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How to create
Aptana Ruble
      2012.11.01 / 박재성

 1. Aptana Ruble ?

 2. 생성하기

 3. Commands

 4. Code Assist

 5. Simple Demo

 6. Packaging & installation
1. Aptana Ruble?

 Ruble = RUby BundLE

 •   IDE와 에디터 영역의 사용 환경을 Ruby를 사
     용해 확장하는 런타임 환경을 의미

 •   TextMate bundles와 호환
2. 생성하기

 Creating a new Ruble :

 a. Wizard :
    New > Ruby Project >

 b. Modifying existing ruble
    Commands > [Ruble Name] > Edit this bundle
2. 생성하기 : bundle.rb

 require 'ruble'

 bundle do |bundle|
   bundle.display_name = 'Test Plugin' = 'My Name'
   bundle.copyright = <<END
 (c) Copyright 2011 Distributed under MIT license.

   bundle.description = <<END
 Sample description

  # uncomment with the url to the git repo if one exists
  # bundle.repository = ''

   # Use Commands > Bundle Development > Insert Bundle Section > Menu
   # to easily add new sections 'Test Plugin' do |menu|
     menu.command 'Swap Case'
     menu.command 'Sample Snippet'
     menu.separator 'Sub Menu' do |sub_menu|
         sub_menu.command 'Sample Snippet'
2. 생성하기 : Menu
2. 생성하기 : How command is invoked

                                         require 'ruble' 'Test Plugin' do |menu|
    menu.command 'Swap Case'             command 'Swap Case' do |cmd|
    menu.command 'Sample Snippet'          cmd.key_binding = 'SHIFT+CTRL+A'
    menu.separator                         cmd.scope = 'source' 'Sub Menu' do |sub_menu|     cmd.output = :replace_selection
        sub_menu.command 'Sample           cmd.input = :selection, :word
Snippet'                                   cmd.invoke do |context|
    end                                      word = $stdin.gets
  end                                        context.exit_discard if word.nil?
end                                          print word.swapcase
3. Commands : scope

 •   명령이 수행되는 스코프를 지정. 스코프가 지정되지 않으면, 모든 스코프를 대상으로 실행
      Specification :

 • Name Selector / Dotted Name Selector

       ex. text
     text, text.html, text.html.ruby 등의 파일명과 매칭. texts.physics는 매칭되지 않음. 프리픽스는 점(dot)
     표현 식으로 종료되는 표현 식만 매칭됨.

 • Descendant Selector

       ex. text.html source.ruby

     “text.html” 내에 존재하는 Ruby 코드 내에 에디터의 커서가 위치하는 경우
     The editor's cursor is within Ruby code which is within HTML

 • Union Selector
     콤마는 OR과 같이 수행됨. 파이프 연산자는 콤마 연산자 보다 연산자의 우선 순위에서 뒤쳐짐

       ex. text.html.ruby, text.html source.ruby
           text.html.ruby | text.html source.ruby
3. Commands : scope (cont’d)
 • Intersection Selector
     2개의 조건이 부합되는 경우에만

       ex. text & source

 • Grouping

       ex. source & (js | ruby)

 • Negative Lookahead

       ex. text.html – source.ruby
     "source.ruby " 와 매칭되지 않는 모든 "text.html" 스코프

                           Operator   Name(s)
                           ()         Parentheses, Group
                           &          Ampersand, Intersection
 •    연산자 우선 순위
                           <space>    Descendant
                           -          Negative Lookahead, Asymmetric Difference
                           ,          Comma, Or, Union
                           |          Pipe, Or, Union
3. Commands : input

 •       명령이 실행되는 대상의 입력 정의 (INPUT_SPECIFIER에 따름)
         Specification :

 Specifier                         Description
 :selection                        selected text in the editor
 :left_character                   the character to the immediate left of the caret
 :right_character                  the character to the immediate right of the caret
 :word                             word surrounding the current caret
 :line                             the line containing the caret
 :document                         the entire current document
 :clipboard                        the contents of the clipboard
 :scope                            (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) As in TextMate: search backwards and forwards for the first cha
                                   racter which is not matched by the scope selector of the command and use those as bou
                                   ndaries for the input.
 :input_from_console               take input from a shell window? How do we specify which console?
 :none                             no input is needed by this command. When encountered in the multiple symbol specifie
                                   r case, this symbol always terminates fallback evaluation
 :selected_lines                   I'm not sure what this does or how it differs from :selection!!!
3. Commands : output

