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Alien Language - Google Search | Alphabet Code, Al Alien Language - Google Search | Alphabet Code, Al
The Enigma Machine By Alan Turing
The idea that one person can change the course of human history is a crazy and incredible one;
however, in the case of Alan Turing it appears to be true. Due to the nature of his work during World
War II people are only just know learning how vital this man truly was not just to winning the war, but
to creating the technology we use every day. During the war, Turing worked at Bletchley Park which
housed the code breakers who helped decipher intelligence communication to help the Allies defeat
Nazi Germany. Turing was invaluable to Bletchley as his work dealt with deciphering the Enigma
Machine, which everyone in the world believed to be unbreakable. The machine had multiple rotors
which were interchangeable and changed at varying speeds each ... Show more content on ...
He was discovered and forced to undergo hormonal therapy that severely messed with his mind and
body. Alan Turing ended up committing suicide on June 7th 1954. The end of the film says that
Historians estimate that breaking enigma shortened the war by more than two years saving over 14
million lives. Alan Turing s genius and strength should never be over looked or underestimated
because without him millions of people would have perished and an entire scientific field might not
even exist. Alan theorized a universal machine that wouldn t just Be programmable but
reprogrammable (The Imitation Game). They used to be called Turing machines, now a days we call
them computers and we use them for almost everything. What this film focuses on is the tag line
Sometimes it s the very people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can
imagine and they stick with that theme by focusing on Alan and his life not just enigma. While the
game he invented was for testing for artificial intelligence, Moore uses it to show how people can be
different but still do incredible things, and that s okay. Alan Turing was this incredibly brilliant and
strong man who just so happened to also be homosexual. He did all of these incredible and wonderful
things but because of prejudice and people refusing to accept the differences of others this great mind
was silenced. Telling the story of Alan Turing
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Leadership Challenge, by Kouzes and Posner Essay
In the Leadership Challenge, 4th edition, it is Kouzes Posner (2007) intention to present a road map
for individuals to follow on their leadership journey. The authors stress that leadership is not a gene
and it s not an inheritance. Leadership they assert is an identifiable set of skills and abilities that are
available to all of us (p. 23). They make clear that the great person theory of leadership is plain wrong.
Leaders are our everyday heroes who do extraordinary things on a regular basis (p. 23).
Empirically based, the writers begin the book by offering five practices of exemplary leadership:
Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage
the Heart (p. 14). In their ... Show more content on ...
They have to enlist others in a common vision (p. 17). The challenge, Kouzes Posner says is to turn
the idea into an inspired vision (p.106). The leader needs to imagine the possibilities and find a
common purpose. The authors refer to James MacGregory Burns transformational leadership theory
asserting that people commit to causes, not plans (p. 122). In order to have a transforming effect, the
leader must raise the level of human conduct and ethical aspiration of both the leader and follower.
Just like Kotter (1990) outlines the methods to change an organizational culture is by telling stories,
using symbols, the designing of physical space, using jargon, rituals, etc., Kouzes Posner suggest the
same thing when they explain the power in using symbolic language to communicate a shared identify
and give life to a vision (p. 143). When challenging the process, leaders know that in order to bring
change they have to experiment and take risk (p. 19). The authors indicate that proactive people tend
to work harder ...[by being] persistent in achieving their goals (p. 169) and treat every job as an
adventure (p. 184).
Leadership is not a solo act, it s a team effort the authors explain (p. 223). To enable others to act the
leader needs to create a climate of trust by facilitating relationships. To start the process one must, be
the first to let go of control, Kouzes and Posner explain and it requires self confidence (p. 227). Just
like Bass and Avolio (1980)
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Descriptive Epidemiology Report
Hannah Lerner
HED 343
15 November 2016
Descriptive Epidemiology Report
Tourette s Syndrome is a disease of the nervous system in which people have uncontrollable tics.1
Tics are sudden movements that occur repeatedly and are the major symptom of Tourette s. There are
two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor tics are body movements and vocal tics are sounds.2
Common examples of tics are excessive eye blinking, movements of the neck, shoulder or limbs,
throat clearing and grunting.3 These tics are extremely difficult to control and worsen during times of
high stress or excitement. Tics are less severe during periods of calmness and focus. 3Activities
requiring fine motor control, such as playing an instrument or reading ... Show more content on ...
Data source: 2011 2012 National Survey of Children s Health. Tourette s defined: Parents provided
information on whether a health professional has ever diagnosed their child with Tourette s or other
specific conditions, answering yes or no.
1. Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Visser SN, et al. A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011 2012.
Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 2014;35(5):317 322.
2. Tourette Syndrome: An Overview Tourette Association of America. Tourette Association of
America. tourette/overview/. Accessed November 15, 2016.
3. Swain JE, Scahill L, Lombroso PJ, King RA, Leckman JF. Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A
Decade of Progress. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry.
2007;46(8):947 968. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e318068fbcc.
4. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health.
National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. Accessed November 11,
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Essay On MRI Vs CT Of The Abdomen
MRI vs CT of the abdomen
Imagine growing up as a healthy active child or adult and being able to eat pretty much anything you
desire. Suddenly one afternoon you experience sporadic stomach pain followed with diarrhea and
weakness. Instantly your first thought is what may have upset your stomach? You remain hopeful that
the symptoms will secede on their own. The diarrhea and stomach aches turn into rectal bleeding and
it is at that point you realize these symptoms may be more serious than you think. Pains become more
persistent and worsen day after day so you decide to visit the doctor s office. How can you tell if these
symptoms are indeed a serious life threatening issue? In order for a doctor to diagnose a patient with
severe ... Show more content on ...
It affects between 400,000 and 600,000 individuals in North America alone (
This disease may be caused by a combination of factors such as bacterial, environmental,
immunological, and genetic. In Crohn s disease, the affected person s immune system attacks the
intestines. This chronic inflammatory bowel disease exhibits a bimodal age distribution, with a peak
onset between 15 to 30 years. (Corman, 2015). Being diagnosed with such a disease at a young age it
is important to be aware of the medical treatment he/she is receiving. Although it is said both men and
women are prone to this disease it seems to be more prevalent in women, those of Jewish descent, and
whites. An MRI or CT would be ordered by the doctor in the hospital or outpatient facility. A MRI is a
test that uses powerful magnets, radio waves, and a computer to make detailed pictures inside your
body. On the other hand, a CT scan is a computed tomography scan that generates three dimensional
images of the bones, internal organs and soft tissue using x rays. It is said that MRI imaging is
preferred over CT scans because it lacks radiation exposure which is a more sensitive procedure
specifically, in both adults and children ( On the other hand, CT scans are
not recommended for pregnant women or children unless absolutely necessary due to the amount of
increase radiation dose given to the body. The
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Ageism, By Robert Butler
According to Dittman (2003), A survey of 84 people ages 60 and older, nearly 80 percent of
respondents reported experiencing ageism such as other people assuming they had memory or
physical impairments due to their age. What exactly is ageism? Ageism, termed by Robert Butler in
1969, is a form of discrimination or prejudice based on age. This can be emotionally or physically
abusive for the individual. Elder adults are the majority that receive this kind of abuse. The elder
population is continuously growing as death rates fall. This means that ageism will be a growing
problem in years to come. One example of ageism that you can expect to see is stereotyping. There are
many different stereotypes, which is just one of the forms of discrimination used against elders that
younger people associate with seniors. For example, younger people joke about how slow older
people are in their various activities. Most people consider elders a burden, which is part of what
causes this negative association with them. There are so many ways people can discriminate against
elders, but where does this take place? Ageism in the elder population can take place in employment,
healthcare, and social media. In an American society, almost everything you do is based on
employment. You go through twelve years of school only to graduate and go back to school to prepare
for your career. We spend our whole lives preparing for our field of work or working. Many people
work until the age of
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The Pros And Cons Of Hatha Yoga
Existence Could Be Unbearably Demanding
Existence could be filled with excitement and fun! For a lot of, though, existence can also be filled
with challenges and demands, and this may lead to worry. These conflicting conditions create stress,
and also, since there s a restriction as we are able to handle, the strain could be intolerable.
Because it is, there s no fast solution or pill that you could take which will take away the stress. Smart
males of old have therefore come to the conclusion that people must look within us for that remedy. A
few of the techniques of to reduce stress are available inside the traditions of meditation and yoga.
Where does yoga originate from?
Cultures for example Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism have incorporated types of yoga inside their
traditions. Yoga because it is practiced today could be tracked towards the influences of these cultures.
At its core, it calls for creating discipline of mind and body, and results in better health or perhaps
spiritual enlightenment if taken that far. A feeling behind the term yoga is joining or union, and refers
back to the re joining in our innermost selves. ... Show more content on ...
Advantages of Hatha Yoga
A normal hatha yoga practice can help you develop versatility, strength, as well as cardiovascular
health. It facilitates healing from injuries. Studies demonstrate the numerous advantages of yoga,
leading many to incorporate yoga in their physical fitness program. A few of the types of people that
possess a yoga practice include business person, stars and stars, and professional sports athletes.
Are you aware associated with an exercise which massages the organs? Hatha yoga does! You may
even experience better immunity from disease and enhanced understanding of the healthiness of your
personal body.
Advantages of
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Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie Essay
Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie
From the beginning, the figure of the narrator shows that Williams play will not follow the
conventions of realistic theater. The narrator breaks the conceptual quot;fourth wall quot; of
naturalistic drama by addressing the audience directly. Tom also tells us that he is going to give the
audience truth disguised as illusion, making the audience conscious of the illusory quality of theater.
By playing with the theme of memory and its distortions, Williams is free to use music, monologues,
and projected images to haunting effect. Tom, as narrator, tells the audience that the gentleman caller
is a real person‹more real, in many ways, than any other character‹but he also tells ... Show more
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The qualities of glass parallel Laura s characteristics: like the tiny glass animals, she is delicate,
beautiful in her oddness, terribly fragile. The little collection, like Laura, in an entity that is locked
completely in the realm of the home. The animals must be kept on a little shelf and polished; there is
only one place where they belong. In a similar way, Laura is kept and cared for, dependent on her
mother and brother for financial support. The Blue Roses are another important symbol of Laura. The
image of blue roses is a beautiful one‹and it is the image that is on the screen at the start of Scene
Two. But blue roses are also pure fantasy, non existent in the real world. Laura, like a blue rose, is
special, unique even, but she is also cut off from real life. When Tom accidentally breaks some of the
pieces in the glass menagerie, the incident foreshadows Laura s heartbreak later on in the play. The
event emphasizes the collection s fragility, and so metaphorically we are reminded of Laura s fragility.
