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TOPICS                                                         Page
Student’s profile ……………………………………………………………………………..…. i
Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………... ii

     1.0 Background of the survey ………………………………………........................ 1
     2.0 Problem statement …………………………………………………………….…. 2
     3.0 Objective of the survey ……………………………………………………..……. 3
     4.0 Importance of the survey …………………………………………….................. 4
     5.0 Limitation of the survey …………………………………………………………... 4
     6.0 Definition of terms …………………………………………………………...…. 5-7

     7.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………. 8
     7.2 Organizing and managing the data ……………………………………….… 8 - 9
     7.3 Representing the data ………………………………………………………..… 10
     7.4 Interpretation and making inferences …………………………………………...11
     7.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………..…11

     8.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………12
     8.2 Organizing and managing the data …………………………………………12-13
     8.3 Representing the data ……………………………………………………….…..14
     8.4 Interpretation and making inferences …………………………………………..15
     8.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………….15
       9.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………16
       9.3 Organizing and managing the data …………………………………………16-19
       9.3 Representing the data ……………………………………………………….…. 20
       9.4 Interpretation and making inferences ………………………………………..….21
       9.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………… 21

10.0   REFLECTION ………………………………………………………………...……… 22

11.0   THE SURVEY ………………………………………………………………..………. 23

12.0   REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………..……. 24-25
1.0 Background of the survey

       Today, the knowledge’s are one of the important things for humankind. It shows
the level of the person. Besides that, the knowledge’s show the symbol of the races and
the religion. If we are lazy to explore the knowledge, our life will not success and
become meaningless. Therefore, it is possible there are many type of book that we can
get knowledge form it.
       Then, if we want to read, we must buy more books. How can an individual spend
their money to get more knowledge? If that is happen, that person is in the big trouble.
About getting more knowledge, it depends on the personal either he or she can buy
expensive books or not.
       For this task, it will be focusing on how many books are read by the student in
the college. From my observation, I see every student have various hobbies and it is
specific for the daily activities. For example, there are many students borrow a book
form the library. However, are they really read the entire book or just for revision. In my
impression, maybe he or she has many books but not read all. In addition, they don’t
like to borrow books rather than buy it.
       By that way, it depends of the races. The number of Chinese students that read
the books is more than Malay and Indian students. Time also related with. If they don’t
have time to read, they will do other things or sleep. On the other hand, if they buy a
book, they feel wasting rather than buy a top up or foods.
       This topic is important because from here I can do the survey on the number of
book that students read in my campus. Besides that, it also to fulfill the assignment
question for the basic mathematics coursework.
2.0 Problem statement

       From this survey, there are three problem questioned in my mind. The first
problem is the number of book that had been read by the student. It is because some of
the student doesn’t read any book in a week. Here I can see the percentage of the
books that had been read. If the percentage is low, maybe he or she doesn’t like to
read. In addition, he or she is lack of knowledge.
       The next problem is how the student gets the books. It is related with the third
problem, what kinds of book that students like to read. In the campus, students always
like to get books form library. However, some students like to buy or borrow from
friends. Sometimes, they get the books form the presents of birthday or competitions. If
they borrow from library, it saves on money. However, we must return back the book
and cannot borrow a lot of books. Mean while, we can read many books and keep it by
buying books from the shop. However, it waste on money spend. From here, I can
compare the number of student who gets the book from library, borrow from friends and
buy from the shop.
       I choose this topic because reading is very important in our life. It easy but it took
long time to spend on books. This activity is very boring but it is important for the
knowledge for the student. Even it tired, but we can get much knowledge when read
many books. The students feel confident when doing the activities and communicate
with another person.
3.0 Objectives of the survey

       The objective of the survey is to find the number of the books read by the IPTHO
students in a week. From these topics, I can identify the types of books that students
like to read and how they get the books. In this survey, there are a few number of
information that I can gain.

