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There’s way too much data out there for us to be crying over it. So I
went ahead and solved it for you.



What’s this not provided thing all about?


Keyword referrers


When a user searches the keyword is passed from Google in a the referral string in the q= variable to the website and
the site’s analytics strips this query and tracks it.

In October 2011 Google Announced a move to secure Search

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Using the Secure (HTTPS) protocol no referrer is passed. Head of WebSpam Matt Cutts said that there would only be a
single digit percentage of searches that would be affected.

Immediately seos knew what they should expect

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


The single digit promise of not provided was a joke and we all knew it.

Google says it’s due to
privacy. Really it’s to
protect their monopoly.
They are really obscuring keyword referrers to make Adwords more valuable from
both an explicit intent standpoint and to make it so no other service provider can
provide their Search Remarketing product. Seriously, if it’s an invasion of privacy
for Organic than it’s an invasion of privacy in Paid as well.

3/2012 FIREFOX
The view of the Earth from the Moon fascinated me—a small disk,
240,000 miles away. It was hard to think that that little thing held
so many problems, so many frustrations. Raging nationalistic
interests, famines, wars, pestilence don't show from that distance.

Googlers were incentivized to encourage more logins into Google+

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


It’s part of people’s job description to keep users logged in to Google.

1/2013 CHROME
The view of the Earth from the Moon fascinated me—a small disk,
240,000 miles away. It was hard to think that that little thing held
so many problems, so many frustrations. Raging nationalistic
interests, famines, wars, pestilence don't show from that distance.

September 2013 Google moved to secure Search for all users

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Citing “privacy” in the wake of the NSA scandal Google announced a move to Secure Search for all users whether they
are logged in or not. Meanwhile Adwords advertisers still get keyword referrer data.





Roll with it.


Granted they were an awesome proxy, but you could still be the wrong piece of content for that user.
Consider the keyword “subway,” the search means something completely different to a 25 year old in new
york city than it does to 40 year old in topeka, kansas. Just knowing the keyword you searched for does
not necessarily tell me what you want. Knowing who you are helps a lot more.

…And I have looked to understand the people behind the search (reason #2)

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


We leverage market segmentation from Experian and Nielsen in context with Social PPC APIs to build robust personas
with user stories, demographics, psychographics and engagement insights to drive our SEO programs.

…and google is making it easier (Affinity segments)

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Google also jumped on the segmentation train a few months back offering what they are calling “affinity segments” where
they have identified 80 different personas for targeting in Display channels.

Reason #3: my keyword research methods are persona based

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Rather than just putting together a list of keywords and search volumes we run surveys to understand where users are at
in the Consumer Decision Journey with their search.

Persona keyword surveys

Set Demographics

Layout Questions with Interest-based Skip-Logic

You will have to pre-determine your audience with your persona research and then ask them specific questions about
your keyword selections with in-depth Skip Logic so each persona only responds about relevant searches.

The keyword portfolio

N-Gram Count
Avg. Monthly Broad Match Search Volume
Avg. Monthly Exact Match Search Volume
Mobile Broad Match Search Volume
Mobile Exact Match Search Volume
Previous Period Traffic
Previous Period Share of Voice
Previous Period Conversion Rate


Current Google Ranking
Target Persona(s)
Need State(s)
Keyword Category
Keyword Sub-Category
Current Landing Page
Target Landing Page
Conversion Rate
Rank Zone

We pull all of these data points into our keyword research to have a very robust understanding of the users behind the
searches. This influences our content strategy and ultimately measurement planning.

Reason #4: my content strategy is kpi-driven


Certain content types work better for meeting certain business objectives and targeting certain types of users. We’re
already creating the right things to meet what makes sense in the given stage of the consumer decision journey.

Reason #5: Our Messaging resonates with the audience and need state
Awareness Message

Loyalty Message
Consideration Message


Our content strategy includes messaging that is focused on the needs of the people and messaging is optimized for the
given need state to encourage conversion.

Reason #6: I’ve already developed methods for measuring people

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


I developed a methodology called Keyword-Level Demographics that leveraged keyword referrers in context of
demographic and psychographic data from Facebook to measure and validate personas

Leverage user profiles for measuring segments

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


When sites have user profiles we can leverage them in context with analytics to understand which segments are
performing best and why.

I wrote about this on moz

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


I wrote an in-depth post about the insights that can be gained from user profiles and how they can be leveraged for
cohort analysis at Moz.

Reason #7: I can already get plenty of data on the user

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


If you can get an email address or social login you can build a complete profile of a user using FullContact or RapLeaf.
Knowing what type of user goes you’re dealing with allows you to have the right messaging

Reason #7: We can already do awesome stuff.

