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deconstructing the functional web
Norman Richards
Response Map

Request Map

HTTP → {} → fn → {} → HTTP
Handler FN

ring handler
(def server
(ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty #’handler
{:port 8080 :join? false}))

(.stop server)

(defn- proxy-handler
  "Returns an Jetty Handler implementation for the given Ring handler."
  (proxy [AbstractHandler] []
    (handle [_ ^Request base-request request response]
      (let [request-map (servlet/build-request-map request)
            response-map (handler request-map)]
        (when response-map
          (servlet/update-servlet-response response response-map)
          (.setHandled base-request true))))))
(defn build-request-map
  "Create the request map from the HttpServletRequest object."
  [^HttpServletRequest request]
(.getServerPort request)
(.getServerName request)
(.getRemoteAddr request)
(.getRequestURI request)
(.getQueryString request)
(keyword (.getScheme request))
(keyword (.toLowerCase (.getMethod request)))
(get-headers request)
(.getContentType request)
(get-content-length request)
   :character-encoding (.getCharacterEncoding request)
(get-client-cert request)
(.getInputStream request)})
not functional :(

(defn update-servlet-response
  "Update the HttpServletResponse using a response map."
  [^HttpServletResponse response, {:keys [status headers body]}]
  (when-not response
    (throw (Exception. "Null response given.")))
  (when status
    (set-status response status))
  (doto response
    (set-headers headers)
    (set-body body)))
Ring Handlers
Handler: (RequestMap → ResponseMap)
(defn handler-nil [req]
{:body nil})
response body

(defn- set-body
  "Update a HttpServletResponse body with a String, ISeq, File or InputStream."
  [^HttpServletResponse response, body]
    (string? body)
      (with-open [writer (.getWriter response)]
        (.print writer body))
    (seq? body)
  ;; …
    (instance? File body)
  ;; …
    (nil? body)
      (throw (Exception. ^String (format "Unrecognized body: %s" body)))))
(defn handler-string [req]
{:body "hello world”})
(defn handler-file [req]
{:body ( "info.txt")})
(defn handler-status [req]
{:status 402
:headers {"Location"
Handlers can return status code and headers

A few response helpers

(defn response
  "Returns a skeletal Ring response with the given body, status of 200, and no
  {:status 200
   :headers {}

(defn not-found
  "Returns a 404 'not found' response."
  {:status 404
   :headers {}

(defn redirect
  "Returns a Ring response for an HTTP 302 redirect."
  {:status 302
   :headers {"Location" url}
(defn handler [req]
(response/response "Hello, world!”))

(defn handler [req]
(response/redirect ""))

(defn handler [req]
(response/resource-response "hello.txt"))
Building up a response

(defn handler [req]
(-> (response/response "")
(response/status 302)
(response/header "Location" "")))
Wrapping requests
Middleware: (Handler → Handler)
(defn handler-reload1 [req]
(response/response (reload-me/some-work)))
A function we’d like to be reloaded if it changes
(defn handler-reload2 [req]
(require 'ringtest.reload-me :reload)
(handler-reload1 req))
The original handler is wrapped
Abstracting the reloading

(defn wrap-reload [other-handler]
(fn [req]
(require 'ringtest.reload-me :reload)
(other-handler req)))
(def handler-reload3 (wrap-reload #'handler-reload1))

(defn wrap-reload
  "Reload namespaces of modified files before the request is passed to the
supplied handler.

Takes the following options:
:dirs - A list of directories that contain the source files.
Defaults to ["src"]."
  [handler & [options]]
  (let [source-dirs (:dirs options ["src"])
        modified-namespaces (ns-tracker source-dirs)]
    (fn [request]
Smarter reloading surrounding the wrapped handler
      (doseq [ns-sym (modified-namespaces)]
        (require ns-sym :reload))
      (handler request))))

