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         “ Sir G”

Sheila L. Videbeck

                         T. SALACUP
  Alice M. Stain
Psychiatric Nursing

-branch of nursing care with aim of assisting
1. Individual   2. Family 3. Community
P - revent mental illness

                                                   T. SALACUP
A –ttain and maintain mental health
Co – pe with mental illness
Fi – nding meaning in mental illness
    experience and suffering
Self Awareness

      The process of knowing ones own
R-   esponses in different situations
A-   ttitudes
Per - sonality,

                                           T. SALACUP
Pre - conceptions
S- trengths,
Wea - knesses,
P - rinciple,
Be - liefs, s
Fee - lings,
1.   Self awareness differs from self - understand
2.   The major therapeutic tool of the n is nurse is the
     use of self

              Goal of Self awareness

                                                              T. SALACUP
 To decrease the size of blind and
          private quadrants
 2 Major Advantage in working
          toward goal
1. Increase in self – awareness and self – disclosure
2. Gain more control over own behavior
Therapeutic Nurse-

1. Pre – Interaction
 B-egin before the nurse first contact with the PT
 S-elf awareness

       Therapeutic Task of the Nurse

                                                                 T. SALACUP
1.Self Exploration feelings, fears, fantasies

2.   Gathering   Data about Pt available information

3.      Planning for the   1st interaction with the patient
2. Orientation Stage

-   A - ssessment and diagnosis phase
-   D-evelopment of mutually acceptable
    Therapeutic Task of the Nurse

                                                    T. SALACUP
 Rapport Trust is built by demonstrating
  acceptance and non-judgmental attitude.
 Identify Patients Problem

 Mutually defined Goals with patients

 Formulate Nursing Diagnosis set priorities

 Explore the patients feelings thoughts and
  actions encourage to share it with the nurse
3. Working Phase

-   I - dentification and declaration of
                       patients problems
-   R - esistance observe

                                                                  T. SALACUP
Therapeutic Task of the Nurse
   Explore relevant stressor
   Listening and Observing – tools use in this phase
   Realize theirs somebody appears interested to him who is
    warm and accepting can relate
   Develop a plan of action and implement then evaluate
   Assess client readiness for independent functioning
   Assist patient change maladaptive behavior
4. Termination Phase
T - ermination has been started in initial phase
A - ssumed that Pt is already with more understanding
    Therapeutic Task of the Nurse

                                                            T. SALACUP
-   Review progress of the therapy and attainment
    of goal
-   Explore feelings of rejection, loss sadness, anger
-   Space contacts dec. time, visits, each contact
-   Established more relax environment
-   Privide necesarry referals
                       Sigmund Freud
 Father of Psychoanalysis
 Structure of Personality (Id, Ego, Superego)


                                                          T. SALACUP
PLEASURABLE PRINCIPLE                      Dominant
 Pain Avoidance               I           Nar -
 Puro “I”/ ako                             Ma – nia

                                   E        An -   S
               want to Eat
               Want to drink

                                    T. SALACUP
   Impaired Reality


       SUPER EGO
         houldn't be

                                              T. SALACUP
         ense the voice of God  

Obsessive – compulsive
Anorexia Nervosa                   E   I
Therapeutic Communication

           Effective Communication: 
A   - daptive
 N - eutral responses

 A – ppropriate

                                                                T. SALACUP
 R - eflect, restate, rephrase verbalization of   patient
 S - tate behaviors observed

 Fo - cus on feelings

 Si - mple

 Co - ncise

 C - redible

 O - pen ended questions
Therapeutic relationship

Relationship between health care professional and client
Purpose : assisting the client to solve his problems.
Components of a Therapeutic Relationship

                                                                  T. SALACUP
2. GENUINE INTEREST - he or she should be open,
   honest and display a congruent behavior
3. ACCEPTANCE - Situation: A client tries to kiss the nurse.
 Inappropriate response: What the hell are you doing?!
   I’m leaving maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.
 Appropriate response: Adam, do not kiss me. We are
   working on your relationship with your girlfriend and
   that does not require you to kiss me. Now let us

It is simply being able to put oneself in the client’s shoes.
   However, it does not require that the nurse should
   have the same or exact experiences as of the patient.
Client’s statement:
 “I am so sad today. I just got the news that my father

                                                                   T. SALACUP
   died yesterday. I should have been there, I feel so
 Nurse’s Sympathetic Response:

 “I know how depressing that situation is. My father
   also died a month ago and until now I feel so sad every
   time I remember that incident. I know how bad that
   makes you feel.”
 Nurse’s Empathetic Response:

 “I see you are sad. How can I help you?

       unconditional and nonjudgmental attitude where
  the nurse appreciates the client.

 Calling the client by name
 Spending time with the client

                                                           T. SALACUP
 Listening to the client

 Responding to the client openly

 Considering the client’s ideas and preferences when
  planning care

                Therapeutic Technique
1. Offering Self
making self-available and showing interest and concern.
“I will walk with you”

                                                             T. SALACUP
2. Active listening
paying close attention to what the patient is saying by
  observing both verbal and non-verbal cues.
Maintaining eye contact and making verbal remarks to
  clarify and encourage further communication.
3. Exploring
“Tell me more about your son”
4. Giving broad openings
What do you want to talk about today?
5. Silence - Planned absence of verbal remarks

6. Stating the observed
verbalizing what is observed in the patient to, for
   validation and to encourage discussion
                      “You sound angry”
7. Encouraging comparisons

                                                                  T. SALACUP
 describe similarities and diff.feelings,behaviors,& events.
· “Can you tell me what makes you more comfortable,
   working by yourself or working as a member of a
8. Identifying themes
asking to identify recurring thoughts, feelings, and
“When do you always feel the need to check the locks and
9. Summarizing

making appropriate conclusions.
“During this meeting, we discussed about what you will
   do when you feel the urge to hurt your self again and
   this include…”
10. Placing the event in time or sequence

                                                               T. SALACUP
asking for relationship among events.
“When do you begin to experience this ticks? Before or
   after you entered grade school?”
11. Voicing doubt
 uncertainty about the reality of statements, perceptions
   and conclusions. “I find it hard to believe…”
12. Encouraging descriptions of perceptions
 feelings, perceptions and views of their situations
“What are these voices telling you to do?”
13. Presenting reality or confronting

stating what is real and is not without arguing
 “I know you hear these voices but I do not hear them”.
“I am G, your nurse,and this is a hospital and not a beach
14. Seeking clarification

                                                                    T. SALACUP
asking patient to restate, elaborate, or give examples of
   ideas or feelings to seek clarification of what is unclear.
“I am not familiar with your work, can you describe it
   further for me”.
15. Verbalizing the implied
rephrasing patient’s words to highlight an underlying
   message to clarify statements.
Patient: I wont be bothering you anymore soon.
Nurse: Are you thinking of killing yourself?
16. Reflecting

throwing back the patient’s statement in a form of
Patient: I think I should leave now.
Nurse: Do you think you should leave now?
17. Restating

                                                        T. SALACUP
repeating the exact words of patients
Patient: I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night.
Nurse: You can’t sleep at night?
18. General leads
using neutral expressions to encourage patients to
  continue talking.
“Go on…”
“You were saying…”
19. Asking question

using open-ended questions to achieve relevance and
  depth in discussion.
“How did you feel when the doctor told you that you are
  ready for discharge soon?”
20. Empathy

                                                                T. SALACUP
21. Focusing
pursuing a topic until its meaning or importance is clear.
“Let us talk more about your best friend in college”
“You were saying…”
22. Interpreting - providing a view of the meaning or
  importance of something.
Patient: I always take this towel wherever I go.
Nurse: That towel must always be with you.
23. Encouraging evaluation

asking for patients views of the meaning or importance of
“What do you think led the court to commit you here?”
“Can you tell me the reasons you don’t want to be

                                                               T. SALACUP
24. Suggesting collaboration
offering to help patients solve problems.
“Perhaps you can discuss this with your children so they
  will know how you feel and what you want”.
25. Encouraging goal setting
asking patient to decide on the type of change needed.
“What do you think about the things you have to change
  in your self?”
26. Encouraging formulation of a plan of action

probing for step by step actions that will be needed.
“If you decide to leave home when your husband beat
  you again what will you do next?”
27. Encouraging decisions

                                                            T. SALACUP
asking patients to make a choice among options.
“Given all these choices, what would you prefer to do.
28. Encouraging consideration of options
asking patients to consider the pros and cons of
  possible options.
“Have you thought of the possible effects of your
  decision to you and your family?”
29. Giving information - providing information will help

  patients make better choices.
“Nobody deserves to be beaten and there are people who
  can help and places to go when you do not feel safe at
  home anymore”.
30. Limit setting

                                                                 T. SALACUP
discouraging nonproductive feelings and behaviors, and
  encouraging productive ones.
“Please stop now. If you don’t, I will ask you to leave the
  group and go to your room.
31. Supportive confrontation
acknowledging the difficulty in changing, but pushing for
“I understand. You feel rejected when your children sent
  you here but if you look at this way…”
32. Role playing - both the nurse and patient play

  particular role.
“I’ll play your mother, tell me exactly what would you say
  when we meet on Sunday”.
33. Rehearsing
asking the patient for a verbal description of what will be

                                                                 T. SALACUP
  said or done in a particular situation.
“Supposing you meet these people again, how would you
  respond to them when they ask you to join them for a
34. Feedback
pointing out specific behaviors and giving impressions of
“I see you combed your hair today”.
35. Encouraging evaluation

asking patients to evaluate their actions and
 their outcomes.
“What did you feel after participating in the
 group therapy?”.

                                                         T. SALACUP
36. Reinforcement
giving feedback on positive behaviors.
“Everyone was able to give their options when we
    talked one by one and each of waited patiently
                            for our turn to speak”.
Non-therapeutic Technique

                     Avoid pitfalls:

1. Giving advise
2. Talking about your self

                                                             T. SALACUP
3. Telling client is wrong

4. Entering into hallucinations and delusions of client

5. False reassurance

6. Cliché

7. Giving approval

8. Asking WHY?

9. Changing subject

10.Defending doctors and other health team members.
Non-therapeutic Technique

1. Overloading
talking rapidly, changing subjects too often, and asking
  for more information than can be absorbed at one time.
“What’s your name? I see you like sports. Where do
  you live?”

                                                              T. SALACUP
2. Value Judgments
giving one’s own opinion, evaluating, moralizing or
  implying one’s values by using words such as “nice”,
  “bad”, “right”, “wrong”, “should” and “ought”.
“You shouldn’t do that, its wrong”.
3. Incongruence
sending verbal and non-verbal messages that contradict
  one another.
The nurse tells the patient “I’d like to spend time with
  you” and then walks away.
4. Under loading

remaining silent and unresponsive, not picking up cues,
  and failing to give feedback.
The patient ask the nurse, simply walks away.
5. False reassurance/ agreement
Using cliché to reassure client. “It’s going to be alright”.

                                                                    T. SALACUP
6. Invalidation
Ignoring or denying another’s presence, thought’s or feelings.
Client: How are you?
Nurse responds: I can’t talk now. I’m too busy.
7. Focusing on self
responding in a way that focuses attention to the nurse
  instead of the client.
“This sunshine is good for my roses. I have beautiful rose
8. Changing the subject

introducing new topic inappropriately,
The client is crying, when the nurse asks “How many
  children do you have?”
9. Giving advice
 giving opinions or making decisions for the client,

                                                                 T. SALACUP
“If I were you… Or it would be better if you do it this
10. Internal validation
making an assumption about the meaning of someone
  else’s behavior that is not validated by the other person
  (jumping into conclusion).
The nurse sees a suicidal clients smiling and tells
  another nurse the patient is in good mood.
Other ineffective behaviors and responses:

1.    Defending – Your doctor is very good.
2.    Requesting an explanation – Why did you do that?
3.    Reflecting – You are not suppose to talk like that!
4.    Literal responses – If you feel empty then you should eat more.
5.    Looking too busy.

                                                                            T. SALACUP
6.    Appearing uncomfortable in silence.
7.    Being opinionated.
8.    Avoiding sensitive topics
9.    Arguing and telling the client is wrong
10.   Having a closed posture - crossing arms on chest
11.   Making false promises I’ll make sure to call you when you get home.
12.   Ignoring the patient – I can’t talk to you right now
13.   Making sarcastic remarks
14.   Laughing nervously
15.   Showing disapproval – You should not do those things
DISPLACEMENT   • Transfer of feelings               •   Boss shouts at you, you
                                                        shout at your subordinate

                 to a less threatening              •   A patient yells at a
                 object rather than                     nurse after becoming
                                                        angry at his
                 the one who
                                                        mother for not
                 provoke it                             calling him.

DENIAL         • Failure to acknowledge an • “I’m not an alcoholic”

                                                                                       T. SALACUP
                 unacceptable trait or     • A woman newly
                 situation                   diagnosed with end-
                                                        stage-cancer says,
                                                        “I’ll be okay, it’s not
                                                        a big deal”.

DISSOCIATION   •   Psychological flight from self   •   “Sino ka, Sino ako?”
               •   A type of amnesia

Acting Out     •   Acting out refers to repeating        Example: A husband
                   certain actions to ward off           gets angry with his
                   anxiety without weighing the          wife and starts staying
                   possible consequences of those        at work later.
INTROJECTION   •   Assume another person’s trait as         •   “ako din”

                   your own
                                                            •   Not just you, me
SUPPRESSION    •   Conscious forgetting of an anxiety       •   Hindi ko alam yan
                   provoking concept

SUBLIMATION    •   Placing sexual energies toward a         •   may channel his
                   more productive endeavours
                                                                sex drive into his
                                                                sports or

                                                                                       T. SALACUP
CONVERSION     •   Repressed angers put towards             •   Biglang mangingig
                   physical symptoms affecting
                   nervous system leading to sensory
                   numbness and motor paralysis

COMPENSATION   •   Overachievement in one area          •   Pilay pero magaling
                   to cover a defective part

SUBSTITUTION   •   Replacing a difficult goal with a    •   Gusto ko .
                   more accessible one
                                                            Enchanted nalang.
UNDOING          • Doing the opposite of                  •   “ay pinatid kita, halika
                                                              punta kita sa clinic
                   what you have done
                                                          •    A patient who says
                   due to guilt
                                                              something bad
                 • plastic
                                                              about a friend may
                                                              try to undo the
                                                              harm by saying nice
                                                              things about her or
                                                              by being nice to her
                                                              and apologizing.

