SlideShare una empresa de Scribd logo
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$var ~~ @list
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
sub OnInit {
my $app = shift;
# load localisation texts in chosen language
my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;
die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;
my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};
$app->{'l18n'} = %l18n;
# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites
$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;
my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();
# making UI
my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');
$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );
my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};
my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };
my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;
my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;
my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude
my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init
frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],
amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],
rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],
length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],
thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10],
start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],
scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],
({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;
drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),
fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],
format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],
save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],
save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],
remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],
forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],
no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],
closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],
open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],
y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],
rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),
app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ # left part
{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],
],[ # right half
-TabbedBox => [
'~oscillators' =>[
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],
-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>
-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},
['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'],
-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],
{border => 10}, '<friction>',
'~visuals' => [
{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>
-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],
{border => 10},'<zoom>',
aus Kephra
K. GUI Libs
'kleine Projekte'
In 5 Schritten
zur Intelligenz
Das sind nur 3
Jetzt sind es 5
Wid gets
Abstr aktion
Wid gets
Abstr aktion
Nummer 1
einfach & sichere
Nummer 2
mächtige Widgets
mächtige Widgets
Nummer 3
leicht änderbar,
Nummer 4
Trennung von
Daten & Layout
Nummer 5
MVC – GUI Layer
GUI Comp. Lang.
MVC – GUI Layer
Wid gets
Abstr aktion
Schritt 1
Einzelne Widgets
new(..., ..., ...)
$parent $frame
ID -1
$label wxEmptyString,
wxPoint wxDefaultPosition, [-1,-1]
wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, [-1,-1]
style 0,
wxString $name
New Parameter
$button = Wx::Button->new(
$parent, -1, 'label', [-1,-1], [30,-1]);
($frame, $button, &callback);
Button Erzeugen
($parent, 'label', &callback, 30);
Smart Button
($parent, 'label', &callback, 30);
# required , opt
Smart Button
wxWindow* parent,
wxWindowID id,
wxString& value,
wxPoint& pos,
wxSize& size,
long style,
wxValidator& (validator),
wxString& name,
Textc. Parameter
$txt = Wx::TextCtrl->new(
$parent, -1, 'content', [-1,-1], [30,-1],
Wx::Perl::TextValidator->new (qr//));
($txt, -1, &callback);
($frame, $txt, &callback);
$txt = Wx::Perl::TextEdit->new(
Smart TextEdit
$txt = Wx::Perl::TextEdit->new(
# required ,opt
Smart TextEdit
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als Code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
Perl hat besseres
ObjRef statt WxID | WidgetName
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
Weil du es nicht kontrollieren willst
Position und Größe regeln Sizer
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
Weil es Probleme macht
auf undef gesetzte parents
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
callbacks (coderef)
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
callbacks (coderef) & zus. styles
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als Code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als Code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
weglassen was nicht wichtig ist
nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre
optional auch mit benannten Param.
Def als code oder String (compilien)
alles normalen Widgets (Moose)
Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht
Einzelne Widgets
($parent, 'label', &callback, 30);
neues Modul für den einen Aufruf
Softwarearchitektur: factory method
Smart Button ?
($parent, 'label', &callback, 30);
neues Modul für den einen Aufruf
Softwarearchitektur: factory method
Smart Button ?
@widgets = factory method([
[-Button => 'label', &callback, 30],
Smart Factory
@widgets = $factory->MakeWidget([
[-Button => 'label', &callback, 30],
{widget => 'Button', label =>'...', },
Benannte Param.
$factory = Wx::Perl::Smart::
Kürzt Aufruf
$factory = Wx::Perl::Smart::
MakeWidget([ ….
Und vermeidet
im Sinne einer Factory Method
erzeugt normale Widgets & weitere
Smart Factory
Schritt 2
Zusam. Widgets
Zusam. Widgets
sammle mehrere Einzelwidgets
und deren Daten & Event-
handling in ein Widget
einfacherer Umgang,
Layout wird übersichtlicher
Schritt 3
einfache, robuste Erzeugung
in Tabellenanordnung
Trennung vom GUI-Layout
keine Daten ins Layout
strukturierte Programme
einfache, robuste Erzeugung
in Tabellenanordnung
Trennung vom GUI-Layout
keine Daten ins Layout
strukturierte Programme
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer-
>new([$widget, $widget, ...]);
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer-
>new([$widget, '---', $widget, ...]);
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer-
>new(-TabbedBox =>
[ [$widget, ...], [...]]);
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
einfache und robuste Erzeugung
Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets
mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
einfache und effektive Benutzung
Panel mit Smart::Sizer
Panel mit Smart::Sizer
$panel = Wx::Perl::Smart::Panel-
>new([$widget, $widget, ...]);
Panel mit Smart::Sizer
Sichbarkeit und Verwandschaft
wird automatisch geregelt
Hauptenster einer App
noch eine Abstraktion
vereinfachter Zugriff auf Panel,
Sizer und WidgetFactory
verwaltet auch Widgets und
Widgets mit ID
drawboard => Wx::Perl::Draw...
