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Universiti Utara Malaysia

Distributed Computing
Universiti Utara Malaysia

    Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed

•   Introduction
•   Examples of distributed systems
•   Resource sharing and the web
•   Challenges
•   Summary
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                 Ubiquitous networks
•   Internet
•   Mobile phone networks
•   Corporation networks
•   Factory networks
•   Campus networks
•   Home networks
Universiti Utara Malaysia

      Distributed System Definition
• A distributed system is one in which
  hardware or software components
  located at networked computers
  communicate and coordinate their
  actions only by passing messages.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

   Characteristics of Distributed System
• Concurrency
  • concurrent programs execution – share
• No global clock
  • programs coordinate actions by exchanging
• Independent failures
  • when some systems fail, others may not know
Universiti Utara Malaysia
                     Share resources
• It characterizes the range of the things that can
  usefully be shared in a networked computer
• It extends from hardware components to
  software-defined entities.
• It includes the stream of video frames and
  the audio connection.
Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed
•   Introduction
•   Examples of distributed systems
•   Resource sharing and the web
•   Challenges
•   Summary
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Familiar and widely used computer networks

• The Internet
• Intranet
• Mobile computing
Universiti Utara Malaysia

It is a very large distributed system that
 allows users throughout the world to make use
 of its services.
Internet protocols is a major technical
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                           The Internet




                           satellite link

      desktop computer:
           network link:
Universiti Utara Malaysia

What is Intranet?
  A portion of the Internet that is separately
   administered and has a boundary that can
   be configured to enforce local security
  Composed of several LANs linked by
   backbone connections
  Be connected to the Internet via a router
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                                   A typical Intranet
                                                   email server       Desktop
print and other servers

                                    Local area
             Web server             network

                  email server
                            File server
                                                                  other servers
   the rest of
   the Internet
Universiti Utara Malaysia
     Three main issues in the design of
     components for the use in intranet
File services
The cost of software installation and
Universiti Utara Malaysia

    Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Mobile devices
  Laptop computers
  Handheld devices
    • PDA, mobile phone, pager, video camera, digital
  Wearable devices
    • e.g. smart watches, digital glasses
  Network appliances
    • e.g. washing machines, hi-fi systems, cars and
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Mobile and ubiquitous computing … continued
Mobile computing (nomadic computing)
  Access resources while on the move or in an
   unusual environment
  Location-aware computing: utilize resources
   that are conveniently nearby
Ubiquitous computing (pervasive
  The harnessing of many small, cheap
   computational devices
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Portable and handheld devices in a distributed

Host intranet                                WAP
                Wireless LAN                 gateway   Home intranet

   Printer                     Laptop
                 Camera                    Host site
Universiti Utara Malaysia
  Issues in the design of components for the use in
          Mobile and ubiquitous computing

Discovery of resources
Eliminating the need for users to
 reconfigure their mobile devices
To cope with limited connectivity as
 they travel
Provide privacy and other security
Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed

•   Introduction
•   Examples of distributed systems
•   Resource sharing and the web
•   Challenges
•   Summary
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                   Resource sharing
Is the primary motivation of distributed
Resources types
  Hardware, e.g. printer, scanner, camera
  Data, e.g. file, database, web page
  More specific functionality, e.g. search
   engine, file
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                       Some definitions
   manage a collection of related resources and present their functionalities to
    users and applications

   a process on networked computer that accepts requests from processes on
    other computers to perform a service and responds appropriately

   the requesting process

Remote invocation
   A complete interaction between client and server, from the point when the
    client sends its request to when it receives the server’s response
Universiti Utara Malaysia

     Case study: the World Wide Web
• Motivation of WWW
  – Documents sharing between physicists of CERN

• Web is an open system: it can be extended
 and implemented in new ways without
 disturbing its existing functionality.
  – Its operation is based on communication standards
    and document standards
  – Respect to the types of ‘resource’ that can be
    published and shared on it.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

    Three main components of the Web
• HyperText Markup Language
  – A language for specifying the contents and layout
    of pages
• Uniform Resource Locators
  – Identify documents and other resources

• A client-server architecture with HTTP
  – By with browsers and other clients fetch
    documents and other resources from web
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Welcome to Earth! Visitors may also be interested in taking a look at the
<A HREF = “>Moon</A>.

