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Parser Combinators in Scala
     Илья Ключников

Комбинаторные библиотеки
●   Actors
●   Parsers
●   ScalaCheck, Spesc
●   Scalaz
●   SBT
●   EDSLs
●   ...

33/35   11/14   8/9   4/13

Intro: combinators, parsers

        Scala Parser Combinators from the Ground Up

                 How to write typical parser

33/35             11/14 Pros, cons             8/9    4/13

                   Advanced techniques
●   Трансформирует текст в структуру


       2*3 + 4                    *           3

                              2       3

Hello, parser
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import syntactical.StandardTokenParsers

sealed trait Expr
case class Num(i: Int) extends Expr
case class Var(n: String) extends Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr

object ArithParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", "+", "*")
  def expr: Parser[Expr] =
    term ~ ("+" ~> expr) ^^ Plus | term
  def term: Parser[Expr] =
    factor ~ ("*" ~> term) ^^ Mult | factor
  def factor: Parser[Expr] =
    numericLit ^^ { s => Num(s.toInt) } | ident ^^ Var | "(" ~> expr <~ ")"

    def parseExpr(s: String) = phrase(expr)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("1")
res1: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.2] parsed: Num(1)

scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("1 + 1 * 2")
res2: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.10] parsed: Plus(Num(1),Mult(Num(1),Num(2)))

scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("a * (a * a)")
res3: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.12] parsed: Mult(Var(a),Mult(Var(a),Var(a)))
Example 2: Lambda calculus
t ::=                           terms:
 x                             variable
 λx.t                    abstraction
 tt                          application

         x y z = ((x y) z)
        λx.λy.y = λx.(λy.y)
Example 2
sealed trait Term
case class Var(n: String) extends Term
case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term
case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term

object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "")
  lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm | lam
  lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] =
    ident ^^ Var
  lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] =
    ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam
  lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm
  lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")"
  def parseTerm(s: String) =
    phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("x y z")
res1: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.6] parsed: App(App(Var(x),Var(y)),Var(z))

scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("""x.y.x y""")
res2: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.10] parsed:

scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("""(x.x x) (x. x x)""")
res3: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.19] parsed:
App(Lam(Var(x),App(Var(x),Var(x))),Lam(Var(x),App(Var(x),Var(x))))                              8

Комбинаторные библиотеки
●   Actors
●   Parsers
●   ScalaCheck, Spesc
●   Scalaz
●   SBT
●   EDSLs
●   ...

Принципы комбинаторных библиотек
●   Соответствие терминологии библиотеки и
    терминологии предметной области.
●   Состав
    ●   типы,
    ●   примитивы,
    ●   комбинаторы первого порядка,
    ●   комбинаторы высшего порядка.
●   Свойство замыкания (композиционность).
●   Возможность эффективной реализации.
E. Кирпичев. Элементы функциональных языков. Практика функционального   11
программирования №3.

Предметная область
●   Грамматика              ●   Парсеры
    ●   Регулярная              ●   LL-парсеры
    ●   Бесконтекстная          ●   LR-парсеры
    ●   Леворекурсивная         ●   Нисходящие
    ●   Праворекурсивная        ●   Восходящие
    ●   Аттрибутная             ●   GLL
    ●   Boolean                 ●   Packrat-парсеры
    ●   PEG                     ●   Parsing with
    ●   ...                         derivativatives
Предметная область

Подходы к созданию парсеров
●   Parser-generator         ●   Hand-written
    ●   Yacc                     ●   Low-level
    ●   Lex                      ●   High-level
    ●   JavaCC
    ●   AntLR
    ●   Rat!

Parsers in Scala

C9 Lectures: Dr. Erik Meijer - Functional Programming Fundamentals Chapter 8 of 13
A. Moors, F. Piessens, M. Odersky. Parser Combinators in Scala. Report CW 49 // Feb 2008
Scala parser combinators are
a form of recursive descent parsing
     with infinite backtracking.

Parsers in Scala are functional
  ●   W. Burge. Recursive Programming Techniques.
      Addison-Wesley, 1975.
  ●   Ph. Wadler. How to Replace Failure by a List of
      Successes. A method for exception handling,
      backtracking, and pattern matching in lazy
      functional languages // 1985
  ●   G. Hutton. Higher-order functions for parsing //
      Journal of functional programming. 1992/2
  ●   J. Fokker. Functional Parsers // 1995

●   Трансформирует текст в структуру


       2*3 + 4                    *           3

                              2       3

Парсер – это функция
             type Parser[A] = String => A

Нет композиции функций, не обязательно парсить всю строку

       type Parser[A] = String => (A, String)

              Может закончиться неудачей

   type Parser[A] = String => Option[(A, String)]

