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Topic   --- CIRRHOSIS
 Should be able to define cirrhosis
 Should be able to classify cirrhosis
 Should be able to work up CLD
 be able to mention complications of CLD
 Introduction  -------------------- 1’
 Definition ------------------------0.5’
 Etiologic classification----------25’
 Pathogenesis ---------------------3’
 Clinical presentation ------------10’
 Diagnosis --------------------------10’
 Staging ----------------------------- 3’
 Management outline--------------3’
 liver -- receives a dual blood supply; ~20% of
  the blood flow is oxygen-rich blood from the
  hepatic artery, and 80% is nutrient-rich blood
  from the portal vein arising from the
  stomach, intestines,pancreas,andspleen
   (almost from entire GI- through Superior /
      Inferior mesentry)
 hepatocytes,   constitute 2/3
 stellat(13% )
 Kupffer cells
 endothelial cells and blood vessels, bile
  ductular cells, and supporting structures
Liver cells :
1-- hepatocytes, constitute 2/3.has distinct
 polarity; Disse space & microvilli with passive
 and active uptake of nutrients, proteins, and
 other molecules.
   Plays vital roles in maintaining homeostasis and
 health; synthesis serum proteins
 (albumin, carrier proteins, coagulation
 factors, many hormonal and growth factors), the
 production of bile and its carriers (bile
 acids, cholesterol, lecithin, phospholipids), the
 regulation of nutrients
 (glucose, glycogen, lipids, cholesterol, amino
 acids), and metabolism and conjugation of
 lipophilic compounds
 (bilirubin, anions, cations, drugs) for excretion in
 the bile or urine.
2-- Kupffer cells (reticuloendothelial
  system), lie within the sinusoidal vascular
  space and represent the largest group of
  fixed macrophages in the body.
3---stellate (Ito,fat-storing ) 13%-
  (retinoid;vitA metabolite storage), not
  prominent unless activated, when they
  produce collagen and matrix in large.
4-- endothelial cells and blood vessels, bile
  ductular cells, and supporting structures.
 Def : cirrhosis is irreversible hepatic damage
 ; histologically characterized by loss of
 hepatic architecture with fibrosis & nodular
      - HCV
      -HV-Coinfection(HBV+HCV, HBV+HDV)
      -HV-Coinfection with HIV
      -HV-Alcohol abuse
  SECONDARY: obstructive;cholangitis

      -CHF/ Percarditis( CARDIAC CIRRHOSIS)

Drugs: Metotrixate, amiodarone,

Toxins: Carbon tetrachloride, diethylmitrosamide

Idiopathic Indian childhood cirrhosis
 Cryptogenic
   Alcoholic cirrhosis :

Chronic & excessive ingestion

Risk factors:

A, quantity-M-60-80g/d for 10-20yrs
               F -20-40g alcohol/d for shorter
  NB-1beer =12g alcohol(ethanol)
B, duration –chronic consumption
C, gender
D, concurrent hepatitis
E,genetic –genepolymorphism; ADH
F, malnutrition –obesity – fatty liver
ADH                 ALDH
Alcohol ---------- acetaldehyde --Acetate
                     highly reactive with
                     protein(by reactive O2)
                     & form adduct
                      Stellate cells ACTIVATION
                    COLLAGEN PRODUCTION
Predictive factors for diseases progression :

A-host factor ;
   age 40+ at acquisition,Cimminity –rapid p
B-viral factors : d/t genotype,viral load
C- alcohol intake
D- HIV –coinfection  HCC
 Progression   vary with :

1-function of age(viralrepli/immunit-interplay)

NB –perinatal infection  90%cirrhosis
 - adult infection  < 5%

2 –alcohol consumption
3 –concomitant HDV ,HIV infection
   HBsAg Anti-HBs IgM anti-HBc IgG anti-HBc HBeAg Anti-HBe viral
    copies/mL Interpretation
   + − + − + − + Acute infection; occasionally
   ―reactivation‖ of chronic
   hepatitis B
   − + − + − −/+ − Prior infection with immunity
   − + − − − − − Vaccination with immunity
   + − − + − + <105 Chronic hepatitis B without
   replication
   + − − + + − >105 Chronic hepatitis B with
   replication
   + − − + − + >105 Chronic hepatitis B with
   precore mutant
   Anti-HBc, hepatitis B core antibody; anti-HBe, hepatitis B
    e antibody; anti-HBs, hepatitis B surface antibody;
    HBeAg, hepatitis B e antig
Risk : obesity, hyperlipidemia,DM,

Histology:   fatty change & inflammation
 Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBS) :

 progressive granulomatous inflamm
 interlobular bile ducts damage cirrhosis

Cause : unknown ? Autoimmune ,
Affect : 90% middle age women
 Primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC)

Progressive obliterative inflamm of intra &
  extra hepatic bile ducts fibrosis cirrhosis

Cause : unknown ? Autoimmune
      >70% asssociate with Ulcerative colitis
 Hemochromatosis:
Autosom disorder of Fe metabol X-ed by high
 Fe absorption deposition in multiple organs

Affect : middle age men, loss through mensus
  protect women.
 Wilson’s Disease :

  Inherited disorder X-ed by failure to
 excrete copper(failure to prepare
 Cu,transportingATPase , for biliary excretion)
  accummulation of toxicCu in LIVER&BRAIN

Kayser-Fleischer ring : pathognomonic(usually)
 brownish pigment ring at the periphery of
 Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency

 Inherited disorder causes abnormal folding of AAT
protien  failure of Liver secretion  accumulation
in hepatocytes  Liver damage

NEONATE :cholestasisearlychildhood cirrhosis
ADULT :- cirrhosis HCC
NB:-lung is affected due to destrucion


AAT -

Elastin (protien)  destruction of protien
Collagen production
Fibrogenesis(wound healing)
Hepatocytes microvilli & Endothelial
 fenestration lost
Micro/Macronodular Regeneration
Metabolic &synthetic dysfunction of
 1/3   asymptomatic

 History:
 Hx   of alcohol, drug abuse, blood Tx, familly
 Weakness, fatigue, wt
  loss, anorexia, flatulent dyspepsia,abdominal
  pain, impotence/↓libido, jaundice, leg/abdo
  m swelling, GI/skin hemorrhage
  may present with life-threatening
 ~variceal hemorrhage,
 ~ascites,
 ~spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
 ~hepatic encephalopathy.
 Physical   signs:
 Fever
 Atrophic  legs and arms
 Parotid enlargement
 Testicular atrophy
 Ascites & edema, hydrothorax/effusion
 Portal HTN/splenomegally
 Asterixis, confusion,fetor hepaticus
 Spider angiomas/nevi,
                           Abdominal   collaterals
(found in 50% pregnant)
                           Axillary & pubic hair
 Telangectasias
 Palmar erythema
                           Kayser-Fleischer ring(
 Pigmentation
 Purpura, white nails
                           Asterixic(flapping)
 Finger clubbing,
                           Testicular atrophy
 Dupytrens contructure
 Spiderangiomata/ spider
 telangiectasias-- are vascular lesions consisting of
 a central arteriole surrounded by many smaller vessels on
 trunk, face, and upper limbs.

  pathogenesis is incompletely understood, believed to
 result from alterations in sex hormone metabolism; in men
 increase in the estradiol/free testosterone ratio

not specific for cirrhosis can be seen during pregnancy
 , severe malnutrition.

