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Advanced Hibernate

           Haitham Raik
   Persistence Lifecycle
   Persistence Context
   Persistence Manager
   Transaction Management
   Concurrency
   Session Scope
   Caching
   Lazy-Loading
   Batch Processing
   Hibernate Annotations
   Hibernate Validator
   You should know the following:
       Session
       SessionFactory
       Query
       Criteria
       Basic Mapping
Persistence Lifecycle
Persistence Lifecycle
   The object in hibernate has four states:
    1.       Transient:
            Transient instance means it isn’t associated with any database
            Transient instance state is lost as soon as they’re no longer
            Instances that are referenced only by other transient instances
             are transient.
    2.       Persistent:
              An entity instance with a database identity.
              Persistent instances are always associated with a persistence
Persistence Lifecycle
 3.       Detached:
          Detached instance is associated with a database row.
          Detached instance are not associated with a persistence
 4.       Removed:
         Removed instances are scheduled for deletion, but are still
          managed by the persistence context.
Persistence Lifecycle
Persistence Context
Persistence Context
   Each session has one internal persistence context.
   Persistence context can be considered as a cache of
    persistent instanced.
   Persistence context is useful for:
       Automatic Dirty Check
       First-level cache
       Guarantee a scope of java object identity
Persistence Context –                      Automatic Dirty Check
   Automatic Dirty Check:
       Changes made to persistent objects aren’t immediately
        propagated to database (write-behind).
           To keep lock-times as short as possible.
       At synchronization time, Hibernate propagates only
        modified persistent instances (Dirty Objects).
       Hibernate has a strategy to detect which persistent
        objects have been modified.
       By default, all the columns of a table are included in the
        SQL UPDATE statement.
Persistence Context –                     Automatic Dirty Check
   Automatic Dirty Check:
       Hibernate has the ability to detect exactly which
        properties have been modified.
           To enable dynamic update/insert:
<class name="BlogItem" table="BLOG_ITEMS"
  dynamic-update="true" dynamic-insert="true" >
           It is recommended to use this setting when you have an
            extraordinary large number of columns (more than 50 columns)
Persistence Context –                       First Level Cache
   First-Level Cache:
       Hibernate session is a cache of its persistent instances.
       Hibernate session remembers all its persistent instances.
       Persistence context has a reference to the persistent
        object and its snapshot.
       Snapshot is used for dirty checking.
       It is always on and you can’t turn it off.
       Benefits:
           Significant performance enhancement
           Protects your application from stack overflows, in the case of
            circular references.
           Changes made in a particular context are always visible to all
            other code executed inside that context.
Persistence Context –                            Object Identity
   Object Identity and Equality:
       Persistent object has two identifiers:
           Java Identifier: x==y is true, if x and y have the same java
           Database Identifier: x.getId().equals(y.getId()) is
            true, if x and y represents the same database row.
           The scope of object identity: is the scope under which the java
            identity is guaranteed to be equivalent to the database identity.
               No Identity Scope: if a row is accessed twice, then two different java
                instances will be returned.
               Session-scoped identity: if a row is accessed twice within a
                session, then one java instance will be returned.
               Process-scoped identity: one instance represents the row in the
                whole JVM.
           Hibernate implements session –scoped identity.
Persistence Context –         Object Identity
Session session1 = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx1 = session1.beginTransaction();
Item a = (Item) session1.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) );
Item b = (Item) session1.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) );
( a==b ) // True, persistent a and b are identical
(a.getId().equals(b.getId())) // True, match the same record
// References a and b are now to an object in detached state
Session session2 = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx2 = session2.beginTransaction();
Item c = (Item) session2.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) );
( a==c ) // False, detached a and persistent c are not
(a.getId().equals(c.getId())) // True, match the same record
Persistence Context –                        Object Identity
   Do not treat detached objects as identical in memory.
       Consider a, b and c are detached objects, what is the size of
        the Set collection?
Set allObjects = new HashSet();
       If the equals() method is implemented well, then the set size is
       Otherwise,
           The size is one, if a, b and c objects are fetched using the same
           The size is more than one, if a, b and c objects are fetched using
            different sessions.
Persistence Context –                 Object Equality
   To prevent the previous conflict, you need to supply
    your own implementation of the equals() and
   Equality Implementations:
       Database Identifier Equality (Primary Key)
       All Properties Equality (Except the primary key)
       Business Key Equality
Persistence Context –                 Object Equality
   Database Identifier Equality:
       Can’t be used for transient objects
       For example:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
          if (this==o) return true;
          if (id==null) return false;
          if ( !(o instanceof User) ) return false;
          final User that = (User) o;
          return that.getId() );
Persistence Context –            Object Equality
   All Properties Equality
       Instances for this row from different Sessions are no longer equal
        if one is modified; (For example user changed his password)
       For example:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this==o) return true;
    if ( !(o instanceof User) ) return false;
    final User that = (User) o;
    if (!this.getUsername().equals(that.getUsername()))
        return false;
    if( !this.getPassword().equals(that.getPassword()))
        return false;
    return true;
Persistence Context –                        Object Equality
   Business Key Equality:
       Hints to identify a business key:
           Attribute that would identify our instance in the real world.
           Immutable attributes (rarely updated attributes)
           Every attribute has a UNIQUE database constraint.
           Any date or time-based attribute, for example the creation
Persistence Manager
Persistence Manager
   Persistence Manager exposed by many interfaces:
    Session, Query, Criteria and Transaction
   Persistence Manager provide services for the
       Basic CRUD operations
       Query Execution
       Control of Transactions
       Management of the Persistence Context
Persistence Manager -            Saveing
   Making Transient Object Persistent:
Item item = new Item();
item.setName("Playstation3 incl. all accessories");
item.setEndDate( ... );
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Serializable itemId =;
Persistence Manager -             Retrieving
   Retrieving a persistent object:
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new
// Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new
Persistence Manager -            Updating
   Modifying a Persistent Object:
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new Long(12));
item.setDescription("This Playstation is good as new!");
Persistence Manager -               Deleting
 Making a persistent object transient
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new
    hibernate.use_identifier_rollback
Persistence Manager -                          Replicating
   Retrieve objects from one database and store them
    in another.
// Load From DB1
Session session = sessionFactory1.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new Long(1234));

// Replicate to DB2
Session session2 = sessionFactory2.openSession();
Transaction tx2 = session2.beginTransaction();
session2.replicate(item, ReplicationMode.LATEST_VERSION);
Persistence Manager -              Replicating
   Replication Modes
       ReplicationMode.IGNORE
       ReplicationMode.OVERWRITE
       ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION
       ReplicationMode.LATEST_VERSION (requires optimistic
        lock enabled)
Persistence Manager -        Reattaching
 Reattaching a modified detached instance
item.setDescription(...); // Loaded in previous Session
Session sessionTwo = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = sessionTwo.beginTransaction();
sessionTwo.update(item); // re-attach the object as dirty
//sessionTwo.delete(item); //re-attach the object for deletion
    select-before-update=“true”
Persistence Manager -          Reattaching
   Reattaching an unmodified detached object:
Session s2 = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = s2.beginTransaction();
s2.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(item);// Re-attach as
a clean object
Persistence Manager -                    Merging
   Merging the state of a detached object
       The following will cause an exception
           NonUniqueObjectException
           Error Message: persistent instance with the same database
            identifier is already associated with the Session.
detachedItem.getId(); // The database identity is "1234"