This is what “lein ring server” does

(defn- add-middleware [handler options]
  (-> handler
      (add-auto-refresh options)
      (add-auto-reload options)
      (add-stacktraces options)))
Middleware stacks
(middleware1 (middleware2 (middleware3 handler)))
(defn ring-stack [handler]
Our custom “ring” middleware stack
(-> handler
(defonce server-atom (atom nil))
And some custom sever code
(defn start [handler]
(swap! server-atom
(fn [server]
(when server (.stop server))
(jetty/run-jetty handler
{:port 8080 :join? false}))))
(defn stop []
(swap! server-atom
(fn [server]
(when server (.stop server))



Lot’s of middleware to choose from
An existing minimal stack for APIs

(defn api
  "Create a handler suitable for a web API. This adds the following
middleware to your routes:
- wrap-params
- wrap-nested-params
- wrap-keyword-params"
  (-> routes
(defn site
  "Create a handler suitable for a standard website. This adds the
following middleware to your routes:
- wrap-session
- wrap-flash
- wrap-cookies
- wrap-multipart-params
- wrap-params
- wrap-nested-params
- wrap-keyword-params

A map of options may also be provided. These keys are provided:
- a map of session middleware options
:multipart - a map of multipart-params middleware options"
  [routes & [opts]]
  (-> (api routes)
      (with-opts wrap-multipart-params (:multipart opts))
Extends the API stack
      (with-opts wrap-session (:session opts))))
Use it, or make your own

(def handler (-> #'app
(defn app-handler [app-routes & {:keys [session-options store multipart
middleware access-rules formats]}]
  (letfn [(wrap-middleware-format [handler]
            (if formats (wrap-restful-format handler :formats formats) handler))]
    (-> (apply routes app-routes)
A hook to extend the noir stack
        (wrap-middleware middleware)
        (with-opts wrap-multipart-params multipart)
        (wrap-access-rules access-rules)
Lot’s of customization
         (update-in session-options [:store] #(or % (memory-store mem)))))))
Route: (RequestMap → (Option ResponseMap))
Not ring handlers
because they don’t
take a request.

(defn home []
(response/response "Home Page"))
(defn foo []
(response/response "Foo Page"))
(defn foo-n [n]
(response/response (str "This is Foo#" n)))
(defn app1 [req]
(condp re-matches (:uri req)
#"/foo/(.*)" :>> #(foo-n (second %))
(response/not-found "Wat")))

Select the page to
show based on URL
Abstract the route dispatch

(defn route-to [handler]
(fn [match]
(if (string? match)
(apply handler (rest match)))))
(defn app2 [req]
(condp re-matches (:uri req)
Cleaner, but still awkward
:>> (route-to home)
:>> (route-to foo)
:>> (route-to foo-n)
(response/not-found "Wat")))
Include the pattern

(defn my-route [pattern page-fn]
(fn [req]
(if-let [match (re-matches pattern (:uri req))]
((route-to handler) page-fn))))
(defn app3 [req]
(let [my-routes [(my-route #"/"
Much cleaner
(my-route #"/foo"
(my-route #"/foo/(.*)" foo-n)
(my-route #".*"
#(response/not-found "Wat"))]]
(some #(% req) my-routes)))
The first route that responds wins
Routing fn includes method and path

(defn app4 [req]
(let [my-routes [(GET "/" [] (home))
Some extra macro magic
(GET "/foo" [] (foo))
(GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id))
(route/not-found "Wat")]]
(some #(% req) my-routes)))
Some things never change
(defn make-route
  "Returns a function that will only call the handler if the method and Clout
route match the request."
  [method route handler]
  (if-method method
    (if-route route
      (fn [request]
        (render (handler request) request)))))

(defn- compile-route
  "Compile a route in the form (method path & body) into a function."
  [method route bindings body]
    ~method ~(prepare-route route)
    (fn [request#]
      (let-request [~bindings request#] ~@body))))

(defmacro GET "Generate a GET route."
  [path args & body]
  (compile-route :get path args body))
a collection of routes

(def app5
(GET "/" [] (home))
(GET "/foo" [] (foo))
(GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id))
(route/not-found "Wat")))
(defn routing
  "Apply a list of routes to a Ring request map."
  [request & handlers]
  (some #(% request) handlers))

