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    To Learn

    To Learn

Title: More LIFE Lessons To Learn
Author: Oh Teik Bin
Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia
Front and back cover by Oh Teik Bin

Printed for free distribution
 ot for sale
This edition (2012) : 5000 copies

This Dhamma Dana literature is a gift, printed solely for free
distribution. Lots of other educational and Dhamma material by
the same author are available at the following Websites:

No copyright is applicable to this publication and any
organizations, societies or individuals are welcome to reprint
part or all of it. However, such reprints must be for free
distribution. It would be appreciated if the author could be
informed by email of any reprint.

Printed by

BHS Book Printing Sdn. Bhd.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1 Fate in Your Hands                                  1
2 16 Favorite Contentment Quotes                      8
3 Coping With Stress                                 15
4    o Charge…A Lesson To Ponder in Life             26
5 12 Causes Of Downfall                              34
6 Twisted Thinking And Mental Suffering              40
7 The Farmer’s Donkey                                46
8 14 Steps To Conquer The Worry Habit                51
9 Reflections On Gratitude                           58
10 Timeless TIME Quotes                              64
11 Right And Wrong                                   71
12 A Short Course In Human Relations                 78
13 The A – Z Of KIASU                                85
14 Unconditional Love… A story to ponder on           96
15 Who Are The Real Outcasts?                       104
16 Morning Motivation                               113
17 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter To A Teacher            120
18 Fingers…A Story For Living                       128
19 Enemies To Conquer                               135
20 The Best Gifts To Give                           141
21 Life Lessons From The Court                      148
22 o Shoes… A Lesson To Learn                       154
23 Forgiving Others                                 161
24 Good Character…Food For Thought                  167
25 The Shipwreck…A Story With A Life Lesson         179
26 14 Magical Moments Of Ease And Peace             184
27 10 Life Lessons From The Japan Disaster          191
28 The Moonlight Ride…A Story To Touch Your Heart   200
29 The Benefits Of Meditation                       211
30 ‘Aiyoh! Why Like That One?’                      217
 The feedback for my previous book for free distribution, “LIFE
Lessons With PowerPoints” has been most encouraging. Many
said that the full color format, compact size, concise presentations
and points for Dhamma Reflection are very appealing. One reader
wrote in to say: “I have never read to completion any Dhamma
book but I read the whole of LIFE Lessons in one sitting! It is
easy to understand but of course it’s a challenge to practice the
Dhamma.” Some wrote, mostly through email, comments on
favorite chapters in LIFE Lessons and how the material affected
* “When I read ‘Mother’, I immediately phoned my mum whom I
had not seen for some months.”
* “ ‘14 Steps To Develop Patience’ really helped me to check my
temper and impatience which had been causing me much pain.”
* “I got to learn to count my blessings from ‘Life’s Problems’ ”.
* “ ‘The Lizard’ taught me so much about love and compassion.”
* “I was inspired to practice the meditation on loving-kindness
after reading the chapter on ‘Metta Bhavana’ ”.
* “ ‘A King’s Three Wishes’ sparked some realization in me on
how foolish we can be in non-stop pursuits of material wealth.”
The positive responses to LIFE Lessons really motivated me to
write ‘More LIFE Lessons To Learn’, a sort of sequel to the
earlier book. It also has 30 chapters touching on different aspects
of the Dhamma and their applications to our present living. The
PowerPoint Presentations in this book can be viewed from my
Slideshare Space at . They can be
downloaded and used as Dhamma and educational material in
Buddhist Sunday School, Dhamma Classes, Motivation, Youth
/Children’s Camps and other educational programs or activities
The author is truly grateful to BHS BOOK PRINTING SDN.
BHD. and all other sponsors who have made this book possible.

May All Beings Be Well And Happy!

1    Fate In Your Hands                             1
Buddhism does not subscribe to the belief that one’s destiny
hefty household bills of all sorts we need to pay monthly.
is fated and unchangeable. Our lives are not predestined.
 When we are all burdened with unnecessary commitments, we
Our intentional doings of important things that really matter in
 have little time for so may the mind, speech and body will
chart the future. It and developing thethat even in this age
 life – learning about is very strange mind, showing kindness
of others, rendering services to technology and psychological
 to advances in science, the needy, spending time with our
understanding cultivating our spirituality. people, including
 loved ones and of the mind, so many
educated our lives as so superstitiousend; we fail to realize that
 We lead ones are if they will not and gullible. They, in
 life is uncertain and death is certain.
their ardent quest to change their luck, fortune, life span
and destiny, often fall parents is tremendous. We indeedhear
 The gratitude we owe our victims to con men. It’s often sad
or read in the newspaper of parents orscams. I personally
 that many children abandon their terrible give little attention
know of to theircases of Reason?who are in deep ‘busy-ness’.
 and care many parents. people They
* paypiety and gratitude are among luckvirtues we need to
 Filial huge sums of money for good the charms, talismans
and amulets in the to realize true happiness and peace.
 practice if we wish false belief that their luck will change.
* consult ‘fortune experts’ to have their names altered or
modified so that their health or wealth will grow.
* run around to temples or other places of worship to get
auspicious days and times to start their business, marry their
sons or daughters, conduct last funeral rites and what-nots.
* depend so much on matters like astrology and feng shui
to live their lives to the extent that conflicts and arguments
arise and multiply among the members in the family.
The Buddha once said, “Fools wait for a luck day. For the
industrious or diligent one, everyday is a lucky day.”
Our life is in our hands. When we learn, understand,
practice and realize well the Dhamma, things will work out
naturally for us. When we take true refuge in the Triple
Gem, the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, we will stop
chasing around for false hopes, protection, security, and
unnecessary worldly things that are rooted essentially in
greed, hatred and delusion. We will strive with our own
effort towards a destiny of happiness, peace and freedom.

Once upon a time, there
was a general who was
 leading his army into
battle against an enemy
   ten times the size
       of his own.

      Along the way to
       the battle field,
         the troops
        stopped by a
       small temple to
      pray for victory.
       The general held up a coin
          and told his troops:

                               I am going to
                             implore the gods
                              to help us crush
                                 our enemy.

       If this coin lands with the heads on top,
            we’ll win. If it’s tails, we’ll lose.
         Our fate is in the hands of the gods.
              Let’s pray wholeheartedly.

After a short prayer, the general tossed the coin.

 It landed with the heads on top.

   The troops were overjoyed and went into
          the battle with high spirit.

                                  Just as
                               predicted, the
                               smaller army
                               won the battle.


      The soldiers were exalted. One soldier
  remarked, “It’s good to have the gods on our
   side! o one can change what the gods have

Another shouted, “Our destiny is predetermined by the

“Really? Fate? Destiny?” the general laughed.
  The general showed his soldiers the coin –



                 End of Story

   May The World Be Free From Wars
  Which Bring Untold Suffering To Many.
                 With Metta,
               Bro. Oh Teik Bin

                                  For Reflections

        One’s destiny is not fixed
    or decided by the gods or ‘Fate’.
One’s destiny lies within one’s own hands.

   The Law of Cause and Effect reigns
 supreme – the present is conditioned to a
        good extent by the past.


The future is uncertain and not fixed – causes and
      conditions from the past and present
              do influence the future.
   What we do NOW is of utmost importance.
      The outcome of a deed or action depends on
    various factors and conditions… one of the most
     important being one’s state of mind/attitude …
    concentration, mindfulness, confidence and other
              positive qualities of the mind.

         is certainly a good attitude
                  to cultivate.

                                        The End

* “You are the master of your own destiny. Use your
strengths well. They are the keys to your destiny and
your success in life. Once you know yourself and take
action to realize your dreams, you can unlock the
doors to your own potential.”       eil Somerville

* “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of
choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing
to be achieved.”      William Jennings Bryan
2     16 Favorite Contentment Quotes                     8
Some years ago, I received by email a short story with a
very good moral message of simplicity and contentment. I
reproduce the short story six, I used to some editing:
 Ever since I was a child of here with ponder on the
“An American businessman exist a Harvard MBA watched
 tremendous disparities that with in human conditions. It
a Mexican fisherman unload Ihis small catch andfish at a
 was later on in my life, when started to learn of practise
small Dhammavillage. The businessman then asked why he
 the coastal that some light was shed on these
didn't stay out issues. and catch more fish. The Mexican said
 philosophical longer Some years ago, I did a Power Point
he had enough to support his family's immediate me when I
 presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled needs. The
 was young. The objective was to help make us reflect on
rest of his time he spent with his wife and kids and playing
his guitar and taking life easy.are, The Four Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – the Way things The businessman told him,
“You Five Universal Orders, The Law you Cause and Effect,
 The should spend more time fishing; of could then buy a
much biggerRebirth, The Six Realmswould have a fleet of
 Kamma and boat. Eventually you etc.
fishing boats. You would needrealization of these Dhamma
 With understanding and some no middleman but sell your
big catch directly toto live in righteousness,Why, you could
 points we can learn processing factories. harmony and
expand your business andthe Naturala cannery in ew York
 peace in accordance with even own Laws.
 A life that is lived meaningfully within oneself and also
City. Your enterprise would reach out far and wide.”
The fisherman asked,would be long would it life.
 serving those in need, “How a most worthy take?” The
businessman replied, “Oh perhaps 15 – 20 years. You
would make millions and then you could retire and live a
simple, happy life in a small village. Life would be so easy
living with your wife and playing with little kids in such a
carefree way. You could also enjoy your guitar playing.”
The Mexican fisherman was amused and smiled contentedly
at the businessman. He said, "Isn't that what I'm doing
right now?"
Today, we see so many people caught up in the game of
chasing for more and more material wealth, status and
power, thinking that somewhere, sometime in the future,
they would then attain the pleasure, happiness and peace
they yearn for. They forget that real happiness and peace are
attained in the NOW, living a simple and contented life.

   16 Favorite

                         We tend to forget that
                       happiness doesn't come
                         as a result of getting
                       something we don't have,
                       but rather of recognizing
                           and appreciating
                           what we do have.
                           Frederick Keonig

 Contentment is
  natural wealth,
luxury is artificial
                        Health is the greatest
                         Contentment is the
                         greatest treasure.
                          Confidence is the
                           greatest friend.
                          Non-being is the
                            greatest joy.
                               Lao Tzu

  There is no end of
   craving. Hence
contentment alone is
   the best way to
happiness. Therefore,
acquire contentment.
  Swami Sivananda

                             Contentment is a
                            pearl of great price,
                                and whoever
                             procures it at the
                               expense of ten
                             thousand desires
                            makes a wise and a
                              happy purchase.
                                John Balguy
   Man falls from the
 pursuit of the ideal of
  plan living and high
thinking the moment he
  wants to multiply his
   daily wants. Man's
happiness really lies in
   Mohandas Gandhi

                            Riches are not
                               from an
                            abundance of
                            worldly goods,
                              but from a
                           contented mind.

   Contentment is not
    the fulfillment of
   what you want, but
    the realization of
     how much you
      already have.
                             The secret of
                            contentment is
                         knowing how to enjoy
                         what you have, and to
                           be able to lose all
                           desire for things
                          beyond your reach.
                              Lin Yutang

Content makes poor men rich; discontentment
           makes rich men poor.
            Benjamin Franklin


       If you are
      content, you
    have enough to
   live comfortably.
                       My crown is in my heart, not
                       on my head, Nor decked with
                       diamonds and Indian stones,
                       Nor to be seen: My crown is
                       called content: A crown it is,
                         that seldom kings enjoy.
                           William Shakespeare

 When we cannot
 find contentment
 in ourselves, it is
 useless to seek it
La Rochefoucauld,
    Francois De

  The greatest
 wealth is to live
content with little,
for there is never
   want where
   the mind is

                       It is not the man who
                        has too little, but the
                       man who craves more,
                             that is poor.

  Be happy with what
 you have and are, be
 generous with both,
and you won't have to
  hunt for happiness.
 William E. Gladstone

 The End    May you find contentment
                  in the mind

3     Coping With Stress                          15
I have come to know that, according to a world health
report, the main health problem by the year 2020 will be
mental illness, particularly mental depression. It is an irony
that, despite all our great scientific achievements and
technological was a child of six, I used hasponder become
 Ever since I advancements, mankind to not on the
happier and more peaceful in exist in humanofconditions. It
 tremendous disparities that the mind. One my Dhamma
friends, a on in my life, when I that theto learn and cases of
 was later psychiatrist told me started number of practise
people with psychological problems and shed on these
 the Dhamma that some light was mental illnesses
like schizophrenia, depression, neurosis did a other mental
 philosophical issues. Some years ago, I and Power Point
disorders seems to on on the rise and they strike more and
 presentation based be the thoughts that puzzled me when I
more young. The people inwas to help make us reflect on
 was younger objective their twenties and thirties.
Stress appears the be one of are, The Four Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – to Way things the chief factors triggering
mental illnesses and Orders, The Law of and this isEffect,
 The Five Universal health problems Cause and even
affectingand Rebirth, The Sixhave a friend living in Kuala
 Kamma young children. I Realms etc.
Lumpur whose son, a primary school student once suffered
from very severe gastroenteritis problems. The parents
brought him to consult a prominent gastroenteritis specialist.
The doctor told my friend that the causative factor for the
child’s terrible medical condition was stress and something
got to be done about this. The poor young child was leading
a most stressful life in a well-known vernacular school. He
had to leave home for school early in the morning and could
only return home past 6 in the evening. He had to cope with
lots of school and homework, additional classes and many
extracurricular activities. Not all young children can take the
stress and demands of a life like this.
When the child was taken out of the school and placed in a
private school where there was little pressure, his medical
problems were solved and no medication was then needed.
Dhamma learning and practice will certainly also help one
cope with the many stresses and problems of modern living.


            Develop Right Views
• The way we see things and our attitude are very
  important in determining how prone we are
  towards stress. Understand important things such
  as these : Nothing remains unchanged. Nobody
  is perfect. Nothing is perfect. There will be always
  degrees of unsatisfactoriness, conflict, problems
  and pain. We can’t always get the things we
  want; sometimes things we don’t want do fall
  upon us.
• Right Views certainly will help us face up with the
  stresses and pressures of modern life.
            No two individuals are the same
             and they do not have the same
 DON’T SET       capabilities, talents and
UNREALISTIC potentialities. Targeting goals
  GOALS       which are beyond us will set
             undue stress upon ourselves.
              Eliminate over-ambition and
            unrealistic expectations. Having
           set realistic goals, we just need to
            do our best. It does not matter if
              not all goals can be realized.
              It is not the end of things. We can
                        always try again.

                 As long as we do our best to
              realize our potential, what others
                  achieve or attain should not
                worry or trouble us. In fact, all
                feelings of jealousy, envy and
   STOP         enmity are indeed stressful. It
              would be very good and positive
               if we can rejoice at the success
   WITH         of others. Learn to share with
  OTHERS      them their joys of success. If we
                  get inspiration from others’
                 success and achievements ,
                        then it is positive.

 LEARN TO     It is a fact of life that sometimes
  ACCEPT        we meet with things we don’t
              want and don’t meet with things
INEVITABLE            we want. Everybody
  THINGS          experiences this. Learn to
               accept things more wisely, with
                calmness and equanimity. Of
               course, this takes practice and
                    constant reflection. Our
              thinking, reactions and attitudes
                 don’t just change overnight.
                Have patience – allow time for
                   our wisdom to grow and


  Make Decisions When You Need To

    Indecisiveness very often leads to states
        of tension--anxiety , restlessness,
    insomnia and other problems can set in.
     Have the courage to decide after having
      considered all aspects of the issue or
     problem, the pros and cons. Of course,
    there is always an element of uncertainty
     and we may err. Take that decision and
     be with it ! What is the worst scenario ?
      We make a mistake. So what ? We can
      perhaps learn a valuable lesson of life
              and we can rise again !        6
 No one is free from problems.
Faced with a problem, take time        THINK
    to think and analyze the         PROBLEMS
  problem through. What is the       THROUGH
 actual problem ? What are the
 causes of this problem ? What
 steps can I or should I take to
     resolve the problem ?
Having come out with a strategy
 or plan, then we must ensure
that we ourselves implement or
       execute the plan.

