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EARTH DAY 2013: Time to take action

This year we’ve made it easy to be GREEN. Check out
these 99 ways to save:
  • money (thousands of dollar$ per year),
  • energy (millions of BTUs)
  • and the planet (we’ve only got one)
…for next to nothing
Earth Day is all about saving the earth, using a vast variety tips and techniques
that reduce environmental impact and increase environmental awareness. But
who says there has to be pain in order to make planet-preserving gains? Our
collection of 99 earth-friendly activities proves that being green can actually save
you some green. Try it, you’ll like it: Saving energy, money and the planet --all at
the same time. If you’re skeptical, don’t take our word for it. Many of these tips
come from the Dept. of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), ENERGY STAR® and DIY experts.

DIY scoring
   • Free & easy: Just do it.
   • Plan ahead: Think about spending a little extra on a future purchase.
   • DIY hero: Some tools, time & materials required. Show off your skill while
      upping your green value.
   • Go 4 pro. Hire a professional unless you’re a hard-core DIYer.

Fill the freezer. A freezer full of frozen stuff uses less energy than one that’s nearly empty. If you
don’t need that much frozen food, fill the voids with jugs of water. The ice will keep your freezer
cool during power outages – or can be used in coolers at your next party. BONUS: Stocking up
on frozen food also helps you save on auto expenses by eliminating at least a few trips to the
supermarket. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Use the microwave more, the oven less. It’s not always possible to cook a meal in the
microwave. But when you do, you’re using less energy than the oven consumes to achieve the
same result. According to ENERGY STAR®, reheating or cooking food in the microwave can be
80% more efficient than using the oven. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Turn off the coffeemaker. Instead of leaving your coffeemaker on to keep coffee warm, pour
your fresh brew into a thermos. Or save the extra step by buying a model with an integrated
insulated decanter the next time you need a new coffeemaker. You’ll save energy—and your
coffee will be better tasting, too. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Retire that extra refrigerator. Many homeowners keep an old refrigerator running in the garage
or basement, unaware that this inefficient, power-hungry appliance could be costing $200 or more
to run every year. Unplug it or purchase a more efficient model. A fridge built before 1993 can use
three times as much energy as new ENERGY STAR® models. Thanks to special refrigerator
recycling programs in many communities, you may be able to have your old fridge hauled away
for free. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Replace a loose door seal. A refrigerator wastes energy when the flexible gaskets around the
doors don’t seal tightly. To test for a tight seal, shut each fridge door on a dollar bill. If you can
pull the bill out easily, the gasket should be replaced. An appliance dealer can order a
replacement gasket. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Run full dishwasher loads. About 80% of the energy used by your dishwasher goes to heating
water, and you use the same amount of hot water no matter what size load you have. To save
energy and money, don’t put your dishwasher to work until you’ve got a full load of dirty dishes.
DIYscore: Free & easy.

Compute with less energy. Save money by turning off your computer and monitor overnight. To
make it easier, plug your computer and peripherals into an outlet power strip that you can click off
when you’re finished for the day. In addition, enable the power management settings on your
computer. Doing so puts your computer, monitor, and hard drive in sleep mode after a period of
inactivity you specify. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Switch from desktop to laptop. A laptop computer is at least 50% more energy efficient than a
typical desktop system; some laptops are 80% more efficient. Consider making a laptop your
primary computer the next time you buy a computer. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Be cool about using the fridge. If your refrigerator has an “energy-saver” setting, be sure to use
it. If you have a choice about fridge location, position it away from sources of heat, such as
ovens, dishwashers, and sunny windows. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Keep the coils clean. When the finned metal coils beneath or behind your refrigerator get coated
with dust, your fridge has to work harder, which wastes energy and costs you money. Use a coil
brush, available online or at home centers, to do the job. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Reduce phantom loads. Keeping cell phone chargers, DVD players, printers and other
electronics in standby mode can add hundreds of dollars to your annual electric bill. Unplug your
electronics when they’re not in use and start saving! For more details on eliminating phantom
loads, check out this guide at The Daily Green:
green/definitions/Phantom-Load DIYscore: Free & easy.

Look for the ENERGY STAR®. Want to help protect the environment? Look for products with
the blue ENERGY STAR label on major appliances, heating and cooling equipment, home
electronics, and office equipment. These products have met strict energy-efficiency guidelines set
by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. With a few key Energy
Star appliances, you could cut your energy use by 30%, saving as much as $600 annually—while
also cutting greenhouse gas emissions. ENERGY STAR’s new “most-efficient” program highlights
ultra-efficient appliances that outperform others that meet ENERGY STAR performance criteria.
With most-efficient appliances, you’ll save even more money. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Service your sump pump. With “extreme weather events” occurring more frequently, you want
to make sure your sump pump won’t burn out or consume extra power by running longer than
necessary. Annual servicing is the answer. Clean silt and debris from the bottom of the sump pit
to reduce clogging potential. Test the float valve by manually lifting the float. Add enough water to
the pit to activate the pump and make sure it evacuates the water. You only have to call in a
plumber if there’s a malfunction. DIY score: Go4Pro

Air-seal your attic. The attic is the biggest source of energy-wasting air leaks in most houses.
The leaks may be around recessed light fixtures, attic hatchways, ducts, vents and dozens of
other places. Air sealing should always be done before adding new attic insulation. Protect your
knees with knee pads and your lungs with a dust mask. Then follow the instruction in this Family
Handyman® article:
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Choose a cool roof. When it’s time to reshingle your roof, select ENERGY STAR® cool roof
shingles. Asphalt shingles that use cool roof technology can cut your summertime cooling
expenses by 7% - 15%. These energy-efficient shingles are installed just like standard shingles,
and it’s a do-able job for an experienced DIYer as long as the roof isn’t steep (6/12 pitch or less).
For good how-to instructions, check out these tips at the DIY network:
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Seal air leaks around electrical switches and outlets. Electrical boxes can be a significant
source of uncomfortable drafts and energy losses (especially when they’re located in exterior
walls). Fix the problem by removing the cover plate for each electrical box and caulking the gap
between the box and the drywall opening. Then install an inexpensive foam gasket under the
cover plate before screwing it back in place. You’ll find a good video on this energy-saving
technique at the Dr. Energy Saver website (
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Upgrade attic insulation. Once you’ve completed the attic air sealing mentioned above, it’s
smart to upgrade your attic insulation to levels recommended by the DOE. Good news: There are
still financial incentives to help offset the price of this and other energy-saving improvements. For
details, visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (
DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Insulate rim joists. A great deal of air leakage occurs where the wood framing of a house meets
the masonry foundation. You don’t have to be a pro to insulate and seal the rim joist in a
basement or crawl space. Cut rigid foam insulation to fit between joists along the rim or band
joist; then use spray foam to seal around the edges of the rigid foam. More details are available at
the GREAT STUFF® website:
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Protect living space above a garage. Insulation is often omitted from a garage ceiling, which is
an energy-wasting mistake when there’s living space above the garage. Air-sealing the garage
ceiling, combined with insulation, will protect you from harmful fumes (from fuel, solvents, and
other stored items) as well as from unnecessary heating and cooling costs. DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Insulate cantilevered areas. Many raised ranch houses feature cantilevered upper floors, or
levels that overhang the floor below. Such overhangs typically leak cool or warm air and are
poorly insulated –a combination that causes discomfort and wasted energy. To save on heating
and cooling costs while also making your house more comfortable, seal and insulate the
cantilevers as shown at the Building America Solution Center (a division of the DOE): To access the joist cavities, you’ll have to
remove the plywood soffit on the underside of the overhang. This can usually be done fairly easily
after taking off trim installed around the edges. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Insulate your crawl space. Building scientists recommend sealing and insulating a crawl space
as an effective way to improve energy efficiency while also controlling moisture so that mold and
mildew won’t contaminate this under-house space. It’s important to use the right kind of insulation
in a crawl space (rigid foam), and to install it correctly. You’ll find more detailed information at Dr.
Energy Saver (
DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Install plastic window film to make older windows more energy efficient. Inexpensive
window insulating kits, containing plastic film and double-faced adhesive tape, provide you with a
way to make old windows much more energy efficient. Use a hair dryer to tighten up the film and
make it virtually disappear. 3M, a company that manufactures these window insulator kits, has a
calculator on their website that enables you to predict your annual energy savings. Go to
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Tint sunny hot windows. Energy-saving window films are available for direct application to a
window that’s admitting too much sunlight. Available in a range of shades, these films are
especially useful for reducing solar heat gain on large south-facing windows and glass doors.
Tinted films may also be used on cars to keep them cooler in the summer and reduce the need
for air conditioning. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Replace weatherstripping around exterior doors. Exterior doors come with weatherstripping
that helps seal energy-wasting air leaks around door edges. But over time, the foam or plastic
material will wear out, fall out, or lose its resiliency. Bring a section of your old weatherstripping
material to the hardware store or home center, and buy the same kind to install. Weatherstripping
is inexpensive, and in just a few minutes you can make your door work like new again. DIYscore:
DIY hero.

