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Curso de Programación
  Java Intermedio.


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Acerca de:

En la compilación de esta obra se utilizaron libros conocidos en el
ambiente Java, gráficas, esquemas, figuras de sitios de internet,
conocimiento adquirido en los cursos oficiales de la tecnología Java. En
ningún momento se intenta violar los derechos de autor tomando en
cuenta que el conocimiento es universal y por lo tanto se puede
desarrollar una idea a partir de otra.

La intención de publicar este material en la red es compartir el esfuerzo
realizado y que otras personas puedan usar y tomar como base el
material aquí presentado para crear y desarrollar un material mucho más
completo que pueda servir para divulgar el conocimiento.

                      ISC Raúl Oramas Bustillos.
Modulo 01: La tecnología Java.

Modulo 02: Programación Orientada a Objetos.

Modulo 03: Identificadores, tipos y palabras reservadas.

Modulo 04: Expresiones y control de flujo.

Modulo 05: Arreglos.

Modulo 06: Diseño de clases I.

Modulo 07: Diseño de clases II.

Modulo 08: Excepciones y asertos.
Modulo 09: Colecciones.

Modulo 10: Threads.

Module 01
• Java Technology
•   Introduction
•   History of Java
•   What is Java technology?
•   Why is Java technology important?
•   What are the Java components technology components?

• Describe key features of Java

• The Java programming language has a construct similar to that
  of C++
• The Java programming language has simplified many of the
  complicated and ambiguous structures present in C++
• Another major advantage that Java brought along with it is the
  concept of platform independence

History of Java
• Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan and James Gosling of SUN
  Microsystems started a new project called the Green Project
  towards the end of 1990
• The team came up with a device called star 7 (*7)
• Star 7 used a processor-independent language called Oak to
  adapt to a variety of platforms and appliances
• Oak evolved into a language that enabled programmers to write
  executable code that could be distributed through Internet
• This newly evolved language was called Java

History of Java

What is Java technology?
• Java technology is both a high-level, object-oriented
  programming language and a platform.
• Java technology is based on the concept of a single Java virtual
  machine (JVM) -- a translator between the language and the
  underlying software and hardware.
• All implementations of the programming language must emulate
  the JVM, enabling Java programs to run on any system that has a
  version of the JVM.
• The Java programming language is unusual because Java
  programs are both compiled (translated into an intermediate
  language called Java bytecode) and interpreted (bytecode
  parsed and run by the JVM).

What is Java technology?
• Compilation occurs once, and interpretation happens each time
  the program runs. Compiled bytecode is a form of optimized
  machine code for the JVM; the interpreter is an implementation
  of the JVM.

                                 Java bytecode is machine code for the
                                      Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
What is Java technology?
• The Java platform is a software-
  only platform that runs on top of
  various hardware-based
  platforms. It comes in three
• It consists of the JVM and the
  Java Application Programming
  Interface (API), a large
  collection of ready-made
  software components (classes).
• The Java API is grouped into
  libraries of related classes and
  interfaces; the libraries are
  known as packages

                                      A platform is an environment on which
                                            programs can be executed
What is Java technology?
• Along with the Java API, every full implementation of the Java
  platform includes:
   – Development tools for compiling, running, monitoring,
     debugging, and documenting applications.
   – Standard mechanisms for deploying applications to users.
   – User interface toolkits that make it possible to create
     sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
   – Integration libraries that enable database access and
     manipulation of remote objects.

Why is Java technology important?
• The main benefit of the Java
  language is the portability of
  Java applications across
  hardware platforms and
  operating systems -- possible
  because the JVM installed on
  each platform understands the
  same bytecode.

Why is Java technology important?
Three editions of the Java platform
make it easier for software
developers, service providers, and
device manufacturers to target
specific markets:

• Java SE (Java Platform, Standard

• Java EE (Java Platform,
  Enterprise Edition).

• Java ME (Java Platform, Micro

What are the Java technology components?
• Technologies in Java SE:
•   Java Foundation Classes (Swing) (JFC)           •   Java Management Extensions (JMX)
•   JavaHelp                                        •   Java Media Framework (JMF)
•   Java Native Interface (JNI)                     •   Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI
•   Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)      •   Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE)
•   Java 2D API                                     •   Java Speech API (JSAPI)
•   Java Web Start                                  •   Java 3D is an API
•   Certification Path API                          •   Metadata Facility
•   Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)               •   Java Content Repository API
•   Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)                     •   Enumerations
•   Java Authentication and Authorization Service   •   Generics
    (JAAS)                                          •   Concurrency Utilities

•   Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)               •   Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
•   Java Data Objects (JDO)                         •   SOAP with Attachments API for Java

What are the Java technology components?
• Technologies in J2EE:

• Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)            • J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
• Portlet Specification                 • J2EE Management Specification (JMX)
• JavaMail                              • Java Transaction API (JTA)
• Java Message Service (JMS)
• JavaServer Faces (JSF)
• JavaServer Pages (JSP)
• Standard Tag Library for JavaServer
  Pages (JSTL)
• Java Servlets

What are the Java technology components?
• Technologies in J2ME:

• Connected Limited Device Configuration
• Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
• Connected Device Configuration (CDC)
• Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME (M3G)

Module 02
• Object Oriented Programming
•   Objectives
•   What is Object-Oriented Programming?
•   Objects
•   Classes
•   Message and Object Communication
•   OO in Java
•   Declaring Java Classes
•   Declaring Attributes
•   Declaring Methods
•   Example Methods and Attributes
•   Declaring Constructors
•   The Default Constructor

•   Source File Layout
•   The package Statement
•   The package and import Statement
•   Packages and visibility

• Define class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and
• Use the access modifiers private and public as appropriate for
  the guidelines of encapsulation
• Invoke a method on a particular object
• In a Java program, identify the following:
   ― The package statement
   ― The import statements
   ― Classes, methods, and attributes
   ― Constructors

What is Object-Oriented Programming?
• A set of implementation techniques that:
   – Can be done in any programming language
   – May be very difficult to do in some programming languages
• A strong reflection of software engineering
   – Abstract data types
   – Information hiding (encapsulation)
• A way of encouraging code reuse
   – Produces more malleable systems
• A way of keeping the programmer in touch with the problem
   – Real world objects and actions match program objects and

• Objects are:
   – Are building blocks for systems
   – Contain data that can be used or modified
       • Bundle of variables and related methods
• An object possesses:
   – Identity
       • A means of distinguishing it from other objects
   – State
       • What the object remembers
   – Interface
       • Messages the object responds to
   – Behavior
       • What the object can do

• A class
   – Defines the characteristics and variables common to all
     objects of that class
• Objects of the same class are similar with respect to:
   – Interface
   – Behavior
   – State
• Used to instantiate (create an instance of) specific objects
• Provide the ability of reusability

Message and Object Communication
• Objects communicate via messages
• Messages in Java correspond to method calls (invocations)
• Three components comprise a message:
   1. The object to whom the message is addressed
   2. The name of the method to perform
   3. Any parameters needed by the method

                sender                      target


OO in Java
• The Java language is a mixture of objects and no objects
• The Java language gives every OO programmer the tools
  necessary to follow all of the OO rules and produce very OO
  code, but doing so requires discipline
• Language elements:
   – Class-based object-oriented programming language with
   – A class is a template that defines how an object will look and
     behave once instantiated
• Java supports both instance and class (static) variables and

OO in Java
• Nearly everything is an object
   – They are accessed via references
   – Their behavior can be exposed via public methods
   – They are instantiated using the new construct

• Classes in Java may have methods
            and attributes.
• Methods define actions that a class
             can perform.

  • Attributes describe the class.

Declaring Java Classes
• Classes have two types of members: variables (or data members)
  and methods.
• All of the member‘s of a class are defined within the class‘s
  body, which exits between a single set of curly braces for the
• Basic syntax of a Java class:

< modifiers> class < class_name> {
     [< attribute_declarations>]
     [< constructor_declarations>]
     [< method_declarations>]

Declaring Attributes
• A variable has an access specifier, a data type, a name, and
  (optionally) an initial value
• Basic syntax of an attribute:


public class Computer {
  boolean cpu,keyboard,mouse; //attributes
  String monitor; //attribute

Declaring Methods
• The methods of a class define what it can do
• There are two flavors of method in the Java language:
   – Constructors
   – Other methods
• Basic syntax of a method:

• Every method has a return type, but not every method return}
   <modifiers><return_type><name>([argument_list]) {
• If the method returns nothing, you use the keyword void as
  return type

Example Methods and Attributes
public class Dog {

    private int weight;   //attribute

    public int getWeight() {   //method
      return weight;

    public void setWeight(int newWeight) {   //method
      weight = newWeight;

Example Methods and Attributes
public class Cat {
  private String animalType = “feline”; //default value
  private String catColor”; //attribute

    public Cat() { //constructor
      catColor = “black”;
    public Cat(String colorIn) { //overloaded constructor

    public String getCatColor() { //getter
      return catColor;

    public void setCatColor(String color) {   //mutator
      catColor = color;
Declaring Constructors
• A constructor is used when creating an object from a class.
• The constructor name must match the name of the class and
  must not have a return type.
• They can be overloaded, but they are not inherited by
• Basic syntax of a constructor:

<modifier><class_name><name>([argument_list]) {

Declaring Constructors
• Example:

public class Dog {
  private int weight;
  private String name = "noname";

    public Dog(String name) { = name;

    public int getWeight() {
      return weight;
    public void setWeight(int newWeight) {

      weight = newWeight;

Declaring Constructors
• A constructor can be invoked only from other constructors.
• To invoke a constructor in the same class, invoke the this() function
  with matching arguments.

public class Circle {
  public double radio;
  public Circle(double r) { = r;            }
  public Circle() { this(1.0); }

    public double circumferencia() { return 2 * Math.PI; }
    public double area() { return Math.PI * radio * radio; }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      Circle obj1 = new Circle();

      Circle obj2 = new Circle(5.6);

The Default Constructor
• There is always at least one constructor in every class.
• If the writer does not supply any constructors, the default
  constructor is present automatically:
   ― The default constructor takes no arguments
   ― The default constructor body is empty
• Enables you to create object instances with new Xxx() without
  having to write a constructor.
• A constructor cannot have any return type even void.
• You can't make a new object without invoking a constructor.
• Every class, including abstract classes, must have a constructor.
• Constructors are never inherited, thus cannot be overriden.

Source File Layout
• Logically, Java programs are made up of classes that are
  grouped into packages. Physically, your program is written in a
  collection of source code files. Almost every Java compiler in
  the world forces this organization:

   1. package declaration
   2. import declaration
   3. class declaration

The package statement
• Every Java object exits in a package.
 • A package is simply a set of objects,
    all of which are related in some way.
        • Classes can be grouped:
         – Logically, according to the
                     model you
                   are building
         – As sets designed to be used
                                             Packages refer to a file path
               – For convenience
                                            on your file system. Packages
• By convention, package names are in          names use dot notation to
                  lower case                  translate that file path into
                                             something the Java platform

   • Different packages can contain
          classes with the same name                  understands

The package statement
package mystuff;
public class MyStuffClass {
  public void callMe() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Inside mystuff.MyStuffClass");

package yourstuff;
public class YourStuffClass {
  public void callMe() {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Inside yourstuff.YourStuffClass");
The package statement

package ourstuff;
public class OurStuffClass {
  public void callMe() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Inside ourstuff.OurStuffClass");

The package and import Statement

package mainstuff;
import ourstuff.*;
import yourstuff.*;
import mystuff.*;

public class RunStuff {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Inside RunStuff");

        MyStuffClass msc = new MyStuffClass();
        YourStuffClass ysc = new YourStuffClass();
        OurStuffClass osc = new OurStuffClass();


The package and import Statement
• When an object makes use of objects in other packages, the
  Java compiler needs to know where to find them
• An import statement tells the compiler where to find the
• You can have many imports as you need to tell Java where to
  find all the classes:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

Packages and visibility
• Visibility of a class controls the capability of other classes to
  create objects or gain access to the variables and methods in
  the class.
• There are various types of visibility, as follows:
   – Public
   – Protected
   – Default, or package
   – Private

Packages and visibility
• Private access: The private keyword is not used with classes,
  only with variables and methods. A private variable or method
  can be used within a class only.

