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Lionel Seinturier
U. of Lille & IUF

Constantine – Dec. 2011


     About me

•  Pr. @ U. of Lille since 2006
•  Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) – Junior member since oct. 2011
     •  Associate professor at U. Paris 6 (1999 - 2006)

•  Research domain & background
    •  Component, aspect and middleware
          –  Aspect-Oriented Software Development [Apress 2005, Eyrolles 2004]

          –    Dynamic AOP – JAC [Pawlak 02]
          –    Components & contracts [Legond-Aubry 05]
          –    Aspects & components – AOKell & FAC [Pessemier 07]
          –    Adaptation & software tracability [Diaz 07]
          –    Components for embedded systems – Hulotte [Loiret 08]
          –    Software architecture for soft realtime – SOLEIL [Plsek 09]
          –    Ubiquitous computing [Romero 09]

          –  Multi-cloud interoperability, energy awareness in middleware systems,
             reconfigurable MOM, feed-back control loops, adaptable business
             process, trace management

Adaptive Distributed Application and Middleware

ADAM leader: Pr. Laurence Duchien, since 01/2007
Previously Jacquard (Pr. J.-M. Geib) : 10/2003 – 12/2006
Software engineering for middleware
    •  design approaches and languages
    •  runtime platforms
Senior staff: 4 faculty (2 pr., 2 assoc. pr.), 1 Inria research assoc.
1 post-doc, 12 PhD, 7 engineers



1. Service-Oriented Architecture – SOA
2. Service Component Architecture – SCA
3. OW2 FraSCAti
4. Conclusion

Service-Oriented Architecture


      From SOA challenges…

•  IT architectures
•  Complexity
    •  Managing 10n lines of code
•  Monolithic
    •  Breaking application «silos»
•  Seldom evolvable
    •  Freeing systems from
      immutable dependencies

•  MDE, SOA, CBSE, AOSD, …            Source:


Decomposition of software




Composition of software


   …to existing SOA, but…
SOA leverages complexity and promotes flexibility
  •  Loose coupling
  •  Service composition and orchestration
  •  Well defined and contractualized interfaces
  •  Standard tools and technologies



    …Still a partial solution
Today's SOA need to be…
   •  Deployable in different environments
   •  Ensure security and reliability
   •  Adaptable to changing business needs

…and thus, SOA lack…
  •  Structured architectures
      – What is behind the scene?
  •  Reuse capabilities
      – Reuse the wheel when possible…
  •  Flexibility support
      – …Or tune it if not!


    A definition of service
•  A piece of software running somewhere

•  A well defined business interface
    •  WSDL, WADL, OMG IDL, Java interface, …

•  Available at a given address
    •  {host, port, …}, URL, IOR, naming, trading, …

•  Interactions via a given communication protocol
        RMI, JMS, …





     Three challenges for SOA
•  Interoperability
     •  Orchestrate services with heterogeneous protocols
         –  e.g., access REST Twitter user account then
            SOAP weather service
         –  BPEL orchestrates WSDL-based services only!

•  Integration
     •  Compose heterogeneous piece of software to build a service
         –  e.g., compose a BPEL process, an OSGi bundle and a Xquery
         –  CORBA composes OMG IDL-based software only!

•  Dynamically reconfigurable runtime architectures
    •  research challenge #1 in Service foundations [Papazoglou 07]

Service Component Architecture


         SCA in a nutshell"
SCA (Service Component Architecture)"
    •    a component model for SOA"
    •    11/2005"

Hosted by the Open SOA consortium"

Standardized by OASIS"

Platform providers"
    •    Open Source: Apache Tuscany, Newton, Fabric3, FraSCAti"
    •    Vendors: IBM WebSphere FP for SOA, TIBCO ActiveMatrix, Covansys
         SCA Framework, Paremus, Newton, Rogue Wave HydraSCA, Oracle
         Fusion Middleware"

          SCA in a nutshell"
A set of specifications (16) (02/2010)"
Assembly model"
     •    how to define structure of composite applications"
     •    extension for event processing and publish/subscribe"
Component implementation specifications"
     •    how to write business services in particular languages"
     •    Java, C++, Spring, BPEL, EJB SLSB, COBOL, C"
Binding specifications"
     •    how to access services"
     •    Web services, JMS, JCA, EJB"
Policy framework"
     •    how to add infrastructure services"
     •    security, transaction, reliable messaging"
     •    SCA Java EE Integration"
     •    SCA OSGi/Spring (draft)"

+ SDO for accessing data sources"


       SCA in a nutshell

Component implements the
business logic

  •  Service(s)
      – Interface type: Java , WSDL
  •  Reference(s)
  •  Property(s)
  •  Implementation
  •  Non functional property(s)
      – Intent & policy


     SCA in a nutshell

Assembly: ”Process of composing business applications by
configuring and connecting components that provide service


                 SCA in a nutshell
                                                         RMI/IIOP               AccountsComposite
                                External Services                                                         External
                                                      Binding        Payment              Payments        Banking
    Order        Entry Points                      Loosely coupled    Service            Component       Reference
    Processing           OrderProcessing
                                                                                     Closely coupled
                                                                                                                     Java EE