Don’t forget the door sweep. Unless you lie down on the floor, you probably won’t spot the
airspace between an exterior door’s bottom edge and the door sill or threshold. But this gap can
leak a lot of air, which wastes energy and causes cold drafts during winter months. The specific
kind of weatherstripping used to seal the bottom of the door is called a “door sweep.” A little
research will tell you which type of door sweep is right for your doors. You’ll find good information
and products at the DIY Door Store (
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Seal around basement windows. Builders don’t usually take the time to seal the gap between a
basement window frame and the foundation wall. As a result, outside air can leak inside easily.
Stop this energy-wasting air leakage by sealing gaps with exterior-grade caulk or spray foam
insulation. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Stop wall leaks. Use spray foam insulation to seal the holes made in exterior walls for outdoor
water faucets, dryer vents, gas lines, and electrical lines. In addition to saving energy, this low-
cost upgrade will keep out insect and rodent pests. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Keep Your Attic Cool. Attic spaces can reach temperatures of 160 degrees F on a sunny
summer day where outside temperatures are in the 90s. This will cause your air conditioner to
work a lot harder to keep living space below the attic cool, especially if your attic floor is not well
insulated. Reduce up to 30% of energy use for air conditioning by ensuring adequate attic
ventilation with vents along the roof’s ridge, the soffits, and the gable ends. DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Close the garage door. If you have an attached garage, keep the garage door closed to
maintain a “buffer zone” between your living space and the extreme temperatures outside. Doing
so will reduce your heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Consider the embodied energy factor. An eco-conscious way to look at building materials is to
consider the energy it took to make them, or their “embodied energy.” When building or
remodeling, choose materials with the lowest embodied energy that will still do the job. For
example, wood studs have a much lower embodied energy than steel studs. Fiber-cement siding
has a lower embodied energy than vinyl siding. Work with designers that understand the
complexity involved in making the right choices. And consider “recurring embodied energy,” too.
It’s the energy involved in maintaining building materials over many years. DIYscore: Free &

Recycle building materials. It’s not only greener to reuse building materials; it can also save
you time and money. Old kitchen cabinets can provide excellent storage space in a basement,
garage or outbuilding. Framing lumber and plywood removed during remodeling can be reused
after nails are removed. Craigslist is an excellent way to buy and sell used building materials.
DIYscore: Free & easy.

Seal your fireplace flue. A typical fireplace is a HUGE source of energy-wasting air leakage
during the winter. If you don’t use your fireplace on a regular basis, you can stop this leakage
(and save on heating costs) by installing a “chimney balloon” or “chimney pillow.” After inserting
this tough plastic balloon into your flue, you simply inflate it to seal the chimney. Check out this
informative video: DIYscore: DIY hero.

Have an energy audit done on your house to identify and prioritize recommended upgrades.
Depending on what programs are available in your area, the energy audit (aka “home energy
assessment”) is a low-cost or no-cost analysis of your home’s energy consumption
characteristics. While the audit itself won’t save you money, it will identify your best opportunities
for making energy and money-saving improvements. For more details, see the explanation at Dr.
Energy Saver:
DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Use insulated window shades to keep the heat in or out. Insulated window shades can save
just as much energy as new replacement windows, and they cost a lot less to install. You have to
use them the right way, however. Open shades when you want solar gain –like on a sunny winter
day. Close the shades when you want to keep the heat inside the house in winter, or when you
want to block sunlight during the cooling season. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Install an insulated pet door. Pet doors typically allow wintry blasts to invade your home.
Replace an old pet door with a new insulated unit. Double flaps create an air pocket that keeps
heat in during the winter (and out in the summer). Look for (non-PVC) flaps with magnetic
closures that are designed to stay flexible in cold weather. It’s usually easier to install one of
these doors in an existing exterior door than it is to install a pet door in an exterior wall. Find good
advice at Pet2: DIYscore: DIY

Install a programmable thermostat. When you’re at work and the kids are at school, it makes
no sense to heat or cool an empty house. Installing a programmable thermostat, which
automatically adjusts settings, will allow you to preset times when heating or air-conditioning units
turn on. Program the thermostat for low heating or cooling demand when you leave in the
morning; then program it to make your living space comfortable about 30 minutes before you get
home. Do the same thing when you sleep: keep it set low when you’re in bed and program it to
kick in when you wake up. You’ll use less energy, without sacrificing comfort. DIYscore: DIY

Stay cool with awnings. Awnings reduce the amount of sunlight that gets through glass doors
and windows, keeping your home’s interior cooler on hot days by as much as 8 to 15 degrees.
This affordable upgrade will reduce the run time of your air conditioning system, cutting your
monthly electric bill.
DIYscore: Go 4 pro.
Reduce air leaks around windows and doors. In winter, cold air can leak into the house
around window and door openings. You can stop most of this leakage by sealing the gap
between the window casing or door casing and the wallboard. Apply a bead of “window and door”
caulk along the trim/wallboard joint, and then smooth it with a damp finger. Have some paper
towels handy to wipe off the excess caulk as you’re smoothing the bead. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Use your storm windows and doors. Just because you haven’t invested in super-efficient,
triple-pane, low-E glazing, don’t neglect to use your storms in winter. A well-fit storm window
raises the R value of a single-pane window from 1 to nearly 2 – or as much as many double-
paned windows. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Control the summer sun. Use blinds, shutters, drapes, or shades to block or reduce the sunlight
entering rooms with sunny exposures in summer. Exterior shutters and shades work best
because they block solar radiation before it can enter the house. However, interior shades are
more affordable and easier to install. (Get good how-to information at This Old House:,,536789,00.html)
DIYscore: DIY hero.

See how low you can go by turning down the thermostat to save on winter heating costs.
The DOE says you can save 1% to 3% on your heating bill for every degree you lower your
thermostat. Thermostats are often set to the upper 60s or low 70s. Throw on a turtleneck and
sweater, and then see if you can dial down to the mid 60s during the day. At night, sleep under a
heavy blanket and turn the thermostat to the 50s. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Clean or replace forced-air filters often. If your house has ductwork that’s used for heating
and/or cooling, your HVAC system will have an air filter that captures dust, pollen and other
particulate matter as your forced-air system operates. When an air filter becomes full of dirt, the
blower in your HVAC system has to work harder, which wastes energy. Some air filters can be
reused after cleaning, but most can simply be replaced when they get clogged with dust. Either
way, keeping your air filter clean will help your HVAC system perform more economically.
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Keep registers clear. Make sure that the supply and return registers in your forced-air HVAC
system aren’t blocked or covered by rugs, furniture or furnishings. Blockages disrupt the balance
of supply and return air, making the HVAC system operate inefficiently. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Heat the room you’re in. Smart use of a portable space heater can enable you to keep a single
room warm instead of having your furnace heat the entire house. According to the Department of
Energy, space heaters use about 14% of the energy that the average whole-house heating
system does. When you’ll only be in a room for a short period or you want to heat a small area,
choose a radiant heater. A convection heater circulates the air and is a better option when you
want to heat an entire room. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Zone out unused spaces. Zone heating allows you to keep large areas of the home cool while
warming the rooms you’re using. The best time to install zone heating is when you’re building a
new house and using a hydronic heating (water- or steam-based) system. It works especially well
with radiant heat. You can create zones with electric heating, too, but keep in mind that such
systems are inefficient in cold climates and costly to operate. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Cool more with fans and less with your AC system. Fans use Mother Nature’s cooling
system, lowering your skin temperature by causing perspiration to evaporate. By using window
fans and ceiling fans to circulate air in your house, you’ll reduce demand for mechanical air
conditioning, which costs much more to operate. To promote natural cooling, wear lightweight,
loose, absorbent clothing. Just remember, fans only cool you when you feel the breeze. Turn
them off when you leave the room! DIYscore: Plan ahead.
Service your HVAC system. Just by performing routine maintenance on your HVAC system,
you can avoid the extra expenses (and wasted energy) associated with poor system
performance. If your furnace or boiler has an efficiency rating of 85%, make sure it can work at
peak efficiency with regular maintenance. DIYscore: Go 4 pro.