Tom is the one responsible, and the pain of his position is made clear. As much as he would like to live
his own life, his actions have a great effect on the well being and security of his mother and sister. By
being reckless, he destroys the pretend world of his sister. Later on, he chooses to live his own life
rather than live up to his responsibility for her security.
One of the play s important themes is the conflict between
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Significance Of A Comprehensive Ecological Frame Work
The essay presents the findings from the study defining the carrying capacity in Bali Tourism
destination learning outcomes some of the difficulties in measuring this destination of its ecological
carrying capacity this application has the greatest potential in protecting areas most tourism planners
and research s distinguish between four different types of carrying capacity s physical,
ecological/biological, psychological and social carrying capacity for a particular tourism destination
its practical analysis and measurement and its efficient application in Bali island destination tourism
carrying capacity (TCC) need to be considered general frame work guiding local community, planners
and decision makers this should provide not only the maximum but also minimum level of
development . this study aims at the elaboration of a comprehensive ecological frame work which will
contribute to an understanding of the concept of tourism carrying capacity in a Bali Island Indonesia.
In this research investigating on ecological carrying capacity(ECC) in the context of Bali Island this
Island has a land area of 5,659 square kilometres and total population of approximately 4.2 million
The term ecological carrying capacity is the amount of resources available in ecosystem, the size of
population and resources each individual is consuming, for example food and water are natural capital
of the island no faster than they are supply by the
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The Eye Of The Beholder
The desire to fit in is something that everyone at one point or another has felt. People buy expensive
perfumes, makeups and clothes, trying to fit into the norm of society. The Eye of the Beholder an
episode of the TV show twilight zone explores the notions of beauty and the peer pressure that forces
people to change their looks.
The episode begins showing a woman s face, completely covered in bandages, she is awaiting the
result of a procedure designed to make her beautiful. Only in this world, the operation is mandated by
the law, to help people like herself deemed ugly become beautiful and blend in. At the end of the
episode when the bandages come off, the doctors gasp in horror, to find the beautiful face of a young
lady, Janet Tyler. Only than do the viewers see the distorted faces and pig like noses of the doctors and
nurses. The surgery is considered a failure, Janet tries to flee but instead meets a handsome man here
to take her to a colony to live with people of her ... Show more content on ...
One of the nurses even says that if she had a face like Janet Tyler s I d bury myself in a grave
somewhere. The thought of dying rather than looking hideous is a common notion in this society,
since as one of the doctors sates Under certain circumstances, Miss Tyler, the state does provide for
the extermination of undesirables. But the doctor also tries to stress the importance of her humanity by
suggesting that she move to a special area designed for people of her kind. This angers Janet since the
special area is basically a Ghetto designed for freaks! This invokes horror that reminds viewers of the
Nazi concentration camps that ended only fifteen years prior to the episode airing. The society shown
in the episode mirrors some of the same traits as Nazi Germany. The thinking that people who do not
fit the norm need to be shipped away to ghettos or
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Fat Tax And Its Effects On The Nation s Health
The current problem with overweight became more and more serious with sad effects on the nation s
health, especially for the young generation, that s why the probability of implementing fat tax
constantly increased in spite of the strong power of the opposition, such as McDonald s, Burger King,
KFC, Subway, Starbucks, and others. More than one third of Americans have problems with
overweight and obesity, the Fat Tax can be a way to pay more attention of society on the problem with
obesity, promote a healthy eating lifestyle, improve public health and refill government budget, but it
was important to make implementing slowly and thoughtfully for getting best results instead of
collapsing and higher prices on products. By implementing Fat Tax government will get more
attention from public about what they eat. Often people don t realize how bad their diet is, how many
unnecessarily fat and sugar they consume. In the words of Tiffin (2011), Although fat taxes have the
potential to effect marginal changes in the diets of large numbers of people, and thus have a significant
impact on the incidence of disease across the population, more complex policies, which target
different levels in society, are likely to be more effective in addressing the severe chronic dietary
disease that affects some groups. So it s obvious that it should be a well developed plan for 10 20
years. Many countries attempted to develop a strategy of the decreasing popularity of junk food. For
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The Need for Policy Makers to Regulate Human Genetic...
Human genetic engineering (HGE), a prevalent topic for scientists in research, is the process of
manipulating genes in the human genome. Potentially, scientists can use the process of HGE to alter
many biological and psychological human traits by gene modification. Currently, however, there is a
large deficiency in information regarding HGE and its effects to the human body; creating a need for
scientists to conduct more research and tests. Because of the many unknowns involving HGE it is
necessary for policy makers to regulate HGE for the use by scientists. The first part of this paper will
provide an overview of what HGE is and the processes involved with the technology of HGE. This
paper will then analyze the potential risks associated ... Show more content on ...
Gyngell s article analyzes the potential for HGE to increase the human life span, while providing a
description of the process of HGE and predicting that HGE may eliminate disease via gene selection.
Both of these articles provide credible and informative arguments that illustrate many different aspects
of the potential impacts of HGE. HGE modifies the genomes of humans to produce a specific
phenotype (a set of observable characteristics of an organism) or genotype (genetic constitution of an
organism) that embodies desirable characteristics [1]. Therefore, HGE differs from archaic processes
of selective breeding and artificial selection because it directly alters genes. The main focuses of HGE
research are genes that code for immunity, cognitive abilities, and psychological mentality. The use of
HGE in gametes and early development embryos is of particular interest to scientists because of its
potential to grant them control over heritable traits. This ability can have great impact on the future of
evolution because it provides humans with the control of the production of combinations of genes that
would otherwise be unachievable. The potential for this level of control creates a need for regulation
by policy makers, who have an obligation to consider the risks, and the benefits that coincide with the
future of HGE. The development of more information and technology continues to increase the
potential for scientists to manipulate complex
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Characteristics Of Montana Bats
Montana wants to keep its healthy population of bats. They are helpful to have around. Just one little
brown bat, one of the most common bats in Montana, can eat 1,200 nocturnal insects an hour. Think
of the mosquitoes that could be managed by a healthy population of bats. They also help control
beetles, leafhoppers, fleas and moths.
Montana has 15 known species of bats. Some of the bats are migratory bats. One of interesting things
about the bats and migration in Montana is that some bats migrate to stay and winter and others
migrate from the winter. Montana has bats coming and going.
Little Brown Myotis (Myotis luciguas)
This bat is a very common bat. It has fur that is glossy and shiny. The bat is a little over three inches
long and
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The New Testament Saul
Freedom Through Christ
According to writings in the New Testament Saul was dedicated to the persecution of the early
disciples of Jesus in and around Jerusalem. In the book of Acts, chapter nine, it is stated that Saul was
traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus on a mission to bring anyone of the Christian faith
bound to Jerusalem. As he traveled the resurrected Jesus appeared to him in a great light, Saul was
struck blind. After three days Ananias of Damascus restored his sight. This transformed Saul of Tarsus
into Paul the Apostle. Paul then began to preach that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish Messiah and
the Son of God. Paul s experience that turned him from persecutor to apostle was a prophetic call and
a direct encounter ... Show more content on ...
Through Paul s letters it is clear that freedom is an important theme. Paul concludes his claim of the
freedom of Abraham s descendants with for freedom Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1). Paul uses
the idea of freedom to persuade the gentile Christians into understanding that they need not enslave
themselves to observing Torah. It was proposed to the Galatians that gentile Christians be circumcised.
Paul believed this to be an act that would undercut the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and instead
enslave us (Galatians 2:4). So in disagreement, Paul urges the gentile Christians to stand firm against
the ones who support their circumcision and that the Galatians be burdened by a yoke of slavery
(Galatians 5:1). Freedom then can become the idea that salvation does not come from being aware of
the obligations of Torah. Paul instead, preaches the gospel of salvation by grace through faith. This
becomes misinterpreted though, and leads some to believe that sin is acceptable because they are not
under law but under grace. The belief that those who have faith in Jesus may live in any fashion
without worry of being condemned as sinners and it may even improve God s reputation as gracious
and forgiving towards those who have put their faith in Jesus. Paul s response to those who
misunderstand his teachings this way is that their condemnation is deserved (Romans 3:8). Through
this, Paul
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Business Code Of KFC
KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, has a less formal layout than Famous Brands Ltd, it is more focused
on fun and the feelings of their employees and customers, less demands regarding reaching new
boundaries and I believe it is made possible because they are a global renowned giant in the consumer
industry! They are a corporate giant already, this affords them the luxury to show a more friendly
approach because their status and reputation is threatening, fierce and extremely competitive, and they
already lead the chicken consumables market. They have earned the right to focus on feelings of
employees and consumers and fun.
KFC s objective is to ensure happiness is experienced by the population, to give all their customers a
distinct experience on every experience. For the jobs at KFC to be the superior jobs globally for the
people dedicated to producing excellent food and caring for customers, superior to others.
 This part of their values was the first to be stated which emphasizes their enthusiasm for the value,
they stress listening and replying to customers in a positive way. They also want to put in the extra
work when it comes to their customers just to put a smile on their dial.
 They trust people and constructive engagements, they will people to contribute with suggestions
and have created a unique workplace
 ... Show more content on ...