                         Loosely coupled
                                                                                    External Service
                                      WarehouseComposite                                 External

                            Entry Points
                                                                                                       - technologies
                                 Service                                    Component
                                            Wire    Component

                   JMS                                                                                 - app locations

                      C++                                                                Shipping
                                                                           Wire         Reference

                                                                                   External Service


  Simple SCA assembly

     Composite bank.account

Service            Component

                                  [Mike Edwards]
                                  IBM Hursley Lab, England


<composite xmlns=""
           name="bank.account" >

    <service name="Account" promote="AccountFacade">
        < interface="services.account.Account"/>
        < port="

    <component name="AccountFacade">
        < class="services.account.AccountFacadeImpl"/>
        <reference name="StockQuote"/>
        <reference name="AccountData"
                   target="AccountData/Data"/>                    Composite bank.account

        <property name="currency">EURO</property>                                                              Reference
    </component>                                            Service
    <component name="AccountData">
        <implementation.bpel process=“QName"/>
        <service name="Data">
            < interface="services.account.Data"/>

    <reference name="StockQuote" promote="AccountFacade/StockQuote">
        < interface="services.stockquote.StockQuote"/>
        < port="


      Java implementation example: Service

package services.account;                      Interface is available
                                               remotely, e.g. as a
@Remotable                                     Web Service
public interface Account {

    AccountReport getAccountReport(String customerID);


       Java implementation example:
       Component                                            Component

package services.account;

import*;                    Annotation for the
                                                      service offered by
@Service(interfaces = Account.class)                  this class
public class AccountFacadeImpl implements Account {

    private String currency = "USD";
    private Data accountDataService;                  Annotated
    private StockQuote stockQuoteService;             Constructor to
                                                      inject property
    public AccountServiceImpl(                        and references
    @Property("currency") String currency,
    @Reference("accountData") Data dataService,
    @Reference("stockQuote") StockQuote stockService) {
       this.currency       = currency;
       this.accountDataService = dataService;
       this.stockQuoteService = stockService;
}   }


Modelling with Eclipse SCA Tools


            SCA benefits

               Use Case                                           Benefit of using SCA Standard

                                            •  Neutral to communication technologies
     SOA does not always mean WS            •  Supports WS, JMS, JCA bindings
                                            •  Wires internal to SCA domain use proprietary technology

                                            •  Modeling and configuring QoS aspects is handled by the platform
 Bridging QoS Models of heterogeneous       neutral SCA Assembly layer
               platforms                    • SCA defines QoS aspects in abstract terms ( intents ) and allows their
                                            mapping to individual platform environments

                                            •  SCA component implementations are programmed to interfaces
 Managing changes to service provider/
              location                      •  Service endpoint information is not hardwired into client code
                                            •  Wiring of components is a first class concept with elaborate support for
                                            common scenarios (internal, external, redeployment)

                                            •  By providing a holistic view of the solution, it becomes possible for
    Support for testing, management         management tools to capture service dependency information
                                            • Service testing tools can be more effective

Tolerance to new application runtimes and   •  Framework for bindings to different technologies makes it possible for
      communication technologies            developers to apply a consistent programming model


    SCA limitations
Static configuration & deployment
  •  XML file for describing composite components
  •  Lack of deployment API

No runtime adaptation & reconfiguration
  •  Lack of introspection API
  •  Lack of reconfiguration API

SCA is not a reflective component



 Adaptability, reconfiguration,
 reflective systems
•  SCA platform challenge
•  dynamically reconfigurable runtime architectures
   research challenge #1 in Service foundations [Papazoglou 07]

•  “A system which can examine and modify its own state is said to
   be reflective”
     •  Introspection corresponds to “examine”
     •  Intercession corresponds to “modify”

•  FraSCAti brings reflection and reconfiguration to SCA


     FraSCAti in one slide
•  A framework for SOA interoperability and integration

•  A reflective SCA component model and framework
    •  Runtime adaptability
    •  Lightweight, efficient, predictable, scalable

•  Components everywhere
    •  Adaptability of all software layers

•  An open source SCA implementation
    •  LGPLv2 at

     Interoperability & integration with FraSCAti
•  Interoperability is supported by SCA bindings
     •  (5) : Web Service / SOAP / WSDL via Apache CXF, JMS via OW2

•  Integration is mainly supported by SCA implementations
     •  (9) : SCA composite, Java POJO and @SCA, BPEL, Scala,
        Fractal, OSGi, scripts (BeanShell, Groovy, JavaScript, Jython,
        Jruby), Spring, Xquery
     •  HTTP servlet binding
     •  C interface/implementation/binding
     •  JMX


       FraSCAti and the SCA specifications

             SCA Specification
                                            Status           Component
SCA Assembly Model (v1.0)                    J J    Assembly Factory
SCA Policy Framework (v1.0)                 J / L   Assembly Factory
SCA Transaction Policy (v1.0)                 J      Transaction Intents
SCA Java Common Annotations & APIs (v1.0)   J J J Tinfi
SCA Java Component Implementation (v1.0)    J J J Tinfi
SCA Web Services Binding (v1.0)             J J J Binding Factory