Predictive Modeling
Dynamic Targeting
Keyword Arbitrage

We can already do a lot of great things with all this data about our users even though Google is killing the ability to do
keyword arbitrage through Organic Search.

And that’s what google is forcing everyone to do now.

How to do content strategy for several cohorts

Not provided has effectively set us free


Google has essentially killed all awards for publishing awful content. Now with keyword-level measurement dead we have
more opportunities to create things people actually want to read.

What are cohorts?

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Cohorts are the same as personas, but it’s generally the terminology used when applied to statistics and refer to people
that have experienced the same behavior or event during a given timespan.

Create content specifically with personas/cohorts in mind

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Each piece of content for iAcquire was presented and reviewed with regard to which of our personas we were targeting.
If the content did not meet one of those personas it was often denied or re-tooled.

When we don’t focus on the user…

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


When we only go after keywords based on search volumes we often get very unqualified traffic as seen here.

When we do focus on the user we got results

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Focusing in on personas allowed us a 65% improvement in conversions YoY.

Oh yeah we g0t traffic too

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


At iAcquire from employing this process we’ve seen growth in Organic Search alone of over 1300% YoY.

New Data means new ways to measure users

This is the strategy most seos are using

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Most smart SEOs have moved to landing page level reporting. Looking at traffic to the site, the ranking keywords, their
position and search volume to reverse engineer the performing keywords.

i believe that’s shortsighted
Google has given us a lot more data to get more in-depth
understanding of users coming to our site via Organic Search. Why
are trying to use muddy data to meet and old way of thinking?

Cohorts in Google Analytics

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Recently Google gave marketers the ability to set up cohorts in Google Analytics and therefore let us measure types of
people far more specifically.

Demographic data and affinity segments in google analytics!!!

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Google also rolled out the ability to measure against affinity segments. Google Analytics now has the ability to track
demographic data (Age, Gender, etc) and Affinity Segment type.


<script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq
|| []; _gaq.push( ['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX1'],['_trackPageview'] ); (function() { var ga =
document.createElement('script'); ga.type =
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<script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq
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s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();
window.onload = function() {
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gaScript = s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); }
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}; </script>
Google+ as an identity platform suddenly makes sense


I predict that Google will supplant many market research providers such as Nielsen, ComScore and Experian by
providing robust end to end market research, targeting and measurement built on the back of Google+.

Cohorts based on demographics & affinity segment

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Now you can track and analyze personas/cohorts directly in Google Analytics WITHOUT any other data sources.

It’s time to move from explicit
intent to implicit intent
You still know the page the user has landed on, you now know what type of user it
is, you know which keywords rank for your landing page so now the real question
is “does my message and content fulfill a need that resonates with my target?”
Understand what makes your audience tick and determine the best way to
convince them your product or service is right for them. Conversion is still the
best measure of that.

Implicit intent vs. explicit intent
Explicit Intent Scenario

Implicit Intent Scenario

Users Lands on the “men’s reading
glasses” landing from Organic search
on the keyword [reading glasses]
Time On Site: 00:01
Bounce Rate: 100%

Cohort Lands on the “men’s reading
glasses” landing page from Organic
Age: 25 – 34
Gender: Female
Location: Reading, Pennsylvania
As Segment: Do It Yourselfers
Affinity with many features and products Google has
Timerolled out over the years adoption is the main
On Site: 00:31
barrier toVisits Souvenir Reading
Site Action: usage.
Glasses for Women page
Bounce Rate: 50%

This doesn’t tell me much about the user except
that they were looking for “reading glasses,” but if
we’re based in Reading, Pennsylvania that could be

This tells me that I need a better title and meta
description to tell female users this is not right choice
for them and some users are looking for souvenirs for
Reading, Pennsylvania not eyeglasses for reading.

Explicit intent tells you specifically what someone is looking for, but it does not give you content around that user. Having
more complete context around actual visitors gives you better insights into how to tailor your messaging

The view of the earth from the moon!


Understand and segment your audience

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Build personas and use the affinity segments as your base and then set up filters and segments in GA so you can track
accordingly. Enable the code to get the demographic data into your analytics.

Use the keyword planner to discover what google thinks

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Dropping your landing page into the keyword planner quickly tells you what keywords Google would consider for pages.

Track internal search

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


On site search becomes your hyper-relevant source for long tail keywords in context with your audience where you can
determine what opportunities your missing out on.

Infer search intent from site actions


Track the user’s first action in context with the channel they came from to infer intent. Carmen Mardiros wrote an
excellent post on this subject

Measure Organic search as a channel

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Organic Search is one channel of many. You should be reporting it as such, but in context of the audience searching and
their rate of conversion. Optimizations should be made based on landing page performance.