IDENTIFICATION   •   Assume trait for personal, social,   •   Tulad nya
                     occupational role
                                                          •   An adolescent girl
                                                              begins to dress and act
                                                              like her favorite pop
PROJECTION       •   Attributing to others one’s          •   “hindi ako alcoholic,
                     acceptable trait
                                                              sila yon”
                 •   Pasa load
RATIONALIZATION      •   Illogical reasoning for a       •   I drink because I don’t
                         socially unacceptable trait         want to waste the beer in
                     •   “sayang ang beer sa ref, kaya       the ref
                         ko ininum”
                                                         •   An individual states that
                                                             she didn’t win the race
                                                             because she hadn’t gotten a
                                                             good night’s sleep

REACTION FORMATION   •   doing the opposite of your      •   sasabunutan kita. . . ay
                         intention                           kuklulutin lang kita
                     •   Plastic
                                                         •   Love turns to hate and
                                                             hate into love.
REGRESSION           •   Return to an earlier            •   Return to thumbsucking
                         developmental stage

REPRESSION           •   Unconscious forgetting of an    •   Hindi ko maalala
                         anxiety provoking concept
                                                         •   A woman who was
                                                             sexually abused as a
                                                             young child can’t
                                                             remember the abuse
                                                             but experiences uneasy
                                                             feelings when she goes
                                                             near the place where
                                                             the abuse occurred.

 Subjective, individual experience
  characterized by a feeling of

                                                    T. SALACUP
  apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, or
 Occurs as result of threats may be

          - Actual or imagined,
          - misperceived or misinterpreted,
          - threat to identity or self-esteem.
 It often precedes new experiences.
           Types of Anxiety:
 Normal

 A  healthy type of anxiety that
   mobilizes a person to action.

                                              T. SALACUP
 Acute

  Precipitated by imminent loss or
   change that threatens the sense of
 Chronic

  Anxiety that the individual has lived
   with for a long time.
                   Levels of Anxiety:
               1.Mild/ Aler tness Level (+1)
- Nor mal Type of Anxiety
         P -erceptual field increased
         A - lert

                                                           T. SALACUP
         R - estless
         I - ncreases learning
Nursing Interventions:
- Recognize the anxiety by statements such as
          “I notice you being restless today”.
-Explore causes of anxiety and ways to solve problems
          “Let’s discuss ways to…”
2. Moder ate/ A pprehension Level


The response of the body to immediate danger and focus is
  directed to immediate concerns.

                                                            T. SALACUP
S - elective inattentiveness occurs
I - ncreased tension optimal time for learning
N - arrows the perceptual field
U - ses palliative coping mechanisms.
Nursing Interventions:
1.   Provide outlets for anxiety such as crying or talking.
2.   Tell client “It’s all right to cry”.
3.   Encourage in motor activity to reduce tension.
4.   Make client be aware of his behavior and feelings by

                                                                 T. SALACUP
     statements such as “ I know you feel scare…”
5.   Encourage client to move from affecting (feeling) to
     cognitive mode (thinking).
6.   Refocus attention
7.   Encourage the client to talk about feelings and
8.   Help the client identify thoughts and feelings that
     occurred prior to the onset of anxiety.
9.   Provide anti-anxiety oral medications.PRN Meds
3. Severe/ Free-floating Level

  Creates a feeling that something bad is about to
  happen, or feeling of an impending doom.

                                                              T. SALACUP
D - ilated pupils, fixed vision
F - ight and flight response sets in
A - ll behaviors are directed at alternative the anxiety
N - arrow perceptual field occurs.
T - he person uses maladaptive coping mechanisms.
I - ndividual needs direction to focus
           Don’t know what to do
           Don’t know what to say
Nursing Interventions:

1. Do  not focus on coping mechanisms
2. Stay calm and stay with the client
3. Give short and explicit direction

                                               T. SALACUP
4. Provide IM anti anxiety medications.
5. Modify the environment by
 S- etting limits or seclusion,
 I -nteraction limit with others,
 R - educe environmental stimuli to calm
4. Panic Level (+4)

I- f prolonged, panic can lead to exhaustion and death
S - uicide
P-ersonality and behavior is disorganized

                                                            T. SALACUP
I - nability to concentrate
T-he person uses dysfunctional coping mechanisms.
F- eelings of helplessness and terror
U - nable to communicate or function effectively
L - essens perception of the environment to protect
Nursing Interventions:
Guide patient step by step to action
Restrain if necessary.
Benzodiazepines - Zolam – Zepam
1. F - lurazepam(dalamne)         7. T - riazolam(Halcion)
2. O - xazepam(Serax)             8. A - lpraZolam (Xanax)
3. L - orazepam(Antivan)          9.Chlo -rdiazepoxide(librium)
4. D - iazepam(Valium)            10.Chlo - razepate(Tranxene)
5. C - lonazepam(Klonopin)

6. T - emazepam(Restoril)

Non Benzodiazepines:
Buspirone (Buspar)
Meprobamate ( Miltown, Equanil)
Assess: Level of Anxiety

Nx Dx: Ineffective Individual Coping
      Impaired Skin Integrity

                                              T. SALACUP
Planning/ Implementation:
    ↓ level of anxiety
    ↓ environmental Stimuli
    Relaxation Technique

Evaluation : Effective individual coping
 - 6months excessive worrying
 - Might be mild, moderate and severe anxiety
S - leep Disorders

                                                   T. SALACUP
P - alpitations
E - dge of the seat
E - asy fatigability
R - estless
D - ifficulty of concentration
              PANIC DISORDER
      - recurring severe panic attacks
        15 – 30 Minutes escalation of Somatic NS
           Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear"

                                                                          T. SALACUP
Types of Phobias
1. Agoraphobia - fear of open space/ public places
2. Social Phobia - Also called Social Anxiety Disorder
  fear of public /presence of others.
3. Specific Phobia - Also called Simple Phobia
  A persistent fear of a specific object or situation, other than of
    two phobias mentioned above.
Risk Factors

Learning theory
phobias are learned and become conditioned responses
Cognitive theory
   anxiety-inducing self-instructions of faulty cognitions.
Life experiences

                                                                 T. SALACUP
  Certain life experiences, such as traumatic events
Signs and Symptoms
W - ithdrawal
H - igh levels of anxiety
I - nappropriate behavior used to avoid the feared
   situation, object or activity
D - ysfunctional social interactions and relationships
E - nability to function and meet self-care needs
Nursing Diagnoses

Ineffective individual coping
Impaired verbal communication

                                                                      T. SALACUP
Altered thought processes
Self-esteem disturbance
Impaired social interaction
Risk for injury
Therapeutic Nursing Management
           Systematic desensitization
  This process of gradual exposure to phobic object or situation

S - oldier 
T - rauma
E – arthquake

                                     T. SALACUP
W – ar          VICTIMS 
A - ccident
R - ape              Flashback
D – isaster          Nightmares
 - no pretension, suggest medical diseases
  -no organic basis to support the illness.

                Types of Disorder
1. Somatization disorder - chronic syndrome is
  characterized by multiple somatic symptoms that
  cannot be explained medically.
 The physical symptoms are associated with
  psychological stress.
Nervous System
La Belle Indifference
  emotional disattachment from disability
Sleep disorder

     This is characterized by difficulty initiating or
 maintaining sleep.
Hypersomnia - or excessive sleepiness,

                                                             T. SALACUP
Narcolepsy - is a chronic sleep disorder, or dyssomnia,
 --- excessive sleepiness and sleep attacks at
 inappropriate times, such as while at work

Parasomnias - involve abnormal and unnatural
  movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions,
- dreams that occur while falling asleep

- sleeping, between sleep stages,

- during arousal from sleep.

      This is a person’s unwanted fear or belief that he or
  she has a serious disease without significant pathology.
 Minor Discomfort Interpreted as major illness

               Body dysmorphic disorders

                                                                           T. SALACUP
   The client is preoccupied with an image defect in appearance when
    there is no abnormality. Illusion of structural defect
     Client obsesses about imaged bodily defects (facial flaws,
       heavy buttocks or thighs)
                          Pain disorder
     The pain is unrelated to a medical disease.
     The individual experiences severe pain that is in
      disproportion to the originating source.
                 Risk Factors
Gender: Female
Age: Children and older adults

                                         T. SALACUP
                  Nursing Diagnoses
Impaired adjustment
Chronic pain
Sleep pattern disturbance

1. to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably
  influenced by emotional factors.
2. pertaining to or involving both the mind and the body.

                      4 major types

                                                               T. SALACUP
                     H - ypertension
                     A - sthma
                     M - igraine
                     S - tress Ulcer

 - Real pains/ illness
- Real symptoms
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

persistent thought and urges to perform repeated acts or
   rituals      releasing tension
  recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, images that
     are intrusive, disturbing, inappropriate, and usually

                                                                 T. SALACUP
                      triggered by anxiety.
    Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels
      driven to perform, specifically defined routine.
Thinking (Belief)     →    Mind-set

      Windows open          →    ↑ Anxiety

    Akyat bahay gang magnanakaw

                                                      T. SALACUP

Obsession (thought/thinking ) ↑ anxiety(thought)
Compulsion (Action)            ↓ Anxiety
                  Check the house
Specific Biological Factor

 OCD is linked to a deficiency in serotonin.

 Abnormalities in frontal lobes and basal ganglia

                Signs and Symptoms
Ruminations – forced preoccupation with thoughts about a
  particular topic, associated with brooding and inconclusive

                                                                   T. SALACUP
Cognitive rituals – mental acts the client feels compelled to
Compulsive motor rituals – elaborate rituals of everyday
  functioning such as grooming, dressing, eating,
Other symptoms – chronic anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty
  expressing positive feelings and depressed mood.
4 Defense Mechanism by OCD

  R - epresion

                                T. SALACUP
  I - solation
  R - eaction formation
  U - ndoing
Nursing Interventions

 Provide time to perform the rituals
 Limit, but do not interrupt, the compulsive acts.

 Teach to use alternate methods to decrease anxiety.

 Client’s behavior maybe frustrating to staff and family.

                                                                T. SALACUP
  Power struggles often result. Consistency to the
  approach to care is critical.
 Assess the client’s needs carefully.

 Provide an environment that has structure and
  predictability as a strategy to decrease anxiety.
 Risk associated with the use of alcohol and drug abuse.
       defined as the totality of a
        person’s unique biopsychosocial
        and spiritual traits that
        consistently influence behavior.
   1.   Interpersonal relations that
        ranges from distant to
   2.   Suspiciousness
   3.   Social anxiety
   4.   Failure to conform to social
   5.   Self-destructive behaviors
   6.   Manipulation and splitting.
Cluster A:Personality Disorders(The Eccentric and Mad group)

          Paranoid – Moto wag magtiwala Sa iba
          overly suspicious and mistrustful behavior
NX. Management
   Psychotheraputic task on dealing trust Issues
   Low dose Phenothiazine

                                                                  T. SALACUP
SCHIZOID – Moto little emotion
N - ever had a best friend
B - elieves he can stand on his own
I - don’t want people
C - ares more about computers and pets
A - void groups and social activities  no enjoyment
NX management
 Gradual involvement Milleu and group therapy

 Focus on building trust
Schizotypal Personality Disorder-

   pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits, with
    cognitive and perceptual distortions and behavioral
                          Clinical Manifestations:
   R - estricted range of emotions

                                                                              T. SALACUP
   O - dd appearance (stained or dirty clothes, unkempt and disheveled)
   L - oose, bizarre or vague speech
   E - xpresses ideas of suspicions regarding the motives of others

   E - xperiences anxiety with people
   W - ander aimlessly
   I - deas or reference and magical thinking is noted
Nx Management
 Low dose of neuroleptic

 Involved activity with others
    Cluster B: Personality Disorders
     ( The Erratic and Bad group) 
            ANTI - SOCIAL
 M - otto I break the law
 A - s a child,: steal, lie, always get reprimanded

                                                                T. SALACUP
 G - ood talker, charmer, witty manipulator 

 A - dult – grand robbery, illegal activitist against the
  law, drug addiction, drives fast, unsafe sex, thrill
Nx Management
 Firm Limit Setting
 Confront behaviors consistently

 Enforce consequences

 Group therapy
-   Most common personality disorder found in
    clinical settings.
- Marked impulsivity.
- It is more common in females than in
- Self-mutilation injuries such
  as cutting or burning
Moto my life is an empty glass
Nx Management
 Promote safety

 Help client to cope and control emotions

 Teach social skills , Set limits

 Behavioral contracts decrease mutilation

 Empathy and group therapy
    I love myself       Moto I am famous
 Insensitive, arrogant, use rationalization
 I am the best

                                                       T. SALACUP
 lack of empathy.

 Ambitious and confident

                     Nx management
 Teach client that mistake are acceptable

 Focus on here and now

 Teach client imperfection do not decrease worth
Excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors
 excited, dramatic but manipulative
 Center of attention

 Highly suggestible and will agree with almost anyone

                                                            T. SALACUP
  to gain attention
 Uses colorful speech, Tends to overdress

 Concerned with impressing others

             Motto Ako ang bida
Nx management
 Facilitate expression

 + reinforcement for unselfish behavior
Cluster C: Personality Disorders

            ( The anxious and Sad group)
        AVOIDANT = No people No trouble
 I avoid people, I fear criticism
 Have talent but no confidence

                                                                    T. SALACUP
                            3 Pattern
 Social uneasiness and reticence
 Very Low self-esteem

 Hypersensitivity to negative reaction

Nx Management
   Promote Self Esteem
   Gradually confront fears Increase exposure to small groups
         Moto I can’t live without you
 ↓ self esteem , Pessimistic
 Poor decision making skills

 Uncomfortable and helpless when alone

                                                             T. SALACUP
 Has difficulty initiating  or completing simple daily
  tasks on their own
Nx management
 Teach problem solving and decision making skills
 NPR Goal increase assertiveness
Obsessive – Compulsive

         I am Perfect, moto
 I am organized
 Perfectionist

 Provide time to do rituals

                                             T. SALACUP
 Precise and detail-oriented

Nx Management
 Explore the feelings

 Teach patient mistakes are acceptable
Other related disorder
Depressive – Moto I think I'm gonno die again
    Pattern of depressive cognition and behavior in variety of
   Occurs equally in men and woman

                                                                    T. SALACUP
   Same behavior characteristic in major depression but less
    severe .
   Recurrent thought of death
   Total disinterest in all activity
   Inability to express joy
   Self Criticism
                          Nx Management
   Assess self harm risk, provide safety
   Promote self esteem
   Increase involvement in activity
             Passive Aggressive
             Moto Oh yes Oh your not
 Always say yes but resistance is hidden

 May appear cooperative even ingratiating

                                                T. SALACUP
 Blame others for misfortune

Nursing management
 Teach relaxation techniques

 Assertiveness

 Teach expressing the feelings directly

S - tress – Diathesis Model
  Too much stress in the reality will lead client to
   escape it and go to the fantasy world

                                                           T. SALACUP
 I - mpaired reality perception
 G - enetic vulnerability
 E - go disintegration

 B - iological Theory
   Dopamine   level is High
 A - exact cause is unknown
Extremely complex mental disorder


 Recent research reveals that schizophrenia may be a
  result of faulty neuronal development in the fetal brain,
  which develops into full-blown illness in late
  adolescence or early adulthood.
 Diagnosed in late adolescence or early adulthood.

