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            with the Pilgrim Center of Hope
          a Catholic Evangelization Ministry
Pilgrimage organized by Deacon Tom & Mary Jane Fox, directors,
                 The Pilgrim Center of Hope
              A Catholic Evangelization Ministry
              in the Archdiocese of San Antonio
          7680 Joe Newton Dr. San Antonio, TX 782451
       1.210.521-3377 /
Read through each day’s slides until you conclude with the prayer for the
day. Here’s a calendar to help you:
SUN        MON        TUE        WED         THU        FRI       SAT

            27 28 29 30
            OCT OCT OCT OCT
31 01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10
27    Excitement, anticipation, joy and wonder accompany the
      pilgrims in their thoughts and conversation as they
OCT   travel half-way across the world to the land sanctified by
      our Lord. Upon arrival in Tel Aviv airport, the group
      will travel to Mt. Carmel in Haifa for one night.
27       Lord Jesus, You call us each by name. Thank you! We
         ask Your blessing upon each pilgrim. May their journey
OCT      of faith bring them closer to Your heart. May they have
         a safe journey to the Holy Land. Glory be to the Father, to
         the Son and to the Holy Spirit…
Mount Carmel
28    Site of Elijah the Prophet’s cave (1 Kings 18). The
      Carmelite Order was founded on Mt. Carmel. Today, the
OCT   Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is built over the
      cave of St. Elijah. The pilgrims will celebrate Mass in
      the Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
28       Elijah, you were a prophet with courage and zeal for
         God’s Truth. I ask your intercession for a courageous
OCT      and zealous heart, and to live and share my faith!
House of Mary in Nazareth
29    The group will drive to Nazareth, where the Basilica of
      the Annunciation is built over ancient Nazareth and the
OCT   House/Grotto of Mary. It is here that the Angel
      Gabriel came to Mary (Luke 1).

      Nearby is a church named after St. Joseph, built over the
      home of the Holy Family. Mass will be at the Basilica of
      the Annunciation, by Mary’s home.
29       O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have
         recourse to thee! Blessed Mother, pray for us to have
OCT      the grace to say “YES” to God’s will in our lives.
         St. Joseph pray, that our families and our households will
         remain in God’s protection and peace!
Sea of Galilee
30    The Lord Jesus spent three years of His apostolic life in
      this area. The group will spend three nights in Nazareth,
OCT   which is considered the Galilee area. They will also visit
      the House of St. Peter in Capernaum, Mt. of Beatitudes,
      the site of the Multiplication of the Fishes and Loaves,
      and take a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Mass will be
      at the Church of St. Peter the Primacy, where Jesus
      appeared to the disciples after His Resurrection.

                    Sea of Galilee
30       Lord, we, unlikely as we are, are Your disciples now,
         because those first disciples said ‘yes’, and went forth to
OCT      be fishers of men. We were caught in their nets and
         brought to You, Lord Jesus, so that we might become
         Your disciples. That voice from the Sea of Galilee is still

         “Whatever you are involved in, whatever you work at, no
         matter how unlikely you may think you are; follow Me,
         and I will make you fishers of men!”
31    On Mt. Tabor, the Lord Jesus was transfigured before
      Peter, James and John on Mt. Tabor. The Father said,
OCT   “This is my Son, my Chosen one, listen to him” (Luke 9:36).
      Mass today is at the Church of the Transfiguration.
      Lunch will be at the Franciscan Casa Nova on Mt. Tabor
      overlooking the valley of Sharon.