   1. I can get the average number of the books that had been read by the students.

   2. I can get the information where students get the books to read.

   3. I can identify the types of books that students like to read.
4.0 Importance of the survey

       The importance of this survey to me is I can identify the number of the books
read by the IPTHO students in a week. Besides that, I can get the types of books that
they like to read and how they get the book. Here, I can see the percentage of students
through the bar chart, pie chart and the histogram. From this survey also I can fulfill the
question for the basic mathematics coursework.
       This survey is important for IPTHO because the administration department have
to fulfill the facilities needed by the student in the hostel. If the number of the students
that like to read the books is more than the number of students doesn’t like to read, it is
possible for administration to increase the number of book in the library. So, the
students will always come to library and read many books in a week. The student will be
feeling satisfied and can get much knowledge if the facility is fine.
       Besides that, the success of the student is depending on the time management.
If the library doesn’t have many books to read, they will feel boring and don’t like to read
anymore. When this is happen, the time table has been interrupted and the activities
unwell done.

5.0 Limitation of the survey

       The limitation of this survey is 40 people. From 40 people, it is divided into 2,
which is 20 for male students and 20 for female students. The 40 respondent taken
among the students in IPTHO. This survey took place in IPTHO.
6.0 Definition of term

6.1 Statistics
Is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or
explanation, and presentation of data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic
disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, government and

6.2 Statistical population
Is a set of entities concerning which statistical inferences are to be drawn, often based
on a random sample taken from the population

6.3 Skewness
Is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random

6.4 Data set (or dataset)
Is a collection of data, usually presented in tabular form. Each column represents a
particular variable. Each row corresponds to a given member of the data set in question.
It lists values for each of the variables, such as height and weight of an object or values
of random numbers. Each value is known as a datum. The data set may comprise data
for one or more members, corresponding to the number of rows.
6.5 Data
refers to a collection of organized information, usually the result of experience,
observation or experiment, other information within a computer system, or a set of
premises. This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as
measurements or observations of a set of variables

6.6 Sample size

Of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically
denoted n, a positive integer (natural number). Typically, all else being equal, a larger
sample size leads to increased precision in estimates of various properties of the
population. This can be seen in such statistical rules as the law of large numbers and
the central limit theorem. Repeated measurements and replication of independent
samples are often required in measurement and experiments to reach a desired

6.7 Sampling

Is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of individual observations
intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern, especially for the
purposes of statistical inference. Each observation measures one or more properties
(weight, location, etc.) of an observable entity enumerated to distinguish objects or
individuals. Survey weights often need to be applied to the data to adjust for the sample
6.8 Frequency

of an event i is the number ni of times the event occurred in the experiment or the study.
These frequencies are often graphically represented in histograms. We speak of
absolute frequencies, when the counts ni themselves are given and of (relative)

6.9 Mode

Is the value that occurs the most frequently in a data set or a probability distribution. In
some fields, notably education, sample data are often called scores, and the sample
mode is known as the modal score.

6.10 Observation

Is either an activity of a living being (such as a human), which senses and assimilates
the knowledge of a phenomenon, or the recording of data using instruments. The term
may also refer to any datum collected during this activity.

6.11 Median

is described as the number separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a
probability distribution, from the lower half. The median of a finite list of numbers can be
found by arranging all the observations from lowest value to highest value and picking
the middle one.
7.1 Collecting Data
Question 1: What type of books you like to read?

M        C          E      C        A               N   A   N      M        E

C        M          C      N        N               C   M   C      N        M

N        N          N      E        C               A   N   N      A        N

C        E          M      N        N               M   N   M      N        C

M = magazine
A = academic
C = comic
N = Novel
E = Entertainment

7.2 Organizing and Managing Data

Tally Chart

     Answer                           Tally                     Frequency
    Magazines                         //// ///                     8
    Academic                            ////                       4
      Comic                          //// ////                      9
      Novel                        //// //// ////                  15
Entertainment                           ////                        4
                                    TOTAL                          40
Frequency Table

         Answer                  Frequency         Cumulative frequency

Magazines                             8                     8

Academic                              4                    12
Comic                                 9                    21
Novel                                15                    36
Entertainment                         4                    40

Mode              = 15 (Novel)

Median            =   N
                  =   40
                  = 20 therefore median is comic

Mean              =        total frequency
                           Number of values

                  =        40
                  =        10
7.3 Representation of Data
Pie chart

                             Type of books


                                       22%         Novel
7.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences
      The most popular books are ‘N’ novel and it’s the mode for the data. Therefore,
that mean 15 people (38%) of 40 answer ‘N’, 8 people (20%) answers ‘M’, 4 people
(10%) answers ‘A’, 9 people (22%) answers ‘C’ and 4 people (10%) more answer ‘E’,
This shown that 15 people like to read novel.
      From the survey above, it can be said that people in IPTHO like to read novel
rather than magazines, academic, comic and entertainment books. Therefore, library
must add their novel collection because majority of student in IPTHO like to read novel.