fav_select => [-ComboBox => ..]
def Layout
$frame->EvalSmartLayout (
{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},
[ '<drawboard>',
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10,
'<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10,...],
ohne Ränder
$frame->EvalSmartLayout (
[ '<drawboard>',
['<format_select>', '<save>',
'<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', ...],
Panel mit ID
$frame->EvalSmartPanel ( 'my_panel' =>
[ '<drawboard>',
['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10,
'<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10,...],
$frame->EvalSmartLayout (
[ '<my_panel>',
['<format_select>', '<save>',
'<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', ...],
''can't touch this'
Designercode darf nicht
berührt werden
Brauch mehrere
Programme / Formate
Smart ist schneller
effektiver als GUI
Smart ist schneller
effektiver als GUI
änder Abstandsklassen
Smart ist schneller
effektiver als GUI
denk in Proportionen
Gen Comp Abstr
Schritt 5
Wikiformat für's layout
(oft besser als GUI designer)
kompiliert zu Datenstruktur
(jedes Format funktioniert)
kompiliert zu GUI
andere Backends denkbar
(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
Wikiformat für's layout
(oft besser als GUI designer)
kompiliert zu Datenstruktur
(jedes Format funktioniert)
kompiliert zu GUI
andere Backends denkbar
(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
Wikiformat für's layout
(oft besser als GUI designer)
kompiliert zu Datenstruktur
(jedes Format funktioniert)
kompiliert zu GUI
andere Backends denkbar
(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
Wikiformat für's layout
(oft besser als GUI designer)
kompiliert zu Datenstruktur
(jedes Format funktioniert)
kompiliert zu GUI
andere Backends denkbar
(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)

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Harmonograph GUI Builder

  • 6. Wx::Perl::Smart sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 7. Harmonogra ph sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 8. Harmonogra ph sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 9. Harmonogra ph sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 10. Harmonogra ph sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 11. Wx::Perl::Smart sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 12. Wx::Perl::Smart sub OnInit { my $app = shift; # load localisation texts in chosen language my ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__); $l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir; die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file; my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}}; $app->{'l18n'} = %l18n; # loading the numbers of the remembered favorites $app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new; my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : (); # making UI my $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size'); $frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} ); my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()}; my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() }; my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250; my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2; my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitude my %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30], amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360], rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200], length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100], thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60], scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4], ); $frame->SubscribeWidgets ({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults; $frame->SubscribeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize), fav_select => [-ComboBox => @remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember], format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ], save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }], save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }], remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}], forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }], no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}], closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}], open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}], y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint], rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint), app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}), }); $frame->SetSmartLayout( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ # left part '<drawboard>', 10, {border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'], ],[ # right half -TabbedBox => [ '~oscillators' =>[ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, ['~mode :', '<app_mode>'], -LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers> -LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>), {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW}, ['~phase :', 1, '<no_phase>', 1,'<closed_phase>', 1, '<open_phase>'], ]], -LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]], {border => 10}, '<friction>', ], '~visuals' => [ {border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, -LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness> -LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]], {border => 10},'<zoom>', ], ], ]); $frame->ResetValues(); $app->Repaint(); $app->SetTopWindow($frame); 1;
  • 21. Das sind nur 3 Widgets Komposition Abstraktion
  • 22. Jetzt sind es 5 Wid gets Komposition Abstr aktion
  • 24. Nummer 1 einfach & sichere Widgeterzeugung
  • 29. Nummer 5 MVC – GUI Layer
  • 30. GUI Comp. Lang. MVC – GUI Layer
  • 35. $parent $frame ID -1 $label wxEmptyString, wxPoint wxDefaultPosition, [-1,-1] wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, [-1,-1] style 0, wxValidator, wxString $name New Parameter
  • 36. $button = Wx::Button->new( $parent, -1, 'label', [-1,-1], [30,-1]); Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON ($frame, $button, &callback); Button Erzeugen
  • 38. Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', &callback, 30); # required , opt Smart Button
  • 39. wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, wxString& value, wxPoint& pos, wxSize& size, long style, wxValidator& (validator), wxString& name, Textc. Parameter
  • 40. $txt = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $parent, -1, 'content', [-1,-1], [30,-1], &Wx::wxTE_MULTILINE Wx::Perl::TextValidator->new (qr//)); Wx::Event::EVT_KEY_DOWN ($txt, -1, &callback); Wx::Event::EVT_TEXT ($frame, $txt, &callback); TextCtrlErzeugen
  • 43. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 44. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist Einzelne Widgets
  • 45. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist Perl hat besseres ObjRef statt WxID | WidgetName Einzelne Widgets
  • 46. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist Weil du es nicht kontrollieren willst Position und Größe regeln Sizer Einzelne Widgets
  • 47. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist Weil es Probleme macht auf undef gesetzte parents Einzelne Widgets
  • 48. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre callbacks (coderef) Einzelne Widgets
  • 49. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre callbacks (coderef) & zus. styles Einzelne Widgets
  • 50. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 51. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 52. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 53. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 54. weglassen was nicht wichtig ist nimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre optional auch mit benannten Param. Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose) Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht Einzelne Widgets
  • 55. Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', &callback, 30); neues Modul für den einen Aufruf Softwarearchitektur: factory method Smart Button ?