        HTML text is stored in a file of a web server.
    A browser retrieves the contents of this file from a web
             -The browser interprets the HTML text
     -The server can infer the content type from the filename
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Scheme: scheme-specific-location
   HTTP URLs are the most widely used
   An HTTP URL has two main jobs to do:
    - To identify which web server maintains the resource

    - To identify which of the resources at that server
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                 Web servers and web browsers


                 Web servers                               Browsers                       Internet

File system of                       Protocols

Universiti Utara Malaysia

                                      HTTP URLs
•   http://servername[:port]//pathNameOnServer][?arguments]
•   e.g.

Server DNS name                 Pathname on server                 Arguments                    (default)               (none)                     Protocols/Activity.html (none)             cgi-bin/allsearch            word=distributed+system

•   Publish a resource remains unwieldy
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• Defines the ways in which browsers and
  any other types of client interact with web
  servers (RFC2616)

• Main features
  – Request-replay interaction
  – Content types. The strings that denote the type of
    content are called MIME (RFC2045,2046)
  – One resource per request. HTTP version 1.0
  – Simple access control
Universiti Utara Malaysia

 More features-services and dynamic pages

• Dynamic content
  – Common Gateway Interface: a program that
    web servers run to generate content for their

• Downloaded code
  – JavaScript
  – Applet
Universiti Utara Malaysia

               Discussion of Web

 Dangling: a resource is deleted or moved, but links
  to it may still remain
 Find information easily: e.g. Resource Description

  Framework which standardize the format of
  metadata about web resources
 Exchange information easily: e.g. XML – a self

  describing language
 Scalability: heavy load on popular web servers

 More applets or many images in pages increase in

  the download time
Universiti Utara Malaysia

    Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed
•   Introduction
•   Examples of distributed systems
•   Resource sharing and the web
•   Challenges
•   Summary
Universiti Utara Malaysia


• Networks
  – Ethernet, token ring, etc
• Computer hardware
  – big endian / little endian
• Operating systems
  – different API of Unix and Windows
• Programming languages
  – different representations for data structures
• Implementations from different developers
  – no application standards
Universiti Utara Malaysia

              Heterogeneity… continued
  applies to a software layer that provides a
   programming abstraction as well as masking the
   heterogeneity of the underlying networks,
   hardware, OSs and programming languages
Mobile code
  is used to refer to code that can be sent from
   one computer to another and run at the
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• Openness of a computer system
  -- is the characteristic that determines whether the system
       can be extended and re-implemented in various way.
       e.g. Unix
• Openness of distributed systems
  -- is determined by the degree to witch new resource
   sharing services can be added and be made available for
      use by A variety of client programs.
      e.g. Web
• How to deal with openness?
  -- key interfaces are published, e.g. RFC
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• Confidentiality
  – protection against disclosure to
    unauthorized individuals,
    e.g. ACL in Unix File System
• Integrity
  – protection against alteration or corruption,
    e.g. checksum
• Availability
  – protection against interference with the
    means to access the resources,
    e.g. Denial of service
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• A system is described as scalable
  –     if will remain effective when there is a significant increase
       in the number of resources and the number of users
• A scalable example system: the Internet
• design challenges
  – The cost of physical resources, e.g., servers support users at
    most O(n)
  – The performance loss, e.g., DNS no worse than O(logn)
  – Prevent software resources running out, e.g., IP address
  – Avoid performance bottlenecks, e.g., partitioning name table
    of DNS, cache and replication
Universiti Utara Malaysia