Packages and visibility
• Public access: A class, variable, or method declared public can
  be used by any class in the program.

Packages and visibility
• Package access: If none of the visibility keywords is used, the
  item is said to have package visibility, meaning that only classes
  in the same package can use it.

Packages and visibility
• Protected access: A variable or method declared protected can
  be used only by classes in the same package or in a derived class
  in the same or a different package.

Module 03
• Identifiers, Keywords and Types
•   Objectives
•   Comments
•   Semicolons, Blocks, and White Space
•   Identifiers
•   Java keywords
•   Primitive Types
•   Primitive: Integers
•   Primitive: Floating Points
•   Primitive: Characters
•   Primitive: Booleans
•   Primitive Literals
•   Primitive Literals: Integers

•   Primitive Literals: Floating Point
•   Primitive Literals: Escape Sequences
•   Declarations and Initialization
•   Casting Primitive Types
•   Implicit versus Explicit Casting
•   Java Reference Types
•   Constructing and Initializing Objects
•   Assigning References
•   Pass by Value
•   The this Reference

•   Use comments in a source program
•   Distinguish between valid and invalid identifiers
•   Recognize Java technology keywords
•   List the eight primitive types
•   Define literal values for numeric and textual types
•   Define the terms primitive variable and reference variable
•   Declare variables of class type
•   Construct an object using new
•   Describe default initialization
•   Describe the significance of a reference variable
•   State the consequences of assigning variables of class type

The three permissible styles of comment in a Java program are:

Semicolons, Blocks and White Space
• A statement is one or more lines of code terminated by a
  semicolon (;):

                This is part of the same line);

                      a   = 0; b = 1; c = 2

• Several statements can be written on one line, or can be split
  over several lines
• A block is a collection of statements bound by opening and
  closing braces:

                              x = y + 1;
                              y = x + 1;

Semicolons, Blocks and White Space
•   Any amount of white space is allowed in a Java program
•   Spaces, blank lines, and tabs are collectively called white space
•   White space is used to separate words and symbols in a program
•   Extra white space is ignored
•   A valid Java program can be formatted many different ways
•   Programs should be formatted to enhance readability, using
    consistent indentation

public        class

       HelloWorld   {     public static void main
(String[] args)                  {
    System.out.println(“Hellow World!!”);
•   Are names given to a variable, class, or method
•   Can start with a Unicode letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($)
•   Are case-sensitive and have no maximum length
•   Examples:

                                       An-Identifier
                Go2                     goto
                $10                     10$

• Yourname, yourname, yourName, YourName
   – These are four different identifiers
• Conventions:
   – Package: all lower case
      • theexample
   – Class: initial upper case, composite words with upper case
      • TheExample
   – Method/field: initial lower, composite words with upper case
      • theExample
   – Constants: all upper case

Java Keywords
abstract   continue    goto         package     synchronized

assert     default     if           private     this

boolean    do          implements   protected   throw

break      double      import       public      throws

byte       else        instanceof   return      transient

case       extends     int          short       try

catch      final       interface    static      void

char       finally     long         strictfp    volatile

class      float       native       super       while

const      for         new          switch

Primitive Types

Primitive: Integers
• Signed whole numbers
• Initialized to zero

Primitive: Floating Points
• ―General‖ numbers
   – Can have fractional parts
• Initialized to zero

Primitive: Characters
• Char is any unsigned Unicode character
• Initialized to zero (u0000)

Primitive: Booleans
• boolean values are distinct in Java
   – Can only have a true or false value
   – An int value can NOT be used in place of a boolean
• Initialized to false

Primitive Literals
• A literal is a value
• There are five kinds of literals:                   Literals
   – Integer                               floating point…7.0f
   – Floating point                        boolean……….true
   – Boolean                               character……….'A'
   – Character                             string………….."A"
   – String

Primitive Literals: Integers
• Octals are prefixed with a zero:
   – 032
• Hexadecimals are prefixed with a zero and an x:
   – 0x1A
• Follow a literal with ―L‖ to indicate a long
   – 26L
• Upper and lower case are equivalent


Primitive Literals: Floating Point
• Float literals end with an f (or F):
   – 7.1f

• Double literals end with a d (or D):
   – 7.1D

• An ‗e‘ or ‗E‘ is used for scientific notation:
   – 7.1e2

• A floating point number with no final letter is a double:
   – 7.1 is the same as 7.1d

• Upper and lower case are equivalent

Primitive Literals: Escape Sequences
• Some keystrokes can be simulated with an escape sequence:
   – b               backspace
   – f               form feed
   – n               newline
   – r               return
   – t               tab

• Some characters may need to be escaped when used in string literals
   – "              quotation mark
   – ’              apostrophe
   –               backslash

• Hexadecimal Unicode values can also be written ‗uXXXX‘

Declaration and Initialization
• Variables must be declared before they can be used
• Single value variables (not arrays) must be
   initialized before their first use in an expression
   – Declarations and initializations can be combined
   – Use ‗=‘ for assignment (including initialization)
• Examples:

int i, j;
i = 0;
int k=i+1;
float x=1.0, y=2.0;
System.out.println(i); //prints 0

System.out.println(k); //prints 1
System.out.println(j); //compile error

Casting Primitive Types
• Casting creates a new value and allows it to be treated as a
  different type than its source
• Java is a strictly typed language
   – Assigning the wrong type of value to a variable could result in
      a compile error or a JVM exception
• The JVM can implicitly promote from a narrower type to a wider
• To change to a narrower type, you must cast explicitly

                                              double f;
     int a, b;          int d;                long g;
                        short e;

     short c;                                 f = g;
     a = b + c;         e = (short)d;         g = f; //error

Implicit versus Explicit Casting
• Implicit casting is automatic when no loss of information is
• An explicit cast required when there is a ―potential‖ loss of

Implicit versus Explicit Casting
public class ExplicitCasting {
  public static void main( String args[] ) {
    short s = 259;
    byte b = (byte)s;
    System.out.println(" s = " + s + " , b = " + b );

             0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

                                b = (byte)s

                             0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Java Reference Types
• The three references types provided by Java are array, class and
• A reference is a data element that holds the address of a
  memory location.
• A reference variable contains a ―handle‖ to an object.

Constructing and Initializing Objects
• Calling new Xxx() to allocate space for the new object results in:
  memory allocation
• Space for the new object is allocated and instance variables are
  initialized to their default values (for example, 0, false, null,
  and so on)
       • Explicit attribute initialization is performed
       • A constructor is executed
• The reference to the object is assigned to a variable

Constructing and Initializing Objects
public class Shirt {
  public int shirtID = 0;
  public String description = "-description required-";
  public char colorCode = „U‟;
  public double price = 0.0;
  public int quantityInStock = 0;

    public void displayShirtInformation() {
      System.out.println("Shirt ID: " + shirtID);
      System.out.println("Shirt description:" + description);
      System.out.println("Color Code: " + colorCode);
      System.out.println("Shirt price: " + price);
      System.out.println("Quantity in stock: " + quantityInStock);

Constructing and Initializing Objects
public class ShirtTest {
  public static void main (String args[]) {
    int counter = 10;
    Shirt myShirt = new Shirt();
    Shirt yourShirt = new Shirt();

Assigning References
public class ShirtTest {
  public static void main (String args[]) {
    int counter = 10;
    Shirt myShirt = new Shirt();
    Shirt yourShirt = new Shirt();

Pass by value
• In a single Virtual Machine, the Java programming language only
  passes arguments by value.
• If the variable passed is a primitive, only a copy of the variable
  is actually passed to the method. So modifying the variable
  within the method has no effect on the actual variable.
• When you pass an object variable into a method, a copy of the
  reference variable is actually passed.        In this case, both
  variables refer to the same object. If the object is modified
  inside the method, the change is visible in the original variable
• Though the called method can change the object referred by the
  variable passed, it cannot change the actual variable in the
  calling method. In other words, you cannot reassign the original
  reference variable to some other value.

Pass by value
public class PassByValue {
  static void change(MyClass x) {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyClass my = new MyClass();
     System.out.println(my.getNum());   //Prints 9
class MyClass {
  int a = 3;
  void setNum(int a) {
    this.a = a;
  int getNum() {

    return a;

Pass by value
public void foo(Dog d) {
  d = new Dog(“Fifi”);

Dog aDog = new Dog(“Max”);

  The variable passed in (aDog) is not modified! After calling foo,
                aDog still points to the "Max" Dog!

 When an object instance is passed as an argument to a method, the
         value of the argument is a reference to the object.
 The contents of the object can be changed in the called method, but

           the original object reference is never changed.

The this reference
• Here are a few uses of the this keyword:
   – Resolving ambiguity: To reference a member within code that has local
     variables or arguments with the same name as that member
   – To pass the current object as a parameter to another method or

public class MyDate {
  private int day = 1;
  private int month = 1;
  private int year = 2000;
  public MyDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day;
    this.month = month;
    this.year = year;
  public MyDate(MyDate date) { =;

    this.month = date.month;
    this.year = date.year;

Module 04
• Expressions and Flow Control
•   Objectives
•   Variables and Scope
•   Operators
•   Logical Operators
•   Bitwise Logical Operators
•   Right-Shift Operators >> and >>>
•   Left Shift Operator <<
•   Conditional Statement Types: switch
•   The ternary Operator
•   Looping Statement Types: while
•   Looping Statement Types: for
•   for vs. while

•   Branching Statements

• Distinguish between instance and local variables
• Recognize, describe, and use Java software operators
• Identify boolean expressions and their requirements in control
• Use if, switch, for, while, and do constructions and the labeled
  forms of break and continue as flow control structures in a

• A variable's scope is the region of a program within which the
  variable can be referred to
   – Variables declared in:
       • Methods can only be accessed in that method
       • A Loop or a block can only be accessed in that loop or block

• Operators are the ―glue‖ of expressions
• Precedence – which operator is evaluated first – is determined
  explicitly by parentheses or implicitly as follows:

Logical Operators
• The boolean operators are:

      ! – NOT & – AND
      | – OR ^ – XOR

• The short-circuit boolean operators are:

      && – AND || – OR

Bitwise Logical Operators
• The integer bitwise operators are:
       ~ – Complement & – AND
       ^ – XOR        | – OR
• Byte-sized examples:

Right-Shift Operators >> and >>>
• Arithmetic or signed right shift (>>) is used as follows:

• The sign bit is copied during the shift

• 8 >> 1;
• Before shifting: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000
• After Shifting: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100

Right-Shift Operators >> and >>>

Right-Shift Operators >> and >>>
• A logical or unsigned right-shift operator (>>>) is:
       • Used for bit patterns.
       • The sign bit is not copied during the shift.

