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Developing a Real-World Logistic Application with Oracle Application Express Roel Hartman Software Architect / NL Lead Technical Architect Oracle
Agenda UKOUG 2008 04-12-2008 Introduction The Case Conclusions & Tips Q&A
Introduction 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Introduction Logica  (a word from our sponsors) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Introduction Logica  (another word from our sponsors) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
The Client ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
The Architecture No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Accounts Payable/ Accounts Receivable  administration Internet Board computer software TMS Planning software Supply  C hain  Ma n a g emen t Traffic information Order acceptance  and  processing Communication manager Onboard computer E Supply chain m anagement Mob ile  internet Navigati on   system
The Application ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
The Technical Environment No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Oracle DB Definition  Files ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Application  Processor Cache Application  Designer
So…what does the application look like? No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Alternatives  No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 ++ +? ++ ++ UI ++ ++ ++ - Future ++ -/+ + + Knowledge -/+ ++ + + Productivity -/+ ++ -/+ - Costs + ++ + + Performance -/+ + + + Migration .Net APEX JDeveloper Oracle Forms
Proof of Concept ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Enhancement 1 : Direct Validation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 onchange=“javascript:check_value(this,'Check_Legal_Entity');” <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function check_value(object, pProcess) {  var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS='+pProcess,$v('pFlowStepId')); get.addParam('x01',$v(object)); gReturn = get.get(); if(gReturn){ alert(gReturn); } } </script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function checkValue(object, pProcess){ var lRequest = new apex.ajax.ondemand( pProcess, function(){ var l_s = p.readyState; if(l_s == 1||l_s == 2||l_s == 3){ } else if(l_s == 4){ gReturn = p.responseText; (gReturn)?myAlert(gReturn, object):null; }else{return false;} } ); lRequest.ajax.addParam('x01',$v(object)); lRequest._get();  } </script>
Enhancement 1 : Direct Validation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 declare dummy varchar2(1); l_ley_code legal_entity.legal_entity_code%type; begin l_ley_code := upper(wwv_flow.g_x01); if l_ley_code is null then htp.p('Legal Entity is required'); else select '1' into dummy from legal_entity where legal_entity_code = l_ley_code; end if; exception  when no_data_found  then htp.p('Legal Entity '||l_ley_code||' does not exists'); end begin ley_pck.check_value(upper(wwv_flow.g_x01)); end get.addParam('x01',$v(object)); gReturn = get.get();
Enhancement 2 : Calendar ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 $(function(){ // Attach a DatePicker icon and function to class=&quot;datefield&quot;  $(&quot;.datefield&quot;).datepicker( { dateFormat  : 'dd/mm/yy' , closeText  : 'X' , clearText  : '' , showAnim  : 'scale' , showOptions  : { origin: ['top', 'left'] } , showOn  : 'button' , buttonImage  : '#APP_IMAGES#calendar.gif' , buttonImageOnly : true }); });
Enhancement 3 : Show description when a code is entered ,[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 get_company_address(this,'LOAD');&quot; <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function get_company_address(object, pType){  var getter = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=Get_Company_Address',0); getter.addParam('x01',$v(object)); gReturn = getter.get(); var colArray = gReturn.split(&quot;~sep~&quot;,5); if (colArray[4]==undefined) {  alert(gReturn); } else { html_GetElement('P3_'+pType+'_NAME').value = colArray[0]; html_GetElement('P3_'+pType+'_ADRESS').value = colArray[1]; html_GetElement('P3_'+pType+'_COUNTRY_CODE').value = colArray[2]; html_GetElement('P3_'+pType+'_CITY_CODE').value = colArray[3]; html_GetElement('P3_'+pType+'_POSTCODE').value = colArray[4]; } } </script>
Enhancement 3 : Show description when a code is entered No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 4. Create an On Demand Application Process ‘Get_Company_Address’ Or even better: declare l_address varchar2(32000); l_sep  varchar2(10) := '~sep~'; l_code  address.adress_code%type; Begin l_code := upper(wwv_flow.g_x01); select name||l_sep||adress||l_sep||country_code||l_sep||city_name||l_sep||postcode into  l_address from  address where  adress_code = l_code; htp.p( l_address ); exception when no_data_found then htp.p('Address Code '||upper(v('ADDRESS_CODE'))||' does not exists'); when others then htp.p(sqlerrm); end begin ads_pck.get_address(upper(wwv_flow.g_x01)); end
