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PHP, RabbitMQ, and You
#mwphp14 #rabbitmq @jasonlotito
MidwestPHP 2014 - RabbitMQ
What will we be covering?
1. What is RabbitMQ
2. Technology Overview
3. Publishers
4. Consumers
5. Exchanges
6. Queues
7. Bindings
8. Carrot to make things easy
9. Publish events from the web
10.Multiple consumers
11.Management UI Publishing
12.Consumers Publishing
PHP, RabbitMQ, and You
#mwphp14 #rabbitmq @jasonlotito
Jason Lotito
Senior Architect @ MeetMe
Senior Architect means people can blame
me when things don’t work as expected.
When things work, it’s because they
worked around my code.
Who has worked with
RabbitMQ in production?
Raise your hands. The only audience participation part, I promise.
Part 1
Crash Course In RabbitMQ
1. What is RabbitMQ
2. Technology Overview
3. Publishers
4. Consumers
5. Exchanges
6. Queues
7. Bindings
– RabbitMQ In Action*, Manning
“RabbitMQ is an open source message broker
and queueing server that can be used to let
disparate applications share data via a common
protocol, or to simply queue jobs for processing
by distributed workers.

Where RabbitMQ Sits
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
Event Occurs in Application
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
Message is Sent to Exchange
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
Message is Sent to Queue
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
Exchanges connect to Queues through Bindings
Message is Sent to Consumer
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
– Me, Now
“Where as a database handles your data,
a message queue handles your events.”
A database handles nouns.
A message queue handles verbs.
But enough talk
Let’s see some code!
"require": {

"videlalvaro/php-amqplib": "2.2.*"

We are starting with the publisher
Publisher: send.php

// Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;

// Message Prep

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

$message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;

// Publish Message

$channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');

echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";



Publisher: send.php

// Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;

// Message Prep

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

$message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;

// Publish Message

$channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');

echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";



Publisher: send.php

// Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;

// Message Prep

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

$message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;

// Publish Message

$channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');

echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";



Publisher: send.php

// Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;

// Message Prep

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

$message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;

// Publish Message

$channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');

echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";



Publisher: send.php

// Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;

// Message Prep

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

$message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;

// Publish Message

$channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');

echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";



Now we create a consumer
Consumer: receive.php

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);

echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";

$handler = function($message) use($channel){

echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);


$channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false,

Consumer: receive.php

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);

echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";

$handler = function($message) use($channel){

echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);


$channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false,

Consumer: receive.php

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);

echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";

$handler = function($message) use($channel){

echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);


$channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false,

Consumer: receive.php

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = require('config.php');

use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;

$connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],




$channel = $connection->channel();

$channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);

echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";

$handler = function($message) use($channel){

echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);


$channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false,

Message is Sent to Exchange
(P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
Exchange Types
Direct, Fanout, and Topic
Queue bound to many exchanges
$msg = new AMQPMessage( $message );

$channel->basic_publish($msg, '', ‘');
* matches one word
# matches zero or more words
A word is delineated by .
*, #, and .
NOT *.messages.* matches
NOT spam.*
spam.# matches
Now Let’s Create an
Exchange and a Queue
Using the Management UI
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
We’ve Created Everything
Publishers, Exchanges, Bindings, Queues, and Consumers
So what can we do with this?
Part 2
PHP & RabbitMQ Together
1. Carrot to make things easy
2. Publish events from the web
3. Multiple consumers
4. Management UI Publishing
5. Consumers Publishing
Carrot Consumer Code

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use CarrotConsumer;
$queue = 'new_messages';

$handler = function($msg){

echo $msg, PHP_EOL;

return true;


(new Consumer())->listenTo($queue, $handler)

Carrot Publisher Code

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use CarrotPublisher;

$msg = implode(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));

(new Publisher('messages'))

->publish('', $msg);
Make publishing easy
Make consuming easier
Adding the Web
$publisher = new Publisher('messages');