Left-Shift Operators <<
• Left-shift works as follows:
       128 << 1 returns 128 * 21 = 256
       16 << 2 returns 16 * 22 = 64

Conditional Statement Types: if-else
• An if-else statement is a conditional expression that must return
  a boolean value
• else clause is optional
• Braces are not needed for single statements but highly
  recommended for clarity

if(x > 10) {
  if(x != 20) {
    System.out.println(“x is not 20”);
  else {
    System.out.println(“x = ” + x);

else {
  System.out.println(“x is less than 11”);
Conditional Statement Types: switch
• Switch statements test a single variable for several alternative
• Cases without break will ―fall through‖ (next case will execute)
• default clause handles values not explicitly handled by a case

  switch (day)   {
     case 0:
     case 1:
        rule =   “weekend”;    if (day == 0 || day == 1) {
        break;                    rule = “weekend”;
     case 2:                   } else if (day > 1 && day <7) {
        …                         rule = “weekday”;
     case 6:                   } else {
        rule =   “weekday”;       rule = error;

        break;                 }
        rule =   “error”;
The Ternary Operator
• Shortcut for if-else statement:
   (<boolean-expr> ? <true-choice> : <false-
• Can result in shorter code
   – Make sure code is still readable

  if (x>LIMIT) {
     warning = “Too Big”;
  } else {                              VS.
     warning = null;

           warning = (x>LIMIT) ? “Too Big” : null ;

Looping Statements Types: while
• Executes a statement or block as long as the condition remains
• while () executes zero or more times‘
• do...while() executes at least once.

         int x = 2;
         while (x < 2) {
                         int x = 2;
                         do {

                         } while (x < 2);

Looping Statements Types: for
• A for loop executes the statement or block { } which follows it
   – Evaluates "start expression" once
   – Continues as long as the "test expression" is true
   – Evaluates "increment expression" after each iteration
• A variable can be declared in the for statement
   – Typically used to declare a "counter" variable
   – Typically declared in the ―start‖ expression
   – Its scope is restricted to the loop

    for (start expr; test expr; increment expr) {
             // code to execute repeatedly

           for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
for vs while
• These statements provide equivalent functionality
   – Each can be implemented in terms of the other
• Used in different situations
   – while tends to be used for open-ended looping
   – for tends to be used for looping over a fixed number of

   int sum = 0;
   for (int index = 1; index <= 10; index++)
      sum += index;         int sum = 0;
   }                        int index = 1;
                            while (index <= 10) {

                                 sum += index;
Branching Statements
• break
   – Can be used outside of a switch statement
   – Terminates a for, while or do-while loop
   – Two forms:
       • Labeled: execution continues at next statement outside
         the loop
       • Unlabeled: execution continues at next statement after
         labeled loop
• continue
   – Like break, but merely finishes this round of the loop
   – Labeled and unlabeled form
• return
   – Exits the current method
   – May include an expression to be returned

       • Type must match method‘s return type
       • Return type ―void‖ means no value can be returned

Branching Statements

Branching Statements

public int myMethod(int x) {
   int sum = 0;
   outer: for (int i=0; i<x; i++) {
      inner: for (int j=i; j<x; j++) {
         if (j==1) continue;
         if (j==2) continue outer;
         if (i==3) break;
         if (j==4) break outer;
   return sum;

Module 05
• Arrays
•   Objectives
•   Declaring Arrays
•   Creating Arrays
•   Initializing Arrays
•   Multidimensional Arrays
•   Array Bounds
•   Array Resizing

•   Declare and create arrays of primitive, class, or array types
•   Explain why elements of an array are initialized
•   Explain how to initialize the elements of an array
•   Determine the number of elements in an array
•   Create a multidimensional array

Declaring Arrays
• The primary purpose of an array is to facilitate storing and
  manipulating large quantities of data.
• An array stores a sequence of values that are all of the same
• The method that we use to refer to individual values in an array
  is to number and then index them - if we have N values, we
  think of them as being numbered from 0 to N-1. Then, we can
  unambiguously specify one of them by referring to the ith value
  for any value of i from 0 to N-1.

Creating Arrays
• Use the new keyword to create an array object.
• For example, a primitive (char) array:

public char[] createArray() {
  char[] s;
  s = new char[26];
  for (int i=0;i<26;i++) {
    s[i] = (char)('A'+i);
  return s;

Creating Arrays
• Use the new keyword to create an array object.
• For example, a primitive (char) array:

public Point[] createArray() {
  Point[] p;
  p = new Point[10];
  for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
    p[i] = new Point(i, i+1);
  return p;

Initializing Arrays
• Initialize an array element
• Create an array with initial values:

int [] marks = new int[100];
String [][] s = new String[3][];
String a[] = {new String(“apple”),new String(“mango”)};
int i [][] = {{1,2},{3,4}};

int [] x;
x = new int[100];
for(int i=0;i<x;i++) {
  x[i] = i*i;

Initializing Arrays
public class Point {
  public int xValue;
  public int yValue;
public class NewCircle {
  public Point location;
  public float radius;
  public boolean solid;
NewCircle[] allCircles =
new NewCircle[10];
allCircles[0] = new NewCircle();
allCircles[0] = myNewCircle;
allCircles[1] = new NewCircle();
allCircles[1].location = new Point();
allCircles[1].location.xValue = 6;

allCircles[1].location.yValue = 6;
allCircles[1].radius = 1.3f;
allCircles[1].solid = false;
Multidimensional Arrays
• Arrays of arrays:

Multidimensional Arrays
• Non-rectangular arrays of arrays:

int [][] twoDim   = new int[4][];
twoDim[0] = new   int[2];
twoDim[1] = new   int[4];
twoDim[2] = new   int[6];
twoDim[3] = new   int[8];

int twoDim[][] = new int[4][5];

Array Bounds
• All array subcripts begin at 0

int [] list = new int[10];

for(int i=0;i<list.length;i++) {

double[] v;
v = new double[5];

Array resizing
• Cannot resize an array
• Can use the same reference variable to refer to an entirely new

int myArray[] = new int[6];
myArray = new int[10];

private void resize()   {
  String[] temp = new   String[2*N];
  for (int i = 0; i <   N; i++)
    temp[i] = a[i]; a   = temp;

Module 06
• Class Design
•   Agenda
•   Objectives
•   Classes
•   Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations
•   The class body
•   The class members
•   Classes with only static members
•   Variable initialization
•   More on variable modifiers
•   Methods
•   Java Keywords used with methods

•   Single Inheritance
•   Access Control
•   Overriding Methods
•   The super Keyword
•   Polymorphism
•   The instance of Operator
•   Casting Objects
•   The Object Class
•   The == Operator Compared with the equals method
•   The toString method
•   Wrapper Classes

• Define inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, overriding, and
  virtual method invocation
• Use the access modifiers protected and ―package-friendly‖
• Describe the concepts of constructor and method overloading
• Describe the complete object construction and initialization
• In a Java program, identify the following:
       • Overloaded methods and constructors
       • The use of this to call overloaded constructors
       • Overridden methods
       • Invocation of super class methods
       • Parent class constructors
       • Invocation of parent class constructors

• Classes are the core concept of the Java language.
• It is essential to understand how to create a class.
• Java classes are always defined inside a single source code file.
• package and import statements at the start of the file tell the
  compiler which resources can be used to compile the class.
• A class is defined with a declaration followed by a block of code
  inside a bracket pair.
• At the start of the declaration, keywords describe where the
  class fits in the Java class hierarchy and control the
  accessibility of the class.

• The components of a class declaration are as follows:
   – Class modifiers— An optional set of keywords.
   – Class keyword— The word "class" must appear here.
   – Class name— A Java name that must be unique within
     the package.
   – Superclass name— Optionally, the word extends
     followed by the name of the parent class. If this does
     not appear, the class extends java.lang.Object by
   – Interfaces implemented— Optionally, the word
     implements followed by a list of interface names.
   – Class body— The code that declares the fields and
     methods of the class.



Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations
• public.-This class is visible to all classes in the program. If this
  word is not used, this class is visible only within the package.

• abstract.-The abstract keyword must be used if a class contains
  one or more abstract method(s). However, a class may be
  declared abstract even if it does not contain any abstract
  method. A class declared abstract cannot be used to create an

• final.-This class cannot be subclassed. This word cannot be
  used with abstract.

Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations
• extends.-The class name following this keyword is the parent of
  this class. If this word is not used, the Object class is the parent.
• implements.-This class provides for all the methods required by
  the interfaces that follow this keyword. Any number of
  interfaces can be implemented.
• Classes cannot be protected, private, native, or
• The words "abstract" and "final" cannot appear together
  because an abstract class, by definition, must be extended
  before it can be used.

The class body
• The class body contains the declarations of the members of the
• These include fields (variables), methods, static initializers,
  instance initializers, and constructors.
• You can also have class definitions inside a class body.
• These nested classes are considered to be members of the
  enclosing class and have a special relationship with it.

The class members
• Access to class members of all types is controlled by access
  modifier keywords and the no-keyword default as follows:
   – public— A public member is accessible from any class in the
   – protected— A protected member can be accessed only by
     classes in the same package and classes derived from the
     current class—no matter which package they are in.
   – private— A private member can be accessed only from within
     the class.
   – default— If none of the other access modifier keywords
     appear, the default applies (access only by classes in the
     same package).
   – Other keywords that can be applied to class members are
     static, final, abstract, native, transient, volatile, strictfp,
     and synchronized.

Classes with only static members
• It is quite feasible to have classes that have only static
• These classes do not have public constructors and cannot be
  used to create an object.
• An example of this is the Math class in the Java standard library,
  which is used to provide typical mathematical functions. You
  address the static variables and methods with notation similar to
  that used with instance variables but with the name of the class
  instead of an instance reference, as shown in the following

area = Math.PI * rad * rad ; // addressing a static constant
root = Math.sqrt( area ) ; // addressing a static method

Variable initialization
• Both instance variables and class (static) variables have default
  initialization values that are used if the variable declaration
  statement does not include initial values.
• Class variables are initialized when the class is loaded by the
  JVM, and instance variables are initialized when an object is
• In contrast, there is no default initialization for variables that
  are declared inside the scope of methods or smaller code blocks.
   – Integer primitives are initialized to 0.
   – Floating-point primitives are initialized to 0.0.
   – Boolean primitives are initialized to false.
   – Reference variables are initialized to null.

More on variable modifiers
• The modifiers abstract, native, and synchronized are not used
  with variable declarations.
• The keyword transient is used to indicate variables that do not
  need to be saved when an object is saved using the object
  serialization methods.
• The keyword volatile is used to signal to the compiler that the
  designated variable may be changed by multiple threads and
  that the compiler cannot take any shortcuts when writing the
  code responsible for retrieving the value in this variable.

More on variable modifiers

• Methods are defined with a method declaration. The elements in
  a method declaration are access modifier, additional modifiers,
  return type, method name, parameter list, and exceptions.
• The combination of name and parameter list constitutes the
  method signature.
• Note that if one of the access modifiers—public, private, or
  protected—does not appear, the default is visibility within the

Java keywords used with Methods
• public.-The method is visible to all classes in the program.
• private.-The method is visible only inside the class.
• protected.-The method is visible to classes inside the package
  and to subclasses.
• final.-The method cannot be overridden in subclasses.
• abstract.-The method is declared without an implementation.
• static.-The method is independent of any object of the class but
  can address only static variables.
• native.-The native modifier indicates that the method is not
  written in the Java language, but in a native language

Java keywords used with Methods
• strictfp.- The strictfp keyword, which is used only for methods
  and classes, forces floating points to adhere to IEE754 standard
• synchronized.- A Thread entering this method obtains a lock on
  the object, which prevents other Threads from entering any
  synchronized code for the object.
• throws.-This word introduces a list of checked exceptions that
  the method may throw.
• void.-If the method does not return a value, the word void must
  appear as the return type.