Promote good air circulation for maximum AC efficiency. You can do this by keeping
vegetation and other debris away from the outside condenser of your central AC system. Keep
the area around your outside condenser clear for peak AC performance. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Cuddle more so you can heat less. If you’re sleeping together, why not add another blanket
and turn the heat down or off completely? You’ll cut winter heating costs and enjoy some other
benefits too. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Seal and insulate ductwork. Leaky, uninsulated ducts can waste a huge amount of energy,
especially when ducts are located in unconditioned parts of the house (basement, crawl space,
and attic). Sealing ducts and adding duct insulation according to DOE guidelines will improve
your indoor air quality and cut your heating and cooling expenses by as much as 20%. For
details, go to:
DIYscore: DIY hero

Keep room air conditioners in the shade. A portable AC unit will operate more efficiently if it’s
not in direct sunlight. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Cap your drop-down attic stair. Drop-down stairs are notoriously leaky, causing both comfort
and energy problems. Ready-made insulated caps are available for these folding stairs, but you
can also make your own from rigid foam insulation. For good instructions on making your own
attic cap, try this link:
energy-savings/ DIYscore: DIY hero.

Reverse ceiling fan rotation for winter savings. Ceiling fans are energy-efficient ways to stay
cool in the summer. From a savings potential, however, they’re even better in the winter –
especially in rooms with high ceilings. During the heating season, the warmest air collects in the
upper part of a room. Run your ceiling fan at low speed with the switch set for upward air flow.
The goal is to force warm air near the ceiling down the walls where it must rise again. Moving the
heat where it will do the most good will reduce the run time of your heating system. DIYscore:
Free & easy.


Save light at night. Lighting up the yard at night for safety, security, and beauty makes sense,
but wasting watts does not. Here are a few things you can do to reduce usage:
• Use solar-powered path lights or reflectors to mark driveways and walkways.
• For security lighting, use motion detectors and timers.
• Use low-voltage fixtures where possible. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Install occupancy sensor switches. Your lights remain on until the infrared (or ultrasonic
sensor) no long senses occupancy and turns them off. Switches cost less than $50, install easily
in existing switch boxes, and often return your investment in one to three years. Begin in rooms,
where the lights are commonly left on – and where one switch operates multiple fixtures.
Switches come with wiring instructions, but don’t tackle this electrical assignment unless you can
work comfortably and safely. Never work with exposed lighting unless you turn the power off and
test to make sure it’s off. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Embrace LED lights. LED light bulbs use a minute amount of electricity compared to other types
of lights; and they last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs and 3 times longer than compact
fluorescent lights (CFLs). Until recently, however, LEDs have been too expensive to seriously
compete with CFLs. But that’s changing. Instead of costing $30 apiece like they did two years
ago, an LED light can go for as little as $10 today. So give LEDs another look; they now qualify
as a smart investment. For more details, see this write-up in the New York Times:
ref=lightemittingdiodes DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Save on holiday lighting costs. To save energy and cut greenhouse gases, use LED (light-
emitting diode) lights on trees and eaves and in holiday displays. LEDs consume less electricity—
as much as 80% to 90% less. In addition, LED lights can last 20 to 50 times longer than a string
of incandescent lights. If you prefer the appearance of traditional holiday lights, put them on a
timer to decrease the amount of time they are on. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Let there be daylight. The use of sunlight in the home, called daylighting, is a free source
energy. Windows, skylights, patio doors, and sunrooms are the most common daylighting
resources (although fiber-optic daylight collectors are available, too). When building or
remodeling, plan window and skylight locations carefully. A north-facing skylight, for example, can
bring much-needed light into a kitchen or family room. A south-facing skylight may allow too much
light and heat into the room. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Dim the lights. A dimmer switch allows you to set the mood – and save energy, too. Dim a light
by 25% and save 20% percent of the watts needed to power it. As a bonus, light bulbs will last 40
times longer when left on the dimmed setting. If you’ve got basic wiring skills, it’s possible to
replace a standard light switch with a dimmer switch. A good place to make this upgrade is at
switches that control multiple recessed or other fixed overhead lights. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Make your own household cleaners. Why spend money on expensive cleaning products that
may contain harmful chemicals? Try these inexpensive, home-made cleaning solutions instead to
go easier on your budget and the environment.
    • General-purpose cleaner and disinfectant: 1 part distilled white vinegar, 1 part hydrogen
    • Glass cleaner: equal parts water and distilled vinegar. Instead of wiping the glass with
        paper towels, use old newspaper.
    • Toilet bowl cleaner: Pour half a cup of distilled white vinegar into the toilet bowl, followed
        by the same amount of baking soda. Let the mix foam for a couple of minutes, then scrub
        the bowl clean.
    DIYscore: almost free & easy.

Find ways to do more walking and bike riding. According to the Department of Transportation,
40% of all car trips in the United States are two miles or shorter, and more than 25% are less
than a mile—distances that walkers and bicyclists can easily handle. These slower forms of
transport will enable you to smell the roses, taken in the sights, and enjoy a higher level of fitness.
You’ll also see a drop in auto-related expenses. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Use public transportation more so you can drive less. Taking the train or bus not only cuts
carbon emissions while saving you money on gas. It also enables you to enjoy reading,
conversation and making new friends. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Carpool whenever possible. Sharing the drive saves in multiple ways: gas, maintenance,
repairs and parking. It can add up to as much $3,000 savings per year. DIYscore: Plan ahead.
Work from home. According to research done by SUN Microsystems, working at home instead
of commuting to the office can save you up to $1700 per year on gasoline, not to mention savings
on coffee, lunch and clothing. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Realize some reel savings. If you have a small lawn to mow, retire your gas-powered mower
and use a modern reel mower instead. Well-designed models are available from Lee Valley Tools
( In addition to eliminating fuel and tune-up expenses, you’ll be
getting a good workout while cutting the grass. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Shop online. Most people who shop online do so for the convenience. They can shop 24 hours a
day and don’t have to worry about crowded stores, long lines, and parking-spot searches. In
addition, E-commerce warehouses use 1/16th of the energy of that used to operate a traditional
retail store. Fewer trips to the store—in CO2-emitting vehicles—also save transportation energy.
DIYscore: Free & easy.
Make it last. Through smart maintenance, you can get years of additional service from almost
everything you own, including tools, clothing, and electronics. The longer you can make things
last, the more resources and money you save. The exception is if you own extremely wasteful
things, such as a gas-guzzling SUV or a 30-year-old furnace. Your best ally in maintaining things
is the owner’s manual that came with the equipment. Keep it filed in a safe place, along with lists
of authorized repair shops. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Grow an Organic Lawn. With a little extra care, you can eliminate expensive petrochemicals
from your lawn-maintenance routine. Begin by testing your soil to find out what to add to get the
soil’s pH right and to replace depleted nutrients. Try using only slow-release natural fertilizers,
such as composted manure, bone meal, and dried poultry waste. Reduce the chance for disease
and insect infestation—along with the need for herbicides and pesticides—by not cutting grass
too short, avoiding over-fertilization, always using a sharp mower blade, and watering deeply but
not frequently. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Start a backyard vegetable garden. Growing your own veggies cuts your grocery bill while
reducing the environmental impact of shipping produce long distances. You’ll get good exercise
and enjoy the health benefits of fresh, organically grown food. No sunny spot for a garden? Join
(or start) a community garden in your neighborhood. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Make compost for your garden. You’ll reduce the need to use energy intensively-produced
fertilizers. Compost improves the vitality of flowers and vegetable plants, keeps moisture from
draining or evaporating too quickly from the soil, and makes use of organic materials that would
otherwise add to overburdened landfills and incinerators. DIYscore: DIY hero.
Use your microwave. When warming up and cooking small amounts of food, use a microwave
instead of a conventional oven. It will use about 50 percent less energy to do the job. The same
goes for defrosting—although the most efficient method here, of course, is to plan ahead and let
food defrost in the fridge. For cooking large meals, however, the stove is usually more efficient.
DIYscore: Free & easy.
Filter your own water. Water delivery companies expend huge amounts of money to bring
“spring” water to your door (water that is probably not from a spring!). In addition to fuel for the
trucks, there’s oil byproduct used to make the bottles. Opt for a water purification system. It can
be as simple as a jug with a filter ( or as sophisticated as a whole-house
filtration system. DIYscore: Plan ahead.
Be a more efficient cook. In the kitchen, we waste gas and electricity without realizing it. Try
covering your pots with lids and see how much faster water boils. Use large pans on large
burners and small pans on small burners; otherwise, much of the heat dissipates. Dig out your
pressure cooker, which can cut energy use by 50%. Bake with glass or ceramic pans – they allow
for cooler oven temperatures. Cook more than one thing at a time in the oven. And when cooking
something small, use the toaster oven. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Cook with the sun. It’s surprising how many solar ovens (aka “solar cookers”) are available.
Some enterprising people have even made their own solar ovens using inexpensive materials like
aluminum foil ( A solar oven can reach
temperatures of 300 degrees F and higher. Some units have a thermostatically-controlled
electrical element that switches on when clouds roll by to maintain even temperatures. DIYscore:
Plan ahead.

