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Centerfor Improved Engineering and
Science Education
Stevens Institute ofTechnology
Connecting People and Information
New Jersey lntercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Castle Point on the Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: (201) 216-8342
Fax: (201) 216-8344
K-12 Partnership Conference: Internet Connectivity and Science Conference
The partnership is offered by the
Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) at Stevens Institute of
Technology in cooperation with the New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NHN).
September 19, 1997
Stevens Institute ofTechnology
Student Center
Bissinger Room, 4th Floor
Hoboken, NJ
9:00 a.m. Coffee and Refreshments
9:30 a.m. Welcome
George Carroll, Executive Director, NJIN
9:45 a.m. Video: "Connecting to the Future"
10:05 a.m. An Update: Internet Connectivity in New Jersey
George Carroll, Executive Director, NJIN
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. K12 Curriculum Resources on the Internet
Mercedes McKay, Internet Training Specialist, NJIN
11:30 a.m. Net Day New Jersey
Preston Dodd, Director ofNet Dav NJ
11:45 a.m. Lunch
12:45 - 1:25 p.m. 1. Connecting a School System Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN, Jerry Rabinowitz, Media Convergence
1:30 - 2:10 p.m. 2. Connecting a Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN, Michael Dobe, Rutgers University
2:20 - 3:00 p.m. 3. Single User Connections at School and at Home
Dial-up and SLIP/PPP access, Bhupinder S. Sran, DeVry Institute
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
Tr.11ning 1s offered in the conteJtt of NJSSrs
panncr m~utulions' profe~lonal declopmenl
networks, through regional workhop'
conducted throughout the "me; and through
dH.trict wide turnkey training effort, , These
"troin-lhe-lrainer" initiative urc developing
un infra~lructure within participuting districts
of qualified Internet trainer~ who will serve
as laff developers and d!S!>Cmmators of these
Internet based instructional approaches in
science and m:ubematics.
Olhcr, intensive Jnteme1-ba~ed curricular
projccls include collabor:itions in which
schools from designated "special needs"
di~tricts and high technology schools in New
Jc~ey partner with corporations and national
resources such as Bellcore. the Princeton
Plasma Physics laboratory. the Waksman
Institute and the CoVis proJCCl at 'llorthwest-
em University. These 11111iauvcs focus on
weather and meteorological ,1udics, molecu-
lar biology, materials science, energy, fusion.
eleclricity/rnagnetism, and nidiution. Project
approaches emphasize hand~ on experimen-
tation 111 the investigation of real-life science
problem, the virtual. on-hne u~ of..ophisti-
catcd '"'trumentation. ~uch ru. the fu"on
rcactor at PPPL and scanmng electron micro-
scopes, and collaboration with lending
national scientists and 01hcr professional
In 1.1dd1tion, NJNlE is re;ichmg out to stu-
dent, tc:ichcrs, parents and the community
lhroullh the broadcast of a 10-pan. tivc-bour
1clev110n series on the lntcmct in ..cience
edu.:auon These program' ...:cl.. to lrengtbeo
Intcmcl literacy and promote the u..e of tele-
communications among thc'c con,tituencies in
01dcr to provide more equilahle ucccss to
libraries, museums. dalub;iscs untl 01hcr on-line
resources. NJ KnowledgcNct hus been broad-
c:lI ~everal times by New Jer~cy Network.
v.h1ch reaches viewers in New Jcr.ey. New
York. and pans of Pcnni.yl..ania To date.
more than 75.000 viewer. ha,·c watched this
"C!nc,, and tapes are avrulahlc to ..chools and
fam1hcs through NJN.
For 111ore information about NJN lri, conlact Lbe
projec1office at Stevens ln~titulc ofTechnol-
ogy ut 201-216-5375, via email 31 or through the
v.cb Ile 31
New Jersey Networking
lnfrustruclure in F,cJuc11llon (N.JNfE)
Center for Improved Engineering
and Science Education (ClF,SE)
SteH•DS Institute or Technology
CastJe Point on Hud.w n
Hoboken, NJ 07030
l~dwa1·d Friedman, Director
Ul!lh McGrath, Dcputv Uiredor
New Jersey
Networking lnfrastructure
in Education (NJNIE)
A Collaboration.for the
/111provement ofK-12 Science
and Mathen1atics
through the Use of Internet
and Telecon11nu11ications
Center for Improved
Engineering and Science
Stevens Institute of
The New Jersey Networking lnfrastruciure in
Education (NJNlE) Project is a $2.9 million
initiative funded m October 1994 by the
National Science Foundation which aim!> to
promote the meaningful use of lntemet tn
science, ma1hcmatici.. and technology educa-
tion in more than 500 i.chools throughou1 the
~iaie. NJNIE suppons i.chools involved in 1hc
New Jersey Statewide Systemic lni1ia1ive
(NJSSI) and those from "special needs"
diMriet.~. Based at Stevens lnstitule ofTech-
nology. NINLE is collaborating wi1h 1he
following panners in the 1mplemcn1a1ion of
this project:
• the New Jerwy Statewide Systemic
• the New Jer~ey Depanment of
• the New Jersey lntercampus Net-
work (NHN)
• Bell Atlantic
• Bellcore
• the Princeton Plasma Physics
• the Waksman Institute at Rutgers
• Northwestern University's CoVis
• Educational Testing Service
• the New Jersey State Library
• New Jersey Network, and others.
NJNTE seeks to create and diffuse compelling,
content-rich applications of telecommunica-
tions and the Internet in K- 12 science and
mathematics and to create a community of
learner.. among educators in New Jersey who
can effectively use telccommun1cauons to
enrich science instruction by: providing rcal-
world conteitlS for science inquiry: acccs~mg
data and information which is used by real
scientislS and researchers; eJtponenually
eJtpanding the information resource~ available
to ~tudcnts and teachers: strengthening rnalh-
cmatics skills and logically integrating math-
ematics with science through data analysis:
and fostering communication and collabora-
tion by siudems and teachers wi1h each other
and with scientists and other eitpens nround
the globe. Outreach iovol~es hands-on 1cachcr
worbhops; administrator conferences and
dfalogue on school, district, and communny
networking issues; and in-school technical
support and consultation to facilitate Internet
connectivity. By the end of 1996, NJNIE will
have conducted training and ou1rcach pro-
grams for more than 2,500 educators from 500
Training programs include skill-oriented and
curriculum-focused workshops designed to
provide users with the tools and techniques for
utiliiing Internee-based resources for commu-
nication. research, and curriculum enrichment.
An overarching theme for all NJ~IE programs
is the dissemination of applications which are
compelling and unique to the Internet. Train-
ing emphasizes Lhe use of lnternct for commu-
nication and collaboration with practicing
scientists, mathematicians and other citperts,
as welJ as the use of "real time" data. such as
daily incidence.<, of earthquakes around Lhe
globe or hourly updates on weather evenlS, to
collect. analylC, model, and predict using live
Workshop~ empha11e a "handl>-on" approach
in which educators gain proficiency with
using 1he Internet and become familiar with
strategics for integrating Internet resources
into their classes. CurTCnt course offerings
• Basic Internet Training (email,
connectivity. i.carcrung)
• On-Line Library Resources (full-
tCJtt access 10 350Journals and
• Advanced Searching Strategies
• Internet Applications for Educa1ors
(collaborative prOJCCts, national
• Designing Your Own Web Site/
Web Site llelp Lab
• Exploring Meteorology Using the
• Exploring Geology Using the
• Exploring Oceanography Using the
• Eitploring Environmental Siudies
Using the Internet
• Models for K- 12 ln1crnet
Connectivity (Admlllistrator
at Stevens Institute of Technolo2J
CIESE was established in 1988 to enhance mathematics and science education through the
effective use of computer technology.
Since its inception, CIESE has received more than $6.4 million in public and private support to
work with school systems to assist teachers and administrators in applying computer technology to
enhance mathematics and science instruction and student achievement.
CIESE is serving as the lead organization in a National Science Foundation project to create a
statewide testbed for utilization ofthe Internet in K-12 mathematics, science and technology
education. This $2.9 million, three-year, Networking Infrastructure in Education (NIE) effort is
being pursued in collaboration with the New Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative (SSI) for
educational development. The Bell Atlantic Corporation is providing significant additional
resources. The NIE project seeks to work with at least 500 New Jersey schools that are either
active in the SSI program or are in Special Needs Districts. The NJ KnowledgeNet public
television series of 10 thirty-minute programs on the use oflnternet in K-12 science classrooms is
an NIE initiative.
Under a recently concluded three-year National Science Foundation grant, CIESE collaborated with
16 school systems in New Jersey on a teacher enhancement and mentoring project. This project
actively involved 39 participating 6-10 grade mathematics teachers, as well as school
administrators who must plan and budget for system-wide technology implementation and support.
CIESE has produced a series of four 40-minute in-service teacher training modules to facilitate this
mentoring process. These tapes are available for use by other school systems and training
CIESE is also working with regional school systems as an SSI site to promote technology
enhancement ofK-8 mathematics and science learning. Project-based learning is being promoted
that incorporates several technologies, including Lego/Logo, microcomputer-based laboratories,
Internet, and data analysis software. Other CIESE programs are being supported in collaboration
with regional business-education alliances in New Jersey.
In the spring of 1994, CIESE completed production of 21 90-minute teacher training
videoconferences on the use oftechnology in mathematics. To date, more than 500 teachers from
150 school systems in New Jersey alone, as well as teachers from at least 15 states, have
participated in these videoconferences. Produced in cooperation with New Jersey Network and
broadcast via the Satellite Educational Resources Consortium (SERC), these videoconferences
include live panel discussions by CIESE staffand leading teachers who use technology in their
classes; taped documentaries ofreal classroom experiences ofteachers using technology in
mathematics instruction; and demonstrations ofvarious software packages.
CIESE is an initiative of Stevens Institute of Technology, a private, independent, technological
university located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Stevens, founded in 1870, was the first college in the
country to require undergraduates to own or lease a personal computer. Stevens has extensive
experience in integrating computer technology into the curriculum.
For more information, contact Dr. Edward A. Friedman, Director of CIESE, Stevens Institute of
Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, tel: 201-216-5375, fax: 201-216-5385, E-mail:
NJ-NIE Home Page:
Aug. 14, 1997
New Jersey lntercampus Network (Inc.)
With offices at Rutgers University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and William Paterson
College, the New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) is a non-profit corporation which
fosters the development and implementation ofvideo, voice and data networking in higher
education, libraries and school systems in the State ofNew Jersey. Forty-five private and
public colleges and universities are institutional members ofthe organization. A number of
school districts, corporations, and government entities are cooperative members. When
founded in the mid 1980s NJIN was supported entirely by the State through the Department
ofHigher Education. In 1993 it became a non-profit educational corporation which is
supported by membership dues, service fees, grants and contracts.
The New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) has played a key role in facilitating the
understanding and the use ofinformation technologies throughout higher education in the
state. By establishing key collaborations with data and video network providers, and by
demonstrating applications of such network linkages, NJIN has helped to effect a dramatic
increase in interest and utilization of such technologies. It is this "value-added" role which
NJIN plans to expand for the benefit of all New Jersey's educational community. The
focus will be on expanding participation in networking applications by college and
universities, as well as on bringing the advantages ofnetworking to college-school
NJIN operates through the Board of Trustees and a variety oftask forces and committees,
involving volunteers from all sectors ofhigher education, liaisons at every college, and
many industry and government representatives. NJIN defines its primary functions as a
broker, facilitator, coordinator, and partner working with the colleges, schools, and
services providers to create an integrated human and technological network. An important
part ofthis role for NJIN is as an incubator for the development ofkey services, which
will eventually become self-supporting entities or services provided by other vendors.
NJIN's Objectives:
1. To foster the use ofinformation technology to enhance teaching, learning, services and
scholarship in primary, secondary and higher education in New Jersey.
2. To empower faculty, students, and administrators to function effectively in a society which has
become increasingly reliant upon information technologies.
3. To facilitate the development ofthe information technologies ofvoice, data and video in order to
better achieve the mission ofthis organization and enhance the educational opportunities ofNew
Jersey students and faculty and administrators.
4. To foster access to information technologies by the broadest number of students,
faculty, and staffto enhance their teaching, learning, service, and scholarship.
NJIN's Web Site
Connecting To The Future NASA Video
Developing A Technology Plan
- Assess Your Needs
- Create Partnerships
- Identify Your Connectivity Options
- Plan for On-Going Support
- Train the Users
- Build Support for Your Plan
- Involve the Community
K-12 Partnership Program, Connectivity Conference, Stevens Institute of Technology,
September l9, l997
• Welcome
K-12 Partnership Conference
Models for Internet Connectivity
September 19, 1997
lVlercedes lVlcK:ay
K-12 Curriculm Resources on the Internet
• Questions That lVlay be Goin2 Throu2h Your lVlinds
• Real Examples of Internet Use in the Classroom
• Compellin2 Uses of the Internet in Education
• Tips for Successful Implementation of the Internet
Questions That May be Going Through Your Minds:
• How can teachers use this technology effectively in their classrooms?
• Will students learn any better using this technology than by more traditional means?
• What if you only have one connection in your classroom?
• Is there any advantage to using the Internet over stand-alone software or CD-ROMs?
• How can you convince taxpayers or donors to your school that this is a worthwhile
• investment?
Real Examples of Internet Use in the Classroom:
• See the latest pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope
• Analyze real data taken from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at the Princeton Plasma
Physics Lab
• Perform a "virtual" density lab in preparation for doing a real density lab
• Get daily air pollution levels from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and
compare them to levels obtained from their own air sampling tests
• Compare water quality results from tests in a local river to readings obtained by students at
other locations around the country
• Correspond with a wind turbine manufacturer to determine the best type of design to determine
the best type of design to use in constructing a scaled, model wind turbine
• Keep up-to-date with national and local environmental legislation that is in the works
Compelling Uses of the Internet in Education:
• Continuously Updated Real Time Data
• Communication and Collaboration with Peers and Experts
• Publishing Student Work to the World
• Sources of Unique Information
Tips for Successful Implementation of the Internet:
• Get a fast and reliable connection to the Internet
• Develop or participate in projects that use the Internet for unique and
compelling purposes
• Provide teacher training and on-going support
New Jersey lntercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN)
K-12 Partnership Program
Internet Connectivity and Science Conference
September 19, 1997
Directions: Please take a few moments to let us know how we're doing. Your feedback
and comments are very important to us. The information will be used to identify ways for
us to continuously improve our connectivity conferences. Thank you ©
Name (optional):________________________
1. How effective was the program?
[]Excellent [] Very Good [] Good []Fair []Poor
2. How would you rate your time spent and benefits gained?
[]Excellent [] Very Good [] Good []Fair []Poor
3. Please check the afternoon sessions you attended:
__ Single User Connections at School and Home
__ Connecting a Local Area Network (LAN)
__ Connecting a School Systems Wide Area Network (WAN)
5. Suggested follow-up topics for future Connectivity conferences:
Please feel free to use the back for more comment space.
Registration For NETDAY NJ
A collaborative effort by schools, volunteers, & sponsors to
connect 1,000 schools to the Internet
Check one:
Mailing Address:
Tele# ( ) Fax# (
School Name:
for·School Contact Person
School Name:
Principal's Name: Date for Wiring:
for Cor~orate/Or_ganization S~onsor
Sponsor Name:
Your Title:
Mail or fax to:
c/o The Partnership for New Jersey
109 Church St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Fax: 908-545-8573
Office Information:
Date Information sent/recd:
Date Registered:
Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 1 of 3
Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay
Introduction: Here are the key tasks for a successful NetDay in your school
based on the experience in 400+ NetDay wirings. You may customize the
order of the steps according to your needs. Under each step are references to
sections of the NetDay website which will be helpful.
1. Calendar NetDay...
Let the NetDay Staffknow your wiring date and begin to get the word out to potential
sponsors and volunteers. Register your school on the NetDay website.
Registration Instructions
NetDay Contact Information
2. Recruit Sponsors....
Send letters to potential sponsors about your NetDay enclose a budget and equipment list.
Include a form for them to get back to you on their involvement. Follow up with a phone call
or visit. Collect donations and determine additional funding required.
Where to Look for Sponsors
Form Letters
Sponsor List
Donated Kit Application
3. Recruit Volunteers...
Send letters or hand out a take-home to students seeking volunteers for your NetDay. Enclose
a form and instructions for them to get back to you. Set up your lists ofvolunteers identifying
technical volunteers and check the NetDay site for online registrations at your school.
Sample Letter
Sample Recruiting Brochure
8/27/97 9:41:32AM
Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of3
4. Schedule a Technical Walk Thru...
In preparation for NetDay, schedule a walk thru to determine the classrooms to be wired, the
central point, the cable runs, and the required buidling preparations. The walk thru team
should consist ofa school administrator, school organizer, building maintenance person, and
wiring technician. At the end ofthe walk thru outline the project tasks and assign
responsiblities to NetDay team organizer(s).
Site Survey
Sample Floor Plan
5. Go to NetDay Training...
Several ofthe NetDay volunteer team can attend a half-day workshop for NetDay process and
classroom wiring. In addition, download wiring guides from the Internet or join a wiring class
online and order a video tape.
Calendar ofEvents
Websites for Training
Wiring Guidelines
Order Videotape ofNetDay
6. Outline a Project Plan...
Write up a project plan covering tasks needed for the Preparation, NetDay Event and
Follow-up. Create materials for supporting the plan, eg. volunteer waiver forms, handouts for
NetDay, press releases, thank you letters, agenda, etc.
Sample Project Plan
Sample Floor Plan
Sample Timeline
Sample Press Release
7. Prepare Materials for the Wiring Day...
Using the agenda for NetDay and the Project Plan set up the procedures your volunteer team
will need for wiring classrooms on NetDay. Designate an orientation room for volunteers and
dispatch area for equipment. Show videotape to volunteers when they arrive.
Sample Agenda
Tools & Equipment Checklist
8/27/97 9:41:42AM
Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of3
Volunteer Waiver Form
8. Order the Wiring Equipment...
Order NetDay wiring kits and expansion kits for the project from NetDay suppliers. Order
tools and wall mounting equipment from any electrical supply outlet.
