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                                                     Lesson: 21

                            Career & Succession Planning:

                              • Definition of Competency
                              • Competency Mapping
                              • Career –Processes and life stages
                              • Career Planning – Meaning, need, process, prerequisites,
                                advantages and limitations
                              • Tips for effective Career Development
                              • Succession Planning
                              • Case Study


        Competency is defined as behaviors that describe excellent performance in a particular
        work context (e.g. job, role or group of jobs, function, or whole organisation). In other
        words competency means actual application of knowledge. skill and
        motives/attitude/temperament in carrying out assigned tasks. A manager may be
        knowledgeable and skilled but he hardly applies his/her knowledge and skill on assigned
        tasks, the said manager cannot be rated as a competent person.

        Competency Mapping

        Competency mapping is a process of identify key competencies for an organisation and/
        or a job and incorporate those competencies through the various process (i.e. job
        evaluation, training, recruitment, career and succession planning) of the organisation.
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                   Business                          Strategy/ Vision

              Continuous                                        Customer
              Improvement                                       Service

                       Team/                    Negotiations


                        MANAGING                       CONSULTING

                                       MANAGEMENT                   PLANNING /
               EXECUTION                                            PRIORITY
               IMPLEMENTATI                                         SETTING

                        COMMUNICATI                            SKILLS / SECISION

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                                                           INFORMATIO          STAFFING

                                              CARRER                    MANAGEMENT                   BENEFITS
                                              PLANNING &                COMPETENCIE
                                              DEVELOPMENT               S

                                                           EDUCATION &                       RELATIONS

           position                                 Specialist      Manager               Director
          ( sample )

           Mix of Competencies Demonstrated







                                                    Functional    Management          Leadership
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       C A R E E R PL AN N IN G & G R O WT H O PP OR T U N I TI E S

       M a np ow er plan nin g is a n imp or tant ad jun ct of b u sin es s p lann ing or co rp or ate plan nin g. T her e can no t
       b e effe ctive ma np ow er plan nin g if th ere is inef fectiv e care er plan ni ng in th e or gan is ation . C ar eer
       p la nn ing is an i nteg ral par t of m anp o w er pla nn ing . Ca reer p lan nin g is c ho os ing an o ccu patio n,
       k eepin g in view o ne' s re so ur ces a nd e nv ir on me ntal co nd ition s. Car eer p lan ning is n ot an even t or an
       en d in its elf, bu t a pr oce ss w hich req uir es co ntin uo u s ex amin atio n of th e go al; the s trateg ies to b e
       ch os en ; th e re sou r ces a nd lim itation s o n th e par t of th e in div idu al; th e o rga nis atio n an d th e
       en vir on men t. Th is i s aim ed at -

       to i mpr ov e the p erf orm an ce of s u bor di nates in th eir pr es ent jo b in ter ms of re su lts to be
       ac com plis he d;
       to p rep ar e e mpl oy ees to accep t in crea s in g r es po ns ibility i n their pr es en t job ;
       to h elp s u bor d in ates to g row an d d eve lop f or h igh er lev el job s .

       C are er plan nin g is bas ically an in div idua l's r es po n sib il it y. H ow ev er, in th e o rg anis atio nal co nte xt, i t
       is the o rga nis ation 's res p on sib ility to g uid e and dir ect the em plo ye es to d ev elop a nd u tilize their
       k no w led ge, a bilities an d res ou r ces to w ard s o rg anis atio n d evel opm en t a nd e ffectiv en es s. E mp loy ee' s
       g oals hav e to b e a pp ro pr ia tely in tegra ted w ith org an isatio na l g oa ls. T he o rg anis atio n mu s t p ro vid e
       car eer co un s elling ser vice s.