// New Session is created
Session s = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
Item item2 = (Item) s.get(Item.class, new Long(1234));
session.update(detachedItem); // Throws exception!
Persistence Manager -            Merging
   Hibernate provide merge() to solve this issue
item.getId() // The database identity is "1234"

// Create new session
Session s= sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
Item item2 = (Item) s.get(Item.class, new Long(1234));
Item item3 = (Item) s.merge(item);
(item == item2) // False
(item == item3) // False
(item2 == item3) // True
return item3;
Persistence Manager -   Merging
Persistence Manager –          Manage Persistence
Context – Control First Level Cache
   Controlling the persistence context cache (first-level
       Persistence context has a reference for the persistent
        object and its snapshot
       Persistence context cache never shrinks automatically.
       This may lead to OutOfMemoryException.
       You can detach persistent objects manually using
           Session.evict(object): to detach specific object
           Session.clear(): to detach all persistent objects
       You can disable dirty checking using:
           Session.setReadOnly(object, true): Persistence context will no
            longer maintain the snapshot.
Persistence Manager –                          Manage Persistence
Context - Flushing
   Flushing the persistence context
       Changes made to persistent object are not immediately
        propagated to database (Write-behind)
           Collect many changes into a minimal number of database
           Shorter lock durations inside the database
           Take advantage of the JDBC Batch
       Flushing occurs at the following times:
           When a transaction is committed
           Before a query is executed, only if the results of the query will
            be affected by the changes.
           Call session.flush() explicitly
Persistence Manager –                 Manage Persistence
Context - Flushing
   You can control the default behavior of hibernate
    flushing by calling session.setFlushMode(FlushMode
       FlushMode.AUTO: this is the default behavior
       FlushMode.COMMIT
       FlushMode.MANUAL
Transaction Management
Transaction Management –                        Essentials
   Transaction Attributes:
       Atomicity: if one step fails, the whole unit of work must
       Consistency: left data in a clean and consistent state after
        the transactions complete.
       Isolation: multiple users can work concurrently without
        compromising the data correctness.
       Durability: once the transaction completes, all changes
        become persistent.
Transaction Management –                      Transaction
   Transaction Demarcation
       Defines the transaction boundaries (the start and the end
       There is no way to send an SQL statement outside a
        transaction boundaries.
       Transactions have to be short to reduce resources
Transaction Management –                                  Transaction
   Transaction boundaries can be set either programmatically
    or declaratively.
       Programmatically using:
           JDBC API: to handle transactions on one resource
           JTA (requires Application Server): to handle transactions on many
       Declaratively using CMT (requires EJB container)
Transaction Management –                            Transactions in
   Hibernate Transactions:
       Represented by org.hibernate.Transaction
       Hibernate transaction is unified:
           It works in a non-managed plain JDBC environment
           It works in an application server with JTA
       Hibernate transaction integrates with persistence context
           For example, session is flushed automatically when you commit
       Hibernate doesn’t roll back in-memory changes to
        persistent objects
Transaction Management –                Transactions in
    Hibernate Transactions over JDBC API
Session session = null;
Transaction tx = null;
try {
    session = sFactory.openSession(); //session is lazy
    // a conn will obtained only when the trxn begins
    tx = session.beginTransaction(); // conn.setAutoCommit(false)
    tx.commit(); // flush and commit (here conn is released)
    // here you can begin another trxn with the same session
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
} finally {session.close();} // release all other resources
Transaction Management –                     Transactions in
   Hibernate Transactions over JTA
       To enable JTA transactions:
           hibernate.transaction.factory_class = org.
           hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class =
       The previous example will work without code changes.
Transaction Management –              Transactions in
   Hibernate Transactions over JTA with Multiple Resources
   Use JTA interfaces directly
UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext()
Session session1 = null;
Session session2 = null;
try {
  session1 = auctionDatabase.getCurrentSession();
  session2 = billingDatabase.getCurrentSession();
  session1.flush(); // it‟s your responsibility to sync with db
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {utx.rollback();
} finally {session1.close();session2.close();}
Transaction Management –               Transactions in
   Hibernate can sync with the database automatically
    before JTA transaction end using
       hibernate.transaction.flush_before_complet
   Hibernate can close session automatically after JTA
    transaction end using:
       hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session
Transaction Management –                                Transactions in
UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext()
Session session1 = null;
Session session2 = null;
try {
    session1 = auctionDatabase.getCurrentSession();
    session2 = billingDatabase.getCurrentSession();
    utx.commit(); // session1 and session2 are flushed and closed automatically
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
Transaction Management –                            Transactions in
   It is always recommended to use JTA interfaces
       It supports transactions handling over multiple resources.
       Hibernate can automatically bind the “current” session to
        the current JTA transaction
           You can separate the transaction demarcation code from data
            access code; for example:
Transaction Management –                Transactions in
      Without direct use for JTA interface
public void sessionPerOperationBizMethod() {
 myDAO1.getObj(); //uses openSession() and open new trxn
 myDAO2.saveObj();//uses openSsession() and open new trxn}
      With direct use for JTA interface
public void sessionPerRequestBizMethod() {
myDAO1.getObj();// uses getCurrentSession() to get new session
myDAO2.saveObj();//uses getCurrentSession() to get same session
     Without direct use for JTA, we need to open a new session and a
      new transaction for each database operation.
     With direct use for JTA, one transaction and one session are
      used to handle the entire request.
Transaction Management –               Transactions in
   To enable CMT with hibernate set the following
       hibernate.transaction.factory_class = org.
Concurrency -              Essentials
   Transaction isolation ensures the concurrent
    transactions work without affecting data integrity.
   Traditionally, this has been implemented using locks.
   Application inherits the isolation guarantees provided
    by the DBMS
       Hibernate never locks anything in memory
       Your responsibility is to understand the database isolation
        and how to change the isolation behavior
Concurrency –                  Isolation Issues
   Transaction Isolation Issues
    1.       Lost Update:
            Occurs if two transactions update the same row and then the
             second transaction aborts, causing both changes to be lost.
            This occurs in systems that don’t implement locking.
            The concurrent transactions are not isolated.
Concurrency –                Isolation Issues
 2.       Dirty Read:
           Occurs if a transaction reads changes made by another
            transaction that has not been committed.
           The changes of the other transaction may later be rolled back.
           Impact: Reading dirty data (not committed data)
Concurrency –                Isolation Issues
 3.       Unrepeatable Reads:
         Occurs if a transaction reads a row twice and reads different
          state each time.
         This situation occurs when another transaction updating the row
          and committing between the two reads.
Concurrency –                Isolation Issues
 4.       Second Lost Update:
          This is a special case of Unrepeatable Reads
          Occurs if two concurrent transactions read a row; the first one
           writes to it and commits, and then the second one writes to it
           and commits.
          Impact: The changes made by the first transaction are lost
                        Tx B                COMMIT

                                   Tx A
Concurrency –                  Isolation Issues
 5.       Phantom Read:
         Occurs when a transaction executes a query twice, the second
          result set includes rows that weren’t visible in the first result set.
         This situation occurs when another transaction inserting or
          deleting rows and committing between the execution of the two
Concurrency –                   Isolation Levels
   Isolation Levels:
    1.       Read Uncommitted:
            This level permits dirty read but doesn’t permit lost updates
            One transaction can not write to a row if another uncommitted
             transaction has already written to it.
Concurrency –                Isolation Levels
 2.       Read Committed:
          This level permits unrepeatable reads but doesn’t permit dirty
           reads and doesn’t permit lost updates.
          Reading a transactions don’t block other transactions from
           accessing a row (reading and writing).
          Uncommitted writing transaction blocks all other transactions
           from accessing the row.
Concurrency –               Isolation Levels
 3.       Repeatable Read:
          This isolation level doesn’t permit: unrepeatable read, dirty
           reads and lost updates.
          Phantom reads may occur
          Reading transactions block writing transactions (but not other
           reading transactions)
          Writing transactions block all other transactions
Concurrency –                 Isolation Levels
 4.       Serializable:
           Provides the strictest isolation
           This isolation level executes the transactions one after another
            serially rather than concurrently.
           This isolation level doesn’t permit phantom reads.
Concurrency –             Isolation Levels

