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MongoDB World 2014
by S.D.O.C. Ltd.
Billing on Top of MongoDB
Ofer Cohen
Who Am I ?
● Open source evangelist
● Former Board member of OpenSourceMatters
(Non-profit-org behind Joomla)
● S.D.O.C. Ltd. Co-Founder
What are we doing?
● We increase business success through great
open source technologies and services
○ Open & Transparent
○ Don't reinvent the wheel
○ High Quality
○ Lean & Effective
How did we get to billing (history)
● Client: Golan Telecom (Israel)
How did we get to billing (history)
● Client: Golan Telecom
○ New & lean player in the market
○ 0=>~1M subscribers in 4 years
○ Limited resources & love open source
How did we get to billing (history)
● Client: Golan Telecom
○ Start environment from Day 1
○ Short and aggressive time to market
○ Unlimited plan for ~25$
○ Customer can do almost everything in the website
■ Obviously requires 24/7 uptime
How did we get to billing (history)
● Start with Anti-Fraud solution
● 2 Different data structure, 2 separated tables
○ Outgoing calls (MOC)
○ incoming calls (MTC)
○ SMS (duration=0 means SMS)
Anti-Fraud in RDBMS
How was it look like? Example code...
$base_query = "SELECT imsi FROM moc WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start
. " UNION SELECT imsi FROM mtc WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start
$base_query = "SELECT imsi FROM (" . $base_query . ") AS qry ";
if (isset($args['imsi']))
$base_query .= "WHERE imsi = '" . $this->_connection->real_escape_string($args['imsi']) . "'";
$base_query .= "GROUP BY imsi ";
$mtc_join_query = "SELECT 'mtc' AS type, imsi, SUM(callEventDuration) AS duration, SUM(CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60) AS duration_round "
. ", SUM(chargeAmount) charge "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)='972', callEventDuration, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)<=10, callEventDuration, 0))) AS israel_duration "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)='972', CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)<=10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0))) AS
israel_duration_round "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)>10, callEventDuration, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)>10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration_round "
. ", SUM(IF(callEventDuration = 0, 1, 0)) AS sms_count "
. "FROM mtc "
. "WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start . " "
. "GROUP BY type, imsi";
Anti-Fraud in RDBMS
How was it look like? Example code...
$moc_join_query = "SELECT 'moc' AS type, imsi, SUM(callEventDuration) AS duration, SUM(CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60) AS duration_round "
. ", SUM(chargeAmount) charge "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)='972', callEventDuration, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)<=10, callEventDuration, 0))) AS israel_duration "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)='972', CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)<=10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0))) AS israel_duration_round "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)>10, callEventDuration, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration "
. ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)>10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration_round "
. ", SUM(IF(callEventDuration = 0, 1, 0)) AS sms_count "
. "FROM moc "
. "WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start . " "
. "GROUP BY type, imsi";
Anti-Fraud in RDBMS
How was it look like? Example code...
$group_query = "SELECT base.imsi, moc.duration AS moc_duration, moc.charge AS moc_charge, "
. "mtc.duration AS mtc_duration, mtc.charge AS mtc_charge, "
. "mtc.duration_round AS mtc_duration_round, moc.duration_round AS moc_duration_round, "
. "moc.israel_duration AS moc_israel_duration, moc.non_israel_duration AS moc_non_israel_duration, "
. "moc.israel_duration_round AS moc_israel_duration_round, moc.non_israel_duration_round AS moc_non_israel_duration_round, "
. "mtc.israel_duration AS mtc_israel_duration, mtc.non_israel_duration AS mtc_non_israel_duration, "
. "mtc.israel_duration_round AS mtc_israel_duration_round, mtc.non_israel_duration_round AS mtc_non_israel_duration_round, "
. "mtc.sms_count AS mtc_sms_count, moc.sms_count AS moc_sms_count "
. "FROM "
. "( " . $base_query . " ) AS base "
. " LEFT JOIN (" . $mtc_join_query . " ) AS mtc ON base.imsi = mtc.imsi "
. " LEFT JOIN (" . $moc_join_query . " ) AS moc ON base.imsi = moc.imsi " ;
if (isset($args['limit'])) {
$limit = (int) $args['limit'];
} else {
$limit = 100000;
Anti-Fraud in RDBMS
How was it feel…?