Single Inheritance
• When a class inherits from only one class, it is called single
• Interfaces provide the benefits of multiple inheritance without

Single Inheritance
• Each subclass inherits the fields of its superclass
    – These fields in the superclass may have been inherited from
      classes even further up in the class hierarchy
• Each subclass inherits the methods of its superclass
• –An object will understand all messages which its class has
  implemented or its superclass has either inherited or implemented

Single Inheritance

Access Control

Access Control

Access Control

Overriding Methods
• A subclass can modify behavior inherited from a parent class.
• A subclass can create a method with different functionality than
  the parent‘s method but with the same:

   – Name
   – Return type
   – Argument list

The super keyword
• Only constructors within the class being instantiated and within
  the immediate superclass can be invoked
• A constructor can call another constructor in its superclass using
  the keyword super and the parameter list
       • The parameter list must match that of an existing
         constructor in the superclass
• Constructors in the same class are invoked with the keyword this
  and the parameter list
• The first line of your constructor can be one of:
   – super(…);
   – this(…);

The super keyword

The super keyword
• Superclass objects are built before the subclass
   – The compiler supplies an implicit super() call for all
   – super(…) initializes superclass members
• If the first line of your constructor is not a call to another
  constructor, super() is called automatically
   – Zero-argument constructor in the superclass is called as
     a result
   – This can cause an error if the superclass does not have a
     zero-argument constructor

The super keyword
• If you do not provide any constructors, a default zero argument
  constructor is provided for you
   – The default zero-argument constructor just makes a call
     to super()
• If you implement any constructor, Java will no longer provide
  you with the default zero-argument constructor
   – You can write your own zero-argument constructor
     which behaves like the default constructor (that is, just
     makes an implicit call to super())

• Polymorphism means ―any forms‖
• In object oriented programming, it refers to the capability of
  objects to read differently to the same method
• Polymorphism can be implemented in the Java language in the
  form of multiple methods having the same name
• Java code uses late-binding technique to support polymorphism;
  the method to be invoked is decided at runtime


The instance of Operator
public class Employee extends Object
public class Manager extends Employee
public class Engineer extends Employee

public void doSomething(Employee e) {
  if (e instanceof Manager) {
    // Process a Manager
  } else if (e instanceof Engineer) {
    // Process an Engineer
  } else {
    // Process any other type of Employee

Casting Objects
• Use instanceof to test the type of an object
• Restore full functionality of an object by casting
• Check for proper casting using the following guidelines:
   – Casts up hierarchy are done implicitly.
   – Downward casts must be to a subclass and checked by
     the compiler.
   – The object type is checked at runtime when runtime
     errors can occur.

Casting Objects

The Object Class
• The Object class is the root of all classes in Java
• A class declaration with no extends clause, implicitly uses
   ―extends the Object
           public class Employee {
is equivalent to:
           public class Employee extends Object {

The Object Class
• Object doesn't have any instance variables but it does have a
  small number of methods.

The == Operator Compared with the equals method
• The == operator determines if two references are identical to
  each other (that is, refer to the same object).
• The equals method determines if objects are ―equal‖ but not
  necessarily identical.
• The Object implementation of the equals method uses the ==
• User classes can override the equals method to implement a
  domain-specific test for equality.
• Note: You should override the hashCode method if you override
  the equals method.

Equals Example
public class EqualTest {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

        Double Obj1 = new Double(2.43);
        Double Obj2 = new Double(2.43);
        Double Obj3 = Obj1;

        System.out.println("These objects are equal: ");
        System.out.println(Obj1 == Obj2);
        System.out.println(Obj1 == Obj3);

The toString method
• Converts an object to a String.
• Used during string concatenation.
• Override this method to provide information about a user-
  defined object in readable format.
• Primitive types are converted to a String using the wrapper
  class‘s toString static method.

The toString method
public class Person {
  private String name;
  private int age;
  private String hobby;

 public Person(String name, int age, String hobby) { = name;
   this.age = age;
   this.hobby = hobby;
 public String toString() {
   String description; description = "Name: " + + ", Age:
   " + this.age + ", Hobby: " + this.hobby;
   return description;


Wrapper Classes
• The wrapper classes in the Java API serve two primary purposes:

   – To provide a mechanism to ―wrap‖ primitive values in an
     object so that the primitives can be included in activities
     reserved for objects, like as being added to Collections, or
     returned from a method with an object return value.
   – To provide an assortment of utility functions for primitives.
     Most of these functions are related to various conversions:
     converting primitives to and from String objects, and
     converting primitives and String objects to and from different
     bases (or radix), such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

Wrapper Classes

Module 07
• Advanced Class Features
•   Objectives
•   Relevance
•   The static Keyword
•   Class Attributes
•   Class Methods
•   Static Initializers
•   Abstract Classes
•   Abstract Modifiers
•   Abstract Methods
•   Abstract Class and Reference
•   Abstract Classes Example

•   Interfaces
•   Interface Example
•   Uses of Interfaces
•   Nested Classes
•   Properties of Nested Classes
•   Nested and Inner Classes

•   Describe static variables, methods, and initializers
•   Describe final classes, methods, and variables
•   Explain how and when to use abstract classes and methods
•   Explain how and when to use nested classes
•   Distinguish between static and non-static nested classes
•   Explain how and when to use an interface
•   In a Java software program, identify:
        • static methods and attributes
        • final methods and attributes
        • Nested classes
        • interface and abstract classes
        • abstract methods

The static Keyword
• The static keyword is used as a
    modifier on variables, methods,
           and nested classes.
• The static keyword declares the
   attribute or method is associated
    with the class as a whole rather
  than any particular instance of that
 • Thus static members are often
   called “class members,” such as
       “class attributes” or “class

Class Attributes
• Are shared among all instances of a class
• Can be accessed from outside the class without an instance of
  the class (if marked as public)

public class Count {
  private int serialNumber;
  private static int counter = 0;

   public Count() {
        serialNumber = counter;

          public class OtherClass {

               public void incrementNumber() {
Class Attributes
• You can invoke static method without any instance of the class
  to which it belongs

   public class Count2 {
        private int serialNumber;
        private static int counter = 0;

           public static int getTotalCount() {
             return counter;

           public Count2() {
                    serialNumber = counter;


Class Attributes
public class TestCounter {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.out.println("Number of counter is “ +
       Count count1 = new Count();
       System.out.println( "Number of counter is “ +

Static Initializers
• A class can contain code in a static block that does not exist
  within a method body
• Static block code executes only once, when the class is loaded
• A static block is usually used to initialize static (class) attributes

    public class Count4 {
        public static int counter;
        static {
             counter = Integer.getInteger("myApp.Count4.counter").
    public class TestStaticInit {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

         System.out.println("counter = "+ Count4.counter);

Abstract Classes
• A class must be declared abstract if it has one or more methods
• declared abstract.
• You may declare a class abstract even if it has no abstract
• Language designers use abstract classes to establish a pattern
  that can be filled out with concrete methods for a specific
  situation. For example, the java.lang.Number class is abstract
  because the language designers wanted to specify a set of
  methods that all the wrapper classes representing numbers, such
  as Integer, have to implement.

Abstract Classes
• Java designers also like to use abstract classes to define a set of
  public final static variable values—the nearest thing Java has to
  constants. This way, all derived classes are forced to use the
  same set of constants. For example, the Calendar abstract class
  in the java.util package has int constants for the months of the

Abstract Classes

Abstract Modifiers
• The abstract modifier can be used in two ways, with a class and
  with a method
• When a class uses the abstract modifier with the class
  declaration, it is called an abstract class
• An abstract modifier is used with a class to indicate that the
  class cannot be instantiated
• The abstract modifier, when used in a method declaration, gives
  an abstract method
• The keyword abstract is used before the keyword class to define
  a class as an abstract class.

Abstract Methods
• The abstract modifier, when used in a method declaration, gives
  an abstract method
• Abstract methods can be present only inside an abstract class
• The following is the general structure of declaring an abstract

abstract returntype methodName(listofarguments);

Abstract Class and Reference
• Although we cannot instantiate an abstract class, we can create
  a reference to it
• This reference can be assigned references of sub-classes of the
• This feature is very useful in achieving polymorphism

Abstract Class Example

• A ―public interface‖ is a contract between client code and
  the class that implements that interface.
• A Java interface is a formal declaration of such a contract in
  which all methods contain no implementation.
• Many unrelated classes can implement the same interface.
• A class can implement many unrelated interfaces.

Interface Example

Interface Example

Interface Example

Interface Example

public class Bird extends Animal implements Flyer {
     public void takeOff() { /* take-off implementation */ }
     public void land() { /* landing implementation */ }
     public void fly() { /* fly implementation */ }
     public void buildNest() { /* nest building behavior */ }
     public void layEggs() { /* egg laying behavior */ }
     public void eat() { /* override eating behavior */ }

Nested Classes
• Allow a class definition to be placed inside another class
• Group classes that logically belong together
• Have access to their enclosing class‘s scope

class OuterClass {
   class NestedClass {

Nested Classes

Nested Classes
• Nested static class— A named class declared static. It can
  directly access only static variables and methods. It is
  considered a top-level class, and may be declared with the usual
  access modifiers for classes.
• Nested interface— A named interface, declared as a static
  member of a class, typically used for defining methods used to
  access the enclosing class. As usual with interfaces, it is
  assumed to be public.
• Inner class (member)— A named class defined as a member of
  the enclosing class. It must be associated with an instance of the
  enclosing class. There can be multiple member inner classes in
  an enclosing class. You can also have an inner class contained in
  an inner class. Member inner classes can be declared as public,
  private, protected, final, or abstract, but they cannot have the
  same name as any enclosing class.

Nested Classes
• Inner class (local)— A named class defined in a code block in a
  method of the enclosing class. The inner class can access local
  variables in the method and parameters passed to the method
  only if the variables are declared final. As with a local variable,
  the inner class cannot be accessed outside the code block; in
  other words, the scope of the class is confined to the code
• Inner class (anonymous)— A class defined inside a single
  expression, having no name or constructor method. These
  classes can access local variables in the method and parameters
  passed to the method only if they are declared final.

Nested Classes

Nested Classes

Nested Classes

Properties of Nested Classes
•   Nested class names must be adequately qualified.
•   Nested classes defined in a method are called local.
•   Local classes can access final local variables.
•   Nested classes can be abstract.
•   Interfaces can be nested.
•   Nested classes can access static members of enclosing scopes.
•   Non-local classes can have any access protection.
•   Nested and enclosing classes are compiled together.

Nested and Inner Classes
• Nested classes can be declared static.
• Non-static nested classes are called inner classes.
• Inner classes can access members of their enclosing instance
  using the this reference.
• Inner classes cannot declare static members except compile
  time constants.

