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JSR 339
Java API for RESTful Web Services
GujavaSC / Adopt a JSR
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O que é REST?
É um estilo arquitetural…
Estilo arquitetural???
É um estilo arquitetural…
Recursos são identificados por um ID;
Sem estado;
Vincule as coisas;
Múltiplas representações;
Interface uniforme.
Recursos são identificados por um ID;
Sem estado;
Vincule as coisas;
Múltiplas representações;
Interface uniforme.
Interface Uniforme
Verbos HTTP Ação
POST Cria um novo recurso
PUT Atualiza um recurso
DELETE Remove um recurso
GET Retorna um recurso
JAX-RS 1.x
Final Release em 2008
Baseado em POJO
Centralizado em HTTP
Independência de formato
Independência de container
Inclusão no Java EE 6
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0
public class BookResource {
public List<Book> listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
// ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
// return;
return books;
JAX-RS 2.0
Final Release em Maio de 2013
Solicitações (JSR 339)
Client API
Asynchronous processing
Filters / Interceptors
Bean Validation
Client API
Client API
Baseada na API do Jersey (versão 1.x);
Consumir serviços criados em qualquer linguagem.
Qual é o recurso?
Como foi exposto?
public class BookResource {
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) {
return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build();
Como consultávamos?
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
E agora com a Client API?
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources");
WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}");
WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10");
Builder invocation = bookId.request();
Book book = invocation.get(Book.class);
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
...“um pouco” mais fluente...
public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.resolveTemplate("id", "10")
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.resolveTemplate("id", "10")
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus());
public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.resolveTemplate("id", "10")
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus());
public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.resolveTemplate("id", "10")
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus());
public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.resolveTemplate("id", "10")
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
Como configurar
Filters e Interceptors?
public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras");
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources")
.post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
response.close(); client.close();
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
Que tal uma chamada assíncrona?
public class BookResource {
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) throws InterruptedException {
return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build();
public class BookResource {
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) throws InterruptedException {
return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build();
Simulando um
processamento pesado.
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone());
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // true
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false
System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // true
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue());
Timeout no método get()
JSR 236 - Concurrency Utilities for JavaTM EE
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue());
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class);
assertThat(asyncResponse.get(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue());
Posso enviar um InvocationCallback?
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
public void completed(Book book) {
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
public void completed(Book book) {
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
public void completed(Book book) {
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() {
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient()
target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() {
public void completed(Book book) {
assertThat(book, notNullValue());
public void failed(Throwable throwable) {
Assíncrono no servidor... você quiser!
Primeiro, sem EJB...
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
Runnable command = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236
E se for com EJB?
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
EJB 3.1 (Java EE 6)
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
public class AsyncBookResource {
public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
asyncResponse.resume(new Book());
Filters and
O que são os filters?
public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext
responseContext) throws IOException {
public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext
responseContext) throws IOException {
public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext
responseContext) throws IOException {
public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext
responseContext) throws IOException {
public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext
responseContext) throws IOException {
class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
O que são os interceptors?
Descompactando a requisição
public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor {
Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
if (isGzipped(ctx)) {
InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream();
ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old));
try {
return ctx.proceed();
} finally {
} else {
return ctx.proceed();
public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor {
Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
if (isGzipped(ctx)) {
InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream();
ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old));
try {
return ctx.proceed();
} finally {
} else {
return ctx.proceed();
public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor {
Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
if (isGzipped(ctx)) {
InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream();
ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old));
try {
return ctx.proceed();
} finally {
} else {
return ctx.proceed();
public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor {
Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
if (isGzipped(ctx)) {
InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream();
ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old));
try {
return ctx.proceed();
} finally {
} else {
return ctx.proceed();
Compactando a resposta
public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor {
void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream();
GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old);
try {
} finally {
public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor {
void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream();
GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old);
try {
} finally {
public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor {
void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream();
GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old);
try {
} finally {
public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor {
void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... {
OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream();
GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old);
try {
} finally {
Mas, qual é a diferença
Filters: Acesso ao contexto do
Exemplo de Filters
Logar origem do request.
Verificar qual o método http utilizado.
Qual a URI.
Interceptors: Acesso ao contexto da
Exemplo de Interceptors
Compactar o conteúdo da mensagem a ser enviada.