 J = supported                   J / L = under development


FraSCAti and the SCA specifications
            SCA Specification
                                           Status           Components
SCA Spring Component Implementation        J / L Plug-in Assembly Factory
SCA BPEL Client & Implementation (v1.0)      J       Plug-in Assembly Factory
SCA C++ Client & Implementation (v1.0)     L L L
SCA C Client & Implementation (v1.0)       L L L
SCA COBOL Client & Implementation (v1.0)   L L L
SCA JMS Binding (v1.0)                       J       Plug-in Binding Factory
SCA EJB Session Bean Binding (v1.0)          L       Plug-in Binding Factory
SCA JCA Binding (v1.0)                       L       Plug-in Binding Factory
SCA Java EE Integration (v0.9)               L


      FraSCAti principles
Designed with adaptability/extensibility/flexibility in mind
    •  Software components [McIlroy 68]
    •  Reflection [Smith 82]
    •  Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) [Kiczales 97]
    •  Software Product Lines (SPL) [Pohl 05]
    •  Domain Specific Language (DSL)

Component-based architecture to support protocols and implementations
   •  Communication protocols plugged within a binding factory
   •  Component implementation languages encapsulated as platform
Reflection to enable introspection and reconfiguration
    •  Self-descriptive structure
    •  CRUD like operations for runtime discovery and modification


       FraSCAti principles
Designed with adaptability/extensibility/flexibility in mind
AOP-based mechanism to integrate non functional services
    •  Non-functional services developed as regular SCA components
    •  Non-functional policies dynamically woven into the base architecture
    •  So-called intents and poilicies in SCA jargon
SPL-based design to handle variability in the different configurations
    •  Plug-in mechanism to select features
DSL for reconfiguration
     •  Syntactic sugar for a low level reconfiguration API
     •  At various levels: application
Fractal-based runtime substrate (cf.
     •  Dynamic reconfiguration capabilities
     •  Java 5 @-based development style (dependency injection)
     •  XML-based architecture descriptors
     •  Structuring concepts (component personality, membrane, control interface, etc.)


       FraSCAti architecture
                                                                     Application Level

 DSL for                                     View
              and policy sets
                                                                      @intent and
                                                                      policy sets

                                                                                              Non functional
                             Service                       Service
                                                                                  Service                      AOP
                  Non-functional Level

Component assemble
          components                                           Description

                                   Assembly                      Parser
                                    Factory                                                                    SPL
everywhere                                                     Personality
                       Run-time Level

                       +getFcInterface(in name) : Object
                       +getFcInterfaces() : Object[]
                       +getFcType() : Type

                    Kernel Level                                                                                     37

    FraSCAti and SPL

                                Composite                                                     SCA
                                                                        SCA              Metamodel
                                                                                    Description Parser

                          Property           XSD
                                                                      Factory                Tinfi
                                                              Personality Factory

          Component                                                                       BPEL
                          Service                                                              BPEL
                         Reference                                 WSDL                    Spring
                                             Interface              WSDL                    Spring
                                                                     WSDL                     SOAP
      Assembly Factory


    FraSCAti and SPL
A la carte configuration

•  256KB      FraSCAti reflective kernel
                 –  API + membrane controllers

•  500KB      + mininal FraSCAti architecture
•  2.4MB      + minimal FraSCAti architecture
                 –  Around 2MB for EMF & SCA MM

•  2.9MB      + membrane generation on the fly
                 –  Using JDK6 compiler

•  6.9MB      + Eclipse Java compiler (JDT)
                 –  Around 4MB for JDT

•  …          + the FraSCAti features you need
•  40MB       All FraSCAti 1.3 features


      FraSCAti and AOP

•  Non functional concerns as shared & reflective FraSCAti composites
•  AOP for crosscutting concerns


      FraSCAti and DSL
Simple reconfiguration scenario


      FraSCAti and DSL
Fscript/Fpath language

 composite = $domain/scachild::MyComposite;
 account = $composite/scachild::AccountFacade;
 accountRef = $account/scareference::AccountData;
 stop($account);                                            // (1)
 unwire($accountRef);                                       // (2)
 newAccountData = sca-new(«NewAccountDataServiceComponent»); // (3a)
 add($composite, $newAccountData);                          // (3b)
 wire($accountRef, $newAccountData/scaservice::Data);       // (4)
 start($account);                                           // (5)

    FraSCAti usages
•  Open-source OW2 consortium project
    •  LGPL licence,

•  Embedded by the Petals Link and Open Wide
   compagnies for their products (PEtALS,
   EasyBPEL and SCARBO)

•  Several demonstrators and applications developed
   with industrial partners in the context of funded
   research projects


    FraSCAti demonstrators
Artenum: Service-oriented scientific computing
(Computing On Demand)