Module 08
• Exceptions and Assertions
•   Objectives
•   Exceptions
•   Exception Handling
•   Exception sources
•   The exception hierarchy
•   Handling exceptions
•   keywords
•   try/catch blocks
•   The catch clause
•   The finally clause
•   Nested exception handling

• The throw keyword
• Handling runtime exceptions
• Assertions

•   Define exceptions
•   Use try, catch, and finally statements
•   Describe exception categories
•   Identify common exceptions
•   Develop programs to handle your own exceptions
•   Use assertions
•   Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
•   Disable assertions at runtime

• An exception is an event or condition that disrupts the normal
  flow of execution in a program
   – Exceptions are errors in a Java program
   – The condition causes the system to throw an exception
   – The flow of control is interrupted and a handler will catch
     the exception

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int i = 0;
    String greetings[] = { "Hello world!", "No, I mean it!",
                          "HELLO WORLD!!" };
    while (i < 4) {

Exception Handling
• Exception handling is object-oriented
   – It encapsulates unexpected conditions in an object
   – It provides an elegant way to make programs robust
   – It isolates abnormal from regular flow of control

Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course
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Java Programming: Intermediate Java Course

  • 1. PJ-060. Curso de Programación Java Intermedio. Borrador
  • 2. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Reconocimiento 2.5 México de Creative Commons. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite o envíe una carta a Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA. Borrador
  • 3. Acerca de: En la compilación de esta obra se utilizaron libros conocidos en el ambiente Java, gráficas, esquemas, figuras de sitios de internet, conocimiento adquirido en los cursos oficiales de la tecnología Java. En ningún momento se intenta violar los derechos de autor tomando en cuenta que el conocimiento es universal y por lo tanto se puede desarrollar una idea a partir de otra. La intención de publicar este material en la red es compartir el esfuerzo realizado y que otras personas puedan usar y tomar como base el material aquí presentado para crear y desarrollar un material mucho más completo que pueda servir para divulgar el conocimiento. Atte. ISC Raúl Oramas Bustillos. Borrador
  • 4. CONTENIDO Modulo 01: La tecnología Java. Modulo 02: Programación Orientada a Objetos. Modulo 03: Identificadores, tipos y palabras reservadas. Modulo 04: Expresiones y control de flujo. Modulo 05: Arreglos. Modulo 06: Diseño de clases I. Modulo 07: Diseño de clases II. Modulo 08: Excepciones y asertos. Borrador
  • 5. CONTENIDO Modulo 09: Colecciones. Modulo 10: Threads. Borrador
  • 6. Module 01 • Java Technology
  • 7. Agenda • Introduction • History of Java • What is Java technology? • Why is Java technology important? • What are the Java components technology components? Borrador
  • 8. Objectives • Describe key features of Java Borrador
  • 9. Introduction • The Java programming language has a construct similar to that of C++ • The Java programming language has simplified many of the complicated and ambiguous structures present in C++ • Another major advantage that Java brought along with it is the concept of platform independence Borrador
  • 10. History of Java • Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan and James Gosling of SUN Microsystems started a new project called the Green Project towards the end of 1990 • The team came up with a device called star 7 (*7) • Star 7 used a processor-independent language called Oak to adapt to a variety of platforms and appliances • Oak evolved into a language that enabled programmers to write executable code that could be distributed through Internet • This newly evolved language was called Java Borrador
  • 11. History of Java Borrador
  • 12. What is Java technology? • Java technology is both a high-level, object-oriented programming language and a platform. • Java technology is based on the concept of a single Java virtual machine (JVM) -- a translator between the language and the underlying software and hardware. • All implementations of the programming language must emulate the JVM, enabling Java programs to run on any system that has a version of the JVM. • The Java programming language is unusual because Java programs are both compiled (translated into an intermediate language called Java bytecode) and interpreted (bytecode parsed and run by the JVM). Borrador
  • 13. What is Java technology? • Compilation occurs once, and interpretation happens each time the program runs. Compiled bytecode is a form of optimized machine code for the JVM; the interpreter is an implementation of the JVM. Java bytecode is machine code for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Borrador
  • 14. What is Java technology? • The Java platform is a software- only platform that runs on top of various hardware-based platforms. It comes in three versions. • It consists of the JVM and the Java Application Programming Interface (API), a large collection of ready-made software components (classes). • The Java API is grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; the libraries are known as packages A platform is an environment on which programs can be executed Borrador
  • 15. What is Java technology? • Along with the Java API, every full implementation of the Java platform includes: – Development tools for compiling, running, monitoring, debugging, and documenting applications. – Standard mechanisms for deploying applications to users. – User interface toolkits that make it possible to create sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs). – Integration libraries that enable database access and manipulation of remote objects. Borrador
  • 16. Why is Java technology important? • The main benefit of the Java language is the portability of Java applications across hardware platforms and operating systems -- possible because the JVM installed on each platform understands the same bytecode. Borrador
  • 17. Why is Java technology important? Three editions of the Java platform make it easier for software developers, service providers, and device manufacturers to target specific markets: • Java SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition). • Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition). • Java ME (Java Platform, Micro Edition). Borrador
  • 18. What are the Java technology components? • Technologies in Java SE: • Java Foundation Classes (Swing) (JFC) • Java Management Extensions (JMX) • JavaHelp • Java Media Framework (JMF) • Java Native Interface (JNI) • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI • Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) • Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) • Java 2D API • Java Speech API (JSAPI) • Java Web Start • Java 3D is an API • Certification Path API • Metadata Facility • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) • Java Content Repository API • Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) • Enumerations • Java Authentication and Authorization Service • Generics (JAAS) • Concurrency Utilities • Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) • Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) • Java Data Objects (JDO) • SOAP with Attachments API for Java Borrador
  • 19. What are the Java technology components? • Technologies in J2EE: • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) • J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) • Portlet Specification • J2EE Management Specification (JMX) • JavaMail • Java Transaction API (JTA) • Java Message Service (JMS) • JavaServer Faces (JSF) • JavaServer Pages (JSP) • Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) • Java Servlets Borrador
  • 20. What are the Java technology components? • Technologies in J2ME: • Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) • Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) • Connected Device Configuration (CDC) • Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME (M3G) Borrador
  • 21. Module 02 • Object Oriented Programming
  • 22. Agenda • Objectives • What is Object-Oriented Programming? • Objects • Classes • Message and Object Communication • OO in Java • Declaring Java Classes • Declaring Attributes • Declaring Methods • Example Methods and Attributes • Declaring Constructors • The Default Constructor Borrador
  • 23. Agenda • Source File Layout • The package Statement • The package and import Statement • Packages and visibility Borrador
  • 24. Objectives • Define class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and package • Use the access modifiers private and public as appropriate for the guidelines of encapsulation • Invoke a method on a particular object • In a Java program, identify the following: ― The package statement ― The import statements ― Classes, methods, and attributes ― Constructors Borrador
  • 25. What is Object-Oriented Programming? • A set of implementation techniques that: – Can be done in any programming language – May be very difficult to do in some programming languages • A strong reflection of software engineering – Abstract data types – Information hiding (encapsulation) • A way of encouraging code reuse – Produces more malleable systems • A way of keeping the programmer in touch with the problem – Real world objects and actions match program objects and actions Borrador
  • 26. Objects • Objects are: – Are building blocks for systems – Contain data that can be used or modified • Bundle of variables and related methods • An object possesses: – Identity • A means of distinguishing it from other objects – State • What the object remembers – Interface • Messages the object responds to – Behavior • What the object can do Borrador
  • 27. Classes • A class – Defines the characteristics and variables common to all objects of that class • Objects of the same class are similar with respect to: – Interface – Behavior – State • Used to instantiate (create an instance of) specific objects • Provide the ability of reusability Borrador
  • 28. Message and Object Communication • Objects communicate via messages • Messages in Java correspond to method calls (invocations) • Three components comprise a message: 1. The object to whom the message is addressed 2. The name of the method to perform 3. Any parameters needed by the method sender target setSomething() Borrador
  • 29. OO in Java • The Java language is a mixture of objects and no objects • The Java language gives every OO programmer the tools necessary to follow all of the OO rules and produce very OO code, but doing so requires discipline • Language elements: – Class-based object-oriented programming language with inheritance – A class is a template that defines how an object will look and behave once instantiated • Java supports both instance and class (static) variables and methods Borrador
  • 30. OO in Java • Nearly everything is an object – They are accessed via references – Their behavior can be exposed via public methods – They are instantiated using the new construct • Classes in Java may have methods and attributes. • Methods define actions that a class can perform. • Attributes describe the class. Borrador
  • 31. Declaring Java Classes • Classes have two types of members: variables (or data members) and methods. • All of the member‘s of a class are defined within the class‘s body, which exits between a single set of curly braces for the class • Basic syntax of a Java class: < modifiers> class < class_name> { [< attribute_declarations>] [< constructor_declarations>] [< method_declarations>] } Borrador
  • 32. Declaring Attributes • A variable has an access specifier, a data type, a name, and (optionally) an initial value • Basic syntax of an attribute: <modifiers><type><name>[=<initial_value>] public class Computer { boolean cpu,keyboard,mouse; //attributes String monitor; //attribute } Borrador
  • 33. Declaring Methods • The methods of a class define what it can do • There are two flavors of method in the Java language: – Constructors – Other methods • Basic syntax of a method: • Every method has a return type, but not every method return} <modifiers><return_type><name>([argument_list]) { something • If the method returns nothing, you use the keyword void as return type Borrador
  • 34. Example Methods and Attributes public class Dog { private int weight; //attribute public int getWeight() { //method return weight; } public void setWeight(int newWeight) { //method weight = newWeight; } } Borrador
  • 35. Example Methods and Attributes public class Cat { private String animalType = “feline”; //default value private String catColor”; //attribute public Cat() { //constructor catColor = “black”; } public Cat(String colorIn) { //overloaded constructor setCatColor(colorIn); } public String getCatColor() { //getter return catColor; } public void setCatColor(String color) { //mutator catColor = color; } } Borrador
  • 36. Declaring Constructors • A constructor is used when creating an object from a class. • The constructor name must match the name of the class and must not have a return type. • They can be overloaded, but they are not inherited by subclasses. • Basic syntax of a constructor: <modifier><class_name><name>([argument_list]) { <[argument_list]> } Borrador
  • 37. Declaring Constructors • Example: public class Dog { private int weight; private String name = "noname"; public Dog(String name) { = name; } public int getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(int newWeight) { weight = newWeight; } } Borrador
  • 38. Declaring Constructors • A constructor can be invoked only from other constructors. • To invoke a constructor in the same class, invoke the this() function with matching arguments. public class Circle { public double radio; public Circle(double r) { = r; } public Circle() { this(1.0); } public double circumferencia() { return 2 * Math.PI; } public double area() { return Math.PI * radio * radio; } public static void main(String[] args) { Circle obj1 = new Circle(); Circle obj2 = new Circle(5.6); } } Borrador
  • 39. The Default Constructor • There is always at least one constructor in every class. • If the writer does not supply any constructors, the default constructor is present automatically: ― The default constructor takes no arguments ― The default constructor body is empty • Enables you to create object instances with new Xxx() without having to write a constructor. • A constructor cannot have any return type even void. • You can't make a new object without invoking a constructor. • Every class, including abstract classes, must have a constructor. • Constructors are never inherited, thus cannot be overriden. Borrador
  • 40. Source File Layout • Logically, Java programs are made up of classes that are grouped into packages. Physically, your program is written in a collection of source code files. Almost every Java compiler in the world forces this organization: 1. package declaration 2. import declaration 3. class declaration Borrador
