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VHDL 360© by: Mohamed Samy         Samer El-Saadany
Copyrights Copyright © 2010/2011 to authors. All rights reserved All content in this presentation, including charts, data, artwork and logos (from here on, "the Content"), is the property of Mohamed Samy and Samer El-Saadany or the corresponding owners, depending on the circumstances of publication, and is protected by national and international copyright laws. Authors are not personally liable for your usage of the Content that entailed casual or indirect destruction of anything or actions entailed to information profit loss or other losses. Users are granted to access, display, download and print portions of this presentation, solely for their own personal non-commercial use, provided that all proprietary notices are kept intact.  Product names and trademarks mentioned in this presentation belong to their respective owners. VHDL 360 © 2
Module 6 Structural Description
Objective Modeling Hierarchy Creating Testbenches Skills gained: Reuse design units several times in a design hierarchy Automate testing of design units VHDL 360 © 4
Outline Generics Structural Description Testbench Generate Statement Configuration Statement VHDL 360 © 5
How to create a generic DU? VHDL provides an easy way to create generic design units that can be used several times with different properties in the design hierarchy 4-bit counter N-bit counter 8-bit counter 6 VHDL 360 ©
Generic Clause 7 VHDL 360 © Syntax: Declared inside the entity The default value can be overridden at component instantiation If the optional default_value is missing in generic clause declaration, it must be present when the component is instantiated generic(  <identifier>:type [:= default_value];  <identifier>:type [:=default_value]) ); Example 1: LIBRARYieee; USEieee.NUMERIC_STD.all;-- required to use "unsigned" type Entitygeneric_multiplieris generic(N :integer:=4); port(A, B:inunsigned(N-1downto0);        Z :outunsigned(2*N-1downto0)); Endentity; Architecture behave ofgeneric_multiplieris Begin   Z <= A * B; Endarchitecture;
Exercise 1 ,[object Object]
Declare a generic value (N) with default value = 5
Declare an input port (A) of size N
Use the 'range attribute to loop on the input A bitsA1 A2 Z . . libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entityor_nis   <Here> port(<Here>        Z :outstd_logic); Endor_n; Architecture behave ofor_nis Begin process(A) variable temp :std_logic; begin     temp := '0' ; foriin <Here> loop       temp := temp or A(i); endloop;     Z <= temp; endprocess; End behave; An 8 VHDL 360 ©
Exercise 1 (Soln.) ,[object Object],libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entityor_nis generic(N :integer:=5); port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0);        Z :outstd_logic); Endor_n; Architecture behave ofor_nis Begin process(A) variable temp :std_logic; begin     temp := '0' ; foriinA'rangeloop       temp := temp or A(i); endloop;     Z <= temp; endprocess; End behave; A1 A2 Z An 9 VHDL 360 ©
Generic Clause Example 2: N-input AND gate libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entityand_nis   generic( N :integer:=4);   port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0);        Z :outstd_logic); Endentity; Architecture behave ofand_nis Begin   process(A)     variable temp :std_logic;   begin     temp := '1' ;     foriinA'rangeloop       temp := temp and A(i);     endloop;     Z <= temp ;   endprocess; Endarchitecture; 10 VHDL 360 © Reference page A1 A2 Z An
Structural Description VHDL 360 © 11 A E B C D Models complex digital system through a set of components (design units) and their interconnection in a hierarchicalfashion Hierarchical design approach is always preferred over flat design approach because it reduces the complexity
Structural Description Structural modeling involves the following: Component declaration Declaring component names and ports; can be done in the architecture declaration area or in a package Component instantiation and Interconnections Creating instances of declared components Connecting instances' ports to appropriate signals Component declaration 12 Syntax: component <component_name> generic(  <generic name>:type[:=default_value]);   port (<port_names>: <mode> <type>; 		:             ); end component; Example 3: Architecture arch of Alu7 is   -- component declaration   Component ALU    generic (width: integer := 3);   port(A, B,Cin:inbit;        Result:outbit_vector(8downto0));  endcomponent; Begin VHDL 360 ©
Structural Modeling Component instantiation and Interconnects The instance name is the name of this particular instance The component name is the name of the component declared earlier using the component declaration statement 13 VHDL 360 © Syntax: <instance_name>: <component_name >   generic map(     <generic_name> => <value>,       …); port map(     <port_name> => <sig_name>,       …); Example 4: f1:Alugeneric map(Width => 32);          portmap (A => in1,                     B => in2,  Cin=> cin,  Result => out1);
Reference page Component Instantiation There are two ways to connect ports: Positional The first signal in the component instantiation corresponds to the first port in the component declaration, the second signal => second port (signal2), etc Use “OPEN” keyword to leave port unconnected ,[object Object]
