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Chapter Introduction
Section 1: The Nation’s First
Section 2: The Road to the
Section 3: The Structure of
           Our Constitution
Section 4: Principles
           Underlying the
Visual Summary
The Constitution outlines the
ideals of American
government and describes
how they should be achieved.
It tells you what your rights
and privileges are. The
Constitution affects you, your
family, and your friends as
much today as it affected
those who wrote it more than
200 years ago.
Section 1:
The Nation’s First
Political principles and
major events shape how
people form governments.
Americans faced the task of
forming independent
governments at both the state
and national levels.
Section 2:
The Road to the
Political principles and
major events shape how
people form governments.
American leaders decided
that a new constitution was
Section 3:
The Structure of Our
A constitution reflects the
values and goals of the
society that creates it. The
Constitution is this nation’s
fundamental law.
Section 4:
Principles Underlying the
A constitution reflects the
values and goals of the
society that creates it. The
Constitution sets forth the
basic principles of
Guide to Reading
Big Idea
Political principles and major events
shape how people form
Guide to Reading
Content Vocabulary
• constitution   • confederation
• bicameral      • ratify

Academic Vocabulary
• convert        • impact
• area
The First State Constitutions
         Americans faced the task of forming
         independent governments at both the
         state and national levels.
The First State Constitutions      (cont.)

• When the colonies organized as states,
  they wrote constitutions, which were
  written plans for government.
• Most state constitutions:
  – Specified bicameral legislatures
  – Provided for an elected governor
  – Based on the ideas of the Declaration of
  – Included a bill of rights
What do you think is the
most important thing that a
constitution provides?
A. A way of electing a governor
B. A plan for creating a
                                      A.   A
                                      B.   B
C. A bill of rights                   C.
                                           0%   0%   0%

D. A method for setting up a          D.   D



court system
The Articles of Confederation
         The weaknesses of the Articles of
         Confederation created problems for the
         new country.
The Articles of Confederation         (cont.)

• The Articles of Confederation were the
  first constitution of the United States.
• The Articles:
  – Established a “league of friendship”
    among states
  – Ratified by all thirteen states
The Articles of Confederation       (cont.)

  – Set up a one-house legislature called
    the Confederation Congress
  – Withheld the powers to enforce laws and
    to tax from the Confederation Congress
• Ordinance of 1785:
  – System created by the Confederation
    Congress for surveying and selling land
  – System still used today
The Articles of Confederation       (cont.)

• The Northwest Ordinance:
 – Provided a way for territories to organize
   and become new states
 – Outlawed slavery in the Northwest
The Articles of Confederation                   (cont.)

• Weaknesses of the Articles of
  – Votes from nine states needed to pass
    a law
  – Unanimous vote needed to change the
  – Congress unable to enforce laws

     Weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation
The Articles of Confederation         (cont.)

• National and state debt after the
  Revolutionary War
• Shay’s Rebellion:
  – Led by Daniel Shays
  – Sparked by debt due to heavy state
  – Armed attack on a federal arsenal
  – Arguments for a stronger national
Guide to Reading
Big Idea
Political principles and major events
shape how people form
Guide to Reading
Content Vocabulary
• Constitutional • Electoral
  Convention       College
• Great          • Federalists
                 • federalism
• Three-Fifths
  Compromise     • Anti-Federalists

Academic Vocabulary
• process
• despite
The Philadelphia Convention
        American leaders decided to create a
        new plan of government.
The Philadelphia Convention                (cont.)

• The Congress asked each state to send
  delegates to Philadelphia to fix the problems
  with the Articles of Confederation.
• Constitutional Convention began in
  Philadelphia’s Independence Hall in 1787.

                 Who Were the Delegates?
The Philadelphia Convention        (cont.)

• Delegates:
  – 55 in all
  – Benjamin Franklin as the oldest delegate
  – George Washington and James
    Madison as future presidents
The Philadelphia Convention        (cont.)

• Leaders not in attendance:
  – Thomas Jefferson in Paris
  – John Adams in London
  – Patrick Henry against the convention
The Philadelphia Convention         (cont.)

