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                           KEVIN MCCALLEN
                           FAT BURNING MACHINE

           The Natural Fat Burning Machine:
      Get In Shape In Just 15 Mins Per Day !
Congratulations! You will discover five simple steps to burning fat, ending emotional eating,
getting in shape and looking slimmer, without fad diets or gyms!

Inside this report you will learn:

  1. How To Break Free From Emotional Eating. Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating
     may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your
     relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Liberate yourself
     from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food more. These
     methods will help put you back in control.
  2. How To Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps. You can have the lean, flat stomach you've
     always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and posture tips part of your daily life and
     you'll blast away your belly fat. A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and
     appearance. You'll love your new look.

           How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight. Did you know that you could look
           skinnier without losing any weight? While you're waiting to see results from diet and
           exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Looking thinner can help you feel
           more confident and give you the encouragement you need to stick with your fitness
           program. Simple adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a huge
           impact on your appearance and your state of mind.

           How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment. Are you too tired after a hard day
           of work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit
           without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle. You don’t need expensive,
           cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym anymore… I will
           give you some tips to experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With
           these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you

is action!

  3. Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your
     body into a fat burning machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you
     eat, exercise and even sleep. Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more
     effectively. With these simple lifestyle choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay
     lean and healthy for life!
  5. Wrapping up: one step closer to burning fat in a natural way. I f you have read all the news
     articles you know how to eliminate emotional eating, flatten your tummy and stay in
     shape. You can lose weight without even visiting the gym… In the last chapter of this
     report I even have given you some cool techniques to switch on your natural burning fat
     machine. .

Disclaimer: By reading this report you understand that I am just sharing my opinion; it is not professional advice.
If you have medical problems, please go see your doctor. If you buy a product through a hyperlink you
understand that this is from a company I have an affiliate relationship with and that I will get paid if you
purchase their product. I recommend you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. You are
solely responsible for the use of any content and hold me, my company or the affiliate partner harmless in any
event or claim.

               Break Free From Emotional Eating
Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating may be due to reasons other than physical
hunger. If you want to improve your relationship with food, learn to identify and control
emotional eating.

Recognize the Signs

  1. Understand how emotional eating works. Emotional eating occurs when you use food to
     manage your feelings, rather than to satisfy your hunger. This can trigger guilt and create
     a cycle where you eat because you feel bad and feel bad because you eat. Positive
     feelings can also play a role if you associate food with celebrating.
  2. Keep a balanced perspective. It's okay to take pleasure in food and enjoy sharing it with
     others. Concerns arise only when emotional eating interferes with your health and well
  3. Ask yourself if you feel out of control. You may have lost control of your eating habits if
     you want to make healthier choices but keep backsliding. Be honest with yourself if you
     resolve to have yogurt for breakfast but wind up stopping off for a bacon sandwich on the
     way to work.
  4. Notice your cravings. A strong desire for specific dishes is a common symptom of

emotional eating. If you're actually hungry, everything on the menu is likely to sound
     appealing. When you're depressed over a recent breakup, ice cream may be the only thing
     you want to order.
  5. Evaluate your hunger levels. Another danger sign is eating when you already feel full. Slow
     down and decide if you really need another helping of mashed potatoes.
  6. Consider your family history. The way you eat may be grounded in patterns that started in
     childhood. Maybe you were rewarded with a homemade cake when you got good grades.

Develop a Healthier Relationship With Food

  1. Keep a journal. It's easier to spot patterns when you write down when and why you eat.
     You may notice that you snack on potato chips when you're bored, even though you've
     just eaten a full meal.
  2. Substitute healthy foods. Cravings can be used to benefit you if you reach for nutritious
     alternatives. Homemade pita triangles dipped in olive oil can replace French fries with
     ketchup. Indulge in fresh fruit when you want dessert.
  3. Control portion sizes. Eliminating all your favorite treats can cause a backlash from
     deprivation. See if a sliver of pie makes you just as happy as a big slice and savor every
  4. Seek distractions. Engage in productive activities that will take your mind off your
     stomach. Go for a walk, read a book, or do some housework.
  5. Develop positive coping techniques. Comfort foods deliver only short-term relief. Find more
     effective methods for managing daily stress, such as meditation, music or physical
  6. Avoid temptation. If you find your favorite cookies to be too irresistible, banish them from
     your pantry. Choose restaurants that specialize in grilled fish if you have trouble declining
     fried chicken.
  7. Get adequate sleep. Being chronically tired makes you more vulnerable to overeating. Aim
     for 8 hours of sleep every night. Take a warm bath before bed to raise your body
     temperature if you have trouble falling asleep.
  8. Reward your good behavior. Reinforce the positive changes you make in your behavior.
     Set realistic goals and praise yourself when you attain them. Buy yourself something
     special or visit your favorite museum.
  9. Seek professional help. If you need more help to change the way you eat, talk with an
     expert. Counseling may clarify the underlying issues you need to address. Nutritionists
     can advise you on a diet that will work with your individual lifestyle.

Liberate yourself from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food
more. These methods will help put you back in control.

Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps
You can have the lean, flat stomach you've always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and
posture tips part of your daily life and you'll blast away your belly fat.

Eating for a Flat Stomach

  1. Maintain a healthy body weight. If you're already above your ideal weight, you'll need to
     burn more calories than you consume to lose those excess pounds. It's great to tone your
     stomach muscles, but they'll remain hidden until you shed any fat that covers them.
  2. Do aerobics daily. Aerobic exercise is the best way to burn more calories. Take a daily
     walk or run. Go swimming or skating. Aim for about 30 minutes of activity a day.
     Supplement that with lifestyle changes like using the stairs instead of the elevator.
  3. Strengthen your upper body muscles. Building strong muscles in your shoulders, chest, and
     back will improve your posture and keep your abdomen from sticking out. Do some weight
     training or Pilates a few times each week.
  4. Tone your stomach muscles. Spot exercises are effective in combination with aerobics and
     strength training. Crunches and leg lifts tighten and tone your stomach muscles.
  5. Have fun. Make your exercise routine enjoyable so you'll want to stick with it. Design a
     variety of activities. Reward yourself when you make progress towards a slimmer
     waistline. Improving Your Posture:.
  6. Tuck your tummy in. Imagine that you're pressing your navel back against your spine. Even
     if it feels a little awkward at first, it will quickly become a habit with regular practice. The
     results are fast. Your abdomen will look flatter. You'll breathe more deeply and feel more
     energetic. Even your clothes will look better.
  7. Pull your shoulders back. Letting your shoulders drop back and relax helps to raise your
     chest up. This way, all of your core muscles support your weight instead of making just
     your abdomen carry the load.
  8. Keep your body in alignment. Whether sitting or standing, try to position your ears,
     shoulders and hips in one vertical line. Balance your weight evenly over the balls and
     heels of your feet while walking or standing. Switch positions occasionally when sitting or
     standing for a long time.

A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and appearance. Eat right, exercise, and stand
up straight. You'll love your new look.

How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight
Did you know that you could look skinnier without losing any weight? While you're waiting to
see results from diet and exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Try these tips for your
wardrobe, hair, face, body, and mind.

Wardrobe Tips for Looking Thinner

  1. Wear one color at a time. Wearing a single color or similar shades for your whole outfit
     will help you to look thinner and taller. Black is a practical choice, but other colors can
     achieve the same effect. Solids are usually more slimming than prints.
  2. Ensure that your clothes fit properly. Wearing clothes that are too small makes you look
     bigger. Seek a comfortable fit and professional alterations if necessary. Get a
     personalized bra fitting at any department store periodically to keep up with any changes
     due to aging or weight fluctuations.
  3. Use undergarments with comfortable shaping. Body shapers and other compression
     garments are more comfortable than ever before. Invest in some strategic undergarments
     that will make all your clothes look better.
  4. Choose slimming pants. Look for pants with a flat front and minimal detail. Skip the pants
     with hidden zippers and no pockets. Pant legs with a slight flare can also help you to look
  5. Select flattering tops. Pay attention to the length of your tops. A top that ends below the
     waist will deflect attention from a thick middle. Similarly, a wide collar will help balance
     broad hips.
  6. Wear the right shoes. Chunky shoes can make your legs look thicker. Look for narrow
     pumps with a slightly pointed toe rather than square or rounded toes. Nude shoes are
     especially good because they make your legs look longer.
  7. Liberate yourself from the fear of swimwear. Many women shrink from shopping for
     swimwear but there are bathing suits designed for every body type. High cut legs can
     make you look thinner. Lightweight compression can keep you feeling comfortable and

Other Tips for Looking Thinner

  1. Use makeup to make your face more angular. Iridescent powder can make your face look
     slimmer and create contours. Brush it along your brow bones and the top of your
     cheekbones to bring out your bone structure.

2. Make your eyes stand out. If your eyes look bigger, the rest of your face will appear
     smaller. Curl your upper lashes and apply extra mascara to your top outer lashes. Keep
     your eyebrows slightly arched and well groomed.
  3. Get a flattering haircut. If you want your face to look less full, try cutting your hair shorter.
     Instead of bangs, pull your hair away from your face to make your face look longer.
     Choose a hairstyle that adds a little height and fullness at the crown.
  4. Practice good posture. Develop strong abdominal muscles and hold your stomach flat at
     all times. Pull your shoulders back. It's good for your health and makes you look leaner.
  5. Get a safe tan. If you think that tanning makes you look thinner, do it safely. Sunless
     tanning products have come a long way in recent years. Daily tanning moisturizers are
     one easy option to get a little color gradually without any increased risk of skin cancer or
     premature aging.
  6. Project a positive attitude. No matter what your dress or pants size is, you'll feel more
     attractive when you cultivate a healthy sense of self-esteem and a genuine affection for
     others. Focus on your most attractive features and qualities.

Looking thinner can help you feel more confident and give you the encouragement you need to stick
with your fitness program. Simple adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a
huge impact on your appearance and your state of mind.