Explicitly specify port names and the connected signal
Preferred as it's more readable and avoids misconnection of portsUse “OPEN” keyword to leave port unconnected 14 VHDL 360 © Syntax: instance_name:  component_name port map (signal1,                       signal2,…); Syntax: instance_name:  component_name    port map (port2 => signal2,                      port1=> signal1,…);
15 VHDL 360 © Structural Modeling Example 5: libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entity top is   port(In1:instd_logic_vector(9downto0);        In2:instd_logic_vector(31downto0);        In3:instd_logic_vector(4downto0);        out1, out2, out3 :outstd_logic); Endentity; ARCHITECTUREstructOF top is   COMPONENTand_n     GENERIC(N :integer:=4);     PORT(A :INstd_logic_vector(N-1downto0);           Z :OUTstd_logic);   ENDCOMPONENT;   COMPONENTor_n     GENERIC(N :integer:=5);     PORT(A :INstd_logic_vector(N-1downto0);           Z :OUTstd_logic);   ENDCOMPONENT; BEGIN   OR5 :or_nPORTMAP(A => In3, Z => out3);-- use the default generic value   OR32 :or_nGENERICMAP(N =>32)PORTMAP(A => In2, Z => out2);-- overrides default generic value   AND10:and_nGENERICMAP(N =>10)PORTMAP(A => In1, Z => out1); ENDarchitecture;
16 VHDL 360 © fulladder Structural Modeling X S Y C Z Example 6: 1-bit Full-Adder ENTITYfullAdderIS   PORT(X, Y, Z :INbit; S       :OUTbit;        C       :OUT bit); ENDfullAdder; ARCHITECTUREexprOFfullAdderIS 	signal temp :bit; BEGIN temp <=X XOR Y;     S    <= temp XOR Z; 	 C    <= (X AND Y) OR (Z AND temp); ENDexpr;
17 VHDL 360 © Structural Modeling z f1 fulladder cin f2 fulladder t cout Example 7: 2-bit Full-Adder using the 1-bit Full-Adder of Example 6 Entity my_adder2 is port(a, b:inbit_vector(1downto0); cin:inbit; cout:outbit;        z   :outbit_vector(1downto0)); Endentity; Architecture arch of my_adder2 is -- component declaration    Componentfulladder     port(x ,y, z:inbit;          c, s :outbit);   endcomponent;   signal t:bit; Begin   -- component instantiation  f1:fulladder portmap(x => a(0), y => b(0), z => cin, c => t, s => z(0));  f2:fulladder             portmap(x => a(1), z => t, c => cout, s => z(1), y => b(1)); End arch; X S Y C Z X S Y C Z
Structural Modeling Example 8:  LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY gent_exp2 IS   port(A, B, C:instd_logic;        G:outstd_logic); ENDENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF gent_exp2 IS componentor_n generic(N :integer:=5); port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0);          Z :outstd_logic); endcomponent; signal temp1:std_logic; BEGIN     temp1 <= A and B;     U:or_ngenericmap(N =>2)portmap(temp1 & C, G); ENDARCHITECTURE; Expression in port map; supported only in VHDL 2008 18 VHDL 360 ©
Exercise 2 VHDL 360 © 19 ,[object Object],LIBRARY ieee;  USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entityt_ffis   port(T,clk,rst:instd_logic;        q:outstd_logic); endentity; architecture behave oft_ffis   signal temp:std_logic; begin   process(clk,rst)   begin     ifrst= '1' then       temp <= '0';     else       ifrising_edge(clk)then         if T = '1' then           temp <=not temp;         endif;       endif;     endif;   endprocess;   q <= temp; endarchitecture;
TestBench VHDL 360 © 20
21 Testbench Testbench Stimulus generators &  Monitors Tester UUT UUT Testbench Testbenches are used to test  the design in a programmatic way Testbenches can apply the same set of tests on different abstraction levels of the design Is my design functioning correctly? ,[object Object]
Generate stimulus & apply it to the entity under test
Compare output responses againstexpected values
Stimulus generators & monitors can be encapsulated in a tester blockVHDL 360 ©
Stimulus Generation We have seen in “module 3”* how to use “wait” statements to generate waveforms & counter patterns One other way to generate a waveform is the “after” keyword 22 Example 9: a <= '1' ,      '0' after10 ns,  '1' after25 ns,      '0' after30 ns; ,[object Object],Example 10: b <= a after15 ns; *Module 3: Write More Complex Models * Delays are not synthesizable VHDL 360 ©
23 Testbench Stimulus generators AND Stimulus Generation Example 11: A Simple stimulus generation example for an “AND” gate testbench Entityand_tbis   -- do we need ports here? Endentity; LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture waveform ofand_tbis --component declaration of the DUT componentAND_gate     port(a :instd_logic;           b :instd_logic;           c :outstd_logic); endcomponent; -- signal declaration signal x, y, z :std_logic; Begin   x <= '0' ,        '1' after40 ns;   y <= '0' ,        '1' after20 ns,        '0' after40 ns, '1' after60 ns; uut:AND_gatePORTMAP( a => x, b => y, c => z ); Endarchitecture; VHDL 360 ©
Monitors Syntax: One way to monitor & report outputs is using assertions 24 assert<condition>report <message>         severity <level>; ,[object Object]
When the specified condition is false, the ASSERT statement triggers and the report is issued in the simulation console
severity levels
Note -- relays information about conditions to the user
Warning -- alerts the user to conditions that are not expected, but not fatal
Error -- relays conditions that will cause the model to work incorrectly
