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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2000, 14(2), 151–156
᭧ 2000 National Strength & Conditioning Association

Effects of Active and Passive Recovery Conditions
on Blood Lactate, Rating of Perceived Exertion,
and Performance During Resistance Exercise
Department of Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045.

ABSTRACT                                                              Introduction
Active recovery has proven an effective means in reducing
blood lactate concentration ([LaϪ]) after various activities, yet
its effects on performance are less clear. We investigated the
                                                                      R    esults obtained from past investigations indicate
                                                                           that performance may be adversely affected by el-
                                                                      evated blood lactate concentration ([LaϪ]) (17, 25, 27).
effects of passive and active recovery on blood [LaϪ], rating         High-intensity muscular contractions add to both in-
of perceived exertion (RPE), and performance during a re-             tramuscular and circulating levels of LaϪ and hydro-
sistance training workout. Fifteen resistance-trained males           gen ions (Hϩ) (11, 15) that will retard the rate of gly-
completed 3 workouts, each consisting of 6 sets of parallel           colysis by inhibiting the activity of glycolytic enzymes
squat exercise performed at 85% of 10 repetition maximum              (7) or interfere with the muscle contraction process (12,
(10RM). Each set was separated by a 4-minute recovery pe-             20). The removal of LaϪ and Hϩ from the active muscle
riod. Recovery was randomly assigned from the following:              and blood after high-intensity exercise is thought to be
passive sitting; pedaling at 25% of onset of blood lactate ac-
                                                                      critical to subsequent peak performance (19).
cumulation (OBLA) exercise intensity (25%-OBLA); and ped-
                                                                          There is a significant amount of literature identi-
aling at 50% of OBLA exercise intensity (50%-OBLA). Active
recovery was performed on a bicycle ergometer at 70
                                                                      fying the positive aspects of an active recovery on LaϪ
rev·minϪ1. Performance was determined postworkout by a                removal during subsequent bouts of exercise lasting
maximal repetition performance (MRP) squat test using 65%             15–30 minutes. Previous investigations (2, 8, 9, 11, 21)
of 10RM. Blood samples were collected: prewarm-up; post-              have shown that LaϪ removal occurs more rapidly
second, postfourth, postsixth, and MRP sets; and postsec-             during continuous aerobic recovery. Specifically, Her-
ond, postfourth, and postsixth recovery periods. Significant           mansen and Stensvold (11) found that the greatest re-
differences (p Յ 0.05) were observed in [LaϪ], and RPE                ductions in blood [LaϪ] occurred at an average of 63%
among the 3 recoveries, with 25%-OBLA lower than passive                                             ˙
                                                                      of maximal aerobic power (VO2max). Additional in-
and 50%-OBLA. Total repetitions to exhaustion for the MRP             vestigations have found that the rate of blood LaϪ dis-
were: passive (24.1 Ϯ 1.8); 25%-OBLA (29.3 Ϯ 1.8); and 50%-           appearance is related to the intensity of the recovery
OBLA (23.1 Ϯ 1.7), with 25%-OBLA being significantly                   exercise with optimal removal occurring between 25%
greater than passive and 50%-OBLA. In this investigation,                           ˙
                                                                      and 63% of VO2max (2, 8, 11).
active recovery at 25%-OBLA proved to be the most effective               Although the effectiveness of active recovery fol-
means of reducing [LaϪ] during recovery and increasing per-           lowing moderate-duration exercise is well documented
formance following a parallel squat workout.
                                                                      (2, 8, 11, 24, 29), few investigations (3, 23, 30) have
                                                                      determined the impact of short duration active recov-
Key Words: onset of blood lactate accumulation, exer-                 ery (Ͻ10 minutes) on high-intensity exercise. Stamford
cise, training                                                        et al. (24) and Weltman et al. (29) found an increase in
                                                                      lactate clearance when using an active recovery follow-
                                                                      ing supramaximal and maximal exercise, respectively.
Reference Data: Corder, K.P., J.A. Potteiger, K.L. Nau,               Recently, Signorile et al. (23) examined performance
S.F. Figoni, and S.L. Hershberger. Effects of active and              during a series of 8 6-second supramaximal rides on
passive recovery conditions on blood lactate, rating of               a modified cycle ergometer separated by 30-second ac-
perceived exertion, and performance during resistance                 tive or passive recovery periods. Their results indicat-
exercise. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(2):151–156. 2000.                 ed that active recovery provides superior performance
                                                                      over passive rest in repeated short-term, high-intensity