Kit Information
Equipment Checklist
9. Arrange for the Building Preparation...
Ask building maintenance support to drill the necessary holes for the NetDay cable runs and
confirm the wiring plan. Document the specifications on a school floor plan and duplicate for
NetDay volunteers.
Sample Floor Plan
10. Communicate with the NetDay Community...
When your schools complete their NetDay event, let us know! Contactthe NetDay NJ
support staffwith your information. You can reach NetDay NJ at:
The Partnership for New Jersey
109 Church St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
or online at
or call 1-888-NJNETDAY (1-888-656-3832)
Go back to the NetDay registration site and enter the Internet School Roll Call and add your
stories to the national bulletin boards.
NOTE: Ifyou have a paper copy ofthis page, you can retrieve
Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay
online at
or contact the NetDay NJ support staffat 888-656-3832.
8/27/97 9:41:45 AM
Project Descriptions
As a direct response to the growing challenges facing New Jersey schools, New Jersey
cable operators have initiated a wide range ofinnovative programs in cooperation with
educational institutions around the state.
The cable industry's premier communications network is uniquely capable ofdelivering
telecommunications services to the educational community in an efficient and cost effective
manner. Cable's existing high capacity networks can move large amounts ofinformation quickly
via a hybrid fiber optic/coaxial (HFC) cable design. This state-of-the-art technology can provide
two-way video, audio and data communications for the educational community
Cable in the Classroom
As part ofthe national Cable in the Classroom project, over 2,000 schools and libraries
throughout New Jersey are wired for cable service free of charge. This means that the
infrastructure described above is already in place in an enormous number ofeducational
institutions. Additionally, Cable in the Classroom offers high quality, commercial-free
educational programs to participating schools, at no charge. The program includes curriculum
based support materials and extended copyright clearances that allow teachers to replay Cable in
the Classroom programs on videotape. Please note that the cable industry has wired the
majority of schools in New Jersey. It is not universal because many schools have refused to
participate. In a small number ofcases, a particularly remote geographic location is a factor.
High Speed Education Connection
The National Cable Television Association recently announced this comprehensive
commitment to provide elementary and secondary schools across the country with basic, high
speed Internet access free of charge. During the first year ofthe project, more than 3,000
schools in over 60 communities will benefit from this unprecedented initiative. Here in New
Jersey, Adelphia Cable Communications and Comcast Cablevision are participating in this initial
phase ofthe effort. Selected schools in Dover Township and Essex and Union Counties will be
receiving free cable modems within the next year.
Communitv Access Channels
The vast majority of school districts throughout the state have some ability to utilize a
cable access channel. Beyond this, cable has provided dozens ofeducational entities with
dedicated access channels for their exclusive programming use. In many cases, cable has also
provided or funded a studio.
The following are briefsummaries ofsome specific educational initiatives being
spearheaded by cable systems around the state.
CamNet is an interactive system connecting Camden County schools directly to Camden County
Library resources, the Internet and to databases worldwide over Garden State Cable's broadband
network. Technically speaking, CamNet is a 500 Kbps, Ethernet-based Wide Area Network
(WAN) terminated at the library's VAX computer. It functions as a gateway and is linked to the
Internet over a 1.5 Mbps telephone line.
Columbia Middle School, Berkeley Heights - Comcast has interconnect 30 PC stations at
Columbia Middle School with Bell Labs via fiber optic cable. Through the fiber interconnection
and a server located at Bell Labs, students are accessing the Internet at high-speed rates. The
fiber optic cable installed by Comcast offers the ability to locate information much more quickly
than is possible when using a traditional telephone line connection. With access to this network,
Columbia students have a world of information at their fingertips, helping to develop their
computer literacy and thinking skills.
New Providence School District - Comcast has also teamed with the New Providence school
district to provide Internet access to students in that community via fiber optic cable. New
Providence has developed an educational plan which will include ongoing communications with
its sister school in Japan during the 1995-1996 school year.
Union Township School District - The Union Township school district employs a computer-
aided instructional program for its elementary and middle school students. The software allows
students to learn at their own pace, to receive tailored homework assignments and get
individualized feedback from teachers. Comcast and the Union school system have worked
together on a pilot project where fifth grade students have access to the district's central server
via Comcast's cable system. This allows students to continue their studies at home - after school
or when sick - and encourages parents to participate in the process.
MercerNet - This 2.6 million project recently got a boost from the U.S. Department of
Commerce with a $700,000 grant. Comcast, working with Mercer Community College and
eight county school districts and public libraries, will build an interactive Wide Area Network
(WAN), linking specially equipped rooms in each ofthe district high schools and homework
centers with each other and with each ofthe county's public libraries, community and state
colleges, the Invention Factory Science Center and county special services centers. The network
will provide: 1) interactive full motion video for distance learning and community
programming; 2) increased access to the Internet from schools, libraries and homework centers;
3) data access between the sites at Ethernet speeds; and 4) an interface to multimedia video
libraries within the county and beyond.
Launched in February of 1994, ExtraHelp is a live, two-hour, interactive homework hotline
cablecast two afternoons each week by Cablevision ofNewark. Students are able to call in
homework problems, talk to an instructor and see the solutions worked out on their television
screens. The program features help in both mathematics and English at the elementary and
secondary levels. The program has been endorsed by the new state-appointed administration in
TKR CABLE COMPANY - "Interactive Educational Service Suite"
TKR Cable Company is presenting a concept proposal to school districts throughout its service
areas in the state for the provision ofan array ofdistance learning services which they call an
"Interactive Educational Service Suite." TKR systems are currently undergoing network
upgrades which will allow them to provide these services. They include: Broadband
Institutional Connection (ICN) services; interactive video; educational data networks -
connecting the local networks (LAN) in each school 1th a high speed Wide Area Network
(WAN); high speed Internet access; and educational access channels.
Green Brook Pilot - TKR Tri-System recently unveiled a pilot High Speed Internet Access
project at Green Brook Middle School.
C-TEC Cable has provided a two way voice, video and data interconnection among the public
schools in Princeton which is tied into the network at Princeton University.
In September of 1995, TCI ofNorthern New Jersey installed a fiber optic link for the River Edge
school system, connecting Riverdell High School and Junior High School. The individual fibers
were spliced into the Local Area Network (LAN) equipment in both schools which is used for
myriad purposes including attendance. The fiber link replaces a coaxial link run by TCI ten
years ago for similar purposes.
School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing
'·· Rom~
Use-Policy Resources On the
AskERIC's Virtual Library
Acceptable Use Policies
AUPs on Armadillo, the
Texas Studies gopher:
K-12 Acceptable Use Policies
Frequently-Asked Questions:
Emailto:info@classroom net
and type the words "send
aup-faq" in the body ofyour
message. Or use a Web
browser to access the
following URL:
To subscribe to a listserv
dedicated to the discussion of
K-12 AUPs: Email your
request to
using the word "subscribe" in
the body ofyour message. To
post messages to the list,
Resource list courtesy of
Hamburg Central School
District's Parent/Guardian
Consent for Student Use of
Computerized Information
I am the parent/guardian of
February 1996
Supervised Surfing
Use policies help ensure appropriate Internet access in
the Hamburg Central School District
By Julie Higginbotham
The rich resources of the Internet can be both boon and bane to school
districts. The Net puts a formidable array ofwritten and graphic
information at staff and students' fingertips, but administrators and
parents are jittery about its highly publicized dark side.
Figuring out how to mine the Internet's treasures while blocking access
to pornography and other objectionable materials has been a top
priority for the Hamburg (N.Y.) Central School District. The district's
four elementary schools, junior high and high school are relying on a
two-pronged strategy, coupling tight supervision with a carefully
crafted acceptable-use policy.
"As in so many situations, we're trying to engender good will and
understanding--trying to balance value with liability," says
superintendent Donald A. Ogilvie.
Lance Eggleston, director of instructional technology, adds: "The
Internet is so new, and we recognize the potential for problems and
difficulties. But the benefit of having access to resources from all over
the world needs to be stressed."
Connectivity Paves the Way
Computers have been a key tool in the district since the early 1980s.
Starting with a few Apple Ils, the district moved forward to create
computer labs and automate library catalogs and administrative
functions. During the past four years, a strong technology push has
resulted in better connectivity within and among buildings, making
districtwide Internet links possible.
Today, each school has a fully automated library and a minimum of
three servers, handling instructional materials, the library and a
networked CD-ROM tower. Students have access to networked
computers in the libraries and in labs, which vary in number from
school to school.
Each building is linked to the district's local-area network (LAN); the
existing system is a Token Ring network using type IA shielded cable.
A recent bond issue will provide money for running fiber optic cable
from existing hubs to individual classrooms. Hamburg's long-range
plan calls for installing a cluster of five computers plus a teacher's
School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing
I am the parent/guardian of
[fill in student name], the
minor student who has signed
the district's agreement for
student use of computerized
information resources. I have
been provided with a copy and
I have read the district's
policy and regulations
concerning use of the DCS
[district computer system].
I also acknowledge receiving
notice that, unlike most
traditional or library media
materials, the DCS will
potentially allow my
son/daughter student access to
external computer networks
not controlled by the school
district. I understand that
some materials available
through these external
computer networks may be
inappropriate and
objectionable; however, I
acknowledge that it is
impossible for the district to
screen or review all ofthe
available materials. I accept
responsibility to set and
convey standards for
appropriate and acceptable
use to my son/daughter when
using the DCS or any other
electronic media or
I agree to release the
Hamburg Central School
District, the Board of
Education, its agents and
employees from any and all
claims of any nature arising
from my son/daughter's use of
the DCS in any manner
I agree that my son/daughter
may have access to the DCS
and I agree that this may
include remote access from
our home. [Parent/Guardian
Signature; Date]
computer in each room, freeing teachers from reliance on the labs. New
wireless radio modems are also planned to improve connectivity
between district buildings, most of which are currently linked through
phone lines.
Hamburg's exploration of the Internet was spurred by a pilot project in
the early 1990s. Community members with computer knowledge came
forward to ask administrators how their expertise could be used in the
schools. Their input helped Hamburg develop the Cathedra Project: an
experimental Internet server installed at the senior high, funded in part
by state grants.
"The project demonstrated tllat we could run Mac and IBM with
simultaneous voice and video," says Eggleston. "We showed that off
with a voice/video link to Amsterdam [the Netherlands]. We have since
upgraded the server and can now access hard drives and printers
anywhere in the world."
The district's Internet access continues to be provided by the Cathedra
server , which communicates with a local Internet service provider via
wireless radio modem. Remote access at outlying sites is controlled
with security priveleges set up by each building's designated systems
operator. By avoiding phone line charges, the wireless setup is saving
the district a considerable amount of money, Eggleston says:
"We own the wireless modems at both ends, and we rent some space on
the service provider's roof for an antenna. We pay them a monthly
charge for access. A year's worth costs us about $6,000--and that's
unlimited access.
"By comparison, our district's phone lines are billed at a commercial
rate, so a senior high with regular 40-minute class periods from 8 to 4
could end up costing $8,000 or $12,000 a year. This way, we get a very
fast, dedicated line without that phone line charge."
Defining Acceptable Use
Linking to the Net was a relatively straightforward process. Making
sure the technology would be used appropriately presented a thornier
Hamburg relies partly on a strongly worded acceptable-use policy.
About a year and a half ago, as a starting point, Eggleston downloaded
a number of existing policies on the Internet (sidebar, above). He also
obtained copies of the policy used in Silver Creek, a nearby district.
Eggleston distributed this information to members of the district's
technology council, which includes teachers, staff, parents and
students. The council appointed a subcommittee to draft a policy for
After three revisions, plus reviews by the superintendent and an
attorney, a final policy was passed by the school board without
controversy last fall.
"The board has a very keen awareness of the problems we were trying
to prevent," says Ogilvie. " Ifthere was any major area of concern, it's
the whole notion of making people so accountable for something that is
part of a normal instructional activity. But again, we're trying to
balance the richness of the resources with the fact that we don't know
where some of those resources are coming from--and the increasing
School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing l996/article039.html
where some of those resources are coming from--and the increasing
tendency for the public to hold districts accountable as a result of their
supervisory role."
The district created separate two-page versions ofthe policy for staff
and students. The staffversion covers such topics as unauthorized use
resulting in expenses to the district; equipment damage; use of
unauthorized software; and privacy and copyrights.
The version for students and parents touches on most of the same issues
but spends more time clarifying the fact that the computer system
provides access to networks that are not controlled or screened by the
district. This version also details which Net resources are off limits,
including "materials that are unlawful, obscene, pornographic [or]
abusive." Obscene and vulgar language and harassing behavior are
The policy explains that student files on the network are analogous to
lockers: district property subject to control and inspection, rather than
private property impervious to searches.
Both policy versions also regulate use of the network via home or other
off-site computers. They give the district the right to take legal action
against anyone who willfully damages computers or data.
Teachers, students and staff who want to use the district's system must
sign an agreement stating they understand the policy and will abide by
it. Parents or guardians of minors must also sign an agreement, which
specifically releases the district from legal action arising from their
children's use of the system (sidebar, right).
Parents are responsible for explaining the rules to young students, since
there is no separate policy in elementary-level language. The policy and
agreements will be evaluated annually by the technology council, and
Eggleston says revisions, possibly including a simplified version, are
likely in the future.
Keeping parents informed was a cornerstone of the district's policy
development. Parents were part ofthe subcommittee that prepared the
policy, which was discussed at several board meetings and in the
district newsletter before implementation. The final policy and consent
forms were delivered to families by direct mail in an effort to make sure
they would reach their destination. Without a signed parental consent,
students are not allowed to use the computer system. So far, says
Eggleston, only one family in the district has withheld permission.
"One major concern we had was to allow parents who had
concerns--for whatever reason--the opportunity to say no," he says. "We
tried to address that in drafting our policy."
Supervision and Gatekeepers
Careful supervision also helps ensure that students can exploit the
Internet without straying into danger zones. Each elementary school
provides access at a single site in the library or lab, and students use the
system only with direct supervision by a teacher or media specialist. In
the junior high, access is available at one site in the library--again, only
under supervision.
As the new fiber optic cabling makes direct classroom access possible,
site-based decision-making teams will have to decide whether to bring
School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing l996/article039.html
the Net to each room.
The senior high offers broader access in its two 30-student computer
labs. Here, students cannot be individually supervised during every
moment they spend on the Net. Yet, says Eggleston, "We still have
constant vigilance on the part ofthe lab manager and the teacher. They
have to have training before they or their students can log on. The lab
manager in particular has considerable training; she can tell if a
student is off into an area where there's trouble just by looking at the
The district also considered "gatekeeper" software, which blocks access
to objectionable sites--usually by creating and updating lists of URL
addresses. Hamburg ultimately rejected the idea, however. "The
problem was not only the initial cost, but also comprehensiveness," says
Eggleston. "The Web is so dynamic that sites that might be considered
objectionable tend to move around. Software that is set up to block
certain URLs won't be valuable when those sites move. You're
constantly updating software and are still never sure ifyou're
Hamburg officials had also heard that talk in some legal circles seemed
to imply that, ifa district attempts to block access, it might actually
incur more liability than by putting the onus on students and parents
through use policies. "We have tried to protect our system, software and
students without resorting to censorship," Eggleston says.
Communication Is Key
Ogilvie and Eggleston have several pieces ofadvice for districts
grappling with the joys and perils of the Net. "You have to realize
you're becoming part of a network--electronic and hu-man," says
Ogilvie. "You should survey other people's experiences and gain a
good understanding of all the facets of the problem: legal,
informational, community standards. Develop a sense of the whole
context in which the policy is going to exist."
An involved and well-trained teaching staff should have strong
influence on use policies, as should parents, Ogilvie says. "And in the
world we live in, you are very well advised to seek legal counsel
throughout the process--and definitely before the board acts."
The sooner the district begins discussing its plans with the public, the
better, Eggleston says. "I'd stress the need for communication early on,
so the staffand the community are well aware ofwhat you're doing and
of the educational benefits for the youngsters--especially since the press
on the Internet has been largely negative. We should have been talking
to the community for a year and a half, so our policy didn't seem to be
a quick decision.
" Lead time is important. You need to develop a real sense of
community standards," Eggleston says.
In the end, according to Ogilvie, commonsense techniques and savvy
teachers can go a long way toward making the Internet the exciting
educational resource it's supposed to be:
"There are many ways to prevent negatives from occurring. Before you
attempt a written policy, pay attention to the way you physically locate
the equipment and the way you supervise student use. When you really
School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing
boil it down, that's just good classroom management."
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Apr. 23, 1997 -
Hovv to Select
an Internet
are an individual
looking for dial-
up access or a
manager needing a full-time Internet
connection, choosing among thousands
oflntemet Service Providers (ISPS) can
be a challenge.
Many people are unhappy with their
providers. LAN Times recently reported
that, of 150 subscnbers surveyed, 45
percent switched ISPs during the past
year and another 27 percent were
planning to switch in the near future.
Ifyou are in the market for an ISP,
here are some factors you should
• Speed. Both your connection to
the ISP (28800 bits per second on up)
and the ISP's internal network and
connection to the national backbone (TI
or, preferably, T3) should be as fast as
you can afford.
• User-to-port ratio. Typically
between 10: 1and20: 1, this should be
as low as possible to make sure lines
will be available when you need them.
Dana H. Shultz zs an Oakland,
Calif-based lawyer, certified manage-
ment consultant and speaker specializ-
ing in office technology and online
marketing. He may be reached by e-
mail at and on the
World Wide Web at http://
• Local access. Lets you avoid
long-distance (dial-up) or mileage
(leased-line) charges.
Be wary of toll-free "800" access,
which usually is accompanied by an
hourly usage surcharge (instead of
paying telephone charges, the user pays
a higher usage fee).
• Stability and reliability. Look
for a financially strong company
(unlikely to disappear) with redundant
hardware and uninterruptible power
supplies (to minimize downtime).