 •   명령의 수행결과 출력대상 정의 (OUTPUT_SPECIFIER에 따름)
     Specification :

Specifier                     Description
:insert_as_text               insert text at the caret position. If there is a selection, the text is inserted immediately foll
                              owing the selection and the selection is lost.
:insert_as_snippet            as with :insert_as_text, but the output is interpreted as snippet expansion text
:replace_selection            replace the currently selected text with the output. If no text is selected, this is equivalent
                              to the :insert_as_text specifier
:replace_document             replace the entire document with the output
:copy_to_clipboard            replace the contents of the clipboard with the output
:show_as_html                 open an html browser window and intepret the output as html
:show_as_tooltip              show a tooltip containing the output
:create_new_document          create a new editor document containing the output
:output_to_console            display the output in a console. HOW DO WE SPECIFY WHICH CONSOLE
:discard                      throw any output away
:replace_selected_lines       what does this do? probably unnecessary
:replace_line                 replace the line around the caret. probably unnecessary
:replace_word                 replace the word around the caret. probably unnecessary
3. Commands : key_binding

•    명령 수행 단축키. 플랫폼에 따라 다르게 지정할 수
     도 있음
                                                                        Key           ...            ...
Specification :   ARROW_DOWN    F1             NUMPAD_0
ecification-KeyBindings                                                 ARROW_LEFT    F2             NUMPAD_1
                                                                        ARROW_RIGHT   F3             NUMPAD_2
                                                                        ARROW_UP      F4             NUMPAD_3
                                                                        BREAK         F5             NUMPAD_4
Shortcut            Platform             Key                            BS            F6             NUMPAD_5
M1                  OS X                 COMMAND                        CAPS_LOCK     F7             NUMPAD_6
M1                  Other Platforms CONTROL (CTRL)                      CR            F8             NUMPAD_7
M2                  All Platforms        SHIFT                          DEL           F9             NUMPAD_8
M3                  OS X                 OPTION                         END           F10            NUMPAD_9
M3                  Other Platforms ALT                                 ESC           F11            NUMPAD_ADD
M4                  OS X                 CONTROL (CTRL)                 HOME          F12            NUMPAD_DECIMAL
                                                                        INSERT        F13            NUMPAD_DIVIDE
                                                                        LF            F14            NUMPAD_ENTER
                                                                        FF            F15            NUMPAD_EQUAL
                                                                        NUL           PRINT_SCREEN   NUMPAD_MULTIPLY
                                                                        PAGE_UP       PAUSE          NUMPAD_SUBTRACT
                                                                        PAGE_DOWN     SCROLL_LOCK    NUM_LOCK
                                                                        SPACE         TAB            VT
3. Commands : invoke

•   실제 명령의 수행을 담당하는 코드
•   Output에 따라 Ruby, HTML 또는 shell script 등을 사용할 수 있다.

     Specification :

    command 'Jindo API' do |cmd|
      cmd.key_binding = "ALT+SHIFT+HOME"
      cmd.output = :show_as_html
      cmd.input = :none

      cmd.invoke do |context|
        url = "file://#{File.dirname(ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT'])}/views/ko/symbols/$A.html"
          <iframe src='#{url}' marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0
4. Code Assist

 • ScriptDoc spec 소개

   - 2006년경 발표
   - Aptana가 표준화 하려던 JavaScript Documentation 명세 (now has gone!)