Isolation      Lost Updates Dirty Reads    Non-         Phantom
Level                                      Repeatable   Reads
Read                -         May Occur     May Occur    May Occur
Read                -              -        May Occur    May Occur
Repeatable          -              -            -        May Occur
Serializable        -              -            -            -

• There is no DBMS allows “Lost Updates”
Concurrency –              Isolation Levels

Isolation Level   Write Lock          Read Lock           Range Lock
Read                   Exclusive              -                   -
Read Committed         Exclusive           Shared                 -
Repeatable Read        Exclusive          Exclusive               -
Serializable           Exclusive          Exclusive           Exclusive

• Read-Lock: Allow other transactions to read but not to write.
   • Share Read-Lock: DBMS releases the read-lock as soon as the
      SELECT operation is performed
   • Exclusive Read-Lock: DBMS keeps the read-lock until the end of the
• Write-Lock: Block other transaction from reading or writing
   • Exclusive Write-Lock: DBMS keeps the write-lock until the end of the
Concurrency –                   Isolation Levels
   How to choose an isolation level:
       Read Uncommitted: is extremely dangers you don’t need to
        read dirty data
       Serializable: most applications don’t need it; phantom reads
        are not usually problematic.
           This isolation level tends to scale poorly
           Rather rely on pessimistic locks that forces serialized executions for
            certain situations.
       Repeatable Reads: with hibernate you don’t need this
        isolation level as hibernate cache already gives you the
        repeatable read isolation features.
       Read Committed: is the most acceptable isolation level for
        most of the database transactions if you use hibernate.
           Use Pessimistic locks to force serialized executions for certain
Concurrency –                     Isolation Levels in Hibernate
   Setting an isolation level:
       Use hibernate configuration option:
           (hibernate.connection.isolation)
           This option values:
            1.   Read Uncommitted
            2.   Read Committed
            4.   Repeatable Reads
            8.   Serializable
Concurrency –               Pessimistic Locks
   Obtaining Additional Isolation Guarantees
       For the following example assume Read Committed
        isolation is used:
Item i = (Item) session.get(Item.class, 123);
// May be another concurrent trxn changes the price
i.setPrice(i.getPrice() - 10);
tx.commit();// will sync with db
                     Tx B             4. Commit

                                                  6. Commit
                               Tx A
Concurrency –               Pessimistic Locks
   For the previous example, what is the expected
    behavior, if the isolation level used was repeatable

   To prevent the previous situation you can either:
       Increase the isolation level to serializable at application-
       Or keep the isolation level as it is and use pessimistic lock
        for this specific case.
Item i = (Item)
session.get(Item.class, 123, LockMode.UPGRADE); //
select … for update
i.setPrice(i.getPrice() - 10);
tx.commit();// will sync with db
Session Scope
Session Scope
   Session-per-operation (Anti-pattern)
   Session-per-request
   Session-per-request-with-detached-objects (long
   Session-per-conversation (long conversations)
   Session-per-application (Anti-pattern; Don’t use it)
Session Scope –             Session Per Operation
   Session per operation
       This is an anti-pattern
       Open and close a session for each database call
       Session scope is the same as the transaction scope.
       Remember openSession()
Session Scope –              Session Per Request
   Session Per Request
       This is the most common transaction pattern
       A single session will be used to process single user event.
       Session scope is the same as the transaction scope.
       Remember getCurrentSession().
Session Scope –              Session Per Request with
Detached Objects
   Session Per Request with Detached Objects
       This implementation pattern can be used for long
        conversations (for example wizard dialog)
       Objects are held in detached state during user think-time.
       Any modification of these objects is made persistent
        manually through reattachment or merging.
       Automatic Versioning must be enabled to isolate
        concurrent conversations.
       The conversation in this implementation is not Atomic as
        the conversation spans several database transactions
Session Scope –    Session Per Request with
Detached Objects
Session Scope –                Session Per Conversation
   Session per Conversation
       Extend a persistence context to span the whole conversation
       You have to disable automatic flush
       Persistence context isn’t closed after completing a user
        request. It is just disconnected from the database.
       When the user continues in the conversation, the persistence
        context re-connect to the database (session.connect()).
       At the end of the conversation, the persistence context will be
        synchronized with the database and closed.
       This implementation eliminate the detached object state.
       Automatic Versioning must be enabled to isolate concurrent
       The conversation in this implementation is Atomic as the
        changes are flushed until the last step.
Session Scope –   Session Per Conversation
Caching -         Essentials
   The cache keeps a representation of current
    database state close to the application to avoid a
    database hit.
   Caching Scopes:
       Session-Scope Cache
       Process-Scope Cache (Shared for the entire JVM)
       Cluster-Scope Cache (Shared between multiple
Caching –              Hibernate Caching
   Hibernate uses different types of caches:
       First-Level Cache
           Session-Scoped Cache
           Mandatory
           Lookup using the entity primary key using
       Second-Level Cache
           Process-Scoped Cache & Cluster-Scoped Cache; depends on
            the caching provider (SessionFactory-scope)
           Optional; to enable it set
           You need to define a cache provider using
               hibernate.cache.region.factory_class
           Lookup using the entity primary key using
            session.load()/session.get() methods
Caching –                 Hibernate Caching
   Query Cache
       Process-Scoped Cache
       Optional; to enable it set hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true
       You need to define a cache provider using
           hibernate.cache.region.factory_class
       Second-Level Cache can be disabled; but Query Cache will be useless
       Hibernate perform the lookup using the query and the parameters;
        {query, params}
       It only caches the entity Id; {„from Emp where name=?‟, „ahmad‟}:
        4, 6, 7
       For each query/params a new cache entry will be added.
       Hibernate uses Query Cache to get the entity id, then it will get the entity
           First-Level Cache
           if it is not in the first-level cache, it will use the Second-level cache (if enabled)
           If it is not there, it will execute a direct hit to the database using the primary key.
       If hibernate updated the table, then hibernate will evict the query cache
Caching –             Second-Level Cache
   Good Candidates for Second-Level Cache:
       Data changes rarely
       Non-Critical Date
           Non-Financial Data
       Data that is local to the application and not shared
Caching –          Second-Level Cache Configuration
   To enable Second-Level Cache
       hibernate.cache.provider_class =
       hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache = true
   To Control the Second-Level Cache
       SessionFactory.evict()
   To Control the Query Cache Programmatically
       SessionFactory.evictQueries()
Lazy Loading
Lazy Loading –            Object-Retrieval Options
   Hibernate provides the following ways to get objects
    out of the database:
       Navigating the object graph; For example:
       Retrieval by identifier; using get() and load() methods
       Criteria interface
       HQL
       Native SQL Queries
Lazy Loading -        Essentials
   Hibernate by default loads only the objects you’re
    querying for.
Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new