152 Corder, Potteiger, Nau, Figoni, and Hershberger

power activities. Weltman et al. (30) reported that        The second session was used for determination of the
when a 1-minute cycle ergometer ride was followed by       subject’s 10 repetition maximum (10RM). Sessions 3–5
either passive or active recovery, the active recovery     were used for examining the influence of active and
produced significantly higher power output in a sub-        passive recovery on blood [LaϪ], RPE, and perfor-
sequent effort. This improved performance was attrib-      mance during a parallel squat workout.
uted to increased rates of LaϪ clearance. Bogdanis et
al. (3) had subjects perform 2 maximal effort 30-second    GXT and Strength Testing
cycle ergometer sprints, separated by 4 minutes of ei-     During the first session, subjects performed a GXT to
ther active or passive recovery. Active recovery result-   determine the onset of blood lactate accumulation
ed in a significantly higher mean power output during       (OBLA) and peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) on
sprint 2 compared to passive recovery.                     a Monark 818E cycle ergometer. The test began at a
     To our knowledge, the impact of active versus pas-    power output of 40 W and was increased by 40 W
sive recovery on LaϪ metabolism and performance            every 3 minutes until subjects were unable to maintain
during resistance training exercise has not been re-       a pedaling cadence of 70 rev·minϪ1. Expired gases
ported. Resistance-trained athletes, such as bodybuild-    were collected from the subjects using a 1-way valve
ers or power-lifters, must perform exercises at maxi-      and analyzed for oxygen and carbon dioxide concen-
mal or near maximal intensities with repeated efforts      trations using a Sensormedics 2900 Metabolic Mea-
in order to enhance muscular hypertrophy and/or            surement Cart (Yorba Linda, CA). The flow meter and
strength. Recovery between efforts for these athletes      gas analyzers were calibrated prior to each test using
may be a critical issue for maximizing performance;        a 3-L gas syringe and gases of known concentrations,
however, to our knowledge no investigations have ex-       respectively. Heart rate and RPE were recorded at 30
amined this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study    seconds prior to the end of each exercise stage during
was to determine the effects of active and passive re-     the test with the use of a Polar heart rate telemetry
covery on blood [LaϪ], rating of perceived exertion        unit (Polar Electro Inc., Port Washington, NY) and the
(RPE), and performance on a maximal test of parallel       10-point Borg category-ratio scale, respectively (5).
squats.                                                    Achieving any 2 of the 3 following criteria constituted
                                                           attainment of VO2peak: a plateau of the oxygen uptake
Methods                                                    with an increase in power output; a respiratory ex-
Subjects                                                   change ratio Ͼ1.10; and heart rate within Ϯ10
                                                           beats·minϪ1 of age-predicted maximum (22).
Fifteen resistance-trained males volunteered to partic-
                                                                Fingerstick samples of blood were collected at rest
ipate in the study. The physical characteristics (mean
                                                           and during the last 30 seconds of each exercise stage.
Ϯ SD) of the subjects were as follows: age (23.5 Ϯ 1.3
                                                           Samples were immediately analyzed for blood [LaϪ]
years); height (177.5 Ϯ 1.4 cm); body mass (88.3 Ϯ 2.9
                                                           using a calibrated YSI 1500 Sport L-lactate analyzer
kg); and 10 repetition maximum in the parallel squat
                                                           (Yellow Springs, OH). For this study the OBLA was
(150.7 Ϯ 4.8 kg). Prior to participation in the study,
                                                           operationally defined as the power output correspond-
each subject received an explanation of the procedures
                                                           ing to the 4.0 mmol·LϪ1 blood [LaϪ] (10). The exercise
and provided written informed consent in accordance
                                                           intensity equivalent to 25% and 50% of the OBLA
with university guidelines for human experimentation.
                                                           (25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA) was calculated and used
The criteria for acceptance as a subject included par-
                                                           during the active recovery periods of the resistance
ticipation in a current resistance-training program at
                                                           training workout.
least 3 d·wkϪ1 for a minimum of 6 months prior to
                                                                At least 48 hours after completion of the GXT, each
starting the investigation and no medical contraindi-
                                                           subject performed a strength test to determine his
cations. During the study the subjects refrained from
                                                           10RM for the parallel squat exercise. The squat exercise
consuming any food or beverage for at least 3 hours
                                                           was performed using a standard Olympic barbell in a
before each testing session, participating in any type
                                                           safety rack with each subject wearing a weight belt for
of exercise for at least 24 hours prior to each exercise
                                                           low back support. Proper range of motion was sig-
test, and participating in any type of lower extremity
                                                           naled to the subject when a parallel position of the
exercise for a minimum of 3 days prior to each exercise
                                                           femur (midthigh) to the floor was attained. The 10RM
test. For the duration of the study subjects were in-
                                                           dynamic strength test procedure was performed ac-
structed to maintain normal dietary patterns and re-
                                                           cording to a previously described protocol (26). Verbal
frain from using any ergogenic aids.
                                                           encouragement was provided to elicit a maximal effort
Study Design                                               from each subject. The heaviest mass a subject could
There were 5 testing sessions, with each session per-      lift 10 times, determined to the nearest 0.5 kg, provid-
formed at the same time of day for a given subject.        ed a measure of that subject’s 10RM. From the 10RM
The first session involved the collection of physical       observed during the dynamic strength test, the resis-
data and performance of a graded exercise test (GXT).      tance equivalent to 85% of 10RM (mean Ϯ SD, 128.1
Recovery and Resistance Training 153

  Table 1. Blood [LaϪ] prior to and following a resistance training workout employing different recovery conditions (N ϭ
15) (mean Ϯ SE).*

                                Postset      Postrec      Postset      Postrec       Postset      Postrec     Post-MRP
 Condition      Prewarmup         2            2ac          4ac          4ac           6abc         6abc        setabc

Passive          1.3 Ϯ 0.1     4.9 Ϯ 0.4    5.4 Ϯ 0.4    6.7 Ϯ 0.5    6.7 Ϯ 0.6     7.6 Ϯ 0.6    7.7 Ϯ 0.7    9.0 Ϯ 0.5
25%-OBLA†        1.4 Ϯ 0.1     4.6 Ϯ 0.3    4.5 Ϯ 0.4    5.7 Ϯ 0.4    5.6 Ϯ 0.5     6.5 Ϯ 0.5    6.2 Ϯ 0.5    8.1 Ϯ 0.4
50%-OBLA         1.2 Ϯ 0.1     4.7 Ϯ 0.3    5.1 Ϯ 0.4    6.2 Ϯ 0.5    6.2 Ϯ 0.5     6.9 Ϯ 0.5    7.1 Ϯ 0.6    8.4 Ϯ 0.4

  * Within a measurement, superscript a refers to a significant difference between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions;
superscript b refers to a significant difference between the passive and 50%-OBLA conditions; and superscript c refers to a
significant difference between the 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA conditions (p Յ 0.05).
  † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation.