How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment
You know that your health is important, and that daily exercise can cut your risk of disease
while dramatically increasing your energy. But how do you fit a workout into your busy

Are you too tired after a hard day of work to take advantage of a gym membership?
Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle.

Who needs expensive, cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym,
when you can get valuable, heart pumping exercise almost anywhere?

Try these easy tips to get and stay fit around your home or workplace:

  1. Take a walk.Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. You can incorporate
     more steps into your day by simply walking around the block during lunchtime or taking
     the stairs instead of the elevator. Even if you exercise regularly at a gym, walking can
     supplement your routine for more energy and a leaner body.
           Consider purchasing a pedometer that counts your steps. Wear it all day, and write
           down the number of steps you've taken at the end of the day. Each week, set a daily
           goal of steps and increase that goal each week. You'll be surprised how your mind
           finds ways to get more steps into your daily routine.
  2. Practice breathing exercises.As often as possible, focus on your breathing. Learning to
     relax and slow down your breathing will do wonders for your physical and mental health.
     You'll handle stress better and meet the challenges of your life with more effective
     responses when you learn to relax under pressure by focusing on your breathing.
           You can focus on your breathing anywhere. When you're stuck at a red light, use the
           time to relax, instead of getting frustrated at the delay. In between activities or
           duties at work, take a breathing break. And, when you start to feel stressed, take
           just a few seconds to breathe deeply and refocus on solutions.
           Close your eyes (if you're not driving, of course), and slowly inhale through your
           nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, pause, and repeat a few times. Place
           your hand on your stomach, covering your belly button. If you're breathing correctly,
           your hand will slowly rise and fall.
  3. Drink lots of water and eat nutritiously.Drink as much water as possible to keep your body
     well hydrated and functioning at peak efficiency. Think of the food you put into your body
     as fuel for your life, and choose to fuel your body with high-energy foods that keep you fit
           Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fill your dinner plate with
           vegetables and a smaller portion of meat and carbohydrates. Eat fruits for an
           energy-producing alternative to candy bars or other sugary snacks.

4. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day. You can exercise anywhere, without using special
     equipment. Examples of exercises you can do without a gym membership or expensive
     equipment are push-ups, skipping rope, stretches, and crunches. In as little as 10 minutes
     a day, you'll notice a huge difference in how you look and feel.
  5. Get plenty of rest. The amount of rest each person needs varies. The important thing is
     that you make it a priority to get to bed early enough that your body gets adequate rest. If
     you feel groggy every morning, consider going to bed earlier or finding a way to get in a short
     15 to 30 minute power nap during the afternoon.

When you put these tips into practice, starting today, you'll experience a greater sense of
vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between
you and the new fit you is action!

Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine
If you want to drop some pounds or hold off the middle-age spread, there are easy ways to help
your body burn fat. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your body into a fat burning
machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you eat, exercise and even sleep.

Eating to Burn Fat

  1. Consume fewer calories. Weight gain is usually caused by eating more calories than you
     burn. You'll save yourself a lot of money and frustration by accepting this simple truth.
     Your metabolism naturally slows down with age so over time you need to eat less and
     exercise more to avoid storing fat.
  2. Eat breakfast. You can still enjoy a hearty breakfast. Your metabolism slows down while
     you sleep so get it going again with a healthy feast. Oatmeal with cinnamon or fruit yogurt
     and granola are both excellent breakfast choices.
  3. Eat frequently. Eating often also speeds up your metabolism. Replace the usual 3 big
     meals per day with 4 or 5 smaller meals and snacks. Enjoy whole grains, fruits and
     vegetables, and lean proteins. As an added benefit, you'll feel full much of the time so
     it's easier to resist junk food.
  4. Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down your central nervous
     system. You can still drink a glass of wine with dinner if you balance it out with lots of
     water. Water aids digestion and gives your metabolism another modest boost.
  5. Be smart about using supplements. You've probably seen advertisements for expensive fat
     loss supplements. Many of these products produce no significant effects or contain
     caffeine that can make you jittery. Supplement claims are not evaluated by the FDA, so
     be careful and let your physician know about any supplements you take.

Exercising to Burn Fat

1. Build up your muscle mass. Even seniors can increase their muscle mass with weight
     training. It's worthwhile because a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of
     fat. If you're new to weight training, start off gradually to avoid injury.
            If you prefer other activities, you can get similar benefits from movements that use
            your own bodyweight for resistance like push-ups, crunches, and Pilates.
  2. Vary your routine. Your body adapts to any familiar activity so you use up fewer calories
     over time. Cross training will stimulate your body's metabolism. Get off the treadmill and
     take a dance class from time to time.
  3. Do interval training. Interval training is another proven strategy for burning more fat.
     Break up your morning jog with a few sprints. Jump rope for a couple of minutes during
     low-impact aerobics. This way you train both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems
     so you lose more calories from fat.

