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Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.

                     Workflow best practices

                          Author: Roman Agaev
                     Date: Monday, May 14, 2007

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.

1 Abstract.......................................................................................................................4
2 Workflow process.......................................................................................................6
   2.1 Workflow process diagram window................................................................6
   2.2 Workflow process properties...........................................................................9
   2.3 Workflow process instance properties...........................................................10
   2.4 Triggers for invocation...................................................................................10
      2.4.1 Run Time Events.................................................................................12
      2.4.2 Database triggers.................................................................................12
      2.4.3 Scripting..............................................................................................13
   2.5 Using workflow..............................................................................................14
      2.5.1 Workflow work modes........................................................................14
      2.5.2 Useful Business Services....................................................................16
      2.5.3 Design example...................................................................................17
      2.5.4 Workflow simulation...........................................................................24
      2.5.5 Workflow deployment.........................................................................28
   2.6 Asynchronous invocation...............................................................................31
      2.6.1 Logging paradigm...............................................................................31
3 Workflow policy.......................................................................................................32
4 Workflow action........................................................................................................33
5 Workflow program....................................................................................................33
6 Workflow Process Manager Component..................................................................34
7 Conclusion.................................................................................................................35
   7.1 Discussion......................................................................................................35
8 Appendixes................................................................................................................35
9 Indexes......................................................................................................................36

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.

Table 1-1: Functional implementation decision points..................................................5
Table 2-2: Useful Business Services............................................................................16
Table 2-3: Design of new Workflow Process (example).............................................17
Table 2-4: Workflow steps names (example)..............................................................19
Table 2-5: Workflow's Siebel operation step's properties values (example)...............20
Table 2-6: Workflow's Siebel operation step's values fro new entry (example)..........22
Table 2-7: Workflow's interactive step properties values (example)...........................23
Table 2-8: Workflow connector's condition definition................................................23
Table 2-9: Simulation of new Workflow Process (example).......................................24
Table 2-10: Workflow deployment (example).............................................................28

Figure 1-1: The workflow diagram example (Verify Order/Quote)..............................4
Figure 1-2: Workflow development and deployment lifecycle.....................................6
Figure 2-3: The Workflow process diagrma window with predefined steps capability 7
Figure 2-4: Workflow decision point's condition criteria definition..............................8
Figure 2-5: The example of Workflow's Stop step........................................................9
Figure 2-6: Standard Workflow Process properties example......................................10
Figure 2-7: Expression Workflow Process property example.....................................10
Figure 2-8: Workflow by script execution (server side)..............................................11
Figure 2-9: Workflow policy concept architecture......................................................13
Figure 2-10: Workflow building blocks.......................................................................14
Figure 2-11: New Workflow creation (example).........................................................18
Figure 2-12: Workflow steps creation (example)........................................................19
Figure 2-13: Workflow steps and its descriptive names (example).............................20
Figure 2-14: Workflow's Siebel operation step definiton (example)...........................21
Figure 2-15: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)........................22
Figure 2-16: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)........................23
Figure 2-17: Workflow's connector definition (example)............................................24
Figure 2-18: Prior simulation activity debugging options definition (example)..........25
Figure 2-19: Workflow's prior simulation properties population (example)...............26
Figure 2-20: Workflow "Wait for simulation in progress" dialog box (example).......26
Figure 2-21: Workflow's simulation view (example)..................................................27
Figure 2-22: Workflow's simulation completion (example)........................................28
Figure 2-23: Workflow's deployment (example).........................................................29
Figure 2-24: Workflow's deployment view (example)................................................30
Figure 2-25: Deployed workflow activation (example)...............................................30
Figure 2-26: Workflow's Run Time Events reload (example).....................................31
Figure 3-27: Workflow Policy architecture.................................................................33
Figure 5-28: Workflow Policy Program supported types............................................33
Figure 5-29: Workflow Policy Program definition......................................................34

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.

1 Abstract
The main aim of the document is best workflow practices description and trying to
route future implementation via the best way of such a capability usage.
Generally workflow is declarative way of system programming when it includes all
possibilities for common Siebel features invocation like Business service methods,
Siebel internal operations, Inline expressions. The workflow framework provides a
powerful way of process design and implementation handling when in fact manages
common memory and instruction area for the process evaluation, the memory area
allows usage of common parameters across the workflow process instance. The
parameters handled as properties within the inbound propertyset of workflow
wrapping business service invocator like Workflow Process Manager or EAI Business
Integration Manager.
The powerful side of workflow in some circumstances may become a disadvantage
because of conceptual problem that assembles in terms of process finite property and
as consequence potential discontiguity to a cross system processes.
The workflow must be considered as capability of sophisticated processes
orchestration rather than used as simple cases like field update handler.

Figure 1-1: The workflow diagram example (Verify Order/Quote)

The following table provides common decision point for evaluation of further
implementation step implementation. In fact Siebel allows several approaches when
dominant ones are common scripting (browser/server side) within several Siebel's
architecture elements: Application, Applet, Business component, Business service and
Workflow processing (interactive, service, long-running, 7.0 compatible).

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Table 1-1: Functional implementation decision points
      Type                   Description                When Useful           Limitations
Workflow                 • Kind of step in a         • Need a simple      • Conditional
Decision Step            Workflow that               articulation of      expressions lack
                         arbitrates between          whether one or       support for some
                         one or more                 more alternative     key operators
                         alternative branches        actions in flow      including:
                         in a flow                   should be taken      o AND
                         • Each branch out of                             o OR
                         decision step has                                o Order of
                         one or more                                      precedence control
                         conditions – if all                              (such as
                         evaluate to TRUE                                 parentheses)
                         for the branch the
                         flow will continue
                         down the branch
Scripted                 • Script within a           • Workflow           • Undermine
Business                 business service            decision step        readability and
Services                 Action step that            semantics not        simplicity of
                         evaluates a                 sufficiently         workflow by hiding
                         potentially complex         expressive to        logic within a
                         set of inputs and           encapsulate decision service
                         returns a simplified        criteria
                         output that can be
                         evaluated by a
                         workflow decision
Other                    Other rule
Specialized              frameworks that
Rule                     may be leveraged
Frameworks               directly or indirectly
                         by a workflow
                         o Personalization
                         o Assignment Rules

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
The following figure shows common Workflow Process lifecycle:

Figure 1-2: Workflow development and deployment lifecycle

2 Workflow process
The workflow process consists of several parts: Workflow process diagram window,
Workflow process properties, and Workflow process instance properties.

2.1 Workflow process diagram window
The Workflow process diagram window in fact enables to create a workflow using
predefined and bounded step definitions. The following figure shows the Workflow
process diagram window with every predefined capability.

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-3: The Workflow process diagrma window with predefined steps capability

     Start – the step indicated the workflow start/entry point. At this point all of the
        process instance properties are populated.
     Business Service – the step allows execution of every possible method within
        every predefined Business Service. The attention needs to be paid in case of
        usage cacheable services thanks to disability of service reload during the
        workflow session. The issue leads to possible non adequate call to desired
        Business Service method within the workflow instance1.
     Decision Point – the step allows standard decision capability when evaluates
        expressions of outbound Connectors connected to it. The following figure
        shows the simple decision point definition.

 The situation may take a place in case of trying to execute several methods of the same cacheable
Business Service during the same Workflow Process session

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-4: Workflow decision point's condition criteria definition

        Sub-process – the step encapsulates the sub process invocation. Every sub
           process like its originator allows predefined and bounded list of potential
           workflow steps. Potentially every workflow may be an origin of hierarchical
           invocation. The possible problem may be encountered when this ability will be
           abused and over stack error will be raised up thanks to disability of system to
           handle a numerous number of started workflow instances within the same leaf
           of processing. The sub process invocation supports inbound and outbound
           properties thanks it's wrapping mechanism that provides an ability of usage
           non predefined data structure of potential inbound and outbound information.
        Siebel Operation – the step allows an update, insert, and query operation over
           the Business Component from the context defined by Business Object chosen
           within the Workflow Process properties. The update operation may handle
           single update as well as multiple one.
        User Interact – the step provides an ability of user server side redirection to
           the predefined view based on Business Component from within context
           defined by Business Object property of workflow definition. Such Business
           Component may be searched by any internal Siebel operation step of by
           provision Object Id property at the beginning of process instaciation2.

    The option is possible only within the interactive mode workflow

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
     Wait – the step allows suspending process execution by predefined period of
     Stop – the step allows termination of process and in some circumstances may
         raise an error that led to this behavior.