Defining SCA-based
interoperable scientific components


FraSCAti demonstrators
Inria: New generation source forge
     •  Service-oriented components for content management, continuous
        build, release management…


    FraSCAti demonstrators

Edifixio: e-Business integration with SCA


    FraSCAti demonstrators


    FraSCAti demonstrators
Thales: Network monitoring

 Inventory               Visualization

 Discovery               Monitoring

             Virtualized Network


         FraSCAti demonstrators
Autonomous home control system
                  Movement Sensor

  HOME                               ZigBee

                                                                                    Module Store

   TV                                                   HTTP


        Smart Phone
                                    Multimedia Server

                           FraSCAti demonstrators
                                                                                              Home Control System                                         STB Device
                                                                                                                                          RPC (SOAP)

                                 Reconfiguration                                                                                                                                                Module Store
                                                                 Rule Engine                                                               Adaptation Runtime
  push              push      push  Executor                                                   Adaptation
                                   (SPACES)                                                    Triggering
                                                     push     push              push   push                        push           push      push                  push     push
                                                                                                                                                 Context                                          Movement
                                                                                                                                               Processing                                          Sensor
                                   Reconfiguration                                                                                                                                 (HTTP)
                                                                               SCA Platform                                                     (SPACES)
  push                        push     Engine
                                                                                (FraSCAti)                                                                        push     push

                                                                                                               RPC (RMI)
                                                          RPC (UPnP)               UPnP TV                                                                                                          Server
                                                              RPC (UPnP)                                                                     Provider                      Content

                                                                                                                                                                                           Server Runtime
                                                                                                                                    Multimedia Provider

                                                                                                Mobile                                                                                            push   push
                                                              Remote Control                    Device                                                                                      Context
                                                                                                                           Reconfiguration                                   SCA
                                                                 Module                                                                                                                      Policy
                  View                                                                                                         Engine                                     Platform
                                    Controller                                                                                                                                             (SPACES)
                                                                                                                              (FScript)                                  (FraSCAti)
                Client-side                                      Module
push            Application                                                                    Mobile

                Reconfiguration                           SCA Platform
                                                                                 Policy push            push
                                                                                                                REST (XMPP)
                Engine (FScript)                         (FraSCAme)

                                A             B                SCA service                      SCA wire (local)           push asynchronous context push

                                                               SCA reference                    SCA binding (remote)       pull     (a)synchronous context pull
  Third-party provider     SCA component SCA composite


      FraSCAti demonstrators
Tool demo @ [ASE 2010]
•  Home environment
    •  Heterogeneous

•  UPnP communications
    •  From Android to
       FraSCAti services

•  Highlight FraSCAti
   reconfiguration capabilities


FraSCAti and multi-cloud computing


     FraSCAti Vs.
L Less SCA features supported
    •  Less implementation languages and binding protocols
L Smaller ecosystem
    •  Less sponsoring companies, developers, and users
J Better continuum from SCA tooling to runtime platform
    •  Share the same SCA metamodel with Eclipse SCA Tools
J Better footprint to target embedded systems
    •  Smaller disk and memory footprints
J Ready for dynamic runtime reconfiguration
    •  Based on OW2 Fractal component model and associated tools


Memory consumption


Invocation time


     Other OSS Competitors
•  Fabric3
   L/J Fork from the Apache Tuscany project
   L Developed by fewer contributors
•  The Newton Project
   J Distributed runtime framework based on OSGi, Jini, and SCA
   J SCA bindings for OSGi and Jini
   L Does not target a fully-compliant SCA framework
      L No support for SCA Java annotations
      L No Web Service binding

•  The Mule Project - MuleSCA activity
   J Some Web pages
   L No open source code currently available



     What you should keep in mind about
•  A framework for SOA interoperability and integration
    •  A middleware of middleware
•  A reflective component model for SOA
    •  FraSCAti = SCA + Fractal + FAC + ACO + CBM
•  Used at any software level
    •  SOA applications
    •  FraSCAti platform and its plugins
    •  Non functional crosscutting concerns, aka SCA intents
    •  Component-based reflective membranes
    •  New middleware, e.g., EasyBPEL/EasyViper
•  Visit the FraSCAti Web site:
•  Read [SCC’09] and [SPE’11]


     FraSCAti research perspectives
•  FraSCAti as a Software Product Line (SPL)
•  A component-based programming language for dynamic SOA
•  Real-time systems
    •  OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS)
•  Event-based systems
•  Embedded systems
•  Autonomous systems
•  E-green systems
•  Home clouds
•  Large scale SOA & Cloud Computing


     Thank you for your attention

   •  Lionel Seinturier:


    SCA references
SCA Specifications
    •    OpenSOA   
    •    OASIS OpenSCA
OSS Implementations
    •    Tuscany   
    •    Newton    
    •    Fabric3   
    •    FraSCAti  
SCA Resources
         Flexible_Agile_Composition_01.ppt [Mike Edwards]



•  Slides from
    •  Philippe Merle – Inria
    •  Romain Rouvoy – U. of Lille
    •  Rémi Melisson – Orange Labs & U. of Lille