                                                                 T. SALACUP
                 Peak incidence of onset
 MEN - 15 to 25 years of age

 WOMEN - 25 to 35 years of age

 Rarely In childhood.
Negative or Soft     Positive or Hard

   symptoms             symptoms 

Flat affect          Delusion

                                                T. SALACUP
Lack of volition     Hallucinations,

Social withdrawal or Grossly disorganized
discomfort           thinking, speech, and
1. Assess    : Content of Thought

Nx Dx        : Disturbed thought process
Planning/ Implementation:
Present reality
Provide safety
Evaluation : Improve thought process

                                                 T. SALACUP
2. Assess    : Hallucination/ Illusions
Nx Dx        : Disturbed sensory perception
Planning/ Implementation:
Present reality
Provide safety
Evaluation : Improve sensory perception
3. Assess    : Suspicious

Nx Dx        : Risk for other directive behavior
Planning/ Implementation:
Present reality
Provide safety

                                                              T. SALACUP
Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for other-directed
4. Assess    : Suicidal
Nx Dx        : Risk for self directive behavior
Planning/ Implementation:
Present reality
Provide safety
Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for self-directed
       Flight or Looseness

     I am super star      I am super star.

                                                 T. SALACUP
    Gulay is malungay?   Super star is Nora
    Were are you.        Nora is a gay
     I love beer.            Gay is man
4 A’s

    ffect  appropriate, inappropriate, flat,
          blunt (incomplete emotion)
    mbivalence  torn between 2 opposing forces

                                                  T. SALACUP
    ssociative Looseness
Magical Thinking - Believes to have a magical power
Echolalia  I repeat what you say  Parrots
Echopraxia  I repeat what you do

                                                         T. SALACUP
Word Salad  words, no rhyme
Clang Association  words with rhyme : Doom,
                              Kaboom, Bromm
Neologism  creation of new words olasta, labidada
Clarification  done in case of neologism
Delusion: fixed falls belief with no basis in reality

 Persecutory  FBI will get me/ someone will
            harm the Patient
 Religious  I am Jesus, allah, budah
 Grandeur  I am the king of the world.
 Ideas of reference  MD are talking about me.

                                                             T. SALACUP
Concrete Association  pilosopo “ what will u use in
                               txting your calculator?”

                Hallucinations            Illusion
Stimulus            Absent                Present
Visual                X                       √
Auditory              X                       √
Tactile               X                       √
Hallucinations Management:

H - allucinations
A – cknowledgment - I know the voices are real to you
R - eality orientation - But I don’t hear them

                                                           T. SALACUP
D - iversion - Lets walk
                         Take note
But if nothing in the preceding intervention are seen
= Assess what the voices are saying

1. Paranoid - Suspicious Ideas of reference
 Tendency to be violent            - Defense mechanism
 Mistrust→Scared→Withdrawn               Projection
                         Nrsg. Int:
Build up trust:

                                                             T. SALACUP
 1 to 1

 short interaction

 frequent visit

 foods in sealed container

 meds wrapped

                       For violent pt.
- Doors open - Near the door - Don’t touch the pt.
- Eye contact - 1 arms length away -call reinforcement
Catatonic – abnormal motor behavior
Onset - Acute        DFM - Repression
No – favorite word

I - niwan na posture, ganun forever

                                                           T. SALACUP
W - axy Flexibility
A - mbivalence
N - egativism

 Benzodiazepines (such as diazepam or lorazepam) for
   catatonic schizophrenia.
    Unclassified / undifferentiated
 Mixed Manifestation
 Can’t be classified

 1st paranoid, then disorganized then catatonic, etc etc

DFM – Regression

                                                               T. SALACUP
      Recovering/ decrease S/S
No more positive s/sx, just withdrawn
        Bizarre behavior
           DFM- Regression and Fantasy
 Sad but smiles

                                            T. SALACUP
 Inappropriate affect

 No reaction

 Flat affect

 Flight of ideas

 Giggling

 Positive and Negative S/Sx
High Dopamine= Schizophrenia

            Dopamine          Acetylcholine

Antipsychotics = Dopamine goes down

                                                    T. SALACUP
If           Acetylcholine       Dopamine

            Extra pyramidal Side Effects
AKATHISIA                     AKINESIA
Restless, inability to sit     Muscle rigidity
Makati siya, ahh kati siya     Ahh kiniss siya

                      3 features
  TORTICOLLIS            Wry neck
  OCULOGYRIC CRISIS       Fixed stare
  OPISTHOTUNOS            Arched back
                TARDIVE DYSKINESIA

                                                        T. SALACUP
   Irreversible side effects of antipsychotics
   Lip smacking
   Tongue protruding
   Cheeks puffing

   Hyperthermia among client taking antipsychotic
   Hyperthermia with muscle rigidity
           Other Side Effects
 Photosensitivity
  Wide brimmed hat
 Agranulocytosis

                                      T. SALACUP
  Report immediately Sore throat
     1st sign to appear
ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENT–major tranc/nueroleptics

  Sub classification:
 Phenothiazines:               Non Phenothiazines:
Thorazine – Tora Tora            Haldol – Ha Idol
Prolixin – Pro ang lixi n       Navane – Sundalo pangdagat

                                                                    T. SALACUP
Mellaril – Mella nmaril         Tegretol – Hayop yan Tegre tol
Serentil – on seren til mawala
Trilafon - Trila in Fonila
Stelazine - Nanood si stela Zine
Clozaril – close sa reel! yeh
Seroquel – Sero kal talaga
Invega – in vega n natin mga sister
Isigaw ntin ang - Geodon
ANTI PARKINSON'S –management anti psychotic induce EPS

A tivan(lorazepam) - Ati - van
D iazepam(valium)- ang tunog nyan Dia - zepammmmm
I nderal(propanolol) – Inde – Ral ral rall
K emadrin(procyclidine)- Keme – Drin drin drin

                                                                               T. SALACUP
A- akineton (biperiden)- ay nako mga baliw akin ne to
B- benadryl(diphenhydramine)- ben that’s a dryl
L- larodopa(Levodopa)- mmm Laro kc kau ng laro! D pa
E- Eldepryl (Selegilene)- ang sbi bi ni elde p reel kc kau akin n nga ung
S- symmetrel-(amantadine)- Sym Motor ko hmm bulol symmetrel

C- cogentin(Benztropine)-Sakay nlang kau sa coge tin
A- artane(trihexyphenidyl)- ang a artane kc nila
P- parlodel(Bromocriptine)- Para Lodel at nkarating na silang lhat end
                         Increase protein and give B6
Mood Disorder

      Disturbance in mood ( Affect) that is either depression or elation
                            (mania = persistent hyperactive)

                     Bipolar - Mania more common

                                                                                             T. SALACUP
    Results from disturbances in the areas of the brain that regulate mood
It involves periods of excitability (mania) alternating with periods of depression
   Men and women equally
   Usually appears between ages 15 – 25
   Unknown
   Stressful life
   Obese
It occurs more often in relatives of people with bipolar disorder

                                                                    Ref. Videbeck Page 317
                           Risk factors
 Biochemical imbalances
 Family genetics – one parent, child has 25% risk; two parents, 50-75% risk.

 Environmental factors-such as stress, losses, poverty, social isolation.

 Psychological influences–inadequate coping, denial of disordered behavior

                                                                                   T. SALACUP
               Specific Biological Factors
   Possible excess of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.
 Increased intracellular sodium and calcium
 Neurotransmitters supersensitive to transmission of
   Defective feedback mechanism in limbic system.
Self Actualization =Task

                 Self Esteem = Nursing Role Restrain
     Impaired social interaction = safety

                                                          T. SALACUP
  Risk for injury/ other directed violence= safety

 ↓ Eating        ↓ Sleep     Hyperactive    ↑ Sex
finger food   Private room              Anxiety
↓SE → ↑Compensation → ↑interfere ADLs, ↑ harm others

↑SE → ↓Compensation → ↓interfere ADLs, ↓ harm others
TASK → increases client’s self esteem
 Escorted walk outdoors

 Punching bag

No group games  compitition will increase anxiety

                                                          T. SALACUP
        3 or more signs confirms disorder
S - leeplessness
P- ressured speech
E - xaggerated SE
E - xtraneous stimuli (easily distracted)
D - istractibility
G - randiose
F - light of ideas
Therapeutic Nursing Management

 Environment

 Psychological treatment

   Individual Psychotherapy – may be used to
    identify stressors and pattern of behavior.
   Group therapy – establishes a supportive

                                                            T. SALACUP
    environment and redirect inappropriate behavior.
   Family therapy – verbalizes family frustration and
    establishes a treatment plan for outpatient use.
 Somatic and Psychopharmacologic treatments

   electroconvulsive therapy
   Psychopharmacology
DEPRESSION  ↓ Serotonin

    if unresponsive to drugs, ECT
    Kubbler-Ross Stages of Dying / Grief Process
Denial “No not me”, “Its not true”, “Its not impossible”
Anger why me, why now, What did I do to deserve this?”
Bargaining  “If I live until Christmas or until my child’s

                                                                 T. SALACUP
              graduation ( So many if’s), I will do this…”
Depression  “Yes, I’m dying”
Acceptance  “Yes, I am ready”
                     ↓Self Actualization
                        ↓Self Esteem = Task
                         Withdrawn       = stay
              Risk for self directed violence
         Eating       Sleep         Hypoactive     ↓Sex
        Major Depressive Disorder
               2 or more weeks of sad mood
                      9 Symptoms
S –leep disturbance (insomia/hypersomia)
O – Vert Suicidal Ideation (Recurrent thoughts of deaths)

                                                                    T. SALACUP
M – emory Disturbance (Indecisiveness)
E – nergy loss or Fatigue
A – gitation psychomotor
L – ost of interest/ Pleasure
O – bvious Wt Significance
N – ihilism – feeling of worthlessness
E – motional blanting and sad effect – depress mood
  5/9 symptoms present 2 or more weeks 1 of which is depressed
Risk Factors

 Biological factors – brainchemicals

 Family genetics – parent with depression, child 10-13% risk of depression.

 Gender – higher rate for women

 Age – often less than 40 when begins

 Marital status – more frequently single, widowed

                                                                                  T. SALACUP
 Season of year – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  occurs when client experiences recurrent depression that
  occurs annually at the same time.
 Psychological influences – low self-esteem, unresolved grief.

 Environmental factors – lack of social support, stressful life events.

 Medical co-morbidity – clients with chronic or terminal
  illness, postpartum, and current substance abuse are
  especially prone to becoming depresses.
Therapeutic Nursing Management

   Safe environment
   Psychological treatment
      Individual psychotherapy – long –term therapeutic approach or short term
       solution-oriented, may focus on in-depth exploration, specific stress situations,
       or problem solving.
      Behavioral therapy – modifying behavior to assist in reducing depressive
                             symptoms and increasing coping skills.

                                                                                              T. SALACUP
      Behavioral contacts – focus on specific client problems and need to help the
                             client resolve them.
   Social treatment
      Milieu therapy – day to day living experiences in a therapeutic environment
      Family therapy – aimed at assisting the family cope with the client’s illness
                                      and supporting the client in therapeutic ways.
      Group therapy – focuses on assisting clients with interpersonal communication,
                            coping, and problem-solving skills.
   Psychopharmacologic and Somatic treatments
      Administer antidepressant medications
      Continued assessment interms of agitation and suicidal ideation.
      Electroconvulsive therapy
              Nursing Interventions
1. Priority        for care is always the client’s safety.
2.   Use of behavioral contacts. “no self-harm” or no suicidal ideation or plan.
3.   Assess regularly for suicidal ideation or plan.
4.   Observe client for distorted, negative thinking.

                                                                                       T. SALACUP
5.   Assist client to learn and use problem solving and stress management skills.
6.   Avoid doing too much for the client, as this will only increase
     client’s dependence and decrease self-esteem.
7. Explore         meaningful losses in the client’s life.
S - inequan – Watch tau ng Sine Quan
A - nafranil – Ana Franil Pala
V - ivactil – Bi back tau agad after nuod ng
E - lavil – Ela evil

                                                  T. SALACUP
P - rozac – Pero sak a na
A - ventyl – Aveeen Til Midnight tayo
N - orpramin – Nor
T - ofranil – Tofra an kita

P - axil – Taksil ka
A - sendin – asan n din kau
Z - oloft – yan mag Solo ka
1st Line of Drug Prescribed

  ELECTIVE                    Prozac(Fluxetine)

  ide effects low

                                                        T. SALACUP
  EROTONIN                    Paxil (Paroxetine)

  EUPTAKE                    Zoloft(Sertraline)

                            note: No suicidal or
 to 4 weeks                        Homicidal
NHIBITOR              take in am to avoid insomnia
Two – 4 wks                 Sendin (Amoxapine)


                                orpramine (Desipramine)

     CYCLIC                    ofranil (Imipramine)

                                                               T. SALACUP
                               inequan (Doxepine)

    NTIDEPRESSANT              Lavil

 Higher incidence of Side effects Serotonin/ Epi affected
Neuro and hepatotoxisity,Cardiac Arrytmias
    Suicide Precausion 10 -15 days precausion

                               arplan (isocarboxazid)

                              ardil ( Phenelzine)

                                                            T. SALACUP
                              arnate (Tranylcypromine)


All neurotransmitter affected Highest Side effects
Avoid tyramine rich food may lead to

      ged Cheese

                                        T. SALACUP
    ermented Foods
      reserved Foods
    oy Sauce

L evel 0.5 – 1 mEq/L
I ncrease urination
T remors, fine hand
H ydration 3 L/day

                                                       T. SALACUP
I ncrease Na+
Uu diarhea
M outh, dry
              Maintenace level 0.5 – 1 mEq/L
             Treatment level – 0.8 – 1.5 mEq/L
                  Toxic level – 1.5 above
      Lithium Toxicity Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Nowadays, ECT is not only used for major depression,

but also for the treatment of:
 mania (in bipolar disorder)

 Catatonia (motion less or excessive motion)

 quick relief for self-destructive behavior

                                                          T. SALACUP
ECT only be indicated for the treatment of severely
 depressed clients that needs fast relief

       Can pregnant women undergo ECT?
    Contraindications and precautions
 recent myocardial infraction
 stroke

 sever hypertension

 presence of intracerebral mass

                                                                  T. SALACUP
                Mechanism of action
 The therapy induces a therapeutic tonic seizure

(a seizure where the person loses consciousness and has
  convulsions) which lasts for about 15 seconds.