7.5 Suggestions

      The pie chart show that students in IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn like to read
novel. However, academic books are the lowest percentage in the chart. This situation
show knowledge of students is poor because less reading of academic books. Although
novel is good to read but as the students in IPGM we must increase our knowledge.

      Many suggestions we can do such as increase the number of academic books
in library. Students like to borrow books from the library. If there are more academic
books than novel, they will choose academic books to read rather than novel. From the
pie chart also we can see students like to read comic and magazines. Man always likes
to read comic and lady like to read magazines. Therefore the shop must lower the
price of academic books, so students will buy the books rather than comic or

      Illustration and color can attract people. Therefore, academic books must be
design with many pictures and color to attract students. Students will buy the
academic books because they like to read with many color and pictures insides it.
8.1 Collecting data

Question 2: where you get the book to read?

F          B       L      L        F             L    L   L    L        L

B          F       L      F        L             L    B   L    P        B

B          L       L      L        L             P    L   L    L        P

P          L       B      P        L             B    F   L    L        L

L = Library
B = Buy
F = from friends
P = Present

8.2 Organizing and managing data
Tally chart

    Sources                            Tally                  Frequency

    Library                            //// /                      24
     Buy                                 //                        7
From friends                            ////                       4
    Present                       //// //// //// //                5
                              TOTAL                                40
Frequency table
              Colors                                 Frequency
              Library                                     24
                  Buy                                     7
            From friend                                   4
             Present                                      5

Mode:                     = 24 (library)

Median:                   = 24 + 7 + 4 + 5
                          = 20, so the median is at library (24)

Mean:                     = 24 + 7 + 4 + 5
                          = 40 ÷ 4
                          = 10
8.3 Representation of Data:
Bar chart

                          Sources To Get The Books
     25        24






                                         4             5


                                        From friends
8.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences

      The bar chart shown that library is the highest frequency from other sources of
books. The frequency for this color is 24 and it’s the mode for this data. Median of the
bar chart is 6This is because most of the people in IPTHO get the books from the
library. Besides that library has many books and novel to read.

8.5 Suggestions

      The bar chart shown that library is the highest frequency sources of students get
the books to read. Therefore library department must increase their quantity of books to
ensure that students can read many books in a week. Bar chart also shown that number
of students buy a book is less because of the price. The shop such as POPULAR must
lower the price of books. Many students will buy the books if the price is reasonable.

      Library department also must increase the space; so many students can enter
the library. If many students enter the library, they will read many books and can get
much knowledge. As the teacher, knowledge’s are very important in our life.

      Institute department also must build more libraries in IPGM to make students
read many books in a week. When many libraries build, students can get the books
from library only rather than go shop to buy books.
9.1 Collecting data

Question 3: How frequent did you read the books in a week?

 1-10     11-20         21-30     11-20   21-30       1-10      11-20   1-10    11-20   1-10

 31-40    11-20         1-10      21-30   1-10       11-20      21-30   11-20   11-20   31-40

 1-10         1-10      1-10      11-20   1-10       11-20      11-20   11-20    1-10   1-10

 1-10     41-50         11-20     1-10    11-20      31-40      1-10    41-50   11-20   11-20

9.2 Organizing and managing data
Tally Chart

                Times                             Tally                     Frequency

                 1-10                         //// //// ////                    15
                11-20                        //// //// //// /                   16
                21-30                              ////                         4
                31-40                              ///                          3
                41-50                              ////                         2

                                TOTAL                                           40
Frequency Table

                     Times   Frequency

                     1-10       15
                     11-20      16
                     21-30      4
                     31-40      3
                     40-50      2