Figure 2-5: The example of Workflow's Stop step

     End – the step indicates the last step within the workflow process instance.
         The step may not be executed in some circumstances when the Workflow
         Process instance was terminated or got an error and has proceeded via
         exception route to a Stop step within the workflow definition.
     Connector – the branch enables connectivity between the steps within the
         process. The connector can be raised up according some condition like
         predefined custom or existed method over the business component firing. This
         operation supported by Run Time Events mechanism3.
     Exception – the branch enables handling of errors that can occur within
         executed steps. The attention needs to be paid for cases when within the
         custom methods of Business Service try, catch paradigm has been used. The
         exception can help with handling different edge cases within the process

2.2 Workflow process properties
Workflow process properties are set of predefined values that cannot be changed
during Workflow Process lifetime. The key properties are:
     Auto Persist – allows saving of workflow state credentials regarding the
         values of Persistence Frequency and Persistence Level properties. Mostly
         usable during development stage and allowed over any workflow mode except
         the Service mode.
     Workflow Mode – the number of supported modes bounded by following list:
         Service, Interactive, Long Running, and 7.0 Compatible.4
  The mechanism allows usage of application triggers using simple concept of event participation.
  In workflows with long running mode the "Auto Persist" property became to be very important thanks
to fact, that this functionality allows resuming from its suspension. For further information please refer

Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
     Business Object – allows using Siebel operation steps when creates a
         background context according the definition of the Business Object.5
     Persistence Frequency – allows persistence mechanism of workflow
     Persistence Level – determines the level of persistence: Current Step, All

2.3 Workflow process instance properties
Workflow process instance properties exist during all its session. The properties in
fact can be of the following data types: String, Binary, Date, Number, Hierarchy, and
Integration Object when those types supported by workflow's invocator (Business
Service). The properties can be propagated towards the workflow instance using
Inputs argument (Propertyset) of Workflow Process Manager Business service's
method (InvokeMethod). The attention needs to be paid in case of Hierarchy or
Integration Object data types, when in those cases the information stored not in inline
properties of Inputs object, but as its chain connected children6.
The following figure shows the way of properties definition:

Figure 2-6: Standard Workflow Process properties example

Figure 2-7: Expression Workflow Process property example

2.4 Triggers for invocation
There are several ways of Workflow execution7:

to appendixes section of the document.
  The most useful and needed property within the workflow definition and design, because its usage
allows effective work on Siebel business layer within the workflow without actual scripting.
  The propertyset within the Siebel system is the most sophisticated data type. This data type supports
its serialization/deseriazation using internal Siebel's XML parser - XML Converter Business service.
  Not every possible ways of execution enumerated here, but the most usable.

                                                  - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
     Script – the execution using Workflow Process Manager or EAI Business
        Integration Business services8.

Figure 2-8: Workflow by script execution (server side)

     Run Time Event – the execution using run time events definition. This kind of
        execution uses workflow's connector branch as source of run time event9.
     Workflow Action – the execution using predefined Workflow Policy program
        - Run Workflow Process
     Signal – the execution using the wrapping mechanism used within the Order
        Management for orchestration of several Workflow processes together.10
     Component job – the execution directly by appropriate component. This kind
        of execution may be used for background processes.
     URL – the execution by Siebel's application URL plus appropriate parameters.
     User Properties – the silent execution by underlied Business Component's
        class. For example: Modify of installed Assets.
The most typical ways of workflow execution are: Scripting, Run Time Events,
Workflow Policy program.

  The execution may be three different kinds: synchronous within the application object manager
instance main thread, synchronous within the workflow process manager instance separated thread,
asynchronous within the workflow process manager instance separated thread.
  The meaning is that definition of connector's condition populated by process method name coming
from within the applet definition and propagated by its Business Component.
   Fir further information please refer to Order Management Administration guide within Siebel

                                                - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
2.4.1 Run Time Events
The concept says that there are events within several Siebel system elements and there
is an ability of participation on those events. The following Siebel system elements
publish events: Application, Applet, and Business Component.
Run-time events allow the Siebel application to respond in real time to user actions.
Run-time events can be specified in the branches for Start, Wait, or User Interact steps
to start or resume a workflow process. The fields in the WF Step Branch applet that
are used to define a run-time event are the following:
      Event Object Type
      Event Object
      Event
      Sub Event
      Event Cancel Flag
When defining run-time events within a workflow process, a run-time event should
not be repeated. You cannot use the same event more than once within a workflow
process. Run-time events can be used for workflows that run within a user session.
For workflows that span across multiple users—long-running workflows—use user
events instead.
Run-time events should not be used to trigger long-running workflows because a run-
time event is specifically attached to a single user and a single session. A run-time
event is only for that single user, as it stems from Personalization functionality.
Instead use an interactive workflow or a service workflow to handle the run-time
event, then after processing it and validating it, generate a user event to notify a long-
running workflow11.

2.4.2 Database triggers
The concept says that instead of using direct participation for an application event the
mechanism of database triggers and their results monitoring may be proposed as
alternative solution for the same functionality like application triggers do but using
indirect way of invocation.

   User events can be generated anywhere in the Siebel enterprise (wherever a Siebel business service is
used) by calling the Workflow User Event business service. The Workflow User Event business service
is used for one-way communication from the run-time client to the Workflow Process Manager server

                                                  - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
The whole concept consists of: Workflow Policy, Workflow Action, Workflow
Program definitions and Workflow Agent, Workflow Monitor, Workflow Process
Manager (or EAI Business Integration Manager) server components.
The following figure shows high level of concept architecture:

Figure 2-9: Workflow policy concept architecture

The supported database triggers are: after insert, after update.
The script of those triggers creates entries within S_ESCL_REQ table which is
monitored by Workflow Monitor or Workflow Action agents. In case of policy
definition satisfaction against the current system state the entry in S_ESCL_ACTION
created and appropriate Workflow Program executed. In case of workflow being
created with duration the S_ESCL_LOG table used as information holder before the
actual execution time.

2.4.3 Scripting
The workflow can be executed from within the script. The script can be written within
the Siebel system in the following places:
     Server Side:
               Application
               Applet
               Business Component
               Business Service

                                             - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
        Browser Side:
                    Application
                    Applet
                    Business Component
                    Business Service (the usage of browser script within the business
                     service in some circumstances difficult for maintenance)
The execution may be done by the following Business services:
           Workflow Process Manager
           Workflow Process Manager (Server Request)
           EAI Business Integration Manager
           EAI Business Integration Manager (Server Request)
           Asynchronous Server Requests12

2.5 Using workflow
The sight over the workflow building blocks:
Figure 2-10: Workflow building blocks

2.5.1 Workflow work modes
The Workflow Process defines several modes of its work: Interactive, Service, Long
Running, and 7.0 Compatible.
        Interactive – An interactive workflow is used for controlling user navigation
            between screens and across views. An interactive workflow is comprised
            primarily of a set of user interact steps, and usually includes a runtime event.
     The attention needs to be paid for a right dot notation within the argument population definition

                                                     - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
           NOTE: An interactive workflow can run only in the context of a user session;
           it cannot run in the Workflow Process Manager server component. Interactive
           workflow processes can be controlled through the use of a synthetic event
           attached to explicit user interface buttons. A synthetic event is a specialized
           run-time event that is dedicated to controlling workflow navigation. Examples
           of synthetic events include Suspend, Resume, Next, and Back. Associated
           with buttons on the user interface, these synthetic events are interpreted by the
           Workflow engine to control workflow navigation by moving the user back or
           forward, and by suspending or resuming a workflow process.
        Service – A service workflow process is a transient workflow. That is, it runs
           to completion in a short period of time, all at once without stopping or pausing
           for any other event or activity. A service workflow process cannot wait, not
           for run-time events, and not by pausing for time. A service workflow process
           cannot have user interact steps. A service workflow process can be part of any
           other type of workflow process as a subprocess. A service workflow process
           executes a set of operations upon invocation of an event. One example of a
           service workflow is a workflow for sending an email.
        Long Running – A long-running workflow process is a persistent workflow
           that can last for hours, days, or months. An example of a long-running
           workflow process is an approval process that sends an order to an external
           system such as SAP, and then waits for a response. When building long-
           running workflow processes, use user events and not run-time events to trigger
           processes and resume instances13.
        7.0 Compatible - The 7.0 Flow workflow process mode provides backward
           compatibility for existing Siebel 7 (pre-7.7) workflows. If you have existing
           workflows and you upgrade to Siebel 7.7, these existing workflows become
           7.0 workflows by default. You should categorize all new workflows as
           service, interactive, or long-running. If no mode is specified for a workflow
           process, the mode is assumed to be 7.0 Flow. It is strongly recommended that
           you not use the 7.0 Flow mode for new workflow processes you create. As
           you create new workflow processes, make sure to specify a workflow process
           mode (other than 7.0 Flow) so that 7.0 Flow is not assumed as the default
     User Events created using Workflow User Event Business service.