Other Lifestyle Tips For Burning Fat

  1. Sleep in a cool room. Get a full night's sleep in a cool room. Your body processes calories
     more efficiently when it gets 6 to 8 hours of slumber. Studies show that room temperatures
     of about 60 to 65 degrees can help you fall asleep faster and burn more calories per hour.
  2. Start fidgeting. On average, people who fidget are thinner than those who don't. As long
     as you're not distracting others, swing your leg and shift around. Even better, get up
     during TV commercials to do some lunges and take the stairs whenever you can.
  3. See your doctor. If you need more help, talk with your doctor. Testing and treatment is
     available for many conditions that make it harder to lose weight such as hypothyroidism.
     Your doctor can also advise you on dieting and exercising safely.

Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more effectively. With these simple lifestyle
choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay lean and healthy for life!

             The Natural Fat Burning Machine
Inside this report I have shown you:

  1. How To Break Free From Emotional Eating. Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating
     may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your
     relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Liberate yourself
     from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food more. These
     methods will help put you back in control.
  2. How To Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps. You can have the lean, flat stomach you've
     always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and posture tips part of your daily life and
     you'll blast away your belly fat. A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and
     appearance. You'll love your new look.
  4. How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight. Did you know that you could look skinnier
     without losing any weight? While you're waiting to see results from diet and exercise,
     there are ways to slim down instantly. Looking thinner can help you feel more confident
     and give you the encouragement you need to stick with your fitness program. Simple
     adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a huge impact on your
     appearance and your state of mind.
  6. How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment. Are you too tired after a hard day of
     work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit without
     missing a beat of your busy lifestyle. You don’t need expensive, cumbersome exercise
     equipment or the daily commute to the gym anymore… I will give you some tips to
     experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques,
     the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you is action!
  8. Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your
     body into a fat burning machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you
     eat, exercise and even sleep. Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more
     effectively. With these simple lifestyle choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay
     lean and healthy for life!

Special Report – Expert Interview With Fitness
              Guru Rob Poulos
Is It Possible To Burn Fat, Get Healthy and Fit in
Just 15 Mins Per Day... Without Gyms, Fad Diets
Or Supplements?
According to Rob Poulos, CEO & Founder of Zero to Hero Fitness and owner of the popular
website http://www., the answer is yes!

"From an early age I was lucky to have had to struggle with my own weight. I say 'lucky', because
my own struggles caused me to be so determined to find a quick and simple solution to getting
the kind of body and living the type of life I wanted. Had I been born skinny, you would never
have even heard of me. But I wasn't, so here I am!

I've lost almost no weight at all from hours and hours of cardio. I've restricted myself and felt
horrible while losing just a few pounds, and then hitting a plateau I couldn't budge. And I've
even lost weight quickly and put it back on even faster...a few times.

Having tried so many different diets, workouts, pills, supplements, and gizmos over the
years, I came to realize most of what I was doing didn't work. I also was always looking for what
worked quickly, what took very little time, and was easy to fit into my life so I could get
permanent results... ", Rob tells us.

Why most people struggle…

According to Rob, there's a reason why so many people struggle with weight loss, despite so
much help being offered to them today...

"One of the most fascinating things you'll discover, as I did, is that much of what works long
term is almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you've been doing all these years with little or no

It’s taken me years and over $23,000 of my own money to fail again and again, but eventually
discover the secrets to living leaner and stronger longer...and it was more than worth it,
because what I’m sharing is helping thousands of women and men realize a life they might
never have thought possible... ...and nearly gave up on."

     How Rob conquered weight loss, with a unique approach

"I was never interested in strict regimens or time consuming activities that I couldn't keep up
for very long...because that doesn't work for us real people out there! This gave me a unique
perspective when putting together my own system for fat loss, health and fitness.

My eye was always on efficiency... And as I found techniques that did work, and were efficient,
I began to lose fat quickly... eventually losing over 42 lbs. and 10 inches off my waist in less than
an hour a week and without fad dieting, expensive supplements or any infomercial junk.

Then I shared these techniques with my wife, who lost even more weight that I did... 59lbs
and she also went from a size 12 to a slim size 4. Next my younger brother Mike lost 40 lbs.
and 8 inches from his waist in about 6 months using my techniques. I was on to something, so
I was convinced by a few friends that I needed to share it with the world," Rob tells us.

Rob Poulos focuses on the unique approach of boosting metabolism and simple nutritional
changes to turn your body into a fat burning furnace, without exercise, fad diets or

Was it worth it?

"I'm 36 years old and live in a little town just about an hour north of Detroit, Michigan. I'm
proud to have a beautiful wife Kalen, and our two kids Sarah and Ryan. I really
wake up almost every morning looking forward to EVERYTHING...because I feel like I have a
new lease on life. But it wasn't always this way... "

And Rob is not alone. There are many success stories that you can read on his
website, http://www. that should, at the very least, inspire you to give
it a try too.

To learn more about Rob's solution, and his/her story, along with dozens of other stories from people
who have also tried this solution, visit: http://www.

What others are saying about this program ...

"After 10 weeks of adjusting my eating habits and following the FBF plan... I lost 3" from my
                                   waist, 2" from my hips, and 3.5" from my chest..” – Lyn B., Wellington, Florida.