• Support. Some organizations
need it 24-hours-a-day, seven days a
week, while others are relatively self-
sufficient. Look for a provider that
matches your level of need and sched-
• Cost. For dial-up, $20 per month
with (effectively) unlimited usage is
For a high-speed dedicated connec-
tion, expect to pay at least several
hundred dollars per month. Price is one
area where there is plenty of competi-
Where to Begin
Aside from talking to friends and
colleagues, some of the best informa-
tion about ISPs is on the World Wide
Web. Useful sites include:
• CNET Reviews. http://!Reviews/
Compare/ISP/sample.html (lists ISPs by
area code; includes summary of
services, prices and user ranking for
selected ISPs, pointers to Web sites for
• ISP List of Lists. http://
isplist.html (a list of ISP lists).
a Providers of Commercial
Internet Access. http:// (lists ISPs by
state, city and area code; includes
summary of services and pricesJ.
a The Directory. http://
www. vni.netlthedirectory (lists ISPs by
area code; includes pointers to ISPs'
Web sites and e-mail addresses).
• The List. http:// (lists ISPs by state
and area code; includes summary of
services and prices).
By starting with these sites, you can
narrow your search to the most attrac-
tive national and local providers and
increase the likelihood_of making the
right choice. •
New Jersey Providers
New Jersey Internet Service Providers
Area Codes & Services
201 609 908 Phone Number Email
Provider V
Advan n y n 609-514-0610
Agora Online y n n 201-437-6440
Algorithms, Inc. n y y 800-220-0445
Alternet!UUNET n n y 800-488-6384
Applied Automated
n y n 800-959-2660
Engineering Corp
Atlantic Internet Corp n n y 908-758-0505
Baytech Corp y n y 201-858-9544
Bite-ByteCyber Warrior, inc. n n y 908-685-9494
Blastnet y n y 908-534-5881, Inc. n y n 800-318-2504
Caroll-net y y y 201-488-1332
Castle Net. n y y 800-577-9449
Cen-Com Internet, Inc. n n y 800-923-6266
Chester County World Access
n y n 609-374-2323
Computer Solutions by
y n n 914-473-0844
Cortex Communications y n n 201-567-2297
CRISP Network Solutions, Inc. n y y 908-297-8290
Crusoe Communications, Inc. y n n 201-882-1022
Crystal Palace Networking,Inc. y n y 201-300-0881
CSI Online Services n y y 732-914-0167
Cyber Warrior, Inc. y n n 201-703-1517
Cybercity USA n y n 609-890-6347
New Jersey Providers
CyberComm Online y y y 908-818-3333
CyberENET Netowrk n y n 609-753-9840
Cybernex, Inc. y y y 201-664-8419
Cynet, Inc. n y n 215-283-2460
Data Concepts Information
y n n 201-313-1845
Tech Corp.
Delaware Valley Net
n y n 609-228-0008
DIGEX y y y 800-969-9090
Dynamic Computer Sales and
y n n 201-501-0105
Easyway Ciommunications y n n 201-998-8991
Eclipse Internet Access y y y 800-483-1223
Emanon n y n 609-858-9888
Enter-Net n n y 908-389-3295 x510
Enter.Net n y y 610-437-2221
Evertech Corp. n y y 908-665-1144xl11
Exec-U-Linx, Corp. n y y 908-536-9528
Frontier Communications of
y n n
Galaxy Networks y n n 201-825-2310
Garden Networks y n y 201-300-9211
Georgetown Business n y n 609-298-2299
Global Telecom y y y 201-285-9099
GlobalNet Enterprises n y n 609-399-3645
GoldLink Communications y y y 908-308-4567
Gorgon Internet n n y 908-726-8258
GSI Network, Inc. y n n 800-GSI-NET4
Hicom, Inc. y n n 201-227-5445
Hill Communications y n y 908-964-5204
Hudson Internet Services y n n 201-217-8284
I-2000 y n y 800-464-3820
I-Way Networks, Inc. y y n 504-596-2256
IBS Interactive Inc. y n y 201-301-0700
INJersey y y y 800-232-8884
INTAC y n y 800-50-INTAC
Integrated Computer Services n y n 609-484-0889
Interactive Netwrok Services n y n 609-227-6380 y n y 888-YOUR-ISP
New Jersey Providers
International Discount
y n y
Internet for 'U' n n y 800-NET-WAYl
Internet Labs, Inc. n n y 908-332-0500
Internet Nexus y n n 201-891-6969
Internet Online Providers, Inc. n n y 908-431-8863
Internet-Gateway n y n 609-983-0066
Jaguar netlink: n y n 609-769-0364
Lowdown Internet Services y n n 201-493-1000
Maestro Technologies, Inc. y n n 212-240-9600
:MHVNet n n n 914-473-0844
Microfon Infoservice, Inc. n n y 908-548-7201
Monmouth Internet n n y 908-842-5366
Mordor y n n 201-433-7343
Mosquito Net n y n 609-231-0204
National Internet Source y n n 201-825-4600
Neighborhood Internet
y n n 201-934-1445
NERC Online n y n 609-422-8060
Net Access n y n 215-576-8669
NET-LYNX n n y 908-725-6099
NETCOM y y y 800-353-6600
Net2K.2NE n y n 609-893-0673
NetReach, Incorporated n y n 215-283-2300
NetRom Internet Services y n n 201-208-1339
NJIN n n y 908-445-3380
NJNet Inc. n y y 610-882-5600
Novasys Interactive y n y 800-422-6870
Nycom.Net y n n 201-393-7090
New York Net y y n 718-776-6811
Panix y n n 212-741-4400
Peak Access n n y 800-340-7325
PHD Computers n y n 609-694-2511
Pies Online n y n 609-767-8354
Planet Access Newtks y n y 201-691-4704
Poland.NET y n n 201-393-7090
PowerNet n y n 214-408-8295
ProLog y n y 800-804-5783
New Jersey Providers
PSINet y y n 800-82PSI82
Pulsar Communication n y n 609-825-4501
Quicknet y n n 201-871-4090
RE/Com n y n 609-225-3300
Sagelink n y n 609-589-3036
Sigma Internet Services y n n 201-219-9500
Silicon Super Network y n n 201-461-7373
Sky Web Inc. n y y 908-613-0500
Smart Tech. Communication
Systems, Inc.
y n n
Southern New Jersey Internet
n y n 609-931-4580
Providers, Inc.
Starsys Software, Inc. n y n 609-931-2188
Superlink y y y 908-828-8988
SurfNetwork, Inc. n y n 800-787-3212
SurfXpress y n n 201-525-1304
TechnoCore Communications,
n n y 908-928-7400
The Body Electric Internet
y n n 201-835-9696
Services, Inc.
The Cabbage Patch Internet
y n y 908-362-5465
The Connection y n n 201-659-0300
The Internet Access Company y n n 201-453-0424
The Invention Factory
y n n 212-431-5555
Town Square Access y y y 800-268-7139
Tradewind Net Access, Inc. y n n 201-509-5060 info@tradewindnet
Tronics Web Services y n n 201-984-6522
Ultracom Internet
Technologies, Inc.
y n n
US Highway 1, Inc. n y n 609-758-8640
UUNET Tech. n y y 800-488-6384
Vaca Incorporated n y n 888-489-6937
Viconet y y y 201-746-4222
Vnet y n n 800-377-3282
Voicenet n y y 800-835-5710 info@voicenet. ccom
Warwick Valley Telephone
y n n 201-764-8080
Web Express, Inc. y y y 888-WEB-ISDN
New Jersey Providers
Copyright ©1997 Stevens Institute ofTechnology H B k H l S h
E-mail with problems. ome ___§&_ ~ earc I last edited Friday, 15-Aug-97 12:02:08 EDT
Internet Primer- "Classroom Connect's overview to getting
connected, finding funding, and using the Internet
Getting connected to the Internet
Keep in mind that the Internet isn·t a place or a thing, and it
isn't owned by anyone. If you disconnected all the computers
linked on the Internet. you wouldn't have an "Internet" left. This
contrasts with commercial online services such as CompuServe,
Prodigy. Delphi. or America Online which own physical
computer installations. For instance. America Online·s
headquarters. computers. and dedicated phone Jines would still
exist. even if all their customers canceled their memberships and
decided never again to connect to its computer network.
The Internet is expanding at an incredible rate. with dozens
of new services and thousands of megabytes of new information
coming online every day. New user-friendly. graphical user
software and lower Internet access costs make it easier and
cheaper than ever before to get connected.
Approximately 60 million people use the Internet in some
fashion. However. millions of these users only have access to
Internet electronic mail (email) and aren't actually "on the
Internet." Email connections are valuable. but without either a
"dial-up" or "direct" connection. you simply can't take
advantage of everything the Internet has to offer. We'll explain
that more fully later on.
The cost of going online
To put your Internet plan together you first need to
understand the cost of the equipment and services you will need.
You can choose from a range of options. from local
computer bulletin board systems <BBSs) to full Internet access.
Going online doesn't have to be expensive. Online costs for one
classroom for the school year can be Jess than $300. If you
already have a computer. all you'll need is:
• A 28.8 or 33.6 modem (about $120)
• Access to a telephone line (about $10 to $20 per month)
• A subscription to a commercial online service such as
Prodigy or America Online. or direct Internet access through an
Internet service provider (ISP).
While many commercial online services offer a variety of
Internet features. you won't have a direct Internet access. For
complete Internet access and a direct Internet access account
you' II need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider
(ISP). ISPs offer direct access accounts for as little as $15 per
month: always ask for an educational discount.
If you need to buy a computer. the price of an IBM-
compatible Pentium PC. with a 133-megahertz processor and
I-gigabyte hard disk drive (minimal configuration) is less
than $1.500. including a high resolution color monitor.
Superior Macintosh computers are now in the $1.300 range.
Finding Internet Service Providers
Since there isn't a central "Internet headquarters" to call
for Internet service, you'll need to arrange an Internet
connection through an ISP.
An ISP maintains a computer system with an expensive.
full-time, high-speed link to the Internet which is staffed 24
hours a day. In turn, it offers its users inexpensive
connections. assistance in getting set up. and ongoing
support. Prices and connectivity options vary. and several
types of Internet connections are available. You can keep
long distance charges low by locating an ISP in your local
calling area or choosing one that offers low-cost. dial-up
access through a local number. Start by checking out ISP
listings at the end of this article.
Connecting your school
If you are seeking Internet connectivity for your school.
the very first thing to do is contact the technology department
of your school district. Find out what they offer or what plans
they've made. Just because you don't have Internet in your
classroom yet doesn't mean there isn't something in the
works. So check it out. Unfortunately, you may find out that
Internet connectivity isn't available any time soon. So you're
on your own for the moment.
Commercial Internet service providers and online services
present various options, and many are listed at the end of this
article. But you may want to exhaust all other possibilities
first. Check to see if a local university. college. or business
will allow you to gain access through their existing Internet
connection. Many schools receive Internet access this way.
years before the school district is ready to deliver
The best connection
There are several ways to connect to the Internet. each
with different Internet capabilities. The one you select will
depend on speed, cost. and the kinds of things you plan to do
on the Internet.
If most of your traffic will be limited to email. then
speed-measured in bits per second (bps), amounts of data
delivered online per second-isn't your primary concern. At
14.400 bps an average email message takes two seconds to
transmit. However, if you plan to transfer lots of files. keep
in mind that it takes at least eight minutes to download a
SOOK file at 9.600 bps, but less than two minutes at 28.800
bps. For use with graphical software such as America Online,
or Prodigy, or for using the World Wide Web, a modem speed
of at least 14.400 is necessary. A faster modem connection
saves time and keeps costs down over the long term. A 33.6
modem costs less than $125 and is by far the best value.
Email accounts
For email use only. many connection options are
available. including commercial online services such as
America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy. You'll find
contact information for many of these services in the
Appendix. Subscribers to these services can send and receive
Internet email by dialing in via local telephone numbers.
Internet access limited to email won't give you all the
features you need to get the most out of the Internet. Services
that offer only email may even charge for messages and
restrict message size and file transfers. With only email
access, you cannot run Internet software to transfer files to
your machine. connect to remote computers, or do global
searches for information.
To use the Internet effectively, you need a "dial-up" or-
better yet-a "direct" connection.
How Internet connections work
When you connect via an Internet service provider your
computer is connected directly to the Internet. You'll need
special Internet software to establish your initial connection
as well as to navigate the Internet. First, you need to install
what's called a "dialer" program. This is software that dials
into the Internet through your ISP's computer. To work in
conjunction with that software you need to run Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) software to let
your computer to "talk" to the other computers on the
Internet. TCP/IP is the Internet's computer ''language." After
your dialer opens a connection to the Internet and the TCP/IP
software begins ..talking.. to the Internet. you can begin
navigating. You'll need to obtain a separate program for each
type of navigation tool or program you want to use such a~
ftp. telnet. email. WAIS. gopher. Netscape. and others. There
are several software packages available that combine these
programs into one unified package. In fact. Netscape
Navigator and Microsoft Explorer include these programs.
Most ISPs offer two levels of direct connections: part-
time or full-time. If you choose the lower-cost. part-time
option you'll simply dial into your ISP whenever you want to
connect. A full-time connection means that your computer is
connected to the Internet around the clock.
Most ISPs offer direct connections over dial-up moderns
to their host system at up to 28.800 bps. although speeds of
33.600 bps and faster are becoming available. If you need a
high-speed 24-hour connection. or more capacity for. say. a
LAN connection. a dedicated digital line offering 56.000 bp~
or faster speeds may be your best solution. Another option
that will provide high speed access over regular phone lines
is to install a fast 33.600 bps or even newer 56.000 bps
modem. and ask your ISP to install the same at their end.
Getting direct connection software
All the software you' II need to use for your direct
connection is available for free on the Internet. But you'll
have to search the Internet to find the version which works
with your computer. retrieve it. and install and configure it
without the benefit of much documentation and almost no
To make life easier. take advantage of some of the great
new software that has recently become available. You can
buy a commercial software package such as Netscape
Navigator Suite ($39) or Internet Valet ($39). For school
computer networks. you will most likely want network
versions of these software programs. Contact the software
vendors and explain your computer network setup and ask
them to sugge~t which products are best suited to your
circumstances. and have the information sent to vou for
review. This is a new and emerging market with dozens of
neV products coming out every month. so doing a little
homework will pay off.
Other software packages are available. and all come with
support which simplifies setup and configuration. Several
popular boob including The Internet Tn11rGuide series from
Ventana Press come bundled with Internet na·igation
software including the basic Internet connection program.
Buying the software you need. or a book that includes the
software. is really an inexpensive way to go. and will save
you hours of frustration and expensive online time.
Direct Internet connection costs
The major factor affecting the cost of your direct
connection is its speed. Faster is always better. and a higher
speed connection will save time when you·re downloading
files and let you get the most out of the new graphical user
software programs that are available. In most cases you can
easily upgrade to a faster connection later. but seriously
consider getting the highest speed connection you can
afford.You'll be amazed at how much you'll use the internet
once you discover all it has to offer. and you"ll find yourself
wishing you had opted for a higher speed connection at the
Individual dial-up Internet connections range from $15
to $50 per month. and business and institutional accounts
range from $50 to $200 per month. with some ISPs charging
an additional fee of $1 to $3 per hour for usage. High-
capacity. high-speed accounts with unlimited usage can cost
S250 to $1.000 per month. But always. always. ask for an
educational discount. This discount can take the form of
waived installation fees. reduced monthly fees. or more
allotted hours. And if you· re using only a single dial-up
connection. you should qualify for the individual rate plan.
even though it"s for school use.
You may also want to consider setting up more than one
type of online connection. Depending on what"s available in
your area. consider dividing your online time among Internet
Service Providers or commercial online services. If you use
the combination of a SLIP Internet account and a commercial
online service such as CompuServe or America Online.
you· 11 have access to enhanced services while saving long
distance and per-hour charges. In addition, you'll have access
to a wide variety of information sources.
For instance. American Online offers an inexpensive way
to read news stories. browse databases. participate in online
forums. read Usenet newsgroups. and access the Internet via
a dial-up connection-all with no long distance charges. It's
the perfect account for browsing the Net's offerings at a
leisurely pace at very low cost.
But you'll always want to have a direct connection to do
your serious navigating. and to use Netscape and other
graphical Internet software. Keep in mind that if you do use
more than one online service, you'll be assigned a different
email address for each service. To avoid becoming
disorganized. and to save you online time and money,
consider using only one main email address for email
Whether you decide to begin navigating the Internet via a
commercial online service or a direct Internet connection.
getting started is the hardest part. The intricacies of setting up
direct Internet connections may seem a little daunting at first,
but ifs worth the hassle. Once online, you'll discover that
navigating the Internet and using its vast resources is actually
pretty easy.
The Internet contains a wealth of valuable information and
opportunities for worldwide collaboration. One of the best
ways to be sure you· re getting the most out of your Internet
connection is to read Classroom Connect. We're glad you've
chosen us as an information source about the Internet.
Source~ The Educator's Internet Resource Handbook, 1997.
---· ---~·-----
Agriculture (see also PenPages)
Art History
URL: http:/
Type SUBSCRIBE AUTISM <Your Name> 1n
the body of your message
Biology Teacher Network
Discussion list that links b1olog1sts and
Type SUBSCRIBE BIOPl·L <Your Name> in
the body of your message
Canadian University Libraries
McGiii University
URL: gopher://
Queen's University
URL: gopher://
Capital Area Researchers
in Educational Technology
Email to:
Type SUBSCRIBE caret <Your Name> 1n the
body of your message
Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
Public access catalog 1ncluo1ng periodical
c1tat1ons and book reviews
URL: telnet://
This sne also afters rens of tnousanos of
searchable art1c1es via CARL's Uncover service
You can oraer documents from it by credit card
to be sent 01rect1y to your iax machine 1n
URL: telnet://
Chinese Information Center
CIA World Factbook 1995
Collected by the CIA this site includes
population statistics info about governments
(names of heads of state. etc I. economy. US
embassies. and more
Clementine Space Probe Project
Pictures tram space and other into on the
Clementine Pro1ect
Computers In Teaching
Moderated list from Ireland. Teachers discuss
issues of computers in teaching
Email to:
Type SUBSCRIBE CTl·L <Your Name> in the
body of your message
Consortium for School Networking
The COSNDISC ma1l1ng list. gopher. and Web
site are amust tor K-12 educators. Moderated
by Ferdi Serim
Email to:
URL: gopher://
URL: http/
COSNDISC Mailing List
Email to:
in the body of your message
Deaf and Blind Discussion List
1n the body of your message.