We can land ourselves into a real
mess and get stressed if we don’t
  care to plan and organize the        PLAN
  things we do. More mishaps,          AND
 accidents and error are liable to   ORGANIZE
 occur bringing regret, remorse
and tension. When we learn to be
more neat, orderly, systematic and
organized , our work environment
 becomes better and our mental
         states improve.


 Don’t rush, hurry and worry.    TAKE ONE
 The mind cannot handle so         THING
many things at one go. Faced
   with many tasks at hand,      AT A TIME
learn to do or take one thing
at a time and doing that thing
 mindfully is important. Too
many people get stressed up
  because they try to do too
   many things at one time.
   Remember : Even super
computers can and do break

  Procrastinating things and
    doing things at the last
       moment generate
   unnecessary stress. We
 tense up if we have to work
   against the clock to meet
deadlines. Our effectiveness
 and efficiency can slide and
   our physical and mental          AVOID
   health can be adversely     PROCRASTINATION
 affected. Learn to schedule
     your time and work .
Procrastination is a bad habit
  that needs to be got rid of.

 When we are faced with
problems that we cannot
resolve, it is good to talk   BOTTLE UP
    things over with our
     parents, teachers,       FEELINGS
 friends and counselors.
    No man is an island.
  Sometimes we need to
 open up or get the load
off our chests. We must
  learn to let go negative
   thoughts and feelings
that weigh us down. Our
 minds will then become
    clear and our hearts
            light.                             11


  We are not machines. After hours of work or
study we need breaks or rests. The body that is
     weary or exhausted and the mind that is
fatigued cannot function properly or efficiently.
 A study program or schedule must incorporate
into it periods of rest. Rest allows the body and
  mind to be recharged and be ready to take on
        the coming tasks and challenges.

Physical exercises are indeed great stress
     relievers. Be it walking, jogging,
 swimming or playing a game, a work-out
 can work wonders to make us feel fresh,
  alert, energetic and positive. People in
 sedentary jobs or students who do long
  hours of academic study in particular
need to do physical exercises regularly to
maintain their physical and mental health.

          All work and no play makes Jack
          a dull boy. How very true this is !
          There is always a time for play no
            matter how busy we are. Take
           that holiday that you need and
             pursue that hobby you have
          always wanted. Stop making that
          excuse “No Time” when in actual
            fact we want to win that ‘Rat
            Race’ and just cannot let go.
          Beware ! There is a heavy price to
           pay. We may be stressed out of

 Nutrition plays an important part for our
  physical and mental health. Remember
the saying, “Health is more important than
  wealth.” When we fall sick , oftentimes
  we feel down, upset and depressed. We
have to ensure that we take regular meals
  following sound nutritional principles.
  Beware of fatty, sugary and junk food .

 If we develop a sense of humor, we can learn
    not to take things too seriously. This can
   greatly help to reduce tension. Laughter is
  indeed a tremendous stress antidote. Enjoy
yourself reading a good humor book , watching
 a comedy movie or video and cracking jokes
 with your friends. You will be surprised that
   indeed “Laughter is the best Medicine for
                many an ‘illness’.

   Arnold Bennett once said, “ The best cure for
 worry, depression, melancholy, brooding, is to go
      deliberately forth and try to lift with one’s
     sympathy, the gloom of somebody else.” A
    reaching out to others in need reduces self-
 centeredness. The more we cut the ‘self’ the less
stress the self can feel. A great sense of peace and
happiness has come to many who devote their lives
          in selfless charity work for others.

      Negative thoughts that arise in our minds
    should be constantly watched and cast out.
      They bring us down. Thoughts of greed,
  attachment should be replaced by generosity,
     charity; anger, aversion, ill-will by love and
   compassion. The habit of wishing others well
  and making positive affirmations such as I am
  happy, I am peaceful, I can succeed, I am well
    and healthy and so on can go a long way to
             improve our mental health.

   From time to time and particularly when we feel
     stressed or pressured, the practice of good
  relaxation techniques can help greatly. Learn to
  watch your breath ; take deep breaths and exhale
slowly. Listening to music, reading, practicing Yoga,
     Tai Chi and so on are wonderful relaxation
techniques . Meditation and visualization techniques
   where we picture ourselves relaxed in peaceful,
 serene and beautiful places like a beach, garden or
  a mountain are proven methods to reduce stress.


                                      May You Be
                                      Free From
                                       All Stress
                                      When You
                                        What Is

                                        With Metta,
                                      Bro. Oh Teik Bin

  4       o Charge…A Lesson To Ponder In Life
On ‘gratitude' The Buddha ( in Angutara Nikaya 2.31 – 32 )
once said, "I tell you, monks, there are two people who are
not easy to repay. Which two? Your mother and father.
Even if you were to carry your mother on one shoulder and
your father Ion theaother shoulder I used to ponder onwere
 Ever since was child of six, for 100 years, and the
to look afterdisparities anointing, massaging, conditions. It
 tremendous them by that exist in human bathing, and
rubbing theirin my life, when I started defecate and practise
 was later on limbs, and they were to to learn and urinate
right Dhamma that some light you would not in that
 the there [on your shoulders], was shed on these
way pay or repay your parents…Why is did a Power Point
 philosophical issues. Some years ago, I that? Mother and
father do much for on thechildren. They puzzled me when I
 presentation based their thoughts that care for them, they
nourish them, they introduceto them make this reflect on
 was young. The objective was         help to us world.”
Today in this ratthe Way things are,world, we read or Truths,
 the Dhamma – race, materialistic The Four Noble hear of
an increasing numberOrders, The Law of Causeor abandon
 The Five Universal of children who neglect and Effect,
their aged parents. Some Six Realmsyear, a local Buddhist
 Kamma and Rebirth, The time last etc.
monk asked me to put up on our notice board a newspaper
cutting of a terrible case of abandoned parents in Malaysia.
The aged parents had transferred all their property and
possessions to their married son who subsequently
abandoned them; the poor aged parents had to seek shelter
on the ground area of an old flat not inhabited by residents.
Shocking, but true. I knew of a family consisting of the old
mother who had six grown-up children. The father had died
some years earlier. Sad to say, the aged mother was ‘kicked’
around like a football from one child to another. The
children considered the mother a real burden and were most
unwilling to support or look after her. None wanted to give
financial support. I tried to speak to some of the children but
it was no easy task. They had all sorts of excuses.
Reluctantly, some of the children ‘rotated’ the mother
between their homes. Before long, the poor miserable and
dejected mother passed away. Talk about filial piety…

   A Lesson
  To Ponder
     In Life

 A mother was fixing supper for the family.
Her little son came running in quite excitedly.

                 He handed her a paper
                 with words of writing.
                 The mother took the
                 paper and started
The boy had written in
              big handwriting :

             “$2 for doing the
               dish washing.

          $ 1 for making my
             bed this week .
         For running errands,
               $ 2 I seek .

  $ 2 for sweeping
      the floor .
   My other friends
asked for much more .
$ 5 for my good report card , Mummy !
  Clearing our garden - $ 3 is due for me.

                So Mummy, you can
                  see very clearly
                You owe me quite a big
                   sum of money.”

The mother looked at
  him standing there
A thousand memories
 flashed through her
    mind instantly.
She picked up the
                      paper and
                    turned it over.
                 The words she wrote
                 would make you think
                     and ponder.

  For the 9 months I carried you,
 growing inside me, O CHARGE.

For the nights I sat
with you, doctored
  you, prayed for
you, O CHARGE.
For the time and
               the tears,
               And the cost
            through the years,
                 O CHARGE.

For the nights
  filled with
dread, and the
worries ahead,

            For advice and
           knowledge and the
              cost of your
                 O CHARGE.
For the toys, food and
  clothes and for wiping
        your nose,

       O CHARGE.

Son, when you add it all up, the full cost of
      my LOVE is , O CHARGE.”

                  When the boy finished
                  reading, tears welled in
                         his eyes.
                   He realized one lesson
                         in life –
                    Love bears no Price.
To his mother, he said,
 “I sure do love you,
 Mummy. I’m sorry.”
Then he took the pen
 and in big letters,
      he wrote

                   Brothers and Sisters :
                   There’re more things
                    than just MO EY
                  To live life meaningfully
                        and joyously.

               The End

    May You Be Well And Happy !
                With Metta,
              Bro. Oh Teik Bin
             5     12 Causes Of Downfall
When we meet with misfortune or any negative happening,
we tend to think that the outside world or other people are
the causes. We often forget that when we extend out the
 Ever since I was a child of six, I used to ponder on our
pointer finger to blamethat exist in human conditions. It
 tremendous disparities others, three fingers are pointing
right later on in my Oftentimes,I our ‘ill-luck’ orand practise
 was at ourselves. life, when started to learn downfall is
due to our own doing…sheer laziness, greed, heedlessness,
 the Dhamma that some light was shed on these
unwholesome issues. Some years vices I sucha as smoking,
 philosophical sensual pursuits, ago, did Power Point
drinking, gambling on the thoughts that puzzled me our past
 presentation based and other bad habits. Of course, when I
kamma playsThe objective was to help make uslife. People
 was young. a part in determining our present reflect on
 the Dhamma – the Way things are, talents, Noble status,
come into the world with differentThe Four wealth,Truths,
health conditions and so on. But this Cause and Effect,
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law of is no excuse to
complainand Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. for our lives and
 Kamma and lament. We are responsible
the things we do now can and will change the Dhamma
 With understanding and some realization of these course of
things. Ajahn Brahmavamso gives a very good analogy of
 points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and
the two women out withbakeNatural Laws. first woman, a
 peace in accordance to the a cake. The
wealthy one, lived all the good things to bake the cake: the
 A life that is has meaningfully within oneself and also
best flour, butter, refined sugar, most worthy life.
 serving those in need, would be a excellent fruits and other
ingredients. But this woman is careless and has a bad
attitude; she messes up the recipe, does a sloppy baking and
her cake turns out horrible despite having all the best
ingredients and kitchen conditions. On the other hand, the
second woman, coming from a poor background has to
make do with second - rate ingredients for her cake
baking… coarse flour, rough sugar, mediocre fruits and
cheap butter; she just has a simple oven. She sieves and
suns the flour; she pounds the sugar and puts in lots of
effort, care and love in baking the cake. Her cake turns out
to be a most wonderful one! The message is clear. We must
stop blaming external factors for our sorry state of affairs
and failure. Dhamma learning and practice entail patience,
determination and effort. Only then will we see and enjoy
the fruits when they ripen in due course of time.



   The Buddha’s
   Discourse on

            The 1st Cause of Downfall
               Easily known is the
                progressive one,        Dhamma

                  easily known
                he who declines.
              He who loves Dharma
              progresses; he who is
              averse to it, declines.
The 2nd Cause of Downfall

                     The wicked are
                    dear to him, with
                     the virtuous he
                    finds no delight,
                      he prefers the
                       creed of the

     The 3rd Cause of Downfall

                  Being fond
                   of sleep,
                     fond of
                   lazy and

      The 4th Cause of Downfall

Though being well-to-do, not to support father and
    mother who are old and past their youth
The 5th Cause of Downfall
            To deceive by
             falsehood a
             brahmin or
            ascetic or any

   The 6th Cause of Downfall

To have much wealth and ample gold and
 food, but to enjoy one's luxuries alone

    The 7th Cause of Downfall

 To be proud of birth, of wealth or clan,
  and to despise one's own kinsmen
The 8th Cause of Downfall

 To be a rake, a drunkard, a gambler, and
        to squander all one earns

    The 9th Cause of Downfall

    Not to be contented with one's own wife,
               and to be seen with
         harlots and the wives of others

    The 10th Cause of Downfall

Being past one's youth, to take a young wife
and to be unable to sleep for jealousy of her
The 11th Cause of Downfall

          To place in authority a woman given
               to drink and squandering,
              or a man of a like behaviour

      The 12th Cause of Downfall
                     To be of
                   noble birth,
                    with vast                     be in
                  ambition and
                    of slender
                   means, and
                   to crave for

The End

          Unskillful speech, action and mind
            will cause a person to decline.

                                       With Metta,
                                     Bro. Oh Teik Bin
  6    Twisted Thinking And Mental Suffering
  Our local Buddhist Association is non-sectarian; what is
  most important is the teaching and promotion of the
  Buddha-Dhamma, be it in the Theravada, Mahayana or
  Vajarana traditions. I have good Dhamma friends in the
Ever since I was aChanting, Sutta six, I and
  Chinese Chanting, Pali         child of       Classes used
topondeonthtremendous the early 1990s, there were some
  Meditation Group. In      disparities that exist in human
conditions. It was later on in my life, whenthe twisted and
  small nagging problems arising out of I started to learn
and practise the Dhamma that some light of the different
  deluded thinking of some members was shed on these
philosophicala Committee Member, Iago, I did a Power
  groups. As issues. Some years noticed uncalled for
Pointpresentation based‘Chinese thoughts that puzzled me
  remarks such as: “The on the Soldiers’ only chant and
when I was young. The“The ‘English to help make us
  don’t help much”; objective was Soldiers’ are
reflect on the think they –know Waythe Dhamma”; “The
  proud…they Dhamma the all things are, The Four
Noble Truths, The Fiveother than sitting stillThe Law of
  meditators do nothing Universal Orders, like stone
Cause and EffectJust because these critics might have
  statues” etc.
Kamma and Rebirth,individuals with personal traits not to
  encountered some The Six Realms etc.
  their liking, they branded the whole group in a bad light.
  They failed to see the good points of other people. “It’s
  easy to see the faults of others but one’s own, one hides
  like a fowler in disguise.” This is a saying from the
  Buddha in The Dhammapada …how very true it is!
  Deluded or twisted thinking needs to be checked and
  corrected; it can bring much conflict and relationship
  problems. Much Dukkha arises in the person and also
  others. Twisted thinking oftentimes can be traced to
  poor habitual conditioning at an earlier age or in
  previous lives, ego, jealousy, ill-will, anger, enmity and
  a sheer lack of understanding and practice of Dhamma
  to see the way things really are. Through the practice of
  selfless charity, loving-kindness, Dhamma study and
  reflection and Vipassana meditation, one can gradually
  gain insight and one’s thinking becomes clearer and
  wiser and the heart grows to be more compassionate.
James Allen

                                      James Allen

# 1 Thinking, regretting or
feeling guilty about the
 Train the mind to be
 more mindful of the
# 2 Speculating and
     worrying about
  things in the Future.
    Watch the mind when it
  runs into the Future. Bring
            it back.

# 3 Thinking of and seeing
    only the ‘black spots
  (faults ) of another and
  failing to see his ‘white
    spots’ FALLpoints) Abstracts
            (good 2006
     In every ‘bad’ person there is
                  Arial Font Family
    some good and in every ‘good’
       person there is some bad.

    # 4 Reacting negatively
   to the criticisms or words
            of others.
       Why should one let
      others control one’s
      inner mental peace?
# 5 Thinking of and
   dwelling upon one’s
    mistakes or points
       of weakness.
     Acknowledge the mistakes, learn
  from them and move on. Let go of the
           negative thoughts.

 # 6 Expecting only
  positive things to
 happen all the time.

  Gain and loss, pleasure and
pain, praise and blame, fame and
     dishonor are inevitable.

           # 7 Always thinking ‘Should be
         like this’, ‘shouldn’t be like that’,
                 ‘I can’t accept this’.
              Acceptance of things positively
              reduces mental suffering. Learn
                   to forgive and let go.
# 8 Labeling
  another as ‘bad’,
 ‘foolish’, ‘hateful’,
  It’s not the person who is ‘bad’, ‘foolish’
   or ‘proud’ but it is his unskillful action.
            Cultivate forgiveness.