Enhancement 3 : Show description when a code is entered (JSON) No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 declare l_value  varchar2(4000); l_ret_array  wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2; begin l_value := upper(wwv_flow.g_x01); -- Address Code if l_value is not null then for a in  ( select name||':'||adress||':'||country_code||':'||city_name||':'||postcode retval from address where adress_code = l_value  )  loop -- wwv_flow.g_f01(1..5) contains the return fields -- The selected string must be in the same order as the return fields l_ret_array := apex_util.string_to_table(a.retval); for i in 1..wwv_flow.g_f01.count loop apex_util.set_session_state(wwv_flow.g_f01(i), l_ret_array(i) ); end loop; apex_util.json_from_items(apex_util.table_to_string(wwv_flow.g_f01)); end loop; end if; end <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function getCompanyAddressJSON(object, pType){ if ($v(object)){ var lRequest = new apex.ajax.ondemand( 'getCompanyAddressJSON', function(){ var l_s = p.readyState; if(l_s == 1||l_s == 2||l_s == 3){ } else if(l_s == 4){ gReturn = p.responseText; if(gReturn){ json_SetItems(gReturn); } else{  myAlert('Adresscode '+$v(object)+' does not exist', object); } }else{return false;}  } ); lRequest.ajax.AddArray(['P3_UNLOAD_NAME','P3_UNLOAD_ADRESS','P3_UNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE‘ ,'P3_UNLOAD_CITY_CODE','P3_UNLOAD_POSTCODE']); lRequest.ajax.addParam('x01',$v(object)); lRequest._get();  } } </script>
Enhancement 4 : LOV ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 &nbsp;<a href=&quot;javascript:ShowLOV('#CURRENT_ITEM_NAME#', 'LOV_CUSTOMERS');&quot;> <img height=&quot;16&quot; width=&quot;16&quot; alt=&quot;Popup Lov&quot; src=&quot;/i/lov_16x16.gif&quot;/></a> return get_lov_query(v('LOV_NAME')); create or replace FUNCTION GET_LOV_QUERY ( p_lov_name IN lov_definitions.lov_name%type ) RETURN lov_definitions.lov_query%type AS l_query lov_definitions.lov_query%type; BEGIN select lov_query into  l_query from  lov_definitions where  lov_name = upper(p_lov_name); RETURN l_query; END GET_LOV_QUERY;
Enhancement 4 : LOV ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],create or replace FUNCTION GET_LOV_QUERY ( p_lov_item IN lov_items.lov_item%type ) RETURN lov_definitions.lov_query%type AS l_query lov_definitions.lov_query%type; BEGIN select lov_query into  l_query from  lov_definitions d, lov_items i where  i.lov_item = upper( p_lov_item ) and  i.lov_name = d.lov_name; RETURN l_query; END GET_LOV_QUERY; select legal_entity_code code, description, company_code company, le_language language, htf.anchor('javascript:passBack('''||legal_entity_code||''')', 'select') choose from  legal_entity  where  legal_entity_code like upper('%'||:P30_LOV_SEARCH||'%') or  description  like upper('%'||:P30_LOV_SEARCH||'%') or  company_code  like upper('%'||:P30_LOV_SEARCH||'%') or  le_language  like upper('%'||:P30_LOV_SEARCH||'%') // Attach a LOV icon and function to class=&quot;LOVfield&quot; $(&quot;.LOVfield&quot;).after('&nbsp;<img class=&quot;LOV-Image&quot; src=&quot;#APP_IMAGES#Search.png&quot; onclick=&quot;javascript:ShowLOV($(this));&quot; />'); No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 return get_lov_query(v('LOV_ITEM'));
Enhancement 4 : LOV ,[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 javascript:ShowLOV($(this)); return get_lov_query(v('LOV_NAME')); jQuery : Add DIV containing LOV to page
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Enhancement 4 : LOV 7. Now you can easily define other draggable multi column LOV’s!
The Reaction No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Can you do that in APEX too? BTW,  we also have a Java written graphical application,  tightly connected with the screens. Hey guys, this is really great! .
No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Planboard in APEX : The Demo No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Planboard in APEX : The Flow No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard   View Reports Region 1 2
Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id :  cont_<day>_<truck>
Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id :  cont_<day>_<truck>  Report Region with Containers and Items div_id :  item_<day>_<order>
Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 HTML Expression of every (day) column: <div id=&quot;#EQUIPMENT_NO#&quot; class=&quot;dndcontainer&quot; ><div id=&quot;#MON#&quot;>#MON#</div></div> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> if ('#MON#' != ''){ $('##MON#').addClass('dndobject');  } </SCRIPT> Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id :  #equipment_no# Report Region with Containers and Items div_id :  #MON#
Planboard in APEX : The Flow No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard   View Reports Region Application Process Drag  &  Drop 1 2 3 4
Planboard in APEX : The Drag & Drop ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Planboard in APEX : The Flow No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard   View Reports Region Application Process Drag  &  Drop 1 2 3 4
Planboard in APEX : Context Sensitive Right Mouse Menu No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 ,[object Object],[object Object],//Add mousedown function to Drag object $(&quot;.dndobject&quot;).rightClick( function(el) { setOrderMenuEntry($(el).attr(&quot;id&quot;)); }) ; lLink = &quot;f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&APP_SESSION.::::P3_ORDER_NO:&quot;+pNo;;code:html_PopUp('&quot;+lLink+&quot;','Orders‘,1000,800)&quot;; &quot;Go to order &quot;+pNo);
Conclusions & Tips ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Question Time No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
Contact address:  [email_address] No.  04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008

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Developing A Real World Logistic Application With Oracle Application - UKOUG 2008

  • 1. Developing a Real-World Logistic Application with Oracle Application Express Roel Hartman Software Architect / NL Lead Technical Architect Oracle
  • 2. Agenda UKOUG 2008 04-12-2008 Introduction The Case Conclusions & Tips Q&A
