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                             Revision 2.0
                            Sept. 11, 2011
                                                      Vim 7.3+
                                                     :version                                         Vim Cheat Sheet for Programmers                                                                                                       May	

HOW-TO make Vim not suck Out of the Box: :help statusline :set nocompatible ruler laststatus=2 showcmd showmode number                                              Search :set incsearch ignorecase smartcase hlsearch                            Remove useless splash screen :set shortmess+=I
        Best tips:                             Best scripts:                                                                                             :map <F9> :e $HOME/_vimrc<CR>                                      :map <F6> :so $HOME/_vimrc<CR>
          Ctrl `                   Ctrl 1                 Ctrl @              Ctrl 3                    Ctrl 4                Ctrl 5                   Ctrl ^                   Ctrl 7               Ctrl 8                   Ctrl 9                           Ctrl 0                           Ctrl _                Ctrl =

~ toggle case           !       extern filter    @•
                                                          macro      #
                                                                           identifier       $            ⇥          %
                                                                                                                             match           ^        soft ⇤        &         repeat :s    *
                                                                                                                                                                                                   identifier       (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            sentence        )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sentence                      _      cur line       +           ↓
                   13                        1                                          3                                                                                                                       8                                                                                                  auto-        2
`• goto mark            1                        2                   3                      4                       5                        6                      7                      8                        9                       0              hard ⇤                      -          ↑          =    format
                        14                                                                      12                   10                                                                                                                           9
                                block select ^w• window…                  scroll line ↑                 :redo             ctags return              scroll line ↓            half page ↑             Ctrl I                 prev mark                              ↑                         Normal               ctags identifier

                                                                              end                                                                                                                                                                                                               ↖                 paragraph
                        Q        ex mode         W      WORD ↘       E    WORD ↘
                                                                                            R         Replace       T• ← until char Y               copy line       U        undo line     I insert ⇤ O open ⤒ P                                      paste ⤒                          {    paragraph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             }        ↘
                                   record                                    end                      replace                                                   0                                                                                                                 0
        Tab             q•                       w       word ↘      e                      r                       t•    until char →       y      copy            u        undo          i         insert         o       open ⤓          p         paste ⤓                          [•       misc.        ]•       misc.

                                   macro                                   word ↘                       char
                            7                                        10                                                                                                 15
                                   incr. #                                half page ↓                  page ↓             file/cursor info             Ctrl H                   Ctrl J                                       redraw                             Ctrl ;                          Ctrl '                 Ctrl 
                                                                                                                          goto eof /                                                               man page                  Bottom                                                                      0              ⇤
                        A append ⇥               S      subst line   D     del ⇥            F• ← find char G              goto line#         H      Top screen      J        Join lines    K       identifier       L        screen         :         Ex cmd line                      "•   register         |    goto col#
                                                                                        0                                               6                                                                                                                "next"                   16        goto mark                            
       Caps             a       append           s      subst char   d       del            f•       find char →    g•      extra            h          ←           j            ↓         k           ↑            l         →             ;                                          '•                    •

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         f/F/t/T                            ⇤
                                                 7,11                                                                                        9,16                       15
             Ctrl ^              :suspend                decr. #          Normal / Cancel            block select            page ↑                      ↓                     Ctrl M                Ctrl ,                   Ctrl .                            Ctrl /                 Unused & Duplicate keys
                                             4                                                         select                                                                  Middle                           2                       2                                                   Ctrl-K Ctrl-S (free)
                        Z•        quit           X      ← del char   C    change ⇥          V                       B     ↖ WORD             N                      M                      <       undent           >       indent          ?•              find ↖                      13 Ctrl-L (redraw)
            Shift ⇧                                                                                     lines                                          find                    screen                                                                                                      ` near dup of '
                                             5                                          0              select                                          find                                        "prev"     16             repeat                                                     14 Ctrl-Q = Ctrl-V
                        z•       extra           x      del char →   c    change        2   v          chars        b       ↖ word           n        "next"        m•        set mark         ,   f/F/t/T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .     cmd             /•            find ↘                      15 Ctrl-J = Ctrl-M = ^N

Legend:                 16 The search direction is relative; next is the initial direction, previous is the opposite direction. n ; repeat same initial direction find. N , repeat opposite initial direction find. Note: ; , only searches cursor line, n N searches buffer.