                                   Click here to read the full review

                                   "My wife confided in me that she feels like she has a new man! I have managed to lose about 26
                                   pounds during the 10 weeks..." – Peter Wachira, Nairobi, Kenya

                                   Click here to read the full review

                                   I'm here to tell you that your system... has me melting off the pounds and getting really fit.
                                   This is the fifth week and I have lost 16 pounds and gone down two pants sizes!! The flab is
                                   also turning to muscle. I'm 66 and in the best shape of my life” – Linda Magee, Massachusetts.

                                   Click here to read the full review


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  • 2. THE NATURAL FAT BURNING MACHINE The Natural Fat Burning Machine: Get In Shape In Just 15 Mins Per Day ! Congratulations! You will discover five simple steps to burning fat, ending emotional eating, getting in shape and looking slimmer, without fad diets or gyms! Inside this report you will learn: 1. How To Break Free From Emotional Eating. Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Liberate yourself from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food more. These methods will help put you back in control. 2. How To Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps. You can have the lean, flat stomach you've always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and posture tips part of your daily life and you'll blast away your belly fat. A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and appearance. You'll love your new look. How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight. Did you know that you could look skinnier without losing any weight? While you're waiting to see results from diet and exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Looking thinner can help you feel more confident and give you the encouragement you need to stick with your fitness program. Simple adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a huge impact on your appearance and your state of mind. How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment. Are you too tired after a hard day of work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle. You don’t need expensive, cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym anymore… I will give you some tips to experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you 2
  • 3. is action! 3. Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your body into a fat burning machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you eat, exercise and even sleep. Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more effectively. With these simple lifestyle choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay lean and healthy for life! 4. 5. Wrapping up: one step closer to burning fat in a natural way. I f you have read all the news articles you know how to eliminate emotional eating, flatten your tummy and stay in shape. You can lose weight without even visiting the gym… In the last chapter of this report I even have given you some cool techniques to switch on your natural burning fat machine. . 6. Disclaimer: By reading this report you understand that I am just sharing my opinion; it is not professional advice. If you have medical problems, please go see your doctor. If you buy a product through a hyperlink you understand that this is from a company I have an affiliate relationship with and that I will get paid if you purchase their product. I recommend you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold me, my company or the affiliate partner harmless in any event or claim. Break Free From Emotional Eating Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Recognize the Signs 1. Understand how emotional eating works. Emotional eating occurs when you use food to manage your feelings, rather than to satisfy your hunger. This can trigger guilt and create a cycle where you eat because you feel bad and feel bad because you eat. Positive feelings can also play a role if you associate food with celebrating. 2. Keep a balanced perspective. It's okay to take pleasure in food and enjoy sharing it with others. Concerns arise only when emotional eating interferes with your health and well being. 3. Ask yourself if you feel out of control. You may have lost control of your eating habits if you want to make healthier choices but keep backsliding. Be honest with yourself if you resolve to have yogurt for breakfast but wind up stopping off for a bacon sandwich on the way to work. 4. Notice your cravings. A strong desire for specific dishes is a common symptom of 3
  • 4. emotional eating. If you're actually hungry, everything on the menu is likely to sound appealing. When you're depressed over a recent breakup, ice cream may be the only thing you want to order. 5. Evaluate your hunger levels. Another danger sign is eating when you already feel full. Slow down and decide if you really need another helping of mashed potatoes. 6. Consider your family history. The way you eat may be grounded in patterns that started in childhood. Maybe you were rewarded with a homemade cake when you got good grades. Develop a Healthier Relationship With Food 1. Keep a journal. It's easier to spot patterns when you write down when and why you eat. You may notice that you snack on potato chips when you're bored, even though you've just eaten a full meal. 2. Substitute healthy foods. Cravings can be used to benefit you if you reach for nutritious alternatives. Homemade pita triangles dipped in olive oil can replace French fries with ketchup. Indulge in fresh fruit when you want dessert. 3. Control portion sizes. Eliminating all your favorite treats can cause a backlash from deprivation. See if a sliver of pie makes you just as happy as a big slice and savor every bite. 4. Seek distractions. Engage in productive activities that will take your mind off your stomach. Go for a walk, read a book, or do some housework. 5. Develop positive coping techniques. Comfort foods deliver only short-term relief. Find more effective methods for managing daily stress, such as meditation, music or physical exercise. 6. Avoid temptation. If you find your favorite cookies to be too irresistible, banish them from your pantry. Choose restaurants that specialize in grilled fish if you have trouble declining fried chicken. 7. Get adequate sleep. Being chronically tired makes you more vulnerable to overeating. Aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. Take a warm bath before bed to raise your body temperature if you have trouble falling asleep. 8. Reward your good behavior. Reinforce the positive changes you make in your behavior. Set realistic goals and praise yourself when you attain them. Buy yourself something special or visit your favorite museum. 9. Seek professional help. If you need more help to change the way you eat, talk with an expert. Counseling may clarify the underlying issues you need to address. Nutritionists can advise you on a diet that will work with your individual lifestyle. Liberate yourself from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food more. These methods will help put you back in control. 4