  • 3. Introduction 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. The Architecture No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Accounts Payable/ Accounts Receivable administration Internet Board computer software TMS Planning software Supply C hain Ma n a g emen t Traffic information Order acceptance and processing Communication manager Onboard computer E Supply chain m anagement Mob ile internet Navigati on system
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. So…what does the application look like? No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 11. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 12. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 13. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 14. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 15. Alternatives No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 ++ +? ++ ++ UI ++ ++ ++ - Future ++ -/+ + + Knowledge -/+ ++ + + Productivity -/+ ++ -/+ - Costs + ++ + + Performance -/+ + + + Migration .Net APEX JDeveloper Oracle Forms
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Enhancement 3 : Show description when a code is entered No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 4. Create an On Demand Application Process ‘Get_Company_Address’ Or even better: declare l_address varchar2(32000); l_sep varchar2(10) := '~sep~'; l_code address.adress_code%type; Begin l_code := upper(wwv_flow.g_x01); select name||l_sep||adress||l_sep||country_code||l_sep||city_name||l_sep||postcode into l_address from address where adress_code = l_code; htp.p( l_address ); exception when no_data_found then htp.p('Address Code '||upper(v('ADDRESS_CODE'))||' does not exists'); when others then htp.p(sqlerrm); end begin ads_pck.get_address(upper(wwv_flow.g_x01)); end
  • 22. Enhancement 3 : Show description when a code is entered (JSON) No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 declare l_value varchar2(4000); l_ret_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2; begin l_value := upper(wwv_flow.g_x01); -- Address Code if l_value is not null then for a in ( select name||':'||adress||':'||country_code||':'||city_name||':'||postcode retval from address where adress_code = l_value ) loop -- wwv_flow.g_f01(1..5) contains the return fields -- The selected string must be in the same order as the return fields l_ret_array := apex_util.string_to_table(a.retval); for i in 1..wwv_flow.g_f01.count loop apex_util.set_session_state(wwv_flow.g_f01(i), l_ret_array(i) ); end loop; apex_util.json_from_items(apex_util.table_to_string(wwv_flow.g_f01)); end loop; end if; end <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function getCompanyAddressJSON(object, pType){ if ($v(object)){ var lRequest = new apex.ajax.ondemand( 'getCompanyAddressJSON', function(){ var l_s = p.readyState; if(l_s == 1||l_s == 2||l_s == 3){ } else if(l_s == 4){ gReturn = p.responseText; if(gReturn){ json_SetItems(gReturn); } else{ myAlert('Adresscode '+$v(object)+' does not exist', object); } }else{return false;} } ); lRequest.ajax.AddArray(['P3_UNLOAD_NAME','P3_UNLOAD_ADRESS','P3_UNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE‘ ,'P3_UNLOAD_CITY_CODE','P3_UNLOAD_POSTCODE']); lRequest.ajax.addParam('x01',$v(object)); lRequest._get(); } } </script>
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Enhancement 4 : LOV 7. Now you can easily define other draggable multi column LOV’s!
  • 27. The Reaction No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Can you do that in APEX too? BTW, we also have a Java written graphical application, tightly connected with the screens. Hey guys, this is really great! .
  • 28. No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 29. Planboard in APEX : The Demo No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 30. Planboard in APEX : The Flow No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard View Reports Region 1 2
  • 31. Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id : cont_<day>_<truck>
  • 32. Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id : cont_<day>_<truck> Report Region with Containers and Items div_id : item_<day>_<order>
  • 33. Planboard in APEX : The Reports Region No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 HTML Expression of every (day) column: <div id=&quot;#EQUIPMENT_NO#&quot; class=&quot;dndcontainer&quot; ><div id=&quot;#MON#&quot;>#MON#</div></div> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> if ('#MON#' != ''){ $('##MON#').addClass('dndobject'); } </SCRIPT> Normal Report Region Report Region with Containers div_id : #equipment_no# Report Region with Containers and Items div_id : #MON#
  • 34. Planboard in APEX : The Flow No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard View Reports Region Application Process Drag & Drop 1 2 3 4
  • 35.
  • 36. Planboard in APEX : The Flow No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008 Database APEX Planboard Flow Orders Trucks Planboard View Reports Region Application Process Drag & Drop 1 2 3 4
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Question Time No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008
  • 40. Contact address: [email_address] No. 04-12-2008 UKOUG 2008

Notas del editor

  1. 6. Juni 2009 | Title of Presentation 0:01 / 0:01 Set expectations: What is it NOT about? NOT about Logistics NOT about APEX Architecture NOT about Interactive Reports or Charts What is this presentation about? Possibilities of building real Rich Internet Applications with APEX From ‘standard’ APEX behaviour to ‘Forms like’ APEX behaviour For Whom? Developers Technical (management) staff Who’s in the room? Experience with APEX? Experience with Forms?