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Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation Analysis

Version 0.1
Published August 10, 2009
Created by Praja
KSRTC Website Analysis                                                                                         2 of 4
                     Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA (

KSrTC webSiTe iS The Online inTerfaCe fOr all COmmuTerS in general, uSerS liKe infOrmaiTOn SeeKerS, lOyal CuSTOmerS, frequenT
TravelerS and OCCaSSiOnal TravelerS. The inTenT Of wriTing ThiS analySiS iS TO highlighT The CurrenT web arChiTeCTure and prOpOSe
ChangeS ThaT Can be inCOrpOraTed TO enhanCe The uSerexperienCe hOliSTiCally. COmpariSOnS are made TO SOme Of The mOST SuCCeSSful
webSiTeS ThaT Own Similar buSineSS aCrOSS COnTinenTS. ThiS analySiS iS a very high level analySiS and dOeS nOT invOlve deTailed analySiS
ThaT will be required OnCe we have a viSiOn fOr The SiTe in plaCe.

AnAylsis :
CurrenTly The SiTe fOCuS haS been On imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and unrelaTed TO The CuSTOmer in general. a mOre
Organized navigaTiOn and infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure will help The SiTe TO mOrph inTO a mOre uSerfriendly eCOmmerCe webSiTe.

Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page buT The linK plaCemenT aT The bOTTOm maKeS iT really hard fOr a uSer
TO find a plaCe TO iniTiaTe reServaTiOn. CliCKiCKing On The linK will launCh a new brOwSer SeSSiOn and TaKe uSerS TO The Online bOOKing
appliCaTiOn. CurrenTly uSerS have TO be a regiSTered TO maKe an Online reServaTiOn.
OnCe yOu regiSTer yOu are allOwed TO lOgin TO The aCCOunT and Then SearCh frOm and TO deSTinaTiOnS and begin yOur bOOKing

links :
linK plaCemenT On The webSiTe iS nOT hierarChiCal. There iS a randOm plaCemenT Of linKS and buTTOnS whiCh are nOT inTuiTive and
fOllOw any uSer flOw. ThiS will reSulT in a fruSTraTed experienCe whiCh iS whaT we have learnT frOm The feedbaCK we have reCeived SO
far On The webSiTe.

Advertisements :
plaCemenT Of adS bOTh prOmOTiOnal TO KSrTC and Third parTy adS fOr revenue generaTiOn are randOmized. There needS TO be a
COgniTive analySiS in plaCing adS and iTS iS alwayS a gOOd idea TO have a Call TO aCTiOn On an ad ThaT will COnverT TO bOOKingS Or a Sale.
all 3rd parTy adS will TaKe The uSer TO Their reSpeCTive webSiTeS Or a linK baSed On Their Call TO aCTiOn.

seArch :
There iS nO prOminenT SearCh OpTiOn whiCh iS inTuiTive and rObuST ThaT wOuld help uSerS TO iniTiaTe reServaTiOn. CurrenTly uSer
SearCh fOr deSTinaTiOn Time TableS whiCh Open aS pdf dOCumenTS in a SeparaTe brOwSer windOw. SearCh Can alSO inClude inTeraCTive
mapS whiCh Can help uSerS plan Their Trip.

FeAtures :
feaTureS liKe mapS, Trip plannerS, paCKage dealS, laST mile COnneCTiviTy and lOCal maSS TranSiT infOrmaTiOn wOuld gO a lOng way in
maKing The webSiTe mOre uSer friendly and inreTurn inCreaSe revenue fOr The OrganizaTiOn.