Track your rankings and search volumes

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


STAT is my favorite rankings tool due to accuracy, search volume data and ability to tag keywords with the segmentation
we’ve developed in our keyword portfolio.

Leverage google webmaster tools data

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


While its precision is questionable Google Webmaster Tools’ search queries section is a good way to get a sense of what
keywords are landing where if you still want to leverage explicit intent for optimization.

Understand your landing page conversion rates from Organic Search

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


Look at the conversion rates of your landing pages for traffic coming from Organic Search (Non-paid Search segment
and google filter) in context of your cohorts. This tells you where to A/B test your messaging.

Optimize against implicit intent and cohorts

As with many features and products Google has
rolled out over the years adoption is the main
barrier to usage.


There’s a tool called Nudgespot which allows you to easily setup dynamic targeting for different segments. A/B test to
improve conversion from Organic Search


Thank you / Q&A
Michael King
marketing consultant & trainer

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How i Solved Not Provided

  • 1. HOW I SOLVED (NOT PROVIDED) There’s way too much data out there for us to be crying over it. So I went ahead and solved it for you. @iPullRank
  • 4. What’s this not provided thing all about? HISTORY OF KEYWORD DATA @iPullRank
  • 5. Keyword referrers IPULLRANK.COM When a user searches the keyword is passed from Google in a the referral string in the q= variable to the website and the site’s analytics strips this query and tracks it. @ipullrank
  • 6. In October 2011 Google Announced a move to secure Search As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Using the Secure (HTTPS) protocol no referrer is passed. Head of WebSpam Matt Cutts said that there would only be a single digit percentage of searches that would be affected. @ipullrank
  • 7. Immediately seos knew what they should expect As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM The single digit promise of not provided was a joke and we all knew it. @ipullrank
  • 8. Google says it’s due to privacy. Really it’s to protect their monopoly. They are really obscuring keyword referrers to make Adwords more valuable from both an explicit intent standpoint and to make it so no other service provider can provide their Search Remarketing product. Seriously, if it’s an invasion of privacy for Organic than it’s an invasion of privacy in Paid as well. @iPullRank
  • 9. 3/2012 FIREFOX WENT SECURE SEARCH The view of the Earth from the Moon fascinated me—a small disk, 240,000 miles away. It was hard to think that that little thing held so many problems, so many frustrations. Raging nationalistic interests, famines, wars, pestilence don't show from that distance. @iPullRank
  • 10. Googlers were incentivized to encourage more logins into Google+ As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM It’s part of people’s job description to keep users logged in to Google. @ipullrank
  • 11. 1/2013 CHROME WENT SECURE SEARCH The view of the Earth from the Moon fascinated me—a small disk, 240,000 miles away. It was hard to think that that little thing held so many problems, so many frustrations. Raging nationalistic interests, famines, wars, pestilence don't show from that distance. @iPullRank
  • 12. September 2013 Google moved to secure Search for all users As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Citing “privacy” in the wake of the NSA scandal Google announced a move to Secure Search for all users whether they are logged in or not. Meanwhile Adwords advertisers still get keyword referrer data. @ipullrank
  • 13. THIS IS MY REACTION. @iPullRank
  • 21. Roll with it. WHY I DON’T CARE @iPullRank
  • 22. REASON #1: KEYWORDS WERE ALWAYS JUST A PROXY Granted they were an awesome proxy, but you could still be the wrong piece of content for that user. Consider the keyword “subway,” the search means something completely different to a 25 year old in new york city than it does to 40 year old in topeka, kansas. Just knowing the keyword you searched for does not necessarily tell me what you want. Knowing who you are helps a lot more. @iPullRank
  • 23. …And I have looked to understand the people behind the search (reason #2) As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM We leverage market segmentation from Experian and Nielsen in context with Social PPC APIs to build robust personas with user stories, demographics, psychographics and engagement insights to drive our SEO programs. @ipullrank
  • 24. …and google is making it easier (Affinity segments) As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Google also jumped on the segmentation train a few months back offering what they are calling “affinity segments” where they have identified 80 different personas for targeting in Display channels. @ipullrank
  • 25. Reason #3: my keyword research methods are persona based As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Rather than just putting together a list of keywords and search volumes we run surveys to understand where users are at in the Consumer Decision Journey with their search. @ipullrank
  • 26. Persona keyword surveys Set Demographics IPULLRANK.COM Layout Questions with Interest-based Skip-Logic You will have to pre-determine your audience with your persona research and then ask them specific questions about your keyword selections with in-depth Skip Logic so each persona only responds about relevant searches. @ipullrank