# 9 Thinking centered
   on Ego and Self-
Let us learn to think less of ‘I’,
 ‘My’ and ‘Mine’ but more of
‘We’, ‘Ours’, ‘Us’ and ‘Others’.

   # 10 Thinking

 jealous thoughts
 of others’ success
  and happiness.
Let us practice sympathetic or altruistic
    joy rejoicing at the happiness
               of others.
# 11 Thoughts of
  unreasonably high
expectations of people
       or things
       Thoughts of Compassion and
      Contentment bring peace and joy
               to the mind

      # 12 Always
     thinking and
    desiring things
   and having little
   spirit of charity
      Giving and Generosity will lead to
           spiritual joy and peace.

The End

    Views, Thoughts and Aspirations
       of the Right Kind will lead
    to Happiness and Peace of Mind
            With Metta,
          Bro. Oh Teik Bin
7     The Farmer’s Donkey                                  46
 The life story of Helen Keller ( 1880 – 1968 ) is a most inspiring
one. At the age of 19 months, she contracted an illness that left
her deaf and I was Despite all the oddsused obstacles she faced,
 Ever since blind. a child of six, I and to ponder on the
she rose above all the hardship and challenges to become It
 tremendous disparities that exist in human conditions. a
prolific Americanmy life, awhen I started to learn and practise
 was later on in author, political activist and lecturer. She was
the first deaf and blind person tolight a was shed Arts degree.
 the Dhamma that some earn Bachelor of on these
There is a saying, “Quitters never win; winners never quit.” There
 philosophical issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point
is a good life lesson we can learn from this. When faced with
 presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled me when I
problems, obstructions and setbacks, many of us give up what we
set out to do. We lament over was ‘bad luck’ or make reflect on
 was young. The objective our to help make us all sorts of
excuses and rationalizationthings are, our failure. Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – the Way to justify The Four Someone once
said, “Failure is not failure; failure is failing to Cause after Effect,
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law of get up and a fall.”
 Kamma A Edison, an American inventor, held more than 1,000
 Thomas and Rebirth, The Six Realms etc.
patents for inventions andhis name. Among his many quotes was
 With understanding in some realization of these Dhamma
this: “I have notlearn to I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t
 points we can failed. live in righteousness, harmony and
work.” in accordance with the Natural Laws.
 peace He often commented that he started work where the last
man left off. lived meaningfully within oneself and also and
 A life that is Such an attitude of patience, determination
perseverance should be would be aby us. worthy life. thinking
 serving those in need, cultivated most His positive
was truly remarkable. Obstacles did not sink him into defeat.
Over the last 24 years at our local Buddhist Association, I have
seen too many of our members and devotees slacken or giving up
in their practice of Dhamma, particularly in outreach work, sutta
or Dhamma study and meditation. Intellectually, many of us
know the importance and urgency of walking with diligence the
spiritual path; we even voice out: ‘Life is uncertain; death is
certain. The Buddha urged us to strive on diligently with
mindfulness.’ But the irony is that we do not find ourselves
practicing and sacrificing. We are ever so busy and caught up in
sensual pursuits. Our mind, so defiled with ego and delusion, is so
good in giving excuses. “Oh, I can never meditate.” ( This is
dangerous negative conditioning!) “Oh, I am sorry…I am too
busy to help in the many Dana services and outreach work.” ( But
we do find time for shopping, going for tours, watching TV for
hours, hooked on the Internet, making money and so on. ) Mara is
indeed ‘laughing’ at his conquests! We need to reflect seriously.
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a
well. The animal cried piteously for hours
  as the farmer tried to figure out a way
             to get him out.

             Finally the farmer decided it
            was probably impossible and
             the animal was old and the
              well was dry anyway, so it
            just wasn't worth it to try and
                 retrieve the donkey.
So the farmer asked his neighbors to come
over and help him cover up the well. They all
         grabbed shovels and began
         to shovel dirt into the well.

            At first, when the
            donkey realized
          what was happening
            he cried horribly.
          Then, to everyone's
             amazement, he
          quieted down and let
            out some happy

                A few shovel
              loads later, the
               farmer looked
             down the well to
               see what was
              happening and
             was astonished
             at what he saw.
With every shovel of dirt that hit his
   back, the donkey was shaking it off
     and taking a step up. (Shifting)

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel
dirt on top of the animal, he continued to shake
     it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, to
everyone's amazement, the donkey stepped up
    over the edge of the well and trotted off!

  Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all
 kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well
      is to shake it off and take a step up.
Moral : Every adversity can be turned into a stepping
 stone. The way to get out of the deepest well is by never
           giving up but by shaking yourself off
                   and taking a step up.

   Moral : In life, what happens to you isn't
  nearly as important as what you do about it
      or how you react to the happening.

  The End

In the face of conflict
    and adversity,
may we respond and
act calmly and wisely.
                                 With Metta,
                               Bro. Oh Teik Bin
8     14 Steps To Conquer The Worry Habit                          51
Most people are affected by anxiety, worry or fear. Some
worry household bills of all and one need to pay monthly.
 hefty about a thousand sorts we things…their health,
studies, family, career, finance, unnecessary commitments, and
 When we are all burdened with relationships, sicknesses we
 have little time for so may important things that really matter in
death. Worry has driven many people to insomnia, illnesses,
 life – learning about and developing the mind, showing kindness
depression and even suicide.the needy,anxiety and fear have
 to others, rendering services to Worry, spending time with our
their ones and cultivating our spirituality. following factors:
 loved roots in one or more of the
* A wrong habitual if they will notconditioning since young
 We lead our lives as thinking and end; we fail to realize that
* Being attacheddeath is certain.
 life is uncertain and to wealth, possessions and loved ones
* Having the wrong attitude’s meaning
 The gratitude we owe our parents is views of It’s indeed sad
* Amany children abandon their parentsfear of losing attention
 that strong sense of ego leading to or give little name or
power to their parents. Reason? They are in deep ‘busy-ness’.
 and care
* Having and gratitude are among the virtues we need to
 Filial piety an untrained or uncultivated mind that often
dwells if the past or projects itself and the future
 practice in we wish to realize true happinessinto peace.
* Being too self-centered and lacking in a concern for
others’ welfare; there is little generosity and outreach work
* Lack of spiritual development; there is strong delusion
I have found the following bits of advice and thoughts
useful in helping one to overcome anxiety, worry and fear:
1 Why worry? It saps your energy. If there is a problem and
something can be done about it, then why worry? If nothing
can be done about it, then why worry? The problem will
come and go and the wise one embraces it peacefully.
2 othing is permanent; everything comes to pass, so why
worry? What’s the worst scenario? Death? Well, everyone
of us has to die one day and we will be reborn again!
3 Worry arises when there is negative speculative thinking
about the future. The mind has to be trained to bring it more
to the OW. Let go of the past; do not let your mind get
sucked into the future. The future is uncertain for all.
The late Ven. Dr K. Sri Dhammananda, wrote a most useful
book “Why Worry!” (‘Practical advice from the Buddhist
teachings to live your life without stress and worry’)
           TO CONQUER
         THE WORRY HABIT                1

Keep busy, so your mind doesn’t have
time to think about worrisome things.

  Don’t let small things upset
   you - they aren’t worth it
Accept the inevitable - don’t try
     to fight or change it

Consider the real importance of the thing
you are about to worry about – nothing is
     certain in life we can’t be sure
               of the future

    Apply these common expressions
        - Don’t cry over spilt milk
           - Don’t saw sawdust
          - What’s done is done
Have the Right View and Attitude
- There are ups and downs in life
     - Nothing is permanent
- Remember: ‘This too will pass’

 Count Your Blessings –
   not your troubles

Forget yourself by becoming
 more interested in others
Learn and practice some good
    relaxation techniques

   Associate with good, wise
      and positive friends

   Spend more time to reach out
        to others in need
Replace any negative thoughts
           with positive ones

    Do not allow your mind to dwell
    in the past or future. Be Present.

  Develop and practice mindfulness –
observe mental states that arise and fall
The End
                DON’T WORRY
                 BE HAPPY
               STAY HEALTHY
                                     With Metta,
                                   Bro. Oh Teik Bin


* Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what
may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
 ~Benjamin Franklin

* That the birds of worry and care fly over your
head, this you cannot change, but that they build
nests in your hair, this you can prevent.
 ~Chinese Proverb

* There are two days in the week about which and
upon which I never worry... Yesterday and
Tomorrow. ~Robert Jones Burdette

* Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in
the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night.
~Author Unknown
9     Reflections On Gratitude                             58
Many of us have given some help to a person in need. We
should not expect anything in return. On the other hand, it is
the duty of the receiver to have gratitude. Gratitude is an
important virtue to be taught and inculcated in the young for
their good character and self-developmentto ponder on the
 Ever since I was a child of six, I used as they grow up.
During my teaching years, I exist in human conditions. It
 tremendous disparities that stood as a financial guarantor
for a later on in my life, when Iwho applied for and practise
 was number of poor students started to learn scholarships
 the Dhamma that some light was shed on these
or loans to help them further their tertiary education.
In the early 1980s, I Some years ago, Ipoor a Power in my
 philosophical issues. had a bright but did student Point
class. I was the Form teacher. Afterthat puzzled he went on
 presentation based on the thoughts his STPM, me when I
to a local university. One evening,help make us phone call
 was young. The objective was to I received a reflect on
from him telling me ofthingsfinancial difficulties and his
 the Dhamma – the Way his are, The Four Noble Truths,
intention to quit the university. He had already and Effect,
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law of Cause completed
the first year Rebirth, The Six Realmsasked him to see me at
 Kamma and with excellent results. I etc.
my home. He came the following day and I helped him to
apply for a state study loan. His application was successful;
he got a full loan and I stood as a guarantor for him. So
everything seemed to turn out well; I got no news or contact
from the student for four years or so. I gathered from a
couple of his Form six classmates that he had graduated
with brilliant results and was then working in a good
managerial position in a private company in a big city.
A few years after the student had graduated and worked, I
started getting letters from the state government
legal officers asking that I settled the loan as a guarantor for the
student had not done any repaying and he could not be traced. His
home address had been changed; I too could not trace him. Well,
I thought I had no choice but to pay the owed amount.
Fortunately, one day I chanced upon a classmate of the student
and managed to get the contact of the ‘errant’ student. Through
phone and letters, I eventually made him see that it was his moral
responsibility to settle the loan. I did not say he had no gratitude.
Reflections On

At times our own light goes
 out and is rekindled by a
spark from another person.
   Each of us has cause to
think with deep gratitude of
 those who have lighted the          Albert
      flame within us.

                     One looks back with
              appreciation to the brilliant
              teachers, but with gratitude
                to those who touched our
                   human feelings. The
                  curriculum is so much
 Carl Jung    necessary raw material, but
              warmth is the vital element
             for the growing plant and for
                   the soul of the child.
A thankful heart is
      not only the greatest
         virtue, but the
        parent of all the
          other virtues.

If you pick up a starving dog
 and make him prosperous,
 he will not bite you. This is
   the principal difference
 between a dog and a man .
          Mark Twain

Let's be grateful for those who
give us happiness; they are the
charming gardeners who make
        our soul bloom.
         Marcel Proust
Reflect upon your present
blessings, of which every man
 has plenty; not on your past
     misfortunes of which
      all men have some.
       Charles Dickens

Many times a day I realize how much my
own life is built on the labors of my
fellowmen, and how earnestly I must exert
myself in order to give in return as much
as I have received.         Albert Einstein

              Gratitude is a duty which
             ought to be paid, but which
             none have a right to expect.
o one who achieves
            success does so without
          acknowledging the help of
        others. The wise and confident
          acknowledge this help with
            Alfred orth Whitehead

             "Gratitude is a fruit of
        great cultivation; you do not
        find it among gross people"
                 Samuel Johnson

  One can never pay in
 gratitude; one can only
pay "in kind" somewhere
        else in life.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that
       thankfulness is indeed a virtue.
                 William John Bennett

             It is another's             The End
  fault if he be ungrateful,
   but it is mine if I do not
      give. To find one
    thankful man, I will
  oblige a great many that
           are not so.

* "Good men and bad men differ radically. Bad men
never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men
appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express
their appreciation and gratitude by some return of
kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to
everyone else." The Buddha

* "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't
learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we
didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if
we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be
thankful."         The Buddha
10     Timeless TIME Quotes                          64
One of the reasons I dread attending a wedding invitation
dinner is the utter lack of respect for people’s time. Rarely
do wedding Idinners start punctually used to what is printed
 Ever since was a child of six, I despite ponder on the
in the invitation card. Guests exist in human conditions. as
 tremendous disparities that are made to wait for as long It
one to two hours before when I started to learn and practise
 was later on in my life, the first dish is served. Many suffer
the wait in silence, some light was shed on these
 the Dhamma that being unable to even carry out
meaningful conversations with friends I did asame table as
 philosophical issues. Some years ago, in the Power Point
 presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled me when I
the karaoke blasts away in an atmosphere of din and dis-
ease. young. The objective was could be put to better use.
 was Imagine the time wasted to help make us reflect on
Certain people have the bad habit of notFour Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – the Way things are, The being punctual for
any functions or programs. Over the yearsCause and Effect,
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law of of Dhammaduta
work at our Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. same members
 Kamma and Association, I noticed that the
and students are habitually late for Dhammathese Dhamma
 With understanding and some realization of talks, chanting
 points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and
or meditation, meetings, classes and other activities. Isn’t it
an irony that, on one with the Naturalteachings emphasize on
 peace in accordance hand Dhamma Laws.
being mindful and meaningfully within oneself and also yet
 A life that is lived having consideration for others, and
‘practitioners’ in need, would be a most worthy life. on time?
 serving those are unmindful about being always
Bad habits are indeed difficult to eradicate but that is no
excuse. Determination, discipline and making strong
resolutions would be able to rid ourselves of bad habits.
In my community guidance classes, I always stress on the
importance or punctuality. Of course, I too have to set the
example and I usually would begin lessons punctually
according to schedules. To me, not to do so would be rather
unfair to those who practice punctuality. Why should they
waste their time on account of mindless ones who don’t
seem to have respect for the teacher or their classmates?
When one values time and manages it well, one can do so
many positive and constructive things that benefit oneself
and others. Good time management would also enable one
to have time for recreation, ample rest and breaks.
May we realize the importance of time and use it well.

    Time is free, but it's
    priceless. You can't
own it, but you can use it.
       You can't keep
 it, but you can spend it.
     Once you've lost it
you can never get it back.
      Harvey MacKay

Time is more valuable than money. You
 can get more money, but you cannot
       get more time. Jim Rohn
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have,
  and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be
   careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
                      Carl Sandburg

     Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for
    those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too
   short for those who rejoice, but for those who love,
              time is eternity. Henry Van Dyke

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have
 exactly the same number of hours per day that
      were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur,
Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci,
     Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
              H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Much may be done in
                        those little shreds and
                        patches of time which
                          every day produces,
                          and which most men
                         throw away. Charles
                             Caleb Colton

                      All that really belongs
                      to us is time; even he
                      who has nothing else
                             has that.
                         Baltasar Gracian

 Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be
maintained quite unaltered through the course
            of hours. Mark Twain
This time, like all
times, is a very good
 one, if we but know
  what to do with it.
    Ralph Waldo

  I don't think of the past. The only thing
  that matters is the everlasting present.
           W. Somerset Maugham

 Ordinary people think
       merely of
    spending time.
 Great people think of
       using it.
   Author Unknown
It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants.
 The question is, what are we busy about?
            Henry David Thoreau

                          It’s how we spend our
                            time here and now,
                           that really matters. If
                          you are fed up with the
                          way you have come to
                             interact with time,
                                 change it.
                               Marcia Wieder

                      Realize that now, in this
                      moment of time, you are
                   creating. You are creating your
                            next moment.
                         That is what’s real.
                           Sara Paddison
Lost wealth may be
     replaced by industry,
   lost knowledge by study,
          lost health by
   temperance or medicine,
         but lost time is
           gone forever.
         Samuel Smiles

    The End
                 He lives long that lives well; and time
                     misspent is not lived but lost.
                             Thomas Fuller

            With Metta,
          Bro. Oh Teik Bin

* Time is what we want most, but what we use
worst. William Penn

* The common man is not concerned about the
passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it.

* Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste
of your life, or master your time and master your
life. Alan Lakein
11     Right And Wrong                            71
During my schooldays, I used to ponder a lot on the issue of
ethics and morality. What is Right and Wrong? Is there an
innatesince I was a child us six, I is absolutely right and
 Ever conscience telling of what used to ponder on the
moral? What are the consequences human conditions. It
 tremendous disparities that exist in of breaching moral
laws…a punishment after death? I sought answers practise
 was later on in my life, when I started to learn and through
booksDhamma that some and temples. I shedtaught about
 the and visiting churches light was was on these
sin and the laws of a Some years ago, I did a Power would
 philosophical issues. supreme heavenly Being who Point
judge us afterbased on the thoughts that puzzled me Heaven
 presentation death…whether we would be sent to when I
or Hell in accordance with the sins help make us reflectThe
 was young. The objective was to we have committed. on
ideaDhamma – theone life and then be eternally rewarded in
 the of living just Way things are, The Four Noble Truths,
Heaven or condemnedOrders, The Law of Cause and Effect,
 The Five Universal to everlasting Hell, to me, was not at
all logical, reasonableThejust. It was only when I came upon
 Kamma and Rebirth, or Six Realms etc.
the Dhamma, with and some realization of these effect and
 With understanding clear teachings on cause, Dhamma
conditions, can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and
 points we the Five Universal Orders, Kamma, rebirth and
dependent origination thatthe Natural Laws. about ethics and
 peace in accordance with all my questions
morality were resolved. In the Kalama Sutta, and also my
 A life that is lived meaningfully within oneself one of
favorite those in need, would be a most worthy life.
 serving Buddhist Discourses, the Buddha said, “When you
know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are unskillful;
these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are
criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted and
carried out, lead to harm and to suffering' — then you
should abandon them. When you know for yourselves that,
'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless;
these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when
adopted and carried out, lead to welfare and to happiness'
— then you should enter and remain in them.”
Any action of the mind, body or speech which is rooted in
greed, attachment, ill-will, anger, hatred, ego and delusion
is unwholesome and would have its potential negative
effects. Actions motivated by generosity, a letting go, love,
kindness, compassion and wisdom would be wholesome and
would bear positive fruits in this life or lives to come.


  When a Zen Master held a long
Meditation Retreat, pupils from many
  parts of Japan came to attend.

        One day, one of
        the pupils was
        caught stealing
         by the other
The matter was reported to the Master with
  the request that the culprit be expelled.

 The Zen Master chose to ignore the case.
   The pupils were very disappointed.

  ot long later, the same pupil was caught
        in a similar act of stealing.

This angered the other pupils very much.
 They drew up a petition asking for the
    dismissal of the thief, stating that
otherwise they would all leave altogether.

                 When the
                Master had
                  read the
                petition, he
              called everyone
                before him.

                     “You are wise
                   brothers,” he told
                them. “You know what
                  is Right and what is
“You may go somewhere else to study if you wish,” the
  Master continued, “but this poor brother does not
even know Right from Wrong. Who will teach him if I
do not. I am going to keep him here even if all the rest
                    of you leave.”


   A torrent of tears cleansed the face of the
            brother who had stolen.
        All desire to steal had vanished.
 All the other pupils chose to stay on with the
Zen Master. They had realized a good degree of
           Compassion and Wisdom.

            Zen Master

                     Reflection 1

    Great Spiritual Masters have real Compassion
      and Wisdom. Learn and grow from them.
Reflection 2

Every sentient being in Samsara has the potential
   to become a Buddha…when he realizes his
  defilements and takes steps to remove them.

                   Reflection 3

    In walking the Spiritual Path, one needs to
     develop a non-judgmental, forgiving and
     compassionate heart. o one is a ‘sinner’
   beyond redemption…only his actions may be
        foolish, unskillful or unwholesome.

                    Reflection 4

  Great Dhamma teachers practise patience,
   understanding, compassion and wisdom.
Reflection 5

         Harbouring aversion, ill will, anger,
       hatred and enmity weakens one’s mind.
                       The End
                     With Metta,
                   Bro. Oh Teik Bin

* Compassion is the basis of morality.
Arthur Schopenhauer

* For children to take morality seriously they must
be in the presence of adults who take morality
seriously. And with their own eyes they must see
adults take morality seriously.
William Bennett

* I reject any religious doctrine that does not appeal
to reason and is in conflict with morality.
Mohandas Gandhi

* Teach a child what is wise, that is morality. Teach
him what is wise and beautiful, that is religion!
Thomas Huxley

* The true meaning of religion is thus, not simply
morality, but morality touched by emotion.
Matthew Arnold

* Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very
important one to society.
Thomas Jefferson
12     A Short Course In Human Relations                    78
One of the important factors in the Noble Eightfold Path is
Right Speech. The practice of Right Speech entails avoiding
 Ever since I was a child of six, I used to ponder on the
* Lying
* Slanderingdisparities that exist in human conditions. It
 was later on in my life, when I started to learn and practise
* Using Harsh or Abusive speech
* Gossip or Frivolous Talk light was shed on these
 the Dhamma that some
Being polite, issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point
 philosophical courteous and using wise speech go a long
way towards based on the thoughts that puzzled me whenis
 presentation good human relations among people. This I
very important at objective school, at themake us reflectany
 was young. The home, in was to help work place or on
association or – the Way things are, The Four Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma society.
IThe Five case in our Orders, The Law of years ago when a
   recall a Universal Association many Cause and Effect,
couple who were ourThe Six Realms etc. angry and refused
 Kamma and Rebirth, members got very
 With understanding and some realization of these Dhamma
to come to the Association anymore. I gathered from them
that one of our Committee members was very rudeand
 points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and
sarcastic.accordance with the Natural Laws.Association and
 peace in I apologized on behalf of the
explained some Dhamma pointswithin oneself and also
 A life that is lived meaningfully about how people, caught
in conditioning, need, habits be a most worthy life. wrong
 serving those in bad would and heedlessness, use
speech thereby causing hurt to others. The victims should
learn to forgive and let go; the offender should regret the
unskillful words, apologize and resolve to be more mindful
the next time, putting in great care and effort to practice
Right Speech in his interaction with other people.
I often come across people, from students to working adults
in Government departments and the private sector who do
not seem to know the basic etiquette and courtesy expected
of a civilized and cultured person. My greetings of ‘Good
Morning’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Excuse me’ etc have many a time
been responded with cold blank stares. Some of my students
do not even know how to say “Thank you” when a gift is
given to them or when a favor is done for them. They seem
to take so many things for granted or they are so ignorant.
May we all be more mindful and practice Right Speech.

The SIX most important words (1)

                “I Admit
            I Made A Mistake”

The SIX most important words (2)
 “May You Be Well And Happy.”
The FIVE most important words (1)

 “You Did A Good Job.”

The FIVE most important words (2)

                 “I Am Grateful
                    To You.”

The FOUR most important words (1)
                 “What is Your
The FOUR most important words (2)
        “Have a Good Day!”

The THREE most important words (1)

     “I Am Sorry.”

The THREE most important words (2)

  I Help?”
The TWO most
            important words (1)

               “Thank You.”

The TWO most important words (2)


The ONE most important word (1)

     “ We ”
The ONE most important word (2)


The LEAST important word (1)


The LEAST important word (2)

The End

                                       May Our

                                      With Metta,
                                    Bro. Oh Teik Bin


* Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart,
kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are
the things which renew humanity. Buddha

* The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought,
sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. Buddha

* We do not need to proselytize either by our speech
or by our writing. We can only do so really with our
lives. Let our lives be open books for all to study.
                                    Mahatma Gandhi

* Watch your manner of speech if you wish to
develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by
affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes
and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.
  orman Vincent Peale
13     The A – Z of KIASU                           85
I was a KIASU (“Afraid to lose”) type of person during my
schooldays right from my primary school until sixth form. I
did well academically…I topped in all school examinations
but that never really gave me real happiness and peace. My
mind sincefilled with anxiety,six, I used to ponder on that
 Ever was I was a child of worry and fear…afraid the
someone else would beat me intoin human conditions. It
 tremendous disparities that exist second place. Oh, how
much suffering my life, when I started to prayers in practise
 was later on in I had to go through. The learn and temples
and churches didthat help. Looking back to my schooldays,
 the Dhamma not some light was shed on these
Iphilosophical issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point
   prayed foolishly…to be number one academically. I was
often jealous of others’ achievements and success when I
 presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled meand had
even young. The objective whento help make us reflect on
 was been secretly pleased was others did not do well! At
the university,– Ithe Way things wereThe Four Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma realized there are, others who were better
than me academically. I slowly began of learn life lessons.
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law to Cause and Effect
 Kamma and Rebirth, The Six Realms etc.
It was my ‘discovery’ of Dhamma and subsequent practice
of the Buddha’s Teachings that my life underwent a deep
transformation. My attitude towards many things changed
and I began to see the intangible things that really matter in
a person’s life. Understanding and practice of Buddhist
teachings like Dana ( Charity ), Sila ( Morality ) and
Bhavana ( Meditation ) will play a key role in bringing more
happiness, contentment and peace to one’s mind. I realized
that a KIASU type of attitude and mentality would bring
one untold mental and physical suffering. On the other hand,
the cultivation of spiritual qualities like generosity, service,
renunciation, sympathetic joy, loving-kindness, compassion,
equanimity and ‘letting go’ will bring one real peace and
freedom. Undoubtedly, walking the spiritual way of the
Noble Eightfold Path poses a challenge. Temptations to fall
into the trap of materialism and sensual pursuits are great.
However the price we have to pay by NOT walking the Way
is even greater. Immense Dukkha will await us.
The A – Z Of KIASU
         Let us reflect on
        how a Kiasu person
         is conquered by
        Greed, Anger and

                     “I must Always win,
                      How much stress
                      will this bring ?

“I always Borrow
but never return!”
 Life’s Principles
…When will he ever
“Wah, I have to buy because it is Cheap!”
Oh my ! She is hoarding things by the heap !

    “Don’t trust
 anyone …that’s my
 Ha ! He will live a
   life of sheer

                        “Everything I must
                         also grab fast.”
                        With such craving
                       how long will he last?
“Free ! Free ! Free ! I
 must have all these
      things !”
  Do you know what
suffering this brings ?

                      “If I don’t Grab first,
                     very soon there may be
                            no more!”
                     You see such ‘Hungry
                     Ghosts’ everywhere –
                        a real eyesore!

“I must Help myself
   to everything
Will he ever realize
 the need to care
    and share?
“I want to be FIRST
                          in everything.”
                        There’s a price to
                       pay – real suffering.

“I can’t waste my time – I must Jump queue.”
He makes others mad with such a view.

  “I must Keep
 coming back for
 more and more.”
 There would be
pain and suffering
     in store.
“I must have a life of
                       more and more
                      He cares only for
                       himself and his

 “Don’t you see
that I Must never
 ever lose face?”
 He constantly
feeds his ego in
life’s mad race.

   “I ever give others a
      helping hand.”
   There are more such
   people in every land.
“I must Outdo and
                Outshine everybody.”
                      How can such a
                      person live life
                       peacefully ?

 “I only Pay out of
   necessity, not
Do not expect him to
 perform any act of

                  “I will Quarrel to
                      make sure
                    I am ahead.”
                 He wouldn’t care if
                   you were alive
                      or dead.
“I have to Rush and
 push to triumph in
     the race!”
  It won’t be long
before he’s crushed
    at this pace.

                        “I am always
                    Suspicious of each and
                      He will suffer if he
                         wants to be
                      SECO D TO O E.

“I believe in only Taking
     … not giving.”
 Such self-centredness
   will soon see him
“Unless I get some personal
                benefit, forget it.”
               It must have been ages
            since the last charity he did.

 “I Vow that I will be
THE UMBER O E!”     E!”
By hook or by crook he
 would get this done !

                     “I am the Winner …
                     I take all, I take all.”
                     When will they know
                     there’s gain and loss,
                         rise and fall?
“This is not enough
                      … I must have
                    It does not pay to
                   be so greedy LAH!

  “I will YELL to get
    what I desire.”
Life’s Lessons are what
 such people require.

              Zebras are ‘KIASU’ ‘cause
               they want to be black and
                white at the same time.
               Conflicts and problems
               abound ‘cause too many
                 stress on ‘ME, MY
                    and MI E’ !
The End
        Peace Comes Through Wisdom And
    May We All Attain Life’s Greatest Blessing.
                      With Metta,
                   Bro. Oh Teik Bin

* Whatever we treasure for ourselves separates us
from others; our possessions are our limitations.
                            Rabindranath Tagore

* The greatest crimes do not arise from a want of
feeling for others but from an over-sensibility for
ourselves and an over-indulgence to our own desires.
                                   Edmund Burke

* Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce
selfishness, Have few desires.      Lao Tzu

* Every man must decide whether he will walk in
the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of
destructive selfishness.     Martin Luther King, Jr.

* The human being who lives only for himself finally
reaps nothing but unhappiness. Selfishness corrodes.
Unselfishness ennobles, satisfies. Don't put off the joy
derivable from doing helpful, kindly things for
                                         B. C. Forbes
14 Unconditional Love - A Story To Ponder On                    96
There is an increase in divorce cases; jealousies, revenge,
aggression and violence, murder and other sufferings arise
out of attached and self-centered love. Much of what we
know as ‘love’ is actually conditional love or love with
strongsince I was awhich of six, I used to pondera on the
 Ever attachment child of course can lead to           lot of
 tremendous disparities that exist in human conditions. It
suffering when things do not go according to one party’s
expectations or desires. When I startedor spouseand practise
 was later on in my life, when a lover to learn declares his
eternal love for his partner, actually was shed in his these
 the Dhamma that some light embedded on heart
and mind is issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point
 philosophical the attachment and thought: ‘I love you
provided you based on the thoughts or you do this for me…’
 presentation do not do this to me that puzzled me when I
In a young. The objective was to help makeas opposed on
 was Dhamma talk on the subject of Metta us reflect to
conditional love, Way things are, The Four Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – the Ajahn Brahmavamso, shared a very
interesting Universal Orders, The Law of Cause and Effect,
 The Five hypothetical situation on what Metta really is:
‘Supposeand Rebirth,aThe Six Realms etc. blessings of your
 Kamma you go for long retreat with the
spouse. At the end of the retreat you return home to find
your spouse missing. You find a note from your spouse that
reads: Dear Darling, remember you declared your undying
love for me and would want me to be always happy under
all circumstances. Well, I have eloped with your best friend;
we are now truly very happy together. Goodbye. Take care.
Now what will be your feelings? Would you be happy that
your spouse has found happiness? You would probably be
overwhelmed by negative emotions and thoughts of anger,
hatred, revenge, disappointment, sorrow, lamentation etc’
So you see, we are far from spiritual cultivation. Our
attachments are strong and can lead us to much suffering.
We need to strive on diligently in our Dhamma practice of
Sila (Morality), Samadhi (Mind stability) and Panna
(Wisdom ). Only then can we gradually reduce and cut our
attachments, clinging and grasping. True peace, happiness,
contentment and freedom will then come upon us.
A Story To Ponder On

There was a soldier who was finally coming home after
  having fought in the Vietnam War. He called his
             parents from San Francisco.

