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Creation and Evolution

   How a Christian should think about creation and
  evolution is the cause of a wide range of views. In
     this presentation there are three sections – a
traditional approach followed by two articles arguing
   for or against Christians believing in evolution –
   each section has been adapted from an original
    source and if you want to investigate further I
 recommend going initially to those primary sources
Creation and Evolution
      A “traditional” Christian view

Adapted from a number of sources including an original by Mike
  Riddle of the Institute for Creation Research,
The Problems that Evolution poses
No   historic creation of
No historic Fall that results

in universal sin among
humans (and creation)
Death is not a

consequence of the Fall
but is a natural state of all
life occurring before the
No   hope of an eternal
life (or second coming)
No need for Christ as

The Bible is not

reliable or valid for
soteriology (salvation)—
the plan of salvation
has no historic basis in
the past and no hope in
a future reality
Randall W. Younker
“A denial of the historicity of Genesis not only
denies the Flood but also the first historicity of
the first week of creation and the story of the Fall
as well as the creation of the first historic
humans who were responsible for introducing sin
into the human race;
this in turn denies the spread of sin from that first
human couple, the introduction of death into the
world, and the need for the cross—at least it
denies how these things have been traditionally
explained by mainstream Christianity for
The foundation and doctrines
of the Bible are built on the
early chapters of Genesis.
The early chapters of Genesis
teach the true history of the
beginning of everything.
Once we believe the lie of the
Prince of this world, Satan, that
Genesis can’t be taken literally,
the foundation of the Christian
Faith begins to crumble.
G. Richard Bozarth writes (“The Meaning of Evolution”, American
Atheist, Sept. 20, 1979, p. 30):
“Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight
science to the desperate end over evolution
because evolution destroys utterly and finally
the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was
supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam
and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble
you will find the sorry remains of the [S]on of
[G]od…If Jesus was not the [R]edeemer that
died for our sins, and this is what evolution
means, then Christianity is nothing.”
Charles Smith, “From Ameba to Man”
 “In the beginning was matter, which begat the
ameba, which begat the worm, which begat
the fish, which begat the amphibian, which
begat the reptile, which begat the lower
mammal, which begat the lemur, which begat
the monkey, which begat man, who imagined
God. This is the genealogy of man.”
Creation Model

God    created the universe and everything
in it in 6 days
Sin was the cause of death

God destroyed the world by a worldwide

Man was created in the image of God

       God created ALL things
Evolution Model
   About 15 billion years ago the universe
    exploded into existence
   About 4.6 billion years ago the earth
   About 3.5 billion years ago life evolved
   Humans evolved from ape-like creatures

    Time, chance, and natural processes
The Process for Creation
  • Evolution model
  • The Bible
  • “And God said”
  • Psalm 33:6,9 “By the Word of the
  • Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds
were framed by the word of God, so that
things which are seen were not made of things
which do appear.
The Cause of Physical Death
   Evolution: natural process
   Bible: sin (Rom 5:12, 1Cor
        Curse (Genesis 3:17)
        Put out of the Garden to
         keep from eating from the
         tree of life (Genesis 3:22-
   “Very Good” (Genesis 1:31)
The Flood
   Evolution: myth or local flood
   Bible: worldwide Flood
      Rained 40/40
      Springs of the deep

      All land creatures perished

      All mountains were covered

   God’s covenant promise (Gen 9:8-11,15)
Localised Flooding
The Flood in Genesis 7
The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and
the ark floated on the surface of the water.19 They rose
greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the
entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and
covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen
cubits. 21 Every living thing that moved on land perished
—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that
swarm over the earth, and all mankind.22 Everything on
dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped
out; people and animals and the creatures that move
along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth.
Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
Flood Quotes

Henry Clarence
Thiessen, Ph.D.,
Lectures in Systematic
Theology, 1979, p. 117.