      In Cana, the site of the First Miracle, the changing of
      water into wine, the servants obeyed Mary’s request,
      “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) Couples in the
      group that have received the Sacrament of Matrimony will
      renew their wedding vows in Cana. Later, they will
      celebrate with wine from Cana!
31       “Lord slow us down. Sometimes we get so busy that
         many distractions challenge our values and priorities.
OCT      Take us apart with Your Son so that we may listen to
         Him and not become confused or empty.
         Speak, Lord, we desire to listen to Your voice!
         Mary, pray for us to, “Do whatever He tells us.”
The Dead Sea
01    An early morning Mass on the Mt. of Beatitudes will
      begin the day. We will drive along the Jordan Valley,
NOV   southward toward through the Judean Desert. After
      lunch in Jericho the group will experience floating in the
      Dead Sea. The area of Jericho and the Dead Sea is the
      lowest point on earth below sea level.
Judean Desert – site of Jesus’
40 days in the desert
01    The Judean Desert is nearby; our Lord spent 40 days and
      40 nights in prayer and fasting in the Judean Desert.
NOV   The group will spend 40 minutes in this desert,
      contemplating the Lord’s time in that area.
      Then, on to Jerusalem.
01       Because of the Holy Spirit who has been poured forth in
         our hearts, we are no longer slaves but children of God
NOV      and can sing…Our Father who art in Heaven…
02    The day will be spent at the Basilica of the Nativity, the
      site of our Lord’s birthplace, the Milk Grotto—the
NOV   home of the Holy Family before their exile to Egypt,
      and Shepherd’s Field—where the Shepherds received the
      angels’ announcement of Christ’s birth.
      The group will have Christmas Liturgy in the Basilica
      of the Nativity. This is the only place in the world
      where the Christmas Mass may be celebrated outside of
      the Christmas Season, because it is here where it began!
      The group will also have lunch at Bethlehem University
      and meet Palestinian Christian students studying in the
      first Catholic university in the Middle East.
02       The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us! He
         shared our humanity that we might share His divinity.
NOV      Thank You, God, for the overflowing love which burst
         forth and is found in the arms of Mary. Lord, may You
         be born again in our hearts!
Olive wood artisan
in Bethlehem
Ancient City of Jerusalem
03    Today, the group will have a private Audience with
      Bishop William Shomali, Auxiliary Bishop for the Latin
NOV   Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He will briefly speak about
      the Mother Church (the Church of the Holy Land) and
      bestow his blessing upon the pilgrims.

      The remainder of the morning will be spent at an area
      called St. Peter Gallicantu, where Jesus spent Holy
      Thursday evening in prison, awaiting the trial of Good
Site of our Lord’s scourging
in Jerusalem
03    In the afternoon, the group will spend time in the ancient
      city of Jerusalem visiting the Chapel of Flagellation and
NOV   the Palace of Pontius Pilate, today called the Lithrostos
      (“stone pavement”). It is here where our Lord was
      scourged by the Roman soldiers. Today, a chapel is built
      over this area and the group will have Mass at this holy
      site. Nearby is the Church of St. Ann, built over the
      birthplace of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
03       Jesus, You came to tell us of the Father’s love. Have
         mercy on us! We pray for the spiritual renewal of our
NOV      families and for the sanctity of life. Thank You for the
         gift of salvation; we pray that many will experience a
         desire to know You and love You. Amen.
04    Early in the morning, the pilgrim group will walk the Via
      Dolorosa, carrying a large wooden cross, ending with
NOV   Mass in the Tomb of Christ located in the Church of the
      Holy Sepulcher.

                           Steps climbing Calvary
Holy Sepulcher Church
         in Jerusalem
04    After breakfast, a visit at the Upper Room and Dormition
      Abbey (a beautiful Benedictine church to commemorate
NOV   Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption) are an important part
      of the pilgrimage.

      Then a visit to the Western Wall or Wailing Wall.
Palestinian Women’s
Solidarity Project (CRS)
04    Later in the day, three women of the three monotheistic
      faiths in the Holy Land (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) will
NOV   speak to the group about their lives and hope for their
The Tomb of our Lord Jesus
04       Lord of Life, we are Easter Christians and “Alleluia” is
         our song! May the light of Your Resurrection shine
NOV      through us! He is truly risen! Alleluia!
Garden of Gethsemani
05    Today, we spend the entire day on the Mt. of Olives.
      Beginning at the top where our Lord ascended,
NOV    walking down to Dominus Flevit where He wept over
      Jerusalem, ending in the Garden of Gethsemani,
      spending time with Jesus in silent prayer, praying for
      God’s will in our lives. Mass today will be in the Basilica
      of Agony, the site where the rock upon which our Lord
      spent his Hour of Agony is located.
05       How many times, Lord, do we cry out: “What is life
         about?” Or, “In which direction shall I go?”
NOV      Lord, by Your example of praying for the Father’s will,
         give us the courage and patience to persevere in our
         pilgrimage of life. We ask forgiveness for the many
         times we have failed to reconcile with others or have
         failed to love.
The Hills of Judea
06    The group will travel outside Jerusalem to the Judean
      Hill country to a village called Ein Karem, where St.
NOV   John the Baptist was born, and the location of the
      Visitation of Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth. Crossing
      over to Jordan—near Jericho—the first stop will be
      Bethany, the River Jordan, site of Our Lord’s Baptism by
      St. John the Baptist.
Walking to the River Jordan
River Jordan
06    The group will renew their Baptism vows where St. John
      the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. John 1:28
NOV   speaks of “Bethany beyond Jordan, where John was
      baptising,” while John 10:40 mentions an incident when
      Jesus escaped from hostile crowds in Jerusalem and “went
      away again across the Jordan to the place where John had
      first baptized ...” The site of this Bethany beyond (east of)
      the Jordan River is not to be confused with Bethany near
      Jerusalem, which was the hometown of Lazarus.
         Lord Jesus, through Your Baptism, we are given the gift
         of our own Baptism. In becoming members of the
         Church, we belong to the family of God. Give us the
NOV      grace to live our baptismal call as sons and daughters of
PRAYER   the Heavenly Father. Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift
         of faith, for the gift of learning more about You. Please
         give us Your guidance & the grace to live as Your disciple.
         Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for the Holy Spirit!
Mount Nebo
Mount Nebo
07    This day will be dedicated to two sites: one related to the
      Old Testament, Mt. Nebo and the other to the early
NOV   Christian Church, Madaba.