Attempt #1

trait SimpleResults {
  type Input
  trait Result[+T] {
    def next: Input
  case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T]
  case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing]

object XParser extends SimpleResults {
  type Input = String
  val acceptX: Input => Result[Char] = { (in: String) =>
    if (in.charAt(0) == 'x')
      Success('x', in.substring(1))
      Failure("expected an x", in)

scala> XParser.acceptX("xyz")
res0: parsers.XParser.Result[Char] = Success(x,yz)

scala> XParser.acceptX("yz")
res1: parsers.XParser.Result[Char] = Failure(expected an x,yz)

The basis: Parser, |, ~, accept
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
        case Failure(_, _) => p(in)
        case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}}

        def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] {
          def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, next) => p(next) match {
              case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2)
              case Failure(m, n)      => Failure(m, n) }
            case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}}

trait StringParsers extends SimpleParsers {
  type Input = String
  private val EOI = 0.toChar

    def accept(expected: Char) = new Parser[Char] {
      def apply(in: String) =
        if (in == "") {
          if (expected == EOI) Success(expected, "")
          else Failure("no more input", in)
        } else if (in.charAt(0) == expected)
          Success(expected, in.substring(1))
        else Failure("expected '" + expected + "'", in)
    def eoi = accept(EOI)
The simplest parser
object OXOParser extends StringParsers {
  def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o')
  def oxos: Parser[Any] =
    (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo)

scala> OXOParser.oxos("123")
res2: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Failure(expected 'o',123)

scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo")
res3: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((o,x),o),)

scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo oxo")
res4: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((((o,x),o), ),((o,x),o)),)

scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo oxo 1")
res5: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((((o,x),o), ),((o,x),o)), 1)

scala> (OXOParser.oxos ~ OXOParser.eoi)("oxo oxo 1")
res6: parsers.OXOParser.Result[(Any, Char)] = Failure(expected '?', 1)

Be careful!
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {            call-by-name param
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
        case Failure(_, _) => p(in)
        case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}}

        def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] {   call-by-name param
          def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, next) => p(next) match {
              case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2)
              case Failure(m, n)      => Failure(m, n) }
            case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}}

object OXOParser extends StringParsers {
  def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o')
  def oxos: Parser[Any] =
    (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo)

Be careful!
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def |[U >: T](p: Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {            call-by-value param
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
        case Failure(_, _) => p(in)
        case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}}

        def ~[U](p: Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] {   call-by-value param
          def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, next) => p(next) match {
              case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2)
              case Failure(m, n)      => Failure(m, n) }
            case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}}

object OXOParser extends StringParsers {
  def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o')
  def oxos: Parser[Any] =
    (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo)

scala> OXOParser.oxos("123")
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxo(stepbystep.scala:67)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)
     at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69)                                          26
Attempt #2
(Factoring out Plumbing)

Where is a problem?
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
        case Failure(_, _) => p(in)
        case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}}

        def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] {
          def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, next) => p(next) match {
              case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2)
              case Failure(m, n)      => Failure(m, n) }
            case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}}

object OXOParser extends StringParsers {
  def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o')
  def oxos: Parser[Any] =
    (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo)

Too much “threading”
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
        case Failure(_, _) => p(in)
        case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}}

        def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] {
          def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, next) => p(next) match {
              case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2)
              case Failure(m, n)      => Failure(m, n) }
            case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}}

object OXOParser extends StringParsers {
  def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o')
  def oxos: Parser[Any] =
    (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo)

Improved Results
trait SimpleResults {
  type Input
  trait Result[+T] {
    def next: Input
    def map[U](f: T => U): Result[U]
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]): Result[U]
    def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]): Result[U]
  case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T] {
    def map[U](f: T => U) = Success(f(result), next)
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]) = f(result)(next)
    def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]) = this
  case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing] {
    def map[U](f: Nothing => U) = this
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: Nothing => Input => Result[U]) = this
    def append[U](alt: => Result[U]) = alt

●map -...
●flatMapWithNext - ...

●append – for multiple results (we do not consider it here)

Parser is a function with many results
             type Parser[A] = String => A

        type Parser[A] = String => (A, String)

     type Parser[A] = String => Option[(A, String)]

      type Parser[A] = String => List[(A, String)]

After improving
trait SimpleResults {
  type Input
  trait Result[+T] {
    def next: Input
    def map[U](f: T => U): Result[U]
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]): Result[U]
    def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]): Result[U]
  case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T] {
    def map[U](f: T => U) = Success(f(result), next)
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]) = f(result)(next)
    def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]) = this
  case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing] {
    def map[U](f: Nothing => U) = this
    def flatMapWithNext[U](f: Nothing => Input => Result[U]) = this
    def append[U](alt: => Result[U]) = alt

trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {
  abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
    def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
    def flatMap[U](f: T => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) flatMapWithNext (f)
    def map[U](f: T => U): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) map (f)
    def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] {
      def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) append p(in)
    def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] =
      for (a <- this; b <- p) yield (a, b)
                                                                           Hey!   32
So, Parser is a Monad!!