Distance Education
Equal Access to Software and Information tor
handicapped users. amonthly newsletter
Type SUBSCRIBE EASI <Your Name> in the
body of your message
EDGAR Stock Market Flllngs
Public company tiling data are now available by
email and ftp
Type HELP in the body of your message
EDNET Discussion List
Discussions on using the educat1Dnal potential
of the Internet Mostly K-12 issues. but includes
higher and adult education, too. Highly
recommended. Moderated by Prescott Smith
Type SUBSCRIBE EDNEY <Your Name> 1n
the body of your message
EDTECH Discussion List
Great list on discussion of educational
technology. Moderated list
Type SUBSCRIBE EDTECH <Your Name> 1n
the body of your message
Excellent newsletter for educators Two issues
per week. Edited by John Gehl
Type SUBSCRIBE EDUPAGE in the body of
your message.
URL: http://WWW.educom.edU/Web/
Educational lnfonnation Clearinghouse
Sponsored by University of Nebraska Teachers
Coliege Lists ot K-12 teacners. software
reviews. d1scuss1ons. and news related to
URL: telnet://
Educational Research
Empire Internet Schoolhouss
Resources tor new K-12 Internet users.
URL: telnet'J/
Login: empire
Information service of ERIC (Educational
Resources Information Center). Send in your
questions on any educational topic
URL: gopherJ/
Europe Link
Connect with Europe and link to other nations
European Community Educational
Discussion list tor training, technology, and
science. Find programs with possible
interaction with US schools.
Type SUBSCRIBE EEC·L <Your Name> in the
body of your message
Exceptional Chl/dren
Discussion list tor technology issues related to
exceptional children. Moderated by Dr. Bob
1n the body of your message
Federal government svstem at over 100
government related databases Easy to use with
!ots at great 1ntormat1on tor teachers and
Modem (703) 321-8020
URL: telnet://
Federal Information Exchange
Government databases on federal programs
URL: telnet://
Flood and Hurricane Information
URL: telnet://
There are more than 50 Free-Nets throughout
:he world. and more coming onl1ne monthly
For an Ohio FreeNet
URL: telnet:/
.og1n· visitor
=or aCanadian FreeNet
URL: telnet://
Login: guest
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs}
rietrieve aFAQ question and answer sheet on
ilmost any topic
.oak in tne pub;usenet subdirectory
Geographic Name Server
Type in the name at aUS city and find its
population. latitude. longitude. elevation. and
z10 code Lakes. nvers mountains are being
URL: telnet://
Visualizing and exoenmenting with visual ideas
1n two- three- and hiaher dimensions. Very
graphical. interactive. and advanced system. A
"must" tor anyone interested in geometry.
Gifted Children
Programs. research. and resources
Type SUBSCRIBE TAG·L <Your Name> in the
body of your message
Global Network Navigator
Astarting point for quality education. business,
and travel information. Atrue meta-center.
Global Schoo/Net Foundation
Top quality school news and education projects.
the body of your message
BBS. (619) 472-5732
Login: guest
Government Legislation
Legi-Slate. leading provider of information on
Congress and Federal Regulations.
URL: gopher://
Look in Other Gophers/NorthAmerica/USA/
Washington. DC
URL: telnet://
Grants and Contracts
National Science Foundation grant information.
in the body of your message
Graphics from Space
Graphic files of earth. planets and related
Look in the pub/graphics/images/space
Home Schooling
Discussion list tor anvone interested in home
URL: mailto:
·n tne oodv at vour message
HYPERMED Discussion List
D1scuss1on at biomedical nypermed1a
in the body of your message
Hypertext Internet Guides
Compiled and hypertext formatted by John
Iowa State University Newsletter
Discussion list and ISU newsletter on topics
related to computing in education Moderated
by Jim Gerland
Type SUBSCRIBE ICU·L <Your Name> 1n
the body of your message.
Japan Information
Includes aJaoanese 1anguage tutor that
pronounces Japanese phrases
John December's Internet Guides
Good collection at online guides to Internet
and related resources
Look in the oub/commumcanons subdirectory
Joint Education Initiative List
Promotes use of CD ROM scientific
information in K-12 education. Anewsletter 1s
distributed. too. Moderated by Christopher
Type SUBSCRIBE JEl-L <Your Name> in the
body at your message
Journal of Technology Education
Electronic monthly version of this scholarly
Type SUBSCRIBE JTE·L <Your Name> in
tne body at your message
K12 Administrators Discussion List
Worldwide participation by those involved in all
levels of administration.
in the body of your message
K-12 Newsgroups
These are from the K12Net discussion echoes
They are also available on many dial-up
comouter bulletin boards that carry Fidonet
conferences. Jack Crawiord heads the K12net
organization. II these newsgroups or echoes
aren't on your system. request them by
contacting your system administrator. Reach the
main K12Net BBS.
Modem: (716) 526-6495
Art education.
K-12 newsgroups (continued)
Business education
URL: news:kH:;
Curricu1ar computing d1scuss1on
URL: news:k12.ed.comp.literacy
Language arts
French conversation tor students
URL: news:k12.lang.trancais
German conversation tor students
URL: news:k12.lang.deutsch·eng
Japanese conversation for students
URL: news:k12.lang.japanese
Russian language tor students
URL: news:k12.lang.russian
By and tor school counselors
Math education
URL: news:k12.ed.math
Music and pertorming arts
Science education
Social studies
URL: news:k12.ed.soc·studles
Special education K-12 newsgroup
URL: news:k12.ed.special
Talented and gitted students
URL: news:k12.ed.tag
Technical and vocational education
K·12 Education Server
Educational resources and protects
URL: gopher://
:..oak 1n the CICNet Projects section
K·12 Goldmine Gopher
Educational resources tor students and teachers
URL: gopher://
KidLlnk Online Pro;ects
Very popular group ot worldwide onl1ne pro1ects
Type GET KIDLINK MASTER in the body oi
your message
KidLink Special Pro;ects
Incredible resources: run by Mark Hunnibe Look
1n the kidlmk subdirectory
URL: gopher://
Kids Action List
Students discuss what they can do about
different issues
Moderated by Dan Wheeler
Type SUBSCRIBE KIDS·ACT <Your Name> in
the body of your message
Kids Cafe Worldwide
Discussion list tor students Moderated by Dan
the body of your message
Mailing list tor K-12 eaucators A must' tor
teachers Moderated by Dr Bob Garlitz
URL: mailto:
in the body of your message
Liberty Law Library
Legal research. related information. Ahuge
reoos1rory of information of all types
URL: telnet://
Login lawlib
Library Media Services and Resources
Type SUBSCRIBE LM_NET <Your Name> in
the boay of your message
Library of Congress
URL: telnet://
Login: marvel
Library Card Catalog see CARL
Martin Luther King, Jr. Project
Over 2.500 bibliographic citations to works by
or about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
URL: telnet://
At the account prompt. enter socrates. When
asked tor response. enter select mlk
MathMaglc Project
Telecommunications pro1ect that provides
motivation tor students to use computers tor
problem solving. Divided into tour age-
appropriate groups. Students team up with other
school classes for email exchanges. You must
register to participate by sending amessage to
moderator Alan Hodson with information on
your class and you.
The MIT Tech Newsletter
Hypertext newspaper issued twice weekly
URL: http://the·
Music Server
NASA SpaceLink
Shuttle into. pictures. and lesson olans related
to NASA activities
Telephone: (205) 544-0038
Modem. (205) 895-0028
New Paradigms in Education
Exploring new paraa1gms and 1mplementat1on
in the body of your message
NetTeach News
K-12 newsletter available onl1ne lnformat1on of
interest to the K-12 educational community
Subscription is $15 per year tor online aelivery
Printed version available
Include your name. mailing address. email
address. and telephone and fax numbers
Palo Alto Weekly Newspaper
Penn State University College al Agriculture
but all sorts of 1nlormat1on
URL: telnet://
Login world
Primary School Discussion List
1n the body of your message
Quebec Information
See Schoo!net Canaaa and Radio Canada
Radio Canada - CBC
URL: http:/iWWW.isn.netJcbc/
Schoo/net Canada
Sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and
Science 1n Canada
URL: gopher:/
Scholastic K12 Information Center
Searchable databases of education material and
more. Suoscnorions available. but basic access 1s
Science Line BBS
Telephone (703) 243-7100
Modem. 1703) 841-5111
Science and Technology Information
URL: mallto:stis·
Modem: (703) 306-0212
Login: public
North Dakota's K-12 Network
Login· visitor and use the passwora sendlt2me
Shakespeare Online
URL: http://the·
Smarter Student
Childrens newsletter for grades 7-10 focused on
improving learning. Print version available for
$17 subscription: the onl1ne version is free
Sama/la News
Independent news gathering on political and other
developments in Somalia. Moderated from
Sweden by Or. Helander at the Cultural
Anthropology Department. University of Uppsala
URL: mallto:
URL: gopher://
Look in the oub1nircomm/gopher subdirectory
URL: news:soc.culture.african
URL: news:alt.current-events.somalla
Teacher Contact Database
Tnese are very large files listing teachers from
around the wand. Graciously maintained by
Sa11y Laugnon
URL: http:/;
Type get teacher1 contacts 1nthe body of
your message
Teacher Education Center
URL: gopher:/
Telecamputing Archive tor Teachers
Files on telecomputing pro1ects.
The Reading Roam
Journals, newsletters. and other texts at the
University of Maryland.
URL: gopher://
TldBlts Newsletter tar Mac
Emphasis on Mac computers and
the body of your message
Look in the pub/tidbits/issues subdirectory
URL: news:comp.sys.mac.dlgest
Trace Center tar Disabilities
Assistance with computer access for severely
URL: mallto:
Trart1/agues an the Net
Aw1de-rang1ng collection of travelogues and
guides written by volunteers from around the
world You'll get these first-hand reoons as
interesting supolements to your curricula
Source: The Educator's ~nternet Resource Handbook, 1997.
U.S. State Department Travel Advlsarles
Information on about ahundred countries
Look in tne pub/rravel-adv1sones subdirectory
URL: gopher://
Look in Internet Resources
URL: http:/
U.S. SufJIBme Court Decisions
Look in the hermes subdirectory
URL: telnet:l/
URL: gopherJ/
White Hause
URL: http:/
U.S. and Canadian weather conditions,
forecasts, skiing conditions. and marine
forecasts. Also current conditions (sky and
temperature) for ma1or cities worldwide, as well
as earthquake and hurricane reports. No login
name or password required.
Free Email Accounts{;how/email.htrn
Free Email Accounts
Why pay when you can getfor free?
How does this sound to you: A Free Email Account
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not and millions of people will tell you that you can get a free
email account from either Juno Online Services or HoTMaiL, the two largest "banner advertising"
supported companies.
Pioneering yet another innovative way to advertise, these companies will give you an email account in
exchange for a little information and a lot of advertising. With Juno's service, a little information
translates into answering 18 demographics questions about your education level, household income,
hobbies, and reading habits. Not surprisingly the companies use the information to make sure you will see
ads that fit your interest while using their email software.
Following in the tradition ofFreeloader, a software that delivers personalized News and Web Content to
your desktop, Juno and HoTMail bring you personalized advertising. The premise is you agree to the
advertising and they will give you free email. It's perfect for people who want a second email account,
one for work and another for personal use. And, of course, it rings a bell for those who like to save
money. Why should you pay for a first or even second email account when you can get one for free,
assuming you can resist the commercial advertising targeted just for you.
With over two million combined subscribers, security conscious people ask what these companies do to
prevent misuse? Misuse could take the form of"spamming": sending out gigabytes ofcommercial
messages to newsgroups and listservs, resulting in a lot ofirritated end-users or even worse-- crashing a
network from email overload. There is no sure way to prevent spamming. Instead, the companies put a
cap on how many emails you can send per session. Juno lets you send 50 emails per session and
HoTMaiL suggests you forward spam mail to
Whether you desire a free email account or not, one thing is for sure. Expect to see a lot more services
like these as well as even free web accounts. What will be next? Free Web T.V. accounts?
Quick Reference Chart
Juno Online l. PC (386 or higher)
spell checker, addressServices 1-800-654-JUNO
2. Modem (9600 or Good for home users. book
Dial-up higher)
Dial-up onlv mail folders, customized
based free 3. Windows 3.1 or
mailing lists
email higher
l. Own or just access to Anvone who wants
launches URLS within
HoTMaiL 408-222-7000
computer, any platform.
enclose and view
Web based universal access to
2. Need to be connected their
free email to
email address book, folders,
the Web. mailing lists
Other Recommended Free Email Services:
• Net Address
• Rocketmail (Special! Kl2 Students can sign-up for Rocket Mail for Education Program)
• Mailhost
• Akamail (Web and Pop Mail for $5.00 annual fee)
Copyright 1997, New Jersey lntercampus Network (NJIN)
LESLlE L. CHOW, "Free Email Accounts: Why Pay When You Can Find for Free?" (February 7, 1997).
The Smart T.V.
Smart T.V.
The Internet without a PC
While standards for high definition T.V. (HDTV) have yet to make their claim on the market, Web T.V.
has pioneered a new way to converge your T.V. to the Internet-- via a tranceiver (about the size ofa
VCR but a little smaller).
What makes Web T.V. unique from all other browsing methods is you can connect to the Internet from
any standard T.V. For those ofyou who get a lot ofemail per day and just don't have the time to read
every single message, imagine yourselfreading your email (or doing research on the WWW) from the
comfort ofyour favorite chair, a remote control, and your television.
For teachers and administrators, you can connect a classroom to the Internet and be able to project with
your school's T.V. Each student could have a chance to send and receive email or get information from
web sites by sharing the remote control and wireless keyboard, making it an ideal medium for
collaborative projects.
Ifyou're interested in getting connected to the Internet but don't have a small fortune to spare, then Web
T.V. could be a viable option. In fact, Web T.V. manufactors are targeting their product to the mass
market. Instead of spending several thousands ofdollars to buy an expensive PC, you could purchase
a Web T.V. receiver, wireless keyboard, and Internet connection ($19.95 per month, unlimited usage) for
less than a personal computer, assuming you already own a T.V.
The Web T.V. receiver comes with a 36.6 kbps internal modem and with the software already loaded,
making your connection a fairly simple procedure. So far only two manufactors are producing the Web
T.V. receivers: SONY and Magnavox. Both are competitively priced at ($329.00) with the option to buy
a wireless keyboard for an additional ($79-$69). However, ATI Technologies is working on an under
$500 card that will receive satellite TV signals and will work with Microsoft TV interface, making High
Definition T.V. a soon-to-be reality. ComStream and STV are also working on PC cards that will receive
satellite T.V. signals.
Ifyou're wondering ifany Internet Service Provider can connect your television, you can guess again.
Web T.V. Network is the only provider that can connect your television. It's a good idea to check with
them to make sure your phone number is a local access, otherwise there is a 1-800 number available.
One drawback to Web T.V. is there is no printing capability yet. Furthermore, without the wireless
keyboard you are limited at how fast you can type from the screen keyboard. Very importantly, you will
also not be able to run Java applets or any ofthe plug-ins: shockwave, VRML (3-D computer generated
worlds), mpeg, and audio and video capability, to name just a few.
The best way to decide ifWeb T.V. is for you, your school, or your company, is to actually take a look at
the product. You can go to Best Buys, Circuit City, or the Wiz (commerical retailers that specialize in
audio & video equipment in the U.S.A.) to experience first-hand getting connected with a T.V.
What You Will Need:
1. Any Standard T. V. with audio and video capability
2. A Web T. V. Receiver
The Smart T.V.
3. Any Standard Phone Line
4. Internet Web TV. Account ($19.95 per month) from Web TV. Network (
Quick Referenee Chart
1.$329.99 for Web T.V.
• Searching ability
• Email I Email
message light
2.$79.99 for Wireless
• Bookmark favorite
• 33.6 kbps modem
• Email I Message
Waiting Light
1.$329.99 for Web T.V. • 5 Individual
Receiver Mailboxes 1-888-813-7069
• Surfwatch for Child
2. $69.00 for Wireless Protection
Keyboard • 33.6 kbps modem
• Lineshare
• Expansion Port
Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. One type ofprogram you can create is
called an applet. Applets can take the form ofgames, speadsheets, or the applet-du-jour -- animation.
What makes Java special is you can download an entire program for the browser to run locally (on your
computer). This saves on downloading time while still being able to benefit from those cool looking web
sites. Netscape has supported Java applets since its 2.0 version.
Web Addresses:
1. Web T.V. Service Look-up (check to see ifyour phone number is a local call)
Please send questions to:
Copyright 1997, New Jersey Intercampus Network (NJIN)
LESLIE L. CHOW, "Smart T.V." (February 12, 1997).

