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The year was 1985 and The
Brazil was going through major transformations. After a
military dictatorship, the
country took its first steps
towards democracy. In this
scenario, it was the first time
a South American country
would host a musical event of
this kind.

It brought: Faith No More,
Guns N 'Roses, Megadeth,
INXS, Run DMC, Joe Cocker
and Carlos Santana, as well
as Brazilians like Sepultura,
Engenheiros do Hawai and

buzz. Under the premise For a Better World, the music began to
share space with discussions on environmental issues, with a focus on
education and citizenship.
It brought: Iron Maiden and Guns
N'Roses, Foo Fighters, REM, Neil

The success of the festival left Young, Queens of The Stone Age,
its mark on the city and the
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis and
history of music and the Guin- many other names weight.
ness Book of Records with the

It brought: AC / DC, Iron

Norwegian group A-HA, which

Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne,

played to 198 thousand people,

Queen and the brazilians

a record crowd for a single mu-

Gilberto Gil, Paralamas do

sical event up to that point

Sucesso and Barão Vermelho.

The musical diversity, another mark
the festival's history, was also present.

Almost 10 years after its last
edition, Rock in Rio returned to
the same place it had received
The world’s biggest stadium in its first edition. A new Rock
was the place chosen for the City was built with a daily capacity of 250 thousand people.
second edition of Rock in
Rio's: Maracanã.
This edition brought a lot of

It brought: Guns N 'Roses, Red
Hot Chilli Peppers, Katy Perry,
Rihanna, Shakira. Slipknot,
Coldplay, Metallica Sepultura,
Tambours the Bronx.


P r o d u c e d b y : C a m i l a P e r ei r a , J o ã o P e d r o V a rg a s , Igo r d a s i l v a a n d L u i g

Some films inspired by
Bloody Mary
* Bloody Mary (2006)
* The Legend of Bloody Mary (2008)
* Paranormal Activity
3 (2011)

Some episodies of
series inspired by
Bloody Mary:
* Charmed ("Chick
* American Dad!
("Office Spaceman")
* Ghost Whisperer
(do not try this at home ")
* Supernatural
("Bloody Mary")

Some urban legends have passed
through the years with only minor changes to suit regional variations. One example is the story of a dead woman, that
appears in mirrors when you say her
name three times.

Nome da

She lived deep in the forest in
a tiny cottage and sold herbal
remedies for a living. Folks
living in the town nearby called
her Bloody Mary, and said she
was a witch. None dared cross
the old crone for fear that their
cows would go dry, their foodstores rot away before winter,
their children take sick of fever,
or any number of terrible things
that an angry witch could do to
her neighbors.

screamed for her husband and
followed the girl out of the
door. The miller came running
in his nightshirt. Together, they
tried to restrain the girl, but she
kept breaking away from them
and heading out of town.
The desperate cries of the
miller and his wife woke the
neighbors. They came to assist
the frantic couple. Suddenly, a
sharp-eyed farmer gave a
shout and pointed towards a

Then the little girls in the village began to disappear,
one by one. No one could
find out where they had
gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods,
the local buildings, and all
the houses and barns, but
there was no sign of the
missing girls. A few brave
souls even went to Bloody
Mary's home in the woods
to see if the witch had
taken the girls, but she
denied any knowledge of
Paranormal activity, inspired by the
the disappearances. Still, it
urban legend.
was noted that her haggard appearance had
changed. She looked
younger, more attractive.
strange light at the edge of the
The neighbors were suspiwoods. A few townsmen folcious, but they could find no
lowed him out into the field and
proof that the witch had taken
saw Bloody Mary standing
their young ones.
beside a large oak tree, holdThen came the night when the
ing a magic wand that was
daughter of the miller rose from
pointed towards the miller's
her bed and walked outside,
house. She was glowing with
following an enchanted sound
an unearthly light as she set
no one else could hear. The
her evil spell upon the miller's
miller's wife had a toothache
and was sitting up in the kitchThe townsmen grabbed their
en treating the tooth with an
guns and their pitchforks and
herbal remedy when her
ran toward the witch. When
daughter left the house. She