 As a general rule, the number and size of spider angiomata
 correlate with the severity of liver disease . Patients with
 numerous and large spider angiomata may be at increased
 risk for variceal hemorrhage.
   Palmar erythema — exaggeration of the normal
    speckled mottling of the palm, believed to be
    caused by altered sex hormone metabolism . on
    the thenar and hypothenar eminences while
    sparing the central portions of the palm. not
    specific for liver disease ,can be seen in
    pregnancy rheumatoid
    arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and hematological
  Muehrcke's nails --paired horizontal white
  bands separated by normal color. caused by
  hypoalbuminemia .not specific for
  cirrhosis, also be seen in other conditions
  with hypoalbuminemia.
 Clubbing — angle b/n nail plate and proximal
  nail fold >180degree. severe form[grade4] is
  drum stick. more common in biliary causes of
  cirrhosis (particularly primary biliary
  cirrhosis) ,but not specific for liver disease.
 Dupuytren'scontracture — thickening and
 shortening of the palmar fascia with flexion
 deformity ,fibroblastic proliferation and
 disorderly collagen deposition with fascial
 thickening. The pathogenesis is unknown but
 may be related to free radical formation
 generated by the oxidative metabolism of
   Gynecomastia — benign proliferation of the glandular
    tissue of the male breast and clinically by the presence of
    a rubbery or firm mass extending concentrically from the
    nipple(s). Fat deposition without glandular proliferation is
    termed pseudogynecomastia ( obese men). These two
    entities can be distinguished by having the patient lie on
    his back with his hands behind his head. The examiner
    then places his or her thumb and forefinger on each side of
    the breast, and slowly brings them together.
     caused by increased production of androstenedione from
    the adrenals, enhanced aromatization of androstenedione
    to estrone, and increased conversion of estrone to
    estradiol. Men may also develop other features reflecting
    feminization such as loss of chest or axillary hair and
    inversion of the normal male pubic hair pattern.
    Gynecomastia can be seen in a variety of conditions other
    than cirrhosis.
   Testicular atrophy — Hypogonadism is manifested
    by impotence, infertility, loss of sexual
    drive, and testicular atrophy. It is a feature seen
    predominantly in patients with alcoholic
    cirrhosis and hemochromatosis. More than one
    mechanism appears to be involved. In some
    cases, primary gonadal injury appears to be
    more prominent, as suggested by increased
    serum FSH and LH concentrations, while in
    others suppression of hypothalamic or pituitary
    function appears to have a primary role, as
    suggested by serum LH concentrations that are
    not elevated. The toxic effects of alcohol or iron
    may also contribute to its development.
 Hepatomegaly — cirrhotic liver may be enlarged, normal sized, or
  small. While the presence of a palpable liver may indicate liver
  disease, a non-palpable liver does not exclude it. When
  palpable, the cirrhotic liver has a firm and nodular consistency.
 Splenomegaly — caused by congestion as the result of portal
  HTN .
        other several ddx are possible.
. Ascites — accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The
  accuracy of physical findings is variable depending in part upon
  the amount of fluid present, the technique used to examine the
  patient, and the clinical setting (eg, detection may be more
  difficult in patients who are obese). In one study, the absence of
  flank dullness was the most accurate predictor against the
  presence of ascites; the probability of ascites being present was
  less than 10 percent in such patients . However, approximately
  1500 mL of fluid had to be present for flank dullness to be
  detected. Shifting dullness is more specific.
   Caput medusae — The veins of the lower
    abdominal wall normally drain inferiorly into the
    iliofemoral system while the veins of the upper
    abdominal wall drain superiorly into the veins of
    the thoracic wall and axilla. When portal
    hypertension occurs as the result of
    cirrhosis, the umbilical vein, normally
    obliterated in early life, may open. Blood from
    the portal venous system may be shunted
    through the periumbilical veins into the
    umbilical vein and ultimately to the abdominal
    wall veins, causing them to become prominent.
    This appearance has been said to resemble the
    head (caput) of the mythical Gorgon Medusa.
   Dilated abdominal veins can also be seen in the IVCS
    and SVCS (if obstruction includes the azygous system)
    . In these conditions, collateral veins tend to be more
    prominent in the lateral aspect of the abdominal
    wall. One maneuver that has been proposed to
    distinguish vena caval obstruction from portal
    hypertension is to pass the finger along dilated veins
    located below the umbilicus to strip them of blood
    and determine the direction of blood flow during
    refilling. In portal-systemic collateral veins, the
    blood flow should be directed inferiorly away from
    the umbilicus in contrast to vena caval collateral vein
    flow in which the flow should be cephalad.
    However, the actual ability of this maneuver to
    discriminate between the two is poor since in both
    conditions the dilated veins may lack valves and thus
    have bidirectional blood flow .
   Fetor hepaticus — A sweet, pungent smell to the
    breath of a cirrhotic patient may occasionally be
    encountered. It is caused by increased concentrations
    of dimethylsulphide, the presence of which suggests
    underlying severe portal-systemic shunting .

   Jaundice — yellow coloring of the skin and mucus
    membranes that results from increased serum
    bilirubin. It is usually not detectable until Tbil > 3
    mg/dL. The hyperbilirubinemia may also cause the
    urine to appear dark or "coca-cola" colored.
     Yellow discoloration to the skin can also be caused
    by excessive consumption of carotene ( carrots). But
    can be distinguished from jaundice by the absence of
    yellow discoloration in the sclera in the former.
 Asterixis— bilateral but asynchronous
 flapping motions of outstretched, dorsiflexed
 hands ,is seen in patients with hepatic
 encephalopathy, ?may also be seen in
 patients with uremia and severe heart
 In most instances can be made accurately by
  a careful history, physical examination, and
  application of a few laboratory tests.
 In some circumstances, radiologic
  examinations are helpful
  or, indeed, diagnostic.
 Liver biopsy is considered the "gold standard"
   in evaluation of liver disease but is now
  needed less for diagnosis than for grading
  and staging disease.
LFT can be normal, >3-5x UNL or       

    ALT(SGPT) <40Iu/ml
   AST/ALT <0.8 , >2 in alcoholic LD
 2,Alk ph - usually elevated but <3X the
upper normal limit. Higher levels in psc &
3,Bilirubin     (N T <1mg/dl;17microg/dl ,D<0.3
   N in compensated,  in advanced cirrhosis

4,Albumin-          as the synthetic function of the liver
declines with worsening cirrhosis;helps to grade the severit
of cirrhosis.But not specific for liver disease,can be seen
CHF, NS, protein losing enteropathy, or malnutrition.
5, Prothrombin time
  liver synthesize 11 blood coagulation proteins; Factor I
  (fibrinogen), II (prothrombin), V , VII , IX , X , XII and XIII
  can be measured individually or indirectly by more general
  measures of clotting ability such as the PT.

 CoagFactors ( liver capacity to synthesize) = PT prolong

Globulins- in cirrhosis(infection), IgG in AIH ,IgM          in
Serum      Na+     — Hyponatremia is common
 in cirrhosis with ascites &severe in ESLD ;
 inability to excrete free water; high levels of
Hematologic          abnormalities
  Anemia —       multifactorial ; acute and
 chronic GI blood loss, folate
 deficiency, direct toxicity due to
 alcohol, hypersplenism,BMsuppression,ACD
 (inflammation), & hemolysis may all
     - portal HTN congestive splenomegaly
 sequestration of up to 90 % of circulating
 platelet mass.
     -  thrombopoietin

Leukopenia       and neutropenia —
 due to hypersplenism
Imaging           studies
                       : U/S, Ctscan,MRI
 Angiography , ERCP/MRCP, UGIE,Echo

   Alcoholic liver disease- History of alcohol abuse , AST/ALT >2
   Chronic hepatitis C- ELISA assay for anti-HCV ,PCR for HCV-RNA
   PBC- Antimitochondrial antibodies
   PSC holangitis - Strong association with IBD, cholangi
   AIH -Hypergammaglobulinemia ,AntinuclearASMA,ALKA
   Chronic hepatitis B - HBsAg and HBeAg and, HBV DNA
   Hereditary hemochromatosis- Family history of cirrhosis
    ,Serum ferritin & iron,transferritin satur>80% , TIBC ,biopsy-
    hepatic Fe index,genetic tes
   Wilson's disease - Family or personal history of cirrhosis at a
    young age ,serum ceruloplasmim,biopsy -Co
   AATdeficiency- Family or personal history of cirrhosis at a young
   NASH - History of diabetes mellitus or metabolic
    syndrome, hepatic imaging , biopsy
parameter            score
                   1          2         3
1.ASCITES      Abscent   Slight   Moderat
2.BILIRUBIN    <2mg/dl 2-3          >3
3.ALBUMIN       >3.5g/dl 2.8-3.5    <2.8
4.PT              <4sec     4-6     >6
            INR <1.7     1.7-2.3    >2.3
5.HENCEPH        None     Grade1-2 G3-4
 grade A- total score of 5-6 ;well-compensated
 disease ;100-85% of 1-2yr survival

 grade
      B- total score7-9 ;significant functional
 compromise ;80-60%of 1-2yr survival

 gradeC- total score 10-15 decompensated disease
 ;45-35% 0f 1-2yr survival.
goals :
- Slowing or reversing the progression of liver
- Preventing superimposed insults to the liver
-Preventing and treating the complications
-Determining the appropriateness and optimal
  timing for liver transplantation
 Abstinence from alcohol .
 Interferon therapy to HCVslows the
 progression,fibrosis &risk of HCC.
 Rx of chronic HB with lamivudinsignificant
 improvement in liver function and histology
 & risk of HCC
 Rx autoimmune hepatitis with
 immunosuppressive agents10yr survi 90 %
    Phlebotomy , Chelation ,Dietary restriction
    of iron – for HH

 Chelating   –for wilson D
 substance abuse; alcohol,
 acetaminophen ,NSAIDs
 hepatotoxic drugs & herbal remedies.