“Further, the Bible
teaches a
universal flood…”
Gleason Archer (Ph.D., professor of Old
Testament and Semitic languages ),
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 82.
“The biblical record in Genesis 7-8
describes no local inundation
confined to the Mesopotamian Valley
(as some scholars have suggested)
but a water level that surpassed the
summits of the highest mountains.”
Eugene Merrill, An Historical Survey of the Old
Testament, 1998, p. 50.
“If true scientific principle demands
an observer and recorder of
phenomena, only the Genesis
account can be considered scientific,
for only it dares to claim that there
was an Observer present – the Triune
Keith Wanser, Creation ex nihilo, 1999, p. 39.
(Dr. Wanser works with theoretical condensed
matter physics and basic theories of matter)
“I am convinced there is far more
evidence for a recent, six-day
creation and a global Flood than
there is for an old earth and
Ernan McMullin is the John Cardinal O'Hara
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Notre
“the great majority of contemporary
Scripture scholars agree [that to
interpret early Genesis] literally or
quasi-literally is to misunderstand the
point that the writers of those
narratives were trying to make”
The Creation Days

   Evolution demands
    long ages
   Bible: literal days
       Meaning of ‘Yom’
       Yom with a number
       Evening and morning
       Genesis 1:14
       Exodus 20:11
       Words used to indicate
Genealogical Timeline
                          Years after creation
   Creation         500             1000    1500      2000     2500

                           874             1651
                                    1056             2006
                                                       1879 2084

Year born after   Year died after                          2009 2184
creation          creation
                                           Flood (1656)
Professor James Barr, Professor of Hebrew at the
University of Oxford.
“Probably so far as I know, there is no
professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at
any world-class university who dares not
believe that the writer(s) of Gen. 1-11
intended to convey to their readers the
ideas that creation took place in a series of
six days which are the same as the days of
24 hours we now experience…”
Robert L. Reymond, Ph.D., A New Systematic
Theology of the Christian Faith, 1998, p. 393.
“In the hundreds of other cases in the
Old Testament where yom stands in
conjunction with an ordinal number
(first, second, third, etc.), e.g. Exodus
12:15; 24:16; Leviticus 12:3, it never
means anything other than a normal,
literal day.”
Douglas F. Kelly (Professor of Systematic
Theology) , Creation and Change, 1997, p. 51.
“To summarize, liberal scholars of both
19th and 20th centuries admit that the
text of Genesis is clearly meant to be
taken in a literal, historical sense,
although they deny its claims to speak
accurately to our space/time cosmos.”
The Origin of Life
   Evolution: chance accident
   Bible: consistent message
    Gen 2:7     Isa 57:16        1 Cor 8:6
    Gen 5:2     Matt 19:4        Eph 3:9
    Deut 4:32   Mark 10:6        Col 1:16-17
    Neh 9:6     John 1: 1-3      Heb 11:3
    Ps 89:47    Acts 4:24        2 Pet 1:3
    Isa 45:12   Romans 1:19-20   Rev 4:11
What Did Jesus Say
   Jesus believed Moses: John 5:46-47
   Jesus confirmed Abel: Matt 23:35
   Jesus confirmed the Flood: Matt 24:37-39
   …from the beginning… Mark 10:6
   Jesus is the Creator
       John 1:1-3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:1-3, Eph 3:9
Is it possible to be a
Christian and believe
     in Evolution?