Where is my “withFilter”?
●   In Scala 2.10
●   It was not easy...

Removing noise...
trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults {

    def Parser[T](f: Input => Result[T]) =
      new Parser[T] { def apply(in: Input) = f(in) }
    abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) {
      def apply(in: Input): Result[T]
                                                                 New Parser{apply}
        def flatMap[U](f: T => Parser[U]): Parser[U] =
          Parser { in => Parser.this(in) flatMapWithNext (f) }

        def map[U](f: T => U): Parser[U] =
          Parser { in => Parser.this(in) map (f) }

        def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] =
          Parser { in => Parser.this(in) append p(in) }

        def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] =
          for (a <- this; b <- p) yield (a, b)


Real Parsers

Real Parsers
package scala.util.parsing.combinator

trait Parsers {                                               Stream annotated with
  type Elem
  type Input = Reader[Elem]                                        coordinates
    sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T]
    case class Success[+T](result: T, override val next: Input) extends ParseResult[T]
    sealed abstract class NoSuccess(val msg: String, override val next: Input)
       extends ParseResult[Nothing]
    case class Failure(override val msg: String, override val next: Input)
       extends NoSuccess(msg, next)
    case class Error(override val msg: String, override val next: Input)
       extends NoSuccess(msg, next)

    abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) {            Controlling
    ...                                                                     backtracking
    case class ~[+a, +b](_1: a, _2: b) {
      override def toString = "("+ _1 +"~"+ _2 +")"
                                                                Deconstructing sequencing

package scala.util.parsing.input

abstract class Reader[+T] {
  def first: T
  def rest: Reader[T]                                                                       37
Simplified picture
package scala.util.parsing.combinator

trait Parsers {
  type Elem
  type Input = Reader[Elem]

    sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T]

    abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) {



Basic Combinators
package scala.util.parsing.combinator

trait Parsers {

    def elem(kind: String, p: Elem => Boolean): Parser[Elem]
    def elem(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]
    implicit def accept(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]

    abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) {
      def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]]
      def <~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[T]
      def ~! [U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]]
      def | [U >: T](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[U]
      def ||| [U >: T](q0: => Parser[U]): Parser[U]
      def ^^ [U](f: T => U): Parser[U]
      def ^^^ [U](v: => U): Parser[U]
      def ^? [U](f: PartialFunction[T, U], error: T => String): Parser[U]
      def ^? [U](f: PartialFunction[T, U]): Parser[U]
      def >>[U](fq: T => Parser[U])
      def *: Parser[List[T]]
      def +: Parser[List[T]]
      def ?: Parser[Option[T]]


Swiss army knife Combinators
package scala.util.parsing.combinator

trait Parsers {

    def   commit[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]
    def   accept[ES <% List[Elem]](es: ES): Parser[List[Elem]]
    def   accept[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U]
    def   failure(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]
    def   err(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]
    def   success[T](v: T): Parser[T]
    def   rep[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   repsep[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   rep1[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   rep1[T](first: => Parser[T], p0: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   repN[T](num: Int, p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   rep1sep[T](p : => Parser[T], q : => Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]
    def   chainl1[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[(T, T) => T]): Parser[T]
    def   chainl1[T, U](first: => Parser[T], p: => Parser[U], q: => Parser[(T, U) => T]): Parser[T]
    def   chainr1[T, U](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[(T, U) => U],
             combine: (T, U) => U, first: U): Parser[U]
    def   opt[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]]
    def   not[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[Unit]
    def   guard[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]
    def   positioned[T <: Positional](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T]
    def   phrase[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]


            Inpired by G. Hutton and E. Meijer. Monadic Parser Combinators.

Простейший (low-level) парсер
trait SimplestParsers extends Parsers {
  type Elem = Char
  def whitespaceChar: Parser[Char] =
    elem("space char", ch => ch <= ' ' && ch != EofCh)
  def letter: Parser[Char] = elem("letter", _.isLetter)

    def whitespace: Parser[List[Char]] = rep(whitespaceChar)
    def ident: Parser[List[Char]] = rep1(letter)

    def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] =
      p(new CharSequenceReader(in))

scala> val p1 = new SimplestParsers{}
p1: java.lang.Object with parsers.SimplestParsers = $anon$1@17d59ff0

scala> import p1._
import p1._

scala> parse(letter, "foo bar")
res0: p1.ParseResult[Char] = [1.2] parsed: f

scala> parse(ident, "foo bar")
res1: p1.ParseResult[List[Char]] = [1.4] parsed: List(f, o, o)

scala> parse(ident, "123")
res2: p1.ParseResult[List[Char]] =
[1.1] failure: letter expected
Towards AST
trait Token
case class Id(n: String) extends Token
case class Num(n: String) extends Token
case object ErrorToken extends Token