•  All FraSCAti team members & contributors
    •  Christophe Demarey, Michel Dirix, Nicolas Dolet,
       Damiel Fournier, Nicolas Petitprez, Valerio Schiavoni,
       Guillaume Surrel
    •  Mahmoud Ben Hassine, Pierre Carton, Jonathan
       Labejof, Adel Noureddine, Russel Nzekwa, Nicolas
       Pessemier, Clément Quinton, Daniel Romero
    •  …

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Reconfigurable Service-Oriented Architectures

  • 2. 2 About me •  Pr. @ U. of Lille since 2006 •  Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) – Junior member since oct. 2011 •  Associate professor at U. Paris 6 (1999 - 2006) •  Research domain & background •  Component, aspect and middleware –  Aspect-Oriented Software Development [Apress 2005, Eyrolles 2004] –  Dynamic AOP – JAC [Pawlak 02] –  Components & contracts [Legond-Aubry 05] –  Aspects & components – AOKell & FAC [Pessemier 07] –  Adaptation & software tracability [Diaz 07] –  Components for embedded systems – Hulotte [Loiret 08] –  Software architecture for soft realtime – SOLEIL [Plsek 09] –  Ubiquitous computing [Romero 09] –  Multi-cloud interoperability, energy awareness in middleware systems, reconfigurable MOM, feed-back control loops, adaptable business process, trace management 2
  • 3. 3 ADAM Adaptive Distributed Application and Middleware ADAM leader: Pr. Laurence Duchien, since 01/2007 Previously Jacquard (Pr. J.-M. Geib) : 10/2003 – 12/2006 Software engineering for middleware •  design approaches and languages •  runtime platforms Senior staff: 4 faculty (2 pr., 2 assoc. pr.), 1 Inria research assoc. 1 post-doc, 12 PhD, 7 engineers 33
  • 4. 4 Outline 1. Service-Oriented Architecture – SOA 2. Service Component Architecture – SCA 3. OW2 FraSCAti 4. Conclusion 4
  • 6. 6 From SOA challenges… •  IT architectures •  Complexity •  Managing 10n lines of code •  Monolithic •  Breaking application «silos» •  Seldom evolvable •  Freeing systems from immutable dependencies •  MDE, SOA, CBSE, AOSD, … Source: 6
  • 8. 8 SOA and SPL, FOD, MDE, CBSE, AOSD, ... 8
  • 10. 10 …to existing SOA, but… SOA leverages complexity and promotes flexibility •  Loose coupling •  Service composition and orchestration •  Well defined and contractualized interfaces •  Standard tools and technologies Source:! 10
  • 11. 11 …Still a partial solution Today's SOA need to be… •  Deployable in different environments •  Ensure security and reliability •  Adaptable to changing business needs …and thus, SOA lack… •  Structured architectures – What is behind the scene? •  Reuse capabilities – Reuse the wheel when possible… •  Flexibility support – …Or tune it if not! 11
  • 12. 12 A definition of service •  A piece of software running somewhere •  A well defined business interface •  WSDL, WADL, OMG IDL, Java interface, … •  Available at a given address •  {host, port, …}, URL, IOR, naming, trading, … •  Interactions via a given communication protocol •  HTTP, REST, JSON-RPC, SOAP, UPnP, IIOP, Java RMI, JMS, … 12
  • 13. 13 13
  • 14. 14 SOAP API versus REST API 14
  • 15. 15 Three challenges for SOA •  Interoperability •  Orchestrate services with heterogeneous protocols –  e.g., access REST Twitter user account then SOAP weather service –  BPEL orchestrates WSDL-based services only! •  Integration •  Compose heterogeneous piece of software to build a service –  e.g., compose a BPEL process, an OSGi bundle and a Xquery script –  CORBA composes OMG IDL-based software only! •  Dynamically reconfigurable runtime architectures •  research challenge #1 in Service foundations [Papazoglou 07] 15
  • 17. 17 SCA in a nutshell" SCA (Service Component Architecture)" •  a component model for SOA" •  11/2005" Hosted by the Open SOA consortium" •" Standardized by OASIS" •" " Platform providers" •  Open Source: Apache Tuscany, Newton, Fabric3, FraSCAti" •  Vendors: IBM WebSphere FP for SOA, TIBCO ActiveMatrix, Covansys SCA Framework, Paremus, Newton, Rogue Wave HydraSCA, Oracle Fusion Middleware" 17
  • 18. 18 SCA in a nutshell" A set of specifications (16) (02/2010)" Assembly model" •  how to define structure of composite applications" •  extension for event processing and publish/subscribe" Component implementation specifications" •  how to write business services in particular languages" •  Java, C++, Spring, BPEL, EJB SLSB, COBOL, C" Binding specifications" •  how to access services" •  Web services, JMS, JCA, EJB" Policy framework" •  how to add infrastructure services" •  security, transaction, reliable messaging" Integration" •  SCA Java EE Integration" •  SCA OSGi/Spring (draft)" + SDO for accessing data sources" 18
  • 19. 19 SCA in a nutshell Component implements the business logic Concepts •  Service(s) – Interface type: Java , WSDL •  Reference(s) •  Property(s) •  Implementation •  Non functional property(s) – Intent & policy 19
  • 20. 20 SCA in a nutshell Assembly: ”Process of composing business applications by configuring and connecting components that provide service implementations” 20