                     TOTAL      40

Mode = 11- 20 (16)
The Median

        Times                                           Cumulative Frequency

         1-10                         15                         15

         11-20                        16                         31

         21-30                        4                          35

         31-40                        3                          38

         40-50                        2                          40

So, Median = L + [ ( N/2 – F ) / fm ] C

        L                     = Lower boundary of the median class
        L                     = 10.5
        N                     = Total frequency
                               = 40
        F                      = Cumulative frequency before L
                              = 15
        Fm                    = Frequency of L
                              = 16
        C                     = size of median class.
                              = 11
So, Median                    = 10.5 + [(40/2 – 15) / 16] 11
                              = 13.94
The Mean

      Times    Frequency (f)            Mid point(x)            fx

      1-10             15      1+10 = 5.5              15 x 5.5 = 82.5
      11-20            16      11+20 = 15.5            16 x 15.5 = 248
      21-30            4       21+30 = 25.5            4 x 25.5 = 102
      31-40            3       31+40 = 35.5            3 x 35.5 = 106.5
      40-50            2       40+50 = 45.5            2 x 45.5 = 91

     TOTAL         40 (N)                  127.5              630 (fx)

    Mean =     Total fx
           =    630
           =   15.75
9.3 Represent of Data:
Z z

                         The number of read in a week


                                                           (a)   1 - 10
        8                                                  (b)   11 - 20
        6                                                  (c)   21 - 30
                                                           (d)   31 - 40
                                                           (d)   40 - 50
        0                                               Number of read
9.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences

   The histogram shown, the mode is 11-20 and the frequency is 16. Median for the
data are 13.94 and mean is 15.75. From the data, it can be concluding that most of the
student in IPTHO read the books between 11-20 times in a week. This shown that
average of student like to read in IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn is moderate level.

9.5 Suggestions

       The histograms shown that most of the students read the books are 11- 20 times
in a week. The level of reading is moderate. To increase the frequency, institute must
make a campaign of reading or reading month. This campaign can make students
realizes the benefit of reading books in daily life. After that, students will always read the
books because they know the benefit contains when they read the books.

       Institute department also can make competitions to attract students read the
books. Students will read many books in a week to win the competition and get the
present. Therefore, the frequency of students that read books in a week will increase.
Who read many books can win the competition.

       Illustration and color can attract people. Therefore, academic books must be
design with many pictures and color to attract students. Students will buy the academic
books because they like to read with many color and pictures insides it. This attraction
can increase the frequency of reading books in a week. Many books you read, much
knowledge you can get.
10.0 Reflections

       In my work to done this task, I had reaches many trouble. I can’t find the material
about mode, median and mean. So I try to find another way. I try to find the material of
mode, median and mean in internet and books from library.
       I also cannot find the best material in the books from library because it not a
university level but academic books in primary school only. After that I try to find the
type of graphs in the internet. I tried to use the internet to identified type of graphs and
complete my task in Basic Mathematics.
       Beside that, I also stuck when I do this task because of the task’s question. I
cannot understand what is the task exactly wanted. So I decide to see my lecturer, Mr.
Low Piek Hong to ask him kindness to show me what are this task really want. It is not
easy to meet with Mr. Low Piek Hong because he always not is around the Institute.
Sometimes he has meeting, so I cannot see him if I have a problem in my task.
       In addition, I can feel the strength and weakness when do this task. The
weakness is how to make the survey and what is the problem in the survey. Another
that is how to draw a graph based on the survey. I feel this is very hard to do because
we do not have many times in institute doing that survey. When I want to do this task, I
fell very weak because do not have any experiences make a survey before this.
       The strength when do this task is I know how to make a survey. I can use this
skill when I become a teacher soon. I also know how to draw pie chart, bar chart and
histogram based on the survey. In addition, I know what is mode, median and mean in
the graph. This knowledge is very important to me when I become a teacher soon. I can
use this knowledge when do the survey of the result in my class.
       I feel much enjoyed when doing the task because I can learn many things such
as how to find books in the library, how to search internet and the outline of the report.
All of it can help me in my studies to become a teacher soon. Because of him, now I
have understand what to do and then I do it on my own and completely done before the
date of submission. I really thankful to all of who had helped me to did my work.
12.0 References (statistics) (statistics),13,More data reduction