   Give Vaccination — against HAV & HBV can
    prevent a superimposed insult to a liver

 Pneumococcal vaccine

 yearly influenza vaccination

          ULFAADHA !

 Mention  the complication.
 Rescribe the mechanism
 Work up principile
 Outline the managment
 Portal   hypertension -------------------------5’

 Variceal    hemorrhage -----------------------10’

   Ascites      -----------------------------------10’

 Spontaneous      bacterial peritonitis ------10’

 Hepatic     encephalopathy ------------------10’
 Portalhypertension
 Variceal hemorrhage
 Ascites
 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
 Hepatorenal syndrome
 Hepatic encephalopathy
 Hepatopulmonary syndrome
 Hepatocellular carcinoma
 Coagulopathy
 malnutrition
 Def
 Causes
 Types
 consequence
 Def: hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG)
> 5 mmHg.

Portal pressure = Portal venous flow x portal venous
 outflow resistance

        -R blood flow
       - vasodilatation within the splanchnic   vascular
    bed  splanchnic blood flow.

   Cause : cirrhosis-commonst >60%
          : noncirrhotic
          : ?idiopathic
1 Prehepatic          :Portal &/ or splenic vein thrombosis ,
                      : Massive splenomegaly (Banti's syndrome)

2 Hepatic :commonst type 95%

2a PresinusoidalSchistosomiasis –fibrosis,Congenital hepaticfibrosis
2b Sinusoidal  Cirrhosis
2c Postsinusoidalsinusoidal obstruction syndrome(VOD),BCS

3 Posthepatic          : IVC obstruction ,
                       : Budd-Chiari syndrome
                       : Cardiac causes ;RCM
                                      Constrictive pericarditis
 1--   UGIB

 2--   ascites

 3—splenomegaly   with hypersplenism.
 Def
 Location
 Risk
 Dx
 Rx
VARICES - are collateral vessels that develop
  because of PHT; 1/3of pts with cirrhosis & 1/3 of
  them will develop bleeding.

  -distal esophagus (commonst) ; thinnest coat
  and at risk to bleed, - stomach, -Rectum, -

FACTORS  risk of bleeding : --PHTN >12mmhg ,--
  severity of cirrhosis (Child's class),--size of the
  varix ,--location of the varix,-- endoscopic
  stigmata(red wale signs& …)

Abdominal imaging, CT or MRI demonstre
nodular lesion

a--Pharmacologic =nonselective beta blockade
                     (propranolol ,nadolol )

b--Endoscopic variceal band ligation(EVL) &/or
 variceal injection therapy (sclerotherapy)
a --- fluid and blood product replacement

b ---medical ;
1-somatostatin or Octreotide , Vasopressin= direct
  splanchnic vasoconstrictor, is given at dosages of 50–100
  g/h by continuous infusion.

c---surgical ;
1-Balloon tamponade (Sengstaken-Blakemore tube or
   Minnesota tube)
2- endoscopic therapy ( first-line to control active-vigorous
   bleeding by EVL & /or variceal injection therapy
3- transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)under
   angiographic guidance
a---repeated variceal band ligation until
  varices are obliterated.

b---adjunctive Beta blockade (for recurrent
  variceal band ligation ,But no need once
  obliteration achieved)

 Highrisk group to develop reccurrent
 variceal bleeding ?

 Prognosis   of variceal bleeding ?

 Other   causes for UGIB ?
Risk factors for recurrent variceal hemorrhage
 Age >60 years
 Severity of initial bleed
 Renal failure
 Severity of liver failure
 Ascites
 Hepatoma
 Active alcoholism
 Active bleeding on endoscopy
 Increasing varix size
 Red signs yes
 coagulopathy
 Portal pressures
 Def
 Mechanism
 Dx
 Rx
    def: pathologic accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal

 mechanism: multifactors

is the first step toward fluid retention in cirrhosis.
>12 mmHg required.
cirrhosis without PHT do not develop ascites
 ascites disappear if <12 mmHg

■Portal hypertension exerts a local hydrostatic pressure
  hepatic and splanchnic production of lymph
  &transudation of fluid into the peritoneal cavity.

splanchnic vasodilatation-Arterial underfilling
- Activation Renin-Ang-Aldos -- Na retent-


 synthetic function of cirrhotic liver 
 Hypoalbuminemia   plasma oncotic
 pressure  loss of fluid from the vascular
 compartment into the peritoneal cavity.
 incidious   abdominal distension ;

( high Na diet,HCC ,splanchnic vein thrombosis

 Abdominal    pain ; SBP
 Respiratory distress ( Rt pleural effussion )
 Malnourish; muscle wasting and excessive
  fatigue and weakness.
 bulging flanks, fluid Waves ,shifting dullness
  +v ,sign of pleural effussion.
 abdominal   imaging ; U/s , CT scan

 Paracentesis   : Analysis

Color (clear,straw,cloudy,bloody,milky,brown)

cirrhosis –straw/clear(if n-Bilir, protien)
SBP –cloudy
HCC –bloody

1-Cell cout & diff     - N >250  SBP

2-Gram stain,AFB and culture -

3-Protein -3.1 SAAG
          -3.2 [total protein]

4-Cytology - for malignant cells.

5-Amylase - to exclude pancreatic ascites
1-Cell cout & diff - N >250 SBP
2-Gram stain,AFB and culture -

3-Protein- serum ascites-to-albumin gradient (SAAG) ;
 [total protein] in ascites is quite low in cirrhosis; <1 g/dL

SAAG=serum alb minus ascitic albumin ( not ratio )
                   >1.1 g/dL indicates PHT-cirrhosis with 97%accuracy &
 High-gradient (transudative
     remains stable unless PHT

                 <1.1 g/dl indicates abscence of PHT,
Low-gradient (exudative)

     but infectious(opsonization) or malignant (peritoneal carcinomatosis, tuberculous
     peritonitis, pancreatitis, serositis, pyogenic peritonitis, and nephrotic syndrome)

4-Cytology - for malignant cells.
5-Amylase - to exclude pancreatic ascites
 Bilirubin — in brown ascites. As mentioned
  above, an ascitic bilirubin > of serum
  suggests bowel or biliary perforation into
 Glucose —
 Lactate dehydrogenase
 Triglycerides — milky/ Chylous ascites has TG
  > 200 mg/dL
 dietary sodium restriction
 spironolactone at 100–200 mg/d- 400–600mg

   furosemide 40–80 mg/d- 120–160 mg/d

   repeated large-volume paracentesis(refractory

   TIPS (refractory ascites)

liver transplantation
 prognosis of cirrhosis with ascites is
 poor, survive 2 years <50%
 LIST   Other causes of ASCITES
 Def
 Etiology
 Precipitant
 Distinction   from secondary BP
 Dx
 Rx
 Def:ascitic fluid infection without an
 evident intraabdominal surgically-treatable

 Escherichia coli              43%
 Klebsiella pneumoniae         11%
 Streptococcus pneumoniae      9%
 Other streptococcal species   19%
 Enterobacteriaceae             4%
 Staphylococcus                3%
 Pseudomonas                   1%
 Miscellaneous*                10%
  cirrhosis,& associated conditions
 Ascitic [total protein] <1 g/dL (<10 g/L)
 Prior episode of SBP
 Serum [total bilirubin] > 2.5 mg/dL
 Variceal hemorrhage
 malnutrition
 Proton pump inhibitors
 Nephrotic ascites
 Subtel- due to separation of visceral & parietal

 Fever                          69
 Abdominal pain                 59
 Altered mental status          54
 Abdominal tenderness           49
 Diarrhea                       32
 Paralytic ileus                 30
 Hypotension                     21
 Hypothermia                     17
Def : ascitic fluid infection in which there is a positive ascitic
  fluid bacterial culture and an ascitic fluid PMN count ≥ 250
  cells/mm3 with an evident intraabdominal surgically-
  treatable source of infection .