                                     Mom and Dad, I'm
                                     coming home, but
                                     I've a favor to ask.
                                     I have a friend I'd
                                     like to bring home
                                           with me.
"Sure," they
                      "we'd love to
                       meet him."

"There's something
you should know,”
 the son continued,
    "he was hurt
    pretty badly
  in the fighting.”

                       “He stepped on a
                         land mine and
                       lost an arm and a
                           leg. He has
                        nowhere else to
                         go, and I want
                        him to come live
                            with us."
“We are sorry to
  hear that, son.
Maybe we can help
     him find
  somewhere to
  live,” both the
   parents said.

    " o, Mom                "Son, you
    and Dad, I             don't know
   want him to             what you're
  live with us."             asking.”

                     “Someone with such a
                      handicap would be a
                     terrible burden on us.
                    We have our own lives
                    to live, and we can't let
                       something like this
                   interfere with our lives,”
                      the father continued.
“I think you should
 just come home and
forget about this guy.
  He'll find a way to
   live on his own,“ ”
    the mother said.

                     At that point, the son
                      hung up the phone.
                      The parents heard
                         nothing more
                           from him.

A few days later,
  however, the
parents received
 a call from the
 San Francisco
The police told the parents that their son
     had died after falling from a high rise
   building. The police believed it was suicide.


                       The grief-stricken parents
                       flew to San Francisco and
                          were taken to the city
                         morgue to identify the
                           body of their son.

They recognized him, but
 to their horror they also
  discovered something
 they didn't know - their
  son had only one arm
       and one leg.
How much of our love is
                            conditional? We find it
                           easy to love those who are
                          good-looking or fun to have
                           around, but we don't like
                           people who inconvenience
                              us or who do not do
                                 what we want.

Unconditional Love is
   pure love with no
  strings attached …
it is patient, kind and
    always positive.

METTA is the true and
pure unconditional love.

                     METTA = Loving-Kindness
                     + Goodwill + Friendliness +
                        Love + Benevolence

To develop Unconditional
                                Love, practise
                               Metta Bhavana,
                              the Meditation on


    May our Hearts
        be filled                       With Metta,
     with boundless                   Bro. Oh Teik Bin

* To give and not expect return, that is what lies at
the heart of love.                     Oscar Wilde

* The greatest gift that you can give to others is the
gift of unconditional love and acceptance.
                                       Brian Tracy

* The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is
unconditional love, which includes not only others
but ourselves as well.        Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

* Love expects no reward. Love knows no fear. Love
Divine gives - does not demand. Love thinks no evil;
imputes no motive. To Love is to share and serve.
                               Swami Sivananda
         15      Who Are The Real Outcasts?
I used to ask the Form 5 and 6 students in my community
guidance classes whether they knew of some great people in
the past and present who contributed a lot for the welfare of
others, names like Florence Nightingale, Albert Schweitzer,
Martin Luther was a Mother Teresa, The Dalai lama, Nelson
 Ever since I King, child of six, I used to ponder on the
Mandela anddisparities others. Sadly,humanof the students
 tremendous a host of that exist in most conditions. It
did not knowin my life, when I started to their sacrifices for
 was later on about such people let alone learn and practise
the sake of society and humanity. It is a shed and shame
 the Dhamma that some light was pity on these
indeed that today, among many youngI ones,a the idols and
 philosophical issues. Some years ago, did Power Point
role models are ‘famous’ singers, movie puzzled me when I
 presentation based on the thoughts that stars and sportsmen
whose personal lives are wasblemished…people who on
 was young. The objective so to help make us reflect do
drugs, lead highlyWay things are,sex lives, Noble Truths,
 the Dhamma – the promiscuous The Four show violent
temper, aggression and violence and thoseCauseflout Effect,
 The Five Universal Orders, The Law of who and moral
principles and the laws ofSixcountry. etc. great heroes are
 Kamma and Rebirth, The a Realms Real
forgotten whereas personalities who blatantly display
immoral or unwholesome actions are admired and placed on
the pedestal of gods. I once had a Form 5 student who used to
lapse in his nominal donation to our Association for the lessons in
our community classes. He did not belong to the category of poor
and deprived students…such students did not have to make any
contributions. On the contrary, they could apply for welfare aid
from our Association. I found out that this student ‘worshipped’
a few notorious pop singers; he would spend lots of money on
this ‘hobby’ of his. To attend some of the singing concerts, he
was willing to dish out hundreds of dollars for the tickets but
when it came to any charitable donations, he was most unwilling
to part with even a small sum of money. This is very sad indeed.
There are various factors contributing to a loss of values among
the young. Are parents, teachers and other adult members setting
themselves as good role models for the young? Are the young
ones receiving proper moral and religious education at home, in
school, temples and other places of worship? Parents play a vital
role to ensure their children receive good spiritual education.

      From The
    The Buddha’s
    Discourse on

Whosoever is angry, harbors
 hatred, and is reluctant to
   speak well of others
  (discredits the good of
others), perverted in views,
deceitful — know him as an
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More Life Lessons to Learn ...Oh Teik Bin