    Macro     Register name (0-9a-zA-Z) required                             :help cmdline :r file insert file                                    :help tags                                       :map  :Explore<CR> manually type <,C,R,>                                                                :buffer #
    Op        Motion req.; act between cursor & dst                             :w save         :gui       switch to GUI :ts         list active tags                                            §0 "• before del/copy/paste to use register                                                          :buffers list
  Cmd         Command                                                           :q quit         :q!        quit w/o save ^]          jump to tag under cursor                                       "+x     cut to system clipboard reg. '+'                                                          :new blank file/buffer
    Ins       Command and enter insert mode                                     :e <file> edit file in new buffer            ^t      restore cursor before tag jump                                 "+gP paste from system clipboard                                                                  :bn next file
  Move        Moves cursor or defines range for op                              :source % exec cmds in cur file              ^p      complete word                                                1 Number before any action repeats it                                                               :bp prev file
   Find       Search (↖ = reverse, ↘ = forward)                                 :exec '...' do cmd                          :ta Foo manual jump to tag 'Foo'                                        2p      paste twice          3. repeat thrice                                                     :bd close file
   tag        ctags / diffs / folding                                                     :help movement                                                                                          2 Repeat op to act on current line                                                                  :bd! force close
  Code        Code formatting, whitespace, etc.                            soft ^ ⇤ Start of Line        1st non-whitespace                        :help diff                                       yy      copy line            dd del line                                                          :set lines=#
  Extra       Extended functionality; req. extra chars                     hard  0 ⇤ Start of Line column 0                  [c prev diff     :hi DiffAdd            guifg=#rrggbb                  <<      undent line          >> indent line                                                       :set columns=#
     •        Char arg req. g z Z ^w ' " ` …                                     $ ⇥ End of Line                             ]c next diff     :hi DiffChange guibg=#rrggbb                        3 #       highlight words under cursor                                                              :winpos # #        GUI