trait TokenParsers extends Parsers {

    type Elem = Char

    private def whitespaceChar: Parser[Char] =
      elem("space char", ch => ch <= ' ' && ch != EofCh)
    def letter: Parser[Char] = elem("letter", _.isLetter)
    def digit: Parser[Char] = elem("digit", _.isDigit)

    def whitespace: Parser[List[Char]] = rep(whitespaceChar)
    def idLit: Parser[String] = rep1(letter) ^^ { _.mkString("") }
    def numLit: Parser[String] = rep1(digit) ^^ { _.mkString("") }

    def id: Parser[Token] = idLit ^^ Id
    def num: Parser[Token] = numLit ^^ Num

    def token = id | num

    def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] =
      p(new CharSequenceReader(in))


trait Scanners extends TokenParsers {
  class Scanner(in: Reader[Char]) extends Reader[Token] {
    def this(in: String) = this(new CharArrayReader(in.toCharArray()))
    private val (tok, rest1, rest2) = whitespace(in) match {
      case Success(_, in1) => token(in1) match {
        case Success(tok, in2) => (tok, in1, in2)
        case ns: NoSuccess     => (ErrorToken,,
      case ns: NoSuccess => (ErrorToken,,
    def first = tok
    def rest = new Scanner(rest2)

scala> val scs = new Scanners {}
scs: java.lang.Object with Scanners = $anon$1@68a750a

scala> val reader = new scs.Scanner("foo bar")
reader: scs.Scanner = Scanners$Scanner@6a75863f

scala> reader.first
res0: Token = Id(foo)

res1: Num = Num(123)

res2: Token = ErrorToken
Reader[Char]   Low-level Parsing   Reader[Token]

Typical Parser




         Implicit magic
           “~” magic

Итак, ...
●   Parsers Combinators in Scala позволяют описывать
    исполняемые грамматики в виде, близком к BNF.
●   Внутреннее устройство Parser Combinators - самый
    настоящий Programming Pearl.
●   Internal DSL for External DSLs.

(Parser Combinators vs Parser Generator)

●   Toт же язык (Scala) – не нужно учить новый
●   Исполняемая грамматика - всегда
    актуальный код.
●   Краткость + богатая выразительность: LL(*) и
    больше (в том числе, контекстные
●   Можно делать fusion синтаксического
    разбора и чего-нибудь еще.
●   Модульность                                   53
●   Некоторые простые вещи могут
    кодироваться очень непросто.
●   Performance.


Hand-written Lift-json is 350 times faster than version based on parser
combinators (proof link)

Packrat Parsers

Parsing “9”: Too much backtracking
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import syntactical.StandardTokenParsers

sealed trait Expr
case class Num(i: Int) extends Expr
case class Var(n: String) extends Expr
case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr

object ArithParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", "+", "*")
  def expr: Parser[Expr] =
    term ~ ("+" ~> expr) ^^ Plus | term
  def term: Parser[Expr] =
    factor ~ ("*" ~> term) ^^ Mult | factor
  def factor: Parser[Expr] =
    numericLit ^^ { s => Num(s.toInt) } | ident ^^ Var | "(" ~> expr <~ ")"

    def parseExpr(s: String) = phrase(expr)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

Idea: Memoization (Really, Laziness)

+ Left Recursion
sealed trait Term
case class Var(n: String) extends Term
case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term
case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term

object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "")
  lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm | lam
  lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] =
    ident ^^ Var
  lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] =
    ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam
  lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm
  lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")"
  def parseTerm(s: String) =
    phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

+ Left Recursion
sealed trait Term
case class Var(n: String) extends Term
case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term
case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term

object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "")
  lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm | lam
  lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] =
    ident ^^ Var
  lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] =
    ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam
  lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm                                 lazy val
  lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] =
    vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")"
  def parseTerm(s: String) =
    phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

Without Left Recursion
sealed trait Term
case class Var(n: String) extends Term
case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term
case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term

object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions {
  lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "")
  lazy val term: Parser[Term] =
    appTerm | lam
  lazy val vrb: Parser[Var] =
    ident ^^ Var
  lazy val lam: Parser[Term] =
    ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam
  lazy val appTerm: Parser[Term] =
    (aTerm +) ^^ { _.reduceLeft(App) }
  lazy val aTerm: Parser[Term] =
    vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")"
  def parseTerm(s: String) =
    phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s))

Packrat Performance

Other Parsers
●     Pairboled Parser (PEG parser)
●     GLL parser
●     Derivative combinators
●   Merging two worlds
    ●   Compositionality (Functional programming)
    ●   Performance




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Parsers Combinators in Scala, Ilya @lambdamix Kliuchnikov