  • 27. The keyword portfolio Keyword N-Gram Count Avg. Monthly Broad Match Search Volume Avg. Monthly Exact Match Search Volume Mobile Broad Match Search Volume Mobile Exact Match Search Volume Previous Period Traffic Previous Period Share of Voice Previous Period Conversion Rate IPULLRANK.COM Current Google Ranking Target Persona(s) Need State(s) Keyword Category Keyword Sub-Category Current Landing Page Target Landing Page Conversion Rate Rank Zone We pull all of these data points into our keyword research to have a very robust understanding of the users behind the searches. This influences our content strategy and ultimately measurement planning. @ipullrank
  • 28. Reason #4: my content strategy is kpi-driven IPULLRANK.COM Certain content types work better for meeting certain business objectives and targeting certain types of users. We’re already creating the right things to meet what makes sense in the given stage of the consumer decision journey. @ipullrank
  • 29. Reason #5: Our Messaging resonates with the audience and need state Awareness Message Loyalty Message Consideration Message IPULLRANK.COM Our content strategy includes messaging that is focused on the needs of the people and messaging is optimized for the given need state to encourage conversion. @ipullrank
  • 30. Reason #6: I’ve already developed methods for measuring people As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM I developed a methodology called Keyword-Level Demographics that leveraged keyword referrers in context of demographic and psychographic data from Facebook to measure and validate personas @ipullrank
  • 31. Leverage user profiles for measuring segments As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM When sites have user profiles we can leverage them in context with analytics to understand which segments are performing best and why. @ipullrank
  • 32. I wrote about this on moz As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM I wrote an in-depth post about the insights that can be gained from user profiles and how they can be leveraged for cohort analysis at Moz. @ipullrank
  • 33. Reason #7: I can already get plenty of data on the user As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM If you can get an email address or social login you can build a complete profile of a user using FullContact or RapLeaf. Knowing what type of user goes you’re dealing with allows you to have the right messaging @ipullrank
  • 34. Reason #7: We can already do awesome stuff. Predictive Modeling Dynamic Targeting Keyword Arbitrage IPULLRANK.COM We can already do a lot of great things with all this data about our users even though Google is killing the ability to do keyword arbitrage through Organic Search. @ipullrank
  • 35. IN OTHER WORDS… I AM ALREADY DOING MARKETING. And that’s what google is forcing everyone to do now. @iPullRank
  • 36. How to do content strategy for several cohorts CONTENT STRATEGY FOR MULTIPLE PERSONAS @iPullRank
  • 37. Not provided has effectively set us free IPULLRANK.COM Google has essentially killed all awards for publishing awful content. Now with keyword-level measurement dead we have more opportunities to create things people actually want to read. @ipullrank
  • 38. What are cohorts? As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Cohorts are the same as personas, but it’s generally the terminology used when applied to statistics and refer to people that have experienced the same behavior or event during a given timespan. @ipullrank
  • 39. Create content specifically with personas/cohorts in mind As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Each piece of content for iAcquire was presented and reviewed with regard to which of our personas we were targeting. If the content did not meet one of those personas it was often denied or re-tooled. @ipullrank
  • 40. When we don’t focus on the user… As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM When we only go after keywords based on search volumes we often get very unqualified traffic as seen here. @ipullrank
  • 41. When we do focus on the user we got results As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Focusing in on personas allowed us a 65% improvement in conversions YoY. @ipullrank
  • 42. Oh yeah we g0t traffic too As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM At iAcquire from employing this process we’ve seen growth in Organic Search alone of over 1300% YoY. @ipullrank
  • 43. New Data means new ways to measure users GOOGLE GIVETH MORE THAN IT TAKETH AWAY @iPullRank
  • 44. This is the strategy most seos are using As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Most smart SEOs have moved to landing page level reporting. Looking at traffic to the site, the ranking keywords, their position and search volume to reverse engineer the performing keywords. @ipullrank
  • 45. i believe that’s shortsighted Google has given us a lot more data to get more in-depth understanding of users coming to our site via Organic Search. Why are trying to use muddy data to meet and old way of thinking? @iPullRank
  • 46. Cohorts in Google Analytics As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Recently Google gave marketers the ability to set up cohorts in Google Analytics and therefore let us measure types of people far more specifically. @ipullrank
  • 47. Demographic data and affinity segments in google analytics!!! As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Google also rolled out the ability to measure against affinity segments. Google Analytics now has the ability to track demographic data (Age, Gender, etc) and Affinity Segment type. @ipullrank
  • 48. IMPLEMENT THIS CODE TO GET THE MOST DATA http://www.analyticsresult <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push( ['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX1'],['_trackPageview'] ); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); window.onload = function() { if(_gaq.I==undefined){ _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'tracking_script', 'loaded', 'ga.js', ,true]); ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; gaScript = s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); } else { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'tracking_script', 'loaded', 'dc.js', ,true]); } }; </script>
