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Incontinencia UrinariaIncontinencia Urinaria
Anatomía de la Micción
 Músculo Detrusor
 Esfínter Externo e Interno
 Capacidad Normal 300-600cc
 Primera sensación 150-300cc
 Control SNC
 Puente - facilita
 Corteza Cerebral - inhibe
 Efectos Hormonales - estrógenos
Nervios Periféricos en la Micción
 Parasimpático (colinérgico) – contracción vesical
 Simpático - Relajación vesical
 Simpático - Relajación vesical (β adrenérgico)
 Simpático – Contracción del Cuello vesical y
uretral (α adrenérgico)
 Somático (nervio pudendo) - contracción de la
musculatura del piso pélvico
Control de la micción
Cuello vesical
Uretra proximal
Músculo detrusor
Esfínter uretral externo
Suelo de la pelvis
Nervio pudendo
S2 – S4
D11 – L2
S2 – S4
Àrea motora del detrusor
Núcleo pontino
Nervios Periféricos en la Micción
Incontinencia urinaria
“Pérdida involuntaria de orina,
demostrable objetivamente,
que ocasiona un problema de
salud o social”.
(International Continence Society)
Incontinencia: Epidemiología
1. Comunidad: 15-30%
Hospital de agudos: 30-40%
Instituciones: 50-80%
2. Estudio de Madrid: Varones 14,5 %
Mujeres 16%
Por grupos de edad: 65-74 13%
75-84 16%
>84 26%
Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence
 Estimated 10% to 35% of adults
 > 50% of 1.5 million nursing home residents
 A conservative estimated cost of $5.2 billion
per year for urinary incontinence in nursing
Fant Managing Acute and Chronic Urinary Incontinence. Rockville, MD Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research. 1996. AHCPR Publication No. 90-06 National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Statistics Series.
13(No. 102). 1989e in
¿Cuán Común es la Incontinencia?
 Prevalencia se incrementa con la edad (pero no
es parte del envejecimiento normal)
 25-30% de la comunidad de ancianas
 10-15% de la comunidad de ancianos
 50% residentes de hogares; frecuentemente
asociado con demencia, incontinencia fecal,
pérdida de la habilidad para caminar y
trasladarse independientemente
La Incontinencia Urinaria es Frecuentemente
Sub-diagnósticada y Sub-tratada
 Sólo el 32% de los médicos generales
preguntan rutinariamente acerca de la
 50-75% de los pacientes nunca describen
síntomas a los médicos
 80% de las incontinencias urinarias
pueden ser curadas o mejoradas
Incontinencia urinaria: repercusiones
Infecciones, sepsis, úlceras, caídas
Ansiedad, depresión, pérdida autoestima,
Interferencias sexuales
Aislamiento, mayor necesidad de recursos,
Costes de complicaciones y de medidas paliativas
Impact on Quality of Life
 Loss of self-esteem
 Decreased ability to maintain independent
 Increased dependence on caregivers for
activities of daily life
 Avoidance of social activity and interaction
 Restricted sexual activity
Grimby et al. Age Aging. 1993; 22:82-89.
Harris T. Aging in the Eighties: Prevalence and Impact of Urinary Problems in Individuals Age 65 and Over. Washington
DC: Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, No 121, 1988.
Noelker L. Gerontologist. 1987; 27:194-200.
Consequences of UI
 An increased propensity for falls
 Most hip fractures in elders can be traced to
nocturia especially if combined with urgency
 Risk of hip fracture increases with
 physical decline from reduced activity
 cognitive impairments that may accompany a UTI
 medications often used to treat incontinence
 loss of sleep related to nocturia
Risk Factors
 Aging
 Medication side effects
 High impact exercise
 Menopause
 Childbirth
Factors Contributing to
Urinary Incontinence
 Medications
 Diuretics
 Antidepressants
 Antihypertensives
 Hypnotics
 Analgesics
 Narcotics
 Sedatives
 Diet
 Caffeine
 Alcohol
 Bowel Irregularities
 Constipation
 Fecal Impaction
Age Related Changes in the
Genitourinary Tract
 Majority of urine production occurs at rest
 Bladder capacity is diminished
 Quantity of residual urine is increased
 Bladder contractions become uninhibited
(detrusor instability)
 Desire to void is delayed
Cambios del tracto urinario inferior con
el envejecimiento
Disminución de:
Capacidad vesical
Longitud de la uretra funcional
Contractilidad vesical
Presión de cierre uretral
Habilidad para posponer la micción
Aumento de:
Residuo vesical postmiccional
Contracciones no inhibidas del detrusor
Causas de Incontinencia Urinaria aguda
-Síndrome confusional agudo
-Impactación fecal
-Vaginitis atrófica
Diuréticos, anticolinérgicos, antidepresivos,
Neurolépticos, hipnóticos, sedantes,
Mórficos, bloqueantes del calcio,
Antiparkinsonianos, antihistamínicos,
Antidiarreicos, agonistas alfa y beta adrenérgicos
Causas Potencialmente Reversibles
D - Delirio
I - Infección
A - Atrofia vaginal o uretritis
F - Fármacos
P - Psycológicos
E - Endocrinos
M - Mobilidad restringida
I - Impactación fecal
Cause of Stress Urinary
 Failure to store secondary to urethral
sphincter incompetence
Causes of Urge Urinary
 Failure to store, secondary to bladder
 Involuntary bladder contractions
 Decreased bladder compliance
 Severe bladder hypersensitivity
Stress Incontinence vs. Urge
Incontinence: System Check List
Symptoms Stress
Urgency accompanies incontinence
(strong, sudden desire to void)
Leaking during physical activity (e.g.
coughing, sneezing, lifting, etc.)