Failure -- stops the simulationExample 12: assertnot((s='1')AND(r='1')) report"Set and Reset are both 1" severity ERROR; VHDL 360 ©
Testbench 25 Example 13: A Simple testbench example for an “AND” gate testbench Entityand_tbis Endentity; LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture waveform ofand_tbis   componentAND_gate     port(a :instd_logic;           b :instd_logic;           c :outstd_logic); endcomponent;   signal x, y, z :std_logic; Begin   x <= '0', '1' after40 ns;   y <= '0', '1' after20 ns,        '0' after40 ns, '1' after60 ns; uut:AND_gatePORTMAP( a => x, b => y, c => z );   assertnot(z = '1') report"Now we have completed our testing" severity failure; -- Monitor the occurrence of a '1' and abort   process begin-- Monitor the inputs outputs relation and abort in case of failure waiton x, y for1 ns; assert(z =(x and y)) report"Error found, The output port Z is not the ANDing of inputs a and b“ severity failure; endprocess; Endarchitecture; Testbench Stimulus generators Monitors AND VHDL 360 ©
Testbench Let’s create a testbench for the shown ALU and test all operations with all operand values Example 14: ALU Design Unit 26 VHDL 360 © when X"5"=>      result <=not('1' & a); when X"6"=>      result <=('1' & a)nand('1' & b); when X"7"=>      result <=('1' & a)nor('1' & b); when X"8"=>      result <=('1' & a)xnor('0' & b); when X"9"=> if(a > b)then       result(8)<= '1';       result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else       result(8)<= '0';       result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif;   when X"A"=> if(a < b)then        result(8)<= '1';        result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else        result(8)<= '0';        result (7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; when X"B"=> if(a >= b)then       result(8)<= '1';       result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else      result(8)<= '0';      result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif;    ... LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; USEieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITYaluIS port(cin:instd_logic; sel:instd_logic_vector(3downto0);  a, b :instd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:outstd_logic;         y :outstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDENTITYalu; ARCHITECTUREbehavOFaluIS signal result :std_logic_vector(8downto0); BEGIN   y <= result (7downto0); cout<= result (8); process(cin,sel, a, b) begin case(sel)is when X"0"=>       result <=('0' & a)+('0' & b)+cin; when X"1"=>      result <=('0' & a)-('0' & b)-cin; when X"2"=>      result <=('0' & a)and('0' & b); when X"3"=>      result <=('0' & a)or('0' & b); when X"4"=>      result <=('0' & a)xor('0' & b);
Testbench 27 VHDL 360 © when X"C"=> if(a <= b)then           result(8)<= '1';           result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else           result(8)<= '0';           result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; when X"D"=> if(a = b)then           result(8)<= '1';           result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else           result(8)<= '0';           result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; --when X"E" =>--; --when X"F" =>--; whenothers=>         result <=(others=> 'Z');     endcase;   endprocess; ENDARCHITECTUREbehav;
Testbench Example 14: ALU Testbench LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITYalu_tbIS ENDalu_tb; ARCHITECTUREstructOFalu_tbIS SIGNALcin:std_logic; SIGNALsel:std_logic_vector(3downto0); SIGNAL a :std_logic_vector(7downto0); SIGNAL b :std_logic_vector(7downto0); SIGNALcout:std_logic; SIGNAL y :std_logic_vector(7downto0); COMPONENTalu PORT(cin:INstd_logic; sel:INstd_logic_vector(3downto0);  a :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0);            b :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:OUTstd_logic;            y :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDCOMPONENT; COMPONENTalu_tester PORT(cin:OUTstd_logic; sel:OUTstd_logic_vector(3downto0); a :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0);  b :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:INstd_logic;           y :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDCOMPONENT; … Testbench BEGIN   UUT :alu PORTMAP(cin=>cin, sel=>sel,                a => a,                b => b, cout=>cout,                y => y );  Tester :alu_tester PORTMAP(cin=>cin, sel=>sel,                a => a,                b => b, cout=>cout,                y => y ); ENDstruct; 28 VHDL 360 ©