After moving to Mongo
● One main collection for 2 types
● Aggregate much more simple
After moving to Mongo
$base_match = array(
'$match' => array(
'source' => 'nrtrde',
'unified_record_time' => array('$gte' => new MongoDate($charge_time)),
$where = array(
'$match' => array(
'record_type' => 'MOC',
'connectedNumber' => array('$regex' => '^972'),
'event_stamp' => array('$exists' => false),
'deposit_stamp' => array('$exists' => false),
'callEventDurationRound' => array('$gt' => 0), // not sms
$group = array(
'$group' => array(
"_id" => '$imsi',
"moc_israel" => array('$sum' => '$callEventDurationRound'),
'lines_stamps' => array('$addToSet' => '$stamp'),
$project = array(
'$project' => array(
'imsi' => '$_id',
'_id' => 0,
'moc_israel' => 1,
'lines_stamps' => 1,
After moving to Mongo
$having = array(
'$match' => array(
'moc_israel' => array('$gte' => Billrun_Factory::config()->getConfigValue('nrtrde.thresholds.moc.israel'))
$moc_israel = $lines->aggregate($base_match, $where, $group, $project, $having);
//sms out to all numbers
$where['$match']['record_type'] = 'MOC';
$where['$match']['callEventDurationRound'] = 0;
$group['$group']['sms_out'] = $group['$group']['mtc_all'];
$group['$group']['sms_out'] = array('$sum' => 1);
$having['$match']['sms_out'] = array('$gte' => Billrun_Factory::config()->getConfigValue('nrtrde.thresholds.smsout'));
$project['$project']['sms_out'] = 1;
$sms_out = $lines->aggregate($base_match, $where, $group, $project, $having);
What is billing?
● Group of processes of communications
service providers
● responsible to collect consumption data
● calculate charging and billing information
● produce bills to customers
● process their payments and manage debt
What is billing?
● This is how we see it
● The KISS way
Telecom Today - RDBMS challenges
● Telecom situation world wide today:
○ Unlimited packages, extend 3g usage, with high
○ High-volume - 4g, LTE
○ Different Events - different data structure
5 *main* data-structures from different sources
● NSN - Calls
● GGSN - Data
● TAP3 - International usage
Billing and MongoDB - Pros
NSN Record
> db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "call", aid:XXXXXXX})
"_id" : ObjectId("52bafd818f7ac3943a8b96dc"),
"stamp" : "87cea5dec484c8f6a19e44e77a2e15b4",
"record_type" : "01",
"record_number" : "13857000",
"record_status" : 0,
"exchange_id" : "000006270000",
"call_reference" : "700227d9a3",
"urt" : ISODate("2013-12-25T15:09:15Z"),
"charging_start_time" : "20131225170915",
"charging_end_time" : "20131225171517",
"call_reference_time" : "20131225170914",
"duration" : 362,
"calling_number" : "972546918666",
"called_number" : "26366667",
"call_type" : "3",
"chrg_type" : "0",
"called_imsi" : "000030000000000",
"imsi" : "000089000101076",
"in_circuit_group_name" : "",
"in_circuit_group" : "",
"out_circuit_group_name" : "NBZQZA8",
"out_circuit_group" : "0503",
"tariff_class" : "000000",
"called_number_ton" : "6",
"org_dur" : 362,
"type" : "nsn",
"source" : "binary",
"file" : "CF0322.DAT",
"log_stamp" : "0a3ffdb7c9ccc175e38be2fcc00f8c28",
"process_time" : "2013-12-25 17:35:22",
"usaget" : "call",
"usagev" : 362,
"arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f0001c9")),
"aid" : XXXXXXX,
"sid" : YYYYY,
"plan" : "LARGE",
"aprice" : 0,
SMS Record
> db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "sms", aid:XXXXXXX})
"_id" : ObjectId("52e52ff1d88db071648b4ad7"),
"stamp" : "9328f3aaa114aaba910910053a11b3e8",
"record_type" : "1",
"calling_number" : "000972546918666",
"calling_imsi" : "000089200000000",
"calling_msc" : "000972000000000",
"billable" : "000000000000000",
"called_number" : "000972547655380",
"called_imsi" : "425089109386379",
"called_msc" : "000972586279101",
"message_submition_time" : "140125192517",