   Session.load() creates a proxy that looks like
    the real thing
Lazy Loading -         Proxy
   Proxy is a placeholder that is generated at runtime.
   Proxy holds only the entity Id.
   Proxy triggers the loading of the real object when it’s
    accessed for the first time.
   By default, hibernate fetches associated objects and
    collections lazily.
Lazy Loading -           Proxy
Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, 1L);
item.getDescription(); // Initialize the proxy
   After line 3, the real object is initialized but the
    associated objects are lazily loaded:
Lazy Loading -           Proxy
 To disable proxy generation for a particular entity:
<class name="CompanyBean" table="company" lazy="false">
session.load(CompanyBean.class, new Integer(2));// no
   To disable proxy generation for a particular
    association (Eager Loading):
<class name="UserBean" table="user">
     <many-to-one name=“address" column=“addId”
        class = “Address" not-null="true“
Lazy Loading –          N+1 Selects Problem
    When the lazy loading is enabled, if you access any
     associated proxy, a second SELECT statement is
1.   List allItems = session.createCriteria(Item.class).list();
// suppose allItems size is 3
2.   ((Item) allItems.get(0)).getSeller().getName();
3.   ((Item) allItems.get(1)).getSeller().getName();
4.   ((Item) allItems.get(2)).getSeller().getName();
 Line 1 will trigger the execution   for:
Line 1: select * from ITEM
 While lines 2 to 4 will trigger the execution   for:
Line 2: Select * from User where id = ?
Line 3: Select * from User where id = ?
Line 4: Select * from User where id = ?
Lazy Loading –           N+1 Selects Problem
   N+1 Selects Problem Solution
       Batch Fetching
       Global Fetch Join
       Dynamic Fetch Join
Lazy Loading –                N+1 Selects Problem – Batch
   Batch Fetching
       Using the Batch Fetching, if one proxy must be
        fetched, go ahead and initialize several association in the
        same time.
       Batch Fetching is a blind-guess optimization
           You make a guess and apply a batch size to your class mapping
            file, for example:
<class name="User” table="USERS” batch-size=“3">
       The result is n/3+1 SQL statements
SELECT          FROM seller WHERE itemId IN (?,?,?)
Lazy Loading –                   N+1 Selects Problem – Global
Fetch Join
   Global Fetch Join:
       Don’t use it unless you really need it; for example:
            ”Every time I need an Item, I also need the seller of that item”
<class name="Item" table="ITEM">
        <many-to-one name="seller” class="User”
              column="SELLER_ID” fetch="join"/>
            The Following SQL statement will be executed
select i.*, u.* from ITEM i left outer join USERS u on
i.SELLER_ID = u.USER_ID where i.ITEM_ID = ?
            To control the number of joined tables use the following config
                hibernate.max_fetch_depth=3
            The Recommended value is 1-5 tables
Lazy Loading –            N+1 Selects Problem – Dynamic
    Fetch Join
   Dynamic Fetch Join
       Using HQL
           from UserBean u join fetch c where
            like '%a%' and = 'STS‟
           Select [DISTINCT] u from UserBean u left join fetch
            u.addresses a where like '%a%' and =
       Using Criteria
           Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class)
           Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class)
               .createAlias(“company”, “c”).add…
           Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class)

        .createAlias(“company”,    “c”, JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN).
Bulk and Batch Processing
Bulk Processing –         Updating and Deleting
   Batch Processing enables you to update/delete
    objects without retrieving them
Query q = session.createQuery("update Item i set
i.isActive = :isActive");
q.setBoolean("isActive", true);
int updatedItems = q.executeUpdate();
Bulk Processing –            Copying
   insert a new entity from another selected entity. For
       VIPCustomer must be subclass of Customer.
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String hqlInsert =
      "insert into VIPCustomer (id, name) select, from Customer c where c.balance > 10000";
int createdEntities =
          s.createQuery( hqlInsert ).executeUpdate();
Batch Processing
   Example:
ScrollableResults itemCursor =
    session.createQuery("from Item")
        .scroll(); // cursor is a pointer to a rs that stays in DB

int count=0;
while ( ) {
    Item item = (Item) itemCursor.get(0);
    if ( ++count % 100 == 0 ) {
Batch Processing -         Tuning
   For best performance set the value of
    hibernate.jdbc.batch_size as the size of your
    procedure batch. (100 in our previous example)
   Disable the second-level cache for that persistent
Hibernate Annotations
Hibernate Annotations -                  Essentials
   Hibernate Annotations provides annotation-based
    mapping metadata.
   Metadata source:
       Annotations
       Can be overridden using XML
   Hibernate Annotations include
       Standard JPA annotations
       Hibernate-specific extension annotations
Hibernate Annotations –                    Marking POJO as
persistent entity
   To mark a POJO as persistent entity use @Entity
    annotation at class-level
public class Flight implements Serializable {
       In this example, Flight class is mapped to Flight table
   To define the table, category, and schema names
    use @Table annotation
@Entity @Table(name="tbl_sky")
public class Sky
   You can use @Table to define unique constraints
uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"month
", "day"})} )
Hibernate Annotations -               Define Identity
   To declare the identifier property of a persistent
    entity, use @Id annotation at field level
private long id;

   To define the identifier generation strategy use
    @GeneratedValue annotation
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, g
private long id;

@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
Hibernate Annotations -              Define Basic
   Every non-static property of an entity is considered
    persistent, unless you annotate it as @Transient
private String message;

   To define the column name, constraints and length
    use @Column annotation at field level
@Column(updatable = false, name = "flight_name", nullable
= false, length=50, unique=false)
private String name;
Hibernate Annotations -            Association
   One-to-One Association
@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Heart heart;

   Many-to-One Association
@ManyToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
private Company comp;
Hibernate Validator
Hibernate Validator -             Essentials
   Hibernate Validator defines a metadata model and
    API for JavaBean validation.
   Metadata source:
       Annotations
       Can be overridden using XML
   The API is not tied to a specific application tier.
Hibernate Validator –          Applying Constraints
   Example:
public class Car {
private String manufacturer;

@NotNull @Size(min = 2, max = 14)
private String licensePlate;

private int seatCount;
Hibernate Validator –          Validating Constraints
Car car = new Car("Morris", "DD-AB-123", 1);

Set<ConstraintViolation<Car>> constraintViolations =

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Advanced Hibernate Techniques and Concepts