      Moses lived out his remaining days and viewed the
      Promised Land from Mt. Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:1-8).
      Mt. Nebo offers a fantastic view westward, with a view
      that includes the Dead Sea, the West Bank, the Jordan
      River, and, on a clear day, Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
07    Outside the church building is an enigmatic Serpentine
      Cross. The figure represents the bronze serpent taken up
NOV   by Moses in the desert, as well as the cross upon which
      Our Lord Jesus was crucified. Today the Franciscans are
      the custodians of the church on Mt. Nebo.
07    Madaba’s real masterpiece is within the Orthodox Church
      of Saint George—the 6th century A.D. mosaic map of
NOV   Jerusalem and the Holy Land—the earliest religious map
      of the Holy Land in any form to survive from antiquity.
      With two million pieces of colored stone, the map
      depicts hills and valleys, villages and towns as far as the
      Nile Delta.
07       Heavenly Father, You chose Moses to lead Your people out
         of bondage and gave us the Ten Commandments as the
NOV      way to live as Your child. In Your Son, Jesus, You gave us
         the New Covenant, the gift of the Catholic Church. Grant
         us the faith and hope needed to receive this gift and share
         it with others!
Petra, Jordan
08    The entire day will be spent in Petra, 115 mile journey
      from Amman.
NOV   Often described as the eighth wonder of the ancient
      world, it is without doubt Jordan’s most valuable treasure
      and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city,
      carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an
      industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2,000
      years ago, turning it into an important junction for the
      silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India,
      and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.
08       Thank You, Heavenly Father, for creation! We praise You,
         Father! We thank You for Your presence and Your mercy!
Amman, Jordan
09    Today is dedicated to the local Church; the group will
      meet with a Catholic group in a local parish. During his
NOV   pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan, Pope Benedict XVI
      addressed the Jordanians upon his arrival at the airport in
      Amman: “I came to Jordan as a pilgrim, to venerate holy
      places that have played such an important part in some of
      the key events of Biblical history. At Mount Nebo, Moses
      led his people to within sight of the land that would
      become their home, and here he died and was laid to rest.
      At Bethany beyond the Jordan, John the Baptist preached
      and bore witness to Jesus, whom he baptized in the waters
      of the river that gives this land its name...
09    In the coming days I shall visit both these holy places, and
      I shall have the joy of blessing the foundation stones of
NOV   churches that are to be built at the traditional site of the
      Lord’s Baptism. The opportunity that Jordan’s Catholic
      community enjoys to build public places of worship is a
      sign of this country’s respect for religion, and on their
      behalf I want to say how much this openness is
      appreciated. Religious freedom is, of course, a
      fundamental human right, and it is my fervent hope and
      prayer that respect for all the inalienable rights and the
      dignity of every man and woman will come to be
      increasingly affirmed and defended, not only throughout
      the Middle East, but in every part of the world.”
09       Lord, bestow upon us a desire to have Your Word burn in
         our hearts and in our minds. Open our eyes, Lord, that we
NOV      may see You in every Eucharistic celebration and in your
         people. Come, Holy Spirit, renew our faith and help us in
         our daily walk with Jesus!
10    Although the pilgrims return to their homes, their
      pilgrimage continues—it never ends! It is the same with
NOV   each one of us; our journey in life is a pilgrimage to the
      House of the Father. Our destination is the Heavenly