                                                  - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
2.5.2 Useful Business Services
The following table shows useful Business Services within the Siebel system:

Table 2-2: Useful Business Services
 Business Service                 Description                         Methods
FINS Data Transfer       Allows you to transfer data from     • DataTransfer
Utilities                source BC to a destination BC        • GetActiveViewProp
                         without script.                      • QueueMethod
                                                           • TryMockMethod.
FINS Validator           Validate data based on predefined • Validate
                         rules. It is developed through
                         Application Administration and
                         not script. Also, supports custom
FINS Dynamic UI          Allows creating and rendering of     • AddRow
Service                  read-only views with a single        • DeleteRow
                         read-only applet based on user       • SetViewName
                         input. Administered through
                         admin views and not script.
Outbound                 Automates sending notifications      • CreateRequest
Communications           via fax and emails to contacts and • SendMessage
Manager                  employees.                           • SendSmtpMessage
                                                              • SubmitRequest
Synchronous              Automates assigning objects by       • Assign
Assignment               using Assignment Manager rules.
Manager Requests
Server Requests          Allows sending of generic            • SubmitRequest
                         requests to the request broker. It   • CancelRequest
                         can send it in three different
                         modes: asynchronous,
                         synchronous, or schedule mode.
                         (Example, call a workflow but
                         need to be asynchronous request)
Report Business          Automates sending, scheduling,       • ExecuteReport
Service                  printing, saving, emailing reports. • DelOne
                         Also, automates administrative       • DownloadReport
                         tasks such as synching new users.    •GrantRoleAccess2Report

                                             - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
 Business Service                  Description                       Methods
                                                             • PrintReport
                                                             • RunAndEmailReport
                                                             • ScheduleReport
                                                         • SyncOne
Asynchronous            Allows asynchronous requests for • SubmitRequest
Server Requests         every server multi threaded          • CancelRequest
                        component. The parameters of
                        those requests passed using
                        Siebel dot notation and stored in
                        S_SRM_DATA table (in case of
                        usage this kind of component
                        execution the Workflow policy
                        usage must be considered)
EAI XSLT Service        Allows XSLT interpretation.          • Transform
                        Supports parameters injection.
                        Doesn't support custom functions
                        within XSLT.
EAI Java Business       Allows external Java package
Service                 wrapping and usage of the Java
                        code instead of Siebel native code
                        for handling methods within the
                        Business service

2.5.3 Design example
In this section you will create a new workflow process that creates an activity plan on
an opportunity record and then navigates the end-user to a view to display the new

Table 2-3: Design of new Workflow Process (example)
    Step                                    Summary
1          Lock the Oppty (SSE) project
2          Create a new workflow process
3          Add steps to the workflow process
4          Configure the Siebel Operation step
5          Configure the User Interact step
6          Complete the End step

                                            - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
    Open Siebel Tools and lock the project, Oppty (SSE).
    Using the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, locate the Workflow Process objects
       and create a new record with the following properties: Name = Create Plan,
       Business Object = Opportunity, Workflow Mode = Interactive Flow, Project =
       Oppty (SSE)

Figure 2-11: New Workflow creation (example)

    Open the workflow process designer by right-clicking on the new row and
       choosing Edit Workflow Process. Drag the following objects from the Palette
       to the Designer:
          Start
          Siebel Operation
          User Interact
          End

                                           - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-12: Workflow steps creation (example)

Now you will give each step a meaningful name. Select each step and change its name
as follows:

Table 2-4: Workflow steps names (example)
                  Step                                        Name
 Start: <Id>                                 Start
 Siebel Operation: <Id>                      Add Activity Plan to Oppty
 User Interact: <Id>                         Display Activity Plan
 End: <Id>                                   End

                                             - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-13: Workflow steps and its descriptive names (example)

     Select the Siebel Operation (Add Activity Plan to Oppty) step in the Designer.
        You need to instruct the workflow about what operation you want to perform
        (for example, query, insert, or update) and which business component to use
        for the operation. Using the Properties Windows or WF Steps applet, set the
        following attributes for the step:

Table 2-5: Workflow's Siebel operation step's properties values (example)
             Property                                              Value
  Business Component                         Activity Plan
  Operation                                  Insert

                                              - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-14: Workflow's Siebel operation step definiton (example)

When you perform an Insert operation on a business component, you must supply a
value for any required field in the business component. In particular, to insert a new
Activity Plan, you must provide the name of the Activity Plan template. Select the
Siebel Operation Step (Add Activity Plan to Oppty) step and right-click to display the
menu. Note there are three choices at the bottom of the menu for configuring a Siebel
Operation step. Choose the Show Fields option from the menu.

                                              - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-15: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)

Notice that the WF Steps applet was replaced by the Input Arguments applet. Add a
new record to the Inputs Argument applet.

Table 2-6: Workflow's Siebel operation step's values fro new entry (example)
        Field Name                           Type                          Value
  Template                         Literal                      Any valid activity template
                                                                name. For HOR 7.7,
                                                                Introductory Sales Call.
                                                                For SIA 7.7, Consumer
                                                                Account Approval.

                                              - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-16: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)

     Now you can configure the User Interact step to display a view. Select the
        User Interact (Display Activity Plan) step. Using the Properties Window or the
        WF Steps applet, set the following:

Table 2-7: Workflow's interactive step properties values (example)
                Property                               Value
  User Interact View                Opportunity Activity Plan
    Now you must tell the workflow what event will denote the end of the User
        Interact step. For example, you might want to wait for the user to enter
        additional data before continuing in the workflow. For this example, you want
        to wait for the user to make and save a change to the Activity Plan record.
        Select the Connector between the User Interact and End steps. Use the WF
        Step Branch applet to set the following properties for the branch:

Table 2-8: Workflow connector's condition definition
                     Property                                         Value
  Type                                                 Condition
  Event Object Type                                    BusComp
  Event Object                                         Activity Plan
  Event                                                WriteRecordUpdated

                                              - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-17: Workflow's connector definition (example)

Now that you have finished configuring the workflow, you will validate it for
correctness. Right-click inside Designer and choose “Validate…” from the menu.
When the Validation dialog opens, press Start. If any error is reported, follow the
instructions to fix it and repeat the validation until no errors are reported.

2.5.4 Workflow simulation
In this section you will test the new workflow process using the Simulator.

Table 2-9: Simulation of new Workflow Process (example)
    Step                                     Summary
1            Verify Debug Options for launching the Simulation Client
2            Set a process property for the Opportunity Id
3            Launch the Simulator
4            Step through the workflow using the Watch Window to monitor status

                                             - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-18: Prior simulation activity debugging options definition (example)

Confirm that the Debug Options are correct by launching a test client using the F5
     Navigate to the Opportunities List view in the session and get the row-id of
        one record.
Return to Siebel Tools and right-click the Workflow Designer and choose Show
Process Properties from the menu. Note that the bottom applet now displays the WF
Process Props. Because this workflow is based on the Opportunity Business Object
and attempts to add an Activity Plan to an existing opportunity, you need to specify an
opportunity row-id for the simulation. Find the Object Id process property in the list
applet and set its default value to the Opportunity row-id found in the prior step.

                                               - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-19: Workflow's prior simulation properties population (example)

     Close any running Mobile Client sessions now. You will not be able to use the
        Simulator if there are running sessions. Confirm there are no Siebel Client
        icons in the Task Bar before continuing.
Right-click the Workflow Designer and choose Simulate from the menu.
Click the Start button at the top of the Simulation applet. This will launch the Mobile
Client executable. Wait for the Simulation In Progress dialog box to appear.