Denis Alexander
Chairman of the Molecular Immunology Programme at The
    Babraham Institute, Fellow of St. Edmund’s College,
 Cambridge, and Editor of the journal Science and Christian

I have edited this article for the purpose of simplifying
   some points for my students – however it appears
              online in at least two locations:
It all depends what you mean by the term
‘evolution’. Charles Darwin published the
Origin of Species in 1859 as a theory to
explain the origins of biological diversity. At
that time, that’s all it was – a biological
theory, a theory that Christians were quick
to baptise into a Biblical doctrine of
Asa Gray, Professor of Natural History at
Harvard and a committed Christian,
organised the publication of the Origin of
Species in N. America and maintained that
God had providentially arranged the
biological processes of evolution to bring
about God’s purposes in creation.
The Princeton theologian and
prominent defender of the
inspiration of Scripture, B.B.
Warfield, spoke of himself as a
‘Darwinian of the purest water’. …
virtually every American Protestant
zoologist and botanist accepted
some form of evolution by the early
So why does it now seem Christians are
so opposed to evolution? Evolution now
has all kinds of ideological baggage
which are not part of the theory itself.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was a
great populariser of evolution in N.
America but unfortunately tried to
make evolution into a ‘theory-of-
everything’ in which the entire universe
was ascending towards ultimate
perfection. Spencer (not Darwin) who
coined the term ‘survival of the fittest’.
Richard Dawkins says Darwinian
evolution enables him to be an
‘intellectually fulfilled atheist’ - this
only reinforces the idea that there must
be something deeply anti-Christian
about evolution.
In fact evolutionary theory over the
years has been called upon to justify as
wide a range of ideologies as
communism, capitalism, racism and
militarism, some of them mutually
exclusive – this should alert us to the
dangers of extrapolating scientific
theories into arenas in which they
actually have little or nothing to say.
Is it possible to be a Christian and believe in
evolution? Certainly, as long as ‘evolution’
refers to the biological theory describing how
God has created all living things.
The vast majority of Christians who are
active in biological research today have no
problem with incorporating evolutionary
theory within their belief in God as creator.
Our task as scientists is to describe the
actions of God in the created order as
accurately as we can. If an evolutionary
process provides the best explanation for the
origins of biological diversity, then that’s
Evolution combines together two
mechanisms: first, variation is
introduced into genes by various
mechanisms, second, the
consequences of these mutations are
‘tested out’ by the criterion of
‘reproductive success’, the extent to
which mutations impact on the
ability of individual organisms to
generate offspring. Taken overall,
this is a tightly regulated process, as
far from the idea of ‘random
chance’ as can be imagined.
Evolutionary processes are not there to
teach us morality – Christians are
called to behave like children of God,
shown in the Bible.
But Christians should not abuse the
Bible by trying to treat it as a scientific
text-book – as scientific writing as we
understand it now did not even get
going until thousands of years after the
writing of the early chapters of Genesis.
It is outdated to treat Biblical texts as if
they were articles out of a
contemporary scientific journal - if they
were, they would soon be out of date!
The Biblical creation accounts
tell us timeless truths about
God’s purposes for his creation
in general, and for humankind
in particular. It is up to scientists
to find out how exactly God
carries out his creative
Some Christians think belief in
evolution undermines the
uniqueness of humankind and
the reality of evil and the Fall.
Not so.
Genesis portrays Adam and Eve as Neolithic
farmers. It is perfectly feasible that God
bestowed his image on representative Homo
sapiens already living in the Near East to
generate what John Stott has called Homo
divinus, those who first enjoyed personal
fellowship with God, but who then fell most
terribly from their close walk with God
(Gen. 3:8). All those who disobey God and
trust in their own wisdom in place of God’s
law reiterate the historical Fall in their own
being (Ezek. 28: 11-19).
Those many Christians today
who are active in the biological
sciences are amazed as we
uncover more and more of God’s
creative actions in our daily
research. We do not look for God
in the ‘gaps’ in our scientific
knowledge, but instead worship
God for the whole of his created
order, including those remarkable
evolutionary processes that God
has used for his creative
Can a Christian
believe in evolution?

