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Locating and Using Native
 Biocontrols for Invasive
   Non-native Plants,
    a New Paradigm.
ABSTRACT: The debate over using classical biocontrol
to control invasive non-native organisms is redundant
and stale. Instead of searching for new methods and
   synergies, the debate is over the pros and cons of
    classical biocontrol. This presentation will offer
 examples of native biocontrol systems. At the same
 time it will offer practical insights into finding native
biocontrols for non-native invasive plants. The goal of
     this presentation is to help end the continuing
  unethical and scientifically flawed introduction and
  use of non-native organisms in hopes of controlling
               other non-native organisms.
Richard Gardner
    (410) 726-3045
Walk more
Tinker less
Most issues in ecology can be
  understood by walking.
Therefore the most important trait
 of an ecologist – loving to walk.
Baseline philosophy
We are not the center of creation
    and its ultimate result.
Time is the most important
  character of biocontrol.
Human time is irrelevant.
Ecological/evolutionary time is the
        only relevant time.
What humans do wrong in human
time takes ecological/evolutionary
            time to fix.
The same human centered
mistakes that caused the problems
       cannot solve them.
Basic Concepts

                                                           Native biocontrol

                                                          Native congeners of
                                                          non-native invader


The expected population curves for native biocontrol use. The baseline population for native
 organisms changes as the native biocontrols adapt to the non-native invasive and eat a few
more of the native while the system comes back into balance as the non-native is destroyed.
  There is some recoverable risk to the native ecosystem, but not the unrecoverable risk of
                            introducing non-native biocontrols.
Non-native invasive

                                              Non-native biocontrol

                                Native congeners of
                                non-native invader


Simplified expected curves for what happens when a non-native biocontrol is
         introduced after the establishment of a non-native invasive.
Pioneer non-
                                             native invasive
                       Native organisms

                                                               Secondary non-native invasives
                       Native congeners of
                       non-native invasive


 A more complex version of what happens when a (pioneer) non-native plant is introduced
followed by its non-native biocontrol. The native system collapses allowing secondary non-
                                      natives to enter.
Non-native invasive
                                                            Chemical defenses of
                                                            non-native invasive
    Population or

                                                       specialist biocontrol


This diagram demonstrates what happens when a non-native specialist biocontrol is
                      reintroduced to its non-native host.
Basic terms:
Classical biocontrol – the use of non-native organisms
 in the attempt to minimize the effects of other non-
   native organisms on ecosystems. This is a losing
   proposition as it does not attempt to remove the
         problems, just minimize their effects.

Bioeradication – the extinction of a non-native invasive
 from an ecosystem using native biocontrols, the goal.
This is a winning proposition as it is the regeneration of
  the ecosystem by eliminating the problem from the
 ecosystem using naturally available native organisms.
Biocontrol – any organism in any time frame from
seconds to centuries that partially or fully inhibits a
non-native organism. Usually the goal of using non-
native biocontrols on non-native invasives. This is a
                losing proposition.
 Biocontrol system – a group of organisms which
through any biological relationship partially or fully
         inhibits a non-native organism.
Direct biocontrol – use of a native organism or system
        as a biocontrol for a specific organism.

 Indirect biocontrol – providing the native resources
 such as food, breeding sites or shelter needed for a
native biocontrol or biocontrol system to develop for a
                   specific organism.
Biocontrol garden – a garden of local native plants that
provide a resource that a native biocontrol needs to be
 effective as a biocontrol such as food, egg laying sites,
  overwintering sites, protection from predators, …, in
                      any life stage.
  Biocontrol resource – any local naturally occurring
environmental resource a native biocontrol needs to be
               effective as a biocontrol.
Resource familiarity – the amount of use of a resource by a
    native biocontrol. In the case of non-native resources
(invasive) it requires time for a native biocontrol to adapt to it
         through either behavioral or genetic changes.
 Resource use – the use by a native biocontrol of a native or
non-native resource. In the case of a non-native resource it
takes time to adapt to using it through either learning to use
   it (behavioral changes) or genetic changes, often both.
Resource heritage – the passing on of a social or genetic
 adaptation to a resource by a native biocontrol. This can be
   through learning, by genetic change or more probably a
    combination of both. It can spread through a species
horizontally as one organism learns from another or vertically
  as it is passed on to/through offspring through learning or
Mutualism – two or more organisms which cooperate
           to the benefit of each other.
    Commensalism – two or more organisms living
together where at least one benefits and the effects on
            other organisms are neutral.
Competition – relationships where certain organisms
   benefit through a variety of mechanisms to the
detriment of others without necessarily using them as
                 an energy source.
Herbivory, predation and parasitism – relationships in
which one organism or groups of organisms benefit by
     using other organisms as an energy source.
In Biocontrol/Bioeradication we are trying
to understand all these relationships within
 an ecosystem and use them to find native
   organisms to hinder and eradicate non-
             native organisms.
Examples of apparent
biocontrol systems and
  potential biocontrol
Ailanthus altissima, the system
         I know best.
bark herbivory by
Atteva aurea larva
This photo shows herbivory, disease and the effects of A. ailanthii. A
 few meters away is a meadow of Solidago canadensis which was a
     nectar source for A. aurea adults and probable mating site.
Rose rosette disease, the system
      I am getting to know.
Rosa multiflora, Multiflora Rose
with rose rosette disease.
Other possible systems I see while


            Loniera japonica,
            Japanese honeysuckle
Lonicera morrowii, Morrow’s honeysuckle

                stressed leaves, the result of
                disease and/or herbivory
Lonicera maacki, Amur honeysuckle

herbivory and

          Elaeagnus umbellata,
          Autumn Olive
Ailanthus altissima
• A family of plants with native congeners.
• Birds move between stands carrying Aculops ailanthii mites
        with them.
• Atteva aurea females pick up and move Aculops ailanthii
        between trees while laying eggs on various trees.
• Atteva aurea carries disease ingested as a larva, incubated as a
        pupa and deposited as an adult on leaves while laying eggs.
• Disease enters tree through the feeding wounds of Atteva
        aurea larvae on branches and leaves.
• Disease is carried by the Aculops ailanthii.
• Pollinators also carry Aculops ailanthii between trees.
• Wind carries Aculops ailanthii between nearby trees.
Rosa multiflora:
• Large family of plants with native congeners from which diseases
        and herbivores can become biocontrols.
• Birds move between bushes carrying Phyllocoptes fructiphilus
        mites between them.
• Rose rosette disease, an Emaravirus, is carried by Phyllocoptes
• Birds move mites between the bushes which they also nest in.
• Pollinators carry mites between parts of the same bush and
        nearby bushes.
• Pollinators also carry mites between bushes.
• Wind carries the mites between nearby bushes.
Lonicera morrowii: possible scenario
• Large family of plants with native congeners.
• Disease is carried by mites.
• Deer carry mites in a way similar to ticks.
• Deer browse on local vegetation as a source of food, use the
        shrubs for cover and move between stands of shrubs as they
        move between environmental resources.
• Birds move mites between the shrubs in which they roost, nest
        and feed on the fruit.
• Pollinators carry the mites between shrubs.
• Wind carries the mites between nearby plants.
Most likely scenario for the movement of Aculops
  ailanthii and pathogens across landscapes
         Birds – long distances searching for familiar shelter during migrations.
                 - medium and short distances between nearby stands.
    Atteva aurea – mostly medium and short distances between egg laying sites.
Wind - short distances within stands and between close stands with high mite densities.
Probable scenario for the spread of rose
 rosette disease across the ecosystems.
Birds - long distances searching for food and shelter during migrations.
          - medium distances between nests and food sources.
         - short distances as part of normal random movement.
   Pollinators - medium and short distances between food sources.
    Wind - short distances within stands and between close stands.
Possible scenario for the movement of biocontrol pathogens
    and insect herbivores between Lonicera morrowii plants.
   Deer - mostly within and between thickets in the short and medium distances.
 Birds - across long distances through migration, medium distances while searching
for food and short distances while using the plants as shelter and nesting locations.
  Pollinators - across medium and short distances while moving between flowers.
                Wind - across short distances primarily within thickets.
The more native congeners the more
apt the native biocontrol system is to
   form and the more complexity
As complexity increases so does the
probability of a control system and the
      more stable the system is.
Complexity may involve multiple food sources,
 multiple families of organisms which contribute to
    control but do not directly control the target,
 multiple types of plant use (herbivory, pollination,
 nesting and roosting sites, disease), multiple types
    of control organisms such as mammals, birds,
  insects, diseases and different feeding strategies
(browsing, grazing, nectarivory, frugivory, parasitism
                   among others) .
Reintroducing a coevolved
herbivore specialist to its
   original host will fail.
By inference, this has been
      shown with wild
parsnip, Senecio jacobaea.
        (Zangerl, et al, 2005)
WhenTyria jacobaeae, one of its
   specialist biocontrols from
     Europe was accidently
 reintroduced after at least 230
the chemical defenses
reasserted themselves.
In other words, the highest
 fitness level of the plant shifted
     from its original chemical
      defenses to growth and
reproduction in the absence of a
      specialist herbivore as it
  invaded a new ecosystem, i.e.
          enemy release.
When the herbivore was
reintroduced, the highest fitness
level shifted back towards using
 the original or similar chemical
 defenses at the cost of energy
    expended for growth and
Since the genes for the original
chemical defenses were already
 present, turning them on was
It did not involve the much
slower process of evolving
 defenses to a new threat.
The energy output shifted away
from defense in the absence of
        many of its specialist
  It then shifted back when the
       specific herbivore was
    accidently introduced from
Since the chemical defense
 reversion was small because
the threat was small, the plant
   continues to thrive as an
Examples of catastrophic
 failures by introduced
The moth Cactoblastis cactorum
 was introduced in the island of
 Nevis in Caribbean to control
  Opuntia monacantha (Willd.)
    Haw. in 1957 (Pemberton, 1995).
Now it is spreading throughout
  the Caribbean eating native
congeners. It is only a matter of
  time before it reaches North
   American Opuntia species.
The weevil Rhinocyllus conicus was
   introduced to control Canada
thistle, Cirsium arvense. Instead it
jumped to native thistles. This has
  put several of them in danger of
Example of already present
organisms controlling a non-
Euhrychiopsis lecontei,
a native North American weevil
prefers the exotic aquatic plant
     Eurasian watermilfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum over
      native watermilfoils.
     (Sallie P. Sheldon, Robert P. Creed, Jr, 2003)
This was expected as the non-
native had no defenses to the
 native generalist herbivore.
The key to finding a native
biocontrol (system) is to find an
  organism which a generalist
 (herbivore) that feeds broadly
   on a family or genus and a
  specialist (herbivore) to that
  feeds only on that family or
This means that the biocontrol
   has a the genetic ability to
switch from one plant to another
   and yet will not cause the
  extinction of coevolved food
The necessary conditions for a biocontrol
• food sources for all organisms at all life
• shelter for the various life stages
• breeding sites and egg laying locations
Path forward/2013 research plan:

1.) plant biocontrol garden of a wide variety of
      mostly Asteraceae seeds to determine
      which plants Atteva aurea uses as nectar
2.) culture and identify to family the diseases
      which affect Ailanthus.
3.) walk a lot to continue finding and
      understanding native biocontrol systems.
Ailanthus altissima biocontrol garden

pasture                             uphill                           driveway
           2. Aster laevis              1. Asclepias tuberosa
           4. Erigeron speciosus        3. Aster novae-angliae
           6. Eupatorium perfoliatum    5. Eupatorium maculatum
           8. Monarda fistulosa         7. Heliopsis helianthoides
           10. Rudbeckia laciniata      9. Rudbeckia hirta
           12. Solidago canadensis      11. Rudbeckia triloba
           14. Solidago rigida          13. Solidago nemoralis
           16. Verbesina alternifolia   15. Solidago speciosa
           18. sunflowers               17. Asclepias syriaca
           19. Coreopsis                20. Shasta daisy
           21. sweet peppers            22. sweet peppers
           23. sweet peppers            24. Eu. mac./Cor.
                                        trip./Ech. pur.

                             25. Collected plants
Non-native biocontrol has high
rates of failure and low rates of
  success, an average of 2.44
introduced organisms for every
   species on which control is
       being attempted.
Using natives to control non-
natives is a much lower risk and
therefore safer than using non-
  natives to try to control non-
Non-natives, regardless of how
 much they are studied have a
 high risk associated with them
as is seen by the introduction of
  non-natives in the first place.
Collateral environmental effects are unknown
      with non-native biocontrols such as:
• breeding site competition with natives,
• acting as food supplements for native
     predators which shifts population
• susceptibility to native diseases or
     magnifying them in the local ecosystems
     as a disease sink,
• disease vectoring and … .
Whereas with native
   biocontrols, the collateral
environmental effects are known
        or predictable.
I challenge the developers of non-native
 biocontrols to prove that what they are doing:
1.) is safe
2.) is ethical
3.) is necessary
4.) that they understand the problems they are
       trying to solve
5.) that they understand the total consequences of
       their apparent solutions.
6.) that they have spent time in the field to prove
       that there are no possible alternatives
       already present.
If bad theory and bad practice
   caused a problem, then bad
theory and bad practice are not
         going to solve it.
One small mistake with a non-native is the
bioecosystem equivalent of a Chernobyl, even
            though more subtle.
Are we willing to risk that when
there are already good theory
and good examples in place to
          guide us?


Gardner biocontrol nenhc 2013

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Gardner biocontrol nenhc 2013

  • 1. Locating and Using Native Biocontrols for Invasive Non-native Plants, a New Paradigm.
  • 2. ABSTRACT: The debate over using classical biocontrol to control invasive non-native organisms is redundant and stale. Instead of searching for new methods and synergies, the debate is over the pros and cons of classical biocontrol. This presentation will offer examples of native biocontrol systems. At the same time it will offer practical insights into finding native biocontrols for non-native invasive plants. The goal of this presentation is to help end the continuing unethical and scientifically flawed introduction and use of non-native organisms in hopes of controlling other non-native organisms.
  • 5. Most issues in ecology can be understood by walking.
  • 6. Therefore the most important trait of an ecologist – loving to walk.
  • 8. We are not the center of creation and its ultimate result.
  • 9. Time is the most important character of biocontrol.
  • 10. Human time is irrelevant.
  • 11. Ecological/evolutionary time is the only relevant time.
  • 12. What humans do wrong in human time takes ecological/evolutionary time to fix.
  • 13. The same human centered mistakes that caused the problems cannot solve them.
  • 15. Non-native invasive Native biocontrol Population Native congeners of non-native invader time The expected population curves for native biocontrol use. The baseline population for native organisms changes as the native biocontrols adapt to the non-native invasive and eat a few more of the native while the system comes back into balance as the non-native is destroyed. There is some recoverable risk to the native ecosystem, but not the unrecoverable risk of introducing non-native biocontrols.
  • 16. Non-native invasive Non-native biocontrol Population Native congeners of non-native invader time Simplified expected curves for what happens when a non-native biocontrol is introduced after the establishment of a non-native invasive.
  • 17. Pioneer non- native invasive Native organisms Secondary non-native invasives Native congeners of non-native invasive Population Non-native biocontrols time A more complex version of what happens when a (pioneer) non-native plant is introduced followed by its non-native biocontrol. The native system collapses allowing secondary non- natives to enter.
  • 18. Non-native invasive Chemical defenses of non-native invasive population Population or concentration Non-native specialist biocontrol time This diagram demonstrates what happens when a non-native specialist biocontrol is reintroduced to its non-native host.
  • 20. Classical biocontrol – the use of non-native organisms in the attempt to minimize the effects of other non- native organisms on ecosystems. This is a losing proposition as it does not attempt to remove the problems, just minimize their effects. Bioeradication – the extinction of a non-native invasive from an ecosystem using native biocontrols, the goal. This is a winning proposition as it is the regeneration of the ecosystem by eliminating the problem from the ecosystem using naturally available native organisms.
  • 21. Biocontrol – any organism in any time frame from seconds to centuries that partially or fully inhibits a non-native organism. Usually the goal of using non- native biocontrols on non-native invasives. This is a losing proposition. Biocontrol system – a group of organisms which through any biological relationship partially or fully inhibits a non-native organism.
  • 22. Direct biocontrol – use of a native organism or system as a biocontrol for a specific organism. Indirect biocontrol – providing the native resources such as food, breeding sites or shelter needed for a native biocontrol or biocontrol system to develop for a specific organism.
  • 23. Biocontrol garden – a garden of local native plants that provide a resource that a native biocontrol needs to be effective as a biocontrol such as food, egg laying sites, overwintering sites, protection from predators, …, in any life stage. Biocontrol resource – any local naturally occurring environmental resource a native biocontrol needs to be effective as a biocontrol.
  • 24. Resource familiarity – the amount of use of a resource by a native biocontrol. In the case of non-native resources (invasive) it requires time for a native biocontrol to adapt to it through either behavioral or genetic changes. Resource use – the use by a native biocontrol of a native or non-native resource. In the case of a non-native resource it takes time to adapt to using it through either learning to use it (behavioral changes) or genetic changes, often both.
  • 25. Resource heritage – the passing on of a social or genetic adaptation to a resource by a native biocontrol. This can be through learning, by genetic change or more probably a combination of both. It can spread through a species horizontally as one organism learns from another or vertically as it is passed on to/through offspring through learning or genes.
  • 26. Mutualism – two or more organisms which cooperate to the benefit of each other. Commensalism – two or more organisms living together where at least one benefits and the effects on other organisms are neutral. Competition – relationships where certain organisms benefit through a variety of mechanisms to the detriment of others without necessarily using them as an energy source. Herbivory, predation and parasitism – relationships in which one organism or groups of organisms benefit by using other organisms as an energy source.
  • 27. In Biocontrol/Bioeradication we are trying to understand all these relationships within an ecosystem and use them to find native organisms to hinder and eradicate non- native organisms.
  • 28. Examples of apparent biocontrol systems and potential biocontrol systems.
  • 29. Ailanthus altissima, the system I know best.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. This photo shows herbivory, disease and the effects of A. ailanthii. A few meters away is a meadow of Solidago canadensis which was a nectar source for A. aurea adults and probable mating site.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Rose rosette disease, the system I am getting to know.
  • 40. Rosa multiflora, Multiflora Rose with rose rosette disease.
  • 41.
  • 42. Other possible systems I see while walking.
  • 43. disease fd herbivory Loniera japonica, Japanese honeysuckle
  • 44.
  • 45. Lonicera morrowii, Morrow’s honeysuckle stressed leaves, the result of disease and/or herbivory
  • 46. Lonicera maacki, Amur honeysuckle herbivory
  • 47. herbivory and disease? Elaeagnus umbellata, Autumn Olive
  • 48. Ailanthus altissima • A family of plants with native congeners. • Birds move between stands carrying Aculops ailanthii mites with them. • Atteva aurea females pick up and move Aculops ailanthii between trees while laying eggs on various trees. • Atteva aurea carries disease ingested as a larva, incubated as a pupa and deposited as an adult on leaves while laying eggs. • Disease enters tree through the feeding wounds of Atteva aurea larvae on branches and leaves. • Disease is carried by the Aculops ailanthii. • Pollinators also carry Aculops ailanthii between trees. • Wind carries Aculops ailanthii between nearby trees.
  • 49. Rosa multiflora: • Large family of plants with native congeners from which diseases and herbivores can become biocontrols. • Birds move between bushes carrying Phyllocoptes fructiphilus mites between them. • Rose rosette disease, an Emaravirus, is carried by Phyllocoptes fructiphilus. • Birds move mites between the bushes which they also nest in. • Pollinators carry mites between parts of the same bush and nearby bushes. • Pollinators also carry mites between bushes. • Wind carries the mites between nearby bushes.
  • 50. Lonicera morrowii: possible scenario • Large family of plants with native congeners. • Disease is carried by mites. • Deer carry mites in a way similar to ticks. • Deer browse on local vegetation as a source of food, use the shrubs for cover and move between stands of shrubs as they move between environmental resources. • Birds move mites between the shrubs in which they roost, nest and feed on the fruit. • Pollinators carry the mites between shrubs. • Wind carries the mites between nearby plants.
  • 51. Most likely scenario for the movement of Aculops ailanthii and pathogens across landscapes Birds – long distances searching for familiar shelter during migrations. - medium and short distances between nearby stands. Atteva aurea – mostly medium and short distances between egg laying sites. Wind - short distances within stands and between close stands with high mite densities.
  • 52. Probable scenario for the spread of rose rosette disease across the ecosystems. Birds - long distances searching for food and shelter during migrations. - medium distances between nests and food sources. - short distances as part of normal random movement. Pollinators - medium and short distances between food sources. Wind - short distances within stands and between close stands.
  • 53. Possible scenario for the movement of biocontrol pathogens and insect herbivores between Lonicera morrowii plants. Deer - mostly within and between thickets in the short and medium distances. Birds - across long distances through migration, medium distances while searching for food and short distances while using the plants as shelter and nesting locations. Pollinators - across medium and short distances while moving between flowers. Wind - across short distances primarily within thickets.
  • 54. The more native congeners the more apt the native biocontrol system is to form and the more complexity possible.
  • 55. As complexity increases so does the probability of a control system and the more stable the system is.
  • 56. Complexity may involve multiple food sources, multiple families of organisms which contribute to control but do not directly control the target, multiple types of plant use (herbivory, pollination, nesting and roosting sites, disease), multiple types of control organisms such as mammals, birds, insects, diseases and different feeding strategies (browsing, grazing, nectarivory, frugivory, parasitism among others) .
  • 57. Reintroducing a coevolved herbivore specialist to its original host will fail.
  • 58. By inference, this has been shown with wild parsnip, Senecio jacobaea. (Zangerl, et al, 2005)
  • 59. WhenTyria jacobaeae, one of its specialist biocontrols from Europe was accidently reintroduced after at least 230 years,
  • 61. In other words, the highest fitness level of the plant shifted from its original chemical defenses to growth and reproduction in the absence of a specialist herbivore as it invaded a new ecosystem, i.e. enemy release.
  • 62. When the herbivore was reintroduced, the highest fitness level shifted back towards using the original or similar chemical defenses at the cost of energy expended for growth and reproduction.
  • 63. Since the genes for the original chemical defenses were already present, turning them on was easy.
  • 64. It did not involve the much slower process of evolving defenses to a new threat.
  • 65. The energy output shifted away from defense in the absence of many of its specialist herbivores. It then shifted back when the specific herbivore was accidently introduced from Europe.
  • 66. Since the chemical defense reversion was small because the threat was small, the plant continues to thrive as an invasive.
  • 67. Examples of catastrophic failures by introduced biocontrols:
  • 68. The moth Cactoblastis cactorum was introduced in the island of Nevis in Caribbean to control Opuntia monacantha (Willd.) Haw. in 1957 (Pemberton, 1995).
  • 69. Now it is spreading throughout the Caribbean eating native congeners. It is only a matter of time before it reaches North American Opuntia species.
  • 70. The weevil Rhinocyllus conicus was introduced to control Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense. Instead it jumped to native thistles. This has put several of them in danger of extinction.
  • 71. Example of already present organisms controlling a non- native:
  • 72. Euhrychiopsis lecontei, a native North American weevil prefers the exotic aquatic plant Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum over native watermilfoils. (Sallie P. Sheldon, Robert P. Creed, Jr, 2003)
  • 73. This was expected as the non- native had no defenses to the native generalist herbivore.
  • 74. The key to finding a native biocontrol (system) is to find an organism which a generalist (herbivore) that feeds broadly on a family or genus and a specialist (herbivore) to that feeds only on that family or genus.
  • 75. This means that the biocontrol has a the genetic ability to switch from one plant to another and yet will not cause the extinction of coevolved food sources.
  • 76. The necessary conditions for a biocontrol system: • food sources for all organisms at all life stages • shelter for the various life stages • breeding sites and egg laying locations
  • 77. Path forward/2013 research plan: 1.) plant biocontrol garden of a wide variety of mostly Asteraceae seeds to determine which plants Atteva aurea uses as nectar sources. 2.) culture and identify to family the diseases which affect Ailanthus. 3.) walk a lot to continue finding and understanding native biocontrol systems.
  • 78. Ailanthus altissima biocontrol garden pasture uphill driveway 2. Aster laevis 1. Asclepias tuberosa 4. Erigeron speciosus 3. Aster novae-angliae 6. Eupatorium perfoliatum 5. Eupatorium maculatum 8. Monarda fistulosa 7. Heliopsis helianthoides 10. Rudbeckia laciniata 9. Rudbeckia hirta 12. Solidago canadensis 11. Rudbeckia triloba 14. Solidago rigida 13. Solidago nemoralis 16. Verbesina alternifolia 15. Solidago speciosa 18. sunflowers 17. Asclepias syriaca 19. Coreopsis 20. Shasta daisy 21. sweet peppers 22. sweet peppers 23. sweet peppers 24. Eu. mac./Cor. trip./Ech. pur. 25. Collected plants
  • 79. Non-native biocontrol has high rates of failure and low rates of success, an average of 2.44 introduced organisms for every species on which control is being attempted.
  • 80. Using natives to control non- natives is a much lower risk and therefore safer than using non- natives to try to control non- natives.
  • 81. Non-natives, regardless of how much they are studied have a high risk associated with them as is seen by the introduction of non-natives in the first place.
  • 82. Collateral environmental effects are unknown with non-native biocontrols such as: • breeding site competition with natives, • acting as food supplements for native predators which shifts population balance, • susceptibility to native diseases or magnifying them in the local ecosystems as a disease sink, • disease vectoring and … .
  • 83. Whereas with native biocontrols, the collateral environmental effects are known or predictable.
  • 84. I challenge the developers of non-native biocontrols to prove that what they are doing: 1.) is safe 2.) is ethical 3.) is necessary 4.) that they understand the problems they are trying to solve 5.) that they understand the total consequences of their apparent solutions. 6.) that they have spent time in the field to prove that there are no possible alternatives already present.
  • 85. If bad theory and bad practice caused a problem, then bad theory and bad practice are not going to solve it.
  • 86. One small mistake with a non-native is the bioecosystem equivalent of a Chernobyl, even though more subtle.
  • 87. Are we willing to risk that when there are already good theory and good examples in place to guide us?