Ang yian, T., Angeline Francis, Chew Poh ,C.,Lee Sau, K., Lee Yet, L., Ng Keat, S.
      ( 2009). Malaysian University Mathematics. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Federal

Usha Devi, V, (2008) PMR Mathematicss. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Sistem

Mathematics and Graphs:http:// LearningNerd.htm

Advanced Composition for Non-Native Speakers of English:

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Asigmen math

  • 1. CONTENT TOPICS Page Student’s profile ……………………………………………………………………………..…. i Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………... ii BACKGROUND 1.0 Background of the survey ………………………………………........................ 1 2.0 Problem statement …………………………………………………………….…. 2 3.0 Objective of the survey ……………………………………………………..……. 3 4.0 Importance of the survey …………………………………………….................. 4 5.0 Limitation of the survey …………………………………………………………... 4 6.0 Definition of terms …………………………………………………………...…. 5-7 THE SURVEY 7.0 PIE CHART 7.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………. 8 7.2 Organizing and managing the data ……………………………………….… 8 - 9 7.3 Representing the data ………………………………………………………..… 10 7.4 Interpretation and making inferences …………………………………………...11 7.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………..…11 8.0 BAR CHART 8.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………12 8.2 Organizing and managing the data …………………………………………12-13 8.3 Representing the data ……………………………………………………….…..14 8.4 Interpretation and making inferences …………………………………………..15 8.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………….15
  • 2. 9.0 HISTOGRAM 9.1 Collecting data ……………………………………………………………………16 9.3 Organizing and managing the data …………………………………………16-19 9.3 Representing the data ……………………………………………………….…. 20 9.4 Interpretation and making inferences ………………………………………..….21 9.5 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………… 21 10.0 REFLECTION ………………………………………………………………...……… 22 11.0 THE SURVEY ………………………………………………………………..………. 23 12.0 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………..……. 24-25
  • 3. 1.0 Background of the survey Today, the knowledge’s are one of the important things for humankind. It shows the level of the person. Besides that, the knowledge’s show the symbol of the races and the religion. If we are lazy to explore the knowledge, our life will not success and become meaningless. Therefore, it is possible there are many type of book that we can get knowledge form it. Then, if we want to read, we must buy more books. How can an individual spend their money to get more knowledge? If that is happen, that person is in the big trouble. About getting more knowledge, it depends on the personal either he or she can buy expensive books or not. For this task, it will be focusing on how many books are read by the student in the college. From my observation, I see every student have various hobbies and it is specific for the daily activities. For example, there are many students borrow a book form the library. However, are they really read the entire book or just for revision. In my impression, maybe he or she has many books but not read all. In addition, they don’t like to borrow books rather than buy it. By that way, it depends of the races. The number of Chinese students that read the books is more than Malay and Indian students. Time also related with. If they don’t have time to read, they will do other things or sleep. On the other hand, if they buy a book, they feel wasting rather than buy a top up or foods. This topic is important because from here I can do the survey on the number of book that students read in my campus. Besides that, it also to fulfill the assignment question for the basic mathematics coursework.
  • 4. 2.0 Problem statement From this survey, there are three problem questioned in my mind. The first problem is the number of book that had been read by the student. It is because some of the student doesn’t read any book in a week. Here I can see the percentage of the books that had been read. If the percentage is low, maybe he or she doesn’t like to read. In addition, he or she is lack of knowledge. The next problem is how the student gets the books. It is related with the third problem, what kinds of book that students like to read. In the campus, students always like to get books form library. However, some students like to buy or borrow from friends. Sometimes, they get the books form the presents of birthday or competitions. If they borrow from library, it saves on money. However, we must return back the book and cannot borrow a lot of books. Mean while, we can read many books and keep it by buying books from the shop. However, it waste on money spend. From here, I can compare the number of student who gets the book from library, borrow from friends and buy from the shop. I choose this topic because reading is very important in our life. It easy but it took long time to spend on books. This activity is very boring but it is important for the knowledge for the student. Even it tired, but we can get much knowledge when read many books. The students feel confident when doing the activities and communicate with another person.