  • 1. Parser Combinators in Scala Илья Ключников @lambdamix 1
  • 2. Комбинаторные библиотеки ● Actors ● Parsers ● ScalaCheck, Spesc ● Scalaz ● SBT ● EDSLs ● ... 2
  • 3. 33/35 11/14 8/9 4/13 3
  • 4. Intro: combinators, parsers Scala Parser Combinators from the Ground Up How to write typical parser 33/35 11/14 Pros, cons 8/9 4/13 Advanced techniques 4
  • 5. Parser? ● Трансформирует текст в структуру + 2*3 + 4 * 3 2 3 5
  • 6. Hello, parser import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ import syntactical.StandardTokenParsers sealed trait Expr case class Num(i: Int) extends Expr case class Var(n: String) extends Expr case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr object ArithParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", "+", "*") def expr: Parser[Expr] = term ~ ("+" ~> expr) ^^ Plus | term def term: Parser[Expr] = factor ~ ("*" ~> term) ^^ Mult | factor def factor: Parser[Expr] = numericLit ^^ { s => Num(s.toInt) } | ident ^^ Var | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" def parseExpr(s: String) = phrase(expr)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("1") res1: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.2] parsed: Num(1) scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("1 + 1 * 2") res2: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.10] parsed: Plus(Num(1),Mult(Num(1),Num(2))) scala> ArithParsers.parseExpr("a * (a * a)") res3: ArithParsers.ParseResult[parsers2.Expr] = [1.12] parsed: Mult(Var(a),Mult(Var(a),Var(a))) 6
  • 7. Example 2: Lambda calculus t ::= terms: x variable λx.t abstraction tt application x y z = ((x y) z) λx.λy.y = λx.(λy.y) 7
  • 8. Example 2 sealed trait Term case class Var(n: String) extends Term case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "") lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm | lam lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] = ident ^^ Var lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] = ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] = vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")" def parseTerm(s: String) = phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("x y z") res1: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.6] parsed: App(App(Var(x),Var(y)),Var(z)) scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("""x.y.x y""") res2: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.10] parsed: Lam(Var(x),Lam(Var(y),App(Var(x),Var(y)))) scala> LamParsers.parseTerm("""(x.x x) (x. x x)""") res3: LamParsers.ParseResult[parsers.Term] = [1.19] parsed: App(Lam(Var(x),App(Var(x),Var(x))),Lam(Var(x),App(Var(x),Var(x)))) 8
  • 10. Комбинаторные библиотеки ● Actors ● Parsers ● ScalaCheck, Spesc ● Scalaz ● SBT ● EDSLs ● ... 10
  • 11. Принципы комбинаторных библиотек ● Соответствие терминологии библиотеки и терминологии предметной области. ● Состав ● типы, ● примитивы, ● комбинаторы первого порядка, ● комбинаторы высшего порядка. ● Свойство замыкания (композиционность). ● Возможность эффективной реализации. E. Кирпичев. Элементы функциональных языков. Практика функционального 11 программирования №3.
  • 13. Предметная область ● Грамматика ● Парсеры ● Регулярная ● LL-парсеры ● Бесконтекстная ● LR-парсеры ● Леворекурсивная ● Нисходящие ● Праворекурсивная ● Восходящие ● Аттрибутная ● GLL ● Boolean ● Packrat-парсеры ● PEG ● Parsing with ● ... derivativatives 13
  • 15. Подходы к созданию парсеров ● Parser-generator ● Hand-written ● Yacc ● Low-level ● Lex ● High-level ● JavaCC ● AntLR ● Rat! 15
  • 16. Parsers in Scala C9 Lectures: Dr. Erik Meijer - Functional Programming Fundamentals Chapter 8 of 13 A. Moors, F. Piessens, M. Odersky. Parser Combinators in Scala. Report CW 49 // Feb 2008 16
  • 17. Scala parser combinators are a form of recursive descent parsing with infinite backtracking. 17
  • 18. Parsers in Scala are functional Background: ● W. Burge. Recursive Programming Techniques. Addison-Wesley, 1975. ● Ph. Wadler. How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes. A method for exception handling, backtracking, and pattern matching in lazy functional languages // 1985 ● G. Hutton. Higher-order functions for parsing // Journal of functional programming. 1992/2 ● J. Fokker. Functional Parsers // 1995 18
  • 19. Parser? ● Трансформирует текст в структуру + 2*3 + 4 * 3 2 3 19
  • 20. Парсер – это функция type Parser[A] = String => A Нет композиции функций, не обязательно парсить всю строку type Parser[A] = String => (A, String) Может закончиться неудачей type Parser[A] = String => Option[(A, String)] 20
  • 22. Results trait SimpleResults { type Input trait Result[+T] { def next: Input } case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T] case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing] } object XParser extends SimpleResults { type Input = String val acceptX: Input => Result[Char] = { (in: String) => if (in.charAt(0) == 'x') Success('x', in.substring(1)) else Failure("expected an x", in) } } scala> XParser.acceptX("xyz") res0: parsers.XParser.Result[Char] = Success(x,yz) scala> XParser.acceptX("yz") res1: parsers.XParser.Result[Char] = Failure(expected an x,yz) 22
  • 23. The basis: Parser, |, ~, accept trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Failure(_, _) => p(in) case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}} def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Success(x, next) => p(next) match { case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2) case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n) } case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}} } } trait StringParsers extends SimpleParsers { type Input = String private val EOI = 0.toChar def accept(expected: Char) = new Parser[Char] { def apply(in: String) = if (in == "") { if (expected == EOI) Success(expected, "") else Failure("no more input", in) } else if (in.charAt(0) == expected) Success(expected, in.substring(1)) else Failure("expected '" + expected + "'", in) } def eoi = accept(EOI) } 23