   Date             Computers      Web servers     Percentage
1993, July            1,776,000              130          0.008
1995, July            6,642,000           23,500             0.4
1997, July           19,540,000       1,203,096                6
1999, July           56,218,000       6,598,697               12
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                    Failure handling
• Detecting
  – e.g. checksum for corrupted data
  – Sometimes impossible so suspect, e.g. a remote
    crashed server in the Internet
• Masking
  – e.g. Retransmit message, standby server
• Tolerating
  – e.g. a web browser cannot contact a web server
• Recovery
  – e.g. Roll back
• Redundancy
  – e.g. IP route, replicated name table of DNS
Universiti Utara Malaysia


• Correctness
  – ensure the operations on shared resource
    correct in a concurrent environment
    e.g. records bids for an auction
• Performance
  – Ensure the high performance of concurrent
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• Access transparency
  –     using identical operations to access local and remote
        resources, e.g. a graphical user interface with folders
• Location transparency
  –     resources to be accessed without knowledge of their
        location, e.g. URL
• Concurrency transparency
  –     several processed operate concurrently using shared
        resources without interference with between them
Universiti Utara Malaysia

• Replication transparency
  –   multiple instances of resources to be used to increase
      reliability and performance without knowledge of the replicas
      by users or application programmers,
      e.g. realcourse(
• Failure transparency
  –   users and applications to complete their tasks despite the
      failure of hardware and software components, e.g., email
• Mobility transparency
  –   movement of resources and clients within a system without
      affecting the operation of users and programs, e.g., mobile
Universiti Utara Malaysia

                 Transparency … continued
• Performance transparency
  –     allows the system to be reconfigured to improve
        performance as loads vary
• Scaling transparency
  –     allows the system and applications to expand in scale
        without change to the system structure or the application
Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed
•   Introduction
•   Examples of distributed systems
•   Resource sharing and the web
•   Challenges
•   Summary
Universiti Utara Malaysia

•   Distributed systems are pervasive
•   Resource sharing is the primary motivation for constructing
    distributed systems
•   Characterization of Distributed System
    –     Concurrency
    –     No global clock
    –     Independent failures
•   Challenges to construct distributed system
    –     Heterogeneity
    –     Openness
    –     Security
    –     Scalability
    –     Failure handling
    –     Concurrency
    –     Transparency
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Universiti Utara Malaysia