Testbench Example 14: ALU Tester LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; USEieee.std_logic_arith.all; USEieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITYalu_testerIS PORT(cin:OUTstd_logic; sel:OUTstd_logic_vector(3downto0);       a :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0);       b :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:INstd_logic;       y :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDalu_tester; ARCHITECTUREall_testerOFalu_testerIS signal temp :std_logic_vector(20downto0):=(others=> '0'); BEGIN -- generate the stimulus   temp <= temp +1after20 ns; -- drive the duti/p signals cin<= temp(0);   b <= temp(8downto1);   a <= temp(16downto9); sel<= temp(20downto17); -- now start monitoring whenever the stimulus changes process begin waitfor2 ns; case(temp(20downto17))is when X"0"=> assert((cout& y)= conv_std_logic_vector((conv_integer(temp(16downto9)) + conv_integer(temp(8downto1))+ conv_integer(temp(0))),9))                report"Addition failed!!"severity failure; when X"1"=> assert((cout& y)= conv_std_logic_vector((conv_integer(temp(16downto9)) -  conv_integer(temp(8downto1)) -  conv_integer(temp(0))),9)) report"Subtraction failed!!"severity failure; … when X"2"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)and temp(8downto1))) report"AND operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"3"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)or temp(8downto1))) report"OR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"4"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)xor temp(8downto1))) report"XOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"5"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =not(temp(16downto9))) report"NOT operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"6"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)nand temp(8downto1))) report"NAND operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"7"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)nor temp(8downto1))) report"NOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"8"=> assert(cout= '0' and           y =(temp(16downto9)xnor temp(8downto1))) report"XNOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"9"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure;   if(temp(16downto9)> temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation greater than failed!!" severity failure; … 29 VHDL 360 ©
Testbench   else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation greater than failed" severity failure;   endif; when X"A"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)< temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation less than failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation less than failed" severity failure; endif; when X"B"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)>= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation greater than or equal              failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation greater than or equal              failed" severity failure; endif; …   when X"C"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)<= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation less than or equal                failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation less than or equal                failed" severity failure; endif; when X"D"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation equal failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation equal failed" severity failure; endif; --when X"E" =>-- when X"F" => whenothers=> assert((cout& y)="ZZZZZZZZZ"); endcase; waiton temp; endprocess; -- Stop the simulation when temp is all 1s assert(temp /=('1' & X"FFFFF")) report"Simulation ended!!"severity failure; ENDARCHITECTUREall_tester; 30 VHDL 360 ©

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Building Hierarchy

  • 1. VHDL 360© by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany
  • 2. Copyrights Copyright © 2010/2011 to authors. All rights reserved All content in this presentation, including charts, data, artwork and logos (from here on, "the Content"), is the property of Mohamed Samy and Samer El-Saadany or the corresponding owners, depending on the circumstances of publication, and is protected by national and international copyright laws. Authors are not personally liable for your usage of the Content that entailed casual or indirect destruction of anything or actions entailed to information profit loss or other losses. Users are granted to access, display, download and print portions of this presentation, solely for their own personal non-commercial use, provided that all proprietary notices are kept intact. Product names and trademarks mentioned in this presentation belong to their respective owners. VHDL 360 © 2
  • 3. Module 6 Structural Description
  • 4. Objective Modeling Hierarchy Creating Testbenches Skills gained: Reuse design units several times in a design hierarchy Automate testing of design units VHDL 360 © 4
  • 5. Outline Generics Structural Description Testbench Generate Statement Configuration Statement VHDL 360 © 5
  • 6. How to create a generic DU? VHDL provides an easy way to create generic design units that can be used several times with different properties in the design hierarchy 4-bit counter N-bit counter 8-bit counter 6 VHDL 360 ©
  • 7. Generic Clause 7 VHDL 360 © Syntax: Declared inside the entity The default value can be overridden at component instantiation If the optional default_value is missing in generic clause declaration, it must be present when the component is instantiated generic( <identifier>:type [:= default_value]; <identifier>:type [:=default_value]) ); Example 1: LIBRARYieee; USEieee.NUMERIC_STD.all;-- required to use "unsigned" type Entitygeneric_multiplieris generic(N :integer:=4); port(A, B:inunsigned(N-1downto0); Z :outunsigned(2*N-1downto0)); Endentity; Architecture behave ofgeneric_multiplieris Begin Z <= A * B; Endarchitecture;
  • 8.