                                    LIFE STAGES & PROCESSES OF CAREER

               BASIC STAGES :-
                EXPLORATION                                      INDIVIDUAL EXPLORES CAREER
         1.     ESTABLISHING
                                                                 ALTERNATIVES & BEGINS TO
                                                                 MOVE INTO THE ADULT WORLD

                GROWTH & GETTING                                 PERSON CHOOSES AN
         2.     ESTABLISHED(20-40)                               OCCUPATION.ESTABLISHED CAREER PATH

                MAINTENANCE &                                    PEOPLE SERIOUSLY QUESTION
         3.     ADJUSTMENT TO                                    THE QUALITY OF THEIR LIVES

                                                                  PERSON MAY HAVE LOWER ASPIRATIONS &
         4.     DECLINE                                           LESS MOTIVATION RESULTING ADDITIONAL
                                                                  CAREER ADJUSTMENT
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          ORG. NEEDS
          - SOME PLATEAUS


           INDIVIDUAL               ORG. KNOWS              BOTH DON’T
           KNOWS ORG.               INDIVIDUAL              KNOW
           DOES NOT                 DOES NOT
           KNOW                     KNOW

                                CAREER PLANNING SYSTEM
            INDIVIDUAL CP                        ORGANISATIONAL CP

              PERFORMANCE                              FORECASTING

              POTENTIAL                   ORGANISATIONAL     MANPOWER
                                          PLANNING           PLANNING


                                          ORGANISATIONAL      PERSONAL
              PERSONAL                    ASSESSMENT          ASSESSMENT

                INDIVIDUAL                           ORGANISATION
                ABILITIES                            PERSONNEL NEEDS
                DESIRES                              CAREER PATHS
                POSSIBILITIES                        POSSIBILITIES
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                             COMPONENTS OF CAREER
                                   ORGANISATION DESIGN /
                                        HR PLANS

              CORPORATE PLAN                             CAREER PATHS / ROLE

                                   CAREER PLANNING

                DEVELOPMENT                                POTENTIAL /
                OPPORTUNITIES                        PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL

                                    PROMOTION POLICY

        So, dear students there is every need of learning about the meaning of Career Planning
        and Development. So let us try to familiarize ourselves with the meaning of Career
        Planning and Development


        Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these
        goals. Career development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a
        personal career plan. Career management is the process of designing and implementing
        goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while
        allowing individuals to achieve their career goals. So, due to this career planning and
        development is necessary to each and every employee in an organization. The need of
        career planning and development is felt in each and every organization of today’s global

        So, in today’s session let us discuss the need for career planning in depth

        Need for Career Planning: -

        Career Planning is necessary due to the following reasons:

           1. To attract competent persons and to retain them in the organization.
           2. To provide suitable promotional opportunities.
           3. To enable the employees to develop and take them ready to meet the future
           4. To increase the utilization of managerial reserves within an organization.
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           5. To correct employee placement.
           6. To reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover.
           7. To improve motivation and morale.

        Today’s class is intended for discussing the process of career planning and development.
        Why in today’s modern global organizations’ the need for career planning and
        development is given much importance? The process of career planning and development
        is discussed below. So, after discussion of the process of career planning and
        development, you all can know the importance of it.

        Process of Career Planning and Development: -

        The following are the steps in Career Planning and Development:

           1. Analysis of individual skills, knowledge, abilities, aptitudes etc.
           2. Analysis of career opportunities both within and outside the organization.
           3. Analysis of career demands on the incumbent in terms of skills, knowledge,
              abilities, aptitude etc., and in terms of qualifications, experience and training
              received etc.
           4. Relating specific jobs to different career opportunities.
           5. Establishing realistic goals both short-term and long-term.
           6. Formulating career strategy covering areas of change and adjustment.
           7. Preparing and implementing action plan including acquiring resources for
              achieving goals.

        I hope that every one is well versed with the career planning and development and it’s
        importance. Now, you have to know what are the steps involved in career development

        Steps involved in Career Development System: -

        There are four steps in establishing a career development system. They are:

        1. Needs: -Defining the present system i.e. this step involves in the conducting a needs
           assessment as in a training programme.

        2. Vision: -The needs of the career system must be linked with the interventions. An
           ideal career development system known as the vision links the needs with the
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        3. Action Plan: -An action plan should be formulated in order to achieve the vision. The
           support of the top management should be obtained in this process.

        4. Results: -Career development programme should be integrated with the
           organization’s on-going employee training and management development
           programmes. The programme should be evaluated from time to time in order to revise
           the programme.

        The above points can further elaborated in the following way: -

                       Steps and Tasks in establishing a career development system

        Step 1: Needs: Defining the present system

               Establish roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and the organization.
               Identify needs; establish target groups.
               Establish cultural parameters; determine organizational receptivity, support, and
               commitment to career development.
               Assess existing HR Programme or structure; consider possible links to a career
               development programme.
               Determine prior attempts at solving the problem or need.
               Establish the mission or philosophy of the programme.
               Design and implement needs assessment to confirm the data or collect more data.
               Establish indicators or criteria of success.