Get a passive solar boost. If you have a sunroom or enclosed porch with a southern exposure,
it can be used to collect tremendous amounts of heat. Use fans or natural convection to move air
through a doorway from solar-warmed rooms to adjacent interior spaces. Just be sure to provide
an opening for “return” air, such as a vent or an open window between the sunroom and the
house, to ensure good air movement. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Build an outdoor solar shower: Heat shower water with a coil of black hose, a black-painted
water tank, or with a large black plastic water bag, sold for the purpose. You’ll only need to leave
them in the sun for an hour or two. Use the “gray” shower water to irrigate garden beds instead of
wasting it. Just be sure to use biodegradable soaps, rinses, and shampoos. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Opt for solar pool heating. Unlike solar collectors used for domestic hot water, solar pool
heaters are typically unglazed and made from a specially formulated plastic. Water from the pool
is circulated through the solar collectors using the existing water filtration pump. However you
heat your pool water, use a pool cover to prevent heat loss at night or on cool days. DIYscore:
Plan ahead.

Dry clothes on a rack or clothesline. Dryers account for a large amount of home energy use
and carbon emissions. To be more environmentally friendly, give your dryer a rest. Go with the
old-fashioned approach—the clothesline. Drying on a line can save 500 to 700 pounds of CO2 a
year. Your clothes—especially the elastics in socks and underwear—will last longer. An
alternative to a clothesline is a drying rack, which is available in many sizes and styles.
DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Heat water with solar. Heating your domestic hot water with the sun requires a significant
upfront cost, but the benefits are significant, too. Water heating causes just as much pollution as
vehicles do in the U.S. It will take about 10 years for a solar thermal system to pay for itself in
energy savings, but renewable energy incentives can cut this payback time significantly
depending on climate. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

AUTO <8>
Lighten up. Don’t drive around with unnecessary extra weight in your car. Each 100lbs. of weight
subtracts a half mile from your mpg capability. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Keep your car efficient. If you get regular tune-ups and perform routine maintenance on your
automobile, you’ll reduce emissions and save fuel costs. According to the EPA, fixing a serious
maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve gas mileage by as much as
40%! Replacing a dirty air filter can improve fuel economy by up to 10%. Other ways to get better
gas mileage include replacing worn spark plugs, making sure alignment is correct, fixing bad
brakes, and using the correct grade of motor oil. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Warm up to fast starts. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the best way to warm up a
vehicle is to drive it. Even on the bitterest of winter days, you don’t need more than 30 seconds of
idling before you’re ready to hit the road. Idling for any longer wastes fuel and increases
greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, running the car only warms the engine -- not the other parts,
such as the catalytic converter, transmission, and so on. The only way to warm these parts is to
drive. DIYscore: Free & easy.
Drive smarter. Drive in ways to reduce fuel consumption and you’ll be saving the earth and
saving money. You don’t have to have the most fuel-efficient car in the neighborhood. Just follow
these four tips and you’ll get more miles to the gallon. 1. Maintain a steady speed. 2. Don’t speed.
According to, gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph.
3. Avoid quick starts and hard stops. 4. Don’t weave in and out of traffic. DIYscore: Free & easy
(most of the time).

Don’t be an idler. An idling car is wasting gas. A good rule is not let your car idle for more than
30 seconds. Doing so burns more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it when you’re
ready to leave. Some argue that this practice shortens the life of the battery and starter, but the
fuel savings and cleaner air outweigh the minimal wear to these parts. In addition, a car that’s off
can’t accidentally jump into gear and cause an accident. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Keep your tires inflated. Under-inflated tires require more energy because they increase “rolling
resistance.” The engine has to work harder and, consequently, more fuel is consumed. According
to the DOE, properly inflated tires can improve your gas mileage by 3.3 percent, and under-
inflated tires waste more than 3.5 million gallons of gas each day! Your recommended tire
inflation can typically be found on the inside of the driver door jamb. DIYscore: Almost free &

Lower rolling resistance. Tire manufacturers are developing “low rolling resistance” tires that
reduce drag so you can increase your MPGs. According to Michelin, their new low RR tires can
save over $400 over the life of a set of tires (assuming a gas price of $3.75/gal.).
DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Consider a hybrid. An entry-level hybrid costs more than its non-hybrid counterpart—but you will
make up for the extra cost in fuel savings after several years. (Go to the calculator at to find years-to-payback for the hybrid of your choice.) After that you can
expect to save every additional month you own the car. DIYscore: Plan ahead.

Take shorter showers. Simply wash and rinse a little quicker. Seems obvious, but it’s not so
easy. One solution is to buy a handheld shower set with a shutoff button. That way you can turn
off the water while you lather or shave—and turn it back on easily without having to stop and
readjust the water temperature. Handheld shower heads also allow you to rinse more efficiently.
DIYscore: Free & easy.

Install pipe insulation on hot and cold water supply lines, especially near your water heater.
Insulating the hot pipes reduces heat loss and shortens the time it takes hot water to reach your
faucets. Insulating cold lines reduces condensation. Foam pipe insulation is inexpensive and
easy to install -- except perhaps around elbows and valves. See
v=TfKVVG2a5Oo for some excellent fitting tips. Pipe insulation should cut your water heating
expenses by about $25 per year. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Remove sediment from a tank-type water heater. This once-a-year maintenance task will
improve water heater efficiency and also help the unit last longer. Home improvement expert Ron
Hazleton has a great video to guide you through this maintenance task:
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Run full loads in your washing machine. Doing a partial load uses the same amount of energy
as a full load, but fewer clothes get cleaned. If you have to do a small load, adjust the water level
accordingly. To save even more energy, consider using cold water—and cold-water-wash
detergents—the next time you wash clothes. DIYscore: Free & easy.
Turn down the heat. Many water heaters are installed with the thermostat at a “factory setting” of
140 degrees –quite a bit hotter than necessary. Turning the water heater’s thermostat down from
140 to 120 degrees can save as much as $7 per month. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Blanket your water heater. Water heaters account for up to 20% of the energy used in the
average U.S. household. If your hot water heater is in an unheated space, such as an unfinished
basement, insulate it and reduce your energy loss by 25% to 45%. Spend a little extra for your
tank insulation kit to get one with a radiant barrier. It will insulate better than a fiberglass-only kit
and is not prone to moisture damage. Installation instructions come with the insulation.
DIYscore: DIY hero.

Use the moisture sensor. Most dryers today can be set to turn off once the desired degree of
dryness is achieved. This is a big improvement over using the built-in timer option in terms of both
convenience and energy saving. In addition, using the moisture sensor will waste less time and
energy ironing wrinkled clothing – and make your clothing last longer. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Clean the lint trap. Hot air doesn’t move through the dryer as efficiently when the lint trap is dirty,
so the appliance has to work hotter and harder. Keeping the lint trap clean can decrease energy
consumption by up to 30%. It can extend the life of the dryer, too. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Use low-flow devices. Installing aerators on your kitchen and bathroom faucets and “eco-
friendly” shower heads can save thousands of gallons of water a year – and fuel, too, because
you end up heating fewer gallons of water. Some aerators come with shutoff valves that allow you
to stop the flow of water without affecting the temperature. DIYscore: DIY hero.

Be smart about washing dishes. Contrary to what many believe, using the dishwasher uses
less water than washing by hand, even for the most conscientious hand washers. A dishwasher
uses just 4 to 6 gallons per cycle, and washing by hand can use 10 to 20 gallons. But when you
have only a few lightly soiled dishes, do them by hand. You’ll save energy over time by reducing
the number of times you have to run the dishwasher. DIYscore: Free & easy.