Figure 2-20: Workflow "Wait for simulation in progress" dialog box (example)

                                             - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
     Alt-tab to return to the Tools session. To make the session easier to use, you
        may wish to hide the Object Explorer and Properties Window. You may also
        wish to resize the Tools window so it not does cover the full display

Figure 2-21: Workflow's simulation view (example)

If the Watch Window is blank, right-click the Simulation applet and choose Watch
Window from the menu. This will refresh the display. Click the Next Step button to
move between the steps.
After the Opportunity Activity Plan View is displayed in the Mobile Client, note that
you cannot reach the End step by pressing the Next button. Since you specified a
condition on the branch you must satisfy the condition before reaching the End step.
Therefore, using the Mobile Client session make and save a change to the Activity
Plan BusComp (for example, change the Planned Start Date or Description).
Press Alt-Tab to return to Siebel Tools and click Next to complete the End step.
When the last step is reached, the mobile client will display a dialog box reporting
"Simulation terminated! Please check the watch window for details.” Acknowledge
the message and Alt-tab to return to Siebel Tools. Review the status field in the Watch

                                            - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-22: Workflow's simulation completion (example)

2.5.5 Workflow deployment
Now you are ready to deploy and activate the workflow. These steps are required
before the new workflow can be called in the Runtime client.

Table 2-10: Workflow deployment (example)
       Step                                    Summary
 1                   Deploy the workflow from Tools
 2                   Activate the Deployed Workflow in the Runtime Admin Client
 3                   Enable Monitoring in the Runtime Admin Client
 4                   Reload Runtime Events in the Runtime Admin Client

                                            - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-23: Workflow's deployment (example)

    Launch the Runtime Administration Client using a short-cut or the F5 key.
       Connect using SADMIN or an equivalent admin account. Using Site Map,
       navigate to Administration-Business Process > Workflow Deployment. This
       will display the following view:

                                           - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 2-24: Workflow's deployment view (example)

Query for the Create Plan process in the top applet named Repository Workflow
Process. One row should be returned. Click the Activate button in the top applet.
Now query for Create Plan in the lower applet. One row will be returned for every
version that was activated for the process.

Figure 2-25: Deployed workflow activation (example)

     In the lower applet named Active Workflow Process, set the Monitoring-Level
        to 4-Debug. Now you can verify that a runtime event was created for this

                                            - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
         workflow. Using Site Map, navigate to Administration – Runtime Events >
      From the applet menu, choose Reload Runtime Events. Query for the method
         you are using to invoke the workflow (Subevent =
         EventMethodCreateActivityPlan). It should return one row.

Figure 2-26: Workflow's Run Time Events reload (example)

2.6 Asynchronous invocation
One of the strongest capabilities of Siebel Workflow Processing is an ability of
asynchronous invocation. An invocation triggered by appending a new entry within
S_SRM_REQUEST table using Asynchronous Server Requests business service.
The invocation became to be much sophisticated when allows propagation different
types of parameters for a workflow (or business service). The parameters propagation
handled using S_SRM_DATA table, when Siebel system manages this table and opens
as much as needed new entries in order to handle all of propagated information

2.6.1 Logging paradigm14
The monitoring of asynchronous processes not easy, but here we have a paradigm that
uses database table as storage for potential component jobs thereby the monitoring
became to be possible using database triggers.
Siebel system provides powerful mechanism of database triggers administration using
Workflow Policy, Workflow Action, and Workflow Program definitions in addition
to Generate Triggers, Workflow Monitors, and Workflow Action server components.
Generally the way logging can be described by following emphasizes:
      Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Object

  Paradigm - an abstract basic structure, of some tenure, in which knowledge is related within a given

                                                  - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
      Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Column
      Attach those columns to a previously created Workflow Policy Object
      Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Program
      Check in your created objects to a server
      Create an appropriate Workflow Policy
      Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Action
      Associate previously defined Workflow Policy Program to a Workflow Policy
      Associate that Action to a previously defined Policy
      Run Generate Triggers server component's task with option of existed triggers
      Run Generate Triggers server component's task with option of new triggers
        creation according their definition within Workflow Policy administration.

3 Workflow policy
Workflow Process and Runtime events ensure most events are captured at the
business layer logic level. However there are business scenarios where the Workflow
Policy Manager would be the best alternative. Workflow Policy Manager ensures
business logic is captured at the data layer of Siebel architecture. Some examples of
such scenarios would be when bulk data uploads happen via EIM or Data Quality
cleaning happens in the data layer.
The Workflow Policy mechanism based on usage of several elements within the
Siebel system environment:
      Database – S_ESCL_REQ, S_ESCL_ACTION, S_ESCL_LOG plus triggers
        based on definition from Workflow Policy administration views within the
        Siebel application.
      Administration – Workflow Policy Group, Workflow Policy, Workflow
        Action, Workflow Program, Workflow Policy Object, Workflow Policy
      Server components – Workflow Monitor Agent (working simultaneously only
        on one Workflow Policy Group)15, Workflow Action Agent (working
        simultaneously only on one Workflow Policy Group).
  The approach supports the work without the Workflow Action Agent, but the solution that includes
Workflow Action Agent potentially more scalable, because those components may be resided in
different places within the Siebel enterprise.

                                                - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
Figure 3-27: Workflow Policy architecture

4 Workflow action
The Workflow Action represents definition of action which is coming as consequence
of Workflow Policy (database trigger) conditions fulfillment, the action provides an
ability of Workflow Program execution.16

5 Workflow program
The Workflow Program defines program of execution in order to fulfill exact
requirement within the Workflow Policy definition. For those purposes Workflow
Program provides several types:

Figure 5-28: Workflow Policy Program supported types

The most significant in many cases DB Operation and Generic Request Server types,
when DB Operation allows immediate operation over the running data source and
Generic Request Server allows running server component task on the application
  The check of conditions may occur immediately or within the time mentioned by Duration property
of Workflow Policy.

                                               - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
The following figure shows the Workflow Policy Program that allows workflow

Figure 5-29: Workflow Policy Program definition

6 Workflow Process Manager Component
Workflow processes can be executed in the background using the Workflow Process
Manager Server component. The Workflow Process Manager Server component is
configured and optimized to run the Workflow Process Manager Business service.
The Workflow Process Manager Server component acts as the object manager to run
workflow processes, including all application logic within the workflow process. The
Workflow Process Manager Server components act as the application object manager
to run workflows. The Workflow Process Manager Server components are specialized
server components configured and tuned to run workflow processes. Like all server
components, the Workflow Process Manager Server components provide a multi-
threaded environment. The Workflow Process Manager uses the Siebel Object
Manager framework and runs workflows as a business service. The Workflow Process
Manager hosts the Business Object layer and the Data Object layer. It is a scalable

                                            - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.
architecture with the ability to run multiple object managers and multiple tasks for
each object manager17.

7 Conclusion
The Workflow Processing provides a powerful framework for handling many
different types of functionality starting from regular Siebel System operations and
finishing by sophisticated EAI operations across the environment.
The Workflow Processing framework supports SOA approach. This support helps
within certain processes where the process defined and designed as custom service
which experiences almost no environment influence and become to be a difficulty in
another certain occurrences where the process cannot be separated totally from the
same environment influences.
This statement leads to understanding that workflow provides an ability to create a
stand alone process that gets the input arguments by value perform its activity and
return an output parameters also by value18. In any case the workflow generally will
encapsulate entire process (or its sub process) within itself.

7.1 Discussion
Considering above point Workflow Processing very useful in EAI processes, cause it
suits very well the concept underlies Web Services, HTTP Request, Instant
Messaging by JMS, MQSeries19 etc.
On other hand its usage problematic when it executed as response on some Siebel
system element's event, because in this case its execution may be influenced from
previously executed functional points or on other hand influence other functional
points by its results.

8 Appendixes
      "Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide", book of Siebel
      "Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application
        Integration", book of Siebel Bookshelf
   The name Workflow Process Manager refers to both the Workflow business service (referred to as
the Workflow engine) and the workflow server components
   During process activities the changes within system data source may be done as well as changes of
different global parameters
   The processes for example: Submit Order, Modify Asset, Ungroup Order Items etc.

                                                 - -
Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP
Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.