Two varieties :
1--perforation peritonitis (eg, perforated peptic ulcer into
2--nonperforation peritonitis (eg, perinephric absces

NB-mortality 100% if treatment consists only of antibiotics
 with no surgical intervention . And 80% if a patient with
 SBP receives an unnecessary exploratory laparotomy .
Clinical — both can be ( even frank perforation)
  subtle b/c peritoneum separation by Ascites
Analysis — PMN count ≥ 250 with two or more of
[Total protein ] >1 g/dL (10 g/L)
[ Glucose ]<50 mg/dL
[ LDH >UNL for serum
Imaging studies —
 plain and upright abdo minal films
 water-soluble gut contrast studies( extravasation
  of contrast
SBP-Rx response follow up ---
 with repeat analysis after 48hrs ; PMN is lower
    Ascitic fluid analysis :

1] Cell count      --- absolute PMNcount≥ 250
2] Culture ---- positive
3] SAAG ----- Low-gradient
4] [Total protien] -----lowest[ ] ; < 1g/dl
5] [glucose] > 50mg/dl
6] LDH (released from lysed PMNs) --[43 +/-
  20mU/mL ]
7] [Amylase ]--- in pancreatitis and gut
8] [ bilirubin] if dark/brown ascites----if > serum
  value  choleperitoneum ;GBperforation
 1-   third-generation cephalosporin

?2-combination of ampicillin
 and gentamicin .

Third-gener + metronidazol
For secondary BP
third-generation cephalosporin benefits
  over ampic/genta-combination:
A-- A higher rate of resolution of the infection — 85 versus 56

B--No /less nephrotoxicity versus 5 % with ampicillin-

C-- No superinfection versus 14 percent with ampicillin-
 Def
 Mechanism
 Precipitant
 Stages
 Rx
 Def : ?potentially reversible neuropsychiatric
 syndrome seconday to liver diseases
 CLD,END-STAGE Or acute fulminant hepatic
Ammonia — cause in >90% + other neurotoxins

Produced--- colonic bacterial catabolism of nitrogenous
   source; ingested protein and secreted urea.
 Enters the circulation via the portal vein
Liver clears almost all by converting into glutamine &
   prevent entry into the systemic circulation
In cirrhosis ,portal blood bypasses the liver via the collaterals
   and the 'toxic'metabolites pass directly to the brain
   ( impaired liver  blood ammonia )
Induced alteration of brain neurotransmitter balance -
   especially at the astrocyte-neurone interface
   High dietary protein

   GI- haemorrhage

   Constipation

   Vomiting /Diarrhea

   Infection; SBP , sepsis

   Fluid and electrolyte ( k+ )disturbance due to:diuretic therapy,paracentesis

   Drugs (e.g. anyCNSdepressant) Benzodiazepines,Narcotics ,Alcohol

   Portosystemic shunt operations, TIPS Any

   surgical procedure Progressive liver damage
   Development of hepatocellular carcinoma
change in personality


Can be quite violent and difficult to manage

Or very sleepy and difficult to arouse

Asterixis "liver flap‖
hepatic coma due Brain edema -herniation
   mainstay lactulose--, a nonabsorbable disaccharide
    eliminat nitrogenous source

   R x of precipitats

   ?Restriction of dietary protein

   neomycin + metronidazole =Poorly absorbed antibiotics as
    adjunctive therapies or alternative to lactulose

   rifaximin.

   ?Zinc supplementation

   Prognostic worse as stage progress
    refers === development of acute renal failure in
    advanced liver disease, severe alcoholic
    hepatitis, (less often) metastatic tumor, and
    acute fulminant hepatic failure from any cause.


   portal hypertension -splanchnic
    vasodilatation - hypotension-induced
    activation of the renin-angiotensin and
    sympathetic nervous system- renal perfusion
    ( GFR )
 Type I HRS--- more serious type; progressive
 impairment in renal function and a
 significant reduction in creatinine clearance
 ( 50% )within in <2wks,serum Cr.2.5mg/dl
 , oliguria

 Type   II HRS ; less severe. GFR and Cr
   midodrine --is a systemic vasoconstrictor

   alpha1–agonist--

    octreotide -- inhibitor of endogenous vasodilator
    , in combination

   intravenous albumin

   liver transplantation

   prognosis is poor unless transplant can be
    achieved within a short period of time
 90%  of primary hepatic malignancy
 One of the most common malignancies ,4th
  leading death , affecr men commonly
 1 million/yr with MR=250,000/yr
 Liver cirrhosis, HBV, HCV are most important
  risk factors
 Most Asymtomatic or present with abdomen
  pain or liver failure s/s
 Px=survive 2-6 months if unRxed
 Causes of HCC:
 Viral infection: B,C,D; cirrhosis from
  HBV,HCV, HH --at highest risk, while AIH,NASH
  &Wilson's d lower risk.HBV even at carrier state
  is high risk.

   Toxins:Alcohol, aphlatoxin B1, tobaco,Thorium
    oxide, Vinyl chloride monomers
   Metabolic liver ds:
    hemochrom,alpha1,PCT,glycogen storageI, II

   Others: BCS, Liver flukes, androgeic anabolic
    hormones, etc
 S/S:nonspecific similar
 Hard irregular hepatomegally with bruit and
  cachexia and splenomegally
 Portal vein thrombosis
 Coagulopathy
 Multiorgan failure
 Portal HTN
Extrahepatic -- most common sites are
 lung, intraabdominal lymph nodes, bone, and
 adrenal gland; brain metastases are
 extremely rare . Extrahepatic metastases are
 more common in patients with intrahepatic
 tumors >5 cm in diameter
 DDX  of primary hepatic malignancy:
 1.Epithelial :
 HCC;cholangioca;bilary cystadenoca;Sq cell
  ca; mucoepidermoid ca
 2. Mesenchymal:
 Angiosercoma, hemangioendothelioma,
 Leimyosarcoma, fibrosercoma, embryonal ,
 sercoma, rhabdomyosercoma,
 Malignant schewanoma/
  histosercoma, lymphoma
 3.Mixed tumors:
 Hepatoblastoma
 Mixed HCC &cholangiocellular Ca
 carcinsarcoma
 Treatment   & prevention

 Quarterly  U/s & AFP for CLD for early HCC DX
 RX: Ethanol, chemoembolz, resection, LTx,
  palliative care; RT, HormonalRx
 Mass HBV vaccination and CLD Rx for
can be asymptomatic OR can present with
  complication of cirrhosis
RUQ pain ,weight loss , early satiety, or a
  palpable mass in the upper abdomen.
Obstructive jaundice r ,dyspnea (
  metastases), Intraperitoneal bleeding ( tumor

Hepato/splenomegaly with bruit

Paraneoplastic syndromes —
  hypoglycemia, erythrocytosis, hypercalcemia, se
  vere watery diarrhea,and cutaneous
 Patterns of metastatic spread —
Extrahepatic -- most common sites are
 lung, intraabdominal lymph nodes, bone, and
 adrenal gland; brain metastases are
 extremely rare . Extrahepatic metastases are
 more common in patients with intrahepatic
 tumors >5 cm in diameter .
 Alpha-fetoprotein   --- glycoprotein that is
  normally produced during gestation by the
  fetal liver and yolk sacr can
  pregnancy, with tumors of gonadal
  origin, and chronic liver disease ;acute or
  chronic viral hepatitis
NORMAL=10 and 20 mcg/L
 >500 mcg/L in high risk group is suggest to
 Surgical
 Livertransplant
 Radiotherapy/chemotherapy
 regulationof protein and energy metabolism
 catabolic, and muscle protein is
poor dietary intake, alterations in gut
 nutrient absorption, and alterations in
 protein metabolism.
Dietary supplementation is helpful
 Coagulopathy     is almost universal in cirrhosis.
  synthesis of clotting factors and impaired
  clearance of anticoagulants.
 thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism
  Vitamin K absorption – AFFECTdependent
  CF ( II, VII, IX, & X )
  anemia from --persplenism, hemolysis, iron
  deficiency, and perhaps folate deficiency
  from malnutrition.
 Macrocytosis
 Neutropenia from -hypersplenism.
 Osteoporosis-
              malabsorption of vitamin D &
 calcium ingestion
 UpTODate 17.2