Ability to reach the toilet in time,
following an urge to void
Waking to pass urine at night SELDOM OFTEN
Causes of Mixed Urinary
 Combination of bladder overactivity and stress
 One type of symptom (e.g., urge or stress
incontinence) often predominates
Symptoms of Overactive Bladder
 Urgency
 Frequency
 Nocturia, and/or urge incontinence
 ANY COMBINATION - in the absence of any
local pathological or metabolic disorder
Causes of Overflow Urinary
 Loss of urine
associated with over
distention of the
 Failure to empty
 Underactive bladder
 Vitamin B12
 Outlet obstruction
 Enlarged Prostate
 Urethral Stricture
 Fecal Impaction
 Neurological Conditions
 Diabetic Neuropathy
 Low Spinal Cord Injury
 Radical Pelvic Surgery
Neurogenic Bladder
What is a neurogenic bladder?
 A medical term for overflow incontinence,
secondary to a neurologic problem
 However, this is NOT a type of urinary
Basic Types and Underlying Causes of
Type Definition Causes
Stress Loss of urine with increase in intra-
abdominal pressure (coughing,
laughing, exercise, standing, etc.)
Weakness and laxity of
pelvic floor musculature,
bladder outlet or urethral
sphincter weakness
Urge Leakage of urine because of
inability to delay voiding after
sensation of bladder fullness is
Detrusor muscle instability,
hypersensivity associated
with local genitourinary
conditions or central
nervous system disorders
Overflow Leakage of urine resulting from
mechanical forces on an over
distended bladder, or from other
effects of urinary retention on
bladder and sphincter function
Anatomic obstruction by
prostate, stricture,
cystocele, acontractile
bladder, detrusor-sphincter
Mixed Urinary leakage associated with
inability to toilet because of
impairment of cognitive and/or
physical functioning, unwillingness,
or environmental barriers
Severe dementia, other
conditions that cause
severe immobility, and
psychological factors
Reversible or Transient Conditions That
May Contribute to UI
“D” Delirium
“R” Restricted mobility
“I” Infection
“P” Polyuria
 Dehydration due to decreased fluid intake;
increased output from diuretics, diabetes, or
caffeinated beverages; or increased fluid
volume due to congestive heart failure can
concentrate the urine (increased specific
gravity) and also lead to fecal impaction
 The specific gravity of the urine can be tested to
determine whether or not the resident is
Medications That May Cause Incontinence
 Diuréticos
 Anticolinérgicos - antihistaminas,
antipsicóticos, antidepresivos
 Sedantes/hipnóticos
 Alcohol
 Narcoticos
 Agonistas/antagonistas α-adrenérgicos
 Bloqueadores de los canales de Calcio
Tipos clínicos de Incontinencia Urinaria
a) de urgencia
b) de estrés
c) por rebosamiento
d) funcional
Types of Urinary Incontinence
 Stress
 Urge
 Mixed
 Overflow
 Total
Types of Urinary Incontinence
 Stress: Leakage of small amounts of urine as
a result of increased pressure on the
abdominal muscles (coughing, laughing,
sneezing, lifting)
 Urge: Strong desire to void but the inability to
wait long enough to get to a bathroom
Types of Urinary Incontinence
 Mixed: A combination of two types, stress
and urge
 Overflow: Occurs when the bladder overfills
and small amounts of urine spill out (bladder
never empties completely, so it is constantly
 Total: Complete loss of bladder control
Obtaining an accurate and
comprehensive UI History
Taking the History
 Duration, severity, symptoms, previous
treatment, medications, GU surgery
 3 P’s
 Position of leakage (supine, sitting, standing)
 Protection (pads per day, wetness of pads)
 Problem (quality of life)
 Bladder record or diary
Evaluation is the Key!
Identification of the type of
urinary incontinence is the key
to effective treatment.
Basic Evaluation
 Physical Exam
 Female genitalia abnormalities
 Rectocele
 Urethral Prolapse
 Cystocele
 Atrophic Vaginitis
Physical Examination
 Mental status
 Mobility
 Fluid overload
 Abdominal exam
 Neurologic exam
 Pelvic
 Rectal
Basic Evaluation for Differential
 Patient History
 Focus on medical, neurological, genitourinary
 Review voiding patterns and medications
 Voiding diary
 Administer mental status exam, if appropriate
 Physical Exam
 General, abdominal and rectal exam
 Pelvic exam in women, genital exam in men
 Observe urine loss by having patient cough vigorously
Basic Evaluation for Differential
Diagnosis (continued)
 Urinalysis
 Detect hematuria, pyuria, bacterimia,
glucosuria, proteinuria
 Post void residual volume measurement by
catheterization or pelvic ultrasound
Lab Results
 Lab results from approximately the last 30
 Calcium level normal 8.6 - 10.4 mg/dl
 Glucose level normal fasting 65 - 110 mg/dl
 BUN normal 10 - 29 mg/100 ml (OR)
 Creatinine normal 0.5 - 1.3 mg/dl
 B12 level (within the last 3 years) normal 200 -
*Normal lab values may vary depending on laboratory used.
Three Day Voiding Diary
 Three day voiding diary should be completed
on the resident
 Assessment should be completed 24 hours a
day for 3 days
 Make sure CNA’s are charting when the
resident is dry or not, the amount of
incontinence, if the voiding was requested or
Basic Continence Evaluation
Focused Physical Exam, including:
 Pelvic exam to assess pelvic floor & vaginal wall
relaxation and anatomic abnormalities including digital
palpation of vaginal sphincter
 Rectal exam to rule out fecal impaction & masses
including digital palpation of anal sphincter.
