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Dedicated to…
Mom and Dad;
My family;
Mrs. E. O.;
My friends;
Whether you are for me or against me;
I will always try to love you.
And when I really can't,
Or won't;
God can, if I let Him...
Besides what it's going to cost for the printing; I do hereby release
all the funds to go to charity. BTW; "Wingdings" (the font name) is
a funny name/style  .
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”
-Winston Churchill
“The probability of life originating from accident is
comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary
resulting from an explosion in a printing factory.”
-Edwin Conklin
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don't lean on your
own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he
shall direct your way.”
-Proverbs 3:5,6
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
-Carl Sagan
"There is no other book (The Bible) in any of the world’s
religions (Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran, Book of Mormon,
etc.) that contains scientific truth. In fact, they contain
statements that are clearly unscientific."
-Ray Comfort
“The Christian faith has not been tried and found wanting. It
has rather been found difficult and left untried.”
-G. K. Chesterton
"To be an atheist requires an infinitely greater measure of
faith than to receive all the great truths which atheism would
-Joseph Addison
On 1Dec2011, an anti-
Christian said the following:
“Think about it. Religion has
actually convinced people that there’s
an invisible man living in the sky who
watches everything you do, every minute
of every day. And the invisible man has
a special list of ten things he does
not want you to do. And if you do any
of these ten things, he has a special
place, full of fire and smoke and
burning and torture and anguish, where
he will send you to live and suffer and
burn and choke and scream and cry
forever and ever ’til the end of time!
But He loves you. He loves you, and He
needs money! He always needs money!
He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-
knowing, and all-wise, somehow just
can’t handle money! Religion takes in
billions of dollars, they pay no taxes,
and they always need a little more. Now,
you talk about a good bull*** story.
Holy S***!”
My name is NOT on the book;
because the Holy Spirit, partially (in
my opinion [IMO]) wrote this; not ME...
...and I SEE that now! The first-time
light bulb turned "ON", and I am
NEVER looking back! To say that,"IT
The ORIGINAL Bible,is 100%
PERFECT; no exceptions. This "book";
is not. But I am HUMAN. The Bible, is
God's Word. This, is my word. Take
what you want; or don't. It's your
I was saved 02Feb2008. Looking back (21May2014); I'm much, MUCH
stronger now :D
This book will read "different"
ways, to " dIFfeReNT'
Someone who thinks that God is
"imaginary" should start from
"Chapter 1". Someone who believes
that there is a God, but is unsure
of which "religion" is true, may be
able to skip the first couple of
chapters of proof for God. Someone
will probably enjoy the first few
chapters, as well as the chapters on
archaeological and extra-biblical
evidence. Someone who is more of a
"philosopher/psychologist" will
appreciate the 4th, 6th, 10th, and
11th chapters. So depending on what
you are searching for, just look
through the "Table of Contents" to
find it. Still:
even a devout scientist or
philosopher could learn from ANY of
the chapters. So after reading the
chapter(s) more accustomed to your
taste, I sincerely invite you to
read the others as well  .
TableTable ofof ContentsContents
PREFACE: Why Write the Book?
INTRODUCTION: What is Everything?
CHAPTER 1: God VS Evolution
The Impossible Statistics Behind Random Creation
Why Would Someone Believe in Evolution?
Einstein Bowed to the Creator; Against His Will
CHAPTER 2: Evolution Wins!?
Why Evolution is Not Scientific
So the Script of Life Wrote Itself?
CHAPTER 3: Which Religion?
Stolen from the Bible
CHAPTER 4: Scriptural Science
Proof of: Modern Knowledge of Proper Circumcision
Proof of: Earth Floating in Empty Space
Proof of: Wind with Weight
Proof of: A Revolving, Spherical Earth
Proof of: The Knowledge of Cells/Atoms
Proof of: Supernatural Knowledge
Proof of: The Earth's Rotation
Proof of: Ocean Currents
Proof of: The Precisely Measured Oceans
Proof of: The Innumerable Stars
Proof of: The Uniqueness of Stars
Proof of: An Atomic Bomb Prediction
Proof of: Specific Knowledge of the Water Cycle
Proof of: The Physical Effects of Psychological Processes
Proof of: Modern Health, Sanitary, and Dietary Knowledge
CHAPTER 5: Scriptural Prophecy
CHAPTER 6: “Proof” of Errancy
Contradictions in Genesis
Why Would God Make the Bible Confusing?
Proof of an Unfair God
Why Does God Let Children Starve?
Thou Shalt NOT Kill?
God Isn't All-powerful?
Differences Between the Gospels
A Really, REALLY Heavy Rock
The Holy Trinity
CHAPTER 7: Archaeological and Physical Evidence
Sir William Ramsay
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Secret Water Shafts
Sodom and Gomorrah
Tel-Dan Inscription
The Shroud of Turin
The Discovery of Sargon’s Palace
The Red Sea Miracle
CHAPTER 8: Theoretical Evidence
Noah’s Ark
Near-Death Experiences
Joseph’s Price as a Slave
Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?
The Faithful (Crazy?) Disciples
CHAPTER 9: Extra-Biblical Evidence
The Ebla archive
The Nuzi and Mari Tablets
Tablets of Belshazzar
The Beni Hasan Tomb
CHAPTER 10: The Real Evidence
He Really Changes You!
Did I Really Fix it?
CHAPTER 11: So Why Do People Still Not Believe?
CHAPTER (1):Here's are some more FACTS for you
Why Write the Book?
Well; why not? Have you ever been really inspired to do
something? If you have, you know it feels AWESOME. I was
inspired to do a lot of amazing things in my life (2008). Go
search my name on the internet (now it's anonymous), and
you’ll find that I was a pretty good national-level
bodybuilder. I earned my Associate Applied Science in
Management (Community College of the Air Force) and my
Bachelor Science in Psychology, by the time I was 20
(Excelsior College). I earned my Master of Arts in Health
Psychology right after I turned 23 (Northcental University).
ALL three degrees were earned, while serving full-time in the
United States military, and being deployed (~4.5 months
Jan07-Jun07). I almost have my Master's of Arts in Theology
(Liberty University; 6 credits to go).
My right forearm has a tattoo that reads “OVERCOME,
when others fail”. The left reads, “PERSEVERE, you will
prevail”. I even have a "Chinese" tattoo on my bicep that
means “inspiration”. I’ve always been a "BIG BALL"
of inspiration to myself, and others. But it was always about
me. What I could do, and what I could accomplish, with my
own strength. After ~five years and eight months, that came
crashing down; but that is explained in Chapter 10.
Fast-forward to now, and for the first time in my life; I feel
divinely inspired to do something. You ever felt that? It’s
INDESCRIBABLE. To suddenly know your EXACT
purpose in the world, at a particular moment, is simply an
amazingly, indescribable feeling. It; really; is...
The reason that I have written this "book", is because I’m a
scientist: through and through. After coming to Christ, I realized
that science and the Bible mix VERY well; ultimately because
they were both created by the same being. The first time I told
someone I was a “Christian Scientist”, they thought I was
crazy. The misconception of “Christian scientist” being a
contradicting label, is ultimately what has driven me to WRITE
Nine months ago (2007), back when I made "fun" of devout
Christians, no amount of “repent and praise Jesus” could get
through to me. However, not one single person tried to present
to me actual evidence of the stuff they were talking about (or
they HAD, but I just wasn't paying "attention"). They just
somehow believed it with faith. “What a stupid concept”, is what
I, and probably every other atheist/agnostic out there, believes.
However, after I became a Christian, I realized that there is a
PLETHORA of "scientific" Biblical proof out there.
Is it a secret that there is actual PROOF out there!?
Although I researched my own information, from many,
MANY other published sources, I noticed two distinct
deficiencies with many of them. First; some of them are long-
winded and boring. Explain it and move on to the next fact!
Don’t "show off" your incredible language, literary, and ultra-
tedious research skills! I like to be able to open a scientific
book, right in the middle of it, and start reading. Go ahead and
try it right now. I guarantee you’ll find something interesting. If I
have to read a book cover to cover to understand it, it’s not my
type of book. Being thorough is one thing. Repeating yourself
and being overly thorough (as this paragraph is quickly
becoming  ) is another.
Second; I haven’t yet found a holistic book of Biblical
evidence. They either focus on scientific scriptures, theoretical
arguments, archaeology, extra-Biblical sources, how ridiculous
evolution is, or some other type of ISOLATEDISOLATEDISOLATED evidence.
I WANT IT ALL! I have seen some very good websites that
combine many different dimensions of evidence
( and are two great
ones), which I have also gotten a lot of information from. But I
want something that I can carry around and show others. So I
have tried my best to condense the most significant evidence in the
world into "one book". One 6”x 9” book that can easily fit into a
cargo pocket. I believe I have done a good job, but that's just my
opinion. By the way, I can honestly say that working for God is
the ONLY job that I have actually loved doing in my life  .
My most painful tattoo. Out of all my tattoos, this is the only one
that made me cry (seriously).
27Nov2011, I had a serious stroke (at
the age of 26). Currently (17Jun2013), my
right side is severely limited. I was right
handed. Now I'm left. I type with only my
left hand; and it is shaky. Thankfully, most
of what I had written (~65%) was done pre-
stroke. Post-stroke, I can think of what to
say, but I have trouble speaking (and
typing)... I mad about the stroke? In my
opinion (IMO), most people would say I
SHOULD be...
...but I'm NOT! I'm 100% serious
about that! "Everything happens for a
reason", as cliché as that may "sound".
You probably are better off than me in this
life (IMO). For those who are WORSE off; I
truly believe that God has something
"special" planned for you! Free will dictates
that it's "YOU" who chooses to pick it up, or
to pass it by. "I" choose to pick it up, and
give it to you  ...
(The following was written when I was 19 years old [2004] and
drunk on the island of Guam [I spent 15 months there] in the
United States Air Force. I have not re-written it)
"I wonder what this is.
Not just myself, but everything.
What everything is.
My life seems so complicated and important.
But yet, it is only a speck.
Less than a speck.
Almost nothing.
How can we be the focal point of something so vast?
We can't be.
It would be impossible.
Incompetent at best.
I’m one of the intelligent ones.
I understand things; yet I know nothing.
And I realize that.
And I realize that it doesn’t help to guess or wonder.
Until we are told,
We simply will not know.
How do we not go mad?
We have no idea what we are.
They use god as an excuse.
That’s how they stay sane.
And yet; I can’t.
Maybe there is something.
As a human, I believe there has to be.
But what if there isn’t?
I can’t understand.
So I say maybe,
And I can somehow keep my sanity.
I honestly hope I get an answer."
Keep reading...
"Words can mean a lot. I’m closing
my eyes and just typing what I think. Not
holding anything back. Does everyone
have a reason, or all we all a probability?
If there is a god, does he actually watch
over us? I was going to put a song on, but
they all seem so shallow. Only pertaining
to this world. Which is so small and
unimportant. I hope Erin comes back:
how shallow is that? Is love that shallow?
Not that I love her. But if I did, it
wouldn’t matter. But what does matter?
THAT is the question. What in this
universe actually matters? Who is this
“god” actually watching, if there is
indeed a god? I doubt it would be me.
That wouldn’t make sense, though none
of this honestly does. Being intoxicated
opens my inhibitions of these thoughts,
which I normally hold back. Because they
always have a dead end. And I end up
wondering, and wishing for more. Maybe
that’s why I drink. The yearning for an
answer, which I still won’t get.
I wonder what old people think?
People who know they are close to their
end. Have they somehow over the years
suppressed these thoughts? Or have
they come up with some answer? They
must have these thoughts, and found
some way to manage them. I guess
someday I will know. It must not be a
satisfying answer, or else they would
have shared it with us. Maybe they lived
their whole life, and were ashamed that
they still had no idea, or simply accepted
that fact. Either way, that’s all I want to
know. What really matters.
I’ll go to sleep sometime. But right
now, I obviously don’t think it matters.
What matters is extremely relative. I’ll
try to tend to what matters, even on the
lowest level. Things that I have power
over. Such as my life. That’s something
that’s feasible for me. Like that fact
that (***n) Hill is probably asleep, and
my music is too loud. And the fact that
alcohol doesn’t help with bodybuilding.
And the fact that I need to go to bed,
even though I won’t get any deep sleep. I
need to take a shower."
Holy Cow! I Actually Got My Answer!
As HUMANS, most of us are all searching for ,"the
meaning of life". What is this world? Why are we here? Does it
matter if I’m good or bad? Science explains a LOT, but where
did science come from? Most of us agree on the "big bang", or
something like it. But how did that happen? If it WAS God,
where did God come from? Does He watch us? What happens
after we die? Is the universe an atom on the bottom of a
giant’s foot?? Will we ever know any real answers?
“I’m a scientist. Christianity has no scientific evidence. It is
a blind faith. I can’t believe in Jesus. There is simply NO
proof”. This was my firm belief until just five months ago
...But I wasn’t always like that. I had grown up my whole
life as a "christian". By age 16, I was a “Jesus Freak”. But then,
a year later, I finally took a critical look at what I "supposedly"
believed. The questions of life; and why we’re here. These are
(IMO) the BIGGEST questions a person can ask. My whole life, I
just accepted "the answers" that the Bible gave me. But at
"THAT" point, I took off my "Christian" goggles, looked at
the world around me, and finally got the courage to say, “I
don’t think I believe in Jesus” (Jun2002).
For almost six years, I was a total agnostic. To me, it was
obvious that there was some type of "higher power". I didn’t
"create myself", and the "big bang" just happening from nothing
just didn’t; make; sense. The theory of evolution is crap (we'll
talk about that later). I figured the "big bang" was God snapping
His fingers and making everything; but how was I supposed to
know who God WAS? Whether He actually paid attention to us,
and what our purpose was? I honestly; do not; know...
To make a LONG story short, I found that God is an
ironic figure. He did not give me ONE BIT of "scientific
evidence" to make me believe; even though science was, and
STILL IS (now), the basis of my life. He just touched me, and I
CLEALYfelt it…
I suddenly knew, everything was TRUE (please bear with
me). It was an UNEXPLAINABLE experience; just as it is
impossible for a person with sight, to explain color, to a blind
man. You just have to experience it. PERIOD. But the purpose
of this book, is not to talk about "me", or "my transformation". It
is to talk about HARDCOREHARDCORE, tangible, scientific evidence.
I suddenly transformed from an adamant agnostic, who
knew he would never be a Christian again; to a passionate
seminary student, without one "bit" of "SCIENCE" to
prove it. But; then as I looked, I began to find more, and MORE,
AND MORE genuine evidence for Christianity (God has a
sense of humor too  ). I guess God was saying (not literally, of
course), “look, with one touch I can CHANGE you, without any
explainable or tangible evidence. But now that you’re
CHANGED, here is the evidence you have been BEGGING to
have for years”.
So this BOOK, is a collection of evidence that I have
researched. Did you know that Job, written about ~3,500 years
ago (the first book written in the Bible), clearly states that the
earth floats in space? We didn’t know the earth floated in space,
until ~1,000 years later. There are hundreds of prophecies (668
prophesies) in the Bible, and every single one that was supposed
to happen, has happened.!The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
in 1946 confirmed prophecies written in ink dated from ~1900-
2,200 years ago. How do you explain that? Because it’s real!
And no other religion has ANY proof like this!
I never realized that there was actually real evidence for
Christianity. Not just a little, but a LOT. Enough that
Christianity is undeniable to those who actually listen and search
for the truth. And not just that, but over that last ~3,500 years of
people trying to prove the Bible wrong, it has never happened!
Most errors in the Bible are when people misinterpret it.
For example, people misunderstand Romans 12:20 when it
talks about their enemy. It states “…Therefore if thine enemy
hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing
thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head”. People look at it and
say “well, a few books earlier, Jesus said to turn the other cheek.
Now it says to feed your enemy, and then put hot coals on their
head. It contradicts itself. This is stupid, and obviously
wrong”. What people don’t understand, is that; when this was
written, people would bring their neighbors hot coals as a
courtesy if their fire went out. So heaping "hot coals" on them
does not mean to BURN them, but to metaphorically rekindle
their fire. So I will also discuss some of these
misunderstandings and “obvious contradictions” of the Bible.
Another aspect that I will be discussing is archaeological
evidence. There is loads of this as well. Sometimes
archaeologists find something that they think dismisses the Bible.
Then the whole world says, “well, I guess they were wrong :) ”.
But then later they realize they were in a different location than
they thought, a different level of earth than they thought, they
simply misinterpreted the evidence, etc. So in this evidence as
well, there is no proof against the Bible, but a lot of proof to
support it.
In fact, there are over 25,000 different archaeological sites
that confirm the Bible. Carl Sagan once said, “the absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence”. With a little less literary
beauty, and a little more readability, it might say “just because
you don’t have proof of something, it doesn’t prove that it isn’t
true. You could always find proof of it tomorrow.”
One of Two Answers Must be Right
Ultimately; with the evidence that I have collected, I’ve
come to two "distinct" conclusions. You will understand the
"basis" to these "two" conclusions, AFTER reading the BOOK.
Either “A”; there is a God, He cares about us, and everything in
the Bible is true, or “B”; someone from the future got ahold
of a "time machine", and "somehow" set everything up to
purposely make us come to the previous conclusion. But; then I
realized that "time travel" is IMPOSSIBLE (irrelevant
explanation coming up).
In order to go back in time, you have to travel faster than
the speed of light to end up on the other side of the light cone.
But as an object gets closer to the speed of light, its mass
EXPONENTIALLY increases. So if an object with mass hits
the speed of light, it would end up having an infinite mass,
which would then take an infinite amount of energy to further
increase in speed. As we KNOW; there is not an "infinite"
amount of energy in the universe, so this is impossible (for
A second “theory” is to enter a worm hole by diving into a
black hole. However, the closest black hole is about 1,600 light
years away. So even if we got to just under the speed of light, it
would take >1,600 years to get there. But as speed increases,
time slows down. So maybe (?) if they were going ~97% the
speed of light (basically impossible), those 1,600 years would
only age them ~50 years or so. But then after entering the black
hole, how would they control where they went in time, even
though they would almost DEFINITELY be crushed to nothing,
after being destroyed by RADIATION? THE "POINT" IS;
time travel is impossible, so the Bible is my answer.
I invite ANYONE to give me clear evidence disproving
God or the Bible. My email address is .
I do not believe this stuff because I want to. I believe it
because it’s true. I hope you enjoy the book, and perhaps
learn a thing, or two, or a hundred. 
It Must be One or the Other
I initially began this book with scriptural science (chapter
4). Then I realized that some people out there (Malta,
1%),(United States, 9% or 10%),(France, 33%), believe that
there is no god (,
2013). So proving that Christianity is the only true religion may
not stand much ground, against an adamant, close-minded
atheist. So I decided to instead start the book with proof of why
God must exist. I challenge even the most intelligent, hard-
headed atheist, to say that this chapter does not prove the
existence of God. If you have a "GOOD" argument; send me
an e-mail (REALLY!).