                                                                                                     F:Work Issues
      "Technical Note 581 : Siebel 7.7 Workflow", article of Siebel (
      "Workflow on the fly monitoring solution", essay of Roman Agaev ()

9 Indexes
5.....................................................Rule         9, 14, 15........................Compatible 7.0
11................................Run Time Event                   4, 12, 13, 14................................Applet
9, 11, 12, 31...............Run Time Events                        4, 12, 13, 14, 16, 35............Application
5, 11.............................................Script           4............................Business component
7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17.....................Service                   8, 10, 18, 25, 34...........Business Object
8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21....Siebel Operation                          4, 10, 15, 17, 34..........Business service
11.................................................Signal          7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17Business Service
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, workflow                         12, 32......................................Database
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28,                            33....................................DB Operation
                                    30, 31, 34, 35                 4, 6............................................diagram
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,. Workflow                         4,....EAI Business Integration Manager
13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,                                                                           13, 14
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,                            32...................................................EIM
                                          34, 35, 36               31, 32........................Generate Triggers
13, 31, 32..................Workflow Action                        33.....................Generic Request Server
4, 10, 11,...Workflow Process Manager                              9, 14, 18................................Interactive
                        12, 13, 14, 15, 34, 35                     9, 14, 15..........................Long Running
4..........................Workflow processing                     4, 11..................................orchestration
13, 31, 32, 33..........Workflow Program                           9, 10.....................................Persistence

                                                             - -

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Workflow Usage Best Practices