"time_offest" : "02",
"message_delivery_time" : "140125192519",
"time_offest1" : "02",
"cause_of_terminition" : "100",
"call_reference" : "5137864939035049",
"message_length" : "050",
"concatenated" : "1",
"concatenated_from" : "09",
"source" : "separator_field_lines",
"type" : "smsc",
"log_stamp" : "a5950686e364d1400c13dd1857c3340e",
"file" : "140125192403_5735golan.cdr",
"process_time" : "2014-01-26 17:53:21",
"urt" : ISODate("2014-01-25T17:25:17Z"),
"usaget" : "sms",
"usagev" : 1,
"arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f0001db")),
"aid" : XXXXXXX,
"sid" : YYYYY,
"plan" : "LARGE",
"aprice" : 0,
"usagesb" : 4,
"billrun" : "201402"
Data Record
> db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "data", aid:XXXXXXX})
"_id" : ObjectId("539076678f7ac34a1d8b9367"),
"stamp" : "8a9f891ec85c5294c974a34653356055",
"imsi" : "400009209100000",
"served_imsi" : "400009209100000",
"ggsn_address" : "XX.XX.144.18",
"charging_id" : "2814645234",
"sgsn_address" : "XX.XX.145.9",
"served_pdp_address" : "XX.XX.237.95",
"urt" : ISODate("2014-06-05T09:34:47Z"),
"record_opening_time" : "20140605123447",
"ms_timezone" : "+03:00",
"node_id" : "GLTNGPT",
"served_msisdn" : "00002546918666",
"fbc_uplink_volume" : 61298,
"fbc_downlink_volume" : 217304,
"rating_group" : 0,
"type" : "ggsn",
"source" : "binary",
"file" : "GLTNGPT_-_0000056580.20140605_-_1251+0300",
"log_stamp" : "45a227ced1098bc76a44774eae04eb67",
"process_time" : "2014-06-05 16:39:40",
"usaget" : "data",
"usagev" : 278602,
"arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f000200")),
"apr" : 0.020264916503503202,
"aid" : XXXXXXX,
"sid" : YYYYY,
"plan" : "LARGE",
"aprice" : 0,
"usagesb" : 478682116,
"billrun" : "201406"
TAP3 Record (intl roaming)
> db.lines.findOne({type:"tap3", aid:9073496})
"_id" : ObjectId("538d9ac98f7ac3e17d8b4fd6"),
"stamp" : "8f6cdc8662307ee2ed951ce640a585b5",
"basicCallInformation" : {
"GprsChargeableSubscriber" : {
"chargeableSubscriber" : {
"simChargeableSubscriber" : {
"imsi" : "400009209100000"
"pdpAddress" : "XX.XX.227.158"
"GprsDestination" : {
"AccessPointNameNI" : ""
"CallEventStartTimeStamp" : {
"localTimeStamp" : "20140529205131",
"TimeOffsetCode" : 0
"TotalCallEventDuration" : 163
"LocationInformation" : {
"gprsNetworkLocation" : {
"RecEntityCodeList" : {
"RecEntityCode" : [
"LocationArea" : 00001,
"CellId" : 0001
"GeographicalLocation" : {
"ServingNetwork" : "MMMM"
"ImeiOrEsn" : false,
"GprsServiceUsed" : {
"DataVolumeIncoming" : 195120,
"DataVolumeOutgoing" : 48600,
"ChargeInformationList" : {
"ChargeInformation" : {
"ChargedItem" : "X",
"ExchangeRateCode" : 0,
"ChargeDetailList" : {
"ChargeDetail" : {
"ChargeType" : "00",
"Charge" : 001,
"ChargeableUnits" : 100000,
"ChargedUnits" : 100000,
"ChargeDetailTimeStamp" : {
"localTimeStamp" : "20140529205131",
"TimeOffset" : 0
"OperatorSpecInfoList" : {
"OperatorSpecInformation" : [
"record_type" : "e",
"urt" : ISODate("2014-05-29T18:51:31Z"),
"tzoffset" : "+0200",
"imsi" : "400009209100000",
"serving_network" : "DEUE2",
"sdr" : 0.0001,
"exchange_rate" : 1.12078,
"type" : "tap3",
"file" : "CDBELHBISRGT02253",
"log_stamp" : "a0ad109c6e795f6c1feeef9ef649d937",
"process_time" : "2014-06-03 12:50:08",
"usaget" : "data",
"usagev" : 243720,
"arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId
"apr" : 0.46640616,
"aid" : 9073496,
"sid" : 78288,
"plan" : "LARGE",
"out_plan" : 243720,
"aprice" : 0.46640616,
"usagesb" : 39139746,
"billrun" : "201406"
Billing and MongoDB - Pros
Loose coupling and loose traditional billing components
w/o MongoDb New
with MongoDb
Billing and MongoDB - Pros
● Call can be separated CDRs
● BillRun unify records only on export or
presentation layer you are aggregate not in
the DB.