  • 1. Advanced Hibernate Haitham Raik
  • 2. Agenda  Persistence Lifecycle  Persistence Context  Persistence Manager  Transaction Management  Concurrency  Session Scope  Caching  Lazy-Loading  Batch Processing
  • 3. Agenda  Hibernate Annotations  Hibernate Validator
  • 4. Prerequisites  You should know the following:  Session  SessionFactory  Query  Criteria  Basic Mapping
  • 6. Persistence Lifecycle  The object in hibernate has four states: 1. Transient:  Transient instance means it isn’t associated with any database row.  Transient instance state is lost as soon as they’re no longer referenced.  Instances that are referenced only by other transient instances are transient. 2. Persistent:  An entity instance with a database identity.  Persistent instances are always associated with a persistence context.
  • 7. Persistence Lifecycle 3. Detached:  Detached instance is associated with a database row.  Detached instance are not associated with a persistence context.= 4. Removed:  Removed instances are scheduled for deletion, but are still managed by the persistence context.
  • 10. Persistence Context  Each session has one internal persistence context.  Persistence context can be considered as a cache of persistent instanced.  Persistence context is useful for:  Automatic Dirty Check  First-level cache  Guarantee a scope of java object identity
  • 11. Persistence Context – Automatic Dirty Check  Automatic Dirty Check:  Changes made to persistent objects aren’t immediately propagated to database (write-behind).  To keep lock-times as short as possible.  At synchronization time, Hibernate propagates only modified persistent instances (Dirty Objects).  Hibernate has a strategy to detect which persistent objects have been modified.  By default, all the columns of a table are included in the SQL UPDATE statement.
  • 12. Persistence Context – Automatic Dirty Check  Automatic Dirty Check:  Hibernate has the ability to detect exactly which properties have been modified.  To enable dynamic update/insert: <class name="BlogItem" table="BLOG_ITEMS" dynamic-update="true" dynamic-insert="true" > </class>  It is recommended to use this setting when you have an extraordinary large number of columns (more than 50 columns)
  • 13. Persistence Context – First Level Cache  First-Level Cache:  Hibernate session is a cache of its persistent instances.  Hibernate session remembers all its persistent instances.  Persistence context has a reference to the persistent object and its snapshot.  Snapshot is used for dirty checking.  It is always on and you can’t turn it off.  Benefits:  Significant performance enhancement  Protects your application from stack overflows, in the case of circular references.  Changes made in a particular context are always visible to all other code executed inside that context.
  • 14. Persistence Context – Object Identity  Object Identity and Equality:  Persistent object has two identifiers:  Java Identifier: x==y is true, if x and y have the same java identifier  Database Identifier: x.getId().equals(y.getId()) is true, if x and y represents the same database row.  The scope of object identity: is the scope under which the java identity is guaranteed to be equivalent to the database identity.  No Identity Scope: if a row is accessed twice, then two different java instances will be returned.  Session-scoped identity: if a row is accessed twice within a session, then one java instance will be returned.  Process-scoped identity: one instance represents the row in the whole JVM.  Hibernate implements session –scoped identity.
  • 15. Persistence Context – Object Identity Session session1 = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx1 = session1.beginTransaction(); Item a = (Item) session1.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) ); Item b = (Item) session1.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) ); ( a==b ) // True, persistent a and b are identical (a.getId().equals(b.getId())) // True, match the same record tx1.commit();session1.close(); // References a and b are now to an object in detached state Session session2 = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx2 = session2.beginTransaction(); Item c = (Item) session2.get(Item.class, new Long(1234) ); ( a==c ) // False, detached a and persistent c are not identical (a.getId().equals(c.getId())) // True, match the same record tx2.commit();session2.close();
  • 16. Persistence Context – Object Identity  Do not treat detached objects as identical in memory.  Consider a, b and c are detached objects, what is the size of the Set collection? session2.close(); Set allObjects = new HashSet(); allObjects.add(a); allObjects.add(b); allObjects.add(c);  If the equals() method is implemented well, then the set size is one.  Otherwise,  The size is one, if a, b and c objects are fetched using the same session.  The size is more than one, if a, b and c objects are fetched using different sessions.
  • 17. Persistence Context – Object Equality  To prevent the previous conflict, you need to supply your own implementation of the equals() and hashcode():  Equality Implementations:  Database Identifier Equality (Primary Key)  All Properties Equality (Except the primary key)  Business Key Equality
  • 18. Persistence Context – Object Equality  Database Identifier Equality:  Can’t be used for transient objects  For example: public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this==o) return true; if (id==null) return false; if ( !(o instanceof User) ) return false; final User that = (User) o; return that.getId() ); }
  • 19. Persistence Context – Object Equality  All Properties Equality  Instances for this row from different Sessions are no longer equal if one is modified; (For example user changed his password)  For example: public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this==o) return true; if ( !(o instanceof User) ) return false; final User that = (User) o; if (!this.getUsername().equals(that.getUsername())) return false; if( !this.getPassword().equals(that.getPassword())) return false; return true; }
  • 20. Persistence Context – Object Equality  Business Key Equality:  Hints to identify a business key:  Attribute that would identify our instance in the real world.  Immutable attributes (rarely updated attributes)  Every attribute has a UNIQUE database constraint.  Any date or time-based attribute, for example the creation datetime
  • 22. Persistence Manager  Persistence Manager exposed by many interfaces: Session, Query, Criteria and Transaction  Persistence Manager provide services for the following:  Basic CRUD operations  Query Execution  Control of Transactions  Management of the Persistence Context
  • 23. Persistence Manager - Saveing  Making Transient Object Persistent: Item item = new Item(); item.setName("Playstation3 incl. all accessories"); item.setEndDate( ... ); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Serializable itemId =; tx.commit();session.close();
  • 24. Persistence Manager - Retrieving  Retrieving a persistent object: Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new Long(1234)); // Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new Long(1234)); tx.commit();session.close();
  • 25. Persistence Manager - Updating  Modifying a Persistent Object: Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new Long(12)); item.setDescription("This Playstation is good as new!"); tx.commit(); session.close();
  • 26. Persistence Manager - Deleting  Making a persistent object transient Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new Long(1234)); session.delete(item); tx.commit();session.close();  hibernate.use_identifier_rollback
  • 27. Persistence Manager - Replicating  Retrieve objects from one database and store them in another. // Load From DB1 Session session = sessionFactory1.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Item item = (Item) session.get(Item.class, new Long(1234)); tx.commit();session.close(); // Replicate to DB2 Session session2 = sessionFactory2.openSession(); Transaction tx2 = session2.beginTransaction(); session2.replicate(item, ReplicationMode.LATEST_VERSION); tx2.commit(); session2.close();
  • 28. Persistence Manager - Replicating  Replication Modes  ReplicationMode.IGNORE  ReplicationMode.OVERWRITE  ReplicationMode.EXCEPTION  ReplicationMode.LATEST_VERSION (requires optimistic lock enabled)
  • 29. Persistence Manager - Reattaching  Reattaching a modified detached instance item.setDescription(...); // Loaded in previous Session Session sessionTwo = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = sessionTwo.beginTransaction(); sessionTwo.update(item); // re-attach the object as dirty //sessionTwo.delete(item); //re-attach the object for deletion item.setEndDate(...); tx.commit();sessionTwo.close();  select-before-update=“true”
  • 30. Persistence Manager - Reattaching  Reattaching an unmodified detached object: Session s2 = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = s2.beginTransaction(); s2.buildLockRequest(LockOptions.NONE).lock(item);// Re-attach as a clean object item.setDescription(...); item.setEndDate(...); tx.commit(); s2.close();
  • 31. Persistence Manager - Merging  Merging the state of a detached object  The following will cause an exception  NonUniqueObjectException  Error Message: persistent instance with the same database identifier is already associated with the Session. detachedItem.getId(); // The database identity is "1234" detachedItem.setDescription(...); // New Session is created Session s = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Item item2 = (Item) s.get(Item.class, new Long(1234)); session.update(detachedItem); // Throws exception! tx.commit();session.close();
  • 32. Persistence Manager - Merging  Hibernate provide merge() to solve this issue item.getId() // The database identity is "1234" item.setDescription(...); // Create new session Session s= sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); Item item2 = (Item) s.get(Item.class, new Long(1234)); Item item3 = (Item) s.merge(item); (item == item2) // False (item == item3) // False (item2 == item3) // True return item3; tx.commit();session.close();
  • 34. Persistence Manager – Manage Persistence Context – Control First Level Cache  Controlling the persistence context cache (first-level cache)  Persistence context has a reference for the persistent object and its snapshot  Persistence context cache never shrinks automatically.  This may lead to OutOfMemoryException.  You can detach persistent objects manually using  Session.evict(object): to detach specific object  Session.clear(): to detach all persistent objects  You can disable dirty checking using:  Session.setReadOnly(object, true): Persistence context will no longer maintain the snapshot.
  • 35. Persistence Manager – Manage Persistence Context - Flushing  Flushing the persistence context  Changes made to persistent object are not immediately propagated to database (Write-behind)  Collect many changes into a minimal number of database requests.  Shorter lock durations inside the database  Take advantage of the JDBC Batch  Flushing occurs at the following times:  When a transaction is committed  Before a query is executed, only if the results of the query will be affected by the changes.  Call session.flush() explicitly
  • 36. Persistence Manager – Manage Persistence Context - Flushing  You can control the default behavior of hibernate flushing by calling session.setFlushMode(FlushMode mode):  FlushMode.AUTO: this is the default behavior  FlushMode.COMMIT  FlushMode.MANUAL