  • 5. 3.0 Objectives of the survey The objective of the survey is to find the number of the books read by the IPTHO students in a week. From these topics, I can identify the types of books that students like to read and how they get the books. In this survey, there are a few number of information that I can gain. 1. I can get the average number of the books that had been read by the students. 2. I can get the information where students get the books to read. 3. I can identify the types of books that students like to read.
  • 6. 4.0 Importance of the survey The importance of this survey to me is I can identify the number of the books read by the IPTHO students in a week. Besides that, I can get the types of books that they like to read and how they get the book. Here, I can see the percentage of students through the bar chart, pie chart and the histogram. From this survey also I can fulfill the question for the basic mathematics coursework. This survey is important for IPTHO because the administration department have to fulfill the facilities needed by the student in the hostel. If the number of the students that like to read the books is more than the number of students doesn’t like to read, it is possible for administration to increase the number of book in the library. So, the students will always come to library and read many books in a week. The student will be feeling satisfied and can get much knowledge if the facility is fine. Besides that, the success of the student is depending on the time management. If the library doesn’t have many books to read, they will feel boring and don’t like to read anymore. When this is happen, the time table has been interrupted and the activities unwell done. 5.0 Limitation of the survey The limitation of this survey is 40 people. From 40 people, it is divided into 2, which is 20 for male students and 20 for female students. The 40 respondent taken among the students in IPTHO. This survey took place in IPTHO.
  • 7. 6.0 Definition of term 6.1 Statistics Is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, government and business. 6.2 Statistical population Is a set of entities concerning which statistical inferences are to be drawn, often based on a random sample taken from the population 6.3 Skewness Is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable. 6.4 Data set (or dataset) Is a collection of data, usually presented in tabular form. Each column represents a particular variable. Each row corresponds to a given member of the data set in question. It lists values for each of the variables, such as height and weight of an object or values of random numbers. Each value is known as a datum. The data set may comprise data for one or more members, corresponding to the number of rows.
  • 8. 6.5 Data refers to a collection of organized information, usually the result of experience, observation or experiment, other information within a computer system, or a set of premises. This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables 6.6 Sample size Of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n, a positive integer (natural number). Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in estimates of various properties of the population. This can be seen in such statistical rules as the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Repeated measurements and replication of independent samples are often required in measurement and experiments to reach a desired precision. 6.7 Sampling Is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of individual observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern, especially for the purposes of statistical inference. Each observation measures one or more properties (weight, location, etc.) of an observable entity enumerated to distinguish objects or individuals. Survey weights often need to be applied to the data to adjust for the sample design
  • 9. 6.8 Frequency of an event i is the number ni of times the event occurred in the experiment or the study. These frequencies are often graphically represented in histograms. We speak of absolute frequencies, when the counts ni themselves are given and of (relative) frequencies. 6.9 Mode Is the value that occurs the most frequently in a data set or a probability distribution. In some fields, notably education, sample data are often called scores, and the sample mode is known as the modal score. 6.10 Observation Is either an activity of a living being (such as a human), which senses and assimilates the knowledge of a phenomenon, or the recording of data using instruments. The term may also refer to any datum collected during this activity. 6.11 Median is described as the number separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half. The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the observations from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one.