 Modes         :help modes                                                       | move col 0         #| move col #          :diffupdate :hi DiffText gui=none                                    4 ZZ      save & quit          ZQ quit w/o save                                                            Windows
   n           Normal               Esc ^[ ^c                                   ^b page ↑             ^f page ↓                  resync       :hi DiffDelete                                      5 zz      center cursor line in window                                                             :help windows
   i           Insert               a i r s                                     ^u ½ page ↑           ^d ½ page ↓                                                                                   zh      scroll left          zl scroll right                                                    ^w• or :wincmd •
   v           Visual               v V ^v ^q                                   ^e scroll line ↑      ^y scroll line ↓          :help folding               :help changes                           zt      scroll top           zb scroll bottom                                                      w!    :switch to next
   o           Op pending           c d y < >                                   1g start of file      0g end of file         zR fold remove              :changes                                §6 gg      top of file                                                                                c!    :close!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       n!    :new
   c           Command Line : / ? !                                             #g goto line #         G end of file         zo fold open                g; older change                            gf      open file under cursor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s!    :split horz.
 word            Foo ( src , ␢ dst , ␢ len );                                   [[ begin this func {                         zc fold close               g, newer change                          7 ^a      incr # under cursor (Dec / Hex)                                                            v!    :vsplit vertical
Note: There is no whitespace in-between 'Foo(src,' but before/after 'dst,'      ]] begin next func {                         zi invert all                                                          ^x      decr # under cursor (Dec / Hex)                                                            o!    :only maximize
 WORD             Foo ( src , ␢ dst , ␢ len );                                  :set matchpairs=(:),{:},[:],<:>,?::         zr fold reduce                   :help syntax                        8 *       start a "new" search                                                                       =!    all same size
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       h!    move to win ←
 Startup                                                                         % goto matching { } < > [ ]                 zm fold more                :syntax enable                                            Insert mode
                                                                                                                                                                                                  9 ^p prev auto-complete ^n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       j!    move to win ↓
     vim <filename> +123                goto line 123                                        :help range                                                 :set filetype=                                                              next                                                              k!    move to win ↑
     vim <file> … -t Foo                edit at tag 'Foo'                  :s/Foo/Bar           find Foo replace w/ Bar :help recording             c cpp sh make perl python                    10 ^d      undent             ^t    indent                                                            l!    move to win →
     vim <file> … -c "/Foo" cmd: find 'Foo' & edit :s/Foo/Bar/g ...all instances on line                                     q• start recording          Note:	
  type! §11 ^x• ^f filename completion                                                                         !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      :sp    [<filename>]
GUI vim -g           or      gvim       start GUI ver.                     :%s/Foo/Bar          apply to whole file          @• playback                    convert <eol>                               ^s spelling            :set spell!                                                             edit in split window
GUI Linux      :set guifont=ProggyTinyTT 12                               .,.+# cur line, cur line + # lines                q stop recording :set fileformat=                                          ^k dictionary          ]s    next bad                                                         Cursor Bookmarks
GUI OSX        :set guifont=ProggyTiny:h11                                      $ last line          '< start of select     @@ repeat                   unix or dos or mac                             ^t thesaurus           :help spell                                                            :marks     ` ' ^o
diff gvimdiff <file1> <file2> [<file3>]                                                               '> end of select                                   then :w to convert                      12 ^r•     paste register 0-9a-zA-Z or …                                                             ma mark local 'a'
bug     Broken Keys Ctrl-I = Tab, Ctrl-[ = ESC                                  Code      = < > << >>                       :set tabstop=#          set tab stop every #th col                          + clipboard (or '*') :help c_CTRL-R                                                           'A goto global 'A'
        Vim is still unable to map certain keys for your own use…          :set backspace=indent,eol,start                  :set expandtab!         toggle hard/soft tabs                               " last del/copy        % filename                                                             '' prev location
 §      Caps, Ctrl-1, Ctrl-Shift-1, Ctrl-I, Ctrl-, etc.                                allow backspace join lines :set listchars=… tab:>-:trail:-,nbsp:%,eol:$                                 :set numbers!           toggle line numbers                                                              File / Directory
  0 See: src/ops.c -c "/valid_yank_reg" for "• reg. names                  :set shiftwidth=# indent width for ai :set list!                         toggle whitespace                           :set wrap!              toggle linewrap display                                                       :Explore or :e .
  6 See: src/normal.c -c "/nv_cmds" for g• extra cmds                      :set autoindent! toggle auto-indent :set colorcolumn=80 visible right margin indicator :set showmatch                                        highlite matching ()                                                          :set browsedir=…
 11 See: src/edit.c -c "/ctrl_x_msgs" for ^x• insert cmds                  :set lisp                lisp indent mode noremap + :s/^////<CR> block comment noremap - :s/^////<CR> uncomment                                                                                                        one of buffer last
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 :set number!

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Vim cheat sheet for programmers