For discussion and comments on this please visit :
KSRTC Website Analysis                                                                                       3 of 4
                     Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA ( (Washington Metro)

wmTa Or waShingTOn meTrO TranSiT auThOriTy iS a bOdy ThaT gOvernS and runS meTrO TranSpOrTaTiOn ServiCeS fOr The CiTy Of
waShingTOn dC and exTendS in TO virginia, maryland and delaware areaS. iT iS an inTegraTed meTrO TranSpOraTTiOn SySTem wiTh laST
mile COnneCTiviTy inTegraTed wiTh a COmbinaTiOn Of TrainS and buSeS. ThOugh ThiS SiTe iS dediCaTed TO lOCal TranSpOrT The webSiTe Can
be uSed aS a STandard TO COmpare any OTher TranSpOrTaTiOn relaTed webSiTeS.
AnAylsis :
The SiTe’S fOCuS haS been On The uSer imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and CuSTOmized TO The uSer. Organized COnTenT and
infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure wiTh a pleaSanT branded lOOK maKeS iT mOre uSer friendly and inviTing eCOmmerCe webSiTe. lOCal uSerS have
The OppOrTuniTy TO ObTain Timing infOrmaiOn, deSTinaTiOn and relaTed infOrmaTiOn wiTh The CliCK Of a linK Or a buTTOn.

Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page wiTh a very Clearly indiCaTed frOm and TO fieldS a daTe piCKer and
Time and The number Of TravelerS. SearCh reSulTS are aCCuraTe and liST wiTh TimingS and a radiO buTTOn OpTiOn TO SeleCT The deSired
Time Of deparTure. The enTry TexT bOxeS are pOwered wiTh prOgreSSive SuggeSTiOn feaTure where uSerS Can gueSS firST few leTTerS
and The liST will prOmpT Them wiTh The apprOpriaTe STaTiOnS Or CiTieS TO eliminaTe inaCCuraCieS and maKe iT eaSy fOr The uSer.
uSerS Can have an Online aCCOunT TO lOgin (OpTiOnal) and maKe a reServaTiOn faSTer beCauSe iT SaveS all Their infOrmaTiOn liKe
billing addreSS and CrediT Card (all OpTiOnal) regiSTering iS an OpTiOnal feaTure uSerS Can STill maKe reServaTiOnS wiThOuT any lOgin.
regiSTered uSerS Can aCCumulaTe rOad rewardS Or pOinTS ThaT Can be redeemed TOwardS Their fuTure Travel. uSerS alSO have The
OpTiOn TO maKe a reServaTiOn via phOne. Signed in uSerS Can geT perSOnalized dealS and infOrmaTiOn.

links :
linK plaCelemenT On The webSiTe iS very inTuiTive and Clear. all The COmpany relaTed infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS nOT direCTly relaTed TO Travel
iS under COrpOraTe infOrmaTiOn. all reServaTiOn relaTed and Travel relaTed infOrmaTiOn iS Clearly diSplayed in The mOST prOminenT
navigaTiOn bar.

Advertisements :
adverTiSemenTS are need baSed and minimal. mOST Of The adS are prOmOTiOnS TO imprOve buSineSS fOr wmTa and 3rd parTy adS are
COmplimenTary TO The reServaTiOn ThaT a uSer maKeS. ThiS KeepS The fOCuS Of The uSer On The COnverTiOn raTe and alSO generaTe
revenue TO The COmpany via adS ThaT COmplimenT Their buSineSS.

FeAtures :
inTuiTive navigaTiOn, dealS diSplayed On The hOme page, Trip planner, rObuST reServaTiOn mOdule. lOCal mapS, deSTinaTiOn infOrmaTiOn,
laST mile COnneCTiviTy. Truly addreSSeS The need Of a Traveler TO geT frOm One pOinT TO anOTher in ClaSSy faShiOn. STaTiOn infOrmaTiOn
KSRTC Website Analysis                                                                                        4 of 4
                     Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA (


greyhOund OperaTeS buS ServiCeS wiThin The COnTinenTal uniTed ServiCeS and Canada. aparT frOm having a greaT buS ServiCe wiTh
STaTe Of The arT vehiCleS wiTh greaT ameniTieS They alSO have a very rObuST uSer friendly webSiTe ThaT iS eaSy and very inTuiTive TO
maKe a reServaTiOn and plan a Trip.

AnAylsis :
The SiTe’S fOCuS haS been On The uSer imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and CuSTOmized TO The uSer. Organized COnTenT and
infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure wiTh a pleaSanT branded lOOK maKeS iT mOre uSer friendly and inviTing eCOmmerCe webSiTe.

Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page wiTh a very Clearly indiCaTed frOm and TO fieldS a daTe piCKer and
Time and The number Of TravelerS. SearCh reSulTS are aCCuraTe and liST wiTh TimingS and a radiO buTTOn OpTiOn TO SeleCT The deSired
Time Of deparTure.
uSerS Can have an Online aCCOunT TO lOgin (OpTiOnal) and maKe a reServaTiOn faSTer beCauSe iT SaveS all Their infOrmaTiOn liKe
billing addreSS and CrediT Card (all OpTiOnal) regiSTering iS an OpTiOnal feaTure uSerS Can STill maKe reServaTiOnS wiThOuT any lOgin.
regiSTered uSerS Can aCCumulaTe rOad rewardS Or pOinTS ThaT Can be redeemed TOwardS Their fuTure Travel. uSerS alSO have The
OpTiOn TO maKe a reServaTiOn via phOne. Signed in uSerS Can geT perSOnalized dealS and infOrmaTiOn.

links :
linK plaCelemenT On The webSiTe iS very inTuiTive and Clear. all The COmpany relaTed infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS nOT direCTly relaTed TO Travel
iS under COrpOraTe infOrmaTiOn. all reServaTiOn relaTed and Travel relaTed infOrmaTiOn iS Clearly diSplayed in The mOST prOminenT
navigaTiOn bar. language OpTiOnS fOr uSerS TO SwiTCh beTween languageS Of Their ChOiCe maKeS iT even mOre perSOnalized.

Advertisements :
adverTiSemenTS are need baSed and minimal. mOST Of The adS are prOmOTiOnS TO imprOve buSineSS fOr greyhOund and 3rd parTy adS
are COmplimenTary TO The reServaTiOn ThaT a uSer maKeS. ThiS KeepS The fOCuS Of The uSer On The COnverTiOn raTe and alSO generaTe
revenue TO The COmpany via adS ThaT COmplimenT Their buSineSS.

FeAtures :
inTuiTive navigaTiOn, dealS diSplayed On The hOme page, Trip planner, rObuST reServaTiOn mOdule.