  • 21. 21 SCA in a nutshell RMI/IIOP AccountsComposite External Services External Binding Payment Payments Banking Order Entry Points Loosely coupled Service Component Reference Processing OrderProcessing Component Service Closely coupled Java EE Accounts Ledger SOAP/HTTP Multi-level Component BPEL composition Loosely coupled External Service WarehouseComposite External Warehouse Reference Entry Points Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Mixed: - technologies Broker Service Component Wire Component JMS - app locations C++ Shipping Wire Reference External Service 21
  • 22. 22 Simple SCA assembly Composite bank.account Reference StockQuote Service Component Account AccountFacade Component AccountData [Mike Edwards] IBM Hursley Lab, England 22
  • 23. 23 <composite xmlns="" name="bank.account" > <service name="Account" promote="AccountFacade"> < interface="services.account.Account"/> < port=" wsdl.endpoint(Account/AccountSOAP)"/> </service> <component name="AccountFacade"> < class="services.account.AccountFacadeImpl"/> <reference name="StockQuote"/> <reference name="AccountData" target="AccountData/Data"/> Composite bank.account <property name="currency">EURO</property> Reference StockQuote </component> Service Account Component AccountFacade Component AccountData <component name="AccountData"> <implementation.bpel process=“QName"/> <service name="Data"> < interface="services.account.Data"/> </service> </component> <reference name="StockQuote" promote="AccountFacade/StockQuote"> < interface="services.stockquote.StockQuote"/> < port=" wsdl.endpoint(StockQuote/StockQuoteSOAP)"/> </reference> </composite> 23
  • 24. 24 Java implementation example: Service Service Account package services.account; Interface is available remotely, e.g. as a @Remotable Web Service public interface Account { AccountReport getAccountReport(String customerID); } 24
  • 25. 25 Java implementation example: Component Component AccountFacade package services.account; import*; Annotation for the service offered by @Service(interfaces = Account.class) this class public class AccountFacadeImpl implements Account { private String currency = "USD"; private Data accountDataService; Annotated private StockQuote stockQuoteService; Constructor to inject property public AccountServiceImpl( and references @Property("currency") String currency, @Reference("accountData") Data dataService, @Reference("stockQuote") StockQuote stockService) { this.currency = currency; this.accountDataService = dataService; this.stockQuoteService = stockService; } } 25
  • 27. 27 SCA benefits Use Case Benefit of using SCA Standard •  Neutral to communication technologies SOA does not always mean WS •  Supports WS, JMS, JCA bindings •  Wires internal to SCA domain use proprietary technology •  Modeling and configuring QoS aspects is handled by the platform Bridging QoS Models of heterogeneous neutral SCA Assembly layer platforms • SCA defines QoS aspects in abstract terms ( intents ) and allows their mapping to individual platform environments •  SCA component implementations are programmed to interfaces Managing changes to service provider/ location •  Service endpoint information is not hardwired into client code •  Wiring of components is a first class concept with elaborate support for common scenarios (internal, external, redeployment) •  By providing a holistic view of the solution, it becomes possible for Support for testing, management management tools to capture service dependency information • Service testing tools can be more effective Tolerance to new application runtimes and •  Framework for bindings to different technologies makes it possible for communication technologies developers to apply a consistent programming model 27
  • 28. 28 SCA limitations Static configuration & deployment •  XML file for describing composite components •  Lack of deployment API No runtime adaptation & reconfiguration •  Lack of introspection API •  Lack of reconfiguration API SCA is not a reflective component model 28
  • 29. FraSCAti 29
  • 30. 30 Adaptability, reconfiguration, reflective systems •  SCA platform challenge •  dynamically reconfigurable runtime architectures research challenge #1 in Service foundations [Papazoglou 07] •  “A system which can examine and modify its own state is said to be reflective” •  Introspection corresponds to “examine” •  Intercession corresponds to “modify” •  FraSCAti brings reflection and reconfiguration to SCA 30
  • 31. 31 FraSCAti in one slide •  A framework for SOA interoperability and integration •  A reflective SCA component model and framework •  Runtime adaptability •  Lightweight, efficient, predictable, scalable •  Components everywhere •  Adaptability of all software layers •  An open source SCA implementation •  LGPLv2 at 31