  • 41. The package statement • Every Java object exits in a package. • A package is simply a set of objects, all of which are related in some way. • Classes can be grouped: – Logically, according to the model you are building – As sets designed to be used together Packages refer to a file path – For convenience on your file system. Packages • By convention, package names are in names use dot notation to lower case translate that file path into something the Java platform • Different packages can contain classes with the same name understands Borrador
  • 42. The package statement package mystuff; public class MyStuffClass { public void callMe() { System.out.println("MyStuffClass"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Inside mystuff.MyStuffClass"); } } package yourstuff; public class YourStuffClass { public void callMe() { System.out.println(“YourStuffClass"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Inside yourstuff.YourStuffClass"); } } Borrador
  • 43. The package statement package ourstuff; public class OurStuffClass { public void callMe() { System.out.println("OurStuffClass"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Inside ourstuff.OurStuffClass"); } } Borrador
  • 44. The package and import Statement package mainstuff; import ourstuff.*; import yourstuff.*; import mystuff.*; public class RunStuff { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Inside RunStuff"); MyStuffClass msc = new MyStuffClass(); msc.callMe(); YourStuffClass ysc = new YourStuffClass(); ysc.callMe(); OurStuffClass osc = new OurStuffClass(); osc.callMe(); } } Borrador
  • 45. The package and import Statement • When an object makes use of objects in other packages, the Java compiler needs to know where to find them • An import statement tells the compiler where to find the classes. • You can have many imports as you need to tell Java where to find all the classes: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; Borrador
  • 46. Packages and visibility • Visibility of a class controls the capability of other classes to create objects or gain access to the variables and methods in the class. • There are various types of visibility, as follows: – Public – Protected – Default, or package – Private Borrador
  • 47. Packages and visibility • Private access: The private keyword is not used with classes, only with variables and methods. A private variable or method can be used within a class only. Borrador
  • 48. Packages and visibility • Public access: A class, variable, or method declared public can be used by any class in the program. Borrador
  • 49. Packages and visibility • Package access: If none of the visibility keywords is used, the item is said to have package visibility, meaning that only classes in the same package can use it. Borrador
  • 50. Packages and visibility • Protected access: A variable or method declared protected can be used only by classes in the same package or in a derived class in the same or a different package. Borrador
  • 51. Module 03 • Identifiers, Keywords and Types
  • 52. Agenda • Objectives • Comments • Semicolons, Blocks, and White Space • Identifiers • Java keywords • Primitive Types • Primitive: Integers • Primitive: Floating Points • Primitive: Characters • Primitive: Booleans • Primitive Literals • Primitive Literals: Integers Borrador
  • 53. Agenda • Primitive Literals: Floating Point • Primitive Literals: Escape Sequences • Declarations and Initialization • Casting Primitive Types • Implicit versus Explicit Casting • Java Reference Types • Constructing and Initializing Objects • Assigning References • Pass by Value • The this Reference Borrador
  • 54. Objectives • Use comments in a source program • Distinguish between valid and invalid identifiers • Recognize Java technology keywords • List the eight primitive types • Define literal values for numeric and textual types • Define the terms primitive variable and reference variable • Declare variables of class type • Construct an object using new • Describe default initialization • Describe the significance of a reference variable • State the consequences of assigning variables of class type Borrador
  • 55. Comments The three permissible styles of comment in a Java program are: Borrador
  • 56. Semicolons, Blocks and White Space • A statement is one or more lines of code terminated by a semicolon (;): System.out.println( This is part of the same line); a = 0; b = 1; c = 2 • Several statements can be written on one line, or can be split over several lines • A block is a collection of statements bound by opening and closing braces: { x = y + 1; y = x + 1; } Borrador
  • 57. Semicolons, Blocks and White Space • Any amount of white space is allowed in a Java program • Spaces, blank lines, and tabs are collectively called white space • White space is used to separate words and symbols in a program • Extra white space is ignored • A valid Java program can be formatted many different ways • Programs should be formatted to enhance readability, using consistent indentation public class HelloWorld { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println(“Hellow World!!”); }} Borrador
  • 58. Identifiers • Are names given to a variable, class, or method • Can start with a Unicode letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($) • Are case-sensitive and have no maximum length • Examples: An_Identifier a_2nd_Identifier  An-Identifier 2nd_Identifier  Go2 goto $10 10$ Borrador
  • 59. Identifiers • Yourname, yourname, yourName, YourName – These are four different identifiers • Conventions: – Package: all lower case • theexample – Class: initial upper case, composite words with upper case • TheExample – Method/field: initial lower, composite words with upper case • theExample – Constants: all upper case • THE_EXAMPLE Borrador
  • 60. Java Keywords abstract continue goto package synchronized assert default if private this boolean do implements protected throw break double import public throws byte else instanceof return transient case extends int short try catch final interface static void char finally long strictfp volatile class float native super while const for new switch Borrador
  • 61. Primitive Types Borrador
  • 62. Primitive: Integers • Signed whole numbers • Initialized to zero Borrador
  • 63. Primitive: Floating Points • ―General‖ numbers – Can have fractional parts • Initialized to zero Borrador
  • 64. Primitive: Characters • Char is any unsigned Unicode character • Initialized to zero (u0000) Borrador
  • 65. Primitive: Booleans • boolean values are distinct in Java – Can only have a true or false value – An int value can NOT be used in place of a boolean • Initialized to false Borrador
  • 66. Primitive Literals • A literal is a value • There are five kinds of literals: Literals integer…………..7 – Integer floating point…7.0f – Floating point boolean……….true – Boolean character……….'A' – Character string………….."A" – String Borrador
  • 67. Primitive Literals: Integers • Octals are prefixed with a zero: – 032 • Hexadecimals are prefixed with a zero and an x: – 0x1A • Follow a literal with ―L‖ to indicate a long – 26L • Upper and lower case are equivalent Decimal: 26 Borrador
  • 68. Primitive Literals: Floating Point • Float literals end with an f (or F): – 7.1f • Double literals end with a d (or D): – 7.1D • An ‗e‘ or ‗E‘ is used for scientific notation: – 7.1e2 • A floating point number with no final letter is a double: – 7.1 is the same as 7.1d • Upper and lower case are equivalent Borrador
  • 69. Primitive Literals: Escape Sequences • Some keystrokes can be simulated with an escape sequence: – b backspace – f form feed – n newline – r return – t tab • Some characters may need to be escaped when used in string literals – " quotation mark – ’ apostrophe – backslash • Hexadecimal Unicode values can also be written ‗uXXXX‘ Borrador
  • 70. Declaration and Initialization • Variables must be declared before they can be used • Single value variables (not arrays) must be initialized before their first use in an expression – Declarations and initializations can be combined – Use ‗=‘ for assignment (including initialization) • Examples: int i, j; i = 0; int k=i+1; float x=1.0, y=2.0; System.out.println(i); //prints 0 System.out.println(k); //prints 1 System.out.println(j); //compile error Borrador
  • 71. Casting Primitive Types • Casting creates a new value and allows it to be treated as a different type than its source • Java is a strictly typed language – Assigning the wrong type of value to a variable could result in a compile error or a JVM exception • The JVM can implicitly promote from a narrower type to a wider type • To change to a narrower type, you must cast explicitly double f; int a, b; int d; long g; short e; short c; f = g; a = b + c; e = (short)d; g = f; //error Borrador
  • 72. Implicit versus Explicit Casting • Implicit casting is automatic when no loss of information is possible • An explicit cast required when there is a ―potential‖ loss of accuracy Borrador
  • 73. Implicit versus Explicit Casting public class ExplicitCasting { public static void main( String args[] ) { short s = 259; byte b = (byte)s; System.out.println(" s = " + s + " , b = " + b ); } } 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 b = (byte)s 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Borrador
  • 74. Java Reference Types • The three references types provided by Java are array, class and interface. • A reference is a data element that holds the address of a memory location. • A reference variable contains a ―handle‖ to an object. Borrador
  • 75. Constructing and Initializing Objects • Calling new Xxx() to allocate space for the new object results in: memory allocation • Space for the new object is allocated and instance variables are initialized to their default values (for example, 0, false, null, and so on) • Explicit attribute initialization is performed • A constructor is executed • The reference to the object is assigned to a variable Borrador
  • 76. Constructing and Initializing Objects public class Shirt { public int shirtID = 0; public String description = "-description required-"; public char colorCode = „U‟; public double price = 0.0; public int quantityInStock = 0; public void displayShirtInformation() { System.out.println("Shirt ID: " + shirtID); System.out.println("Shirt description:" + description); System.out.println("Color Code: " + colorCode); System.out.println("Shirt price: " + price); System.out.println("Quantity in stock: " + quantityInStock); } } Borrador
  • 77. Constructing and Initializing Objects public class ShirtTest { public static void main (String args[]) { int counter = 10; Shirt myShirt = new Shirt(); Shirt yourShirt = new Shirt(); } } Borrador
  • 78. Assigning References public class ShirtTest { public static void main (String args[]) { int counter = 10; Shirt myShirt = new Shirt(); Shirt yourShirt = new Shirt(); } } Borrador
  • 79. Pass by value • In a single Virtual Machine, the Java programming language only passes arguments by value. • If the variable passed is a primitive, only a copy of the variable is actually passed to the method. So modifying the variable within the method has no effect on the actual variable. • When you pass an object variable into a method, a copy of the reference variable is actually passed. In this case, both variables refer to the same object. If the object is modified inside the method, the change is visible in the original variable also. • Though the called method can change the object referred by the variable passed, it cannot change the actual variable in the calling method. In other words, you cannot reassign the original reference variable to some other value. Borrador
  • 80. Pass by value public class PassByValue { static void change(MyClass x) { x.setNum(9); } public static void main(String[] args) { MyClass my = new MyClass(); change(my); System.out.println(my.getNum()); //Prints 9 } } class MyClass { int a = 3; void setNum(int a) { this.a = a; } int getNum() { return a; } } Borrador
  • 81. Pass by value public void foo(Dog d) { d = new Dog(“Fifi”); } Dog aDog = new Dog(“Max”); foo(aDog); The variable passed in (aDog) is not modified! After calling foo, aDog still points to the "Max" Dog! When an object instance is passed as an argument to a method, the value of the argument is a reference to the object. The contents of the object can be changed in the called method, but the original object reference is never changed. Borrador
  • 82. The this reference • Here are a few uses of the this keyword: – Resolving ambiguity: To reference a member within code that has local variables or arguments with the same name as that member – To pass the current object as a parameter to another method or constructor public class MyDate { private int day = 1; private int month = 1; private int year = 2000; public MyDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day; this.month = month; this.year = year; } public MyDate(MyDate date) { =; this.month = date.month; this.year = date.year; } } Borrador
  • 83. Module 04 • Expressions and Flow Control
  • 84. Agenda • Objectives • Variables and Scope • Operators • Logical Operators • Bitwise Logical Operators • Right-Shift Operators >> and >>> • Left Shift Operator << • Conditional Statement Types: switch • The ternary Operator • Looping Statement Types: while • Looping Statement Types: for • for vs. while • Branching Statements Borrador
  • 85. Objectives • Distinguish between instance and local variables • Recognize, describe, and use Java software operators • Identify boolean expressions and their requirements in control constructs • Use if, switch, for, while, and do constructions and the labeled forms of break and continue as flow control structures in a program Borrador
  • 86. Scope • A variable's scope is the region of a program within which the variable can be referred to – Variables declared in: • Methods can only be accessed in that method • A Loop or a block can only be accessed in that loop or block Borrador
  • 87. Operators • Operators are the ―glue‖ of expressions • Precedence – which operator is evaluated first – is determined explicitly by parentheses or implicitly as follows: Borrador
  • 88. Logical Operators • The boolean operators are: ! – NOT & – AND | – OR ^ – XOR • The short-circuit boolean operators are: && – AND || – OR Borrador
  • 89. Bitwise Logical Operators • The integer bitwise operators are: ~ – Complement & – AND ^ – XOR | – OR • Byte-sized examples: Borrador
  • 90. Right-Shift Operators >> and >>> • Arithmetic or signed right shift (>>) is used as follows: • The sign bit is copied during the shift • 8 >> 1; • Before shifting: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 • After Shifting: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 Borrador
  • 91. Right-Shift Operators >> and >>> Borrador
  • 92. Right-Shift Operators >> and >>> • A logical or unsigned right-shift operator (>>>) is: • Used for bit patterns. • The sign bit is not copied during the shift. Borrador
  • 93. Left-Shift Operators << • Left-shift works as follows: 128 << 1 returns 128 * 21 = 256 16 << 2 returns 16 * 22 = 64 Borrador