It is believed that the shock intensifies brain chemistry to
  correct the chemical imbalance in depression
     (decrease serotonin and norepinephrine).
Frequency of treatment

 6-15 treatments are scheduled three times a week.

 6 treatments are needed to observe a sustained
  improvement of depressive symptoms.
 Maximum effect or benefit is achieved in 12 to 15

                                                         T. SALACUP
 70 – 150 volts

 .5-2 seconds Duration

 6-15 treatments

 48hrs interval
                   Nursing           Interventions
    Before ECT
1.   Informed consent should be signed.
2.   NPO post midnight.
3.   Remove fingernail polish.
4.   IV line initiation.

                                                                            T. SALACUP
     1.   Atropine  dry mouth
     2.   Barbituate  short-acting anesthetic.
     3.   Succinylcholine  muscle relaxant, prevent seizure
5.   Let the client void before the procedure.
    During ECT
1.   Place electrodes on the client’s head on one side (unilateral) or
     both (bilateral).
2.   Brain monitoring through electroencephalogram (EEG).
3.   Oxygen administration with an Ambu-bag.
After ECT

1.   When the client is awake, reorient the client.
2.   Obtain vital signs.
3.   Assess client for the return of gag reflex.
4.   Allow the client to eat (with a positive gag reflex).

                                                                T. SALACUP
      Side-lying   – lateral
      S/E
         headache, dizziness,
         TEMPORARY MEMORY LOSS  distinct sign

                     Self imposed

                     stemming from
       Verbal               Non Verbal

• I wont be a problem • Take this ring, its

                                                 T. SALACUP
  anymore               yours (giving of
• This is my last day   valuable)
  on earth            • Sudden change in
• I’ll soon be gone     mood
Who will commit Suicide?

S - ex – Male (more successful)/ female (hesitant)
A ge – 15 –24 y/o or above 45
D epression

                                                        T. SALACUP
P atient with previous attempt
E ethanol - alcoholics
R irrational
S ocial support lacking
O rganized plan  greater risk
N o family
S ickness, terminal

1.   Loss of spouse
2.   Loss of job
3.   Aloneness

                                                                T. SALACUP
Nursing Intervention

1.   D irect question – “Are you going to commit suicide?”
2.   I rregular interval of visit to pt. room
3.   E arly AM and period of endorsement – the time pt’s
     commit suicide
Best approach for suicidal pt. : Direct approach

Nursing Management: Close surveillance

Hospital quarter common suicide will come about
weekends - 1- 3 am Sunday

                                                          T. SALACUP
           - few staff personnel
Early AM - every one is asleep
                       Simple task
 Water plants

 Wash the dishes except sharps

Don’t give complex - may cause depression ex. Puzzle
         Cyclothymic disorder
    Milder symptoms of both mania and
 depressions often separated by long
 periods of normal moods

                                               T. SALACUP
          Dysthymic Disorder
Long standing symptoms of depression
 alternating with short periods of normal
 moods clients can maintain normal roles
 and jobs
  Bulimia        Nervosa
   The Diet-Binge-Purge Disorder”.
  dieting, binging and purging
  through vomiting
 Rapid eating for about two
  hours (over 8000 calories in 2
  hours and 50,000 in 1 day)
 Methods of controlling weight
  (diet pills, excessive exercise,
  enemas, diuretics, laxatives),
 Weight normal or fluctuations
  are due to alternating fasting
  and binging
Ages 15-24 years.


 Bulimic often belong to a family and society that place
  great value on external appearance.
 self hatred

 low self-esteem,

 symptoms of depression,

                                                               T. SALACUP
 fear of losing control,

 suicide tendencies.

 Perfectionist, achievers scholastically and
 They hide their disorder because of fear of rejection.

 Person is aware that the behavior is abnormal, b.

 After the episode she becomes guilty and depressed
Nursing Diagnosis

1.   Alterations in health maintenance.
2.   Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements.
3.   Altered nutrition: More than body requirements
4.   Anxiety

                                                          T. SALACUP
5.   Body image disturbance
6.   Ineffective family coping; compromised
7.   Ineffective individual coping
8.   Self-esteem disturbance
During interview Nursing Interventions

 to gain trust and acceptance of nurses. Create an
  atmosphere of trust.
 Develop strength to cope with problems. Encourage
  patient to discuss positive qualities about themselves to
  increase self-esteem.

                                                                 T. SALACUP
 Help patient identify feelings and situations associated
  with or that triggers binge eating.
    Encourage making a journal of incident and feelings
     before-during and after a binge episode.
    Make a contract with the patient to approach the
     nurse when they feel the urge to binge
 Encourage adhering to meal and snack schedule of
 Cognitive behavioral therapy is the ideal therapy
Starvation and Emaciation
 is a disorder with an insidious
  onset that often affects adolescent
 upper middle class families.
  youngest child is affected.
 uses denial

 10-20 % of anorexics die and half
  of these deaths are due to suicide.
Nursing Interventions

   Cognitive and Behavioral therapy to positive and negative reinforcement:
   focus is on client’s responsibility to gain weight.
     Privileges are gained with weight gain.
     Privileges are lost with weight loss.
   Increase self-esteem
   Teach about the disorder.

                                                                                     T. SALACUP
   Monitor weight three times a week but weigh with the patient facing away
    from the weighing scale
   As soon as the ideal weight is gained, allow patient to regulate his or her
    own progression and program.
   High protein and high carbohydrate diet, serve foods the patient prefer in
    small frequent feedings. NGT if the patient refuses to eat.
   Setting limits to avoid manipulative behavior:
      Restrict use of bathroom for 2 hour after eating.
      Accompany to the bathroom to ensure that they will not self induce
      Stay with client during meals.
      Do not accept excuses to leave eating area.
Anorexia            Eating              Bulimia

   Nervosa            Disorders
 Diet, diet, diet   Eating Pattern      Eat, eat, vomit

<85% of expected       Weight           Normal weight

                                                                 T. SALACUP
    3 mos.          Menstruation     Irregular menstruation
Karen Carpenter                         Dao Ming Su
                                     Da Ming Sugat/ suka
                                        Dental caries
                                      Wounded knuckles
                                      Metabolic alkalosis
                                      Metabolic acidosis
   Paraphilias are complex psychiatric disorders that are
    manifested as unusual sexual behavior.

    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

                                                                 T. SALACUP
    Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) defined it as a “recurrent,
    intensely sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or
    behaviors generally involving:

 S = uffering or humiliation of oneself or partner
 I = nanimate objects (non-human objects)

 N = onconsenting person

 C = hildren
Eight specific disorders of paraphilia

   Exhibitionism – Exposing one’s genitals to strangers
    or masturbating in public areas.

   Fetishism – (Pa suot) inanimate objects to achieve
    orgasm women’s undergarments (brassiere, lingerie,

                                                                T. SALACUP
    and panty), shoes and other apparels.

   Frotteurism – (Pa Touch) urges of touching or
    rubbing against a non consenting.

   Pedophilia – a sexual activity done with a child 13
    years younger is a characteristic of this disorder. at
    least 16 years old or at least 5 years older than the
 Sexual    masochism – (Saktan mo ako) the

  intense and persistent sexual urge involving acts
  of suffering (beaten or bound) and
  being humiliated.
 Sexual sadism – (Sasaktan kita) sexual urge
  involving acts in which the pain, suffering or

                                                         T. SALACUP
  humiliation of a partner is arousing a person.
 Transvestic fetishism – sexual fantasies, urge
  and behaviors involving cross-dressing by a
  heterosexual male.
 Voyeurism – sexual arousal by observing an
  unsuspecting person who is naked, in the
  process of undressing or engaging in sexual
ALCOHOLISM - state of alcohol addiction

Intergenerational Transmission
From one generation to another generation

                                                        T. SALACUP
Blackout  awake but unaware
Confabulation  inventing stories to ↑ self-esteem
Denial  “I am not an alcoholic”
Dependence  “I can’t live without it”
Enabling  significant other tolerates abusers

       Another term CO – DEPENDENCY
TOLERANCE  ↑ Substance to achieve a previous

                                                         T. SALACUP
 Withdrawal with MD supervision

 Safe withdrawal is accomplished through the
  administration of benzodiazepines such as
  Chlordiaxepoxide (Librium), Lorazepam (Ativan) or
  Diazepam (Valium) to suppress the withdrawal
 Check Alcohol, Mouthwash, Elixir
    void alcohol

     version therapy
       lcoholics Anonymous  self help group
         ntabuse  DISULFIRAM  Never drink alcohol
  ↓           12 hour interval/ 12 h last alcohol intake
B1 Vitamin Deficiency or else: nausea, vomiting and hypotension

                                                                     T. SALACUP
  ↓   Wernicke’s Encephalopathy → motor
  ↓   Korsakoff’s Psychosis → memory
Delirium Tremens  24 – 72 h after last dose of alcohol
↓             untreated withdrawal syndrome
   ormocation  bugs crawling under the skin
   amily Therapy  mother, father, brother

Downers -
B - arbituates     Morphine
O - piates         Codeine      NARCAN  antidote
N - arcotics       Heroine
A – lcohol

                                                       T. SALACUP
                   Uppers (Hac - S)
 Hallucinogens
 Amphetamines

 Cocaines

   Less 20 IQ
   thinks like an infants
   can’t be trained
   Some speech

                                                    T. SALACUP
Severe - 20 – 35
   IQ May learn Talk and communicate
   Perform simple task elementary hygiene

Moderate - 35 – 50 IQ
 can be train
 mental age is 2 – 7 y/o

 pre-operational stage

4. Mild

    50 – 70
    meantal age is 7 – 12
    educable
    can go to school

                                               T. SALACUP
5. Borderline
    70 - 90

6. Normal
    90 – 100

                      Mental Retardation
 IQ Less than 70

 Onset before 18 yrs/old

 Not often detected until school age

 Impaired learning and social adjustment
Nursing Intervention

 Role Modeling

 Repetition

 Remorivation

 Provide sensory stimulation

                                                            T. SALACUP
AUTISM/Kanner Syndrome/ Pervasive devt. Dis.
  With a special talent /Head banging and head rocking
 Diagnose at 2 Y.O.              Appears at 3 y.o.
 4x more common in male than in female

Appearance - flat affect, consistent movement
Behavior - repetitive, ritualistic
Communication - echolalia, incomprehensible
Nursing diagnosis

 S -elf mutilation

 I - mpaired verbal communication

 R -isk for injury

 I - mpaired social interaction

Nursing Intervention

                                                                   T. SALACUP
 Priority Safety,security supervision

 Counseling

 Education

 Expressive therapy - drawing, muscic etc

 Improved social interaction

Anti Psychotics: Haldol,risperidone=tempertantrums
Naltrexone(revia)Anafranil,Clonidine(catapres)= hyperactivity

 Onset       : before 7 y.o.
 Episode     : 6 months and above
 Settings    : 2 House and school
 Id Dominant : Mom or RN will act as superego

                                                       T. SALACUP
C - ommunication - talkative, blurts out in class
R - estless
I - mpulsive
D - ecrease attention span
E - asy distractibility
                    Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for injury
Impaired social interaction
Nursing Intervention

 Priority safety and Nutrition

 Structure separate room for eating, playing, sleeping
  and etc
 Schedule - time for everything

 Slimits

                                                             T. SALACUP
 Ignore Temper tantrums

 Finger foords

Meds: for 6 Y.O. Ritalin,, pemoline, adderal
           3 Y.O and Above dexedrin
Best time to give: once a day:
AFTER MEALS: prevent lost of appetite
Don’t give at bedtime  STIMULANT  causes insomnia
           Give 6 hours prior bedtime if bid


    NOMIA  don’t know name of objects
    GNOSIA  problem with senses
    PHASIA  can’t say it
    PRAXIA  can’t do it

                                             T. SALACUP
Domestic Violence

Burns, bruise, bone fractures
Excessive Knowledge of sex/Violence

                                              T. SALACUP
Apathy no reactions

Bantay Bata 163
Don’t bathe the child, don’t brush teet.
      Body of evidence will be lost

Violence- implies only the use of physical force
Neglect – Child abandonment, insufficient Childs needs
                                        for survival
Physical Abuse – abuse in the form of inflicting pain

                                                            T. SALACUP
Emotional abuse – form of insults mind game
Sexual abuse- unwanted sexual contact
                    Nursing management
 Safe , secutiy, supervision

 Proper reporting of child abuse – w/ in 48hrs Brgy

                      captain, DSWD, Police
Play therapy

Crime lack of consent, treat, force and sexual penetration
Sexual assault - Forcible sexual acts lack of consent, against his or her will
            3 essential elements of rape
 Vaginal penetration

 Use of force , intimidation, treat

 Lack of consent

              Rape trauma syndrome
Immediate acute phase
                Displays 2 type of emotion (disorganization)
Long term process (reorganization) 3-4wks

   Flash backs in dreams and night mares
   Development of phobia
   Self guilt

          Crisis Intervention

                                                     T. SALACUP
 Crisis is a situation or period in an
  individual’s life that produces an
  overwhelming emotional response.
     stressor that he or she cannot
  effectively manage by using his or her
  usual coping skills.
Type of Crisis

 Maturational crisis – also called developmental crisis.
  These are predictable events in a person’s life which
  includes getting married, having a baby and leaving
  home for the first time.
 Situational crises – unexpected or sudden events

                                                                   T. SALACUP
  that imperils ones integrity. Included in this type of
  crisis are: loss of a job, death of a loved one or relative
  and physical and emotional illness of a family member
  or an individual.
 Adventitious crisis – also called social crisis.
  Included in this category are: natural disasters like
  floods, earthquakes or hurricanes, war, terrorist
  attacks, riots and violent crimes such as rape and
Guide for an effective crisis intervention:

 Assist the person to view the event or issue in a
  different perspective.
 Assist the individual to use the existing support
  systems. It is vital to help the person find new sources
  of support that can help in decreasing the feelings of

                                                                 T. SALACUP
  being alone or overwhelmed.
 Assist the individual in learning new methods of coping
  that will help resolve the current crisis and give him or
  her new coping skills to be used in the future when
  dealing with another overwhelming situation.