  • 38. Transaction Management – Essentials  Transaction Attributes:  Atomicity: if one step fails, the whole unit of work must fail.  Consistency: left data in a clean and consistent state after the transactions complete.  Isolation: multiple users can work concurrently without compromising the data correctness.  Durability: once the transaction completes, all changes become persistent.
  • 39. Transaction Management – Transaction Demarcation  Transaction Demarcation  Defines the transaction boundaries (the start and the end points).  There is no way to send an SQL statement outside a transaction boundaries.  Transactions have to be short to reduce resources allocation.
  • 40. Transaction Management – Transaction Boundaries  Transaction boundaries can be set either programmatically or declaratively.  Programmatically using:  JDBC API: to handle transactions on one resource  JTA (requires Application Server): to handle transactions on many resources  Declaratively using CMT (requires EJB container)
  • 41. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Hibernate Transactions:  Represented by org.hibernate.Transaction interface  Hibernate transaction is unified:  It works in a non-managed plain JDBC environment  It works in an application server with JTA  Hibernate transaction integrates with persistence context  For example, session is flushed automatically when you commit  Hibernate doesn’t roll back in-memory changes to persistent objects
  • 42. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Hibernate Transactions over JDBC API Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = sFactory.openSession(); //session is lazy // a conn will obtained only when the trxn begins tx = session.beginTransaction(); // conn.setAutoCommit(false) concludeAuction(session); tx.commit(); // flush and commit (here conn is released) // here you can begin another trxn with the same session } catch (RuntimeException ex) { tx.rollback(); } finally {session.close();} // release all other resources
  • 43. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Hibernate Transactions over JTA  To enable JTA transactions:  hibernate.transaction.factory_class = org. hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory  hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class = org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup  The previous example will work without code changes.
  • 44. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Hibernate Transactions over JTA with Multiple Resources  Use JTA interfaces directly UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext() .lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"); Session session1 = null; Session session2 = null; try { utx.begin(); session1 = auctionDatabase.getCurrentSession(); session2 = billingDatabase.getCurrentSession(); concludeAuction(session1); billAuction(session2); session1.flush(); // it‟s your responsibility to sync with db session2.flush();utx.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) {utx.rollback(); } finally {session1.close();session2.close();}
  • 45. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Hibernate can sync with the database automatically before JTA transaction end using  hibernate.transaction.flush_before_complet ion  Hibernate can close session automatically after JTA transaction end using:  hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session
  • 46. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext() .lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction"); Session session1 = null; Session session2 = null; try { utx.begin(); session1 = auctionDatabase.getCurrentSession(); session2 = billingDatabase.getCurrentSession(); concludeAuction(session1); billAuction(session2); utx.commit(); // session1 and session2 are flushed and closed automatically } catch (RuntimeException ex) { utx.rollback(); }
  • 47. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  It is always recommended to use JTA interfaces directly  It supports transactions handling over multiple resources.  Hibernate can automatically bind the “current” session to the current JTA transaction  You can separate the transaction demarcation code from data access code; for example:
  • 48. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  Without direct use for JTA interface public void sessionPerOperationBizMethod() { myDAO1.getObj(); //uses openSession() and open new trxn myDAO2.saveObj();//uses openSsession() and open new trxn}  With direct use for JTA interface public void sessionPerRequestBizMethod() { jtaTrxn.begin(); myDAO1.getObj();// uses getCurrentSession() to get new session myDAO2.saveObj();//uses getCurrentSession() to get same session jtaTrxn.commit;}  Without direct use for JTA, we need to open a new session and a new transaction for each database operation.  With direct use for JTA, one transaction and one session are used to handle the entire request.
  • 49. Transaction Management – Transactions in Hibernate  To enable CMT with hibernate set the following configuration:  hibernate.transaction.factory_class = org. hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory
  • 51. Concurrency - Essentials  Transaction isolation ensures the concurrent transactions work without affecting data integrity.  Traditionally, this has been implemented using locks.  Application inherits the isolation guarantees provided by the DBMS  Hibernate never locks anything in memory  Your responsibility is to understand the database isolation and how to change the isolation behavior
  • 52. Concurrency – Isolation Issues  Transaction Isolation Issues 1. Lost Update:  Occurs if two transactions update the same row and then the second transaction aborts, causing both changes to be lost.  This occurs in systems that don’t implement locking.  The concurrent transactions are not isolated.
  • 53. Concurrency – Isolation Issues 2. Dirty Read:  Occurs if a transaction reads changes made by another transaction that has not been committed.  The changes of the other transaction may later be rolled back.  Impact: Reading dirty data (not committed data)
  • 54. Concurrency – Isolation Issues 3. Unrepeatable Reads:  Occurs if a transaction reads a row twice and reads different state each time.  This situation occurs when another transaction updating the row and committing between the two reads.
  • 55. Concurrency – Isolation Issues 4. Second Lost Update:  This is a special case of Unrepeatable Reads  Occurs if two concurrent transactions read a row; the first one writes to it and commits, and then the second one writes to it and commits.  Impact: The changes made by the first transaction are lost Tx B COMMIT COMMIT Tx A
  • 56. Concurrency – Isolation Issues 5. Phantom Read:  Occurs when a transaction executes a query twice, the second result set includes rows that weren’t visible in the first result set.  This situation occurs when another transaction inserting or deleting rows and committing between the execution of the two queries
  • 57. Concurrency – Isolation Levels  Isolation Levels: 1. Read Uncommitted:  This level permits dirty read but doesn’t permit lost updates  One transaction can not write to a row if another uncommitted transaction has already written to it.
  • 58. Concurrency – Isolation Levels 2. Read Committed:  This level permits unrepeatable reads but doesn’t permit dirty reads and doesn’t permit lost updates.  Reading a transactions don’t block other transactions from accessing a row (reading and writing).  Uncommitted writing transaction blocks all other transactions from accessing the row.
  • 59. Concurrency – Isolation Levels 3. Repeatable Read:  This isolation level doesn’t permit: unrepeatable read, dirty reads and lost updates.  Phantom reads may occur  Reading transactions block writing transactions (but not other reading transactions)  Writing transactions block all other transactions
  • 60. Concurrency – Isolation Levels 4. Serializable:  Provides the strictest isolation  This isolation level executes the transactions one after another serially rather than concurrently.  This isolation level doesn’t permit phantom reads.
  • 61. Concurrency – Isolation Levels Isolation Lost Updates Dirty Reads Non- Phantom Level Repeatable Reads Reads Read - May Occur May Occur May Occur Uncommitted Read - - May Occur May Occur Committed Repeatable - - - May Occur Read Serializable - - - - • There is no DBMS allows “Lost Updates”
  • 62. Concurrency – Isolation Levels Isolation Level Write Lock Read Lock Range Lock Read Exclusive - - Uncommitted Read Committed Exclusive Shared - Repeatable Read Exclusive Exclusive - Serializable Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive • Read-Lock: Allow other transactions to read but not to write. • Share Read-Lock: DBMS releases the read-lock as soon as the SELECT operation is performed • Exclusive Read-Lock: DBMS keeps the read-lock until the end of the transaction • Write-Lock: Block other transaction from reading or writing • Exclusive Write-Lock: DBMS keeps the write-lock until the end of the transaction
  • 63. Concurrency – Isolation Levels  How to choose an isolation level:  Read Uncommitted: is extremely dangers you don’t need to read dirty data  Serializable: most applications don’t need it; phantom reads are not usually problematic.  This isolation level tends to scale poorly  Rather rely on pessimistic locks that forces serialized executions for certain situations.  Repeatable Reads: with hibernate you don’t need this isolation level as hibernate cache already gives you the repeatable read isolation features.  Read Committed: is the most acceptable isolation level for most of the database transactions if you use hibernate.  Use Pessimistic locks to force serialized executions for certain cases.
  • 64. Concurrency – Isolation Levels in Hibernate  Setting an isolation level:  Use hibernate configuration option:  (hibernate.connection.isolation)  This option values: 1. Read Uncommitted 2. Read Committed 4. Repeatable Reads 8. Serializable
  • 65. Concurrency – Pessimistic Locks  Obtaining Additional Isolation Guarantees  For the following example assume Read Committed isolation is used: Item i = (Item) session.get(Item.class, 123); // May be another concurrent trxn changes the price i.setPrice(i.getPrice() - 10); tx.commit();// will sync with db Tx B 4. Commit 6. Commit Tx A
  • 66. Concurrency – Pessimistic Locks  For the previous example, what is the expected behavior, if the isolation level used was repeatable read?  To prevent the previous situation you can either:  Increase the isolation level to serializable at application- level  Or keep the isolation level as it is and use pessimistic lock for this specific case. Item i = (Item) session.get(Item.class, 123, LockMode.UPGRADE); // select … for update i.setPrice(i.getPrice() - 10); tx.commit();// will sync with db
  • 68. Session Scope  Session-per-operation (Anti-pattern)  Session-per-request  Session-per-request-with-detached-objects (long conversations)  Session-per-conversation (long conversations)  Session-per-application (Anti-pattern; Don’t use it)
  • 69. Session Scope – Session Per Operation  Session per operation  This is an anti-pattern  Open and close a session for each database call  Session scope is the same as the transaction scope.  Remember openSession()
  • 70. Session Scope – Session Per Request  Session Per Request  This is the most common transaction pattern  A single session will be used to process single user event.  Session scope is the same as the transaction scope.  Remember getCurrentSession().