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K-12 Partnership Conference

  • 1. C:XE:ES:E Centerfor Improved Engineering and Science Education Stevens Institute ofTechnology NKIWOR.KJNG INFRASTRUCTURE IN EDUCATION (NIE) Connecting People and Information
  • 2. New Jersey lntercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point on the Hudson Hoboken, NJ 07030 Phone: (201) 216-8342 Fax: (201) 216-8344 Email: AGENDA K-12 Partnership Conference: Internet Connectivity and Science Conference The partnership is offered by the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) at Stevens Institute of Technology in cooperation with the New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NHN). AGENDA September 19, 1997 Stevens Institute ofTechnology Student Center Bissinger Room, 4th Floor Hoboken, NJ 9:00 a.m. Coffee and Refreshments 9:30 a.m. Welcome George Carroll, Executive Director, NJIN 9:45 a.m. Video: "Connecting to the Future" 10:05 a.m. An Update: Internet Connectivity in New Jersey George Carroll, Executive Director, NJIN 10:50 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. K12 Curriculum Resources on the Internet Mercedes McKay, Internet Training Specialist, NJIN 11:30 a.m. Net Day New Jersey Preston Dodd, Director ofNet Dav NJ Over
  • 3. 11:45 a.m. Lunch AFTERNOON SESSIONS 12:45 - 1:25 p.m. 1. Connecting a School System Wide Area Network (WAN) WAN, Jerry Rabinowitz, Media Convergence 1:30 - 2:10 p.m. 2. Connecting a Local Area Network (LAN) LAN, Michael Dobe, Rutgers University 2:20 - 3:00 p.m. 3. Single User Connections at School and at Home Dial-up and SLIP/PPP access, Bhupinder S. Sran, DeVry Institute 3:00 p.m. Adjourn
  • 4. Tr.11ning 1s offered in the conteJtt of NJSSrs panncr m~utulions' profe~lonal declopmenl networks, through regional workhop' conducted throughout the "me; and through dH.trict wide turnkey training effort, , These "troin-lhe-lrainer" initiative urc developing un infra~lructure within participuting districts of qualified Internet trainer~ who will serve as laff developers and d!S!>Cmmators of these Internet based instructional approaches in science and m:ubematics. Olhcr, intensive Jnteme1-ba~ed curricular projccls include collabor:itions in which schools from designated "special needs" di~tricts and high technology schools in New Jc~ey partner with corporations and national resources such as Bellcore. the Princeton Plasma Physics laboratory. the Waksman Institute and the CoVis proJCCl at 'llorthwest- em University. These 11111iauvcs focus on weather and meteorological ,1udics, molecu- lar biology, materials science, energy, fusion. eleclricity/rnagnetism, and nidiution. Project approaches emphasize hand~ on experimen- tation 111 the investigation of real-life science problem, the virtual. on-hne u~ of..ophisti- catcd '"'trumentation. ~uch ru. the fu"on rcactor at PPPL and scanmng electron micro- scopes, and collaboration with lending national scientists and 01hcr professional expc1ts. In 1.1dd1tion, NJNlE is re;ichmg out to stu- dent, tc:ichcrs, parents and the community lhroullh the broadcast of a 10-pan. tivc-bour 1clev110n series on the lntcmct in ..cience edu.:auon These program' ...:cl.. to lrengtbeo Intcmcl literacy and promote the u..e of tele- communications among thc'c con,tituencies in 01dcr to provide more equilahle ucccss to libraries, museums. dalub;iscs untl 01hcr on-line resources. NJ KnowledgcNct hus been broad- c:lI ~everal times by New Jer~cy Network. v.h1ch reaches viewers in New Jcr.ey. New York. and pans of Pcnni.yl..ania To date. more than 75.000 viewer. ha,·c watched this "C!nc,, and tapes are avrulahlc to ..chools and fam1hcs through NJN. For 111ore information about NJN lri, conlact Lbe projec1office at Stevens ln~titulc ofTechnol- ogy ut 201-216-5375, via email 31 or through the v.cb Ile 31 New Jersey Networking lnfrustruclure in F,cJuc11llon (N.JNfE) Project Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (ClF,SE) SteH•DS Institute or Technology CastJe Point on Hud.w n Hoboken, NJ 07030 l~dwa1·d Friedman, Director Ul!lh McGrath, Dcputv Uiredor New Jersey Networking lnfrastructure in Education (NJNIE) Project A Collaboration.for the /111provement ofK-12 Science and Mathen1atics through the Use of Internet and Telecon11nu11ications Resources Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) Stevens Institute of Technology
  • 5. The New Jersey Networking lnfrastruciure in Education (NJNlE) Project is a $2.9 million initiative funded m October 1994 by the National Science Foundation which aim!> to promote the meaningful use of lntemet tn science, ma1hcmatici.. and technology educa- tion in more than 500 i.chools throughou1 the ~iaie. NJNIE suppons i.chools involved in 1hc New Jersey Statewide Systemic lni1ia1ive (NJSSI) and those from "special needs" diMriet.~. Based at Stevens lnstitule ofTech- nology. NINLE is collaborating wi1h 1he following panners in the 1mplemcn1a1ion of this project: • the New Jerwy Statewide Systemic lni1ia1ive • the New Jer~ey Depanment of Educmion • the New Jersey lntercampus Net- work (NHN) • Bell Atlantic • Bellcore • the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory • the Waksman Institute at Rutgers Univer..ity • Northwestern University's CoVis Project • Educational Testing Service • the New Jersey State Library • New Jersey Network, and others. NJNTE seeks to create and diffuse compelling, content-rich applications of telecommunica- tions and the Internet in K- 12 science and mathematics and to create a community of learner.. among educators in New Jersey who can effectively use telccommun1cauons to enrich science instruction by: providing rcal- world conteitlS for science inquiry: acccs~mg data and information which is used by real scientislS and researchers; eJtponenually eJtpanding the information resource~ available to ~tudcnts and teachers: strengthening rnalh- cmatics skills and logically integrating math- ematics with science through data analysis: and fostering communication and collabora- tion by siudems and teachers wi1h each other and with scientists and other eitpens nround the globe. Outreach iovol~es hands-on 1cachcr worbhops; administrator conferences and dfalogue on school, district, and communny networking issues; and in-school technical support and consultation to facilitate Internet connectivity. By the end of 1996, NJNIE will have conducted training and ou1rcach pro- grams for more than 2,500 educators from 500 schools. Training programs include skill-oriented and curriculum-focused workshops designed to provide users with the tools and techniques for utiliiing Internee-based resources for commu- nication. research, and curriculum enrichment. An overarching theme for all NJ~IE programs is the dissemination of applications which are compelling and unique to the Internet. Train- ing emphasizes Lhe use of lnternct for commu- nication and collaboration with practicing scientists, mathematicians and other citperts, as welJ as the use of "real time" data. such as daily incidence.<, of earthquakes around Lhe globe or hourly updates on weather evenlS, to collect. analylC, model, and predict using live data. Workshop~ empha11e a "handl>-on" approach in which educators gain proficiency with using 1he Internet and become familiar with strategics for integrating Internet resources into their classes. CurTCnt course offerings include: • Basic Internet Training (email, connectivity. i.carcrung) • On-Line Library Resources (full- tCJtt access 10 350Journals and periodicals) • Advanced Searching Strategies • Internet Applications for Educa1ors (collaborative prOJCCts, national prOJCCtS) • Designing Your Own Web Site/ Web Site llelp Lab • Exploring Meteorology Using the Internet • Exploring Geology Using the lntcmel • Exploring Oceanography Using the Internet • Eitploring Environmental Siudies Using the Internet • Models for K- 12 ln1crnet Connectivity (Admlllistrator Conference)
  • 6. THE CENTER FOR IMPROVED ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (CIESE) at Stevens Institute of Technolo2J CIESE was established in 1988 to enhance mathematics and science education through the effective use of computer technology. Since its inception, CIESE has received more than $6.4 million in public and private support to work with school systems to assist teachers and administrators in applying computer technology to enhance mathematics and science instruction and student achievement. CIESE is serving as the lead organization in a National Science Foundation project to create a statewide testbed for utilization ofthe Internet in K-12 mathematics, science and technology education. This $2.9 million, three-year, Networking Infrastructure in Education (NIE) effort is being pursued in collaboration with the New Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative (SSI) for educational development. The Bell Atlantic Corporation is providing significant additional resources. The NIE project seeks to work with at least 500 New Jersey schools that are either active in the SSI program or are in Special Needs Districts. The NJ KnowledgeNet public television series of 10 thirty-minute programs on the use oflnternet in K-12 science classrooms is an NIE initiative. Under a recently concluded three-year National Science Foundation grant, CIESE collaborated with 16 school systems in New Jersey on a teacher enhancement and mentoring project. This project actively involved 39 participating 6-10 grade mathematics teachers, as well as school administrators who must plan and budget for system-wide technology implementation and support. CIESE has produced a series of four 40-minute in-service teacher training modules to facilitate this mentoring process. These tapes are available for use by other school systems and training programs. CIESE is also working with regional school systems as an SSI site to promote technology enhancement ofK-8 mathematics and science learning. Project-based learning is being promoted that incorporates several technologies, including Lego/Logo, microcomputer-based laboratories, Internet, and data analysis software. Other CIESE programs are being supported in collaboration with regional business-education alliances in New Jersey. In the spring of 1994, CIESE completed production of 21 90-minute teacher training videoconferences on the use oftechnology in mathematics. To date, more than 500 teachers from 150 school systems in New Jersey alone, as well as teachers from at least 15 states, have participated in these videoconferences. Produced in cooperation with New Jersey Network and broadcast via the Satellite Educational Resources Consortium (SERC), these videoconferences include live panel discussions by CIESE staffand leading teachers who use technology in their classes; taped documentaries ofreal classroom experiences ofteachers using technology in mathematics instruction; and demonstrations ofvarious software packages. CIESE is an initiative of Stevens Institute of Technology, a private, independent, technological university located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Stevens, founded in 1870, was the first college in the country to require undergraduates to own or lease a personal computer. Stevens has extensive experience in integrating computer technology into the curriculum. For more information, contact Dr. Edward A. Friedman, Director of CIESE, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, tel: 201-216-5375, fax: 201-216-5385, E-mail: NJ-NIE Home Page: Aug. 14, 1997
  • 7. New Jersey lntercampus Network (Inc.) With offices at Rutgers University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and William Paterson College, the New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) is a non-profit corporation which fosters the development and implementation ofvideo, voice and data networking in higher education, libraries and school systems in the State ofNew Jersey. Forty-five private and public colleges and universities are institutional members ofthe organization. A number of school districts, corporations, and government entities are cooperative members. When founded in the mid 1980s NJIN was supported entirely by the State through the Department ofHigher Education. In 1993 it became a non-profit educational corporation which is supported by membership dues, service fees, grants and contracts. The New Jersey Intercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) has played a key role in facilitating the understanding and the use ofinformation technologies throughout higher education in the state. By establishing key collaborations with data and video network providers, and by demonstrating applications of such network linkages, NJIN has helped to effect a dramatic increase in interest and utilization of such technologies. It is this "value-added" role which NJIN plans to expand for the benefit of all New Jersey's educational community. The focus will be on expanding participation in networking applications by college and universities, as well as on bringing the advantages ofnetworking to college-school collaborations. NJIN operates through the Board of Trustees and a variety oftask forces and committees, involving volunteers from all sectors ofhigher education, liaisons at every college, and many industry and government representatives. NJIN defines its primary functions as a broker, facilitator, coordinator, and partner working with the colleges, schools, and services providers to create an integrated human and technological network. An important part ofthis role for NJIN is as an incubator for the development ofkey services, which will eventually become self-supporting entities or services provided by other vendors. NJIN's Objectives: 1. To foster the use ofinformation technology to enhance teaching, learning, services and scholarship in primary, secondary and higher education in New Jersey. 2. To empower faculty, students, and administrators to function effectively in a society which has become increasingly reliant upon information technologies. 3. To facilitate the development ofthe information technologies ofvoice, data and video in order to better achieve the mission ofthis organization and enhance the educational opportunities ofNew Jersey students and faculty and administrators. 4. To foster access to information technologies by the broadest number of students, faculty, and staffto enhance their teaching, learning, service, and scholarship. NJIN's Web Site
  • 8. Connecting To The Future NASA Video Developing A Technology Plan - Assess Your Needs - Create Partnerships - Identify Your Connectivity Options - Plan for On-Going Support - Train the Users - Build Support for Your Plan - Involve the Community K-12 Partnership Program, Connectivity Conference, Stevens Institute of Technology, September l9, l997
  • 9. • Welcome K-12 Partnership Conference Models for Internet Connectivity September 19, 1997 lVlercedes lVlcK:ay K-12 Curriculm Resources on the Internet • Questions That lVlay be Goin2 Throu2h Your lVlinds • Real Examples of Internet Use in the Classroom • Compellin2 Uses of the Internet in Education • Tips for Successful Implementation of the Internet Questions That May be Going Through Your Minds: • How can teachers use this technology effectively in their classrooms? • Will students learn any better using this technology than by more traditional means? • What if you only have one connection in your classroom? • Is there any advantage to using the Internet over stand-alone software or CD-ROMs? • How can you convince taxpayers or donors to your school that this is a worthwhile • investment? Real Examples of Internet Use in the Classroom: • See the latest pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope • Analyze real data taken from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab • Perform a "virtual" density lab in preparation for doing a real density lab • Get daily air pollution levels from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and compare them to levels obtained from their own air sampling tests • Compare water quality results from tests in a local river to readings obtained by students at other locations around the country • Correspond with a wind turbine manufacturer to determine the best type of design to determine the best type of design to use in constructing a scaled, model wind turbine • Keep up-to-date with national and local environmental legislation that is in the works
  • 10. Compelling Uses of the Internet in Education: • Continuously Updated Real Time Data • Communication and Collaboration with Peers and Experts • Publishing Student Work to the World • Sources of Unique Information ( Tips for Successful Implementation of the Internet: • Get a fast and reliable connection to the Internet • Develop or participate in projects that use the Internet for unique and compelling purposes • Provide teacher training and on-going support
  • 11. New Jersey lntercampus Network, Inc. (NJIN) EVALUATION FORM FOR K-12 Partnership Program Internet Connectivity and Science Conference September 19, 1997 Directions: Please take a few moments to let us know how we're doing. Your feedback and comments are very important to us. The information will be used to identify ways for us to continuously improve our connectivity conferences. Thank you © Name (optional):________________________ Institution: ---------------------------~ 1. How effective was the program? []Excellent [] Very Good [] Good []Fair []Poor 2. How would you rate your time spent and benefits gained? []Excellent [] Very Good [] Good []Fair []Poor 3. Please check the afternoon sessions you attended: __ Single User Connections at School and Home __ Connecting a Local Area Network (LAN) __ Connecting a School Systems Wide Area Network (WAN) 4. Comments: 5. Suggested follow-up topics for future Connectivity conferences: Please feel free to use the back for more comment space.
  • 12. Registration For NETDAY NJ A collaborative effort by schools, volunteers, & sponsors to connect 1,000 schools to the Internet Check one: 0CITIZEN VOLUNTEER 0SCHOOL-CONTACT PERSON OcoRPORATFJORGANIZATioN SPONSOR Name: Mailing Address: Tele# ( ) Fax# ( Email: Employer: City: School Name: for·School Contact Person School Name: Address: ) Principal's Name: Date for Wiring: for Cor~orate/Or_ganization S~onsor Sponsor Name: Address: Your Title: Mail or fax to: NETDAYNJ c/o The Partnership for New Jersey 109 Church St. New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Fax: 908-545-8573 Office Information: Date Information sent/recd: Date Registered:
  • 13. Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 1 of 3 Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay Introduction: Here are the key tasks for a successful NetDay in your school based on the experience in 400+ NetDay wirings. You may customize the order of the steps according to your needs. Under each step are references to sections of the NetDay website which will be helpful. 1. Calendar NetDay... Let the NetDay Staffknow your wiring date and begin to get the word out to potential sponsors and volunteers. Register your school on the NetDay website. Registration Instructions NetDay Contact Information 2. Recruit Sponsors.... Send letters to potential sponsors about your NetDay enclose a budget and equipment list. Include a form for them to get back to you on their involvement. Follow up with a phone call or visit. Collect donations and determine additional funding required. Where to Look for Sponsors Form Letters Sponsor List Donated Kit Application 3. Recruit Volunteers... Send letters or hand out a take-home to students seeking volunteers for your NetDay. Enclose a form and instructions for them to get back to you. Set up your lists ofvolunteers identifying technical volunteers and check the NetDay site for online registrations at your school. Sample Letter Sample Recruiting Brochure 8/27/97 9:41:32AM
  • 14. Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of3 4. Schedule a Technical Walk Thru... In preparation for NetDay, schedule a walk thru to determine the classrooms to be wired, the central point, the cable runs, and the required buidling preparations. The walk thru team should consist ofa school administrator, school organizer, building maintenance person, and wiring technician. At the end ofthe walk thru outline the project tasks and assign responsiblities to NetDay team organizer(s). Site Survey Sample Floor Plan 5. Go to NetDay Training... Several ofthe NetDay volunteer team can attend a half-day workshop for NetDay process and classroom wiring. In addition, download wiring guides from the Internet or join a wiring class online and order a video tape. Calendar ofEvents Websites for Training Wiring Guidelines Order Videotape ofNetDay 6. Outline a Project Plan... Write up a project plan covering tasks needed for the Preparation, NetDay Event and Follow-up. Create materials for supporting the plan, eg. volunteer waiver forms, handouts for NetDay, press releases, thank you letters, agenda, etc. Sample Project Plan Sample Floor Plan Sample Timeline Sample Press Release 7. Prepare Materials for the Wiring Day... Using the agenda for NetDay and the Project Plan set up the procedures your volunteer team will need for wiring classrooms on NetDay. Designate an orientation room for volunteers and dispatch area for equipment. Show videotape to volunteers when they arrive. Sample Agenda Tools & Equipment Checklist 8/27/97 9:41:42AM
  • 15. Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of3 Volunteer Waiver Form 8. Order the Wiring Equipment... Order NetDay wiring kits and expansion kits for the project from NetDay suppliers. Order tools and wall mounting equipment from any electrical supply outlet. Kit Information Equipment Checklist 9. Arrange for the Building Preparation... Ask building maintenance support to drill the necessary holes for the NetDay cable runs and confirm the wiring plan. Document the specifications on a school floor plan and duplicate for NetDay volunteers. Sample Floor Plan 10. Communicate with the NetDay Community... When your schools complete their NetDay event, let us know! Contactthe NetDay NJ support staffwith your information. You can reach NetDay NJ at: The Partnership for New Jersey 109 Church St. New Brunswick, NJ 08901 or online at or call 1-888-NJNETDAY (1-888-656-3832) Go back to the NetDay registration site and enter the Internet School Roll Call and add your stories to the national bulletin boards. NOTE: Ifyou have a paper copy ofthis page, you can retrieve Ten Steps to a Successful NetDay online at or contact the NetDay NJ support staffat 888-656-3832. 8/27/97 9:41:45 AM
  • 16. CABLE AND EDUCATIONIN NEW JERSEY Project Descriptions As a direct response to the growing challenges facing New Jersey schools, New Jersey cable operators have initiated a wide range ofinnovative programs in cooperation with educational institutions around the state. Infrastructure The cable industry's premier communications network is uniquely capable ofdelivering telecommunications services to the educational community in an efficient and cost effective manner. Cable's existing high capacity networks can move large amounts ofinformation quickly via a hybrid fiber optic/coaxial (HFC) cable design. This state-of-the-art technology can provide two-way video, audio and data communications for the educational community Cable in the Classroom As part ofthe national Cable in the Classroom project, over 2,000 schools and libraries throughout New Jersey are wired for cable service free of charge. This means that the infrastructure described above is already in place in an enormous number ofeducational institutions. Additionally, Cable in the Classroom offers high quality, commercial-free educational programs to participating schools, at no charge. The program includes curriculum based support materials and extended copyright clearances that allow teachers to replay Cable in the Classroom programs on videotape. Please note that the cable industry has wired the majority of schools in New Jersey. It is not universal because many schools have refused to participate. In a small number ofcases, a particularly remote geographic location is a factor. High Speed Education Connection The National Cable Television Association recently announced this comprehensive commitment to provide elementary and secondary schools across the country with basic, high speed Internet access free of charge. During the first year ofthe project, more than 3,000 schools in over 60 communities will benefit from this unprecedented initiative. Here in New Jersey, Adelphia Cable Communications and Comcast Cablevision are participating in this initial phase ofthe effort. Selected schools in Dover Township and Essex and Union Counties will be receiving free cable modems within the next year. Communitv Access Channels The vast majority of school districts throughout the state have some ability to utilize a cable access channel. Beyond this, cable has provided dozens ofeducational entities with dedicated access channels for their exclusive programming use. In many cases, cable has also provided or funded a studio.