  • 10. 7.1 Collecting Data Question 1: What type of books you like to read? M C E C A N A N M E C M C N N C M C N M N N N E C A N N A N C E M N N M N M N C M = magazine A = academic C = comic N = Novel E = Entertainment 7.2 Organizing and Managing Data Tally Chart Answer Tally Frequency Magazines //// /// 8 Academic //// 4 Comic //// //// 9 Novel //// //// //// 15 Entertainment //// 4 TOTAL 40
  • 11. Frequency Table Answer Frequency Cumulative frequency Magazines 8 8 Academic 4 12 Comic 9 21 Novel 15 36 Entertainment 4 40 Mode = 15 (Novel) Median = N 2 = 40 2 = 20 therefore median is comic Mean = total frequency Number of values = 40 4 = 10
  • 12. 7.3 Representation of Data Pie chart Type of books 10% 20% 10% Magazines 38% Academic Comic 22% Novel Entertainment
  • 13. 7.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences The most popular books are ‘N’ novel and it’s the mode for the data. Therefore, that mean 15 people (38%) of 40 answer ‘N’, 8 people (20%) answers ‘M’, 4 people (10%) answers ‘A’, 9 people (22%) answers ‘C’ and 4 people (10%) more answer ‘E’, This shown that 15 people like to read novel. From the survey above, it can be said that people in IPTHO like to read novel rather than magazines, academic, comic and entertainment books. Therefore, library must add their novel collection because majority of student in IPTHO like to read novel. 7.5 Suggestions The pie chart show that students in IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn like to read novel. However, academic books are the lowest percentage in the chart. This situation show knowledge of students is poor because less reading of academic books. Although novel is good to read but as the students in IPGM we must increase our knowledge. Many suggestions we can do such as increase the number of academic books in library. Students like to borrow books from the library. If there are more academic books than novel, they will choose academic books to read rather than novel. From the pie chart also we can see students like to read comic and magazines. Man always likes to read comic and lady like to read magazines. Therefore the shop must lower the price of academic books, so students will buy the books rather than comic or magazines. Illustration and color can attract people. Therefore, academic books must be design with many pictures and color to attract students. Students will buy the academic books because they like to read with many color and pictures insides it.
  • 14. 8.1 Collecting data Question 2: where you get the book to read? F B L L F L L L L L B F L F L L B L P B B L L L L P L L L P P L B P L B F L L L L = Library B = Buy F = from friends P = Present 8.2 Organizing and managing data Tally chart Sources Tally Frequency Library //// / 24 Buy // 7 From friends //// 4 Present //// //// //// // 5 TOTAL 40
  • 15. Frequency table Colors Frequency Library 24 Buy 7 From friend 4 Present 5 Mode: = 24 (library) Median: = 24 + 7 + 4 + 5 2 = 20, so the median is at library (24) Mean: = 24 + 7 + 4 + 5 4 = 40 ÷ 4 = 10
  • 16. 8.3 Representation of Data: Bar chart Sources To Get The Books 25 24 20 15 10 7 5 4 5 0 library buy From friends Present
  • 17. 8.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences The bar chart shown that library is the highest frequency from other sources of books. The frequency for this color is 24 and it’s the mode for this data. Median of the bar chart is 6This is because most of the people in IPTHO get the books from the library. Besides that library has many books and novel to read. 8.5 Suggestions The bar chart shown that library is the highest frequency sources of students get the books to read. Therefore library department must increase their quantity of books to ensure that students can read many books in a week. Bar chart also shown that number of students buy a book is less because of the price. The shop such as POPULAR must lower the price of books. Many students will buy the books if the price is reasonable. Library department also must increase the space; so many students can enter the library. If many students enter the library, they will read many books and can get much knowledge. As the teacher, knowledge’s are very important in our life. Institute department also must build more libraries in IPGM to make students read many books in a week. When many libraries build, students can get the books from library only rather than go shop to buy books.
  • 18. 9.1 Collecting data Question 3: How frequent did you read the books in a week? 1-10 11-20 21-30 11-20 21-30 1-10 11-20 1-10 11-20 1-10 31-40 11-20 1-10 21-30 1-10 11-20 21-30 11-20 11-20 31-40 1-10 1-10 1-10 11-20 1-10 11-20 11-20 11-20 1-10 1-10 1-10 41-50 11-20 1-10 11-20 31-40 1-10 41-50 11-20 11-20 9.2 Organizing and managing data Tally Chart Times Tally Frequency 1-10 //// //// //// 15 11-20 //// //// //// / 16 21-30 //// 4 31-40 /// 3 41-50 //// 2 TOTAL 40