Ϯ 4.1 kg) was calculated and used during the parallel          All 3 testing sessions were completed within a 2-week
squat workout.                                                 period.
Resistance Training Workouts                                   Data Analysis
Each subject returned to the laboratory to perform             In order to determine the appropriate number of sub-
each of 3 recovery conditions during a parallel squat          jects to include in this study, a priori power analysis
workout. Each subject started the test session by rest-        was conducted. Assuming a 2-tailed ␣ of 0.05, a de-
ing supine for a period of 10 minutes prior to the first        sired level of power of at least 0.80, and an effect size
blood collection. After resting [LaϪ] was determined,          of 0.92, the required sample was approximately 15
each subject performed 2 warm-up sets of 10 repeti-            subjects (6). Prior to performing the statistical analy-
tions at 50% of 10RM. Each set was separated by 4              ses, the assumption of sphericity under repeated-mea-
minutes of passive recovery. After the warm up, all            sures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was tested.
subjects performed 6 sets of 10 repetitions at 85% of          Huynh–Feldt ⑀ values ranged from 0.74 to 1.09 for the
10RM. The 3 recovery conditions were randomly as-              ANOVAs, indicating that all assumptions necessary for
signed and involved the following: (a) passive recov-          the use of repeated-measures ANOVA were met (13).
ery, (b) active recovery at 25%-OBLA, and (c) active           Repeated-measures 2-way ANOVA, with LaϪ and RPE
recovery at 50%-OBLA. Passive recovery (quietly sit-           as the within-subjects factors and type of recovery as
ting) and active recovery were performed on a Monark           the between-subjects factor, were conducted. Paired t-
818E cycle ergometer. Following the last recovery pe-          tests were used to identify mean differences. No cor-
riod of each parallel squat workout, a maximal repe-           rection for multiple hypothesis testing was required
tition performance (MRP) measure was determined by             because in the specific case when the number of con-
having the subject perform as many repetitions as pos-         ditions equals 3, a significant omnibus F-ratio itself
sible on the parallel squat exercise using 65% of his          provides a strong control for the experimentwise error
10RM (mean Ϯ SD, 98.0 Ϯ 3.1 kg). This test has been            rate (18). Pearson correlation coefficients were used to
used previously as a measure of resistance training            establish the relationship between [LaϪ] and RPE ver-
performance (28). The subjects were instructed to              sus the number of repetitions performed during the
maintain a constant up-down, no-rest cadence until             MRP. An ␣ level of 0.05 was set for all statistical test-
they could no longer successfully complete a repeti-           ing. All results are reported as mean Ϯ SEM.
     Blood [LaϪ] was determined from fingerstick blood          Results
samples collected: prewarm-up; postsecond, post-
fourth, postsixth, and MRP sets; and postsecond, post-                                                    ˙
                                                               The subjects in this investigation had a VO2peak on
fourth, and postsixth recovery periods. All blood was          the cycle ergometer of 41.9 Ϯ 6.2 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1. The
analyzed using a calibrated YSI 1500 Sport L-lactate           power output at 25%-OBLA was 45.9 Ϯ 9.1 W and at
analyzer. Within the 4-minute recovery period, blood           50%-OBLA was 73.4 Ϯ 14.6 W. The oxygen uptake val-
samples were collected via fingerstick within 30 sec-           ues for the subjects were 6.9 Ϯ 1.3 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1 and
onds after completion of each set and within 30 sec-           13.8 Ϯ 2.5 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1 for recovery at 25%-OBLA
onds prior to the end of each rest period. Blood sam-          and 50%-OBLA, respectively.
ples during active recovery sessions were collected                Blood [LaϪ] among the 3 conditions of passive re-
while the subjects were pedaling. An RPE using the             covery, 25%-OBLA, and 50%-OBLA are shown in Table
10-point Borg ratio scale (5) was determined at each           1. Across all conditions, there was a significant in-
blood collection point. Each subject then returned             crease in [LaϪ] over time. Additionally, the condition
within 4–7 days to complete the next testing session.          by linear trend for the [LaϪ] interaction was signifi-
154 Corder, Potteiger, Nau, Figoni, and Hershberger

  Table 2. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) prior to, during, and following a resistance training workout employing
different recovery conditions (N ϭ 15) (mean Ϯ SEM).*

                           Postset       Postrec       Postset         Postrec        Postset       Postrec      Post-MRP
 Condition Prewarmup         2             2bc           4c              4c             6ac           6abc          setc

Passive          0        2.5 Ϯ 0.3     2.0 Ϯ 0.2     4.5 Ϯ 0.4       3.7 Ϯ 0.3      6.7 Ϯ 0.3     5.9 Ϯ 0.3      9.5 Ϯ 0.1
25%-OBLA†        0        2.4 Ϯ 0.3     2.0 Ϯ 0.2     4.2 Ϯ 0.2       3.6 Ϯ 0.2      5.8 Ϯ 0.4     4.9 Ϯ 0.4      9.3 Ϯ 0.2
50%-OBLA         0        2.5 Ϯ 0.3     2.6 Ϯ 0.3     5.0 Ϯ 0.3       4.4 Ϯ 0.3      7.1 Ϯ 0.3     6.7 Ϯ 0.4      9.7 Ϯ 0.2

  * Within a measurement, superscript a refers to a significant difference between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions;
superscript b refers to a significant difference between the passive and 50%-OBLA conditions; and superscript c refers to a
significant difference between the 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA conditions (p Յ 0.05).
  † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation.

cant, showing that the conditions differed in the rate              Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients for postrecovery
by which [LaϪ] increased. No significant mean differ-              6 [LaϪ], postrecovery 6 ratings of perceived exertion (RPE),
ences in [LaϪ] were found in the prewarm-up or post-              and a maximal repetition performance (MRP) measures fol-
set 2 time points; however, for the other sets and re-            lowing resistance training workouts using 3 different recov-
                                                                  ery conditions (N ϭ 15).
covery periods, a significant omnibus F-ratio indicated
the presence of at least 1 significant difference among
                                                                                       [LaϪ]         [LaϪ]       RPE
the 3 conditions. The most frequent significant differ-                                versus        versus      versus
ence in [LaϪ] occurred between the passive and 25%-                Condition            RPE      performance performance
OBLA conditions, with subjects in the passive condi-
tion having the higher [LaϪ] (Table 1). This was true             Passive              0.30         Ϫ0.72*         Ϫ0.22
for [LaϪ] in postrecovery 2 through the post-MRP time             25%-OBAL†           Ϫ0.07         Ϫ0.70*          0.05
points. Also, for [LaϪ] in postrecovery 2 through the             50%-OBLA             0.46         Ϫ0.65*         Ϫ0.48
post-MRP time points, a significant difference oc-
curred between 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA condi-                        * p Յ 0.01.
tions, with subjects in the 50%-OBLA condition having              † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation.
the higher [LaϪ]. Only in postset 6, postrecovery 6, and
the post-MRP time points did the passive and 50%-
OBLA conditions differ significantly (subjects engaged             50%-OBLA condition. Thus, the RPE was higher over-
in passive recovery had higher levels of lactate). When           all for the 50%-OBLA condition, followed by the pas-
engaged in either of the active recovery conditions, es-          sive condition, with RPEs lowest for the 25%-OBLA
pecially at 25%-OBLA, subjects tended to have lower               condition.
lactate levels than when engaged in passive recovery.                 A significant difference was found in the MRP test.
    Significant differences in RPE among the 3 condi-              The results of the followup-dependent t-tests indicate
tions of passive recovery, 25%-OBLA, and 50%-OBLA                 that MRP was significantly higher in the 25%-OBLA
are shown in Table 2. Additionally, the condition by
                                                                  condition in comparison to the other 2 conditions.
linear trend for the RPE interaction was also signifi-
                                                                  There was no significant difference between passive
cant, showing that the conditions differed in the rate
                                                                  recovery and 50%-OBLA condition. The MRP mea-
by which the RPEs increased. No significant differ-
ences in RPE were found between the prewarm-up or                 sures for each of the recovery conditions were as fol-
postset 2 time points; however, for the other time                lows: passive (24.1 Ϯ 1.8 reps), 25%-OBLA (29.3 Ϯ 1.8
points, a significant omnibus F-ratio indicated the                reps), and 50%-OBLA (23.1 Ϯ 1.7 reps).
presence of at least 1 significant difference among the                Correlation coefficients for postrecovery 6 [LaϪ],
3 conditions. Significant mean differences in RPE oc-              postrecovery 6 RPE, and MRP for each of the 3 recov-
curred between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions                ery conditions are shown in Table 3. A significant, neg-
in postset 6 through the post-MRP time points, with               ative correlation was observed between the postrecov-
passive recovery showing a higher RPE. Significant                 ery 6 [LaϪ] and the MRP measure. Not surprisingly,
mean differences in RPE also occurred between the                 the lower the [LaϪ] prior to the MRP, the higher the
passive and 50%-OBLA conditions in postrecovery 2                 maximal number of repetitions possible. No significant
and postrecovery 6, with passive recovery having a                relationships were found in any of the conditions be-
lower RPE. Finally, in postrecovery 2 through the post-           tween the postrecovery 6 [LaϪ] time point and RPE,
recovery 6 time points, the RPE for the 25%-OBLA                  nor between postrecovery 6 RPE time point and the
condition was significantly lower than the RPE for the             MRP measure.
Recovery and Resistance Training 155