OceanStore overview
Universiti Utara Malaysia

The JXTA Search network architecture
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.1
Give five types of hardware resource and
five types of data or software resource
that can usefully be shared. Give
examples of their sharing as it occurs in
practice in distributed systems.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.2
How might the clocks in two computers
that are linked by a local network be
synchronized without reference to an
external time source? What factors limit
the accuracy of the procedure you have
described? How could the clocks in a
large number of computers connected by
the Internet be synchronized? Discuss
the accuracy of that procedure.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.3
A user arrives at a railway station that she
has never visited before, carrying a PDA
that is capable of wireless networking.
Suggest how the user could be provided
with information about the local services
and amenities at that station, without
entering the station’s name or attributes.
What technical challenges must be
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.4
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of HTML, URLs and HTTP
as core technologies for information
browsing? Are any of these technologies
suitable as a basis for client-server
computing in general?
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.5
Use the World Wide Web as an example
to illustrate the concept of resource
sharing, client and server.
       Resources in the World Wide Web
and other services are named by URLs.
What do the initials URL denote? Give
examples of three different sorts of web
resources that can be named by URLs.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.6
Give an example of a URL.
     List the three main components of a
URL, stating how their boundaries are
denoted and illustrating each one from
your example.
     To what extent is a URL location
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.7
A server program written in one language (for
example C++) provides the implementation of a
BLOB object that is intended to be accessed by
clients that may be written in a different
language (for example Java). The client and
server computers may have different hardware,
but all of them are attached to an internet.
Describe the problems due to each of the five
aspects of heterogeneity that need to be solved
to make it possible for a client object to invoke a
method on the server object.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.8
An open distributed system allows new
resource sharing services such as the
BLOB object in Exercise 1.7 to be added
and accessed by a variety of client
programs. Discuss in the context of this
example, to what extent the needs of
openness differ from those of
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.9
Suppose that the operations of the BLOB object
are separated into two categories – public
operations that are available to all users and
protected operations that are available only to
certain named users. State all of the problems
involved in ensuring that only the named users
can use a protected operation. Supposing that
access to a protected operation provides
information that should not be revealed to all
users, what further problems arise?
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.10
The INFO service manages a potentially very
large set of resources, each of which can be
accessed by users throughout the Internet by
means of a key (a string name). Discuss an
approach to the design of the names of the
resources that achieves the minimum loss of
performance as the number of resources in the
service increases. Suggest how the INFO service
can be implemented so as to avoid performance
bottlenecks when the number of users becomes
very large.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.11
List the three main software components
that may fail when a client process
invokes a method in a server object,
giving an example of a failure in each
case. Suggest how the components can
be made to tolerate one another’s
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.12
A server process maintains a shared information
object such as the BLOB object of Exercise 1.7.
Give arguments for and against allowing the
client requests to be executed concurrently by
the server. In the case that they are executed
concurrently, give an example of possible
‘interference’ that can occur between the
operations of different clients. Suggest how
such interference may be prevented.
Universiti Utara Malaysia

Exercise 1.13
A service is implemented by several
servers. Explain why resources might be
transferred between them. Would it be
satisfactory for clients to multicast all
requests to the group of servers as a way
of achieving mobility transparency for

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Chapter 1-distribute Computing