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Ksrtc Analysis

  • 1. Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation Analysis Version 0.1 Published August 10, 2009 Created by Praja
  • 2. KSRTC Website Analysis 2 of 4 Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA ( Overview KSrTC webSiTe iS The Online inTerfaCe fOr all COmmuTerS in general, uSerS liKe infOrmaiTOn SeeKerS, lOyal CuSTOmerS, frequenT TravelerS and OCCaSSiOnal TravelerS. The inTenT Of wriTing ThiS analySiS iS TO highlighT The CurrenT web arChiTeCTure and prOpOSe ChangeS ThaT Can be inCOrpOraTed TO enhanCe The uSerexperienCe hOliSTiCally. COmpariSOnS are made TO SOme Of The mOST SuCCeSSful webSiTeS ThaT Own Similar buSineSS aCrOSS COnTinenTS. ThiS analySiS iS a very high level analySiS and dOeS nOT invOlve deTailed analySiS ThaT will be required OnCe we have a viSiOn fOr The SiTe in plaCe. AnAylsis : CurrenTly The SiTe fOCuS haS been On imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and unrelaTed TO The CuSTOmer in general. a mOre Organized navigaTiOn and infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure will help The SiTe TO mOrph inTO a mOre uSerfriendly eCOmmerCe webSiTe. Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page buT The linK plaCemenT aT The bOTTOm maKeS iT really hard fOr a uSer TO find a plaCe TO iniTiaTe reServaTiOn. CliCKiCKing On The linK will launCh a new brOwSer SeSSiOn and TaKe uSerS TO The Online bOOKing appliCaTiOn. CurrenTly uSerS have TO be a regiSTered TO maKe an Online reServaTiOn. OnCe yOu regiSTer yOu are allOwed TO lOgin TO The aCCOunT and Then SearCh frOm and TO deSTinaTiOnS and begin yOur bOOKing prOCeSS. links : linK plaCemenT On The webSiTe iS nOT hierarChiCal. There iS a randOm plaCemenT Of linKS and buTTOnS whiCh are nOT inTuiTive and fOllOw any uSer flOw. ThiS will reSulT in a fruSTraTed experienCe whiCh iS whaT we have learnT frOm The feedbaCK we have reCeived SO far On The webSiTe. Advertisements : plaCemenT Of adS bOTh prOmOTiOnal TO KSrTC and Third parTy adS fOr revenue generaTiOn are randOmized. There needS TO be a COgniTive analySiS in plaCing adS and iTS iS alwayS a gOOd idea TO have a Call TO aCTiOn On an ad ThaT will COnverT TO bOOKingS Or a Sale. all 3rd parTy adS will TaKe The uSer TO Their reSpeCTive webSiTeS Or a linK baSed On Their Call TO aCTiOn. seArch : There iS nO prOminenT SearCh OpTiOn whiCh iS inTuiTive and rObuST ThaT wOuld help uSerS TO iniTiaTe reServaTiOn. CurrenTly uSer SearCh fOr deSTinaTiOn Time TableS whiCh Open aS pdf dOCumenTS in a SeparaTe brOwSer windOw. SearCh Can alSO inClude inTeraCTive mapS whiCh Can help uSerS plan Their Trip. FeAtures : feaTureS liKe mapS, Trip plannerS, paCKage dealS, laST mile COnneCTiviTy and lOCal maSS TranSiT infOrmaTiOn wOuld gO a lOng way in maKing The webSiTe mOre uSer friendly and inreTurn inCreaSe revenue fOr The OrganizaTiOn. For discussion and comments on this please visit : redefine-its-existance
  • 3. KSRTC Website Analysis 3 of 4 Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA ( (Washington Metro) overview wmTa Or waShingTOn meTrO TranSiT auThOriTy iS a bOdy ThaT gOvernS and runS meTrO TranSpOrTaTiOn ServiCeS fOr The CiTy Of waShingTOn dC and exTendS in TO virginia, maryland and delaware areaS. iT iS an inTegraTed meTrO TranSpOraTTiOn SySTem wiTh laST mile COnneCTiviTy inTegraTed wiTh a COmbinaTiOn Of TrainS and buSeS. ThOugh ThiS SiTe iS dediCaTed TO lOCal TranSpOrT The webSiTe Can be uSed aS a STandard TO COmpare any OTher TranSpOrTaTiOn relaTed webSiTeS. AnAylsis : The SiTe’S fOCuS haS been On The uSer imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and CuSTOmized TO The uSer. Organized COnTenT and infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure wiTh a pleaSanT branded lOOK maKeS iT mOre uSer friendly and inviTing eCOmmerCe webSiTe. lOCal uSerS have The OppOrTuniTy TO ObTain Timing infOrmaiOn, deSTinaTiOn and relaTed infOrmaTiOn wiTh The CliCK Of a linK Or a buTTOn. Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page wiTh a very Clearly indiCaTed frOm and TO fieldS a daTe piCKer and Time and The number Of TravelerS. SearCh reSulTS are aCCuraTe and liST wiTh TimingS and a radiO buTTOn OpTiOn TO SeleCT The deSired Time Of deparTure. The enTry TexT bOxeS are pOwered wiTh prOgreSSive SuggeSTiOn feaTure where uSerS Can gueSS firST few leTTerS and The liST will prOmpT Them wiTh The apprOpriaTe STaTiOnS Or CiTieS TO eliminaTe inaCCuraCieS and maKe iT eaSy fOr The uSer. uSerS Can have an Online aCCOunT TO lOgin (OpTiOnal) and maKe a reServaTiOn faSTer beCauSe iT SaveS all Their infOrmaTiOn liKe billing addreSS and CrediT Card (all OpTiOnal) regiSTering iS an OpTiOnal feaTure uSerS Can STill maKe reServaTiOnS wiThOuT any lOgin. regiSTered uSerS Can aCCumulaTe rOad rewardS Or pOinTS ThaT Can be redeemed TOwardS Their fuTure Travel. uSerS alSO have The OpTiOn TO maKe a reServaTiOn via phOne. Signed in uSerS Can geT perSOnalized dealS and infOrmaTiOn. links : linK plaCelemenT On The webSiTe iS very inTuiTive and Clear. all The COmpany relaTed infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS nOT direCTly relaTed TO Travel iS under COrpOraTe infOrmaTiOn. all reServaTiOn relaTed and Travel relaTed infOrmaTiOn iS Clearly diSplayed in The mOST prOminenT navigaTiOn bar. Advertisements : adverTiSemenTS are need baSed and minimal. mOST Of The adS are prOmOTiOnS TO imprOve buSineSS fOr wmTa and 3rd parTy adS are COmplimenTary TO The reServaTiOn ThaT a uSer maKeS. ThiS KeepS The fOCuS Of The uSer On The COnverTiOn raTe and alSO generaTe revenue TO The COmpany via adS ThaT COmplimenT Their buSineSS. FeAtures : inTuiTive navigaTiOn, dealS diSplayed On The hOme page, Trip planner, rObuST reServaTiOn mOdule. lOCal mapS, deSTinaTiOn infOrmaTiOn, laST mile COnneCTiviTy. Truly addreSSeS The need Of a Traveler TO geT frOm One pOinT TO anOTher in ClaSSy faShiOn. STaTiOn infOrmaTiOn
  • 4. KSRTC Website Analysis 4 of 4 Version 0.1 published August 10, 2009 by PRAJA ( KSRTC.IN overview greyhOund OperaTeS buS ServiCeS wiThin The COnTinenTal uniTed ServiCeS and Canada. aparT frOm having a greaT buS ServiCe wiTh STaTe Of The arT vehiCleS wiTh greaT ameniTieS They alSO have a very rObuST uSer friendly webSiTe ThaT iS eaSy and very inTuiTive TO maKe a reServaTiOn and plan a Trip. AnAylsis : The SiTe’S fOCuS haS been On The uSer imparTing infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS relaTed and CuSTOmized TO The uSer. Organized COnTenT and infOrmaTiOn arChiTeCTure wiTh a pleaSanT branded lOOK maKeS iT mOre uSer friendly and inviTing eCOmmerCe webSiTe. Booking process : The bOOKing prOCeSS STarTS On The hOme page wiTh a very Clearly indiCaTed frOm and TO fieldS a daTe piCKer and Time and The number Of TravelerS. SearCh reSulTS are aCCuraTe and liST wiTh TimingS and a radiO buTTOn OpTiOn TO SeleCT The deSired Time Of deparTure. uSerS Can have an Online aCCOunT TO lOgin (OpTiOnal) and maKe a reServaTiOn faSTer beCauSe iT SaveS all Their infOrmaTiOn liKe billing addreSS and CrediT Card (all OpTiOnal) regiSTering iS an OpTiOnal feaTure uSerS Can STill maKe reServaTiOnS wiThOuT any lOgin. regiSTered uSerS Can aCCumulaTe rOad rewardS Or pOinTS ThaT Can be redeemed TOwardS Their fuTure Travel. uSerS alSO have The OpTiOn TO maKe a reServaTiOn via phOne. Signed in uSerS Can geT perSOnalized dealS and infOrmaTiOn. links : linK plaCelemenT On The webSiTe iS very inTuiTive and Clear. all The COmpany relaTed infOrmaTiOn ThaT iS nOT direCTly relaTed TO Travel iS under COrpOraTe infOrmaTiOn. all reServaTiOn relaTed and Travel relaTed infOrmaTiOn iS Clearly diSplayed in The mOST prOminenT navigaTiOn bar. language OpTiOnS fOr uSerS TO SwiTCh beTween languageS Of Their ChOiCe maKeS iT even mOre perSOnalized. Advertisements : adverTiSemenTS are need baSed and minimal. mOST Of The adS are prOmOTiOnS TO imprOve buSineSS fOr greyhOund and 3rd parTy adS are COmplimenTary TO The reServaTiOn ThaT a uSer maKeS. ThiS KeepS The fOCuS Of The uSer On The COnverTiOn raTe and alSO generaTe revenue TO The COmpany via adS ThaT COmplimenT Their buSineSS. FeAtures : inTuiTive navigaTiOn, dealS diSplayed On The hOme page, Trip planner, rObuST reServaTiOn mOdule.