Discussion                                                    of the working muscles would increase the efflux of
                                                              LaϪ from the exercising tissue. This increased activity
The primary question in the present study was wheth-          during recovery, especially if it was of low intensity,
er or not active recovery decreased LaϪ accumulation          should enhance performance because of the increased
between sets of parallel squat exercises. The results         LaϪ and Hϩ efflux from the working muscles and de-
from the present investigation indicate that lactate ac-      creased intracellular [Hϩ]. This increased activity dur-
cumulation was decreased when low-intensity exercise          ing recovery should allow the working tissues to con-
was employed during the recovery periods between              tinue performing in an optimal cellular environment.
sets (Table 1). The present data reveal that the most             Failure to consider the individual differences for an
effective strategy for decreasing lactate accumulation        optimal recovery exercise intensity with respect to
was to perform active recovery at 25% of the OBLA;            each subject’s OBLA could possibly shift the balance
recoveries using passive rest and active recovery at          to a greater production of lactate. In the present study,
50% of the OBLA were significantly less effective. It          in order to precipitate an optimal lactate elimination
also appears that [LaϪ] decreases during each recovery        response, individual OBLA were determined using a
period compared to the exercise set just prior to it dur-     GXT. According to Heck et al. (10), a maximal steady
ing the 25%-OBLA condition only (Table 1). The ob-            state was found at a lactate value of 4.02 mmol·LϪ1. By
servation that the rate of lactate removal facilitated by     observing the exercise intensity at the 4.0 mmol·LϪ1
the performance of active recovery has been observed          blood [LaϪ], we were able to individualize each sub-
previously (8, 9, 21). The data in the present investi-       ject’s recovery intensities. The power outputs used in
gation are in agreement with several other studies in-        the current study were ϳ46 W and ϳ74 W for 25%-
volving the use of active recovery (1, 11, 24, 29, 30).       OBLA and 50%-OBLA, respectively. These values, rel-
The blood lactate concentration is a balance between          ative to the OBLA, are within the previously reported
the removal and the production of lactate (2, 4, 8, 9,        optimal values for active recovery (2, 4, 8). At exercise
14). Alterations in blood [LaϪ] during exercise are           intensities greater than the OBLA, there will be an im-
therefore the net result of the simultaneous, but not         balance between the rates of LaϪ production and clear-
necessarily proportional, changes in the production           ance, and as a result, LaϪ will progressively accumu-
and/or removal of LaϪ. While the mechanism for en-            late in the blood (16). Therefore, if the OBLA of an
hanced LaϪ disappearance during active recovery               athlete is evaluated, and the resulting information is
from strenuous exercise is unknown, the oxidation of          to be applied to the training regime, an effective and
LaϪ within the exercising skeletal muscle may be a ma-        safe means to performance enhancement can be pro-
jor mechanism for lactate clearance (9, 30). Gisolfi et        duced.
al. (9) suggest that the increased clearance rate of LaϪ          A finding of interest in this investigation is the
during active recovery was probably a result of more          variation of significant mean differences in RPE
rapid distribution of lactate to the liver for oxidation      throughout the workout sets. As indicated in Table 2,
or reconversion to glycogen, increased utilization of         significant differences in RPE occurred between the
lactate by the cardiac muscle, and increased utilization      passive and 25%-OBLA conditions in postset 6
of lactate by active and inactive skeletal muscles.           through post-MRP time points and between the pas-
    Another important finding in the present investi-          sive and 50%-OBLA conditions in postset 3 and post-
gation was the high relationship between elevated             recovery 6. Additionally, in postrecovery 2 through
blood [LaϪ] and subsequent exercise performance. As           postrecovery 6, the RPE for the 25%-OBLA condition
expected, there was an increase in [LaϪ] following sets       was significantly lower than the RPE for the 50%-
2, 4, and 6. Moreover, the blood [LaϪ] postset 6 dif-         OBLA condition. Thus, the RPE was higher overall for
fered significantly between conditions and was nega-           the 50%-OBLA condition. These data indicate a re-
tively correlated with the [LaϪ] and the maximal rep-         duced perception of effort during exercise at lower
etitions performed (Table 3). These data indicate that        intensity compared to passive and higher intensity
subjects with higher [LaϪ] performed fewer repetitions        recovery. Although there were significant differences
on the maximal repetition performance test. These             between the recovery conditions, no significant corre-
findings are in agreement with previous studies (17,           lations were observed between postrecovery 6 RPE
27), in that work performance is inhibited and muscle         and MRP within each of the 3 recovery conditions.
fatigue occurs when blood [LaϪ] is elevated due to pri-           In summary, the present study demonstrated that
or exercise. Bogdanis et al. (3) suggest there are at least   lower-intensity active recovery effectively minimized
4 mechanisms that may explain the performance im-             LaϪ accumulation compared to passive or higher-in-
provement after active recovery: a greater creatine-          tensity active recovery. The data strongly support the
phosphate resynthesis; a lower muscle [LaϪ] and [Hϩ];         view that the elimination of LaϪ occurs using low-in-
an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism to en-        tensity active recovery following intense resistance ex-
ergy supply; and nonmetabolic factors. Hermansen              ercise and is associated with improved endurance per-
and Stensvold (11) observed that an increased activity        formance in the squat exercise.
156 Corder, Potteiger, Nau, Figoni, and Hershberger

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Pausa ativa e passiva sobre la pse

  • 1. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2000, 14(2), 151–156 ᭧ 2000 National Strength & Conditioning Association Effects of Active and Passive Recovery Conditions on Blood Lactate, Rating of Perceived Exertion, and Performance During Resistance Exercise KEITH P CORDER, JEFFREY A. POTTEIGER, KAREN L. NAU, . STEPHEN F FIGONI, AND SCOTT L. HERSHBERGER . Department of Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. ABSTRACT Introduction Active recovery has proven an effective means in reducing blood lactate concentration ([LaϪ]) after various activities, yet its effects on performance are less clear. We investigated the R esults obtained from past investigations indicate that performance may be adversely affected by el- evated blood lactate concentration ([LaϪ]) (17, 25, 27). effects of passive and active recovery on blood [LaϪ], rating High-intensity muscular contractions add to both in- of perceived exertion (RPE), and performance during a re- tramuscular and circulating levels of LaϪ and hydro- sistance training workout. Fifteen resistance-trained males gen ions (Hϩ) (11, 15) that will retard the rate of gly- completed 3 workouts, each consisting of 6 sets of parallel colysis by inhibiting the activity of glycolytic enzymes squat exercise performed at 85% of 10 repetition maximum (7) or interfere with the muscle contraction process (12, (10RM). Each set was separated by a 4-minute recovery pe- 20). The removal of LaϪ and Hϩ from the active muscle riod. Recovery was randomly assigned from the following: and blood after high-intensity exercise is thought to be passive sitting; pedaling at 25% of onset of blood lactate ac- critical to subsequent peak performance (19). cumulation (OBLA) exercise intensity (25%-OBLA); and ped- There is a significant amount of literature identi- aling at 50% of OBLA exercise intensity (50%-OBLA). Active recovery was performed on a bicycle ergometer at 70 fying the positive aspects of an active recovery on LaϪ rev·minϪ1. Performance was determined postworkout by a removal during subsequent bouts of exercise lasting maximal repetition performance (MRP) squat test using 65% 15–30 minutes. Previous investigations (2, 8, 9, 11, 21) of 10RM. Blood samples were collected: prewarm-up; post- have shown that LaϪ removal occurs more rapidly second, postfourth, postsixth, and MRP sets; and postsec- during continuous aerobic recovery. Specifically, Her- ond, postfourth, and postsixth recovery periods. Significant mansen and Stensvold (11) found that the greatest re- differences (p Յ 0.05) were observed in [LaϪ], and RPE ductions in blood [LaϪ] occurred at an average of 63% among the 3 recoveries, with 25%-OBLA lower than passive ˙ of maximal aerobic power (VO2max). Additional in- and 50%-OBLA. Total repetitions to exhaustion for the MRP vestigations have found that the rate of blood LaϪ dis- were: passive (24.1 Ϯ 1.8); 25%-OBLA (29.3 Ϯ 1.8); and 50%- appearance is related to the intensity of the recovery OBLA (23.1 Ϯ 1.7), with 25%-OBLA being significantly exercise with optimal removal occurring between 25% greater than passive and 50%-OBLA. In this investigation, ˙ and 63% of VO2max (2, 8, 11). active recovery at 25%-OBLA proved to be the most effective Although the effectiveness of active recovery fol- means of reducing [LaϪ] during recovery and increasing per- lowing moderate-duration exercise is well documented formance following a parallel squat workout. (2, 8, 11, 24, 29), few investigations (3, 23, 30) have determined the impact of short duration active recov- Key Words: onset of blood lactate accumulation, exer- ery (Ͻ10 minutes) on high-intensity exercise. Stamford cise, training et al. (24) and Weltman et al. (29) found an increase in lactate clearance when using an active recovery follow- ing supramaximal and maximal exercise, respectively. Reference Data: Corder, K.P., J.A. Potteiger, K.L. Nau, Recently, Signorile et al. (23) examined performance S.F. Figoni, and S.L. Hershberger. Effects of active and during a series of 8 6-second supramaximal rides on passive recovery conditions on blood lactate, rating of a modified cycle ergometer separated by 30-second ac- perceived exertion, and performance during resistance tive or passive recovery periods. Their results indicat- exercise. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(2):151–156. 2000. ed that active recovery provides superior performance over passive rest in repeated short-term, high-intensity 151
  • 2. 152 Corder, Potteiger, Nau, Figoni, and Hershberger power activities. Weltman et al. (30) reported that The second session was used for determination of the when a 1-minute cycle ergometer ride was followed by subject’s 10 repetition maximum (10RM). Sessions 3–5 either passive or active recovery, the active recovery were used for examining the influence of active and produced significantly higher power output in a sub- passive recovery on blood [LaϪ], RPE, and perfor- sequent effort. This improved performance was attrib- mance during a parallel squat workout. uted to increased rates of LaϪ clearance. Bogdanis et al. (3) had subjects perform 2 maximal effort 30-second GXT and Strength Testing cycle ergometer sprints, separated by 4 minutes of ei- During the first session, subjects performed a GXT to ther active or passive recovery. Active recovery result- determine the onset of blood lactate accumulation ed in a significantly higher mean power output during (OBLA) and peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) on sprint 2 compared to passive recovery. a Monark 818E cycle ergometer. The test began at a To our knowledge, the impact of active versus pas- power output of 40 W and was increased by 40 W sive recovery on LaϪ metabolism and performance every 3 minutes until subjects were unable to maintain during resistance training exercise has not been re- a pedaling cadence of 70 rev·minϪ1. Expired gases ported. Resistance-trained athletes, such as bodybuild- were collected from the subjects using a 1-way valve ers or power-lifters, must perform exercises at maxi- and analyzed for oxygen and carbon dioxide concen- mal or near maximal intensities with repeated efforts trations using a Sensormedics 2900 Metabolic Mea- in order to enhance muscular hypertrophy and/or surement Cart (Yorba Linda, CA). The flow meter and strength. Recovery between efforts for these athletes gas analyzers were calibrated prior to each test using may be a critical issue for maximizing performance; a 