• Important decisions made by the
  – George Washington presided over
  – Each state got one vote and a simple
    majority would decide any issue.
  – Work was kept secret.
  – Created a new constitution, thus called
    the Constitutional Convention.
Creating the Constitution
         Many of the provisions of the
         Constitution were arrived at through a
         series of compromises.
Creating the Constitution (cont.)
• The Constitution was the result of a series
  of compromises that combined the best
  ideas of different plans.
• The Virginia Plan:
  – Called for a government similar to the
    one we have today
  – Two-house congress
Creating the Constitution (cont.)
– Representation in the two houses of
  congress based on each state’s population
– Favored by larger states
  – Because they had more population,
    delegates from their states would be
    able to control the vote
Creating the Constitution (cont.)
• The New Jersey Plan:
  – One-house congress
  – Equal representation and equal votes
  – Favored by smaller states
Creating the Constitution (cont.)
• The Great Compromise settling the
  structure of Congress
  • Representation based on population in
    the House, equal in the Senate (2 for
    each state)
• The Three-Fifths Compromise settling
  that every five enslaved persons would
  count as three free persons
• Congress able to regulate trade between
  states and other countries
Creating the Constitution (cont.)
• Congress unable to tax exports or interfere
  with the slave trade before 1808.
• Electoral College created to select the
  president and vice president
Balancing Viewpoints
        Writing the new Constitution and
        getting the American people to approve
        it was not an easy task.
Balancing Viewpoints (cont.)
• Signing of the Constitution
• Various factions interpreted the new
  Constitution differently.
Balancing Viewpoints (cont.)
• Federalists:
  – Supported dividing power between
    federal and state governments
  – Supported the Constitution as it was
    written in Philadelphia
Balancing Viewpoints (cont.)
• Anti-Federalists:
  – Opposed a powerful central or national
  – Opposed the Constitution as it was
    written in Philadelphia
Balancing Viewpoints (cont.)
• Bill of rights added to the Constitution
   • Persuaded anti-federalists to ratify the
      • They felt Bill of Rights would protect
        individuals and states

• Ratification of the Constitution

              Ratification of the Constitution
Guide to Reading
Big Idea
A constitution reflects the values and
goals of the society that creates it.
Guide to Reading
Content Vocabulary
• Preamble      • judicial branch
• legislative   • amendment
• executive
Academic Vocabulary
• consist
• assume
The Sections of the Constitution
         The Constitution is a remarkable
         document that serves as an adaptable
         blueprint for governing the United
The Sections of the Constitution         (cont.)

• The Constitution is divided into three
  sections: the preamble, the articles, and
  the amendments.
• Preamble:
  – Establishes that power of government
    comes from the people
  – States six purposes of government
The Sections of the Constitution        (cont.)

• Article I:
  – Creates a two-house legislative branch
  – Outlines the duties of the Congress in
    making laws
The Sections of the Constitution        (cont.)

• Article II:
  – Provides for the executive branch
  – President carries out and enforces the
    laws made in Congress
  – Explains how leaders are elected to
    office and how they can be removed
The Sections of the Constitution           (cont.)

• Article III:
  – Establishes the judicial branch
  – Judicial branch interprets laws
  – Creates a court system and lists its
The Sections of the Constitution         (cont.)

• Articles IV-VII:
  – Explains relationship between state and
    national government
  – Tells how the Constitution can be
  – Article VI Declares the Constitution as
    the “supreme Law of the Land”

                 Comparing Governments
Amending the Constitution
        The Framers wrote the Constitution so
        that it could be adapted to meet
        changing needs.
Amending the Constitution (cont.)
• The Constitution can be changed or
  amended to adapt to the country’s
  changing needs, but amending it is a
  difficult process.
• 27 amendments ratified
• Amendments in safeguarding freedoms
Amending the Constitution (cont.)
• Process for amending the Constitution:
  – Proposal by congressional action or
    national convention
  – Ratification by three-fourths of states

                Amending the Constitution
Amending the Constitution (cont.)
• Interpretation:
  – Necessary and proper clause allows
    Congress to exercise implied powers
  – Supreme Court has the final authority to
    interpret the Constitution
     – Legislative and Executive actions
       have caused interpretations
  – Changes made to the Constitution
    through customs that develop over years
Guide to Reading
Big Idea
A constitution reflects the values and
goals of the society that creates it.
Guide to Reading
Content Vocabulary
• popular         • expressed
  sovereignty       powers
• rule of law     • reserved powers
• separation of   • concurrent
  powers            powers
• checks and
Guide to Reading
Academic Vocabulary
• ensure
• assign
Should one branch of government
hold more power than the others?
A. Yes
B. No
                               A. A
                               B. B
                            0%     0%