  • 56. Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', &callback, 30); neues Modul für den einen Aufruf Softwarearchitektur: factory method Smart Button ?
  • 57. @widgets = factory method([ [-Button => 'label', &callback, 30], … ]); Smart Factory
  • 58. @widgets = $factory->MakeWidget([ [-Button => 'label', &callback, 30], {widget => 'Button', label =>'...', }, ]); Benannte Param.
  • 61. im Sinne einer Factory Method erzeugt normale Widgets & weitere Smart Factory
  • 64. Zusam. Widgets sammle mehrere Einzelwidgets und deren Daten & Event- handling in ein Widget einfacherer Umgang, Layout wird übersichtlicher
  • 68. :WidgetFactory einfache, robuste Erzeugung in Tabellenanordnung Trennung vom GUI-Layout keine Daten ins Layout strukturierte Programme
  • 69. :WidgetFactory einfache, robuste Erzeugung in Tabellenanordnung Trennung vom GUI-Layout keine Daten ins Layout strukturierte Programme
  • 71. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 72. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 73. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung $sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer- >new([$widget, $widget, ...]);
  • 74. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 75. ::Smart::Sizer Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets $sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer- >new([$widget, '---', $widget, ...]);
  • 76. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 77. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 78. ::Smart::Sizer $sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer- >new(-TabbedBox => [ [$widget, ...], [...]]); mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)
  • 79. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 80. ::Smart::Sizer einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentare mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer) einfache und effektive Benutzung
  • 83. ::Smart::Panel Panel mit Smart::Sizer $panel = Wx::Perl::Smart::Panel- >new([$widget, $widget, ...]);
  • 84. ::Smart::Panel Panel mit Smart::Sizer Sichbarkeit und Verwandschaft wird automatisch geregelt
  • 86. ::Smart::Frame Hauptenster einer App noch eine Abstraktion vereinfachter Zugriff auf Panel, Sizer und WidgetFactory verwaltet auch Widgets und Localisationstrings
  • 87. Widgets mit ID $frame->MakeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::Draw... fav_select => [-ComboBox => ..]
  • 88. def Layout $frame->EvalSmartLayout ( {flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL}, [ '<drawboard>', 10, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10,...],
  • 89. ohne Ränder $frame->EvalSmartLayout ( [ '<drawboard>', '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', '<save>', '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', ...],
  • 90. Panel mit ID $frame->EvalSmartPanel ( 'my_panel' => [ '<drawboard>', 10, '<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', 1, '<forget>', 10,...],
  • 97. Smart>GUIDesigner Smart ist schneller effektiver als GUI änder Abstandsklassen
  • 98. Smart>GUIDesigner Smart ist schneller effektiver als GUI denk in Proportionen
  • 104. Abstraktion Wikiformat für's layout (oft besser als GUI designer) kompiliert zu Datenstruktur (jedes Format funktioniert) kompiliert zu GUI andere Backends denkbar (GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
  • 105. Abstraktion Wikiformat für's layout (oft besser als GUI designer) kompiliert zu Datenstruktur (jedes Format funktioniert) kompiliert zu GUI andere Backends denkbar (GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
  • 106. Abstraktion Wikiformat für's layout (oft besser als GUI designer) kompiliert zu Datenstruktur (jedes Format funktioniert) kompiliert zu GUI andere Backends denkbar (GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
  • 107. Abstraktion Wikiformat für's layout (oft besser als GUI designer) kompiliert zu Datenstruktur (jedes Format funktioniert) kompiliert zu GUI andere Backends denkbar (GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)
  • 108. Danke