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Integumentary System SMP B. Pharm Sem I.ppt
Integumentary System SMP B. Pharm Sem I.pptIntegumentary System SMP B. Pharm Sem I.ppt
Integumentary System SMP B. Pharm Sem I.ppt

Psychiatric nursing lec sir g

  • 2. Reference MSN GILBERT BOOK Sheila L. Videbeck T. SALACUP Alice M. Stain NET:
  • 3. Psychiatric Nursing MSN GILBERT -branch of nursing care with aim of assisting 1. Individual 2. Family 3. Community To: P - revent mental illness T. SALACUP A –ttain and maintain mental health Co – pe with mental illness Fi – nding meaning in mental illness experience and suffering
  • 4. Self Awareness MSN GILBERT The process of knowing ones own R- esponses in different situations A- ttitudes Per - sonality, T. SALACUP Pre - conceptions S- trengths, Wea - knesses, P - rinciple, Be - liefs, s Fee - lings,
  • 5. MSN GILBERT Significance 1. Self awareness differs from self - understand 2. The major therapeutic tool of the n is nurse is the use of self Goal of Self awareness T. SALACUP To decrease the size of blind and private quadrants 2 Major Advantage in working toward goal 1. Increase in self – awareness and self – disclosure 2. Gain more control over own behavior
  • 7. Therapeutic Nurse- MSN GILBERT 1. Pre – Interaction  B-egin before the nurse first contact with the PT  S-elf awareness Therapeutic Task of the Nurse T. SALACUP 1.Self Exploration feelings, fears, fantasies 2. Gathering Data about Pt available information 3. Planning for the 1st interaction with the patient
  • 8. 2. Orientation Stage MSN GILBERT - A - ssessment and diagnosis phase - D-evelopment of mutually acceptable contact Therapeutic Task of the Nurse T. SALACUP  Rapport Trust is built by demonstrating acceptance and non-judgmental attitude.  Identify Patients Problem  Mutually defined Goals with patients  Formulate Nursing Diagnosis set priorities  Explore the patients feelings thoughts and actions encourage to share it with the nurse
  • 9. 3. Working Phase MSN GILBERT - I - dentification and declaration of patients problems - R - esistance observe T. SALACUP Therapeutic Task of the Nurse  Explore relevant stressor  Listening and Observing – tools use in this phase  Realize theirs somebody appears interested to him who is warm and accepting can relate  Develop a plan of action and implement then evaluate  Assess client readiness for independent functioning  Assist patient change maladaptive behavior
  • 10. MSN GILBERT 4. Termination Phase T - ermination has been started in initial phase A - ssumed that Pt is already with more understanding Therapeutic Task of the Nurse T. SALACUP - Review progress of the therapy and attainment of goal - Explore feelings of rejection, loss sadness, anger - Space contacts dec. time, visits, each contact - Established more relax environment - Privide necesarry referals
  • 11. MSN GILBERT Sigmund Freud  Father of Psychoanalysis  Structure of Personality (Id, Ego, Superego) ID T. SALACUP PLEASURABLE PRINCIPLE Dominant ID  Pain Avoidance I Nar - cisistic  Puro “I”/ ako Ma – nia tisocial E An - S want to Eat Want to drink
  • 12. MSN GILBERT EGO REALITY PRINCIPLE T. SALACUP Impaired Reality Schizophrenia Impaired E
  • 13. MSN GILBERT SUPER EGO CONSCIENCE PRINCIPLE houldn't be T. SALACUP ense the voice of God   S DOMINANT SUPER EGO Obsessive – compulsive Anorexia Nervosa E I
  • 14. Therapeutic Communication MSN GILBERT Effective Communication:  A - daptive  N - eutral responses  A – ppropriate T. SALACUP  R - eflect, restate, rephrase verbalization of patient  S - tate behaviors observed  Fo - cus on feelings  Si - mple  Co - ncise  C - redible  O - pen ended questions
  • 15. Therapeutic relationship MSN GILBERT Relationship between health care professional and client Purpose : assisting the client to solve his problems. Components of a Therapeutic Relationship 1. TRUST T. SALACUP 2. GENUINE INTEREST - he or she should be open, honest and display a congruent behavior 3. ACCEPTANCE - Situation: A client tries to kiss the nurse.  Inappropriate response: What the hell are you doing?! I’m leaving maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.  Appropriate response: Adam, do not kiss me. We are working on your relationship with your girlfriend and that does not require you to kiss me. Now let us continue.
  • 16. 4. EMPATHY MSN GILBERT It is simply being able to put oneself in the client’s shoes. However, it does not require that the nurse should have the same or exact experiences as of the patient. Client’s statement:  “I am so sad today. I just got the news that my father T. SALACUP died yesterday. I should have been there, I feel so helpless.”  Nurse’s Sympathetic Response:  “I know how depressing that situation is. My father also died a month ago and until now I feel so sad every time I remember that incident. I know how bad that makes you feel.”  Nurse’s Empathetic Response:  “I see you are sad. How can I help you?
  • 17. 5. POSITIVE REGARD MSN GILBERT unconditional and nonjudgmental attitude where the nurse appreciates the client.  Calling the client by name  Spending time with the client T. SALACUP  Listening to the client  Responding to the client openly  Considering the client’s ideas and preferences when planning care 6. SELF-AWARENESS
  • 18. MSN GILBERT THERAPEUTIC USE OF SELF Therapeutic Technique 1. Offering Self making self-available and showing interest and concern. “I will walk with you” T. SALACUP 2. Active listening paying close attention to what the patient is saying by observing both verbal and non-verbal cues. Maintaining eye contact and making verbal remarks to clarify and encourage further communication. 3. Exploring “Tell me more about your son” 4. Giving broad openings What do you want to talk about today?
  • 19. 5. Silence - Planned absence of verbal remarks MSN GILBERT 6. Stating the observed verbalizing what is observed in the patient to, for validation and to encourage discussion “You sound angry” 7. Encouraging comparisons T. SALACUP describe similarities and diff.feelings,behaviors,& events. · “Can you tell me what makes you more comfortable, working by yourself or working as a member of a team?” 8. Identifying themes asking to identify recurring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. “When do you always feel the need to check the locks and doors?”
  • 20. 9. Summarizing MSN GILBERT making appropriate conclusions. “During this meeting, we discussed about what you will do when you feel the urge to hurt your self again and this include…” 10. Placing the event in time or sequence T. SALACUP asking for relationship among events. “When do you begin to experience this ticks? Before or after you entered grade school?” 11. Voicing doubt uncertainty about the reality of statements, perceptions and conclusions. “I find it hard to believe…” 12. Encouraging descriptions of perceptions feelings, perceptions and views of their situations “What are these voices telling you to do?”
  • 21. 13. Presenting reality or confronting MSN GILBERT stating what is real and is not without arguing “I know you hear these voices but I do not hear them”. “I am G, your nurse,and this is a hospital and not a beach resort. 14. Seeking clarification T. SALACUP asking patient to restate, elaborate, or give examples of ideas or feelings to seek clarification of what is unclear. “I am not familiar with your work, can you describe it further for me”. 15. Verbalizing the implied rephrasing patient’s words to highlight an underlying message to clarify statements. Patient: I wont be bothering you anymore soon. Nurse: Are you thinking of killing yourself?
  • 22. 16. Reflecting MSN GILBERT throwing back the patient’s statement in a form of question Patient: I think I should leave now. Nurse: Do you think you should leave now? 17. Restating T. SALACUP repeating the exact words of patients Patient: I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night. Nurse: You can’t sleep at night? 18. General leads using neutral expressions to encourage patients to continue talking. “Go on…” “You were saying…”
  • 23. 19. Asking question MSN GILBERT using open-ended questions to achieve relevance and depth in discussion. “How did you feel when the doctor told you that you are ready for discharge soon?” 20. Empathy T. SALACUP 21. Focusing pursuing a topic until its meaning or importance is clear. “Let us talk more about your best friend in college” “You were saying…” 22. Interpreting - providing a view of the meaning or importance of something. Patient: I always take this towel wherever I go. Nurse: That towel must always be with you.
  • 24. 23. Encouraging evaluation MSN GILBERT asking for patients views of the meaning or importance of something. “What do you think led the court to commit you here?” “Can you tell me the reasons you don’t want to be discharged? T. SALACUP 24. Suggesting collaboration offering to help patients solve problems. “Perhaps you can discuss this with your children so they will know how you feel and what you want”. 25. Encouraging goal setting asking patient to decide on the type of change needed. “What do you think about the things you have to change in your self?”
  • 25. 26. Encouraging formulation of a plan of action MSN GILBERT probing for step by step actions that will be needed. “If you decide to leave home when your husband beat you again what will you do next?” 27. Encouraging decisions T. SALACUP asking patients to make a choice among options. “Given all these choices, what would you prefer to do. 28. Encouraging consideration of options asking patients to consider the pros and cons of possible options. “Have you thought of the possible effects of your decision to you and your family?”
  • 26. 29. Giving information - providing information will help MSN GILBERT patients make better choices. “Nobody deserves to be beaten and there are people who can help and places to go when you do not feel safe at home anymore”. 30. Limit setting T. SALACUP discouraging nonproductive feelings and behaviors, and encouraging productive ones. “Please stop now. If you don’t, I will ask you to leave the group and go to your room. 31. Supportive confrontation acknowledging the difficulty in changing, but pushing for action. “I understand. You feel rejected when your children sent you here but if you look at this way…”
  • 27. 32. Role playing - both the nurse and patient play MSN GILBERT particular role. “I’ll play your mother, tell me exactly what would you say when we meet on Sunday”. 33. Rehearsing asking the patient for a verbal description of what will be T. SALACUP said or done in a particular situation. “Supposing you meet these people again, how would you respond to them when they ask you to join them for a drink?”. 34. Feedback pointing out specific behaviors and giving impressions of reactions. “I see you combed your hair today”.
  • 28. 35. Encouraging evaluation MSN GILBERT asking patients to evaluate their actions and their outcomes. “What did you feel after participating in the group therapy?”. T. SALACUP 36. Reinforcement giving feedback on positive behaviors. “Everyone was able to give their options when we talked one by one and each of waited patiently for our turn to speak”.
  • 29. Non-therapeutic Technique MSN GILBERT Avoid pitfalls: 1. Giving advise 2. Talking about your self T. SALACUP 3. Telling client is wrong 4. Entering into hallucinations and delusions of client 5. False reassurance 6. Cliché 7. Giving approval 8. Asking WHY? 9. Changing subject 10.Defending doctors and other health team members.
  • 30. Non-therapeutic Technique MSN GILBERT 1. Overloading talking rapidly, changing subjects too often, and asking for more information than can be absorbed at one time. “What’s your name? I see you like sports. Where do you live?” T. SALACUP 2. Value Judgments giving one’s own opinion, evaluating, moralizing or implying one’s values by using words such as “nice”, “bad”, “right”, “wrong”, “should” and “ought”. “You shouldn’t do that, its wrong”. 3. Incongruence sending verbal and non-verbal messages that contradict one another. The nurse tells the patient “I’d like to spend time with you” and then walks away.
  • 31. 4. Under loading MSN GILBERT remaining silent and unresponsive, not picking up cues, and failing to give feedback. The patient ask the nurse, simply walks away. 5. False reassurance/ agreement Using cliché to reassure client. “It’s going to be alright”. T. SALACUP 6. Invalidation Ignoring or denying another’s presence, thought’s or feelings. Client: How are you? Nurse responds: I can’t talk now. I’m too busy. 7. Focusing on self responding in a way that focuses attention to the nurse instead of the client. “This sunshine is good for my roses. I have beautiful rose garden”.
  • 32. 8. Changing the subject MSN GILBERT introducing new topic inappropriately, The client is crying, when the nurse asks “How many children do you have?” 9. Giving advice giving opinions or making decisions for the client, T. SALACUP “If I were you… Or it would be better if you do it this way…” 10. Internal validation making an assumption about the meaning of someone else’s behavior that is not validated by the other person (jumping into conclusion). The nurse sees a suicidal clients smiling and tells another nurse the patient is in good mood.
  • 33. Other ineffective behaviors and responses: MSN GILBERT 1. Defending – Your doctor is very good. 2. Requesting an explanation – Why did you do that? 3. Reflecting – You are not suppose to talk like that! 4. Literal responses – If you feel empty then you should eat more. 5. Looking too busy. T. SALACUP 6. Appearing uncomfortable in silence. 7. Being opinionated. 8. Avoiding sensitive topics 9. Arguing and telling the client is wrong 10. Having a closed posture - crossing arms on chest 11. Making false promises I’ll make sure to call you when you get home. 12. Ignoring the patient – I can’t talk to you right now 13. Making sarcastic remarks 14. Laughing nervously 15. Showing disapproval – You should not do those things
  • 35. DISPLACEMENT • Transfer of feelings • Boss shouts at you, you shout at your subordinate MSN GILBERT to a less threatening • A patient yells at a object rather than nurse after becoming angry at his the one who mother for not provoke it calling him. DENIAL • Failure to acknowledge an • “I’m not an alcoholic” T. SALACUP unacceptable trait or • A woman newly situation diagnosed with end- stage-cancer says, “I’ll be okay, it’s not a big deal”. DISSOCIATION • Psychological flight from self • “Sino ka, Sino ako?” • A type of amnesia Acting Out • Acting out refers to repeating Example: A husband certain actions to ward off gets angry with his anxiety without weighing the wife and starts staying possible consequences of those at work later. action.