  • 1. Copyleft  ©  2011 Esc Normal Revision 2.0 Sept. 11, 2011 Vim 7.3+ :version Vim Cheat Sheet for Programmers May  be  freely  distributed! Sharing  is  Caring. http:/ HOW-TO make Vim not suck Out of the Box: :help statusline :set nocompatible ruler laststatus=2 showcmd showmode number Search :set incsearch ignorecase smartcase hlsearch Remove useless splash screen :set shortmess+=I Best tips: Best scripts: :map <F9> :e $HOME/_vimrc<CR> :map <F6> :so $HOME/_vimrc<CR> Ctrl ` Ctrl 1 Ctrl @ Ctrl 3 Ctrl 4 Ctrl 5 Ctrl ^ Ctrl 7 Ctrl 8 Ctrl 9 Ctrl 0 Ctrl _ Ctrl = ~ toggle case ! extern filter @• play macro # prev identifier $ ⇥ % goto match ^ soft ⇤ & repeat :s * next identifier ( begin sentence ) end sentence _ cur line + ↓ 13 1 3 8 auto- 2 `• goto mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 hard ⇤ - ↑ = format 14 12 10 9 block select ^w• window… scroll line ↑ :redo ctags return scroll line ↓ half page ↑ Ctrl I prev mark ↑ Normal ctags identifier end ↖ paragraph Q ex mode W WORD ↘ E WORD ↘ R Replace T• ← until char Y copy line U undo line I insert ⇤ O open ⤒ P paste ⤒ { paragraph } ↘ record end replace 0 0 Tab q• w word ↘ e r t• until char → y copy u undo i insert o open ⤓ p paste ⤓ [• misc. ]• misc. ↱ 2 macro word ↘ char 7 10 15 incr. # half page ↓ page ↓ file/cursor info Ctrl H Ctrl J redraw Ctrl ; Ctrl ' Ctrl goto eof / man page Bottom 0 ⇤ A append ⇥ S subst line D del ⇥ F• ← find char G goto line# H Top screen J Join lines K identifier L screen : Ex cmd line "• register | goto col# 0 6 "next" 16 goto mark Caps a append s subst char d del f• find char → g• extra h ← j ↓ k ↑ l → ; '• • ↰ 2 f/F/t/T ⇤ 7,11 9,16 15 Ctrl ^ :suspend decr. # Normal / Cancel block select page ↑ ↓ Ctrl M Ctrl , Ctrl . Ctrl / Unused & Duplicate keys 4 select Middle 2 2 Ctrl-K Ctrl-S (free) "prev" Z• quit X ← del char C change ⇥ V B ↖ WORD N M < undent > indent ?• find ↖ 13 Ctrl-L (redraw) Shift ⇧ lines find screen ` near dup of ' 5 0 select find "prev" 16 repeat 14 Ctrl-Q = Ctrl-V z• extra x del char → c change 2 v chars b ↖ word n "next" m• set mark , f/F/t/T . cmd /• find ↘ 15 Ctrl-J = Ctrl-M = ^N Legend: 16 The search direction is relative; next is the initial direction, previous is the opposite direction. n ; repeat same initial direction find. N , repeat opposite initial direction find. Note: ; , only searches cursor line, n N searches buffer. Macro Register name (0-9a-zA-Z) required :help cmdline :r file insert file :help tags :map :Explore<CR> manually type <,C,R,> :buffer # Op Motion req.; act between cursor & dst :w save :gui switch to GUI :ts list active tags §0 "• before del/copy/paste to use register :buffers list Cmd Command :q quit :q! quit w/o save ^] jump to tag under cursor "+x cut to system clipboard reg. '+' :new blank file/buffer Ins Command and enter insert mode :e <file> edit file in new buffer ^t restore cursor before tag jump "+gP paste from system clipboard :bn next file Move Moves cursor or defines range for op :source % exec cmds in cur file ^p complete word 1 Number before any action repeats it :bp prev file Find Search (↖ = reverse, ↘ = forward) :exec '...' do cmd :ta Foo manual jump to tag 'Foo' 2p paste twice 3. repeat thrice :bd close file tag ctags / diffs / folding :help movement 2 Repeat op to act on current line :bd! force close Code Code formatting, whitespace, etc. soft ^ ⇤ Start of Line 1st non-whitespace :help diff yy copy line dd del line :set lines=# Extra Extended functionality; req. extra chars hard 0 ⇤ Start of Line column 0 [c prev