 • ScriptDoc (SDOC) 2.0 Specification

 • ScriptDoc XML (SDOCML) 2.0 Specification
4. Code Assist : ScriptDoc XML

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 <!-- $Jindo -->
 <class type="$Jindo">
         <description>$Jindo 객체를 반환한다. $Jindo 객체는 프레임웍에 대한 정보와 유틸리티 함수를 제공한
            <return-type type="$Jindo.API" />

 <class type="$Jindo.API" superclass="$Jindo">
      <property name="version" type="Number" scope="instance">
         <description>Jindo 버전</description>


4. Code Assist : Enable usage

  bundle.project_build_path["Jindo Code Assist"] = "#{File.dirname($0)}/support/jindo.sdocml"

 Project > properties > Project Build Path
5. Simple demo
6. Packaging & installation

  • zip으로 디렉토리를 모두 압축

    설치는 압축된 파일을 플랫폼에 따라 아래 위치에 압축해제

    a. Windows : C:Users사용자Aptana Rubles
    b. MacOS : /User/사용자/Documents/Aptana Rubles/

  • 몇 가지 기억할 점

    - cache.*.yml은 패키징에 포함시키면 안된다.
    - command의 코드에 따라 운영체제에 따른 분기처리가 필요할 수도 있다.

  Documentation

  Ruble Specification

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How to create Aptana Ruble

  • 1. How to create Aptana Ruble 2012.11.01 / 박재성
  • 2. Index 1. Aptana Ruble ? 2. 생성하기 3. Commands 4. Code Assist 5. Simple Demo 6. Packaging & installation
  • 3. 1. Aptana Ruble? Ruble = RUby BundLE • IDE와 에디터 영역의 사용 환경을 Ruby를 사 용해 확장하는 런타임 환경을 의미 • TextMate bundles와 호환
  • 4. 2. 생성하기 Creating a new Ruble : a. Wizard : New > Ruby Project > b. Modifying existing ruble Commands > [Ruble Name] > Edit this bundle
  • 5. 2. 생성하기 : bundle.rb bundle.rb require 'ruble' bundle do |bundle| bundle.display_name = 'Test Plugin' = 'My Name' bundle.copyright = <<END (c) Copyright 2011 Distributed under MIT license. END bundle.description = <<END Sample description END # uncomment with the url to the git repo if one exists # bundle.repository = '' # Use Commands > Bundle Development > Insert Bundle Section > Menu # to easily add new sections 'Test Plugin' do |menu| menu.command 'Swap Case' menu.command 'Sample Snippet' menu.separator 'Sub Menu' do |sub_menu| sub_menu.command 'Sample Snippet' end end end
  • 7. 2. 생성하기 : How command is invoked /commands/commands.rb /bundle.rb require 'ruble' 'Test Plugin' do |menu| menu.command 'Swap Case' command 'Swap Case' do |cmd| menu.command 'Sample Snippet' cmd.key_binding = 'SHIFT+CTRL+A' menu.separator cmd.scope = 'source' 'Sub Menu' do |sub_menu| cmd.output = :replace_selection sub_menu.command 'Sample cmd.input = :selection, :word Snippet' cmd.invoke do |context| end word = $stdin.gets end context.exit_discard if word.nil? end print word.swapcase end end
  • 8. 3. Commands : scope • 명령이 수행되는 스코프를 지정. 스코프가 지정되지 않으면, 모든 스코프를 대상으로 실행 Specification : • Name Selector / Dotted Name Selector ex. text text, text.html, text.html.ruby 등의 파일명과 매칭. texts.physics는 매칭되지 않음. 프리픽스는 점(dot) 표현 식으로 종료되는 표현 식만 매칭됨. • Descendant Selector ex. text.html source.ruby “text.html” 내에 존재하는 Ruby 코드 내에 에디터의 커서가 위치하는 경우 The editor's cursor is within Ruby code which is within HTML • Union Selector 콤마는 OR과 같이 수행됨. 파이프 연산자는 콤마 연산자 보다 연산자의 우선 순위에서 뒤쳐짐 ex. text.html.ruby, text.html source.ruby text.html.ruby | text.html source.ruby
  • 9. 3. Commands : scope (cont’d) • Intersection Selector 2개의 조건이 부합되는 경우에만 ex. text & source • Grouping 그룹핑 ex. source & (js | ruby) • Negative Lookahead ex. text.html – source.ruby "source.ruby " 와 매칭되지 않는 모든 "text.html" 스코프 Operator Name(s) () Parentheses, Group & Ampersand, Intersection • 연산자 우선 순위 <space> Descendant - Negative Lookahead, Asymmetric Difference , Comma, Or, Union | Pipe, Or, Union