● No need for mediation
● Can monitor CDR level and use billing in one
Billing and MongoDB - Pros
Sophisticated rating module
● Rating module depends on CDR structure
● Easy to implement recurring rating
MongoDB advantages with Billing
Invoice JSON2PDF process
● Use json as metadata for the PDF
● Easy to export
● Fast processing
MongoDB advantages with Billing
Invoice metadata
> db.billrun.findOne({billrun_key:"201405", aid:9073496})
"aid" : NumberLong(9073496),
"subs" : [
"sid" : NumberLong(78288),
"subscriber_status" : "open",
"current_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3dd")),
"next_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3dd")),
"kosher" : false,
"breakdown" : {
"in_plan" : {
"base" : {
"totals" : {
"data" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(1975547725),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(1352)
"vat" : 0.18
"totals" : {
"sms" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(159),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(159)
"call" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(20788),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(83)
"vat" : 0.18
"IL_FIX" : {
"totals" : {
"call" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(1217),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(16)
"vat" : 0.18
"totals" : {
"call" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(60),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(2)
"vat" : 0.18
"service" : {
"cost" : 83.898305085,
"vat" : 0.18
"intl" : {
"KT_USA_NEW" : {
"totals" : {
"call" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(149),
"cost" : NumberLong(0),
"count" : NumberLong(2)
"vat" : 0.18
MongoDB advantages with Billing
Invoice metadata
"credit" : {
"refund_vatable" : {
"CRM-REFUND_PROMOTION_1024-BILLRUN_201405" : -33.898305084746
"lines" : {
"data" : {
"counters" : {
"20140425" : {
"usagev" : NumberLong(11991615),
"aprice" : NumberLong(0),
"plan_flag" : "in"
…. /* data by date really long, so let’s cut it from this demonstration */
"totals" : {
"vatable" : 50.000000000254005,
"before_vat" : 50.000000000254005,
"after_vat" : 59.00000000029973
"costs" : {
"credit" : {
"refund" : {
"vatable" : -33.898305084746
"flat" : {
"vatable" : 83.898305085
"sid" : NumberLong(354961),
"subscriber_status" : "open",
"current_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3de")),
"next_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3de")),
"kosher" : false,
"breakdown" : {
"in_plan" : {
"base" : {
"service" : {
"cost" : 8.466101695,
"vat" : 0.18
"totals" : {
"vatable" : 8.466101695,
"before_vat" : 8.466101695,
"after_vat" : 9.9900000001
"costs" : {
"flat" : {
"vatable" : 8.466101695
"vat" : 0.18,
"billrun_key" : "201405",
"totals" : {
"before_vat" : 58.466101695254004,
"after_vat" : 68.99000000039973,
"vatable" : 58.466101695254004
"_id" : ObjectId("5382fd3cd88db0c31a8b74cc"),
"invoice_id" : NumberLong(14738102),
"invoice_file" : "201405_009073496_00014738102.xml"
First Production
Data center 1
Data center 2
Data center 1
Data center 2 Data center 1
Data center 2
BillRun application
BillRun core
Zend and more
App stack
Web service Cli/Cron services
Pay Attention! What to keep in mind
Transactional (tx) processes
● write concern - acknowledged (default in 2.4)
● findAndModify (A.K.A FAM) - document tx
● value=oldValue
● 2 phase commit - app side
● Transaction lock by design
High performance tricks
● With SSD you get x20 more performance
● MongoDB loves RAM
● Follow MongoDB production notes
○ Readahead low as possible
○ THP - transparent hugepages
Pay Attention! What to keep in mind
TCO - MongoDB based solution
● 3 Months dev
● 3 Months QA
● Few days of maintenance infra and app
● Easy to scale
● Easy to add features
Thank you, Ofer Cohen S.