$sendCount = (int) (isset($_POST['simulatedMessageCount']) ?
$_POST['simulatedMessageCount'] : 1);

for($x = 0; $x<$sendCount; $x++){

if(isset($_POST['simulateWork'])) {


$msg = ['comment' => $_POST['comment'] . " $x"];

$publisher->eventuallyPublish('', $msg);

} else {

$msg = ['comment' => $_POST['comment'] . " $x"];

$publisher->publish('', $msg);


Let’s use the written
Carrot Consumer Code
public function eventuallyPublish($routingKey, $message)


$msg = $this->buildMessage($message);

$channel = $this->getChannel();

$channel->batch_basic_publish($msg, $this->exchange,



public function finallyPublish()


if ($this->doBatchPublish) {

$this->doBatchPublish = false;



// register finallyPublish
private function registerShutdownHandler();

Publish from the web
Let’s add another consumer
Without changing existing code
send text messages
$queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';

(new Consumer())

->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')

->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {

$msg = json_decode($msg);

$urlString = '' .


$preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);

$url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);

$res = file_get_contents($url);

$result = json_decode($res);

$messageResult = $result->messages[0];

echo "Message Result: " .

($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')


return $messageResult->status === '0';


send text messages
$queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';

(new Consumer())

->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')

->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {

$msg = json_decode($msg);

$urlString = '' .


$preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);

$url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);

$res = file_get_contents($url);

$result = json_decode($res);

$messageResult = $result->messages[0];

echo "Message Result: " .

($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')


return $messageResult->status === '0';


send text messages
$queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';

(new Consumer())

->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')

->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {

$msg = json_decode($msg);

$urlString = '' .


$preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);

$url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);

$res = file_get_contents($url);

$result = json_decode($res);

$messageResult = $result->messages[0];

echo "Message Result: " .

($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')


return $messageResult->status === '0';


Both queues get the message
Let’s add another layer
Yo dawg, let’s have a
consumer publish
Send an email
After the text message
Create a new Exchange
Update text message consumer
$publisher = new Publisher('sms');

(new Consumer())

->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')

->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $publisher) {

// existing code

$successful = $messageResult->status === '0';

if ($successful) {

$publisher->publish(‘sms.sent', ['message' => $msg->comment]);


return $successful;


Let’s write the email consumer
And I’ll also show you how to easily test them
Email Consumer
(new Consumer())

->bind('send_email', 'emails', '*.send')

->bind('send_email', 'sms', '*.sent')

->listenTo('send_email', function($message){

$msg = json_decode($message);

mail('', 'MidwestPHP RabbitMQ Talk',

echo 'Message sent: ' . $msg->message . PHP_EOL;

return true;

Email consumer
(new Consumer())

->bind('send_email', 'emails', '*.send')

->bind('send_email', 'sms', '*.sent')

->listenTo('send_email', function($message){

$msg = json_decode($message);

mail('', 'MidwestPHP RabbitMQ Talk',

echo 'Message sent: ' . $msg->message . PHP_EOL;

return true;

Now, let’s see it
from the beginning
Thank you. Review:
#midwestphp #rabbitmq
Questions? Feel free to stop and ask me, email, tweet,