  • 94. Conditional Statement Types: if-else • An if-else statement is a conditional expression that must return a boolean value • else clause is optional • Braces are not needed for single statements but highly recommended for clarity if(x > 10) { if(x != 20) { System.out.println(“x is not 20”); } else { System.out.println(“x = ” + x); } } else { System.out.println(“x is less than 11”); } Borrador
  • 95. Conditional Statement Types: switch • Switch statements test a single variable for several alternative values • Cases without break will ―fall through‖ (next case will execute) • default clause handles values not explicitly handled by a case switch (day) { case 0: case 1: rule = “weekend”; if (day == 0 || day == 1) { break; rule = “weekend”; case 2: } else if (day > 1 && day <7) { … rule = “weekday”; case 6: } else { rule = “weekday”; rule = error; break; } default: rule = “error”; } Borrador
  • 96. The Ternary Operator • Shortcut for if-else statement: (<boolean-expr> ? <true-choice> : <false- choice>) • Can result in shorter code – Make sure code is still readable if (x>LIMIT) { warning = “Too Big”; } else { VS. warning = null; } warning = (x>LIMIT) ? “Too Big” : null ; Borrador
  • 97. Looping Statements Types: while • Executes a statement or block as long as the condition remains true • while () executes zero or more times‘ • do...while() executes at least once. int x = 2; while (x < 2) { x++; System.out.println(x); } int x = 2; do { x++; System.out.println(x); } while (x < 2); Borrador
  • 98. Looping Statements Types: for • A for loop executes the statement or block { } which follows it – Evaluates "start expression" once – Continues as long as the "test expression" is true – Evaluates "increment expression" after each iteration • A variable can be declared in the for statement – Typically used to declare a "counter" variable – Typically declared in the ―start‖ expression – Its scope is restricted to the loop for (start expr; test expr; increment expr) { // code to execute repeatedly } for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) { System.out.println(index); } Borrador
  • 99. for vs while • These statements provide equivalent functionality – Each can be implemented in terms of the other • Used in different situations – while tends to be used for open-ended looping – for tends to be used for looping over a fixed number of iterations int sum = 0; for (int index = 1; index <= 10; index++) { sum += index; int sum = 0; } int index = 1; while (index <= 10) { sum += index; index++; } Borrador
  • 100. Branching Statements • break – Can be used outside of a switch statement – Terminates a for, while or do-while loop – Two forms: • Labeled: execution continues at next statement outside the loop • Unlabeled: execution continues at next statement after labeled loop • continue – Like break, but merely finishes this round of the loop – Labeled and unlabeled form • return – Exits the current method – May include an expression to be returned • Type must match method‘s return type • Return type ―void‖ means no value can be returned Borrador
  • 101. Branching Statements Borrador
  • 102. Branching Statements public int myMethod(int x) { int sum = 0; outer: for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { inner: for (int j=i; j<x; j++) { sum++; if (j==1) continue; if (j==2) continue outer; if (i==3) break; if (j==4) break outer; } } return sum; } Borrador
  • 104. Agenda • Objectives • Declaring Arrays • Creating Arrays • Initializing Arrays • Multidimensional Arrays • Array Bounds • Array Resizing Borrador
  • 105. Objectives • Declare and create arrays of primitive, class, or array types • Explain why elements of an array are initialized • Explain how to initialize the elements of an array • Determine the number of elements in an array • Create a multidimensional array Borrador
  • 106. Declaring Arrays • The primary purpose of an array is to facilitate storing and manipulating large quantities of data. • An array stores a sequence of values that are all of the same type. • The method that we use to refer to individual values in an array is to number and then index them - if we have N values, we think of them as being numbered from 0 to N-1. Then, we can unambiguously specify one of them by referring to the ith value for any value of i from 0 to N-1. Borrador
  • 107. Creating Arrays • Use the new keyword to create an array object. • For example, a primitive (char) array: public char[] createArray() { char[] s; s = new char[26]; for (int i=0;i<26;i++) { s[i] = (char)('A'+i); } return s; } Borrador
  • 108. Creating Arrays • Use the new keyword to create an array object. • For example, a primitive (char) array: public Point[] createArray() { Point[] p; p = new Point[10]; for (int i=0;i<10;i++){ p[i] = new Point(i, i+1); } return p; } Borrador
  • 109. Initializing Arrays • Initialize an array element • Create an array with initial values: int [] marks = new int[100]; String [][] s = new String[3][]; String a[] = {new String(“apple”),new String(“mango”)}; int i [][] = {{1,2},{3,4}}; int [] x; x = new int[100]; for(int i=0;i<x;i++) { x[i] = i*i; } Borrador
  • 110. Initializing Arrays public class Point { public int xValue; public int yValue; } public class NewCircle { public Point location; public float radius; public boolean solid; } NewCircle[] allCircles = new NewCircle[10]; allCircles[0] = new NewCircle(); allCircles[0] = myNewCircle; allCircles[1] = new NewCircle(); allCircles[1].location = new Point(); allCircles[1].location.xValue = 6; allCircles[1].location.yValue = 6; allCircles[1].radius = 1.3f; allCircles[1].solid = false; Borrador
  • 111. Multidimensional Arrays • Arrays of arrays: Borrador
  • 112. Multidimensional Arrays • Non-rectangular arrays of arrays: int [][] twoDim = new int[4][]; twoDim[0] = new int[2]; twoDim[1] = new int[4]; twoDim[2] = new int[6]; twoDim[3] = new int[8]; int twoDim[][] = new int[4][5]; Borrador
  • 113. Array Bounds • All array subcripts begin at 0 int [] list = new int[10]; for(int i=0;i<list.length;i++) { System.out.println(list[i]); } double[] v; v = new double[5]; System.out.println(v.length); Borrador
  • 114. Array resizing • Cannot resize an array • Can use the same reference variable to refer to an entirely new array: int myArray[] = new int[6]; myArray = new int[10]; private void resize() { String[] temp = new String[2*N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) temp[i] = a[i]; a = temp; } Borrador
  • 116. Agenda • Agenda • Objectives • Classes • Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations • The class body • The class members • Classes with only static members • Variable initialization • More on variable modifiers • Methods • Java Keywords used with methods Borrador
  • 117. Agenda • Single Inheritance • Access Control • Overriding Methods • The super Keyword • Polymorphism • The instance of Operator • Casting Objects • The Object Class • The == Operator Compared with the equals method • The toString method • Wrapper Classes Borrador
  • 118. Objectives • Define inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, overriding, and virtual method invocation • Use the access modifiers protected and ―package-friendly‖ • Describe the concepts of constructor and method overloading • Describe the complete object construction and initialization operation • In a Java program, identify the following: • Overloaded methods and constructors • The use of this to call overloaded constructors • Overridden methods • Invocation of super class methods • Parent class constructors • Invocation of parent class constructors Borrador
  • 119. Classes • Classes are the core concept of the Java language. • It is essential to understand how to create a class. • Java classes are always defined inside a single source code file. • package and import statements at the start of the file tell the compiler which resources can be used to compile the class. • A class is defined with a declaration followed by a block of code inside a bracket pair. • At the start of the declaration, keywords describe where the class fits in the Java class hierarchy and control the accessibility of the class. Borrador
  • 120. Classes • The components of a class declaration are as follows: – Class modifiers— An optional set of keywords. – Class keyword— The word "class" must appear here. – Class name— A Java name that must be unique within the package. – Superclass name— Optionally, the word extends followed by the name of the parent class. If this does not appear, the class extends java.lang.Object by default. – Interfaces implemented— Optionally, the word implements followed by a list of interface names. – Class body— The code that declares the fields and methods of the class. Borrador
  • 121. Classes Borrador
  • 122. Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations • public.-This class is visible to all classes in the program. If this word is not used, this class is visible only within the package. • abstract.-The abstract keyword must be used if a class contains one or more abstract method(s). However, a class may be declared abstract even if it does not contain any abstract method. A class declared abstract cannot be used to create an object. • final.-This class cannot be subclassed. This word cannot be used with abstract. Borrador
  • 123. Java Keywords Used in Class Declarations • extends.-The class name following this keyword is the parent of this class. If this word is not used, the Object class is the parent. • implements.-This class provides for all the methods required by the interfaces that follow this keyword. Any number of interfaces can be implemented. • Classes cannot be protected, private, native, or synchronized. • The words "abstract" and "final" cannot appear together because an abstract class, by definition, must be extended before it can be used. Borrador
  • 124. The class body • The class body contains the declarations of the members of the class. • These include fields (variables), methods, static initializers, instance initializers, and constructors. • You can also have class definitions inside a class body. • These nested classes are considered to be members of the enclosing class and have a special relationship with it. Borrador
  • 125. The class members • Access to class members of all types is controlled by access modifier keywords and the no-keyword default as follows: – public— A public member is accessible from any class in the program. – protected— A protected member can be accessed only by classes in the same package and classes derived from the current class—no matter which package they are in. – private— A private member can be accessed only from within the class. – default— If none of the other access modifier keywords appear, the default applies (access only by classes in the same package). – Other keywords that can be applied to class members are static, final, abstract, native, transient, volatile, strictfp, and synchronized. Borrador
  • 126. Classes with only static members • It is quite feasible to have classes that have only static members. • These classes do not have public constructors and cannot be used to create an object. • An example of this is the Math class in the Java standard library, which is used to provide typical mathematical functions. You address the static variables and methods with notation similar to that used with instance variables but with the name of the class instead of an instance reference, as shown in the following code: area = Math.PI * rad * rad ; // addressing a static constant root = Math.sqrt( area ) ; // addressing a static method Borrador
  • 127. Variable initialization • Both instance variables and class (static) variables have default initialization values that are used if the variable declaration statement does not include initial values. • Class variables are initialized when the class is loaded by the JVM, and instance variables are initialized when an object is created. • In contrast, there is no default initialization for variables that are declared inside the scope of methods or smaller code blocks. – Integer primitives are initialized to 0. – Floating-point primitives are initialized to 0.0. – Boolean primitives are initialized to false. – Reference variables are initialized to null. Borrador
  • 128. More on variable modifiers • The modifiers abstract, native, and synchronized are not used with variable declarations. • The keyword transient is used to indicate variables that do not need to be saved when an object is saved using the object serialization methods. • The keyword volatile is used to signal to the compiler that the designated variable may be changed by multiple threads and that the compiler cannot take any shortcuts when writing the code responsible for retrieving the value in this variable. Borrador
  • 129. More on variable modifiers Borrador
  • 130. Methods • Methods are defined with a method declaration. The elements in a method declaration are access modifier, additional modifiers, return type, method name, parameter list, and exceptions. • The combination of name and parameter list constitutes the method signature. • Note that if one of the access modifiers—public, private, or protected—does not appear, the default is visibility within the package. Borrador
  • 131. Java keywords used with Methods • public.-The method is visible to all classes in the program. • private.-The method is visible only inside the class. • protected.-The method is visible to classes inside the package and to subclasses. • final.-The method cannot be overridden in subclasses. • abstract.-The method is declared without an implementation. • static.-The method is independent of any object of the class but can address only static variables. • native.-The native modifier indicates that the method is not written in the Java language, but in a native language Borrador
  • 132. Java keywords used with Methods • strictfp.- The strictfp keyword, which is used only for methods and classes, forces floating points to adhere to IEE754 standard • synchronized.- A Thread entering this method obtains a lock on the object, which prevents other Threads from entering any synchronized code for the object. • throws.-This word introduces a list of checked exceptions that the method may throw. • void.-If the method does not return a value, the word void must appear as the return type. Borrador
  • 133. Single Inheritance • When a class inherits from only one class, it is called single inheritance. • Interfaces provide the benefits of multiple inheritance without drawbacks. Borrador
  • 134. Single Inheritance • Each subclass inherits the fields of its superclass – These fields in the superclass may have been inherited from classes even further up in the class hierarchy • Each subclass inherits the methods of its superclass • –An object will understand all messages which its class has implemented or its superclass has either inherited or implemented Borrador
  • 135. Single Inheritance Borrador
  • 136. Access Control Borrador
  • 137. Access Control Borrador
  • 138. Access Control Borrador