        Step 2: Vision: Determining New Directions and Possibilities

               Create a long-term philosophy.
               Establish the vision or objectives of the programme.
               Design interventions for employees, managers, and the organization.
               Organize and make available career information needed to support the

        Step 3: Action Plan: Deciding on practical first steps

               Assess the plan and obtain support from top management
               Create a pilot programme
               Assess resources and competencies.
               Establish an advisory group.
               Involve advisory group in data gathering, programme design, implementation,
               evaluation and monitoring
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        Step 4: Results: Maintaining the change

               Create long-term formalized approaches.
               Publicize the programme.
               Evaluate and redesign the programme and its components.
               Consider future trends and directions for the programme.

        Career development is essential to implement career plan. Career development consists of
        personal improvements undertaken by the individual employee, training, development
        and educational programmes provided by the organization and various institutes. The
        most important aspect of career development is that every employee must accept his/her
        responsibility for development. Various career development actions prove useful if an
        employee is committed to career development.

        I think and hope that everybody is well versed with career planning and development.
        Now let us try to explore the pre-requisites for the success of career planning.

        Pre-requisites for the success of career planning.

        1. Strong commitment of the top management in career planning, succession planning
           and development.
        2. Organization should develop, expand and diversify its activities at a phased manner.
        3. Organization should frame clear corporate goals.
        4. Organization should have self-motivated, committed and hard working employees.
        5. Organization’s goal in selection should be selecting the most suitable man and place
           him in the right job.
        6. Organization should take care of the proper age composition in manpower planning
           and in selection.
        7. Organization should take steps to minimize career stress.
        8. Organization should have fair promotion policy.
        9. Organization should publicize widely the career planning and development

        Advantages of Career Planning and Development

        After learning about all the above things, we have to have a look on advantages of career
        planning and development. Following are the advantages of career planning and

        Infact both individuals and the organization are going to benefit from career planning and
        development. So the advantages are described below:

        For Individuals:
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                1. The process of career planning helps the individual to have the knowledge of
                   various career opportunities, his priorities etc.
                2. This knowledge helps him select the career that is suitable to his life styles,
                   preferences, family environment, scope for self-development etc.
                3. It helps the organization identify internal employees who can be promoted.
                4. Internal promotions, upgradation and transfers motivate the employees, boost up
                   their morale and also result in increased job satisfaction.
                5. Increased job satisfaction enhances employee commitment and creates a sense of
                   belongingness and loyalty to the organization.
                6. Employee will await his turn of promotion rather than changing to another
                   organization. This will lower employee turnover.
                7. It improves employee’s performance on the job by taping their potential abilities
                   and further employee turnover.
                8. It satisfies employee esteem needs.

             For Organizations: -

                 A long-term focus of career planning and development will increase the effectiveness
             of human resource management. More specifically, the advantages of career planning and
             development for an organization include:

        i.      Efficient career planning and development ensures the availability of human
                resources with required skill, knowledge and talent.
       ii.      The efficient policies and practices improve the organization’s ability to attract and
                retain highly skilled and talent employees.
      iii.      The proper career planning ensures that the women and people belong to backward
                communities get opportunities for growth and development.
      iv.       The career plan continuously tries to satisfy the employee expectations and as such
                minimizes employee frustration.
       v.       By attracting and retaining the people from different cultures, enhances cultural
      vi.       Protecting employees’ interest results in promoting organizational goodwill.

             Limitations of career planning

             Apart from advantages, there are some limitations. So, let us have a look at the
             limitations of career planning?

             Despite planning the career, employees face certain career problems. They are:

                                 1. Dual Career Families: - With the increase in career orientation
                                    among women, number of female employees in on increase.
                                    With this, the dual career families have also been on increase.
                                    Consequently, one of those family members might face the
                                    problem of transfer. This has become a complicated problem to
                                    organizations. Consequently other employees may be at
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                            2. Low ceiling careers: -Some careers do not have scope for much
                               advancement. Employees cannot get promotions despite their
                               career plans and development in such jobs.
                            3. Declining Career Opportunities: -Career opportunities for
                               certain categories reach the declining stage due to the influence
                               of the technological or economic factors. Solution for such
                               problem is career shift.
                            4. Downsizing/Delayering and careers: - Business process
                               reengineering, technological changes and business environmental
                               factors force the business firms to restructure the organizations
                               by delayering and downsizing. Downsizing activities result in
                               fixing some employees, and degrading some other employees.