  • 1. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Workflow best practices Author: Roman Agaev Date: Monday, May 14, 2007 -1-
  • 2. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Contents 1 Abstract.......................................................................................................................4 2 Workflow process.......................................................................................................6 2.1 Workflow process diagram window................................................................6 2.2 Workflow process properties...........................................................................9 2.3 Workflow process instance properties...........................................................10 2.4 Triggers for invocation...................................................................................10 2.4.1 Run Time Events.................................................................................12 2.4.2 Database triggers.................................................................................12 2.4.3 Scripting..............................................................................................13 2.5 Using workflow..............................................................................................14 2.5.1 Workflow work modes........................................................................14 2.5.2 Useful Business Services....................................................................16 2.5.3 Design example...................................................................................17 2.5.4 Workflow simulation...........................................................................24 2.5.5 Workflow deployment.........................................................................28 2.6 Asynchronous invocation...............................................................................31 2.6.1 Logging paradigm...............................................................................31 3 Workflow policy.......................................................................................................32 4 Workflow action........................................................................................................33 5 Workflow program....................................................................................................33 6 Workflow Process Manager Component..................................................................34 7 Conclusion.................................................................................................................35 7.1 Discussion......................................................................................................35 8 Appendixes................................................................................................................35 9 Indexes......................................................................................................................36 -2-
  • 3. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Tables Table 1-1: Functional implementation decision points..................................................5 Table 2-2: Useful Business Services............................................................................16 Table 2-3: Design of new Workflow Process (example).............................................17 Table 2-4: Workflow steps names (example)..............................................................19 Table 2-5: Workflow's Siebel operation step's properties values (example)...............20 Table 2-6: Workflow's Siebel operation step's values fro new entry (example)..........22 Table 2-7: Workflow's interactive step properties values (example)...........................23 Table 2-8: Workflow connector's condition definition................................................23 Table 2-9: Simulation of new Workflow Process (example).......................................24 Table 2-10: Workflow deployment (example).............................................................28 Figures Figure 1-1: The workflow diagram example (Verify Order/Quote)..............................4 Figure 1-2: Workflow development and deployment lifecycle.....................................6 Figure 2-3: The Workflow process diagrma window with predefined steps capability 7 Figure 2-4: Workflow decision point's condition criteria definition..............................8 Figure 2-5: The example of Workflow's Stop step........................................................9 Figure 2-6: Standard Workflow Process properties example......................................10 Figure 2-7: Expression Workflow Process property example.....................................10 Figure 2-8: Workflow by script execution (server side)..............................................11 Figure 2-9: Workflow policy concept architecture......................................................13 Figure 2-10: Workflow building blocks.......................................................................14 Figure 2-11: New Workflow creation (example).........................................................18 Figure 2-12: Workflow steps creation (example)........................................................19 Figure 2-13: Workflow steps and its descriptive names (example).............................20 Figure 2-14: Workflow's Siebel operation step definiton (example)...........................21 Figure 2-15: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)........................22 Figure 2-16: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)........................23 Figure 2-17: Workflow's connector definition (example)............................................24 Figure 2-18: Prior simulation activity debugging options definition (example)..........25 Figure 2-19: Workflow's prior simulation properties population (example)...............26 Figure 2-20: Workflow "Wait for simulation in progress" dialog box (example).......26 Figure 2-21: Workflow's simulation view (example)..................................................27 Figure 2-22: Workflow's simulation completion (example)........................................28 Figure 2-23: Workflow's deployment (example).........................................................29 Figure 2-24: Workflow's deployment view (example)................................................30 Figure 2-25: Deployed workflow activation (example)...............................................30 Figure 2-26: Workflow's Run Time Events reload (example).....................................31 Figure 3-27: Workflow Policy architecture.................................................................33 Figure 5-28: Workflow Policy Program supported types............................................33 Figure 5-29: Workflow Policy Program definition......................................................34 -3-
  • 4. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. 1 Abstract The main aim of the document is best workflow practices description and trying to route future implementation via the best way of such a capability usage. Generally workflow is declarative way of system programming when it includes all possibilities for common Siebel features invocation like Business service methods, Siebel internal operations, Inline expressions. The workflow framework provides a powerful way of process design and implementation handling when in fact manages common memory and instruction area for the process evaluation, the memory area allows usage of common parameters across the workflow process instance. The parameters handled as properties within the inbound propertyset of workflow wrapping business service invocator like Workflow Process Manager or EAI Business Integration Manager. The powerful side of workflow in some circumstances may become a disadvantage because of conceptual problem that assembles in terms of process finite property and as consequence potential discontiguity to a cross system processes. The workflow must be considered as capability of sophisticated processes orchestration rather than used as simple cases like field update handler. Figure 1-1: The workflow diagram example (Verify Order/Quote) The following table provides common decision point for evaluation of further implementation step implementation. In fact Siebel allows several approaches when dominant ones are common scripting (browser/server side) within several Siebel's architecture elements: Application, Applet, Business component, Business service and Workflow processing (interactive, service, long-running, 7.0 compatible). -4-
  • 5. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Table 1-1: Functional implementation decision points Type Description When Useful Limitations Workflow • Kind of step in a • Need a simple • Conditional Decision Step Workflow that articulation of expressions lack arbitrates between whether one or support for some one or more more alternative key operators alternative branches actions in flow including: in a flow should be taken o AND • Each branch out of o OR decision step has o Order of one or more precedence control conditions – if all (such as evaluate to TRUE parentheses) for the branch the flow will continue down the branch Scripted • Script within a • Workflow • Undermine Business business service decision step readability and Services Action step that semantics not simplicity of evaluates a sufficiently workflow by hiding potentially complex expressive to logic within a set of inputs and encapsulate decision service returns a simplified criteria output that can be evaluated by a workflow decision step Other Other rule Specialized frameworks that Rule may be leveraged Frameworks directly or indirectly by a workflow o Personalization Rules o Assignment Rules -5-
  • 6. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. The following figure shows common Workflow Process lifecycle: Figure 1-2: Workflow development and deployment lifecycle 2 Workflow process The workflow process consists of several parts: Workflow process diagram window, Workflow process properties, and Workflow process instance properties. 2.1 Workflow process diagram window The Workflow process diagram window in fact enables to create a workflow using predefined and bounded step definitions. The following figure shows the Workflow process diagram window with every predefined capability. -6-
  • 7. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-3: The Workflow process diagrma window with predefined steps capability  Start – the step indicated the workflow start/entry point. At this point all of the process instance properties are populated.  Business Service – the step allows execution of every possible method within every predefined Business Service. The attention needs to be paid in case of usage cacheable services thanks to disability of service reload during the workflow session. The issue leads to possible non adequate call to desired Business Service method within the workflow instance1.  Decision Point – the step allows standard decision capability when evaluates expressions of outbound Connectors connected to it. The following figure shows the simple decision point definition. 1 The situation may take a place in case of trying to execute several methods of the same cacheable Business Service during the same Workflow Process session -7-
  • 8. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-4: Workflow decision point's condition criteria definition  Sub-process – the step encapsulates the sub process invocation. Every sub process like its originator allows predefined and bounded list of potential workflow steps. Potentially every workflow may be an origin of hierarchical invocation. The possible problem may be encountered when this ability will be abused and over stack error will be raised up thanks to disability of system to handle a numerous number of started workflow instances within the same leaf of processing. The sub process invocation supports inbound and outbound properties thanks it's wrapping mechanism that provides an ability of usage non predefined data structure of potential inbound and outbound information.  Siebel Operation – the step allows an update, insert, and query operation over the Business Component from the context defined by Business Object chosen within the Workflow Process properties. The update operation may handle single update as well as multiple one.  User Interact – the step provides an ability of user server side redirection to the predefined view based on Business Component from within context defined by Business Object property of workflow definition. Such Business Component may be searched by any internal Siebel operation step of by provision Object Id property at the beginning of process instaciation2. 2 The option is possible only within the interactive mode workflow -8-
  • 9. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Wait – the step allows suspending process execution by predefined period of time.  Stop – the step allows termination of process and in some circumstances may raise an error that led to this behavior. Figure 2-5: The example of Workflow's Stop step  End – the step indicates the last step within the workflow process instance. The step may not be executed in some circumstances when the Workflow Process instance was terminated or got an error and has proceeded via exception route to a Stop step within the workflow definition.  Connector – the branch enables connectivity between the steps within the process. The connector can be raised up according some condition like predefined custom or existed method over the business component firing. This operation supported by Run Time Events mechanism3.  Exception – the branch enables handling of errors that can occur within executed steps. The attention needs to be paid for cases when within the custom methods of Business Service try, catch paradigm has been used. The exception can help with handling different edge cases within the process execution. 2.2 Workflow process properties Workflow process properties are set of predefined values that cannot be changed during Workflow Process lifetime. The key properties are:  Auto Persist – allows saving of workflow state credentials regarding the values of Persistence Frequency and Persistence Level properties. Mostly usable during development stage and allowed over any workflow mode except the Service mode.  Workflow Mode – the number of supported modes bounded by following list: Service, Interactive, Long Running, and 7.0 Compatible.4 3 The mechanism allows usage of application triggers using simple concept of event participation. 4 In workflows with long running mode the "Auto Persist" property became to be very important thanks to fact, that this functionality allows resuming from its suspension. For further information please refer -9-