Gregory Koukl

This article first appeared in the Apologetics Study Bible For Students,
         edited by Sean McDowell (Broadman Holman, 2010)
Evolution means different things to different people. “Change
over time” is one basic definition. Used this way, no one objects to
evolution. Another meaning includes the idea that living things
have descended, with modifications, from common ancestors.
Some evolutionists think all living things evolved from a single
source. This is more controversial.
Natural selection is yet another
aspect of evolution. When an
organism’s genetic code changes
(mutates), it produces offspring
whose bodies differ from those of
other members of the species.
Nature then “selects” which
modifications are best at helping
the organism survive and
reproduce. This competition is
called “survival of the fittest.” Over
time, this results in the diversity of
life on Earth. This process is
typically said to be unguided.
When combined, all of the above
aspects entail a specific brand of
evolutionary theory called
Darwinism or neo-Darwinism.
Darwinism says that the evolution
of living organisms is accidental,
not designed. Oxford evolutionist
Richard Dawkins takes this to
imply that living systems were made
by a blind watchmaker (unguided
nature) rather than an all-knowing,
purposeful watchmaker (God).
How does Darwinian evolution
square with Christianity? The Bible
teaches that God created the world -
the stuff of the universe, which he
formed into individual things (like
Adam). Since this change took
place over time, there is an
“evolution” here, of sorts. All
humans have descended—with some
modification as the gene pool
changed over time—from Adam and
Eve, though each is still human.
Is Darwinian evolution therefore
consistent with Christianity? I do
not think so.
Darwinism, as most commonly
defined, says nature is the designer,
not God.
Darwinian “design” is driven by
random, purposeless genetic
mutations which are then “selected”
as organisms compete for survival.
Here there is no God-given purpose
or outcome.
Can we say God used evolution?
Natural selection—which we observe
in nature in limited ways—could
theoretically be used by God to
direct the descent and modification
of living things. By making
modifications that increase the
fitness of the organism, God could
guarantee that a species would
adapt and be selected for survival.
But this isn’t Darwinism. It’s a
form of intelligent design.
The real question about evolution is
what (or Who) directs the change.
Virtually every authority in the field
of evolutionary biology believes that
Darwinian evolution is mechanical,
unguided, and purposeless.
“Whatever we think of God, his
existence is not manifest in the
products of nature” Stephen Jay
Christians know God is the
Creator and purposeful
designer of all species. Exactly
how He designed them is a
matter of debate. Therefore,
Darwinian evolution,
according to its standard
scientific definition, is un-
Christian. Keep in mind, though,
that it is still possible to be
Christian even if you mistakenly
believe some things that are
inconsistent with Christianity.