Major Principles of Government
        The Constitution sets forth the basic
        principles of government.
Major Principles of Government (cont.)
• The Constitution establishes the basic
  principles of the government of the
  United States.
• Five fundamental principles of
  – Popular sovereignty
     – The notion that power lies with the people

  – The rule of law
     – Laws apply to everyone, even government
Major Principles of Government (cont.)
  – Separation of powers
     – Split authority among 3 branches
  – Checks and balances
  – Federalism
     – Power divided between states and federal
• Changes in the meaning of republic

                    Foundations of Rights
Major Principles of Government (cont.)
• Popular sovereignty:
 – Power lies with the people
 – Ensured by the Constitution through
Major Principles of Government (cont.)
• Rule of law:
  – Power of the government is limited
  – Law applies to everyone
• Separation of powers:
  – Branches of government have different
  – Idea influenced by philosopher
Major Principles of Government (cont.)
• Checks and balances:
 – Prevents one branch from becoming too
 – Each branch able to limit the power of
   the others

          A System of Check and Balances
The Principle of Federalism
         The Constitution created a federal
         system of government. Under
         federalism, power is divided between
         national and state governments.
The Principle of Federalism (cont.)
• The Constitution establishes a system of
  federalism where power is divided
  between national and state governments.
The Principle of Federalism (cont.)
• Three types of government power:
– Expressed powers granted to the national
– Reserved powers kept by the states
– Concurrent powers exercised by both
  national and state governments

                Federal and State Powers
The Principle of Federalism (cont.)
• Supremacy clause:
  – Constitution is the highest law
  – National government or state
    governments cannot violate the
     – National laws win out
• The Constitution is both durable and
The Constitution
The Constitution is this
nation’s fundamental law. It
established that our nation
is a republic that includes:
• an elected president;
• a bicameral legislature;
• a system of courts.
The Constitution is made up of three parts:
• the Preamble
• the Articles
• the Amendments
The Constitution (cont.)
The Constitution sets forth the
five basic principles upon which
the American system of
government rests.
1. popular sovereignty
2. the rule of law
3. separation of powers
4. checks and balances
5. federalism
The Constitution (cont.)
In setting up a federal system, the writers of the
Constitution divided the powers of government into
three types:
• Enumerated powers are those powers the
  Constitution specifically gives to the national
• Reserved powers are those that the Constitution
  gives to the states.
• Concurrent powers are those that the national and
  state governments share.
The Supremacy Clause
Found in Article VI, the
supremacy clause states that
the Constitution and the laws
of the national government
are the “supreme law of the
land.” In any conflict between
national law and state law,
the national law has the
higher authority.
Amending the Constitution
Any change in the Constitution is called an
amendment. The Constitution has 27 amendments.
It set up a two-house
legislature in which
representation in one
house was the same
for all states and
representation in the
other house was
based on population.
a detailed, written plan for
a legislature consisting of two parts,
or houses
a group of individuals or state
to vote approval of
to change from one belief, form, or
use to another
a region or section
to influence or effect
Constitutional Convention 
meeting of state delegates in 1787
leading to adoption of new
Great Compromise 
agreement providing a dual system of
congressional representation
Three-fifths Compromise 
agreement providing that enslaved
persons would count as three-fifths of
other persons in determining
representation in Congress
Electoral College 
a group of people named by each
state legislature to select the
president and vice president
supporters of the Constitution
a form of government in which power
is divided between the federal, or
national, government and the states
those who opposed ratification of the
an action or a series of actions
directed toward a result
in spite of
the opening section of the
legislative branch 
the lawmaking branch of government
executive branch 
the branch of government that carries
out laws
judicial branch 
the branch of government that
interprets laws
any change in the Constitution
to be made up of
to take over a job or responsibility
popular sovereignty 
the notion that power lies with the
rule of law 
principle that the law applies to
everyone, even those who govern
separation of powers 
the split of authority among the
legislative, executive, and judicial
checks and balances
a system in which each branch of
government is able to check, or
restrain, the power of the others
expressed powers 
powers that Congress has that are
specifically listed in the Constitution
reserved powers 
powers that the Constitution does not
give to the national government that
are kept by the states
concurrent powers 
powers shared by the state and
federal governments
to secure or make sure
to dole out or give as a task
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Civics chapter 3 power point