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The Prevalence Of Pressure Ulcers
The prevalence of pressure ulcers in elderly patients is of an epidemic proportion (Bansal, Scott,
Stewart, Cockerell, 2005). The annual cost of treating pressure ulcers in the United States (U.S.) is
estimated at more than $20 billion and is increasing (Jones, 2013). Pressure ulcers occur when an
injury is caused to the skin and underlying tissue at the pressure points resulting in transient or
permanent damage to the underlying tissue (Margolis, 1995). The prevalence is seen in patients who
are immobile because of chronic health conditions or lying on hard surfaces for prolonged periods
(Pham et al., 2011). A pressure ulcer can be disruptive and disabling to frail elderly patients (Landi,
Onder, Russo Bernabei, 2007). A pressure ulcer can also result in complications, which can lead to
mortality (Nigel Chow, 2002; Gary, Berlowitz Paul, 2001). Development of pressure ulcers is no
longer limited to acute or sub acute facilities alone. As the population is aging, more elderly are
receiving heath care in their homes (Ablaza Fisher, 1998). As a result, all stages of pressure ulcers are
also seen in the homes (Park Lee Caffrey, 2009). However, there are limited studies that show the
magnitude of the problem when compared to acute, sub acute, and nursing homes (Asimus Li, 2011).
This project will conduct a retrospective chart review at a community based primary care provider to
determine the prevalence of pressure ulcers among elderly individuals who are
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Advantages Of Hybrid Vehicles
Traditional vehicles use gasoline or diesel to power a combustion engine, while hybrid vehicles use
both the traditional combustion engine and an electric motor ran on electricity. Hybrid vehicles are
superior to their conventional counterparts when it comes to fuel efficiency. Like in traditional
vehicles, the combustion motor s alternator charges the vehicle s battery. But the difference is that in
hybrid cars, there is an electric motor that can utilize the energy generated by the alternator. The
reason why hybrids are so efficient is that the alternator from the combustion engine charges the
battery which runs the electric motor. Therefore, hybrids can alternate from one energy source to the
other, cutting down the amount of fuel needed to go longer distances. Hybrids are also considered
environmentally friendly because they produce 90 percent fewer emissions than their conventional
competitors. Hybrids are also flexible when it comes to their energy source. Hybrids can be fueled like
normal cars are powered by wholly by electricity, and of course, they can use both. Moreover, ghe
electric motor is not the only aspect that contributes to hybrids fuel efficiency. The feature Idle off is
often found in Hybrid vehicles. Idle off works much like a refrigerator s light bulb when the door is
closed. When stopped, hybrid vehicles will go into idle off, turning off the combustion engine while
still powering the interior technology with the vehicle s battery, saving fuel.
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How Is Sherlock Holmes Work To Be Scientific
Do you consider Holmes work to be scientific? We believe that Sherlock Holmes is approaching
problems with mostly educated guesswork and only announces his findings/thoughts when he has
provided scientific, legitimate proof. For example, he suspected it was Stapleton before he knew any
evidence. It wasn t until he saw the picture, it resemblance to stapleton, and stapletons confusing past
that he fully knew it was Stapleton. He also used educated guesswork when pretending he was in
London. He thought that it would be easier to figure things out and when he came up with his
hypothesis, he could get real evidence from Watson. Lastly, he also uses educated guesswork when
examining the stick. He believes it is a small dog who left the bites and only announces what he thinks
when he saw Mr. Mortimer s small dog. ... Show more content on ...
Brown s viewpoint true in the Hound of Baskervilles? We believe that Dr. Brown s methods apply to
Sherlock Holmes. He, Dr. Brown, states that one s past knowledge applies to the current case, which is
a method Holmes utilizes. When he uses his knowledge of the past when solving his present case, it
can be shown when Holmes found the note to Sir Henry. Holmes could point out that the letters were
from the Times because he read the times before; and, he knew that a woman wrote it because he saw
that the handwriting of the word moor was neat and nice, like a woman s handwriting should be. Also,
Holmes most likely has seen a woman s handwriting before, which caused him to think it was a
woman s, and not a neat
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Classism In Sandra Cisneros s The House On Mango Street
In the collection of vignettes, The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros develops the theme that
people should not be devalued because of their financial circumstances through metaphors of
classism, the motif of shame, and the contrast between minor characters Alicia and Esperanza s
mother. Esperanza, the protagonist, is a Mexican American adolescent living in the rural Chicago
region. She occupies a house on Mango Street with her father, mother, two brothers, Carlos and Kiki,
and little sister, Nenny. Mango Street is filled with low income families, like Esperanza s, trying to
adapt to their difficult circumstances. Esperanza realizes it is difficult, but she dreams of leaving her
house and Mango Street altogether. To begin, Cisneros uses metaphors of classism to express
Espernaza s views of classism and how it causes those of a lower class to be devalued. Throughout the
novel, Esperanza dreams of moving into a new house, a house on the hill because people who live on
hills sleep so close to the stars that they forget about [those] who live on earth (86). The house on the
hill is a metaphor for those who are higher up in the social class. Those who live on the hills live their
live their entire lives so easily and [do not] look down at all except to be content to live on the hills
(86). Esperanza critiques that the higher class are happy with their own lives and ignorant to their
privilege, therefore, they do not care about the less fortunate. This metaphor of
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Russia s Information War Against The Ultra Conservative...
By John Foley, US Army, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired)
Russia is engaging the United States in an information war designed to fracture the US along ethnic
and racial lines. They are targeting the ultra conservative population of the United States with a covert
information campaign. The goal is to influence and persuade ultra conservatives that the US
Government is illegitimate and needs to oppose it by force of arms. This article lays out Russia s
information war influencing the ultra conservative population.
The recent Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee s computers servers has
highlighted Russia s nefarious information war against the US. In recent years Russia developed a
highly capable method of waging information warfare and they are now aggressively targeting the US.
The Russian strategy has focused on digitally infiltrating and influencing through social media the
conservative movement in the United States in order to make it hostile to its own government.
Russia s information war may appear a nuisance to our national defense, but I argue this is an
existential threat facing the US far greater than ISIS, ballistic missiles, or even the regular Russian
Armed Forces. These are still threats, but not to the degree of Russia s information war. This
information war is aimed directly at American society and is designed to destroy our society. Russia s
information war against the Ukraine and other eastern European nations is understood very
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Ellen Vs Oprah Winfrey Research Paper
A Closer Look into Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey
Steffany Brinker
University of Maryland University College
There are many influential women around the world, but the two that come to mind for me are Ellen
DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey. Both Ellen and Oprah have had their shows for multiple years, but
they offer more than just a talk show. These two accomplished women touch the lives of many around
the world on a daily basis. While these two women are both in the same industry, it is nice to see they
support each other. Neither of these women had an overnight success, they worked through their
struggles to make them who they are today. I think their life struggles makes it more pleasing and
easier for ... Show more content on ...
According to Oprah Winfrey?Academy of Achievement, (2015), at seventeen, she was offered a job
on a radio station. This radio station served the African American community, which she was very
intrigued about. She won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University, but soon would leave that
opportunity behind. She attended the university, but then decided to take a chance and moved to
Baltimore to join as co anchor on WJZ TV News. She later started to co host, People Are Talking,
where she found her niche in the business. She enjoyed the work she was doing and knew exactly
what she wanted to do with her life. Due to her success on the show, ratings went through the roof and
later she launched, The Oprah Winfrey Show. I think her early success with her radio station set her up
for success in her show today. She was able to easily connect with people on the radio as she does in
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Analysis Of The Movie The Kids Are Alright
Media Logs,
Psych 4
Johanna Allen
1. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Kids Are Alright . It centers on a lesbian couple, Nic
and Jules, and their two children, Laser and Joni. Laser and Joni are biologically half brother and
sister, sharing the same sperm donor father. Laser is only fifteen, but interested in getting to know his
biological father. He convinces his older sister to look him up, knowing he would have to be eighteen
to do it himself. The movie follows the repercussions of the discovery of their biological dad, and also
examines Nic and Jules relationship, and Laser s development of independence, self, and identity.
Throughout the movie it is clear that Laser is still stuck in the transitional place between ... Show more
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We see him to begin to develop self confidence, and a true sense of independence.
2. For this portion of the assignment, I chose to watch a rerun of one of my all time favorite TV
shows, Law and Order Special Victims Unit. In this episode, Choice (season 5), we are introduced to
an assault victim who is pregnant. Over the course of the episode, we discover that the victim,
Jennifer, has been drinking heavily due to the stress she has been put under. Initially she agrees to
stop, but it is soon discovered that Jennifer is a severe alcoholic, and has no intention of altering her
behavior. The lead detective, Olivia, tries to get her help, but it s eventually discovered that Jennifer
has already given birth to another child who was later adopted, and who is now suffering with fetal
alcohol syndrome. In this episode, we see that Jennifer s husband, along with many of the SVU
detectives try to provide her with resources, support, and advice, but it takes her being introduced to
her biological child and seeing the severity of the consequences of her actions that she chooses to
accept the help she needs. There were many other factors in this pregnancy that could also be harmful
to the child. Not only was the mother an alcoholic who continued to drink, she also was under a severe
amount of stress throughout the pregnancy. She suffers a nasty fall and countless
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Radley And Boo
People often fear what they don t understand.
During the time that Boo or Arthur Radley was being kept in his house by his own father, many of the
townspeople became almost superstitious about Boo, they would say he would walk by their own
houses and scratch on their windows, one lady even said she saw him through the window others said
he walks by shuffling his feet but I think with a mind like Boo he would be too scared or shy even to
leave his house knowing that everyone in town was disgusted at his sight. The whole reason Boo was
to be kept in his house, was he first locked Maycomb s county beadle in an outhouse then stabbed his
father s leg with a pair of scissors, whether that was an accident we have no idea, but all his mother
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Abolishing The Gambia, New Zealand And Singapore
Chapter 5: Abolishing the JCPC in The Gambia, New Zealand and Singapore
5.1: Introduction
Based on the importance of the role the judiciary plays in POGG, I theorize that states will choose a
final appellate court that is likely to uphold its policies when challenge. The quantitative analysis
presented in Chapter 4 provides evidence that across the all 28 states in the sample the
probabily.............. This chapter presents a closer look at three states that retained the JCPC at
independence and subsequently abolished the right of appeal. The goal is to increase our
understanding of the factors that influence the decision to abolish all appeals to the JCPC in The
Gambia, New Zealand and Singapore. Firstly, I argue that states are more likely to perceive a
disconnect with the JCPC based on their level of success before the JCPC in cases where the state is a
party to the proceedings. Secondly, cases where the state is the appellant may be particularly salient.