Switch to a tankless water heater. Between 15% and 30% of the energy used to heat water is
merely used for keeping the water hot while it’s not being used. Reduce this waste by installing a
tankless hot water heater. These units are compact and supply continuous hot water at rates of
about 4 to 7 gallons per minute, depending on how hot you need the water to be. DIYscore: Plan

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99energy savingideas7jp

  • 1. EARTH DAY 2013: Time to take action This year we’ve made it easy to be GREEN. Check out these 99 ways to save: • money (thousands of dollar$ per year), • energy (millions of BTUs) • and the planet (we’ve only got one) …for next to nothing Earth Day is all about saving the earth, using a vast variety tips and techniques that reduce environmental impact and increase environmental awareness. But who says there has to be pain in order to make planet-preserving gains? Our collection of 99 earth-friendly activities proves that being green can actually save you some green. Try it, you’ll like it: Saving energy, money and the planet --all at the same time. If you’re skeptical, don’t take our word for it. Many of these tips come from the Dept. of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ENERGY STAR® and DIY experts. DIY scoring • Free & easy: Just do it. • Plan ahead: Think about spending a little extra on a future purchase. • DIY hero: Some tools, time & materials required. Show off your skill while upping your green value. • Go 4 pro. Hire a professional unless you’re a hard-core DIYer. APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS <14> Fill the freezer. A freezer full of frozen stuff uses less energy than one that’s nearly empty. If you don’t need that much frozen food, fill the voids with jugs of water. The ice will keep your freezer cool during power outages – or can be used in coolers at your next party. BONUS: Stocking up on frozen food also helps you save on auto expenses by eliminating at least a few trips to the supermarket. DIYscore: Free & easy. Use the microwave more, the oven less. It’s not always possible to cook a meal in the microwave. But when you do, you’re using less energy than the oven consumes to achieve the same result. According to ENERGY STAR®, reheating or cooking food in the microwave can be 80% more efficient than using the oven. DIYscore: Free & easy. Turn off the coffeemaker. Instead of leaving your coffeemaker on to keep coffee warm, pour your fresh brew into a thermos. Or save the extra step by buying a model with an integrated insulated decanter the next time you need a new coffeemaker. You’ll save energy—and your coffee will be better tasting, too. DIYscore: Free & easy. Retire that extra refrigerator. Many homeowners keep an old refrigerator running in the garage or basement, unaware that this inefficient, power-hungry appliance could be costing $200 or more to run every year. Unplug it or purchase a more efficient model. A fridge built before 1993 can use
  • 2. three times as much energy as new ENERGY STAR® models. Thanks to special refrigerator recycling programs in many communities, you may be able to have your old fridge hauled away for free. DIYscore: Free & easy. Replace a loose door seal. A refrigerator wastes energy when the flexible gaskets around the doors don’t seal tightly. To test for a tight seal, shut each fridge door on a dollar bill. If you can pull the bill out easily, the gasket should be replaced. An appliance dealer can order a replacement gasket. DIYscore: DIY hero. Run full dishwasher loads. About 80% of the energy used by your dishwasher goes to heating water, and you use the same amount of hot water no matter what size load you have. To save energy and money, don’t put your dishwasher to work until you’ve got a full load of dirty dishes. DIYscore: Free & easy. Compute with less energy. Save money by turning off your computer and monitor overnight. To make it easier, plug your computer and peripherals into an outlet power strip that you can click off when you’re finished for the day. In addition, enable the power management settings on your computer. Doing so puts your computer, monitor, and hard drive in sleep mode after a period of inactivity you specify. DIYscore: Free & easy. Switch from desktop to laptop. A laptop computer is at least 50% more energy efficient than a typical desktop system; some laptops are 80% more efficient. Consider making a laptop your primary computer the next time you buy a computer. DIYscore: Free & easy. Be cool about using the fridge. If your refrigerator has an “energy-saver” setting, be sure to use it. If you have a choice about fridge location, position it away from sources of heat, such as ovens, dishwashers, and sunny windows. DIYscore: Free & easy. Keep the coils clean. When the finned metal coils beneath or behind your refrigerator get coated with dust, your fridge has to work harder, which wastes energy and costs you money. Use a coil brush, available online or at home centers, to do the job. DIYscore: DIY hero. Reduce phantom loads. Keeping cell phone chargers, DVD players, printers and other electronics in standby mode can add hundreds of dollars to your annual electric bill. Unplug your electronics when they’re not in use and start saving! For more details on eliminating phantom loads, check out this guide at The Daily Green: green/definitions/Phantom-Load DIYscore: Free & easy. Look for the ENERGY STAR®. Want to help protect the environment? Look for products with the blue ENERGY STAR label on major appliances, heating and cooling equipment, home electronics, and office equipment. These products have met strict energy-efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. With a few key Energy Star appliances, you could cut your energy use by 30%, saving as much as $600 annually—while also cutting greenhouse gas emissions. ENERGY STAR’s new “most-efficient” program highlights ultra-efficient appliances that outperform others that meet ENERGY STAR performance criteria. With most-efficient appliances, you’ll save even more money. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Service your sump pump. With “extreme weather events” occurring more frequently, you want to make sure your sump pump won’t burn out or consume extra power by running longer than necessary. Annual servicing is the answer. Clean silt and debris from the bottom of the sump pit to reduce clogging potential. Test the float valve by manually lifting the float. Add enough water to the pit to activate the pump and make sure it evacuates the water. You only have to call in a plumber if there’s a malfunction. DIY score: Go4Pro HOME IMPROVEMENTS <22>
  • 3. Air-seal your attic. The attic is the biggest source of energy-wasting air leaks in most houses. The leaks may be around recessed light fixtures, attic hatchways, ducts, vents and dozens of other places. Air sealing should always be done before adding new attic insulation. Protect your knees with knee pads and your lungs with a dust mask. Then follow the instruction in this Family Handyman® article: air-leaks/View-All DIYscore: DIY hero. Choose a cool roof. When it’s time to reshingle your roof, select ENERGY STAR® cool roof shingles. Asphalt shingles that use cool roof technology can cut your summertime cooling expenses by 7% - 15%. These energy-efficient shingles are installed just like standard shingles, and it’s a do-able job for an experienced DIYer as long as the roof isn’t steep (6/12 pitch or less). For good how-to instructions, check out these tips at the DIY network: DIYscore: DIY hero. Seal air leaks around electrical switches and outlets. Electrical boxes can be a significant source of uncomfortable drafts and energy losses (especially when they’re located in exterior walls). Fix the problem by removing the cover plate for each electrical box and caulking the gap between the box and the drywall opening. Then install an inexpensive foam gasket under the cover plate before screwing it back in place. You’ll find a good video on this energy-saving technique at the Dr. Energy Saver website ( sealing-videos/air-sealing-electrical-outlets.html) DIYscore: DIY hero. Upgrade attic insulation. Once you’ve completed the attic air sealing mentioned above, it’s smart to upgrade your attic insulation to levels recommended by the DOE. Good news: There are still financial incentives to help offset the price of this and other energy-saving improvements. For details, visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency ( DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Insulate rim joists. A great deal of air leakage occurs where the wood framing of a house meets the masonry foundation. You don’t have to be a pro to insulate and seal the rim joist in a basement or crawl space. Cut rigid foam insulation to fit between joists along the rim or band joist; then use spray foam to seal around the edges of the rigid foam. More details are available at the GREAT STUFF® website: DIYscore: DIY hero. Protect living space above a garage. Insulation is often omitted from a garage ceiling, which is an energy-wasting mistake when there’s living space above the garage. Air-sealing the garage ceiling, combined with insulation, will protect you from harmful fumes (from fuel, solvents, and other stored items) as well as from unnecessary heating and cooling costs. DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Insulate cantilevered areas. Many raised ranch houses feature cantilevered upper floors, or levels that overhang the floor below. Such overhangs typically leak cool or warm air and are poorly insulated –a combination that causes discomfort and wasted energy. To save on heating and cooling costs while also making your house more comfortable, seal and insulate the cantilevers as shown at the Building America Solution Center (a division of the DOE): To access the joist cavities, you’ll have to remove the plywood soffit on the underside of the overhang. This can usually be done fairly easily after taking off trim installed around the edges. DIYscore: DIY hero. Insulate your crawl space. Building scientists recommend sealing and insulating a crawl space as an effective way to improve energy efficiency while also controlling moisture so that mold and mildew won’t contaminate this under-house space. It’s important to use the right kind of insulation