  • 139. Overriding Methods • A subclass can modify behavior inherited from a parent class. • A subclass can create a method with different functionality than the parent‘s method but with the same: – Name – Return type – Argument list Borrador
  • 140. The super keyword • Only constructors within the class being instantiated and within the immediate superclass can be invoked • A constructor can call another constructor in its superclass using the keyword super and the parameter list • The parameter list must match that of an existing constructor in the superclass • Constructors in the same class are invoked with the keyword this and the parameter list • The first line of your constructor can be one of: – super(…); – this(…); Borrador
  • 141. The super keyword Borrador
  • 142. The super keyword • Superclass objects are built before the subclass – The compiler supplies an implicit super() call for all constructors – super(…) initializes superclass members • If the first line of your constructor is not a call to another constructor, super() is called automatically – Zero-argument constructor in the superclass is called as a result – This can cause an error if the superclass does not have a zero-argument constructor Borrador
  • 143. The super keyword • If you do not provide any constructors, a default zero argument constructor is provided for you – The default zero-argument constructor just makes a call to super() • If you implement any constructor, Java will no longer provide you with the default zero-argument constructor – You can write your own zero-argument constructor which behaves like the default constructor (that is, just makes an implicit call to super()) Borrador
  • 144. Polymorphism • Polymorphism means ―any forms‖ • In object oriented programming, it refers to the capability of objects to read differently to the same method • Polymorphism can be implemented in the Java language in the form of multiple methods having the same name • Java code uses late-binding technique to support polymorphism; the method to be invoked is decided at runtime Borrador
  • 145. Polymorphism Borrador
  • 146. The instance of Operator public class Employee extends Object public class Manager extends Employee public class Engineer extends Employee ---------------------------------------- public void doSomething(Employee e) { if (e instanceof Manager) { // Process a Manager } else if (e instanceof Engineer) { // Process an Engineer } else { // Process any other type of Employee } } Borrador
  • 147. Casting Objects • Use instanceof to test the type of an object • Restore full functionality of an object by casting • Check for proper casting using the following guidelines: – Casts up hierarchy are done implicitly. – Downward casts must be to a subclass and checked by the compiler. – The object type is checked at runtime when runtime errors can occur. Borrador
  • 148. Casting Objects Borrador
  • 149. The Object Class • The Object class is the root of all classes in Java • A class declaration with no extends clause, implicitly uses ―extends the Object public class Employee { ... } is equivalent to: public class Employee extends Object { ... } Borrador
  • 150. The Object Class • Object doesn't have any instance variables but it does have a small number of methods. Borrador
  • 151. The == Operator Compared with the equals method • The == operator determines if two references are identical to each other (that is, refer to the same object). • The equals method determines if objects are ―equal‖ but not necessarily identical. • The Object implementation of the equals method uses the == operator. • User classes can override the equals method to implement a domain-specific test for equality. • Note: You should override the hashCode method if you override the equals method. Borrador
  • 152. Equals Example public class EqualTest { public static void main(String args[]) { Double Obj1 = new Double(2.43); Double Obj2 = new Double(2.43); Double Obj3 = Obj1; System.out.println("These objects are equal: "); System.out.println(Obj1 == Obj2); System.out.println(Obj1 == Obj3); System.out.println(Obj1.equals(Obj2)); } } Borrador
  • 153. The toString method • Converts an object to a String. • Used during string concatenation. • Override this method to provide information about a user- defined object in readable format. • Primitive types are converted to a String using the wrapper class‘s toString static method. Borrador
  • 154. The toString method public class Person { private String name; private int age; private String hobby; public Person(String name, int age, String hobby) { = name; this.age = age; this.hobby = hobby; } public String toString() { String description; description = "Name: " + + ", Age: " + this.age + ", Hobby: " + this.hobby; return description; } } Borrador
  • 155. Wrapper Classes • The wrapper classes in the Java API serve two primary purposes: – To provide a mechanism to ―wrap‖ primitive values in an object so that the primitives can be included in activities reserved for objects, like as being added to Collections, or returned from a method with an object return value. – To provide an assortment of utility functions for primitives. Most of these functions are related to various conversions: converting primitives to and from String objects, and converting primitives and String objects to and from different bases (or radix), such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Borrador
  • 156. Wrapper Classes Borrador
  • 157. Module 07 • Advanced Class Features
  • 158. Agenda • Objectives • Relevance • The static Keyword • Class Attributes • Class Methods • Static Initializers • Abstract Classes • Abstract Modifiers • Abstract Methods • Abstract Class and Reference • Abstract Classes Example Borrador
  • 159. Agenda • Interfaces • Interface Example • Uses of Interfaces • Nested Classes • Properties of Nested Classes • Nested and Inner Classes Borrador
  • 160. Objectives • Describe static variables, methods, and initializers • Describe final classes, methods, and variables • Explain how and when to use abstract classes and methods • Explain how and when to use nested classes • Distinguish between static and non-static nested classes • Explain how and when to use an interface • In a Java software program, identify: • static methods and attributes • final methods and attributes • Nested classes • interface and abstract classes • abstract methods Borrador
  • 161. The static Keyword • The static keyword is used as a modifier on variables, methods, and nested classes. • The static keyword declares the attribute or method is associated with the class as a whole rather than any particular instance of that class. • Thus static members are often called “class members,” such as “class attributes” or “class methods.” Borrador
  • 162. Class Attributes • Are shared among all instances of a class • Can be accessed from outside the class without an instance of the class (if marked as public) public class Count { private int serialNumber; private static int counter = 0; public Count() { counter++; serialNumber = counter; } public class OtherClass { public void incrementNumber() { Count1.counter++; } } Borrador
  • 163. Class Attributes • You can invoke static method without any instance of the class to which it belongs public class Count2 { private int serialNumber; private static int counter = 0; public static int getTotalCount() { return counter; } public Count2() { counter++; serialNumber = counter; } } Borrador
  • 164. Class Attributes public class TestCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Number of counter is “ + Count.getTotalCount()); Count count1 = new Count(); System.out.println( "Number of counter is “ + Count.getTotalCount()); } } Borrador
  • 165. Static Initializers • A class can contain code in a static block that does not exist within a method body • Static block code executes only once, when the class is loaded • A static block is usually used to initialize static (class) attributes public class Count4 { public static int counter; static { counter = Integer.getInteger("myApp.Count4.counter"). } } public class TestStaticInit { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("counter = "+ Count4.counter); } } Borrador
  • 166. Abstract Classes • A class must be declared abstract if it has one or more methods • declared abstract. • You may declare a class abstract even if it has no abstract methods. • Language designers use abstract classes to establish a pattern that can be filled out with concrete methods for a specific situation. For example, the java.lang.Number class is abstract because the language designers wanted to specify a set of methods that all the wrapper classes representing numbers, such as Integer, have to implement. Borrador
  • 167. Abstract Classes • Java designers also like to use abstract classes to define a set of public final static variable values—the nearest thing Java has to constants. This way, all derived classes are forced to use the same set of constants. For example, the Calendar abstract class in the java.util package has int constants for the months of the year. Borrador
  • 168. Abstract Classes Borrador
  • 169. Abstract Modifiers • The abstract modifier can be used in two ways, with a class and with a method • When a class uses the abstract modifier with the class declaration, it is called an abstract class • An abstract modifier is used with a class to indicate that the class cannot be instantiated • The abstract modifier, when used in a method declaration, gives an abstract method • The keyword abstract is used before the keyword class to define a class as an abstract class. Borrador
  • 170. Abstract Methods • The abstract modifier, when used in a method declaration, gives an abstract method • Abstract methods can be present only inside an abstract class • The following is the general structure of declaring an abstract method: abstract returntype methodName(listofarguments); Borrador
  • 171. Abstract Class and Reference • Although we cannot instantiate an abstract class, we can create a reference to it • This reference can be assigned references of sub-classes of the class • This feature is very useful in achieving polymorphism Borrador
  • 172. Abstract Class Example Borrador
  • 173. Interfaces • A ―public interface‖ is a contract between client code and the class that implements that interface. • A Java interface is a formal declaration of such a contract in which all methods contain no implementation. • Many unrelated classes can implement the same interface. • A class can implement many unrelated interfaces. Borrador
  • 174. Interface Example Borrador
  • 175. Interface Example Borrador
  • 176. Interface Example Borrador
  • 177. Interface Example public class Bird extends Animal implements Flyer { public void takeOff() { /* take-off implementation */ } public void land() { /* landing implementation */ } public void fly() { /* fly implementation */ } public void buildNest() { /* nest building behavior */ } public void layEggs() { /* egg laying behavior */ } public void eat() { /* override eating behavior */ } } Borrador
  • 178. Nested Classes • Allow a class definition to be placed inside another class definition • Group classes that logically belong together • Have access to their enclosing class‘s scope class OuterClass { ... class NestedClass { ... } } Borrador
  • 179. Nested Classes Borrador
  • 180. Nested Classes • Nested static class— A named class declared static. It can directly access only static variables and methods. It is considered a top-level class, and may be declared with the usual access modifiers for classes. • Nested interface— A named interface, declared as a static member of a class, typically used for defining methods used to access the enclosing class. As usual with interfaces, it is assumed to be public. • Inner class (member)— A named class defined as a member of the enclosing class. It must be associated with an instance of the enclosing class. There can be multiple member inner classes in an enclosing class. You can also have an inner class contained in an inner class. Member inner classes can be declared as public, private, protected, final, or abstract, but they cannot have the same name as any enclosing class. Borrador
  • 181. Nested Classes • Inner class (local)— A named class defined in a code block in a method of the enclosing class. The inner class can access local variables in the method and parameters passed to the method only if the variables are declared final. As with a local variable, the inner class cannot be accessed outside the code block; in other words, the scope of the class is confined to the code block. • Inner class (anonymous)— A class defined inside a single expression, having no name or constructor method. These classes can access local variables in the method and parameters passed to the method only if they are declared final. Borrador
  • 182. Nested Classes Borrador
  • 183. Nested Classes Borrador
  • 184. Nested Classes Borrador
  • 185. Properties of Nested Classes • Nested class names must be adequately qualified. • Nested classes defined in a method are called local. • Local classes can access final local variables. • Nested classes can be abstract. • Interfaces can be nested. • Nested classes can access static members of enclosing scopes. • Non-local classes can have any access protection. • Nested and enclosing classes are compiled together. Borrador
  • 186. Nested and Inner Classes • Nested classes can be declared static. • Non-static nested classes are called inner classes. • Inner classes can access members of their enclosing instance using the this reference. • Inner classes cannot declare static members except compile time constants. Borrador
  • 187. Module 08 • Exceptions and Assertions
  • 188. Agenda • Objectives • Exceptions • Exception Handling • Exception sources • The exception hierarchy • Handling exceptions • keywords • try/catch blocks • The catch clause • The finally clause • Nested exception handling Borrador
  • 189. Agenda • The throw keyword • Handling runtime exceptions • Assertions Borrador
  • 190. Objectives • Define exceptions • Use try, catch, and finally statements • Describe exception categories • Identify common exceptions • Develop programs to handle your own exceptions • Use assertions • Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions • Disable assertions at runtime Borrador
  • 191. Exceptions • An exception is an event or condition that disrupts the normal flow of execution in a program – Exceptions are errors in a Java program – The condition causes the system to throw an exception – The flow of control is interrupted and a handler will catch the exception public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 0; String greetings[] = { "Hello world!", "No, I mean it!", "HELLO WORLD!!" }; while (i < 4) { System.out.println(greetings[i]); i++; } } } Borrador
  • 192. Exception Handling • Exception handling is object-oriented – It encapsulates unexpected conditions in an object – It provides an elegant way to make programs robust – It isolates abnormal from regular flow of control Borrador