There are only two distinct and polar "possibilities" of how
the universe began. Either; it was deliberately created by an
outside force, or accidentally created by an intrinsic force. Can
we directly discover the "probability" that “God” created the
universe? Not really. Not easily anyway. But, we CAN find this
probability another way. When there are only two possible
answers to a "question", the probability of one happening is 1
minus the probability of the other one happening. Using the pro-
evolution statistic, that is discussed later on in the chapter, that
makes the chance of there being a creator a:
99999999999999999999999999999999999% chance
Read on to get a better understanding of why random
evolution is impossible. But I’ll go ahead and tell you, it
wouldn’t be smart to bet against those odds.
(Page 141 measures "coincidences")
Thank the BIG BANG for “Random-but-
Vital” Coincidences!
Did you know there are some really huge, impossible, yet
vital “coincidences” that we have very recently found in our
cosmos? These are only considered to be "coincidences" by
those who still hold onto their theories. For some reason,
"atheistic evolutionists" never mention any of these
“coincidences”, and most of the public doesn’t know about them.
At the end of Chapter 11; there are a few quick facts about the
universe that I pulled from 26 facts listed in Hugh Ross’ book
The Creator and The Cosmos (2005).
The Impossible Statistics Behind Random
The thing is, Einstein did not know any of the previous
facts I mentioned. So how did Einstein conclude that, because
the universe does not have an infinite past, it could not possibly
have been randomly created? Because; it is statistically
IMPOSSIBLE! Einstein did NOT have all the statistics, but he
did realize that the only way for the universe to have evolved by
itself is if it had been around forever. The chance of random
evolution creating just a simple organism only has a wink of a
chance, even if the universe has been around forever (which it
has not). Theoretically, an infinitely old universe would lend
an infinite number of chances for the universe to evolve. Still,
even if the universe had an infinite amount of time to evolve,
the chances are still impossible.
For example, if I had an infinite amount of chances to throw
a basketball one mile straight up on Earth; it would never
happen. Not even a quattuorvigintillion (1075) years later. Why?
Because it is impossible! I’ll never have the strength to do so by
myself! So even if the universe had an infinite amount of time
and chances to randomly evolve, hitting just one impossible
ROADBLOCKon its infinite journey, would stop it dead
in its tracks; every chance, every time. Still, Einstein tried with
his tightest grip to hold onto this impossibility; until he finally
had to give it up. So without further adieu, here are a few
statistics to demonstrate certain possibilities, or rather,
impossibilities, in the universe.
The Probability of the Simplest Cell
Reconstructing Itself
Harold Morowitz calculated that if someone took the
simplest living cell, and broke the chemical bonds in it, the
chance of it reassembling would be one in 10100,000,000,000. That’s
a 10 with 100 billion zeros following it. To say it is "impossible"
is much, MUCH, MUCHmore than an
UNDERSTATEMENT. I tried to come up with a comparison
for this probability; but nothing could come "anywhere near" it.
Even the entire mass of the "universe", expressed as a
multiple of the mass of the "hydrogen atom" (the smallest atom
in the universe), is still only about 1080. So 10100,000,000,000 really is
NOTa "comprehendible" value. And this impossibility is
for the random development of just ONE cell. Not only that;
but the simplest cell! The probability of anything beyond that
one simple cell developing, let alone a human; is just
So there you have it. The chance of even one cell forming is
impossible. PERIOD. Though; we'll assume that the universe,
cells, and humans just, "somehow appeared out of nowhere".
What are the chances that the conditions of the universe would
actually allow us to live in it?
The Probability of the Perfect Planet (Earth)
Assuming the impossibility that the "big bang" somehow
happened for ,"no particular reason," and randomly created
ALL the atoms, elements, stars, galaxies, moons, etc. What are
the "chances" that the random placement of
EVERYTHING, could actually create a planet that could
"sustain human life"?
Well; using only 41 parameters (coincidences) in Hugh’s
book (there are obviously many more), he came up with the
possibility of 10-53. French probability expert Emile Borél
created a “single law of chance” which "states" that anything
above 1050 is absolutely "IMPOSSIBLE" under any
circumstance. So even the "probability" of a perfect Earth at
10-53 , is 1000 times more impossible than Borél’s absolute
I’m sure after seeing the probability of a cell reassembling
itself, this value doesn’t seem very impressive: and perhaps even
POSSIBLE. Let me assure you; it is NOT POSSIBLE! But if
you consider this "probability" with every planet, of every star,
in every galaxy in the universe, that could make it possible;
Nope. Even considering every single planet in the universe,
it still leaves only a 1 in
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 decillion)
chance that one of them could sustain life. I find it "funny" that
so MANY PEOPLE assume that because there are trillions
upon trillions of planets in the universe, it seems absurd that
earth harbors the only intelligent "life". In reality, the only
reason it’s not absurd to say that such a planet exists at ALL, is
because we miraculously live on it!
Dr. David Rodabaugh (1975) even gives us another statistic
just to show how absurd evolution is. This statistic gives
evolution every benefit of every doubt, and actually assumes
that it is correct. He writes:
“assuming that evolution is 99.9999% certain, then
‘evolution [still] has only a 1 in 10175chance of being
valid…. Therefore, even with the beginning assumption
that evolution is a virtual certainty, a conditional
probability analysis of the fossil record [alone] results
in the conclusion that evolution is a demonstrable
To put it bluntly: “NO WAY JOSE!”
(IMO) How God Created the Universe
~6,000 Years Ago
Believe it or not, I am actually not necessarily dismissing
the big bang. There is plenty of evidence that the beginning of
the universe happened in a way similar to the big bang. The
"cosmic oven theory" states that all of space should be a few
degrees above absolute zero, if the big bang actually happened.
This is compared to a scorching hot oven, which, when opened,
raises the temperature of the room several degrees in a uniform
manner. Thus, the heat from the expansion of the big bang,
should theoretically have spread evenly throughout the universe.
The COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite, and W.
M. Keck Observatory (2) telescopes have proved this. However,
trying to go beyond this "beginning" and stating that the stars,
the planets, and the rest of the cosmos just kinda “came together”;
is just not possible. I believe the evidence that we have for the
big bang shows that God just took a big nothing, touched it with
His finger, and with a theoretical “BANG!”; expanded it into
what we have today.
Many "Christians", and especially "non-Christians", find
a big problem with the Bible’s account of creation. It "states"
that it took six literal days, and it infers that it was around
~6,000 years ago. Actually; I followed the exact years of the
lineage account of the Bible from Adam to today, and came up
with 6,106 years (2008). How is this possible? The light from
the stars that we see is actually light that has to be millions of
years old, or more. Archaeological evidence on Earth dates
limestone all the way up to ~3.8 billion years ago. The Earth
,"itself", is thought to be about ~4.5 BILLION years old. So
how did God create it just ~6,000 years ago?
Simple. He created it exactly as He wanted it to be, at the
age that he wanted it to be. Science and logic demand that
whatever "age" an object is, it must have existed for the "exact
same amount" of time. So if we see a human that is 30 years of
age, we know that they have been alive for 30 years. But God
doesn’t have to follow the rules that He created for us (He really
doesn't)! When He created Adam, although the Bible doesn’t
state it, most assume that he was created as an adult, perhaps 20-
30 years old. Why would God create him as a baby, if He didn’t
have to? God created EVERYTHING for us, so when He
created it, it was INSTANTLY ready for us to live on; IMO.
So why are the stars and galaxies all moving away from us?
If God had created them as static, the gravity of the bodies
would eventually cause the universe to collapse into itself. Why
would God create the universe ~13.8 billion years old? If He had
created it "brand spankin’ new", or even just somewhat younger
than it is now, we wouldn’t be able to see any stars. The sky
would be black. If it were somewhat older, we would receive
TOO MUCH LIGHT! Not to mention, HUNDREDS of other
problems (seriously). If the earth were older or younger, it
would spin too slow, or too fast; respectively. As I described
earlier in the chapter: if the universe, our galaxy, our solar
system, and our Earth were not EXACTLY the way that they are,
life would not be possible.
So how does the event of "the big bang" fit into this? Well,
if there actually was a big bang, I don’t believe it took much, if
any time; at ALL. He did everything in six days, so it has to fit
into that time frame. One "theory" that I have, is that God
planted the seed (for the big bang), and basically skipped time to
exactly the time He wanted it to be.
A comparison to this, is a "fish game" I use to play on my
cell phone. I had to breed fish, and try to create exotic breeds.
The major limitation that I had; was that I had to WAIT for the
fish to hatch and grow up, before I could breed them. But then, I
discovered I didn’t HAVE to wait. All I had to do was set my cell
phone clock a few hours forward, and when I returned to the
game ,the eggs would instantly be adult fish. So perhaps God did
something like this with the beginning of the universe.
Another "theory", is that there was no beginning at ALL;
per se. God simply made everything appear, as He wanted it to.
This seems to be the most accepted "theory" by the Bible, since it
says that He, "spoke," and everything APPEARED!
Although skeptics may find it far-fetched that God created
the universe "at the age He wanted, in a completely manipulative
and powerful way", it’s really the "ONLY" theory that truly,
works; OUT. Obviously (IMO), according to the
PLETHORA of evidence and perfection of the Creation,
there must be a "Creator". This "Creator" is obviously "all-
powerful". So WHY is it hard to believe that He could create an
object with age? He is not limited by time. He can flip through
our time like the pages of a book. He created the universe like a
3D artist creates a world in a "game". They can plant a tree in
the game, that is full grown without having to wait for it to grow.
The MAIN difference with GOD, is that it doesn't have to take
Him anytime (or EXTREMELY quickly) to do it: and He has 3D
Studio Max v. 10infinity.
A poor, but UNDERSTANDABLE comparison, would be
me drawing a short cartoon. Let’s say I draw a five second
cartoon. It begins with a "basketball" flying through the air, and
going through a hoop, and then zooms out to reveal a person
standing alone on the basketball court. Logic would assume,
perhaps demand, that the person on the court threw the ball. I
mean, someone had to, right? But did he? NO! When I created
the ball, it was already flying through the air. There is "no other
explanation needed". I created the ball out of thin air, and I
created it with velocity. It was already there. PERIOD!
The same principle can be applied to God. God "created the
universe" as expanding and slowing down, the earth as 4.5 billion
years old, and everything else the age that it IS; for a REASON!
In ALL of the scientific research I have done, this is the ONLY
"theory" that I have found, that works on ALL levels.
Coincidentally, it somehow happens to go right along with the
Bible; the direct Word of God.
Time is NOT Constant
Another "theory" of interest deals with time itself. Anyone
with a vague understanding of Einstein's "theory of general
relativity understands" that time is not constant. It appears
constant to us, but it is only relative. Two known factors can
affect time (that we KNOW of).
First off, the speed at which an object travels will affect
time. The faster an object travels, the slower time passes for it.
So if one "twin" went into a space shuttle and traveled nearly the
speed of light, while the other "twin" stayed "on Earth"; the
"twin" "on Earth" could physically age 20 years while the other
"twin" aged only minutes. In such a circumstance, the "twin" in
the shuttle would actually have only flown for several minutes,
while the "twin" on Earth would actually have experienced 20
years of life. This is not based on "science fiction", but on
actual science.
The second factor that can affect time is gravity. The more
gravity that pulls on an object, the more slowly time will pass for
it. These "two factors" let us know that trying to consider "the
age of the universe" by only our "relative time" SOMETIMES is
not going to be accurate! "One theory" that clearly explains how
the universe can appear so old involves a "gravitational well".
This was actually tested, on Earth, with two extremely accurate
clocks. One was placed at the base of a clock tower (closer to
earth, thus more gravity), while the other was placed at the top
of it. After a period of time, the clock on the top of the tower
actually had more time pass than the clock at the base of the
tower (barely).
Since speed also affects time, the speed of the Earth affects
how fast time passes on it. However, because position is relative,
it is difficult to really say "how fast" the Earth is moving. The
Earth is spinning on its axis at ~1000 mph. BUT, it is also
moving ~66,000 mph through its orbit. BUT, the Sun and our
solar system are speeding around the galaxy at ~487,383 mph.
BUT, the Milky Way galaxy we live in is moving ~1,300,000
mph. As far as comparison, the "speed of light" is ~671,000,000
mph. There's PLENTY of other "factors" of speed as well. So it
is VERY difficult to say how fast we are actually moving.
What both of these factors "amounts to" is the fact that it is
hard to say how fast time passes when we go beyond the
confines of the Earth. I can confidently say that one minute for
"me" is one minute for "the guy" next to me. But how long is it
for someone in another galaxy? The Bible says that God created
the earth is six days. But six days from "what" reference? He
doesn't say six days on Earth. He just says "six days". PerHAPS:
it was six days for "Him". 
If I'm playing a "computer game" where time passes much
faster in the "game" than in my time, I'm still going to make
references to the game according to my time (e.g. it took me 10
days to beat the game). As I will discuss in the next section, time
does not apply to God (unless He wants it to).
But as I will also explain in a later chapter, He can make
time apply to Himself, if He wants. Perhaps (IMO), when God
created the universe in six days, He entered His "creation", and
thus the "time constriction" that "He" created in the very
beginning. If He moved around at nearly the speed of light, the
15 billion or so years that we see could "scientifically" be only
six days to Him.
This is just one of many plausible "theories" that
scientifically validate the Bible's exact story of creation. The
point IS, simply looking at a "star" that is beaming light from a
billion years ago our time, does NOT mean that God did not
create the earth in six days, and that the earth is not around
~6,000 years old by His time. It's all a matter of reference.
How Can Time Not Exist for God?
My friend asked me this, after I told him that time does not
exist for God. He asked how could there possibly be a world, or
dimension, without time? BETWEEN the point that you read the
,"last sentence," and, "this sentence"; there was "time". So how
could God read two sentences without having any time between
them? He reads one sentence BEFORE the other, and a
chronological relationship demands a passing of time (doesn't
it?). It just, doesn’t, make; sense.
The reason it does not make sense, and is completely
incomprehensible to us from this perspective, is because we are
still comparing God and His realm, to our own. Consider this
example. Let’s say you create a two dimension picture just like
the one below:
In this picture, there are only two dimensions: length and
width. If somehow shapes could "talk", the triangle would
completely agree with you that it could move up, down, left, or
right in comparison to the square. But what would happen if you
tried to explain to the triangle that it could move "away" from
the square, but still be the same distance from the square from
the perspective that the picture shows? It would think you were
nuts, because it is an impossibility according to its dimensional
limitations. You would be speaking of depth, and the triangle
would have absolutely no way or basis in which to comprehend
the concept. The following picture shows what the triangle
would not be able to understand: the dimension of depth:
Look at both pictures for a minute: try to understand why
the 2-D triangle would never be able to truly comprehend what
you were telling it. In a similar manner, we can never truly
understand a world without time, until we experience it.
Similarly, a man blind from birth can never truly comprehend
sight until they experience it.
Now we’ll take it a step further. Say you are now talking to
the three-dimensional "triangle" from the second picture. It
would have no problem with you telling it that it could move
front, back, up, down, left, or right. But, suppose you tell it that
"without using any of those directions", it could move away from
itself. Again; it would think you are crazy. Supposing that the
previous picture is a strictly a three-dimensional environment, it
would be impossible for the "triangle" to comprehend. This
brings us to the fourth and final dimension in our universe (that
we can experience).
In real life, if we take a triangular block and put it next to a
rectangular block, it is possible for the triangular block to move
away from itself and the rectangular block: without using any of
the "six directions" listed earlier. In fact, when any amount of
time passes, both of the blocks move away from their past selves,
as well as everything else in the past. This is the fourth
dimension: time. So these four dimensions, confine our universe.
Without getting much into theory, I will quickly entertain an
idea for a "fifth dimension". If there were such a dimension, it
could be a multitude of things. But following the first four
dimensions, a "characteristic" that it must have, is that an object
can somehow move without using any of the previous
dimensions. One idea is what sci-fi writers have called
“alternate universes”. One way of describing this, is that
BECAUSE there are an infinite number of moves, choices,
thoughts, etc. that a person can have at any moment; an
INFINITE amount of alternate parallel universes could exist
where all of these infinite moves, choices, thoughts, etc. will
Of course, this "last example" is only given to show you the
possibility and constraints of the universe we live in. We can
only "possibly" understand the rules that we are governed by.
The laws and physics of our universe were specifically designed
by God to apply for "us". The universe is the "bubble" that he
put us in. Our aquarium. But he is "outside" of that ,and
completely unaffected by it. So we cannot even begin to try and
"understand" the realm in which He "lives". So trying to
understand a world without time, is "IMPOSSIBLE" until we
experience it, which we all will; when the world ends, and we
will enter “eternity”.
Yes, in Quantum Physics there are 10 - 12 "dimensions", that we know of. Though, those
are VERY tiny/too complex. For the "purpose" of this demonstration, we'll stick with
four. 
Why Would Someone Believe in Evolution?
Beats me. But I suppose in their minds, it’s pretty simple.
People never could understand life unless they were religious.
Religion gives people a peace of mind because it takes away the
nagging question of where the heck we came from, and why
we’re here. As I will prove over the next several chapters,
Christianity is the only religion that actually follows science and
every other kind of proof to a “T”, and is ultimately the ONLY
truth. Still, some people feel STUPID believing in religion,
because in this "modern-day world", we can see, feel, explain,
and understand so MUCH more than we ever could before.
Everyone is a scientist, and nearly everything can be explained
with science, or at least a scientific theory. Yet, we cannot do
this with God...
...God is beyond our comprehension, because we are limited
to understanding and viewing things, from the perspective of the
rules that govern the "universe". Since God is beyond that: it is
IMPOSSIBLE to completely comprehend Him as we are. The
Bible even says that if God were to appear to us in His true form,
we would instantly perish. Perish. PERISH...
...that is the reason God never directly appears to us.
PERIOD. In the Bible, He had to appear indirectly, such as
through the angels, the burning bush, and His closest
manifestation of Himself: Jesus. Still, even Jesus as a human
does not completely show us exactly Who God Is. He is simply
"beyond our understanding". Only once we are unbound from
these "darn" laws of "physics" and the "physical universe", and
enter into eternity, THEN will we be able to get a better picture
of God.
So, we ultimately cannot "fully" understand who "He" is.
Jesus is the closest understanding that we have. If you want to
have an idea of what God’s personality is like: just look at Jesus.
God simply tells us “I Am who I Am”, and I suppose we have to
accept that? Since some people feel that this is "too hard of a
pill to swallow", they deny it, rather than accepting what they
DO understand...
Then Darwin came along in 1859 and gave these
"unbelievers" a "false sense of peace" by developing a new
theory about how animals evolved from crap (well…not literally;
but it may as well have been  ). This theory was accepted by
many for a long time. Then came along the theory of the big
bang, which could account for not only the creation of life, but
the creation of the whole universe! SWEET! This pseudo-
science created an entirely new and unique possibility; that life
could actually be fully explained scientifically! Great news for
the atheist, right? So now God can be taken out of the picture,
and life can be explained completely scientifically??…Well; not
I actually can’t understand how someone can TRULY
believe that, the big bang and evolution, created everything. I;
really; cannot?? I think the majority of people who believe in
this "combo" really don’t understand it. People "dismiss
Christianity" because they say there is "no proof"; yet, there is
actually too much proof to consider (it was hard to keep this
book slim)! Conversely, people believe in "the big bang" and
"evolution" because they say that there is proof; yet the most
IMPORTANT "proof" is against it! SUCH A
PARADOXPARADOXPARADOX ! In reality; the big bang and evolution
have so many obvious holes, contradictions, and impossibilities,
it truly boggles my mind that people believe it. Let alone, that
people earn Ph. D’s and spend their lives studying it! The only
reason that I would get a Doctorate in it, is for RESEARCH only!