  • 32. 32 Interoperability & integration with FraSCAti •  Interoperability is supported by SCA bindings •  (5) : Web Service / SOAP / WSDL via Apache CXF, JMS via OW2 JORAM, REST / WADL, JSON-RPC, UPnP, Java RMI •  Integration is mainly supported by SCA implementations •  (9) : SCA composite, Java POJO and @SCA, BPEL, Scala, Fractal, OSGi, scripts (BeanShell, Groovy, JavaScript, Jython, Jruby), Spring, Xquery •  HTTP servlet binding •  C interface/implementation/binding •  JMX 32
  • 33. 33 FraSCAti and the SCA specifications FraSCAti SCA Specification Status Component SCA Assembly Model (v1.0) J J Assembly Factory SCA Policy Framework (v1.0) J / L Assembly Factory SCA Transaction Policy (v1.0) J Transaction Intents SCA Java Common Annotations & APIs (v1.0) J J J Tinfi SCA Java Component Implementation (v1.0) J J J Tinfi SCA Web Services Binding (v1.0) J J J Binding Factory J = supported J / L = under development 33
  • 34. 34 FraSCAti and the SCA specifications FraSCAti SCA Specification Status Components SCA Spring Component Implementation J / L Plug-in Assembly Factory (v1.0) SCA BPEL Client & Implementation (v1.0) J Plug-in Assembly Factory SCA C++ Client & Implementation (v1.0) L L L SCA C Client & Implementation (v1.0) L L L SCA COBOL Client & Implementation (v1.0) L L L SCA JMS Binding (v1.0) J Plug-in Binding Factory SCA EJB Session Bean Binding (v1.0) L Plug-in Binding Factory SCA JCA Binding (v1.0) L Plug-in Binding Factory SCA Java EE Integration (v0.9) L 34
  • 35. 35 FraSCAti principles Designed with adaptability/extensibility/flexibility in mind •  Software components [McIlroy 68] •  Reflection [Smith 82] •  Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) [Kiczales 97] •  Software Product Lines (SPL) [Pohl 05] •  Domain Specific Language (DSL) Component-based architecture to support protocols and implementations •  Communication protocols plugged within a binding factory •  Component implementation languages encapsulated as platform components Reflection to enable introspection and reconfiguration •  Self-descriptive structure •  CRUD like operations for runtime discovery and modification 35
  • 36. 36 FraSCAti principles Designed with adaptability/extensibility/flexibility in mind AOP-based mechanism to integrate non functional services •  Non-functional services developed as regular SCA components •  Non-functional policies dynamically woven into the base architecture •  So-called intents and poilicies in SCA jargon SPL-based design to handle variability in the different configurations •  Plug-in mechanism to select features DSL for reconfiguration •  Syntactic sugar for a low level reconfiguration API •  At various levels: application Fractal-based runtime substrate (cf. •  Dynamic reconfiguration capabilities •  Java 5 @-based development style (dependency injection) •  XML-based architecture descriptors •  Structuring concepts (component personality, membrane, control interface, etc.) 36
  • 37. 37 FraSCAti architecture Application Level Application DSL for View Model reconfiguration @intent and policy sets everywhere @intent and policy sets Non functional services Logging Security Service Service Transaction Service AOP ... Non-functional Level Component assemble components Description Reflection Platform Assembly Parser Factory SPL everywhere Personality Factory Run-time Level Framework «interface» Component +getFcInterface(in name) : Object +getFcInterfaces() : Object[] +getFcType() : Type Fractal Component Kernel Level 37
  • 38. 38 FraSCAti and SPL FraSCAti SCA Metamodel Parser Assembly Composite SCA SCA Metamodel Resolver Description Parser Property XSD XSD Factory Tinfi Tinfi Tinfi Personality Factory Implementation Spring Spring Spring Component BPEL Spring Spring Spring Service BPEL Binding Spring Spring Spring BPEL Spring Reference WSDL Spring Interface WSDL Spring WSDL SOAP Assembly Factory Run-time 38
  • 39. 39 FraSCAti and SPL A la carte configuration •  256KB FraSCAti reflective kernel –  API + membrane controllers •  500KB + mininal FraSCAti architecture •  2.4MB + minimal FraSCAti architecture –  Around 2MB for EMF & SCA MM •  2.9MB + membrane generation on the fly –  Using JDK6 compiler •  6.9MB + Eclipse Java compiler (JDT) –  Around 4MB for JDT •  … + the FraSCAti features you need •  40MB All FraSCAti 1.3 features 39
  • 40. 40 FraSCAti and AOP •  Non functional concerns as shared & reflective FraSCAti composites •  AOP for crosscutting concerns 40
  • 41. 41 FraSCAti and DSL Simple reconfiguration scenario 41
  • 42. 42 FraSCAti and DSL Fscript/Fpath language composite = $domain/scachild::MyComposite; account = $composite/scachild::AccountFacade; accountRef = $account/scareference::AccountData; stop($account); // (1) unwire($accountRef); // (2) newAccountData = sca-new(«NewAccountDataServiceComponent»); // (3a) add($composite, $newAccountData); // (3b) wire($accountRef, $newAccountData/scaservice::Data); // (4) start($account); // (5) 42