(defn routes
  "Create a Ring handler by combining several handlers into one."
  [& handlers]
  #(apply routing % handlers))
(def foo-routes
(GET "/foo" [] (foo))
(GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id))))
(def app6
(GET "/" [] (home))
Routing functions nest easily
(route/not-found "Wat")))
(defn foobar-routes [foobar-type]
(GET "/" [] (str foobar-type " Page"))
(GET "/:id" [id] (str foobar-type "#" id))))
(def app7
Not ideal - generates the route fn each call
(GET "/" [] (home))
(context "/foo" [] (foobar-routes "Foo"))
(context "/bar" [] (foobar-routes "Bar"))
(route/not-found "Wat")))
(defmacro context
  "Give all routes in the form a common path prefix and set of bindings.

The following example demonstrates defining two routes with a common
path prefix ('/user/:id') and a common binding ('id'):

(context "/user/:id" [id]
(GET "/profile" [] ...)
(GET "/settings" [] ...))"
  [path args & routes]
  `(#'if-route ~(context-route path)
       (fn [request#]
         (let-request [~args request#]
           (routing request# ~@routes))))))
(defprotocol Renderable
  (render [this request]
    "Render the object into a form suitable for the given request map."))

(extend-protocol Renderable
  nil …
  String …
  APersistentMap …
  IFn …
  IDeref …
  File …
  ISeq …
  InputStream …
  URL … )

Generate response maps based on types
Norman Richards

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Deconstructing the Functional Web with Clojure