In these cases, the state has decided to use public resources to challenges the decision of a lower
domestic appeals court decision. This indicates that the state takes the challenge very seriously and
would like a final appellate court that is likely to uphold its policies. Finally, I argue that change in the
governing political coalition will influence the view of the court a partner. Seow (1997) asserts that
less democratic or more authoritarian states are likely to be more sensitive to JCPC decisions that do
not uphold the
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Sap Crystal Essay
Overview of SAP Crystal Reports Software The SAP Crystal solutions presented offer affordable and
simplistic approaches to business intelligence. Users can explore, view, report, visualize, and manage
business critical information in a simplified and secure way. The SAP demo and tools site is well
organized and presents a multi faceted view of the capabilities of these tools. It demonstrates how SAP
Crystal solutions can help all business and IT users turn data into useful reports using the reporting
software. The SAP Crystal Presentation Design software seems to allow for better decision through
the use of visually, interactive presentations. The SAP Crystal Interactive Analysis software can
answer important business decision by synthesizing important information effortlessly. The SAP
Crystal Dashboard Design software offers real time information What I appreciate most about all of
the tools is the way they offer a personalized view into trusted, timely, information. This translates
into quicker, smarter decisions that can help create a competitive edge. All of the tools offer a great
way to gain insight into every aspect of the business, monitor performance, identify opportunities for
growth, and transform overall business operations. Users can leverage business information from
across the organization to make informed decisions, and data from disparate systems can be analyzed
and compiled quickly and easily. SAP Crystal Dashboard Design, in particular, seems that it
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The Effects Of Shooting A Basketball And The Human Visual...
Executive summary
This essay is going to talk about the relationship between shooting a basketball and the human visual
perception. Based on the research about visual control for basketball shooting and how to aim the rim
can increase the hit rate to explain how the visual control relate to the basketball shooting. There are
many researchers done some experiments about that, and come up with some idea relate with human s
visual perception.
This essay is divide to different parts, at first this essay will introduce about the visual perception. And
the part of aim shooting,and the gaze behavior when people aim a far target, also will mention the
visual information pick up about human.
There are a lot of sports have aiming tasks from a very far distance. And all the players are trying to
get as much score as they to hit the target. Basketball as the one of the most popular sports become the
representative of these sports. People always can see that a basketball player throw the ball from a
very far way to put the ball into the basket. There are lots of research is about the tactical and the
physics in basketball. However, there have only a few researchers focus primarily on visual control
and information processing while player shooting a basketball.
For people who often watch the basketball game will always wonder how the basketball player can
shoot the basketball in a very high hit rate. Apart from the lots of practice, is there something else that
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Robert Henri Cozad
For 74 years the individuals of this community are full of the actual fact that nobody knew what
became of the person World Health Organization based our city that bears his name. when a agonizing
incident that occurred on on a daily basis late within the fall of 1882, John J. Cozad on the Q.T.
slipped away. His woman missioner Gatewood Cozad with their 2 sons John and parliamentarian
conjointly disappeared shortly when, though adult male. Cozad came for on a daily basis within the
early nineties he didn t reveal his secret and ever since the blackout has been complete. There has been
a persistent rumor that one in every of the Cozad boys became illustrious as an author however the
mystery was ne er cleared. On September twenty eighth, ... Show more content on ...
Cozad, his father, World Health Organization died in ny in 1906. The portrait was painted in 1903 and
is signed and dated. at the present the portrait, size thirty two x twenty six is within the hands of
Hirschl and Adler, 270 Park Avenue, New York. Mr. Norman Hirschl like a shot wrote: I am terribly
happy to advise you that within the assortment of paintings of the estate of Robert Henri there s a
fabulous portrait of John J. Cozad by Henri signed and dated January seventeen, 1903. i might say that
it s one in all his finest portraits, since it s the precise quality of a portrait painted with nice personal
feeling. The portrait is presently in our gallery. A photograph is being send to you beneath separate
cowl. it s conjointly thought attainable that Miss Organ World Health Organization was heir to the
Henri estate may even have in her possession a photograph of John J. Cozad. This well tried to be true
and on Gregorian calendar month fifteen, 1956, she gracefully armored not solely a photograph of
Robert Henri however conjointly variety of images of his paintings in conjunction with 2 rare previous
family images of man. Cozad, the sole 2 that area unit famous to exist. They weren t solely rare
however invaluable. Negatives are product of the first images of man.
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Imagery and Metaphor as Resistance in Miguel Asturias ...
Imagery and Metaphor as Resistance in Miguel Asturias The President In The President, Miguel Angel
Asturias uses madness as his initial tool to launch a social examination of evil versus good under the
strains of a terrifying dictatorship. To paint a vivid picture of the political and social atmosphere under
the regime of The President, Asturias wields rich and abstract imagery, repetition and metaphors
throughout his novel to punctuate, foreshadow, and illuminate. Wind is one of these recurring
metaphors, and is used as a representation of a storm brewing, a constant reminder (premonition of)
that what is to come. Like the weather, acts of political tyranny cannot be foreseen with much clarity.
The underlying corruption of ... Show more content on ...
le golpeaban y arrancaban las ropas a pedazaos. (p9). After such subjugation, and in a state of utter
exhaustion, el Pelele can finally withstand no more and falls asleep at the Portal de Señor. When he
was rudely startled from his sleep by someone yelling mother, the lunatic viciously attacked his
tormentor, Colonel José Parrales Sonriente (known as the man with the little mule), to death (p11).
This incident occurred `just before dawn, and is in fact the dawn of all of the events that followed. As
the catalyst of gigantic storms brewing, el Pelele fled from the attack on Colonel Sonriente, and found
respite in a rubbish pile outside the city. There, in keeping with the misfortune that was his life, he was
viciously attacked by turkey buzzards and while trying to fight the birds off, he fell down an
escarpment of garbage and broke his leg (p 22). Injured, el Pelele is rescued by a wood cutter, and
between the wood cutters dog and el Pelele palpitaciones formaban gráficas de angutia a través de sus
gritos y los ladridos del can, como el viento cuando entretela la lluvia. (p29 my emphasis). Wind as
metaphor of a storm brewing, hints at what lies ahead for el Pelele. The wood cutter is joined by
Miguel Angel Face to help el Pelele off the rubbish pile, Angel Face puts some money in the madman
s pocket, and both men leave the injured man to fend for himself. Terrorized and hurt, el Pelele
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Treatment Of Treatment For Bipolar Disorder
Treatment for bipolar disorder has to this day been approach using the biomedical model approach.
Which means that BP disorder has been predominantly treated pharmacologically. Pharmacological
treatment of BP disorder is not to be underestimated, but it is also not to be considered the first and
last option of treatment. Research has shown that the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (along with
various other treatments) combined with pharmacological treatment has been shown to have better
efficacy than each of these approaches separately (Singleton, 2006). However, it has been seen as a
long time technique to use medication as a validator of the diagnosis. This techniques seems
appropriate considering how hard it is to diagnose BP ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately the neurobiology in relation to lithium treatment is not well understood and most of the
research on it is primarily speculative and theoretical, and in turn does not offer much insight.
Although, the great efficacy of this treatment does not come without a price, lithium has a very thin
line between therapeutic effect and toxicity. Blood levels must be check regularly to make sure that
the lithium is within therapeutic levels to avoid lithium poisoning (Jann M. W., 2014). The next
pharmacological treatment that will be discussed is probably the most controversial treatment for BP
disorder, and that is antidepressants. Antidepressant are not a FDA accepted treatment for BP disorder
and the efficacy of this treatment is questionable. Antidepressant may be used on patients with BP
disorder, it is not advised to use them on patients with a history of rapid cycling (of symptoms). There
seems to be a consensus in the research that antidepressants should never be used to treat BP disorder
alone. Antidepressants should be used with antipsychotic or mood stabilizers in order to protect the
patient from potential pharmacologically induced episode of mania that could be a danger to the
Brief Overview of Psychotherapy People with BP disorder usually end up in therapy by one of
multiple way, either the subject is in a depressive phase and recognizes that they need help. The
subject is in a manic phase and is admitted against their own will
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The Pros And Cons Of Psychoanalysis
In psychology, a psychodynamic theory is a view that explains personality in terms of conscious and
unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and beliefs. In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud
proposed a psychodynamic theory according to which personality consists of the id, the superego, and
the ego. The id is responsible for a person s instincts and pleasure seeking, the superego attempts to
obey the rules of authority and society, and the ego mediates between the two to meet the demands of
reality and what a person needs. Psychodynamic theories commonly hold that childhood experiences
shape personality. Such theories are associated with psychoanalysis, a type of therapy that attempts to
reveal unconscious thoughts and desires. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release represses
emotions and experiences and to help the patient develop insight into his or her unconscious. Patients
may suppress their vulnerabilities, motives, tensions, impulses, guilt, fantasies, and urges. Freud
believed that individuals must unravel, experience, and understand their true, unconscious feelings to
understand them. Classical psychoanalysis has become the least commonly practices form of
psychodynamic therapy because of its intense demands on the patients time and emotions. It is,
however, the oldest form of psychodynamic therapy. Psychoanalysis is not usually considered useful
for patients suffering from severe depression or psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, people
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I Love The 1950 s
The 1950s is the time that I love the most mostly because of the fashion and also the way the house
looked back then and the furniture I absolutely love the way everything was back then. When I first
started like the 1950s was when I was almost seventeen at the time and I was looking on pintrest one
day and I came across a pair of hazel atlas glasses that have roses on them exactly like in the picture.
Then for some reason I became almost obsessed with trying to find the glasses then I got to looking
online at antiques stores. Which I already have went antique shopping before but never for dishes I
always have collect owl perfume bottles I think ever since I got my grate grandmas old perfume
bottle. But when me and my mom went to the big
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Fragile Dream
Fragile Dream is a Nintendo Wii Japanese role play game created by Kentarou Kawashima. It is a
beautiful game that deals with the loneliness of the main character Seto. Seto is an apocalyptic world,
where he tries to find survivors of this catastrophic earthquake. He is told by his grandfather that there
are survivors at this red tower. Does he find those survivors or is he just wasting his time and life to
find people that are not alive? What does this video game offer to the video game industry? The game
was released in Japan on January 22, 2009 and was released to America on March 16, 2009. The main
character Seto is voiced by the famous voice actor Johnny Yong Bosch. The game starts off with Seto
trapped in his grandfather s star lab. ... Show more content on ...