 Neurological exam focusing on cognition & innervation
of sacral roots 2-4 (Perineal Sensation)
 Post Void Residual to rule out urinary retention
 Mental Status exam when indicated
Simple Urologic Tests
 Provocative Stress Testing
 Key components
 Bladder must be full
 Obtain in standing or lithotomy position
 Sudden leakage at cough, laughing, sneezing,
lifting, or other maneuvers
The Bulbocavernous Reflex Test
 When the nurse is inserting a finger into the
anus to check for fecal impaction, the anal
sphincter should contract
 When the nurse is applying the litmus paper
to check the vaginal pH, the vaginal muscle
should contract
(When both these muscles contract this indicates
intact reflexes)
Post Void Residual
 A post void residual should be obtained after
voiding via a straight catheterization or via the
the bladder scan
 If the resident has > 200 cc residual the test is
(Document the exact results on the assessment
Mini Mental Exam (MMSE)
 Complete a mini mental exam on the resident
 Chart the score on the assessment form
 Score the resident on the number of
questions they answered correctly to the total
number of questions reviewed
Diagnostic Tests
 Stress test (diagnostic for stress incontinence; specificity >90%)
 Post-void residual
 Blood Tests (calcium, glucose, BUN, Cr)
 Urine Culture
 Simple (bedside) Cystometrics
Bladder Pressure-Volume
Interpretation of Post-Void Residual
PVR < 50cc - Adequate bladder
PVR > 150cc - Avoid bladder relaxing
PVR > 200cc - Refer to Urology
PVR > 400cc - Overflow UI likely
Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente-
tipos (I)
Tipo Concepto Causas
De urgencia
Pérdidas de gran
Incapacidad para
diferir la micción
Residuo postmiccional
Inestabilidad del detrusor,
aislada o asociada a:
- alteraciones locales: cistitis,
cálculos, tumores,
divertículos, obstrucción.
- lesiones SNC: demencia,
ACV, Parkinson, lesiones
Urge Incontinence
 Most common cause of UI >75 years of age
 Abrupt desire to void cannot be suppressed
 Usually idiopathic
 Causes: infection, tumor, stones, atrophic
vaginitis or urethritis, stroke, Parkinson’s
Disease, dementia
Other Names: detrusor hyperactivity, detrusor instability,
irritable bladder, spastic bladder
Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente-
tipos (II)
Tipo Concepto Causas
De estrés
Pérdidas de pequeño
Al aumentar la presión
Residuo postmiccional
Debilidad y laxitud
muscular del suelo de la
Incompetencia del esfínter
Stress Incontinence
 Most common type in women < 75 years old
 Occurs with increase in abdomenal pressure;
cough, sneeze, etc.
 Hypermotility of bladder neck and urethra;
associated with aging, hormonal changes, trauma of childbirth or
pelvic surgery (85% of cases)
 Intrinsic sphinctor problems; due to
pelvic/incontinence surgery, pelvic radiation, trauma, neurogenic
causes (15% of cases)
Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente-
tipos (III)
Tipo Concepto Causas
continuadas de
pequeño volumen
> 100 cc
Obstrucción anatómica:
próstata, cistocele, uretra
Vejiga acontráctil: diabetes,
lesión medular,
Disinergia vesico-
esfinteriana (lesiones
medulares suprasacras)
Overflow Incontinence
 Over distention of bladder
 Bladder outlet obstruction; stricture, BPH,
cystocele, fecal impaction
 Non-contractile baldder (hypoactive
detrusor or atonic bladder); diabetes, MS, spinal
injury, medications
Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente-
tipos (IV)
Tipo Concepto Causas
Pérdidas de orina
asociadas con
incapacidad para ir al
retrete o usar
sustitutivos, con falta
de motivación o
existencia de barreras
Demencia severa u otros
trastornos neurológicos
Factores psicológicos
(depresión, regresión,
Falta o ineficacia de los
Functional Incontinence
 Does not involve lower urinary tract
 Result of psychological, cognitive or
physical impairment
Incontinencia urinaria: orientación diagnó
1. Historia clínica:
Comienzo, cantidad, desencadenante, ficha de
2. Historia farmacológica
3. Exploración física:
general, ginecológica, urológica, rectal
3. Pruebas complementarias:
Analítica de sangre y orina, urocultivo
4. Pruebas urodinámicas:
(Si dificultad diagnóstica ó falta de respuesta)
Tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria
Medidas generales
1. Adaptación del entorno
2. Medidas higiénico-dietéticas
3. Modificación de fármacos
4. Modificación de conducta:
- dependiente del paciente: Reentrenamiento vesical
Ejercicios de Kegel
- dependiente del cuidador: Ficha de incontinencia
Micción programada
5. Medidas paliativas
Treatment Options
 Reduce amount and timing of fluid intake
 Avoid bladder stimulants (caffeine)
 Use diuretics judiciously (not before bed)
 Reduce physical barriers to toilet (use
bedside commode)
Treatment Options
 Bladder training
 Patient education
 Scheduled voiding
 Positive reinforcement
 Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel Exercises)
 Biofeedback
 Caregiver interventions
 Scheduled toileting
 Habit training
 Prompted voiding
Pharmacological Interventions
 Urge Incontinence
 Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
 Propantheline (Pro-Banthine)
 Imipramine (Tofranil)
 Stress Incontinence
 Phenylpropanolamine (Ornade)
 Pseudo-Ephedrine (Sudafed)
 Estrogen (orally, transdermally or transvaginally)
Surgical Interventions
 Urethral Hypermotility
 Marshall-Marchetti-Kantz
 Needle neck suspension
 Intrinsic sphincter
 Sling procedure
Surgery is reported to “cure” 4 out of 5 cases,
but success rate drops to 50% after 10 years.
Other Interventions
 Pessaries
 Periurethral bulking agents (periurethral
injection of collagen, fat or silicone)
 Diapers or pads
 Chronic catheterization
 Periurethral or suprapubic
 Indwelling or intermittant
 Pessary
 Urethral inserts
 Vaginal weights
Indwelling Catheters
 Indwelling catheters (urethral or suprapubic)
may be necessary for certain residents with
 Urinary retention that cannot be corrected medically or
surgically, cannot be managed by intermittent
catherization and is causing persistent overflow
incontinence, symptomatic UTIs
 Pressure ulcers or skin lesions that are being
contaminated by incontinent urine
 Terminally ill severely impaired residents
Indwelling Catheter
ratamiento de la incontinencia de urgencia
(inestabilidad del detrusor)
1. Medidas generales
2. Fármacos
Anticolinérgicos puros: cloruro de trospio
Anticolinérgicos mixtos: Oxibutinina
Otros: Bloqueantes del calcio
Antidepresivos tricíclicos
3. Estimulación eléctrica
Tratamiento de la incontinencia de estrés
1. Medidas generales
2. Conos vaginales
3. Fármacos: estrógenos locales
4. Pesario
5. Cirugía: colporrafia, colposuspensión, etc.
6. Otros: Estimulación eléctrica
Inyección de expansores de volumen
Esfínter urinario artificial
amiento de la incontinencia por rebosamiento
1. Obstrucción: tratamiento de la obstrucción
2. Arreflexia vesical: - cateterismo intermitente
- agonistas colinérgicos (betanecol)
Tratamiento de la incontinencia funcional
1. Evaluación integral del paciente y de su entorno
2. Evaluación de la formación y capacidad de los
3. Aplicación de medidas generales
Urinary Incontinence can
be treated even if the resident
has dementia!!