  • 5. Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps You can have the lean, flat stomach you've always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and posture tips part of your daily life and you'll blast away your belly fat. Eating for a Flat Stomach 1. Maintain a healthy body weight. If you're already above your ideal weight, you'll need to burn more calories than you consume to lose those excess pounds. It's great to tone your stomach muscles, but they'll remain hidden until you shed any fat that covers them. 2. Do aerobics daily. Aerobic exercise is the best way to burn more calories. Take a daily walk or run. Go swimming or skating. Aim for about 30 minutes of activity a day. Supplement that with lifestyle changes like using the stairs instead of the elevator. 3. Strengthen your upper body muscles. Building strong muscles in your shoulders, chest, and back will improve your posture and keep your abdomen from sticking out. Do some weight training or Pilates a few times each week. 4. Tone your stomach muscles. Spot exercises are effective in combination with aerobics and strength training. Crunches and leg lifts tighten and tone your stomach muscles. 5. Have fun. Make your exercise routine enjoyable so you'll want to stick with it. Design a variety of activities. Reward yourself when you make progress towards a slimmer waistline. Improving Your Posture:. 6. Tuck your tummy in. Imagine that you're pressing your navel back against your spine. Even if it feels a little awkward at first, it will quickly become a habit with regular practice. The results are fast. Your abdomen will look flatter. You'll breathe more deeply and feel more energetic. Even your clothes will look better. 7. Pull your shoulders back. Letting your shoulders drop back and relax helps to raise your chest up. This way, all of your core muscles support your weight instead of making just your abdomen carry the load. 8. Keep your body in alignment. Whether sitting or standing, try to position your ears, shoulders and hips in one vertical line. Balance your weight evenly over the balls and heels of your feet while walking or standing. Switch positions occasionally when sitting or standing for a long time. A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and appearance. Eat right, exercise, and stand up straight. You'll love your new look. 5
  • 6. How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight Did you know that you could look skinnier without losing any weight? While you're waiting to see results from diet and exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Try these tips for your wardrobe, hair, face, body, and mind. Wardrobe Tips for Looking Thinner 1. Wear one color at a time. Wearing a single color or similar shades for your whole outfit will help you to look thinner and taller. Black is a practical choice, but other colors can achieve the same effect. Solids are usually more slimming than prints. 2. Ensure that your clothes fit properly. Wearing clothes that are too small makes you look bigger. Seek a comfortable fit and professional alterations if necessary. Get a personalized bra fitting at any department store periodically to keep up with any changes due to aging or weight fluctuations. 3. Use undergarments with comfortable shaping. Body shapers and other compression garments are more comfortable than ever before. Invest in some strategic undergarments that will make all your clothes look better. 4. Choose slimming pants. Look for pants with a flat front and minimal detail. Skip the pants with hidden zippers and no pockets. Pant legs with a slight flare can also help you to look trimmer. 5. Select flattering tops. Pay attention to the length of your tops. A top that ends below the waist will deflect attention from a thick middle. Similarly, a wide collar will help balance broad hips. 6. Wear the right shoes. Chunky shoes can make your legs look thicker. Look for narrow pumps with a slightly pointed toe rather than square or rounded toes. Nude shoes are especially good because they make your legs look longer. 7. Liberate yourself from the fear of swimwear. Many women shrink from shopping for swimwear but there are bathing suits designed for every body type. High cut legs can make you look thinner. Lightweight compression can keep you feeling comfortable and sleek. Other Tips for Looking Thinner 1. Use makeup to make your face more angular. Iridescent powder can make your face look slimmer and create contours. Brush it along your brow bones and the top of your cheekbones to bring out your bone structure. 6
  • 7. 2. Make your eyes stand out. If your eyes look bigger, the rest of your face will appear smaller. Curl your upper lashes and apply extra mascara to your top outer lashes. Keep your eyebrows slightly arched and well groomed. 3. Get a flattering haircut. If you want your face to look less full, try cutting your hair shorter. Instead of bangs, pull your hair away from your face to make your face look longer. Choose a hairstyle that adds a little height and fullness at the crown. 4. Practice good posture. Develop strong abdominal muscles and hold your stomach flat at all times. Pull your shoulders back. It's good for your health and makes you look leaner. 5. Get a safe tan. If you think that tanning makes you look thinner, do it safely. Sunless tanning products have come a long way in recent years. Daily tanning moisturizers are one easy option to get a little color gradually without any increased risk of skin cancer or premature aging. 6. Project a positive attitude. No matter what your dress or pants size is, you'll feel more attractive when you cultivate a healthy sense of self-esteem and a genuine affection for others. Focus on your most attractive features and qualities. Looking thinner can help you feel more confident and give you the encouragement you need to stick with your fitness program. Simple adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a huge impact on your appearance and your state of mind. 7