IGN reviews the game and had mixed emotion on it. The reviewer said Fragile Dreams is a great
example of a spectacular concept whose execution could have used a little more thought and time
(Casamassina 7). I love the premise, the setting, some of the characters, and the production values
(Casamassina 7). The story is engrossing. Exploring the lush, beautiful environments in search of
clues is fun (Casamassina 7). The flashlight controls and effects are impressive (Casamassina 7). Even
combat, in dire need of a lock on, is functional (Casamassina 7). It does have a lot going for it, and
you ll see that reflected in the scores below. I do agree with this review about all this. The game is
very lush and has beautiful environment. He then goes on talking about the cons of the game saying
And yet, some of the design decisions and gameplay conventions are exceedingly tired and frustrating
(Casamassina 8). The unnecessary, uninspired fetch quests, blatant backtracking and awkward item
management system distract and subtract in a big way from what is otherwise a quality experience,
(Casamassina 8). I also have to agree with what he say because he said it right. The quest are pretty
frustrating and it reaches to the point that it is not enjoyable at all. It is kind of boring and makes the
game feel like a chore sometimes (Casamassina
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Zoroastrianism In Religion
Zoroastrianism is the world s oldest living monotheistic religion. It may have very few followers
today but it is one of the most influential religions of all time. It eventually led to many of the ideas of
big religions today including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Zoroastrianism is a very important
religion yet if you ask someone on the street they would most likely never have heard of it or its ideas.
The two biggest ideas of Zoroastrianism are Dualism, their God Ahura Mazda, and the Amensha
spirits. To begin, dualism is the idea of the complete separation of good and evil both morally and
cosmically. The battle between the two will never be over and one will never win, Good and evil fight
an unequal battle in which the former is assured of triumph. God s omnipotence is thus only
temporarily limited (Duchesne Guillemin 1). Good and evil work against each other but they also need
each other in order to survive. Without evil, good could not exist
Foremost, moral dualism is the fight between good and evil in each and every person mind and body.
Essentially, the good angel on one shoulder and the evil devil on the other. In good people, the good in
them is winning the battle and shining through into how they interact with others and how they live
their live. In bad people, the evil in them shines through and ... Show more content on
Ahura Mazda is the source of everything good in the world such as progress or happiness. Ahura
Mazda is the center importance of the religion and he is always working to overpower the forces of
evil in the universe. He is the only god in Zoroastrianism which is why it is the oldest monotheistic
religion. The word of Ahura was originally told through his prophet Zoroaster. Most Zoroastrians are
very eco friendly because in the religion it is believed that everything created by Ahura Mazda is
sacred and must be treated with respect
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Gun History Essay
Gun History/Development:
What is the history of guns and gun building throughout the world?
Over 43% of Americans own a gun for either sporting or protection ( 21 unbelieveable ). Guns have
been improved throughout many years and there are still many people making many improvements
yet today. The history and evolution of guns improved by the creators who made them and how the
improvements better helped the gun overall are some of the things you will find in this paper. Some
background of gunpowder started with a man named Berthold Schwarz. He was a German monk who
was the first to make gunpowder around the 1300s. He also invented the first gun which wasn t
technically a gun but a huge heavy cannon which used gunpowder to fire (Kevin 4). ... Show more
content on ...
After people got tired of dragging around a huge heavy cannon they then made a smaller handled
cannon but it was still very hard to aim because you had to hold it with one hand and light it with the
other (Supica, Jim). The Arquebuses were the first handheld gun that didn t need to be lit by match or
fuse. Also with the Arquebuse being able to be held with two hands and not having to lit by hand made
it way more accurate than earlier guns (14). The Arquebuse also greatly helped to create the musket
which had a better more advanced ignition system. The musket first began to be used during the
1400s. Then muskets helped to design the flintlock (14). Also by the mid 1400s people began to
develope handguns or pistols. By the 1500s people were able to make pistol effective to about four
feet. One bad thing was how long the pistols took to reload so they then began to design and create the
revolver (18). Then around 1833 the very first breech loader was created. A breech loader is loaded
from the back of the gun instead of the front making it a lot quicker and easier to reload. Then shortly
after in around 1840 they began to mass produce the first revolver called the pepperbox (Supica,
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Natural Selection In Biology
Ernst Berliner separated microscopic organisms which killed a Mediterranean flour moth in late 1911.
In 1911 BT was rediscovered and named it as Bacillus thuringiensis after the German town Thuringia
where the moth was found. In 1901 the name bacterium bacillus sotto was named from Ishiwatari. The
benefits and risks correlated with utilizing BT proteins as a part of cultivating and utilizing BT gens as
a part of GMO products to fabricate the characteristic insecticides spray. This normal insecticides
spray is delivered by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (called Bt ) that has been utilized for quite a
long time by natural agriculturists to control yield eating insects and by the World Health Organization
to kill mosquitoes without utilizing ... Show more content on ...
The more noteworthy the genetic diversity within an animal species groups, the more prominent that
species chances of long term survival. This is because that negative traits, (for example, inherited
diseases) become widespread within a population when that populace is left to reproduce just with its
own particular individuals. Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genes within a species. Within a
species types there may additionally be discrete populaces with particular genes. One commonly used
to measure of genetic diversity in a population is gene diversity, which is the probability that two
alleles at a locus chosen randomly from a population differ. Unfortunately, the process of
domestication tends to decrease the genetic diversity of selected crop species, due in part to the
genetic bottleneck (diversity loss or which may reduce the population and cause natural disaster)
imposed when only a few plants are selected and propagated. (Ref. NSF, National Science
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Kierkegaard s An Age Of Dispassionate Reflection
Soren Kierkegaard, in his essay, the Present Age, writes about two ages the passionate age and the
present age: an age of dispassionate reflection. Kierkegaard believes the present age to be centered on
reflection (deliberation, representation, anticipation), which substitutes for decisive action. The present
age, according to Kierkegaard is characterized by an unhappy objectivity, in which the individual has
become leveled down and loses himself as part of a crowd. One aspect of this unhappy objectivity is
that our age is an age of reflection rather than of passion. Kierkegaard suggests, the most dangerous, if
also the most respectable of all diseases is to admire in public what is considered unimportant in
private since ... Show more content on ...
This is dangerous because in the act of doing so, we lose our true selves in the process. Kierkegaard
strongly believes in the idea of individuality. If individuals (as individuals) take it upon themselves to
experience first hand meaningful action and informed opinion (which is risky) they will gain
something precious. Yet, many would rather stay in the safety (and effortlessness) of the public and
live meaninglessly.
Kierkegaard uses the example of the skater to demonstrate his assertion of the most dangerous of all
diseases . The skater, on a frozen lake with dangerously thin ice, sees a jewel in the distance. In the
passionate age, he argues, the public would cheer and support the skater as he made efforts to reach
the jewel. They would worry for him and show concern at any sign of danger. However, in an age
absent of passion, the crowds would agree on the fact that it was unreasonable and not worthwhile to
engage in such a dangerous activity. In addition, they would praise themselves for being clever and
practical for figuring this out. The qualities of being daring and enthusiastic for something an
individual may be passionate about is malformed into a feat of skill, in which people are encouraged
to surrender to the most dangerous of all diseases : to admire in public what is
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Corporate Governance And Insider Trading
This chapter shall deal with the concepts of corporate governance and insider trading, with explaining
the development of the insider trading laws. It is essential to understand the concept of corporate
governance first, in order to be able to understand the offence of insider trading in detail. Then the
meaning and the concept of insider trading along with its evolution is explained subsequently in this
The SEBI has defined Corporate Governance as Corporate governance is the acceptance by
management of the inalienable rights of shareholders as the true owners of the corporation and of their
own role as trustees on behalf of the ... Show more content on ...
The following things can be expected to be ensured by good corporate governance:
Effectual decision making by the management with proper disclosures necessary from time to time to
accomplish the corporate objectives.
The business transactions are expected to be carried out transparently by the management.
All the statutory and legal obligations to be followed without any breach of the law.
Interest of all the stakeholders to be protected by the actions of the management.
The maintenance of ethical conduct and commitment to the values while carrying out the business
In other words, corporate governance is the acceptance by management of the inalienable rights of
shareholders as the true owners of the corporation and of their own role as trustees on behalf of the
shareholders. It deals with conducting the affairs of a company such that there is fairness to all
stakeholders and that its actions benefit the greatest number of stakeholders. In this regard, the
management needs to prevent asymmetry of benefits between various sections of shareholders,
especially between the owner, managers and the rest of the shareholders.
A good Corporate Governance is integral to the very existence of a company and strengthens investor
s confidence by ensuring company s commitment to higher growth and profits. Broadly, it seeks to
achieve the following objectives:
A properly structured board capable of taking
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Institutional Pharmacy Setting
Institutional Pharmacy Setting latrice HCP 210 December 5, 2010 Patrice Daniels Institutional
Pharmacy Setting Pharmacy Institutional setting is a service provided 24 hours a day 365 (Johnston,
2006) days a year. Most Institutional pharmacy provides blister pack medications to ensure the safety
and quality to the patient. Institutional pharmacy are design to provide safe and secure prescriptions
most of the time the patients are on site within the pharmacy. Pharmacist works hand and hand with
doctors, Physical Therapist, and nurses to provide consultations and feedback to the doctors if needed.
Not only does an institutional pharmacy provide quality care they also allow for patients to return
unused and unopened ... Show more content on ...