           There are some suggestions for effective career development. They are: -

           •   Challenging Initial Job Assignments: - There is an evidence indicating that
               employees who take up initial challenging jobs perform better at later stages.
           •   Dissemination of Career Option Information: - Mostly employees lack
               information about career choices/options. The managers identify career paths and
               succession paths. This information should be made available to all.
           •   Job Positioning: - Management should provide job information to employees
               through job positioning. For posting the jobs organizations can use bulletin board
               displays, company publications, electronic billboards and similar means.
           •   Assessment Centres: - The assessment centers evaluate the people regarding
               their ability to certain jobs. This technique helps to identify the available skills,
               abilities and knowledge.
           •   Career Counseling: - Career Counseling helps employees in setting directions,
               reviewing performance, identifying areas for professional growth.

                                          Succession Planning

            Succession may be from internal employees or external people. Succession from
        internal employees is advantageous to the organization as well as to the internal
        employees. Organization can buy the employees loyalty and commitment, belongingness,
        shared feeling of development along with the organization by promoting the internal
        employees. Employees get the benefits of growth in the organization. The organization
        mostly prefers to encourage the growth and development of its employees and as such
        tends to prefer succession from within. Organizations, appraise employee’s potentialities,
        identify training gaps for future vacancies, and develop them for higher and varied jobs.
        The scope of succession plan would be more when the organization grows steadily and
        employees have potentialities to take up higher responsibilities.

            Professionally run organizations ask their managers to identify the internal employees
        having potentialities and develop them in order to occupy their positions as and when
        they feel vacant. However, it is necessary to allow the inflow of new blood also. Hence,
        organizations should also search for outside talent in certain cases like when competent
        internal people are not available, when major expansion, diversification and growth plans
        are in offing, complete dependence on either internal source or external source not
        advisable to any organization.
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         The following two articles can know the importance of succession planning. These
         articles highlight the importance of succession planning and highlights the challenges of
         succession                           planning.                                          ((—
                                                                                                   Goog e com—
         h p www bus ness com d ec o y managemen co po a e_gove nance success on_p ann
        iing// and
          ng and


                                                   “In the Dark”
        Could you come to my office for a minute, Rao” asked Mehta, the plant manager. “Sure,
        be right there,” said Rao. Rao was the plant’s control director. He had been with the
        company for four years. After completing his degree in mechanical engineering, he
        worked as a production supervisor and then as maintenance supervisor, prior to moving
        to his present job. Rao thought he knew what the call was about.

        “Your letter of resignation catches me by surprise,” began Mehta. “I know that Malhotra
        products will be getting a good person, but we sure need you here, too.” “I thought about
        it a lot,” said Rao, “but there doesn’t seem to be a future for me here.” “Why do you say
        that?” asked Mehta. “Well,” replied Rao, “the next position above mine is yours. With
        you being only 39, I don’t think it slightly that you’ll be leaving soon,” said Mehta.
        “That’s why it’s even more of a shock to learn that you are resigning. I think I’ll be
        moving to the corporate office in June of next year. Besides, the company has several
        plants that are larger than this one, and we need good people in those plants from time to
        time, both in quality control and in general management.” “Well, I heard about an
        opening in the Daruhera plant last year,’ said Rao, but by the time I checked, the job had
        already been filled. We never know about opportunities in other plants until we read
        about incumbent in the company paper.”

        “All this is beside the point now. What would it take to get you to change your mind?”
        asked Mehta. “I don’t think I will change my mind now,” replied Rao, “because I have
        given my word that I am going to join them.”