Einstein Bowed to the Creator; Against His
That’s right, Einstein: one of the smartest men to ever live.
He did not literally bow in a respectful manner or anything; he
simply threw in his theoretical towel and reluctantly concluded
that "God" must exist. If anyone had a grasp on science and the
universe, it was this guy! Einstein really wanted to believe that
there was no God. It was one of his firm belief that God was
"not real". Up until this point, he based his proof that there did
not have to be a God on the incorrect fact that the universe
was infinite, and static (not moving).
As I will later discuss in this chapter, the only way that the
theory of spontaneous creation and evolution stands ANY ground,
is if the universe had an infinite amount of time, and thus
chances, for evolving from nothing. This was the accepted
world view, and no one could question it. This, was;
However, Einstein accidentally shot his own foot by
discovering that the universe was not "infinite". After developing
his equations of general relativity, he realized that the universe
was simultaneously expanding and decelerating; just like an
explosion. He acknowledged the fact that the only way for a
grenade or piece of dynamite to explode, is for something to
initiate the "explosion". Thus, there had to be a “beginner”: IMO,
"God". Einstein really didn’t want to believe this, so he created
a theory with an opposing force that would perfectly "cancel
out" his equation, and allow the universe to indeed have an
infinite past. So he fought so hard that he didn’t just search for
proof: he tried to create it! There…no more God..whew!
This lasted from 1917 until 1929. Then, using his new
telescope, Edwin Hubble *burst* Einstein’s little atheistic
bubble by proving that Einstein was right with his first answer:
the universe is expanding and decelerating. Reluctantly, Einstein
finally admitted that God had to exist. Actually, he
acknowledged “the presence of a superior reasoning power”; a
long-winded way of saying “God” (Barnett, 1948).
So if one of the smartest men to ever walk to the face of the
earth, who had one of the biggest impacts on science, who did
his best to DISPROVE God, could only "in the end" hold up a
"white flag" and proclaim His EXISTENCE: what CHANCE
does anyone else HAVE, to do the OPPOSITE!? ... I always
thought I was "too smart "to believe in God, and here I am
writing a book!
That’s right. Evolution wins. At least, at the end of 2005
according to Judge Jones in Dover, PA; it does. The judge ruled
that Intelligent Design is "NOT" scientific, and said “our
conclusion today is that it is unconstitutional to teach Intelligent
Design as an alternative to evolution in a public school science
classroom”. Chapter "1" seemed pretty scientific to me, IMO.
And evolution seems to be a lot more like fantasy and science
fiction. Still, in a "court of law", Intelligent Design was slapped
in the face, while EVOLUTION was put on a "pedestal". But
what happened??
I read the court script, and it appeared that those on the
side of evolution had MUCH better lawyers than those on the
other side (?). Out of the entirety of chapter 1 in this book, the
defendants (of intelligent design) did not mention ANY of the
facts or arguments that I wrote about. Not one! So what did they
use for an offense? Not much really. Their biggest argument
involved "bacterial flagellum" and a concept labeling it an
“irreducibly complex” life form. "Bacterial flagellum" is a very
simple outboard motor that "bacteria" use to swim. The term
“irreducibly complex” means that if just "one" part of the motor
is taken away, it will not work.
The defense, Michael Behe, claims that this proves that
evolution could not have produced it, since all of the pieces
would have to have formed at once, since each individual piece
is useless. However, the evolutionists quickly pointed out that
the components of the bacterial flagellum can be used for other
purposes, so Behe’s entire argument is basically useless. The
evolutions then give another irreducibly complex example that
advocates of intelligent design use: the mousetrap. But then they
go on to explain how even after removing two of the five parts,
they can still use the mousetrap as a tie clip. Behe never says
anything else about the matter, and it is clearly a win for
The next argument by Behe states that evolution can not
account for the formation of the immune system. After he says
this, the plaintiff asks to come to the stand. He then completely
refutes Behe’s statement by piling "books" on his bench that
are all about how evolution explains the immune system.
Against, Behe doesn’t do, or say; ANYTHING!
The final argument (if you want to call it that) is a quote
given to the judge from Behe. “In fact, intelligent design is open
to direct experimental rebuttal. To falsify such a claim, a
scientist could go into the laboratory, place a bacterial species
lacking a flagellum under some selective pressure, for motility,
say, grow it for 10,000 generations and see if a flagellum or any
equally complex system was produced. If that happened my
claims would be neatly disproven”. The judge then asks is this
has been done. The defense says no; but that evolution hasn’t
done it "either". Still, a theory to "obtain" evidence, is "not"
evidence, so I don’t even know why they mentioned it!
These three arguments were the only arguments given
for "Intelligent design". You have in your hands, right now, a
book full of scientific proof for intelligent design, yet the defense
only choose three weak examples. Ironically (?), the
evolutionists were able to easily counter each of them. Not only
that, but the plaintiff somehow had stacks of books to counter the
argument about the immune system. It almost seems like it was
"set up", and that Behe let it happen (did he?).
He said in the court regarding his first argument, “I think
the best, well, the most visually striking example of design is
something called the bacterial flagellum”. Is he serious!? We
have the entire universe to scavenge THROUGH(!); and he says
that the best example is a simple bacterial flagellum? Not only
that, but it ends up not even being proof anyways! What about
the statistic of the chance of a broken down cell reconstructing
itself? Why not go there? Whynotgothere...Whynotgothere...Whynotgothere.Whynotgothere...
Then there was the second "countering" of irreducible
complexity by talking about a "mousetrap". The plaintiff says
that although a mousetrap supposedly "must" have all of its parts
to work, it can in fact still function as a tie clip without some of
its parts. We’re trying to discover the "ORIGIN OF THE
UNIVERSE", and he shows how you can use a "three-part
mouse trap" as a tie clip? Talk about undermining SCIENCE!
Then Behe does nothing to dispute what they are saying. He just
seems to go with it. Needless to say, I was getting "pretty angry"
watching the reenactment of the trial...
Next Behe gives the argument about the immune system,
which has plenty of scientific research to prove it. Why didn’t he
choose something that does not have "dozens of books" written
about it? Again, he has another argument that states one thing,
when clearly the reality of it is the opposite.
Finally, the third argument is simply "wishful thinking",
and doesn’t prove anything at all. Either the defendant was
absolutely terrible, or they were really working for the plaintiff.
Either way: Intelligent Design was not really given an argument
at ALL, and evolution was not disproved, as it should have been.
As this book has, and will continue to prove, the proof and
necessity of "intelligent design" is irrefutable. The following
section will discuss more holes in the theory of evolution.
Why Evolution is Not Scientific
As I have already explained, evolutionists say that
"supernatural" is something that does not apply to, or breaks the
laws of physics. A better way of explaining the big bang
beginning is “well, the laws of physics don’t work in creationism.
Creationism is not scientific". The previous chapter gave reasons
why it is scientific, and why evolution is improbable. I am going
to give several reasons more reasons why evolution is not
scientific. But first, I will give a small paradox about the two
Atheistic evolutionists say that creationism is not scientific
because it involves supernatural elements in the beginning, and
that supernatural is not "scientific". But what does the atheistic
"big bang" model say about the beginning? Is it scientific? Not
at all! In fact; the big bang model states that at "the very
beginning", the laws of physics had to "break down". Is this
just a "scientific" way of saying that it was supernatural? Well,
they say that the theories of gravity, magnetism, time, etc. did
not apply the way they do now. Is this not supernatural? So let’s
assume that these laws were thrown out the window, and some
supernatural force that we don’t "understand", just made
everything "happen"; with a “random fluctuation“. Just don’t
call it "God". Yea…that right there is science...
So the big bang theory is just as supernatural as
creationism. They just abandon the word "supernatural" and say
that “the laws of physics had to break down”, and some
"other force" had to exist. Both theories require something
supernatural. So we pretty much all must agree that the
supernatural is not just possible, but required, for creation. The
differences between the two theories, are that the big bang and
evolution are much less probable; and that while creationism
gives a motive for creation, the other does not.
Here is a quote from noted evolutionist writer and
lecturer Stephen J. Gould stating how evolutionists only focus
on the minuscule fraction of evidence supporting their theory
and throw away everything else:
"Every paleontologist knows that most species don't
change. They get a little bigger or bumpier but they
remain the same species and that is stasis. And yet this
remarkable stasis has generally been ignored as no data.
If they don't change it is not evolution so don't talk about
The following attack and rebuttal for evolution was pulled from
"Indicator 10: If one species were to evolve into another, one
would expect that it would do so in many small, incremental
steps. Thus, many transition fossils would have been found by
now. But, in fact, very few have been discovered.
Rebuttal 10: Charles Darwin originally believed that evolution
was a gradual phenomenon. In fact, he wrote that if transitional
fossils were not found, that his conclusion about a slowly
advancing evolution would be false. Stephen Gould has
proposed the concept of punctuated equilibrium: the idea that
species were relatively fixed over long periods of time; transition
from one species to another happened relatively quickly. Thus,
transitional fossils would be extremely rare. He believes that
speciation generally occurs rapidly in small, isolated
populations of a species. Thus, surviving transitional fossils
would be expected to be almost non-existent."
So because Darwin's model of evolution has too many
"holes", evolutionists came up with the new theory of
"Punctuated Equilibrium" to get around the lack of fossil
evidence. But what evidence is there for such a model? The only
real evidence comes from one species of coral-like sea
organisms called "Bryozoan", which remained unchanged for 40
million years and then underwent an explosion of diversification.
The only other "proof" of "Punctuated Equilibrium" is
the minor mutations that some isolated organisms have
experienced, such as Darwin's observations of the changes in a
finch's beak to accommodate it to the environment. However, it
was still just a finch, just with a different shape of beak. So how
does this explain the major evolutionary mutations and instant
appearances that we see in the fossil record? It doesn't. It almost
appears as if something just created organisms and placed them
on the earth. But that would be impossible; right?
So the Script of Life Wrote Itself?
Who wrote the super-complex script of human DNA? Many
scientists claim that RNA actually came first, but who wrote that?
Even pro-evolution website admits:
"The RNA world hypothesis doesn't explain how RNA
itself first arose. Like DNA, RNA is a complex molecule
made of repeating units of thousands of smaller
molecules called nucleotides that link together in very
specific, patterned ways. While there are scientists who
think RNA could have arisen spontaneously on early
Earth, others say the odds of such a thing happening are
Think of it this way. If you took a bucket of paint and
splashed it on a canvas, is it possible that it could have created
the detailed picture of a lion? Well it's certainly not likely, but
I'm sure there's an ultra-minuscule chance that it could happen.
Consider this to be the chance of life spontaneously building
itself. But: what is the chance that in addition to the lion, a full
written description of how to create the lion had also appeared
on the canvas. What is the possibility of that? Definitely so close
to zero that it can't be comprehended. This is similar to saying
that RNA, the literal description of how to build an organism,
somehow just appeared within the organism.
Dead Humans
What about dead human beings? If everything is simply
a machine put together, how come we haven't brought been
about to put the "building blocks" together and make the
machine work again? I figure if humans are NOT more than just
flesh and blood, either we'll be able to "build them", or bring
them back-to-life after being long dead? Or they will be almost
zombie-like and emotionless when we do? Obviously, science is
very far from this.
But what about animals? What about bacteria? What
about a cells? How come we can't build ANYTHING?? Because
God breathed life into everything, and only He can do it. Period.
As stated by the editorial staff of The Forerunner magazine:
"Even if we took all the proteins essential for a living cell
and placed them within a test tube, we would still not
succeed in producing life. A dead cell has all the essential
components to function but something has offset the
precision of its operation. Dead cells in a test tube will
always remain dead no matter what is done to them, even
though they seem to have the ingredients for life. Life does
not simply consist of a mere assemblage of the right
compounds or proteins."
So Who’s Right?
So if there’s a God, which God is it? It makes sense that
God would want us to know who He is, which is what different
religions claim they know. So which religion is right? If any of
the religions are right, it makes sense that it would have made an
impact on the world, and would be well-known.
So the majority of the world believes in either
Christianity, Islam, and Hindu (70%). While the rest of the
religions drastically fall off from there. The religions such as
Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, New Age,
Shinto, and all the other religions are so small and unscientific,
that I can’t imagine why people even consider them? Someone
had either a money-making idea, or was crazy. Maybe a
combination of the two. Then they made something up, and
people were gullible enough to follow it.
Even the Muslim religion, the second-largest religion in
world, only has 63% of the number of followers as Christianity.
Although people often say not to follow the crowd (probably due
to America’s push for individuality), the crowd is still usually
right (at least on the show “Millionaire”, they usually are). In
this particular case, I am sure of it. I’ll explain.
For years the Muslim religion stated that, although the
original Holy Bible may have been the Word of God, it has
changed over the years due to human error and corruption.
You may not know this (I didn't), but Islam is nearly a copy
(ROUGH copy) of Christianity. The Koran, which is basically
their equivalent of the Christian Bible, is ultimately a reworded
copy of the Bible. It talks about the six days of creation (though
it later contradicts itself with an eight day account), Adam and
Eve, the world-wide flood, Abraham, the Israelites, David and
Goliath, and even Jesus (although the NAMES were different)!
The main difference is that they believe that Jesus was just a
great prophet; not our savior. So they believe that their religion,
which was not even formed until the ~622 AD, is the true
religion. Christianity and the Bible have been "corrupted" over
the years. Well, guess what Muhammad? We have PROOF?!
In 1946, the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were found in a cave at
Qumran. These scrolls contained writings of the Bible from up to
~2200 years ago! All but one of the books of the Bible (Esther)
was at least partially found; and guess what? The writings from
200 BC are basically the same as the writings of today!
Although sometimes there were some minor literary mistakes,
the message itself was the same. This finding alone has
dismissed Islam’s main offense towards Christianity, and should
help you find comfort, in the fact, that; the Bible has not
changed over the years.
The scientific principles explained in the next chapter were
all formally discovered thousands of years after the Dead Sea
Scrolls were written (proving they were not later added). I will
discuss the Dead Sea Scrolls in a later chapter. Now that you
understand that the Bible of today is the same as the Bible of
yesterday, the year before that, a millennium before that, etc.;
the rest of this book should pretty much prove itself. But; I’m
still not done with the other religions yet.
I invite anyone to go buy a copy of the Koran. I did, and
discovered that it is a (IMO) POORLY written copy of the Bible.
In addition to this, there are plenty of clear errors laced
throughout it. Even though the original Bible they copied from
does not have any clear errors, the Muslim’s humanly written
copy added quite a few. Here are several:
One Day With Allah is…
How many years equal one day with Allah? I’m not sure,
and apparently neither was Muhammad. Look at a few verses
from the Koran:
“…to him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of
what you count.” S. 32:5
“ to him ascend the angels and the spirit in a day the measure of
which is fifty thousand years.” S. 70:4
Who Takes Our Body at Death?
According to S. 22:11, the angel of death does. According
to S. 47:27, the “angels” take it. According to S. 39:42, Allah
takes it. Perhaps the answer is that it is ripped into shreds so
everyone can get a piece? ...What? I'm a stand-up comedian!
The Sun Following the Moon in Orbit
The following are direct sentences taken from the Quran:
“It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can
the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own)
orbit (according to Law).” S. 36:40
“By the sun and his brightness, And the moon when she
followeth him ...” S. 91:1-2
It doesn’t take a scientist to realize that Muhammad is
saying that the sun follows the moon around the same orbit, but
that Allah doesn’t let her catch him. From his point of view on
Earth of course, it probably appeared that way. Also, not only
does the Quran incorrectly detail the orbits of the sun and moon
multiple other times, but it also directly states that the earth does
not move!
The Stationary Earth
“Is not He (best) Who made the earth a FIXED ABODE…” S.
Where the Sun Goes at Night
If you ever wanted to know where the sun goes during the
night, the Quran has the perfect scientific answer:
"Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it
setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water.” S. 18:86
So not only does it continue with the assumption that it is
the sun that goes around the earth, but that it actually sets in a
muddy spring and stays there until daytime!
Stolen From the Bible
It should be obvious that most of the Koran is based on the
Bible. I think Muhammad tried to add on to what the Bible said
about the cosmos, but got confused with EXACTLY what it
was saying. The Bible states that the sun has a circuit, or an orbit,
in the following verse:
"The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to
the other end…” Psalm 19:6 NLT
Skeptics could say that this view PROVES that they thought
that the sun moved around the Earth. Though, you have to
REALIZE that we say the same thing TODAY(!): the sun
“rises” and “sets”, even though we know that it is really the
Earth that is rotating. Still, the reason I mention it, is because I
think Muhammad may have tried to expand on it in an
incorrect manner.
The Seven Heavens
“He Who created the seven heavens, one above the other ... And
We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps ...” S. 67:3, 5
“And He completed them seven heavens in two days and inspired
in each heaven its command; and We adorned the lower heaven
with lamps, and rendered it guarded ...” S. 41:12
“We have indeed adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of
the stars.” S. 37:6
So the conclusion of these verses is that there are seven
heavens, one above the other, with the stars resting in the lowest.
The problem with that, is that stars are located EVERYWHERE
in the galaxy. The only way to reconcile this is if the other six
heavens are different dimensions. But then how do you explain
the following verse?
“Do you not see how God has created the seven heavens one
above the other, and made the moon a light in their midst, and
made the sun as a lamp?” S. 71:15-16
This verse states that the moon is in the midst of the seven
heavens, which means that it is much farther than the stars,
which supposedly only reside in the lowest level. The problem
with this, is that the closest star is about 100 million times farther
away than the moon, making this an impossibility.
Hope for Muslims
There is a great Muslim site , which
explains to Muslims who "Isa al Masih" (Jesus Christ) is. The
site has many testimonies of real-life Muslims who have been
drawn to Jesus in supernatural ways. Skeptics argue that if Jesus
is the Messiah, and if God is GOOD, how can He section
Himself off from certain people? Well; the answer is that He has
many venues of how to reach people. This website is full of
ironically similar testimonies of Muslims who have actually had
dreams and visions of someone who they realize then, or at a
later time, is actually Jesus.
I’m a pretty big skeptic when it comes to visions and
supernatural stuff, but there are a large number of Muslims
who have experienced the same thing. In fact, over one-fourth of
converted Muslims reported having a vision or dream of Jesus
that made them realize the truth; many of whom knew little or
NOTHING of Jesus before the life-changing experience. What
are the chances that it is just a coincidence that ~25% of
converted Muslims experience this? How many other religions
have evidence that their God is literally reaching out to others?
How many Christians, or any faith for that matter, have been
converted after seeing a vision of Muhammad? From my
research, the answer IMO is very close to none.
Next on the list of religions is Hinduism. This religion
really, really confuses me. There are so many different gods; I
don’t see how anyone can keep track of them! They do have
several main gods, but then they worship many others. It
appears that they just make up gods as they please. One website
( has 330 million gods in their religion.
Some counter that they are infinite forms of god. They’ll even
take mother Mary from christianity, and worship her as some
manifestation of their god. Their theory and doctrines are so
vague and confusing, that it’s really hard to get a grip on what
they’re saying.