  • 1. Ring deconstructing the functional web Norman Richards
  • 2. Response Map Request Map HTTP → {} → fn → {} → HTTP Handler FN
  • 3. ring-jetty-adaptor ring handler (def server (ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty #’handler {:port 8080 :join? false})) ! (.stop server)
  • 4.  ring.adaptor.jetty/proxy-handler (defn- proxy-handler   "Returns an Jetty Handler implementation for the given Ring handler."   [handler]   (proxy [AbstractHandler] []     (handle [_ ^Request base-request request response]       (let [request-map (servlet/build-request-map request)             response-map (handler request-map)]         (when response-map           (servlet/update-servlet-response response response-map)           (.setHandled base-request true))))))
  • 5. ring.util.servlet/build-request-map (defn build-request-map   "Create the request map from the HttpServletRequest object."   [^HttpServletRequest request]   {:server-port (.getServerPort request)    :server-name (.getServerName request)    :remote-addr (.getRemoteAddr request)    :uri (.getRequestURI request)    :query-string (.getQueryString request)    :scheme (keyword (.getScheme request))    :request-method (keyword (.toLowerCase (.getMethod request)))    :headers (get-headers request)    :content-type (.getContentType request)    :content-length (get-content-length request)    :character-encoding (.getCharacterEncoding request)    :ssl-client-cert (get-client-cert request)    :body (.getInputStream request)}) not functional :(
  • 6. ring.util.servlet/update-servlet-response (defn update-servlet-response   "Update the HttpServletResponse using a response map."   [^HttpServletResponse response, {:keys [status headers body]}]   (when-not response     (throw (Exception. "Null response given.")))   (when status     (set-status response status))   (doto response     (set-headers headers)     (set-body body)))
  • 8. (defn handler-nil [req] {:body nil}) response body
  • 9. ring.util.servlet/set-body (defn- set-body   "Update a HttpServletResponse body with a String, ISeq, File or InputStream."   [^HttpServletResponse response, body]   (cond     (string? body)       (with-open [writer (.getWriter response)]         (.print writer body))     (seq? body)   ;; …     (instance? File body)   ;; …     (nil? body)       nil     :else       (throw (Exception. ^String (format "Unrecognized body: %s" body)))))
  • 11. (defn handler-file [req] {:body ( "info.txt")})
  • 12. (defn handler-status [req] {:status 402 :headers {"Location" "bitcoin:1G9TyAaKrfJn7q4Vrr15DscLXFSRPxBFaH?amount=.001"}}) Handlers can return status code and headers
  • 13. ring.util.response/* A few response helpers (defn response   "Returns a skeletal Ring response with the given body, status of 200, and no headers."   [body]   {:status 200    :headers {}    :body body}) ! (defn not-found   "Returns a 404 'not found' response."   [body]   {:status 404    :headers {}    :body body}) ! (defn redirect   "Returns a Ring response for an HTTP 302 redirect."   [url]   {:status 302    :headers {"Location" url}    :body ""})
  • 14. (defn handler [req] (response/response "Hello, world!”)) ! (defn handler [req] (response/redirect "")) ! (defn handler [req] (response/resource-response "hello.txt"))
  • 15. Building up a response (defn handler [req] (-> (response/response "") (response/status 302) (response/header "Location" "")))
  • 17. (defn handler-reload1 [req] (response/response (reload-me/some-work))) A function we’d like to be reloaded if it changes
  • 18. (defn handler-reload2 [req] (require 'ringtest.reload-me :reload) (handler-reload1 req)) The original handler is wrapped
  • 19. Abstracting the reloading (defn wrap-reload [other-handler] (fn [req] (require 'ringtest.reload-me :reload) (other-handler req)))   (def handler-reload3 (wrap-reload #'handler-reload1))
  • 20. ring.middleware.reload/wrap-reload (defn wrap-reload   "Reload namespaces of modified files before the request is passed to the supplied handler. ! Takes the following options: :dirs - A list of directories that contain the source files. Defaults to ["src"]."   [handler & [options]]   (let [source-dirs (:dirs options ["src"])         modified-namespaces (ns-tracker source-dirs)]     (fn [request] Smarter reloading surrounding the wrapped handler       (doseq [ns-sym (modified-namespaces)]         (require ns-sym :reload))       (handler request))))
  • 21. ring.server.standalone/add-middleware This is what “lein ring server” does (defn- add-middleware [handler options]   (-> handler       (add-auto-refresh options)       (add-auto-reload options)       (add-stacktraces options)))
  • 23. (defn ring-stack [handler] Our custom “ring” middleware stack (-> handler (wrap-reload) (wrap-stacktrace)))   (defonce server-atom (atom nil)) And some custom sever code   (defn start [handler] (swap! server-atom (fn [server] (when server (.stop server)) (jetty/run-jetty handler {:port 8080 :join? false}))))   (defn stop [] (swap! server-atom (fn [server] (when server (.stop server)) nil)))
  • 25. compojure.handler/api An existing minimal stack for APIs (defn api   "Create a handler suitable for a web API. This adds the following middleware to your routes: - wrap-params - wrap-nested-params - wrap-keyword-params"   [routes]   (-> routes       wrap-keyword-params       wrap-nested-params       wrap-params))