The most common one I have seen is where the doctor misses the dispense quantity. The doctor can
also confuse the two patients together with same name. One of the things that may be unique is getting
a patient mixed up with another patient and not having the drug available. Although working in an
institutional pharmacy may be challenging it can be interesting as well. I have discussed in this paper
the the roles a technician has as well as the process it take to prepare a prescription in an institutional
pharmacy. It is very important that the doctors and staff work together as a team to ensure the safety of
the patient and the quality that is expected of them. Technicians not only perform more tasks at an
institutional pharmacy but they require more intense training. The importance of the pharmacy is to
satisfy the patients and that is most important. Reference Johnston, M. (2006). The Pharmacy
Technician Series: Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prectice
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Traumatic Brain Injury Research Paper
AAC In Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries Cassie M. Meche Southern University and A M
College Table of Contents: Introduction........................................................................... 3 Background
...........................................................................4 5 Review of Literature
................................................................ 5 6 Discussion and Summary
......................................................... 6 Limitations .............................................................................7
Scope of Practice ....................................................................7 What I learned
....................................................................... 8 Resources
............................................................................ 8 References
.......................................................................... 9 Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injuries are serious
issues in the United States for health care providers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
2015). A TBI occurs ... Show more content on ...
Review of the
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kant Essay
Kants Critiques of Pure reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics
Kant states that, In the order of time, therefore, we have no knowledge antecedent to experience, and
with experience all our knowledge begins, but although all of our knowledge begins with experience,
it does not follow that it all arises out of experience, (CPR,41). What he means is that we do not rely
on experience inorder to have knowledge, but knowledge and experience are connected for to have
knowledge we must begin with experience. There are four types of knowledge that Kant deduced. A
priori, which is knowledge that is independent of experience, knowledge which is always true, does
not rely on a person to experience it inorder for one to realize that it is true. A ... Show more content
on ...
Kant affirms that, Judgments of experience, as such, are one and all synthetic, (CPR, 49). This makes
sense because it would not make sense to found an analytic judgment on experience.
Kant thinks that the general problem of pure reason is contained in the question: How are apriori
synthetic judgments possible? Kant postulates that if he is able to figure out or understand the
conditions in which the sciences are possible to exist he can also figure out the conditions of which a
priori synthetic judgments can exist. Kant defines pure reason as, that which contains the principles
whereby we know anything absolutely a priori. Phenomena is an object as it is perceived by the
senses, as opposed to a noumena which is an object as it is in itself independent of the mind (the thing
in itself).
Rational beings may align their quot;will quot; either with the objective laws of reason and morality or
with subjective needs and interests. Reason s demands may be called quot;imperatives. quot;
quot;Hypothetical imperatives quot; command that a particular action is necessary as a means to some
purpose, such as the attainment of personal happiness. Categorical imperatives require that some
action is necessary in and of itself. Thus the categorical imperative may be formulated as follows: act
only in such a way that you could want the maxim of your action to become a universal law. This
statement can
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Essay about Comapring Porters 5 Forces for the Airline...
Assignment # 1
Strategic Practice Exercise: (page #81)
1. Score each competitive force in the airline industry and provide a brief rationale for your
· Rivalry Among Existing Firms: (High)
When one major company in an industry makes a change in costs or services that could potentially
increase their clientele, a major competitor almost always follows suit. Price matching is a prime
example of that, therefore the threat is high. West Jet is one company that offers flights at a discount
and forced Air Canada to create new banners to compete with the discounted prices. All major
companies and firms in an industry watch each other s every move very carefully, and match any
move with a countermove. During slow season in the airline ... Show more content on
Therefore, the threat of substitution is a significant factor in the airline industry. However, if a
customer has to travel very quickly or a significant distance, that person would most likely choose the
flight option instead of a cheaper alternative.
· Bargaining Power of Buyers/Distributors: (Medium)
Bargaining power is a tricky one because it can work both ways. Buyers have a certain level of power
in any industry. A buyer may switch suppliers very easily if there are no penalties and it is cost
effective for them. If a large firm makes a large purchase of goods from another firm, it may be
mutually beneficial and if serviced well, have the potential for repeat business. However, the buyer
then has the power to use a substitute or competitor which would negatively affect the seller. Buyers
are always the more powerful of the two because some buyers have the ability to put pressure on
lower costs from suppliers, while demanding an increase of the quality of products or services
provided to them. Also, the bargaining power in industries with high fixed costs like the airline
industry can play a big factor. On the other hand, things like jet engines, tires and other key safety
devices on aircrafts can cause severe consequences if this equipment malfunctions. For that reason,
the buyer has a reduced amount of bargaining power with suppliers in this industry. The bargaining
power of buyers is both high and low, so I ranked it medium.
· Bargaining
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. The Enigma Machine By Alan Turing The idea that one person can change the course of human history is a crazy and incredible one; however, in the case of Alan Turing it appears to be true. Due to the nature of his work during World War II people are only just know learning how vital this man truly was not just to winning the war, but to creating the technology we use every day. During the war, Turing worked at Bletchley Park which housed the code breakers who helped decipher intelligence communication to help the Allies defeat Nazi Germany. Turing was invaluable to Bletchley as his work dealt with deciphering the Enigma Machine, which everyone in the world believed to be unbreakable. The machine had multiple rotors which were interchangeable and changed at varying speeds each ... Show more content on ... He was discovered and forced to undergo hormonal therapy that severely messed with his mind and body. Alan Turing ended up committing suicide on June 7th 1954. The end of the film says that Historians estimate that breaking enigma shortened the war by more than two years saving over 14 million lives. Alan Turing s genius and strength should never be over looked or underestimated because without him millions of people would have perished and an entire scientific field might not even exist. Alan theorized a universal machine that wouldn t just Be programmable but reprogrammable (The Imitation Game). They used to be called Turing machines, now a days we call them computers and we use them for almost everything. What this film focuses on is the tag line Sometimes it s the very people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine and they stick with that theme by focusing on Alan and his life not just enigma. While the game he invented was for testing for artificial intelligence, Moore uses it to show how people can be different but still do incredible things, and that s okay. Alan Turing was this incredibly brilliant and strong man who just so happened to also be homosexual. He did all of these incredible and wonderful things but because of prejudice and people refusing to accept the differences of others this great mind was silenced. Telling the story of Alan Turing ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Leadership Challenge, by Kouzes and Posner Essay In the Leadership Challenge, 4th edition, it is Kouzes Posner (2007) intention to present a road map for individuals to follow on their leadership journey. The authors stress that leadership is not a gene and it s not an inheritance. Leadership they assert is an identifiable set of skills and abilities that are available to all of us (p. 23). They make clear that the great person theory of leadership is plain wrong. Leaders are our everyday heroes who do extraordinary things on a regular basis (p. 23). Empirically based, the writers begin the book by offering five practices of exemplary leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart (p. 14). In their ... Show more content on ... They have to enlist others in a common vision (p. 17). The challenge, Kouzes Posner says is to turn the idea into an inspired vision (p.106). The leader needs to imagine the possibilities and find a common purpose. The authors refer to James MacGregory Burns transformational leadership theory asserting that people commit to causes, not plans (p. 122). In order to have a transforming effect, the leader must raise the level of human conduct and ethical aspiration of both the leader and follower. Just like Kotter (1990) outlines the methods to change an organizational culture is by telling stories, using symbols, the designing of physical space, using jargon, rituals, etc., Kouzes Posner suggest the same thing when they explain the power in using symbolic language to communicate a shared identify and give life to a vision (p. 143). When challenging the process, leaders know that in order to bring change they have to experiment and take risk (p. 19). The authors indicate that proactive people tend to work harder ...[by being] persistent in achieving their goals (p. 169) and treat every job as an adventure (p. 184). Leadership is not a solo act, it s a team effort the authors explain (p. 223). To enable others to act the leader needs to create a climate of trust by facilitating relationships. To start the process one must, be the first to let go of control, Kouzes and Posner explain and it requires self confidence (p. 227). Just like Bass and Avolio (1980) ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Descriptive Epidemiology Report Hannah Lerner Errisuriz HED 343 15 November 2016 Descriptive Epidemiology Report Background Tourette s Syndrome is a disease of the nervous system in which people have uncontrollable tics.1 Tics are sudden movements that occur repeatedly and are the major symptom of Tourette s. There are two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor tics are body movements and vocal tics are sounds.2 Common examples of tics are excessive eye blinking, movements of the neck, shoulder or limbs, throat clearing and grunting.3 These tics are extremely difficult to control and worsen during times of high stress or excitement. Tics are less severe during periods of calmness and focus. 3Activities requiring fine motor control, such as playing an instrument or reading ... Show more content on ... Data source: 2011 2012 National Survey of Children s Health. Tourette s defined: Parents provided information on whether a health professional has ever diagnosed their child with Tourette s or other specific conditions, answering yes or no. Bibliography 1. Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Visser SN, et al. A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011 2012. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 2014;35(5):317 322. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000065. 2. Tourette Syndrome: An Overview Tourette Association of America. Tourette Association of America. tourette/overview/. Accessed November 15, 2016. 3. Swain JE, Scahill L, Lombroso PJ, King RA, Leckman JF. Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Decade of Progress. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. 2007;46(8):947 968. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e318068fbcc. 4. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. Accessed November 11, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On MRI Vs CT Of The Abdomen MRI vs CT of the abdomen Imagine growing up as a healthy active child or adult and being able to eat pretty much anything you desire. Suddenly one afternoon you experience sporadic stomach pain followed with diarrhea and weakness. Instantly your first thought is what may have upset your stomach? You remain hopeful that the symptoms will secede on their own. The diarrhea and stomach aches turn into rectal bleeding and it is at that point you realize these symptoms may be more serious than you think. Pains become more persistent and worsen day after day so you decide to visit the doctor s office. How can you tell if these symptoms are indeed a serious life threatening issue? In order for a doctor to diagnose a patient with severe ... Show more content on ... It affects between 400,000 and 600,000 individuals in North America alone ( This disease may be caused by a combination of factors such as bacterial, environmental, immunological, and genetic. In Crohn s disease, the affected person s immune system attacks the intestines. This chronic inflammatory bowel disease exhibits a bimodal age distribution, with a peak onset between 15 to 30 years. (Corman, 2015). Being diagnosed with such a disease at a young age it is important to be aware of the medical treatment he/she is receiving. Although it is said both men and women are prone to this disease it seems to be more prevalent in women, those of Jewish descent, and whites. An MRI or CT would be ordered by the doctor in the hospital or outpatient facility. A MRI is a test that uses powerful magnets, radio waves, and a computer to make detailed pictures inside your body. On the other hand, a CT scan is a computed tomography scan that generates three dimensional images of the bones, internal organs and soft tissue using x rays. It is said that MRI imaging is preferred over CT scans because it lacks radiation exposure which is a more sensitive procedure specifically, in both adults and children ( On the other hand, CT scans are not recommended for pregnant women or children unless absolutely necessary due to the amount of increase radiation dose given to the body. The ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Ageism, By Robert Butler According to Dittman (2003), A survey of 84 people ages 60 and older, nearly 80 percent of respondents reported experiencing ageism such as other people assuming they had memory or physical impairments due to their age. What exactly is ageism? Ageism, termed by Robert Butler in 1969, is a form of discrimination or prejudice based on age. This can be emotionally or physically abusive for the individual. Elder adults are the majority that receive this kind of abuse. The elder population is continuously growing as death rates fall. This means that ageism will be a growing problem in years to come. One example of ageism that you can expect to see is stereotyping. There are many different stereotypes, which is just one of the forms of discrimination used against elders that younger people associate with seniors. For example, younger people joke about how slow older people are in their various activities. Most people consider elders a burden, which is part of what causes this negative association with them. There are so many ways people can discriminate against elders, but where does this take place? Ageism in the elder population can take place in employment, healthcare, and social media. In an American society, almost everything you do is based on employment. You go through twelve years of school only to graduate and go back to school to prepare for your career. We spend our whole lives preparing for our field of work or working. Many people work until the age of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Pros And Cons Of Hatha Yoga Existence Could Be Unbearably Demanding Existence could be filled with excitement and fun! For a lot of, though, existence can also be filled with challenges and demands, and this may lead to worry. These conflicting conditions create stress, and also, since there s a restriction as we are able to handle, the strain could be intolerable. Because it is, there s no fast solution or pill that you could take which will take away the stress. Smart males of old have therefore come to the conclusion that people must look within us for that remedy. A few of the techniques of to reduce stress are available inside the traditions of meditation and yoga. Where does yoga originate from? Cultures for example Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism have incorporated types of yoga inside their traditions. Yoga because it is practiced today could be tracked towards the influences of these cultures. At its core, it calls for creating discipline of mind and body, and results in better health or perhaps spiritual enlightenment if taken that far. A feeling behind the term yoga is joining or union, and refers back to the re joining in our innermost selves. ... Show more content on ... Advantages of Hatha Yoga A normal hatha yoga practice can help you develop versatility, strength, as well as cardiovascular health. It facilitates healing from injuries. Studies demonstrate the numerous advantages of yoga, leading many to incorporate yoga in their physical fitness program. A few of the types of people that possess a yoga practice include business person, stars and stars, and professional sports athletes. Are you aware associated with an exercise which massages the organs? Hatha yoga does! You may even experience better immunity from disease and enhanced understanding of the healthiness of your personal body. Advantages of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie Essay Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie From the beginning, the figure of the narrator shows that Williams play will not follow the conventions of realistic theater. The narrator breaks the conceptual quot;fourth wall quot; of naturalistic drama by addressing the audience directly. Tom also tells us that he is going to give the audience truth disguised as illusion, making the audience conscious of the illusory quality of theater. By playing with the theme of memory and its distortions, Williams is free to use music, monologues, and projected images to haunting effect. Tom, as narrator, tells the audience that the gentleman caller is a real person‹more real, in many ways, than any other character‹but he also tells ... Show more content on ... The qualities of glass parallel Laura s characteristics: like the tiny glass animals, she is delicate, beautiful in her oddness, terribly fragile. The little collection, like Laura, in an entity that is locked completely in the realm of the home. The animals must be kept on a little shelf and polished; there is only one place where they belong. In a similar way, Laura is kept and cared for, dependent on her mother and brother for financial support. The Blue Roses are another important symbol of Laura. The image of blue roses is a beautiful one‹and it is the image that is on the screen at the start of Scene Two. But blue roses are also pure fantasy, non existent in the real world. Laura, like a blue rose, is special, unique even, but she is also cut off from real life. When Tom accidentally breaks some of the pieces in the glass menagerie, the incident foreshadows Laura s heartbreak later on in the play. The event emphasizes the collection s fragility, and so metaphorically we are reminded of Laura s fragility. Tom is the one responsible, and the pain of his position is made clear. As much as he would like to live his own life, his actions have a great effect on the well being and security of his mother and sister. By being reckless, he destroys the pretend world of his sister. Later on, he chooses to live his own life rather than live up to his responsibility for her security. One of the play s important themes is the conflict between ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Significance Of A Comprehensive Ecological Frame Work Introduction The essay presents the findings from the study defining the carrying capacity in Bali Tourism destination learning outcomes some of the difficulties in measuring this destination of its ecological carrying capacity this application has the greatest potential in protecting areas most tourism planners and research s distinguish between four different types of carrying capacity s physical, ecological/biological, psychological and social carrying capacity for a particular tourism destination its practical analysis and measurement and its efficient application in Bali island destination tourism carrying capacity (TCC) need to be considered general frame work guiding local community, planners and decision makers this should provide not only the maximum but also minimum level of development . this study aims at the elaboration of a comprehensive ecological frame work which will contribute to an understanding of the concept of tourism carrying capacity in a Bali Island Indonesia. In this research investigating on ecological carrying capacity(ECC) in the context of Bali Island this Island has a land area of 5,659 square kilometres and total population of approximately 4.2 million (indosurflife,2014). Definition The term ecological carrying capacity is the amount of resources available in ecosystem, the size of population and resources each individual is consuming, for example food and water are natural capital of the island no faster than they are supply by the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Eye Of The Beholder The desire to fit in is something that everyone at one point or another has felt. People buy expensive perfumes, makeups and clothes, trying to fit into the norm of society. The Eye of the Beholder an episode of the TV show twilight zone explores the notions of beauty and the peer pressure that forces people to change their looks. The episode begins showing a woman s face, completely covered in bandages, she is awaiting the result of a procedure designed to make her beautiful. Only in this world, the operation is mandated by the law, to help people like herself deemed ugly become beautiful and blend in. At the end of the episode when the bandages come off, the doctors gasp in horror, to find the beautiful face of a young lady, Janet Tyler. Only than do the viewers see the distorted faces and pig like noses of the doctors and nurses. The surgery is considered a failure, Janet tries to flee but instead meets a handsome man here to take her to a colony to live with people of her ... Show more content on ... One of the nurses even says that if she had a face like Janet Tyler s I d bury myself in a grave somewhere. The thought of dying rather than looking hideous is a common notion in this society, since as one of the doctors sates Under certain circumstances, Miss Tyler, the state does provide for the extermination of undesirables. But the doctor also tries to stress the importance of her humanity by suggesting that she move to a special area designed for people of her kind. This angers Janet since the special area is basically a Ghetto designed for freaks! This invokes horror that reminds viewers of the Nazi concentration camps that ended only fifteen years prior to the episode airing. The society shown in the episode mirrors some of the same traits as Nazi Germany. The thinking that people who do not fit the norm need to be shipped away to ghettos or ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Fat Tax And Its Effects On The Nation s Health The current problem with overweight became more and more serious with sad effects on the nation s health, especially for the young generation, that s why the probability of implementing fat tax constantly increased in spite of the strong power of the opposition, such as McDonald s, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Starbucks, and others. More than one third of Americans have problems with overweight and obesity, the Fat Tax can be a way to pay more attention of society on the problem with obesity, promote a healthy eating lifestyle, improve public health and refill government budget, but it was important to make implementing slowly and thoughtfully for getting best results instead of collapsing and higher prices on products. By implementing Fat Tax government will get more attention from public about what they eat. Often people don t realize how bad their diet is, how many unnecessarily fat and sugar they consume. In the words of Tiffin (2011), Although fat taxes have the potential to effect marginal changes in the diets of large numbers of people, and thus have a significant impact on the incidence of disease across the population, more complex policies, which target different levels in society, are likely to be more effective in addressing the severe chronic dietary disease that affects some groups. So it s obvious that it should be a well developed plan for 10 20 years. Many countries attempted to develop a strategy of the decreasing popularity of junk food. For example, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Need for Policy Makers to Regulate Human Genetic... Human genetic engineering (HGE), a prevalent topic for scientists in research, is the process of manipulating genes in the human genome. Potentially, scientists can use the process of HGE to alter many biological and psychological human traits by gene modification. Currently, however, there is a large deficiency in information regarding HGE and its effects to the human body; creating a need for scientists to conduct more research and tests. Because of the many unknowns involving HGE it is necessary for policy makers to regulate HGE for the use by scientists. The first part of this paper will provide an overview of what HGE is and the processes involved with the technology of HGE. This paper will then analyze the potential risks associated ... Show more content on ... Gyngell s article analyzes the potential for HGE to increase the human life span, while providing a description of the process of HGE and predicting that HGE may eliminate disease via gene selection. Both of these articles provide credible and informative arguments that illustrate many different aspects of the potential impacts of HGE. HGE modifies the genomes of humans to produce a specific phenotype (a set of observable characteristics of an organism) or genotype (genetic constitution of an organism) that embodies desirable characteristics [1]. Therefore, HGE differs from archaic processes of selective breeding and artificial selection because it directly alters genes. The main focuses of HGE research are genes that code for immunity, cognitive abilities, and psychological mentality. The use of HGE in gametes and early development embryos is of particular interest to scientists because of its potential to grant them control over heritable traits. This ability can have great impact on the future of evolution because it provides humans with the control of the production of combinations of genes that would otherwise be unachievable. The potential for this level of control creates