  • 36. INTROJECTION • Assume another person’s trait as • “ako din” MSN GILBERT your own • Not just you, me too SUPPRESSION • Conscious forgetting of an anxiety • Hindi ko alam yan provoking concept SUBLIMATION • Placing sexual energies toward a • may channel his more productive endeavours sex drive into his sports or T. SALACUP hobbies. CONVERSION • Repressed angers put towards • Biglang mangingig physical symptoms affecting nervous system leading to sensory numbness and motor paralysis COMPENSATION • Overachievement in one area • Pilay pero magaling to cover a defective part kumanta SUBSTITUTION • Replacing a difficult goal with a • Gusto ko . more accessible one Enchanted nalang.
  • 37. UNDOING • Doing the opposite of • “ay pinatid kita, halika punta kita sa clinic what you have done • A patient who says due to guilt something bad • plastic about a friend may try to undo the harm by saying nice things about her or by being nice to her and apologizing. IDENTIFICATION • Assume trait for personal, social, • Tulad nya occupational role • An adolescent girl begins to dress and act like her favorite pop star. PROJECTION • Attributing to others one’s • “hindi ako alcoholic, acceptable trait sila yon” • Pasa load
  • 38. RATIONALIZATION • Illogical reasoning for a • I drink because I don’t socially unacceptable trait want to waste the beer in • “sayang ang beer sa ref, kaya the ref ko ininum” • An individual states that she didn’t win the race because she hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep REACTION FORMATION • doing the opposite of your • sasabunutan kita. . . ay intention kuklulutin lang kita • Plastic • Love turns to hate and hate into love. REGRESSION • Return to an earlier • Return to thumbsucking developmental stage REPRESSION • Unconscious forgetting of an • Hindi ko maalala anxiety provoking concept • A woman who was sexually abused as a young child can’t remember the abuse but experiences uneasy feelings when she goes near the place where the abuse occurred.
  • 40. ANXIETY MSN GILBERT Definition:  Subjective, individual experience characterized by a feeling of T. SALACUP apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, or dread.  Occurs as result of threats may be - Actual or imagined, - misperceived or misinterpreted, - threat to identity or self-esteem.  It often precedes new experiences.
  • 41. MSN GILBERT Types of Anxiety:  Normal A healthy type of anxiety that mobilizes a person to action. T. SALACUP  Acute Precipitated by imminent loss or change that threatens the sense of security.  Chronic Anxiety that the individual has lived with for a long time.
  • 42. MSN GILBERT Levels of Anxiety: 1.Mild/ Aler tness Level (+1) - Nor mal Type of Anxiety P -erceptual field increased A - lert T. SALACUP R - estless I - ncreases learning Nursing Interventions: - Recognize the anxiety by statements such as “I notice you being restless today”. -Explore causes of anxiety and ways to solve problems “Let’s discuss ways to…”
  • 43. 2. Moder ate/ A pprehension Level MSN GILBERT (+2) The response of the body to immediate danger and focus is directed to immediate concerns. T. SALACUP S - elective inattentiveness occurs I - ncreased tension optimal time for learning N - arrows the perceptual field U - ses palliative coping mechanisms.
  • 44. MSN GILBERT Nursing Interventions: 1. Provide outlets for anxiety such as crying or talking. 2. Tell client “It’s all right to cry”. 3. Encourage in motor activity to reduce tension. 4. Make client be aware of his behavior and feelings by T. SALACUP statements such as “ I know you feel scare…” 5. Encourage client to move from affecting (feeling) to cognitive mode (thinking). 6. Refocus attention 7. Encourage the client to talk about feelings and concerns. 8. Help the client identify thoughts and feelings that occurred prior to the onset of anxiety. 9. Provide anti-anxiety oral medications.PRN Meds
  • 45. 3. Severe/ Free-floating Level MSN GILBERT (+3) Creates a feeling that something bad is about to happen, or feeling of an impending doom. T. SALACUP D - ilated pupils, fixed vision F - ight and flight response sets in A - ll behaviors are directed at alternative the anxiety N - arrow perceptual field occurs. T - he person uses maladaptive coping mechanisms. I - ndividual needs direction to focus Don’t know what to do Don’t know what to say
  • 46. Nursing Interventions: MSN GILBERT 1. Do not focus on coping mechanisms 2. Stay calm and stay with the client 3. Give short and explicit direction T. SALACUP 4. Provide IM anti anxiety medications. 5. Modify the environment by  S- etting limits or seclusion,  I -nteraction limit with others,  R - educe environmental stimuli to calm client.
  • 47. 4. Panic Level (+4) MSN GILBERT I- f prolonged, panic can lead to exhaustion and death S - uicide P-ersonality and behavior is disorganized T. SALACUP I - nability to concentrate T-he person uses dysfunctional coping mechanisms. F- eelings of helplessness and terror U - nable to communicate or function effectively L - essens perception of the environment to protect Nursing Interventions: Safety Guide patient step by step to action Restrain if necessary.
  • 48. ANTI-ANXIETY drugs Benzodiazepines - Zolam – Zepam 1. F - lurazepam(dalamne) 7. T - riazolam(Halcion) 2. O - xazepam(Serax) 8. A - lpraZolam (Xanax) 3. L - orazepam(Antivan) 9.Chlo -rdiazepoxide(librium) 4. D - iazepam(Valium) 10.Chlo - razepate(Tranxene) 5. C - lonazepam(Klonopin) 6. T - emazepam(Restoril) Non Benzodiazepines: Buspirone (Buspar) Meprobamate ( Miltown, Equanil)
  • 49. Assess: Level of Anxiety MSN GILBERT Nx Dx: Ineffective Individual Coping Powerlessness Impaired Skin Integrity T. SALACUP Planning/ Implementation: ↓ level of anxiety ↓ environmental Stimuli Relaxation Technique Evaluation : Effective individual coping
  • 50. MSN GILBERT GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER - 6months excessive worrying - Might be mild, moderate and severe anxiety S/Sx S - leep Disorders T. SALACUP P - alpitations E - dge of the seat E - asy fatigability R - estless D - ifficulty of concentration
  • 51. MSN GILBERT PANIC DISORDER - recurring severe panic attacks 15 – 30 Minutes escalation of Somatic NS Phobia Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear" T. SALACUP Types of Phobias 1. Agoraphobia - fear of open space/ public places 2. Social Phobia - Also called Social Anxiety Disorder fear of public /presence of others. 3. Specific Phobia - Also called Simple Phobia A persistent fear of a specific object or situation, other than of two phobias mentioned above.
  • 52. Risk Factors MSN GILBERT Learning theory phobias are learned and become conditioned responses Cognitive theory anxiety-inducing self-instructions of faulty cognitions. Life experiences T. SALACUP Certain life experiences, such as traumatic events Signs and Symptoms W - ithdrawal H - igh levels of anxiety I - nappropriate behavior used to avoid the feared situation, object or activity D - ysfunctional social interactions and relationships E - nability to function and meet self-care needs
  • 53. Nursing Diagnoses MSN GILBERT Anxiety Powerless Ineffective individual coping Impaired verbal communication T. SALACUP Altered thought processes Self-esteem disturbance Impaired social interaction Risk for injury Therapeutic Nursing Management Systematic desensitization This process of gradual exposure to phobic object or situation
  • 54. POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER MSN GILBERT S - oldier  T - rauma E – arthquake T. SALACUP W – ar VICTIMS  Survivors A - ccident R - ape Flashback D – isaster Nightmares
  • 55. SOMATOFORM - no pretension, suggest medical diseases -no organic basis to support the illness. Types of Disorder 1. Somatization disorder - chronic syndrome is characterized by multiple somatic symptoms that cannot be explained medically.  The physical symptoms are associated with psychological stress. 2. CONVERSION DISORDER Nervous System La Belle Indifference  emotional disattachment from disability
  • 56. Sleep disorder MSN GILBERT This is characterized by difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep. Hypersomnia - or excessive sleepiness, T. SALACUP Narcolepsy - is a chronic sleep disorder, or dyssomnia, --- excessive sleepiness and sleep attacks at inappropriate times, such as while at work Parasomnias - involve abnormal and unnatural movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, - dreams that occur while falling asleep - sleeping, between sleep stages, - during arousal from sleep.
  • 57. Hypochondriasis MSN GILBERT This is a person’s unwanted fear or belief that he or she has a serious disease without significant pathology.  Minor Discomfort Interpreted as major illness Body dysmorphic disorders T. SALACUP  The client is preoccupied with an image defect in appearance when there is no abnormality. Illusion of structural defect  Client obsesses about imaged bodily defects (facial flaws, heavy buttocks or thighs) Pain disorder  The pain is unrelated to a medical disease.  The individual experiences severe pain that is in disproportion to the originating source. 
  • 58. MSN GILBERT Risk Factors Gender: Female Age: Children and older adults T. SALACUP Nursing Diagnoses Impaired adjustment Chronic pain Sleep pattern disturbance
  • 59. PSYCHOSOMATIC MSN GILBERT 1. to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors. 2. pertaining to or involving both the mind and the body. 4 major types T. SALACUP H - ypertension A - sthma M - igraine S - tress Ulcer - Real pains/ illness - Real symptoms
  • 60. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) MSN GILBERT persistent thought and urges to perform repeated acts or rituals releasing tension Obsession recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, images that are intrusive, disturbing, inappropriate, and usually T. SALACUP triggered by anxiety. Compulsion Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform, specifically defined routine.  
  • 61. Thinking (Belief) → Mind-set MSN GILBERT Windows open → ↑ Anxiety Akyat bahay gang magnanakaw T. SALACUP   Obsession (thought/thinking ) ↑ anxiety(thought) ↓ Compulsion (Action) ↓ Anxiety Check the house
  • 62. Specific Biological Factor MSN GILBERT  OCD is linked to a deficiency in serotonin.  Abnormalities in frontal lobes and basal ganglia Signs and Symptoms Ruminations – forced preoccupation with thoughts about a particular topic, associated with brooding and inconclusive T. SALACUP speculation. Cognitive rituals – mental acts the client feels compelled to complete. Compulsive motor rituals – elaborate rituals of everyday functioning such as grooming, dressing, eating, Other symptoms – chronic anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty expressing positive feelings and depressed mood.
  • 63. MSN GILBERT 4 Defense Mechanism by OCD R - epresion T. SALACUP I - solation R - eaction formation U - ndoing
  • 64. Nursing Interventions MSN GILBERT  Provide time to perform the rituals  Limit, but do not interrupt, the compulsive acts.  Teach to use alternate methods to decrease anxiety.  Client’s behavior maybe frustrating to staff and family. T. SALACUP Power struggles often result. Consistency to the approach to care is critical.  Assess the client’s needs carefully.  Provide an environment that has structure and predictability as a strategy to decrease anxiety.  Risk associated with the use of alcohol and drug abuse.
  • 65. DISORDERS  defined as the totality of a person’s unique biopsychosocial and spiritual traits that consistently influence behavior. 1. Interpersonal relations that ranges from distant to overprotective. 2. Suspiciousness 3. Social anxiety 4. Failure to conform to social norms. 5. Self-destructive behaviors 6. Manipulation and splitting.
  • 66. Cluster A:Personality Disorders(The Eccentric and Mad group) MSN GILBERT Paranoid – Moto wag magtiwala Sa iba overly suspicious and mistrustful behavior NX. Management  Psychotheraputic task on dealing trust Issues  Low dose Phenothiazine T. SALACUP SCHIZOID – Moto little emotion N - ever had a best friend B - elieves he can stand on his own I - don’t want people C - ares more about computers and pets A - void groups and social activities  no enjoyment NX management  Gradual involvement Milleu and group therapy  Focus on building trust
  • 67. Schizotypal Personality Disorder- MSN GILBERT  pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits, with cognitive and perceptual distortions and behavioral eccentricities. Clinical Manifestations:  R - estricted range of emotions T. SALACUP  O - dd appearance (stained or dirty clothes, unkempt and disheveled)  L - oose, bizarre or vague speech  E - xpresses ideas of suspicions regarding the motives of others  E - xperiences anxiety with people  W - ander aimlessly  I - deas or reference and magical thinking is noted Nx Management  Low dose of neuroleptic  Involved activity with others
  • 68. MSN GILBERT Cluster B: Personality Disorders ( The Erratic and Bad group)  ANTI - SOCIAL  M - otto I break the law  A - s a child,: steal, lie, always get reprimanded T. SALACUP  G - ood talker, charmer, witty manipulator   A - dult – grand robbery, illegal activitist against the law, drug addiction, drives fast, unsafe sex, thrill seeker Nx Management  Firm Limit Setting  Confront behaviors consistently  Enforce consequences  Group therapy
  • 69. BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER - Most common personality disorder found in clinical settings. - Marked impulsivity. - It is more common in females than in males. - Self-mutilation injuries such as cutting or burning Moto my life is an empty glass Nx Management  Promote safety  Help client to cope and control emotions  Teach social skills , Set limits  Behavioral contracts decrease mutilation  Empathy and group therapy
  • 70. MSN GILBERT Narcissistic  I love myself Moto I am famous  Insensitive, arrogant, use rationalization  I am the best T. SALACUP  lack of empathy.  Ambitious and confident Nx management  Teach client that mistake are acceptable  Focus on here and now  Teach client imperfection do not decrease worth
  • 71. MSN GILBERT Histrionic Excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors  excited, dramatic but manipulative  Center of attention  Highly suggestible and will agree with almost anyone T. SALACUP to gain attention  Uses colorful speech, Tends to overdress  Concerned with impressing others Motto Ako ang bida Nx management  Facilitate expression  + reinforcement for unselfish behavior
  • 72. Cluster C: Personality Disorders MSN GILBERT ( The anxious and Sad group) AVOIDANT = No people No trouble  I avoid people, I fear criticism  Have talent but no confidence T. SALACUP 3 Pattern  Social uneasiness and reticence  Very Low self-esteem  Hypersensitivity to negative reaction Nx Management  Promote Self Esteem  Gradually confront fears Increase exposure to small groups