Guidelines recommend least
invasive evaluation and
treatment as baseline!!
Treat Transient Causes First
Such as:
 Atrophic vaginitis
 Symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI)
Hypoestrogenation Causes
(Loss of Estrogen)
 Decreased glycogen
 Decreased lactic acid
 Increased vaginal pH
 Increased risk of UTI’s
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
The vaginas of postmenopausal women
not being treated with estrogen have
been found to be predominately
colonized by E. coli
Circulating Estrogen Inhibits
Uropathogen Growth by:
 Colonization of the vagina with lactobacilli
 Maintenance of acidic pH (<5)
Positive Effects of Estrogen
 A decrease in vaginal pH
 Reemergence of lactobacilli
 Colonization of the vagina rarely occurs when
the pH is below 4.5
Symptoms tend to re-appear
when estrogen treatment ends!
Other Treatments of Urinary
 Behavioral therapy
 Pharmacotherapy
 Electrical Stimulation
 Denervation/decentralization
 Augmentation cystoplasty
 Catheterization
 Urinary diversion
Behavioral Treatments
 Fluid management
 Voiding frequency
 Toileting assistance
 Scheduled toileting
 Prompted voiding
 Bladder training
 Pelvic floor muscle exercise
Bladder Training & Urgency
Inhibition Training
 Bladder Training - techniques for postponing
 Urge Inhibition Training - techniques for
resisting or inhibiting the sensation of
 Bladder training & urge inhibition training is
strongly recommended for urge & mixed
incontinence & is recommended for
management of stress incontinence
Behavior Treatments
 Pelvic muscle exercises
 Effects of exercises
 Support, lengthen and compress the Urethra
 Elevate the urethrovesical junction
 Increase pelvic/muscle tone
Behavior Treatments
 Pelvic muscle (Kegel) exercises
 Goal: to improve urethral resistance and
urinary control through the active exercise of
the pubococcygenus muscle
 Components:
 Proper identification of muscle (if able to stop urine
 Planned active exercise (hold for 10 seconds then
relax) 30-80 times per day for a minimum of 8
 Very helpful in assisting patients in identifying
and strengthening pelvic muscles
 Give positive feedback for bladder training,
habit training and/or Kegels
 Medications
 To relax or augment bladder or urethral activity
Surgical Treatment
(Last Choice)
 More than 100 techniques
 Repair hypermobility
 Repair urethral support
 Contigen ™ implants (ISD)
When do you Refer to a Specialist?
 Uncertain diagnosis/no clear treatment plan
 Unsuccessful therapy/resident requests further
 Surgical intervention considered/ previous
surgery failed
 Hematuria without infection
Referral to Specialist (continued)
 Existence of other comorbid conditions:
 Recurrent symptomatic urinary tract infection
 Persistent symptoms of difficulty with bladder emptying
 Symptomatic pelvic prolapse
 Prostate nodule enlargement, asymmetry, suspicion of
 Abnormal post void residual urine
 Neurological condition: multiple sclerosis, spinal cord
 History of previous radical pelvic or anti-incontinence

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Incontinencia urinaria

  • 2. Anatomía de la Micción  Músculo Detrusor  Esfínter Externo e Interno  Capacidad Normal 300-600cc  Primera sensación 150-300cc  Control SNC  Puente - facilita  Corteza Cerebral - inhibe  Efectos Hormonales - estrógenos
  • 3. Nervios Periféricos en la Micción  Parasimpático (colinérgico) – contracción vesical  Simpático - Relajación vesical  Simpático - Relajación vesical (β adrenérgico)  Simpático – Contracción del Cuello vesical y uretral (α adrenérgico)  Somático (nervio pudendo) - contracción de la musculatura del piso pélvico
  • 4. Control de la micción Cuello vesical Uretra proximal Músculo detrusor Vejiga Esfínter uretral externo Suelo de la pelvis Nervio pudendo S2 – S4 Simpático D11 – L2 Parasimpático S2 – S4 Cortex Àrea motora del detrusor (+) (+) (+) (-) (-) Núcleo pontino (+) (-)
  • 6. Incontinencia urinaria “Pérdida involuntaria de orina, demostrable objetivamente, que ocasiona un problema de salud o social”. (International Continence Society)
  • 7. Incontinencia: Epidemiología 1. Comunidad: 15-30% Hospital de agudos: 30-40% Instituciones: 50-80% 2. Estudio de Madrid: Varones 14,5 % Mujeres 16% Por grupos de edad: 65-74 13% 75-84 16% >84 26%
  • 8. Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence  Estimated 10% to 35% of adults  > 50% of 1.5 million nursing home residents  A conservative estimated cost of $5.2 billion per year for urinary incontinence in nursing homes Fant Managing Acute and Chronic Urinary Incontinence. Rockville, MD Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. 1996. AHCPR Publication No. 90-06 National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Statistics Series. 13(No. 102). 1989e in
  • 9. ¿Cuán Común es la Incontinencia?  Prevalencia se incrementa con la edad (pero no es parte del envejecimiento normal)  25-30% de la comunidad de ancianas  10-15% de la comunidad de ancianos  50% residentes de hogares; frecuentemente asociado con demencia, incontinencia fecal, pérdida de la habilidad para caminar y trasladarse independientemente
  • 10. La Incontinencia Urinaria es Frecuentemente Sub-diagnósticada y Sub-tratada  Sólo el 32% de los médicos generales preguntan rutinariamente acerca de la incontinencia  50-75% de los pacientes nunca describen síntomas a los médicos  80% de las incontinencias urinarias pueden ser curadas o mejoradas
  • 11. Incontinencia urinaria: repercusiones Físicas: Infecciones, sepsis, úlceras, caídas Psíquicas: Ansiedad, depresión, pérdida autoestima, Interferencias sexuales Sociales: Aislamiento, mayor necesidad de recursos, institucionalización Económicas: Costes de complicaciones y de medidas paliativas
  • 12. Impact on Quality of Life  Loss of self-esteem  Decreased ability to maintain independent lifestyle  Increased dependence on caregivers for activities of daily life  Avoidance of social activity and interaction  Restricted sexual activity Grimby et al. Age Aging. 1993; 22:82-89. Harris T. Aging in the Eighties: Prevalence and Impact of Urinary Problems in Individuals Age 65 and Over. Washington DC: Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, No 121, 1988. Noelker L. Gerontologist. 1987; 27:194-200.