  • 24. The simplest parser object OXOParser extends StringParsers { def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o') def oxos: Parser[Any] = (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo) } scala> OXOParser.oxos("123") res2: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Failure(expected 'o',123) scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo") res3: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((o,x),o),) scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo oxo") res4: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((((o,x),o), ),((o,x),o)),) scala> OXOParser.oxos("oxo oxo 1") res5: parsers.OXOParser.Result[Any] = Success(((((o,x),o), ),((o,x),o)), 1) scala> (OXOParser.oxos ~ OXOParser.eoi)("oxo oxo 1") res6: parsers.OXOParser.Result[(Any, Char)] = Failure(expected '?', 1) 24
  • 25. Be careful! trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { call-by-name param def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Failure(_, _) => p(in) case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}} def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] { call-by-name param def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Success(x, next) => p(next) match { case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2) case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n) } case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}} } } object OXOParser extends StringParsers { def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o') def oxos: Parser[Any] = (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo) } 25
  • 26. Be careful! trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def |[U >: T](p: Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { call-by-value param def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Failure(_, _) => p(in) case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}} def ~[U](p: Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] { call-by-value param def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Success(x, next) => p(next) match { case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2) case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n) } case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}} } } object OXOParser extends StringParsers { def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o') def oxos: Parser[Any] = (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo) } scala> OXOParser.oxos("123") java.lang.StackOverflowError at parsers.OXOParser$.oxo(stepbystep.scala:67) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) at parsers.OXOParser$.oxos(stepbystep.scala:69) 26 ...
  • 28. Where is a problem? trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Failure(_, _) => p(in) case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}} def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Success(x, next) => p(next) match { case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2) case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n) } case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}} } } object OXOParser extends StringParsers { def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o') def oxos: Parser[Any] = (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo) } 28
  • 29. Too much “threading” trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { trait Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Failure(_, _) => p(in) case Success(x, n) => Success(x, n)}} def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = new Parser[(T, U)] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match { case Success(x, next) => p(next) match { case Success(x2, next2) => Success((x, x2), next2) case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n) } case Failure(m, n) => Failure(m, n)}} } } object OXOParser extends StringParsers { def oxo = accept('o') ~ accept('x') ~ accept('o') def oxos: Parser[Any] = (oxo ~ accept(' ') ~ oxos | oxo) } 29
  • 30. Improved Results trait SimpleResults { type Input trait Result[+T] { def next: Input def map[U](f: T => U): Result[U] def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]): Result[U] def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]): Result[U] } case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T] { def map[U](f: T => U) = Success(f(result), next) def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]) = f(result)(next) def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]) = this } case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing] { def map[U](f: Nothing => U) = this def flatMapWithNext[U](f: Nothing => Input => Result[U]) = this def append[U](alt: => Result[U]) = alt } } ●map -... ●flatMapWithNext - ... ●append – for multiple results (we do not consider it here) 30
  • 31. Parser is a function with many results type Parser[A] = String => A type Parser[A] = String => (A, String) type Parser[A] = String => Option[(A, String)] type Parser[A] = String => List[(A, String)] 31