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PHP, RabbitMQ, and You

  • 1. PHP, RabbitMQ, and You #mwphp14 #rabbitmq @jasonlotito MidwestPHP 2014 - RabbitMQ What will we be covering? 1. What is RabbitMQ 2. Technology Overview 3. Publishers 4. Consumers 5. Exchanges 6. Queues 7. Bindings 8. Carrot to make things easy 9. Publish events from the web 10.Multiple consumers 11.Management UI Publishing 12.Consumers Publishing
  • 2. PHP, RabbitMQ, and You #mwphp14 #rabbitmq @jasonlotito
  • 3. Jason Lotito Senior Architect @ MeetMe ! Senior Architect means people can blame me when things don’t work as expected. When things work, it’s because they worked around my code.
  • 4. Who has worked with RabbitMQ in production? Raise your hands. The only audience participation part, I promise.
  • 5. Part 1 Crash Course In RabbitMQ 1. What is RabbitMQ 2. Technology Overview 3. Publishers 4. Consumers 5. Exchanges 6. Queues 7. Bindings
  • 6. – RabbitMQ In Action*, Manning “RabbitMQ is an open source message broker and queueing server that can be used to let disparate applications share data via a common protocol, or to simply queue jobs for processing by distributed workers. ”
  • 7. Where RabbitMQ Sits (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
  • 8. Event Occurs in Application (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
  • 9. Message is Sent to Exchange (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
  • 10. Message is Sent to Queue (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer Exchanges connect to Queues through Bindings
  • 11. Message is Sent to Consumer (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
  • 12. – Me, Now “Where as a database handles your data, a message queue handles your events.”
  • 13. A database handles nouns. A message queue handles verbs.
  • 14. But enough talk Let’s see some code!
  • 16. We are starting with the publisher
  • 17. Publisher: send.php <?php
 // Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
 // Message Prep
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 $message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;
 // Publish Message
 $channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');
 echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";

  • 18. Publisher: send.php <?php
 // Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
 // Message Prep
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 $message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;
 // Publish Message
 $channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');
 echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";

  • 19. Publisher: send.php <?php
 // Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
 // Message Prep
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 $message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;
 // Publish Message
 $channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');
 echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";

  • 20. Publisher: send.php <?php
 // Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
 // Message Prep
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 $message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;
 // Publish Message
 $channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');
 echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";

  • 21. Publisher: send.php <?php
 // Setup, $ php send.php whatever you want to send
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 use PhpAmqpLibMessageAMQPMessage;
 // Message Prep
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $message = join(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 $message = empty($message) ? 'Hello world!' : $message;
 // Publish Message
 $channel->basic_publish(new AMQPMessage( $message ), '', 'hello');
 echo " [x] Sent '$message'n";

  • 22. Now we create a consumer
  • 23. Consumer: receive.php <?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);
 echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";
 $handler = function($message) use($channel){
 echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);
 $channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false, $handler);
  • 24. Consumer: receive.php <?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);
 echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";
 $handler = function($message) use($channel){
 echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);
 $channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false, $handler);
  • 25. Consumer: receive.php <?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);
 echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";
 $handler = function($message) use($channel){
 echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);
 $channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false, $handler);
  • 26. Consumer: receive.php <?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 $config = require('config.php');
 use PhpAmqpLibConnectionAMQPConnection;
 $connection = new AMQPConnection($config['mq']['host'],
 $channel = $connection->channel();
 $channel->queue_declare('hello', false, false, false, true);
 echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "n";
 $handler = function($message) use($channel){
 echo sprintf('Message: %s' . PHP_EOL, $message->body);
 $channel->basic_consume('hello', false, true, true, false, false, $handler);
  • 27.
  • 28. Message is Sent to Exchange (P) Producer/Publisher - (X) Exchange - (C) Consumer
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Queue bound to many exchanges
  • 34. $msg = new AMQPMessage( $message );
 $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', ‘');
  • 35. * matches one word # matches zero or more words A word is delineated by . *, #, and .
  • 38. Now Let’s Create an Exchange and a Queue
  • 39. Using the Management UI rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management http://localhost:15672
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. We’ve Created Everything Publishers, Exchanges, Bindings, Queues, and Consumers
  • 43. So what can we do with this?
  • 44. Part 2 PHP & RabbitMQ Together 1. Carrot to make things easy 2. Publish events from the web 3. Multiple consumers 4. Management UI Publishing 5. Consumers Publishing
  • 46. Carrot Consumer Code <?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
 use CarrotConsumer; $queue = 'new_messages';
 $handler = function($msg){
 echo $msg, PHP_EOL;
 return true;
 (new Consumer())->listenTo($queue, $handler)
  • 47. Carrot Publisher Code <?php
 require 'vendor/autoload.php';
 use CarrotPublisher;
 $msg = implode(' ', array_splice($argv, 1));
 (new Publisher('messages'))
 ->publish('', $msg);
  • 48.
  • 53. Publisher $publisher = new Publisher('messages');
 $sendCount = (int) (isset($_POST['simulatedMessageCount']) ? $_POST['simulatedMessageCount'] : 1);
 for($x = 0; $x<$sendCount; $x++){
 if(isset($_POST['simulateWork'])) {
 $msg = ['comment' => $_POST['comment'] . " $x"];
 $publisher->eventuallyPublish('', $msg);
 } else {
 $msg = ['comment' => $_POST['comment'] . " $x"];
 $publisher->publish('', $msg);
  • 54. Let’s use the written Carrot Consumer Code
  • 55.
  • 56. batch_basic_publish public function eventuallyPublish($routingKey, $message)
 $msg = $this->buildMessage($message);
 $channel = $this->getChannel();
 $channel->batch_basic_publish($msg, $this->exchange, $routingKey);
 public function finallyPublish()
 if ($this->doBatchPublish) {
 $this->doBatchPublish = false;
 } ! // register finallyPublish private function registerShutdownHandler();