she heard the commotion,
Bloody Mary broke off her spell
and fled back into the woods.
The far-sighted farmer had
loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever
came after his daughter. Now
he took aim and shot at her.
The bullet hit Bloody Mary in
the hip and she fell to the
ground. The angry townsmen
leapt upon her and carried her
back into the field, where they
built a huge bonfire and burned
her at the stake.
As she burned, Bloody
Mary screamed a curse at
the villagers. If anyone
mentioned her name aloud
before a mirror, she would
send her spirit to revenge
herself upon them for her
terrible death. When she
was dead, the villagers
went to the house in the
wood and found the unmarked graves of the little
girls the evil witch had
murdered. She had used
their blood to make her
young again.
From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant
Bloody Mary's name three
times before a darkened mirror
will summon the vengeful spirit
of the witch. It is said that she
will tear their bodies to pieces
and rip their souls from their
mutilated bodies. The souls of
these unfortunate ones will
burn in torment as Bloody Mary
once was burned, and they will
be trapped forever in the mirror.
Nome da empresa

Rockstar Games is a production company founded in 1998 by brothers
Dan Houser and Sam Houser,
Scotland. Known for having created
greats of electronic games, Rockstar
is also the creator of the famous and
controversial Grand Theft Auto series
(also known as GTA) and several
other games, including the classic

Rockstar Japan

Lemmings, the bloodthirsty and
Manhunt series Max Payne. Its headquarters are in New York, but is
also formed by several studios that
were bought, renamed, or else
built by the company, as is the case with sister company Take Two
Interactive Software.

Rockstar New England

Rockstar Leeds
Rockstar North
Rockstar Lincoln

Rockstar London

Rockstar San Diego

Rockstar Toronto
Nome da empresa

Top games
Make a list with
10 games

Rockstar adopts a very interesting philosophy. In October 2011, the vice president
of Rockstar, Dan Houser,
told Famitsu that Rockstar
intentionally prevents the
development of the First
Person Shooter (FPS) genre.
“We're deliberately avoiding
that right now”, he said, according to a translation of “It's in our DNA to
avoid doing what other companies are doing. I suppose
you could say that Max
Payne 3 is something close
to an FPS, but there are really unique aspects to the
setting and gameplay there,
too, and not just in the story.
You have to have originality
in your games, you have to
have some kind of interesting message. You could say

that Rockstar's goal is to
make the players really feel
what we're trying to do”.
Houser went on to say that
Rockstar made “new genres by ourselves with games like the GTA series. We
didn’t rely on testimonials
in a business textbook to
do what we’ve done. I
think we succeeded precisely because we didn't concentrate on profit... If we
make the sort of games we
want to play, then we believe people are going to buy

Rockstar Games has developed its
own game engine called the
Rockstar Advanced Game Engine
(RAGE) to facilitate game development on the PlayStation 3, Xbox
360, Windows, Mac and Wii sys-

The Rockstar Games Social Club is
an online gaming service created
by Rockstar for use with their games.


Top Music

Mamonas Assassinas was a
Brazilian comic-rock band
formed in Guarulhos, 1990. The
sound was a mix of punk-rock
with influences from popular
genres such as forró, brega,
heavy metal, pagode, mexican
music, reggae and vira. The
band's career lasted from July,
1995 to March, 1996.

1. Vira-vira
2. Pelados em Santos
3. Robocop Gay
4. Uma Arlinda Mulher
5. 1406 (Money que é good
nois num have)
6. Mundo Animal
7. Lá vem o alemão
8. Jumento Celestino



B I Alecsander Alves
H Dinho, waspopularly known as
the leadsinger of
the band Mamonas Assassinas.
He was born in Irecê, Bahia, in
March 5, 1971 and came to São
Paulo with his family in the first year
of his life. He was a singer, songwriter and humorist.
His grandmother gave him the nickname, because he could not pronounce his real name.

9. Chopis Centis
On March 2, 1996, while returning
from a concert in Brasilia, the jet
Learjet they were traveling struck
against the Serra da Cantareira, killing everyone on the plane. The funeral, on March 4, was accompanied by
more than 65 thousand fans. The funeral was also broad cast on television channels interrupting their regular programming.




It lasted about a year.