They don’t have a way to be saved, and there is no
heaven or HELL. It’s basically a game of karma and
reincarnation. The better you do in this life, the better you’ll end
up in the next life, and the more you’ll be like GOD. At the
very beginning of the Bible, it clearly states that it was this
desire that caused Eve to EAT the fruit. Genesis 3:5 states
(Satan speaking to Eve) “for God knows that when you eat of it
your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god…”. The Bible
later tells us that pride and the DESIRE to be his own God, is
what caused Satan to fall. Hinduism seems to be the
encapsulation of this desire.
The main problem with Hinduism, other than the fact
that it sounds more like an "Ancient Near East" mythological
story than a plausible answer to the universe, is that there is no
evidence for anything regarding the religion or its doctrines. That
ALSO makes it very difficult to disprove. Similarly; I could
start a religion where all 39 followers had to drink poison and
kill themselves so that they could board the mother ship hiding
behind the passing Hale’s Comet. Since it’s all theory with no
evidence, no one in the world could disprove it. By the way, that
was a description of Heaven’s Gate from 1997 in San Diego,
The point is, the only reason that Hinduism is still
around is because it is so vague, philosophical, and directly
avoidant of any type of evidence, that it can’t really be
disproved. But in my opinion, this lack of evidence, is evidence
that it is a false religion. I know I’ve said that the absence of
evidence is NOT evidence of absence, but in this case, there is
literally no evidence! NONE! With something as complicated,
wide-spread, and historical as the entire Hindu religion, I think I
can confidently say: the complete and utter absence of evidence;
is evidence of absence. As you will soon see, Christianity has a
ridiculous amount of evidence.
The following paragraph was quoted from the forum in the Buddhism section and was written by
someone with the handle “Llona”. It was written on 3Jul2008
and retrieved by me on 13Aug2008. Although I wouldn’t
normally quote from an unknown Jane Doe, she is a Buddhist
herself, and sums up Buddhism pretty well (thanks Llona!):
“Generally Buddhism does not believe in a personal
God or a divine being, it does not have worship, praying
to, or praising of a divine being (although some sects do.)
It offers no form of redemption, forgiveness, no heavenly
hope, or a final judgment to those practicing its system.
Buddhism is a moral philosophy, an ethical way to live
for the here and now of this world to gain the ultimate
state. It has more in common with humanism and
atheism than its original religion Hinduism it separated
from. But Buddhism is not atheism just because they
don’t believe in a personal God. It is more like
pantheism, there is a impersonal force the void which is
the ultimate".
So it is basically an extremely vague and unscientific
religion that states that everything is an "impersonal force". It is
basically a foundation with nothing built on it, in my opinion. I
suppose it is almost to the point of agnostic. An agnostic knows
that there is life, because we are here; but he doesn’t explain
much after that. The Buddhist knows that life is controlled by a
force, but he does not really explain much after that. And since
I’m in the business of trying to find answers, I can’t really do
much with this. I need some tangible evidence.
Yes, it Really does Exist
That’s right, scriptural science. I promise it is not an
oxymoron. I don’t want to bore you with elaborate introductions
and long-winded explanations. I’ll explain everything as I go,
but let’s get right into it. I begin with science from the scriptures
since the Bible is "supposedly" God’s word. If it really is, there
should be some pretty amazing stuff in it. I don’t think you’ll be
Scientific Scriptures
The following section gives Bible verses that clearly suggest
scientific principles that obviously far predate their time. I have
included several versions of the Bible to add validity. The King
James Version is from 1611, so even this version is older than
some of the scientific principles that were proven. In addition, I
added an untranslated Latin version from 405 AD. So if anyone
out there speaks Latin; there you go.
Key for Versions of the Bible:
KJV: King James Version (1611)
NLT: New Living Translation (1996)
NIV: New International Version (1984)
VUL: Vulgate (405 AD)
ESV: English Standard Version (2001)
NASM: National American Standard Bible (1995)
WEB: Noah Webster Version (1833)
YON: Robert Young Literal Translation (1898)
Proof of: Modern Knowledge of
Proper Circumcision
Gen 17:12
NIV: "For the generations to come every male among you
who is eight days old must be circumcised."
NKJV: “Every male child must be circumcised on the
eighth day after his birth.”
God DEMANDED that a baby had to be circumcised when
it was eight days old. Not seven; or nine: EIGHT. The Israelites
probably saw this as just another rule to follow, rather than
medical science. However, in the mid to late 20th century, we
discovered something amazing. Prothrombin, which is a vital
component to blood clotting, has the highest levels in an
individual’s life on exactly the eighth day after they are born.
This would make the circumcision the least bloody and safest on
the eighth day. Coincidence? I think not! God emphasized the
eighth day for a reason, and we have only just recently learned
the reason. Below is a prothrombin chart adapted from one
published by S.I. McMillen (1984), along with a quote from him:
“We should commend the many hundreds of workers
who labored at great expense over a number of years to
discover that the safest day to perform circumcision is
the eighth. Yet, as we congratulate medical science for
this recent finding, we can almost hear the leaves of the
Bible rustling. They would like to remind us that four
thousand years ago, when God initiated circumcision
with Abraham....Abraham did not pick the eighth day
after many centuries of trial-and-error experiments.
Neither he nor any of his company from the ancient city
of Ur in the Chaldees ever had been circumcised. It was
a day picked by the Creator… (1984, p. 93).”
Proof of: Earth floating in Empty
Job 26:7
KJV: “He…hangeth the earth vpon nothing.”
NLT: “He…hangs the earth on nothing.”
NIV: “He…he suspends the earth over nothing.”
VUL: “qui extendit aquilonem super vacuum et adpendit
terram super nihili.”
What does this verse tell us scientifically? That the earth
hangs on nothing. Big deal. Well actually, it is a HUGE deal!
Job is the oldest book in the Bible, written approximately 3,500
years ago. At that day and age, it was common knowledge that
the earth was flat and sat on a large animal (duh, right?). This
was back when all sorts of crazy Near East religious ideas were
accepted as truth. Yet, Job clearly states two things. First; he
denounces that the earth sits on an animal, which was probably
today’s equivalent of saying that the earth is flat. Second; he
clearly states that it hangs on nothing. He doesn’t say that the
Earth hangs on air; he says NOTHING (more about that later)!
Outer space is a vacuum, not even consisting of air. It is
basically made of nothing, just like Job states. Modern science
didn’t realize that space was a vacuum until the 20th century.
Well, you may say, perhaps Job considered air to be nothing,
which is why he says that. From this perspective, it proves
nothing. But actually, Job knew that air was not nothing. In fact,
he knew it had weight (read the next page).
Proof of: Wind with Weight
Job 28:25
KJV: “To make the weight for the windes…”
ESV: “When he gave to the wind its weight…”
NASB: “When He imparted weight to the wind…”
VUL: “qui fecit ventis pondus et aquas adpendit
No explanation needed here. Job says that the wind has
weight, which means that it is made of something. So if he meant
to say in Job 26:7 that the earth hangs on air, he wouldn’t have
said the word “nothing”. He would have said air. It wasn’t until
recently that science discovered that one cubic foot of air at 20
degrees C weighs about 1.2 ounces (Lide, 2007).
How easy would it have been for Job to say that the earth
sat on an elephant and that air is weightless? Yet, he DOESN'T!
He BOLDLY states a FACT that completely contradicted itself
at the time; yet in modern times is a scientific FACT.
Proof of: A Revolving, Spherical
Hebrews 11:3
(Concerning Jesus’ Second Coming)
NKJV: “I tell you, in that night there will be two men in
one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left.
Two women will be grinding (grain) together: the one
will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the
field: the one will be taken and the other left.”
NLT: “That night two people will be asleep in one bed;
one will be taken away, and the other will be left. Two
women will be grinding flour together at the mill; one
will be taken, the other left.”
NIV: “I tell you, on that night two people will be in one
bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women
will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and
the other left.”
VUL: “dico vobis illa nocte erunt duo in lecto uno unus
adsumetur et alter relinquetur. duae erunt molentes in
unum una adsumetur et altera relinquetur duo in agro
unus adsumetur et alter relinquetur. ”
With this one, you have to read between the lines; but it is
very obvious once you do. The verse is speaking of "Jesus’
second coming", which happens in an instant. However, the verse
speaks of people in bed at night, but then ALSO about people
grinding grain, and then about men in a field. If someone is
grinding grain or in a field, it has to be daytime. They didn’t
have the luxury of stadium lighting, so they didn’t work at night.
So that means it is night and day at the same time. However, at
that time, it was common knowledge that the earth was flat, and
that it was either night or day on the earth; not both.
So directly stating that it is night and day at the same time
clearly points to a spherical earth. How do I come up with that?
Well, in Isaiah 40:22, way before Luke was written, it states, "it
is he that sits upon the circle of the earth". So they knew that the
earth was a circle. The only way for these verses to work out is if
he knew that the earth was a sphere. And how did Luke know
that? God gave him the secret that took Columbus thousands of
years to figure out. In fact, Columbus wrote in his diary that it
was the Bible that inspired him to do what he did. Before we
discovered that the earth was round, it seems plausible that this
verse could have been “proof” of the errancy of the Bible at the
time (night and day at the same time? You‘re CRAZY!).
Proof of: The Knowledge of
Hebrews 11:3
NKJV: “so that the things which are seen were not
made of things which are visible.”
NLT: “that what we now see did not come from
anything that can be seen.”
NIV: “so that what is seen was not made out of what
was visible.”
VUL: “ut ex invisibilibus visibilia fierent.”
I really like using the Vulgate Latin translation because it
has not been changed since 405 AD. I was skeptical that maybe
the newer translations were "altered", and that maybe the verse
had originally said that an invisible force (God) made visible
things. Well, I directly translated this ancient Latin to English
and this is what I got, “when out of invisibilibus, visibilia be
made”. It literally says that "out" of the invisible was made the
visible. It does not saying that from something invisible, but out
of the invisible. So there is really NO other explanation; than
cells and atoms.
Technically, cells were discovered in 1665 by British
scientist Robert Hooke using a very crude microscope (National
High Magnetic Field, 2005). Before this, everyone "assumed"
that flesh was made of flesh, and bone was made of bone. Who
could’ve KNOWN that they were made of things which we
cannot see (the Creator maybe)?
Proof of: Supernatural Knowledge
Ecclesiastes 1:6
NIV: “The wind blows to the south, and turns to the
north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its
KJV: “The winde goeth toward the South, and turneth
about vnto the North; it whirleth about continually, and
the winde returneth againe according to his circuits.”
ESV: “The wind blows to the south, and goes around to
the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its
circuits the wind returns.”
VUL: “gyrat per meridiem et flectitur ad aquilonem
lustrans universa circuitu pergit spiritus et in circulos
suos regreditur.”
Although this may not sound like a big deal, it actually is.
These words were spoken by King Solomon (the smartest man
earth; EVER [I checked {}]), who is
famous in the Bible for asking God for knowledge, which he was
given (whew!). With this knowledge, he detailed the wind
currents described above. These wind currents weren’t actually
confirmed until relatively recently.
Think about it. They didn’t have satellite images 3,000
years ago. They didn’t have telephones so that two people could
speak at the same time, from different locations, to determine
which way the wind was blowing at a particular moment. The
winds he describes are not on a small scale either. So it was
literally IMPOSSIBLE for Solomon to have known of these
wind currents. That is, of course, unless he really DID receive
the knowledge that the Bible says he was given. In addition,
Solomon wrote a lot of wise phrases in the Bible, that give
Confucius "a run for his money" (look at Proverbs), further
emphasizing the knowledge God gave him.
However, if you know the Bible, you’ll know that King
Solomon was eventually corrupted by false gods, wealth and
women (he had 700 wives and 300 concubines!). How did such
a wise man; end up in such a predicament? This is a question
that a skeptic could ask to show that he really wasn’t that wise.
Well apparently, pride and money have the potential to be more
powerful than wisdom: ALONE. Plus, just because you have
wisdom about something, it does NOT mean you’ll follow it! A
husband knows that cheating on his wife has some pretty severe
potential consequences. Murderers know that when they openly
murder somebody in public, they will get severely punished. Yet,
they both do it anyways. Also, I believe that the knowledge
Solomon received was mainly earthly knowledge, such as
science and practical wisdom. Spiritual knowledge and
enlightenment is on a completely different level! Just because he
was ultra-wise doesn’t mean he was ultra-close to God. If
Solomon had as much spiritual knowledge as he did earthly
knowledge, he probably never would have left God as he did!
Proof of: The Earth’s Rotation
Job 38:12, 14
WEB: “Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; [and] caused the day-spring to know its
place…[earth] is turned as clay [to] the seal…”
YON: “Hast thou commanded morning since thy days?
Causest thou the dawn to know its place…[the earth]
turneth itself as clay of a seal.”
NIV: “Have you ever given orders to the morning, or
shown the dawn its place…The earth takes shape like
clay under a seal…”
VUL: “numquid post ortum tuum praecepisti doleful et
ostendisti aurorae locum suum…restituetur ut lutum
signaculum et stabit sicut vestment.”
Verse 12 is God asking Job if he has caused night and day
on earth, and verse 14 is a statement saying that the earth is
turned as "clay" to the seal. Although it does not directly state it,
it can be inferred that the earth turning is the explanation of the
night and day explained two verses earlier. This was ~3,500
years ago. The first known recorded people to have ever even
considered that the earth rotated (besides the Bible) were Hiketas
and Herakleides, probably sometime between 530 BC and 350
BC. Even this was at ~1,000 years after the Bible recorded it.
Still, it wasn’t until 1543, ~3,000 years after the Bible stated it,
that Copernicus finally wrote a widely accepted book on the
Proof of: Ocean Currents
Psalm 8:8
KJV: “and whatsoeuer passeth through the paths of the
NLT: “and everything that swims the ocean currents.”
NIV: “all that swim the paths of the seas.”
VUL: “qui pertranseunt semitas ponti.”
This short and simple passage states a very strange
statement: that the seas have paths. Forests have paths.
Mountains have paths. But how can a flat body of water have
paths? Well; in the middle and late 19th century, Matthew Maury
discovered ocean currents. "Ocean currents" are "basically" like
flowing rivers within the ocean. They are driven by tides, winds,
densities of water, and temperature. It is amazing that even
though this was just discovered 150 years ago, the Bible clearly
states it ~2,800 years ago! More amazingly, it was actually this
passage in the Bible that inspired Maury to search for the
currents in the first place!
Proof of: The Precisely Measured
Isaiah 40:12
KJV: “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of
his hand?…”
ESV: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of
his hand…”
NIV: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his
VUL: “quis mensus est pugillo aquas et caelos
Here we have yet another simple, yet very important
statement: that God has measured the waters. You have to stop
and think for a second; why does someone measure something? ...
...Because it is important! I don’t measure my milk when I pour
it in my cereal, because it doesn’t really matter. But I DO
measure when baking a cake, because it does matter! Isaiah
states that God measured the waters, which means that He must
have knew that it was important. Recent science has discovered
that the amount of water on the earth is perfect. In fact, a 20-foot
rise in sea levels would cause 400 million people to have to
move (or learn to SCUBA dive [self contained underwater
breathing apparatus]!).
Proof of: The Innumerable Stars
Genesis 15:5
NKJV: “Then He brought him outside and said, ‘Look
now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able
to number them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your
descendants be.’”
NIV: “He took him outside and said, ‘Look up at the
heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count
them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring
VUL: “eduxitque eum foras et ait illi suspice caelum et
numera stellas si potes et dixit ei sic erit semen tuum.”
In this verse, God tells Abram that his descendants will be
like the stars in the sky, which God knows Abram cannot count.
There are other references in the Bible to the number of stars in
the sky, such as Jeremiah 33:22, which reads, “…as countless as
the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the
seashore”. This may not sound amazing, since we know there
are billions of billions of stars in the universe. However, when
this was written, it was "thought" that there were only ~1,100
stars in the sky. Some estimates were even lower. Ptolemy
believed there were 1,056, Tycho Brahe counted 777, and
Johannes came up with 1,005
Some skeptics may say that even 777 could be considered
“Countless” to some, especially "back then". You would
almost definitely lose count before you finished, "technically"
making them “countless“. However in Jeremiah 33 (and other
places), the number of stars in the sky is compared to the number
of grains of sand on the seashore. Obviously, the people knew
that there were a lot more than 1,100 grains of sand on the beach.
Another "interesting" thought, is that ballpark estimates of the
number of stars in the universe is around 1022, while the numbers
of grains of sand on earth is estimated to be between 1020-1024
(Myron, 2000). How awesome would it be if God made them in
the same number, and then later directly stated it in the Bible?
Proof of: The Uniqueness of Stars
1Corinthians 15:41
NLT: “And even the stars differ from each other in their
beauty and brightness.”
This verse probably didn’t make a lot of sense before
powerful telescopes were invented. When a person looks into the
sky with the naked eye, the stars pretty much look the same. Sure,
there are some that are "brighter" or "dimmer" than others, but it
would seem silly to say that they are all different levels of
brightness. It seems acceptable (IMO) that you could have a
brightness scale of 1-10, and put every star between those
numbers. And it would also seem really "stupid" to say that the
stars differ in their beauty. THEY’RE JUST WHITE DOTS!
But with new technology, our perspective has changed. We now
realize that every star is completely unique. They are all different
sizes, different colors, and different levels of brightness.
And the part about beauty? Have you seen some of the
Hubble telescope images? I can HONESTLY say, that images of
the stars and galaxies; ...are the most BEAUTIFUL images in
the world (IMO). YET; before these telescopes, all we could see
was little-white-dots, that were "pretty much" all the same. The
above verse clearly points out these facts millenniums before we
actually did: God has ALWAYS known how unique and
beautiful they really WERE!
Proof of: An Atomic Bomb
Zechariah 14:12
NKJV: “And this shall be the plague with which the
LORD will strike all the people who fought against
Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on
their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and
their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”
NIV: “This is the plague with which the Lord will strike
all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh
will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their
eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in
their mouths.”
VUL: “et haec erit plaga qua percutiet Dominus omnes
gentes quae pugnaverunt adversus Hierusalem tabescet
caro uniuscuiusque stantis super pedes suos et oculi eius
contabescent in foraminibus suis et lingua eorum
contabescet in ore suo”
This verse is obviously a prophetic prediction due to the
words, “with which the LORD will strike”. This description of
their flesh, eyes, and tongues rotting while the people are
standing, was probably VERY confusing when this was written.
The people at the time never experienced anything like this.
Even explosions from the 19th century would NOT do this. But
with the invention of nuclear warfare, bombs can now literally
melt a person’s flesh away, while they are standing, just as this
prediction states. A Japanese website commented on the
Nagasaki bomb, stating, “Burns caused by the heat rays of the
atomic bomb were severe, with the surface skin being completely
burned and falling off, and leaving tissue and bone exposed”.
Take a look at the reenactment of the Hiroshima bombing at
the end of this paragraph. It is scary to think that this was 63
years ago (2008), and the bombs are today are so much more
powerful, and so much more available. The Hiroshima bomb in
the video was equivalent to about 13-16 kilotons of TNT.
Compare THAT to the Russian “Tsar Bomba.” The “Tsar
Bomba” is equivalent to about 50,000-100,000 kilotons of TNT
(more recently, the estimated fallout was too much, so they
limited it to a maximum of 58 kilotons). This certainly makes it
believable that the destruction and “plagues” in Revelations,
regarding the end of the world, could at least partially be due to
nuclear warfare.
BBC Hiroshima Bombing Reenactment:
Proof of: Specific Knowledge of the
Water Cycle
Job 28:26
NKJV: “When He made a law for the rain…”
Ecclesiastes 1:7
NIV: “All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never
full. To the place the streams come from, there they
return again.”
Psalm 135:7
KJV: “He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends
of the earth…”
Job 36:27
NIV: “He draws up the drops of water, which distill as
rain to the streams;”
These verses, written by three different men inspired by
God, all explain the "water cycle". They are very accurate
representations of the water cycle, which was not clearly
understood until more recent times. The first verse in Job clearly
states that there is a law (cycle) for the rain. Next, Solomon
explains that although the streams are always flowing into the
seas, they never fill up because the water is returned back to the
streams. Next, Psalms explains that the water from the ends of
the earth (the seas) is turned into vapors and ascends. Finally,
Job describes that these vapors are drawn up into drops of water
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?
There's PROOF!?

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There's PROOF!?

  • 1.
  • 2. Dedicated to… GOD; Mom and Dad; My family; Mrs. E. O.; My friends; Everyone. Whether you are for me or against me; I will always try to love you. And when I really can't, Or won't; God can, if I let Him... first first
  • 4. “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” -Winston Churchill “The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing factory.” -Edwin Conklin “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don't lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he shall direct your way.” -Proverbs 3:5,6 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” -Carl Sagan "There is no other book (The Bible) in any of the world’s religions (Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.) that contains scientific truth. In fact, they contain statements that are clearly unscientific." -Ray Comfort “The Christian faith has not been tried and found wanting. It has rather been found difficult and left untried.” -G. K. Chesterton "To be an atheist requires an infinitely greater measure of faith than to receive all the great truths which atheism would deny." third third -Joseph Addison
  • 5. On 1Dec2011, an anti- Christian said the following: “Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all- knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull*** story. Holy S***!” fourth fourth
  • 6. My name is NOT on the book; because the Holy Spirit, partially (in my opinion [IMO]) wrote this; not ME... ...and I SEE that now! The first-time light bulb turned "ON", and I am NEVER looking back! To say that,"IT IS AWESOME!", is SUCH an understatement! The ORIGINAL Bible,is 100% PERFECT; no exceptions. This "book"; is not. But I am HUMAN. The Bible, is God's Word. This, is my word. Take what you want; or don't. It's your choice... fifth fifth
  • 8. I was saved 02Feb2008. Looking back (21May2014); I'm much, MUCH stronger now :D READ THIS FIRST! This book will read "different" seventh seventh
  • 9. ways, to " dIFfeReNT' people. Someone who thinks that God is "imaginary" should start from "Chapter 1". Someone who believes that there is a God, but is unsure of which "religion" is true, may be able to skip the first couple of chapters of proof for God. Someone who is a COMPLETE SCIENTIST, will probably enjoy the first few chapters, as well as the chapters on archaeological and extra-biblical evidence. Someone who is more of a "philosopher/psychologist" will appreciate the 4th, 6th, 10th, and 11th chapters. So depending on what you are searching for, just look through the "Table of Contents" to find it. Still: even a devout scientist or philosopher could learn from ANY of the chapters. So after reading the eighth eighth
  • 10. chapter(s) more accustomed to your taste, I sincerely invite you to read the others as well  . TableTable ofof ContentsContents PREFACE: Why Write the Book? INTRODUCTION: What is Everything? CHAPTER 1: God VS Evolution The Impossible Statistics Behind Random Creation Why Would Someone Believe in Evolution? Einstein Bowed to the Creator; Against His Will ninth ninth AND NOOOOOOOW... ...
  • 11. CHAPTER 2: Evolution Wins!? Why Evolution is Not Scientific So the Script of Life Wrote Itself? CHAPTER 3: Which Religion? Islam Stolen from the Bible Hinduism Buddhism CHAPTER 4: Scriptural Science Proof of: Modern Knowledge of Proper Circumcision Proof of: Earth Floating in Empty Space Proof of: Wind with Weight Proof of: A Revolving, Spherical Earth Proof of: The Knowledge of Cells/Atoms Proof of: Supernatural Knowledge Proof of: The Earth's Rotation Proof of: Ocean Currents Proof of: The Precisely Measured Oceans Proof of: The Innumerable Stars Proof of: The Uniqueness of Stars Proof of: An Atomic Bomb Prediction Proof of: Specific Knowledge of the Water Cycle Proof of: The Physical Effects of Psychological Processes Proof of: Modern Health, Sanitary, and Dietary Knowledge CHAPTER 5: Scriptural Prophecy CHAPTER 6: “Proof” of Errancy Contradictions in Genesis Why Would God Make the Bible Confusing? Proof of an Unfair God Why Does God Let Children Starve? Thou Shalt NOT Kill? God Isn't All-powerful? Differences Between the Gospels A Really, REALLY Heavy Rock tenth tenth
  • 12. The Holy Trinity CHAPTER 7: Archaeological and Physical Evidence Sir William Ramsay Jericho The Dead Sea Scrolls Secret Water Shafts Sodom and Gomorrah Tel-Dan Inscription The Shroud of Turin The Discovery of Sargon’s Palace The Red Sea Miracle CHAPTER 8: Theoretical Evidence Noah’s Ark Near-Death Experiences Joseph’s Price as a Slave Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? The Faithful (Crazy?) Disciples CHAPTER 9: Extra-Biblical Evidence The Ebla archive The Nuzi and Mari Tablets Tablets of Belshazzar The Beni Hasan Tomb CHAPTER 10: The Real Evidence He Really Changes You! Did I Really Fix it? CHAPTER 10.31: FAGS CHAPTER 11: So Why Do People Still Not Believe? eleventh eleventh CHAPTER (1):Here's are some more FACTS for you
  • 13. PPREFACEREFACE Why Write the Book? Well; why not? Have you ever been really inspired to do something? If you have, you know it feels AWESOME. I was inspired to do a lot of amazing things in my life (2008). Go search my name on the internet (now it's anonymous), and you’ll find that I was a pretty good national-level bodybuilder. I earned my Associate Applied Science in Management (Community College of the Air Force) and my Bachelor Science in Psychology, by the time I was 20 (Excelsior College). I earned my Master of Arts in Health Psychology right after I turned 23 (Northcental University). ALL three degrees were earned, while serving full-time in the United States military, and being deployed (~4.5 months twelfth twelfth
  • 14. Jan07-Jun07). I almost have my Master's of Arts in Theology (Liberty University; 6 credits to go). My right forearm has a tattoo that reads “OVERCOME, when others fail”. The left reads, “PERSEVERE, you will prevail”. I even have a "Chinese" tattoo on my bicep that means “inspiration”. I’ve always been a "BIG BALL" of inspiration to myself, and others. But it was always about me. What I could do, and what I could accomplish, with my own strength. After ~five years and eight months, that came crashing down; but that is explained in Chapter 10. Fast-forward to now, and for the first time in my life; I feel divinely inspired to do something. You ever felt that? It’s INDESCRIBABLE. To suddenly know your EXACT purpose in the world, at a particular moment, is simply an amazingly, indescribable feeling. It; really; is... The reason that I have written this "book", is because I’m a scientist: through and through. After coming to Christ, I realized that science and the Bible mix VERY well; ultimately because they were both created by the same being. The first time I told someone I was a “Christian Scientist”, they thought I was crazy. The misconception of “Christian scientist” being a contradicting label, is ultimately what has driven me to WRITE THESE WORDS. Nine months ago (2007), back when I made "fun" of devout Christians, no amount of “repent and praise Jesus” could get through to me. However, not one single person tried to present to me actual evidence of the stuff they were talking about (or they HAD, but I just wasn't paying "attention"). They just somehow believed it with faith. “What a stupid concept”, is what I, and probably every other atheist/agnostic out there, believes. However, after I became a Christian, I realized that there is a PLETHORA of "scientific" Biblical proof out there. WHY HAD NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THIS? Is it a secret that there is actual PROOF out there!? Although I researched my own information, from many, MANY other published sources, I noticed two distinct thirteenth thirteenth
  • 15. deficiencies with many of them. First; some of them are long- winded and boring. Explain it and move on to the next fact! Don’t "show off" your incredible language, literary, and ultra- tedious research skills! I like to be able to open a scientific book, right in the middle of it, and start reading. Go ahead and try it right now. I guarantee you’ll find something interesting. If I have to read a book cover to cover to understand it, it’s not my type of book. Being thorough is one thing. Repeating yourself and being overly thorough (as this paragraph is quickly becoming  ) is another. Second; I haven’t yet found a holistic book of Biblical evidence. They either focus on scientific scriptures, theoretical arguments, archaeology, extra-Biblical sources, how ridiculous evolution is, or some other type of ISOLATEDISOLATEDISOLATED evidence. I WANT IT ALL! I have seen some very good websites that combine many different dimensions of evidence ( and are two great ones), which I have also gotten a lot of information from. But I want something that I can carry around and show others. So I have tried my best to condense the most significant evidence in the world into "one book". One 6”x 9” book that can easily fit into a cargo pocket. I believe I have done a good job, but that's just my opinion. By the way, I can honestly say that working for God is the ONLY job that I have actually loved doing in my life  . fourteenth fourteenth
  • 16. fifteenth fifteenth My most painful tattoo. Out of all my tattoos, this is the only one that made me cry (seriously).
  • 17. AABOUTBOUT MMYSELFYSELF 27Nov2011, I had a serious stroke (at the age of 26). Currently (17Jun2013), my right side is severely limited. I was right handed. Now I'm left. I type with only my left hand; and it is shaky. Thankfully, most of what I had written (~65%) was done pre- stroke. Post-stroke, I can think of what to say, but I have trouble speaking (and typing)... I mad about the stroke? In my opinion (IMO), most people would say I SHOULD be... ...but I'm NOT! I'm 100% serious about that! "Everything happens for a reason", as cliché as that may "sound". You probably are better off than me in this life (IMO). For those who are WORSE off; I truly believe that God has something "special" planned for you! Free will dictates that it's "YOU" who chooses to pick it up, or to pass it by. "I" choose to pick it up, and give it to you  ... sixteenth sixteenth
  • 18. IINTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION (The following was written when I was 19 years old [2004] and drunk on the island of Guam [I spent 15 months there] in the United States Air Force. I have not re-written it) "I wonder what this is. Not just myself, but everything. What everything is. My life seems so complicated and important. But yet, it is only a speck. Less than a speck. Almost nothing. How can we be the focal point of something so vast? We can't be. It would be impossible. Incompetent at best. I’m one of the intelligent ones. I understand things; yet I know nothing. And I realize that. And I realize that it doesn’t help to guess or wonder. Until we are told, We simply will not know. How do we not go mad? We have no idea what we are. They use god as an excuse. That’s how they stay sane. And yet; I can’t. Maybe there is something. As a human, I believe there has to be. But what if there isn’t? I can’t understand. So I say maybe, And I can somehow keep my sanity. I honestly hope I get an answer." seventeenth seventeenth
  • 19. Keep reading... "Words can mean a lot. I’m closing my eyes and just typing what I think. Not holding anything back. Does everyone have a reason, or all we all a probability? If there is a god, does he actually watch over us? I was going to put a song on, but they all seem so shallow. Only pertaining to this world. Which is so small and unimportant. I hope Erin comes back: how shallow is that? Is love that shallow? Not that I love her. But if I did, it wouldn’t matter. But what does matter? THAT is the question. What in this universe actually matters? Who is this “god” actually watching, if there is indeed a god? I doubt it would be me. That wouldn’t make sense, though none of this honestly does. Being intoxicated opens my inhibitions of these thoughts, which I normally hold back. Because they always have a dead end. And I end up wondering, and wishing for more. Maybe that’s why I drink. The yearning for an answer, which I still won’t get. I wonder what old people think? eighteenth eighteenth
  • 20. People who know they are close to their end. Have they somehow over the years suppressed these thoughts? Or have they come up with some answer? They must have these thoughts, and found some way to manage them. I guess someday I will know. It must not be a satisfying answer, or else they would have shared it with us. Maybe they lived their whole life, and were ashamed that they still had no idea, or simply accepted that fact. Either way, that’s all I want to know. What really matters. I’ll go to sleep sometime. But right now, I obviously don’t think it matters. What matters is extremely relative. I’ll try to tend to what matters, even on the lowest level. Things that I have power over. Such as my life. That’s something that’s feasible for me. Like that fact that (***n) Hill is probably asleep, and my music is too loud. And the fact that alcohol doesn’t help with bodybuilding. And the fact that I need to go to bed, even though I won’t get any deep sleep. I need to take a shower." nineteenth nineteenth
  • 21. Holy Cow! I Actually Got My Answer! As HUMANS, most of us are all searching for ,"the meaning of life". What is this world? Why are we here? Does it matter if I’m good or bad? Science explains a LOT, but where did science come from? Most of us agree on the "big bang", or something like it. But how did that happen? If it WAS God, where did God come from? Does He watch us? What happens after we die? Is the universe an atom on the bottom of a giant’s foot?? Will we ever know any real answers? “I’m a scientist. Christianity has no scientific evidence. It is a blind faith. I can’t believe in Jesus. There is simply NO proof”. This was my firm belief until just five months ago (2008)... ...But I wasn’t always like that. I had grown up my whole life as a "christian". By age 16, I was a “Jesus Freak”. But then, a year later, I finally took a critical look at what I "supposedly" believed. The questions of life; and why we’re here. These are (IMO) the BIGGEST questions a person can ask. My whole life, I just accepted "the answers" that the Bible gave me. But at "THAT" point, I took off my "Christian" goggles, looked at the world around me, and finally got the courage to say, “I don’t think I believe in Jesus” (Jun2002). For almost six years, I was a total agnostic. To me, it was obvious that there was some type of "higher power". I didn’t "create myself", and the "big bang" just happening from nothing just didn’t; make; sense. The theory of evolution is crap (we'll talk about that later). I figured the "big bang" was God snapping His fingers and making everything; but how was I supposed to know who God WAS? Whether He actually paid attention to us, and what our purpose was? I honestly; do not; know... To make a LONG story short, I found that God is an ironic figure. He did not give me ONE BIT of "scientific evidence" to make me believe; even though science was, and STILL IS (now), the basis of my life. He just touched me, and I twentieth twentieth
  • 22. CLEALYfelt it… I suddenly knew, everything was TRUE (please bear with me). It was an UNEXPLAINABLE experience; just as it is impossible for a person with sight, to explain color, to a blind man. You just have to experience it. PERIOD. But the purpose of this book, is not to talk about "me", or "my transformation". It is to talk about HARDCOREHARDCORE, tangible, scientific evidence. I suddenly transformed from an adamant agnostic, who knew he would never be a Christian again; to a passionate seminary student, without one "bit" of "SCIENCE" to prove it. But; then as I looked, I began to find more, and MORE, AND MORE genuine evidence for Christianity (God has a sense of humor too  ). I guess God was saying (not literally, of course), “look, with one touch I can CHANGE you, without any explainable or tangible evidence. But now that you’re CHANGED, here is the evidence you have been BEGGING to have for years”. So this BOOK, is a collection of evidence that I have researched. Did you know that Job, written about ~3,500 years ago (the first book written in the Bible), clearly states that the earth floats in space? We didn’t know the earth floated in space, until ~1,000 years later. There are hundreds of prophecies (668 prophesies) in the Bible, and every single one that was supposed to happen, has happened.!The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946 confirmed prophecies written in ink dated from ~1900- 2,200 years ago. How do you explain that? Because it’s real! And no other religion has ANY proof like this! ( I never realized that there was actually real evidence for Christianity. Not just a little, but a LOT. Enough that Christianity is undeniable to those who actually listen and search for the truth. And not just that, but over that last ~3,500 years of people trying to prove the Bible wrong, it has never happened! twenty-first twenty-first
  • 23. Most errors in the Bible are when people misinterpret it. For example, people misunderstand Romans 12:20 when it talks about their enemy. It states “…Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head”. People look at it and say “well, a few books earlier, Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Now it says to feed your enemy, and then put hot coals on their head. It contradicts itself. This is stupid, and obviously wrong”. What people don’t understand, is that; when this was written, people would bring their neighbors hot coals as a courtesy if their fire went out. So heaping "hot coals" on them does not mean to BURN them, but to metaphorically rekindle their fire. So I will also discuss some of these misunderstandings and “obvious contradictions” of the Bible. Another aspect that I will be discussing is archaeological evidence. There is loads of this as well. Sometimes archaeologists find something that they think dismisses the Bible. Then the whole world says, “well, I guess they were wrong :) ”. But then later they realize they were in a different location than they thought, a different level of earth than they thought, they simply misinterpreted the evidence, etc. So in this evidence as well, there is no proof against the Bible, but a lot of proof to support it. In fact, there are over 25,000 different archaeological sites that confirm the Bible. Carl Sagan once said, “the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. With a little less literary beauty, and a little more readability, it might say “just because you don’t have proof of something, it doesn’t prove that it isn’t true. You could always find proof of it tomorrow.” One of Two Answers Must be Right Ultimately; with the evidence that I have collected, I’ve come to two "distinct" conclusions. You will understand the "basis" to these "two" conclusions, AFTER reading the BOOK. Either “A”; there is a God, He cares about us, and everything in twenty-second twenty-second
  • 24. the Bible is true, or “B”; someone from the future got ahold of a "time machine", and "somehow" set everything up to purposely make us come to the previous conclusion. But; then I realized that "time travel" is IMPOSSIBLE (irrelevant explanation coming up). In order to go back in time, you have to travel faster than the speed of light to end up on the other side of the light cone. But as an object gets closer to the speed of light, its mass EXPONENTIALLY increases. So if an object with mass hits the speed of light, it would end up having an infinite mass, which would then take an infinite amount of energy to further increase in speed. As we KNOW; there is not an "infinite" amount of energy in the universe, so this is impossible (for humans). A second “theory” is to enter a worm hole by diving into a black hole. However, the closest black hole is about 1,600 light years away. So even if we got to just under the speed of light, it would take >1,600 years to get there. But as speed increases, time slows down. So maybe (?) if they were going ~97% the speed of light (basically impossible), those 1,600 years would only age them ~50 years or so. But then after entering the black hole, how would they control where they went in time, even though they would almost DEFINITELY be crushed to nothing, after being destroyed by RADIATION? THE "POINT" IS; time travel is impossible, so the Bible is my answer. I invite ANYONE to give me clear evidence disproving God or the Bible. My email address is . I do not believe this stuff because I want to. I believe it because it’s true. I hope you enjoy the book, and perhaps learn a thing, or two, or a hundred.  twenty-third twenty-third
  • 25. CCHAPTERHAPTER 11 It Must be One or the Other I initially began this book with scriptural science (chapter 4). Then I realized that some people out there (Malta, 1%),(United States, 9% or 10%),(France, 33%), believe that there is no god (, 2013). So proving that Christianity is the only true religion may not stand much ground, against an adamant, close-minded atheist. So I decided to instead start the book with proof of why God must exist. I challenge even the most intelligent, hard- headed atheist, to say that this chapter does not prove the existence of God. If you have a "GOOD" argument; send me an e-mail (REALLY!). There are only two distinct and polar "possibilities" of how the universe began. Either; it was deliberately created by an outside force, or accidentally created by an intrinsic force. Can we directly discover the "probability" that “God” created the universe? Not really. Not easily anyway. But, we CAN find this probability another way. When there are only two possible answers to a "question", the probability of one happening is 1 minus the probability of the other one happening. Using the pro- evolution statistic, that is discussed later on in the chapter, that makes the chance of there being a creator a: 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999% chance twenty-fourth twenty-fourth
  • 26. Read on to get a better understanding of why random evolution is impossible. But I’ll go ahead and tell you, it wouldn’t be smart to bet against those odds. (Page 141 measures "coincidences") Thank the BIG BANG for “Random-but- Vital” Coincidences! Did you know there are some really huge, impossible, yet vital “coincidences” that we have very recently found in our cosmos? These are only considered to be "coincidences" by those who still hold onto their theories. For some reason, "atheistic evolutionists" never mention any of these “coincidences”, and most of the public doesn’t know about them. At the end of Chapter 11; there are a few quick facts about the universe that I pulled from 26 facts listed in Hugh Ross’ book The Creator and The Cosmos (2005). The Impossible Statistics Behind Random Creation The thing is, Einstein did not know any of the previous facts I mentioned. So how did Einstein conclude that, because the universe does not have an infinite past, it could not possibly have been randomly created? Because; it is statistically IMPOSSIBLE! Einstein did NOT have all the statistics, but he did realize that the only way for the universe to have evolved by itself is if it had been around forever. The chance of random evolution creating just a simple organism only has a wink of a chance, even if the universe has been around forever (which it has not). Theoretically, an infinitely old universe would lend an infinite number of chances for the universe to evolve. Still, even if the universe had an infinite amount of time to evolve, the chances are still impossible. twenty-fifth twenty-fifth
  • 27. For example, if I had an infinite amount of chances to throw a basketball one mile straight up on Earth; it would never happen. Not even a quattuorvigintillion (1075) years later. Why? Because it is impossible! I’ll never have the strength to do so by myself! So even if the universe had an infinite amount of time and chances to randomly evolve, hitting just one impossible ROADBLOCKon its infinite journey, would stop it dead in its tracks; every chance, every time. Still, Einstein tried with his tightest grip to hold onto this impossibility; until he finally had to give it up. So without further adieu, here are a few statistics to demonstrate certain possibilities, or rather, impossibilities, in the universe. The Probability of the Simplest Cell Reconstructing Itself Harold Morowitz calculated that if someone took the simplest living cell, and broke the chemical bonds in it, the chance of it reassembling would be one in 10100,000,000,000. That’s a 10 with 100 billion zeros following it. To say it is "impossible" is much, MUCH, MUCHmore than an UNDERSTATEMENT. I tried to come up with a comparison for this probability; but nothing could come "anywhere near" it. Even the entire mass of the "universe", expressed as a multiple of the mass of the "hydrogen atom" (the smallest atom in the universe), is still only about 1080. So 10100,000,000,000 really is NOTa "comprehendible" value. And this impossibility is for the random development of just ONE cell. Not only that; but the simplest cell! The probability of anything beyond that one simple cell developing, let alone a human; is just UNFATHOMABLE. So there you have it. The chance of even one cell forming is impossible. PERIOD. Though; we'll assume that the universe, cells, and humans just, "somehow appeared out of nowhere". twenty-sixth twenty-sixth
  • 28. What are the chances that the conditions of the universe would actually allow us to live in it? The Probability of the Perfect Planet (Earth) Assuming the impossibility that the "big bang" somehow happened for ,"no particular reason," and randomly created ALL the atoms, elements, stars, galaxies, moons, etc. What are the "chances" that the random placement of EVERYTHING, could actually create a planet that could "sustain human life"? Well; using only 41 parameters (coincidences) in Hugh’s book (there are obviously many more), he came up with the possibility of 10-53. French probability expert Emile Borél created a “single law of chance” which "states" that anything above 1050 is absolutely "IMPOSSIBLE" under any circumstance. So even the "probability" of a perfect Earth at 10-53 , is 1000 times more impossible than Borél’s absolute impossibility. I’m sure after seeing the probability of a cell reassembling itself, this value doesn’t seem very impressive: and perhaps even POSSIBLE. Let me assure you; it is NOT POSSIBLE! But if you consider this "probability" with every planet, of every star, in every galaxy in the universe, that could make it possible; RIGHT?? Nope. Even considering every single planet in the universe, it still leaves only a 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 decillion) chance that one of them could sustain life. I find it "funny" that so MANY PEOPLE assume that because there are trillions upon trillions of planets in the universe, it seems absurd that earth harbors the only intelligent "life". In reality, the only reason it’s not absurd to say that such a planet exists at ALL, is because we miraculously live on it! Dr. David Rodabaugh (1975) even gives us another statistic twenty-seventh twenty-seventh
  • 29. just to show how absurd evolution is. This statistic gives evolution every benefit of every doubt, and actually assumes that it is correct. He writes: “assuming that evolution is 99.9999% certain, then ‘evolution [still] has only a 1 in 10175chance of being valid…. Therefore, even with the beginning assumption that evolution is a virtual certainty, a conditional probability analysis of the fossil record [alone] results in the conclusion that evolution is a demonstrable absurdity.’” To put it bluntly: “NO WAY JOSE!” (IMO) How God Created the Universe ~6,000 Years Ago Believe it or not, I am actually not necessarily dismissing the big bang. There is plenty of evidence that the beginning of the universe happened in a way similar to the big bang. The "cosmic oven theory" states that all of space should be a few degrees above absolute zero, if the big bang actually happened. This is compared to a scorching hot oven, which, when opened, raises the temperature of the room several degrees in a uniform manner. Thus, the heat from the expansion of the big bang, should theoretically have spread evenly throughout the universe. The COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite, and W. M. Keck Observatory (2) telescopes have proved this. However, trying to go beyond this "beginning" and stating that the stars, the planets, and the rest of the cosmos just kinda “came together”; is just not possible. I believe the evidence that we have for the big bang shows that God just took a big nothing, touched it with His finger, and with a theoretical “BANG!”; expanded it into what we have today. Many "Christians", and especially "non-Christians", find a big problem with the Bible’s account of creation. It "states" that it took six literal days, and it infers that it was around twenty-eighth twenty-eighth
  • 30. ~6,000 years ago. Actually; I followed the exact years of the lineage account of the Bible from Adam to today, and came up with 6,106 years (2008). How is this possible? The light from the stars that we see is actually light that has to be millions of years old, or more. Archaeological evidence on Earth dates limestone all the way up to ~3.8 billion years ago. The Earth ,"itself", is thought to be about ~4.5 BILLION years old. So how did God create it just ~6,000 years ago? Simple. He created it exactly as He wanted it to be, at the age that he wanted it to be. Science and logic demand that whatever "age" an object is, it must have existed for the "exact same amount" of time. So if we see a human that is 30 years of age, we know that they have been alive for 30 years. But God doesn’t have to follow the rules that He created for us (He really doesn't)! When He created Adam, although the Bible doesn’t state it, most assume that he was created as an adult, perhaps 20- 30 years old. Why would God create him as a baby, if He didn’t have to? God created EVERYTHING for us, so when He created it, it was INSTANTLY ready for us to live on; IMO. So why are the stars and galaxies all moving away from us? If God had created them as static, the gravity of the bodies would eventually cause the universe to collapse into itself. Why would God create the universe ~13.8 billion years old? If He had created it "brand spankin’ new", or even just somewhat younger than it is now, we wouldn’t be able to see any stars. The sky would be black. If it were somewhat older, we would receive TOO MUCH LIGHT! Not to mention, HUNDREDS of other problems (seriously). If the earth were older or younger, it would spin too slow, or too fast; respectively. As I described earlier in the chapter: if the universe, our galaxy, our solar system, and our Earth were not EXACTLY the way that they are, life would not be possible. So how does the event of "the big bang" fit into this? Well, if there actually was a big bang, I don’t believe it took much, if any time; at ALL. He did everything in six days, so it has to fit into that time frame. One "theory" that I have, is that God planted the seed (for the big bang), and basically skipped time to exactly the time He wanted it to be. A comparison to this, is a "fish game" I use to play on my twenty-ninth twenty-ninth
  • 31. cell phone. I had to breed fish, and try to create exotic breeds. The major limitation that I had; was that I had to WAIT for the fish to hatch and grow up, before I could breed them. But then, I discovered I didn’t HAVE to wait. All I had to do was set my cell phone clock a few hours forward, and when I returned to the game ,the eggs would instantly be adult fish. So perhaps God did something like this with the beginning of the universe. Another "theory", is that there was no beginning at ALL; per se. God simply made everything appear, as He wanted it to. This seems to be the most accepted "theory" by the Bible, since it says that He, "spoke," and everything APPEARED! Although skeptics may find it far-fetched that God created the universe "at the age He wanted, in a completely manipulative and powerful way", it’s really the "ONLY" theory that truly, works; OUT. Obviously (IMO), according to the PLETHORA of evidence and perfection of the Creation, there must be a "Creator". This "Creator" is obviously "all- powerful". So WHY is it hard to believe that He could create an object with age? He is not limited by time. He can flip through our time like the pages of a book. He created the universe like a 3D artist creates a world in a "game". They can plant a tree in the game, that is full grown without having to wait for it to grow. The MAIN difference with GOD, is that it doesn't have to take Him anytime (or EXTREMELY quickly) to do it: and He has 3D Studio Max v. 10infinity. A poor, but UNDERSTANDABLE comparison, would be me drawing a short cartoon. Let’s say I draw a five second cartoon. It begins with a "basketball" flying through the air, and going through a hoop, and then zooms out to reveal a person standing alone on the basketball court. Logic would assume, perhaps demand, that the person on the court threw the ball. I mean, someone had to, right? But did he? NO! When I created the ball, it was already flying through the air. There is "no other explanation needed". I created the ball out of thin air, and I created it with velocity. It was already there. PERIOD! The same principle can be applied to God. God "created the universe" as expanding and slowing down, the earth as 4.5 billion years old, and everything else the age that it IS; for a REASON! In ALL of the scientific research I have done, this is the ONLY thirtieth thirtieth
  • 32. "theory" that I have found, that works on ALL levels. Coincidentally, it somehow happens to go right along with the Bible; the direct Word of God. Time is NOT Constant Another "theory" of interest deals with time itself. Anyone with a vague understanding of Einstein's "theory of general relativity understands" that time is not constant. It appears constant to us, but it is only relative. Two known factors can affect time (that we KNOW of). First off, the speed at which an object travels will affect time. The faster an object travels, the slower time passes for it. So if one "twin" went into a space shuttle and traveled nearly the speed of light, while the other "twin" stayed "on Earth"; the "twin" "on Earth" could physically age 20 years while the other "twin" aged only minutes. In such a circumstance, the "twin" in the shuttle would actually have only flown for several minutes, while the "twin" on Earth would actually have experienced 20 years of life. This is not based on "science fiction", but on actual science. The second factor that can affect time is gravity. The more gravity that pulls on an object, the more slowly time will pass for it. These "two factors" let us know that trying to consider "the age of the universe" by only our "relative time" SOMETIMES is not going to be accurate! "One theory" that clearly explains how the universe can appear so old involves a "gravitational well". This was actually tested, on Earth, with two extremely accurate clocks. One was placed at the base of a clock tower (closer to earth, thus more gravity), while the other was placed at the top of it. After a period of time, the clock on the top of the tower actually had more time pass than the clock at the base of the tower (barely). Since speed also affects time, the speed of the Earth affects how fast time passes on it. However, because position is relative, it is difficult to really say "how fast" the Earth is moving. The Earth is spinning on its axis at ~1000 mph. BUT, it is also moving ~66,000 mph through its orbit. BUT, the Sun and our thirty-first thirty-first
  • 33. solar system are speeding around the galaxy at ~487,383 mph. BUT, the Milky Way galaxy we live in is moving ~1,300,000 mph. As far as comparison, the "speed of light" is ~671,000,000 mph. There's PLENTY of other "factors" of speed as well. So it is VERY difficult to say how fast we are actually moving. What both of these factors "amounts to" is the fact that it is hard to say how fast time passes when we go beyond the confines of the Earth. I can confidently say that one minute for "me" is one minute for "the guy" next to me. But how long is it for someone in another galaxy? The Bible says that God created the earth is six days. But six days from "what" reference? He doesn't say six days on Earth. He just says "six days". PerHAPS: it was six days for "Him".  If I'm playing a "computer game" where time passes much faster in the "game" than in my time, I'm still going to make references to the game according to my time (e.g. it took me 10 days to beat the game). As I will discuss in the next section, time does not apply to God (unless He wants it to). But as I will also explain in a later chapter, He can make time apply to Himself, if He wants. Perhaps (IMO), when God created the universe in six days, He entered His "creation", and thus the "time constriction" that "He" created in the very beginning. If He moved around at nearly the speed of light, the 15 billion or so years that we see could "scientifically" be only six days to Him. This is just one of many plausible "theories" that scientifically validate the Bible's exact story of creation. The point IS, simply looking at a "star" that is beaming light from a billion years ago our time, does NOT mean that God did not create the earth in six days, and that the earth is not around ~6,000 years old by His time. It's all a matter of reference. How Can Time Not Exist for God? My friend asked me this, after I told him that time does not exist for God. He asked how could there possibly be a world, or dimension, without time? BETWEEN the point that you read the ,"last sentence," and, "this sentence"; there was "time". So how thirty-second thirty-second
  • 34. could God read two sentences without having any time between them? He reads one sentence BEFORE the other, and a chronological relationship demands a passing of time (doesn't it?). It just, doesn’t, make; sense. The reason it does not make sense, and is completely incomprehensible to us from this perspective, is because we are still comparing God and His realm, to our own. Consider this example. Let’s say you create a two dimension picture just like the one below: In this picture, there are only two dimensions: length and width. If somehow shapes could "talk", the triangle would completely agree with you that it could move up, down, left, or right in comparison to the square. But what would happen if you tried to explain to the triangle that it could move "away" from the square, but still be the same distance from the square from the perspective that the picture shows? It would think you were nuts, because it is an impossibility according to its dimensional limitations. You would be speaking of depth, and the triangle would have absolutely no way or basis in which to comprehend the concept. The following picture shows what the triangle would not be able to understand: the dimension of depth: thirty-third thirty-third
  • 35. Look at both pictures for a minute: try to understand why the 2-D triangle would never be able to truly comprehend what you were telling it. In a similar manner, we can never truly understand a world without time, until we experience it. Similarly, a man blind from birth can never truly comprehend sight until they experience it. Now we’ll take it a step further. Say you are now talking to the three-dimensional "triangle" from the second picture. It would have no problem with you telling it that it could move front, back, up, down, left, or right. But, suppose you tell it that "without using any of those directions", it could move away from itself. Again; it would think you are crazy. Supposing that the previous picture is a strictly a three-dimensional environment, it would be impossible for the "triangle" to comprehend. This brings us to the fourth and final dimension in our universe (that we can experience). In real life, if we take a triangular block and put it next to a rectangular block, it is possible for the triangular block to move away from itself and the rectangular block: without using any of the "six directions" listed earlier. In fact, when any amount of time passes, both of the blocks move away from their past selves, as well as everything else in the past. This is the fourth dimension: time. So these four dimensions, confine our universe. Without getting much into theory, I will quickly entertain an idea for a "fifth dimension". If there were such a dimension, it could be a multitude of things. But following the first four thirty-fourth thirty-fourth
  • 36. dimensions, a "characteristic" that it must have, is that an object can somehow move without using any of the previous dimensions. One idea is what sci-fi writers have called “alternate universes”. One way of describing this, is that BECAUSE there are an infinite number of moves, choices, thoughts, etc. that a person can have at any moment; an INFINITE amount of alternate parallel universes could exist where all of these infinite moves, choices, thoughts, etc. will happen. Of course, this "last example" is only given to show you the possibility and constraints of the universe we live in. We can only "possibly" understand the rules that we are governed by. The laws and physics of our universe were specifically designed by God to apply for "us". The universe is the "bubble" that he put us in. Our aquarium. But he is "outside" of that ,and completely unaffected by it. So we cannot even begin to try and "understand" the realm in which He "lives". So trying to understand a world without time, is "IMPOSSIBLE" until we experience it, which we all will; when the world ends, and we will enter “eternity”. Yes, in Quantum Physics there are 10 - 12 "dimensions", that we know of. Though, those are VERY tiny/too complex. For the "purpose" of this demonstration, we'll stick with four.  Why Would Someone Believe in Evolution? Beats me. But I suppose in their minds, it’s pretty simple. People never could understand life unless they were religious. Religion gives people a peace of mind because it takes away the nagging question of where the heck we came from, and why we’re here. As I will prove over the next several chapters, Christianity is the only religion that actually follows science and every other kind of proof to a “T”, and is ultimately the ONLY truth. Still, some people feel STUPID believing in religion, because in this "modern-day world", we can see, feel, explain, and understand so MUCH more than we ever could before. Everyone is a scientist, and nearly everything can be explained thirty-fifth thirty-fifth
  • 37. with science, or at least a scientific theory. Yet, we cannot do this with God... ...God is beyond our comprehension, because we are limited to understanding and viewing things, from the perspective of the rules that govern the "universe". Since God is beyond that: it is IMPOSSIBLE to completely comprehend Him as we are. The Bible even says that if God were to appear to us in His true form, we would instantly perish. Perish. PERISH... ...that is the reason God never directly appears to us. PERIOD. In the Bible, He had to appear indirectly, such as through the angels, the burning bush, and His closest manifestation of Himself: Jesus. Still, even Jesus as a human does not completely show us exactly Who God Is. He is simply "beyond our understanding". Only once we are unbound from these "darn" laws of "physics" and the "physical universe", and enter into eternity, THEN will we be able to get a better picture of God. So, we ultimately cannot "fully" understand who "He" is. Jesus is the closest understanding that we have. If you want to have an idea of what God’s personality is like: just look at Jesus. God simply tells us “I Am who I Am”, and I suppose we have to accept that? Since some people feel that this is "too hard of a pill to swallow", they deny it, rather than accepting what they DO understand... Then Darwin came along in 1859 and gave these "unbelievers" a "false sense of peace" by developing a new theory about how animals evolved from crap (well…not literally; but it may as well have been  ). This theory was accepted by many for a long time. Then came along the theory of the big bang, which could account for not only the creation of life, but the creation of the whole universe! SWEET! This pseudo- science created an entirely new and unique possibility; that life could actually be fully explained scientifically! Great news for the atheist, right? So now God can be taken out of the picture, and life can be explained completely scientifically??…Well; not thirty-sixth thirty-sixth
  • 38. real-... ... NO! PERIOD. I actually can’t understand how someone can TRULY believe that, the big bang and evolution, created everything. I; really; cannot?? I think the majority of people who believe in this "combo" really don’t understand it. People "dismiss Christianity" because they say there is "no proof"; yet, there is actually too much proof to consider (it was hard to keep this book slim)! Conversely, people believe in "the big bang" and "evolution" because they say that there is proof; yet the most IMPORTANT "proof" is against it! SUCH A PARADOXPARADOXPARADOX ! In reality; the big bang and evolution have so many obvious holes, contradictions, and impossibilities, it truly boggles my mind that people believe it. Let alone, that people earn Ph. D’s and spend their lives studying it! The only reason that I would get a Doctorate in it, is for RESEARCH only! Einstein Bowed to the Creator; Against His Will That’s right, Einstein: one of the smartest men to ever live. He did not literally bow in a respectful manner or anything; he simply threw in his theoretical towel and reluctantly concluded that "God" must exist. If anyone had a grasp on science and the universe, it was this guy! Einstein really wanted to believe that there was no God. It was one of his firm belief that God was "not real". Up until this point, he based his proof that there did not have to be a God on the incorrect fact that the universe was infinite, and static (not moving). As I will later discuss in this chapter, the only way that the theory of spontaneous creation and evolution stands ANY ground, is if the universe had an infinite amount of time, and thus chances, for evolving from nothing. This was the accepted world view, and no one could question it. This, was; thirty-seventh thirty-seventh
  • 39. EINSTEIN!! However, Einstein accidentally shot his own foot by discovering that the universe was not "infinite". After developing his equations of general relativity, he realized that the universe was simultaneously expanding and decelerating; just like an explosion. He acknowledged the fact that the only way for a grenade or piece of dynamite to explode, is for something to initiate the "explosion". Thus, there had to be a “beginner”: IMO, "God". Einstein really didn’t want to believe this, so he created a theory with an opposing force that would perfectly "cancel out" his equation, and allow the universe to indeed have an infinite past. So he fought so hard that he didn’t just search for proof: he tried to create it! There…no more God..whew! This lasted from 1917 until 1929. Then, using his new telescope, Edwin Hubble *burst* Einstein’s little atheistic bubble by proving that Einstein was right with his first answer: the universe is expanding and decelerating. Reluctantly, Einstein finally admitted that God had to exist. Actually, he acknowledged “the presence of a superior reasoning power”; a long-winded way of saying “God” (Barnett, 1948). So if one of the smartest men to ever walk to the face of the earth, who had one of the biggest impacts on science, who did his best to DISPROVE God, could only "in the end" hold up a "white flag" and proclaim His EXISTENCE: what CHANCE does anyone else HAVE, to do the OPPOSITE!? ... I always thought I was "too smart "to believe in God, and here I am writing a book! thirty-eighth thirty-eighth
  • 40. WHAT? That’s right. Evolution wins. At least, at the end of 2005 according to Judge Jones in Dover, PA; it does. The judge ruled that Intelligent Design is "NOT" scientific, and said “our conclusion today is that it is unconstitutional to teach Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution in a public school science classroom”. Chapter "1" seemed pretty scientific to me, IMO. And evolution seems to be a lot more like fantasy and science fiction. Still, in a "court of law", Intelligent Design was slapped in the face, while EVOLUTION was put on a "pedestal". But what happened?? I read the court script, and it appeared that those on the side of evolution had MUCH better lawyers than those on the other side (?). Out of the entirety of chapter 1 in this book, the defendants (of intelligent design) did not mention ANY of the facts or arguments that I wrote about. Not one! So what did they use for an offense? Not much really. Their biggest argument involved "bacterial flagellum" and a concept labeling it an “irreducibly complex” life form. "Bacterial flagellum" is a very simple outboard motor that "bacteria" use to swim. The term “irreducibly complex” means that if just "one" part of the motor is taken away, it will not work. The defense, Michael Behe, claims that this proves that evolution could not have produced it, since all of the pieces would have to have formed at once, since each individual piece is useless. However, the evolutionists quickly pointed out that the components of the bacterial flagellum can be used for other purposes, so Behe’s entire argument is basically useless. The evolutions then give another irreducibly complex example that advocates of intelligent design use: the mousetrap. But then they go on to explain how even after removing two of the five parts, they can still use the mousetrap as a tie clip. Behe never says anything else about the matter, and it is clearly a win for thirty-ninth thirty-ninth CCHAPTERHAPTER 22
  • 41. evolutionists. The next argument by Behe states that evolution can not account for the formation of the immune system. After he says this, the plaintiff asks to come to the stand. He then completely refutes Behe’s statement by piling "books" on his bench that are all about how evolution explains the immune system. Against, Behe doesn’t do, or say; ANYTHING! The final argument (if you want to call it that) is a quote given to the judge from Behe. “In fact, intelligent design is open to direct experimental rebuttal. To falsify such a claim, a scientist could go into the laboratory, place a bacterial species lacking a flagellum under some selective pressure, for motility, say, grow it for 10,000 generations and see if a flagellum or any equally complex system was produced. If that happened my claims would be neatly disproven”. The judge then asks is this has been done. The defense says no; but that evolution hasn’t done it "either". Still, a theory to "obtain" evidence, is "not" evidence, so I don’t even know why they mentioned it! These three arguments were the only arguments given for "Intelligent design". You have in your hands, right now, a book full of scientific proof for intelligent design, yet the defense only choose three weak examples. Ironically (?), the evolutionists were able to easily counter each of them. Not only that, but the plaintiff somehow had stacks of books to counter the argument about the immune system. It almost seems like it was "set up", and that Behe let it happen (did he?). He said in the court regarding his first argument, “I think the best, well, the most visually striking example of design is something called the bacterial flagellum”. Is he serious!? We have the entire universe to scavenge THROUGH(!); and he says that the best example is a simple bacterial flagellum? Not only that, but it ends up not even being proof anyways! What about the statistic of the chance of a broken down cell reconstructing itself? Why not go there? Whynotgothere...Whynotgothere...Whynotgothere.Whynotgothere... Then there was the second "countering" of irreducible complexity by talking about a "mousetrap". The plaintiff says that although a mousetrap supposedly "must" have all of its parts to work, it can in fact still function as a tie clip without some of its parts. We’re trying to discover the "ORIGIN OF THE fortieth fortieth
  • 42. UNIVERSE", and he shows how you can use a "three-part mouse trap" as a tie clip? Talk about undermining SCIENCE! Then Behe does nothing to dispute what they are saying. He just seems to go with it. Needless to say, I was getting "pretty angry" watching the reenactment of the trial... Next Behe gives the argument about the immune system, which has plenty of scientific research to prove it. Why didn’t he choose something that does not have "dozens of books" written about it? Again, he has another argument that states one thing, when clearly the reality of it is the opposite. Finally, the third argument is simply "wishful thinking", and doesn’t prove anything at all. Either the defendant was absolutely terrible, or they were really working for the plaintiff. Either way: Intelligent Design was not really given an argument at ALL, and evolution was not disproved, as it should have been. As this book has, and will continue to prove, the proof and necessity of "intelligent design" is irrefutable. The following section will discuss more holes in the theory of evolution. Why Evolution is Not Scientific As I have already explained, evolutionists say that "supernatural" is something that does not apply to, or breaks the laws of physics. A better way of explaining the big bang beginning is “well, the laws of physics don’t work in creationism. Creationism is not scientific". The previous chapter gave reasons why it is scientific, and why evolution is improbable. I am going to give several reasons more reasons why evolution is not scientific. But first, I will give a small paradox about the two theories. Atheistic evolutionists say that creationism is not scientific because it involves supernatural elements in the beginning, and that supernatural is not "scientific". But what does the atheistic "big bang" model say about the beginning? Is it scientific? Not at all! In fact; the big bang model states that at "the very beginning", the laws of physics had to "break down". Is this just a "scientific" way of saying that it was supernatural? Well, they say that the theories of gravity, magnetism, time, etc. did forty-first forty-first
  • 43. not apply the way they do now. Is this not supernatural? So let’s assume that these laws were thrown out the window, and some supernatural force that we don’t "understand", just made everything "happen"; with a “random fluctuation“. Just don’t call it "God". Yea…that right there is science... So the big bang theory is just as supernatural as creationism. They just abandon the word "supernatural" and say that “the laws of physics had to break down”, and some "other force" had to exist. Both theories require something supernatural. So we pretty much all must agree that the supernatural is not just possible, but required, for creation. The differences between the two theories, are that the big bang and evolution are much less probable; and that while creationism gives a motive for creation, the other does not. Here is a quote from noted evolutionist writer and lecturer Stephen J. Gould stating how evolutionists only focus on the minuscule fraction of evidence supporting their theory and throw away everything else: "Every paleontologist knows that most species don't change. They get a little bigger or bumpier but they remain the same species and that is stasis. And yet this remarkable stasis has generally been ignored as no data. If they don't change it is not evolution so don't talk about it." The following attack and rebuttal for evolution was pulled from "Indicator 10: If one species were to evolve into another, one would expect that it would do so in many small, incremental steps. Thus, many transition fossils would have been found by now. But, in fact, very few have been discovered. Rebuttal 10: Charles Darwin originally believed that evolution was a gradual phenomenon. In fact, he wrote that if transitional fossils were not found, that his conclusion about a slowly forty-second forty-second
  • 44. advancing evolution would be false. Stephen Gould has proposed the concept of punctuated equilibrium: the idea that species were relatively fixed over long periods of time; transition from one species to another happened relatively quickly. Thus, transitional fossils would be extremely rare. He believes that speciation generally occurs rapidly in small, isolated populations of a species. Thus, surviving transitional fossils would be expected to be almost non-existent." So because Darwin's model of evolution has too many "holes", evolutionists came up with the new theory of "Punctuated Equilibrium" to get around the lack of fossil evidence. But what evidence is there for such a model? The only real evidence comes from one species of coral-like sea organisms called "Bryozoan", which remained unchanged for 40 million years and then underwent an explosion of diversification. The only other "proof" of "Punctuated Equilibrium" is the minor mutations that some isolated organisms have experienced, such as Darwin's observations of the changes in a finch's beak to accommodate it to the environment. However, it was still just a finch, just with a different shape of beak. So how does this explain the major evolutionary mutations and instant appearances that we see in the fossil record? It doesn't. It almost appears as if something just created organisms and placed them on the earth. But that would be impossible; right? So the Script of Life Wrote Itself? Who wrote the super-complex script of human DNA? Many scientists claim that RNA actually came first, but who wrote that? Even pro-evolution website admits: "The RNA world hypothesis doesn't explain how RNA itself first arose. Like DNA, RNA is a complex molecule made of repeating units of thousands of smaller molecules called nucleotides that link together in very specific, patterned ways. While there are scientists who forty-third forty-third
  • 45. think RNA could have arisen spontaneously on early Earth, others say the odds of such a thing happening are astronomical." Think of it this way. If you took a bucket of paint and splashed it on a canvas, is it possible that it could have created the detailed picture of a lion? Well it's certainly not likely, but I'm sure there's an ultra-minuscule chance that it could happen. Consider this to be the chance of life spontaneously building itself. But: what is the chance that in addition to the lion, a full written description of how to create the lion had also appeared on the canvas. What is the possibility of that? Definitely so close to zero that it can't be comprehended. This is similar to saying that RNA, the literal description of how to build an organism, somehow just appeared within the organism. Dead Humans What about dead human beings? If everything is simply a machine put together, how come we haven't brought been about to put the "building blocks" together and make the machine work again? I figure if humans are NOT more than just flesh and blood, either we'll be able to "build them", or bring them back-to-life after being long dead? Or they will be almost zombie-like and emotionless when we do? Obviously, science is very far from this. But what about animals? What about bacteria? What about a cells? How come we can't build ANYTHING?? Because God breathed life into everything, and only He can do it. Period. As stated by the editorial staff of The Forerunner magazine: "Even if we took all the proteins essential for a living cell and placed them within a test tube, we would still not succeed in producing life. A dead cell has all the essential components to function but something has offset the precision of its operation. Dead cells in a test tube will always remain dead no matter what is done to them, even though they seem to have the ingredients for life. Life does forty-fourth forty-fourth not simply consist of a mere assemblage of the right compounds or proteins."
  • 46. CCHAPTERHAPTER 33 So Who’s Right? So if there’s a God, which God is it? It makes sense that God would want us to know who He is, which is what different religions claim they know. So which religion is right? If any of the religions are right, it makes sense that it would have made an impact on the world, and would be well-known. forty-fifth forty-fifth
  • 47. So the majority of the world believes in either Christianity, Islam, and Hindu (70%). While the rest of the religions drastically fall off from there. The religions such as Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, New Age, Shinto, and all the other religions are so small and unscientific, that I can’t imagine why people even consider them? Someone had either a money-making idea, or was crazy. Maybe a combination of the two. Then they made something up, and people were gullible enough to follow it. Even the Muslim religion, the second-largest religion in world, only has 63% of the number of followers as Christianity. Although people often say not to follow the crowd (probably due to America’s push for individuality), the crowd is still usually forty-sixth forty-sixth
  • 48. right (at least on the show “Millionaire”, they usually are). In this particular case, I am sure of it. I’ll explain. Islam For years the Muslim religion stated that, although the original Holy Bible may have been the Word of God, it has changed over the years due to human error and corruption. You may not know this (I didn't), but Islam is nearly a copy (ROUGH copy) of Christianity. The Koran, which is basically their equivalent of the Christian Bible, is ultimately a reworded copy of the Bible. It talks about the six days of creation (though it later contradicts itself with an eight day account), Adam and Eve, the world-wide flood, Abraham, the Israelites, David and Goliath, and even Jesus (although the NAMES were different)! The main difference is that they believe that Jesus was just a great prophet; not our savior. So they believe that their religion, which was not even formed until the ~622 AD, is the true religion. Christianity and the Bible have been "corrupted" over the years. Well, guess what Muhammad? We have PROOF?! In 1946, the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were found in a cave at Qumran. These scrolls contained writings of the Bible from up to ~2200 years ago! All but one of the books of the Bible (Esther) was at least partially found; and guess what? The writings from 200 BC are basically the same as the writings of today! Although sometimes there were some minor literary mistakes, the message itself was the same. This finding alone has dismissed Islam’s main offense towards Christianity, and should help you find comfort, in the fact, that; the Bible has not changed over the years. The scientific principles explained in the next chapter were all formally discovered thousands of years after the Dead Sea Scrolls were written (proving they were not later added). I will discuss the Dead Sea Scrolls in a later chapter. Now that you understand that the Bible of today is the same as the Bible of yesterday, the year before that, a millennium before that, etc.; the rest of this book should pretty much prove itself. But; I’m forty-seventh forty-seventh
  • 49. still not done with the other religions yet. I invite anyone to go buy a copy of the Koran. I did, and discovered that it is a (IMO) POORLY written copy of the Bible. In addition to this, there are plenty of clear errors laced throughout it. Even though the original Bible they copied from does not have any clear errors, the Muslim’s humanly written copy added quite a few. Here are several: One Day With Allah is… How many years equal one day with Allah? I’m not sure, and apparently neither was Muhammad. Look at a few verses from the Koran: “…to him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.” S. 32:5 “ to him ascend the angels and the spirit in a day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.” S. 70:4 Who Takes Our Body at Death? According to S. 22:11, the angel of death does. According to S. 47:27, the “angels” take it. According to S. 39:42, Allah takes it. Perhaps the answer is that it is ripped into shreds so everyone can get a piece? ...What? I'm a stand-up comedian! The Sun Following the Moon in Orbit The following are direct sentences taken from the Quran: “It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).” S. 36:40 forty-eighth forty-eighth
  • 50. “By the sun and his brightness, And the moon when she followeth him ...” S. 91:1-2 It doesn’t take a scientist to realize that Muhammad is saying that the sun follows the moon around the same orbit, but that Allah doesn’t let her catch him. From his point of view on Earth of course, it probably appeared that way. Also, not only does the Quran incorrectly detail the orbits of the sun and moon multiple other times, but it also directly states that the earth does not move! The Stationary Earth “Is not He (best) Who made the earth a FIXED ABODE…” S. 27:61 Say WHAT? Where the Sun Goes at Night If you ever wanted to know where the sun goes during the night, the Quran has the perfect scientific answer: "Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water.” S. 18:86 So not only does it continue with the assumption that it is the sun that goes around the earth, but that it actually sets in a muddy spring and stays there until daytime! Stolen From the Bible It should be obvious that most of the Koran is based on the Bible. I think Muhammad tried to add on to what the Bible said about the cosmos, but got confused with EXACTLY what it forty-ninth forty-ninth
  • 51. was saying. The Bible states that the sun has a circuit, or an orbit, in the following verse: "The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end…” Psalm 19:6 NLT Skeptics could say that this view PROVES that they thought that the sun moved around the Earth. Though, you have to REALIZE that we say the same thing TODAY(!): the sun “rises” and “sets”, even though we know that it is really the Earth that is rotating. Still, the reason I mention it, is because I think Muhammad may have tried to expand on it in an incorrect manner. The Seven Heavens “He Who created the seven heavens, one above the other ... And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps ...” S. 67:3, 5 “And He completed them seven heavens in two days and inspired in each heaven its command; and We adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and rendered it guarded ...” S. 41:12 “We have indeed adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the stars.” S. 37:6 So the conclusion of these verses is that there are seven heavens, one above the other, with the stars resting in the lowest. The problem with that, is that stars are located EVERYWHERE in the galaxy. The only way to reconcile this is if the other six heavens are different dimensions. But then how do you explain the following verse? “Do you not see how God has created the seven heavens one above the other, and made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a lamp?” S. 71:15-16 This verse states that the moon is in the midst of the seven fiftieth fiftieth
  • 52. heavens, which means that it is much farther than the stars, which supposedly only reside in the lowest level. The problem with this, is that the closest star is about 100 million times farther away than the moon, making this an impossibility. Hope for Muslims There is a great Muslim site , which explains to Muslims who "Isa al Masih" (Jesus Christ) is. The site has many testimonies of real-life Muslims who have been drawn to Jesus in supernatural ways. Skeptics argue that if Jesus is the Messiah, and if God is GOOD, how can He section Himself off from certain people? Well; the answer is that He has many venues of how to reach people. This website is full of ironically similar testimonies of Muslims who have actually had dreams and visions of someone who they realize then, or at a later time, is actually Jesus. I’m a pretty big skeptic when it comes to visions and supernatural stuff, but there are a large number of Muslims who have experienced the same thing. In fact, over one-fourth of converted Muslims reported having a vision or dream of Jesus that made them realize the truth; many of whom knew little or NOTHING of Jesus before the life-changing experience. What are the chances that it is just a coincidence that ~25% of converted Muslims experience this? How many other religions have evidence that their God is literally reaching out to others? How many Christians, or any faith for that matter, have been converted after seeing a vision of Muhammad? From my research, the answer IMO is very close to none. Hinduism Next on the list of religions is Hinduism. This religion really, really confuses me. There are so many different gods; I don’t see how anyone can keep track of them! They do have several main gods, but then they worship many others. It fifty-first fifty-first