  • 8. How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment You know that your health is important, and that daily exercise can cut your risk of disease while dramatically increasing your energy. But how do you fit a workout into your busy schedule? Are you too tired after a hard day of work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle. Who needs expensive, cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym, when you can get valuable, heart pumping exercise almost anywhere? Try these easy tips to get and stay fit around your home or workplace: 1. Take a walk.Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. You can incorporate more steps into your day by simply walking around the block during lunchtime or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Even if you exercise regularly at a gym, walking can supplement your routine for more energy and a leaner body. Consider purchasing a pedometer that counts your steps. Wear it all day, and write down the number of steps you've taken at the end of the day. Each week, set a daily goal of steps and increase that goal each week. You'll be surprised how your mind finds ways to get more steps into your daily routine. 2. Practice breathing exercises.As often as possible, focus on your breathing. Learning to relax and slow down your breathing will do wonders for your physical and mental health. You'll handle stress better and meet the challenges of your life with more effective responses when you learn to relax under pressure by focusing on your breathing. You can focus on your breathing anywhere. When you're stuck at a red light, use the time to relax, instead of getting frustrated at the delay. In between activities or duties at work, take a breathing break. And, when you start to feel stressed, take just a few seconds to breathe deeply and refocus on solutions. Close your eyes (if you're not driving, of course), and slowly inhale through your nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, pause, and repeat a few times. Place your hand on your stomach, covering your belly button. If you're breathing correctly, your hand will slowly rise and fall. 3. Drink lots of water and eat nutritiously.Drink as much water as possible to keep your body well hydrated and functioning at peak efficiency. Think of the food you put into your body as fuel for your life, and choose to fuel your body with high-energy foods that keep you fit Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fill your dinner plate with vegetables and a smaller portion of meat and carbohydrates. Eat fruits for an energy-producing alternative to candy bars or other sugary snacks. 8
  • 9. 4. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day. You can exercise anywhere, without using special equipment. Examples of exercises you can do without a gym membership or expensive equipment are push-ups, skipping rope, stretches, and crunches. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you'll notice a huge difference in how you look and feel. 5. Get plenty of rest. The amount of rest each person needs varies. The important thing is that you make it a priority to get to bed early enough that your body gets adequate rest. If you feel groggy every morning, consider going to bed earlier or finding a way to get in a short 15 to 30 minute power nap during the afternoon. When you put these tips into practice, starting today, you'll experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you is action! 9
  • 10. Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine If you want to drop some pounds or hold off the middle-age spread, there are easy ways to help your body burn fat. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your body into a fat burning machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you eat, exercise and even sleep. Eating to Burn Fat 1. Consume fewer calories. Weight gain is usually caused by eating more calories than you burn. You'll save yourself a lot of money and frustration by accepting this simple truth. Your metabolism naturally slows down with age so over time you need to eat less and exercise more to avoid storing fat. 2. Eat breakfast. You can still enjoy a hearty breakfast. Your metabolism slows down while you sleep so get it going again with a healthy feast. Oatmeal with cinnamon or fruit yogurt and granola are both excellent breakfast choices. 3. Eat frequently. Eating often also speeds up your metabolism. Replace the usual 3 big meals per day with 4 or 5 smaller meals and snacks. Enjoy whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins. As an added benefit, you'll feel full much of the time so it's easier to resist junk food. 4. Drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down your central nervous system. You can still drink a glass of wine with dinner if you balance it out with lots of water. Water aids digestion and gives your metabolism another modest boost. 5. Be smart about using supplements. You've probably seen advertisements for expensive fat loss supplements. Many of these products produce no significant effects or contain caffeine that can make you jittery. Supplement claims are not evaluated by the FDA, so be careful and let your physician know about any supplements you take. Exercising to Burn Fat 10
  • 11. 1. Build up your muscle mass. Even seniors can increase their muscle mass with weight training. It's worthwhile because a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat. If you're new to weight training, start off gradually to avoid injury. If you prefer other activities, you can get similar benefits from movements that use your own bodyweight for resistance like push-ups, crunches, and Pilates. 2. Vary your routine. Your body adapts to any familiar activity so you use up fewer calories over time. Cross training will stimulate your body's metabolism. Get off the treadmill and take a dance class from time to time. 3. Do interval training. Interval training is another proven strategy for burning more fat. Break up your morning jog with a few sprints. Jump rope for a couple of minutes during low-impact aerobics. This way you train both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems so you lose more calories from fat. Other Lifestyle Tips For Burning Fat 1. Sleep in a cool room. Get a full night's sleep in a cool room. Your body processes calories more efficiently when it gets 6 to 8 hours of slumber. Studies show that room temperatures of about 60 to 65 degrees can help you fall asleep faster and burn more calories per hour. 2. Start fidgeting. On average, people who fidget are thinner than those who don't. As long as you're not distracting others, swing your leg and shift around. Even better, get up during TV commercials to do some lunges and take the stairs whenever you can. 3. See your doctor. If you need more help, talk with your doctor. Testing and treatment is available for many conditions that make it harder to lose weight such as hypothyroidism. Your doctor can also advise you on dieting and exercising safely. Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more effectively. With these simple lifestyle choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay lean and healthy for life! 11