  • 1.
  • 2. Chapter Introduction Section 1: The Nation’s First Government Section 2: The Road to the Constitution Section 3: The Structure of Our Constitution Section 4: Principles Underlying the Constitution Visual Summary
  • 3. The Constitution outlines the ideals of American government and describes how they should be achieved. It tells you what your rights and privileges are. The Constitution affects you, your family, and your friends as much today as it affected those who wrote it more than 200 years ago.
  • 4. Section 1: The Nation’s First Governments Political principles and major events shape how people form governments. Americans faced the task of forming independent governments at both the state and national levels.
  • 5. Section 2: The Road to the Constitution Political principles and major events shape how people form governments. American leaders decided that a new constitution was needed.
  • 6. Section 3: The Structure of Our Constitution A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it. The Constitution is this nation’s fundamental law.
  • 7. Section 4: Principles Underlying the Constitution A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it. The Constitution sets forth the basic principles of government.
  • 8. Guide to Reading Big Idea Political principles and major events shape how people form governments.
  • 9. Guide to Reading Content Vocabulary • constitution • confederation • bicameral • ratify Academic Vocabulary • convert • impact • area
  • 10. The First State Constitutions Americans faced the task of forming independent governments at both the state and national levels.
  • 11. The First State Constitutions (cont.) • When the colonies organized as states, they wrote constitutions, which were written plans for government. • Most state constitutions: – Specified bicameral legislatures – Provided for an elected governor – Based on the ideas of the Declaration of Independence – Included a bill of rights
  • 12. What do you think is the most important thing that a constitution provides? A. A way of electing a governor B. A plan for creating a A. A legislature B. B C. A bill of rights C. 0% C 0% 0% 0% D. A method for setting up a D. D A B C D court system
  • 13. The Articles of Confederation The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation created problems for the new country.
  • 14. The Articles of Confederation (cont.) • The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States. • The Articles: – Established a “league of friendship” among states – Ratified by all thirteen states
  • 15. The Articles of Confederation (cont.) – Set up a one-house legislature called the Confederation Congress – Withheld the powers to enforce laws and to tax from the Confederation Congress • Ordinance of 1785: – System created by the Confederation Congress for surveying and selling land – System still used today
  • 16. The Articles of Confederation (cont.) • The Northwest Ordinance: – Provided a way for territories to organize and become new states – Outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory
  • 17. The Articles of Confederation (cont.) • Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation: – Votes from nine states needed to pass a law – Unanimous vote needed to change the Articles – Congress unable to enforce laws Weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation
  • 18. The Articles of Confederation (cont.) • National and state debt after the Revolutionary War • Shay’s Rebellion: – Led by Daniel Shays – Sparked by debt due to heavy state taxes – Armed attack on a federal arsenal – Arguments for a stronger national government
  • 19. Guide to Reading Big Idea Political principles and major events shape how people form governments.
  • 20. Guide to Reading Content Vocabulary • Constitutional • Electoral Convention College • Great • Federalists Compromise • federalism • Three-Fifths Compromise • Anti-Federalists Academic Vocabulary • process • despite
  • 21. The Philadelphia Convention American leaders decided to create a new plan of government.
  • 22. The Philadelphia Convention (cont.) • The Congress asked each state to send delegates to Philadelphia to fix the problems with the Articles of Confederation. • Constitutional Convention began in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall in 1787. Who Were the Delegates?
  • 23. The Philadelphia Convention (cont.) • Delegates: – 55 in all – Benjamin Franklin as the oldest delegate – George Washington and James Madison as future presidents
  • 24. The Philadelphia Convention (cont.) • Leaders not in attendance: – Thomas Jefferson in Paris – John Adams in London – Patrick Henry against the convention
  • 25. The Philadelphia Convention (cont.) • Important decisions made by the delegates: – George Washington presided over convention. – Each state got one vote and a simple majority would decide any issue. – Work was kept secret. – Created a new constitution, thus called the Constitutional Convention.
  • 26. Creating the Constitution Many of the provisions of the Constitution were arrived at through a series of compromises.
  • 27. Creating the Constitution (cont.) • The Constitution was the result of a series of compromises that combined the best ideas of different plans. • The Virginia Plan: – Called for a government similar to the one we have today – Two-house congress