D.O.C. Ltd. @oc666
Billing on Top of

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Mongo db world 2014 billrun

  • 1. MongoDB World 2014 by S.D.O.C. Ltd. Billing on Top of MongoDB Ofer Cohen
  • 2. Who Am I ? ● Open source evangelist ● Former Board member of OpenSourceMatters (Non-profit-org behind Joomla) ● S.D.O.C. Ltd. Co-Founder
  • 3. What are we doing? ● We increase business success through great open source technologies and services ○ Open & Transparent ○ Don't reinvent the wheel ○ High Quality ○ Lean & Effective
  • 4. How did we get to billing (history) ● Client: Golan Telecom (Israel)
  • 5. How did we get to billing (history) ● Client: Golan Telecom ○ New & lean player in the market ○ 0=>~1M subscribers in 4 years ○ Limited resources & love open source
  • 6. How did we get to billing (history) ● Client: Golan Telecom ○ Start environment from Day 1 ○ Short and aggressive time to market ○ Unlimited plan for ~25$ ○ Customer can do almost everything in the website ■ Obviously requires 24/7 uptime
  • 7. How did we get to billing (history) ● Start with Anti-Fraud solution ● 2 Different data structure, 2 separated tables ○ Outgoing calls (MOC) ○ incoming calls (MTC) ○ SMS (duration=0 means SMS)
  • 8. Anti-Fraud in RDBMS How was it look like? Example code... $base_query = "SELECT imsi FROM moc WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start . " UNION SELECT imsi FROM mtc WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start $base_query = "SELECT imsi FROM (" . $base_query . ") AS qry "; if (isset($args['imsi'])) $base_query .= "WHERE imsi = '" . $this->_connection->real_escape_string($args['imsi']) . "'"; $base_query .= "GROUP BY imsi "; $mtc_join_query = "SELECT 'mtc' AS type, imsi, SUM(callEventDuration) AS duration, SUM(CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60) AS duration_round " . ", SUM(chargeAmount) charge " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)='972', callEventDuration, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)<=10, callEventDuration, 0))) AS israel_duration " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)='972', CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)<=10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0))) AS israel_duration_round " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)>10, callEventDuration, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(callingNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(callingNumber)>10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration_round " . ", SUM(IF(callEventDuration = 0, 1, 0)) AS sms_count " . "FROM mtc " . "WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start . " " . "GROUP BY type, imsi";
  • 9. Anti-Fraud in RDBMS How was it look like? Example code... $moc_join_query = "SELECT 'moc' AS type, imsi, SUM(callEventDuration) AS duration, SUM(CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60) AS duration_round " . ", SUM(chargeAmount) charge " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)='972', callEventDuration, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)<=10, callEventDuration, 0))) AS israel_duration " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)='972', CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)<=10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0))) AS israel_duration_round " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)>10, callEventDuration, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration " . ", SUM(IF(SUBSTRING(connectedNumber, 1, 3)!='972', IF(CHAR_LENGTH(connectedNumber)>10, CEILING(callEventDuration/60)*60, 0), 0)) AS non_israel_duration_round " . ", SUM(IF(callEventDuration = 0, 1, 0)) AS sms_count " . "FROM moc " . "WHERE callEventStartTimeStamp >=" . $start . " " . "GROUP BY type, imsi";
  • 10. Anti-Fraud in RDBMS How was it look like? Example code... $group_query = "SELECT base.imsi, moc.duration AS moc_duration, moc.charge AS moc_charge, " . "mtc.duration AS mtc_duration, mtc.charge AS mtc_charge, " . "mtc.duration_round AS mtc_duration_round, moc.duration_round AS moc_duration_round, " . "moc.israel_duration AS moc_israel_duration, moc.non_israel_duration AS moc_non_israel_duration, " . "moc.israel_duration_round AS moc_israel_duration_round, moc.non_israel_duration_round AS moc_non_israel_duration_round, " . "mtc.israel_duration AS mtc_israel_duration, mtc.non_israel_duration AS mtc_non_israel_duration, " . "mtc.israel_duration_round AS mtc_israel_duration_round, mtc.non_israel_duration_round AS mtc_non_israel_duration_round, " . "mtc.sms_count AS mtc_sms_count, moc.sms_count AS moc_sms_count " . "FROM " . "( " . $base_query . " ) AS base " . " LEFT JOIN (" . $mtc_join_query . " ) AS mtc ON base.imsi = mtc.imsi " . " LEFT JOIN (" . $moc_join_query . " ) AS moc ON base.imsi = moc.imsi " ; if (isset($args['limit'])) { $limit = (int) $args['limit']; } else { $limit = 100000; }
  • 11. Anti-Fraud in RDBMS How was it feel…?