Descompactar o conteúdo da mensagem a ser lida.
Posso logar minhas requisições
antes de chegar ao método?
public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
Mas se eu quiser logar um
método específico, é possível?
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface Logged {}
Similar aos qualificadores do
@Provider @Logged
public class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter {
public class MyResourceClass {
public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
return "Hello " + name;
E a ordem? Posso definir?
public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter{
Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
public static final int AUTHENTICATION 1000
public static final int AUTHORIZATION 2000
public static final int ENTITY_CODER 3000
public static final int HEADER_DECORATOR 4000
public static final int USER 5000
Bean Validation
Como eu aplico?
public class Book {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private String description;
private Integer year;
private String genero;
public Response create(@Valid Book book) {
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(createObject(book));
public Response listByYearAndName(@Max(2015) @PathParam("year") Integer year,
@QueryParam("name") String name) {
List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name);
ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books);
Hipermídia como motor do estado do aplicativo
“If the engine of application is not being driven
by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and
cannot be a REST API” (Roy T. Fielding)
Book Purchase
Link: <>; rel=purchase, …
<name>REST in practice</name>
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Links Transicionais
public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){
Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase")
return Response.ok(readObject(id))
.link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre")
Integração com Java EE
Managed Beans
Bean Validation
Daniel Cunha (Soro) - @dvlc_
Ivan Junckes Filho - @ivanjunckes
Ricardo Longa - @ricardolonga

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JSR 339 - Java API for RESTful Web Services

  • 1. JSR 339 Java API for RESTful Web Services
  • 2. GujavaSC / Adopt a JSR Membros do GujavaSC Participação Adopt a JSR Grupo de estudos Artigos Palestras
  • 3. O que é REST?
  • 4. É um estilo arquitetural…
  • 5. Estilo arquitetural??? É um estilo arquitetural…
  • 8. Características Recursos são identificados por um ID; Sem estado; Vincule as coisas; Múltiplas representações; Interface uniforme.
  • 9. Características Recursos são identificados por um ID; Sem estado; Vincule as coisas; Múltiplas representações; Interface uniforme.
  • 10. Interface Uniforme Verbos HTTP Ação POST Cria um novo recurso PUT Atualiza um recurso DELETE Remove um recurso GET Retorna um recurso
  • 11. JAX-RS 1.x Final Release em 2008 Objetivos Baseado em POJO Centralizado em HTTP Independência de formato Independência de container Inclusão no Java EE 6
  • 12. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 13. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } }
  • 14. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } }
  • 15. @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 16. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 17. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 18. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 19. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 20. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 21. Exemplo JAX-RS 1.0 @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<Book> listByYearAndName(@PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); // ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); // return; return books; } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/year/2011?name=Book1
  • 22. JAX-RS 2.0 Final Release em Maio de 2013 Solicitações (JSR 339) Client API Asynchronous processing Filters / Interceptors Bean Validation Hypermedia MVC
  • 24. Client API Baseada na API do Jersey (versão 1.x); Consumir serviços criados em qualquer linguagem.
  • 25. Qual é o recurso?
  • 26. Book!
  • 28. @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) { return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build(); } } http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10
  • 30. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 31. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 32. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 33. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 34. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 35. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 36. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); } GSON, Jackson, Jettison, XStream
  • 37. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee6() throws Exception { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources/books/10"); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String result = IOUtils.toString(con.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); con.disconnect(); Book book = new Gson().fromJson(result, Book.class); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 38. E agora com a Client API?
  • 39. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 40. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 41. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 42. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 43. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 44. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 45. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 46. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 47. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources"); WebTarget path = target.path("books/{id}"); WebTarget bookId = path.resolveTemplate("id", "10"); Builder invocation = bookId.request(); Book book = invocation.get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 49. @Test public void deveConterOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Book book ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", "10") .request() .get(Book.class); client.close(); assertThat(book, notNullValue()); }
  • 51. @Test public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", "10") .request() .delete(); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus()); }
  • 52. @Test public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", "10") .request() .delete(); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus()); }
  • 53. @Test public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", "10") .request() .delete(); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus()); }
  • 54. @Test public void deletarOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Response res ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/{id}") .resolveTemplate("id", "10") .request() .delete(); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), res.getStatus()); }
  • 56. @Test public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 57. @Test public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 58. @Test public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 59. @Test public void inserirOLivro_javaee7() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 60. Como configurar Filters e Interceptors?
  • 61. @Test public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); client.register(MyLoggingFilter.class); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .register(MyEntityInterceptor.class) .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 62. @Test public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); client.register(MyLoggingFilter.class); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .register(MyEntityInterceptor.class) .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 63. @Test public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); client.register(MyLoggingFilter.class); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .register(MyEntityInterceptor.class) .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 64. @Test public void inserirOLivroComFiltroDeLog() { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); client.register(MyLoggingFilter.class); Book book = new Book(1, "Android", "Direto das trincheiras"); Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books") .register(MyEntityInterceptor.class) .request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .post(Entity.entity(book, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); response.close(); client.close(); assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); }
  • 66. Que tal uma chamada assíncrona?
  • 67. @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(5000L); return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build(); } }
  • 68. @Path("books") public class BookResource { @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(5000L); return Response.ok(readObject(id)).build(); } } Simulando um processamento pesado.
  • 69. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 70. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 71. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 72. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 73. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 74. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 75. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 76. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 77. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 78. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 79. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // true assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 80. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); System.out.println("Cancelado: " + asyncResponse.isCancelled()); // false Thread.sleep(2000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // false Thread.sleep(5000L); System.out.println("Finalizado: " + asyncResponse.isDone()); // true assertThat(asyncResponse.get(), notNullValue()); }
  • 81. Timeout no método get() JSR 236 - Concurrency Utilities for JavaTM EE
  • 82. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue()); }
  • 83. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue()); }
  • 84. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue()); }
  • 85. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); Future<Book> asyncResponse = target.request().async().get(Book.class); assertThat(asyncResponse.get(2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS), notNullValue()); }
  • 86. Posso enviar um InvocationCallback?
  • 87. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() { public void completed(Book book) { assertThat(book, notNullValue()); } public void failed(Throwable throwable) { fail(); } }); }
  • 88. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() { public void completed(Book book) { assertThat(book, notNullValue()); } public void failed(Throwable throwable) { fail(); } }); }
  • 89. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() { public void completed(Book book) { assertThat(book, notNullValue()); } public void failed(Throwable throwable) { fail(); } }); }
  • 90. @Test public void buscaOLivroDeFormaAssincrona() { WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient() .target("http://localhost:8080/rest-example/resources") .path("books/10"); target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Book>() { public void completed(Book book) { assertThat(book, notNullValue()); } public void failed(Throwable throwable) { fail(); } }); }
  • 93. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); } }
  • 94. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); } }
  • 95. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); } }
  • 96. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236 } }
  • 97. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236 } }
  • 98. @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Runnable command = new Runnable() { public void run() { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }; Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(command); // JSR 236 } }
  • 99. E se for com EJB?
  • 100. @Stateless @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Asynchronous @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } } EJB 3.1 (Java EE 6)
  • 101. @Stateless @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Asynchronous @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }
  • 102. @Stateless @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Asynchronous @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }
  • 103. @Stateless @Path("async/books") public class AsyncBookResource { @GET @Path("/") @Asynchronous @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void longRunningOperation(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Thread.sleep(10000L); asyncResponse.resume(new Book()); } }
  • 105. O que são os filters?
  • 107. @Provider public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter { public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 108. @Provider public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter { public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 109. @Provider public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter { public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 110. @Provider public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter { public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 111. @Provider public class LoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter, ClientResponseFilter { public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 113. @Provider class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 114. @Provider class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 115. @Provider class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 116. @Provider class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 117. @Provider class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { log(requestContext); } public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException { log(responseContext); } }
  • 118. O que são os interceptors?