  • 13. Consequences of UI  An increased propensity for falls  Most hip fractures in elders can be traced to nocturia especially if combined with urgency  Risk of hip fracture increases with  physical decline from reduced activity  cognitive impairments that may accompany a UTI  medications often used to treat incontinence  loss of sleep related to nocturia
  • 14. Risk Factors  Aging  Medication side effects  High impact exercise  Menopause  Childbirth
  • 15. Factors Contributing to Urinary Incontinence  Medications  Diuretics  Antidepressants  Antihypertensives  Hypnotics  Analgesics  Narcotics  Sedatives  Diet  Caffeine  Alcohol  Bowel Irregularities  Constipation  Fecal Impaction
  • 16. Age Related Changes in the Genitourinary Tract  Majority of urine production occurs at rest  Bladder capacity is diminished  Quantity of residual urine is increased  Bladder contractions become uninhibited (detrusor instability)  Desire to void is delayed
  • 17. Cambios del tracto urinario inferior con el envejecimiento Disminución de: Capacidad vesical Longitud de la uretra funcional Contractilidad vesical Presión de cierre uretral Habilidad para posponer la micción Aumento de: Residuo vesical postmiccional Contracciones no inhibidas del detrusor
  • 18. Causas de Incontinencia Urinaria aguda -Infecciones -Síndrome confusional agudo -Inmovilidad -Impactación fecal -Vaginitis atrófica -Medicamentos: Diuréticos, anticolinérgicos, antidepresivos, Neurolépticos, hipnóticos, sedantes, Mórficos, bloqueantes del calcio, Antiparkinsonianos, antihistamínicos, Antidiarreicos, agonistas alfa y beta adrenérgicos
  • 19. Causas Potencialmente Reversibles D - Delirio I - Infección A - Atrofia vaginal o uretritis F - Fármacos P - Psycológicos E - Endocrinos M - Mobilidad restringida I - Impactación fecal 2
  • 20. Cause of Stress Urinary Incontinence  Failure to store secondary to urethral sphincter incompetence
  • 21. Causes of Urge Urinary Incontinence  Failure to store, secondary to bladder dysfunction  Involuntary bladder contractions  Decreased bladder compliance  Severe bladder hypersensitivity
  • 22. Stress Incontinence vs. Urge Incontinence: System Check List Symptoms Stress Incontinence Urge Incontinence Urgency accompanies incontinence (strong, sudden desire to void) NO YES Leaking during physical activity (e.g. coughing, sneezing, lifting, etc.) YES NO Ability to reach the toilet in time, following an urge to void YES NO Waking to pass urine at night SELDOM OFTEN
  • 23. Causes of Mixed Urinary Incontinence  Combination of bladder overactivity and stress incontinence  One type of symptom (e.g., urge or stress incontinence) often predominates
  • 24. Symptoms of Overactive Bladder  Urgency  Frequency  Nocturia, and/or urge incontinence  ANY COMBINATION - in the absence of any local pathological or metabolic disorder
  • 25. Causes of Overflow Urinary Incontinence  Loss of urine associated with over distention of the bladder  Failure to empty  Underactive bladder  Vitamin B12 deficiency  Outlet obstruction  Enlarged Prostate  Urethral Stricture  Fecal Impaction  Neurological Conditions  Diabetic Neuropathy  Low Spinal Cord Injury  Radical Pelvic Surgery
  • 26. Neurogenic Bladder What is a neurogenic bladder?  A medical term for overflow incontinence, secondary to a neurologic problem  However, this is NOT a type of urinary incontinence
  • 27. Basic Types and Underlying Causes of Incontinence Type Definition Causes Stress Loss of urine with increase in intra- abdominal pressure (coughing, laughing, exercise, standing, etc.) Weakness and laxity of pelvic floor musculature, bladder outlet or urethral sphincter weakness Urge Leakage of urine because of inability to delay voiding after sensation of bladder fullness is perceived Detrusor muscle instability, hypersensivity associated with local genitourinary conditions or central nervous system disorders Overflow Leakage of urine resulting from mechanical forces on an over distended bladder, or from other effects of urinary retention on bladder and sphincter function Anatomic obstruction by prostate, stricture, cystocele, acontractile bladder, detrusor-sphincter dyssynergy Mixed Urinary leakage associated with inability to toilet because of impairment of cognitive and/or physical functioning, unwillingness, or environmental barriers Severe dementia, other conditions that cause severe immobility, and psychological factors
  • 28. Reversible or Transient Conditions That May Contribute to UI “D” Delirium Dehydration* “R” Restricted mobility Retention “I” Infection Inflammation Impaction “P” Polyuria Pharmaceuticals
  • 29. *Dehydration  Dehydration due to decreased fluid intake; increased output from diuretics, diabetes, or caffeinated beverages; or increased fluid volume due to congestive heart failure can concentrate the urine (increased specific gravity) and also lead to fecal impaction  The specific gravity of the urine can be tested to determine whether or not the resident is dehydrated
  • 30. Medications That May Cause Incontinence  Diuréticos  Anticolinérgicos - antihistaminas, antipsicóticos, antidepresivos  Sedantes/hipnóticos  Alcohol  Narcoticos  Agonistas/antagonistas α-adrenérgicos  Bloqueadores de los canales de Calcio
  • 31. Tipos clínicos de Incontinencia Urinaria 1. AGUDA 2. PERSISTENTE a) de urgencia b) de estrés c) por rebosamiento d) funcional
  • 32. Types of Urinary Incontinence  Stress  Urge  Mixed  Overflow  Total
  • 33. Types of Urinary Incontinence  Stress: Leakage of small amounts of urine as a result of increased pressure on the abdominal muscles (coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting)  Urge: Strong desire to void but the inability to wait long enough to get to a bathroom
  • 34. Types of Urinary Incontinence (continued)  Mixed: A combination of two types, stress and urge  Overflow: Occurs when the bladder overfills and small amounts of urine spill out (bladder never empties completely, so it is constantly filling)  Total: Complete loss of bladder control
  • 35. History Obtaining an accurate and comprehensive UI History
  • 36. Taking the History  Duration, severity, symptoms, previous treatment, medications, GU surgery  3 P’s  Position of leakage (supine, sitting, standing)  Protection (pads per day, wetness of pads)  Problem (quality of life)  Bladder record or diary 1
  • 37. Evaluation is the Key! Identification of the type of urinary incontinence is the key to effective treatment.