  • 17. The following are briefsummaries ofsome specific educational initiatives being spearheaded by cable systems around the state. GARDEN STATE CABLE TV - CamNet CamNet is an interactive system connecting Camden County schools directly to Camden County Library resources, the Internet and to databases worldwide over Garden State Cable's broadband network. Technically speaking, CamNet is a 500 Kbps, Ethernet-based Wide Area Network (WAN) terminated at the library's VAX computer. It functions as a gateway and is linked to the Internet over a 1.5 Mbps telephone line. COMCAST CABLEVISION Columbia Middle School, Berkeley Heights - Comcast has interconnect 30 PC stations at Columbia Middle School with Bell Labs via fiber optic cable. Through the fiber interconnection and a server located at Bell Labs, students are accessing the Internet at high-speed rates. The fiber optic cable installed by Comcast offers the ability to locate information much more quickly than is possible when using a traditional telephone line connection. With access to this network, Columbia students have a world of information at their fingertips, helping to develop their computer literacy and thinking skills. New Providence School District - Comcast has also teamed with the New Providence school district to provide Internet access to students in that community via fiber optic cable. New Providence has developed an educational plan which will include ongoing communications with its sister school in Japan during the 1995-1996 school year. Union Township School District - The Union Township school district employs a computer- aided instructional program for its elementary and middle school students. The software allows students to learn at their own pace, to receive tailored homework assignments and get individualized feedback from teachers. Comcast and the Union school system have worked together on a pilot project where fifth grade students have access to the district's central server via Comcast's cable system. This allows students to continue their studies at home - after school or when sick - and encourages parents to participate in the process. MercerNet - This 2.6 million project recently got a boost from the U.S. Department of Commerce with a $700,000 grant. Comcast, working with Mercer Community College and eight county school districts and public libraries, will build an interactive Wide Area Network (WAN), linking specially equipped rooms in each ofthe district high schools and homework centers with each other and with each ofthe county's public libraries, community and state colleges, the Invention Factory Science Center and county special services centers. The network will provide: 1) interactive full motion video for distance learning and community programming; 2) increased access to the Internet from schools, libraries and homework centers; 3) data access between the sites at Ethernet speeds; and 4) an interface to multimedia video libraries within the county and beyond.
  • 18. CABLEVISION OF NEWARK - ExtraHelp Launched in February of 1994, ExtraHelp is a live, two-hour, interactive homework hotline cablecast two afternoons each week by Cablevision ofNewark. Students are able to call in homework problems, talk to an instructor and see the solutions worked out on their television screens. The program features help in both mathematics and English at the elementary and secondary levels. The program has been endorsed by the new state-appointed administration in Newark. TKR CABLE COMPANY - "Interactive Educational Service Suite" TKR Cable Company is presenting a concept proposal to school districts throughout its service areas in the state for the provision ofan array ofdistance learning services which they call an "Interactive Educational Service Suite." TKR systems are currently undergoing network upgrades which will allow them to provide these services. They include: Broadband Institutional Connection (ICN) services; interactive video; educational data networks - connecting the local networks (LAN) in each school 1th a high speed Wide Area Network (WAN); high speed Internet access; and educational access channels. Green Brook Pilot - TKR Tri-System recently unveiled a pilot High Speed Internet Access project at Green Brook Middle School. C-TEC CABLE C-TEC Cable has provided a two way voice, video and data interconnection among the public schools in Princeton which is tied into the network at Princeton University. TCI OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY In September of 1995, TCI ofNorthern New Jersey installed a fiber optic link for the River Edge school system, connecting Riverdell High School and Junior High School. The individual fibers were spliced into the Local Area Network (LAN) equipment in both schools which is used for myriad purposes including attendance. The fiber link replaces a coaxial link run by TCI ten years ago for similar purposes.
  • 19. School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing '·· Rom~ Use-Policy Resources On the Internet AskERIC's Virtual Library Acceptable Use Policies Directory: gopher:// 11/Guides/Agreements AUPs on Armadillo, the Texas Studies gopher: gopher:// 8002/7?acceptable+use K-12 Acceptable Use Policies Frequently-Asked Questions: Emailto:info@classroom net and type the words "send aup-faq" in the body ofyour message. Or use a Web browser to access the following URL: Classroom-Connect/aup-faq.t".1 To subscribe to a listserv dedicated to the discussion of K-12 AUPs: Email your request to using the word "subscribe" in the body ofyour message. To post messages to the list, email Resource list courtesy of AskERIC Hamburg Central School District's Parent/Guardian Consent for Student Use of Computerized Information Resources I am the parent/guardian of OLPlanning&Management Technology February 1996 Supervised Surfing Use policies help ensure appropriate Internet access in the Hamburg Central School District By Julie Higginbotham The rich resources of the Internet can be both boon and bane to school districts. The Net puts a formidable array ofwritten and graphic information at staff and students' fingertips, but administrators and parents are jittery about its highly publicized dark side. Figuring out how to mine the Internet's treasures while blocking access to pornography and other objectionable materials has been a top priority for the Hamburg (N.Y.) Central School District. The district's four elementary schools, junior high and high school are relying on a two-pronged strategy, coupling tight supervision with a carefully crafted acceptable-use policy. "As in so many situations, we're trying to engender good will and understanding--trying to balance value with liability," says superintendent Donald A. Ogilvie. Lance Eggleston, director of instructional technology, adds: "The Internet is so new, and we recognize the potential for problems and difficulties. But the benefit of having access to resources from all over the world needs to be stressed." Connectivity Paves the Way Computers have been a key tool in the district since the early 1980s. Starting with a few Apple Ils, the district moved forward to create computer labs and automate library catalogs and administrative functions. During the past four years, a strong technology push has resulted in better connectivity within and among buildings, making districtwide Internet links possible. Today, each school has a fully automated library and a minimum of three servers, handling instructional materials, the library and a networked CD-ROM tower. Students have access to networked computers in the libraries and in labs, which vary in number from school to school. Each building is linked to the district's local-area network (LAN); the existing system is a Token Ring network using type IA shielded cable. A recent bond issue will provide money for running fiber optic cable from existing hubs to individual classrooms. Hamburg's long-range plan calls for installing a cluster of five computers plus a teacher's 1-S-
  • 20. School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing I am the parent/guardian of [fill in student name], the minor student who has signed the district's agreement for student use of computerized information resources. I have been provided with a copy and I have read the district's policy and regulations concerning use of the DCS [district computer system]. I also acknowledge receiving notice that, unlike most traditional or library media materials, the DCS will potentially allow my son/daughter student access to external computer networks not controlled by the school district. I understand that some materials available through these external computer networks may be inappropriate and objectionable; however, I acknowledge that it is impossible for the district to screen or review all ofthe available materials. I accept responsibility to set and convey standards for appropriate and acceptable use to my son/daughter when using the DCS or any other electronic media or communications. I agree to release the Hamburg Central School District, the Board of Education, its agents and employees from any and all claims of any nature arising from my son/daughter's use of the DCS in any manner whatsoever. I agree that my son/daughter may have access to the DCS and I agree that this may include remote access from our home. [Parent/Guardian Signature; Date] computer in each room, freeing teachers from reliance on the labs. New wireless radio modems are also planned to improve connectivity between district buildings, most of which are currently linked through phone lines. Hamburg's exploration of the Internet was spurred by a pilot project in the early 1990s. Community members with computer knowledge came forward to ask administrators how their expertise could be used in the schools. Their input helped Hamburg develop the Cathedra Project: an experimental Internet server installed at the senior high, funded in part by state grants. "The project demonstrated tllat we could run Mac and IBM with simultaneous voice and video," says Eggleston. "We showed that off with a voice/video link to Amsterdam [the Netherlands]. We have since upgraded the server and can now access hard drives and printers anywhere in the world." The district's Internet access continues to be provided by the Cathedra server , which communicates with a local Internet service provider via wireless radio modem. Remote access at outlying sites is controlled with security priveleges set up by each building's designated systems operator. By avoiding phone line charges, the wireless setup is saving the district a considerable amount of money, Eggleston says: "We own the wireless modems at both ends, and we rent some space on the service provider's roof for an antenna. We pay them a monthly charge for access. A year's worth costs us about $6,000--and that's unlimited access. "By comparison, our district's phone lines are billed at a commercial rate, so a senior high with regular 40-minute class periods from 8 to 4 could end up costing $8,000 or $12,000 a year. This way, we get a very fast, dedicated line without that phone line charge." Defining Acceptable Use Linking to the Net was a relatively straightforward process. Making sure the technology would be used appropriately presented a thornier challenge. Hamburg relies partly on a strongly worded acceptable-use policy. About a year and a half ago, as a starting point, Eggleston downloaded a number of existing policies on the Internet (sidebar, above). He also obtained copies of the policy used in Silver Creek, a nearby district. Eggleston distributed this information to members of the district's technology council, which includes teachers, staff, parents and students. The council appointed a subcommittee to draft a policy for Hamburg. After three revisions, plus reviews by the superintendent and an attorney, a final policy was passed by the school board without controversy last fall. "The board has a very keen awareness of the problems we were trying to prevent," says Ogilvie. " Ifthere was any major area of concern, it's the whole notion of making people so accountable for something that is part of a normal instructional activity. But again, we're trying to balance the richness of the resources with the fact that we don't know where some of those resources are coming from--and the increasing
  • 21. School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing l996/article039.html where some of those resources are coming from--and the increasing tendency for the public to hold districts accountable as a result of their supervisory role." The district created separate two-page versions ofthe policy for staff and students. The staffversion covers such topics as unauthorized use resulting in expenses to the district; equipment damage; use of unauthorized software; and privacy and copyrights. The version for students and parents touches on most of the same issues but spends more time clarifying the fact that the computer system provides access to networks that are not controlled or screened by the district. This version also details which Net resources are off limits, including "materials that are unlawful, obscene, pornographic [or] abusive." Obscene and vulgar language and harassing behavior are prohibited. The policy explains that student files on the network are analogous to lockers: district property subject to control and inspection, rather than private property impervious to searches. Both policy versions also regulate use of the network via home or other off-site computers. They give the district the right to take legal action against anyone who willfully damages computers or data. Teachers, students and staff who want to use the district's system must sign an agreement stating they understand the policy and will abide by it. Parents or guardians of minors must also sign an agreement, which specifically releases the district from legal action arising from their children's use of the system (sidebar, right). Parents are responsible for explaining the rules to young students, since there is no separate policy in elementary-level language. The policy and agreements will be evaluated annually by the technology council, and Eggleston says revisions, possibly including a simplified version, are likely in the future. Keeping parents informed was a cornerstone of the district's policy development. Parents were part ofthe subcommittee that prepared the policy, which was discussed at several board meetings and in the district newsletter before implementation. The final policy and consent forms were delivered to families by direct mail in an effort to make sure they would reach their destination. Without a signed parental consent, students are not allowed to use the computer system. So far, says Eggleston, only one family in the district has withheld permission. "One major concern we had was to allow parents who had concerns--for whatever reason--the opportunity to say no," he says. "We tried to address that in drafting our policy." Supervision and Gatekeepers Careful supervision also helps ensure that students can exploit the Internet without straying into danger zones. Each elementary school provides access at a single site in the library or lab, and students use the system only with direct supervision by a teacher or media specialist. In the junior high, access is available at one site in the library--again, only under supervision. As the new fiber optic cabling makes direct classroom access possible, site-based decision-making teams will have to decide whether to bring 3-5
  • 22. School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing l996/article039.html the Net to each room. The senior high offers broader access in its two 30-student computer labs. Here, students cannot be individually supervised during every moment they spend on the Net. Yet, says Eggleston, "We still have constant vigilance on the part ofthe lab manager and the teacher. They have to have training before they or their students can log on. The lab manager in particular has considerable training; she can tell if a student is off into an area where there's trouble just by looking at the screens." The district also considered "gatekeeper" software, which blocks access to objectionable sites--usually by creating and updating lists of URL addresses. Hamburg ultimately rejected the idea, however. "The problem was not only the initial cost, but also comprehensiveness," says Eggleston. "The Web is so dynamic that sites that might be considered objectionable tend to move around. Software that is set up to block certain URLs won't be valuable when those sites move. You're constantly updating software and are still never sure ifyou're protected." Hamburg officials had also heard that talk in some legal circles seemed to imply that, ifa district attempts to block access, it might actually incur more liability than by putting the onus on students and parents through use policies. "We have tried to protect our system, software and students without resorting to censorship," Eggleston says. Communication Is Key Ogilvie and Eggleston have several pieces ofadvice for districts grappling with the joys and perils of the Net. "You have to realize you're becoming part of a network--electronic and hu-man," says Ogilvie. "You should survey other people's experiences and gain a good understanding of all the facets of the problem: legal, informational, community standards. Develop a sense of the whole context in which the policy is going to exist." An involved and well-trained teaching staff should have strong influence on use policies, as should parents, Ogilvie says. "And in the world we live in, you are very well advised to seek legal counsel throughout the process--and definitely before the board acts." The sooner the district begins discussing its plans with the public, the better, Eggleston says. "I'd stress the need for communication early on, so the staffand the community are well aware ofwhat you're doing and of the educational benefits for the youngsters--especially since the press on the Internet has been largely negative. We should have been talking to the community for a year and a half, so our policy didn't seem to be a quick decision. " Lead time is important. You need to develop a real sense of community standards," Eggleston says. In the end, according to Ogilvie, commonsense techniques and savvy teachers can go a long way toward making the Internet the exciting educational resource it's supposed to be: "There are many ways to prevent negatives from occurring. Before you attempt a written policy, pay attention to the way you physically locate the equipment and the way you supervise student use. When you really
  • 23. School Planning and Management Articles - Article 0039 - Supervised Surfing boil it down, that's just good classroom management." Home IAbout the Magazine IMarketplace Construction Report IArticle Archive IOther Sites Copyright 1997 by Peter Li Education Group. All rights reserved. Web site furnished by Inlet. Please report problems to Apr. 23, 1997 -