The Mamonas Assassinas were the
greastest musical phenomenon in just eight
months of career, they had 2.5 millions copies
sold in just one disc, the one they released.
Until today there was no band in the world that

Sábado de Sol
Sábado de sol
Aluguei um caminhão
Prá levar a galera
Prá comer feijão
Chegando lá
Mas que vergonha
Só tinha maconha
Os maconheiros tava doidão
Querendo o meu feijão
Sábado de sol
Aluguei um caminhão
Prá levar a galera
Pra comer feijão
Chegando lá
Mas que vergonha
Só tinha maconha
Os maconheiros tava doidão
Querendo o meu feijão

equaled or surpassed their record.

The target audience was not defined: kids,
teens and adults of all ages listened and sang
their songs.

Charge: The group always fantasized during
By : Caio Andrade, Caio Caetano, Douglas Barão e Rhuan Santos

Social Networks (definition): Social network is a
social structure consisting of individuals or organizations, connected by one or more types of relationships.
Android (Definition): Android is an operating system for mobile devices.

is a social
that was
created to
meet new

is a social
used to
post photos and videos.

Twitter is a
and microblogging to
which allows users
to send and
receive personal updates from

is a social
and instant
for smartphones.

Help Jake,
Tricky &
Fresh escape from
and his

Join Barry
as he
breaks in
to a secret
to commandeer
the experimental
from the
clutches of

You've stolen the cursed idol
from the
and now
you have to
run for your
life to escape the Evil
nipping at
your heels.

The survival of the
Birds is at
stake. Take revenge on the
pigs who
stole their

e Run s for
Temp game
r fers, pular
ay Su ery po
, Sub s are v
tpack y bird
nd An

u l ar
W«ƒã ®Ý ã«› D››Ö W›?
Are encrypted websites
known as “the dark part of
internet” which you can access only with specific programs, because all websites
that we have free access are
located at the “Common
The Deep Web is located

below and has bigger size
than the Common Web.
There is a good reason because these websites are
encrypted: The Deep Web
hides the most evil things
that humans can do -

are all stamped figurines
hidden by anonymity of Deep
Web .

Heavy pedophilia, trafficking
in weapons, in drugs, in organs, hired killers, macabre
sects and hackers .
Apart from all these evils
things, it also brings different
contents, like rare books,
scientific articles and specific discussion forums, but
they are a minority. These

8 Lƒù›ÙÝ Ê¥ “D››Ö W›”
Common Web: Is a part of
Internet we all access daily.
Surface Web: Is a little dark
side of Internet which we all
have easy access.

Bergie Web: This is as deep
as any user can arrive
without any programming
knowledge, this is the limit
that the "Google" in your

Charter Web: Here you will
find books, articles, files,
downloads, music and movies. People more "hardcore"
can find contents like heavy
hardcore pornography, pedophilia, necrophilia, examples of suicide, murders and
assassinations examples,
Anonymous’ forums, hiring
hackers, etc.

Mariana’s Web: One of the
tough layers to be accessed.
Here you can find conspiracy
theories, cloning experiments, networks of assassins, military and governments databases. It’s something bigger than you can
The Fog: Here is where true
hackers who have physical
knowledge, quantum physics
and other elements are. This
is where everyone tries to get
into. While trying to enter,

search engine can index.

among other things beyond
our knowledge.

Deep Web: Where only accessed by Proxy, which is
hidden here what you
thought didn’t exist on the
You can find files, articles
about viruses, ilegal adult
content, suicide manuals,

they also try to prevent
others from coming. It’s a
real Internet and is the last
place in the universe you
want to be.
The Primarch System : This
system controls everything
we see and listen, but nobody can control this layer.
This system sends unchanging and invisible information for the whole internet
randomly. This is the last
layer and it is protected and
separated by a latch which is

virtually impossible to be broken by our





Legenda da imagem ou do elemento

Lʽ½®ãƒ S½ƒò› TÊù
A surgeon buys 8-10 years
old girls from an orphanage.
Since the moment these girls
are delivered to the surgeon,
the orphanage disposes of
all the documents that would
prove their existence, and
these girls end up becoming
destitute, that leads the surgeon to do what he wants
with them. Many are sold
into prostitution, but this

case is different, they become sex dolls, following these
procedures: anonymous
surgeon amputates her arms
just above the elbows and
his legs just above the knees, their vocal cords are cut
so she don’t make any noise,
all teeth are removed and a
layer of silicon implanted in
their jaws, he places extremely loud noises from head-

After this procedure, they go
into a series of "training",
which is no longer considered as torture, all this for
them to resist any kind of
pain, and so they are transformed into a sex doll, which
she can not do nothing but
to feel .

the risk of becoming pregnant.
These dolls are sold around
for $30.000 or $40.000.