  • 12. After moving to Mongo ● One main collection for 2 types ● Aggregate much more simple
  • 13. After moving to Mongo $base_match = array( '$match' => array( 'source' => 'nrtrde', 'unified_record_time' => array('$gte' => new MongoDate($charge_time)), ) ); $where = array( '$match' => array( 'record_type' => 'MOC', 'connectedNumber' => array('$regex' => '^972'), 'event_stamp' => array('$exists' => false), 'deposit_stamp' => array('$exists' => false), 'callEventDurationRound' => array('$gt' => 0), // not sms ), ); $group = array( '$group' => array( "_id" => '$imsi', "moc_israel" => array('$sum' => '$callEventDurationRound'), 'lines_stamps' => array('$addToSet' => '$stamp'), ), ); $project = array( '$project' => array( 'imsi' => '$_id', '_id' => 0, 'moc_israel' => 1, 'lines_stamps' => 1, ), );
  • 14. After moving to Mongo $having = array( '$match' => array( 'moc_israel' => array('$gte' => Billrun_Factory::config()->getConfigValue('nrtrde.thresholds.moc.israel')) ), ); $moc_israel = $lines->aggregate($base_match, $where, $group, $project, $having); //sms out to all numbers $where['$match']['record_type'] = 'MOC'; $where['$match']['callEventDurationRound'] = 0; $group['$group']['sms_out'] = $group['$group']['mtc_all']; unset($group['$group']['mtc_all']); unset($having['$match']['mtc_all']); $group['$group']['sms_out'] = array('$sum' => 1); $having['$match']['sms_out'] = array('$gte' => Billrun_Factory::config()->getConfigValue('nrtrde.thresholds.smsout')); $project['$project']['sms_out'] = 1; unset($project['$project']['mtc_all']); $sms_out = $lines->aggregate($base_match, $where, $group, $project, $having);
  • 15. What is billing? ● Group of processes of communications service providers ● responsible to collect consumption data ● calculate charging and billing information ● produce bills to customers ● process their payments and manage debt collection Wikipedia
  • 16. What is billing? ● This is how we see it ● The KISS way
  • 17. Telecom Today - RDBMS challenges ● Telecom situation world wide today: ○ Unlimited packages, extend 3g usage, with high competition ○ High-volume - 4g, LTE ○ Different Events - different data structure
  • 18. 5 *main* data-structures from different sources ● NSN - Calls ● SMSC - SMS ● MMSC - MMS ● GGSN - Data ● TAP3 - International usage Billing and MongoDB - Pros
  • 19. NSN Record > db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "call", aid:XXXXXXX}) { "_id" : ObjectId("52bafd818f7ac3943a8b96dc"), "stamp" : "87cea5dec484c8f6a19e44e77a2e15b4", "record_type" : "01", "record_number" : "13857000", "record_status" : 0, "exchange_id" : "000006270000", "call_reference" : "700227d9a3", "urt" : ISODate("2013-12-25T15:09:15Z"), "charging_start_time" : "20131225170915", "charging_end_time" : "20131225171517", "call_reference_time" : "20131225170914", "duration" : 362, "calling_number" : "972546918666", "called_number" : "26366667", "call_type" : "3", "chrg_type" : "0", "called_imsi" : "000030000000000", "imsi" : "000089000101076", "in_circuit_group_name" : "", "in_circuit_group" : "", "out_circuit_group_name" : "NBZQZA8", "out_circuit_group" : "0503", "tariff_class" : "000000", "called_number_ton" : "6", "org_dur" : 362, "type" : "nsn", "source" : "binary", "file" : "CF0322.DAT", "log_stamp" : "0a3ffdb7c9ccc175e38be2fcc00f8c28", "process_time" : "2013-12-25 17:35:22", "usaget" : "call", "usagev" : 362, "arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f0001c9")), "aid" : XXXXXXX, "sid" : YYYYY, "plan" : "LARGE", "aprice" : 0, }