  • 24. T H E Hovv to Select an Internet Service Provider BY DANA H. SHULTZ HEffHER YOU are an individual looking for dial- up access or a technology manager needing a full-time Internet connection, choosing among thousands oflntemet Service Providers (ISPS) can be a challenge. Many people are unhappy with their providers. LAN Times recently reported that, of 150 subscnbers surveyed, 45 percent switched ISPs during the past year and another 27 percent were planning to switch in the near future. Ifyou are in the market for an ISP, here are some factors you should consider: • Speed. Both your connection to the ISP (28800 bits per second on up) and the ISP's internal network and connection to the national backbone (TI or, preferably, T3) should be as fast as you can afford. • User-to-port ratio. Typically between 10: 1and20: 1, this should be as low as possible to make sure lines will be available when you need them. Dana H. Shultz zs an Oakland, Calif-based lawyer, certified manage- ment consultant and speaker specializ- ing in office technology and online marketing. He may be reached by e- mail at and on the World Wide Web at http:// NEWSLETTER: LEGAL & BUSINESS ASPECTS • Local access. Lets you avoid long-distance (dial-up) or mileage (leased-line) charges. Be wary of toll-free "800" access, which usually is accompanied by an hourly usage surcharge (instead of paying telephone charges, the user pays a higher usage fee). • Stability and reliability. Look for a financially strong company (unlikely to disappear) with redundant hardware and uninterruptible power supplies (to minimize downtime). • Support. Some organizations need it 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week, while others are relatively self- sufficient. Look for a provider that matches your level of need and sched- ule. • Cost. For dial-up, $20 per month with (effectively) unlimited usage is common. For a high-speed dedicated connec- tion, expect to pay at least several hundred dollars per month. Price is one area where there is plenty of competi- tion. Where to Begin Aside from talking to friends and colleagues, some of the best informa- tion about ISPs is on the World Wide Web. Useful sites include: • CNET Reviews. http://!Reviews/ Compare/ISP/sample.html (lists ISPs by area code; includes summary of services, prices and user ranking for selected ISPs, pointers to Web sites for others). • ISP List of Lists. http:// isplist.html (a list of ISP lists). a Providers of Commercial Internet Access. http:// (lists ISPs by state, city and area code; includes summary of services and pricesJ. a The Directory. http:// www. vni.netlthedirectory (lists ISPs by area code; includes pointers to ISPs' FEBRUARY 1997 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Web sites and e-mail addresses). • The List. http:// (lists ISPs by state and area code; includes summary of services and prices). By starting with these sites, you can narrow your search to the most attrac- tive national and local providers and increase the likelihood_of making the right choice. • 3
  • 25. New Jersey Providers New Jersey Internet Service Providers Area Codes & Services 201 609 908 Phone Number Email Provider V Advan n y n 609-514-0610 Agora Online y n n 201-437-6440 Algorithms, Inc. n y y 800-220-0445 Alternet!UUNET n n y 800-488-6384 Applied Automated n y n 800-959-2660 Engineering Corp Atlantic Internet Corp n n y 908-758-0505 Baytech Corp y n y 201-858-9544 Bite-ByteCyber Warrior, inc. n n y 908-685-9494 Blastnet y n y 908-534-5881, Inc. n y n 800-318-2504 Caroll-net y y y 201-488-1332 Castle Net. n y y 800-577-9449 Cen-Com Internet, Inc. n n y 800-923-6266 Chester County World Access n y n 609-374-2323 Ltd. Computer Solutions by y n n 914-473-0844 Hawkinson Cortex Communications y n n 201-567-2297 CRISP Network Solutions, Inc. n y y 908-297-8290 Crusoe Communications, Inc. y n n 201-882-1022 Crystal Palace Networking,Inc. y n y 201-300-0881 CSI Online Services n y y 732-914-0167 Cyber Warrior, Inc. y n n 201-703-1517 Cybercity USA n y n 609-890-6347
  • 26. New Jersey Providers CyberComm Online y y y 908-818-3333 CyberENET Netowrk n y n 609-753-9840 Cybernex, Inc. y y y 201-664-8419 Cynet, Inc. n y n 215-283-2460 Data Concepts Information y n n 201-313-1845 Tech Corp. Delaware Valley Net n y n 609-228-0008 Connection DIGEX y y y 800-969-9090 Dynamic Computer Sales and y n n 201-501-0105 Services Easyway Ciommunications y n n 201-998-8991 Eclipse Internet Access y y y 800-483-1223 Emanon n y n 609-858-9888 Enter-Net n n y 908-389-3295 x510 Enter.Net n y y 610-437-2221 Evertech Corp. n y y 908-665-1144xl11 Exec-U-Linx, Corp. n y y 908-536-9528 Frontier Communications of 800-724-3713 NY y n n Galaxy Networks y n n 201-825-2310 Garden Networks y n y 201-300-9211 Georgetown Business n y n 609-298-2299 Global Telecom y y y 201-285-9099 GlobalNet Enterprises n y n 609-399-3645 GoldLink Communications y y y 908-308-4567 Gorgon Internet n n y 908-726-8258 GSI Network, Inc. y n n 800-GSI-NET4 Hicom, Inc. y n n 201-227-5445 Hill Communications y n y 908-964-5204 Hudson Internet Services y n n 201-217-8284 I-2000 y n y 800-464-3820 I-Way Networks, Inc. y y n 504-596-2256 IBS Interactive Inc. y n y 201-301-0700 INJersey y y y 800-232-8884 INTAC y n y 800-50-INTAC Integrated Computer Services n y n 609-484-0889 Interactive Netwrok Services n y n 609-227-6380 y n y 888-YOUR-ISP
  • 27. New Jersey Providers International Discount 800-245-8000 Telecommunications y n y Internet for 'U' n n y 800-NET-WAYl Internet Labs, Inc. n n y 908-332-0500 Internet Nexus y n n 201-891-6969 Internet Online Providers, Inc. n n y 908-431-8863 Internet-Gateway n y n 609-983-0066 Jaguar netlink: n y n 609-769-0364 Lowdown Internet Services y n n 201-493-1000 Maestro Technologies, Inc. y n n 212-240-9600 :MHVNet n n n 914-473-0844 Microfon Infoservice, Inc. n n y 908-548-7201 Monmouth Internet n n y 908-842-5366 Mordor y n n 201-433-7343 Mosquito Net n y n 609-231-0204 National Internet Source y n n 201-825-4600 Neighborhood Internet y n n 201-934-1445 Connection NERC Online n y n 609-422-8060 Net Access n y n 215-576-8669 NET-LYNX n n y 908-725-6099 NETCOM y y y 800-353-6600 Net2K.2NE n y n 609-893-0673 NetReach, Incorporated n y n 215-283-2300 NetRom Internet Services y n n 201-208-1339 NJIN n n y 908-445-3380 NJNet Inc. n y y 610-882-5600 Novasys Interactive y n y 800-422-6870 Nycom.Net y n n 201-393-7090 New York Net y y n 718-776-6811 Panix y n n 212-741-4400 Peak Access n n y 800-340-7325 PHD Computers n y n 609-694-2511 Pies Online n y n 609-767-8354 Planet Access Newtks y n y 201-691-4704 Poland.NET y n n 201-393-7090 PowerNet n y n 214-408-8295 ProLog y n y 800-804-5783
  • 28. New Jersey Providers PSINet y y n 800-82PSI82 Pulsar Communication n y n 609-825-4501 Quicknet y n n 201-871-4090 RE/Com n y n 609-225-3300 Sagelink n y n 609-589-3036 Sigma Internet Services y n n 201-219-9500 Silicon Super Network y n n 201-461-7373 Sky Web Inc. n y y 908-613-0500 Smart Tech. Communication 888-762-7899 Systems, Inc. y n n Southern New Jersey Internet n y n 609-931-4580 Providers, Inc. Starsys Software, Inc. n y n 609-931-2188 Superlink y y y 908-828-8988 SurfNetwork, Inc. n y n 800-787-3212 SurfXpress y n n 201-525-1304 TechnoCore Communications, n n y 908-928-7400 Inc. The Body Electric Internet y n n 201-835-9696 Services, Inc. The Cabbage Patch Internet y n y 908-362-5465 Service The Connection y n n 201-659-0300 The Internet Access Company y n n 201-453-0424 The Invention Factory y n n 212-431-5555 Incorporated Town Square Access y y y 800-268-7139 Tradewind Net Access, Inc. y n n 201-509-5060 info@tradewindnet Tronics Web Services y n n 201-984-6522 Ultracom Internet 201-278-3007 Technologies, Inc. y n n US Highway 1, Inc. n y n 609-758-8640 UUNET Tech. n y y 800-488-6384 Vaca Incorporated n y n 888-489-6937 Viconet y y y 201-746-4222 Vnet y n n 800-377-3282 Voicenet n y y 800-835-5710 info@voicenet. ccom Warwick Valley Telephone y n n 201-764-8080 Company Web Express, Inc. y y y 888-WEB-ISDN
  • 29. New Jersey Providers Copyright ©1997 Stevens Institute ofTechnology H B k H l S h E-mail with problems. ome ___§&_ ~ earc I last edited Friday, 15-Aug-97 12:02:08 EDT
  • 30. Internet Primer- "Classroom Connect's overview to getting connected, finding funding, and using the Internet Getting connected to the Internet Keep in mind that the Internet isn·t a place or a thing, and it isn't owned by anyone. If you disconnected all the computers linked on the Internet. you wouldn't have an "Internet" left. This contrasts with commercial online services such as CompuServe, Prodigy. Delphi. or America Online which own physical computer installations. For instance. America Online·s headquarters. computers. and dedicated phone Jines would still exist. even if all their customers canceled their memberships and decided never again to connect to its computer network. The Internet is expanding at an incredible rate. with dozens of new services and thousands of megabytes of new information coming online every day. New user-friendly. graphical user software and lower Internet access costs make it easier and cheaper than ever before to get connected. Approximately 60 million people use the Internet in some fashion. However. millions of these users only have access to Internet electronic mail (email) and aren't actually "on the Internet." Email connections are valuable. but without either a "dial-up" or "direct" connection. you simply can't take advantage of everything the Internet has to offer. We'll explain that more fully later on. The cost of going online To put your Internet plan together you first need to understand the cost of the equipment and services you will need. You can choose from a range of options. from local computer bulletin board systems <BBSs) to full Internet access. Going online doesn't have to be expensive. Online costs for one classroom for the school year can be Jess than $300. If you already have a computer. all you'll need is: • A 28.8 or 33.6 modem (about $120) • Access to a telephone line (about $10 to $20 per month) • A subscription to a commercial online service such as Prodigy or America Online. or direct Internet access through an Internet service provider (ISP). While many commercial online services offer a variety of Internet features. you won't have a direct Internet access. For 10 CLASSROOM CONNECT'M complete Internet access and a direct Internet access account you' II need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs offer direct access accounts for as little as $15 per month: always ask for an educational discount. If you need to buy a computer. the price of an IBM- compatible Pentium PC. with a 133-megahertz processor and I-gigabyte hard disk drive (minimal configuration) is less than $1.500. including a high resolution color monitor. Superior Macintosh computers are now in the $1.300 range. Finding Internet Service Providers Since there isn't a central "Internet headquarters" to call for Internet service, you'll need to arrange an Internet connection through an ISP. An ISP maintains a computer system with an expensive. full-time, high-speed link to the Internet which is staffed 24 hours a day. In turn, it offers its users inexpensive connections. assistance in getting set up. and ongoing support. Prices and connectivity options vary. and several types of Internet connections are available. You can keep long distance charges low by locating an ISP in your local calling area or choosing one that offers low-cost. dial-up access through a local number. Start by checking out ISP listings at the end of this article. Connecting your school If you are seeking Internet connectivity for your school. the very first thing to do is contact the technology department of your school district. Find out what they offer or what plans they've made. Just because you don't have Internet in your classroom yet doesn't mean there isn't something in the works. So check it out. Unfortunately, you may find out that Internet connectivity isn't available any time soon. So you're on your own for the moment. Commercial Internet service providers and online services present various options, and many are listed at the end of this article. But you may want to exhaust all other possibilities first. Check to see if a local university. college. or business will allow you to gain access through their existing Internet connection. Many schools receive Internet access this way. years before the school district is ready to deliver connectivity. CLASSROOM CONNECT'M 11
  • 31. The best connection There are several ways to connect to the Internet. each with different Internet capabilities. The one you select will depend on speed, cost. and the kinds of things you plan to do on the Internet. If most of your traffic will be limited to email. then speed-measured in bits per second (bps), amounts of data delivered online per second-isn't your primary concern. At 14.400 bps an average email message takes two seconds to transmit. However, if you plan to transfer lots of files. keep in mind that it takes at least eight minutes to download a SOOK file at 9.600 bps, but less than two minutes at 28.800 bps. For use with graphical software such as America Online, or Prodigy, or for using the World Wide Web, a modem speed of at least 14.400 is necessary. A faster modem connection saves time and keeps costs down over the long term. A 33.6 modem costs less than $125 and is by far the best value. Email accounts For email use only. many connection options are available. including commercial online services such as America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy. You'll find contact information for many of these services in the Appendix. Subscribers to these services can send and receive Internet email by dialing in via local telephone numbers. Internet access limited to email won't give you all the features you need to get the most out of the Internet. Services that offer only email may even charge for messages and restrict message size and file transfers. With only email access, you cannot run Internet software to transfer files to your machine. connect to remote computers, or do global searches for information. To use the Internet effectively, you need a "dial-up" or- better yet-a "direct" connection. How Internet connections work When you connect via an Internet service provider your computer is connected directly to the Internet. You'll need special Internet software to establish your initial connection as well as to navigate the Internet. First, you need to install 12 CLASSROOM CONNECT',. what's called a "dialer" program. This is software that dials into the Internet through your ISP's computer. To work in conjunction with that software you need to run Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) software to let your computer to "talk" to the other computers on the Internet. TCP/IP is the Internet's computer ''language." After your dialer opens a connection to the Internet and the TCP/IP software begins ..talking.. to the Internet. you can begin navigating. You'll need to obtain a separate program for each type of navigation tool or program you want to use such a~ ftp. telnet. email. WAIS. gopher. Netscape. and others. There are several software packages available that combine these programs into one unified package. In fact. Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Explorer include these programs. Most ISPs offer two levels of direct connections: part- time or full-time. If you choose the lower-cost. part-time option you'll simply dial into your ISP whenever you want to connect. A full-time connection means that your computer is connected to the Internet around the clock. Most ISPs offer direct connections over dial-up moderns to their host system at up to 28.800 bps. although speeds of 33.600 bps and faster are becoming available. If you need a high-speed 24-hour connection. or more capacity for. say. a LAN connection. a dedicated digital line offering 56.000 bp~ or faster speeds may be your best solution. Another option that will provide high speed access over regular phone lines is to install a fast 33.600 bps or even newer 56.000 bps modem. and ask your ISP to install the same at their end. Getting direct connection software All the software you' II need to use for your direct connection is available for free on the Internet. But you'll have to search the Internet to find the version which works with your computer. retrieve it. and install and configure it without the benefit of much documentation and almost no support. To make life easier. take advantage of some of the great new software that has recently become available. You can buy a commercial software package such as Netscape Navigator Suite ($39) or Internet Valet ($39). For school computer networks. you will most likely want network versions of these software programs. Contact the software vendors and explain your computer network setup and ask CLASSROOM CONNECT'M 13
  • 32. them to sugge~t which products are best suited to your circumstances. and have the information sent to vou for review. This is a new and emerging market with dozens of neV products coming out every month. so doing a little homework will pay off. Other software packages are available. and all come with support which simplifies setup and configuration. Several popular boob including The Internet Tn11rGuide series from Ventana Press come bundled with Internet na·igation software including the basic Internet connection program. Buying the software you need. or a book that includes the software. is really an inexpensive way to go. and will save you hours of frustration and expensive online time. Direct Internet connection costs The major factor affecting the cost of your direct connection is its speed. Faster is always better. and a higher speed connection will save time when you·re downloading files and let you get the most out of the new graphical user software programs that are available. In most cases you can easily upgrade to a faster connection later. but seriously consider getting the highest speed connection you can afford.You'll be amazed at how much you'll use the internet once you discover all it has to offer. and you"ll find yourself wishing you had opted for a higher speed connection at the outset. Individual dial-up Internet connections range from $15 to $50 per month. and business and institutional accounts range from $50 to $200 per month. with some ISPs charging an additional fee of $1 to $3 per hour for usage. High- capacity. high-speed accounts with unlimited usage can cost S250 to $1.000 per month. But always. always. ask for an educational discount. This discount can take the form of waived installation fees. reduced monthly fees. or more allotted hours. And if you· re using only a single dial-up connection. you should qualify for the individual rate plan. even though it"s for school use. You may also want to consider setting up more than one type of online connection. Depending on what"s available in your area. consider dividing your online time among Internet Service Providers or commercial online services. If you use 14 CLASSROOM CONNECT"• the combination of a SLIP Internet account and a commercial online service such as CompuServe or America Online. you· 11 have access to enhanced services while saving long distance and per-hour charges. In addition, you'll have access to a wide variety of information sources. For instance. American Online offers an inexpensive way to read news stories. browse databases. participate in online forums. read Usenet newsgroups. and access the Internet via a dial-up connection-all with no long distance charges. It's the perfect account for browsing the Net's offerings at a leisurely pace at very low cost. But you'll always want to have a direct connection to do your serious navigating. and to use Netscape and other graphical Internet software. Keep in mind that if you do use more than one online service, you'll be assigned a different email address for each service. To avoid becoming disorganized. and to save you online time and money, consider using only one main email address for email correspondence. Conclusions Whether you decide to begin navigating the Internet via a commercial online service or a direct Internet connection. getting started is the hardest part. The intricacies of setting up direct Internet connections may seem a little daunting at first, but ifs worth the hassle. Once online, you'll discover that navigating the Internet and using its vast resources is actually pretty easy. The Internet contains a wealth of valuable information and opportunities for worldwide collaboration. One of the best ways to be sure you· re getting the most out of your Internet connection is to read Classroom Connect. We're glad you've chosen us as an information source about the Internet. CLASSROOM CONNECT™ 15 Source~ The Educator's Internet Resource Handbook, 1997.