They need to be fed with
water, tea or lemonade three
or four times a day and run

phones to let them deaf and
finally their eyes are treated
with laser to let them blind,
but not completely.


• Years 70 and 80.


• 90 years
• XXI Century

Years 70’s & 80’s.

In the 70’s, the fashion received influence from the summer
and the clothes were very much
At the discos, fever of the time,
the clothes with stampes were
a success.
The hippies brought necklines,
colors and patterns, like skirts,
gowns and Indian fashion.

The 80’s was marked by big hair,
shoulder pads and lots of highwaisted pants. Colorful clothes
(especially pants!), Bandanas and
ruffles. At the time, girls used to wear miniskirts with color-leggings
It was the decade that began to
gain pop culture: its pieces were colored pants, skirts, fishnets, crucifix
necklaces, lace tops and very red

The men invested in sophisticated looks and hairstyles, tight
flare jeans and flowered satin

The 90s was marked by platforms sandals, colorful pants, dresses and biker jackets
remained trendy 90s and a few novelties were acquired, leaving clothes with a different style, but without leaving aside past trends. The diversity of style marked the
clothes of the 90s, the streets could be seen from the more colorful, even the most
basic chess, which had its presence very striking at this time, and be as accepted and
used, but returned in recent years and still has made all the difference in the men and
women who wear them.
The clothes of the 90 paras women were basically dresses and pants chook high,
which were the key pieces in the wardrobe of chicks, while men have left aside the
jeans and basically followed the trends left by 80 years. Some movies like "Pretty Woman" show in detail the feminine and masculine style of the 90s, in the pictures of the
clothes of the 90's possible to notice that women faithfully followed the style of Julia
Roberts and not left to be desired when it came to innovation. Men still abused pants
or bermudas wide, combined with the plaid shirt as mentioned above. The influence
factor of the Grunge era was driven by rock turned the heads of many in the 90s.
Progression of fashion




With the start of the new millennium , changes began to be much accelerated , the numerous events have
become more experienced with intensity , environmental awareness has become a lifestyle .
This is the period in which the media began to have a major influence on people , and because of that capitalism was strengthened . With the development of internet people have had less and less physical contact thus
creating a virtual reality .
In fashion, the early twenty-first century is marked by two trends, that " nothing is created , everything is copied and ' and ' fashion comes and goes " characterized by retro fashion . The divas of cinema and music lost
place for drag queens and gay parades that fill the nightclubs and spend exert great influence on the public .
With the end of luxury and glamor is all cluttered , concepts change. Enters agenda romanticism, naivete ,
innocence, softness , poetry , calm , love and even a new hippie philosophy , the old model of " Make love , not
war "
Because the search for their own identity , people started creating pieces with your own style , using alternative materials thereby producing sustainable development . Also, was the period in which the urban tribes had a
great popularization as fashion Teen Emos and Geeks , the movement " indie " became popular with the alternative rock bands , bitrock among others , the right and wrong no longer exist.
The body now has a greater appreciation , and the clothes brought a great quest for perfection and sensuality . Also came the tattoos , the piercings and Progressive brushes that leave hair smooth and increasingly
stretched giving more shine .
We are living in a time where everything happens so fast , and fashion and is based mostly on the retelling of
the past . and what was the time fashion atraz be reread and transformed.


The skirt short appeared in the late 60s in London thanks to British designer Mary Quant, who introduced the model that became known as the look "Chelsea". They say style because curtinho took 60-70 years were dominated
by the youth movement that wanted to separate from the more conservative generation of parents.
The skirt short is still widely used today in the XXI century can still see on the streets many people using them!

50: The bikini was invented a few years earlier, earned the name because of the Bikini Atoll, where he experimented with the atomic bomb. Practically only showed the line the stomach. The actress Jane Mansfield caused controversy by showing a bit of navel towards the end of the decade.
60: The bikini has become more popular. The symbol of the era was actress Ursula Andress coming out of the water in the film 007 against Dr. No, 1962.
70: A decade that the pieces fell rapidly, along with the sexual liberation of women. In Brazil, was launched thong
and top shrunk enough. The definition of bikini was: minimum four triangles.
80s: The fashion was the bikini-gliding, rising hips and gave the feeling of larger thighs. The top model was the shower curtain, which left over breasts showing. The models were getting smaller, until the release of floss, which
disappeared in the butt.
Decades 90: Reduced to a minimum, the bikini starts the reverse path and begins to grow. Suquíni is launched
almost a return to the two-piece swimsuit.
Today: The panties are larger, with wide side bands and overlapping tissue pierced. At the top, it also sees more
cloth, the shower curtain persists but is closed. The strapless also has great modeling.
Insira o slogan da empresa aqui.

The evolution of fashion was given simply
and quickly by agent show you how that
fashionhas evolved significantly in the world,
from long skirts to mini-skirts, our goal is that
youunderstand a little more of the evolution
of fashion.


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Fanzine - Magazine Experience

  • 2. Nome da empresa History 1985 The year was 1985 and The Brazil was going through major transformations. After a military dictatorship, the country took its first steps towards democracy. In this scenario, it was the first time a South American country would host a musical event of this kind. It brought: Faith No More, Guns N 'Roses, Megadeth, INXS, Run DMC, Joe Cocker and Carlos Santana, as well as Brazilians like Sepultura, Engenheiros do Hawai and Titãs buzz. Under the premise For a Better World, the music began to share space with discussions on environmental issues, with a focus on education and citizenship. It brought: Iron Maiden and Guns N'Roses, Foo Fighters, REM, Neil The success of the festival left Young, Queens of The Stone Age, its mark on the city and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis and history of music and the Guin- many other names weight. ness Book of Records with the It brought: AC / DC, Iron Norwegian group A-HA, which Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, played to 198 thousand people, Queen and the brazilians a record crowd for a single mu- Gilberto Gil, Paralamas do sical event up to that point Sucesso and Barão Vermelho. 2011 The musical diversity, another mark the festival's history, was also present. 2001 Almost 10 years after its last edition, Rock in Rio returned to 1991 the same place it had received The world’s biggest stadium in its first edition. A new Rock was the place chosen for the City was built with a daily capacity of 250 thousand people. second edition of Rock in Rio's: Maracanã. This edition brought a lot of It brought: Guns N 'Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Shakira. Slipknot, Coldplay, Metallica Sepultura, Tambours the Bronx.
  • 3. U RBAN LEGENDS P r o d u c e d b y : C a m i l a P e r ei r a , J o ã o P e d r o V a rg a s , Igo r d a s i l v a a n d L u i g ribeiro. Some films inspired by Mary: Bloody Mary * Bloody Mary (2006) * The Legend of Bloody Mary (2008) * Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) Some episodies of series inspired by Bloody Mary: * Charmed ("Chick Flick") * American Dad! ("Office Spaceman") * Ghost Whisperer (do not try this at home ") * Supernatural ("Bloody Mary") Some urban legends have passed through the years with only minor changes to suit regional variations. One example is the story of a dead woman, that appears in mirrors when you say her name three times. Nome da empresa BLOODY MARY She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their foodstores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors. screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town. The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of Paranormal activity, inspired by the the disappearances. Still, it urban legend. was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. strange light at the edge of the The neighbors were suspiwoods. A few townsmen folcious, but they could find no lowed him out into the field and proof that the witch had taken saw Bloody Mary standing their young ones. beside a large oak tree, holdThen came the night when the ing a magic wand that was daughter of the miller rose from pointed towards the miller's her bed and walked outside, house. She was glowing with following an enchanted sound an unearthly light as she set no one else could hear. The her evil spell upon the miller's miller's wife had a toothache daughter. and was sitting up in the kitchThe townsmen grabbed their en treating the tooth with an guns and their pitchforks and herbal remedy when her ran toward the witch. When daughter left the house. She she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake. As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again. From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary's name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.
  • 4. Nome da empresa History Rockstar Games is a production company founded in 1998 by brothers Dan Houser and Sam Houser, Scotland. Known for having created greats of electronic games, Rockstar is also the creator of the famous and controversial Grand Theft Auto series (also known as GTA) and several other games, including the classic Rockstar Japan Lemmings, the bloodthirsty and Manhunt series Max Payne. Its headquarters are in New York, but is also formed by several studios that were bought, renamed, or else built by the company, as is the case with sister company Take Two Interactive Software. Studios Rockstar New England Rockstar Leeds Rockstar North Rockstar Lincoln Rockstar London Rockstar San Diego Rockstar Toronto
  • 5. Nome da empresa Top games Make a list with 10 games P«ù½ÊÝÊÖ«ù Rockstar adopts a very interesting philosophy. In October 2011, the vice president of Rockstar, Dan Houser, told Famitsu that Rockstar intentionally prevents the development of the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre. “We're deliberately avoiding that right now”, he said, according to a translation of “It's in our DNA to avoid doing what other companies are doing. I suppose you could say that Max Payne 3 is something close to an FPS, but there are really unique aspects to the setting and gameplay there, too, and not just in the story. You have to have originality in your games, you have to have some kind of interesting message. You could say that Rockstar's goal is to make the players really feel what we're trying to do”. Houser went on to say that Rockstar made “new genres by ourselves with games like the GTA series. We didn’t rely on testimonials in a business textbook to do what we’ve done. I think we succeeded precisely because we didn't concentrate on profit... If we make the sort of games we want to play, then we believe people are going to buy them”. Technologies Rockstar Games has developed its own game engine called the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE) to facilitate game development on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, Mac and Wii sys- The Rockstar Games Social Club is an online gaming service created by Rockstar for use with their games.
  • 6. HISTORY L U C A S C OB R A PEDRO HENRIQUE GABRIEL ALBUQUERQUE PAULO NELIO Top Music Mamonas Assassinas was a Brazilian comic-rock band formed in Guarulhos, 1990. The sound was a mix of punk-rock with influences from popular genres such as forró, brega, heavy metal, pagode, mexican music, reggae and vira. The band's career lasted from July, 1995 to March, 1996. 1. Vira-vira 2. Pelados em Santos 3. Robocop Gay 4. Uma Arlinda Mulher 5. 1406 (Money que é good nois num have) 6. Mundo Animal 7. Lá vem o alemão 8. Jumento Celestino RA G HY P O B I Alecsander Alves S O’ Leite, H Dinho, waspopularly known as the leadsinger of IN D the band Mamonas Assassinas. He was born in Irecê, Bahia, in March 5, 1971 and came to São Paulo with his family in the first year of his life. He was a singer, songwriter and humorist. His grandmother gave him the nickname, because he could not pronounce his real name. 9. Chopis Centis
  • 7. PLANE CRASH On March 2, 1996, while returning from a concert in Brasilia, the jet Learjet they were traveling struck against the Serra da Cantareira, killing everyone on the plane. The funeral, on March 4, was accompanied by more than 65 thousand fans. The funeral was also broad cast on television channels interrupting their regular programming. CUR IO S I TI E • It lasted about a year. • S The Mamonas Assassinas were the greastest musical phenomenon in just eight months of career, they had 2.5 millions copies sold in just one disc, the one they released. Until today there was no band in the world that Sábado de Sol Sábado de sol Aluguei um caminhão Prá levar a galera Prá comer feijão Chegando lá Mas que vergonha Só tinha maconha Os maconheiros tava doidão Querendo o meu feijão Sábado de sol Aluguei um caminhão Prá levar a galera Pra comer feijão Chegando lá Mas que vergonha Só tinha maconha Os maconheiros tava doidão Querendo o meu feijão equaled or surpassed their record. • The target audience was not defined: kids, teens and adults of all ages listened and sang their songs. Charge: The group always fantasized during presentations.
  • 8. S OCIAL N ETWORKS FOR By : Caio Andrade, Caio Caetano, Douglas Barão e Rhuan Santos Social Networks (definition): Social network is a social structure consisting of individuals or organizations, connected by one or more types of relationships. Android (Definition): Android is an operating system for mobile devices. Facebook is a social network that was created to meet new people. Instagram is a social network used to post photos and videos. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging to server, which allows users to send and receive personal updates from WhatsApp Messenger is a social networking and instant messaging for smartphones.
  • 9. G AMES FOR Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog. Join Barry as he breaks in to a secret laboratory to commandeer the experimental jetpacks from the clutches of science evildoers You've stolen the cursed idol from the temple, and now you have to run for your life to escape the Evil Demon Monkeys nipping at your heels. The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Take revenge on the greedy pigs who stole their eggs. e Run s for l Temp game p po r fers, pular ay Su ery po w . , Sub s are v droid tpack y bird an Je gr nd An a s game u l ar
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. W«ƒã ®Ý ã«› D››Ö W›? Are encrypted websites known as “the dark part of internet” which you can access only with specific programs, because all websites that we have free access are located at the “Common Web”. The Deep Web is located below and has bigger size than the Common Web. There is a good reason because these websites are encrypted: The Deep Web hides the most evil things that humans can do - are all stamped figurines hidden by anonymity of Deep Web . Heavy pedophilia, trafficking in weapons, in drugs, in organs, hired killers, macabre sects and hackers . Apart from all these evils things, it also brings different contents, like rare books, scientific articles and specific discussion forums, but they are a minority. These 8 Lƒù›ÙÝ Ê¥ “D››Ö W›” Common Web: Is a part of Internet we all access daily. Surface Web: Is a little dark side of Internet which we all have easy access. Bergie Web: This is as deep as any user can arrive without any programming knowledge, this is the limit that the "Google" in your Charter Web: Here you will find books, articles, files, downloads, music and movies. People more "hardcore" can find contents like heavy hardcore pornography, pedophilia, necrophilia, examples of suicide, murders and assassinations examples, Anonymous’ forums, hiring hackers, etc. Mariana’s Web: One of the tough layers to be accessed. Here you can find conspiracy theories, cloning experiments, networks of assassins, military and governments databases. It’s something bigger than you can imagine. The Fog: Here is where true hackers who have physical knowledge, quantum physics and other elements are. This is where everyone tries to get into. While trying to enter, search engine can index. among other things beyond our knowledge. Deep Web: Where only accessed by Proxy, which is hidden here what you thought didn’t exist on the Internet. You can find files, articles about viruses, ilegal adult content, suicide manuals, they also try to prevent others from coming. It’s a real Internet and is the last place in the universe you want to be. . The Primarch System : This system controls everything we see and listen, but nobody can control this layer. This system sends unchanging and invisible information for the whole internet randomly. This is the last layer and it is protected and separated by a latch which is virtually impossible to be broken by our computers.
  • 13. T Í T UL O DO A RT I GO I NT ERNO Legenda da imagem ou do elemento gráfico. Lʽ½®ãƒ S½ƒò› TÊù A surgeon buys 8-10 years old girls from an orphanage. Since the moment these girls are delivered to the surgeon, the orphanage disposes of all the documents that would prove their existence, and these girls end up becoming destitute, that leads the surgeon to do what he wants with them. Many are sold into prostitution, but this case is different, they become sex dolls, following these procedures: anonymous surgeon amputates her arms just above the elbows and his legs just above the knees, their vocal cords are cut so she don’t make any noise, all teeth are removed and a layer of silicon implanted in their jaws, he places extremely loud noises from head- After this procedure, they go into a series of "training", which is no longer considered as torture, all this for them to resist any kind of pain, and so they are transformed into a sex doll, which she can not do nothing but to feel . the risk of becoming pregnant. These dolls are sold around for $30.000 or $40.000. They need to be fed with water, tea or lemonade three or four times a day and run phones to let them deaf and finally their eyes are treated with laser to let them blind, but not completely.
  • 14. P ROGRESSION O F FA S H I O N • Years 70 and 80. 29/09/2012 • 90 years • XXI Century Years 70’s & 80’s. In the 70’s, the fashion received influence from the summer and the clothes were very much colored. At the discos, fever of the time, the clothes with stampes were a success. The hippies brought necklines, colors and patterns, like skirts, gowns and Indian fashion. The 80’s was marked by big hair, shoulder pads and lots of highwaisted pants. Colorful clothes (especially pants!), Bandanas and ruffles. At the time, girls used to wear miniskirts with color-leggings It was the decade that began to gain pop culture: its pieces were colored pants, skirts, fishnets, crucifix necklaces, lace tops and very red lipstick! The men invested in sophisticated looks and hairstyles, tight flare jeans and flowered satin shirt. 90 YEARS The 90s was marked by platforms sandals, colorful pants, dresses and biker jackets remained trendy 90s and a few novelties were acquired, leaving clothes with a different style, but without leaving aside past trends. The diversity of style marked the clothes of the 90s, the streets could be seen from the more colorful, even the most basic chess, which had its presence very striking at this time, and be as accepted and used, but returned in recent years and still has made all the difference in the men and women who wear them. The clothes of the 90 paras women were basically dresses and pants chook high, which were the key pieces in the wardrobe of chicks, while men have left aside the jeans and basically followed the trends left by 80 years. Some movies like "Pretty Woman" show in detail the feminine and masculine style of the 90s, in the pictures of the clothes of the 90's possible to notice that women faithfully followed the style of Julia Roberts and not left to be desired when it came to innovation. Men still abused pants or bermudas wide, combined with the plaid shirt as mentioned above. The influence factor of the Grunge era was driven by rock turned the heads of many in the 90s.
  • 15. Progression of fashion XXI Century IN THE 21TH CENTURY, FASHION CAN BE COPIED, CREATED, CUSTOMIZED OR RESCUED. TIME WHEN THERE IS NO "RIGHT" NOR With the start of the new millennium , changes began to be much accelerated , the numerous events have become more experienced with intensity , environmental awareness has become a lifestyle . This is the period in which the media began to have a major influence on people , and because of that capitalism was strengthened . With the development of internet people have had less and less physical contact thus creating a virtual reality . In fashion, the early twenty-first century is marked by two trends, that " nothing is created , everything is copied and ' and ' fashion comes and goes " characterized by retro fashion . The divas of cinema and music lost place for drag queens and gay parades that fill the nightclubs and spend exert great influence on the public . With the end of luxury and glamor is all cluttered , concepts change. Enters agenda romanticism, naivete , innocence, softness , poetry , calm , love and even a new hippie philosophy , the old model of " Make love , not war " Because the search for their own identity , people started creating pieces with your own style , using alternative materials thereby producing sustainable development . Also, was the period in which the urban tribes had a great popularization as fashion Teen Emos and Geeks , the movement " indie " became popular with the alternative rock bands , bitrock among others , the right and wrong no longer exist. The body now has a greater appreciation , and the clothes brought a great quest for perfection and sensuality . Also came the tattoos , the piercings and Progressive brushes that leave hair smooth and increasingly stretched giving more shine . We are living in a time where everything happens so fast , and fashion and is based mostly on the retelling of the past . and what was the time fashion atraz be reread and transformed.
  • 16. SKIRT SHORT The skirt short appeared in the late 60s in London thanks to British designer Mary Quant, who introduced the model that became known as the look "Chelsea". They say style because curtinho took 60-70 years were dominated by the youth movement that wanted to separate from the more conservative generation of parents. The skirt short is still widely used today in the XXI century can still see on the streets many people using them! EVOLUTION OF THE BIKINI 50: The bikini was invented a few years earlier, earned the name because of the Bikini Atoll, where he experimented with the atomic bomb. Practically only showed the line the stomach. The actress Jane Mansfield caused controversy by showing a bit of navel towards the end of the decade. 60: The bikini has become more popular. The symbol of the era was actress Ursula Andress coming out of the water in the film 007 against Dr. No, 1962. 70: A decade that the pieces fell rapidly, along with the sexual liberation of women. In Brazil, was launched thong and top shrunk enough. The definition of bikini was: minimum four triangles. 80s: The fashion was the bikini-gliding, rising hips and gave the feeling of larger thighs. The top model was the shower curtain, which left over breasts showing. The models were getting smaller, until the release of floss, which disappeared in the butt. Decades 90: Reduced to a minimum, the bikini starts the reverse path and begins to grow. Suquíni is launched almost a return to the two-piece swimsuit. Today: The panties are larger, with wide side bands and overlapping tissue pierced. At the top, it also sees more cloth, the shower curtain persists but is closed. The strapless also has great modeling.
  • 17. Insira o slogan da empresa aqui. The evolution of fashion was given simply and quickly by agent show you how that fashionhas evolved significantly in the world, from long skirts to mini-skirts, our goal is that youunderstand a little more of the evolution of fashion. SESI/SENAI