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Creation evolution

  • 1. Creation and Evolution How a Christian should think about creation and evolution is the cause of a wide range of views. In this presentation there are three sections – a traditional approach followed by two articles arguing for or against Christians believing in evolution – each section has been adapted from an original source and if you want to investigate further I recommend going initially to those primary sources
  • 2. Creation and Evolution A “traditional” Christian view Adapted from a number of sources including an original by Mike Riddle of the Institute for Creation Research,
  • 3. The Problems that Evolution poses No historic creation of humans No historic Fall that results in universal sin among humans (and creation) Death is not a consequence of the Fall but is a natural state of all life occurring before the flood
  • 4. No hope of an eternal life (or second coming) No need for Christ as Savior The Bible is not reliable or valid for soteriology (salvation)— the plan of salvation has no historic basis in the past and no hope in a future reality
  • 5. Randall W. Younker “A denial of the historicity of Genesis not only denies the Flood but also the first historicity of the first week of creation and the story of the Fall as well as the creation of the first historic humans who were responsible for introducing sin into the human race; this in turn denies the spread of sin from that first human couple, the introduction of death into the world, and the need for the cross—at least it denies how these things have been traditionally explained by mainstream Christianity for centuries.”
  • 6. Anon The foundation and doctrines of the Bible are built on the early chapters of Genesis. The early chapters of Genesis teach the true history of the beginning of everything. Once we believe the lie of the Prince of this world, Satan, that Genesis can’t be taken literally, the foundation of the Christian Faith begins to crumble.
  • 7. G. Richard Bozarth writes (“The Meaning of Evolution”, American Atheist, Sept. 20, 1979, p. 30): “Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the [S]on of [G]od…If Jesus was not the [R]edeemer that died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.”
  • 8. Charles Smith, “From Ameba to Man” “In the beginning was matter, which begat the ameba, which begat the worm, which begat the fish, which begat the amphibian, which begat the reptile, which begat the lower mammal, which begat the lemur, which begat the monkey, which begat man, who imagined God. This is the genealogy of man.”
  • 9.
  • 10. Creation Model God created the universe and everything in it in 6 days Sin was the cause of death God destroyed the world by a worldwide flood Man was created in the image of God God created ALL things
  • 11. Evolution Model  About 15 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence  About 4.6 billion years ago the earth evolved  About 3.5 billion years ago life evolved  Humans evolved from ape-like creatures Time, chance, and natural processes
  • 12. The Process for Creation • Evolution model • The Bible • “And God said” • Psalm 33:6,9 “By the Word of the Lord…” • Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
  • 13. The Cause of Physical Death  Evolution: natural process  Bible: sin (Rom 5:12, 1Cor 15:21)  Curse (Genesis 3:17)  Put out of the Garden to keep from eating from the tree of life (Genesis 3:22- 24)  “Very Good” (Genesis 1:31)
  • 14. The Flood  Evolution: myth or local flood  Bible: worldwide Flood  Rained 40/40  Springs of the deep  All land creatures perished  All mountains were covered  God’s covenant promise (Gen 9:8-11,15)
  • 16. The Flood in Genesis 7 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water.19 They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. 21 Every living thing that moved on land perished —birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
  • 17. Flood Quotes Henry Clarence Thiessen, Ph.D., Lectures in Systematic Theology, 1979, p. 117. “Further, the Bible teaches a universal flood…”
  • 18. Gleason Archer (Ph.D., professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages ), Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 82. “The biblical record in Genesis 7-8 describes no local inundation confined to the Mesopotamian Valley (as some scholars have suggested) but a water level that surpassed the summits of the highest mountains.”
  • 19. Eugene Merrill, An Historical Survey of the Old Testament, 1998, p. 50. “If true scientific principle demands an observer and recorder of phenomena, only the Genesis account can be considered scientific, for only it dares to claim that there was an Observer present – the Triune God.”
  • 20. Keith Wanser, Creation ex nihilo, 1999, p. 39. (Dr. Wanser works with theoretical condensed matter physics and basic theories of matter) “I am convinced there is far more evidence for a recent, six-day creation and a global Flood than there is for an old earth and evolution.”
  • 21. Ernan McMullin is the John Cardinal O'Hara Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Notre Dame “the great majority of contemporary Scripture scholars agree [that to interpret early Genesis] literally or quasi-literally is to misunderstand the point that the writers of those narratives were trying to make”