            1. Evaluate the career planning and the development programme at this company.

            2. What actions might have prevented Rao’s resignation?
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                    Career & Succession


                Competency is defined as a behaviour that
                 describes excellent performance in a
                 particular work context (e.g. job, role or
                 group of jobs, function, or whole
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                        Competency Mapping
                • Competency Mapping is a process of
                  identifying key competencies for an
                  organisation and or a job and incorporate
                  those competencies through the various
                  process of the organisation

                         Life Stages of Career
                •   Establishing Identity
                •   Growth and Getting Established
                •   Maintenance & Adjustment to Self
                •   Decline
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                             Career Planning

                “Career planning is the process by which one
                  select career goals and the path to these

                         Career Development
                “Career Development is those personal
                  improvements one undertakes to achieve a
                  personal career plan.”
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                       Steps involved in Career
                        Development System
                •   Needs
                •   Vision
                •   Action Plan
                •   Results

                • Pre-requisites for the success of career
                • Advantages of Career Planning and
                • Limitations of career planning
                • Suggestions for effective career
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                          Succession Planning
                “Succession may be from internal employees
                  external people. Succession from internal
                  employees is advantageous to the
                  organisation as well as to the internal
                  employees. Organisation can by the
                  employees loyalty and commitment,
                  belongingness,     shared    feeling   or
                  development along with the organisation
                  by promoting the internal employees”