  • 9. Declare a generic value (N) with default value = 5
  • 10. Declare an input port (A) of size N
  • 11. Use the 'range attribute to loop on the input A bitsA1 A2 Z . . libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entityor_nis <Here> port(<Here> Z :outstd_logic); Endor_n; Architecture behave ofor_nis Begin process(A) variable temp :std_logic; begin temp := '0' ; foriin <Here> loop temp := temp or A(i); endloop; Z <= temp; endprocess; End behave; An 8 VHDL 360 ©
  • 12.
  • 13. Generic Clause Example 2: N-input AND gate libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entityand_nis generic( N :integer:=4); port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0); Z :outstd_logic); Endentity; Architecture behave ofand_nis Begin process(A) variable temp :std_logic; begin temp := '1' ; foriinA'rangeloop temp := temp and A(i); endloop; Z <= temp ; endprocess; Endarchitecture; 10 VHDL 360 © Reference page A1 A2 Z An
  • 14. Structural Description VHDL 360 © 11 A E B C D Models complex digital system through a set of components (design units) and their interconnection in a hierarchicalfashion Hierarchical design approach is always preferred over flat design approach because it reduces the complexity
  • 15. Structural Description Structural modeling involves the following: Component declaration Declaring component names and ports; can be done in the architecture declaration area or in a package Component instantiation and Interconnections Creating instances of declared components Connecting instances' ports to appropriate signals Component declaration 12 Syntax: component <component_name> generic( <generic name>:type[:=default_value]); port (<port_names>: <mode> <type>; : ); end component; Example 3: Architecture arch of Alu7 is -- component declaration Component ALU generic (width: integer := 3); port(A, B,Cin:inbit; Result:outbit_vector(8downto0)); endcomponent; Begin VHDL 360 ©
  • 16. Structural Modeling Component instantiation and Interconnects The instance name is the name of this particular instance The component name is the name of the component declared earlier using the component declaration statement 13 VHDL 360 © Syntax: <instance_name>: <component_name > generic map( <generic_name> => <value>, …); port map( <port_name> => <sig_name>, …); Example 4: f1:Alugeneric map(Width => 32); portmap (A => in1, B => in2, Cin=> cin, Result => out1);
  • 17.
  • 18. Explicitly specify port names and the connected signal
  • 19. Preferred as it's more readable and avoids misconnection of portsUse “OPEN” keyword to leave port unconnected 14 VHDL 360 © Syntax: instance_name: component_name port map (signal1, signal2,…); Syntax: instance_name: component_name port map (port2 => signal2, port1=> signal1,…);
  • 20. 15 VHDL 360 © Structural Modeling Example 5: libraryIEEE; useIEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entity top is port(In1:instd_logic_vector(9downto0); In2:instd_logic_vector(31downto0); In3:instd_logic_vector(4downto0); out1, out2, out3 :outstd_logic); Endentity; ARCHITECTUREstructOF top is COMPONENTand_n GENERIC(N :integer:=4); PORT(A :INstd_logic_vector(N-1downto0); Z :OUTstd_logic); ENDCOMPONENT; COMPONENTor_n GENERIC(N :integer:=5); PORT(A :INstd_logic_vector(N-1downto0); Z :OUTstd_logic); ENDCOMPONENT; BEGIN OR5 :or_nPORTMAP(A => In3, Z => out3);-- use the default generic value OR32 :or_nGENERICMAP(N =>32)PORTMAP(A => In2, Z => out2);-- overrides default generic value AND10:and_nGENERICMAP(N =>10)PORTMAP(A => In1, Z => out1); ENDarchitecture;
  • 21. 16 VHDL 360 © fulladder Structural Modeling X S Y C Z Example 6: 1-bit Full-Adder ENTITYfullAdderIS PORT(X, Y, Z :INbit; S :OUTbit; C :OUT bit); ENDfullAdder; ARCHITECTUREexprOFfullAdderIS signal temp :bit; BEGIN temp <=X XOR Y; S <= temp XOR Z; C <= (X AND Y) OR (Z AND temp); ENDexpr;
  • 22. 17 VHDL 360 © Structural Modeling z f1 fulladder cin f2 fulladder t cout Example 7: 2-bit Full-Adder using the 1-bit Full-Adder of Example 6 Entity my_adder2 is port(a, b:inbit_vector(1downto0); cin:inbit; cout:outbit; z :outbit_vector(1downto0)); Endentity; Architecture arch of my_adder2 is -- component declaration Componentfulladder port(x ,y, z:inbit; c, s :outbit); endcomponent; signal t:bit; Begin -- component instantiation f1:fulladder portmap(x => a(0), y => b(0), z => cin, c => t, s => z(0)); f2:fulladder portmap(x => a(1), z => t, c => cout, s => z(1), y => b(1)); End arch; X S Y C Z X S Y C Z
  • 23. Structural Modeling Example 8: LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY gent_exp2 IS port(A, B, C:instd_logic; G:outstd_logic); ENDENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF gent_exp2 IS componentor_n generic(N :integer:=5); port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0); Z :outstd_logic); endcomponent; signal temp1:std_logic; BEGIN temp1 <= A and B; U:or_ngenericmap(N =>2)portmap(temp1 & C, G); ENDARCHITECTURE; Expression in port map; supported only in VHDL 2008 18 VHDL 360 ©
  • 24.