  • 20. SMS Record > db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "sms", aid:XXXXXXX}) { "_id" : ObjectId("52e52ff1d88db071648b4ad7"), "stamp" : "9328f3aaa114aaba910910053a11b3e8", "record_type" : "1", "calling_number" : "000972546918666", "calling_imsi" : "000089200000000", "calling_msc" : "000972000000000", "billable" : "000000000000000", "called_number" : "000972547655380", "called_imsi" : "425089109386379", "called_msc" : "000972586279101", "message_submition_time" : "140125192517", "time_offest" : "02", "message_delivery_time" : "140125192519", "time_offest1" : "02", "cause_of_terminition" : "100", "call_reference" : "5137864939035049", "message_length" : "050", "concatenated" : "1", "concatenated_from" : "09", "source" : "separator_field_lines", "type" : "smsc", "log_stamp" : "a5950686e364d1400c13dd1857c3340e", "file" : "140125192403_5735golan.cdr", "process_time" : "2014-01-26 17:53:21", "urt" : ISODate("2014-01-25T17:25:17Z"), "usaget" : "sms", "usagev" : 1, "arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f0001db")), "aid" : XXXXXXX, "sid" : YYYYY, "plan" : "LARGE", "aprice" : 0, "usagesb" : 4, "billrun" : "201402" }
  • 21. Data Record > db.lines.findOne({"usaget" : "data", aid:XXXXXXX}) { "_id" : ObjectId("539076678f7ac34a1d8b9367"), "stamp" : "8a9f891ec85c5294c974a34653356055", "imsi" : "400009209100000", "served_imsi" : "400009209100000", "ggsn_address" : "XX.XX.144.18", "charging_id" : "2814645234", "sgsn_address" : "XX.XX.145.9", "served_pdp_address" : "XX.XX.237.95", "urt" : ISODate("2014-06-05T09:34:47Z"), "record_opening_time" : "20140605123447", "ms_timezone" : "+03:00", "node_id" : "GLTNGPT", "served_msisdn" : "00002546918666", "fbc_uplink_volume" : 61298, "fbc_downlink_volume" : 217304, "rating_group" : 0, "type" : "ggsn", "source" : "binary", "file" : "GLTNGPT_-_0000056580.20140605_-_1251+0300", "log_stamp" : "45a227ced1098bc76a44774eae04eb67", "process_time" : "2014-06-05 16:39:40", "usaget" : "data", "usagev" : 278602, "arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId("521e07fcd88db0e73f000200")), "apr" : 0.020264916503503202, "aid" : XXXXXXX, "sid" : YYYYY, "plan" : "LARGE", "aprice" : 0, "usagesb" : 478682116, "billrun" : "201406" }
  • 22. TAP3 Record (intl roaming) > db.lines.findOne({type:"tap3", aid:9073496}) { "_id" : ObjectId("538d9ac98f7ac3e17d8b4fd6"), "stamp" : "8f6cdc8662307ee2ed951ce640a585b5", "basicCallInformation" : { "GprsChargeableSubscriber" : { "chargeableSubscriber" : { "simChargeableSubscriber" : { "imsi" : "400009209100000" } }, "pdpAddress" : "XX.XX.227.158" }, "GprsDestination" : { "AccessPointNameNI" : "" }, "CallEventStartTimeStamp" : { "localTimeStamp" : "20140529205131", "TimeOffsetCode" : 0 }, "TotalCallEventDuration" : 163 }, "LocationInformation" : { "gprsNetworkLocation" : { "RecEntityCodeList" : { "RecEntityCode" : [ "", "u0000" ] }, "LocationArea" : 00001, "CellId" : 0001 }, "GeographicalLocation" : { "ServingNetwork" : "MMMM" } }, "ImeiOrEsn" : false, "GprsServiceUsed" : { "DataVolumeIncoming" : 195120, "DataVolumeOutgoing" : 48600, "ChargeInformationList" : { "ChargeInformation" : { "ChargedItem" : "X", "ExchangeRateCode" : 0, "ChargeDetailList" : { "ChargeDetail" : { "ChargeType" : "00", "Charge" : 001, "ChargeableUnits" : 100000, "ChargedUnits" : 100000, "ChargeDetailTimeStamp" : { "localTimeStamp" : "20140529205131", "TimeOffset" : 0 } } } } } }, "OperatorSpecInfoList" : { "OperatorSpecInformation" : [ "00000000.0000", "00000000.0000", "00000000.0000" ] }, "record_type" : "e", "urt" : ISODate("2014-05-29T18:51:31Z"), "tzoffset" : "+0200", "imsi" : "400009209100000", "serving_network" : "DEUE2", "sdr" : 0.0001, "exchange_rate" : 1.12078, "type" : "tap3", "file" : "CDBELHBISRGT02253", "log_stamp" : "a0ad109c6e795f6c1feeef9ef649d937", "process_time" : "2014-06-03 12:50:08", "usaget" : "data", "usagev" : 243720, "arate" : DBRef("rates", ObjectId ("521e07fed88db0e73f000219")), "apr" : 0.46640616, "aid" : 9073496, "sid" : 78288, "plan" : "LARGE", "out_plan" : 243720, "aprice" : 0.46640616, "usagesb" : 39139746, "billrun" : "201406" }
  • 23. Billing and MongoDB - Pros Loose coupling and loose traditional billing components Old w/o MongoDb New with MongoDb
  • 24. Billing and MongoDB - Pros ● Call can be separated CDRs ● BillRun unify records only on export or presentation layer you are aggregate not in the DB. ● No need for mediation ● Can monitor CDR level and use billing in one system