  • 38. Basic Evaluation  Physical Exam  Female genitalia abnormalities  Rectocele  Urethral Prolapse  Cystocele  Atrophic Vaginitis
  • 39. Physical Examination  Mental status  Mobility  Fluid overload  Abdominal exam  Neurologic exam  Pelvic  Rectal
  • 40. Basic Evaluation for Differential Diagnosis  Patient History  Focus on medical, neurological, genitourinary  Review voiding patterns and medications  Voiding diary  Administer mental status exam, if appropriate  Physical Exam  General, abdominal and rectal exam  Pelvic exam in women, genital exam in men  Observe urine loss by having patient cough vigorously
  • 41. Basic Evaluation for Differential Diagnosis (continued)  Urinalysis  Detect hematuria, pyuria, bacterimia, glucosuria, proteinuria  Post void residual volume measurement by catheterization or pelvic ultrasound
  • 42. Lab Results  Lab results from approximately the last 30 days:  Calcium level normal 8.6 - 10.4 mg/dl  Glucose level normal fasting 65 - 110 mg/dl  BUN normal 10 - 29 mg/100 ml (OR)  Creatinine normal 0.5 - 1.3 mg/dl  B12 level (within the last 3 years) normal 200 - 1100pg/ml *Normal lab values may vary depending on laboratory used.
  • 43. Three Day Voiding Diary  Three day voiding diary should be completed on the resident  Assessment should be completed 24 hours a day for 3 days  Make sure CNA’s are charting when the resident is dry or not, the amount of incontinence, if the voiding was requested or prompted
  • 44. Basic Continence Evaluation Focused Physical Exam, including:  Pelvic exam to assess pelvic floor & vaginal wall relaxation and anatomic abnormalities including digital palpation of vaginal sphincter  Rectal exam to rule out fecal impaction & masses including digital palpation of anal sphincter.  Neurological exam focusing on cognition & innervation of sacral roots 2-4 (Perineal Sensation)  Post Void Residual to rule out urinary retention  Mental Status exam when indicated
  • 45. Simple Urologic Tests  Provocative Stress Testing  Key components  Bladder must be full  Obtain in standing or lithotomy position  Sudden leakage at cough, laughing, sneezing, lifting, or other maneuvers
  • 46. The Bulbocavernous Reflex Test  When the nurse is inserting a finger into the anus to check for fecal impaction, the anal sphincter should contract  When the nurse is applying the litmus paper to check the vaginal pH, the vaginal muscle should contract (When both these muscles contract this indicates intact reflexes)
  • 47. Post Void Residual  A post void residual should be obtained after voiding via a straight catheterization or via the the bladder scan  If the resident has > 200 cc residual the test is positive (Document the exact results on the assessment form)
  • 48. Mini Mental Exam (MMSE)  Complete a mini mental exam on the resident  Chart the score on the assessment form  Score the resident on the number of questions they answered correctly to the total number of questions reviewed
  • 49. Diagnostic Tests  Stress test (diagnostic for stress incontinence; specificity >90%)  Post-void residual  Blood Tests (calcium, glucose, BUN, Cr)  Urine Culture  Simple (bedside) Cystometrics
  • 51. Interpretation of Post-Void Residual PVR < 50cc - Adequate bladder emptying PVR > 150cc - Avoid bladder relaxing drugs PVR > 200cc - Refer to Urology PVR > 400cc - Overflow UI likely
  • 52. Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente- tipos (I) Tipo Concepto Causas De urgencia Pérdidas de gran volumen Incapacidad para diferir la micción Residuo postmiccional pequeño Inestabilidad del detrusor, aislada o asociada a: - alteraciones locales: cistitis, cálculos, tumores, divertículos, obstrucción. - lesiones SNC: demencia, ACV, Parkinson, lesiones medulares.