  • 10. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Business Object – allows using Siebel operation steps when creates a background context according the definition of the Business Object.5  Persistence Frequency – allows persistence mechanism of workflow processes  Persistence Level – determines the level of persistence: Current Step, All Steps. 2.3 Workflow process instance properties Workflow process instance properties exist during all its session. The properties in fact can be of the following data types: String, Binary, Date, Number, Hierarchy, and Integration Object when those types supported by workflow's invocator (Business Service). The properties can be propagated towards the workflow instance using Inputs argument (Propertyset) of Workflow Process Manager Business service's method (InvokeMethod). The attention needs to be paid in case of Hierarchy or Integration Object data types, when in those cases the information stored not in inline properties of Inputs object, but as its chain connected children6. The following figure shows the way of properties definition: Figure 2-6: Standard Workflow Process properties example Figure 2-7: Expression Workflow Process property example 2.4 Triggers for invocation There are several ways of Workflow execution7: to appendixes section of the document. 5 The most useful and needed property within the workflow definition and design, because its usage allows effective work on Siebel business layer within the workflow without actual scripting. 6 The propertyset within the Siebel system is the most sophisticated data type. This data type supports its serialization/deseriazation using internal Siebel's XML parser - XML Converter Business service. 7 Not every possible ways of execution enumerated here, but the most usable. - - 10
  • 11. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Script – the execution using Workflow Process Manager or EAI Business Integration Business services8. Figure 2-8: Workflow by script execution (server side)  Run Time Event – the execution using run time events definition. This kind of execution uses workflow's connector branch as source of run time event9.  Workflow Action – the execution using predefined Workflow Policy program - Run Workflow Process  Signal – the execution using the wrapping mechanism used within the Order Management for orchestration of several Workflow processes together.10  Component job – the execution directly by appropriate component. This kind of execution may be used for background processes.  URL – the execution by Siebel's application URL plus appropriate parameters.  User Properties – the silent execution by underlied Business Component's class. For example: Modify of installed Assets. The most typical ways of workflow execution are: Scripting, Run Time Events, Workflow Policy program. 8 The execution may be three different kinds: synchronous within the application object manager instance main thread, synchronous within the workflow process manager instance separated thread, asynchronous within the workflow process manager instance separated thread. 9 The meaning is that definition of connector's condition populated by process method name coming from within the applet definition and propagated by its Business Component. 10 Fir further information please refer to Order Management Administration guide within Siebel bookshelf - - 11
  • 12. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. 2.4.1 Run Time Events The concept says that there are events within several Siebel system elements and there is an ability of participation on those events. The following Siebel system elements publish events: Application, Applet, and Business Component. Run-time events allow the Siebel application to respond in real time to user actions. Run-time events can be specified in the branches for Start, Wait, or User Interact steps to start or resume a workflow process. The fields in the WF Step Branch applet that are used to define a run-time event are the following:  Event Object Type  Event Object  Event  Sub Event  Event Cancel Flag When defining run-time events within a workflow process, a run-time event should not be repeated. You cannot use the same event more than once within a workflow process. Run-time events can be used for workflows that run within a user session. For workflows that span across multiple users—long-running workflows—use user events instead. Run-time events should not be used to trigger long-running workflows because a run- time event is specifically attached to a single user and a single session. A run-time event is only for that single user, as it stems from Personalization functionality. Instead use an interactive workflow or a service workflow to handle the run-time event, then after processing it and validating it, generate a user event to notify a long- running workflow11. 2.4.2 Database triggers The concept says that instead of using direct participation for an application event the mechanism of database triggers and their results monitoring may be proposed as alternative solution for the same functionality like application triggers do but using indirect way of invocation. 11 User events can be generated anywhere in the Siebel enterprise (wherever a Siebel business service is used) by calling the Workflow User Event business service. The Workflow User Event business service is used for one-way communication from the run-time client to the Workflow Process Manager server component. - - 12
  • 13. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. The whole concept consists of: Workflow Policy, Workflow Action, Workflow Program definitions and Workflow Agent, Workflow Monitor, Workflow Process Manager (or EAI Business Integration Manager) server components. The following figure shows high level of concept architecture: Figure 2-9: Workflow policy concept architecture The supported database triggers are: after insert, after update. The script of those triggers creates entries within S_ESCL_REQ table which is monitored by Workflow Monitor or Workflow Action agents. In case of policy definition satisfaction against the current system state the entry in S_ESCL_ACTION created and appropriate Workflow Program executed. In case of workflow being created with duration the S_ESCL_LOG table used as information holder before the actual execution time. 2.4.3 Scripting The workflow can be executed from within the script. The script can be written within the Siebel system in the following places:  Server Side:  Application  Applet  Business Component  Business Service - - 13
  • 14. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Browser Side:  Application  Applet  Business Component  Business Service (the usage of browser script within the business service in some circumstances difficult for maintenance) The execution may be done by the following Business services:  Workflow Process Manager  Workflow Process Manager (Server Request)  EAI Business Integration Manager  EAI Business Integration Manager (Server Request)  Asynchronous Server Requests12 2.5 Using workflow The sight over the workflow building blocks: Figure 2-10: Workflow building blocks 2.5.1 Workflow work modes The Workflow Process defines several modes of its work: Interactive, Service, Long Running, and 7.0 Compatible.  Interactive – An interactive workflow is used for controlling user navigation between screens and across views. An interactive workflow is comprised primarily of a set of user interact steps, and usually includes a runtime event. 12 The attention needs to be paid for a right dot notation within the argument population definition - - 14
  • 15. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. NOTE: An interactive workflow can run only in the context of a user session; it cannot run in the Workflow Process Manager server component. Interactive workflow processes can be controlled through the use of a synthetic event attached to explicit user interface buttons. A synthetic event is a specialized run-time event that is dedicated to controlling workflow navigation. Examples of synthetic events include Suspend, Resume, Next, and Back. Associated with buttons on the user interface, these synthetic events are interpreted by the Workflow engine to control workflow navigation by moving the user back or forward, and by suspending or resuming a workflow process.  Service – A service workflow process is a transient workflow. That is, it runs to completion in a short period of time, all at once without stopping or pausing for any other event or activity. A service workflow process cannot wait, not for run-time events, and not by pausing for time. A service workflow process cannot have user interact steps. A service workflow process can be part of any other type of workflow process as a subprocess. A service workflow process executes a set of operations upon invocation of an event. One example of a service workflow is a workflow for sending an email.  Long Running – A long-running workflow process is a persistent workflow that can last for hours, days, or months. An example of a long-running workflow process is an approval process that sends an order to an external system such as SAP, and then waits for a response. When building long- running workflow processes, use user events and not run-time events to trigger processes and resume instances13.  7.0 Compatible - The 7.0 Flow workflow process mode provides backward compatibility for existing Siebel 7 (pre-7.7) workflows. If you have existing workflows and you upgrade to Siebel 7.7, these existing workflows become 7.0 workflows by default. You should categorize all new workflows as service, interactive, or long-running. If no mode is specified for a workflow process, the mode is assumed to be 7.0 Flow. It is strongly recommended that you not use the 7.0 Flow mode for new workflow processes you create. As you create new workflow processes, make sure to specify a workflow process mode (other than 7.0 Flow) so that 7.0 Flow is not assumed as the default mode. 13 User Events created using Workflow User Event Business service. - - 15
  • 16. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. 2.5.2 Useful Business Services The following table shows useful Business Services within the Siebel system: Table 2-2: Useful Business Services Business Service Description Methods FINS Data Transfer Allows you to transfer data from • DataTransfer Utilities source BC to a destination BC • GetActiveViewProp without script. • QueueMethod • TryMockMethod. FINS Validator Validate data based on predefined • Validate rules. It is developed through Application Administration and not script. Also, supports custom messages. FINS Dynamic UI Allows creating and rendering of • AddRow Service read-only views with a single • DeleteRow read-only applet based on user • SetViewName input. Administered through admin views and not script. Outbound Automates sending notifications • CreateRequest Communications via fax and emails to contacts and • SendMessage Manager employees. • SendSmtpMessage • SubmitRequest Synchronous Automates assigning objects by • Assign Assignment using Assignment Manager rules. Manager Requests Server Requests Allows sending of generic • SubmitRequest requests to the request broker. It • CancelRequest can send it in three different modes: asynchronous, synchronous, or schedule mode. (Example, call a workflow but need to be asynchronous request) Report Business Automates sending, scheduling, • ExecuteReport Service printing, saving, emailing reports. • DelOne Also, automates administrative • DownloadReport tasks such as synching new users. •GrantRoleAccess2Report - - 16
  • 17. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Business Service Description Methods •GrantUserAccess2Report • PrintReport • RunAndEmailReport • ScheduleReport • SyncOne Asynchronous Allows asynchronous requests for • SubmitRequest Server Requests every server multi threaded • CancelRequest component. The parameters of those requests passed using Siebel dot notation and stored in S_SRM_DATA table (in case of usage this kind of component execution the Workflow policy usage must be considered) EAI XSLT Service Allows XSLT interpretation. • Transform Supports parameters injection. Doesn't support custom functions within XSLT. EAI Java Business Allows external Java package Service wrapping and usage of the Java code instead of Siebel native code for handling methods within the Business service 2.5.3 Design example In this section you will create a new workflow process that creates an activity plan on an opportunity record and then navigates the end-user to a view to display the new plan. Table 2-3: Design of new Workflow Process (example) Step Summary 1 Lock the Oppty (SSE) project 2 Create a new workflow process 3 Add steps to the workflow process 4 Configure the Siebel Operation step 5 Configure the User Interact step 6 Complete the End step - - 17
  • 18. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Open Siebel Tools and lock the project, Oppty (SSE).  Using the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, locate the Workflow Process objects and create a new record with the following properties: Name = Create Plan, Business Object = Opportunity, Workflow Mode = Interactive Flow, Project = Oppty (SSE) Figure 2-11: New Workflow creation (example)  Open the workflow process designer by right-clicking on the new row and choosing Edit Workflow Process. Drag the following objects from the Palette to the Designer:  Start  Siebel Operation  User Interact  End - - 18
  • 19. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-12: Workflow steps creation (example) Now you will give each step a meaningful name. Select each step and change its name as follows: Table 2-4: Workflow steps names (example) Step Name Start: <Id> Start Siebel Operation: <Id> Add Activity Plan to Oppty User Interact: <Id> Display Activity Plan End: <Id> End - - 19
  • 20. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-13: Workflow steps and its descriptive names (example)  Select the Siebel Operation (Add Activity Plan to Oppty) step in the Designer. You need to instruct the workflow about what operation you want to perform (for example, query, insert, or update) and which business component to use for the operation. Using the Properties Windows or WF Steps applet, set the following attributes for the step: Table 2-5: Workflow's Siebel operation step's properties values (example) Property Value Business Component Activity Plan Operation Insert - - 20
  • 21. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-14: Workflow's Siebel operation step definiton (example) When you perform an Insert operation on a business component, you must supply a value for any required field in the business component. In particular, to insert a new Activity Plan, you must provide the name of the Activity Plan template. Select the Siebel Operation Step (Add Activity Plan to Oppty) step and right-click to display the menu. Note there are three choices at the bottom of the menu for configuring a Siebel Operation step. Choose the Show Fields option from the menu. - - 21
  • 22. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-15: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example) Notice that the WF Steps applet was replaced by the Input Arguments applet. Add a new record to the Inputs Argument applet. Table 2-6: Workflow's Siebel operation step's values fro new entry (example) Field Name Type Value Template Literal Any valid activity template name. For HOR 7.7, Introductory Sales Call. For SIA 7.7, Consumer Account Approval. - - 22
  • 23. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-16: Workflow's Siebel operation definition cont. (example)  Now you can configure the User Interact step to display a view. Select the User Interact (Display Activity Plan) step. Using the Properties Window or the WF Steps applet, set the following: Table 2-7: Workflow's interactive step properties values (example) Property Value User Interact View Opportunity Activity Plan  Now you must tell the workflow what event will denote the end of the User Interact step. For example, you might want to wait for the user to enter additional data before continuing in the workflow. For this example, you want to wait for the user to make and save a change to the Activity Plan record. Select the Connector between the User Interact and End steps. Use the WF Step Branch applet to set the following properties for the branch: Table 2-8: Workflow connector's condition definition Property Value Type Condition Event Object Type BusComp Event Object Activity Plan Event WriteRecordUpdated - - 23