  • 2. Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems • Introduction • Examples of distributed systems • Resource sharing and the web • Challenges • Summary
  • 3. Universiti Utara Malaysia Ubiquitous networks • Internet • Mobile phone networks • Corporation networks • Factory networks • Campus networks • Home networks
  • 4. Universiti Utara Malaysia Distributed System Definition • A distributed system is one in which hardware or software components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing messages.
  • 5. Universiti Utara Malaysia Characteristics of Distributed System • Concurrency • concurrent programs execution – share resource • No global clock • programs coordinate actions by exchanging messages • Independent failures • when some systems fail, others may not know
  • 6. Universiti Utara Malaysia Share resources • It characterizes the range of the things that can usefully be shared in a networked computer • It extends from hardware components to software-defined entities. • It includes the stream of video frames and the audio connection.
  • 7. Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems • Introduction • Examples of distributed systems • Resource sharing and the web • Challenges • Summary
  • 8. Universiti Utara Malaysia Familiar and widely used computer networks • The Internet • Intranet • Mobile computing
  • 9. Universiti Utara Malaysia Internet It is a very large distributed system that allows users throughout the world to make use of its services. Internet protocols is a major technical achievement.
  • 10. Universiti Utara Malaysia The Internet intranet ISP backbone satellite link desktop computer: server: network link:
  • 11. Universiti Utara Malaysia Intranet What is Intranet? A portion of the Internet that is separately administered and has a boundary that can be configured to enforce local security policies Composed of several LANs linked by backbone connections Be connected to the Internet via a router
  • 12. Universiti Utara Malaysia A typical Intranet email server Desktop computers print and other servers Local area Web server network email server print File server other servers the rest of the Internet router/firewall
  • 13. Universiti Utara Malaysia Three main issues in the design of components for the use in intranet File services Firewall The cost of software installation and support
  • 14. Universiti Utara Malaysia Mobile and ubiquitous computing Mobile devices Laptop computers Handheld devices • PDA, mobile phone, pager, video camera, digital camera Wearable devices • e.g. smart watches, digital glasses Network appliances • e.g. washing machines, hi-fi systems, cars and refrigerators
  • 15. Universiti Utara Malaysia Mobile and ubiquitous computing … continued Mobile computing (nomadic computing) Access resources while on the move or in an unusual environment Location-aware computing: utilize resources that are conveniently nearby Ubiquitous computing (pervasive computing) The harnessing of many small, cheap computational devices
  • 16. Universiti Utara Malaysia Portable and handheld devices in a distributed system Internet Host intranet WAP Wireless LAN gateway Home intranet Mobile phone Printer Laptop Camera Host site
  • 17. Universiti Utara Malaysia Issues in the design of components for the use in Mobile and ubiquitous computing Discovery of resources Eliminating the need for users to reconfigure their mobile devices To cope with limited connectivity as they travel Provide privacy and other security guarantees
  • 18. Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems • Introduction • Examples of distributed systems • Resource sharing and the web • Challenges • Summary
  • 19. Universiti Utara Malaysia Resource sharing Is the primary motivation of distributed computing Resources types Hardware, e.g. printer, scanner, camera Data, e.g. file, database, web page More specific functionality, e.g. search engine, file
  • 20. Universiti Utara Malaysia Some definitions Service  manage a collection of related resources and present their functionalities to users and applications Server  a process on networked computer that accepts requests from processes on other computers to perform a service and responds appropriately Client  the requesting process Remote invocation  A complete interaction between client and server, from the point when the client sends its request to when it receives the server’s response
  • 21. Universiti Utara Malaysia Case study: the World Wide Web • Motivation of WWW – Documents sharing between physicists of CERN • Web is an open system: it can be extended and implemented in new ways without disturbing its existing functionality. – Its operation is based on communication standards and document standards – Respect to the types of ‘resource’ that can be published and shared on it.
  • 22. Universiti Utara Malaysia Three main components of the Web • HyperText Markup Language – A language for specifying the contents and layout of pages • Uniform Resource Locators – Identify documents and other resources • A client-server architecture with HTTP – By with browsers and other clients fetch documents and other resources from web servers
  • 23. Universiti Utara Malaysia HTML <IMG SRC => <P> Welcome to Earth! Visitors may also be interested in taking a look at the <A HREF = “>Moon</A>. <P> (etcetera) HTML text is stored in a file of a web server.  A browser retrieves the contents of this file from a web server. -The browser interprets the HTML text -The server can infer the content type from the filename extension.
  • 24. Universiti Utara Malaysia URL Scheme: scheme-specific-location e.g: ….  HTTP URLs are the most widely used  An HTTP URL has two main jobs to do: - To identify which web server maintains the resource - To identify which of the resources at that server
  • 25. Universiti Utara Malaysia Web servers and web browsers Web servers Browsers Internet File system of Protocols Activity.html