  • 53. Urge Incontinence  Most common cause of UI >75 years of age  Abrupt desire to void cannot be suppressed  Usually idiopathic  Causes: infection, tumor, stones, atrophic vaginitis or urethritis, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, dementia Other Names: detrusor hyperactivity, detrusor instability, irritable bladder, spastic bladder
  • 54. Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente- tipos (II) Tipo Concepto Causas De estrés Pérdidas de pequeño volumen Al aumentar la presión abdominal Residuo postmiccional pequeño Debilidad y laxitud muscular del suelo de la pelvis Incompetencia del esfínter uretral
  • 55. Stress Incontinence  Most common type in women < 75 years old  Occurs with increase in abdomenal pressure; cough, sneeze, etc.  Hypermotility of bladder neck and urethra; associated with aging, hormonal changes, trauma of childbirth or pelvic surgery (85% of cases)  Intrinsic sphinctor problems; due to pelvic/incontinence surgery, pelvic radiation, trauma, neurogenic causes (15% of cases)
  • 56. Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente- tipos (III) Tipo Concepto Causas Por rebosamiento Pérdidas continuadas de pequeño volumen Residuo postmiccional > 100 cc Obstrucción anatómica: próstata, cistocele, uretra Vejiga acontráctil: diabetes, lesión medular, anticolinérgicos Disinergia vesico- esfinteriana (lesiones medulares suprasacras)
  • 57. Overflow Incontinence  Over distention of bladder  Bladder outlet obstruction; stricture, BPH, cystocele, fecal impaction  Non-contractile baldder (hypoactive detrusor or atonic bladder); diabetes, MS, spinal injury, medications
  • 58. Incontinencia Urinaria Persistente- tipos (IV) Tipo Concepto Causas Funcional Pérdidas de orina asociadas con incapacidad para ir al retrete o usar sustitutivos, con falta de motivación o existencia de barreras arquitectónicas Demencia severa u otros trastornos neurológicos Factores psicológicos (depresión, regresión, hostilidad) Falta o ineficacia de los cuidadores
  • 59. Functional Incontinence  Does not involve lower urinary tract  Result of psychological, cognitive or physical impairment
  • 60. Incontinencia urinaria: orientación diagnó 1. Historia clínica: Comienzo, cantidad, desencadenante, ficha de incontinencia 2. Historia farmacológica 3. Exploración física: general, ginecológica, urológica, rectal 3. Pruebas complementarias: Analítica de sangre y orina, urocultivo 4. Pruebas urodinámicas: (Si dificultad diagnóstica ó falta de respuesta)
  • 61. Tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria Medidas generales 1. Adaptación del entorno 2. Medidas higiénico-dietéticas 3. Modificación de fármacos 4. Modificación de conducta: - dependiente del paciente: Reentrenamiento vesical Ejercicios de Kegel - dependiente del cuidador: Ficha de incontinencia Micción programada 5. Medidas paliativas
  • 62. Treatment Options  Reduce amount and timing of fluid intake  Avoid bladder stimulants (caffeine)  Use diuretics judiciously (not before bed)  Reduce physical barriers to toilet (use bedside commode) 1
  • 63. Treatment Options  Bladder training  Patient education  Scheduled voiding  Positive reinforcement  Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel Exercises)  Biofeedback  Caregiver interventions  Scheduled toileting  Habit training  Prompted voiding 2
  • 64. Pharmacological Interventions  Urge Incontinence  Oxybutynin (Ditropan)  Propantheline (Pro-Banthine)  Imipramine (Tofranil)  Stress Incontinence  Phenylpropanolamine (Ornade)  Pseudo-Ephedrine (Sudafed)  Estrogen (orally, transdermally or transvaginally)
  • 65. Surgical Interventions  Urethral Hypermotility  Marshall-Marchetti-Kantz procedure  Needle neck suspension  Intrinsic sphincter deficiency  Sling procedure Surgery is reported to “cure” 4 out of 5 cases, but success rate drops to 50% after 10 years.
  • 66. Other Interventions  Pessaries  Periurethral bulking agents (periurethral injection of collagen, fat or silicone)  Diapers or pads  Chronic catheterization  Periurethral or suprapubic  Indwelling or intermittant
  • 67. Inserts  Pessary  Urethral inserts  Vaginal weights
  • 70. Indwelling Catheters  Indwelling catheters (urethral or suprapubic) may be necessary for certain residents with incontinence:  Urinary retention that cannot be corrected medically or surgically, cannot be managed by intermittent catherization and is causing persistent overflow incontinence, symptomatic UTIs  Pressure ulcers or skin lesions that are being contaminated by incontinent urine  Terminally ill severely impaired residents
  • 72. ratamiento de la incontinencia de urgencia (inestabilidad del detrusor) 1. Medidas generales 2. Fármacos Anticolinérgicos puros: cloruro de trospio Anticolinérgicos mixtos: Oxibutinina Tolterodina Otros: Bloqueantes del calcio Antidepresivos tricíclicos 3. Estimulación eléctrica
  • 73. Tratamiento de la incontinencia de estrés 1. Medidas generales 2. Conos vaginales 3. Fármacos: estrógenos locales 4. Pesario 5. Cirugía: colporrafia, colposuspensión, etc. 6. Otros: Estimulación eléctrica Inyección de expansores de volumen Esfínter urinario artificial
  • 74. amiento de la incontinencia por rebosamiento 1. Obstrucción: tratamiento de la obstrucción 2. Arreflexia vesical: - cateterismo intermitente - agonistas colinérgicos (betanecol) Tratamiento de la incontinencia funcional 1. Evaluación integral del paciente y de su entorno 2. Evaluación de la formación y capacidad de los cuidadores 3. Aplicación de medidas generales
  • 75. Remember... Urinary Incontinence can be treated even if the resident has dementia!!
  • 76. Treatment Guidelines recommend least invasive evaluation and treatment as baseline!!
  • 77. Treat Transient Causes First Such as:  Atrophic vaginitis  Symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • 78. Hypoestrogenation Causes (Loss of Estrogen)  Decreased glycogen  Decreased lactic acid  Increased vaginal pH  Increased risk of UTI’s
  • 79. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) The vaginas of postmenopausal women not being treated with estrogen have been found to be predominately colonized by E. coli
  • 80. Circulating Estrogen Inhibits Uropathogen Growth by:  Colonization of the vagina with lactobacilli  Maintenance of acidic pH (<5)
  • 81. Positive Effects of Estrogen Replacement  A decrease in vaginal pH  Reemergence of lactobacilli  Colonization of the vagina rarely occurs when the pH is below 4.5
  • 82. Symptoms tend to re-appear when estrogen treatment ends!