  • 121. @Provider public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor { Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... { if (isGzipped(ctx)) { InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream(); ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old)); try { return ctx.proceed(); } finally { ctx.setInputStream(old); } } else { return ctx.proceed(); } } }
  • 122. @Provider public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor { Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... { if (isGzipped(ctx)) { InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream(); ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old)); try { return ctx.proceed(); } finally { ctx.setInputStream(old); } } else { return ctx.proceed(); } } }
  • 123. @Provider public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor { Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... { if (isGzipped(ctx)) { InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream(); ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old)); try { return ctx.proceed(); } finally { ctx.setInputStream(old); } } else { return ctx.proceed(); } } }
  • 124. @Provider public class GzipReaderInterceptor implements ReaderInterceptor { Object aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext ctx) ... { if (isGzipped(ctx)) { InputStream old = ctx.getInputStream(); ctx.setInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(old)); try { return ctx.proceed(); } finally { ctx.setInputStream(old); } } else { return ctx.proceed(); } } }
  • 126. @Provider public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor { void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... { OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old); ctx.setOutputStream(gzipOutputStream); updateHeaders(ctx); try { ctx.proceed(); } finally { gzipOutputStream.finish(); ctx.setOutputStream(old); } } }
  • 127. @Provider public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor { void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... { OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old); ctx.setOutputStream(gzipOutputStream); updateHeaders(ctx); try { ctx.proceed(); } finally { gzipOutputStream.finish(); ctx.setOutputStream(old); } } }
  • 128. @Provider public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor { void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... { OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old); ctx.setOutputStream(gzipOutputStream); updateHeaders(ctx); try { ctx.proceed(); } finally { gzipOutputStream.finish(); ctx.setOutputStream(old); } } }
  • 129. @Provider public class GzipWriteInterceptor implements WriteInterceptor { void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext ctx) ... { OutputStream old = ctx.getOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(old); ctx.setOutputStream(gzipOutputStream); updateHeaders(ctx); try { ctx.proceed(); } finally { gzipOutputStream.finish(); ctx.setOutputStream(old); } } }
  • 130. Mas, qual é a diferença mesmo?
  • 131. Filters: Acesso ao contexto do request/response.
  • 132. Exemplo de Filters Logar origem do request. Verificar qual o método http utilizado. Qual a URI.
  • 133. Interceptors: Acesso ao contexto da mensagem.
  • 134. Exemplo de Interceptors Compactar o conteúdo da mensagem a ser enviada. Descompactar o conteúdo da mensagem a ser lida.
  • 135. Posso logar minhas requisições antes de chegar ao método?
  • 137. @Provider @PreMatching public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { ... } }
  • 138. @Provider @PreMatching public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { ... } }
  • 139. @Provider @PreMatching public class HttpPreMatchingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { ... } }
  • 140. Mas se eu quiser logar um método específico, é possível?
  • 142. @NameBinding @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD }) @Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Logged {} Similar aos qualificadores do CDI
  • 143. @Provider @Logged public class LoggingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter, ContainerResponseFilter { ... }
  • 144. @Path("/") public class MyResourceClass { @GET @Logged @Path("{name}") @Produces("text/plain") public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }
  • 145. E a ordem? Posso definir?
  • 148. Modifier and Type Constant Field Value public static final int AUTHENTICATION 1000 public static final int AUTHORIZATION 2000 public static final int ENTITY_CODER 3000 public static final int HEADER_DECORATOR 4000 public static final int USER 5000
  • 151. public class Book { private Integer id; @NotNull private String name; private String description; private Integer year; private String genero; }
  • 152. @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response create(@Valid Book book) { ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(createObject(book)); return; }
  • 153. @GET @Path("/year/{year}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response listByYearAndName(@Max(2015) @PathParam("year") Integer year, @QueryParam("name") String name) { List<Book> books = getListByYearAndName(year, name); ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(books); return; }
  • 154. HATEOAS Hipermídia como motor do estado do aplicativo “If the engine of application is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API” (Roy T. Fielding)
  • 156. Link: <>; rel=purchase, … <book> <id>1</id> <year>2013</year> <name>REST in practice</name> <genre>programming</genre> <author></author> <related></related> </book> Links Transicionais Links Estruturais
  • 157. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 158. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 159. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 160. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 161. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 162. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 163. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 164. Links Transicionais @GET @Path("{id}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response read(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo){ Link purchaseLink = Link.fromPath(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/purchase") .rel("purchase") .build(); return Response.ok(readObject(id)) .links(purchaseLink) .link(uriInfo.getRequestUri().toString() + "/genre/programming", "genre") .build(); }
  • 165. Integração com Java EE Managed Beans CDI EJB Bean Validation JSON API
  • 166. OBRIGADO! Daniel Cunha (Soro) - @dvlc_ Ivan Junckes Filho - @ivanjunckes Ricardo Longa - @ricardolonga