  • 26. Universiti Utara Malaysia HTTP URLs • http://servername[:port]//pathNameOnServer][?arguments] • e.g. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server DNS name Pathname on server Arguments (default) (none) Protocols/Activity.html (none) cgi-bin/allsearch word=distributed+system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Publish a resource remains unwieldy
  • 27. Universiti Utara Malaysia HTTP • Defines the ways in which browsers and any other types of client interact with web servers (RFC2616) • Main features – Request-replay interaction – Content types. The strings that denote the type of content are called MIME (RFC2045,2046) – One resource per request. HTTP version 1.0 – Simple access control
  • 28. Universiti Utara Malaysia More features-services and dynamic pages • Dynamic content – Common Gateway Interface: a program that web servers run to generate content for their clients • Downloaded code – JavaScript – Applet
  • 29. Universiti Utara Malaysia Discussion of Web  Dangling: a resource is deleted or moved, but links to it may still remain  Find information easily: e.g. Resource Description Framework which standardize the format of metadata about web resources  Exchange information easily: e.g. XML – a self describing language  Scalability: heavy load on popular web servers  More applets or many images in pages increase in the download time
  • 30. Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems • Introduction • Examples of distributed systems • Resource sharing and the web • Challenges • Summary
  • 31. Universiti Utara Malaysia Heterogeneity • Networks – Ethernet, token ring, etc • Computer hardware – big endian / little endian • Operating systems – different API of Unix and Windows • Programming languages – different representations for data structures • Implementations from different developers – no application standards
  • 32. Universiti Utara Malaysia Heterogeneity… continued Middleware applies to a software layer that provides a programming abstraction as well as masking the heterogeneity of the underlying networks, hardware, OSs and programming languages Mobile code is used to refer to code that can be sent from one computer to another and run at the destination
  • 33. Universiti Utara Malaysia Openness • Openness of a computer system -- is the characteristic that determines whether the system can be extended and re-implemented in various way. e.g. Unix • Openness of distributed systems -- is determined by the degree to witch new resource sharing services can be added and be made available for use by A variety of client programs. e.g. Web • How to deal with openness? -- key interfaces are published, e.g. RFC
  • 34. Universiti Utara Malaysia Security • Confidentiality – protection against disclosure to unauthorized individuals, e.g. ACL in Unix File System • Integrity – protection against alteration or corruption, e.g. checksum • Availability – protection against interference with the means to access the resources, e.g. Denial of service
  • 35. Universiti Utara Malaysia Scalability • A system is described as scalable – if will remain effective when there is a significant increase in the number of resources and the number of users • A scalable example system: the Internet • design challenges – The cost of physical resources, e.g., servers support users at most O(n) – The performance loss, e.g., DNS no worse than O(logn) – Prevent software resources running out, e.g., IP address – Avoid performance bottlenecks, e.g., partitioning name table of DNS, cache and replication
  • 36. Universiti Utara Malaysia Scalability Date Computers Web servers Percentage 1993, July 1,776,000 130 0.008 1995, July 6,642,000 23,500 0.4 1997, July 19,540,000 1,203,096 6 1999, July 56,218,000 6,598,697 12
  • 37. Universiti Utara Malaysia Failure handling • Detecting – e.g. checksum for corrupted data – Sometimes impossible so suspect, e.g. a remote crashed server in the Internet • Masking – e.g. Retransmit message, standby server • Tolerating – e.g. a web browser cannot contact a web server • Recovery – e.g. Roll back • Redundancy – e.g. IP route, replicated name table of DNS
  • 38. Universiti Utara Malaysia Concurrency • Correctness – ensure the operations on shared resource correct in a concurrent environment e.g. records bids for an auction • Performance – Ensure the high performance of concurrent operations
  • 39. Universiti Utara Malaysia Transparency • Access transparency – using identical operations to access local and remote resources, e.g. a graphical user interface with folders • Location transparency – resources to be accessed without knowledge of their location, e.g. URL • Concurrency transparency – several processed operate concurrently using shared resources without interference with between them
  • 40. Universiti Utara Malaysia Transparency • Replication transparency – multiple instances of resources to be used to increase reliability and performance without knowledge of the replicas by users or application programmers, e.g. realcourse( • Failure transparency – users and applications to complete their tasks despite the failure of hardware and software components, e.g., email • Mobility transparency – movement of resources and clients within a system without affecting the operation of users and programs, e.g., mobile phone
  • 41. Universiti Utara Malaysia Transparency … continued • Performance transparency – allows the system to be reconfigured to improve performance as loads vary • Scaling transparency – allows the system and applications to expand in scale without change to the system structure or the application algorithms
  • 42. Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems • Introduction • Examples of distributed systems • Resource sharing and the web • Challenges • Summary
  • 43. Universiti Utara Malaysia Summary • Distributed systems are pervasive • Resource sharing is the primary motivation for constructing distributed systems • Characterization of Distributed System – Concurrency – No global clock – Independent failures • Challenges to construct distributed system – Heterogeneity – Openness – Security – Scalability – Failure handling – Concurrency – Transparency