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  • 1. Topic --- CIRRHOSIS
  • 2.  Should be able to define cirrhosis  Should be able to classify cirrhosis  Should be able to work up CLD  be able to mention complications of CLD
  • 3.  Introduction -------------------- 1’  Definition ------------------------0.5’  Etiologic classification----------25’  Pathogenesis ---------------------3’  Clinical presentation ------------10’  Diagnosis --------------------------10’  Staging ----------------------------- 3’  Management outline--------------3’
  • 4.  liver -- receives a dual blood supply; ~20% of the blood flow is oxygen-rich blood from the hepatic artery, and 80% is nutrient-rich blood from the portal vein arising from the stomach, intestines,pancreas,andspleen (almost from entire GI- through Superior / Inferior mesentry)
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.  hepatocytes, constitute 2/3  stellat(13% )  Kupffer cells  endothelial cells and blood vessels, bile ductular cells, and supporting structures
  • 10. Liver cells : 1-- hepatocytes, constitute 2/3.has distinct polarity; Disse space & microvilli with passive and active uptake of nutrients, proteins, and other molecules. Plays vital roles in maintaining homeostasis and health; synthesis serum proteins (albumin, carrier proteins, coagulation factors, many hormonal and growth factors), the production of bile and its carriers (bile acids, cholesterol, lecithin, phospholipids), the regulation of nutrients (glucose, glycogen, lipids, cholesterol, amino acids), and metabolism and conjugation of lipophilic compounds (bilirubin, anions, cations, drugs) for excretion in the bile or urine.
  • 11. 2-- Kupffer cells (reticuloendothelial system), lie within the sinusoidal vascular space and represent the largest group of fixed macrophages in the body. 3---stellate (Ito,fat-storing ) 13%- (retinoid;vitA metabolite storage), not prominent unless activated, when they produce collagen and matrix in large. 4-- endothelial cells and blood vessels, bile ductular cells, and supporting structures.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.  Def : cirrhosis is irreversible hepatic damage ; histologically characterized by loss of hepatic architecture with fibrosis & nodular regeneration.
  • 18.
  • 19. Alcoholic cirrhosis : Chronic & excessive ingestion Risk factors: A, quantity-M-60-80g/d for 10-20yrs F -20-40g alcohol/d for shorter NB-1beer =12g alcohol(ethanol) B, duration –chronic consumption C, gender D, concurrent hepatitis E,genetic –genepolymorphism; ADH F, malnutrition –obesity – fatty liver
  • 20. ADH ALDH Alcohol ---------- acetaldehyde --Acetate  highly reactive with protein(by reactive O2) & form adduct  Stellate cells ACTIVATION  COLLAGEN PRODUCTION
  • 21. HCV Predictive factors for diseases progression : A-host factor ; age 40+ at acquisition,Cimminity –rapid p B-viral factors : d/t genotype,viral load C- alcohol intake D- HIV –coinfection  HCC
  • 22.
  • 23.  Progression vary with : 1-function of age(viralrepli/immunit-interplay) NB –perinatal infection  90%cirrhosis - adult infection  < 5% 2 –alcohol consumption 3 –concomitant HDV ,HIV infection
  • 24. HBsAg Anti-HBs IgM anti-HBc IgG anti-HBc HBeAg Anti-HBe viral copies/mL Interpretation  + − + − + − + Acute infection; occasionally  ―reactivation‖ of chronic  hepatitis B  − + − + − −/+ − Prior infection with immunity  − + − − − − − Vaccination with immunity  + − − + − + <105 Chronic hepatitis B without  replication  + − − + + − >105 Chronic hepatitis B with  replication  + − − + − + >105 Chronic hepatitis B with  precore mutant  Anti-HBc, hepatitis B core antibody; anti-HBe, hepatitis B e antibody; anti-HBs, hepatitis B surface antibody; HBeAg, hepatitis B e antig
  • 25. Risk : obesity, hyperlipidemia,DM, Histology: fatty change & inflammation
  • 26.  Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBS) : progressive granulomatous inflamm interlobular bile ducts damage cirrhosis Cause : unknown ? Autoimmune , Affect : 90% middle age women
  • 27.  Primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) Progressive obliterative inflamm of intra & extra hepatic bile ducts fibrosis cirrhosis Cause : unknown ? Autoimmune >70% asssociate with Ulcerative colitis
  • 28.  Hemochromatosis: Autosom disorder of Fe metabol X-ed by high Fe absorption deposition in multiple organs (LIVER, PANCREASE, HEART ,PITIUTARY, JOINT) Affect : middle age men, loss through mensus protect women.
  • 29.  Wilson’s Disease : Inherited disorder X-ed by failure to excrete copper(failure to prepare Cu,transportingATPase , for biliary excretion)  accummulation of toxicCu in LIVER&BRAIN Kayser-Fleischer ring : pathognomonic(usually) brownish pigment ring at the periphery of cornea
  • 30.  Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency Inherited disorder causes abnormal folding of AAT protien  failure of Liver secretion  accumulation in hepatocytes  Liver damage NEONATE :cholestasisearlychildhood cirrhosis ADULT :- cirrhosis HCC
  • 31. NB:-lung is affected due to destrucion ELASTASE AAT - Elastin (protien)  destruction of protien
  • 32. LIVER INJURY( CHRONIC) OF ANY CAUSE  ACTIVATION STELLATE,Endothelial,Kupffer,..Cells  Collagen production  Fibrogenesis(wound healing) 
  • 33. Hepatocytes microvilli & Endothelial fenestration lost  Micro/Macronodular Regeneration  Metabolic &synthetic dysfunction of hepatocytes  DECOMPANSETED LIVER  END STAGE
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.  1/3 asymptomatic  History:  Hx of alcohol, drug abuse, blood Tx, familly ds,  Weakness, fatigue, wt loss, anorexia, flatulent dyspepsia,abdominal pain, impotence/↓libido, jaundice, leg/abdo m swelling, GI/skin hemorrhage
  • 40.  may present with life-threatening complications:  ~variceal hemorrhage,  ~ascites,  ~spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)  ~hepatic encephalopathy.
  • 41.  Physical signs:  Fever  Atrophic legs and arms  Parotid enlargement  Testicular atrophy  Ascites & edema, hydrothorax/effusion  Portal HTN/splenomegally  Asterixis, confusion,fetor hepaticus
  • 42.  Spider angiomas/nevi,  Abdominal collaterals (found in 50% pregnant)  Axillary & pubic hair  Telangectasias loss  Palmar erythema  Kayser-Fleischer ring(  Pigmentation cornea)  Purpura, white nails  Asterixic(flapping)  Finger clubbing,  Testicular atrophy  Dupytrens contructure
  • 43.  Spiderangiomata/ spider telangiectasias-- are vascular lesions consisting of a central arteriole surrounded by many smaller vessels on trunk, face, and upper limbs. pathogenesis is incompletely understood, believed to result from alterations in sex hormone metabolism; in men increase in the estradiol/free testosterone ratio not specific for cirrhosis can be seen during pregnancy , severe malnutrition. As a general rule, the number and size of spider angiomata correlate with the severity of liver disease . Patients with numerous and large spider angiomata may be at increased risk for variceal hemorrhage.
  • 44.
  • 45. Palmar erythema — exaggeration of the normal speckled mottling of the palm, believed to be caused by altered sex hormone metabolism . on the thenar and hypothenar eminences while sparing the central portions of the palm. not specific for liver disease ,can be seen in pregnancy rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and hematological malignancies.
  • 46.  Muehrcke's nails --paired horizontal white bands separated by normal color. caused by hypoalbuminemia .not specific for cirrhosis, also be seen in other conditions with hypoalbuminemia.  Clubbing — angle b/n nail plate and proximal nail fold >180degree. severe form[grade4] is drum stick. more common in biliary causes of cirrhosis (particularly primary biliary cirrhosis) ,but not specific for liver disease.
  • 47.