  • 26. compojure.handler/site (defn site   "Create a handler suitable for a standard website. This adds the following middleware to your routes: - wrap-session - wrap-flash - wrap-cookies - wrap-multipart-params - wrap-params - wrap-nested-params - wrap-keyword-params ! A map of options may also be provided. These keys are provided: :session - a map of session middleware options :multipart - a map of multipart-params middleware options"   [routes & [opts]]   (-> (api routes)       (with-opts wrap-multipart-params (:multipart opts)) Extends the API stack       (wrap-flash)       (with-opts wrap-session (:session opts))))
  • 27. Use it, or make your own (def handler (-> #'app compojure.handler/site ring-stack))  
  • 28. noir.util.middleware/app-handler (defn app-handler [app-routes & {:keys [session-options store multipart middleware access-rules formats]}]   (letfn [(wrap-middleware-format [handler]             (if formats (wrap-restful-format handler :formats formats) handler))]     (-> (apply routes app-routes) A hook to extend the noir stack         (wrap-middleware middleware)         (wrap-request-map)         (api)         (wrap-base-url)         (wrap-middleware-format)         (with-opts wrap-multipart-params multipart)         (wrap-access-rules access-rules)         (wrap-noir-validation) Lot’s of customization         (wrap-noir-cookies)         (wrap-noir-flash)         (wrap-noir-session          (update-in session-options [:store] #(or % (memory-store mem)))))))
  • 29. Routing Route: (RequestMap → (Option ResponseMap))
  • 30. Not ring handlers because they don’t take a request. (defn home [] (response/response "Home Page"))   (defn foo [] (response/response "Foo Page"))   (defn foo-n [n] (response/response (str "This is Foo#" n)))     (defn app1 [req] (condp re-matches (:uri req) #"/" (home) #"/foo" (foo) #"/foo/(.*)" :>> #(foo-n (second %)) (response/not-found "Wat"))) Select the page to show based on URL
  • 31. Abstract the route dispatch (defn route-to [handler] (fn [match] (if (string? match) (handler) (apply handler (rest match)))))   (defn app2 [req] (condp re-matches (:uri req) #"/" Cleaner, but still awkward :>> (route-to home)   #"/foo" :>> (route-to foo)   #"/foo/(.*)" :>> (route-to foo-n)   (response/not-found "Wat")))
  • 32. Include the pattern (defn my-route [pattern page-fn] (fn [req] (if-let [match (re-matches pattern (:uri req))] ((route-to handler) page-fn))))   (defn app3 [req] (let [my-routes [(my-route #"/" home) Much cleaner (my-route #"/foo" foo) (my-route #"/foo/(.*)" foo-n) (my-route #".*" #(response/not-found "Wat"))]] (some #(% req) my-routes))) The first route that responds wins
  • 33. Routing fn includes method and path (defn app4 [req] (let [my-routes [(GET "/" [] (home)) Some extra macro magic (GET "/foo" [] (foo)) (GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id)) (route/not-found "Wat")]] (some #(% req) my-routes)))   Some things never change
  • 34. compojure.core/* (defn make-route   "Returns a function that will only call the handler if the method and Clout route match the request."   [method route handler]   (if-method method     (if-route route       (fn [request]         (render (handler request) request))))) ! (defn- compile-route   "Compile a route in the form (method path & body) into a function."   [method route bindings body]   `(make-route     ~method ~(prepare-route route)     (fn [request#]       (let-request [~bindings request#] ~@body)))) ! (defmacro GET "Generate a GET route."   [path args & body]   (compile-route :get path args body))
  • 35. a collection of routes (def app5 (routes (GET "/" [] (home)) (GET "/foo" [] (foo)) (GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id)) (route/not-found "Wat")))
  • 36. (defn routing   "Apply a list of routes to a Ring request map."   [request & handlers]   (some #(% request) handlers)) ! (defn routes   "Create a Ring handler by combining several handlers into one."   [& handlers]   #(apply routing % handlers))
  • 37. (def foo-routes (routes (GET "/foo" [] (foo)) (GET "/foo/:id" [id] (foo-n id))))   (def app6 (routes (GET "/" [] (home)) Routing functions nest easily foo-routes (route/not-found "Wat")))
  • 38. (defn foobar-routes [foobar-type] (routes (GET "/" [] (str foobar-type " Page")) (GET "/:id" [id] (str foobar-type "#" id))))   (def app7 Not ideal - generates the route fn each call (routes (GET "/" [] (home)) (context "/foo" [] (foobar-routes "Foo")) (context "/bar" [] (foobar-routes "Bar")) (route/not-found "Wat")))
  • 39. (defmacro context   "Give all routes in the form a common path prefix and set of bindings. ! The following example demonstrates defining two routes with a common path prefix ('/user/:id') and a common binding ('id'): ! (context "/user/:id" [id] (GET "/profile" [] ...) (GET "/settings" [] ...))"   [path args & routes]   `(#'if-route ~(context-route path)      (#'wrap-context        (fn [request#]          (let-request [~args request#]            (routing request# ~@routes))))))
  • 40. compojure.response/Renderable (defprotocol Renderable   (render [this request]     "Render the object into a form suitable for the given request map.")) ! (extend-protocol Renderable   nil …   String …   APersistentMap …   IFn …   IDeref …   File …   ISeq …   InputStream …   URL … ) Generate response maps based on types