  • 32. After improving trait SimpleResults { type Input trait Result[+T] { def next: Input def map[U](f: T => U): Result[U] def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]): Result[U] def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]): Result[U] } case class Success[+T](result: T, next: Input) extends Result[T] { def map[U](f: T => U) = Success(f(result), next) def flatMapWithNext[U](f: T => Input => Result[U]) = f(result)(next) def append[U >: T](alt: => Result[U]) = this } case class Failure(msg: String, next: Input) extends Result[Nothing] { def map[U](f: Nothing => U) = this def flatMapWithNext[U](f: Nothing => Input => Result[U]) = this def append[U](alt: => Result[U]) = alt } } trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] def flatMap[U](f: T => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) flatMapWithNext (f) } def map[U](f: T => U): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) map (f) } def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = new Parser[U] { def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) append p(in) } def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = for (a <- this; b <- p) yield (a, b) Hey! 32 } }
  • 33. So, Parser is a Monad!! 33
  • 34. Where is my “withFilter”? ● In Scala 2.10 ● It was not easy... 34
  • 35. Removing noise... trait SimpleParsers extends SimpleResults { def Parser[T](f: Input => Result[T]) = new Parser[T] { def apply(in: Input) = f(in) } Removing Boilerplate abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => Result[T]) { def apply(in: Input): Result[T] New Parser{apply} def flatMap[U](f: T => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = Parser { in => Parser.this(in) flatMapWithNext (f) } def map[U](f: T => U): Parser[U] = Parser { in => Parser.this(in) map (f) } def |[U >: T](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = Parser { in => Parser.this(in) append p(in) } def ~[U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] = for (a <- this; b <- p) yield (a, b) } } 35
  • 37. Real Parsers package scala.util.parsing.combinator trait Parsers { Stream annotated with type Elem type Input = Reader[Elem] coordinates sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] case class Success[+T](result: T, override val next: Input) extends ParseResult[T] sealed abstract class NoSuccess(val msg: String, override val next: Input) extends ParseResult[Nothing] case class Failure(override val msg: String, override val next: Input) extends NoSuccess(msg, next) case class Error(override val msg: String, override val next: Input) extends NoSuccess(msg, next) ... abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) { Controlling ... backtracking } case class ~[+a, +b](_1: a, _2: b) { override def toString = "("+ _1 +"~"+ _2 +")" } Deconstructing sequencing } package scala.util.parsing.input abstract class Reader[+T] { def first: T def rest: Reader[T] 37 }
  • 38. Simplified picture package scala.util.parsing.combinator trait Parsers { type Elem type Input = Reader[Elem] sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) { combinators } combinators } 38
  • 40. Basic Combinators package scala.util.parsing.combinator trait Parsers { def elem(kind: String, p: Elem => Boolean): Parser[Elem] def elem(e: Elem): Parser[Elem] implicit def accept(e: Elem): Parser[Elem] abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input => ParseResult[T]) { def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]] def <~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[T] def ~! [U](p: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]] def | [U >: T](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] def ||| [U >: T](q0: => Parser[U]): Parser[U] def ^^ [U](f: T => U): Parser[U] def ^^^ [U](v: => U): Parser[U] def ^? [U](f: PartialFunction[T, U], error: T => String): Parser[U] def ^? [U](f: PartialFunction[T, U]): Parser[U] def >>[U](fq: T => Parser[U]) def *: Parser[List[T]] def +: Parser[List[T]] def ?: Parser[Option[T]] } } 40
  • 41. Swiss army knife Combinators package scala.util.parsing.combinator trait Parsers { def commit[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T] def accept[ES <% List[Elem]](es: ES): Parser[List[Elem]] def accept[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U] def failure(msg: String): Parser[Nothing] def err(msg: String): Parser[Nothing] def success[T](v: T): Parser[T] def rep[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] def repsep[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]] def rep1[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] def rep1[T](first: => Parser[T], p0: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] def repN[T](num: Int, p: => Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] def rep1sep[T](p : => Parser[T], q : => Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]] def chainl1[T](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[(T, T) => T]): Parser[T] def chainl1[T, U](first: => Parser[T], p: => Parser[U], q: => Parser[(T, U) => T]): Parser[T] def chainr1[T, U](p: => Parser[T], q: => Parser[(T, U) => U], combine: (T, U) => U, first: U): Parser[U] def opt[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]] def not[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[Unit] def guard[T](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T] def positioned[T <: Positional](p: => Parser[T]): Parser[T] def phrase[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T] } Inpired by G. Hutton and E. Meijer. Monadic Parser Combinators. 41
  • 42. Lexing 42
  • 43. Простейший (low-level) парсер trait SimplestParsers extends Parsers { type Elem = Char def whitespaceChar: Parser[Char] = elem("space char", ch => ch <= ' ' && ch != EofCh) def letter: Parser[Char] = elem("letter", _.isLetter) def whitespace: Parser[List[Char]] = rep(whitespaceChar) def ident: Parser[List[Char]] = rep1(letter) def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] = p(new CharSequenceReader(in)) } scala> val p1 = new SimplestParsers{} p1: java.lang.Object with parsers.SimplestParsers = $anon$1@17d59ff0 scala> import p1._ import p1._ scala> parse(letter, "foo bar") res0: p1.ParseResult[Char] = [1.2] parsed: f scala> parse(ident, "foo bar") res1: p1.ParseResult[List[Char]] = [1.4] parsed: List(f, o, o) scala> parse(ident, "123") res2: p1.ParseResult[List[Char]] = [1.1] failure: letter expected 43 123 ^