  • 48.  Dupuytren'scontracture — thickening and shortening of the palmar fascia with flexion deformity ,fibroblastic proliferation and disorderly collagen deposition with fascial thickening. The pathogenesis is unknown but may be related to free radical formation generated by the oxidative metabolism of hypoxanthine
  • 49.
  • 50. Gynecomastia — benign proliferation of the glandular tissue of the male breast and clinically by the presence of a rubbery or firm mass extending concentrically from the nipple(s). Fat deposition without glandular proliferation is termed pseudogynecomastia ( obese men). These two entities can be distinguished by having the patient lie on his back with his hands behind his head. The examiner then places his or her thumb and forefinger on each side of the breast, and slowly brings them together. caused by increased production of androstenedione from the adrenals, enhanced aromatization of androstenedione to estrone, and increased conversion of estrone to estradiol. Men may also develop other features reflecting feminization such as loss of chest or axillary hair and inversion of the normal male pubic hair pattern. Gynecomastia can be seen in a variety of conditions other than cirrhosis.
  • 51.
  • 52. Testicular atrophy — Hypogonadism is manifested by impotence, infertility, loss of sexual drive, and testicular atrophy. It is a feature seen predominantly in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and hemochromatosis. More than one mechanism appears to be involved. In some cases, primary gonadal injury appears to be more prominent, as suggested by increased serum FSH and LH concentrations, while in others suppression of hypothalamic or pituitary function appears to have a primary role, as suggested by serum LH concentrations that are not elevated. The toxic effects of alcohol or iron may also contribute to its development.
  • 53.  Hepatomegaly — cirrhotic liver may be enlarged, normal sized, or small. While the presence of a palpable liver may indicate liver disease, a non-palpable liver does not exclude it. When palpable, the cirrhotic liver has a firm and nodular consistency.  Splenomegaly — caused by congestion as the result of portal HTN . other several ddx are possible. . Ascites — accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The accuracy of physical findings is variable depending in part upon the amount of fluid present, the technique used to examine the patient, and the clinical setting (eg, detection may be more difficult in patients who are obese). In one study, the absence of flank dullness was the most accurate predictor against the presence of ascites; the probability of ascites being present was less than 10 percent in such patients . However, approximately 1500 mL of fluid had to be present for flank dullness to be detected. Shifting dullness is more specific.
  • 54. Caput medusae — The veins of the lower abdominal wall normally drain inferiorly into the iliofemoral system while the veins of the upper abdominal wall drain superiorly into the veins of the thoracic wall and axilla. When portal hypertension occurs as the result of cirrhosis, the umbilical vein, normally obliterated in early life, may open. Blood from the portal venous system may be shunted through the periumbilical veins into the umbilical vein and ultimately to the abdominal wall veins, causing them to become prominent. This appearance has been said to resemble the head (caput) of the mythical Gorgon Medusa.
  • 55. Dilated abdominal veins can also be seen in the IVCS and SVCS (if obstruction includes the azygous system) . In these conditions, collateral veins tend to be more prominent in the lateral aspect of the abdominal wall. One maneuver that has been proposed to distinguish vena caval obstruction from portal hypertension is to pass the finger along dilated veins located below the umbilicus to strip them of blood and determine the direction of blood flow during refilling. In portal-systemic collateral veins, the blood flow should be directed inferiorly away from the umbilicus in contrast to vena caval collateral vein flow in which the flow should be cephalad. However, the actual ability of this maneuver to discriminate between the two is poor since in both conditions the dilated veins may lack valves and thus have bidirectional blood flow .
  • 56. Fetor hepaticus — A sweet, pungent smell to the breath of a cirrhotic patient may occasionally be encountered. It is caused by increased concentrations of dimethylsulphide, the presence of which suggests underlying severe portal-systemic shunting .  Jaundice — yellow coloring of the skin and mucus membranes that results from increased serum bilirubin. It is usually not detectable until Tbil > 3 mg/dL. The hyperbilirubinemia may also cause the urine to appear dark or "coca-cola" colored. Yellow discoloration to the skin can also be caused by excessive consumption of carotene ( carrots). But can be distinguished from jaundice by the absence of yellow discoloration in the sclera in the former.
  • 57.  Asterixis— bilateral but asynchronous flapping motions of outstretched, dorsiflexed hands ,is seen in patients with hepatic encephalopathy, ?may also be seen in patients with uremia and severe heart failure.
  • 58.  In most instances can be made accurately by a careful history, physical examination, and application of a few laboratory tests.  In some circumstances, radiologic examinations are helpful or, indeed, diagnostic.  Liver biopsy is considered the "gold standard" in evaluation of liver disease but is now needed less for diagnosis than for grading and staging disease.
  • 59. Lab LFT can be normal, >3-5x UNL or  1, AST(SGOT) ALT(SGPT) <40Iu/ml AST/ALT <0.8 , >2 in alcoholic LD 2,Alk ph - usually elevated but <3X the upper normal limit. Higher levels in psc & pbc
  • 60. 3,Bilirubin (N T <1mg/dl;17microg/dl ,D<0.3 N in compensated,  in advanced cirrhosis 4,Albumin-  as the synthetic function of the liver declines with worsening cirrhosis;helps to grade the severit of cirrhosis.But not specific for liver disease,can be seen CHF, NS, protein losing enteropathy, or malnutrition.
  • 61. 5, Prothrombin time liver synthesize 11 blood coagulation proteins; Factor I (fibrinogen), II (prothrombin), V , VII , IX , X , XII and XIII can be measured individually or indirectly by more general measures of clotting ability such as the PT. CoagFactors ( liver capacity to synthesize) = PT prolong Globulins- in cirrhosis(infection), IgG in AIH ,IgM in PBC
  • 62. Serum Na+ — Hyponatremia is common in cirrhosis with ascites &severe in ESLD ; inability to excrete free water; high levels of ADHsecretion. Hematologic abnormalities Anemia — multifactorial ; acute and chronic GI blood loss, folate deficiency, direct toxicity due to alcohol, hypersplenism,BMsuppression,ACD (inflammation), & hemolysis may all contribute.
  • 63. Thrombocytopenia - portal HTN congestive splenomegaly sequestration of up to 90 % of circulating platelet mass. -  thrombopoietin Leukopenia and neutropenia — due to hypersplenism
  • 64. Imaging studies : U/S, Ctscan,MRI Angiography , ERCP/MRCP, UGIE,Echo  LIVER BIOPSY
  • 65. Alcoholic liver disease- History of alcohol abuse , AST/ALT >2  Chronic hepatitis C- ELISA assay for anti-HCV ,PCR for HCV-RNA  PBC- Antimitochondrial antibodies  PSC holangitis - Strong association with IBD, cholangi  AIH -Hypergammaglobulinemia ,AntinuclearASMA,ALKA  Chronic hepatitis B - HBsAg and HBeAg and, HBV DNA  Hereditary hemochromatosis- Family history of cirrhosis ,Serum ferritin & iron,transferritin satur>80% , TIBC ,biopsy- hepatic Fe index,genetic tes  Wilson's disease - Family or personal history of cirrhosis at a young age ,serum ceruloplasmim,biopsy -Co  AATdeficiency- Family or personal history of cirrhosis at a young age,serumAAT,phenotyping  NASH - History of diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome, hepatic imaging , biopsy