  • 22. The Creation Days  Evolution demands long ages  Bible: literal days  Meaning of ‘Yom’  Yom with a number  Evening and morning  Genesis 1:14  Exodus 20:11  Words used to indicate time
  • 23. Genealogical Timeline Years after creation Creation 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 930 Adam 874 1651 Lamech 1056 2006 Noah 1879 2084 Terah Year born after Year died after 2009 2184 Abraham creation creation Flood (1656)
  • 24. Professor James Barr, Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford. “Probably so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who dares not believe that the writer(s) of Gen. 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that creation took place in a series of six days which are the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience…”
  • 25. Robert L. Reymond, Ph.D., A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 1998, p. 393. “In the hundreds of other cases in the Old Testament where yom stands in conjunction with an ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.), e.g. Exodus 12:15; 24:16; Leviticus 12:3, it never means anything other than a normal, literal day.”
  • 26. Douglas F. Kelly (Professor of Systematic Theology) , Creation and Change, 1997, p. 51. “To summarize, liberal scholars of both 19th and 20th centuries admit that the text of Genesis is clearly meant to be taken in a literal, historical sense, although they deny its claims to speak accurately to our space/time cosmos.”
  • 27. The Origin of Life  Evolution: chance accident  Bible: consistent message Gen 2:7 Isa 57:16 1 Cor 8:6 Gen 5:2 Matt 19:4 Eph 3:9 Deut 4:32 Mark 10:6 Col 1:16-17 Neh 9:6 John 1: 1-3 Heb 11:3 Ps 89:47 Acts 4:24 2 Pet 1:3 Isa 45:12 Romans 1:19-20 Rev 4:11
  • 28. What Did Jesus Say  Jesus believed Moses: John 5:46-47  Jesus confirmed Abel: Matt 23:35  Jesus confirmed the Flood: Matt 24:37-39  …from the beginning… Mark 10:6  Jesus is the Creator  John 1:1-3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:1-3, Eph 3:9
  • 29. Is it possible to be a Christian and believe in Evolution? Yes!
  • 30. Denis Alexander Chairman of the Molecular Immunology Programme at The Babraham Institute, Fellow of St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge, and Editor of the journal Science and Christian Belief. I have edited this article for the purpose of simplifying some points for my students – however it appears online in at least two locations: articles/can-a-christian-believe-in-evolution.cfm articles/can-a-christian-believe-in-evolution.cfm
  • 31. It all depends what you mean by the term ‘evolution’. Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species in 1859 as a theory to explain the origins of biological diversity. At that time, that’s all it was – a biological theory, a theory that Christians were quick to baptise into a Biblical doctrine of creation. Asa Gray, Professor of Natural History at Harvard and a committed Christian, organised the publication of the Origin of Species in N. America and maintained that God had providentially arranged the biological processes of evolution to bring about God’s purposes in creation.
  • 32. The Princeton theologian and prominent defender of the inspiration of Scripture, B.B. Warfield, spoke of himself as a ‘Darwinian of the purest water’. … virtually every American Protestant zoologist and botanist accepted some form of evolution by the early 1870s’.
  • 33. So why does it now seem Christians are so opposed to evolution? Evolution now has all kinds of ideological baggage which are not part of the theory itself. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was a great populariser of evolution in N. America but unfortunately tried to make evolution into a ‘theory-of- everything’ in which the entire universe was ascending towards ultimate perfection. Spencer (not Darwin) who coined the term ‘survival of the fittest’.
  • 34. Richard Dawkins says Darwinian evolution enables him to be an ‘intellectually fulfilled atheist’ - this only reinforces the idea that there must be something deeply anti-Christian about evolution. In fact evolutionary theory over the years has been called upon to justify as wide a range of ideologies as communism, capitalism, racism and militarism, some of them mutually exclusive – this should alert us to the dangers of extrapolating scientific theories into arenas in which they actually have little or nothing to say.
  • 35. Is it possible to be a Christian and believe in evolution? Certainly, as long as ‘evolution’ refers to the biological theory describing how God has created all living things. The vast majority of Christians who are active in biological research today have no problem with incorporating evolutionary theory within their belief in God as creator. Our task as scientists is to describe the actions of God in the created order as accurately as we can. If an evolutionary process provides the best explanation for the origins of biological diversity, then that’s fine.
  • 36. Evolution combines together two mechanisms: first, variation is introduced into genes by various mechanisms, second, the consequences of these mutations are ‘tested out’ by the criterion of ‘reproductive success’, the extent to which mutations impact on the ability of individual organisms to generate offspring. Taken overall, this is a tightly regulated process, as far from the idea of ‘random chance’ as can be imagined.