  • 4. in a crawl space (rigid foam), and to install it correctly. You’ll find more detailed information at Dr. Energy Saver ( DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Install plastic window film to make older windows more energy efficient. Inexpensive window insulating kits, containing plastic film and double-faced adhesive tape, provide you with a way to make old windows much more energy efficient. Use a hair dryer to tighten up the film and make it virtually disappear. 3M, a company that manufactures these window insulator kits, has a calculator on their website that enables you to predict your annual energy savings. Go to DIYscore: DIY hero. Tint sunny hot windows. Energy-saving window films are available for direct application to a window that’s admitting too much sunlight. Available in a range of shades, these films are especially useful for reducing solar heat gain on large south-facing windows and glass doors. Tinted films may also be used on cars to keep them cooler in the summer and reduce the need for air conditioning. DIYscore: DIY hero. Replace weatherstripping around exterior doors. Exterior doors come with weatherstripping that helps seal energy-wasting air leaks around door edges. But over time, the foam or plastic material will wear out, fall out, or lose its resiliency. Bring a section of your old weatherstripping material to the hardware store or home center, and buy the same kind to install. Weatherstripping is inexpensive, and in just a few minutes you can make your door work like new again. DIYscore: DIY hero. Don’t forget the door sweep. Unless you lie down on the floor, you probably won’t spot the airspace between an exterior door’s bottom edge and the door sill or threshold. But this gap can leak a lot of air, which wastes energy and causes cold drafts during winter months. The specific kind of weatherstripping used to seal the bottom of the door is called a “door sweep.” A little research will tell you which type of door sweep is right for your doors. You’ll find good information and products at the DIY Door Store ( DIYscore: DIY hero. Seal around basement windows. Builders don’t usually take the time to seal the gap between a basement window frame and the foundation wall. As a result, outside air can leak inside easily. Stop this energy-wasting air leakage by sealing gaps with exterior-grade caulk or spray foam insulation. DIYscore: DIY hero. Stop wall leaks. Use spray foam insulation to seal the holes made in exterior walls for outdoor water faucets, dryer vents, gas lines, and electrical lines. In addition to saving energy, this low- cost upgrade will keep out insect and rodent pests. DIYscore: DIY hero. Keep Your Attic Cool. Attic spaces can reach temperatures of 160 degrees F on a sunny summer day where outside temperatures are in the 90s. This will cause your air conditioner to work a lot harder to keep living space below the attic cool, especially if your attic floor is not well insulated. Reduce up to 30% of energy use for air conditioning by ensuring adequate attic ventilation with vents along the roof’s ridge, the soffits, and the gable ends. DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Close the garage door. If you have an attached garage, keep the garage door closed to maintain a “buffer zone” between your living space and the extreme temperatures outside. Doing so will reduce your heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer. DIYscore: Free & easy. Consider the embodied energy factor. An eco-conscious way to look at building materials is to consider the energy it took to make them, or their “embodied energy.” When building or remodeling, choose materials with the lowest embodied energy that will still do the job. For example, wood studs have a much lower embodied energy than steel studs. Fiber-cement siding
  • 5. has a lower embodied energy than vinyl siding. Work with designers that understand the complexity involved in making the right choices. And consider “recurring embodied energy,” too. It’s the energy involved in maintaining building materials over many years. DIYscore: Free & easy. Recycle building materials. It’s not only greener to reuse building materials; it can also save you time and money. Old kitchen cabinets can provide excellent storage space in a basement, garage or outbuilding. Framing lumber and plywood removed during remodeling can be reused after nails are removed. Craigslist is an excellent way to buy and sell used building materials. DIYscore: Free & easy. Seal your fireplace flue. A typical fireplace is a HUGE source of energy-wasting air leakage during the winter. If you don’t use your fireplace on a regular basis, you can stop this leakage (and save on heating costs) by installing a “chimney balloon” or “chimney pillow.” After inserting this tough plastic balloon into your flue, you simply inflate it to seal the chimney. Check out this informative video: DIYscore: DIY hero. Have an energy audit done on your house to identify and prioritize recommended upgrades. Depending on what programs are available in your area, the energy audit (aka “home energy assessment”) is a low-cost or no-cost analysis of your home’s energy consumption characteristics. While the audit itself won’t save you money, it will identify your best opportunities for making energy and money-saving improvements. For more details, see the explanation at Dr. Energy Saver: DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Use insulated window shades to keep the heat in or out. Insulated window shades can save just as much energy as new replacement windows, and they cost a lot less to install. You have to use them the right way, however. Open shades when you want solar gain –like on a sunny winter day. Close the shades when you want to keep the heat inside the house in winter, or when you want to block sunlight during the cooling season. DIYscore: DIY hero. Install an insulated pet door. Pet doors typically allow wintry blasts to invade your home. Replace an old pet door with a new insulated unit. Double flaps create an air pocket that keeps heat in during the winter (and out in the summer). Look for (non-PVC) flaps with magnetic closures that are designed to stay flexible in cold weather. It’s usually easier to install one of these doors in an existing exterior door than it is to install a pet door in an exterior wall. Find good advice at Pet2: DIYscore: DIY hero. HEATING & COOLING <18> Install a programmable thermostat. When you’re at work and the kids are at school, it makes no sense to heat or cool an empty house. Installing a programmable thermostat, which automatically adjusts settings, will allow you to preset times when heating or air-conditioning units turn on. Program the thermostat for low heating or cooling demand when you leave in the morning; then program it to make your living space comfortable about 30 minutes before you get home. Do the same thing when you sleep: keep it set low when you’re in bed and program it to kick in when you wake up. You’ll use less energy, without sacrificing comfort. DIYscore: DIY hero. Stay cool with awnings. Awnings reduce the amount of sunlight that gets through glass doors and windows, keeping your home’s interior cooler on hot days by as much as 8 to 15 degrees. This affordable upgrade will reduce the run time of your air conditioning system, cutting your monthly electric bill. DIYscore: Go 4 pro.
  • 6. Reduce air leaks around windows and doors. In winter, cold air can leak into the house around window and door openings. You can stop most of this leakage by sealing the gap between the window casing or door casing and the wallboard. Apply a bead of “window and door” caulk along the trim/wallboard joint, and then smooth it with a damp finger. Have some paper towels handy to wipe off the excess caulk as you’re smoothing the bead. DIYscore: DIY hero. Use your storm windows and doors. Just because you haven’t invested in super-efficient, triple-pane, low-E glazing, don’t neglect to use your storms in winter. A well-fit storm window raises the R value of a single-pane window from 1 to nearly 2 – or as much as many double- paned windows. DIYscore: Free & easy. Control the summer sun. Use blinds, shutters, drapes, or shades to block or reduce the sunlight entering rooms with sunny exposures in summer. Exterior shutters and shades work best because they block solar radiation before it can enter the house. However, interior shades are more affordable and easier to install. (Get good how-to information at This Old House:,,536789,00.html) DIYscore: DIY hero. See how low you can go by turning down the thermostat to save on winter heating costs. The DOE says you can save 1% to 3% on your heating bill for every degree you lower your thermostat. Thermostats are often set to the upper 60s or low 70s. Throw on a turtleneck and sweater, and then see if you can dial down to the mid 60s during the day. At night, sleep under a heavy blanket and turn the thermostat to the 50s. DIYscore: Free & easy. Clean or replace forced-air filters often. If your house has ductwork that’s used for heating and/or cooling, your HVAC system will have an air filter that captures dust, pollen and other particulate matter as your forced-air system operates. When an air filter becomes full of dirt, the blower in your HVAC system has to work harder, which wastes energy. Some air filters can be reused after cleaning, but most can simply be replaced when they get clogged with dust. Either way, keeping your air filter clean will help your HVAC system perform more economically. DIYscore: DIY hero. Keep registers clear. Make sure that the supply and return registers in your forced-air HVAC system aren’t blocked or covered by rugs, furniture or furnishings. Blockages disrupt the balance of supply and return air, making the HVAC system operate inefficiently. DIYscore: Free & easy. Heat the room you’re in. Smart use of a portable space heater can enable you to keep a single room warm instead of having your furnace heat the entire house. According to the Department of Energy, space heaters use about 14% of the energy that the average whole-house heating system does. When you’ll only be in a room for a short period or you want to heat a small area, choose a radiant heater. A convection heater circulates the air and is a better option when you want to heat an entire room. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Zone out unused spaces. Zone heating allows you to keep large areas of the home cool while warming the rooms you’re using. The best time to install zone heating is when you’re building a new house and using a hydronic heating (water- or steam-based) system. It works especially well with radiant heat. You can create zones with electric heating, too, but keep in mind that such systems are inefficient in cold climates and costly to operate. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Cool more with fans and less with your AC system. Fans use Mother Nature’s cooling system, lowering your skin temperature by causing perspiration to evaporate. By using window fans and ceiling fans to circulate air in your house, you’ll reduce demand for mechanical air conditioning, which costs much more to operate. To promote natural cooling, wear lightweight, loose, absorbent clothing. Just remember, fans only cool you when you feel the breeze. Turn them off when you leave the room! DIYscore: Plan ahead.