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  • 1. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Lesson: 21 Career & Succession Planning: Contents: • Definition of Competency • Competency Mapping • Career –Processes and life stages • Career Planning – Meaning, need, process, prerequisites, advantages and limitations • Tips for effective Career Development • Succession Planning • Case Study Competency Competency is defined as behaviors that describe excellent performance in a particular work context (e.g. job, role or group of jobs, function, or whole organisation). In other words competency means actual application of knowledge. skill and motives/attitude/temperament in carrying out assigned tasks. A manager may be knowledgeable and skilled but he hardly applies his/her knowledge and skill on assigned tasks, the said manager cannot be rated as a competent person. Competency Mapping Competency mapping is a process of identify key competencies for an organisation and/ or a job and incorporate those competencies through the various process (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment, career and succession planning) of the organisation.
  • 2. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... COMPETENCIES - HR - LEADERSHIP CLUSTER Business Strategy/ Vision Oriented Leadership Continuous Customer Competencies Improvement Service Team/ Negotiations Relationship Building COMPETENCIES - HR - MANAGEMENT MANAGING CONSULTING WITH RESPECT MANAGEMENT PLANNING / EXECUTION PRIORITY COMPETENCIE IMPLEMENTATI SETTING S ON ANALYTICAL COMMUNICATI SKILLS / SECISION MANAGING DEVELOPING PEOPLE
  • 3. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... COMPETENCIES - HR - FUNCTIONAL INFORMATIO STAFFING COMPENSATI NMANAGME CARRER MANAGEMENT BENEFITS PLANNING & COMPETENCIE DEVELOPMENT S EMPLOYEE EDUCATION & RELATIONS TRANNING LABOUR RELATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES COMPETENCY MIX Benchmar k position Specialist Manager Director ( sample ) 60 Leadership Management Mix of Competencies Demonstrated 50 40 30 20 10 0 Functional Management Leadership
  • 4. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... C A R E E R PL AN N IN G & G R O WT H O PP OR T U N I TI E S M a np ow er plan nin g is a n imp or tant ad jun ct of b u sin es s p lann ing or co rp or ate plan nin g. T her e can no t b e effe ctive ma np ow er plan nin g if th ere is inef fectiv e care er plan ni ng in th e or gan is ation . C ar eer p la nn ing is an i nteg ral par t of m anp o w er pla nn ing . Ca reer p lan nin g is c ho os ing an o ccu patio n, k eepin g in view o ne' s re so ur ces a nd e nv ir on me ntal co nd ition s. Car eer p lan ning is n ot an even t or an en d in its elf, bu t a pr oce ss w hich req uir es co ntin uo u s ex amin atio n of th e go al; the s trateg ies to b e ch os en ; th e re sou r ces a nd lim itation s o n th e par t of th e in div idu al; th e o rga nis atio n an d th e en vir on men t. Th is i s aim ed at - to i mpr ov e the p erf orm an ce of s u bor di nates in th eir pr es ent jo b in ter ms of re su lts to be ac com plis he d; to p rep ar e e mpl oy ees to accep t in crea s in g r es po ns ibility i n their pr es en t job ; to h elp s u bor d in ates to g row an d d eve lop f or h igh er lev el job s . C are er plan nin g is bas ically an in div idua l's r es po n sib il it y. H ow ev er, in th e o rg anis atio nal co nte xt, i t is the o rga nis ation 's res p on sib ility to g uid e and dir ect the em plo ye es to d ev elop a nd u tilize their k no w led ge, a bilities an d res ou r ces to w ard s o rg anis atio n d evel opm en t a nd e ffectiv en es s. E mp loy ee' s g oals hav e to b e a pp ro pr ia tely in tegra ted w ith org an isatio na l g oa ls. T he o rg anis atio n mu s t p ro vid e car eer co un s elling ser vice s. LIFE STAGES & PROCESSES OF CAREER PEOPLE CHANGE CONSTANTLY & THUS VIEW THEIR CAREERS DIFFERENT AT VARIOUS STAGES OF THEIR LIVES.SOME OF THESE CHANGES RESULT FROM AGING PROCESS & OTHERS FROM OPPOPTUNITIES FOR GROWTH & STATUS . BASIC STAGES :- EXPLORATION INDIVIDUAL EXPLORES CAREER 1. ESTABLISHING ALTERNATIVES & BEGINS TO MOVE INTO THE ADULT WORLD /IDENTITY(10-20) GROWTH & GETTING PERSON CHOOSES AN 2. ESTABLISHED(20-40) OCCUPATION.ESTABLISHED CAREER PATH MAINTENANCE & PEOPLE SERIOUSLY QUESTION 3. ADJUSTMENT TO THE QUALITY OF THEIR LIVES SELF(40-50) PERSON MAY HAVE LOWER ASPIRATIONS & 4. DECLINE LESS MOTIVATION RESULTING ADDITIONAL CAREER ADJUSTMENT
  • 6. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... COMPONENTS OF CAREER PLANNING ORGANISATION DESIGN / HR PLANS CORPORATE PLAN CAREER PATHS / ROLE REQUIREMENT CAREER PLANNING DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL / OPPORTUNITIES PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROMOTION POLICY So, dear students there is every need of learning about the meaning of Career Planning and Development. So let us try to familiarize ourselves with the meaning of Career Planning and Development Meaning: Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. Career development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. Career management is the process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their career goals. So, due to this career planning and development is necessary to each and every employee in an organization. The need of career planning and development is felt in each and every organization of today’s global world. So, in today’s session let us discuss the need for career planning in depth Need for Career Planning: - Career Planning is necessary due to the following reasons: 1. To attract competent persons and to retain them in the organization. 2. To provide suitable promotional opportunities. 3. To enable the employees to develop and take them ready to meet the future challenges. 4. To increase the utilization of managerial reserves within an organization.
  • 7. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... 5. To correct employee placement. 6. To reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover. 7. To improve motivation and morale. Today’s class is intended for discussing the process of career planning and development. Why in today’s modern global organizations’ the need for career planning and development is given much importance? The process of career planning and development is discussed below. So, after discussion of the process of career planning and development, you all can know the importance of it. Process of Career Planning and Development: - The following are the steps in Career Planning and Development: 1. Analysis of individual skills, knowledge, abilities, aptitudes etc. 2. Analysis of career opportunities both within and outside the organization. 3. Analysis of career demands on the incumbent in terms of skills, knowledge, abilities, aptitude etc., and in terms of qualifications, experience and training received etc. 4. Relating specific jobs to different career opportunities. 5. Establishing realistic goals both short-term and long-term. 6. Formulating career strategy covering areas of change and adjustment. 7. Preparing and implementing action plan including acquiring resources for achieving goals. I hope that every one is well versed with the career planning and development and it’s importance. Now, you have to know what are the steps involved in career development system. Steps involved in Career Development System: - There are four steps in establishing a career development system. They are: 1. Needs: -Defining the present system i.e. this step involves in the conducting a needs assessment as in a training programme. 2. Vision: -The needs of the career system must be linked with the interventions. An ideal career development system known as the vision links the needs with the interventions.