  • 66. parameter score 1 2 3 1.ASCITES Abscent Slight Moderat 2.BILIRUBIN <2mg/dl 2-3 >3 3.ALBUMIN >3.5g/dl 2.8-3.5 <2.8 4.PT <4sec 4-6 >6 INR <1.7 1.7-2.3 >2.3 5.HENCEPH None Grade1-2 G3-4
  • 67.  grade A- total score of 5-6 ;well-compensated disease ;100-85% of 1-2yr survival  grade B- total score7-9 ;significant functional compromise ;80-60%of 1-2yr survival  gradeC- total score 10-15 decompensated disease ;45-35% 0f 1-2yr survival.
  • 68. goals : - Slowing or reversing the progression of liver disease - Preventing superimposed insults to the liver -Preventing and treating the complications -Determining the appropriateness and optimal timing for liver transplantation
  • 69.  Abstinence from alcohol .  Interferon therapy to HCVslows the progression,fibrosis &risk of HCC.  Rx of chronic HB with lamivudinsignificant improvement in liver function and histology & risk of HCC  Rx autoimmune hepatitis with immunosuppressive agents10yr survi 90 %
  • 70. Phlebotomy , Chelation ,Dietary restriction of iron – for HH  Chelating –for wilson D
  • 71. AVOID  substance abuse; alcohol,  acetaminophen ,NSAIDs  hepatotoxic drugs & herbal remedies.  Give Vaccination — against HAV & HBV can prevent a superimposed insult to a liver Pneumococcal vaccine yearly influenza vaccination
  • 72. xumura ULFAADHA !
  • 74. AT THE END :  Mention the complication.  Rescribe the mechanism  Work up principile  Outline the managment
  • 75.  Portal hypertension -------------------------5’  Variceal hemorrhage -----------------------10’  Ascites -----------------------------------10’  Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis ------10’  Hepatic encephalopathy ------------------10’
  • 76.  Portalhypertension  Variceal hemorrhage  Ascites  Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis  Hepatorenal syndrome  Hepatic encephalopathy  Hepatopulmonary syndrome  Hepatocellular carcinoma  Coagulopathy  malnutrition
  • 77.  Def  Causes  Types  consequence
  • 78.  Def: hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) > 5 mmHg. Portal pressure = Portal venous flow x portal venous outflow resistance -R blood flow - vasodilatation within the splanchnic vascular bed  splanchnic blood flow.  Cause : cirrhosis-commonst >60% : noncirrhotic : ?idiopathic
  • 79. 1 Prehepatic :Portal &/ or splenic vein thrombosis , : Massive splenomegaly (Banti's syndrome) 2 Hepatic :commonst type 95% 2a PresinusoidalSchistosomiasis –fibrosis,Congenital hepaticfibrosis 2b Sinusoidal  Cirrhosis 2c Postsinusoidalsinusoidal obstruction syndrome(VOD),BCS 3 Posthepatic : IVC obstruction , : Budd-Chiari syndrome : Cardiac causes ;RCM Constrictive pericarditis
  • 80.  1-- UGIB  2-- ascites  3—splenomegaly with hypersplenism.
  • 81.  Def  Location  Risk  Dx  Rx
  • 82. VARICES - are collateral vessels that develop because of PHT; 1/3of pts with cirrhosis & 1/3 of them will develop bleeding. LOCATION— -distal esophagus (commonst) ; thinnest coat and at risk to bleed, - stomach, -Rectum, - Umbilicus,… FACTORS  risk of bleeding : --PHTN >12mmhg ,-- severity of cirrhosis (Child's class),--size of the varix ,--location of the varix,-- endoscopic stigmata(red wale signs& …)
  • 83. Endoscopy. Abdominal imaging, CT or MRI demonstre nodular lesion Thrombocytopenia
  • 84. a--Pharmacologic =nonselective beta blockade (propranolol ,nadolol ) b--Endoscopic variceal band ligation(EVL) &/or variceal injection therapy (sclerotherapy)
  • 85. a --- fluid and blood product replacement b ---medical ; 1-somatostatin or Octreotide , Vasopressin= direct splanchnic vasoconstrictor, is given at dosages of 50–100 g/h by continuous infusion. c---surgical ; 1-Balloon tamponade (Sengstaken-Blakemore tube or Minnesota tube) 2- endoscopic therapy ( first-line to control active-vigorous bleeding by EVL & /or variceal injection therapy (sclerotherapy) 3- transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)under angiographic guidance
  • 86. a---repeated variceal band ligation until varices are obliterated. b---adjunctive Beta blockade (for recurrent variceal band ligation ,But no need once obliteration achieved) c---TIPS
  • 87.  Highrisk group to develop reccurrent variceal bleeding ?  Prognosis of variceal bleeding ?  Other causes for UGIB ?
  • 88. Risk factors for recurrent variceal hemorrhage  Age >60 years  Severity of initial bleed  Renal failure  Severity of liver failure  Ascites  Hepatoma  Active alcoholism  Active bleeding on endoscopy  Increasing varix size  Red signs yes  coagulopathy  Portal pressures
  • 90. def: pathologic accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity  mechanism: multifactors 1] PORTAL HYPERTENSION is the first step toward fluid retention in cirrhosis. >12 mmHg required. cirrhosis without PHT do not develop ascites  ascites disappear if <12 mmHg ■Portal hypertension exerts a local hydrostatic pressure hepatic and splanchnic production of lymph &transudation of fluid into the peritoneal cavity.
  • 91. 2] Na RETENTION : splanchnic vasodilatation-Arterial underfilling - Activation Renin-Ang-Aldos -- Na retent- 3] HYPOALBUMINEMIA :  synthetic function of cirrhotic liver  Hypoalbuminemia   plasma oncotic pressure  loss of fluid from the vascular compartment into the peritoneal cavity.
  • 92.  incidious abdominal distension ; ( high Na diet,HCC ,splanchnic vein thrombosis Precipitate)  Abdominal pain ; SBP  Respiratory distress ( Rt pleural effussion )  Malnourish; muscle wasting and excessive fatigue and weakness.  bulging flanks, fluid Waves ,shifting dullness +v ,sign of pleural effussion.
  • 93.  abdominal imaging ; U/s , CT scan  Paracentesis : Analysis Color (clear,straw,cloudy,bloody,milky,brown) cirrhosis –straw/clear(if n-Bilir, protien) SBP –cloudy HCC –bloody
  • 94. test 1-Cell cout & diff - N >250  SBP 2-Gram stain,AFB and culture - 3-Protein -3.1 SAAG -3.2 [total protein] 4-Cytology - for malignant cells. 5-Amylase - to exclude pancreatic ascites
  • 95. test 1-Cell cout & diff - N >250 SBP 2-Gram stain,AFB and culture - 3-Protein- serum ascites-to-albumin gradient (SAAG) ; [total protein] in ascites is quite low in cirrhosis; <1 g/dL SAAG=serum alb minus ascitic albumin ( not ratio ) >1.1 g/dL indicates PHT-cirrhosis with 97%accuracy & High-gradient (transudative remains stable unless PHT <1.1 g/dl indicates abscence of PHT, Low-gradient (exudative) but infectious(opsonization) or malignant (peritoneal carcinomatosis, tuberculous peritonitis, pancreatitis, serositis, pyogenic peritonitis, and nephrotic syndrome) 4-Cytology - for malignant cells. 5-Amylase - to exclude pancreatic ascites
  • 96.  Bilirubin — in brown ascites. As mentioned above, an ascitic bilirubin > of serum suggests bowel or biliary perforation into ascites  Glucose —  Lactate dehydrogenase  Triglycerides — milky/ Chylous ascites has TG > 200 mg/dL
  • 97.  dietary sodium restriction  spironolactone at 100–200 mg/d- 400–600mg  furosemide 40–80 mg/d- 120–160 mg/d  repeated large-volume paracentesis(refractory ascites)  TIPS (refractory ascites) liver transplantation  prognosis of cirrhosis with ascites is poor, survive 2 years <50%
  • 98.  LIST Other causes of ASCITES
  • 99.  Def  Etiology  Precipitant  Distinction from secondary BP  Dx  Rx
  • 100.  Def:ascitic fluid infection without an evident intraabdominal surgically-treatable source.  ETIOLOGIES ?
  • 101.  Escherichia coli 43%  Klebsiella pneumoniae 11%  Streptococcus pneumoniae 9%  Other streptococcal species 19%  Enterobacteriaceae 4%  Staphylococcus 3%  Pseudomonas 1%  Miscellaneous* 10%
  • 102.  cirrhosis,& associated conditions  Ascitic [total protein] <1 g/dL (<10 g/L)  Prior episode of SBP  Serum [total bilirubin] > 2.5 mg/dL  Variceal hemorrhage  malnutrition  Proton pump inhibitors  Nephrotic ascites
  • 103.