  • 83. Other Treatments of Urinary Incontinence  Behavioral therapy  Pharmacotherapy  Electrical Stimulation  Denervation/decentralization  Augmentation cystoplasty  Catheterization  Urinary diversion
  • 84. Behavioral Treatments  Fluid management  Voiding frequency  Toileting assistance  Scheduled toileting  Prompted voiding  Bladder training  Pelvic floor muscle exercise
  • 85. Bladder Training & Urgency Inhibition Training  Bladder Training - techniques for postponing voiding  Urge Inhibition Training - techniques for resisting or inhibiting the sensation of urgency  Bladder training & urge inhibition training is strongly recommended for urge & mixed incontinence & is recommended for management of stress incontinence
  • 86. Behavior Treatments  Pelvic muscle exercises  Effects of exercises  Support, lengthen and compress the Urethra  Elevate the urethrovesical junction  Increase pelvic/muscle tone
  • 87. Behavior Treatments  Pelvic muscle (Kegel) exercises  Goal: to improve urethral resistance and urinary control through the active exercise of the pubococcygenus muscle  Components:  Proper identification of muscle (if able to stop urine mid-stream)  Planned active exercise (hold for 10 seconds then relax) 30-80 times per day for a minimum of 8 weeks
  • 88. Biofeedback  Very helpful in assisting patients in identifying and strengthening pelvic muscles  Give positive feedback for bladder training, habit training and/or Kegels
  • 89. Pharmacotherapy  Medications  To relax or augment bladder or urethral activity
  • 90. Surgical Treatment (Last Choice)  More than 100 techniques  Repair hypermobility  Repair urethral support  Contigen ™ implants (ISD)
  • 91. When do you Refer to a Specialist?  Uncertain diagnosis/no clear treatment plan  Unsuccessful therapy/resident requests further therapy  Surgical intervention considered/ previous surgery failed  Hematuria without infection
  • 92. Referral to Specialist (continued)  Existence of other comorbid conditions:  Recurrent symptomatic urinary tract infection  Persistent symptoms of difficulty with bladder emptying  Symptomatic pelvic prolapse  Prostate nodule enlargement, asymmetry, suspicion of cancer  Abnormal post void residual urine  Neurological condition: multiple sclerosis, spinal cord lesion/injury  History of previous radical pelvic or anti-incontinence surgery

Notas del editor

  1. Estimated that approximately 10% to 35% of all adults in the United States suffer from bladder control problems. The highest prevalence occurs in the elderly in both community and institutional settings.  50% of 1.5 million nursing home residents are urinary incontinent.
  2. Although urinary incontinence is classified as a medical disease, it most importantly affects: quality of life self-esteem social activities alters daily functioning
  3. Falls and hip fractures are very common in the elderly population and are often the reasons for prolonged hospitalization and admission to a long term care facility. Rushing to the bathroom is frequently the cause of a fall. Nocturia is defined as getting up to the bathroom more than twice during the night.
  4. There are many different things that put a person at risk for incontinence. These are risks for incontinence, not causes .
  5. Side effects of many medications can significantly contribute to bladder control problems, along with irritants such as caffeine. antihypertensives include medications such as calcium channel blockers, beta adrenergics, and diuretics. hypnotics include psycatropic and psychoactive, in addition to drugs with adrenergic side effects. Some foods that are thought to contribute to bladder leakage include: alcoholic beverages carbonated beverages (with or without caffeine) milk or milk products coffee or tea (even decaffeinated) citrus juices and fruits tomatoes highly spicy foods sugar and honey chocolate, corn syrup and artificial sweeteners
  6. Normal changes that occur with the aging process can also put a person at risk for bladder control problems. Residual urine is the amount of urine left in the bladder after a void. normally less than 100cc. many elderly people have larger amounts left in the bladder after a void, even though they demonstrate no signs of this. That is, they do not feel full or uncomfortable, that have good urine output, and do not seem to have a large bladder by palpation or percussion.
  7. Stress incontinence usually associated with weakening of the supporting tissue surrounding the bladder neck and urethra. this damage can be the result of pregnancy vaginal deliveries trauma during GYN or urologic surgery obesity chronic coughing while stress incontinence is uncommon in men, it can occur as a result of injury to the sphincter during prostate surgery or radiation therapy.
  8. People with urge incontinence may experience inappropriate contractions of the detrusor muscle during the storage phase of the micturition cycle.
  9. Mixed incontinence is very common in the geriatric population.
  10. Local GU conditions include: cystitis urethritis tumors stones diverticuli outflow obstruction CNS disorders include: stroke dementia parkinsons suprasacral spinal cord injury or disease Vit B 12 deficiency: biggest reason for overflow incontinence. affects the maturation of the erythrocytes. diagnosis is confirmed by a reduced erythrocyte count and a peripheral blood smear that demonstrates megoblastic maturation. Confirmation of the megoblastic, macrocytic type of anemia is established by an increased MCV about 94 microns and increased MCH above 30ug and a normal MCHC on the CBC.
  11. Normal specific gravity range is 1.003 to 1.030. It is increased in dehydration.
  12. Stress incontinence can also occur when a resident is being moved, for example when transferring from chair to bed, or wheelchair to toilet. It is caused by weakness or damage to the pelvic floor or urethra. Urge incontinence caused by detrusor muscle weakness, damage, or hyperactivity.
  13. Mixed incontinence most common in the elderly. Overflow incontinence caused by neurological factors or obstruction, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). obstruction can also occur in females due to prolapse of the uterus.
  14. When a foley is removed it takes three days to retrain the bladder. During this time, it will be necessary to use intermittent catheterizations.
  15. Effects of local estrogen (short lived urinary symptoms related to atrophy) tend to reappear several weeks after treatment ends.
  16. These are listed in descending order. Lease invasive to most invasive. Pads and absorbent products are used to manage urinary incontinence NOT to treat.
  17. Other behavioral treatments include careful fluid management. Residents can become incontinent due to dehydration. Concentrated urine with a specific gravity &gt;1.030 indicates that a resident is not drinking enough fluids.