  • 24. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-17: Workflow's connector definition (example) Now that you have finished configuring the workflow, you will validate it for correctness. Right-click inside Designer and choose “Validate…” from the menu. When the Validation dialog opens, press Start. If any error is reported, follow the instructions to fix it and repeat the validation until no errors are reported. 2.5.4 Workflow simulation In this section you will test the new workflow process using the Simulator. Table 2-9: Simulation of new Workflow Process (example) Step Summary 1 Verify Debug Options for launching the Simulation Client 2 Set a process property for the Opportunity Id 3 Launch the Simulator 4 Step through the workflow using the Watch Window to monitor status - - 24
  • 25. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-18: Prior simulation activity debugging options definition (example) Confirm that the Debug Options are correct by launching a test client using the F5 key.  Navigate to the Opportunities List view in the session and get the row-id of one record. Return to Siebel Tools and right-click the Workflow Designer and choose Show Process Properties from the menu. Note that the bottom applet now displays the WF Process Props. Because this workflow is based on the Opportunity Business Object and attempts to add an Activity Plan to an existing opportunity, you need to specify an opportunity row-id for the simulation. Find the Object Id process property in the list applet and set its default value to the Opportunity row-id found in the prior step. - - 25
  • 26. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-19: Workflow's prior simulation properties population (example)  Close any running Mobile Client sessions now. You will not be able to use the Simulator if there are running sessions. Confirm there are no Siebel Client icons in the Task Bar before continuing. Right-click the Workflow Designer and choose Simulate from the menu. Click the Start button at the top of the Simulation applet. This will launch the Mobile Client executable. Wait for the Simulation In Progress dialog box to appear. Figure 2-20: Workflow "Wait for simulation in progress" dialog box (example) - - 26
  • 27. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Alt-tab to return to the Tools session. To make the session easier to use, you may wish to hide the Object Explorer and Properties Window. You may also wish to resize the Tools window so it not does cover the full display Figure 2-21: Workflow's simulation view (example) If the Watch Window is blank, right-click the Simulation applet and choose Watch Window from the menu. This will refresh the display. Click the Next Step button to move between the steps. After the Opportunity Activity Plan View is displayed in the Mobile Client, note that you cannot reach the End step by pressing the Next button. Since you specified a condition on the branch you must satisfy the condition before reaching the End step. Therefore, using the Mobile Client session make and save a change to the Activity Plan BusComp (for example, change the Planned Start Date or Description). Press Alt-Tab to return to Siebel Tools and click Next to complete the End step. When the last step is reached, the mobile client will display a dialog box reporting "Simulation terminated! Please check the watch window for details.” Acknowledge the message and Alt-tab to return to Siebel Tools. Review the status field in the Watch Window - - 27
  • 28. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-22: Workflow's simulation completion (example) 2.5.5 Workflow deployment Now you are ready to deploy and activate the workflow. These steps are required before the new workflow can be called in the Runtime client. Table 2-10: Workflow deployment (example) Step Summary 1 Deploy the workflow from Tools 2 Activate the Deployed Workflow in the Runtime Admin Client 3 Enable Monitoring in the Runtime Admin Client 4 Reload Runtime Events in the Runtime Admin Client - - 28
  • 29. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-23: Workflow's deployment (example)  Launch the Runtime Administration Client using a short-cut or the F5 key. Connect using SADMIN or an equivalent admin account. Using Site Map, navigate to Administration-Business Process > Workflow Deployment. This will display the following view: - - 29
  • 30. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 2-24: Workflow's deployment view (example) Query for the Create Plan process in the top applet named Repository Workflow Process. One row should be returned. Click the Activate button in the top applet. Now query for Create Plan in the lower applet. One row will be returned for every version that was activated for the process. Figure 2-25: Deployed workflow activation (example)  In the lower applet named Active Workflow Process, set the Monitoring-Level to 4-Debug. Now you can verify that a runtime event was created for this - - 30
  • 31. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. workflow. Using Site Map, navigate to Administration – Runtime Events > Events.  From the applet menu, choose Reload Runtime Events. Query for the method you are using to invoke the workflow (Subevent = EventMethodCreateActivityPlan). It should return one row. Figure 2-26: Workflow's Run Time Events reload (example) 2.6 Asynchronous invocation One of the strongest capabilities of Siebel Workflow Processing is an ability of asynchronous invocation. An invocation triggered by appending a new entry within S_SRM_REQUEST table using Asynchronous Server Requests business service. The invocation became to be much sophisticated when allows propagation different types of parameters for a workflow (or business service). The parameters propagation handled using S_SRM_DATA table, when Siebel system manages this table and opens as much as needed new entries in order to handle all of propagated information 2.6.1 Logging paradigm14 The monitoring of asynchronous processes not easy, but here we have a paradigm that uses database table as storage for potential component jobs thereby the monitoring became to be possible using database triggers. Siebel system provides powerful mechanism of database triggers administration using Workflow Policy, Workflow Action, and Workflow Program definitions in addition to Generate Triggers, Workflow Monitors, and Workflow Action server components. Generally the way logging can be described by following emphasizes:  Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Object 14 Paradigm - an abstract basic structure, of some tenure, in which knowledge is related within a given realm. - - 31
  • 32. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd.  Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Column  Attach those columns to a previously created Workflow Policy Object  Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Program  Check in your created objects to a server  Create an appropriate Workflow Policy  Create an appropriate Workflow Policy Action  Associate previously defined Workflow Policy Program to a Workflow Policy Action  Associate that Action to a previously defined Policy  Run Generate Triggers server component's task with option of existed triggers deletion  Run Generate Triggers server component's task with option of new triggers creation according their definition within Workflow Policy administration. 3 Workflow policy Workflow Process and Runtime events ensure most events are captured at the business layer logic level. However there are business scenarios where the Workflow Policy Manager would be the best alternative. Workflow Policy Manager ensures business logic is captured at the data layer of Siebel architecture. Some examples of such scenarios would be when bulk data uploads happen via EIM or Data Quality cleaning happens in the data layer. The Workflow Policy mechanism based on usage of several elements within the Siebel system environment:  Database – S_ESCL_REQ, S_ESCL_ACTION, S_ESCL_LOG plus triggers based on definition from Workflow Policy administration views within the Siebel application.  Administration – Workflow Policy Group, Workflow Policy, Workflow Action, Workflow Program, Workflow Policy Object, Workflow Policy Column.  Server components – Workflow Monitor Agent (working simultaneously only on one Workflow Policy Group)15, Workflow Action Agent (working simultaneously only on one Workflow Policy Group). 15 The approach supports the work without the Workflow Action Agent, but the solution that includes Workflow Action Agent potentially more scalable, because those components may be resided in different places within the Siebel enterprise. - - 32
  • 33. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. Figure 3-27: Workflow Policy architecture 4 Workflow action The Workflow Action represents definition of action which is coming as consequence of Workflow Policy (database trigger) conditions fulfillment, the action provides an ability of Workflow Program execution.16 5 Workflow program The Workflow Program defines program of execution in order to fulfill exact requirement within the Workflow Policy definition. For those purposes Workflow Program provides several types: Figure 5-28: Workflow Policy Program supported types The most significant in many cases DB Operation and Generic Request Server types, when DB Operation allows immediate operation over the running data source and Generic Request Server allows running server component task on the application server. 16 The check of conditions may occur immediately or within the time mentioned by Duration property of Workflow Policy. - - 33
  • 34. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. The following figure shows the Workflow Policy Program that allows workflow execution: Figure 5-29: Workflow Policy Program definition 6 Workflow Process Manager Component Workflow processes can be executed in the background using the Workflow Process Manager Server component. The Workflow Process Manager Server component is configured and optimized to run the Workflow Process Manager Business service. The Workflow Process Manager Server component acts as the object manager to run workflow processes, including all application logic within the workflow process. The Workflow Process Manager Server components act as the application object manager to run workflows. The Workflow Process Manager Server components are specialized server components configured and tuned to run workflow processes. Like all server components, the Workflow Process Manager Server components provide a multi- threaded environment. The Workflow Process Manager uses the Siebel Object Manager framework and runs workflows as a business service. The Workflow Process Manager hosts the Business Object layer and the Data Object layer. It is a scalable - - 34
  • 35. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. architecture with the ability to run multiple object managers and multiple tasks for each object manager17. 7 Conclusion The Workflow Processing provides a powerful framework for handling many different types of functionality starting from regular Siebel System operations and finishing by sophisticated EAI operations across the environment. The Workflow Processing framework supports SOA approach. This support helps within certain processes where the process defined and designed as custom service which experiences almost no environment influence and become to be a difficulty in another certain occurrences where the process cannot be separated totally from the same environment influences. This statement leads to understanding that workflow provides an ability to create a stand alone process that gets the input arguments by value perform its activity and return an output parameters also by value18. In any case the workflow generally will encapsulate entire process (or its sub process) within itself. 7.1 Discussion Considering above point Workflow Processing very useful in EAI processes, cause it suits very well the concept underlies Web Services, HTTP Request, Instant Messaging by JMS, MQSeries19 etc. On other hand its usage problematic when it executed as response on some Siebel system element's event, because in this case its execution may be influenced from previously executed functional points or on other hand influence other functional points by its results. 8 Appendixes  "Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide", book of Siebel Bookshelf  "Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration", book of Siebel Bookshelf 17 The name Workflow Process Manager refers to both the Workflow business service (referred to as the Workflow engine) and the workflow server components 18 During process activities the changes within system data source may be done as well as changes of different global parameters 19 The processes for example: Submit Order, Modify Asset, Ungroup Order Items etc. - - 35
  • 36. Roman Agaev, M.Sc, PMP Owner, Supra Information Technology ltd. F:Work Issues WINDInfrastructuretechnote  "Technical Note 581 : Siebel 7.7 Workflow", article of Siebel ( )  "Workflow on the fly monitoring solution", essay of Roman Agaev () 9 Indexes 5.....................................................Rule 9, 14, 15........................Compatible 7.0 11................................Run Time Event 4, 12, 13, 14................................Applet 9, 11, 12, 31...............Run Time Events 4, 12, 13, 14, 16, 35............Application 5, 11.............................................Script 4............................Business component 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17.....................Service 8, 10, 18, 25, 34...........Business Object 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21....Siebel Operation 4, 10, 15, 17, 34..........Business service 11.................................................Signal 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17Business Service 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, workflow 12, 32......................................Database 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33....................................DB Operation 30, 31, 34, 35 4, 6............................................diagram 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,. Workflow 4,....EAI Business Integration Manager 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 13, 14 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 32...................................................EIM 34, 35, 36 31, 32........................Generate Triggers 13, 31, 32..................Workflow Action 33.....................Generic Request Server 4, 10, 11,...Workflow Process Manager 9, 14, 18................................Interactive 12, 13, 14, 15, 34, 35 9, 14, 15..........................Long Running 4..........................Workflow processing 4, 11..................................orchestration 13, 31, 32, 33..........Workflow Program 9, 10.....................................Persistence - - 36