10       We pray, Lord, stay with us. Mary, pray for us to remain
         faithful. St. Joseph, be our guardian in the faith and
NOV      protect our families!
         Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…

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Intro to Spiritual Pilgrimage


Monthly Khazina-e-Ruhaniyaat April’2024 (Vol.14, Issue 12)
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Holy Land Pilgrimage with Catholic Ministry

  • 1. SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND with the Pilgrim Center of Hope a Catholic Evangelization Ministry
  • 2. SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND Pilgrimage organized by Deacon Tom & Mary Jane Fox, directors, The Pilgrim Center of Hope A Catholic Evangelization Ministry in the Archdiocese of San Antonio 7680 Joe Newton Dr. San Antonio, TX 782451 1.210.521-3377 /
  • 3. SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND Read through each day’s slides until you conclude with the prayer for the day. Here’s a calendar to help you: SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 27 28 29 30 OCT OCT OCT OCT 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 OCT NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV 07 08 09 10 NOV NOV NOV NOV
  • 5. 27 Excitement, anticipation, joy and wonder accompany the pilgrims in their thoughts and conversation as they OCT travel half-way across the world to the land sanctified by our Lord. Upon arrival in Tel Aviv airport, the group will travel to Mt. Carmel in Haifa for one night.
  • 6. 27 Lord Jesus, You call us each by name. Thank you! We ask Your blessing upon each pilgrim. May their journey OCT of faith bring them closer to Your heart. May they have a safe journey to the Holy Land. Glory be to the Father, to PRAYER the Son and to the Holy Spirit…
  • 8. 28 Site of Elijah the Prophet’s cave (1 Kings 18). The Carmelite Order was founded on Mt. Carmel. Today, the OCT Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is built over the cave of St. Elijah. The pilgrims will celebrate Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
  • 9. 28 Elijah, you were a prophet with courage and zeal for God’s Truth. I ask your intercession for a courageous OCT and zealous heart, and to live and share my faith! PRAYER
  • 10. House of Mary in Nazareth
  • 11. 29 The group will drive to Nazareth, where the Basilica of the Annunciation is built over ancient Nazareth and the OCT House/Grotto of Mary. It is here that the Angel Gabriel came to Mary (Luke 1). Nearby is a church named after St. Joseph, built over the home of the Holy Family. Mass will be at the Basilica of the Annunciation, by Mary’s home.
  • 12. 29 O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Blessed Mother, pray for us to have OCT the grace to say “YES” to God’s will in our lives. St. Joseph pray, that our families and our households will PRAYER remain in God’s protection and peace!
  • 14. 30 The Lord Jesus spent three years of His apostolic life in this area. The group will spend three nights in Nazareth, OCT which is considered the Galilee area. They will also visit the House of St. Peter in Capernaum, Mt. of Beatitudes, the site of the Multiplication of the Fishes and Loaves, and take a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Mass will be at the Church of St. Peter the Primacy, where Jesus appeared to the disciples after His Resurrection. Sea of Galilee
  • 15. 30 Lord, we, unlikely as we are, are Your disciples now, because those first disciples said ‘yes’, and went forth to OCT be fishers of men. We were caught in their nets and brought to You, Lord Jesus, so that we might become PRAYER Your disciples. That voice from the Sea of Galilee is still calling... “Whatever you are involved in, whatever you work at, no matter how unlikely you may think you are; follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!”
  • 16. Cana
  • 17. 31 On Mt. Tabor, the Lord Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John on Mt. Tabor. The Father said, OCT “This is my Son, my Chosen one, listen to him” (Luke 9:36). Mass today is at the Church of the Transfiguration. Lunch will be at the Franciscan Casa Nova on Mt. Tabor overlooking the valley of Sharon. In Cana, the site of the First Miracle, the changing of water into wine, the servants obeyed Mary’s request, “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) Couples in the group that have received the Sacrament of Matrimony will renew their wedding vows in Cana. Later, they will celebrate with wine from Cana!
  • 18. 31 “Lord slow us down. Sometimes we get so busy that many distractions challenge our values and priorities. OCT Take us apart with Your Son so that we may listen to Him and not become confused or empty. PRAYER Speak, Lord, we desire to listen to Your voice! Mary, pray for us to, “Do whatever He tells us.”