  • 7. Service your HVAC system. Just by performing routine maintenance on your HVAC system, you can avoid the extra expenses (and wasted energy) associated with poor system performance. If your furnace or boiler has an efficiency rating of 85%, make sure it can work at peak efficiency with regular maintenance. DIYscore: Go 4 pro. Promote good air circulation for maximum AC efficiency. You can do this by keeping vegetation and other debris away from the outside condenser of your central AC system. Keep the area around your outside condenser clear for peak AC performance. DIYscore: Free & easy. Cuddle more so you can heat less. If you’re sleeping together, why not add another blanket and turn the heat down or off completely? You’ll cut winter heating costs and enjoy some other benefits too. DIYscore: Free & easy. Seal and insulate ductwork. Leaky, uninsulated ducts can waste a huge amount of energy, especially when ducts are located in unconditioned parts of the house (basement, crawl space, and attic). Sealing ducts and adding duct insulation according to DOE guidelines will improve your indoor air quality and cut your heating and cooling expenses by as much as 20%. For details, go to: c=home_improvement.hm_improvement_ducts DIYscore: DIY hero Keep room air conditioners in the shade. A portable AC unit will operate more efficiently if it’s not in direct sunlight. DIYscore: Free & easy. Cap your drop-down attic stair. Drop-down stairs are notoriously leaky, causing both comfort and energy problems. Ready-made insulated caps are available for these folding stairs, but you can also make your own from rigid foam insulation. For good instructions on making your own attic cap, try this link: energy-savings/ DIYscore: DIY hero. Reverse ceiling fan rotation for winter savings. Ceiling fans are energy-efficient ways to stay cool in the summer. From a savings potential, however, they’re even better in the winter – especially in rooms with high ceilings. During the heating season, the warmest air collects in the upper part of a room. Run your ceiling fan at low speed with the switch set for upward air flow. The goal is to force warm air near the ceiling down the walls where it must rise again. Moving the heat where it will do the most good will reduce the run time of your heating system. DIYscore: Free & easy. LIGHTING <6> Save light at night. Lighting up the yard at night for safety, security, and beauty makes sense, but wasting watts does not. Here are a few things you can do to reduce usage: • Use solar-powered path lights or reflectors to mark driveways and walkways. • For security lighting, use motion detectors and timers. • Use low-voltage fixtures where possible. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Install occupancy sensor switches. Your lights remain on until the infrared (or ultrasonic sensor) no long senses occupancy and turns them off. Switches cost less than $50, install easily in existing switch boxes, and often return your investment in one to three years. Begin in rooms, where the lights are commonly left on – and where one switch operates multiple fixtures. Switches come with wiring instructions, but don’t tackle this electrical assignment unless you can work comfortably and safely. Never work with exposed lighting unless you turn the power off and test to make sure it’s off. DIYscore: DIY hero.
  • 8. Embrace LED lights. LED light bulbs use a minute amount of electricity compared to other types of lights; and they last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs and 3 times longer than compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Until recently, however, LEDs have been too expensive to seriously compete with CFLs. But that’s changing. Instead of costing $30 apiece like they did two years ago, an LED light can go for as little as $10 today. So give LEDs another look; they now qualify as a smart investment. For more details, see this write-up in the New York Times: ref=lightemittingdiodes DIYscore: Plan ahead. Save on holiday lighting costs. To save energy and cut greenhouse gases, use LED (light- emitting diode) lights on trees and eaves and in holiday displays. LEDs consume less electricity— as much as 80% to 90% less. In addition, LED lights can last 20 to 50 times longer than a string of incandescent lights. If you prefer the appearance of traditional holiday lights, put them on a timer to decrease the amount of time they are on. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Let there be daylight. The use of sunlight in the home, called daylighting, is a free source energy. Windows, skylights, patio doors, and sunrooms are the most common daylighting resources (although fiber-optic daylight collectors are available, too). When building or remodeling, plan window and skylight locations carefully. A north-facing skylight, for example, can bring much-needed light into a kitchen or family room. A south-facing skylight may allow too much light and heat into the room. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Dim the lights. A dimmer switch allows you to set the mood – and save energy, too. Dim a light by 25% and save 20% percent of the watts needed to power it. As a bonus, light bulbs will last 40 times longer when left on the dimmed setting. If you’ve got basic wiring skills, it’s possible to replace a standard light switch with a dimmer switch. A good place to make this upgrade is at switches that control multiple recessed or other fixed overhead lights. DIYscore: DIY hero. LIFE IN GENERAL <14> Make your own household cleaners. Why spend money on expensive cleaning products that may contain harmful chemicals? Try these inexpensive, home-made cleaning solutions instead to go easier on your budget and the environment. • General-purpose cleaner and disinfectant: 1 part distilled white vinegar, 1 part hydrogen peroxide. • Glass cleaner: equal parts water and distilled vinegar. Instead of wiping the glass with paper towels, use old newspaper. • Toilet bowl cleaner: Pour half a cup of distilled white vinegar into the toilet bowl, followed by the same amount of baking soda. Let the mix foam for a couple of minutes, then scrub the bowl clean. DIYscore: almost free & easy. Find ways to do more walking and bike riding. According to the Department of Transportation, 40% of all car trips in the United States are two miles or shorter, and more than 25% are less than a mile—distances that walkers and bicyclists can easily handle. These slower forms of transport will enable you to smell the roses, taken in the sights, and enjoy a higher level of fitness. You’ll also see a drop in auto-related expenses. DIYscore: Free & easy. Use public transportation more so you can drive less. Taking the train or bus not only cuts carbon emissions while saving you money on gas. It also enables you to enjoy reading, conversation and making new friends. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Carpool whenever possible. Sharing the drive saves in multiple ways: gas, maintenance, repairs and parking. It can add up to as much $3,000 savings per year. DIYscore: Plan ahead.
  • 9. Work from home. According to research done by SUN Microsystems, working at home instead of commuting to the office can save you up to $1700 per year on gasoline, not to mention savings on coffee, lunch and clothing. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Realize some reel savings. If you have a small lawn to mow, retire your gas-powered mower and use a modern reel mower instead. Well-designed models are available from Lee Valley Tools ( In addition to eliminating fuel and tune-up expenses, you’ll be getting a good workout while cutting the grass. DIYscore: DIY hero. Shop online. Most people who shop online do so for the convenience. They can shop 24 hours a day and don’t have to worry about crowded stores, long lines, and parking-spot searches. In addition, E-commerce warehouses use 1/16th of the energy of that used to operate a traditional retail store. Fewer trips to the store—in CO2-emitting vehicles—also save transportation energy. DIYscore: Free & easy. Make it last. Through smart maintenance, you can get years of additional service from almost everything you own, including tools, clothing, and electronics. The longer you can make things last, the more resources and money you save. The exception is if you own extremely wasteful things, such as a gas-guzzling SUV or a 30-year-old furnace. Your best ally in maintaining things is the owner’s manual that came with the equipment. Keep it filed in a safe place, along with lists of authorized repair shops. DIYscore: DIY hero. Grow an Organic Lawn. With a little extra care, you can eliminate expensive petrochemicals from your lawn-maintenance routine. Begin by testing your soil to find out what to add to get the soil’s pH right and to replace depleted nutrients. Try using only slow-release natural fertilizers, such as composted manure, bone meal, and dried poultry waste. Reduce the chance for disease and insect infestation—along with the need for herbicides and pesticides—by not cutting grass too short, avoiding over-fertilization, always using a sharp mower blade, and watering deeply but not frequently. DIYscore: DIY hero. Start a backyard vegetable garden. Growing your own veggies cuts your grocery bill while reducing the environmental impact of shipping produce long distances. You’ll get good exercise and enjoy the health benefits of fresh, organically grown food. No sunny spot for a garden? Join (or start) a community garden in your neighborhood. DIYscore: DIY hero. Make compost for your garden. You’ll reduce the need to use energy intensively-produced fertilizers. Compost improves the vitality of flowers and vegetable plants, keeps moisture from draining or evaporating too quickly from the soil, and makes use of organic materials that would otherwise add to overburdened landfills and incinerators. DIYscore: DIY hero. Use your microwave. When warming up and cooking small amounts of food, use a microwave instead of a conventional oven. It will use about 50 percent less energy to do the job. The same goes for defrosting—although the most efficient method here, of course, is to plan ahead and let food defrost in the fridge. For cooking large meals, however, the stove is usually more efficient. DIYscore: Free & easy. Filter your own water. Water delivery companies expend huge amounts of money to bring “spring” water to your door (water that is probably not from a spring!). In addition to fuel for the trucks, there’s oil byproduct used to make the bottles. Opt for a water purification system. It can be as simple as a jug with a filter ( or as sophisticated as a whole-house filtration system. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Be a more efficient cook. In the kitchen, we waste gas and electricity without realizing it. Try covering your pots with lids and see how much faster water boils. Use large pans on large burners and small pans on small burners; otherwise, much of the heat dissipates. Dig out your pressure cooker, which can cut energy use by 50%. Bake with glass or ceramic pans – they allow for cooler oven temperatures. Cook more than one thing at a time in the oven. And when cooking something small, use the toaster oven. DIYscore: Free & easy. RENEWABLE ENERGY <6>