  • 19. Frequency Table Times Frequency 1-10 15 11-20 16 21-30 4 31-40 3 40-50 2 TOTAL 40 Mode = 11- 20 (16)
  • 20. The Median Frequency Times Cumulative Frequency 1-10 15 15 11-20 16 31 21-30 4 35 31-40 3 38 40-50 2 40 So, Median = L + [ ( N/2 – F ) / fm ] C L = Lower boundary of the median class L = 10.5 N = Total frequency = 40 F = Cumulative frequency before L = 15 Fm = Frequency of L = 16 C = size of median class. = 11 So, Median = 10.5 + [(40/2 – 15) / 16] 11 = 13.94
  • 21. The Mean Times Frequency (f) Mid point(x) fx 1-10 15 1+10 = 5.5 15 x 5.5 = 82.5 2 11-20 16 11+20 = 15.5 16 x 15.5 = 248 2 21-30 4 21+30 = 25.5 4 x 25.5 = 102 2 31-40 3 31+40 = 35.5 3 x 35.5 = 106.5 2 40-50 2 40+50 = 45.5 2 x 45.5 = 91 2 TOTAL 40 (N) 127.5 630 (fx) Mean = Total fx N = 630 40 = 15.75
  • 22. 9.3 Represent of Data: Histogram Z z The number of read in a week Frequency 16 14 12 10 (a) 1 - 10 8 (b) 11 - 20 6 (c) 21 - 30 (d) 31 - 40 4 (d) 40 - 50 2 0 Number of read
  • 23. 9.4 Interpretation and Making Inferences The histogram shown, the mode is 11-20 and the frequency is 16. Median for the data are 13.94 and mean is 15.75. From the data, it can be concluding that most of the student in IPTHO read the books between 11-20 times in a week. This shown that average of student like to read in IPGM Kampus Tun Hussein Onn is moderate level. 9.5 Suggestions The histograms shown that most of the students read the books are 11- 20 times in a week. The level of reading is moderate. To increase the frequency, institute must make a campaign of reading or reading month. This campaign can make students realizes the benefit of reading books in daily life. After that, students will always read the books because they know the benefit contains when they read the books. Institute department also can make competitions to attract students read the books. Students will read many books in a week to win the competition and get the present. Therefore, the frequency of students that read books in a week will increase. Who read many books can win the competition. Illustration and color can attract people. Therefore, academic books must be design with many pictures and color to attract students. Students will buy the academic books because they like to read with many color and pictures insides it. This attraction can increase the frequency of reading books in a week. Many books you read, much knowledge you can get.
  • 24. 10.0 Reflections In my work to done this task, I had reaches many trouble. I can’t find the material about mode, median and mean. So I try to find another way. I try to find the material of mode, median and mean in internet and books from library. I also cannot find the best material in the books from library because it not a university level but academic books in primary school only. After that I try to find the type of graphs in the internet. I tried to use the internet to identified type of graphs and complete my task in Basic Mathematics. Beside that, I also stuck when I do this task because of the task’s question. I cannot understand what is the task exactly wanted. So I decide to see my lecturer, Mr. Low Piek Hong to ask him kindness to show me what are this task really want. It is not easy to meet with Mr. Low Piek Hong because he always not is around the Institute. Sometimes he has meeting, so I cannot see him if I have a problem in my task. In addition, I can feel the strength and weakness when do this task. The weakness is how to make the survey and what is the problem in the survey. Another that is how to draw a graph based on the survey. I feel this is very hard to do because we do not have many times in institute doing that survey. When I want to do this task, I fell very weak because do not have any experiences make a survey before this. The strength when do this task is I know how to make a survey. I can use this skill when I become a teacher soon. I also know how to draw pie chart, bar chart and histogram based on the survey. In addition, I know what is mode, median and mean in the graph. This knowledge is very important to me when I become a teacher soon. I can use this knowledge when do the survey of the result in my class. I feel much enjoyed when doing the task because I can learn many things such as how to find books in the library, how to search internet and the outline of the report. All of it can help me in my studies to become a teacher soon. Because of him, now I have understand what to do and then I do it on my own and completely done before the date of submission. I really thankful to all of who had helped me to did my work.
  • 25. 12.0 References (statistics) (statistics)
  • 26.,13,More data reduction Ang yian, T., Angeline Francis, Chew Poh ,C.,Lee Sau, K., Lee Yet, L., Ng Keat, S. ( 2009). Malaysian University Mathematics. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Federal Usha Devi, V, (2008) PMR Mathematicss. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Sistem Mathematics and Graphs:http:// LearningNerd.htm Advanced Composition for Non-Native Speakers of English: