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love at work®                September 2005

 In The Franciscan Spirit of St. Anthony
                           ST. ANTHONY S GUILD
     love at work        4 Jersey Street, East Rutherford, NJ 07073-1012
September 2005

Dear Friend of St. Anthony,
  Back in 1996, St. Anthony’s Guild members and readers of The Anthonian
were first introduced to Father Joseph M. Hertel, OFM, shortly after he was
named Guild director.
  Fr. Joseph’s ties to the Paterson-based Guild sprout from the branches of
his family tree, since his mother, Marie, worked at the Guild during the 1960s.
  A Paterson native, Fr. Joseph attended the Franciscan-run St. Bonaventure
Grammar School and St. Bonaventure High School, both in the city. He later
attended St. Bonaventure University in Western New York.
  This summer, Fr. Joseph was assigned to serve as pastor of St. Joseph’s
Church in East Rutherford, N.J., and I was named his Guild successor.
  I want to personally thank Fr. Joseph for consistently upholding the tradition
of serving the Guild’s devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. During his years as
director, he has also continuously reached out to the needs of the less fortu-
nate through the various ministries supported through you, our faithful Guild
  Through your prayers, your support and your generous donations, we have
been able to continue the tradition of Love at Work that Fr. Joseph and past
Guild directors followed.
  In addition to a new Administration, the Guild office has recently been
moved inside Sacred Heart Friary in East Rutherford, N.J.
  As we begin a new journey together, I am extremely grateful to have the
opportunity to serve you and share the wonderful Franciscan spirit with our
readers. Together, we can continue to uphold the values of St. Francis and
share our ministries of Love at Work.

   In St. Anthony,

   Fr. John T. Piccione, OFM
   Director of St. Anthony’s Guild
  COVER: Fr. John T. Piccione, OFM, new Director of St. Anthony’s Guild,
meets with former Director Fr. Joseph M. Hertel, OFM, at his new pastorate,
St. Joseph’s Church, East Rutherford, N.J.
  THE ANTHONIAN shows God’s Love at Work in today’s world through the ministries
   of the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province supported by the generosity of the
                             members of St. Anthony’s Guild.
THE ANTHONIAN (ISSN 1060-0345) (USPS 026-880) is published quarterly by THE FRANCISCANS (Holy Name Province),
St. Anthony s Guild, 4 Jersey St. East Rutherford, NJ, 07073-1012. Copyright © 2005 by St. Anthony s Guild. All rights reserved.
Volume 79, No. 3, September 2005. Member of the Catholic Press Association. Editorial ministry and design: Phillip Jacobs, John
Zawadzinski, Fr. Cassian A. Miles, OFM, Br. Jim Mcintosh, OFM, Br. Octavio Duran, OFM. Printing: R.K. Graphics. Membership
in St. Anthony s Guild is ten dollars ($10) annually and includes THE ANTHONIAN. Single copy price: $1. Third Class Nonprofit
Postage Paid at Paterson NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Anthony s Guild, 4 Jersey
St. East Rutherford, NJ, 07073-1012.
The                                    September 2005 V0L. 79 NO. 3

                      CON                   tENtS
      2             Our New Home

      8             New Provincial Leadership

      10            Living the Mass

      13            What is a Peace Pole?

      14            Instrument of Peace

      19            New Sons of St. Francis

      21            Just Faith

      24            Not Your Typical Pantry

      26            Let the Children Come

      28            Friars’ Corner

      31            And Now from Our Readers

      “Only from the Eucharist does the single believer find inspi-
      ration and strength to live in an original way and fully the
      Christian experience. St. Francis was well aware of this
      when he said, ‘I see nothing bodily of the Most High Son of
      God in this world except his most holy Body and Blood.’ ”
      —Emanuela De Nunzio, SFO

          Year of the Eucharist
                  2005                                                1
St. Francis of Assisi preaches to the birds.
       t. Anthony’s Guild employees Martin
       Ortega (top left), Mary Ellen Behan
       and Sister of Charity Marian Bishop
are hard at work processing incoming
requests from Guild supporters. Rose
Marie Reyes (center) balances the Guild
books, while John Zawadzinski (seated
left), and Phillip Jacobs make up the
award-winning lay staff of The Anthonian
  Joan Gruber, who has worked for the
Guild since 1966, prepares the outgoing
mail in the basement of Sacred Heart
Prayer to Saint Anthony
    Pray me a prayer,
    Fast me a fast,
    Burn out my heart—
    Remold it, recast.

    Preach me a lesson,
    A fiery plea.
    Show me a heaven,
    St. Anthony.

    Bless me a blessing,
    Shame me a shame;
    Rekindle my love
    In your soaring flame.

    Slay me my dragon,
    Sow all his teeth;
    Reap me sweet harvest
    Of myrtle leaf.

    Dirge me a sorrow;
    Absolve me a sin;
    Swing wide my soul
    To let Him in.     —Peg McGuire

F        ather John J. O’Connor, OFM (inset), was elected to a six-
         year term as the Provincial Minister of Holy Name Province
at the Provincial Chapter held May 29-June 3 on the campus of
Siena College outside of Albany, New York. Some 150 friars
reaffirmed their commitments to serving the Church and society
today in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
Living the Mass
                          BY FR. WILLIAM DEBIASE
 We come to the Eucharist to grow more fervent in faith.

    n Pope John Paul II’s foundation-       We each come to the Eucharist in
    al document on the Year of the        a special way, looking to God with
    Eucharist, he tells us that if the    our own hopes, needs and all those
year brings about nothing more than       things that go to make us who we
a “more fervent participation in          are. These have to be respected, but
Sunday liturgy and devotion to the        the community also has a prayer,
Blessed Sacrament outside of              which is the purpose of the opening
Mass,” he would consider this spe-        prayer. The community joins with one
cial year a success. Now let us look      heart asking God for some spiritual
at the various parts of the Mass with     good.
the hope that these simple reflec-          Although these petitions will
tions will help you take part with        change with the year, they will focus
greater fervor.                           on a desire to have a deeper rela-
  From the moment the congregation        tionship with God. We stand before
gathers, the Lord, through the Holy       God with our hands and hearts open,
Spirit, is present. It is so necessary    ever ready to receive the graces he
to affirm the fact that the decision “I   wants to give us.
am going to Mass” is a gift from God
not only to the individual but to the
entire community. We gather to offer
the sacrifice in his name. We are
                                          I  n the Liturgy of the Word, we hear
                                             of the marvelous works of God, or
                                          at times we hear the expectations he
bound together as a worshiping com-       has of us. The readings from the Old
munity, the living stones, through the    and the New Testament remind us of
Holy Spirit, and we are turned to the     the continuity of the history of God
Father. At the Eucharist, we are pre-     with his people. The Word of God
eminently the Trinitarian people.         enlightens our minds and hearts.
  WE GATHER not because we are              When the Gospel is proclaimed,
worthy but, on the contrary, we come      our Lord proclaims through the
as sinners. In the penitential rite, we   human instrument of a priest or dea-
place ourselves with the prodigal son     con who announces the Good News,
of Luke 15. We come bearing the           as Vatican II reminds us.
weight of our humanity. That is why           The homily brings out the meaning
that prayer with which we begin the       of the Word in an understandable
celebration should vibrate within us:     way to the congregation. What does
“Lord have mercy.” We acknowledge         the Word mean to us today? How
with this prayer that we are still pil-   can we respond to it? What does
grims—still carrying the joys, hopes,     God want from us? These are some
              failures of the human       questions the homily should address.
              condition.                  I firmly believe that every homily has
  10                                      something for someone.
The gifts of the bread and wine will      It is not only the gathered congre-
become our spiritual food and drink.     gation which sings this hymn with
With them, we combine our own gifts      Jesus. The Eucharistic prayer gath-
for the day. At this time, we are        ers the entire Church, the
reminded that the only thing we real-    Communion of Saints. We remember
ly have to give to God is ourselves.     all who have gone before us. We
Sometimes we come to the Eucharist       remember Mary, the Apostles and all
with good things. Other times, the       the Saints. Heaven, earth and purga-
only thing we have to offer the Lord     tory are joined with the Lord, the
is our human weakness. In both           great High Priest in this act of praise.
cases, it is who I am and that is what      The Eucharistic Prayer comes to
the Lord wants.                          an end with a summary of what has
  “The Lord be with you,” “Lift up       taken place. “Through Him, with Him
your hearts.” With these words, we       and in Him in the unity of the Holy
begin the Preface, the great prayer      Spirit all glory and honor is yours
of thanksgiving in and through the       Almighty Father.” The community
Lord. A particular mystery of the Lord   sings the great Amen, the acknowl-
is made present. We are invited to       edgement of the great mystery which
enter into that mystery. We are          has just taken place. We sign our
placed in a new dimension of exis-       name to the Paschal Mystery of the
tence, as we sing with the angels        Lord. The sacrifice of reconciliation
and saints that great hymn of praise,    which has made our peace with God
“Holy, Holy, Holy.” We stand in the      has been sacramentally made pres-
presence of God with the entire          ent to us. Having lifted our hands to
heavenly court.                          Our Father, we are able to share that
  WE NOW BEGIN the central part          peace with others.
of the Eucharist. “Presence” is the         THE SACRIFICE is complete and
operative word for the Eucharistic       now we prepare ourselves to eat the
Prayer. All of creation stands before    food of sacrifice. In Scripture, this
the Father, with the Son, bound by       was an important part of the ritual.
the Holy Spirit, giving thanksgiving     The sacrificial lamb had to be eaten.
and praise. In the Consecration, the     So we are asked to share in the
Lord who has been with us from the       meal. It is not a lamb, but the Lord
beginning of the celebration now         who comes to us as the “bread of
makes the great act of redemption        heaven.” We receive the Lord as
sacramentally present. Calvary and       Bread for our pilgrimage, so we may
Easter Sunday are made present,          become him. Communion is life shar-
and we are caught up in that great       ing. The Lord comes, sharing his life
hymn. The Lord comes down from           with us. We truly are Christ bearers.
heaven to bring us up.                      The prayer after Communion is
  Every Mass is a renewal of the         usually a simple request to be true to
sacred contract between God and          the mystery we have received and
his people, an opportunity to renew      to grow in love, the object of the
our contract with God, to renew our      Eucharist. We are then sent forth to
        baptismal promises.              live the mystery we have celebrated
12                                       and be the bread of life for others.
What is a Peace Pole?

       he Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of
       the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, stand-
       ing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.
  The Peace Pole is a handcrafted monument that displays the
message and prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth” on each of
its four or six sides, usually in different languages. There are
more than 250,000 Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the
world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as con-
stant reminders to visualize and pray for world peace.
  Usually a Peace Pole is eight feet tall with the bottom “plant-
ed” in the ground, although many indoor Peace Poles are sup-
ported by stands. It may be constructed from any material that
is environmentally sound. In the United States, most Peace
Poles are made from western red cedar, a wood that is a
renewable resource. Peace Poles may be made from any local
hard wood, or from plastic or metal.
  A Peace Pole may grace a town square, a school, a park, a
place of worship, an office or a garden. Or it can put forth the
community as an example of how to live in peace. Whatever the
location, the presence of a Peace Pole announces that this is a
special place, dedicated to peace on earth.
  Planting a Peace Pole is a way to bring people together on an
inspiring project to join in a network of peace consciousness
that is emerging all over the world.
  Peace lovers of all faiths have been involved in Peace Pole
dedications, including the 14th Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, for-
mer President Jimmy Carter, Deepak Chopra, and John Den-
ver, as well as mayors, clubs and Girl Scouts.
  There are Peace Poles on the Allenby Bridge between Israel
and Jordan; at the Peace Park where 84 Peace Poles com-
memorate the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City; at the War
Museum in Vietnam; at Robben Island in South Africa, where
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned; at the Pyramids of El Giza in
Egypt; at the site of the baptism of Jesus at Bethany-Beyond-
the-Jordan; and at schools, churches, synagogues, mosques
and temples across the United States and around the world.
  Friars whose education was supported by members of St.
Anthony’s Guild have set up Peace Poles at St. Camillus
Church, Silver Spring, Md.; St. Francis Church, Triangle, Va.;
St. Francis Church, New York City; St. Anthony Church, Butler,
N.J.; the four churches on Long Beach Island, N.J.; and on the
campus at Siena College, Loudonville, N.Y.
“No one is
to be called
an enemy, all
are your
and no one
does you
harm. You
have no
enemy except
     St. Francis

      Fr. Joseph Nangle, OFM, has been an instrument of
     peace healing wounds of people scarred by war.
“If God can work through me, he ca
an work through anyone.” St. Francis of Assisi
    n a radio interview at Siena College during the Provincial Chapter
    of Holy Name Province in June, two leaders of the Franciscan
    Order, General Definitor Finian McGinn and General Minister José
Rodríguez Carballo, commented on the worldwide peacemaking
efforts of the friars.
   Twenty four local contacts of the Province’s ecology and peace-ori-
ented ministries took part in a planning retreat in Washington, D.C.,
July 15-17. “It was exciting, inspiring and humbling to hear the many
good peacemaking ministries in the Province,” noted Russell Testa,
the Province’s animator for social justice.

                                                          F    r. Richard
                                                               Flaherty, OFM,
                                                          hopes that with his
                                                          listening ear he
                                                          may bring peace to
                                                          a youth outside St.
                                                          Anthony Shrine in
New Sons of St. Francis
         ine novices professed first      Mokry, OFM, received the vows of
         vows during a Mass in St.        the Canadian friars and concelebrat-
         Paul’s Church, Wilmington,       ed. Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli of
Del., on June 11. Six friars are mem-     Wilmington was also present.
bers of Holy Name Province:                 The newly professed spent the past
Brothers Frederick Dilger, Lawrence       year in formation at St. Paul’s novi-
Anderson, Robert Mayer, Harry             tiate under director Father Thomas
Monaco, Timothy Powers, and               Gallagher, OFM, and assistant direc-
Patrick Rohan. Three are members          tor Father Flavian Walsh, OFM, who
of the Province of Christ the King,       took part in the liturgy.
Edmonton, Canada: Brothers Daniel           Brs. Frederick, Timothy and Robert
Gurnick, Armand Mercier, and James        pursued studies at The Franciscan
Rodrigo.                                  Institute, St. Bonaventure University,
  How grateful we are to Guild mem-       during the summer. Br. Lawrence
bers for their support of our young       ministered at St. Anthony Shrine,
friars. Guild members will be remem-      Boston, and Br. Patrick ministered at
bered in their prayers.                   St. Camillus Church, Silver Spring,
  Provincial Minister John O’Connor,      Md. They continued their Franciscan
OFM, celebrated the Mass, delivered       formation in late August at
the homily and received the vows of       Holy Name College in          19
the friars. Provincial Minister Fr. Bob   Silver Spring.
20 Minister John O’Connor and Canadian Provincial Minister Fr. Bob
Mokry shared the joy of the profession ceremony with family members and friends.

By going to jail, Franciscan parishioners learn how to
integrate spirituality and social justice issues. By John Zawadzinski

         handful of parishioners           parishioners. These sessions or “bor-
         recently “did time” in Passaic    der crossings” are a key component
         County Jail, Paterson,N.J.,–      of the JustFaith program.
that is, visiting inmates as part of the      “This is very important because it
JustFaith program.                         puts faces on the statistics,” said
  The group from St. Mary’s Parish,        Barbara Lisa-Johnson, a JustFaith
Pompton Lakes, N.J., arrived in two        facilitator. “We don’t always human-
blue vans, before Detective                ize these people or hear their stories
Commander Michael Terlizzi greeted         and circumstances that brought them
them in the jail parking lot and           to where they are.”
walked them inside. After a security          JustFaith is a conversion-based
clearance and a brief orientation, the     process that the Franciscan friars at
group toured the jail. They later gath-    St. Mary’s decided to establish as a
ered inside the chapel, where they         means of integrating personal spiritu-
met and spoke to inmates during            ality and social ministry within parish
one-on-one encounters.                     life.
  As an armed guard kept a watchful           Founded in Louisville,
eye on the events, inmates shared          Ky., in 1989 by Jack            21
their personal stories with St. Mary’s     Jezreel, JustFaith aims to
empower people to develop a pas-           n addition to utilizing an extended
sion and thirst for justice and to         reading list, members of JustFaith
express these concrete acts of             also attend retreats and partici-
parish social ministry.                pate in one-on-one encounters with
  “I wanted to prepare participants to the poor and marginalized. These
become prophets or leaders of social   encounters take place at jails and
mission, so I devoted the curriculum   drug and alcohol rehabilitation cen-
to the Church’s tradi-                              ters, among others.
tion of care for the vul-                             To date, more than 50
nerable,” wrote Jezreel                             parishioners from the St.
in JustFaith: Strategy of “The JustFaith Mary’s JustFaith pro-
Education and Social
                           program does gram have participated
                                                    in these experiences.
Ministry Formation. “I     make a differ- The encounters were so
offered the program for                             powerful, the parish
the first time, not know- ence because              brought a confirmation
ing if anyone would be                              class to visit inmates.
interested,” he said.      it’s one of the
  Since that time, hun-                               “It’s very important for
dreds of groups have
                           best programs our parishioners to have
participated in the        out there,”              these one-on-one
JustFaith program.                                  encounters,” said Jackie
Within the Province, the Franciscan    Schramm, director of St. Mary’s
friars have established these parish   social justice ministry. “These
programs at St. Bonaventure            encounters connect social justice
Church, Allegany, N.Y.; St. Camillus,  issues right inside the jail – drugs,
Silver Spring, Md.; St. Mary of the    racism, human dignity and so many
Angels, Anderson, S.C.; Immaculate     other social justices. It’s very power-
Conception, Durham, N.C.; St.          ful.”
Francis of Assisi, Raleigh, N.C.; St.    The St. Mary’s JustFaith program
Francis, Triangle, Va.; and at the     began two years ago after Russell
University of Georgia, Athens,         Testa, the provincial animator of
among others.                          Justice Peace and Integrity of
                                       Creation, organized a JustFaith ses-

     During the 30-week JustFaith program, participants meet weekly to
    watch videos, pray and hold discussions about social justice issues.
sion at St. Joseph’s Church in East       of the program. This brings action
Rutherford, N.J.                          and prayer together, and that’s
  During that session, Testa intro-       important.”
duced the history of the program to          As a result of St. Mary’s JustFaith
more than 40 participants, including      program, a core group of six mem-
those representing Holy Name              bers has shown an interest in estab-
Province and churches from the            lishing a jail ministry. The program,
Paterson Diocese. He also dis-            still in its early stages, is being
cussed how parishes could set up          designed to serve as a deterrent for
JustFaith programs within their local     young adults who might be negative-
parish ministries.                        ly influenced by drugs, gangs and
  Holy Name Province used money           crime.
from its Benevolence Fund to help            “If we could stop some of these
offset the cost of JustFaith books,       kids from going to jail, we will try,”
videos and retreats. Donations from-      said Jim Hubert, a member of
members of St. Anthony’s Guild con-       JustFaith and a St. Mary’s parish-
tribute to the support of that fund.      ioner. “We wanted to explore
  “The JustFaith program does make        JustFaith further and do something,
a difference because it’s one of the      because we’re not going to sit on our
best programs out there,” Testa said.     hands and wait for someone else to
“It’s a long program and it’s intense.    do it. All the possibilities are there.
There’s interaction with the poor and     We just have to develop them.”
marginalized, and that’s a huge part

  Some members of the St. Mary’s JustFaith group met for a reunion last summer.

Not Your Typical Pantry
                                                                 YOUR FRIARS TODAY

Expanded grocery store in Providence offers
clients choice of free food. By JOHN ZAWADZINSKI

   n some cases,
   bigger is better.

  The Franciscans
of Holy Name
Province celebrat-
ed the dedication
and grand opening
of the Poverello
Center in the
Olneyville section
of Povidence, R.I.,
in May.
  The 2,000-
square-foot center,
which looks like a
small grocery
store, offers its
clients free food, a
                             A riotous ribbon cutting with (from left) Poverello Center
majority of which is
                            Director Elizabeth O’Dea, former Provincial Minister Fr. John
donated by the              Felice, OFM, Providence Mayor David Ciccilline, Fr. Frank
Rhode Island                Sevola, OFM, and City Councilman John Igliozzi.
Community Food                                  Mogavero, a local businessman,
Bank, as well as individual and com-            allowed the friars to use the 1,000-
pany donations from local business-             square-foot building free of charge.
es.                                               “I wanted nothing from them,
  Father John Felice, OFM, then in              because I was giving back to the
his last term as Provincial Minister,           Franciscans,” he said. “A lot of peo-
was on hand to dedicate the new                 ple don’t understand how much the
building located at 668 Hartford Ave.           friars have done for this city.”
Prior to opening as the Poverello                 When the needs of the people out-
Center, the space once housed a                 grew the former location, it was
barbershop and at one time, a flower            determined the most logical alterna-
shop.                                           tive was to purchase a place the fri-
  The former St. Francis Food Center            ars could own.
was located on Elm Street in the                  “We needed a new place to go,”
city’s jewelry district. It was also run        said Father Frank Sevola, OFM,
under the auspices of the St. Francis           Director of St. Francis Chapel and
             Chapel and City Ministry           City Ministry Center since 2002. “As
  24 Center. Since 1999, the                    we started planning, we decided we
             building’s owner, Lee
could serve more people in a bigger         when they shop.
space and we could offer more serv-           “We stress that we’re all on the
ices. We’re able to have a larger           same page when they (clients) come
shopping area and we’re also able to        here,” O’Dea said. “You always here
offer our clients more food.”               the friars say, ‘All are welcome’ and
  Through a six-month capital cam-          this place is very inviting and has a
paign, $1.5 million was raised for the      great feel to it.”
new center. Of that, more than                IN ADDITION the friars offering
$250,000 was used for purchase,             their clients food, their Poverello
with $100,000 going towards renova-         Center will also host a satellite of its
tions. The remaining funds were             Wellness Center.The center will hold
placed into an endowment to help            a cancer screening program for
pay for operating costs and other           women and offer a social services
expenses.                                   aspect referring clients to profession-
  SINCE 1999, the Holy Name                 als who could help them with issues
Province Benevolence Fund has               ranging from everything from domes-
contributed grant money to the              tic abuse to drug or alcohol counsel-
chapel and ministry center. The             ing.
province recently allotted $15,000 to         “The work we do here is so neces-
the program as part of its 2006 fiscal      sary, and I really believe that faith
year Benevolence Grant contribu-            without action is an empty feeling,”
tions.                                      O’Dea said. “The Franciscans have
  “It’s exciting that people have           been here for 50 years and people
stepped up to the plate, both finan-        have really paid attention to what
cially and with other types of sup-         they have been doing.”
port,” Fr. Frank said. “It’s very excit-
ing to get a more significant
Franciscan presence in the
Providence area. Especially moving
into a poorer neighborhood where
our presence is going to be felt a
great deal.”
  Just like the St. Francis Food
Center, the Poverello Center will be
the largest “client-choice” food center
in Rhode Island. According to
Elizabeth O’Dea, the center’s senior
director, client-choice isn’t like your
traditional food pantry.
  Instead of just handing clients a
bag of groceries, the clients are able
to shop the aisles and take whatever         Left to right: Mary Rossi and
they need. Not only does this cut          Dominique Perez serve as volunteers
down on wasted food, it provides a         and Beverly Infussi is a nurse on the
positive environment and allows the        staff of the Wellness Center satellite that
clients to maintain a sense of dignity     will offer clients screenings of choles-
                                           terol, glucose and blood pressure.

                                                        By JOHN ZAWADZINSKI

Nationally Recognized Childcare Program Flourishes
in South Jersey Franciscan Parish.

    n New Jersey’s Ocean County,        the people, but we’re here to help
    there’s no place like the St.       them in a lot of different ways,”
    Francis Center—the multi-million    Father Andrew Reitz, OFM, said.
dollar/multi-purpose facility located   “We look at our center as our focus
on Long Beach Boulevard on Long         of outreach and concern.”
Beach Island. The center houses an        The childcare program, which has
indoor swimming pool with a             been in existence since 1984, pro-
retractable roof, administrative        vides children with a comprehensive
offices, multi-purpose rooms, and       curriculum of art, math, reading, sci-
food pantry.                            ence and physical development. It
  On any particular afternoon, the      also encompasses a year-round pre-
center, established by the Franciscan   school, vacation club and after-
friars in the early 1970s, might be     school program for 100 of the coun-
used for a basketball camp, day         ty’s neediest children. Open five
care, senior citizen computer class-    days a week from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
es, counseling and family services,     the program has been nationally rec-
among others. It is also home to a      ognized and certified by the National
number of vital outreach programs,      Association for the Education of
including the St. Francis Childcare     Young Children.
Program.                                  “In all of Ocean County, we are
  “We’re here for the spirituality of   most likely the only program of this
nature,” said Robert Hazlett, execu-        The program is so vital to low
tive director of St. Francis Center.      income and working poor families,
“Over the years, we’ve proved that        there is a waiting list of more than 50
this is a viable program.”                students. According to Kelly, not a
   The goal of the childcare program      day goes by where she doesn’t
is to assist low income and working       receive a call from a concerned par-
poor families to retain quality day-      ent wondering if their child could be
care for their children. Clients who      added to the yearlong waiting list.
send their children to the program          To provide these affordable servic-
also include single adult families        es, the state pays a portion of child-
residing in Southern Ocean County.        care and the families pay a co-pay
   “This program is a God-send for a      fee, which amounts to $660 annually.
lot of families,” said Maria Kelly,       Since most of the families still could-
director of children’s services at                n’t afford the co-pay, the Holy
St. Francis Center. “The fam-
ilies are very grateful.”
                                ‘We                   Name Province
                                                         Benevolence Fund donat-
   Although Long Beach                                    ed $19,800 to the pro-
Island is an affluent
community and a popu-
                             really do                      gram.
                                                               These funds have
lar summer vacation
destination for families     reach an                        allowed the families to
                                                             pay half of the co-pay
residing within New                                          ($330) for 60 stu-
Jersey, Philadelphia
and Delaware, it also
                            important                        dents.
                                                               “Without the funding
has its fair share of
needy residents.             clientele’                    from the Benevolence
                                                          Fund, we wouldn’t be
   There is a large Mexican                             able to keep going,” Kelly
and Central American popu-                            said. “If these families have
lation that helps the tourist indus-             nowhere to put the kids, they
try thrive. In addition, a number of      can’t keep working.”
those of Central American and               Through start-up money donated
Mexican descent support themselves        by the Province, St. Francis later
and their families by working in build-   secured additional funds from the
ing trades or in the restaurant indus-    United Way. The generous contribu-
try.                                      tions from the Province and the
   A number of these families send        United Way kept the program in
their children to the St. Francis         operation, allowing the needs of the
Center, because they can’t afford a       less fortunate to be met.
traditional nursery school.                 “It all goes back to Matthew’s
   “We really do reach an important       Gospel, Chapter 25, ‘For I was hun-
clientele,” Kelly said. “The people are   gry and you gave me food, for I was
very grateful for a safe and nurturing    thirsty and you gave me drink,’ and I
environment, and they’re happy for        think we’re fulfilling that mission
all the extras we offer, like counsel-    here,” Fr. Andrew said. “It feels good
ing and parenting assistance work-        to be able to respond to
shops.”                                   the needs of the people.”         27
Friars’ Corner
Eucharist: Healing the Sinful

         orpus Christi celebrates the     just in your sight, 0 God.” And Psalm
         Feast of the Holy Eucharist,     51 teaches: “In guilt I was born; a
         the sacrament that is the        sinner was I conceived.”
heart and soul of Roman Catholic             These words are not liturgical
spirituality, as Pope Benedict just       hyperbole. If worthiness were the
recently reminded us. Corpus Christi      measuring stick for going to
points up the centrality of the           Communion, nobody would receive,
Eucharist in Roman Catholic spiri-          including the pope, bishops, and
tuality. The feast of Corpus                    priests. We are all sinners, in
Christi originated in the 13th                    varying degrees admittedly,
century as a reaction                               but nonetheless, sinners.
against the earlier                                  Judas was a sinner who
Berengarian heresy. The                              betrayed Jesus; Peter was a
monk, Beringarius, denied                           sinner, who denied he even
the real presence of Jesus in                       knew Jesus. Even though
the Eucharist. Berengarius                        Jesus knew their sinfulness, he
was the precursor of the                       still shared the Eucharist with
Reformation idea that Jesus’ words        them at the Last Supper. Jesus
at the Last Supper were to be taken       understood that the Eucharist is spiri-
figuratively, not literally. For the      tual medicine for healing sinful souls.
reformers, the Eucharistic meal rep-         The Eucharist is the instrument par
resents only a memorial of the Last       excellence for healing, not punishing,
Supper.                                   nor coercing people to force them
  This point of view denies the real,     into line. There are other non-sacra-
sacramental presence of Jesus in          mental ways of doing that, when it
the Eucharist. The Reformation sent       needs to be done.
a whole section of Christianity on a         No one had to tell Jesus that all
path that led it totally away from the    human beings are sinners. But many
Eucharist as the center of Christian      of the Jews of his day forgot that we
spirituality. Very few Christian          are all sinners. In fact, to make his
churches have devotion to the             point, Jesus challenged the self-
Blessed Sacrament, or regular             righteous Jews who were about to
Eucharistic celebration of Holy           stone the woman caught in adultery:
Communion.                                “Let the one without sin cast the first
  The 2004 election flap about who is     stone.” Then Jesus bent down and
worthy to receive Holy Communion          wrote on the ground, and they all
and who is not has the makings of         silently slipped away. They finally got
an interesting conversation. If worthi-   the message: we are all sinners.
ness were the criterion, why do we           This act of Jesus was not meant to
say at every Mass, “Lord, I am not        justify sinful conduct, but rather a
              worthy”? Psalm 143          reminder that all of us need God’s
  28 reminds us how unworthy
              all of us are: “No one is
We approach Holy Communion, not       with God. We call receiving the
because we are worthy, but because       Eucharist “Holy Communion,”
God’s mercy and love forgives our        because it unites us with God in a
unworthiness.                            special sacramental way. Saints
   I was ordained on the Feast of        were sinners who, in spite of their
Corpus Christi, and it was not           human limitations, found a way to
because I was worthy.                    have a saving relationship with God.
   Catholics believe Jesus meant           St. John teaches, “The Word
what he said when he declared the        became flesh and pitched his tent
bread was his body and the wine          among us.”
was his blood. Catholics have always       Jesus Christ is the visible presence
interpreted this passage of the Bible    of the invisible God, whereby human-
literally. When we receive the           ity encounters the divinity in a heal-
Eucharist at Mass, our faith affirms     ing, saving way. Jesus Christ
that we truly encounter Jesus him-       —FR. STEPHEN LYNCH, OFM
self in this sacrament. The Eucharist
brings us into special relationship

            ‘Wake up and Smell the Roses’

           he more times change, the     ago. Here was a 20th century man,
           more they remain the          dying from Lou Gehrig’s Disease,
           same.” That hit home          reflecting on today’s world, and
recently when I casually picked up       sounding the same message that
my well-worn copy of Mitch Albom’s       Francis had preached in the 13th
Tuesdays with Morrie and quite by        century. To anyone dismissing as
accident opened it to the eighth         irrelevant the saint’s insistence on
Tuesday.                                 detachment from material posses-
    Out from the page jumped a para-     sions because they impeded com-
graph I had previously highlighted.      plete surrender to God, it is a call to
Morrie is telling his friend Mitch how   wake up and smell the roses.
people today are being brainwashed            Relevancy is not measured in
into equating more with good. “More      years. In fact, when you think about
money is good. More property is          it, the obvious conclusion is that
good. More is good.”                     Francis’ embrace of Gospel poverty
    He goes on to explain that that      has never been more meaningful
refrain has convinced people that        than it is today. It’s kind of startling
gobbling up a new car, a piece of        —a dying Jewish academician and a
property, the newest toy, more of        saint, dead for eight centuries, look-
this, more of that, is nothing but an    ing at the sickness of their societies
unending and unsuccessful effort to      and offering the same remedy.
find happiness by way of material             Here is Morrie with his debunking
substitutes, and it never works.         of today’s sales pitch as equating
    All of a sudden it struck me. What   happiness with material goods estab-
he was saying was exactly what St.       lishing even more of a
Francis of Assisi had said centuries     validity now than when it        29
resounded up and down the Umbrian            tion that today’s world keeps sound-
hills centuries ago.                         ing and resounding in our ears. It
   The more you think about today’s          was not then and is not now that
world, the stranger and more bizarre         material goods are intrinsically evil;
it becomes. Here we are—with the             otherwise, being poor would be tan-
highest standard of living in history,       tamount to sanctity.
each day’s sun rising on still another          The Poverello renounced riches in
comfort-toy to play with—and a               order to find the treasure which is
planned obsolescence that almost             God. In nothingness he discovered
guarantees a landfill destiny.               everything. In the oyster of detach-
   We have evolved into a society            ment he found the pearl of Christ-
almost deafened by the drumbeat of           likeness. He antedated Morrie’s
“more is better” to the point where          recognition that more is not good
sublimally our minds absorb it like a        and things do not produce happi-
giant sponge, and we don’t even              ness.
realize that we are now carrying it in          But both men are right on target
our backpacks.                               when they tell us that the weight of
                                             possessions can encumber us, even
   So we accept the commercial siren
                                             force us to the ground. Then what
song of luxuries converted into
                                             happens? Our eyes can no longer
necessities, the finite portal to infinite
                                             look upwards to the real source of
delight, the here and now erasing the
                                             happiness: God. Not because He is
hereafter, and the physical strangling
                                             not there; it is because we need to
the spiritual without recognizing the
                                             get rid of all the junk-substitutes to
dynamic that is the driving force
                                             raise our heads and find him.
behind it.
                                               May we be strong in faith.
   Centuries ago, Francis preached
                                             —FR. JOEL CAMPBELL, OFM
rejection of the same alluring invita-

             J O U R N E Y W I T H THE FRANCISCA N S !
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                  (membership includes The Anthonian magazine)
I would like to learn more about the Franciscan way of life. Please send me
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Mail to:   ST. ANTHONY’S GUILD, 4 Jersey St., East Rutherford, NJ 07073-1012
. . . And Now from
                                          Our Readers

Cheaper Rates                             ed and frightened. To dear St.

          hen my son Dan was about        Anthony did I go. For one week, I
          eight, he lost something.       bombarded that gentle soul with
          After a while, I told him       prayers. In exactly one week, she
about when I was a kid and how if         was completely exonerated, reinstat-
you pray to St. Anthony with a prom-      ed, given a raise and, best of all,
ise of an offering to the poor, he’ll     was instrumental in having that store
help you find it. After maybe another     policy changed so no one would ever
half hour and desperate, he came          have to go through what she did.
into me and said, “Mom, that St.          When St. Anthony answers a prayer,
Anthony help. How much is it?” I said     he goes above and beyond and
that when I was his age it was a          gives you more.
quarter, but I suggested for him at       —M. M., Baden, Pa.
least a dollar. He thought about it and
                                          Firm Believer Today

wasn’t too happy. As I was walking
out of his room, I heard my other son              ne spring day, I was in the
Joseph, age three, whisper to Dan,                 yard picking up sticks that
“Psst, Dan. Pray to Jesus, it’s cheap-             had fallen from our trees. All
er”—V. F. S., Floral Park, N.Y.            at once, I stood up and a low hang-
                                           ing tree limb caught me across the
A Promise is a Promise                     side of my face, and my diamond


  had promised St. Anthony $200 if         earring and its jacket, a 25 anniver-
  he got this girl a job. She had two      sary gift from my husband, went fly-
  degrees but got let go due to cut        ing. We looked for a week. My hus-
backs. Within six weeks, she got a         band even burned off the yard under
job paying $5,000 more than she was        the tree. We raked. We had a metal
making before. That was some               detector. We had neighbors and
answer and fast at that. $200 is a lot     friends and family looking for them.
of money for me to fork over. But a        During the end of the second week,
promise to St. Anthony can’t be bro-       my mother-in-law came over and all
ken. He and God delivered! — M. H.         of us looked again. My husband was
Latham, N.Y.                               raking, and I was on my hands and
                                           knees. She said, “Have you prayed
                                           to St. Anthony?” Of course, my
Above and Beyond

                                           answer was no, because I didn’t
       y granddaughter was impli-          think anyone or thing could help.
       cated in a fund shortage in         Then I realized I would do anything
       the store where she works.          to get them back and
Due to store policy, she had no way        what would a prayer hurt!
to defend herself. She was suspend-                                       31
So I prayed right there on my hands       Short Takes
and knees that if St. Anthony would       D. R., Plano, Texas, contributed two
help me find my earring, I would          stories of missing crabs from her chil-
donate $100. It wasn’t five minutes       dren’s crabitat that were eventually
later, and my husband heard a clink-      tracked down after belated prayers to
ing noise on his rake! There was the      St. Anthony.
diamond and the jacket! This story        D. T., Struthers, Ohio, rejoiced that
may be 10 years late, but neverthe-       within two days after praying to St.
less here is my donation. I am a firm     Anthony her lost key to open her
believer of St. Anthony now!              mailbox in a senior high rise apart-
—W. E., Marshall, Mo.                     ment was found by another tenant
                                          and returned to her.
Reach Proves Good

                                          M. M., Honolulu, prayed “real hard” to
       t the end of a church service,     St. Anthony that her son would find
       the cantor from the choir          his lost wallet that contained his dri-
       approached me to see if she        ver’s license, and promised a dona-
might have dropped her keys into my       tion. Sure enough, his wallet was
purse, while we were in the choir loft.   found in back of all his body building
My bag is usually open. They weren’t      trophies.
in my bag. She searched where we          R. L., Middle Village, N.Y., lost his
had rehearsed before the service, in      $55 bus ticket while on vacation with
the loft and anywhere else she had        his sister in Spain. But their prayers
been but no luck. I offered to drive      to St. Anthony “paid off” when his sis-
her home to get another set of keys.      ter found the ticket on the street.
About that time, the pastor came by       J. A. L., Hubbard, Ohio, shares this
and I told him that Kathy had lost her    prayer:
keys and to say a prayer to St.           “We pray that the corruption in the
Anthony for her. He said we should        World be exposed to the people,
say a prayer together right then,         including myself, and that God bless
which we did. Kathy went to go back       us all with the Wisdom, Knowledge,
into the church. She had on a hooded      Strength, Stamina, Patience, Courage
jacket. For some reason, my hand          and Backbone to stand up against it
reached and grabbed her by the            all. Amen.”
hood. Guess what was in the hood—         M. J. S., Edison, N.J., acknowledges
her keys! If that wasn’t God working      that prayers “to my dear St. Anthony
through St. Anthony, I don’t know         (who I can’t live without)” overcame
what is. I had absolutely no reason to    remote chances for the recovery of
reach for her hood. How can people        her grandson’s car stolen from a
say that God doesn’t hear prayers?”       large shopping mall. The car was
—R. P., Colrain, Mass., who also          returned to the mall 10 days later “not
shared how the location of her moth-      damaged, only vandalism inside.”
er’s lost Miraculous Medal came to
her in a dream after prayers to St.       Photo Credits:
                                          Br. Octavio Duran, OFM, Cover, pgs 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,
Anthony.                                  11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28.
                                          Phil Jacobs, pgs 1, 4, 6, 21.
                                          Br. James McIntosh, OFM, pgs 2, 6.
  32                                      Jackie Schramm, pgs 22, 23.
                                          Elizabeth O’Dea, pgs 24, 25.
                                          Marie Kelly, p 26.
The various charitable works of the Franciscans
depend on your kind and continued support. Won’t
  you consider remembering us in your will, trust
            or other estate planning?

       Our legal title is: St. Anthony’s Guild

                                                 Anth 9/2005
This painted woodcarving depicts St. Francis in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.

    E      ach saint in heaven
           rejoices over the glorifica-
     tion of the other, and his love
     overflows to him. The same joy
     will fill all the blessed, for I
     shall rejoice over your well-
     being as though it were my
     own, and you will rejoice over
     mine as though it were yours.
     To use an example: See, we are
     standing together, and I have a
     rose in my hand. The rose is
     mine, and yet you no less than
     I rejoice in its beauty and its
     perfume. So shall it be in eter-
     nal life: My glory shall be your
     consolation and exultation,
     and yours shall be mine.
        —Sermons of St. Anthony

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  • 1. love at work® September 2005 In The Franciscan Spirit of St. Anthony
  • 2. THE FRANCISCANS ST. ANTHONY S GUILD love at work 4 Jersey Street, East Rutherford, NJ 07073-1012 September 2005 Dear Friend of St. Anthony, Back in 1996, St. Anthony’s Guild members and readers of The Anthonian were first introduced to Father Joseph M. Hertel, OFM, shortly after he was named Guild director. Fr. Joseph’s ties to the Paterson-based Guild sprout from the branches of his family tree, since his mother, Marie, worked at the Guild during the 1960s. A Paterson native, Fr. Joseph attended the Franciscan-run St. Bonaventure Grammar School and St. Bonaventure High School, both in the city. He later attended St. Bonaventure University in Western New York. This summer, Fr. Joseph was assigned to serve as pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in East Rutherford, N.J., and I was named his Guild successor. I want to personally thank Fr. Joseph for consistently upholding the tradition of serving the Guild’s devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. During his years as director, he has also continuously reached out to the needs of the less fortu- nate through the various ministries supported through you, our faithful Guild member. Through your prayers, your support and your generous donations, we have been able to continue the tradition of Love at Work that Fr. Joseph and past Guild directors followed. In addition to a new Administration, the Guild office has recently been moved inside Sacred Heart Friary in East Rutherford, N.J. As we begin a new journey together, I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to serve you and share the wonderful Franciscan spirit with our readers. Together, we can continue to uphold the values of St. Francis and share our ministries of Love at Work. In St. Anthony, Fr. John T. Piccione, OFM Director of St. Anthony’s Guild COVER: Fr. John T. Piccione, OFM, new Director of St. Anthony’s Guild, meets with former Director Fr. Joseph M. Hertel, OFM, at his new pastorate, St. Joseph’s Church, East Rutherford, N.J. THE ANTHONIAN shows God’s Love at Work in today’s world through the ministries of the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province supported by the generosity of the members of St. Anthony’s Guild. THE ANTHONIAN (ISSN 1060-0345) (USPS 026-880) is published quarterly by THE FRANCISCANS (Holy Name Province), St. Anthony s Guild, 4 Jersey St. East Rutherford, NJ, 07073-1012. Copyright © 2005 by St. Anthony s Guild. All rights reserved. Volume 79, No. 3, September 2005. Member of the Catholic Press Association. Editorial ministry and design: Phillip Jacobs, John Zawadzinski, Fr. Cassian A. Miles, OFM, Br. Jim Mcintosh, OFM, Br. Octavio Duran, OFM. Printing: R.K. Graphics. Membership in St. Anthony s Guild is ten dollars ($10) annually and includes THE ANTHONIAN. Single copy price: $1. Third Class Nonprofit Postage Paid at Paterson NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Anthony s Guild, 4 Jersey St. East Rutherford, NJ, 07073-1012. —
  • 3. The September 2005 V0L. 79 NO. 3 Anthonian CON tENtS 2 Our New Home 8 New Provincial Leadership 10 Living the Mass 13 What is a Peace Pole? 14 Instrument of Peace 19 New Sons of St. Francis 21 Just Faith 24 Not Your Typical Pantry 26 Let the Children Come 28 Friars’ Corner 31 And Now from Our Readers “Only from the Eucharist does the single believer find inspi- ration and strength to live in an original way and fully the Christian experience. St. Francis was well aware of this when he said, ‘I see nothing bodily of the Most High Son of God in this world except his most holy Body and Blood.’ ” —Emanuela De Nunzio, SFO Year of the Eucharist 2005 1
  • 4.
  • 5. St. Francis of Assisi preaches to the birds.
  • 6. S t. Anthony’s Guild employees Martin Ortega (top left), Mary Ellen Behan and Sister of Charity Marian Bishop are hard at work processing incoming requests from Guild supporters. Rose Marie Reyes (center) balances the Guild books, while John Zawadzinski (seated left), and Phillip Jacobs make up the award-winning lay staff of The Anthonian magazine. Joan Gruber, who has worked for the Guild since 1966, prepares the outgoing mail in the basement of Sacred Heart Friary.
  • 7. Prayer to Saint Anthony Pray me a prayer, Fast me a fast, Burn out my heart— Remold it, recast. Preach me a lesson, A fiery plea. Show me a heaven, St. Anthony. Bless me a blessing, Shame me a shame; Rekindle my love In your soaring flame. Slay me my dragon, Sow all his teeth; Reap me sweet harvest Of myrtle leaf. Dirge me a sorrow; Absolve me a sin; Swing wide my soul To let Him in. —Peg McGuire 7
  • 8.
  • 9. F ather John J. O’Connor, OFM (inset), was elected to a six- year term as the Provincial Minister of Holy Name Province at the Provincial Chapter held May 29-June 3 on the campus of Siena College outside of Albany, New York. Some 150 friars reaffirmed their commitments to serving the Church and society today in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
  • 10. Living the Mass BY FR. WILLIAM DEBIASE We come to the Eucharist to grow more fervent in faith. I n Pope John Paul II’s foundation- We each come to the Eucharist in al document on the Year of the a special way, looking to God with Eucharist, he tells us that if the our own hopes, needs and all those year brings about nothing more than things that go to make us who we a “more fervent participation in are. These have to be respected, but Sunday liturgy and devotion to the the community also has a prayer, Blessed Sacrament outside of which is the purpose of the opening Mass,” he would consider this spe- prayer. The community joins with one cial year a success. Now let us look heart asking God for some spiritual at the various parts of the Mass with good. the hope that these simple reflec- Although these petitions will tions will help you take part with change with the year, they will focus greater fervor. on a desire to have a deeper rela- From the moment the congregation tionship with God. We stand before gathers, the Lord, through the Holy God with our hands and hearts open, Spirit, is present. It is so necessary ever ready to receive the graces he to affirm the fact that the decision “I wants to give us. am going to Mass” is a gift from God not only to the individual but to the entire community. We gather to offer the sacrifice in his name. We are I n the Liturgy of the Word, we hear of the marvelous works of God, or at times we hear the expectations he bound together as a worshiping com- has of us. The readings from the Old munity, the living stones, through the and the New Testament remind us of Holy Spirit, and we are turned to the the continuity of the history of God Father. At the Eucharist, we are pre- with his people. The Word of God eminently the Trinitarian people. enlightens our minds and hearts. WE GATHER not because we are When the Gospel is proclaimed, worthy but, on the contrary, we come our Lord proclaims through the as sinners. In the penitential rite, we human instrument of a priest or dea- place ourselves with the prodigal son con who announces the Good News, of Luke 15. We come bearing the as Vatican II reminds us. weight of our humanity. That is why The homily brings out the meaning that prayer with which we begin the of the Word in an understandable celebration should vibrate within us: way to the congregation. What does “Lord have mercy.” We acknowledge the Word mean to us today? How with this prayer that we are still pil- can we respond to it? What does grims—still carrying the joys, hopes, God want from us? These are some failures of the human questions the homily should address. condition. I firmly believe that every homily has 10 something for someone.
  • 11.
  • 12. The gifts of the bread and wine will It is not only the gathered congre- become our spiritual food and drink. gation which sings this hymn with With them, we combine our own gifts Jesus. The Eucharistic prayer gath- for the day. At this time, we are ers the entire Church, the reminded that the only thing we real- Communion of Saints. We remember ly have to give to God is ourselves. all who have gone before us. We Sometimes we come to the Eucharist remember Mary, the Apostles and all with good things. Other times, the the Saints. Heaven, earth and purga- only thing we have to offer the Lord tory are joined with the Lord, the is our human weakness. In both great High Priest in this act of praise. cases, it is who I am and that is what The Eucharistic Prayer comes to the Lord wants. an end with a summary of what has “The Lord be with you,” “Lift up taken place. “Through Him, with Him your hearts.” With these words, we and in Him in the unity of the Holy begin the Preface, the great prayer Spirit all glory and honor is yours of thanksgiving in and through the Almighty Father.” The community Lord. A particular mystery of the Lord sings the great Amen, the acknowl- is made present. We are invited to edgement of the great mystery which enter into that mystery. We are has just taken place. We sign our placed in a new dimension of exis- name to the Paschal Mystery of the tence, as we sing with the angels Lord. The sacrifice of reconciliation and saints that great hymn of praise, which has made our peace with God “Holy, Holy, Holy.” We stand in the has been sacramentally made pres- presence of God with the entire ent to us. Having lifted our hands to heavenly court. Our Father, we are able to share that WE NOW BEGIN the central part peace with others. of the Eucharist. “Presence” is the THE SACRIFICE is complete and operative word for the Eucharistic now we prepare ourselves to eat the Prayer. All of creation stands before food of sacrifice. In Scripture, this the Father, with the Son, bound by was an important part of the ritual. the Holy Spirit, giving thanksgiving The sacrificial lamb had to be eaten. and praise. In the Consecration, the So we are asked to share in the Lord who has been with us from the meal. It is not a lamb, but the Lord beginning of the celebration now who comes to us as the “bread of makes the great act of redemption heaven.” We receive the Lord as sacramentally present. Calvary and Bread for our pilgrimage, so we may Easter Sunday are made present, become him. Communion is life shar- and we are caught up in that great ing. The Lord comes, sharing his life hymn. The Lord comes down from with us. We truly are Christ bearers. heaven to bring us up. The prayer after Communion is Every Mass is a renewal of the usually a simple request to be true to sacred contract between God and the mystery we have received and his people, an opportunity to renew to grow in love, the object of the our contract with God, to renew our Eucharist. We are then sent forth to baptismal promises. live the mystery we have celebrated 12 and be the bread of life for others.
  • 13. What is a Peace Pole? T he Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, stand- ing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. The Peace Pole is a handcrafted monument that displays the message and prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth” on each of its four or six sides, usually in different languages. There are more than 250,000 Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as con- stant reminders to visualize and pray for world peace. Usually a Peace Pole is eight feet tall with the bottom “plant- ed” in the ground, although many indoor Peace Poles are sup- ported by stands. It may be constructed from any material that is environmentally sound. In the United States, most Peace Poles are made from western red cedar, a wood that is a renewable resource. Peace Poles may be made from any local hard wood, or from plastic or metal. A Peace Pole may grace a town square, a school, a park, a place of worship, an office or a garden. Or it can put forth the community as an example of how to live in peace. Whatever the location, the presence of a Peace Pole announces that this is a special place, dedicated to peace on earth. Planting a Peace Pole is a way to bring people together on an inspiring project to join in a network of peace consciousness that is emerging all over the world. Peace lovers of all faiths have been involved in Peace Pole dedications, including the 14th Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, for- mer President Jimmy Carter, Deepak Chopra, and John Den- ver, as well as mayors, clubs and Girl Scouts. There are Peace Poles on the Allenby Bridge between Israel and Jordan; at the Peace Park where 84 Peace Poles com- memorate the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City; at the War Museum in Vietnam; at Robben Island in South Africa, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned; at the Pyramids of El Giza in Egypt; at the site of the baptism of Jesus at Bethany-Beyond- the-Jordan; and at schools, churches, synagogues, mosques and temples across the United States and around the world. Friars whose education was supported by members of St. Anthony’s Guild have set up Peace Poles at St. Camillus Church, Silver Spring, Md.; St. Francis Church, Triangle, Va.; St. Francis Church, New York City; St. Anthony Church, Butler, N.J.; the four churches on Long Beach Island, N.J.; and on the campus at Siena College, Loudonville, N.Y.
  • 14.
  • 15. “No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves.” St. Francis Fr. Joseph Nangle, OFM, has been an instrument of peace healing wounds of people scarred by war.
  • 16. “If God can work through me, he ca
  • 17. an work through anyone.” St. Francis of Assisi
  • 18. I n a radio interview at Siena College during the Provincial Chapter of Holy Name Province in June, two leaders of the Franciscan Order, General Definitor Finian McGinn and General Minister José Rodríguez Carballo, commented on the worldwide peacemaking efforts of the friars. Twenty four local contacts of the Province’s ecology and peace-ori- ented ministries took part in a planning retreat in Washington, D.C., July 15-17. “It was exciting, inspiring and humbling to hear the many good peacemaking ministries in the Province,” noted Russell Testa, the Province’s animator for social justice. F r. Richard Flaherty, OFM, hopes that with his listening ear he may bring peace to a youth outside St. Anthony Shrine in Boston.
  • 19. New Sons of St. Francis N ine novices professed first Mokry, OFM, received the vows of vows during a Mass in St. the Canadian friars and concelebrat- Paul’s Church, Wilmington, ed. Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli of Del., on June 11. Six friars are mem- Wilmington was also present. bers of Holy Name Province: The newly professed spent the past Brothers Frederick Dilger, Lawrence year in formation at St. Paul’s novi- Anderson, Robert Mayer, Harry tiate under director Father Thomas Monaco, Timothy Powers, and Gallagher, OFM, and assistant direc- Patrick Rohan. Three are members tor Father Flavian Walsh, OFM, who of the Province of Christ the King, took part in the liturgy. Edmonton, Canada: Brothers Daniel Brs. Frederick, Timothy and Robert Gurnick, Armand Mercier, and James pursued studies at The Franciscan Rodrigo. Institute, St. Bonaventure University, How grateful we are to Guild mem- during the summer. Br. Lawrence bers for their support of our young ministered at St. Anthony Shrine, friars. Guild members will be remem- Boston, and Br. Patrick ministered at bered in their prayers. St. Camillus Church, Silver Spring, Provincial Minister John O’Connor, Md. They continued their Franciscan OFM, celebrated the Mass, delivered formation in late August at the homily and received the vows of Holy Name College in 19 the friars. Provincial Minister Fr. Bob Silver Spring.
  • 20. 20 Minister John O’Connor and Canadian Provincial Minister Fr. Bob Provincial Mokry shared the joy of the profession ceremony with family members and friends.
  • 21. YOUR FRIARS TODAY By going to jail, Franciscan parishioners learn how to integrate spirituality and social justice issues. By John Zawadzinski A handful of parishioners parishioners. These sessions or “bor- recently “did time” in Passaic der crossings” are a key component County Jail, Paterson,N.J.,– of the JustFaith program. that is, visiting inmates as part of the “This is very important because it JustFaith program. puts faces on the statistics,” said The group from St. Mary’s Parish, Barbara Lisa-Johnson, a JustFaith Pompton Lakes, N.J., arrived in two facilitator. “We don’t always human- blue vans, before Detective ize these people or hear their stories Commander Michael Terlizzi greeted and circumstances that brought them them in the jail parking lot and to where they are.” walked them inside. After a security JustFaith is a conversion-based clearance and a brief orientation, the process that the Franciscan friars at group toured the jail. They later gath- St. Mary’s decided to establish as a ered inside the chapel, where they means of integrating personal spiritu- met and spoke to inmates during ality and social ministry within parish one-on-one encounters. life. As an armed guard kept a watchful Founded in Louisville, eye on the events, inmates shared Ky., in 1989 by Jack 21 their personal stories with St. Mary’s Jezreel, JustFaith aims to
  • 22. I empower people to develop a pas- n addition to utilizing an extended sion and thirst for justice and to reading list, members of JustFaith express these concrete acts of also attend retreats and partici- parish social ministry. pate in one-on-one encounters with “I wanted to prepare participants to the poor and marginalized. These become prophets or leaders of social encounters take place at jails and mission, so I devoted the curriculum drug and alcohol rehabilitation cen- to the Church’s tradi- ters, among others. tion of care for the vul- To date, more than 50 nerable,” wrote Jezreel parishioners from the St. in JustFaith: Strategy of “The JustFaith Mary’s JustFaith pro- Transformative Education and Social program does gram have participated in these experiences. Ministry Formation. “I make a differ- The encounters were so offered the program for powerful, the parish the first time, not know- ence because brought a confirmation ing if anyone would be class to visit inmates. interested,” he said. it’s one of the Since that time, hun- “It’s very important for dreds of groups have best programs our parishioners to have participated in the out there,” these one-on-one JustFaith program. encounters,” said Jackie Within the Province, the Franciscan Schramm, director of St. Mary’s friars have established these parish social justice ministry. “These programs at St. Bonaventure encounters connect social justice Church, Allegany, N.Y.; St. Camillus, issues right inside the jail – drugs, Silver Spring, Md.; St. Mary of the racism, human dignity and so many Angels, Anderson, S.C.; Immaculate other social justices. It’s very power- Conception, Durham, N.C.; St. ful.” Francis of Assisi, Raleigh, N.C.; St. The St. Mary’s JustFaith program Francis, Triangle, Va.; and at the began two years ago after Russell University of Georgia, Athens, Testa, the provincial animator of among others. Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation, organized a JustFaith ses- During the 30-week JustFaith program, participants meet weekly to watch videos, pray and hold discussions about social justice issues.
  • 23. sion at St. Joseph’s Church in East of the program. This brings action Rutherford, N.J. and prayer together, and that’s During that session, Testa intro- important.” duced the history of the program to As a result of St. Mary’s JustFaith more than 40 participants, including program, a core group of six mem- those representing Holy Name bers has shown an interest in estab- Province and churches from the lishing a jail ministry. The program, Paterson Diocese. He also dis- still in its early stages, is being cussed how parishes could set up designed to serve as a deterrent for JustFaith programs within their local young adults who might be negative- parish ministries. ly influenced by drugs, gangs and Holy Name Province used money crime. from its Benevolence Fund to help “If we could stop some of these offset the cost of JustFaith books, kids from going to jail, we will try,” videos and retreats. Donations from- said Jim Hubert, a member of members of St. Anthony’s Guild con- JustFaith and a St. Mary’s parish- tribute to the support of that fund. ioner. “We wanted to explore “The JustFaith program does make JustFaith further and do something, a difference because it’s one of the because we’re not going to sit on our best programs out there,” Testa said. hands and wait for someone else to “It’s a long program and it’s intense. do it. All the possibilities are there. There’s interaction with the poor and We just have to develop them.” marginalized, and that’s a huge part Some members of the St. Mary’s JustFaith group met for a reunion last summer. 23
  • 24. Not Your Typical Pantry YOUR FRIARS TODAY Expanded grocery store in Providence offers clients choice of free food. By JOHN ZAWADZINSKI I n some cases, bigger is better. The Franciscans of Holy Name Province celebrat- ed the dedication and grand opening of the Poverello Center in the Olneyville section of Povidence, R.I., in May. The 2,000- square-foot center, which looks like a small grocery store, offers its clients free food, a A riotous ribbon cutting with (from left) Poverello Center majority of which is Director Elizabeth O’Dea, former Provincial Minister Fr. John donated by the Felice, OFM, Providence Mayor David Ciccilline, Fr. Frank Rhode Island Sevola, OFM, and City Councilman John Igliozzi. Community Food Mogavero, a local businessman, Bank, as well as individual and com- allowed the friars to use the 1,000- pany donations from local business- square-foot building free of charge. es. “I wanted nothing from them, Father John Felice, OFM, then in because I was giving back to the his last term as Provincial Minister, Franciscans,” he said. “A lot of peo- was on hand to dedicate the new ple don’t understand how much the building located at 668 Hartford Ave. friars have done for this city.” Prior to opening as the Poverello When the needs of the people out- Center, the space once housed a grew the former location, it was barbershop and at one time, a flower determined the most logical alterna- shop. tive was to purchase a place the fri- The former St. Francis Food Center ars could own. was located on Elm Street in the “We needed a new place to go,” city’s jewelry district. It was also run said Father Frank Sevola, OFM, under the auspices of the St. Francis Director of St. Francis Chapel and Chapel and City Ministry City Ministry Center since 2002. “As 24 Center. Since 1999, the we started planning, we decided we building’s owner, Lee
  • 25. could serve more people in a bigger when they shop. space and we could offer more serv- “We stress that we’re all on the ices. We’re able to have a larger same page when they (clients) come shopping area and we’re also able to here,” O’Dea said. “You always here offer our clients more food.” the friars say, ‘All are welcome’ and Through a six-month capital cam- this place is very inviting and has a paign, $1.5 million was raised for the great feel to it.” new center. Of that, more than IN ADDITION the friars offering $250,000 was used for purchase, their clients food, their Poverello with $100,000 going towards renova- Center will also host a satellite of its tions. The remaining funds were Wellness Center.The center will hold placed into an endowment to help a cancer screening program for pay for operating costs and other women and offer a social services expenses. aspect referring clients to profession- SINCE 1999, the Holy Name als who could help them with issues Province Benevolence Fund has ranging from everything from domes- contributed grant money to the tic abuse to drug or alcohol counsel- chapel and ministry center. The ing. province recently allotted $15,000 to “The work we do here is so neces- the program as part of its 2006 fiscal sary, and I really believe that faith year Benevolence Grant contribu- without action is an empty feeling,” tions. O’Dea said. “The Franciscans have “It’s exciting that people have been here for 50 years and people stepped up to the plate, both finan- have really paid attention to what cially and with other types of sup- they have been doing.” port,” Fr. Frank said. “It’s very excit- ing to get a more significant Franciscan presence in the Providence area. Especially moving into a poorer neighborhood where our presence is going to be felt a great deal.” Just like the St. Francis Food Center, the Poverello Center will be the largest “client-choice” food center in Rhode Island. According to Elizabeth O’Dea, the center’s senior director, client-choice isn’t like your traditional food pantry. Instead of just handing clients a bag of groceries, the clients are able to shop the aisles and take whatever Left to right: Mary Rossi and they need. Not only does this cut Dominique Perez serve as volunteers down on wasted food, it provides a and Beverly Infussi is a nurse on the positive environment and allows the staff of the Wellness Center satellite that clients to maintain a sense of dignity will offer clients screenings of choles- terol, glucose and blood pressure.
  • 26. YOUR FRIARS TODAY By JOHN ZAWADZINSKI Nationally Recognized Childcare Program Flourishes in South Jersey Franciscan Parish. I n New Jersey’s Ocean County, the people, but we’re here to help there’s no place like the St. them in a lot of different ways,” Francis Center—the multi-million Father Andrew Reitz, OFM, said. dollar/multi-purpose facility located “We look at our center as our focus on Long Beach Boulevard on Long of outreach and concern.” Beach Island. The center houses an The childcare program, which has indoor swimming pool with a been in existence since 1984, pro- retractable roof, administrative vides children with a comprehensive offices, multi-purpose rooms, and curriculum of art, math, reading, sci- food pantry. ence and physical development. It On any particular afternoon, the also encompasses a year-round pre- center, established by the Franciscan school, vacation club and after- friars in the early 1970s, might be school program for 100 of the coun- used for a basketball camp, day ty’s neediest children. Open five care, senior citizen computer class- days a week from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., es, counseling and family services, the program has been nationally rec- among others. It is also home to a ognized and certified by the National number of vital outreach programs, Association for the Education of including the St. Francis Childcare Young Children. Program. “In all of Ocean County, we are “We’re here for the spirituality of most likely the only program of this
  • 27. nature,” said Robert Hazlett, execu- The program is so vital to low tive director of St. Francis Center. income and working poor families, “Over the years, we’ve proved that there is a waiting list of more than 50 this is a viable program.” students. According to Kelly, not a The goal of the childcare program day goes by where she doesn’t is to assist low income and working receive a call from a concerned par- poor families to retain quality day- ent wondering if their child could be care for their children. Clients who added to the yearlong waiting list. send their children to the program To provide these affordable servic- also include single adult families es, the state pays a portion of child- residing in Southern Ocean County. care and the families pay a co-pay “This program is a God-send for a fee, which amounts to $660 annually. lot of families,” said Maria Kelly, Since most of the families still could- director of children’s services at n’t afford the co-pay, the Holy St. Francis Center. “The fam- ilies are very grateful.” ‘We Name Province Benevolence Fund donat- Although Long Beach ed $19,800 to the pro- Island is an affluent community and a popu- really do gram. These funds have lar summer vacation destination for families reach an allowed the families to pay half of the co-pay residing within New ($330) for 60 stu- Jersey, Philadelphia and Delaware, it also important dents. “Without the funding has its fair share of needy residents. clientele’ from the Benevolence Fund, we wouldn’t be There is a large Mexican able to keep going,” Kelly and Central American popu- said. “If these families have lation that helps the tourist indus- nowhere to put the kids, they try thrive. In addition, a number of can’t keep working.” those of Central American and Through start-up money donated Mexican descent support themselves by the Province, St. Francis later and their families by working in build- secured additional funds from the ing trades or in the restaurant indus- United Way. The generous contribu- try. tions from the Province and the A number of these families send United Way kept the program in their children to the St. Francis operation, allowing the needs of the Center, because they can’t afford a less fortunate to be met. traditional nursery school. “It all goes back to Matthew’s “We really do reach an important Gospel, Chapter 25, ‘For I was hun- clientele,” Kelly said. “The people are gry and you gave me food, for I was very grateful for a safe and nurturing thirsty and you gave me drink,’ and I environment, and they’re happy for think we’re fulfilling that mission all the extras we offer, like counsel- here,” Fr. Andrew said. “It feels good ing and parenting assistance work- to be able to respond to shops.” the needs of the people.” 27
  • 28. Friars’ Corner Eucharist: Healing the Sinful C orpus Christi celebrates the just in your sight, 0 God.” And Psalm Feast of the Holy Eucharist, 51 teaches: “In guilt I was born; a the sacrament that is the sinner was I conceived.” heart and soul of Roman Catholic These words are not liturgical spirituality, as Pope Benedict just hyperbole. If worthiness were the recently reminded us. Corpus Christi measuring stick for going to points up the centrality of the Communion, nobody would receive, Eucharist in Roman Catholic spiri- including the pope, bishops, and tuality. The feast of Corpus priests. We are all sinners, in Christi originated in the 13th varying degrees admittedly, century as a reaction but nonetheless, sinners. against the earlier Judas was a sinner who Berengarian heresy. The betrayed Jesus; Peter was a monk, Beringarius, denied sinner, who denied he even the real presence of Jesus in knew Jesus. Even though the Eucharist. Berengarius Jesus knew their sinfulness, he was the precursor of the still shared the Eucharist with Reformation idea that Jesus’ words them at the Last Supper. Jesus at the Last Supper were to be taken understood that the Eucharist is spiri- figuratively, not literally. For the tual medicine for healing sinful souls. reformers, the Eucharistic meal rep- The Eucharist is the instrument par resents only a memorial of the Last excellence for healing, not punishing, Supper. nor coercing people to force them This point of view denies the real, into line. There are other non-sacra- sacramental presence of Jesus in mental ways of doing that, when it the Eucharist. The Reformation sent needs to be done. a whole section of Christianity on a No one had to tell Jesus that all path that led it totally away from the human beings are sinners. But many Eucharist as the center of Christian of the Jews of his day forgot that we spirituality. Very few Christian are all sinners. In fact, to make his churches have devotion to the point, Jesus challenged the self- Blessed Sacrament, or regular righteous Jews who were about to Eucharistic celebration of Holy stone the woman caught in adultery: Communion. “Let the one without sin cast the first The 2004 election flap about who is stone.” Then Jesus bent down and worthy to receive Holy Communion wrote on the ground, and they all and who is not has the makings of silently slipped away. They finally got an interesting conversation. If worthi- the message: we are all sinners. ness were the criterion, why do we This act of Jesus was not meant to say at every Mass, “Lord, I am not justify sinful conduct, but rather a worthy”? Psalm 143 reminder that all of us need God’s forgiveness. 28 reminds us how unworthy all of us are: “No one is