  • 10. Cook with the sun. It’s surprising how many solar ovens (aka “solar cookers”) are available. Some enterprising people have even made their own solar ovens using inexpensive materials like aluminum foil ( A solar oven can reach temperatures of 300 degrees F and higher. Some units have a thermostatically-controlled electrical element that switches on when clouds roll by to maintain even temperatures. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Get a passive solar boost. If you have a sunroom or enclosed porch with a southern exposure, it can be used to collect tremendous amounts of heat. Use fans or natural convection to move air through a doorway from solar-warmed rooms to adjacent interior spaces. Just be sure to provide an opening for “return” air, such as a vent or an open window between the sunroom and the house, to ensure good air movement. DIYscore: DIY hero. Build an outdoor solar shower: Heat shower water with a coil of black hose, a black-painted water tank, or with a large black plastic water bag, sold for the purpose. You’ll only need to leave them in the sun for an hour or two. Use the “gray” shower water to irrigate garden beds instead of wasting it. Just be sure to use biodegradable soaps, rinses, and shampoos. DIYscore: DIY hero. Opt for solar pool heating. Unlike solar collectors used for domestic hot water, solar pool heaters are typically unglazed and made from a specially formulated plastic. Water from the pool is circulated through the solar collectors using the existing water filtration pump. However you heat your pool water, use a pool cover to prevent heat loss at night or on cool days. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Dry clothes on a rack or clothesline. Dryers account for a large amount of home energy use and carbon emissions. To be more environmentally friendly, give your dryer a rest. Go with the old-fashioned approach—the clothesline. Drying on a line can save 500 to 700 pounds of CO2 a year. Your clothes—especially the elastics in socks and underwear—will last longer. An alternative to a clothesline is a drying rack, which is available in many sizes and styles. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Heat water with solar. Heating your domestic hot water with the sun requires a significant upfront cost, but the benefits are significant, too. Water heating causes just as much pollution as vehicles do in the U.S. It will take about 10 years for a solar thermal system to pay for itself in energy savings, but renewable energy incentives can cut this payback time significantly depending on climate. DIYscore: Plan ahead. AUTO <8> Lighten up. Don’t drive around with unnecessary extra weight in your car. Each 100lbs. of weight subtracts a half mile from your mpg capability. DIYscore: Free & easy. Keep your car efficient. If you get regular tune-ups and perform routine maintenance on your automobile, you’ll reduce emissions and save fuel costs. According to the EPA, fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve gas mileage by as much as 40%! Replacing a dirty air filter can improve fuel economy by up to 10%. Other ways to get better gas mileage include replacing worn spark plugs, making sure alignment is correct, fixing bad brakes, and using the correct grade of motor oil. DIYscore: Plan ahead. Warm up to fast starts. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the best way to warm up a vehicle is to drive it. Even on the bitterest of winter days, you don’t need more than 30 seconds of idling before you’re ready to hit the road. Idling for any longer wastes fuel and increases greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, running the car only warms the engine -- not the other parts, such as the catalytic converter, transmission, and so on. The only way to warm these parts is to drive. DIYscore: Free & easy.
  • 11. Drive smarter. Drive in ways to reduce fuel consumption and you’ll be saving the earth and saving money. You don’t have to have the most fuel-efficient car in the neighborhood. Just follow these four tips and you’ll get more miles to the gallon. 1. Maintain a steady speed. 2. Don’t speed. According to, gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph. 3. Avoid quick starts and hard stops. 4. Don’t weave in and out of traffic. DIYscore: Free & easy (most of the time). Don’t be an idler. An idling car is wasting gas. A good rule is not let your car idle for more than 30 seconds. Doing so burns more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it when you’re ready to leave. Some argue that this practice shortens the life of the battery and starter, but the fuel savings and cleaner air outweigh the minimal wear to these parts. In addition, a car that’s off can’t accidentally jump into gear and cause an accident. DIYscore: Free & easy. Keep your tires inflated. Under-inflated tires require more energy because they increase “rolling resistance.” The engine has to work harder and, consequently, more fuel is consumed. According to the DOE, properly inflated tires can improve your gas mileage by 3.3 percent, and under- inflated tires waste more than 3.5 million gallons of gas each day! Your recommended tire inflation can typically be found on the inside of the driver door jamb. DIYscore: Almost free & easy. Lower rolling resistance. Tire manufacturers are developing “low rolling resistance” tires that reduce drag so you can increase your MPGs. According to Michelin, their new low RR tires can save over $400 over the life of a set of tires (assuming a gas price of $3.75/gal.). DIYscore: Plan ahead. Consider a hybrid. An entry-level hybrid costs more than its non-hybrid counterpart—but you will make up for the extra cost in fuel savings after several years. (Go to the calculator at to find years-to-payback for the hybrid of your choice.) After that you can expect to save every additional month you own the car. DIYscore: Plan ahead. WASHING, DRYING & WATER CONSERVATION <11> Take shorter showers. Simply wash and rinse a little quicker. Seems obvious, but it’s not so easy. One solution is to buy a handheld shower set with a shutoff button. That way you can turn off the water while you lather or shave—and turn it back on easily without having to stop and readjust the water temperature. Handheld shower heads also allow you to rinse more efficiently. DIYscore: Free & easy. Install pipe insulation on hot and cold water supply lines, especially near your water heater. Insulating the hot pipes reduces heat loss and shortens the time it takes hot water to reach your faucets. Insulating cold lines reduces condensation. Foam pipe insulation is inexpensive and easy to install -- except perhaps around elbows and valves. See v=TfKVVG2a5Oo for some excellent fitting tips. Pipe insulation should cut your water heating expenses by about $25 per year. DIYscore: DIY hero. Remove sediment from a tank-type water heater. This once-a-year maintenance task will improve water heater efficiency and also help the unit last longer. Home improvement expert Ron Hazleton has a great video to guide you through this maintenance task: DIYscore: DIY hero. Run full loads in your washing machine. Doing a partial load uses the same amount of energy as a full load, but fewer clothes get cleaned. If you have to do a small load, adjust the water level accordingly. To save even more energy, consider using cold water—and cold-water-wash detergents—the next time you wash clothes. DIYscore: Free & easy.
  • 12. Turn down the heat. Many water heaters are installed with the thermostat at a “factory setting” of 140 degrees –quite a bit hotter than necessary. Turning the water heater’s thermostat down from 140 to 120 degrees can save as much as $7 per month. DIYscore: Free & easy. Blanket your water heater. Water heaters account for up to 20% of the energy used in the average U.S. household. If your hot water heater is in an unheated space, such as an unfinished basement, insulate it and reduce your energy loss by 25% to 45%. Spend a little extra for your tank insulation kit to get one with a radiant barrier. It will insulate better than a fiberglass-only kit and is not prone to moisture damage. Installation instructions come with the insulation. DIYscore: DIY hero. Use the moisture sensor. Most dryers today can be set to turn off once the desired degree of dryness is achieved. This is a big improvement over using the built-in timer option in terms of both convenience and energy saving. In addition, using the moisture sensor will waste less time and energy ironing wrinkled clothing – and make your clothing last longer. DIYscore: Free & easy. Clean the lint trap. Hot air doesn’t move through the dryer as efficiently when the lint trap is dirty, so the appliance has to work hotter and harder. Keeping the lint trap clean can decrease energy consumption by up to 30%. It can extend the life of the dryer, too. DIYscore: Free & easy. Use low-flow devices. Installing aerators on your kitchen and bathroom faucets and “eco- friendly” shower heads can save thousands of gallons of water a year – and fuel, too, because you end up heating fewer gallons of water. Some aerators come with shutoff valves that allow you to stop the flow of water without affecting the temperature. DIYscore: DIY hero. Be smart about washing dishes. Contrary to what many believe, using the dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand, even for the most conscientious hand washers. A dishwasher uses just 4 to 6 gallons per cycle, and washing by hand can use 10 to 20 gallons. But when you have only a few lightly soiled dishes, do them by hand. You’ll save energy over time by reducing the number of times you have to run the dishwasher. DIYscore: Free & easy. Switch to a tankless water heater. Between 15% and 30% of the energy used to heat water is merely used for keeping the water hot while it’s not being used. Reduce this waste by installing a tankless hot water heater. These units are compact and supply continuous hot water at rates of about 4 to 7 gallons per minute, depending on how hot you need the water to be. DIYscore: Plan ahead.