  • 26.
  • 27. Generate stimulus & apply it to the entity under test
  • 28. Compare output responses againstexpected values
  • 29. Stimulus generators & monitors can be encapsulated in a tester blockVHDL 360 ©
  • 30.
  • 31. 23 Testbench Stimulus generators AND Stimulus Generation Example 11: A Simple stimulus generation example for an “AND” gate testbench Entityand_tbis -- do we need ports here? Endentity; LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture waveform ofand_tbis --component declaration of the DUT componentAND_gate port(a :instd_logic; b :instd_logic; c :outstd_logic); endcomponent; -- signal declaration signal x, y, z :std_logic; Begin x <= '0' , '1' after40 ns; y <= '0' , '1' after20 ns, '0' after40 ns, '1' after60 ns; uut:AND_gatePORTMAP( a => x, b => y, c => z ); Endarchitecture; VHDL 360 ©
  • 32.
  • 33. When the specified condition is false, the ASSERT statement triggers and the report is issued in the simulation console
  • 35. Note -- relays information about conditions to the user
  • 36. Warning -- alerts the user to conditions that are not expected, but not fatal
  • 37. Error -- relays conditions that will cause the model to work incorrectly
  • 38. Failure -- stops the simulationExample 12: assertnot((s='1')AND(r='1')) report"Set and Reset are both 1" severity ERROR; VHDL 360 ©
  • 39. Testbench 25 Example 13: A Simple testbench example for an “AND” gate testbench Entityand_tbis Endentity; LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture waveform ofand_tbis componentAND_gate port(a :instd_logic; b :instd_logic; c :outstd_logic); endcomponent; signal x, y, z :std_logic; Begin x <= '0', '1' after40 ns; y <= '0', '1' after20 ns, '0' after40 ns, '1' after60 ns; uut:AND_gatePORTMAP( a => x, b => y, c => z ); assertnot(z = '1') report"Now we have completed our testing" severity failure; -- Monitor the occurrence of a '1' and abort process begin-- Monitor the inputs outputs relation and abort in case of failure waiton x, y for1 ns; assert(z =(x and y)) report"Error found, The output port Z is not the ANDing of inputs a and b“ severity failure; endprocess; Endarchitecture; Testbench Stimulus generators Monitors AND VHDL 360 ©
  • 40. Testbench Let’s create a testbench for the shown ALU and test all operations with all operand values Example 14: ALU Design Unit 26 VHDL 360 © when X"5"=> result <=not('1' & a); when X"6"=> result <=('1' & a)nand('1' & b); when X"7"=> result <=('1' & a)nor('1' & b); when X"8"=> result <=('1' & a)xnor('0' & b); when X"9"=> if(a > b)then result(8)<= '1'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else result(8)<= '0'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; when X"A"=> if(a < b)then result(8)<= '1'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else result(8)<= '0'; result (7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; when X"B"=> if(a >= b)then result(8)<= '1'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else result(8)<= '0'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; ... LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; USEieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITYaluIS port(cin:instd_logic; sel:instd_logic_vector(3downto0); a, b :instd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:outstd_logic; y :outstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDENTITYalu; ARCHITECTUREbehavOFaluIS signal result :std_logic_vector(8downto0); BEGIN y <= result (7downto0); cout<= result (8); process(cin,sel, a, b) begin case(sel)is when X"0"=> result <=('0' & a)+('0' & b)+cin; when X"1"=> result <=('0' & a)-('0' & b)-cin; when X"2"=> result <=('0' & a)and('0' & b); when X"3"=> result <=('0' & a)or('0' & b); when X"4"=> result <=('0' & a)xor('0' & b);
  • 41. Testbench 27 VHDL 360 © when X"C"=> if(a <= b)then result(8)<= '1'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else result(8)<= '0'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; when X"D"=> if(a = b)then result(8)<= '1'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); else result(8)<= '0'; result(7downto0)<=(others=> 'Z'); endif; --when X"E" =>--; --when X"F" =>--; whenothers=> result <=(others=> 'Z'); endcase; endprocess; ENDARCHITECTUREbehav;