  • 73. MSN GILBERT Dependent Moto I can’t live without you  ↓ self esteem , Pessimistic  Poor decision making skills  Uncomfortable and helpless when alone T. SALACUP  Has difficulty initiating  or completing simple daily tasks on their own Nx management  Teach problem solving and decision making skills  NPR Goal increase assertiveness
  • 74. Obsessive – Compulsive MSN GILBERT I am Perfect, moto  I am organized  Perfectionist  Provide time to do rituals T. SALACUP  Precise and detail-oriented Nx Management  Explore the feelings  Teach patient mistakes are acceptable
  • 75. MSN GILBERT Other related disorder Depressive – Moto I think I'm gonno die again Pattern of depressive cognition and behavior in variety of context  Occurs equally in men and woman T. SALACUP  Same behavior characteristic in major depression but less severe .  Recurrent thought of death  Total disinterest in all activity  Inability to express joy  Self Criticism Nx Management  Assess self harm risk, provide safety  Promote self esteem  Increase involvement in activity
  • 76. MSN GILBERT Passive Aggressive Moto Oh yes Oh your not  Always say yes but resistance is hidden  1-3% IN GEN, POP. 2-8% IN CLINICALSET UP  May appear cooperative even ingratiating T. SALACUP  Blame others for misfortune Nursing management  Teach relaxation techniques  Assertiveness  Teach expressing the feelings directly
  • 77. Schizophrenia MSN GILBERT S - tress – Diathesis Model  Too much stress in the reality will lead client to escape it and go to the fantasy world T. SALACUP  I - mpaired reality perception  G - enetic vulnerability  E - go disintegration  B - iological Theory  Dopamine level is High  A - exact cause is unknown
  • 78. Extremely complex mental disorder MSN GILBERT   Recent research reveals that schizophrenia may be a result of faulty neuronal development in the fetal brain, which develops into full-blown illness in late adolescence or early adulthood.  Diagnosed in late adolescence or early adulthood. T. SALACUP Peak incidence of onset  MEN - 15 to 25 years of age  WOMEN - 25 to 35 years of age  Rarely In childhood.
  • 79. Negative or Soft Positive or Hard MSN GILBERT symptoms  symptoms  Flat affect Delusion T. SALACUP Lack of volition Hallucinations, Social withdrawal or Grossly disorganized discomfort thinking, speech, and behavior
  • 80. 1. Assess : Content of Thought MSN GILBERT Nx Dx : Disturbed thought process Planning/ Implementation: Present reality Provide safety Evaluation : Improve thought process T. SALACUP   2. Assess : Hallucination/ Illusions Nx Dx : Disturbed sensory perception Planning/ Implementation: Present reality Provide safety Evaluation : Improve sensory perception
  • 81. 3. Assess : Suspicious MSN GILBERT Nx Dx : Risk for other directive behavior Planning/ Implementation: Present reality Provide safety T. SALACUP Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for other-directed violence 4. Assess : Suicidal Nx Dx : Risk for self directive behavior Planning/ Implementation: Present reality Provide safety Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for self-directed violence
  • 82. MSN GILBERT Flight or Looseness   I am super star I am super star. T. SALACUP Gulay is malungay? Super star is Nora Were are you. Nora is a gay I love beer. Gay is man  
  • 83. 4 A’s MSN GILBERT ffect  appropriate, inappropriate, flat, blunt (incomplete emotion) mbivalence  torn between 2 opposing forces T. SALACUP utism ssociative Looseness  
  • 84. MSN GILBERT Magical Thinking - Believes to have a magical power Echolalia  I repeat what you say  Parrots Echopraxia  I repeat what you do T. SALACUP Word Salad  words, no rhyme Clang Association  words with rhyme : Doom, Kaboom, Bromm Neologism  creation of new words olasta, labidada Clarification  done in case of neologism
  • 85. Delusion: fixed falls belief with no basis in reality MSN GILBERT Persecutory  FBI will get me/ someone will harm the Patient Religious  I am Jesus, allah, budah Grandeur  I am the king of the world. Ideas of reference  MD are talking about me. T. SALACUP Concrete Association  pilosopo “ what will u use in txting your calculator?” Hallucinations Illusion Stimulus Absent Present Visual X √ Auditory X √ Tactile X √
  • 86. Hallucinations Management: MSN GILBERT   H - allucinations A – cknowledgment - I know the voices are real to you R - eality orientation - But I don’t hear them T. SALACUP D - iversion - Lets walk   Take note But if nothing in the preceding intervention are seen = Assess what the voices are saying
  • 87. TYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA MSN GILBERT 1. Paranoid - Suspicious Ideas of reference  Tendency to be violent - Defense mechanism  Mistrust→Scared→Withdrawn Projection Nrsg. Int: Build up trust: T. SALACUP  1 to 1  short interaction  frequent visit  foods in sealed container  meds wrapped For violent pt. - Doors open - Near the door - Don’t touch the pt. - Eye contact - 1 arms length away -call reinforcement  
  • 88. MSN GILBERT Catatonic – abnormal motor behavior Onset - Acute DFM - Repression No – favorite word I - niwan na posture, ganun forever T. SALACUP W - axy Flexibility A - mbivalence N - egativism Treatment  ECT  Benzodiazepines (such as diazepam or lorazepam) for catatonic schizophrenia.
  • 89. MSN GILBERT Unclassified / undifferentiated  Mixed Manifestation  Can’t be classified  1st paranoid, then disorganized then catatonic, etc etc DFM – Regression T. SALACUP Residual Recovering/ decrease S/S No more positive s/sx, just withdrawn
  • 90. MSN GILBERT Disorganized/HEBEPHRENIC  Bizarre behavior DFM- Regression and Fantasy  Sad but smiles T. SALACUP  Inappropriate affect  No reaction  Flat affect  Flight of ideas  Giggling  Positive and Negative S/Sx
  • 91. High Dopamine= Schizophrenia MSN GILBERT Dopamine Acetylcholine Antipsychotics = Dopamine goes down T. SALACUP If Acetylcholine Dopamine Extra pyramidal Side Effects AKATHISIA AKINESIA Restless, inability to sit Muscle rigidity Makati siya, ahh kati siya Ahh kiniss siya
  • 92. DYSTONIA MSN GILBERT 3 features TORTICOLLIS Wry neck OCULOGYRIC CRISIS Fixed stare OPISTHOTUNOS Arched back TARDIVE DYSKINESIA T. SALACUP  Irreversible side effects of antipsychotics  Lip smacking  Tongue protruding  Cheeks puffing  NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME  Hyperthermia among client taking antipsychotic  Hyperthermia with muscle rigidity
  • 93. MSN GILBERT Other Side Effects  Photosensitivity Sunscreen Wide brimmed hat  Agranulocytosis T. SALACUP Report immediately Sore throat 1st sign to appear  
  • 94. ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENT–major tranc/nueroleptics MSN GILBERT Sub classification:  Phenothiazines: Non Phenothiazines: Thorazine – Tora Tora Haldol – Ha Idol Prolixin – Pro ang lixi n Navane – Sundalo pangdagat T. SALACUP Mellaril – Mella nmaril Tegretol – Hayop yan Tegre tol Serentil – on seren til mawala Trilafon - Trila in Fonila Stelazine - Nanood si stela Zine Atypical Clozaril – close sa reel! yeh Seroquel – Sero kal talaga Invega – in vega n natin mga sister Isigaw ntin ang - Geodon
  • 95. ANTI PARKINSON'S –management anti psychotic induce EPS MSN GILBERT A tivan(lorazepam) - Ati - van D iazepam(valium)- ang tunog nyan Dia - zepammmmm I nderal(propanolol) – Inde – Ral ral rall K emadrin(procyclidine)- Keme – Drin drin drin T. SALACUP A- akineton (biperiden)- ay nako mga baliw akin ne to B- benadryl(diphenhydramine)- ben that’s a dryl L- larodopa(Levodopa)- mmm Laro kc kau ng laro! D pa E- Eldepryl (Selegilene)- ang sbi bi ni elde p reel kc kau akin n nga ung S- symmetrel-(amantadine)- Sym Motor ko hmm bulol symmetrel C- cogentin(Benztropine)-Sakay nlang kau sa coge tin A- artane(trihexyphenidyl)- ang a artane kc nila P- parlodel(Bromocriptine)- Para Lodel at nkarating na silang lhat end Increase protein and give B6
  • 96. Mood Disorder MSN GILBERT Disturbance in mood ( Affect) that is either depression or elation (mania = persistent hyperactive) Bipolar - Mania more common T. SALACUP Results from disturbances in the areas of the brain that regulate mood It involves periods of excitability (mania) alternating with periods of depression  Men and women equally  Usually appears between ages 15 – 25 Cause  Unknown  Stressful life  Obese It occurs more often in relatives of people with bipolar disorder Ref. Videbeck Page 317
  • 97. MSN GILBERT Risk factors  Biochemical imbalances  Family genetics – one parent, child has 25% risk; two parents, 50-75% risk.  Environmental factors-such as stress, losses, poverty, social isolation.  Psychological influences–inadequate coping, denial of disordered behavior T. SALACUP Specific Biological Factors  Possible excess of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.  Increased intracellular sodium and calcium  Neurotransmitters supersensitive to transmission of impulses  Defective feedback mechanism in limbic system.
  • 98.
  • 100. Self Actualization =Task MSN GILBERT Self Esteem = Nursing Role Restrain Impaired social interaction = safety T. SALACUP Risk for injury/ other directed violence= safety ↓ Eating ↓ Sleep Hyperactive ↑ Sex finger food Private room Anxiety
  • 101. ↓SE → ↑Compensation → ↑interfere ADLs, ↑ harm others MSN GILBERT ↑SE → ↓Compensation → ↓interfere ADLs, ↓ harm others TASK → increases client’s self esteem  Escorted walk outdoors  Punching bag No group games  compitition will increase anxiety T. SALACUP 3 or more signs confirms disorder S - leeplessness P- ressured speech E - xaggerated SE E - xtraneous stimuli (easily distracted) D - istractibility G - randiose F - light of ideas
  • 102. Therapeutic Nursing Management MSN GILBERT  Environment  Psychological treatment  Individual Psychotherapy – may be used to identify stressors and pattern of behavior.  Group therapy – establishes a supportive T. SALACUP environment and redirect inappropriate behavior.  Family therapy – verbalizes family frustration and establishes a treatment plan for outpatient use.  Somatic and Psychopharmacologic treatments  electroconvulsive therapy  Psychopharmacology
  • 103. DEPRESSION  ↓ Serotonin MSN GILBERT if unresponsive to drugs, ECT Kubbler-Ross Stages of Dying / Grief Process Denial “No not me”, “Its not true”, “Its not impossible” Anger why me, why now, What did I do to deserve this?” Bargaining  “If I live until Christmas or until my child’s T. SALACUP graduation ( So many if’s), I will do this…” Depression  “Yes, I’m dying” Acceptance  “Yes, I am ready” ↓Self Actualization ↓Self Esteem = Task Withdrawn = stay Risk for self directed violence   Eating Sleep Hypoactive ↓Sex
  • 104. MSN GILBERT Major Depressive Disorder 2 or more weeks of sad mood 9 Symptoms S –leep disturbance (insomia/hypersomia) O – Vert Suicidal Ideation (Recurrent thoughts of deaths) T. SALACUP M – emory Disturbance (Indecisiveness) E – nergy loss or Fatigue A – gitation psychomotor L – ost of interest/ Pleasure O – bvious Wt Significance N – ihilism – feeling of worthlessness E – motional blanting and sad effect – depress mood 5/9 symptoms present 2 or more weeks 1 of which is depressed
  • 105. Risk Factors MSN GILBERT  Biological factors – brainchemicals  Family genetics – parent with depression, child 10-13% risk of depression.  Gender – higher rate for women  Age – often less than 40 when begins  Marital status – more frequently single, widowed T. SALACUP  Season of year – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs when client experiences recurrent depression that occurs annually at the same time.  Psychological influences – low self-esteem, unresolved grief.  Environmental factors – lack of social support, stressful life events.  Medical co-morbidity – clients with chronic or terminal illness, postpartum, and current substance abuse are especially prone to becoming depresses.
  • 106. Therapeutic Nursing Management MSN GILBERT  Safe environment  Psychological treatment  Individual psychotherapy – long –term therapeutic approach or short term solution-oriented, may focus on in-depth exploration, specific stress situations, or problem solving.  Behavioral therapy – modifying behavior to assist in reducing depressive symptoms and increasing coping skills. T. SALACUP  Behavioral contacts – focus on specific client problems and need to help the client resolve them.  Social treatment  Milieu therapy – day to day living experiences in a therapeutic environment  Family therapy – aimed at assisting the family cope with the client’s illness and supporting the client in therapeutic ways.  Group therapy – focuses on assisting clients with interpersonal communication, coping, and problem-solving skills.  Psychopharmacologic and Somatic treatments  Administer antidepressant medications  Continued assessment interms of agitation and suicidal ideation.  Electroconvulsive therapy
  • 107. MSN GILBERT Nursing Interventions 1. Priority for care is always the client’s safety. 2. Use of behavioral contacts. “no self-harm” or no suicidal ideation or plan. 3. Assess regularly for suicidal ideation or plan. 4. Observe client for distorted, negative thinking. T. SALACUP 5. Assist client to learn and use problem solving and stress management skills. 6. Avoid doing too much for the client, as this will only increase client’s dependence and decrease self-esteem. 7. Explore meaningful losses in the client’s life.
  • 108. MSN GILBERT ANTIDEPRESSANTS S - inequan – Watch tau ng Sine Quan A - nafranil – Ana Franil Pala V - ivactil – Bi back tau agad after nuod ng E - lavil – Ela evil T. SALACUP P - rozac – Pero sak a na A - ventyl – Aveeen Til Midnight tayo N - orpramin – Nor T - ofranil – Tofra an kita P - axil – Taksil ka A - sendin – asan n din kau Z - oloft – yan mag Solo ka  
  • 109. 1st Line of Drug Prescribed MSN GILBERT afest ELECTIVE Prozac(Fluxetine) ide effects low T. SALACUP EROTONIN Paxil (Paroxetine) EUPTAKE Zoloft(Sertraline) note: No suicidal or to 4 weeks Homicidal NHIBITOR take in am to avoid insomnia
  • 110. Two – 4 wks Sendin (Amoxapine) MSN GILBERT Tri orpramine (Desipramine) CYCLIC ofranil (Imipramine) T. SALACUP inequan (Doxepine) NTIDEPRESSANT Lavil amelor Higher incidence of Side effects Serotonin/ Epi affected Neuro and hepatotoxisity,Cardiac Arrytmias Suicide Precausion 10 -15 days precausion
  • 111. ONO MSN GILBERT arplan (isocarboxazid) ardil ( Phenelzine) Mine T. SALACUP arnate (Tranylcypromine) Xidase Nhibitor All neurotransmitter affected Highest Side effects Avoid tyramine rich food may lead to HYPERTENSIVE CRISES  
  • 112. TYRAMINE RICH FOODS MSN GILBERT vocado ged Cheese   eer     hocolate T. SALACUP   ermented Foods   ickles reserved Foods   oy Sauce
  • 113. LITHIUM MSN GILBERT L evel 0.5 – 1 mEq/L I ncrease urination T remors, fine hand H ydration 3 L/day T. SALACUP I ncrease Na+ Uu diarhea M outh, dry Maintenace level 0.5 – 1 mEq/L Treatment level – 0.8 – 1.5 mEq/L Toxic level – 1.5 above Lithium Toxicity Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • 115. Nowadays, ECT is not only used for major depression, MSN GILBERT but also for the treatment of:  mania (in bipolar disorder)  Catatonia (motion less or excessive motion)  quick relief for self-destructive behavior T. SALACUP ECT only be indicated for the treatment of severely depressed clients that needs fast relief Can pregnant women undergo ECT?