  • 53. appears that they just make up gods as they please. One website ( has 330 million gods in their religion. Some counter that they are infinite forms of god. They’ll even take mother Mary from christianity, and worship her as some manifestation of their god. Their theory and doctrines are so vague and confusing, that it’s really hard to get a grip on what they’re saying. They don’t have a way to be saved, and there is no heaven or HELL. It’s basically a game of karma and reincarnation. The better you do in this life, the better you’ll end up in the next life, and the more you’ll be like GOD. At the very beginning of the Bible, it clearly states that it was this desire that caused Eve to EAT the fruit. Genesis 3:5 states (Satan speaking to Eve) “for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god…”. The Bible later tells us that pride and the DESIRE to be his own God, is what caused Satan to fall. Hinduism seems to be the encapsulation of this desire. The main problem with Hinduism, other than the fact that it sounds more like an "Ancient Near East" mythological story than a plausible answer to the universe, is that there is no evidence for anything regarding the religion or its doctrines. That ALSO makes it very difficult to disprove. Similarly; I could start a religion where all 39 followers had to drink poison and kill themselves so that they could board the mother ship hiding behind the passing Hale’s Comet. Since it’s all theory with no evidence, no one in the world could disprove it. By the way, that was a description of Heaven’s Gate from 1997 in San Diego, California. The point is, the only reason that Hinduism is still around is because it is so vague, philosophical, and directly avoidant of any type of evidence, that it can’t really be disproved. But in my opinion, this lack of evidence, is evidence that it is a false religion. I know I’ve said that the absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence, but in this case, there is literally no evidence! NONE! With something as complicated, wide-spread, and historical as the entire Hindu religion, I think I can confidently say: the complete and utter absence of evidence; is evidence of absence. As you will soon see, Christianity has a fifty-second fifty-second
  • 54. ridiculous amount of evidence. Buddhism The following paragraph was quoted from the forum in the Buddhism section and was written by someone with the handle “Llona”. It was written on 3Jul2008 and retrieved by me on 13Aug2008. Although I wouldn’t normally quote from an unknown Jane Doe, she is a Buddhist herself, and sums up Buddhism pretty well (thanks Llona!): “Generally Buddhism does not believe in a personal God or a divine being, it does not have worship, praying to, or praising of a divine being (although some sects do.) It offers no form of redemption, forgiveness, no heavenly hope, or a final judgment to those practicing its system. Buddhism is a moral philosophy, an ethical way to live for the here and now of this world to gain the ultimate state. It has more in common with humanism and atheism than its original religion Hinduism it separated from. But Buddhism is not atheism just because they don’t believe in a personal God. It is more like pantheism, there is a impersonal force the void which is the ultimate". So it is basically an extremely vague and unscientific religion that states that everything is an "impersonal force". It is basically a foundation with nothing built on it, in my opinion. I suppose it is almost to the point of agnostic. An agnostic knows that there is life, because we are here; but he doesn’t explain much after that. The Buddhist knows that life is controlled by a force, but he does not really explain much after that. And since I’m in the business of trying to find answers, I can’t really do much with this. I need some tangible evidence. fifty-third fifty-third
  • 55. CCHAPTERHAPTER 44 Yes, it Really does Exist That’s right, scriptural science. I promise it is not an oxymoron. I don’t want to bore you with elaborate introductions and long-winded explanations. I’ll explain everything as I go, but let’s get right into it. I begin with science from the scriptures since the Bible is "supposedly" God’s word. If it really is, there should be some pretty amazing stuff in it. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Scientific Scriptures fifty-fourth fifty-fourth
  • 56. The following section gives Bible verses that clearly suggest scientific principles that obviously far predate their time. I have included several versions of the Bible to add validity. The King James Version is from 1611, so even this version is older than some of the scientific principles that were proven. In addition, I added an untranslated Latin version from 405 AD. So if anyone out there speaks Latin; there you go. Key for Versions of the Bible: KJV: King James Version (1611) NLT: New Living Translation (1996) NIV: New International Version (1984) VUL: Vulgate (405 AD) ESV: English Standard Version (2001) NASM: National American Standard Bible (1995) WEB: Noah Webster Version (1833) YON: Robert Young Literal Translation (1898) Proof of: Modern Knowledge of Proper Circumcision Gen 17:12 NIV: "For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised." NKJV: “Every male child must be circumcised on the eighth day after his birth.” God DEMANDED that a baby had to be circumcised when it was eight days old. Not seven; or nine: EIGHT. The Israelites probably saw this as just another rule to follow, rather than fifty-fifth fifty-fifth
  • 57. medical science. However, in the mid to late 20th century, we discovered something amazing. Prothrombin, which is a vital component to blood clotting, has the highest levels in an individual’s life on exactly the eighth day after they are born. This would make the circumcision the least bloody and safest on the eighth day. Coincidence? I think not! God emphasized the eighth day for a reason, and we have only just recently learned the reason. Below is a prothrombin chart adapted from one published by S.I. McMillen (1984), along with a quote from him: “We should commend the many hundreds of workers who labored at great expense over a number of years to discover that the safest day to perform circumcision is the eighth. Yet, as we congratulate medical science for this recent finding, we can almost hear the leaves of the Bible rustling. They would like to remind us that four thousand years ago, when God initiated circumcision with Abraham....Abraham did not pick the eighth day after many centuries of trial-and-error experiments. Neither he nor any of his company from the ancient city of Ur in the Chaldees ever had been circumcised. It was a day picked by the Creator… (1984, p. 93).” Proof of: Earth floating in Empty Space Job 26:7 KJV: “He…hangeth the earth vpon nothing.” NLT: “He…hangs the earth on nothing.” NIV: “He…he suspends the earth over nothing.” VUL: “qui extendit aquilonem super vacuum et adpendit terram super nihili.” What does this verse tell us scientifically? That the earth fifty-sixth fifty-sixth
  • 58. hangs on nothing. Big deal. Well actually, it is a HUGE deal! Job is the oldest book in the Bible, written approximately 3,500 years ago. At that day and age, it was common knowledge that the earth was flat and sat on a large animal (duh, right?). This was back when all sorts of crazy Near East religious ideas were accepted as truth. Yet, Job clearly states two things. First; he denounces that the earth sits on an animal, which was probably today’s equivalent of saying that the earth is flat. Second; he clearly states that it hangs on nothing. He doesn’t say that the Earth hangs on air; he says NOTHING (more about that later)! Outer space is a vacuum, not even consisting of air. It is basically made of nothing, just like Job states. Modern science didn’t realize that space was a vacuum until the 20th century. Well, you may say, perhaps Job considered air to be nothing, which is why he says that. From this perspective, it proves nothing. But actually, Job knew that air was not nothing. In fact, he knew it had weight (read the next page). Proof of: Wind with Weight Job 28:25 KJV: “To make the weight for the windes…” ESV: “When he gave to the wind its weight…” NASB: “When He imparted weight to the wind…” VUL: “qui fecit ventis pondus et aquas adpendit mensura…” No explanation needed here. Job says that the wind has weight, which means that it is made of something. So if he meant to say in Job 26:7 that the earth hangs on air, he wouldn’t have said the word “nothing”. He would have said air. It wasn’t until recently that science discovered that one cubic foot of air at 20 degrees C weighs about 1.2 ounces (Lide, 2007). How easy would it have been for Job to say that the earth sat on an elephant and that air is weightless? Yet, he DOESN'T! He BOLDLY states a FACT that completely contradicted itself at the time; yet in modern times is a scientific FACT. fifty-seventh fifty-seventh
  • 59. Proof of: A Revolving, Spherical Earth Hebrews 11:3 (Concerning Jesus’ Second Coming) NKJV: “I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding (grain) together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.” NLT: “That night two people will be asleep in one bed; one will be taken away, and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding flour together at the mill; one will be taken, the other left.” NIV: “I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” VUL: “dico vobis illa nocte erunt duo in lecto uno unus adsumetur et alter relinquetur. duae erunt molentes in unum una adsumetur et altera relinquetur duo in agro unus adsumetur et alter relinquetur. ” With this one, you have to read between the lines; but it is very obvious once you do. The verse is speaking of "Jesus’ second coming", which happens in an instant. However, the verse speaks of people in bed at night, but then ALSO about people grinding grain, and then about men in a field. If someone is grinding grain or in a field, it has to be daytime. They didn’t have the luxury of stadium lighting, so they didn’t work at night. So that means it is night and day at the same time. However, at that time, it was common knowledge that the earth was flat, and that it was either night or day on the earth; not both. So directly stating that it is night and day at the same time fifty-eighth fifty-eighth
  • 60. clearly points to a spherical earth. How do I come up with that? Well, in Isaiah 40:22, way before Luke was written, it states, "it is he that sits upon the circle of the earth". So they knew that the earth was a circle. The only way for these verses to work out is if he knew that the earth was a sphere. And how did Luke know that? God gave him the secret that took Columbus thousands of years to figure out. In fact, Columbus wrote in his diary that it was the Bible that inspired him to do what he did. Before we discovered that the earth was round, it seems plausible that this verse could have been “proof” of the errancy of the Bible at the time (night and day at the same time? You‘re CRAZY!). Proof of: The Knowledge of Cells/Atoms Hebrews 11:3 NKJV: “so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” NLT: “that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.” NIV: “so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” VUL: “ut ex invisibilibus visibilia fierent.” I really like using the Vulgate Latin translation because it has not been changed since 405 AD. I was skeptical that maybe the newer translations were "altered", and that maybe the verse had originally said that an invisible force (God) made visible things. Well, I directly translated this ancient Latin to English and this is what I got, “when out of invisibilibus, visibilia be made”. It literally says that "out" of the invisible was made the visible. It does not saying that from something invisible, but out of the invisible. So there is really NO other explanation; than cells and atoms. Technically, cells were discovered in 1665 by British scientist Robert Hooke using a very crude microscope (National fifty-ninth fifty-ninth
  • 61. High Magnetic Field, 2005). Before this, everyone "assumed" that flesh was made of flesh, and bone was made of bone. Who could’ve KNOWN that they were made of things which we cannot see (the Creator maybe)? Proof of: Supernatural Knowledge Ecclesiastes 1:6 NIV: “The wind blows to the south, and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.” KJV: “The winde goeth toward the South, and turneth about vnto the North; it whirleth about continually, and the winde returneth againe according to his circuits.” ESV: “The wind blows to the south, and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns.” VUL: “gyrat per meridiem et flectitur ad aquilonem lustrans universa circuitu pergit spiritus et in circulos suos regreditur.” Although this may not sound like a big deal, it actually is. These words were spoken by King Solomon (the smartest man earth; EVER [I checked {}]), who is famous in the Bible for asking God for knowledge, which he was given (whew!). With this knowledge, he detailed the wind currents described above. These wind currents weren’t actually confirmed until relatively recently. Think about it. They didn’t have satellite images 3,000 years ago. They didn’t have telephones so that two people could speak at the same time, from different locations, to determine which way the wind was blowing at a particular moment. The winds he describes are not on a small scale either. So it was literally IMPOSSIBLE for Solomon to have known of these wind currents. That is, of course, unless he really DID receive the knowledge that the Bible says he was given. In addition, sixtieth sixtieth
  • 62. Solomon wrote a lot of wise phrases in the Bible, that give Confucius "a run for his money" (look at Proverbs), further emphasizing the knowledge God gave him. However, if you know the Bible, you’ll know that King Solomon was eventually corrupted by false gods, wealth and women (he had 700 wives and 300 concubines!). How did such a wise man; end up in such a predicament? This is a question that a skeptic could ask to show that he really wasn’t that wise. Well apparently, pride and money have the potential to be more powerful than wisdom: ALONE. Plus, just because you have wisdom about something, it does NOT mean you’ll follow it! A husband knows that cheating on his wife has some pretty severe potential consequences. Murderers know that when they openly murder somebody in public, they will get severely punished. Yet, they both do it anyways. Also, I believe that the knowledge Solomon received was mainly earthly knowledge, such as science and practical wisdom. Spiritual knowledge and enlightenment is on a completely different level! Just because he was ultra-wise doesn’t mean he was ultra-close to God. If Solomon had as much spiritual knowledge as he did earthly knowledge, he probably never would have left God as he did! Proof of: The Earth’s Rotation Job 38:12, 14 WEB: “Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; [and] caused the day-spring to know its place…[earth] is turned as clay [to] the seal…” YON: “Hast thou commanded morning since thy days? Causest thou the dawn to know its place…[the earth] turneth itself as clay of a seal.” NIV: “Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place…The earth takes shape like clay under a seal…” VUL: “numquid post ortum tuum praecepisti doleful et ostendisti aurorae locum suum…restituetur ut lutum sixty-first sixty-first
  • 63. signaculum et stabit sicut vestment.” Verse 12 is God asking Job if he has caused night and day on earth, and verse 14 is a statement saying that the earth is turned as "clay" to the seal. Although it does not directly state it, it can be inferred that the earth turning is the explanation of the night and day explained two verses earlier. This was ~3,500 years ago. The first known recorded people to have ever even considered that the earth rotated (besides the Bible) were Hiketas and Herakleides, probably sometime between 530 BC and 350 BC. Even this was at ~1,000 years after the Bible recorded it. Still, it wasn’t until 1543, ~3,000 years after the Bible stated it, that Copernicus finally wrote a widely accepted book on the subject. Proof of: Ocean Currents Psalm 8:8 KJV: “and whatsoeuer passeth through the paths of the seas.” NLT: “and everything that swims the ocean currents.” NIV: “all that swim the paths of the seas.” VUL: “qui pertranseunt semitas ponti.” This short and simple passage states a very strange statement: that the seas have paths. Forests have paths. Mountains have paths. But how can a flat body of water have paths? Well; in the middle and late 19th century, Matthew Maury discovered ocean currents. "Ocean currents" are "basically" like flowing rivers within the ocean. They are driven by tides, winds, densities of water, and temperature. It is amazing that even though this was just discovered 150 years ago, the Bible clearly states it ~2,800 years ago! More amazingly, it was actually this passage in the Bible that inspired Maury to search for the currents in the first place! sixty-second sixty-second
  • 64. Proof of: The Precisely Measured Oceans Isaiah 40:12 KJV: “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand?…” ESV: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand…” NIV: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand…” VUL: “quis mensus est pugillo aquas et caelos palmo…” Here we have yet another simple, yet very important statement: that God has measured the waters. You have to stop and think for a second; why does someone measure something? ... ...Because it is important! I don’t measure my milk when I pour it in my cereal, because it doesn’t really matter. But I DO measure when baking a cake, because it does matter! Isaiah states that God measured the waters, which means that He must have knew that it was important. Recent science has discovered that the amount of water on the earth is perfect. In fact, a 20-foot rise in sea levels would cause 400 million people to have to move (or learn to SCUBA dive [self contained underwater breathing apparatus]!). Proof of: The Innumerable Stars Genesis 15:5 NKJV: “Then He brought him outside and said, ‘Look sixty-third sixty-third
  • 65. now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.’” NIV: “He took him outside and said, ‘Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’” VUL: “eduxitque eum foras et ait illi suspice caelum et numera stellas si potes et dixit ei sic erit semen tuum.” In this verse, God tells Abram that his descendants will be like the stars in the sky, which God knows Abram cannot count. There are other references in the Bible to the number of stars in the sky, such as Jeremiah 33:22, which reads, “…as countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore”. This may not sound amazing, since we know there are billions of billions of stars in the universe. However, when this was written, it was "thought" that there were only ~1,100 stars in the sky. Some estimates were even lower. Ptolemy believed there were 1,056, Tycho Brahe counted 777, and Johannes came up with 1,005 Some skeptics may say that even 777 could be considered “Countless” to some, especially "back then". You would almost definitely lose count before you finished, "technically" making them “countless“. However in Jeremiah 33 (and other places), the number of stars in the sky is compared to the number of grains of sand on the seashore. Obviously, the people knew that there were a lot more than 1,100 grains of sand on the beach. Another "interesting" thought, is that ballpark estimates of the number of stars in the universe is around 1022, while the numbers of grains of sand on earth is estimated to be between 1020-1024 (Myron, 2000). How awesome would it be if God made them in the same number, and then later directly stated it in the Bible? Proof of: The Uniqueness of Stars 1Corinthians 15:41 sixty-fourth sixty-fourth
  • 66. NLT: “And even the stars differ from each other in their beauty and brightness.” This verse probably didn’t make a lot of sense before powerful telescopes were invented. When a person looks into the sky with the naked eye, the stars pretty much look the same. Sure, there are some that are "brighter" or "dimmer" than others, but it would seem silly to say that they are all different levels of brightness. It seems acceptable (IMO) that you could have a brightness scale of 1-10, and put every star between those numbers. And it would also seem really "stupid" to say that the stars differ in their beauty. THEY’RE JUST WHITE DOTS! But with new technology, our perspective has changed. We now realize that every star is completely unique. They are all different sizes, different colors, and different levels of brightness. And the part about beauty? Have you seen some of the Hubble telescope images? I can HONESTLY say, that images of the stars and galaxies; ...are the most BEAUTIFUL images in the world (IMO). YET; before these telescopes, all we could see was little-white-dots, that were "pretty much" all the same. The above verse clearly points out these facts millenniums before we actually did: God has ALWAYS known how unique and beautiful they really WERE! Proof of: An Atomic Bomb Prediction Zechariah 14:12 NKJV: “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.” sixty-fifth sixty-fifth
  • 67. NIV: “This is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.” VUL: “et haec erit plaga qua percutiet Dominus omnes gentes quae pugnaverunt adversus Hierusalem tabescet caro uniuscuiusque stantis super pedes suos et oculi eius contabescent in foraminibus suis et lingua eorum contabescet in ore suo” This verse is obviously a prophetic prediction due to the words, “with which the LORD will strike”. This description of their flesh, eyes, and tongues rotting while the people are standing, was probably VERY confusing when this was written. The people at the time never experienced anything like this. Even explosions from the 19th century would NOT do this. But with the invention of nuclear warfare, bombs can now literally melt a person’s flesh away, while they are standing, just as this prediction states. A Japanese website commented on the Nagasaki bomb, stating, “Burns caused by the heat rays of the atomic bomb were severe, with the surface skin being completely burned and falling off, and leaving tissue and bone exposed”. Take a look at the reenactment of the Hiroshima bombing at the end of this paragraph. It is scary to think that this was 63 years ago (2008), and the bombs are today are so much more powerful, and so much more available. The Hiroshima bomb in the video was equivalent to about 13-16 kilotons of TNT. Compare THAT to the Russian “Tsar Bomba.” The “Tsar Bomba” is equivalent to about 50,000-100,000 kilotons of TNT (more recently, the estimated fallout was too much, so they limited it to a maximum of 58 kilotons). This certainly makes it believable that the destruction and “plagues” in Revelations, regarding the end of the world, could at least partially be due to nuclear warfare. BBC Hiroshima Bombing Reenactment: sixty-sixth sixty-sixth
  • 68. b_reenactment/ Proof of: Specific Knowledge of the Water Cycle Job 28:26 NKJV: “When He made a law for the rain…” Ecclesiastes 1:7 NIV: “All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.” Psalm 135:7 KJV: “He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth…” Job 36:27 NIV: “He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams;” These verses, written by three different men inspired by God, all explain the "water cycle". They are very accurate representations of the water cycle, which was not clearly understood until more recent times. The first verse in Job clearly states that there is a law (cycle) for the rain. Next, Solomon explains that although the streams are always flowing into the seas, they never fill up because the water is returned back to the streams. Next, Psalms explains that the water from the ends of the earth (the seas) is turned into vapors and ascends. Finally, Job describes that these vapors are drawn up into drops of water sixty-seventh sixty-seventh