  • 25. Billing and MongoDB - Pros Sophisticated rating module ● Rating module depends on CDR structure ● Easy to implement recurring rating
  • 26. MongoDB advantages with Billing Invoice JSON2PDF process ● Use json as metadata for the PDF ● Easy to export ● Fast processing
  • 27. MongoDB advantages with Billing Invoice metadata > db.billrun.findOne({billrun_key:"201405", aid:9073496}) { "aid" : NumberLong(9073496), "subs" : [ { "sid" : NumberLong(78288), "subscriber_status" : "open", "current_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3dd")), "next_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3dd")), "kosher" : false, "breakdown" : { "in_plan" : { "base" : { "INTERNET_BILL_BY_VOLUME" : { "totals" : { "data" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(1975547725), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(1352) } }, "vat" : 0.18 }, "IL_MOBILE" : { "totals" : { "sms" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(159), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(159) }, "call" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(20788), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(83) } }, "vat" : 0.18 }, "IL_FIX" : { "totals" : { "call" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(1217), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(16) } }, "vat" : 0.18 }, "INTERNAL_VOICE_MAIL_CALL" : { "totals" : { "call" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(60), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(2) } }, "vat" : 0.18 }, "service" : { "cost" : 83.898305085, "vat" : 0.18 } }, "intl" : { "KT_USA_NEW" : { "totals" : { "call" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(149), "cost" : NumberLong(0), "count" : NumberLong(2) } }, "vat" : 0.18 } } },
  • 28. MongoDB advantages with Billing Invoice metadata "credit" : { "refund_vatable" : { "CRM-REFUND_PROMOTION_1024-BILLRUN_201405" : -33.898305084746 } } }, "lines" : { "data" : { "counters" : { "20140425" : { "usagev" : NumberLong(11991615), "aprice" : NumberLong(0), "plan_flag" : "in" }, …. /* data by date really long, so let’s cut it from this demonstration */ } } }, "totals" : { "vatable" : 50.000000000254005, "before_vat" : 50.000000000254005, "after_vat" : 59.00000000029973 }, "costs" : { "credit" : { "refund" : { "vatable" : -33.898305084746 } }, "flat" : { "vatable" : 83.898305085 } } }, { "sid" : NumberLong(354961), "subscriber_status" : "open", "current_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3de")), "next_plan" : DBRef("plans", ObjectId("51bd8dc9eb2f76d2178dd3de")), "kosher" : false, "breakdown" : { "in_plan" : { "base" : { "service" : { "cost" : 8.466101695, "vat" : 0.18 } } } }, "totals" : { "vatable" : 8.466101695, "before_vat" : 8.466101695, "after_vat" : 9.9900000001 }, "costs" : { "flat" : { "vatable" : 8.466101695 } } } ], "vat" : 0.18, "billrun_key" : "201405", "totals" : { "before_vat" : 58.466101695254004, "after_vat" : 68.99000000039973, "vatable" : 58.466101695254004 }, "_id" : ObjectId("5382fd3cd88db0c31a8b74cc"), "invoice_id" : NumberLong(14738102), "invoice_file" : "201405_009073496_00014738102.xml" }
  • 29. Infrastructure BETA First Production Today Data center 1 Data center 2 Data center 1 Data center 2 Data center 1 Data center 2 BillRun application BillRun core PHP Yaf framework Mongodloid, Zend and more libraries MongoDB App stack Web service Cli/Cron services
  • 30. Pay Attention! What to keep in mind Transactional (tx) processes ● write concern - acknowledged (default in 2.4) ● findAndModify (A.K.A FAM) - document tx ● value=oldValue ● 2 phase commit - app side ● Transaction lock by design
  • 31. High performance tricks ● With SSD you get x20 more performance ● MongoDB loves RAM ● Follow MongoDB production notes ○ Readahead low as possible ○ THP - transparent hugepages Pay Attention! What to keep in mind
  • 32. TCO - MongoDB based solution ● 3 Months dev ● 3 Months QA ● Few days of maintenance infra and app ● Easy to scale ● Easy to add features
  • 33. Thank you, Ofer Cohen S. D.O.C. Ltd. @oc666 BillRun Billing on Top of