  • 44. Towards AST trait Token case class Id(n: String) extends Token case class Num(n: String) extends Token case object ErrorToken extends Token trait TokenParsers extends Parsers { type Elem = Char private def whitespaceChar: Parser[Char] = elem("space char", ch => ch <= ' ' && ch != EofCh) def letter: Parser[Char] = elem("letter", _.isLetter) def digit: Parser[Char] = elem("digit", _.isDigit) def whitespace: Parser[List[Char]] = rep(whitespaceChar) def idLit: Parser[String] = rep1(letter) ^^ { _.mkString("") } def numLit: Parser[String] = rep1(digit) ^^ { _.mkString("") } def id: Parser[Token] = idLit ^^ Id def num: Parser[Token] = numLit ^^ Num def token = id | num def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] = p(new CharSequenceReader(in)) } 44
  • 45. Lexer/Scanner trait Scanners extends TokenParsers { class Scanner(in: Reader[Char]) extends Reader[Token] { def this(in: String) = this(new CharArrayReader(in.toCharArray())) private val (tok, rest1, rest2) = whitespace(in) match { case Success(_, in1) => token(in1) match { case Success(tok, in2) => (tok, in1, in2) case ns: NoSuccess => (ErrorToken,, } case ns: NoSuccess => (ErrorToken,, } def first = tok def rest = new Scanner(rest2) } } scala> val scs = new Scanners {} scs: java.lang.Object with Scanners = $anon$1@68a750a scala> val reader = new scs.Scanner("foo bar") reader: scs.Scanner = Scanners$Scanner@6a75863f scala> reader.first res0: Token = Id(foo) scala> res1: Num = Num(123) scala> res2: Token = ErrorToken 45
  • 46. Lexing Reader[Char] Low-level Parsing Reader[Token] 46
  • 48. RAM++ 48
  • 49. AST 49
  • 50. Parser Implicit magic “~” magic 50
  • 51. Итак, ... ● Parsers Combinators in Scala позволяют описывать исполняемые грамматики в виде, близком к BNF. ● Внутреннее устройство Parser Combinators - самый настоящий Programming Pearl. ● Internal DSL for External DSLs. 51
  • 52. Discussion (Parser Combinators vs Parser Generator) 52
  • 53. PROS ● Toт же язык (Scala) – не нужно учить новый инструмент. ● Исполняемая грамматика - всегда актуальный код. ● Краткость + богатая выразительность: LL(*) и больше (в том числе, контекстные грамматики). ● Можно делать fusion синтаксического разбора и чего-нибудь еще. ● Модульность 53
  • 54. CONS ● Некоторые простые вещи могут кодироваться очень непросто. ● Performance. 54
  • 55. Performance Hand-written Lift-json is 350 times faster than version based on parser combinators (proof link) 55
  • 57. Parsing “9”: Too much backtracking import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ import syntactical.StandardTokenParsers sealed trait Expr case class Num(i: Int) extends Expr case class Var(n: String) extends Expr case class Plus(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr case class Mult(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr object ArithParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", "+", "*") def expr: Parser[Expr] = term ~ ("+" ~> expr) ^^ Plus | term def term: Parser[Expr] = factor ~ ("*" ~> term) ^^ Mult | factor def factor: Parser[Expr] = numericLit ^^ { s => Num(s.toInt) } | ident ^^ Var | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" def parseExpr(s: String) = phrase(expr)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } 57
  • 59. + Left Recursion sealed trait Term case class Var(n: String) extends Term case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "") lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm | lam lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] = ident ^^ Var lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] = ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] = vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")" def parseTerm(s: String) = phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } 59
  • 60. + Left Recursion sealed trait Term case class Var(n: String) extends Term case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "") lazy val term: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm | lam lazy val vrb: PackratParser[Var] = ident ^^ Var lazy val lam: PackratParser[Term] = ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam lazy val appTerm: PackratParser[Term] = appTerm ~ aTerm ^^ App | aTerm lazy val lazy val aTerm: PackratParser[Term] = vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")" def parseTerm(s: String) = phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } 60
  • 61. Without Left Recursion sealed trait Term case class Var(n: String) extends Term case class Lam(v: Var, body: Term) extends Term case class App(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term object LamParsers extends StandardTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions { lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", ".", "") lazy val term: Parser[Term] = appTerm | lam lazy val vrb: Parser[Var] = ident ^^ Var lazy val lam: Parser[Term] = ("" ~> vrb) ~ ("." ~> term) ^^ Lam lazy val appTerm: Parser[Term] = (aTerm +) ^^ { _.reduceLeft(App) } lazy val aTerm: Parser[Term] = vrb | "(" ~> term <~ ")" def parseTerm(s: String) = phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner(s)) } 61
  • 63. Other Parsers ● Pairboled Parser (PEG parser) ● GLL parser ● Derivative combinators 63
  • 64. Trends ● Merging two worlds ● Compositionality (Functional programming) ● Performance 64