  • 37. Evolutionary processes are not there to teach us morality – Christians are called to behave like children of God, shown in the Bible. But Christians should not abuse the Bible by trying to treat it as a scientific text-book – as scientific writing as we understand it now did not even get going until thousands of years after the writing of the early chapters of Genesis. It is outdated to treat Biblical texts as if they were articles out of a contemporary scientific journal - if they were, they would soon be out of date!
  • 38. The Biblical creation accounts tell us timeless truths about God’s purposes for his creation in general, and for humankind in particular. It is up to scientists to find out how exactly God carries out his creative handiwork. Some Christians think belief in evolution undermines the uniqueness of humankind and the reality of evil and the Fall. Not so.
  • 39. Genesis portrays Adam and Eve as Neolithic farmers. It is perfectly feasible that God bestowed his image on representative Homo sapiens already living in the Near East to generate what John Stott has called Homo divinus, those who first enjoyed personal fellowship with God, but who then fell most terribly from their close walk with God (Gen. 3:8). All those who disobey God and trust in their own wisdom in place of God’s law reiterate the historical Fall in their own being (Ezek. 28: 11-19).
  • 40. Those many Christians today who are active in the biological sciences are amazed as we uncover more and more of God’s creative actions in our daily research. We do not look for God in the ‘gaps’ in our scientific knowledge, but instead worship God for the whole of his created order, including those remarkable evolutionary processes that God has used for his creative purposes.
  • 41. Can a Christian believe in evolution? No!
  • 42. Gregory Koukl This article first appeared in the Apologetics Study Bible For Students, edited by Sean McDowell (Broadman Holman, 2010)
  • 43. Evolution means different things to different people. “Change over time” is one basic definition. Used this way, no one objects to evolution. Another meaning includes the idea that living things have descended, with modifications, from common ancestors. Some evolutionists think all living things evolved from a single source. This is more controversial.
  • 44. Natural selection is yet another aspect of evolution. When an organism’s genetic code changes (mutates), it produces offspring whose bodies differ from those of other members of the species. Nature then “selects” which modifications are best at helping the organism survive and reproduce. This competition is called “survival of the fittest.” Over time, this results in the diversity of life on Earth. This process is typically said to be unguided.
  • 45. When combined, all of the above aspects entail a specific brand of evolutionary theory called Darwinism or neo-Darwinism. Darwinism says that the evolution of living organisms is accidental, not designed. Oxford evolutionist Richard Dawkins takes this to imply that living systems were made by a blind watchmaker (unguided nature) rather than an all-knowing, purposeful watchmaker (God).
  • 46. How does Darwinian evolution square with Christianity? The Bible teaches that God created the world - the stuff of the universe, which he formed into individual things (like Adam). Since this change took place over time, there is an “evolution” here, of sorts. All humans have descended—with some modification as the gene pool changed over time—from Adam and Eve, though each is still human.
  • 47. Is Darwinian evolution therefore consistent with Christianity? I do not think so. Darwinism, as most commonly defined, says nature is the designer, not God. Darwinian “design” is driven by random, purposeless genetic mutations which are then “selected” as organisms compete for survival. Here there is no God-given purpose or outcome.
  • 48. Can we say God used evolution? Natural selection—which we observe in nature in limited ways—could theoretically be used by God to direct the descent and modification of living things. By making modifications that increase the fitness of the organism, God could guarantee that a species would adapt and be selected for survival. But this isn’t Darwinism. It’s a form of intelligent design.
  • 49. The real question about evolution is what (or Who) directs the change. Virtually every authority in the field of evolutionary biology believes that Darwinian evolution is mechanical, unguided, and purposeless. “Whatever we think of God, his existence is not manifest in the products of nature” Stephen Jay Gould
  • 50. Christians know God is the Creator and purposeful designer of all species. Exactly how He designed them is a matter of debate. Therefore, Darwinian evolution, according to its standard scientific definition, is un- Christian. Keep in mind, though, that it is still possible to be Christian even if you mistakenly believe some things that are inconsistent with Christianity.

Notas del editor

  1. What does God say about the Flood? Who do we believe first man or God’s Word?