  • 71. Session Scope – Session Per Request with Detached Objects  Session Per Request with Detached Objects  This implementation pattern can be used for long conversations (for example wizard dialog)  Objects are held in detached state during user think-time.  Any modification of these objects is made persistent manually through reattachment or merging.  Automatic Versioning must be enabled to isolate concurrent conversations.  The conversation in this implementation is not Atomic as the conversation spans several database transactions
  • 72. Session Scope – Session Per Request with Detached Objects
  • 73. Session Scope – Session Per Conversation  Session per Conversation  Extend a persistence context to span the whole conversation  You have to disable automatic flush  Persistence context isn’t closed after completing a user request. It is just disconnected from the database. (session.disconnect())  When the user continues in the conversation, the persistence context re-connect to the database (session.connect()).  At the end of the conversation, the persistence context will be synchronized with the database and closed.  This implementation eliminate the detached object state.  Automatic Versioning must be enabled to isolate concurrent conversations.  The conversation in this implementation is Atomic as the changes are flushed until the last step.
  • 74. Session Scope – Session Per Conversation
  • 76. Caching - Essentials  The cache keeps a representation of current database state close to the application to avoid a database hit.  Caching Scopes:  Session-Scope Cache  Process-Scope Cache (Shared for the entire JVM)  Cluster-Scope Cache (Shared between multiple processes)
  • 77. Caching – Hibernate Caching  Hibernate uses different types of caches:  First-Level Cache  Session-Scoped Cache  Mandatory  Lookup using the entity primary key using session.load()/session.get()  Second-Level Cache  Process-Scoped Cache & Cluster-Scoped Cache; depends on the caching provider (SessionFactory-scope)  Optional; to enable it set hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache=true  You need to define a cache provider using  hibernate.cache.region.factory_class  Lookup using the entity primary key using session.load()/session.get() methods
  • 78. Caching – Hibernate Caching  Query Cache  Process-Scoped Cache  Optional; to enable it set hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true  You need to define a cache provider using  hibernate.cache.region.factory_class  Second-Level Cache can be disabled; but Query Cache will be useless  Hibernate perform the lookup using the query and the parameters; {query, params}  It only caches the entity Id; {„from Emp where name=?‟, „ahmad‟}: 4, 6, 7  For each query/params a new cache entry will be added.  Hibernate uses Query Cache to get the entity id, then it will get the entity using:  First-Level Cache  if it is not in the first-level cache, it will use the Second-level cache (if enabled)  If it is not there, it will execute a direct hit to the database using the primary key.  If hibernate updated the table, then hibernate will evict the query cache automatically.
  • 79. Caching – Second-Level Cache  Good Candidates for Second-Level Cache:  Data changes rarely  Non-Critical Date  Non-Financial Data  Data that is local to the application and not shared
  • 80. Caching – Second-Level Cache Configuration  To enable Second-Level Cache  hibernate.cache.provider_class = org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider  hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache = true  To Control the Second-Level Cache Programmatically:  SessionFactory.evict()  To Control the Query Cache Programmatically  SessionFactory.evictQueries()
  • 82. Lazy Loading – Object-Retrieval Options  Hibernate provides the following ways to get objects out of the database:  Navigating the object graph; For example: user.getAddr().getCity()  Retrieval by identifier; using get() and load() methods  Criteria interface  HQL  Native SQL Queries
  • 83. Lazy Loading - Essentials  Hibernate by default loads only the objects you’re querying for. Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, new Long(123));  Session.load() creates a proxy that looks like the real thing
  • 84. Lazy Loading - Proxy  Proxy is a placeholder that is generated at runtime.  Proxy holds only the entity Id.  Proxy triggers the loading of the real object when it’s accessed for the first time.  By default, hibernate fetches associated objects and collections lazily.
  • 85. Lazy Loading - Proxy Item item = (Item) session.load(Item.class, 1L); item.getId(); item.getDescription(); // Initialize the proxy  After line 3, the real object is initialized but the associated objects are lazily loaded:
  • 86. Lazy Loading - Proxy  To disable proxy generation for a particular entity: <class name="CompanyBean" table="company" lazy="false"> session.load(CompanyBean.class, new Integer(2));// no proxy  To disable proxy generation for a particular association (Eager Loading): <class name="UserBean" table="user"> <many-to-one name=“address" column=“addId” class = “Address" not-null="true“ lazy="false"/> </class>
  • 87. Lazy Loading – N+1 Selects Problem  When the lazy loading is enabled, if you access any associated proxy, a second SELECT statement is executed. 1. List allItems = session.createCriteria(Item.class).list(); // suppose allItems size is 3 2. ((Item) allItems.get(0)).getSeller().getName(); 3. ((Item) allItems.get(1)).getSeller().getName(); 4. ((Item) allItems.get(2)).getSeller().getName();  Line 1 will trigger the execution for: Line 1: select * from ITEM  While lines 2 to 4 will trigger the execution for: Line 2: Select * from User where id = ? Line 3: Select * from User where id = ? Line 4: Select * from User where id = ?
  • 88. Lazy Loading – N+1 Selects Problem  N+1 Selects Problem Solution  Batch Fetching  Global Fetch Join  Dynamic Fetch Join
  • 89. Lazy Loading – N+1 Selects Problem – Batch Fetching  Batch Fetching  Using the Batch Fetching, if one proxy must be fetched, go ahead and initialize several association in the same time.  Batch Fetching is a blind-guess optimization  You make a guess and apply a batch size to your class mapping file, for example: <class name="User” table="USERS” batch-size=“3">  The result is n/3+1 SQL statements SELECT * FROM item SELECT FROM seller WHERE itemId IN (?,?,?)
  • 90. Lazy Loading – N+1 Selects Problem – Global Fetch Join  Global Fetch Join:  Don’t use it unless you really need it; for example:  ”Every time I need an Item, I also need the seller of that item” <class name="Item" table="ITEM"> <many-to-one name="seller” class="User” column="SELLER_ID” fetch="join"/> </class>  The Following SQL statement will be executed select i.*, u.* from ITEM i left outer join USERS u on i.SELLER_ID = u.USER_ID where i.ITEM_ID = ?  To control the number of joined tables use the following config  hibernate.max_fetch_depth=3  The Recommended value is 1-5 tables
  • 91. Lazy Loading – N+1 Selects Problem – Dynamic Fetch Join  Dynamic Fetch Join  Using HQL  from UserBean u join fetch c where like '%a%' and = 'STS‟  Select [DISTINCT] u from UserBean u left join fetch u.addresses a where like '%a%' and = „amman‟  Using Criteria  Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class) .createCriteria(“company”).add…  Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class) .createAlias(“company”, “c”).add…  Criteria criteira = session.createCriteria(User.class) .createAlias(“company”, “c”, JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN). add…
  • 92. Bulk and Batch Processing
  • 93. Bulk Processing – Updating and Deleting  Batch Processing enables you to update/delete objects without retrieving them Query q = session.createQuery("update Item i set i.isActive = :isActive"); q.setBoolean("isActive", true); int updatedItems = q.executeUpdate();
  • 94. Bulk Processing – Copying  insert a new entity from another selected entity. For example:  VIPCustomer must be subclass of Customer. Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); String hqlInsert = "insert into VIPCustomer (id, name) select, from Customer c where c.balance > 10000"; int createdEntities = s.createQuery( hqlInsert ).executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); session.close();
  • 95. Batch Processing  Example: ScrollableResults itemCursor = session.createQuery("from Item") .scroll(); // cursor is a pointer to a rs that stays in DB int count=0; while ( ) { Item item = (Item) itemCursor.get(0); modifyItem(item); if ( ++count % 100 == 0 ) { session.flush();session.clear(); } } tx.commit();session.close();
  • 96. Batch Processing - Tuning  For best performance set the value of hibernate.jdbc.batch_size as the size of your procedure batch. (100 in our previous example)  Disable the second-level cache for that persistent class.
  • 98. Hibernate Annotations - Essentials  Hibernate Annotations provides annotation-based mapping metadata.  Metadata source:  Annotations  Can be overridden using XML  Hibernate Annotations include  Standard JPA annotations  Hibernate-specific extension annotations
  • 99. Hibernate Annotations – Marking POJO as persistent entity  To mark a POJO as persistent entity use @Entity annotation at class-level @Entity public class Flight implements Serializable {  In this example, Flight class is mapped to Flight table  To define the table, category, and schema names use @Table annotation @Entity @Table(name="tbl_sky") public class Sky  You can use @Table to define unique constraints @Table(name="tbl_sky", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"month ", "day"})} )
  • 100. Hibernate Annotations - Define Identity property  To declare the identifier property of a persistent entity, use @Id annotation at field level @Id private long id;  To define the identifier generation strategy use @GeneratedValue annotation @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, g enerator="SEQ_STORE") private long id; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY) private long id;
  • 101. Hibernate Annotations - Define Basic Property  Every non-static property of an entity is considered persistent, unless you annotate it as @Transient @Transient private String message;  To define the column name, constraints and length use @Column annotation at field level @Column(updatable = false, name = "flight_name", nullable = false, length=50, unique=false) private String name;
  • 102. Hibernate Annotations - Association  One-to-One Association @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn private Heart heart;  Many-to-One Association @ManyToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}) @JoinColumn(name="COMP_ID") private Company comp;
  • 104. Hibernate Validator - Essentials  Hibernate Validator defines a metadata model and API for JavaBean validation.  Metadata source:  Annotations  Can be overridden using XML  The API is not tied to a specific application tier.
  • 105. Hibernate Validator – Applying Constraints  Example: public class Car { @NotNull private String manufacturer; @NotNull @Size(min = 2, max = 14) private String licensePlate; @Min(2) private int seatCount; }
  • 106. Hibernate Validator – Validating Constraints Car car = new Car("Morris", "DD-AB-123", 1); Set<ConstraintViolation<Car>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(car);
  • 107. Q&A