  • 28. Creating the Constitution (cont.) – Representation in the two houses of congress based on each state’s population – Favored by larger states – Because they had more population, delegates from their states would be able to control the vote
  • 29. Creating the Constitution (cont.) • The New Jersey Plan: – One-house congress – Equal representation and equal votes – Favored by smaller states
  • 30. Creating the Constitution (cont.) • The Great Compromise settling the structure of Congress • Representation based on population in the House, equal in the Senate (2 for each state) • The Three-Fifths Compromise settling that every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons • Congress able to regulate trade between states and other countries
  • 31. Creating the Constitution (cont.) • Congress unable to tax exports or interfere with the slave trade before 1808. • Electoral College created to select the president and vice president
  • 32. Balancing Viewpoints Writing the new Constitution and getting the American people to approve it was not an easy task.
  • 33. Balancing Viewpoints (cont.) • Signing of the Constitution • Various factions interpreted the new Constitution differently.
  • 34. Balancing Viewpoints (cont.) • Federalists: – Supported dividing power between federal and state governments – Supported the Constitution as it was written in Philadelphia
  • 35. Balancing Viewpoints (cont.) • Anti-Federalists: – Opposed a powerful central or national government – Opposed the Constitution as it was written in Philadelphia
  • 36. Balancing Viewpoints (cont.) • Bill of rights added to the Constitution • Persuaded anti-federalists to ratify the Constitution • They felt Bill of Rights would protect individuals and states • Ratification of the Constitution Ratification of the Constitution
  • 37. Guide to Reading Big Idea A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it.
  • 38. Guide to Reading Content Vocabulary • Preamble • judicial branch • legislative • amendment branch • executive branch Academic Vocabulary • consist • assume
  • 39. The Sections of the Constitution The Constitution is a remarkable document that serves as an adaptable blueprint for governing the United States.
  • 40. The Sections of the Constitution (cont.) • The Constitution is divided into three sections: the preamble, the articles, and the amendments. • Preamble: – Establishes that power of government comes from the people – States six purposes of government
  • 41. The Sections of the Constitution (cont.) • Article I: – Creates a two-house legislative branch – Outlines the duties of the Congress in making laws
  • 42. The Sections of the Constitution (cont.) • Article II: – Provides for the executive branch – President carries out and enforces the laws made in Congress – Explains how leaders are elected to office and how they can be removed
  • 43. The Sections of the Constitution (cont.) • Article III: – Establishes the judicial branch – Judicial branch interprets laws – Creates a court system and lists its powers
  • 44. The Sections of the Constitution (cont.) • Articles IV-VII: – Explains relationship between state and national government – Tells how the Constitution can be changed – Article VI Declares the Constitution as the “supreme Law of the Land” Comparing Governments
  • 45. Amending the Constitution The Framers wrote the Constitution so that it could be adapted to meet changing needs.
  • 46. Amending the Constitution (cont.) • The Constitution can be changed or amended to adapt to the country’s changing needs, but amending it is a difficult process. • 27 amendments ratified • Amendments in safeguarding freedoms
  • 47. Amending the Constitution (cont.) • Process for amending the Constitution: – Proposal by congressional action or national convention – Ratification by three-fourths of states Amending the Constitution
  • 48. Amending the Constitution (cont.) • Interpretation: – Necessary and proper clause allows Congress to exercise implied powers – Supreme Court has the final authority to interpret the Constitution – Legislative and Executive actions have caused interpretations – Changes made to the Constitution through customs that develop over years
  • 49. Guide to Reading Big Idea A constitution reflects the values and goals of the society that creates it.
  • 50. Guide to Reading Content Vocabulary • popular • expressed sovereignty powers • rule of law • reserved powers • separation of • concurrent powers powers • checks and balances
  • 51. Guide to Reading Academic Vocabulary • ensure • assign
  • 52. Should one branch of government hold more power than the others? A. Yes B. No A. A B. B 0% 0% A B
  • 53. Major Principles of Government The Constitution sets forth the basic principles of government.
  • 54. Major Principles of Government (cont.) • The Constitution establishes the basic principles of the government of the United States. • Five fundamental principles of government: – Popular sovereignty – The notion that power lies with the people – The rule of law – Laws apply to everyone, even government
  • 55. Major Principles of Government (cont.) – Separation of powers – Split authority among 3 branches – Checks and balances – Federalism – Power divided between states and federal government • Changes in the meaning of republic Foundations of Rights