  • 116. MSN GILBERT Contraindications and precautions  recent myocardial infraction  stroke  sever hypertension  presence of intracerebral mass T. SALACUP Mechanism of action  The therapy induces a therapeutic tonic seizure (a seizure where the person loses consciousness and has convulsions) which lasts for about 15 seconds. It is believed that the shock intensifies brain chemistry to correct the chemical imbalance in depression (decrease serotonin and norepinephrine).
  • 117. Frequency of treatment MSN GILBERT  6-15 treatments are scheduled three times a week.  6 treatments are needed to observe a sustained improvement of depressive symptoms.  Maximum effect or benefit is achieved in 12 to 15 treatments. T. SALACUP  70 – 150 volts  .5-2 seconds Duration  6-15 treatments  48hrs interval
  • 118. MSN GILBERT  Nursing Interventions  Before ECT 1. Informed consent should be signed. 2. NPO post midnight. 3. Remove fingernail polish. 4. IV line initiation. T. SALACUP 1. Atropine  dry mouth 2. Barbituate  short-acting anesthetic. 3. Succinylcholine  muscle relaxant, prevent seizure 5. Let the client void before the procedure.  During ECT 1. Place electrodes on the client’s head on one side (unilateral) or both (bilateral). 2. Brain monitoring through electroencephalogram (EEG). 3. Oxygen administration with an Ambu-bag.
  • 119. After ECT MSN GILBERT 1. When the client is awake, reorient the client. 2. Obtain vital signs. 3. Assess client for the return of gag reflex. 4. Allow the client to eat (with a positive gag reflex). T. SALACUP  Side-lying – lateral  S/E  headache, dizziness,  TEMPORARY MEMORY LOSS  distinct sign
  • 120. Suicide GILBERT Definition Self imposed death T. SALACUP RN, MSN stemming from depression
  • 121. MSN GILBERT Verbal Non Verbal • I wont be a problem • Take this ring, its T. SALACUP anymore yours (giving of • This is my last day valuable) on earth • Sudden change in • I’ll soon be gone mood
  • 122. Who will commit Suicide? MSN GILBERT S - ex – Male (more successful)/ female (hesitant) A ge – 15 –24 y/o or above 45 D epression T. SALACUP P atient with previous attempt E ethanol - alcoholics R irrational S ocial support lacking O rganized plan  greater risk N o family S ickness, terminal  
  • 123. SUICIDE TRIAD MSN GILBERT 1. Loss of spouse 2. Loss of job 3. Aloneness T. SALACUP Nursing Intervention 1. D irect question – “Are you going to commit suicide?” 2. I rregular interval of visit to pt. room 3. E arly AM and period of endorsement – the time pt’s commit suicide
  • 124. Best approach for suicidal pt. : Direct approach MSN GILBERT Nursing Management: Close surveillance Hospital quarter common suicide will come about weekends - 1- 3 am Sunday T. SALACUP - few staff personnel Early AM - every one is asleep   Simple task  Water plants  Wash the dishes except sharps Don’t give complex - may cause depression ex. Puzzle
  • 125. MSN GILBERT Cyclothymic disorder Milder symptoms of both mania and depressions often separated by long periods of normal moods T. SALACUP Dysthymic Disorder Long standing symptoms of depression alternating with short periods of normal moods clients can maintain normal roles and jobs
  • 126. EATING DISORDERS   Bulimia Nervosa  The Diet-Binge-Purge Disorder”.   dieting, binging and purging through vomiting  Rapid eating for about two hours (over 8000 calories in 2 hours and 50,000 in 1 day)  Methods of controlling weight (diet pills, excessive exercise, enemas, diuretics, laxatives),  Weight normal or fluctuations are due to alternating fasting and binging
  • 127. Ages 15-24 years. MSN GILBERT   Bulimic often belong to a family and society that place great value on external appearance.  self hatred  low self-esteem,  symptoms of depression, T. SALACUP  fear of losing control,  suicide tendencies.  Perfectionist, achievers scholastically and professionally.  They hide their disorder because of fear of rejection.  Person is aware that the behavior is abnormal, b.  After the episode she becomes guilty and depressed
  • 129. Nursing Diagnosis MSN GILBERT 1. Alterations in health maintenance. 2. Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements. 3. Altered nutrition: More than body requirements 4. Anxiety T. SALACUP 5. Body image disturbance 6. Ineffective family coping; compromised 7. Ineffective individual coping 8. Self-esteem disturbance
  • 130. During interview Nursing Interventions MSN GILBERT  to gain trust and acceptance of nurses. Create an atmosphere of trust.  Develop strength to cope with problems. Encourage patient to discuss positive qualities about themselves to increase self-esteem. T. SALACUP  Help patient identify feelings and situations associated with or that triggers binge eating.  Encourage making a journal of incident and feelings before-during and after a binge episode.  Make a contract with the patient to approach the nurse when they feel the urge to binge  Encourage adhering to meal and snack schedule of hospital.  Cognitive behavioral therapy is the ideal therapy
  • 131. ANOREXIA NERVOSA Starvation and Emaciation  is a disorder with an insidious onset that often affects adolescent girls.  upper middle class families. youngest child is affected.  uses denial  10-20 % of anorexics die and half of these deaths are due to suicide.
  • 132. Nursing Interventions MSN GILBERT  Cognitive and Behavioral therapy to positive and negative reinforcement:  focus is on client’s responsibility to gain weight.  Privileges are gained with weight gain.  Privileges are lost with weight loss.  Increase self-esteem  Teach about the disorder. T. SALACUP  Monitor weight three times a week but weigh with the patient facing away from the weighing scale  As soon as the ideal weight is gained, allow patient to regulate his or her own progression and program.  High protein and high carbohydrate diet, serve foods the patient prefer in small frequent feedings. NGT if the patient refuses to eat.  Setting limits to avoid manipulative behavior:  Restrict use of bathroom for 2 hour after eating.  Accompany to the bathroom to ensure that they will not self induce vomiting.  Stay with client during meals.  Do not accept excuses to leave eating area.
  • 133. Anorexia Eating Bulimia MSN GILBERT Nervosa Disorders Diet, diet, diet Eating Pattern Eat, eat, vomit <85% of expected Weight Normal weight body T. SALACUP 3 mos. Menstruation Irregular menstruation amenorrhea Karen Carpenter Dao Ming Su Da Ming Sugat/ suka Vomiting Dental caries Wounded knuckles Metabolic alkalosis Metabolic acidosis
  • 134. MSN GILBERT Paraphilias  Paraphilias are complex psychiatric disorders that are manifested as unusual sexual behavior.  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, T. SALACUP Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) defined it as a “recurrent, intensely sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving:  S = uffering or humiliation of oneself or partner  I = nanimate objects (non-human objects)  N = onconsenting person  C = hildren
  • 135. Eight specific disorders of paraphilia MSN GILBERT  Exhibitionism – Exposing one’s genitals to strangers or masturbating in public areas.  Fetishism – (Pa suot) inanimate objects to achieve orgasm women’s undergarments (brassiere, lingerie, T. SALACUP and panty), shoes and other apparels.  Frotteurism – (Pa Touch) urges of touching or rubbing against a non consenting.  Pedophilia – a sexual activity done with a child 13 years younger is a characteristic of this disorder. at least 16 years old or at least 5 years older than the victim.
  • 136.  Sexual masochism – (Saktan mo ako) the MSN GILBERT intense and persistent sexual urge involving acts of suffering (beaten or bound) and being humiliated.  Sexual sadism – (Sasaktan kita) sexual urge involving acts in which the pain, suffering or T. SALACUP humiliation of a partner is arousing a person.  Transvestic fetishism – sexual fantasies, urge and behaviors involving cross-dressing by a heterosexual male.  Voyeurism – sexual arousal by observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of undressing or engaging in sexual activity.
  • 138. ALCOHOLISM - state of alcohol addiction MSN GILBERT Etiology: Intergenerational Transmission From one generation to another generation Alcohol T. SALACUP ↓ Blackout  awake but unaware ↓ Confabulation  inventing stories to ↑ self-esteem ↓ Denial  “I am not an alcoholic” Dependence  “I can’t live without it” ↓
  • 139. Enabling  significant other tolerates abusers MSN GILBERT Another term CO – DEPENDENCY   TOLERANCE  ↑ Substance to achieve a previous effect   T. SALACUP DETOXIFICATION  Withdrawal with MD supervision  Safe withdrawal is accomplished through the administration of benzodiazepines such as Chlordiaxepoxide (Librium), Lorazepam (Ativan) or Diazepam (Valium) to suppress the withdrawal symptoms  Check Alcohol, Mouthwash, Elixir
  • 140.   void alcohol MSN GILBERT version therapy lcoholics Anonymous  self help group ntabuse  DISULFIRAM  Never drink alcohol ↓ 12 hour interval/ 12 h last alcohol intake B1 Vitamin Deficiency or else: nausea, vomiting and hypotension T. SALACUP ↓ Wernicke’s Encephalopathy → motor Complications ↓ Korsakoff’s Psychosis → memory Delirium Tremens  24 – 72 h after last dose of alcohol ↓ untreated withdrawal syndrome ormocation  bugs crawling under the skin amily Therapy  mother, father, brother  
  • 141. SUBSTANCE ABUSE MSN GILBERT Downers - B - arbituates Morphine O - piates Codeine NARCAN  antidote N - arcotics Heroine A – lcohol T. SALACUP Uppers (Hac - S)  Hallucinogens  Amphetamines  Cocaines
  • 142. LEVELS OF MENTAL RETARDATION MSN GILBERT Profound  Less 20 IQ  thinks like an infants  can’t be trained  Some speech T. SALACUP Severe - 20 – 35  IQ May learn Talk and communicate  Perform simple task elementary hygiene Moderate - 35 – 50 IQ  can be train  mental age is 2 – 7 y/o  pre-operational stage 
  • 143. 4. Mild MSN GILBERT  50 – 70  meantal age is 7 – 12  educable  can go to school T. SALACUP 5. Borderline  70 - 90 6. Normal  90 – 100 Mental Retardation  IQ Less than 70  Onset before 18 yrs/old  Not often detected until school age  Impaired learning and social adjustment
  • 144. Nursing Intervention MSN GILBERT  Role Modeling  Repetition  Remorivation  Provide sensory stimulation T. SALACUP AUTISM/Kanner Syndrome/ Pervasive devt. Dis. With a special talent /Head banging and head rocking  Diagnose at 2 Y.O. Appears at 3 y.o.  4x more common in male than in female Assess Appearance - flat affect, consistent movement Behavior - repetitive, ritualistic Communication - echolalia, incomprehensible
  • 145. Nursing diagnosis MSN GILBERT  S -elf mutilation  I - mpaired verbal communication  R -isk for injury  I - mpaired social interaction Nursing Intervention T. SALACUP  Priority Safety,security supervision  Counseling  Education  Expressive therapy - drawing, muscic etc  Improved social interaction Meds: Anti Psychotics: Haldol,risperidone=tempertantrums Naltrexone(revia)Anafranil,Clonidine(catapres)= hyperactivity  
  • 146. ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVE DISORDER MSN GILBERT  Onset : before 7 y.o.  Episode : 6 months and above  Settings : 2 House and school  Id Dominant : Mom or RN will act as superego T. SALACUP Assess C - ommunication - talkative, blurts out in class R - estless I - mpulsive D - ecrease attention span E - asy distractibility Nursing Diagnosis Risk for injury Impaired social interaction  
  • 147. Nursing Intervention MSN GILBERT  Priority safety and Nutrition  Structure separate room for eating, playing, sleeping and etc  Schedule - time for everything  Slimits T. SALACUP  Ignore Temper tantrums  Finger foords Meds: for 6 Y.O. Ritalin,, pemoline, adderal 3 Y.O and Above dexedrin Best time to give: once a day: AFTER MEALS: prevent lost of appetite Don’t give at bedtime  STIMULANT  causes insomnia Give 6 hours prior bedtime if bid
  • 148. ALZHEIMER MSN GILBERT   NOMIA  don’t know name of objects  GNOSIA  problem with senses  PHASIA  can’t say it  PRAXIA  can’t do it T. SALACUP
  • 151. Domestic Violence MSN GILBERT CHILD ABUSE Burns, bruise, bone fractures Excessive Knowledge of sex/Violence T. SALACUP Depression Apathy no reactions Bantay Bata 163 Don’t bathe the child, don’t brush teet. Body of evidence will be lost
  • 152. Types MSN GILBERT Violence- implies only the use of physical force Neglect – Child abandonment, insufficient Childs needs for survival Physical Abuse – abuse in the form of inflicting pain T. SALACUP Emotional abuse – form of insults mind game Sexual abuse- unwanted sexual contact Nursing management  Safe , secutiy, supervision  Proper reporting of child abuse – w/ in 48hrs Brgy captain, DSWD, Police Play therapy
  • 153. Rape MSN Crime lack of consent, treat, force and sexual penetration Sexual assault - Forcible sexual acts lack of consent, against his or her will 3 essential elements of rape  Vaginal penetration  Use of force , intimidation, treat  Lack of consent Rape trauma syndrome Immediate acute phase Displays 2 type of emotion (disorganization) Controlled Expressed
  • 154. Long term process (reorganization) 3-4wks MSN GILBERT  Flash backs in dreams and night mares  Development of phobia  Self guilt Crisis Intervention T. SALACUP  Crisis is a situation or period in an individual’s life that produces an overwhelming emotional response.  stressor that he or she cannot effectively manage by using his or her usual coping skills.
  • 155. Type of Crisis MSN GILBERT  Maturational crisis – also called developmental crisis. These are predictable events in a person’s life which includes getting married, having a baby and leaving home for the first time.  Situational crises – unexpected or sudden events T. SALACUP that imperils ones integrity. Included in this type of crisis are: loss of a job, death of a loved one or relative and physical and emotional illness of a family member or an individual.  Adventitious crisis – also called social crisis. Included in this category are: natural disasters like floods, earthquakes or hurricanes, war, terrorist attacks, riots and violent crimes such as rape and murder.
  • 156. Guide for an effective crisis intervention: MSN GILBERT  Assist the person to view the event or issue in a different perspective.  Assist the individual to use the existing support systems. It is vital to help the person find new sources of support that can help in decreasing the feelings of T. SALACUP being alone or overwhelmed.  Assist the individual in learning new methods of coping that will help resolve the current crisis and give him or her new coping skills to be used in the future when dealing with another overwhelming situation.