diff :hi DiffAdd guifg=#rrggbb << undent line >> indent line :set columns=# • Char arg req. g z Z ^w ' " ` … $ ⇥ End of Line ]c next diff :hi DiffChange guibg=#rrggbb 3 # highlight words under cursor :winpos # # GUI Modes :help modes | move col 0 #| move col # :diffupdate :hi DiffText gui=none 4 ZZ save & quit ZQ quit w/o save Windows n Normal Esc ^[ ^c ^b page ↑ ^f page ↓ resync :hi DiffDelete 5 zz center cursor line in window :help windows i Insert a i r s ^u ½ page ↑ ^d ½ page ↓ zh scroll left zl scroll right ^w• or :wincmd • v Visual v V ^v ^q ^e scroll line ↑ ^y scroll line ↓ :help folding :help changes zt scroll top zb scroll bottom w! :switch to next o Op pending c d y < > 1g start of file 0g end of file zR fold remove :changes §6 gg top of file c! :close! n! :new c Command Line : / ? ! #g goto line # G end of file zo fold open g; older change gf open file under cursor s! :split horz. horz. word Foo ( src , ␢ dst , ␢ len ); [[ begin this func { zc fold close g, newer change 7 ^a incr # under cursor (Dec / Hex) v! :vsplit vertical Note: There is no whitespace in-between 'Foo(src,' but before/after 'dst,' ]] begin next func { zi invert all ^x decr # under cursor (Dec / Hex) o! :only maximize maximize WORD Foo ( src , ␢ dst , ␢ len ); :set matchpairs=(:),{:},[:],<:>,?:: zr fold reduce :help syntax 8 * start a "new" search =! all same size h! move to win ← Startup % goto matching { } < > [ ] zm fold more :syntax enable Insert mode 9 ^p prev auto-complete ^n j! move to win ↓ vim <filename> +123 goto line 123 :help range :set filetype= next k! move to win ↑ vim <file> … -t Foo edit at tag 'Foo' :s/Foo/Bar find Foo replace w/ Bar :help recording c cpp sh make perl python 10 ^d undent ^t indent l! move to win → vim <file> … -c "/Foo" cmd: find 'Foo' & edit :s/Foo/Bar/g ...all instances on line q• start recording Note:  chose  only  ONE  type! §11 ^x• ^f filename completion ! :sp [<filename>] GUI vim -g or gvim start GUI ver. :%s/Foo/Bar apply to whole file @• playback convert <eol> ^s spelling :set spell! edit in split window GUI Linux :set guifont=ProggyTinyTT 12 .,.+# cur line, cur line + # lines q stop recording :set fileformat= ^k dictionary ]s next bad Cursor Bookmarks GUI OSX :set guifont=ProggyTiny:h11 $ last line '< start of select @@ repeat unix or dos or mac ^t thesaurus :help spell :marks ` ' ^o diff gvimdiff <file1> <file2> [<file3>] '> end of select then :w to convert 12 ^r• paste register 0-9a-zA-Z or … ma mark local 'a' bug Broken Keys Ctrl-I = Tab, Ctrl-[ = ESC Code = < > << >> :set tabstop=# set tab stop every #th col + clipboard (or '*') :help c_CTRL-R 'A goto global 'A' Vim is still unable to map certain keys for your own use… :set backspace=indent,eol,start :set expandtab! toggle hard/soft tabs " last del/copy % filename '' prev location § Caps, Ctrl-1, Ctrl-Shift-1, Ctrl-I, Ctrl-, etc. allow backspace join lines :set listchars=… tab:>-:trail:-,nbsp:%,eol:$ :set numbers! toggle line numbers File / Directory 0 See: src/ops.c -c "/valid_yank_reg" for "• reg. names :set shiftwidth=# indent width for ai :set list! toggle whitespace :set wrap! toggle linewrap display :Explore or :e . 6 See: src/normal.c -c "/nv_cmds" for g• extra cmds :set autoindent! toggle auto-indent :set colorcolumn=80 visible right margin indicator :set showmatch highlite matching () :set browsedir=… 11 See: src/edit.c -c "/ctrl_x_msgs" for ^x• insert cmds :set lisp lisp indent mode noremap + :s/^////<CR> block comment noremap - :s/^////<CR> uncomment one of buffer last :set number!