  • 56. Major Principles of Government (cont.) • Popular sovereignty: – Power lies with the people – Ensured by the Constitution through elections
  • 57. Major Principles of Government (cont.) • Rule of law: – Power of the government is limited – Law applies to everyone • Separation of powers: – Branches of government have different functions – Idea influenced by philosopher Montesquieu
  • 58. Major Principles of Government (cont.) • Checks and balances: – Prevents one branch from becoming too powerful – Each branch able to limit the power of the others A System of Check and Balances
  • 59. The Principle of Federalism The Constitution created a federal system of government. Under federalism, power is divided between national and state governments.
  • 60. The Principle of Federalism (cont.) • The Constitution establishes a system of federalism where power is divided between national and state governments.
  • 61. The Principle of Federalism (cont.) • Three types of government power: – Expressed powers granted to the national government – Reserved powers kept by the states – Concurrent powers exercised by both national and state governments Federal and State Powers
  • 62. The Principle of Federalism (cont.) • Supremacy clause: – Constitution is the highest law – National government or state governments cannot violate the Constitution – National laws win out • The Constitution is both durable and adaptable.
  • 63. The Constitution The Constitution is this nation’s fundamental law. It established that our nation is a republic that includes: • an elected president; • a bicameral legislature; • a system of courts. The Constitution is made up of three parts: • the Preamble • the Articles • the Amendments
  • 64. The Constitution (cont.) The Constitution sets forth the five basic principles upon which the American system of government rests. 1. popular sovereignty 2. the rule of law 3. separation of powers 4. checks and balances 5. federalism
  • 65. The Constitution (cont.) In setting up a federal system, the writers of the Constitution divided the powers of government into three types: • Enumerated powers are those powers the Constitution specifically gives to the national government. • Reserved powers are those that the Constitution gives to the states. • Concurrent powers are those that the national and state governments share.
  • 66. The Supremacy Clause Found in Article VI, the supremacy clause states that the Constitution and the laws of the national government are the “supreme law of the land.” In any conflict between national law and state law, the national law has the higher authority.
  • 67. Amending the Constitution Any change in the Constitution is called an amendment. The Constitution has 27 amendments.
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  • 78. It set up a two-house legislature in which representation in one house was the same for all states and representation in the other house was based on population.
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  • 81. constitution  a detailed, written plan for government
  • 82. bicameral  a legislature consisting of two parts, or houses
  • 83. confederation  a group of individuals or state governments
  • 85. convert  to change from one belief, form, or use to another
  • 88. Constitutional Convention  meeting of state delegates in 1787 leading to adoption of new Constitution
  • 89. Great Compromise  agreement providing a dual system of congressional representation
  • 90. Three-fifths Compromise  agreement providing that enslaved persons would count as three-fifths of other persons in determining representation in Congress
  • 91. Electoral College  a group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president
  • 93. federalism  a form of government in which power is divided between the federal, or national, government and the states
  • 94. Anti-Federalists  those who opposed ratification of the Constitution
  • 95. process  an action or a series of actions directed toward a result
  • 97. Preamble  the opening section of the Constitution
  • 98. legislative branch  the lawmaking branch of government
  • 99. executive branch  the branch of government that carries out laws
  • 100. judicial branch  the branch of government that interprets laws
  • 101. amendment  any change in the Constitution
  • 103. assume  to take over a job or responsibility
  • 104. popular sovereignty  the notion that power lies with the people
  • 105. rule of law  principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
  • 106. separation of powers  the split of authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
  • 107. checks and balances a system in which each branch of government is able to check, or restrain, the power of the others
  • 108. expressed powers  powers that Congress has that are specifically listed in the Constitution
  • 109. reserved powers  powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government that are kept by the states
  • 110. concurrent powers  powers shared by the state and federal governments
  • 112. assign  to dole out or give as a task
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