  • 29. We approach Holy Communion, not with God. We call receiving the because we are worthy, but because Eucharist “Holy Communion,” God’s mercy and love forgives our because it unites us with God in a unworthiness. special sacramental way. Saints I was ordained on the Feast of were sinners who, in spite of their Corpus Christi, and it was not human limitations, found a way to because I was worthy. have a saving relationship with God. Catholics believe Jesus meant St. John teaches, “The Word what he said when he declared the became flesh and pitched his tent bread was his body and the wine among us.” was his blood. Catholics have always Jesus Christ is the visible presence interpreted this passage of the Bible of the invisible God, whereby human- literally. When we receive the ity encounters the divinity in a heal- Eucharist at Mass, our faith affirms ing, saving way. Jesus Christ that we truly encounter Jesus him- —FR. STEPHEN LYNCH, OFM self in this sacrament. The Eucharist brings us into special relationship ‘Wake up and Smell the Roses’ T he more times change, the ago. Here was a 20th century man, more they remain the dying from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, same.” That hit home reflecting on today’s world, and recently when I casually picked up sounding the same message that my well-worn copy of Mitch Albom’s Francis had preached in the 13th Tuesdays with Morrie and quite by century. To anyone dismissing as accident opened it to the eighth irrelevant the saint’s insistence on Tuesday. detachment from material posses- Out from the page jumped a para- sions because they impeded com- graph I had previously highlighted. plete surrender to God, it is a call to Morrie is telling his friend Mitch how wake up and smell the roses. people today are being brainwashed Relevancy is not measured in into equating more with good. “More years. In fact, when you think about money is good. More property is it, the obvious conclusion is that good. More is good.” Francis’ embrace of Gospel poverty He goes on to explain that that has never been more meaningful refrain has convinced people that than it is today. It’s kind of startling gobbling up a new car, a piece of —a dying Jewish academician and a property, the newest toy, more of saint, dead for eight centuries, look- this, more of that, is nothing but an ing at the sickness of their societies unending and unsuccessful effort to and offering the same remedy. find happiness by way of material Here is Morrie with his debunking substitutes, and it never works. of today’s sales pitch as equating All of a sudden it struck me. What happiness with material goods estab- he was saying was exactly what St. lishing even more of a Francis of Assisi had said centuries validity now than when it 29
  • 30. resounded up and down the Umbrian tion that today’s world keeps sound- hills centuries ago. ing and resounding in our ears. It The more you think about today’s was not then and is not now that world, the stranger and more bizarre material goods are intrinsically evil; it becomes. Here we are—with the otherwise, being poor would be tan- highest standard of living in history, tamount to sanctity. each day’s sun rising on still another The Poverello renounced riches in comfort-toy to play with—and a order to find the treasure which is planned obsolescence that almost God. In nothingness he discovered guarantees a landfill destiny. everything. In the oyster of detach- We have evolved into a society ment he found the pearl of Christ- almost deafened by the drumbeat of likeness. He antedated Morrie’s “more is better” to the point where recognition that more is not good sublimally our minds absorb it like a and things do not produce happi- giant sponge, and we don’t even ness. realize that we are now carrying it in But both men are right on target our backpacks. when they tell us that the weight of possessions can encumber us, even So we accept the commercial siren force us to the ground. Then what song of luxuries converted into happens? Our eyes can no longer necessities, the finite portal to infinite look upwards to the real source of delight, the here and now erasing the happiness: God. Not because He is hereafter, and the physical strangling not there; it is because we need to the spiritual without recognizing the get rid of all the junk-substitutes to dynamic that is the driving force raise our heads and find him. behind it. May we be strong in faith. Centuries ago, Francis preached —FR. JOEL CAMPBELL, OFM rejection of the same alluring invita- J O U R N E Y W I T H THE FRANCISCA N S ! ❑ Please enroll me in St. Anthony’s Guild, supporting the formation and good works of the Franciscans. Enclosed is my gift of: ❑$10 ❑$25 ❑$50 ❑Other $_______ (membership includes The Anthonian magazine) I would like to learn more about the Franciscan way of life. Please send me information on how I can become a follower of St. Francis and St. Clare as a: ❑ Franciscan priest or brother ❑ Franciscan woman religious (active or contemplative) ❑ Secular Franciscan (single or married women/men; priests) ❑ Secular Institute consecrated member (single women/men; priests) Name______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City_________________________________ State_________ Zip____________ 30 Mail to: ST. ANTHONY’S GUILD, 4 Jersey St., East Rutherford, NJ 07073-1012
  • 31. . . . And Now from Our Readers Cheaper Rates ed and frightened. To dear St. W hen my son Dan was about Anthony did I go. For one week, I eight, he lost something. bombarded that gentle soul with After a while, I told him prayers. In exactly one week, she about when I was a kid and how if was completely exonerated, reinstat- you pray to St. Anthony with a prom- ed, given a raise and, best of all, ise of an offering to the poor, he’ll was instrumental in having that store help you find it. After maybe another policy changed so no one would ever half hour and desperate, he came have to go through what she did. into me and said, “Mom, that St. When St. Anthony answers a prayer, Anthony help. How much is it?” I said he goes above and beyond and that when I was his age it was a gives you more. quarter, but I suggested for him at —M. M., Baden, Pa. least a dollar. He thought about it and Firm Believer Today O wasn’t too happy. As I was walking out of his room, I heard my other son ne spring day, I was in the Joseph, age three, whisper to Dan, yard picking up sticks that “Psst, Dan. Pray to Jesus, it’s cheap- had fallen from our trees. All er”—V. F. S., Floral Park, N.Y. at once, I stood up and a low hang- ing tree limb caught me across the A Promise is a Promise side of my face, and my diamond I th had promised St. Anthony $200 if earring and its jacket, a 25 anniver- he got this girl a job. She had two sary gift from my husband, went fly- degrees but got let go due to cut ing. We looked for a week. My hus- backs. Within six weeks, she got a band even burned off the yard under job paying $5,000 more than she was the tree. We raked. We had a metal making before. That was some detector. We had neighbors and answer and fast at that. $200 is a lot friends and family looking for them. of money for me to fork over. But a During the end of the second week, promise to St. Anthony can’t be bro- my mother-in-law came over and all ken. He and God delivered! — M. H. of us looked again. My husband was Latham, N.Y. raking, and I was on my hands and knees. She said, “Have you prayed to St. Anthony?” Of course, my Above and Beyond M answer was no, because I didn’t y granddaughter was impli- think anyone or thing could help. cated in a fund shortage in Then I realized I would do anything the store where she works. to get them back and Due to store policy, she had no way what would a prayer hurt! to defend herself. She was suspend- 31
  • 32. So I prayed right there on my hands Short Takes and knees that if St. Anthony would D. R., Plano, Texas, contributed two help me find my earring, I would stories of missing crabs from her chil- donate $100. It wasn’t five minutes dren’s crabitat that were eventually later, and my husband heard a clink- tracked down after belated prayers to ing noise on his rake! There was the St. Anthony. diamond and the jacket! This story D. T., Struthers, Ohio, rejoiced that may be 10 years late, but neverthe- within two days after praying to St. less here is my donation. I am a firm Anthony her lost key to open her believer of St. Anthony now! mailbox in a senior high rise apart- —W. E., Marshall, Mo. ment was found by another tenant and returned to her. Reach Proves Good A M. M., Honolulu, prayed “real hard” to t the end of a church service, St. Anthony that her son would find the cantor from the choir his lost wallet that contained his dri- approached me to see if she ver’s license, and promised a dona- might have dropped her keys into my tion. Sure enough, his wallet was purse, while we were in the choir loft. found in back of all his body building My bag is usually open. They weren’t trophies. in my bag. She searched where we R. L., Middle Village, N.Y., lost his had rehearsed before the service, in $55 bus ticket while on vacation with the loft and anywhere else she had his sister in Spain. But their prayers been but no luck. I offered to drive to St. Anthony “paid off” when his sis- her home to get another set of keys. ter found the ticket on the street. About that time, the pastor came by J. A. L., Hubbard, Ohio, shares this and I told him that Kathy had lost her prayer: keys and to say a prayer to St. “We pray that the corruption in the Anthony for her. He said we should World be exposed to the people, say a prayer together right then, including myself, and that God bless which we did. Kathy went to go back us all with the Wisdom, Knowledge, into the church. She had on a hooded Strength, Stamina, Patience, Courage jacket. For some reason, my hand and Backbone to stand up against it reached and grabbed her by the all. Amen.” hood. Guess what was in the hood— M. J. S., Edison, N.J., acknowledges her keys! If that wasn’t God working that prayers “to my dear St. Anthony through St. Anthony, I don’t know (who I can’t live without)” overcame what is. I had absolutely no reason to remote chances for the recovery of reach for her hood. How can people her grandson’s car stolen from a say that God doesn’t hear prayers?” large shopping mall. The car was —R. P., Colrain, Mass., who also returned to the mall 10 days later “not shared how the location of her moth- damaged, only vandalism inside.” er’s lost Miraculous Medal came to her in a dream after prayers to St. Photo Credits: Br. Octavio Duran, OFM, Cover, pgs 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, Anthony. 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28. Phil Jacobs, pgs 1, 4, 6, 21. Br. James McIntosh, OFM, pgs 2, 6. 32 Jackie Schramm, pgs 22, 23. Elizabeth O’Dea, pgs 24, 25. Marie Kelly, p 26.
  • 33. The various charitable works of the Franciscans depend on your kind and continued support. Won’t you consider remembering us in your will, trust or other estate planning? Our legal title is: St. Anthony’s Guild Anth 9/2005
  • 34. This painted woodcarving depicts St. Francis in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. E ach saint in heaven rejoices over the glorifica- tion of the other, and his love overflows to him. The same joy will fill all the blessed, for I shall rejoice over your well- being as though it were my own, and you will rejoice over mine as though it were yours. To use an example: See, we are standing together, and I have a rose in my hand. The rose is mine, and yet you no less than I rejoice in its beauty and its perfume. So shall it be in eter- nal life: My glory shall be your consolation and exultation, and yours shall be mine. —Sermons of St. Anthony