—Throughput & the Learning Is Not Restricted to Engineering 1. Cross-functional team work is essential to 1. Net Profit = SalesForecast – OEEngg -OEdownstream success 2. ROI = [T(t)Engg – OE(t-1)Engg] / I(t-1)Req qqqq 16. Agile Product Management 2. Considering end of life in accounting during 3. Do not assign cost and value to individual new releases provides clarity to accounting, features!! [ messy, inaccurate, need effort] reporting and decision making [controversial] 4. Calculate the $$ / Hrs of time on the system 3. Holistic approach to feature config that CCR and ranking from highest to lowest to qqqq attribute to sales, what’s sales worth? [Kano] derive product mix priorities 4. 3 levels of marketing goals: must have, Desired and optional 5. Product mix must be prioritized in order to protect the scope constraint in the system. 1. Agile Best is to build only what the customer needs, wants, and values 1. not waste energy creating features customers ignore 2. Writing of the current product as it is replaced 3. Cluster features into groups for release 1. TA helps provide End of life decisions for management & product mix [DSM] qqqq systems 1. Marketing forecasts are as big a black art as 1. Cost Accounting depends on the burden of typical software engineering level-of-effort time-sheeting by developers estimates 2. TA cannot provide strategy on when to stop 2. Measuring the effectiveness of engineering new investments and stagnate the product depends on other areas of business being into a cash cow efficient Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 31. Throughput Accounting approach to a service industry treats the whole service as a system. 17. Financial Metrics for Software Services • A service is something paid for on a renewing basis. User has no perpetual rights—there is an implied annuity e.g: Telephone • Services need to consider the mix between Fixed and Variable costs [e.g. Pizza, Telephones] • Derive Operational margin [NPBIDTA] and use the fixed costs as investments to derive ROI – Throughput = Sales.Release - Direct costs.Release . – NPIDTA = Throughput – OEBIDA – ROI = Throughput / Investments • This model depends on market research to identify customers who would qqqq have switched if there were no new releases [controversial] • Ensure the organization / business deals with uncertainty – it is better to have some numbers correctly aligned with a systems thinking approach to the business than no numbers or numbers aligned with the wrong model. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 32. qqqq Revisit the 12 principles of Agile methods and examine what they really mean from a business perspective [1/2] 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods • Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer • Business people and developers must work through early and continuous delivery of valuable together daily throughout the project. software. – Waste is extremely costly and rework is undesirable. – Agile methods believe in Throughput dollars – On-site client who can catch misunderstandings and – Deliver client-valued functionality in a systematic, correct problems with analysis and design. process-oriented fashion of continuous production. • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give – Delivered at a steady pace them the environment and support they need, and • Welcome changing requirements, even late in trust them to get the job done. development. Agile processes harness change for – leadership and delegation. the customer's competitive advantage. – TOC >> focus on identifying constraints and removing – Accept that change is a fact of life. them through exploitation and elevation. – Stale requirement is valueless, Throughput dollars are – Think Demings 14 principles . 0 for a useless, obviated req. • The most efficient and effective method of – Cope with change, even late change. conveying information to & within a development – Genetic fitness implies agility. team is face-to-face conversation. • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple – minimizes setup time and eliminates by-products of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference such as documentation. to the shorter timescale. – It is not zero documentation, but on an optimal set of – Short lead times & low inventory levels. minimal documentation, – Reduce Investment & OE in producing software. – Improving communication, trust and understanding – Generate greater ROI through focus on – Shorten lead times, which reduce OE, reduce • Increased value added Inventory and Investment, resulting in increased – More Net Profit through Throughput dollars Throughput • Reduction of Operating Expenses. • Reduced Investment Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 33. qqqq Revisit the 12 principles of Agile methods and examine what they really mean from a business perspective [2/2] 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods • Working software is the primary measure of • Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of progress. work not done—is essential. – Main metric: production quantity (Q)- code that – focus on simplicity of design deliver client-valued function. • Reduce lead times through faster coding, less • Completed Inventory or Throughput dollars testing, less likelihood of bugs, and overall higher – Compatible with Throughput Accounting, they quality. measure delivered value. – Simpler designs that can be built faster potentially increase the overall production, leading to higher • Agile processes promote sustainable development. Throughput dollars. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. • The best architectures, requirements, and designs – Cash flow & lead time are important. emerge from self-organizing teams. – Sustainable systems of software development turn – This is perhaps the only principle of Agile methods Investment into Net Profit faster that cannot be easily justified in business terms. – Encourage flow and believe in slack (below maximum – The premise that self-organized teams, rather than efficiency). teams commanded and controlled by a manager, produce better designs leading to shorter lead times – Slack allows for regeneration of staff and training to could be tested using the metrics described in this improve their skills book. • Continuous attention to technical excellence and • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to good design enhances agility. become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its – Rework and waste are costly to production and behavior accordingly. profitability. – Principle of a learning organization [Senge 1990]. – Value high-quality craftsmanship. – Culture where every member is encouraged to think – Personal mastery discipline [Senge 1990] is a vital about how they work and devise mechanisms for element in maturing a learning organization. improvement, – Continuous learning: Most important business benefit is the tendency toward a culture of continuous improvement. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 34. More than Agility 18. The Business Benefit of Agile Methods • Coping with change ensures successful projects rather than failed projects. – By focusing on genetic fitness, agility delivers survivability. – Especially in a world in which up to 30% of projects become extinct before they have ever delivered any business value for the client. • Agile is "Lean Development" – a term being popularized by Mary and Tom Poppendieck and Bob Charette [Highsmith 2002; Poppendieck 2002]. – Is about just-in-time delivery with total quality. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 35. A Survey of Methods Section II Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 36. A survey of various software development methods Both Traditional [2 methods] & Agile [3 Methods] • 2 flavors of what Agile methodologists call "traditional" or "heavyweight" methods. – A general interpretation of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), • often referred to as the Waterfall method, incorporating structured analysis and design. • method is used to represent a very traditional software development process. • Although such a process is seldom used today in the precise form described, it will serve as an example of how traditional methods got into trouble and why they are no longer favored. – A traditional object-oriented software development method will be considered. • Initiated by Ivar Jacobson, it has been known by several names: – Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE), Objectory, Rational Unified Process (RUP), and Unified Development Process (UDP). – precise definition of RUP/UDP used is that defined in The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction by Philippe Kruchten [2000]. And a thicker volume by Jacobson and colleagues [Jacobson 1998]. • Three of the most popular Agile methods will then be considered – Feature Driven Development (FDD), • A slight bias of content towards FDD due to the 5 years of experience – Extreme Programming (XP), – Scrum. • Generic Rapid Application Development (RAD) process. Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 37. SDLC, is based on the theory of structured methods - if everything was understood, the project would be of little value. Someone would have done it before. Software projects tend to have an element of the unknown. 19. Production Metrics for Traditional Methods 1. Waterfall method helps the cost accounting 1. Inventory in structured methods is measured approach of tracking inventory, simplify and using the Function Point (FP) metric push through together 2. Wrong mental model >> specification-budget- 2. Specification is fixed >> Variance measure schedule + cost accounting == mass from initial requirements production + needs for specialists + Phased lifecycle. 3. For efficiency, large batch sizes, denied uncertainty in scope [reduced variance ] 4. metrics based on energy expended rather 1. key advantage of FPs as a metric is their than output. repeatability, provides a benchmark 1. FPs are standardized and controlled by an international body 1. Inventory is treated as an asset. 1. As raw material is processed towards a finished product, 2. Specification is the project element with the most uncertainty 1. Unwind the systemic problem - measure 3. Phase approach multiplies inventory and complexity delivered value; 4. long wait time, large batch sizes mean high inventory levels, Lack of flow tat creates long lead times and waste. 1. Issue with structured methods is not structural 5. All estimation anlaysis methods, used to decomposition, use of FP or software analysis better understand the product are Waste and design techniques involved. 6. Lack of slack – re-work not accounted into 2. The real issue is high levels of inventory, and resource time focus on documentation to ensure flow Vishwanath Ramdas
  • 38. UDP, which can be defined as rigorous dev method; 1. UDP has two granularities, iterations and SDLC UDP 19. Production Metrics for Traditional Methods phases. Raw ideas delivered as a UDP is an architecture-centric, 2. iteration is a a batch of inventory in a phase. Material functional specification Inventory Function Point (FP) metric Business Use Case form inventory, though Use cases don’t have 1. UDP is an architecture- standards, centric, Use Case driven Investment cost of creating functional Inception phase creating Vision method – Vision specification and costs in Document and related material document called performing the FP analysis Marketing requirements Lead Time time to take a single Function Time for Use Case to pass through doc Point through the lifecycle of the Elaboration, Construction, and 2. Use Cases can be used analysis, design, coding and Transition phases testing until delivery to describe the business activities Throughput dollar value added from the $$ value added of the software delivered Function Points delivered into production at the end of the Transition phase 1. key advantage of FPs as a metric is their Production simply the number of number of Use Cases passing repeatability, provides a benchmark Rate Function Points in any given through any phase 1. FPs are standardized and controlled by time period an international body Process Iterative incremental method, with iterations and phases 1. Business Use Cases lead to several Inventory Inventory Cap is reached, no No defined minimum downstream tech use cases, which should not cap more requirements would be be counted as inventory [double counting!] gathered 2. UDP adopts the PMI/ISO mental model for Documenta Business Use Cases, a Vision project management, scope-budget-schedule. tion Document, supplementary requirements, system Use Cases, 3. UDP does not recognize software phase plan, iteration plans etc.. development as an innately human activity. It Structure Waterfall, phased linear Release, Phase, Iteration does not recognize the engineer as a capacity batch approach constrained resource. 4. UDP has Use Case as unit of inventory; not very fine grained. Vishwanath Ramdas