  • 33. Resources ---· ---~·----- Agriculture (see also PenPages) URL: internet/agri.html Anthropology URL: v·lib/anthropology.html Art History URL: http:/ Experimentaf/anu·art·history/home.html Autism URL: Type SUBSCRIBE AUTISM <Your Name> 1n the body of your message ------~·----- Biology Teacher Network Discussion list that links b1olog1sts and teachers. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE BIOPl·L <Your Name> in the body of your message ------~·----- Canadian University Libraries McGiii University URL: gopher:// Queen's University URL: gopher:// Capital Area Researchers in Educational Technology Email to: Type SUBSCRIBE caret <Your Name> 1n the body of your message 2 CARL- Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Public access catalog 1ncluo1ng periodical c1tat1ons and book reviews URL: telnet:// This sne also afters rens of tnousanos of searchable art1c1es via CARL's Uncover service You can oraer documents from it by credit card to be sent 01rect1y to your iax machine 1n minutes URL: telnet:// Chemistry URL: chempointers.html Chinese Information Center URL: CIA World Factbook 1995 Collected by the CIA this site includes population statistics info about governments (names of heads of state. etc I. economy. US embassies. and more URL: publications/951act/index.html Clementine Space Probe Project Pictures tram space and other into on the Clementine Pro1ect URL: Computers In Teaching Moderated list from Ireland. Teachers discuss issues of computers in teaching Email to: Type SUBSCRIBE CTl·L <Your Name> in the body of your message Consortium for School Networking The COSNDISC ma1l1ng list. gopher. and Web site are amust tor K-12 educators. Moderated by Ferdi Serim Email to: URL: gopher:// URL: http/ URL: COSNDISC Mailing List Email to: Type SUBSCRIBE CDSNDISC <Your Name> in the body of your message CLASSROOM CONNECT'M ------~·----- Deaf and Blind Discussion List URL: Tyoe SUBSCRIBE DEAFBLND <Your Name> 1n the body of your message. Distance Education URL: ------~·----- EASI Equal Access to Software and Information tor handicapped users. amonthly newsletter URL: Type SUBSCRIBE EASI <Your Name> in the body of your message EDGAR Stock Market Flllngs Public company tiling data are now available by email and ftp URL: Type HELP in the body of your message URL: EDNET Discussion List Discussions on using the educat1Dnal potential of the Internet Mostly K-12 issues. but includes higher and adult education, too. Highly recommended. Moderated by Prescott Smith URL: Type SUBSCRIBE EDNEY <Your Name> 1n the body of your message EDTECH Discussion List Great list on discussion of educational technology. Moderated list URL: Type SUBSCRIBE EDTECH <Your Name> 1n the body of your message EduPage Excellent newsletter for educators Two issues per week. Edited by John Gehl ( Email: Type SUBSCRIBE EDUPAGE in the body of your message. URL: http://WWW.educom.edU/Web/ edupage.html CLASSROOM CONNECT™ Educational lnfonnation Clearinghouse Sponsored by University of Nebraska Teachers Coliege Lists ot K-12 teacners. software reviews. d1scuss1ons. and news related to education. URL: telnet:// Educational Research URL: URL: Empire Internet Schoolhouss Resources tor new K-12 Internet users. URL: telnet'J/ Login: empire ERIC Information service of ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). Send in your questions on any educational topic URL: URL: gopherJ/ URL: Europe Link Connect with Europe and link to other nations URL: European Community Educational Exchange Discussion list tor training, technology, and science. Find programs with possible interaction with US schools. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE EEC·L <Your Name> in the body of your message Exceptional Chl/dren Discussion list tor technology issues related to exceptional children. Moderated by Dr. Bob Zenhousern. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE CEC·TAM <Your Name> 1n the body of your message 3
  • 34. ------()------ FedWorld Federal government svstem at over 100 government related databases Easy to use with !ots at great 1ntormat1on tor teachers and students Modem (703) 321-8020 URL: URL: telnet:// Federal Information Exchange Government databases on federal programs URL: URL: telnet:// Flood and Hurricane Information URL: telnet:// FreeNet There are more than 50 Free-Nets throughout :he world. and more coming onl1ne monthly URL: For an Ohio FreeNet URL: telnet:/ .og1n· visitor =or aCanadian FreeNet URL: telnet:// Login: guest Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs} rietrieve aFAQ question and answer sheet on ilmost any topic URL: .oak in tne pub;usenet subdirectory ------~·------ Geographic Name Server Type in the name at aUS city and find its population. latitude. longitude. elevation. and z10 code Lakes. nvers mountains are being added. URL: telnet:// 4 Geometry Visualizing and exoenmenting with visual ideas 1n two- three- and hiaher dimensions. Very graphical. interactive. and advanced system. A "must" tor anyone interested in geometry. URL: gallery.html Gifted Children Programs. research. and resources URL: Type SUBSCRIBE TAG·L <Your Name> in the body of your message Global Network Navigator Astarting point for quality education. business, and travel information. Atrue meta-center. URL: Global Schoo/Net Foundation Top quality school news and education projects. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE HILITES <Your Name> in the body of your message BBS. (619) 472-5732 Login: guest Government Legislation Legi-Slate. leading provider of information on Congress and Federal Regulations. URL: gopher:// Look in Other Gophers/NorthAmerica/USA/ Washington. DC URL: telnet:// Grants and Contracts National Science Foundation grant information. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE GRANTS·L <Your Name> in the body of your message Graphics from Space Graphic files of earth. planets and related sub1ects URL: Look in the pub/graphics/images/space subdirectory CLASSROOM CONNECT™ Home Schooling Discussion list tor anvone interested in home schooling URL: mailto: home-ed· Type SUBSCRIBE HOME-ED <Your Name> ·n tne oodv at vour message HYPERMED Discussion List D1scuss1on at biomedical nypermed1a URL: Type SUBSCRIBE HYPERMED <Your Name> in the body of your message Hypertext Internet Guides Compiled and hypertext formatted by John December URL: index.html ------+·----- Iowa State University Newsletter Discussion list and ISU newsletter on topics related to computing in education Moderated by Jim Gerland URL: Type SUBSCRIBE ICU·L <Your Name> 1n the body of your message. CLASSROOM CONNECJ'TM ______.,______ Japan Information Includes aJaoanese 1anguage tutor that pronounces Japanese phrases URL: John December's Internet Guides Good collection at online guides to Internet and related resources URL: Look in the oub/commumcanons subdirectory Joint Education Initiative List Promotes use of CD ROM scientific information in K-12 education. Anewsletter 1s distributed. too. Moderated by Christopher Keane. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE JEl-L <Your Name> in the body at your message Journal of Technology Education Electronic monthly version of this scholarly 1ournal URL: Type SUBSCRIBE JTE·L <Your Name> in tne body at your message K12 Administrators Discussion List Worldwide participation by those involved in all levels of administration. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE K12ADMIN <Your Name> in the body of your message K-12 Newsgroups These are from the K12Net discussion echoes They are also available on many dial-up comouter bulletin boards that carry Fidonet conferences. Jack Crawiord heads the K12net organization. II these newsgroups or echoes aren't on your system. request them by contacting your system administrator. Reach the main K12Net BBS. Modem: (716) 526-6495 Art education. URL: 5
  • 35. K-12 newsgroups (continued) Business education URL: news:kH:; Curricu1ar computing d1scuss1on URL: news:k12.ed.comp.literacy Language arts URL: French conversation tor students URL: news:k12.lang.trancais German conversation tor students URL: news:k12.lang.deutsch·eng Japanese conversation for students URL: news:k12.lang.japanese Russian language tor students URL: news:k12.lang.russian By and tor school counselors URL:·skllls Math education URL: news:k12.ed.math Music and pertorming arts URL: Science education URL: Social studies URL: news:k12.ed.soc·studles Special education K-12 newsgroup URL: news:k12.ed.special Talented and gitted students URL: news:k12.ed.tag Technical and vocational education URL: K·12 Education Server Educational resources and protects URL: gopher:// :..oak 1n the CICNet Projects section K·12 Goldmine Gopher Educational resources tor students and teachers URL: gopher:// 6 KidLlnk Online Pro;ects Very popular group ot worldwide onl1ne pro1ects URL: Type GET KIDLINK MASTER in the body oi your message KidLink Special Pro;ects Incredible resources: run by Mark Hunnibe Look 1n the kidlmk subdirectory URL: gopher:// Kids Action List Students discuss what they can do about different issues Moderated by Dan Wheeler URL: Type SUBSCRIBE KIDS·ACT <Your Name> in the body of your message Kids Cafe Worldwide Discussion list tor students Moderated by Dan Wheeler. URL: Type SUBSCRIBE KIDCAFE <Your Name> in the body of your message Kit/sphere Mailing list tor K-12 eaucators A must' tor teachers Moderated by Dr Bob Garlitz URL: mailto: kidsphere· Type SUBSCRIBE KIDSPHERE <Your Name> in the body of your message CLASSROOM CONNECT"• ------~a----- Liberty Law Library Legal research. related information. Ahuge reoos1rory of information of all types URL: telnet:// Login lawlib Library Media Services and Resources URL: Type SUBSCRIBE LM_NET <Your Name> in the boay of your message Library of Congress URL: URL: telnet:// Login: marvel Library Card Catalog see CARL ------~a----- Martin Luther King, Jr. Project Over 2.500 bibliographic citations to works by or about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr URL: telnet:// At the account prompt. enter socrates. When asked tor response. enter select mlk MathMaglc Project Telecommunications pro1ect that provides motivation tor students to use computers tor problem solving. Divided into tour age- appropriate groups. Students team up with other school classes for email exchanges. You must register to participate by sending amessage to moderator Alan Hodson with information on your class and you. URL: URL: index.js.btml The MIT Tech Newsletter Hypertext newspaper issued twice weekly URL: http://the· Music Server URL: CLASSROOM CONNECT™ ------~a----- NASA SpaceLink Shuttle into. pictures. and lesson olans related to NASA activities Telephone: (205) 544-0038 Modem. (205) 895-0028 Telnet: URL: New Paradigms in Education Exploring new paraa1gms and 1mplementat1on ideas URL: Type SUBSCRIBE NEWEDU·L <Your Name> in the body of your message NetTeach News K-12 newsletter available onl1ne lnformat1on of interest to the K-12 educational community Subscription is $15 per year tor online aelivery Printed version available URL: Include your name. mailing address. email address. and telephone and fax numbers URL: 7
  • 36. ------~·----- Palo Alto Weekly Newspaper URL: URL: home.html PennPages Penn State University College al Agriculture but all sorts of 1nlormat1on URL: telnet:// Login world Primary School Discussion List URL: Type SUBSCRIBE SCHOOL·L <Your Name> 1n the body of your message ------~·----- Quebec Information See Schoo!net Canaaa and Radio Canada ------~·----- Radio Canada - CBC URL: http:/iWWW.isn.netJcbc/ 8 ------~·----- Schoo/net Canada Sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Science 1n Canada URL: gopher:/ Scholastic K12 Information Center Searchable databases of education material and more. Suoscnorions available. but basic access 1s fine URL: Science Line BBS Telephone (703) 243-7100 Modem. 1703) 841-5111 Science and Technology Information System URL: mallto:stis· URL: Modem: (703) 306-0212 Login: public Sendlt North Dakota's K-12 Network Telnet Login· visitor and use the passwora sendlt2me Shakespeare Online URL: http://the· Shakespeare.html Smarter Student Childrens newsletter for grades 7-10 focused on improving learning. Print version available for $17 subscription: the onl1ne version is free URL: Sama/la News Independent news gathering on political and other developments in Somalia. Moderated from Sweden by Or. Helander at the Cultural Anthropology Department. University of Uppsala URL: mallto: URL: gopher:// URL: Look in the oub1nircomm/gopher subdirectory URL: news:soc.culture.african URL: news:alt.current-events.somalla CLASSROOM CONNECT"• Teacher Contact Database Tnese are very large files listing teachers from around the wand. Graciously maintained by Sa11y Laugnon ( URL: http:/; URL: Type get teacher1 contacts 1nthe body of your message Teacher Education Center URL: gopher:/ Telecamputing Archive tor Teachers Files on telecomputing pro1ects. URL: ed-telecamputlmg The Reading Roam Journals, newsletters. and other texts at the University of Maryland. URL: gopher:// TldBlts Newsletter tar Mac Emphasis on Mac computers and telecommunications URL: Type SUBSCRIBE TIDBITS <Your Name> 1n the body of your message URL: Look in the pub/tidbits/issues subdirectory URL: news:comp.sys.mac.dlgest Trace Center tar Disabilities Assistance with computer access for severely disabled. URL: mallto: URL: Trart1/agues an the Net Aw1de-rang1ng collection of travelogues and guides written by volunteers from around the world You'll get these first-hand reoons as interesting supolements to your curricula URL: URL: CLASSROOM CONNECT™ Source: The Educator's ~nternet Resource Handbook, 1997. ------~a----- U.S. State Department Travel Advlsarles Information on about ahundred countries URL: Look in tne pub/rravel-adv1sones subdirectory URL: gopher:// Look in Internet Resources URL: http:/ travel-advisories.html U.S. SufJIBme Court Decisions URL: Look in the hermes subdirectory URL: telnet:l/ URL: gopherJ/ ------~a----- White Hause URL: http:/ Weather U.S. and Canadian weather conditions, forecasts, skiing conditions. and marine forecasts. Also current conditions (sky and temperature) for ma1or cities worldwide, as well as earthquake and hurricane reports. No login name or password required. URL: telnet:// 9
  • 37. Free Email Accounts{;how/email.htrn Free Email Accounts Why pay when you can getfor free? How does this sound to you: A Free Email Account Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not and millions of people will tell you that you can get a free email account from either Juno Online Services or HoTMaiL, the two largest "banner advertising" supported companies. Pioneering yet another innovative way to advertise, these companies will give you an email account in exchange for a little information and a lot of advertising. With Juno's service, a little information translates into answering 18 demographics questions about your education level, household income, hobbies, and reading habits. Not surprisingly the companies use the information to make sure you will see ads that fit your interest while using their email software. Following in the tradition ofFreeloader, a software that delivers personalized News and Web Content to your desktop, Juno and HoTMail bring you personalized advertising. The premise is you agree to the advertising and they will give you free email. It's perfect for people who want a second email account, one for work and another for personal use. And, of course, it rings a bell for those who like to save money. Why should you pay for a first or even second email account when you can get one for free, assuming you can resist the commercial advertising targeted just for you. With over two million combined subscribers, security conscious people ask what these companies do to prevent misuse? Misuse could take the form of"spamming": sending out gigabytes ofcommercial messages to newsgroups and listservs, resulting in a lot ofirritated end-users or even worse-- crashing a network from email overload. There is no sure way to prevent spamming. Instead, the companies put a cap on how many emails you can send per session. Juno lets you send 50 emails per session and HoTMaiL suggests you forward spam mail to Whether you desire a free email account or not, one thing is for sure. Expect to see a lot more services like these as well as even free web accounts. What will be next? Free Web T.V. accounts? Quick Reference Chart D I I PHONE & EMAIL WHAT YOU NEED TYPE OF ACCOUNT CHARACTERISTICS WEB ADDRESS Juno Online l. PC (386 or higher) spell checker, addressServices 1-800-654-JUNO 2. Modem (9600 or Good for home users. book Dial-up higher) Dial-up onlv mail folders, customized based free 3. Windows 3.1 or mailing lists I email higher l. Own or just access to Anvone who wants launches URLS within a free, Email, HoTMaiL 408-222-7000 computer, any platform. enclose and view Web based universal access to graphics, 2. Need to be connected their free email to email address book, folders, the Web. mailing lists
  • 38. Other Recommended Free Email Services: • Net Address • Rocketmail (Special! Kl2 Students can sign-up for Rocket Mail for Education Program) • IMA1L • • Mailhost • Akamail (Web and Pop Mail for $5.00 annual fee) Copyright 1997, New Jersey lntercampus Network (NJIN) LESLlE L. CHOW, "Free Email Accounts: Why Pay When You Can Find for Free?" (February 7, 1997).
  • 39. The Smart T.V. Smart T.V. The Internet without a PC While standards for high definition T.V. (HDTV) have yet to make their claim on the market, Web T.V. has pioneered a new way to converge your T.V. to the Internet-- via a tranceiver (about the size ofa VCR but a little smaller). What makes Web T.V. unique from all other browsing methods is you can connect to the Internet from any standard T.V. For those ofyou who get a lot ofemail per day and just don't have the time to read every single message, imagine yourselfreading your email (or doing research on the WWW) from the comfort ofyour favorite chair, a remote control, and your television. For teachers and administrators, you can connect a classroom to the Internet and be able to project with your school's T.V. Each student could have a chance to send and receive email or get information from web sites by sharing the remote control and wireless keyboard, making it an ideal medium for collaborative projects. Ifyou're interested in getting connected to the Internet but don't have a small fortune to spare, then Web T.V. could be a viable option. In fact, Web T.V. manufactors are targeting their product to the mass market. Instead of spending several thousands ofdollars to buy an expensive PC, you could purchase a Web T.V. receiver, wireless keyboard, and Internet connection ($19.95 per month, unlimited usage) for less than a personal computer, assuming you already own a T.V. The Web T.V. receiver comes with a 36.6 kbps internal modem and with the software already loaded, making your connection a fairly simple procedure. So far only two manufactors are producing the Web T.V. receivers: SONY and Magnavox. Both are competitively priced at ($329.00) with the option to buy a wireless keyboard for an additional ($79-$69). However, ATI Technologies is working on an under $500 card that will receive satellite TV signals and will work with Microsoft TV interface, making High Definition T.V. a soon-to-be reality. ComStream and STV are also working on PC cards that will receive satellite T.V. signals. Ifyou're wondering ifany Internet Service Provider can connect your television, you can guess again. Web T.V. Network is the only provider that can connect your television. It's a good idea to check with them to make sure your phone number is a local access, otherwise there is a 1-800 number available. One drawback to Web T.V. is there is no printing capability yet. Furthermore, without the wireless keyboard you are limited at how fast you can type from the screen keyboard. Very importantly, you will also not be able to run Java applets or any ofthe plug-ins: shockwave, VRML (3-D computer generated worlds), mpeg, and audio and video capability, to name just a few. The best way to decide ifWeb T.V. is for you, your school, or your company, is to actually take a look at the product. You can go to Best Buys, Circuit City, or the Wiz (commerical retailers that specialize in audio & video equipment in the U.S.A.) to experience first-hand getting connected with a T.V. What You Will Need: 1. Any Standard T. V. with audio and video capability 2. A Web T. V. Receiver
  • 40. The Smart T.V. 3. Any Standard Phone Line 4. Internet Web TV. Account ($19.95 per month) from Web TV. Network ( Quick Referenee Chart I NAME II PRICE II FEATURES II CONTACT 1.$329.99 for Web T.V. • Searching ability Receiver • Email I Email 1-888-772-SONY message light SONY 2.$79.99 for Wireless • Bookmark favorite websites Keyboard • 33.6 kbps modem • Email I Message Waiting Light 1.$329.99 for Web T.V. • 5 Individual Receiver Mailboxes 1-888-813-7069 Phillips/Magnavox • Surfwatch for Child 2. $69.00 for Wireless Protection Keyboard • 33.6 kbps modem • Lineshare • Expansion Port Glossary: Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. One type ofprogram you can create is called an applet. Applets can take the form ofgames, speadsheets, or the applet-du-jour -- animation. What makes Java special is you can download an entire program for the browser to run locally (on your computer). This saves on downloading time while still being able to benefit from those cool looking web sites. Netscape has supported Java applets since its 2.0 version. Web Addresses: 1. Web T.V. Service Look-up (check to see ifyour phone number is a local call) Please send questions to: Copyright 1997, New Jersey Intercampus Network (NJIN) LESLIE L. CHOW, "Smart T.V." (February 12, 1997). I