  • 104.  Subtel- due to separation of visceral & parietal peritoneum  Fever 69  Abdominal pain 59  Altered mental status 54  Abdominal tenderness 49  Diarrhea 32  Paralytic ileus 30  Hypotension 21  Hypothermia 17
  • 105. Def : ascitic fluid infection in which there is a positive ascitic fluid bacterial culture and an ascitic fluid PMN count ≥ 250 cells/mm3 with an evident intraabdominal surgically- treatable source of infection . Two varieties : 1--perforation peritonitis (eg, perforated peptic ulcer into ascites) 2--nonperforation peritonitis (eg, perinephric absces NB-mortality 100% if treatment consists only of antibiotics with no surgical intervention . And 80% if a patient with SBP receives an unnecessary exploratory laparotomy .
  • 106. Clinical — both can be ( even frank perforation) subtle b/c peritoneum separation by Ascites Analysis — PMN count ≥ 250 with two or more of [Total protein ] >1 g/dL (10 g/L) [ Glucose ]<50 mg/dL [ LDH >UNL for serum Imaging studies — plain and upright abdo minal films water-soluble gut contrast studies( extravasation of contrast SBP-Rx response follow up --- with repeat analysis after 48hrs ; PMN is lower
  • 107. Ascitic fluid analysis : 1] Cell count --- absolute PMNcount≥ 250 2] Culture ---- positive 3] SAAG ----- Low-gradient 4] [Total protien] -----lowest[ ] ; < 1g/dl 5] [glucose] > 50mg/dl 6] LDH (released from lysed PMNs) --[43 +/- 20mU/mL ] 7] [Amylase ]--- in pancreatitis and gut perforation 8] [ bilirubin] if dark/brown ascites----if > serum value  choleperitoneum ;GBperforation
  • 108.  1- third-generation cephalosporin ?2-combination of ampicillin and gentamicin . Third-gener + metronidazol For secondary BP
  • 109. third-generation cephalosporin benefits over ampic/genta-combination: A-- A higher rate of resolution of the infection — 85 versus 56 % B--No /less nephrotoxicity versus 5 % with ampicillin- gentamicin C-- No superinfection versus 14 percent with ampicillin- gentamicin .
  • 110.  Def  Mechanism  Precipitant  Stages  Rx
  • 111.  Def : ?potentially reversible neuropsychiatric syndrome seconday to liver diseases CLD,END-STAGE Or acute fulminant hepatic failure.
  • 112. Ammonia — cause in >90% + other neurotoxins Produced--- colonic bacterial catabolism of nitrogenous source; ingested protein and secreted urea.  Enters the circulation via the portal vein  Liver clears almost all by converting into glutamine & prevent entry into the systemic circulation  In cirrhosis ,portal blood bypasses the liver via the collaterals and the 'toxic'metabolites pass directly to the brain ( impaired liver  blood ammonia )  Induced alteration of brain neurotransmitter balance - especially at the astrocyte-neurone interface
  • 114. High dietary protein  GI- haemorrhage  Constipation  Vomiting /Diarrhea  Infection; SBP , sepsis  Fluid and electrolyte ( k+ )disturbance due to:diuretic therapy,paracentesis  Drugs (e.g. anyCNSdepressant) Benzodiazepines,Narcotics ,Alcohol  Portosystemic shunt operations, TIPS Any  surgical procedure Progressive liver damage  Development of hepatocellular carcinoma
  • 115. change in personality confused Can be quite violent and difficult to manage Or very sleepy and difficult to arouse Asterixis "liver flap‖ hepatic coma due Brain edema -herniation
  • 116.
  • 117. mainstay lactulose--, a nonabsorbable disaccharide eliminat nitrogenous source  R x of precipitats  ?Restriction of dietary protein  neomycin + metronidazole =Poorly absorbed antibiotics as adjunctive therapies or alternative to lactulose  rifaximin.  ?Zinc supplementation  Prognostic worse as stage progress
  • 118. refers === development of acute renal failure in advanced liver disease, severe alcoholic hepatitis, (less often) metastatic tumor, and acute fulminant hepatic failure from any cause.  MECHANISM :  portal hypertension -splanchnic vasodilatation - hypotension-induced activation of the renin-angiotensin and sympathetic nervous system- renal perfusion ( GFR )
  • 119.  Type I HRS--- more serious type; progressive impairment in renal function and a significant reduction in creatinine clearance ( 50% )within in <2wks,serum Cr.2.5mg/dl , oliguria  Type II HRS ; less severe. GFR and Cr
  • 120. midodrine --is a systemic vasoconstrictor  alpha1–agonist--  octreotide -- inhibitor of endogenous vasodilator , in combination  intravenous albumin  liver transplantation  prognosis is poor unless transplant can be achieved within a short period of time
  • 121.  90% of primary hepatic malignancy  One of the most common malignancies ,4th leading death , affecr men commonly  1 million/yr with MR=250,000/yr  Liver cirrhosis, HBV, HCV are most important risk factors  Most Asymtomatic or present with abdomen pain or liver failure s/s  Px=survive 2-6 months if unRxed
  • 122.  Causes of HCC:  Viral infection: B,C,D; cirrhosis from HBV,HCV, HH --at highest risk, while AIH,NASH &Wilson's d lower risk.HBV even at carrier state is high risk.  Toxins:Alcohol, aphlatoxin B1, tobaco,Thorium oxide, Vinyl chloride monomers   Metabolic liver ds: hemochrom,alpha1,PCT,glycogen storageI, II  Others: BCS, Liver flukes, androgeic anabolic hormones, etc
  • 123.  S/S:nonspecific similar  Hard irregular hepatomegally with bruit and cachexia and splenomegally  Portal vein thrombosis  Coagulopathy  Multiorgan failure  Portal HTN
  • 124. Extrahepatic -- most common sites are lung, intraabdominal lymph nodes, bone, and adrenal gland; brain metastases are extremely rare . Extrahepatic metastases are more common in patients with intrahepatic tumors >5 cm in diameter
  • 125.  DDX of primary hepatic malignancy:  1.Epithelial :  HCC;cholangioca;bilary cystadenoca;Sq cell ca; mucoepidermoid ca  2. Mesenchymal:  Angiosercoma, hemangioendothelioma,  Leimyosarcoma, fibrosercoma, embryonal ,  sercoma, rhabdomyosercoma,  Malignant schewanoma/ histosercoma, lymphoma
  • 126.  3.Mixed tumors:  Hepatoblastoma  Mixed HCC &cholangiocellular Ca  carcinsarcoma
  • 127.  Treatment & prevention  Quarterly U/s & AFP for CLD for early HCC DX  RX: Ethanol, chemoembolz, resection, LTx, palliative care; RT, HormonalRx  Mass HBV vaccination and CLD Rx for prevention
  • 128. can be asymptomatic OR can present with complication of cirrhosis RUQ pain ,weight loss , early satiety, or a palpable mass in the upper abdomen. Obstructive jaundice r ,dyspnea ( metastases), Intraperitoneal bleeding ( tumor rupture) Hepato/splenomegaly with bruit Paraneoplastic syndromes — hypoglycemia, erythrocytosis, hypercalcemia, se vere watery diarrhea,and cutaneous manifestation
  • 129.  Patterns of metastatic spread — Extrahepatic -- most common sites are lung, intraabdominal lymph nodes, bone, and adrenal gland; brain metastases are extremely rare . Extrahepatic metastases are more common in patients with intrahepatic tumors >5 cm in diameter .
  • 130.  Alpha-fetoprotein --- glycoprotein that is normally produced during gestation by the fetal liver and yolk sacr can pregnancy, with tumors of gonadal origin, and chronic liver disease ;acute or chronic viral hepatitis NORMAL=10 and 20 mcg/L >500 mcg/L in high risk group is suggest to HCC IMAGING BIOPSY
  • 131.  Surgical  Livertransplant  Radiotherapy/chemotherapy
  • 132.  regulationof protein and energy metabolism catabolic, and muscle protein is metabolized, poor dietary intake, alterations in gut nutrient absorption, and alterations in protein metabolism. Dietary supplementation is helpful
  • 133.  Coagulopathy is almost universal in cirrhosis.   synthesis of clotting factors and impaired clearance of anticoagulants.  thrombocytopenia from hypersplenism   Vitamin K absorption – AFFECTdependent CF ( II, VII, IX, & X )
  • 134.  anemia from --persplenism, hemolysis, iron deficiency, and perhaps folate deficiency from malnutrition.  Macrocytosis  Neutropenia from -hypersplenism.
  • 135.  Osteoporosis- malabsorption of vitamin D & calcium ingestion