  • 10. 3. Commands : input • 명령이 실행되는 대상의 입력 정의 (INPUT_SPECIFIER에 따름) Specification : Specifier Description :selection selected text in the editor :left_character the character to the immediate left of the caret :right_character the character to the immediate right of the caret :word word surrounding the current caret :line the line containing the caret :document the entire current document :clipboard the contents of the clipboard :scope (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) As in TextMate: search backwards and forwards for the first cha racter which is not matched by the scope selector of the command and use those as bou ndaries for the input. :input_from_console take input from a shell window? How do we specify which console? :none no input is needed by this command. When encountered in the multiple symbol specifie r case, this symbol always terminates fallback evaluation :selected_lines I'm not sure what this does or how it differs from :selection!!!
  • 11. 3. Commands : output • 명령의 수행결과 출력대상 정의 (OUTPUT_SPECIFIER에 따름) Specification : Specifier Description :insert_as_text insert text at the caret position. If there is a selection, the text is inserted immediately foll owing the selection and the selection is lost. :insert_as_snippet as with :insert_as_text, but the output is interpreted as snippet expansion text :replace_selection replace the currently selected text with the output. If no text is selected, this is equivalent to the :insert_as_text specifier :replace_document replace the entire document with the output :copy_to_clipboard replace the contents of the clipboard with the output :show_as_html open an html browser window and intepret the output as html :show_as_tooltip show a tooltip containing the output :create_new_document create a new editor document containing the output :output_to_console display the output in a console. HOW DO WE SPECIFY WHICH CONSOLE :discard throw any output away :replace_selected_lines what does this do? probably unnecessary :replace_line replace the line around the caret. probably unnecessary :replace_word replace the word around the caret. probably unnecessary
  • 13. 3. Commands : invoke • 실제 명령의 수행을 담당하는 코드 • Output에 따라 Ruby, HTML 또는 shell script 등을 사용할 수 있다. Specification : command 'Jindo API' do |cmd| cmd.key_binding = "ALT+SHIFT+HOME" cmd.output = :show_as_html cmd.input = :none cmd.invoke do |context| url = "file://#{File.dirname(ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT'])}/views/ko/symbols/$A.html" <<-END <html><head><title>Jindo API</title><style>html,body{width:100%;height:100%}body{margin:0;padding:0}</style></h ead> <body> <iframe src='#{url}' marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 style='width:100%;height:100%'></iframe> </body> </html> END end end
  • 14. 4. Code Assist • ScriptDoc spec 소개 - 2006년경 발표 - Aptana가 표준화 하려던 JavaScript Documentation 명세 (now has gone!) • ScriptDoc (SDOC) 2.0 Specification • ScriptDoc XML (SDOCML) 2.0 Specification
  • 15. 4. Code Assist : ScriptDoc XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <javascript> <!-- $Jindo --> <class type="$Jindo"> <constructors> <constructor> <description>$Jindo 객체를 반환한다. $Jindo 객체는 프레임웍에 대한 정보와 유틸리티 함수를 제공한 다.</description> <return-types> <return-type type="$Jindo.API" /> </return-types> </constructor> </constructors> </class> <class type="$Jindo.API" superclass="$Jindo"> <properties> <property name="version" type="Number" scope="instance"> <description>Jindo 버전</description> </property> </properties> </class> ... </javascript>
  • 16. 4. Code Assist : Enable usage bundle.rb bundle.project_build_path["Jindo Code Assist"] = "#{File.dirname($0)}/support/jindo.sdocml" Project > properties > Project Build Path
  • 18. 6. Packaging & installation • zip으로 디렉토리를 모두 압축 설치는 압축된 파일을 플랫폼에 따라 아래 위치에 압축해제 a. Windows : C:Users사용자Aptana Rubles b. MacOS : /User/사용자/Documents/Aptana Rubles/ • 몇 가지 기억할 점 - cache.*.yml은 패키징에 포함시키면 안된다. - command의 코드에 따라 운영체제에 따른 분기처리가 필요할 수도 있다.
  • 19. Reference  Documentation   Ruble Specification 