  • 12. WRAPPING UP… The Natural Fat Burning Machine Inside this report I have shown you: 1. How To Break Free From Emotional Eating. Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Liberate yourself from emotional eating so you can protect your health and enjoy your food more. These methods will help put you back in control. 2. How To Flatten Your Tummy in 3 Simple Steps. You can have the lean, flat stomach you've always wanted! Make these nutrition, exercise, and posture tips part of your daily life and you'll blast away your belly fat. A flat stomach can work wonders on your health and appearance. You'll love your new look. 3. 4. How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight. Did you know that you could look skinnier without losing any weight? While you're waiting to see results from diet and exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Looking thinner can help you feel more confident and give you the encouragement you need to stick with your fitness program. Simple adjustments to your wardrobe and beauty routine can have a huge impact on your appearance and your state of mind. 5. 6. How to Stay in Shape Without Exercise Equipment. Are you too tired after a hard day of work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it's possible to stay fit without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle. You don’t need expensive, cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym anymore… I will give you some tips to experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you is action! 7. 8. Switch on Your Natural Fat Burning Machine. Simple lifestyle changes can transform your body into a fat burning machine. Speed up your metabolism by adjusting the way you eat, exercise and even sleep. Daily activities can trigger your body to burn fat more effectively. With these simple lifestyle choices, you can reduce your body fat and stay lean and healthy for life! 12
  • 13. Special Report – Expert Interview With Fitness Guru Rob Poulos Is It Possible To Burn Fat, Get Healthy and Fit in Just 15 Mins Per Day... Without Gyms, Fad Diets Or Supplements? According to Rob Poulos, CEO & Founder of Zero to Hero Fitness and owner of the popular website http://www., the answer is yes! "From an early age I was lucky to have had to struggle with my own weight. I say 'lucky', because my own struggles caused me to be so determined to find a quick and simple solution to getting the kind of body and living the type of life I wanted. Had I been born skinny, you would never have even heard of me. But I wasn't, so here I am! I've lost almost no weight at all from hours and hours of cardio. I've restricted myself and felt horrible while losing just a few pounds, and then hitting a plateau I couldn't budge. And I've even lost weight quickly and put it back on even faster...a few times. Having tried so many different diets, workouts, pills, supplements, and gizmos over the years, I came to realize most of what I was doing didn't work. I also was always looking for what worked quickly, what took very little time, and was easy to fit into my life so I could get permanent results... ", Rob tells us. Why most people struggle… According to Rob, there's a reason why so many people struggle with weight loss, despite so much help being offered to them today... "One of the most fascinating things you'll discover, as I did, is that much of what works long term is almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you've been doing all these years with little or no success. 13
  • 14. It’s taken me years and over $23,000 of my own money to fail again and again, but eventually discover the secrets to living leaner and stronger longer...and it was more than worth it, because what I’m sharing is helping thousands of women and men realize a life they might never have thought possible... ...and nearly gave up on." How Rob conquered weight loss, with a unique approach "I was never interested in strict regimens or time consuming activities that I couldn't keep up for very long...because that doesn't work for us real people out there! This gave me a unique perspective when putting together my own system for fat loss, health and fitness. My eye was always on efficiency... And as I found techniques that did work, and were efficient, I began to lose fat quickly... eventually losing over 42 lbs. and 10 inches off my waist in less than an hour a week and without fad dieting, expensive supplements or any infomercial junk. Then I shared these techniques with my wife, who lost even more weight that I did... 59lbs and she also went from a size 12 to a slim size 4. Next my younger brother Mike lost 40 lbs. and 8 inches from his waist in about 6 months using my techniques. I was on to something, so I was convinced by a few friends that I needed to share it with the world," Rob tells us. Rob Poulos focuses on the unique approach of boosting metabolism and simple nutritional changes to turn your body into a fat burning furnace, without exercise, fad diets or supplements. Was it worth it? "I'm 36 years old and live in a little town just about an hour north of Detroit, Michigan. I'm proud to have a beautiful wife Kalen, and our two kids Sarah and Ryan. I really wake up almost every morning looking forward to EVERYTHING...because I feel like I have a new lease on life. But it wasn't always this way... " And Rob is not alone. There are many success stories that you can read on his website, http://www. that should, at the very least, inspire you to give it a try too. To learn more about Rob's solution, and his/her story, along with dozens of other stories from people who have also tried this solution, visit: http://www. What others are saying about this program ... 14
  • 15. "After 10 weeks of adjusting my eating habits and following the FBF plan... I lost 3" from my waist, 2" from my hips, and 3.5" from my chest..” – Lyn B., Wellington, Florida. Click here to read the full review "My wife confided in me that she feels like she has a new man! I have managed to lose about 26 pounds during the 10 weeks..." – Peter Wachira, Nairobi, Kenya Click here to read the full review I'm here to tell you that your system... has me melting off the pounds and getting really fit. This is the fifth week and I have lost 16 pounds and gone down two pants sizes!! The flab is also turning to muscle. I'm 66 and in the best shape of my life” – Linda Magee, Massachusetts. Click here to read the full review 15 Powered by TCPDF (