  • 1. MORE LIFE Lessons To Learn
  • 2. MORE LIFE Lessons To Learn
  • 3. THE GIFT OF DHAMMA EXCELS ALL OTHER GIFTS Title: More LIFE Lessons To Learn Author: Oh Teik Bin Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia Front and back cover by Oh Teik Bin Email: Printed for free distribution ot for sale This edition (2012) : 5000 copies This Dhamma Dana literature is a gift, printed solely for free distribution. Lots of other educational and Dhamma material by the same author are available at the following Websites: No copyright is applicable to this publication and any organizations, societies or individuals are welcome to reprint part or all of it. However, such reprints must be for free distribution. It would be appreciated if the author could be informed by email of any reprint. Printed by BHS Book Printing Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 4. CO TE TS Dedication/Acknowledgements Preface 1 Fate in Your Hands 1 2 16 Favorite Contentment Quotes 8 3 Coping With Stress 15 4 o Charge…A Lesson To Ponder in Life 26 5 12 Causes Of Downfall 34 6 Twisted Thinking And Mental Suffering 40 7 The Farmer’s Donkey 46 8 14 Steps To Conquer The Worry Habit 51 9 Reflections On Gratitude 58 10 Timeless TIME Quotes 64 11 Right And Wrong 71 12 A Short Course In Human Relations 78 13 The A – Z Of KIASU 85 14 Unconditional Love… A story to ponder on 96 15 Who Are The Real Outcasts? 104 16 Morning Motivation 113 17 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter To A Teacher 120 18 Fingers…A Story For Living 128 19 Enemies To Conquer 135 20 The Best Gifts To Give 141 21 Life Lessons From The Court 148 22 o Shoes… A Lesson To Learn 154 23 Forgiving Others 161 24 Good Character…Food For Thought 167 25 The Shipwreck…A Story With A Life Lesson 179 26 14 Magical Moments Of Ease And Peace 184 27 10 Life Lessons From The Japan Disaster 191 28 The Moonlight Ride…A Story To Touch Your Heart 200 29 The Benefits Of Meditation 211 30 ‘Aiyoh! Why Like That One?’ 217
  • 5. PREFACE The feedback for my previous book for free distribution, “LIFE Lessons With PowerPoints” has been most encouraging. Many said that the full color format, compact size, concise presentations and points for Dhamma Reflection are very appealing. One reader wrote in to say: “I have never read to completion any Dhamma book but I read the whole of LIFE Lessons in one sitting! It is easy to understand but of course it’s a challenge to practice the Dhamma.” Some wrote, mostly through email, comments on favorite chapters in LIFE Lessons and how the material affected them. * “When I read ‘Mother’, I immediately phoned my mum whom I had not seen for some months.” * “ ‘14 Steps To Develop Patience’ really helped me to check my temper and impatience which had been causing me much pain.” * “I got to learn to count my blessings from ‘Life’s Problems’ ”. * “ ‘The Lizard’ taught me so much about love and compassion.” * “I was inspired to practice the meditation on loving-kindness after reading the chapter on ‘Metta Bhavana’ ”. * “ ‘A King’s Three Wishes’ sparked some realization in me on how foolish we can be in non-stop pursuits of material wealth.” The positive responses to LIFE Lessons really motivated me to write ‘More LIFE Lessons To Learn’, a sort of sequel to the earlier book. It also has 30 chapters touching on different aspects of the Dhamma and their applications to our present living. The PowerPoint Presentations in this book can be viewed from my Slideshare Space at . They can be downloaded and used as Dhamma and educational material in Buddhist Sunday School, Dhamma Classes, Motivation, Youth /Children’s Camps and other educational programs or activities The author is truly grateful to BHS BOOK PRINTING SDN. BHD. and all other sponsors who have made this book possible. May All Beings Be Well And Happy! OH TEIK BI
  • 6. 1 Fate In Your Hands 1 Buddhism does not subscribe to the belief that one’s destiny hefty household bills of all sorts we need to pay monthly. is fated and unchangeable. Our lives are not predestined. When we are all burdened with unnecessary commitments, we Our intentional doings of important things that really matter in have little time for so may the mind, speech and body will chart the future. It and developing thethat even in this age life – learning about is very strange mind, showing kindness of others, rendering services to technology and psychological to advances in science, the needy, spending time with our understanding cultivating our spirituality. people, including loved ones and of the mind, so many educated our lives as so superstitiousend; we fail to realize that We lead ones are if they will not and gullible. They, in life is uncertain and death is certain. their ardent quest to change their luck, fortune, life span and destiny, often fall parents is tremendous. We indeedhear The gratitude we owe our victims to con men. It’s often sad or read in the newspaper of parents orscams. I personally that many children abandon their terrible give little attention know of to theircases of Reason?who are in deep ‘busy-ness’. and care many parents. people They * paypiety and gratitude are among luckvirtues we need to Filial huge sums of money for good the charms, talismans and amulets in the to realize true happiness and peace. practice if we wish false belief that their luck will change. * consult ‘fortune experts’ to have their names altered or modified so that their health or wealth will grow. * run around to temples or other places of worship to get auspicious days and times to start their business, marry their sons or daughters, conduct last funeral rites and what-nots. * depend so much on matters like astrology and feng shui to live their lives to the extent that conflicts and arguments arise and multiply among the members in the family. The Buddha once said, “Fools wait for a luck day. For the industrious or diligent one, everyday is a lucky day.” Our life is in our hands. When we learn, understand, practice and realize well the Dhamma, things will work out naturally for us. When we take true refuge in the Triple Gem, the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, we will stop chasing around for false hopes, protection, security, and unnecessary worldly things that are rooted essentially in greed, hatred and delusion. We will strive with our own effort towards a destiny of happiness, peace and freedom.
  • 7. 2 Once upon a time, there was a general who was leading his army into battle against an enemy ten times the size of his own. Along the way to the battle field, the troops stopped by a small temple to pray for victory.
  • 8. 3 The general held up a coin and told his troops: I am going to implore the gods to help us crush our enemy. If this coin lands with the heads on top, we’ll win. If it’s tails, we’ll lose. Our fate is in the hands of the gods. Let’s pray wholeheartedly. After a short prayer, the general tossed the coin. It landed with the heads on top.
  • 9. 4 The troops were overjoyed and went into the battle with high spirit. Just as predicted, the smaller army won the battle. 7 The soldiers were exalted. One soldier remarked, “It’s good to have the gods on our side! o one can change what the gods have determined!” Another shouted, “Our destiny is predetermined by the 8 gods!”
  • 10. 5 “Really? Fate? Destiny?” the general laughed. The general showed his soldiers the coin – BOTH SIDES OF IT WERE HEADS! General 9 End of Story May The World Be Free From Wars Which Bring Untold Suffering To Many. With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin 10 For Reflections
  • 11. 6 One’s destiny is not fixed or decided by the gods or ‘Fate’. One’s destiny lies within one’s own hands. The Law of Cause and Effect reigns supreme – the present is conditioned to a good extent by the past. 12 The future is uncertain and not fixed – causes and conditions from the past and present do influence the future. What we do NOW is of utmost importance.
  • 12. 7 The outcome of a deed or action depends on various factors and conditions… one of the most important being one’s state of mind/attitude … concentration, mindfulness, confidence and other positive qualities of the mind. ‘IF WE THI K WE CA , WE CA ’ is certainly a good attitude to cultivate. The End * “You are the master of your own destiny. Use your strengths well. They are the keys to your destiny and your success in life. Once you know yourself and take action to realize your dreams, you can unlock the doors to your own potential.” eil Somerville * “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan
  • 13. 2 16 Favorite Contentment Quotes 8 Some years ago, I received by email a short story with a very good moral message of simplicity and contentment. I reproduce the short story six, I used to some editing: Ever since I was a child of here with ponder on the “An American businessman exist a Harvard MBA watched tremendous disparities that with in human conditions. It a Mexican fisherman unload Ihis small catch andfish at a was later on in my life, when started to learn of practise small Dhammavillage. The businessman then asked why he the coastal that some light was shed on these didn't stay out issues. and catch more fish. The Mexican said philosophical longer Some years ago, I did a Power Point he had enough to support his family's immediate me when I presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled needs. The was young. The objective was to help make us reflect on rest of his time he spent with his wife and kids and playing his guitar and taking life easy.are, The Four Noble Truths, the Dhamma – the Way things The businessman told him, “You Five Universal Orders, The Law you Cause and Effect, The should spend more time fishing; of could then buy a much biggerRebirth, The Six Realmswould have a fleet of Kamma and boat. Eventually you etc. fishing boats. You would needrealization of these Dhamma With understanding and some no middleman but sell your big catch directly toto live in righteousness,Why, you could points we can learn processing factories. harmony and expand your business andthe Naturala cannery in ew York peace in accordance with even own Laws. A life that is lived meaningfully within oneself and also City. Your enterprise would reach out far and wide.” The fisherman asked,would be long would it life. serving those in need, “How a most worthy take?” The businessman replied, “Oh perhaps 15 – 20 years. You would make millions and then you could retire and live a simple, happy life in a small village. Life would be so easy living with your wife and playing with little kids in such a carefree way. You could also enjoy your guitar playing.” The Mexican fisherman was amused and smiled contentedly at the businessman. He said, "Isn't that what I'm doing right now?" Today, we see so many people caught up in the game of chasing for more and more material wealth, status and power, thinking that somewhere, sometime in the future, they would then attain the pleasure, happiness and peace they yearn for. They forget that real happiness and peace are attained in the NOW, living a simple and contented life.
  • 14. 9 16 Favorite We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Frederick Keonig Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty. Socrates
  • 15. 10 Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy. Lao Tzu There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment. Swami Sivananda Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and a happy purchase. John Balguy
  • 16. 11 Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal of plan living and high thinking the moment he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man's happiness really lies in contentment. Mohandas Gandhi Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind. Muhammad Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. Unknown
  • 17. 12 The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach. Lin Yutang Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor. Benjamin Franklin 11 If you are content, you have enough to live comfortably. Plautus
  • 18. 13 My crown is in my heart, not on my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen: My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy. William Shakespeare When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. La Rochefoucauld, Francois De The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want where the mind is satisfied. Lucretius
  • 19. 14 It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. Seneca Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness. William E. Gladstone The End May you find contentment in the mind 18
  • 20. 3 Coping With Stress 15 I have come to know that, according to a world health report, the main health problem by the year 2020 will be mental illness, particularly mental depression. It is an irony that, despite all our great scientific achievements and technological was a child of six, I used hasponder become Ever since I advancements, mankind to not on the happier and more peaceful in exist in humanofconditions. It tremendous disparities that the mind. One my Dhamma friends, a on in my life, when I that theto learn and cases of was later psychiatrist told me started number of practise people with psychological problems and shed on these the Dhamma that some light was mental illnesses like schizophrenia, depression, neurosis did a other mental philosophical issues. Some years ago, I and Power Point disorders seems to on on the rise and they strike more and presentation based be the thoughts that puzzled me when I more young. The people inwas to help make us reflect on was younger objective their twenties and thirties. Stress appears the be one of are, The Four Noble Truths, the Dhamma – to Way things the chief factors triggering mental illnesses and Orders, The Law of and this isEffect, The Five Universal health problems Cause and even affectingand Rebirth, The Sixhave a friend living in Kuala Kamma young children. I Realms etc. Lumpur whose son, a primary school student once suffered from very severe gastroenteritis problems. The parents brought him to consult a prominent gastroenteritis specialist. The doctor told my friend that the causative factor for the child’s terrible medical condition was stress and something got to be done about this. The poor young child was leading a most stressful life in a well-known vernacular school. He had to leave home for school early in the morning and could only return home past 6 in the evening. He had to cope with lots of school and homework, additional classes and many extracurricular activities. Not all young children can take the stress and demands of a life like this. When the child was taken out of the school and placed in a private school where there was little pressure, his medical problems were solved and no medication was then needed. Dhamma learning and practice will certainly also help one cope with the many stresses and problems of modern living.
  • 21. 16 1 Develop Right Views • The way we see things and our attitude are very important in determining how prone we are towards stress. Understand important things such as these : Nothing remains unchanged. Nobody is perfect. Nothing is perfect. There will be always degrees of unsatisfactoriness, conflict, problems and pain. We can’t always get the things we want; sometimes things we don’t want do fall upon us. • Right Views certainly will help us face up with the stresses and pressures of modern life. 2
  • 22. 17 No two individuals are the same and they do not have the same DON’T SET capabilities, talents and UNREALISTIC potentialities. Targeting goals GOALS which are beyond us will set undue stress upon ourselves. Eliminate over-ambition and unrealistic expectations. Having set realistic goals, we just need to do our best. It does not matter if not all goals can be realized. It is not the end of things. We can always try again. 3 As long as we do our best to realize our potential, what others achieve or attain should not worry or trouble us. In fact, all feelings of jealousy, envy and STOP enmity are indeed stressful. It would be very good and positive COMPARING if we can rejoice at the success WITH of others. Learn to share with OTHERS them their joys of success. If we get inspiration from others’ success and achievements , then it is positive. 4
  • 23. 18 LEARN TO It is a fact of life that sometimes ACCEPT we meet with things we don’t want and don’t meet with things INEVITABLE we want. Everybody THINGS experiences this. Learn to accept things more wisely, with calmness and equanimity. Of course, this takes practice and constant reflection. Our thinking, reactions and attitudes don’t just change overnight. Have patience – allow time for our wisdom to grow and develop. 5 Make Decisions When You Need To Indecisiveness very often leads to states of tension--anxiety , restlessness, insomnia and other problems can set in. Have the courage to decide after having considered all aspects of the issue or problem, the pros and cons. Of course, there is always an element of uncertainty and we may err. Take that decision and be with it ! What is the worst scenario ? We make a mistake. So what ? We can perhaps learn a valuable lesson of life and we can rise again ! 6
  • 24. 19 No one is free from problems. Faced with a problem, take time THINK to think and analyze the PROBLEMS problem through. What is the THROUGH actual problem ? What are the causes of this problem ? What steps can I or should I take to resolve the problem ? Having come out with a strategy or plan, then we must ensure that we ourselves implement or execute the plan. 7 We can land ourselves into a real mess and get stressed if we don’t care to plan and organize the PLAN things we do. More mishaps, AND accidents and error are liable to ORGANIZE occur bringing regret, remorse and tension. When we learn to be more neat, orderly, systematic and organized , our work environment becomes better and our mental states improve. 8
  • 25. 20 Don’t rush, hurry and worry. TAKE ONE The mind cannot handle so THING many things at one go. Faced with many tasks at hand, AT A TIME learn to do or take one thing at a time and doing that thing mindfully is important. Too many people get stressed up because they try to do too many things at one time. Remember : Even super computers can and do break down. 9 9 Procrastinating things and doing things at the last moment generate unnecessary stress. We tense up if we have to work against the clock to meet deadlines. Our effectiveness and efficiency can slide and our physical and mental AVOID health can be adversely PROCRASTINATION affected. Learn to schedule your time and work . Procrastination is a bad habit that needs to be got rid of. 10 10
  • 26. 21 When we are faced with problems that we cannot DON’ DON’T resolve, it is good to talk BOTTLE UP things over with our parents, teachers, FEELINGS friends and counselors. No man is an island. Sometimes we need to open up or get the load off our chests. We must learn to let go negative thoughts and feelings that weigh us down. Our minds will then become clear and our hearts light. 11 REST ADEQUATELY We are not machines. After hours of work or study we need breaks or rests. The body that is weary or exhausted and the mind that is fatigued cannot function properly or efficiently. A study program or schedule must incorporate into it periods of rest. Rest allows the body and mind to be recharged and be ready to take on the coming tasks and challenges. 12
  • 27. 22 EXERCISE REGULARLY Physical exercises are indeed great stress relievers. Be it walking, jogging, swimming or playing a game, a work-out can work wonders to make us feel fresh, alert, energetic and positive. People in sedentary jobs or students who do long hours of academic study in particular need to do physical exercises regularly to maintain their physical and mental health. 13 HAVE RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND HOBBIES All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. How very true this is ! There is always a time for play no matter how busy we are. Take that holiday that you need and pursue that hobby you have always wanted. Stop making that excuse “No Time” when in actual fact we want to win that ‘Rat Race’ and just cannot let go. Beware ! There is a heavy price to pay. We may be stressed out of 14 action.
  • 28. 23 TAKE A BALANCED DIET Nutrition plays an important part for our physical and mental health. Remember the saying, “Health is more important than wealth.” When we fall sick , oftentimes we feel down, upset and depressed. We have to ensure that we take regular meals following sound nutritional principles. Beware of fatty, sugary and junk food . HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR If we develop a sense of humor, we can learn not to take things too seriously. This can greatly help to reduce tension. Laughter is indeed a tremendous stress antidote. Enjoy yourself reading a good humor book , watching a comedy movie or video and cracking jokes with your friends. You will be surprised that indeed “Laughter is the best Medicine for many an ‘illness’. 16
  • 29. 24 LEND A HELPING HAND Arnold Bennett once said, “ The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding, is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one’s sympathy, the gloom of somebody else.” A reaching out to others in need reduces self- centeredness. The more we cut the ‘self’ the less stress the self can feel. A great sense of peace and happiness has come to many who devote their lives in selfless charity work for others. 17 THINK GOOD THOUGHTS Negative thoughts that arise in our minds should be constantly watched and cast out. They bring us down. Thoughts of greed, attachment should be replaced by generosity, charity; anger, aversion, ill-will by love and compassion. The habit of wishing others well and making positive affirmations such as I am happy, I am peaceful, I can succeed, I am well and healthy and so on can go a long way to improve our mental health. 18
  • 30. 25 PRACTICE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES From time to time and particularly when we feel stressed or pressured, the practice of good relaxation techniques can help greatly. Learn to watch your breath ; take deep breaths and exhale slowly. Listening to music, reading, practicing Yoga, Tai Chi and so on are wonderful relaxation techniques . Meditation and visualization techniques where we picture ourselves relaxed in peaceful, serene and beautiful places like a beach, garden or a mountain are proven methods to reduce stress. 19 May You Be Free From All Stress When You REALIZE What Is Best! With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin 20
  • 31. 26 4 o Charge…A Lesson To Ponder In Life On ‘gratitude' The Buddha ( in Angutara Nikaya 2.31 – 32 ) once said, "I tell you, monks, there are two people who are not easy to repay. Which two? Your mother and father. Even if you were to carry your mother on one shoulder and your father Ion theaother shoulder I used to ponder onwere Ever since was child of six, for 100 years, and the to look afterdisparities anointing, massaging, conditions. It tremendous them by that exist in human bathing, and rubbing theirin my life, when I started defecate and practise was later on limbs, and they were to to learn and urinate right Dhamma that some light you would not in that the there [on your shoulders], was shed on these way pay or repay your parents…Why is did a Power Point philosophical issues. Some years ago, I that? Mother and father do much for on thechildren. They puzzled me when I presentation based their thoughts that care for them, they nourish them, they introduceto them make this reflect on was young. The objective was help to us world.” Today in this ratthe Way things are,world, we read or Truths, the Dhamma – race, materialistic The Four Noble hear of an increasing numberOrders, The Law of Causeor abandon The Five Universal of children who neglect and Effect, their aged parents. Some Six Realmsyear, a local Buddhist Kamma and Rebirth, The time last etc. monk asked me to put up on our notice board a newspaper cutting of a terrible case of abandoned parents in Malaysia. The aged parents had transferred all their property and possessions to their married son who subsequently abandoned them; the poor aged parents had to seek shelter on the ground area of an old flat not inhabited by residents. Shocking, but true. I knew of a family consisting of the old mother who had six grown-up children. The father had died some years earlier. Sad to say, the aged mother was ‘kicked’ around like a football from one child to another. The children considered the mother a real burden and were most unwilling to support or look after her. None wanted to give financial support. I tried to speak to some of the children but it was no easy task. They had all sorts of excuses. Reluctantly, some of the children ‘rotated’ the mother between their homes. Before long, the poor miserable and dejected mother passed away. Talk about filial piety…