  • 57. Publish from the web Let’s add another consumer Without changing existing code
  • 58. send text messages $queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';
 (new Consumer())
 ->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')
 ->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {
 $msg = json_decode($msg);
 $urlString = '' .
 $preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);
 $url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);
 $res = file_get_contents($url);
 $result = json_decode($res);
 $messageResult = $result->messages[0];
 echo "Message Result: " .
 ($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')
 return $messageResult->status === '0';

  • 59. send text messages $queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';
 (new Consumer())
 ->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')
 ->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {
 $msg = json_decode($msg);
 $urlString = '' .
 $preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);
 $url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);
 $res = file_get_contents($url);
 $result = json_decode($res);
 $messageResult = $result->messages[0];
 echo "Message Result: " .
 ($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')
 return $messageResult->status === '0';

  • 60. send text messages $queueName = 'messages_for_nexmo';
 (new Consumer())
 ->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')
 ->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber) {
 $msg = json_decode($msg);
 $urlString = '' .
 $preparedMessage = urlencode($msg->comment);
 $url = sprintf($urlString, $key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $preparedMessage);
 $res = file_get_contents($url);
 $result = json_decode($res);
 $messageResult = $result->messages[0];
 echo "Message Result: " .
 ($messageResult->status === '0' ? 'Message Sent' : 'Message not sent')
 return $messageResult->status === '0';

  • 61. Both queues get the message
  • 62.
  • 64. Yo dawg, let’s have a consumer publish
  • 65. Send an email After the text message
  • 66. Create a new Exchange
  • 67. Update text message consumer $publisher = new Publisher('sms');
 (new Consumer())
 ->bind($queueName, 'messages', '')
 ->listenTo($queueName, function($msg) use($key, $secret, $phoneNumber, $publisher) {
 // existing code
 $successful = $messageResult->status === '0';
 if ($successful) {
 $publisher->publish(‘sms.sent', ['message' => $msg->comment]);
 return $successful;

  • 68. Let’s write the email consumer And I’ll also show you how to easily test them
  • 69. Email Consumer (new Consumer())
 ->bind('send_email', 'emails', '*.send')
 ->bind('send_email', 'sms', '*.sent')
 ->listenTo('send_email', function($message){
 $msg = json_decode($message);
 mail('', 'MidwestPHP RabbitMQ Talk', $msg->message);
 echo 'Message sent: ' . $msg->message . PHP_EOL;
 return true;
  • 70. Email consumer (new Consumer())
 ->bind('send_email', 'emails', '*.send')
 ->bind('send_email', 'sms', '*.sent')
 ->listenTo('send_email', function($message){
 $msg = json_decode($message);
 mail('', 'MidwestPHP RabbitMQ Talk', $msg->message);
 echo 'Message sent: ' . $msg->message . PHP_EOL;
 return true;
  • 71.
  • 72. Now, let’s see it from the beginning
  • 73.
  • 75.
  • 76. Thank you. Review: #midwestphp #rabbitmq Questions? Feel free to stop and ask me, email, tweet,