  • 46. Universiti Utara Malaysia The JXTA Search network architecture
  • 48. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.1 Give five types of hardware resource and five types of data or software resource that can usefully be shared. Give examples of their sharing as it occurs in practice in distributed systems.
  • 49. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.2 How might the clocks in two computers that are linked by a local network be synchronized without reference to an external time source? What factors limit the accuracy of the procedure you have described? How could the clocks in a large number of computers connected by the Internet be synchronized? Discuss the accuracy of that procedure.
  • 50. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.3 A user arrives at a railway station that she has never visited before, carrying a PDA that is capable of wireless networking. Suggest how the user could be provided with information about the local services and amenities at that station, without entering the station’s name or attributes. What technical challenges must be overcome?
  • 51. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of HTML, URLs and HTTP as core technologies for information browsing? Are any of these technologies suitable as a basis for client-server computing in general?
  • 52. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.5 Use the World Wide Web as an example to illustrate the concept of resource sharing, client and server. Resources in the World Wide Web and other services are named by URLs. What do the initials URL denote? Give examples of three different sorts of web resources that can be named by URLs.
  • 53. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.6 Give an example of a URL. List the three main components of a URL, stating how their boundaries are denoted and illustrating each one from your example. To what extent is a URL location transparent?
  • 54. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.7 A server program written in one language (for example C++) provides the implementation of a BLOB object that is intended to be accessed by clients that may be written in a different language (for example Java). The client and server computers may have different hardware, but all of them are attached to an internet. Describe the problems due to each of the five aspects of heterogeneity that need to be solved to make it possible for a client object to invoke a method on the server object.
  • 55. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.8 An open distributed system allows new resource sharing services such as the BLOB object in Exercise 1.7 to be added and accessed by a variety of client programs. Discuss in the context of this example, to what extent the needs of openness differ from those of heterogeneity.
  • 56. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.9 Suppose that the operations of the BLOB object are separated into two categories – public operations that are available to all users and protected operations that are available only to certain named users. State all of the problems involved in ensuring that only the named users can use a protected operation. Supposing that access to a protected operation provides information that should not be revealed to all users, what further problems arise?
  • 57. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.10 The INFO service manages a potentially very large set of resources, each of which can be accessed by users throughout the Internet by means of a key (a string name). Discuss an approach to the design of the names of the resources that achieves the minimum loss of performance as the number of resources in the service increases. Suggest how the INFO service can be implemented so as to avoid performance bottlenecks when the number of users becomes very large.
  • 58. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.11 List the three main software components that may fail when a client process invokes a method in a server object, giving an example of a failure in each case. Suggest how the components can be made to tolerate one another’s failures.
  • 59. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.12 A server process maintains a shared information object such as the BLOB object of Exercise 1.7. Give arguments for and against allowing the client requests to be executed concurrently by the server. In the case that they are executed concurrently, give an example of possible ‘interference’ that can occur between the operations of different clients. Suggest how such interference may be prevented.
  • 60. Universiti Utara Malaysia Exercise 1.13 A service is implemented by several servers. Explain why resources might be transferred between them. Would it be satisfactory for clients to multicast all requests to the group of servers as a way of achieving mobility transparency for clients?

Notas del editor

  1. copyright (c) 2008, CAS UUM
  2. An intranet is a part of the Internet that is separately administered and uses a firewall to enforce its own local security policies. Users in an intranet share data by means of file services.
  3. TCP/IP: connect different type computer networks A very large distributed system WWW, email, FTP, VOD, etc The Internet is a very large distributed system that allows users throughout the world to make use of its services.
  4. An intranet is a part of the Internet that is separately administered and uses a firewall to enforce its own local security policies. Users in an intranet share data by means of file services.
  5. An intranet is a part of the Internet that is separately administered and uses a firewall to enforce its own local security policies. Users in an intranet share data by means of file services.
  6. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential.