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 Dr Raghuveer   for P.G.
M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
                            BIO PHYSICS & BIOCHEMISTRY OF CELL
              1. Discuss the structural organization of cell membrane & discuss mechanism of
                 passive transport across cell membrane.

              2. Surface tension.

              3. Resting membrane potential.                                              ……………

              4. Give the mechanism of bio-electrical potentials production across all membrane.
                 How is this used for recording ECG.

              5. Cyclic AMP.

              6. Define the hydrostatic and osmotic pressure. Discuss their Role in maintain Blood

              7. How is water distributed in the body. Briefly mention the methods to measure
                 various compartments. Add a note on regulation of intracellular water.

              8. Ultrastucture of Mitochondria and it Biochemical correlation.

              9. Discuss various mechanism of transport through cell membranes and cellular
                 sheets. .(4)

              10. Carrier mediated transport.

              11. Describe the structure and functions of various cell organelles.

Questions to be read from other books :-

              1. Cochlear micro phonic potential.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              2. Reaction of degeneration.

              3. Myasthenia gravis.

              4. Theories of color vision – (Granit Theories)

              5. Central & peripheral ,mechanism of color vision.

              6. Stress syndrome.

              7. Rigidity in voluntary muscles.

              1. Describe the functional morphology of the cell membrane giving a brief account
                 of the various models proposed by different scientists. Discuss the various
                 transport mechanisms across the cell membrane.             ………..(2008)

              2. Short note on Second messenger system.              …………(2008)

              3. Discuss the range of blood pH that is compatible with life. Discuss the
                 interactions of various body mechanisms responsible for its regulation. ……….
                 (2009) ……………..(1)

              1. Give an account of the concept of Homeostasis and its control.

              2. Discuss in detail various eicosanoids and the physiological role played by them.


              3. Prostaglandins.                                                           ……………

              4. Discuss various defence mechanisms of the body.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              5. Servo-Mechanism in homeostasis.

              6. Discuss the normal homeostasis mechanism in an adult in detail. Explain the
                 physiology basis of the haemostatic function tests so undertaken or ordered for a
                 patient of classical hemophilia.

              7. Cellular & humoral immunity.                                ………(2009)

              8. What is significance of plasma toxicity. Describe various factors influencing and
                 mechanism regulating plasma toxicity.                       ………..(2009)

                                         CNS (SHORT NOTES)
              1. Muscle tone.

              2. Receptor adaptation.

              3. Gate control theory of pain.

              4. Coding of sensory information.

              5. Higher function of nervous system.

              6. Orientation in space.

              7. Various postural reflexes.

              8. Local regulation of adrenergic neurotransmission.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              9. Structure of muscle spindle.

              10. What is the physiological basis of E.E.G.

              11. Blood brain barrier.

              12. Parkinson’s disease.

              13. Thirst.

              14. Stress syndrome.

              15. Rigidity in voluntary muscles.

              16. Planter reflex.

              17. EEG & its clinical uses.

              18. Intentional tremors.

              19. Syntaxins & Synaptotagmin.                               ………(2008)

              1. Give an account of hypothalamic regulation of functions of pituitary gland.

              2. Discuss the vestibular and nonvestibular factors in the maintenance of
                  equilibrium. ….(2)

              3. Describe cerebral speech mechanism and effects of its disruption.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              4. Draw a schematic diagram of the ultra structure of a Synapse. Describe the
                 mechanism of synaptic transmission. Discuss the role of central neuro-
                 transmitters in health disease.

              5. Discuss the functions of thalamus. Describe the changes in a person suffering
                 from Thalamic syndrome . (connections.)

              6. Discuss the role of cerebellum in the control of posture and locomotion.
                 Histology, briefly connections.

              7. Discuss physiology of speech & wakefulness or consciousness.

              8. Describe functions of Hypothalamus.

              9. Discuss the physiology mechanism involved in the perfect excitation of a
                 voluntary movement.

              10. Compare the status of spinal, decerebrate & decorticate animals with special
                 reference to motor functions.

              11. Discuss the neurophysiological mechanism involved in behavior.

              12. Describe the connections and functions of reticular formation.

              13. Write an essay on synaptic inhibition.

              14. Comment on the historical landmarks which have lead to the present knowledge
                 of physiology of sleep.

              15. Discuss the functional importance of extrapyramidal nervous system and
                 neurological deficit produced by its disorders.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              16. Discuss the physiology basis of dyskinesias.

              17. Describe the mechanism of reception and appreciation of sensation of pain. How
                 and what factors can you abolish this sensation in humans.

              18. Discuss the functions of basal ganglia. Briefly describe the various disorders
                 resulting in different parts of the basal ganglia.

              19. Discuss genesis of dizziness & vertigo.

              20. Describe the motor defects in lesions of Cerebellum.

              21. Describe the physiology of Stretch reflex. Give the clinical importance of reflex.

              22. Describe the clinical manifestation of Prefrontal lobe degeneration. ……(2008)

              23. Describe briefly about KLUVER-BUCY SYNDROME.                        …….(2008)

              24. Mention the role of postural reflexes in maintenance of body posture. Describe
                 the effect of decerebration in experimental animal.                         ………
                 (2009) ……..(2)

              25. Draw the optic pathway. Discuss the mechanism of image formation. Explain
                 various defects in vision due to disruption of visual pathway at different level.
                        ….(2009) ...(2)

                                   COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY
              1. Describe the evolution of digestive system in mammal with special reference
                 their dietic habits ?

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              2. Evolution of photoreceptors.

              3. Give the comparative physiology of Biochemical base of nitrogen excretion in

              4. Give an account of comparative physiology of cardiac action.

              5. Electric organ of fishes.

              6. How does stomach of cow differs from that of a man ?

              7. Give a brief account of the evolution & separation of the systemic circulation
                 from the mechanism for aeration of venous blood in the Animal kingdom.

              8. During the process of evolution what are the mechanisms homeotherms have
                 developed for regulation of body temperature ?

              9. Discuss the physiological mechanisms involved in response to Hyper-barism from
                 a comparative point of view.

              10. Discuss the value of milk as a food from the evolutionary point of view.

              11. Give an account of comparative physiology of the kidney in vertebrates.

              1. Describe the cardiovascular adjustment to exercise in man. What is the effect of
                 physical training on their adjustments.

              2. Describe the immediate and long term compensatory reaction activated by

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              3. Describe the role of various reflex mechanism in the regulation of cardiovascular

              4. What is circulatory shock. Describe the mechanisms of reversible shock. What
                 changes make it Irreversible.

              5. Discuss the following :-

              (a) Regulation of Coronary Blood flow.

              (b) Cardiac performance & physiology of Heart failure.

              6. Discuss the mechanism of Local vascular regulation.

              7. What do you understand by the term Ventricular function curve. Write in detail
                 on how the CNS regulates the cardiac activity.

              8. Describe briefly the cardiovascular homeostasis in health.

              9. Give the histological structure of peripheral blood vessels with their physiological
                 functions. Discuss the mechanism of peripheral vascular control and regulation.

              10. Discuss the genesis of heart beat.

              11. Describe the mechanism of Circulatory shock.                               ……………

              12. Discuss the composition of tissue fluids in the various parts of the body. Discuss
                 the various factors that interface with the mechanisms of its formation and
                 drainage. …..(3)

              13. Discuss the basic design and evolution of CVS.

              14. Discuss the functional organization of the vascular bed. Discuss the local nervous
                 control of vascular tone.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              15. Discuss the cardio inhibitory reflexes.

              16. How do you assess Cardiac performance. Discuss the factors regulating cardiac

              17. Discuss the interrelationship of chief factors involved in development of chronic
                 Hypertension in man and mention the physiological basis of treatment of this

              18. Discuss the hemodynamic of cardiac failure.

              19. Discuss the mechanism underlying abnormal cardiac rhythms.

              20. Discuss the mechanism responsible for maintains of Na+-K+ balance of the body
                 with special reference to Atrial Natriuretic factor.

              21. Describe the basis of Renal hypertension & its treatment.

              22. Describe various factors which regulate coronary blood flow with a note on
                 coronary artery disease.

              23. What is the basis of recording E.K.G. Describe the various types of leads?


              1. Circulation time.

              2. Foeto-placental barrier.

              3. Cardiac pace maker potential.

              4. J-Receptors

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              5. Arterial pulse

              6. Pulmonary reflex

              7. J-Reflex.

              8. Chemo receptors.

              9. His bundle electrogram.

              10. Diastolic blood pressure.

              11. Cardiac catheterization

              12. Bezold’s reflex.

              13. Vector cardiography.

              14. Myocardial work index.

              15. Describe the factors affecting the functioning of heart as a pump during health &

              1. Describe the pathophysiology of cardiac failure.              ………(2008)

              2. Discuss the changing trends responsible for the production of Hypertension.
                  Explain the physiological basis of essential hypertension.        ……….(2009)

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              3. Local hormones involve in regulation of regional circulation.       ……..(2009)

              1. Give a brief account of the metabolic rate of proteins & its hormonal
                 regulation ?.......(2)

              2. Discuss the mechanisms involved in Calcium homeostasis in the body ? …………….
                 …(2) (3)

              3. Discuss the structure & mechanism of action of human growth hormone ?
                 ………….(1) (2)

              4. Short note on Tetany ?                                                    …………..
                 (1) (2)

              5. Somatostatin                                                        …………….….(2)

              6. Calcitonin ?

              7. Physiological basis of Oral contraceptives ?

              8. Aldosterone ?

              9. Control of normal fasting Blood sugar level ?

              10. Sucking reflex

              11. Rennin angiotensin system                                                ……………
                 (1) (2)

              12. Discuss the regulation & secretion of Hypophyseal hormones ?

              13. Describe the Role of various Contraceptives in family planning ?         ……………
                 (1) (2)

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              14. Describe functional histology of Pituitary gland, How does Hypothalamus
                 regulates secretion of pituitary gland ?

              15. Pineal functions ?

              16. Discuss the histological features of Testis. Give in detail the functions of testis &
                 How these functions are regulated. Include a brief note indicating current
                 research on contraception in Males ?

              17. Describe the histological features of ovary. Discuss the mechanism action of Oral
                 Contraceptives ?

              18. Describe the structure & function of placenta. Describe any one method used for
                 detection of Pregnancy ?

              19. Describe the histological structure of Mammary gland at the different
                 reproduction stages of woman. Discuss the roles of the factors that are
                 concerned with the formation variation of composition, quantity, expulsion of
                 Milk. Compare the composition of human milk with the cow’s milk, In what way
                 is this difference significant ?……..(3)

              20. Describe the Placenta hormone & their influence on Fetal Growth. Add a note on
                 neonatal circulation ?

              21. Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus & the role of GTT in its
                 diagnosis ?...(2)

              22. Adrenogenital Syndrome ?

              23. Discuss the physiology of Growth & its disorder ?                             ……………
                 (1) (2)

              24. Describe the regulation of secretion of Adrenal Cortical hormones & give any two
                 tests to assess the functions of Adrenal Cortex ?

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              25. Describe the interplay of hormones initiating & regulating phenomenon of
                 ovulation. How is this knowledge clinically useful ?

              26. Diet for Diabetic patient ?

              27. Give an account of hormonal control of Menstrual cycle ?

              28. Discuss the physiology of normal precocious & delayed puberty ?

              29. Describe the physiology of Gonadotropins, Discuss their clinical applications ?

              30. Describe the disorder of Menstrual cycle.                    ………..(2008)

              31. Describe briefly about GRAVE’S DISEASE.                      ……….(2008)

              32. Describe briefly about LATENT TETANY.                        …………(2008)

              33. Describe the physiology of lactation. Discuss the role played by various hormones
                 on the growth and development of mammary glands and lactation.              ……
                 (2008) ……..(3)

              34. Writes short notes on :- (i) Human Chorionic gonadotrophin (ii) Puberty. …..
                 (2008) …(3)

              35. Write short notes on :- (i) Tetany (ii) Use of anabolic steroids.   ……..(2009)

              36. Discuss the functions and role of thymus gland.

              37. Discuss the structure of the thymus and the current concept of its immunological

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
                                         EXCREATION SYSTEM
              1. Discuss the Role of Kidney in regulation of internal environment of BODY or
                 Homeostasis ?

              2. How is water distributed in the body, Discuss the regulation of total body water ?

              3. Discuss in detail the reabsorbasation and excreation of water by mammalian
                 kidney. Describe the mechanisms of water and osmotic diuresis ?

              4. Describe the mechanism of regulation of body fluids. Comment on the
                 physiological basis for replacement of body fluids in diarrhea and burn ?

              5. Give an account of how the body regulates Ph OF its fluids ?

              6. Discuss the latest concepts about the following :-

              (a) Histology of kidney.

              (b) Role of kidney in regulation of Na+2 excreation.

              (c) Auto regulation of renal blood flow.

              7. Give an account of Na+2 excreation and factors regulating it ?

              8. Discuss the renal tubular functions and method by which they are assessed.

              9. Discuss the basic modes of fluid transport in the mammalian nephron.

              10. Discuss the role of kidney in regulation of acid base balance.

              11. Discuss the electrolyte balance in the body.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              12. Discuss the pathophysiology of chronic renal failure and principals underlying its

              13. Discuss the pathophysiology basis and mechanism involved in the formation of
                  oedema with special reference to role of lymphatics.

              14. Discuss the mechanism of concentration of urine in the kidney & tests employed
                  to assess this function.
                         ……………(1) (2)

              15. Describe the physiology basis of renal function tests.

              16. Urea clearance test.

              17. Microanatomy of nephron.

              18. Countercurrent mechanism

              19. Micturition reflux in spinal cord injuries.

                                             FUNCTION TEST
              1. Discuss Thyroid function tests ?

              2. Lung function test.

              3. Renal function test.                                   ………………..(2009)

              4. Function tests for Gall Bladder.

              5. Discuss physiological basis of liver function tests.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012

              1. Turner’s Syndrome.

              2. Carriage of genetic information.

              3. T-RNA.

              4. Discuss the factors responsible for the development of Sexual characteristics.
                 What is sexual differential. Describe the biological function of Sex
                 chromosomes ?         …………………(4)

              5. Give an account of Radio immune assay techniques used for estimation of various
                 Sex hormones. Describe briefly recent development in non isotopic immune
                 assays and their applications.

              6. What is nature & function of “GENETIC CODE” ?

              7. Describe mendelian inheritance in humans with special reference to patterns of
                 disease inheritance. Give a brief account of chromosomal abbreation.

              8. Write an assay on the normal & aberrant sex differentiation.

              9. Inborn error of metabolism.

              10. DNA.

              11. Describe the chemical basis of genetic regulation of protein synthesis.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              12. Plasma genes.

              13. Describe briefly genetic control of cell function. How are disease produce due to
                 genetic defect.

              14. Write SN on :- Klinfelters syndrome.                …………….(2009)

              15. DNA finger printing.                                ………………(2009)

              1. Discuss the control of gastric movement and the methods of assess them.

              2. Describe mechanism regulating gastric secretion & motility. What are the factors
                 which control emptying of stomach ?

              3. What are the functions of Gall bladder. Describe mechanism that control filling
                 and evacuation of gall bladder ?

              4. Give an account of the methods to study intestinal absorption. How is fat
                 absorbed from gut ?

              5. Describe and discuss the methods employed to investigate gastric function.

              6. Describe the characteristic features of pancreatic juice.

              7. Discuss the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer and principals underlying its
                 treatment. …(1)

              8. Describe the physiological basis of various tests to assess metabolic functions of

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              9. Describe metabolism of Bile pigments and various test to assess excretory
                 function of liver.

              10. Discuss post gastractomy syndrome.

              11. Gastro intestinal hormones.

              12. Cholecystokin.

              13. Gastric emptying.

              14. Gastric motility

              15. Describe briefly about PEPTIC ULCER.                    ……….(2008)

              16. Neuro transmitters of enteric nervous system.           ………….(2009)

                                      HISTORY OF PHYSIOLOGY
              1. William Harvey circulation.

              2. Charak’s Oath.

              3. Galeu Pituitary.

              4. Claude Bernard.

              5. Professor B. K. Anand. (YOGA)

              6. Experiments of PAVLOV.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              7. Samson Wright.(buffer nerve – Baroreceptor).

              8. George Von Bekesy.

              9. Charle’s S. Sherrington.

              10. Best & Banting. (Insulin)

              11. Cannon. (Segmentation Contraction, Liver as endocrine organ )

              12. Carl Ludwig. (told that glomerulus act as Ultra filter )

              13. Einthoven (ECG).

              14. Starling (Secretin, Peristalsis, Heart, Tissue fluid formation)

              15. Bayle’s (suspected about Myogenic Theory of autoregulation of local blood flow.)

              16. Guyton (Shock, decreased cardiac output, circulatory shock).

              1. Discuss the neuro-endocrine response of starvation.

              2. Use of ultrasound in Medicine.

              3. Endocrine response to stress.

              4. Orientation in space.

              5. Nitrogen equilibrium.

              6. Discuss the role of skin in temperature regulation.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              7. Tympanic reflex.

              8. Polarization Microscopy.

              9. Give an account of temperature regulating system of the body. How is cold
                 acclimatization achieved in mammals.

              10. Human circadian rhythm & pacemakers.                                  ………..

              11. Discuss the physiology of starvation of five days duration.

              12. Radioimmuno assay.

              13. Encephalens.

              14. Discuss the phenomena of hibernation.

              15. Discuss the hemodynamic and respiratory changed during exercise.

              16. Discuss the physiological basis of Ageing (Theories).

              17. Non visual effects of solar radiation.

              18. Computers in Medicine.

              19. Acupuncture.

              20. Fever, hyperpyrexia & heat stroke.

              21. Endorphins.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              22. Short note on Claude Bernard Syndrome.              …………….(2008)

              23. Write short notes on :- (i) Radioimmunoassay (ii) Functional MRI (iii)

                                                                  ………………(2009)       ………………(1)

              24. Regulation of registration.                         ………………(2009)

              25. Sex differentiation.                                ……………(2009)

              26. Intrauterine contraceptive device.(IUCD)            …………….(2009)

              27. Discuss the physiology and biochemical process during severe degree of exercise
                 and its recovery.                                            ……………..(2009)

              28. Write SN on :- (i) ANOVA      (ii) Apoptosis.       ……………..(2009)

                                         MUSCLE & NERVE
              1. Initiation and propagation of Action Potential.

              2. Electrophysiology of smooth muscles.

              3. Troponin.

              4. Refractory period.

              5. How has electrophysiology helped in the study of physiology ? How does
                 electroneurography and electromyography help us in the diagnosis of peripheral

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
                 nerve injuries.

              6. Role of Ca+2 in Muscular contraction.

              7. Ultrastructure of neuro muscular function.

              8. Describe the sarcoplasmic reticulation and its role in muscle excitation. Briefly
                 gives the theories of muscle contraction.

              9. Salutatory conduction of nerve impulse.

              10. Discuss the physiological basis of Myasthenia gravis and rationale of its
                 treatment. …(1)

              11. Reaction of degeneration.

              12. Electromyography.

              13. Reaction of degeneration.

              14. Chronaxi & Rheobase.

              15. Describe the pathophysiology of Muscular dystrophy.         ………(2008)

              16. Describe structure, electrical property and mechanism of contraction of smooth

                                                                       ……….(2008) ……………….(2)

              17. Short note on :- EMG.                                       …………(2009)

                                   NUTRITION & METABOLISM
              1. Essential fatty acids.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              2. Discuss metabolism of Nucleoproteins.

              3. Describe the formation and fate of Acetyl Co-Enzyme A ?

              4. Describe Kreb’s Citric Acid cycle ?

              5. Describe the oxidation of glucose by the pentose shunt pathway.

              6. Discuss the mechanism involved in the process of detoxification.

              7. Discuss biological oxidation.

              8. Discuss the fate of Amino acids in the body.

              9. Discuss the control mechanisms of energy stores of the body. How are they

              10. Inborn error of metabolism.

              11. Discuss the role of nutrition in growth & development of body with special
                 reference of brain.

              12. Describe common cause of malnutrition in our Country with special reference to
                 your recommendation for modifying local diet.

              13. Discuss the metabolism significance of the trace elements. What disturbances are
                 caused by their deficiency ?

              14. What is meant by Malnutrition. Describe important clinical manifestation of
                 Severe protein deficiency ?

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              15. Describe the deficiency of factors of Vitamin B complex.

              1. Write short note on :- Carbon dioxide dissociation curve.            ………….(2009)

              2. Discuss the static & dynamic lung function tests and give a detailed account of
                 their applied value.                                           ………………..(2008)

              3. Bezold-Jerisch Reflex and its physiological significance.      …………(2009)

                                          SPECIAL SENSES
              1. Describe in brief the histological structure of retina & discuss its receptor
                 function with special reference to theories of color vision.

              2. Discuss neurophysiology of vision.

              3. Audiometry.

              4. Colour blindness.

              5. Discuss the role of vestibular apparatus in the maintenance of position &

              6. Organ of corti.

              7. Photochemistry of vision.

M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              8. Binocular vision.

              9. Mechanism of pitch and intensity discrimination of the sound by the ear.

              10. Photoreceptor.

              11. Cochlear micro phonic potentials.

              12. Describe role of cornea in normal vision.

              13. Describe how intraocular and extra ocular muscles make the eye perfect organ of

              14. Give the electrophysiology of hearing.

              15. Tympanic reflex.

              16. What is the central and peripheral mechanism of color vision. Give an account of
                 abnormal color vision.

              17. Tests of hearing.

              18. Nystagamus.

              19. Describe the electrophysiology of photoreceptors and a note on electro-

                                                                            ……….(2008) ……(2)


M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank
9 July 2012
              1. Analysis of variance & Co-variance.

              2. Mean, median & mode.

              3. Standard deviation.

              4. Students ‘T’ test.

              5. What is importance of statistics in Medical Practice.

              6. Standard error. What information can be obtained from it about the validity of
                 the results of observation.

              7. What is meant by the terms Unimodal, Bimodal and Skew distribution of a
                 sample. Define standard deviation & explain how one SD away from the mean in
                 a reasonably symmetrical unimodal distribution covers almost 66% of the
                 expected value of the sample.

              8. Independent & paired sample comparison.             ……………(2008)

Note- value in Bracket shows paper no.


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Physiology PG Questions

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  • 2. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 BIO PHYSICS & BIOCHEMISTRY OF CELL 1. Discuss the structural organization of cell membrane & discuss mechanism of passive transport across cell membrane. ……………(2)(3) 2. Surface tension. …………………(2) 3. Resting membrane potential. …………… (2)(4) 4. Give the mechanism of bio-electrical potentials production across all membrane. How is this used for recording ECG. ……………(2)(4) 5. Cyclic AMP. ………………..(2) 6. Define the hydrostatic and osmotic pressure. Discuss their Role in maintain Blood volume. …………………(3) 7. How is water distributed in the body. Briefly mention the methods to measure various compartments. Add a note on regulation of intracellular water. …………………(4) 8. Ultrastucture of Mitochondria and it Biochemical correlation. 9. Discuss various mechanism of transport through cell membranes and cellular sheets. .(4) 10. Carrier mediated transport. …………………(4) 11. Describe the structure and functions of various cell organelles. …………………(4) Questions to be read from other books :- 1. Cochlear micro phonic potential. 2
  • 3. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 2. Reaction of degeneration. 3. Myasthenia gravis. 4. Theories of color vision – (Granit Theories) 5. Central & peripheral ,mechanism of color vision. 6. Stress syndrome. 7. Rigidity in voluntary muscles. 1. Describe the functional morphology of the cell membrane giving a brief account of the various models proposed by different scientists. Discuss the various transport mechanisms across the cell membrane. ………..(2008) …………….(4) 2. Short note on Second messenger system. …………(2008) …………….(4) 3. Discuss the range of blood pH that is compatible with life. Discuss the interactions of various body mechanisms responsible for its regulation. ………. (2009) ……………..(1) BLOOD 1. Give an account of the concept of Homeostasis and its control. …………….(1)(4) 2. Discuss in detail various eicosanoids and the physiological role played by them. ………….(2008) ………………..(3) 3. Prostaglandins. …………… (2)(3) 4. Discuss various defence mechanisms of the body. …………………(4) 3
  • 4. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 5. Servo-Mechanism in homeostasis. …………………(4) 6. Discuss the normal homeostasis mechanism in an adult in detail. Explain the physiology basis of the haemostatic function tests so undertaken or ordered for a patient of classical hemophilia. …………..(2009)…………………(3) 7. Cellular & humoral immunity. ………(2009) …………………(3) 8. What is significance of plasma toxicity. Describe various factors influencing and mechanism regulating plasma toxicity. ………..(2009) …………………(4) CNS (SHORT NOTES) 1. Muscle tone. …………………(2) 2. Receptor adaptation. …………………(2) 3. Gate control theory of pain. …………………(2) 4. Coding of sensory information. …………………(2) 5. Higher function of nervous system. …………………(2) 6. Orientation in space. …………………(2) 7. Various postural reflexes. …………………(2) 8. Local regulation of adrenergic neurotransmission. …………………(2) 4
  • 5. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 9. Structure of muscle spindle. …………………(2) 10. What is the physiological basis of E.E.G. …………………(4) 11. Blood brain barrier. …………………(1) 12. Parkinson’s disease. ………………..(1) 13. Thirst. …………………(1) 14. Stress syndrome. …………………(1) 15. Rigidity in voluntary muscles. …………………(1) 16. Planter reflex. …………………(1) 17. EEG & its clinical uses. …………………(1) 18. Intentional tremors. …………………(1) 19. Syntaxins & Synaptotagmin. ………(2008) ………………..(3) CNS 1. Give an account of hypothalamic regulation of functions of pituitary gland. ……………….(2) 2. Discuss the vestibular and nonvestibular factors in the maintenance of equilibrium. ….(2) 3. Describe cerebral speech mechanism and effects of its disruption. …………………(2) 5
  • 6. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 4. Draw a schematic diagram of the ultra structure of a Synapse. Describe the mechanism of synaptic transmission. Discuss the role of central neuro- transmitters in health disease. …………………(3) 5. Discuss the functions of thalamus. Describe the changes in a person suffering from Thalamic syndrome . (connections.) …………………(2) 6. Discuss the role of cerebellum in the control of posture and locomotion. Histology, briefly connections. …………………(2) 7. Discuss physiology of speech & wakefulness or consciousness. …………………(2) 8. Describe functions of Hypothalamus. …………………(2) 9. Discuss the physiology mechanism involved in the perfect excitation of a voluntary movement. …………………(2) 10. Compare the status of spinal, decerebrate & decorticate animals with special reference to motor functions. 11. Discuss the neurophysiological mechanism involved in behavior. …………………(2) 12. Describe the connections and functions of reticular formation. …………………(2) 13. Write an essay on synaptic inhibition. …………………(3) 14. Comment on the historical landmarks which have lead to the present knowledge of physiology of sleep. …………………(4) 15. Discuss the functional importance of extrapyramidal nervous system and neurological deficit produced by its disorders. …………………(1) 6
  • 7. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 16. Discuss the physiology basis of dyskinesias. …………………(1) 17. Describe the mechanism of reception and appreciation of sensation of pain. How and what factors can you abolish this sensation in humans. …………………(1) 18. Discuss the functions of basal ganglia. Briefly describe the various disorders resulting in different parts of the basal ganglia. …………………(1) 19. Discuss genesis of dizziness & vertigo. …………………(1) 20. Describe the motor defects in lesions of Cerebellum. …………………(1) 21. Describe the physiology of Stretch reflex. Give the clinical importance of reflex. ……..(1) 22. Describe the clinical manifestation of Prefrontal lobe degeneration. ……(2008) …………(1) 23. Describe briefly about KLUVER-BUCY SYNDROME. …….(2008) ……(1) 24. Mention the role of postural reflexes in maintenance of body posture. Describe the effect of decerebration in experimental animal. ……… (2009) ……..(2) 25. Draw the optic pathway. Discuss the mechanism of image formation. Explain various defects in vision due to disruption of visual pathway at different level. ….(2009) ...(2) COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY 1. Describe the evolution of digestive system in mammal with special reference their dietic habits ? …………………(4) 7
  • 8. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 2. Evolution of photoreceptors. …………………(4) 3. Give the comparative physiology of Biochemical base of nitrogen excretion in animals. 4. Give an account of comparative physiology of cardiac action. …………………(4) 5. Electric organ of fishes. …………………(4) 6. How does stomach of cow differs from that of a man ? …………………(4) 7. Give a brief account of the evolution & separation of the systemic circulation from the mechanism for aeration of venous blood in the Animal kingdom. …………………(4) 8. During the process of evolution what are the mechanisms homeotherms have developed for regulation of body temperature ? …………………(4) 9. Discuss the physiological mechanisms involved in response to Hyper-barism from a comparative point of view. 10. Discuss the value of milk as a food from the evolutionary point of view. ………………..(4) 11. Give an account of comparative physiology of the kidney in vertebrates. ………………..(4) C.V.S 1. Describe the cardiovascular adjustment to exercise in man. What is the effect of physical training on their adjustments. …………………(3) 2. Describe the immediate and long term compensatory reaction activated by hemorrhage. …………………(3) 8
  • 9. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 3. Describe the role of various reflex mechanism in the regulation of cardiovascular functions. …………………(3) 4. What is circulatory shock. Describe the mechanisms of reversible shock. What changes make it Irreversible. …………………(3) 5. Discuss the following :- …………………(3) (a) Regulation of Coronary Blood flow. (b) Cardiac performance & physiology of Heart failure. 6. Discuss the mechanism of Local vascular regulation. …………………(3) 7. What do you understand by the term Ventricular function curve. Write in detail on how the CNS regulates the cardiac activity. …………………(3) 8. Describe briefly the cardiovascular homeostasis in health. …………………(3) 9. Give the histological structure of peripheral blood vessels with their physiological functions. Discuss the mechanism of peripheral vascular control and regulation. 10. Discuss the genesis of heart beat. 11. Describe the mechanism of Circulatory shock. …………… (1)(3) 12. Discuss the composition of tissue fluids in the various parts of the body. Discuss the various factors that interface with the mechanisms of its formation and drainage. …..(3) 13. Discuss the basic design and evolution of CVS. …………………(4) 14. Discuss the functional organization of the vascular bed. Discuss the local nervous control of vascular tone. …………………(4) 9
  • 10. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 15. Discuss the cardio inhibitory reflexes. …………………(4) 16. How do you assess Cardiac performance. Discuss the factors regulating cardiac output. 17. Discuss the interrelationship of chief factors involved in development of chronic Hypertension in man and mention the physiological basis of treatment of this disease. 18. Discuss the hemodynamic of cardiac failure. …………………(4) 19. Discuss the mechanism underlying abnormal cardiac rhythms. …………………(1) 20. Discuss the mechanism responsible for maintains of Na+-K+ balance of the body with special reference to Atrial Natriuretic factor. …………………(1) 21. Describe the basis of Renal hypertension & its treatment. …………………(1) 22. Describe various factors which regulate coronary blood flow with a note on coronary artery disease. …………………(1) 23. What is the basis of recording E.K.G. Describe the various types of leads? …………………(1) SHORT NOTES… 1. Circulation time. …………………(3) 2. Foeto-placental barrier. …………………(3) 3. Cardiac pace maker potential. ………………..(3) 4. J-Receptors …………………(3) 10
  • 11. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 5. Arterial pulse …………………(3) 6. Pulmonary reflex …………………(4) 7. J-Reflex. …………………(4) 8. Chemo receptors. …………………(1) 9. His bundle electrogram. …………………(1) 10. Diastolic blood pressure. …………………(1) 11. Cardiac catheterization ………………..(1) 12. Bezold’s reflex. …………………(1) 13. Vector cardiography. …………………(1) 14. Myocardial work index. …………………(1) 15. Describe the factors affecting the functioning of heart as a pump during health & disease. …………………(1) 1. Describe the pathophysiology of cardiac failure. ………(2008) ………………..(1) 2. Discuss the changing trends responsible for the production of Hypertension. Explain the physiological basis of essential hypertension. ……….(2009) ………………..(1) 11
  • 12. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 3. Local hormones involve in regulation of regional circulation. ……..(2009) ……..(3) ENDOCRINE 1. Give a brief account of the metabolic rate of proteins & its hormonal regulation ?.......(2) 2. Discuss the mechanisms involved in Calcium homeostasis in the body ? ……………. …(2) (3) 3. Discuss the structure & mechanism of action of human growth hormone ? ………….(1) (2) 4. Short note on Tetany ? ………….. (1) (2) 5. Somatostatin …………….….(2) 6. Calcitonin ? …………………(2) 7. Physiological basis of Oral contraceptives ? …………………(2) 8. Aldosterone ? ………………..(2) 9. Control of normal fasting Blood sugar level ? …………………(2) 10. Sucking reflex …………………(2) 11. Rennin angiotensin system …………… (1) (2) 12. Discuss the regulation & secretion of Hypophyseal hormones ? ………………..(2) 13. Describe the Role of various Contraceptives in family planning ? …………… (1) (2) 12
  • 13. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 14. Describe functional histology of Pituitary gland, How does Hypothalamus regulates secretion of pituitary gland ? …………………(3) 15. Pineal functions ? …………………(3) 16. Discuss the histological features of Testis. Give in detail the functions of testis & How these functions are regulated. Include a brief note indicating current research on contraception in Males ? ………………..(3) 17. Describe the histological features of ovary. Discuss the mechanism action of Oral Contraceptives ? ………………..(3) 18. Describe the structure & function of placenta. Describe any one method used for detection of Pregnancy ? ………………..(3) 19. Describe the histological structure of Mammary gland at the different reproduction stages of woman. Discuss the roles of the factors that are concerned with the formation variation of composition, quantity, expulsion of Milk. Compare the composition of human milk with the cow’s milk, In what way is this difference significant ?……..(3) 20. Describe the Placenta hormone & their influence on Fetal Growth. Add a note on neonatal circulation ? …………………(4) 21. Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus & the role of GTT in its diagnosis ?...(2) 22. Adrenogenital Syndrome ? ………………..(1) 23. Discuss the physiology of Growth & its disorder ? …………… (1) (2) 24. Describe the regulation of secretion of Adrenal Cortical hormones & give any two tests to assess the functions of Adrenal Cortex ? …………………(1) 13
  • 14. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 25. Describe the interplay of hormones initiating & regulating phenomenon of ovulation. How is this knowledge clinically useful ? …………………(1) 26. Diet for Diabetic patient ? …………………(1) 27. Give an account of hormonal control of Menstrual cycle ? …………………(1) 28. Discuss the physiology of normal precocious & delayed puberty ? …………………(1) 29. Describe the physiology of Gonadotropins, Discuss their clinical applications ? ……..(1) 30. Describe the disorder of Menstrual cycle. ………..(2008) ………………..(1) 31. Describe briefly about GRAVE’S DISEASE. ……….(2008) …………………(2) 32. Describe briefly about LATENT TETANY. …………(2008) ………………..(2) 33. Describe the physiology of lactation. Discuss the role played by various hormones on the growth and development of mammary glands and lactation. …… (2008) ……..(3) 34. Writes short notes on :- (i) Human Chorionic gonadotrophin (ii) Puberty. ….. (2008) …(3) 35. Write short notes on :- (i) Tetany (ii) Use of anabolic steroids. ……..(2009) …….(1) 36. Discuss the functions and role of thymus gland. 37. Discuss the structure of the thymus and the current concept of its immunological functions. …………………(3) 14
  • 15. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 EXCREATION SYSTEM 1. Discuss the Role of Kidney in regulation of internal environment of BODY or Homeostasis ? …………………(3) 2. How is water distributed in the body, Discuss the regulation of total body water ? ……(3) 3. Discuss in detail the reabsorbasation and excreation of water by mammalian kidney. Describe the mechanisms of water and osmotic diuresis ? …………………(3) 4. Describe the mechanism of regulation of body fluids. Comment on the physiological basis for replacement of body fluids in diarrhea and burn ? …………………(3) 5. Give an account of how the body regulates Ph OF its fluids ? ………………..(3) 6. Discuss the latest concepts about the following :- ………………..(3) (a) Histology of kidney. (b) Role of kidney in regulation of Na+2 excreation. (c) Auto regulation of renal blood flow. 7. Give an account of Na+2 excreation and factors regulating it ? ………………..(3) 8. Discuss the renal tubular functions and method by which they are assessed. …….(3) 9. Discuss the basic modes of fluid transport in the mammalian nephron. …………………(3) 10. Discuss the role of kidney in regulation of acid base balance. ……………….(4) 11. Discuss the electrolyte balance in the body. ……………….(4) 15
  • 16. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 12. Discuss the pathophysiology of chronic renal failure and principals underlying its treatment. ………………..(1) 13. Discuss the pathophysiology basis and mechanism involved in the formation of oedema with special reference to role of lymphatics. …………………(1) 14. Discuss the mechanism of concentration of urine in the kidney & tests employed to assess this function. ……………(1) (2) 15. Describe the physiology basis of renal function tests. …………………(1) 16. Urea clearance test. 17. Microanatomy of nephron. 18. Countercurrent mechanism 19. Micturition reflux in spinal cord injuries. FUNCTION TEST 1. Discuss Thyroid function tests ? …………………(1) 2. Lung function test. 3. Renal function test. ………………..(2009) …………………(3) 4. Function tests for Gall Bladder. 5. Discuss physiological basis of liver function tests. ………………..(1) 16
  • 17. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 GENETICS 1. Turner’s Syndrome. …………………(4) 2. Carriage of genetic information. …………………(4) 3. T-RNA. …………………(4) 4. Discuss the factors responsible for the development of Sexual characteristics. What is sexual differential. Describe the biological function of Sex chromosomes ? …………………(4) 5. Give an account of Radio immune assay techniques used for estimation of various Sex hormones. Describe briefly recent development in non isotopic immune assays and their applications. …………………(4) 6. What is nature & function of “GENETIC CODE” ? …………………(4) 7. Describe mendelian inheritance in humans with special reference to patterns of disease inheritance. Give a brief account of chromosomal abbreation. …………………(4) 8. Write an assay on the normal & aberrant sex differentiation. …………………(4) 9. Inborn error of metabolism. …………………(4) 10. DNA. …………………(4) 11. Describe the chemical basis of genetic regulation of protein synthesis. …………………(4) 17
  • 18. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 12. Plasma genes. …………………(4) 13. Describe briefly genetic control of cell function. How are disease produce due to genetic defect. …………………(1) 14. Write SN on :- Klinfelters syndrome. …………….(2009) ………………..(1) 15. DNA finger printing. ………………(2009) …………………(4) GIT 1. Discuss the control of gastric movement and the methods of assess them. ……(3) 2. Describe mechanism regulating gastric secretion & motility. What are the factors which control emptying of stomach ? ……(3) 3. What are the functions of Gall bladder. Describe mechanism that control filling and evacuation of gall bladder ? ………………..(3) 4. Give an account of the methods to study intestinal absorption. How is fat absorbed from gut ? ………………..(3) 5. Describe and discuss the methods employed to investigate gastric function. …….(3) 6. Describe the characteristic features of pancreatic juice. …………………(3) 7. Discuss the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer and principals underlying its treatment. …(1) 8. Describe the physiological basis of various tests to assess metabolic functions of liver.(1) 18
  • 19. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 9. Describe metabolism of Bile pigments and various test to assess excretory function of liver. …………………(1) 10. Discuss post gastractomy syndrome. …………………(1) 11. Gastro intestinal hormones. 12. Cholecystokin. 13. Gastric emptying. 14. Gastric motility 15. Describe briefly about PEPTIC ULCER. ……….(2008) ……………..(1) 16. Neuro transmitters of enteric nervous system. ………….(2009) ……………...(3) HISTORY OF PHYSIOLOGY 1. William Harvey circulation. …………………(4) 2. Charak’s Oath. …………………(4) 3. Galeu Pituitary. …………………(4) 4. Claude Bernard. …………………(4) 5. Professor B. K. Anand. (YOGA) …………………(4) 6. Experiments of PAVLOV. …………….(2)(4) 19
  • 20. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 7. Samson Wright.(buffer nerve – Baroreceptor). …………………(4) 8. George Von Bekesy. …………………(4) 9. Charle’s S. Sherrington. …………………(4) 10. Best & Banting. (Insulin) …………………(4) 11. Cannon. (Segmentation Contraction, Liver as endocrine organ ) …………………(4) 12. Carl Ludwig. (told that glomerulus act as Ultra filter ) …………………(4) 13. Einthoven (ECG). 14. Starling (Secretin, Peristalsis, Heart, Tissue fluid formation) 15. Bayle’s (suspected about Myogenic Theory of autoregulation of local blood flow.) 16. Guyton (Shock, decreased cardiac output, circulatory shock). MISCELLANIOUS 1. Discuss the neuro-endocrine response of starvation. …………………(2) 2. Use of ultrasound in Medicine. ………………..(2) 3. Endocrine response to stress. …………….(2)(1) 4. Orientation in space. 5. Nitrogen equilibrium. 6. Discuss the role of skin in temperature regulation. ………………..(2) 20
  • 21. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 7. Tympanic reflex. …………………(3) 8. Polarization Microscopy. …………………(3) 9. Give an account of temperature regulating system of the body. How is cold acclimatization achieved in mammals. …………………(3) 10. Human circadian rhythm & pacemakers. ……….. (1)(3)(4) 11. Discuss the physiology of starvation of five days duration. ………………..(3) 12. Radioimmuno assay. …………….(3)(4) 13. Encephalens. ………………..(3) 14. Discuss the phenomena of hibernation. …………….(3)(4) 15. Discuss the hemodynamic and respiratory changed during exercise. …………………(3) 16. Discuss the physiological basis of Ageing (Theories). …………………(4) 17. Non visual effects of solar radiation. …………………(4) 18. Computers in Medicine. ………………..(4) 19. Acupuncture. …………………(1) 20. Fever, hyperpyrexia & heat stroke. …………………(1) 21. Endorphins. 21
  • 22. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 22. Short note on Claude Bernard Syndrome. …………….(2008) ……………..(4) 23. Write short notes on :- (i) Radioimmunoassay (ii) Functional MRI (iii) Hypothermia ………………(2009) ………………(1) 24. Regulation of registration. ………………(2009) ………………(3) 25. Sex differentiation. ……………(2009) ………………(3) 26. Intrauterine contraceptive device.(IUCD) …………….(2009) ……………..(3) 27. Discuss the physiology and biochemical process during severe degree of exercise and its recovery. ……………..(2009) ………………(4) 28. Write SN on :- (i) ANOVA (ii) Apoptosis. ……………..(2009) ………………(4) MUSCLE & NERVE 1. Initiation and propagation of Action Potential. …………………(3) 2. Electrophysiology of smooth muscles. …………………(2) 3. Troponin. …………………(2) 4. Refractory period. …………………(2) 5. How has electrophysiology helped in the study of physiology ? How does electroneurography and electromyography help us in the diagnosis of peripheral 22
  • 23. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 nerve injuries. ………………..(2) 6. Role of Ca+2 in Muscular contraction. ………………..(2) 7. Ultrastructure of neuro muscular function. ………………..(3) 8. Describe the sarcoplasmic reticulation and its role in muscle excitation. Briefly gives the theories of muscle contraction. ………………..(4) 9. Salutatory conduction of nerve impulse. …………………(4) 10. Discuss the physiological basis of Myasthenia gravis and rationale of its treatment. …(1) 11. Reaction of degeneration. …………………(1) 12. Electromyography. …………………(1) 13. Reaction of degeneration. 14. Chronaxi & Rheobase. 15. Describe the pathophysiology of Muscular dystrophy. ………(2008) ………………..(1) 16. Describe structure, electrical property and mechanism of contraction of smooth muscle. ……….(2008) ……………….(2) 17. Short note on :- EMG. …………(2009) ……………….(2) NUTRITION & METABOLISM 1. Essential fatty acids. …………………(2) 23
  • 24. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 2. Discuss metabolism of Nucleoproteins. …………………(2) 3. Describe the formation and fate of Acetyl Co-Enzyme A ? …………………(2) 4. Describe Kreb’s Citric Acid cycle ? …………………(2) 5. Describe the oxidation of glucose by the pentose shunt pathway. …………………(3) 6. Discuss the mechanism involved in the process of detoxification. …………………(3) 7. Discuss biological oxidation. …………………(2) 8. Discuss the fate of Amino acids in the body. …………………(3) 9. Discuss the control mechanisms of energy stores of the body. How are they measured. 10. Inborn error of metabolism. …………………(4) 11. Discuss the role of nutrition in growth & development of body with special reference of brain. …………………(1) 12. Describe common cause of malnutrition in our Country with special reference to your recommendation for modifying local diet. …………………(1) 13. Discuss the metabolism significance of the trace elements. What disturbances are caused by their deficiency ? …………………(1) 14. What is meant by Malnutrition. Describe important clinical manifestation of Severe protein deficiency ? …………………(1) 24
  • 25. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 15. Describe the deficiency of factors of Vitamin B complex. …………………(1) RESPIRATORY 1. Write short note on :- Carbon dioxide dissociation curve. ………….(2009) ……..(2) 2. Discuss the static & dynamic lung function tests and give a detailed account of their applied value. ………………..(2008) ………………(4) 3. Bezold-Jerisch Reflex and its physiological significance. …………(2009) …………………(3) SPECIAL SENSES 1. Describe in brief the histological structure of retina & discuss its receptor function with special reference to theories of color vision. …………………(2) 2. Discuss neurophysiology of vision. …………………(2) 3. Audiometry. …………………(2) 4. Colour blindness. …………………(2) 5. Discuss the role of vestibular apparatus in the maintenance of position & equilibrium.(2) 6. Organ of corti. …………………(2) 7. Photochemistry of vision. …………………(2) 25
  • 26. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 8. Binocular vision. …………………(2) 9. Mechanism of pitch and intensity discrimination of the sound by the ear. …………………(2) 10. Photoreceptor. …………………(2) 11. Cochlear micro phonic potentials. …………………(2) 12. Describe role of cornea in normal vision. …………………(2) 13. Describe how intraocular and extra ocular muscles make the eye perfect organ of sight. 14. Give the electrophysiology of hearing. …………………(3) 15. Tympanic reflex. …………………(3) 16. What is the central and peripheral mechanism of color vision. Give an account of abnormal color vision. …………………(3) 17. Tests of hearing. ………………..(1) 18. Nystagamus. …………………(1) 19. Describe the electrophysiology of photoreceptors and a note on electro- retinogram. ……….(2008) ……(2) STATISTICS 26
  • 27. M.D .Physiology University Exams Question Bank 9 July 2012 1. Analysis of variance & Co-variance. …………………(4) 2. Mean, median & mode. …………………(4) 3. Standard deviation. …………….(2)(4) 4. Students ‘T’ test. …………….(2)(4) 5. What is importance of statistics in Medical Practice. …………………(4) 6. Standard error. What information can be obtained from it about the validity of the results of observation. …………………(4) 7. What is meant by the terms Unimodal, Bimodal and Skew distribution of a sample. Define standard deviation & explain how one SD away from the mean in a reasonably symmetrical unimodal distribution covers almost 66% of the expected value of the sample. …………………(4) 8. Independent & paired sample comparison. ……………(2008) …………………(4) Note- value in Bracket shows paper no. 27