3-L gas syringe and gases of known concentrations, however, to our knowledge no investigations have ex- respectively. Heart rate and RPE were recorded at 30 amined this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study seconds prior to the end of each exercise stage during was to determine the effects of active and passive re- the test with the use of a Polar heart rate telemetry covery on blood [LaϪ], rating of perceived exertion unit (Polar Electro Inc., Port Washington, NY) and the (RPE), and performance on a maximal test of parallel 10-point Borg category-ratio scale, respectively (5). squats. Achieving any 2 of the 3 following criteria constituted ˙ attainment of VO2peak: a plateau of the oxygen uptake Methods with an increase in power output; a respiratory ex- Subjects change ratio Ͼ1.10; and heart rate within Ϯ10 beats·minϪ1 of age-predicted maximum (22). Fifteen resistance-trained males volunteered to partic- Fingerstick samples of blood were collected at rest ipate in the study. The physical characteristics (mean and during the last 30 seconds of each exercise stage. Ϯ SD) of the subjects were as follows: age (23.5 Ϯ 1.3 Samples were immediately analyzed for blood [LaϪ] years); height (177.5 Ϯ 1.4 cm); body mass (88.3 Ϯ 2.9 using a calibrated YSI 1500 Sport L-lactate analyzer kg); and 10 repetition maximum in the parallel squat (Yellow Springs, OH). For this study the OBLA was (150.7 Ϯ 4.8 kg). Prior to participation in the study, operationally defined as the power output correspond- each subject received an explanation of the procedures ing to the 4.0 mmol·LϪ1 blood [LaϪ] (10). The exercise and provided written informed consent in accordance intensity equivalent to 25% and 50% of the OBLA with university guidelines for human experimentation. (25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA) was calculated and used The criteria for acceptance as a subject included par- during the active recovery periods of the resistance ticipation in a current resistance-training program at training workout. least 3 d·wkϪ1 for a minimum of 6 months prior to At least 48 hours after completion of the GXT, each starting the investigation and no medical contraindi- subject performed a strength test to determine his cations. During the study the subjects refrained from 10RM for the parallel squat exercise. The squat exercise consuming any food or beverage for at least 3 hours was performed using a standard Olympic barbell in a before each testing session, participating in any type safety rack with each subject wearing a weight belt for of exercise for at least 24 hours prior to each exercise low back support. Proper range of motion was sig- test, and participating in any type of lower extremity naled to the subject when a parallel position of the exercise for a minimum of 3 days prior to each exercise femur (midthigh) to the floor was attained. The 10RM test. For the duration of the study subjects were in- dynamic strength test procedure was performed ac- structed to maintain normal dietary patterns and re- cording to a previously described protocol (26). Verbal frain from using any ergogenic aids. encouragement was provided to elicit a maximal effort Study Design from each subject. The heaviest mass a subject could There were 5 testing sessions, with each session per- lift 10 times, determined to the nearest 0.5 kg, provid- formed at the same time of day for a given subject. ed a measure of that subject’s 10RM. From the 10RM The first session involved the collection of physical observed during the dynamic strength test, the resis- data and performance of a graded exercise test (GXT). tance equivalent to 85% of 10RM (mean Ϯ SD, 128.1
  • 3. Recovery and Resistance Training 153 Table 1. Blood [LaϪ] prior to and following a resistance training workout employing different recovery conditions (N ϭ 15) (mean Ϯ SE).* Postset Postrec Postset Postrec Postset Postrec Post-MRP Condition Prewarmup 2 2ac 4ac 4ac 6abc 6abc setabc Passive 1.3 Ϯ 0.1 4.9 Ϯ 0.4 5.4 Ϯ 0.4 6.7 Ϯ 0.5 6.7 Ϯ 0.6 7.6 Ϯ 0.6 7.7 Ϯ 0.7 9.0 Ϯ 0.5 25%-OBLA† 1.4 Ϯ 0.1 4.6 Ϯ 0.3 4.5 Ϯ 0.4 5.7 Ϯ 0.4 5.6 Ϯ 0.5 6.5 Ϯ 0.5 6.2 Ϯ 0.5 8.1 Ϯ 0.4 50%-OBLA 1.2 Ϯ 0.1 4.7 Ϯ 0.3 5.1 Ϯ 0.4 6.2 Ϯ 0.5 6.2 Ϯ 0.5 6.9 Ϯ 0.5 7.1 Ϯ 0.6 8.4 Ϯ 0.4 * Within a measurement, superscript a refers to a significant difference between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions; superscript b refers to a significant difference between the passive and 50%-OBLA conditions; and superscript c refers to a significant difference between the 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA conditions (p Յ 0.05). † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation. Ϯ 4.1 kg) was calculated and used during the parallel All 3 testing sessions were completed within a 2-week squat workout. period. Resistance Training Workouts Data Analysis Each subject returned to the laboratory to perform In order to determine the appropriate number of sub- each of 3 recovery conditions during a parallel squat jects to include in this study, a priori power analysis workout. Each subject started the test session by rest- was conducted. Assuming a 2-tailed ␣ of 0.05, a de- ing supine for a period of 10 minutes prior to the first sired level of power of at least 0.80, and an effect size blood collection. After resting [LaϪ] was determined, of 0.92, the required sample was approximately 15 each subject performed 2 warm-up sets of 10 repeti- subjects (6). Prior to performing the statistical analy- tions at 50% of 10RM. Each set was separated by 4 ses, the assumption of sphericity under repeated-mea- minutes of passive recovery. After the warm up, all sures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was tested. subjects performed 6 sets of 10 repetitions at 85% of Huynh–Feldt ⑀ values ranged from 0.74 to 1.09 for the 10RM. The 3 recovery conditions were randomly as- ANOVAs, indicating that all assumptions necessary for signed and involved the following: (a) passive recov- the use of repeated-measures ANOVA were met (13). ery, (b) active recovery at 25%-OBLA, and (c) active Repeated-measures 2-way ANOVA, with LaϪ and RPE recovery at 50%-OBLA. Passive recovery (quietly sit- as the within-subjects factors and type of recovery as ting) and active recovery were performed on a Monark the between-subjects factor, were conducted. Paired t- 818E cycle ergometer. Following the last recovery pe- tests were used to identify mean differences. No cor- riod of each parallel squat workout, a maximal repe- rection for multiple hypothesis testing was required tition performance (MRP) measure was determined by because in the specific case when the number of con- having the subject perform as many repetitions as pos- ditions equals 3, a significant omnibus F-ratio itself sible on the parallel squat exercise using 65% of his provides a strong control for the experimentwise error 10RM (mean Ϯ SD, 98.0 Ϯ 3.1 kg). This test has been rate (18). Pearson correlation coefficients were used to used previously as a measure of resistance training establish the relationship between [LaϪ] and RPE ver- performance (28). The subjects were instructed to sus the number of repetitions performed during the maintain a constant up-down, no-rest cadence until MRP. An ␣ level of 0.05 was set for all statistical test- they could no longer successfully complete a repeti- ing. All results are reported as mean Ϯ SEM. tion. Blood [LaϪ] was determined from fingerstick blood Results samples collected: prewarm-up; postsecond, post- fourth, postsixth, and MRP sets; and postsecond, post- ˙ The subjects in this investigation had a VO2peak on fourth, and postsixth recovery periods. All blood was the cycle ergometer of 41.9 Ϯ 6.2 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1. The analyzed using a calibrated YSI 1500 Sport L-lactate power output at 25%-OBLA was 45.9 Ϯ 9.1 W and at analyzer. Within the 4-minute recovery period, blood 50%-OBLA was 73.4 Ϯ 14.6 W. The oxygen uptake val- samples were collected via fingerstick within 30 sec- ues for the subjects were 6.9 Ϯ 1.3 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1 and onds after completion of each set and within 30 sec- 13.8 Ϯ 2.5 ml·kgϪ1·minϪ1 for recovery at 25%-OBLA onds prior to the end of each rest period. Blood sam- and 50%-OBLA, respectively. ples during active recovery sessions were collected Blood [LaϪ] among the 3 conditions of passive re- while the subjects were pedaling. An RPE using the covery, 25%-OBLA, and 50%-OBLA are shown in Table 10-point Borg ratio scale (5) was determined at each 1. Across all conditions, there was a significant in- blood collection point. Each subject then returned crease in [LaϪ] over time. Additionally, the condition within 4–7 days to complete the next testing session. by linear trend for the [LaϪ] interaction was signifi-
  • 4. 154 Corder, Potteiger, Nau, Figoni, and Hershberger Table 2. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) prior to, during, and following a resistance training workout employing different recovery conditions (N ϭ 15) (mean Ϯ SEM).* Postset Postrec Postset Postrec Postset Postrec Post-MRP Condition Prewarmup 2 2bc 4c 4c 6ac 6abc setc Passive 0 2.5 Ϯ 0.3 2.0 Ϯ 0.2 4.5 Ϯ 0.4 3.7 Ϯ 0.3 6.7 Ϯ 0.3 5.9 Ϯ 0.3 9.5 Ϯ 0.1 25%-OBLA† 0 2.4 Ϯ 0.3 2.0 Ϯ 0.2 4.2 Ϯ 0.2 3.6 Ϯ 0.2 5.8 Ϯ 0.4 4.9 Ϯ 0.4 9.3 Ϯ 0.2 50%-OBLA 0 2.5 Ϯ 0.3 2.6 Ϯ 0.3 5.0 Ϯ 0.3 4.4 Ϯ 0.3 7.1 Ϯ 0.3 6.7 Ϯ 0.4 9.7 Ϯ 0.2 * Within a measurement, superscript a refers to a significant difference between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions; superscript b refers to a significant difference between the passive and 50%-OBLA conditions; and superscript c refers to a significant difference between the 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA conditions (p Յ 0.05). † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation. cant, showing that the conditions differed in the rate Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients for postrecovery by which [LaϪ] increased. No significant mean differ- 6 [LaϪ], postrecovery 6 ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), ences in [LaϪ] were found in the prewarm-up or post- and a maximal repetition performance (MRP) measures fol- set 2 time points; however, for the other sets and re- lowing resistance training workouts using 3 different recov- ery conditions (N ϭ 15). covery periods, a significant omnibus F-ratio indicated the presence of at least 1 significant difference among [LaϪ] [LaϪ] RPE the 3 conditions. The most frequent significant differ- versus versus versus ence in [LaϪ] occurred between the passive and 25%- Condition RPE performance performance OBLA conditions, with subjects in the passive condi- tion having the higher [LaϪ] (Table 1). This was true Passive 0.30 Ϫ0.72* Ϫ0.22 for [LaϪ] in postrecovery 2 through the post-MRP time 25%-OBAL† Ϫ0.07 Ϫ0.70* 0.05 points. Also, for [LaϪ] in postrecovery 2 through the 50%-OBLA 0.46 Ϫ0.65* Ϫ0.48 post-MRP time points, a significant difference oc- curred between 25%-OBLA and 50%-OBLA condi- * p Յ 0.01. tions, with subjects in the 50%-OBLA condition having † OBLA ϭ onset of blood lactate accumulation. the higher [LaϪ]. Only in postset 6, postrecovery 6, and the post-MRP time points did the passive and 50%- OBLA conditions differ significantly (subjects engaged 50%-OBLA condition. Thus, the RPE was higher over- in passive recovery had higher levels of lactate). When all for the 50%-OBLA condition, followed by the pas- engaged in either of the active recovery conditions, es- sive condition, with RPEs lowest for the 25%-OBLA pecially at 25%-OBLA, subjects tended to have lower condition. lactate levels than when engaged in passive recovery. A significant difference was found in the MRP test. Significant differences in RPE among the 3 condi- The results of the followup-dependent t-tests indicate tions of passive recovery, 25%-OBLA, and 50%-OBLA that MRP was significantly higher in the 25%-OBLA are shown in Table 2. Additionally, the condition by condition in comparison to the other 2 conditions. linear trend for the RPE interaction was also signifi- There was no significant difference between passive cant, showing that the conditions differed in the rate recovery and 50%-OBLA condition. The MRP mea- by which the RPEs increased. No significant differ- ences in RPE were found between the prewarm-up or sures for each of the recovery conditions were as fol- postset 2 time points; however, for the other time lows: passive (24.1 Ϯ 1.8 reps), 25%-OBLA (29.3 Ϯ 1.8 points, a significant omnibus F-ratio indicated the reps), and 50%-OBLA (23.1 Ϯ 1.7 reps). presence of at least 1 significant difference among the Correlation coefficients for postrecovery 6 [LaϪ], 3 conditions. Significant mean differences in RPE oc- postrecovery 6 RPE, and MRP for each of the 3 recov- curred between the passive and 25%-OBLA conditions ery conditions are shown in Table 3. A significant, neg- in postset 6 through the post-MRP time points, with ative correlation was observed between the postrecov- passive recovery showing a higher RPE. Significant ery 6 [LaϪ] and the MRP measure. Not surprisingly, mean differences in RPE also occurred between the the lower the [LaϪ] prior to the MRP, the higher the passive and 50%-OBLA conditions in postrecovery 2 maximal number of repetitions possible. No significant and postrecovery 6, with passive recovery having a relationships were found in any of the conditions be- lower RPE. Finally, in postrecovery 2 through the post- tween the postrecovery 6 [LaϪ] time point and RPE, recovery 6 time points, the RPE for the 25%-OBLA nor between postrecovery 6 RPE time point and the condition was significantly lower than the RPE for the MRP measure.
  • 5. Recovery and Resistance Training 155 Discussion of the working muscles would increase the efflux of LaϪ from the exercising tissue. This increased activity The primary question in the present study was wheth- during recovery, especially if it was of low intensity, er or not active recovery decreased LaϪ accumulation should enhance performance because of the increased between sets of parallel squat exercises. The results LaϪ and Hϩ efflux from the working muscles and de- from the present investigation indicate that lactate ac- creased intracellular [Hϩ]. This increased activity dur- cumulation was decreased when low-intensity exercise ing recovery should allow the working tissues to con- was employed during the recovery periods between tinue performing in an optimal cellular environment. sets (Table 1). The present data reveal that the most Failure to consider the individual differences for an effective strategy for decreasing lactate accumulation optimal recovery exercise intensity with respect to was to perform active recovery at 25% of the OBLA; each subject’s OBLA could possibly shift the balance recoveries using passive rest and active recovery at to a greater production of lactate. In the present study, 50% of the OBLA were significantly less effective. It in order to precipitate an optimal lactate elimination also appears that [LaϪ] decreases during each recovery response, individual OBLA were determined using a period compared to the exercise set just prior to it dur- GXT. According to Heck et al. (10), a maximal steady ing the 25%-OBLA condition only (Table 1). The ob- state was found at a lactate value of 4.02 mmol·LϪ1. By servation that the rate of lactate removal facilitated by observing the exercise intensity at the 4.0 mmol·LϪ1 the performance of active recovery has been observed blood [LaϪ], we were able to individualize each sub- previously (8, 9, 21). The data in the present investi- ject’s recovery intensities. The power outputs used in gation are in agreement with several other studies in- the current study were ϳ46 W and ϳ74 W for 25%- volving the use of active recovery (1, 11, 24, 29, 30). OBLA and 50%-OBLA, respectively. These values, rel- The blood lactate concentration is a balance between ative to the OBLA, are within the previously reported the removal and the production of lactate (2, 4, 8, 9, optimal values for active recovery (2, 4, 8). At exercise 14). Alterations in blood [LaϪ] during exercise are intensities greater than the OBLA, there will be an im- therefore the net result of the simultaneous, but not balance between the rates of LaϪ production and clear- necessarily proportional, changes in the production ance, and as a result, LaϪ will progressively accumu- and/or removal of LaϪ. While the mechanism for en- late in the blood (16). Therefore, if the OBLA of an hanced LaϪ disappearance during active recovery athlete is evaluated, and the resulting information is from strenuous exercise is unknown, the oxidation of to be applied to the training regime, an effective and LaϪ within the exercising skeletal muscle may be a ma- safe means to performance enhancement can be pro- jor mechanism for lactate clearance (9, 30). Gisolfi et duced. al. (9) suggest that the increased clearance rate of LaϪ A finding of interest in this investigation is the during active recovery was probably a result of more variation of significant mean differences in RPE rapid distribution of lactate to the liver for oxidation throughout the workout sets. As indicated in Table 2, or reconversion to glycogen, increased utilization of significant differences in RPE occurred between the lactate by the cardiac muscle, and increased utilization passive and 25%-OBLA conditions in postset 6 of lactate by active and inactive skeletal muscles. through post-MRP time points and between the pas- Another important finding in the present investi- sive and 50%-OBLA conditions in postset 3 and post- gation was the high relationship between elevated recovery 6. Additionally, in postrecovery 2 through blood [LaϪ] and subsequent exercise performance. As postrecovery 6, the RPE for the 25%-OBLA condition expected, there was an increase in [LaϪ] following sets was significantly lower than the RPE for the 50%- 2, 4, and 6. Moreover, the blood [LaϪ] postset 6 dif- OBLA condition. Thus, the RPE was higher overall for fered significantly between conditions and was nega- the 50%-OBLA condition. These data indicate a re- tively correlated with the [LaϪ] and the maximal rep- duced perception of effort during exercise at lower etitions performed (Table 3). These data indicate that intensity compared to passive and higher intensity subjects with higher [LaϪ] performed fewer repetitions recovery. Although there were significant differences on the maximal repetition performance test. These between the recovery conditions, no significant corre- findings are in agreement with previous studies (17, lations were observed between postrecovery 6 RPE 27), in that work performance is inhibited and muscle and MRP within each of the 3 recovery conditions. fatigue occurs when blood [LaϪ] is elevated due to pri- In summary, the present study demonstrated that or exercise. Bogdanis et al. (3) suggest there are at least lower-intensity active recovery effectively minimized 4 mechanisms that may explain the performance im- LaϪ accumulation compared to passive or higher-in- provement after active recovery: a greater creatine- tensity active recovery. The data strongly support the phosphate resynthesis; a lower muscle [LaϪ] and [Hϩ]; view that the elimination of LaϪ occurs using low-in- an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism to en- tensity active recovery following intense resistance ex- ergy supply; and nonmetabolic factors. Hermansen ercise and is associated with improved endurance per- and Stensvold (11) observed that an increased activity formance in the squat exercise.
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