  • 20. 01 An early morning Mass on the Mt. of Beatitudes will begin the day. We will drive along the Jordan Valley, NOV southward toward through the Judean Desert. After lunch in Jericho the group will experience floating in the Dead Sea. The area of Jericho and the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth below sea level.
  • 21. Judean Desert – site of Jesus’ 40 days in the desert
  • 22. 01 The Judean Desert is nearby; our Lord spent 40 days and 40 nights in prayer and fasting in the Judean Desert. NOV The group will spend 40 minutes in this desert, contemplating the Lord’s time in that area. Then, on to Jerusalem.
  • 23. 01 Because of the Holy Spirit who has been poured forth in our hearts, we are no longer slaves but children of God NOV and can sing…Our Father who art in Heaven… PRAYER
  • 25. 02 The day will be spent at the Basilica of the Nativity, the site of our Lord’s birthplace, the Milk Grotto—the NOV home of the Holy Family before their exile to Egypt, and Shepherd’s Field—where the Shepherds received the angels’ announcement of Christ’s birth. The group will have Christmas Liturgy in the Basilica of the Nativity. This is the only place in the world where the Christmas Mass may be celebrated outside of the Christmas Season, because it is here where it began! The group will also have lunch at Bethlehem University and meet Palestinian Christian students studying in the first Catholic university in the Middle East.
  • 26. 02 The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us! He shared our humanity that we might share His divinity. NOV Thank You, God, for the overflowing love which burst forth and is found in the arms of Mary. Lord, may You PRAYER be born again in our hearts!
  • 28. Ancient City of Jerusalem
  • 29. 03 Today, the group will have a private Audience with Bishop William Shomali, Auxiliary Bishop for the Latin NOV Patriarchate of Jerusalem. He will briefly speak about the Mother Church (the Church of the Holy Land) and bestow his blessing upon the pilgrims. The remainder of the morning will be spent at an area called St. Peter Gallicantu, where Jesus spent Holy Thursday evening in prison, awaiting the trial of Good Friday.
  • 30. Site of our Lord’s scourging in Jerusalem
  • 31. 03 In the afternoon, the group will spend time in the ancient city of Jerusalem visiting the Chapel of Flagellation and NOV the Palace of Pontius Pilate, today called the Lithrostos (“stone pavement”). It is here where our Lord was scourged by the Roman soldiers. Today, a chapel is built over this area and the group will have Mass at this holy site. Nearby is the Church of St. Ann, built over the birthplace of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • 32. 03 Jesus, You came to tell us of the Father’s love. Have mercy on us! We pray for the spiritual renewal of our NOV families and for the sanctity of life. Thank You for the gift of salvation; we pray that many will experience a PRAYER desire to know You and love You. Amen.
  • 33. 04 Early in the morning, the pilgrim group will walk the Via Dolorosa, carrying a large wooden cross, ending with NOV Mass in the Tomb of Christ located in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Steps climbing Calvary
  • 34. Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem
  • 35. 04 After breakfast, a visit at the Upper Room and Dormition Abbey (a beautiful Benedictine church to commemorate NOV Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption) are an important part of the pilgrimage. Then a visit to the Western Wall or Wailing Wall.
  • 37. 04 Later in the day, three women of the three monotheistic faiths in the Holy Land (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) will NOV speak to the group about their lives and hope for their future.
  • 38. The Tomb of our Lord Jesus
  • 39. 04 Lord of Life, we are Easter Christians and “Alleluia” is our song! May the light of Your Resurrection shine NOV through us! He is truly risen! Alleluia! PRAYER
  • 41. 05 Today, we spend the entire day on the Mt. of Olives. Beginning at the top where our Lord ascended, NOV walking down to Dominus Flevit where He wept over Jerusalem, ending in the Garden of Gethsemani, spending time with Jesus in silent prayer, praying for God’s will in our lives. Mass today will be in the Basilica of Agony, the site where the rock upon which our Lord spent his Hour of Agony is located.
  • 42. 05 How many times, Lord, do we cry out: “What is life about?” Or, “In which direction shall I go?” NOV Lord, by Your example of praying for the Father’s will, PRAYER give us the courage and patience to persevere in our pilgrimage of life. We ask forgiveness for the many times we have failed to reconcile with others or have failed to love.
  • 43. The Hills of Judea
  • 44. 06 The group will travel outside Jerusalem to the Judean Hill country to a village called Ein Karem, where St. NOV John the Baptist was born, and the location of the Visitation of Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth. Crossing over to Jordan—near Jericho—the first stop will be Bethany, the River Jordan, site of Our Lord’s Baptism by St. John the Baptist.
  • 45. Walking to the River Jordan
  • 47. 06 The group will renew their Baptism vows where St. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. John 1:28 NOV speaks of “Bethany beyond Jordan, where John was baptising,” while John 10:40 mentions an incident when Jesus escaped from hostile crowds in Jerusalem and “went away again across the Jordan to the place where John had first baptized ...” The site of this Bethany beyond (east of) the Jordan River is not to be confused with Bethany near Jerusalem, which was the hometown of Lazarus.
  • 48. 06 Lord Jesus, through Your Baptism, we are given the gift of our own Baptism. In becoming members of the Church, we belong to the family of God. Give us the NOV grace to live our baptismal call as sons and daughters of PRAYER the Heavenly Father. Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift of faith, for the gift of learning more about You. Please give us Your guidance & the grace to live as Your disciple. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for the Holy Spirit!
  • 51. 07 This day will be dedicated to two sites: one related to the Old Testament, Mt. Nebo and the other to the early NOV Christian Church, Madaba. Moses lived out his remaining days and viewed the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:1-8). Mt. Nebo offers a fantastic view westward, with a view that includes the Dead Sea, the West Bank, the Jordan River, and, on a clear day, Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
  • 52. 07 Outside the church building is an enigmatic Serpentine Cross. The figure represents the bronze serpent taken up NOV by Moses in the desert, as well as the cross upon which Our Lord Jesus was crucified. Today the Franciscans are the custodians of the church on Mt. Nebo.
  • 54. 07 Madaba’s real masterpiece is within the Orthodox Church of Saint George—the 6th century A.D. mosaic map of NOV Jerusalem and the Holy Land—the earliest religious map of the Holy Land in any form to survive from antiquity. With two million pieces of colored stone, the map depicts hills and valleys, villages and towns as far as the Nile Delta.
  • 55. 07 Heavenly Father, You chose Moses to lead Your people out of bondage and gave us the Ten Commandments as the NOV way to live as Your child. In Your Son, Jesus, You gave us the New Covenant, the gift of the Catholic Church. Grant PRAYER us the faith and hope needed to receive this gift and share it with others!
  • 57. 08 The entire day will be spent in Petra, 115 mile journey from Amman. NOV Often described as the eighth wonder of the ancient world, it is without doubt Jordan’s most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2,000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India, and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.
  • 58. 08 Thank You, Heavenly Father, for creation! We praise You, Father! We thank You for Your presence and Your mercy! NOV PRAYER
  • 60. 09 Today is dedicated to the local Church; the group will meet with a Catholic group in a local parish. During his NOV pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the Jordanians upon his arrival at the airport in Amman: “I came to Jordan as a pilgrim, to venerate holy places that have played such an important part in some of the key events of Biblical history. At Mount Nebo, Moses led his people to within sight of the land that would become their home, and here he died and was laid to rest. At Bethany beyond the Jordan, John the Baptist preached and bore witness to Jesus, whom he baptized in the waters of the river that gives this land its name...
  • 61. 09 In the coming days I shall visit both these holy places, and I shall have the joy of blessing the foundation stones of NOV churches that are to be built at the traditional site of the Lord’s Baptism. The opportunity that Jordan’s Catholic community enjoys to build public places of worship is a sign of this country’s respect for religion, and on their behalf I want to say how much this openness is appreciated. Religious freedom is, of course, a fundamental human right, and it is my fervent hope and prayer that respect for all the inalienable rights and the dignity of every man and woman will come to be increasingly affirmed and defended, not only throughout the Middle East, but in every part of the world.”
  • 62. 09 Lord, bestow upon us a desire to have Your Word burn in our hearts and in our minds. Open our eyes, Lord, that we NOV may see You in every Eucharistic celebration and in your people. Come, Holy Spirit, renew our faith and help us in PRAYER our daily walk with Jesus!
  • 63. 10 Although the pilgrims return to their homes, their pilgrimage continues—it never ends! It is the same with NOV each one of us; our journey in life is a pilgrimage to the House of the Father. Our destination is the Heavenly Jerusalem. Departure
  • 64. 10 We pray, Lord, stay with us. Mary, pray for us to remain faithful. St. Joseph, be our guardian in the faith and NOV protect our families! PRAYER Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…