  • 49. IMPLEMENT THIS CODE TO GET THE MOST DATA http://www.analyticsresult <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push( ['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX1'],['_trackPageview'] ); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); window.onload = function() { if(_gaq.I==undefined){ _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'tracking_script', 'loaded', 'ga.js', ,true]); ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; gaScript = s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); } else { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'tracking_script', 'loaded', 'dc.js', ,true]); } }; </script>
  • 50. Google+ as an identity platform suddenly makes sense IPULLRANK.COM I predict that Google will supplant many market research providers such as Nielsen, ComScore and Experian by providing robust end to end market research, targeting and measurement built on the back of Google+. @ipullrank
  • 51. Cohorts based on demographics & affinity segment As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Now you can track and analyze personas/cohorts directly in Google Analytics WITHOUT any other data sources. @ipullrank
  • 52. It’s time to move from explicit intent to implicit intent You still know the page the user has landed on, you now know what type of user it is, you know which keywords rank for your landing page so now the real question is “does my message and content fulfill a need that resonates with my target?” Understand what makes your audience tick and determine the best way to convince them your product or service is right for them. Conversion is still the best measure of that. @iPullRank
  • 53. Implicit intent vs. explicit intent Explicit Intent Scenario Implicit Intent Scenario Users Lands on the “men’s reading glasses” landing from Organic search on the keyword [reading glasses] Time On Site: 00:01 Bounce Rate: 100% Cohort Lands on the “men’s reading glasses” landing page from Organic Search Age: 25 – 34 Gender: Female Location: Reading, Pennsylvania As Segment: Do It Yourselfers Affinity with many features and products Google has Timerolled out over the years adoption is the main On Site: 00:31 barrier toVisits Souvenir Reading Site Action: usage. Glasses for Women page Bounce Rate: 50% This doesn’t tell me much about the user except that they were looking for “reading glasses,” but if we’re based in Reading, Pennsylvania that could be ambiguous. IPULLRANK.COM This tells me that I need a better title and meta description to tell female users this is not right choice for them and some users are looking for souvenirs for Reading, Pennsylvania not eyeglasses for reading. Explicit intent tells you specifically what someone is looking for, but it does not give you content around that user. Having more complete context around actual visitors gives you better insights into how to tailor your messaging @ipullrank
  • 54. The view of the earth from the moon! WHAT YOU SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW @iPullRank
  • 55. Understand and segment your audience As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Build personas and use the affinity segments as your base and then set up filters and segments in GA so you can track accordingly. Enable the code to get the demographic data into your analytics. @ipullrank
  • 56. Use the keyword planner to discover what google thinks As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Dropping your landing page into the keyword planner quickly tells you what keywords Google would consider for pages. @ipullrank
  • 57. Track internal search As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM On site search becomes your hyper-relevant source for long tail keywords in context with your audience where you can determine what opportunities your missing out on. @ipullrank
  • 58. Infer search intent from site actions IPULLRANK.COM Track the user’s first action in context with the channel they came from to infer intent. Carmen Mardiros wrote an excellent post on this subject @ipullrank
  • 59. Measure Organic search as a channel As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Organic Search is one channel of many. You should be reporting it as such, but in context of the audience searching and their rate of conversion. Optimizations should be made based on landing page performance. @ipullrank
  • 60. Track your rankings and search volumes As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM STAT is my favorite rankings tool due to accuracy, search volume data and ability to tag keywords with the segmentation we’ve developed in our keyword portfolio. @ipullrank
  • 61. Leverage google webmaster tools data As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM While its precision is questionable Google Webmaster Tools’ search queries section is a good way to get a sense of what keywords are landing where if you still want to leverage explicit intent for optimization. @ipullrank
  • 62. Understand your landing page conversion rates from Organic Search As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM Look at the conversion rates of your landing pages for traffic coming from Organic Search (Non-paid Search segment and google filter) in context of your cohorts. This tells you where to A/B test your messaging. @ipullrank
  • 63. Optimize against implicit intent and cohorts As with many features and products Google has rolled out over the years adoption is the main barrier to usage. IPULLRANK.COM There’s a tool called Nudgespot which allows you to easily setup dynamic targeting for different segments. A/B test to improve conversion from Organic Search @ipullrank
  • 64. Thank you / Q&A Michael King marketing consultant & trainer @iPullRank Download this deck