Notas del editor

  1. Call to save() operation may cause an immediate SQL INSERT statement; it depends on the id generatorIt is recommended to fully initialize the object before saving it; this will eliminate the need for an extra update statement
  2. get():Return null if object not existAlways return all the attributes (no-lazy loading)load():throws ObjectNotFoundExceptionLazy loading
  3. Here we are using the automatic dirty check service to verify whether the object has been modified or notNote: there is no need to explicitly call the session.flush() method
  4. Do I have to load an object to delete it? Yes, an object has to be loaded into the persistence context; an instance has to be in persistent state to be removed (note that a proxy is good enough; use load() not get()). The reason is the interceptors.Otherwise use Bulk operations.hibernate.use_identifier_rollbackconfiguration option: Hibernate sets the database identifier property of the deleted item to null after deletion and flushing. It’s then a clean transient instance.
  5. Update method re-attach the detached object and mark it as dirty which implies it will be propagated to the databaseSelect-before-update option will force hibernate to execute SQL SELECT statement before executing SQL UPDATE statement to ensure it is really dirty; if the entity is really dirty then the changes will be propagated to the database.Select-before-update configuration option: This option will enforce hibernate to verify whether the object is really dirty or not
  6. Lock method re-attach the detached object without forcing hibernate to update the database
  7. The exception is:NonUniqueObjectExceptionException message is: persistent instance with the same database identifier is already associated with the Session!
  8. Here we are only reading data; is it faster to roll-back transactions?There is no performance difference between roll-back and commitAlways commit your transaction, and roll-back only if there is an exception
  9. As you are not using Hibernate Transactions, then you need to flush the sessions by yourself, unless the options in the next slide are enabled
  10. There is no DBMS allows “lost updates”
  11. Exclusive Write Lock;
  12. Sync the update is a heavy process; so you need to cache data that are rarely change
  13. Always prefer the above in the this order
  14. In figure, Associated proxies holds only the association foreign keys
  15. Imagine we have 100 associated objectsDisable association lazy loading will not solve the issue as another immediate SELECT statement will be executed