  • 42. Testbench Example 14: ALU Testbench LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITYalu_tbIS ENDalu_tb; ARCHITECTUREstructOFalu_tbIS SIGNALcin:std_logic; SIGNALsel:std_logic_vector(3downto0); SIGNAL a :std_logic_vector(7downto0); SIGNAL b :std_logic_vector(7downto0); SIGNALcout:std_logic; SIGNAL y :std_logic_vector(7downto0); COMPONENTalu PORT(cin:INstd_logic; sel:INstd_logic_vector(3downto0); a :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0); b :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:OUTstd_logic; y :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDCOMPONENT; COMPONENTalu_tester PORT(cin:OUTstd_logic; sel:OUTstd_logic_vector(3downto0); a :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); b :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:INstd_logic; y :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDCOMPONENT; … Testbench BEGIN UUT :alu PORTMAP(cin=>cin, sel=>sel, a => a, b => b, cout=>cout, y => y ); Tester :alu_tester PORTMAP(cin=>cin, sel=>sel, a => a, b => b, cout=>cout, y => y ); ENDstruct; 28 VHDL 360 ©
  • 43. Testbench Example 14: ALU Tester LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; USEieee.std_logic_arith.all; USEieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITYalu_testerIS PORT(cin:OUTstd_logic; sel:OUTstd_logic_vector(3downto0); a :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); b :OUTstd_logic_vector(7downto0); cout:INstd_logic; y :INstd_logic_vector(7downto0)); ENDalu_tester; ARCHITECTUREall_testerOFalu_testerIS signal temp :std_logic_vector(20downto0):=(others=> '0'); BEGIN -- generate the stimulus temp <= temp +1after20 ns; -- drive the duti/p signals cin<= temp(0); b <= temp(8downto1); a <= temp(16downto9); sel<= temp(20downto17); -- now start monitoring whenever the stimulus changes process begin waitfor2 ns; case(temp(20downto17))is when X"0"=> assert((cout& y)= conv_std_logic_vector((conv_integer(temp(16downto9)) + conv_integer(temp(8downto1))+ conv_integer(temp(0))),9)) report"Addition failed!!"severity failure; when X"1"=> assert((cout& y)= conv_std_logic_vector((conv_integer(temp(16downto9)) - conv_integer(temp(8downto1)) - conv_integer(temp(0))),9)) report"Subtraction failed!!"severity failure; … when X"2"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)and temp(8downto1))) report"AND operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"3"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)or temp(8downto1))) report"OR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"4"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)xor temp(8downto1))) report"XOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"5"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =not(temp(16downto9))) report"NOT operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"6"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)nand temp(8downto1))) report"NAND operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"7"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)nor temp(8downto1))) report"NOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"8"=> assert(cout= '0' and y =(temp(16downto9)xnor temp(8downto1))) report"XNOR operation failed!!"severity failure; when X"9"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)> temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation greater than failed!!" severity failure; … 29 VHDL 360 ©
  • 44. Testbench else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation greater than failed" severity failure; endif; when X"A"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)< temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation less than failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation less than failed" severity failure; endif; when X"B"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)>= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation greater than or equal failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation greater than or equal failed" severity failure; endif; … when X"C"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)<= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation less than or equal failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation less than or equal failed" severity failure; endif; when X"D"=> assert(y ="ZZZZZZZZ") report"Output y should be equal to Z" severity failure; if(temp(16downto9)= temp(8downto1))then assert(cout= '1') report"Relational operation equal failed!!" severity failure; else assert(cout= '0') report"Relational operation equal failed" severity failure; endif; --when X"E" =>-- when X"F" => whenothers=> assert((cout& y)="ZZZZZZZZZ"); endcase; waiton temp; endprocess; -- Stop the simulation when temp is all 1s assert(temp /=('1' & X"FFFFF")) report"Simulation ended!!"severity failure; ENDARCHITECTUREall_tester; 30 VHDL 360 ©
  • 46.