  • 43. 43 FraSCAti usages •  Open-source OW2 consortium project •  LGPL licence, •  Embedded by the Petals Link and Open Wide compagnies for their products (PEtALS, EasyBPEL and SCARBO) •  Several demonstrators and applications developed with industrial partners in the context of funded research projects 43
  • 44. 44 FraSCAti demonstrators Artenum: Service-oriented scientific computing (Computing On Demand) Defining SCA-based interoperable scientific components 44
  • 45. 45 FraSCAti demonstrators Inria: New generation source forge •  Service-oriented components for content management, continuous build, release management… 45
  • 46. 46 FraSCAti demonstrators Edifixio: e-Business integration with SCA 46
  • 47. 47 FraSCAti demonstrators Edifixio 47
  • 48. 48 FraSCAti demonstrators Thales: Network monitoring Java Swing Inventory Visualization Discovery Monitoring VNUML Virtualized Network 48
  • 49. 49 FraSCAti demonstrators Autonomous home control system Movement Sensor HOME ZigBee SOAP UPnP Module Store Set-Top-Box TV HTTP HTTP UPnP RMI Smart Phone Multimedia Server
  • 50. 50 FraSCAti demonstrators Home Control System STB Device RPC (SOAP) Reconfiguration Module Store Rule Engine Adaptation Runtime push push push Executor Adaptation (SPACES) (SPACES) Triggering push push push push push push push push push (SPACES) Context Movement REST Processing Sensor Reconfiguration (HTTP) SCA Platform (SPACES) push push Engine (FraSCAti) push push (FScript) REST (XMPP) Multimedia RPC (RMI) RPC (UPnP) UPnP TV Server RPC (UPnP) Provider Content push Server Runtime Multimedia Provider push Mobile push push Remote Control Device Context Reconfiguration SCA Module Policy View Engine Platform Controller (SPACES) (FScript) (FraSCAti) Multimedia Client-side Module push Application Mobile Runtime push Context Reconfiguration SCA Platform Policy push push REST (XMPP) Engine (FScript) (FraSCAme) (SPACES) A B SCA service SCA wire (local) push asynchronous context push SCA reference SCA binding (remote) pull (a)synchronous context pull Third-party provider SCA component SCA composite 50
  • 51. 51 FraSCAti demonstrators Tool demo @ [ASE 2010] •  Home environment •  Heterogeneous devices/technologies/ protocols •  UPnP communications •  From Android to FraSCAti services •  Highlight FraSCAti reconfiguration capabilities 51
  • 53. 53 FraSCAti Vs. L Less SCA features supported •  Less implementation languages and binding protocols L Smaller ecosystem •  Less sponsoring companies, developers, and users J Better continuum from SCA tooling to runtime platform •  Share the same SCA metamodel with Eclipse SCA Tools J Better footprint to target embedded systems •  Smaller disk and memory footprints J Ready for dynamic runtime reconfiguration •  Based on OW2 Fractal component model and associated tools 53
  • 56. 56 Other OSS Competitors •  Fabric3 L/J Fork from the Apache Tuscany project L Developed by fewer contributors •  The Newton Project J Distributed runtime framework based on OSGi, Jini, and SCA J SCA bindings for OSGi and Jini L Does not target a fully-compliant SCA framework L No support for SCA Java annotations L No Web Service binding •  The Mule Project - MuleSCA activity J Some Web pages L No open source code currently available 56
  • 58. 58 What you should keep in mind about •  A framework for SOA interoperability and integration •  A middleware of middleware •  A reflective component model for SOA •  FraSCAti = SCA + Fractal + FAC + ACO + CBM •  Used at any software level •  SOA applications •  FraSCAti platform and its plugins •  Non functional crosscutting concerns, aka SCA intents •  Component-based reflective membranes •  New middleware, e.g., EasyBPEL/EasyViper •  Visit the FraSCAti Web site: •  Read [SCC’09] and [SPE’11] 58
  • 59. 59 FraSCAti research perspectives •  FraSCAti as a Software Product Line (SPL) •  A component-based programming language for dynamic SOA •  Real-time systems •  OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) •  Event-based systems •  Embedded systems •  Autonomous systems •  E-green systems •  Home clouds •  Large scale SOA & Cloud Computing 59
  • 60. 60 Thank you for your attention Visit Contact •  Lionel Seinturier: 60
  • 61. 61 SCA references SCA Specifications •  OpenSOA •  OASIS OpenSCA OSS Implementations •  Tuscany •  Newton •  Fabric3 •  FraSCAti SCA Resources • • • • 0509_brent.html • Flexible_Agile_Composition_01.ppt [Mike Edwards] • Power_Combination_SCA_Spring_OSGi.pdf?version=3 61
  • 62. 62 Acknowledgements •  Slides from •  Philippe Merle – Inria •  Romain Rouvoy – U. of Lille •  Rémi Melisson – Orange Labs & U. of Lille •  All FraSCAti team members & contributors •  Christophe Demarey, Michel Dirix, Nicolas Dolet, Damiel Fournier, Nicolas Petitprez, Valerio Schiavoni, Guillaume Surrel •  Mahmoud Ben Hassine, Pierre Carton, Jonathan Labejof, Adel Noureddine, Russel Nzekwa, Nicolas Pessemier, Clément Quinton, Daniel Romero •  … 62