  • 32. O CHARGE A Lesson To Ponder In Life A mother was fixing supper for the family. Her little son came running in quite excitedly. He handed her a paper with words of writing. The mother took the paper and started reading.
  • 33. The boy had written in big handwriting : “$2 for doing the dish washing. $ 1 for making my bed this week . For running errands, $ 2 I seek . $ 2 for sweeping the floor . My other friends asked for much more .
  • 34. $ 5 for my good report card , Mummy ! Clearing our garden - $ 3 is due for me. So Mummy, you can see very clearly You owe me quite a big sum of money.” The mother looked at him standing there expectantly. A thousand memories flashed through her mind instantly.
  • 35. She picked up the paper and turned it over. The words she wrote would make you think and ponder. For the 9 months I carried you, growing inside me, O CHARGE. For the nights I sat with you, doctored you, prayed for you, O CHARGE.
  • 36. For the time and the tears, And the cost through the years, O CHARGE. For the nights filled with dread, and the worries ahead, O CHARGE. For advice and knowledge and the cost of your College, O CHARGE.
  • 37. For the toys, food and clothes and for wiping your nose, O CHARGE. Son, when you add it all up, the full cost of my LOVE is , O CHARGE.” CHARGE.” When the boy finished reading, tears welled in his eyes. He realized one lesson in life – Love bears no Price.
  • 38. To his mother, he said, “I sure do love you, Mummy. I’m sorry.” Then he took the pen and in big letters, he wrote “ALL PAID FULLY.” Brothers and Sisters : There’re more things There’ than just MO EY To live life meaningfully and joyously. The End May You Be Well And Happy ! With Metta, Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin
  • 39. 34 5 12 Causes Of Downfall When we meet with misfortune or any negative happening, we tend to think that the outside world or other people are the causes. We often forget that when we extend out the Ever since I was a child of six, I used to ponder on our pointer finger to blamethat exist in human conditions. It tremendous disparities others, three fingers are pointing right later on in my Oftentimes,I our ‘ill-luck’ orand practise was at ourselves. life, when started to learn downfall is due to our own doing…sheer laziness, greed, heedlessness, the Dhamma that some light was shed on these unwholesome issues. Some years vices I sucha as smoking, philosophical sensual pursuits, ago, did Power Point drinking, gambling on the thoughts that puzzled me our past presentation based and other bad habits. Of course, when I kamma playsThe objective was to help make uslife. People was young. a part in determining our present reflect on the Dhamma – the Way things are, talents, Noble status, come into the world with differentThe Four wealth,Truths, health conditions and so on. But this Cause and Effect, The Five Universal Orders, The Law of is no excuse to complainand Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. for our lives and Kamma and lament. We are responsible the things we do now can and will change the Dhamma With understanding and some realization of these course of things. Ajahn Brahmavamso gives a very good analogy of points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and the two women out withbakeNatural Laws. first woman, a peace in accordance to the a cake. The wealthy one, lived all the good things to bake the cake: the A life that is has meaningfully within oneself and also best flour, butter, refined sugar, most worthy life. serving those in need, would be a excellent fruits and other ingredients. But this woman is careless and has a bad attitude; she messes up the recipe, does a sloppy baking and her cake turns out horrible despite having all the best ingredients and kitchen conditions. On the other hand, the second woman, coming from a poor background has to make do with second - rate ingredients for her cake baking… coarse flour, rough sugar, mediocre fruits and cheap butter; she just has a simple oven. She sieves and suns the flour; she pounds the sugar and puts in lots of effort, care and love in baking the cake. Her cake turns out to be a most wonderful one! The message is clear. We must stop blaming external factors for our sorry state of affairs and failure. Dhamma learning and practice entail patience, determination and effort. Only then will we see and enjoy the fruits when they ripen in due course of time.
  • 40. Dhamrma Must Have! 1 PARABHAVA SUTTA The Buddha’s Discourse on DOWNFALL The 1st Cause of Downfall Easily known is the progressive one, Dhamma easily known he who declines. He who loves Dharma progresses; he who is averse to it, declines.
  • 41. The 2nd Cause of Downfall The wicked are dear to him, with the virtuous he finds no delight, he prefers the creed of the wicked. The 3rd Cause of Downfall Being fond of sleep, fond of company, indolent, lazy and irritable The 4th Cause of Downfall Though being well-to-do, not to support father and mother who are old and past their youth
  • 42. The 5th Cause of Downfall To deceive by falsehood a brahmin or ascetic or any other mendicant The 6th Cause of Downfall To have much wealth and ample gold and food, but to enjoy one's luxuries alone The 7th Cause of Downfall To be proud of birth, of wealth or clan, and to despise one's own kinsmen
  • 43. The 8th Cause of Downfall To be a rake, a drunkard, a gambler, and to squander all one earns The 9th Cause of Downfall Not to be contented with one's own wife, and to be seen with harlots and the wives of others The 10th Cause of Downfall Being past one's youth, to take a young wife and to be unable to sleep for jealousy of her
  • 44. The 11th Cause of Downfall To place in authority a woman given to drink and squandering, or a man of a like behaviour The 12th Cause of Downfall To be of noble birth, Must with vast be in Charge ambition and of slender means, and to crave for rulership The End Unskillful speech, action and mind will cause a person to decline. With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin
  • 45. 40 6 Twisted Thinking And Mental Suffering Our local Buddhist Association is non-sectarian; what is most important is the teaching and promotion of the Buddha-Dhamma, be it in the Theravada, Mahayana or Vajarana traditions. I have good Dhamma friends in the Ever since I was aChanting, Sutta six, I and Chinese Chanting, Pali child of Classes used topondeonthtremendous the early 1990s, there were some Meditation Group. In disparities that exist in human conditions. It was later on in my life, whenthe twisted and small nagging problems arising out of I started to learn and practise the Dhamma that some light of the different deluded thinking of some members was shed on these philosophicala Committee Member, Iago, I did a Power groups. As issues. Some years noticed uncalled for Pointpresentation based‘Chinese thoughts that puzzled me remarks such as: “The on the Soldiers’ only chant and when I was young. The“The ‘English to help make us don’t help much”; objective was Soldiers’ are reflect on the think they –know Waythe Dhamma”; “The proud…they Dhamma the all things are, The Four Noble Truths, The Fiveother than sitting stillThe Law of meditators do nothing Universal Orders, like stone Cause and EffectJust because these critics might have statues” etc. Kamma and Rebirth,individuals with personal traits not to encountered some The Six Realms etc. their liking, they branded the whole group in a bad light. They failed to see the good points of other people. “It’s easy to see the faults of others but one’s own, one hides like a fowler in disguise.” This is a saying from the Buddha in The Dhammapada …how very true it is! Deluded or twisted thinking needs to be checked and corrected; it can bring much conflict and relationship problems. Much Dukkha arises in the person and also others. Twisted thinking oftentimes can be traced to poor habitual conditioning at an earlier age or in previous lives, ego, jealousy, ill-will, anger, enmity and a sheer lack of understanding and practice of Dhamma to see the way things really are. Through the practice of selfless charity, loving-kindness, Dhamma study and reflection and Vipassana meditation, one can gradually gain insight and one’s thinking becomes clearer and wiser and the heart grows to be more compassionate.
  • 46. James Allen James Allen # 1 Thinking, regretting or feeling guilty about the past. Reflection Train the mind to be more mindful of the Present. GUILT
  • 47. # 2 Speculating and worrying about things in the Future. Reflection Watch the mind when it runs into the Future. Bring it back. # 3 Thinking of and seeing only the ‘black spots (faults ) of another and failing to see his ‘white spots’ FALLpoints) Abstracts (good 2006 Reflection In every ‘bad’ person there is Arial Font Family some good and in every ‘good’ person there is some bad. # 4 Reacting negatively to the criticisms or words of others. Reflection Why should one let others control one’s inner mental peace?
  • 48. # 5 Thinking of and dwelling upon one’s mistakes or points of weakness. Reflection Acknowledge the mistakes, learn from them and move on. Let go of the negative thoughts. # 6 Expecting only positive things to happen all the time. Reflection Gain and loss, pleasure and pain, praise and blame, fame and dishonor are inevitable. # 7 Always thinking ‘Should be like this’, ‘shouldn’t be like that’, ‘I can’t accept this’. Reflection Acceptance of things positively reduces mental suffering. Learn to forgive and let go.
  • 49. # 8 Labeling another as ‘bad’, ‘foolish’, ‘hateful’, ‘problematic’ Reflection It’s not the person who is ‘bad’, ‘foolish’ or ‘proud’ but it is his unskillful action. Cultivate forgiveness. # 9 Thinking centered on Ego and Self- interest Reflection Let us learn to think less of ‘I’, ‘My’ and ‘Mine’ but more of ‘We’, ‘Ours’, ‘Us’ and ‘Others’. # 10 Thinking JEALOUS jealous thoughts of others’ success and happiness. Reflection Let us practice sympathetic or altruistic joy rejoicing at the happiness of others.
  • 50. # 11 Thoughts of unreasonably high expectations of people or things Reflection Thoughts of Compassion and Contentment bring peace and joy to the mind # 12 Always thinking and desiring things and having little spirit of charity Reflection Giving and Generosity will lead to spiritual joy and peace. The End Views, Thoughts and Aspirations of the Right Kind will lead to Happiness and Peace of Mind With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin
  • 51. 7 The Farmer’s Donkey 46 The life story of Helen Keller ( 1880 – 1968 ) is a most inspiring one. At the age of 19 months, she contracted an illness that left her deaf and I was Despite all the oddsused obstacles she faced, Ever since blind. a child of six, I and to ponder on the she rose above all the hardship and challenges to become It tremendous disparities that exist in human conditions. a prolific Americanmy life, awhen I started to learn and practise was later on in author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deaf and blind person tolight a was shed Arts degree. the Dhamma that some earn Bachelor of on these There is a saying, “Quitters never win; winners never quit.” There philosophical issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point is a good life lesson we can learn from this. When faced with presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled me when I problems, obstructions and setbacks, many of us give up what we set out to do. We lament over was ‘bad luck’ or make reflect on was young. The objective our to help make us all sorts of excuses and rationalizationthings are, our failure. Noble Truths, the Dhamma – the Way to justify The Four Someone once said, “Failure is not failure; failure is failing to Cause after Effect, The Five Universal Orders, The Law of get up and a fall.” Kamma A Edison, an American inventor, held more than 1,000 Thomas and Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. patents for inventions andhis name. Among his many quotes was With understanding in some realization of these Dhamma this: “I have notlearn to I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t points we can failed. live in righteousness, harmony and work.” in accordance with the Natural Laws. peace He often commented that he started work where the last man left off. lived meaningfully within oneself and also and A life that is Such an attitude of patience, determination perseverance should be would be aby us. worthy life. thinking serving those in need, cultivated most His positive was truly remarkable. Obstacles did not sink him into defeat. Over the last 24 years at our local Buddhist Association, I have seen too many of our members and devotees slacken or giving up in their practice of Dhamma, particularly in outreach work, sutta or Dhamma study and meditation. Intellectually, many of us know the importance and urgency of walking with diligence the spiritual path; we even voice out: ‘Life is uncertain; death is certain. The Buddha urged us to strive on diligently with mindfulness.’ But the irony is that we do not find ourselves practicing and sacrificing. We are ever so busy and caught up in sensual pursuits. Our mind, so defiled with ego and delusion, is so good in giving excuses. “Oh, I can never meditate.” ( This is dangerous negative conditioning!) “Oh, I am sorry…I am too busy to help in the many Dana services and outreach work.” ( But we do find time for shopping, going for tours, watching TV for hours, hooked on the Internet, making money and so on. ) Mara is indeed ‘laughing’ at his conquests! We need to reflect seriously.
  • 52. One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out a way to get him out. Finally the farmer decided it was probably impossible and the animal was old and the well was dry anyway, so it just wasn't worth it to try and retrieve the donkey.
  • 53. So the farmer asked his neighbors to come over and help him cover up the well. They all grabbed shovels and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, when the donkey realized what was happening he cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down and let out some happy brays. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well to see what was happening and was astonished at what he saw.
  • 54. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was shaking it off and taking a step up. (Shifting) As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he continued to shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, to everyone's amazement, the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off! Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
  • 55. Moral : Every adversity can be turned into a stepping stone. The way to get out of the deepest well is by never giving up but by shaking yourself off and taking a step up. Moral : In life, what happens to you isn't nearly as important as what you do about it or how you react to the happening. The End In the face of conflict and adversity, may we respond and act calmly and wisely. With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin
  • 56. 8 14 Steps To Conquer The Worry Habit 51 Most people are affected by anxiety, worry or fear. Some worry household bills of all and one need to pay monthly. hefty about a thousand sorts we things…their health, studies, family, career, finance, unnecessary commitments, and When we are all burdened with relationships, sicknesses we have little time for so may important things that really matter in death. Worry has driven many people to insomnia, illnesses, life – learning about and developing the mind, showing kindness depression and even suicide.the needy,anxiety and fear have to others, rendering services to Worry, spending time with our their ones and cultivating our spirituality. following factors: loved roots in one or more of the * A wrong habitual if they will notconditioning since young We lead our lives as thinking and end; we fail to realize that * Being attacheddeath is certain. life is uncertain and to wealth, possessions and loved ones * Having the wrong attitude’s meaning The gratitude we owe our parents is views of It’s indeed sad * Amany children abandon their parentsfear of losing attention that strong sense of ego leading to or give little name or power to their parents. Reason? They are in deep ‘busy-ness’. and care * Having and gratitude are among the virtues we need to Filial piety an untrained or uncultivated mind that often dwells if the past or projects itself and the future practice in we wish to realize true happinessinto peace. * Being too self-centered and lacking in a concern for others’ welfare; there is little generosity and outreach work * Lack of spiritual development; there is strong delusion I have found the following bits of advice and thoughts useful in helping one to overcome anxiety, worry and fear: 1 Why worry? It saps your energy. If there is a problem and something can be done about it, then why worry? If nothing can be done about it, then why worry? The problem will come and go and the wise one embraces it peacefully. 2 othing is permanent; everything comes to pass, so why worry? What’s the worst scenario? Death? Well, everyone of us has to die one day and we will be reborn again! 3 Worry arises when there is negative speculative thinking about the future. The mind has to be trained to bring it more to the OW. Let go of the past; do not let your mind get sucked into the future. The future is uncertain for all. The late Ven. Dr K. Sri Dhammananda, wrote a most useful book “Why Worry!” (‘Practical advice from the Buddhist teachings to live your life without stress and worry’)
  • 57. 14 STEPS TO CONQUER THE WORRY HABIT 1 Keep busy, so your mind doesn’t have time to think about worrisome things. Don’t let small things upset you - they aren’t worth it
  • 58. Accept the inevitable - don’t try to fight or change it Consider the real importance of the thing you are about to worry about – nothing is certain in life we can’t be sure of the future Apply these common expressions - Don’t cry over spilt milk - Don’t saw sawdust - What’s done is done
  • 59. Have the Right View and Attitude - There are ups and downs in life - Nothing is permanent - Remember: ‘This too will pass’ Count Your Blessings – not your troubles Forget yourself by becoming more interested in others
  • 60. Learn and practice some good relaxation techniques Associate with good, wise and positive friends Spend more time to reach out to others in need
  • 61. Replace any negative thoughts with positive ones Do not allow your mind to dwell in the past or future. Be Present. Develop and practice mindfulness – observe mental states that arise and fall
  • 62. The End DON’ DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY STAY HEALTHY With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin 16 * Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ~Benjamin Franklin * That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent. ~Chinese Proverb * There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry... Yesterday and Tomorrow. ~Robert Jones Burdette * Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night. ~Author Unknown
  • 63. 9 Reflections On Gratitude 58 Many of us have given some help to a person in need. We should not expect anything in return. On the other hand, it is the duty of the receiver to have gratitude. Gratitude is an important virtue to be taught and inculcated in the young for their good character and self-developmentto ponder on the Ever since I was a child of six, I used as they grow up. During my teaching years, I exist in human conditions. It tremendous disparities that stood as a financial guarantor for a later on in my life, when Iwho applied for and practise was number of poor students started to learn scholarships the Dhamma that some light was shed on these or loans to help them further their tertiary education. In the early 1980s, I Some years ago, Ipoor a Power in my philosophical issues. had a bright but did student Point class. I was the Form teacher. Afterthat puzzled he went on presentation based on the thoughts his STPM, me when I to a local university. One evening,help make us phone call was young. The objective was to I received a reflect on from him telling me ofthingsfinancial difficulties and his the Dhamma – the Way his are, The Four Noble Truths, intention to quit the university. He had already and Effect, The Five Universal Orders, The Law of Cause completed the first year Rebirth, The Six Realmsasked him to see me at Kamma and with excellent results. I etc. my home. He came the following day and I helped him to apply for a state study loan. His application was successful; he got a full loan and I stood as a guarantor for him. So everything seemed to turn out well; I got no news or contact from the student for four years or so. I gathered from a couple of his Form six classmates that he had graduated with brilliant results and was then working in a good managerial position in a private company in a big city. A few years after the student had graduated and worked, I started getting letters from the state government legal officers asking that I settled the loan as a guarantor for the student had not done any repaying and he could not be traced. His home address had been changed; I too could not trace him. Well, I thought I had no choice but to pay the owed amount. Fortunately, one day I chanced upon a classmate of the student and managed to get the contact of the ‘errant’ student. Through phone and letters, I eventually made him see that it was his moral responsibility to settle the loan. I did not say he had no gratitude.
  • 64. Reflections On GRATITUDE At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the Albert Schweitzer flame within us. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much Carl Jung necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
  • 65. A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. Cicero If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man . Mark Twain Let's be grateful for those who give us happiness; they are the charming gardeners who make our soul bloom. Marcel Proust
  • 66. Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some. Charles Dickens Many times a day I realize how much my own life is built on the labors of my fellowmen, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received. Albert Einstein Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect. Rousseau
  • 67. o one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude. Alfred orth Whitehead "Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people" Samuel Johnson One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay "in kind" somewhere else in life. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  • 68. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue. William John Bennett It is another's The End fault if he be ungrateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To find one thankful man, I will oblige a great many that are not so. Seneca * "Good men and bad men differ radically. Bad men never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to everyone else." The Buddha * "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful." The Buddha
  • 69. 10 Timeless TIME Quotes 64 One of the reasons I dread attending a wedding invitation dinner is the utter lack of respect for people’s time. Rarely do wedding Idinners start punctually used to what is printed Ever since was a child of six, I despite ponder on the in the invitation card. Guests exist in human conditions. as tremendous disparities that are made to wait for as long It one to two hours before when I started to learn and practise was later on in my life, the first dish is served. Many suffer the wait in silence, some light was shed on these the Dhamma that being unable to even carry out meaningful conversations with friends I did asame table as philosophical issues. Some years ago, in the Power Point presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled me when I the karaoke blasts away in an atmosphere of din and dis- ease. young. The objective was could be put to better use. was Imagine the time wasted to help make us reflect on Certain people have the bad habit of notFour Noble Truths, the Dhamma – the Way things are, The being punctual for any functions or programs. Over the yearsCause and Effect, The Five Universal Orders, The Law of of Dhammaduta work at our Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. same members Kamma and Association, I noticed that the and students are habitually late for Dhammathese Dhamma With understanding and some realization of talks, chanting points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and or meditation, meetings, classes and other activities. Isn’t it an irony that, on one with the Naturalteachings emphasize on peace in accordance hand Dhamma Laws. being mindful and meaningfully within oneself and also yet A life that is lived having consideration for others, and ‘practitioners’ in need, would be a most worthy life. on time? serving those are unmindful about being always Bad habits are indeed difficult to eradicate but that is no excuse. Determination, discipline and making strong resolutions would be able to rid ourselves of bad habits. In my community guidance classes, I always stress on the importance or punctuality. Of course, I too have to set the example and I usually would begin lessons punctually according to schedules. To me, not to do so would be rather unfair to those who practice punctuality. Why should they waste their time on account of mindless ones who don’t seem to have respect for the teacher or their classmates? When one values time and manages it well, one can do so many positive and constructive things that benefit oneself and others. Good time management would also enable one to have time for recreation, ample rest and breaks. May we realize the importance of time and use it well.
  • 70. 1 Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. Harvey MacKay Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Jim Rohn
  • 71. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandburg Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Henry Van Dyke Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • 72. Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away. Charles Caleb Colton All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that. Baltasar Gracian Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours. Mark Twain
  • 73. This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present. W. Somerset Maugham Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it. Author Unknown
  • 74. It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about? Henry David Thoreau It’s how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it. Marcia Wieder Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what’s real. Sara Paddison
  • 75. Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. Samuel Smiles The End He lives long that lives well; and time misspent is not lived but lost. Thomas Fuller With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin * Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. William Penn * The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it. Schopenhauer * Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. Alan Lakein
  • 76. 11 Right And Wrong 71 During my schooldays, I used to ponder a lot on the issue of ethics and morality. What is Right and Wrong? Is there an innatesince I was a child us six, I is absolutely right and Ever conscience telling of what used to ponder on the moral? What are the consequences human conditions. It tremendous disparities that exist in of breaching moral laws…a punishment after death? I sought answers practise was later on in my life, when I started to learn and through booksDhamma that some and temples. I shedtaught about the and visiting churches light was was on these sin and the laws of a Some years ago, I did a Power would philosophical issues. supreme heavenly Being who Point judge us afterbased on the thoughts that puzzled me Heaven presentation death…whether we would be sent to when I or Hell in accordance with the sins help make us reflectThe was young. The objective was to we have committed. on ideaDhamma – theone life and then be eternally rewarded in the of living just Way things are, The Four Noble Truths, Heaven or condemnedOrders, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Five Universal to everlasting Hell, to me, was not at all logical, reasonableThejust. It was only when I came upon Kamma and Rebirth, or Six Realms etc. the Dhamma, with and some realization of these effect and With understanding clear teachings on cause, Dhamma conditions, can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and points we the Five Universal Orders, Kamma, rebirth and dependent origination thatthe Natural Laws. about ethics and peace in accordance with all my questions morality were resolved. In the Kalama Sutta, and also my A life that is lived meaningfully within oneself one of favorite those in need, would be a most worthy life. serving Buddhist Discourses, the Buddha said, “When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are unskillful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted and carried out, lead to harm and to suffering' — then you should abandon them. When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted and carried out, lead to welfare and to happiness' — then you should enter and remain in them.” Any action of the mind, body or speech which is rooted in greed, attachment, ill-will, anger, hatred, ego and delusion is unwholesome and would have its potential negative effects. Actions motivated by generosity, a letting go, love, kindness, compassion and wisdom would be wholesome and would bear positive fruits in this life or lives to come.
  • 77. RIGHT and WRONG When a Zen Master held a long Meditation Retreat, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. One day, one of the pupils was caught stealing by the other pupils.
  • 78. The matter was reported to the Master with the request that the culprit be expelled. The Zen Master chose to ignore the case. The pupils were very disappointed. ot long later, the same pupil was caught in a similar act of stealing. BAG
  • 79. This angered the other pupils very much. They drew up a petition asking for the dismissal of the thief, stating that otherwise they would all leave altogether. When the Master had read the petition, he called everyone before him. “You are wise brothers,” he told them. “You know what is Right and what is Wrong.”
  • 80. “You may go somewhere else to study if you wish,” the Master continued, “but this poor brother does not even know Right from Wrong. Who will teach him if I do not. I am going to keep him here even if all the rest of you leave.” Zen Master A torrent of tears cleansed the face of the brother who had stolen. All desire to steal had vanished. All the other pupils chose to stay on with the Zen Master. They had realized a good degree of Compassion and Wisdom. Zen Master Reflection 1 Great Spiritual Masters have real Compassion and Wisdom. Learn and grow from them.
  • 81. Reflection 2 Every sentient being in Samsara has the potential to become a Buddha…when he realizes his defilements and takes steps to remove them. Reflection 3 In walking the Spiritual Path, one needs to develop a non-judgmental, forgiving and compassionate heart. o one is a ‘sinner’ beyond redemption…only his actions may be foolish, unskillful or unwholesome. Reflection 4 Great Dhamma teachers practise patience, understanding, compassion and wisdom.
  • 82. Reflection 5 Harbouring aversion, ill will, anger, hatred and enmity weakens one’s mind. The End With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin * Compassion is the basis of morality. Arthur Schopenhauer * For children to take morality seriously they must be in the presence of adults who take morality seriously. And with their own eyes they must see adults take morality seriously. William Bennett * I reject any religious doctrine that does not appeal to reason and is in conflict with morality. Mohandas Gandhi * Teach a child what is wise, that is morality. Teach him what is wise and beautiful, that is religion! Thomas Huxley * The true meaning of religion is thus, not simply morality, but morality touched by emotion. Matthew Arnold * Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society. Thomas Jefferson
  • 83. 12 A Short Course In Human Relations 78 One of the important factors in the Noble Eightfold Path is Right Speech. The practice of Right Speech entails avoiding Ever since I was a child of six, I used to ponder on the * Lying * Slanderingdisparities that exist in human conditions. It tremendous was later on in my life, when I started to learn and practise * Using Harsh or Abusive speech * Gossip or Frivolous Talk light was shed on these the Dhamma that some Being polite, issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point philosophical courteous and using wise speech go a long way towards based on the thoughts that puzzled me whenis presentation good human relations among people. This I very important at objective school, at themake us reflectany was young. The home, in was to help work place or on association or – the Way things are, The Four Noble Truths, the Dhamma society. IThe Five case in our Orders, The Law of years ago when a recall a Universal Association many Cause and Effect, couple who were ourThe Six Realms etc. angry and refused Kamma and Rebirth, members got very With understanding and some realization of these Dhamma to come to the Association anymore. I gathered from them that one of our Committee members was very rudeand points we can learn to live in righteousness, harmony and sarcastic.accordance with the Natural Laws.Association and peace in I apologized on behalf of the explained some Dhamma pointswithin oneself and also A life that is lived meaningfully about how people, caught in conditioning, need, habits be a most worthy life. wrong serving those in bad would and heedlessness, use speech thereby causing hurt to others. The victims should learn to forgive and let go; the offender should regret the unskillful words, apologize and resolve to be more mindful the next time, putting in great care and effort to practice Right Speech in his interaction with other people. I often come across people, from students to working adults in Government departments and the private sector who do not seem to know the basic etiquette and courtesy expected of a civilized and cultured person. My greetings of ‘Good Morning’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Excuse me’ etc have many a time been responded with cold blank stares. Some of my students do not even know how to say “Thank you” when a gift is given to them or when a favor is done for them. They seem to take so many things for granted or they are so ignorant. May we all be more mindful and practice Right Speech.
  • 84. 1 The SIX most important words (1) “I Admit I Made A Mistake” The SIX most important words (2) “May You Be Well And Happy.”
  • 85. The FIVE most important words (1) “You Did A Good Job.” The FIVE most important words (2) “I Am Grateful To You.” The FOUR most important words (1) “What is Your Opinion?”
  • 86. The FOUR most important words (2) “Have a Good Day!” The THREE most important words (1) “I Am Sorry.” The THREE most important words (2) “Can I Help?”
  • 87. The TWO most important words (1) “Thank You.” The TWO most important words (2) “Take Care.” The ONE most important word (1) “ We ”
  • 88. The ONE most important word (2) “Please” The LEAST important word (1) “I” The LEAST important word (2) “My”
  • 89. The End May Our Patience, Love And Understanding Grow! With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin 16 * Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. Buddha * The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. Buddha * We do not need to proselytize either by our speech or by our writing. We can only do so really with our lives. Let our lives be open books for all to study. Mahatma Gandhi * Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful. orman Vincent Peale
  • 90. 13 The A – Z of KIASU 85 I was a KIASU (“Afraid to lose”) type of person during my schooldays right from my primary school until sixth form. I did well academically…I topped in all school examinations but that never really gave me real happiness and peace. My mind sincefilled with anxiety,six, I used to ponder on that Ever was I was a child of worry and fear…afraid the someone else would beat me intoin human conditions. It tremendous disparities that exist second place. Oh, how much suffering my life, when I started to prayers in practise was later on in I had to go through. The learn and temples and churches didthat help. Looking back to my schooldays, the Dhamma not some light was shed on these Iphilosophical issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point prayed foolishly…to be number one academically. I was often jealous of others’ achievements and success when I presentation based on the thoughts that puzzled meand had even young. The objective whento help make us reflect on was been secretly pleased was others did not do well! At the university,– Ithe Way things wereThe Four Noble Truths, the Dhamma realized there are, others who were better than me academically. I slowly began of learn life lessons. The Five Universal Orders, The Law to Cause and Effect Kamma and Rebirth, The Six Realms etc. It was my ‘discovery’ of Dhamma and subsequent practice of the Buddha’s Teachings that my life underwent a deep transformation. My attitude towards many things changed and I began to see the intangible things that really matter in a person’s life. Understanding and practice of Buddhist teachings like Dana ( Charity ), Sila ( Morality ) and Bhavana ( Meditation ) will play a key role in bringing more happiness, contentment and peace to one’s mind. I realized that a KIASU type of attitude and mentality would bring one untold mental and physical suffering. On the other hand, the cultivation of spiritual qualities like generosity, service, renunciation, sympathetic joy, loving-kindness, compassion, equanimity and ‘letting go’ will bring one real peace and freedom. Undoubtedly, walking the spiritual way of the Noble Eightfold Path poses a challenge. Temptations to fall into the trap of materialism and sensual pursuits are great. However the price we have to pay by NOT walking the Way is even greater. Immense Dukkha will await us.
  • 91. The A – Z Of KIASU Let us reflect on how a Kiasu person is conquered by Greed, Anger and Delusion “I must Always win, win!” How much stress will this bring ? “I always Borrow but never return!” Life’s Principles Life’ …When will he ever learn?
  • 92. “Wah, I have to buy because it is Cheap!” Oh my ! She is hoarding things by the heap ! “Don’t trust on’ anyone …that’s my that’ philosophy.” Ha ! He will live a life of sheer misery. “Everything I must also grab fast.” With such craving how long will he last?
  • 93. “Free ! Free ! Free ! I must have all these things !” Do you know what suffering this brings ? “If I don’t Grab first, don’ very soon there may be no more!” You see such ‘Hungry Ghosts’ everywhere – Ghosts’ a real eyesore! “I must Help myself to everything everywhere.” Will he ever realize the need to care and share?
  • 94. “I want to be FIRST in everything.” There’s a price to There’ pay – real suffering. “I can’t waste my time – I must Jump queue.” He makes others mad with such a view. “I must Keep coming back for more and more.” more.” There would be pain and suffering in store.
  • 95. “I must have a life of more and more Luxury.” He cares only for himself and his family. “Don’t you see that I Must never ever lose face?” face?” He constantly feeds his ego in life’s mad race. life’ “I ever give others a helping hand.” There are more such people in every land.
  • 96. “I must Outdo and Outshine everybody.” How can such a person live life peacefully ? “I only Pay out of necessity, not generosity.” Do not expect him to perform any act of charity. “I will Quarrel to make sure I am ahead.” ahead.” He wouldn’t care if wouldn’ you were alive or dead.
  • 97. “I have to Rush and push to triumph in the race!” It won’t be long before he’s crushed he’ at this pace. “I am always Suspicious of each and everyone.” He will suffer if he wants to be SECO D TO O E. “I believe in only Taking … not giving.” Such self-centredness self- will soon see him grieving.
  • 98. “Unless I get some personal benefit, forget it.” It must have been ages since the last charity he did. “I Vow that I will be THE UMBER O E!” E!” By hook or by crook he would get this done ! “I am the Winner … I take all, I take all.” all.” When will they know there’s gain and loss, rise and fall?
  • 99. “This is not enough … I must have X’TRA!” TRA!” It does not pay to be so greedy LAH! “I will YELL to get what I desire.” Life’s Lessons are what such people require. Zebras are ‘KIASU’ ‘cause KIASU’ they want to be black and white at the same time. Conflicts and problems abound ‘cause too many stress on ‘ME, MY and MI E’ ! E’
  • 100. The End Peace Comes Through Wisdom And Understanding. May We All Attain Life’s Greatest Blessing. Life’ With Metta, Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin * Whatever we treasure for ourselves separates us from others; our possessions are our limitations. Rabindranath Tagore * The greatest crimes do not arise from a want of feeling for others but from an over-sensibility for ourselves and an over-indulgence to our own desires. Edmund Burke * Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires. Lao Tzu * Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. Martin Luther King, Jr. * The human being who lives only for himself finally reaps nothing but unhappiness. Selfishness corrodes. Unselfishness ennobles, satisfies. Don't put off the joy derivable from doing helpful, kindly things for others. B. C. Forbes
  • 101. 14 Unconditional Love - A Story To Ponder On 96 There is an increase in divorce cases; jealousies, revenge, aggression and violence, murder and other sufferings arise out of attached and self-centered love. Much of what we know as ‘love’ is actually conditional love or love with strongsince I was awhich of six, I used to pondera on the Ever attachment child of course can lead to lot of tremendous disparities that exist in human conditions. It suffering when things do not go according to one party’s expectations or desires. When I startedor spouseand practise was later on in my life, when a lover to learn declares his eternal love for his partner, actually was shed in his these the Dhamma that some light embedded on heart and mind is issues. Some years ago, I did a Power Point philosophical the attachment and thought: ‘I love you provided you based on the thoughts or you do this for me…’ presentation do not do this to me that puzzled me when I In a young. The objective was to help makeas opposed on was Dhamma talk on the subject of Metta us reflect to conditional love, Way things are, The Four Noble Truths, the Dhamma – the Ajahn Brahmavamso, shared a very interesting Universal Orders, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Five hypothetical situation on what Metta really is: ‘Supposeand Rebirth,aThe Six Realms etc. blessings of your Kamma you go for long retreat with the spouse. At the end of the retreat you return home to find your spouse missing. You find a note from your spouse that reads: Dear Darling, remember you declared your undying love for me and would want me to be always happy under all circumstances. Well, I have eloped with your best friend; we are now truly very happy together. Goodbye. Take care. Now what will be your feelings? Would you be happy that your spouse has found happiness? You would probably be overwhelmed by negative emotions and thoughts of anger, hatred, revenge, disappointment, sorrow, lamentation etc’ So you see, we are far from spiritual cultivation. Our attachments are strong and can lead us to much suffering. We need to strive on diligently in our Dhamma practice of Sila (Morality), Samadhi (Mind stability) and Panna (Wisdom ). Only then can we gradually reduce and cut our attachments, clinging and grasping. True peace, happiness, contentment and freedom will then come upon us.
  • 102. A Story To Ponder On There was a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in the Vietnam War. He called his parents from San Francisco. Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me.
  • 103. "Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him." "There's something you should know,” the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting.” “He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
  • 104. “We are sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live,” both the parents said. " o, Mom "Son, you and Dad, I don't know want him to what you're live with us." asking.” “Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives,” the father continued.
  • 105. “I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own,“ ” the mother said. At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, the parents received a call from the San Francisco police.
  • 106. The police told the parents that their son had died after falling from a high rise building. The police believed it was suicide. 13 The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know - their son had only one arm and one leg.
  • 107. How much of our love is conditional? We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or who do not do what we want. Unconditional Love is pure love with no strings attached … it is patient, kind and always positive. METTA is the true and pure unconditional love. METTA = Loving-Kindness + Goodwill + Friendliness + Love + Benevolence 18
  • 108. To develop Unconditional Love, practise Metta Bhavana, the Meditation on Loving-Kindness The End May our Hearts be filled With Metta, with boundless Bro. Oh Teik Bin Loving-Kindness * To give and not expect return, that is what lies at the heart of love. Oscar Wilde * The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. Brian Tracy * The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross * Love expects no reward. Love knows no fear. Love Divine gives - does not demand. Love thinks no evil; imputes no motive. To Love is to share and serve. Swami Sivananda
  • 109. 104 15 Who Are The Real Outcasts? I used to ask the Form 5 and 6 students in my community guidance classes whether they knew of some great people in the past and present who contributed a lot for the welfare of others, names like Florence Nightingale, Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther was a Mother Teresa, The Dalai lama, Nelson Ever since I King, child of six, I used to ponder on the Mandela anddisparities others. Sadly,humanof the students tremendous a host of that exist in most conditions. It did not knowin my life, when I started to their sacrifices for was later on about such people let alone learn and practise the sake of society and humanity. It is a shed and shame the Dhamma that some light was pity on these indeed that today, among many youngI ones,a the idols and philosophical issues. Some years ago, did Power Point role models are ‘famous’ singers, movie puzzled me when I presentation based on the thoughts that stars and sportsmen whose personal lives are wasblemished…people who on was young. The objective so to help make us reflect do drugs, lead highlyWay things are,sex lives, Noble Truths, the Dhamma – the promiscuous The Four show violent temper, aggression and violence and thoseCauseflout Effect, The Five Universal Orders, The Law of who and moral principles and the laws ofSixcountry. etc. great heroes are Kamma and Rebirth, The a Realms Real forgotten whereas personalities who blatantly display immoral or unwholesome actions are admired and placed on the pedestal of gods. I once had a Form 5 student who used to lapse in his nominal donation to our Association for the lessons in our community classes. He did not belong to the category of poor and deprived students…such students did not have to make any contributions. On the contrary, they could apply for welfare aid from our Association. I found out that this student ‘worshipped’ a few notorious pop singers; he would spend lots of money on this ‘hobby’ of his. To attend some of the singing concerts, he was willing to dish out hundreds of dollars for the tickets but when it came to any charitable donations, he was most unwilling to part with even a small sum of money. This is very sad indeed. There are various factors contributing to a loss of values among the young. Are parents, teachers and other adult members setting themselves as good role models for the young? Are the young ones receiving proper moral and religious education at home, in school, temples and other places of worship? Parents play a vital role to ensure their children receive good spiritual education.
  • 110. 1 From The VASALA SUTTA The Buddha’s Discourse on OUTCASTS Whosoever is angry, harbors hatred, and is reluctant to speak well of others (discredits the good of others), perverted in views, deceitful — know him as an outcast