  • 8. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... 3. Action Plan: -An action plan should be formulated in order to achieve the vision. The support of the top management should be obtained in this process. 4. Results: -Career development programme should be integrated with the organization’s on-going employee training and management development programmes. The programme should be evaluated from time to time in order to revise the programme. The above points can further elaborated in the following way: - Steps and Tasks in establishing a career development system Step 1: Needs: Defining the present system Establish roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and the organization. Identify needs; establish target groups. Establish cultural parameters; determine organizational receptivity, support, and commitment to career development. Assess existing HR Programme or structure; consider possible links to a career development programme. Determine prior attempts at solving the problem or need. Establish the mission or philosophy of the programme. Design and implement needs assessment to confirm the data or collect more data. Establish indicators or criteria of success. Step 2: Vision: Determining New Directions and Possibilities Create a long-term philosophy. Establish the vision or objectives of the programme. Design interventions for employees, managers, and the organization. Organize and make available career information needed to support the programme. Step 3: Action Plan: Deciding on practical first steps Assess the plan and obtain support from top management Create a pilot programme Assess resources and competencies. Establish an advisory group. Involve advisory group in data gathering, programme design, implementation, evaluation and monitoring
  • 9. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Step 4: Results: Maintaining the change Create long-term formalized approaches. Publicize the programme. Evaluate and redesign the programme and its components. Consider future trends and directions for the programme. Career development is essential to implement career plan. Career development consists of personal improvements undertaken by the individual employee, training, development and educational programmes provided by the organization and various institutes. The most important aspect of career development is that every employee must accept his/her responsibility for development. Various career development actions prove useful if an employee is committed to career development. I think and hope that everybody is well versed with career planning and development. Now let us try to explore the pre-requisites for the success of career planning. Pre-requisites for the success of career planning. 1. Strong commitment of the top management in career planning, succession planning and development. 2. Organization should develop, expand and diversify its activities at a phased manner. 3. Organization should frame clear corporate goals. 4. Organization should have self-motivated, committed and hard working employees. 5. Organization’s goal in selection should be selecting the most suitable man and place him in the right job. 6. Organization should take care of the proper age composition in manpower planning and in selection. 7. Organization should take steps to minimize career stress. 8. Organization should have fair promotion policy. 9. Organization should publicize widely the career planning and development programmes. Advantages of Career Planning and Development After learning about all the above things, we have to have a look on advantages of career planning and development. Following are the advantages of career planning and development: Infact both individuals and the organization are going to benefit from career planning and development. So the advantages are described below: For Individuals:
  • 10. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... 1. The process of career planning helps the individual to have the knowledge of various career opportunities, his priorities etc. 2. This knowledge helps him select the career that is suitable to his life styles, preferences, family environment, scope for self-development etc. 3. It helps the organization identify internal employees who can be promoted. 4. Internal promotions, upgradation and transfers motivate the employees, boost up their morale and also result in increased job satisfaction. 5. Increased job satisfaction enhances employee commitment and creates a sense of belongingness and loyalty to the organization. 6. Employee will await his turn of promotion rather than changing to another organization. This will lower employee turnover. 7. It improves employee’s performance on the job by taping their potential abilities and further employee turnover. 8. It satisfies employee esteem needs. For Organizations: - A long-term focus of career planning and development will increase the effectiveness of human resource management. More specifically, the advantages of career planning and development for an organization include: i. Efficient career planning and development ensures the availability of human resources with required skill, knowledge and talent. ii. The efficient policies and practices improve the organization’s ability to attract and retain highly skilled and talent employees. iii. The proper career planning ensures that the women and people belong to backward communities get opportunities for growth and development. iv. The career plan continuously tries to satisfy the employee expectations and as such minimizes employee frustration. v. By attracting and retaining the people from different cultures, enhances cultural diversity. vi. Protecting employees’ interest results in promoting organizational goodwill. Limitations of career planning Apart from advantages, there are some limitations. So, let us have a look at the limitations of career planning? Despite planning the career, employees face certain career problems. They are: 1. Dual Career Families: - With the increase in career orientation among women, number of female employees in on increase. With this, the dual career families have also been on increase. Consequently, one of those family members might face the problem of transfer. This has become a complicated problem to organizations. Consequently other employees may be at disadvantage.