  • 47. Generate Statement Example 15: for-generate LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY gent_exp1 IS port(A, B, C:instd_logic_vector(3downto0); G:outstd_logic_vector(3downto0)); ENDENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF gent_exp1 IS componentor_n generic(N :integer:=5); port(A :instd_logic_vector(N-1downto0); Z :outstd_logic); endcomponent; signal temp1:std_logic_vector(3downto0); typemyTypeisarray(3downto0)ofstd_logic_vector(1downto0); signal temp2:myType; BEGIN ex1:for j in0to3generate temp1(j)<= A(j)and B(j); temp2(j)<= temp1(j)& C(j); U:or_ngenericmap(N =>2)portmap(temp2(j), G(j)); endgenerate ex1; ENDARCHITECTURE; 33 VHDL 360 ©
  • 48. Generate Statement Example 16: LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY gent_exp3 IS port(A, B:instd_logic_vector(3downto0); G:outstd_logic_vector(3downto0)); ENDENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF gent_exp3 IS BEGIN L1:for j in0to3generate L2:if j =2generate G(j)<= A(j)xor B(j); endgenerate L2; L3:if j /=2generate G(j)<= A(j)nor B(j); endgenerate L3; endgenerate L1; ENDARCHITECTURE; 34 VHDL 360 ©
  • 49. Generate Statement Example 17: LIBRARYieee; USEieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY gent_exp4 IS port(A, B:instd_logic_vector(3downto0); G:outstd_logic_vector(3downto0)); ENDENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF gent_exp4 IS BEGIN ex1:for j in0to3generate L1:case j generate when0|2=>-- if j = 0 or j = 2 G(j)<= A(j)and B(j); whenothers=> G(j)<= A(j)nand B(j); endgenerate L1; endgenerate ex1; ENDARCHITECTURE; VHDL 2008 is not yet supported by all tools in the market 35 VHDL 360 ©
  • 50. Exercise 3 Create the n-bit shift register shown below …
  • 52. Configurations Why do we need Configurations? VHDL design units are organized in libraries. Units in different libraries can have the same name but with different implementation. Designers can specify which one is needed via configurations VHDL allows designers to have the component name to be different than the entity name. Designers need a configuration to specify the bindings 38 Lib1 Lib2 Lib3 Which ALU should I use? How to bind it in my design? ALU CPU ALU arch struct sim syn arch cntrlr cache Mem fsm model behave du12 ALU cntrlr behav rtl sim gte fastsim rtl sim synth VHDL 360 ©
  • 53.
  • 54. Defined in the declarative region of the block in which the component instance is created
  • 55. <lib> library name where the entity resides
  • 56. <ent> entity name to be used
  • 57. <arch> architecture to be used for <ent>
  • 58.
  • 59. Useful when the binding of component instances needs to be deferred to later timeSyntax: configuration <config_name> of <entity_name> is for <arch_name> [configuration_spec_statement] ; … end for; end configuration; VHDL 360 ©
  • 60. 40 VHDL 360 © Configurations Example 18: Using Configuration Specification statement ENTITYfullAdderIS PORT(X,Y,Z:INbit; S:OUTbit; C:OUTbit); ENDfullAdder; ARCHITECTUREexprOFfullAdderIS signal temp :bit; BEGIN temp <= X XOR Y; S <= temp XOR Z; C <=(X AND Y)OR(Z AND temp); ENDexpr; Entity adder2 is port(a,b:inbit_vector(1downto0); cin:inbit; cout:outbit; z:outbit_vector(1downto0)); Endentity; Architecture arch of adder2 is signalt:bit; Componentfa port(a,b,c:inbit; d,e:outbit); endcomponent; forall:fauseentitywork.fulladder(expr) portmap(X=>a,Y=>b,Z=>c,S=>d,C=>e); Begin f1:faportmap(a => a(0), b => b(0), c => cin, d => t, e => z(0)); f2:faportmap(a(1), b(1), t, z(1), cout); End arch; library* name where the design unit resides *more on libraries in the next modules
  • 61. configurationadder_configof my_add3 is for arch -- Binding f1 to entity fulladder for f1 :fa useentitywork.fulladder(expr); endfor; -- Binding f2 to another entity cla_fad forf2:fa useentitywork.cla_fadd(behave); endfor; -- for other instances of fa use another architecture of fulladder forothers:fa useentitywork.fulladder(expr2); endfor; endfor; endconfiguration; 41 VHDL 360 © Configurations Example 19: Using Configuration Design Unit
  • 62.
  • 63. The alu_tester entity will have several architectures each one tests a specific aspect in the alu
  • 64.
  • 65. 43 VHDL 360 © Configurations Example 20 (cont.): Test1 : Testing arithmetic Operations configurationarith_testofalu_tbis forstruct forall:alu useentitywork.alu(behav); endfor; forall:alu_tester useentitywork.alu_tester(arith); endfor;end for; endconfigurationarith_test; Test 3 : Testing Relational Operations Test 2 : Testing Logical Operations configurationrltn_testofalu_tbis forstruct forall:alu useentitywork.alu(behav); endfor; forall:alu_tester useentitywork.alu_tester(relational); endfor;end for; endconfigurationrltn_test; configurationlgc_testofalu_tbis forstruct forall:alu useentitywork.alu(behav); endfor; forall:alu_tester useentitywork.alu_tester(logical); endfor;end for; endconfigurationlgc_test;
  • 66. Contacts You can contact us at: VHDL 360 © 44