  • 11. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... 2. Low ceiling careers: -Some careers do not have scope for much advancement. Employees cannot get promotions despite their career plans and development in such jobs. 3. Declining Career Opportunities: -Career opportunities for certain categories reach the declining stage due to the influence of the technological or economic factors. Solution for such problem is career shift. 4. Downsizing/Delayering and careers: - Business process reengineering, technological changes and business environmental factors force the business firms to restructure the organizations by delayering and downsizing. Downsizing activities result in fixing some employees, and degrading some other employees. There are some suggestions for effective career development. They are: - • Challenging Initial Job Assignments: - There is an evidence indicating that employees who take up initial challenging jobs perform better at later stages. • Dissemination of Career Option Information: - Mostly employees lack information about career choices/options. The managers identify career paths and succession paths. This information should be made available to all. • Job Positioning: - Management should provide job information to employees through job positioning. For posting the jobs organizations can use bulletin board displays, company publications, electronic billboards and similar means. • Assessment Centres: - The assessment centers evaluate the people regarding their ability to certain jobs. This technique helps to identify the available skills, abilities and knowledge. • Career Counseling: - Career Counseling helps employees in setting directions, reviewing performance, identifying areas for professional growth. Succession Planning Succession may be from internal employees or external people. Succession from internal employees is advantageous to the organization as well as to the internal employees. Organization can buy the employees loyalty and commitment, belongingness, shared feeling of development along with the organization by promoting the internal employees. Employees get the benefits of growth in the organization. The organization mostly prefers to encourage the growth and development of its employees and as such tends to prefer succession from within. Organizations, appraise employee’s potentialities, identify training gaps for future vacancies, and develop them for higher and varied jobs. The scope of succession plan would be more when the organization grows steadily and employees have potentialities to take up higher responsibilities. Professionally run organizations ask their managers to identify the internal employees having potentialities and develop them in order to occupy their positions as and when they feel vacant. However, it is necessary to allow the inflow of new blood also. Hence, organizations should also search for outside talent in certain cases like when competent internal people are not available, when major expansion, diversification and growth plans are in offing, complete dependence on either internal source or external source not advisable to any organization.
  • 12. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... The following two articles can know the importance of succession planning. These articles highlight the importance of succession planning and highlights the challenges of succession planning. ((— Goog e com— httttp:://// h p www bus ness com d ec o y managemen co po a e_gove nance success on_p ann iing// and ng and Case: “In the Dark” Could you come to my office for a minute, Rao” asked Mehta, the plant manager. “Sure, be right there,” said Rao. Rao was the plant’s control director. He had been with the company for four years. After completing his degree in mechanical engineering, he worked as a production supervisor and then as maintenance supervisor, prior to moving to his present job. Rao thought he knew what the call was about. “Your letter of resignation catches me by surprise,” began Mehta. “I know that Malhotra products will be getting a good person, but we sure need you here, too.” “I thought about it a lot,” said Rao, “but there doesn’t seem to be a future for me here.” “Why do you say that?” asked Mehta. “Well,” replied Rao, “the next position above mine is yours. With you being only 39, I don’t think it slightly that you’ll be leaving soon,” said Mehta. “That’s why it’s even more of a shock to learn that you are resigning. I think I’ll be moving to the corporate office in June of next year. Besides, the company has several plants that are larger than this one, and we need good people in those plants from time to time, both in quality control and in general management.” “Well, I heard about an opening in the Daruhera plant last year,’ said Rao, but by the time I checked, the job had already been filled. We never know about opportunities in other plants until we read about incumbent in the company paper.” “All this is beside the point now. What would it take to get you to change your mind?” asked Mehta. “I don’t think I will change my mind now,” replied Rao, “because I have given my word that I am going to join them.” Questions 1. Evaluate the career planning and the development programme at this company. 2. What actions might have prevented Rao’s resignation?
  • 13. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Career & Succession Planning Competency Competency is defined as a behaviour that describes excellent performance in a particular work context (e.g. job, role or group of jobs, function, or whole organisation).
  • 14. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Competency Mapping • Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organisation and or a job and incorporate those competencies through the various process of the organisation Life Stages of Career • Establishing Identity • Growth and Getting Established • Maintenance & Adjustment to Self • Decline
  • 15. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Career Planning “Career planning is the process by which one select career goals and the path to these goals.” Career Development “Career Development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan.”
  • 16. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Steps involved in Career Development System • Needs • Vision • Action Plan • Results • Pre-requisites for the success of career planning. • Advantages of Career Planning and Development • Limitations of career planning • Suggestions for effective career development
  • 17. For useful Documents like this and Lots of more Educational and Technological Stuff Visit... Succession Planning “Succession may be from internal employees external people. Succession from internal employees is advantageous to the organisation as well as to the internal employees. Organisation can by the employees loyalty and commitment, belongingness, shared feeling or development along with the organisation by promoting the internal employees”