a need for regulation by policy makers, who have an obligation to consider the risks, and the benefits that coincide with the future of HGE. The development of more information and technology continues to increase the potential for scientists to manipulate complex ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Characteristics Of Montana Bats Montana wants to keep its healthy population of bats. They are helpful to have around. Just one little brown bat, one of the most common bats in Montana, can eat 1,200 nocturnal insects an hour. Think of the mosquitoes that could be managed by a healthy population of bats. They also help control beetles, leafhoppers, fleas and moths. Montana has 15 known species of bats. Some of the bats are migratory bats. One of interesting things about the bats and migration in Montana is that some bats migrate to stay and winter and others migrate from the winter. Montana has bats coming and going. Little Brown Myotis (Myotis luciguas) This bat is a very common bat. It has fur that is glossy and shiny. The bat is a little over three inches long and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The New Testament Saul Freedom Through Christ According to writings in the New Testament Saul was dedicated to the persecution of the early disciples of Jesus in and around Jerusalem. In the book of Acts, chapter nine, it is stated that Saul was traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus on a mission to bring anyone of the Christian faith bound to Jerusalem. As he traveled the resurrected Jesus appeared to him in a great light, Saul was struck blind. After three days Ananias of Damascus restored his sight. This transformed Saul of Tarsus into Paul the Apostle. Paul then began to preach that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God. Paul s experience that turned him from persecutor to apostle was a prophetic call and a direct encounter ... Show more content on ... Through Paul s letters it is clear that freedom is an important theme. Paul concludes his claim of the freedom of Abraham s descendants with for freedom Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1). Paul uses the idea of freedom to persuade the gentile Christians into understanding that they need not enslave themselves to observing Torah. It was proposed to the Galatians that gentile Christians be circumcised. Paul believed this to be an act that would undercut the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and instead enslave us (Galatians 2:4). So in disagreement, Paul urges the gentile Christians to stand firm against the ones who support their circumcision and that the Galatians be burdened by a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Freedom then can become the idea that salvation does not come from being aware of the obligations of Torah. Paul instead, preaches the gospel of salvation by grace through faith. This becomes misinterpreted though, and leads some to believe that sin is acceptable because they are not under law but under grace. The belief that those who have faith in Jesus may live in any fashion without worry of being condemned as sinners and it may even improve God s reputation as gracious and forgiving towards those who have put their faith in Jesus. Paul s response to those who misunderstand his teachings this way is that their condemnation is deserved (Romans 3:8). Through this, Paul ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Business Code Of KFC INTRODUCTION KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, has a less formal layout than Famous Brands Ltd, it is more focused on fun and the feelings of their employees and customers, less demands regarding reaching new boundaries and I believe it is made possible because they are a global renowned giant in the consumer industry! They are a corporate giant already, this affords them the luxury to show a more friendly approach because their status and reputation is threatening, fierce and extremely competitive, and they already lead the chicken consumables market. They have earned the right to focus on feelings of employees and consumers and fun. VISION KFC s objective is to ensure happiness is experienced by the population, to give all their customers a distinct experience on every experience. For the jobs at KFC to be the superior jobs globally for the people dedicated to producing excellent food and caring for customers, superior to others. VALUES  This part of their values was the first to be stated which emphasizes their enthusiasm for the value, they stress listening and replying to customers in a positive way. They also want to put in the extra work when it comes to their customers just to put a smile on their dial.  They trust people and constructive engagements, they will people to contribute with suggestions and have created a unique workplace  ... Show more content on ... INTRODUCTION ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Prevalence Of Pressure Ulcers The prevalence of pressure ulcers in elderly patients is of an epidemic proportion (Bansal, Scott, Stewart, Cockerell, 2005). The annual cost of treating pressure ulcers in the United States (U.S.) is estimated at more than $20 billion and is increasing (Jones, 2013). Pressure ulcers occur when an injury is caused to the skin and underlying tissue at the pressure points resulting in transient or permanent damage to the underlying tissue (Margolis, 1995). The prevalence is seen in patients who are immobile because of chronic health conditions or lying on hard surfaces for prolonged periods (Pham et al., 2011). A pressure ulcer can be disruptive and disabling to frail elderly patients (Landi, Onder, Russo Bernabei, 2007). A pressure ulcer can also result in complications, which can lead to mortality (Nigel Chow, 2002; Gary, Berlowitz Paul, 2001). Development of pressure ulcers is no longer limited to acute or sub acute facilities alone. As the population is aging, more elderly are receiving heath care in their homes (Ablaza Fisher, 1998). As a result, all stages of pressure ulcers are also seen in the homes (Park Lee Caffrey, 2009). However, there are limited studies that show the magnitude of the problem when compared to acute, sub acute, and nursing homes (Asimus Li, 2011). This project will conduct a retrospective chart review at a community based primary care provider to determine the prevalence of pressure ulcers among elderly individuals who are ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Advantages Of Hybrid Vehicles Traditional vehicles use gasoline or diesel to power a combustion engine, while hybrid vehicles use both the traditional combustion engine and an electric motor ran on electricity. Hybrid vehicles are superior to their conventional counterparts when it comes to fuel efficiency. Like in traditional vehicles, the combustion motor s alternator charges the vehicle s battery. But the difference is that in hybrid cars, there is an electric motor that can utilize the energy generated by the alternator. The reason why hybrids are so efficient is that the alternator from the combustion engine charges the battery which runs the electric motor. Therefore, hybrids can alternate from one energy source to the other, cutting down the amount of fuel needed to go longer distances. Hybrids are also considered environmentally friendly because they produce 90 percent fewer emissions than their conventional competitors. Hybrids are also flexible when it comes to their energy source. Hybrids can be fueled like normal cars are powered by wholly by electricity, and of course, they can use both. Moreover, ghe electric motor is not the only aspect that contributes to hybrids fuel efficiency. The feature Idle off is often found in Hybrid vehicles. Idle off works much like a refrigerator s light bulb when the door is closed. When stopped, hybrid vehicles will go into idle off, turning off the combustion engine while still powering the interior technology with the vehicle s battery, saving fuel. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Is Sherlock Holmes Work To Be Scientific Do you consider Holmes work to be scientific? We believe that Sherlock Holmes is approaching problems with mostly educated guesswork and only announces his findings/thoughts when he has provided scientific, legitimate proof. For example, he suspected it was Stapleton before he knew any evidence. It wasn t until he saw the picture, it resemblance to stapleton, and stapletons confusing past that he fully knew it was Stapleton. He also used educated guesswork when pretending he was in London. He thought that it would be easier to figure things out and when he came up with his hypothesis, he could get real evidence from Watson. Lastly, he also uses educated guesswork when examining the stick. He believes it is a small dog who left the bites and only announces what he thinks when he saw Mr. Mortimer s small dog. ... Show more content on ... Brown s viewpoint true in the Hound of Baskervilles? We believe that Dr. Brown s methods apply to Sherlock Holmes. He, Dr. Brown, states that one s past knowledge applies to the current case, which is a method Holmes utilizes. When he uses his knowledge of the past when solving his present case, it can be shown when Holmes found the note to Sir Henry. Holmes could point out that the letters were from the Times because he read the times before; and, he knew that a woman wrote it because he saw that the handwriting of the word moor was neat and nice, like a woman s handwriting should be. Also, Holmes most likely has seen a woman s handwriting before, which caused him to think it was a woman s, and not a neat ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Classism In Sandra Cisneros s The House On Mango Street In the collection of vignettes, The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros develops the theme that people should not be devalued because of their financial circumstances through metaphors of classism, the motif of shame, and the contrast between minor characters Alicia and Esperanza s mother. Esperanza, the protagonist, is a Mexican American adolescent living in the rural Chicago region. She occupies a house on Mango Street with her father, mother, two brothers, Carlos and Kiki, and little sister, Nenny. Mango Street is filled with low income families, like Esperanza s, trying to adapt to their difficult circumstances. Esperanza realizes it is difficult, but she dreams of leaving her house and Mango Street altogether. To begin, Cisneros uses metaphors of classism to express Espernaza s views of classism and how it causes those of a lower class to be devalued. Throughout the novel, Esperanza dreams of moving into a new house, a house on the hill because people who live on hills sleep so close to the stars that they forget about [those] who live on earth (86). The house on the hill is a metaphor for those who are higher up in the social class. Those who live on the hills live their live their entire lives so easily and [do not] look down at all except to be content to live on the hills (86). Esperanza critiques that the higher class are happy with their own lives and ignorant to their privilege, therefore, they do not care about the less fortunate. This metaphor of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Russia s Information War Against The Ultra Conservative... By John Foley, US Army, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Russia is engaging the United States in an information war designed to fracture the US along ethnic and racial lines. They are targeting the ultra conservative population of the United States with a covert information campaign. The goal is to influence and persuade ultra conservatives that the US Government is illegitimate and needs to oppose it by force of arms. This article lays out Russia s information war influencing the ultra conservative population. The recent Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee s computers servers has highlighted Russia s nefarious information war against the US. In recent years Russia developed a highly capable method of waging information warfare and they are now aggressively targeting the US. The Russian strategy has focused on digitally infiltrating and influencing through social media the conservative movement in the United States in order to make it hostile to its own government. Russia s information war may appear a nuisance to our national defense, but I argue this is an existential threat facing the US far greater than ISIS, ballistic missiles, or even the regular Russian Armed Forces. These are still threats, but not to the degree of Russia s information war. This information war is aimed directly at American society and is designed to destroy our society. Russia s information war against the Ukraine and other eastern European nations is understood very ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ellen Vs Oprah Winfrey Research Paper 4 ELLEN VS OPRAH A Closer Look into Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey Steffany Brinker University of Maryland University College Abstract There are many influential women around the world, but the two that come to mind for me are Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey. Both Ellen and Oprah have had their shows for multiple years, but they offer more than just a talk show. These two accomplished women touch the lives of many around the world on a daily basis. While these two women are both in the same industry, it is nice to see they support each other. Neither of these women had an overnight success, they worked through their struggles to make them who they are today. I think their life struggles makes it more pleasing and easier for ... Show more content on ... According to Oprah Winfrey?Academy of Achievement, (2015), at seventeen, she was offered a job on a radio station. This radio station served the African American community, which she was very intrigued about. She won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University, but soon would leave that opportunity behind. She attended the university, but then decided to take a chance and moved to Baltimore to join as co anchor on WJZ TV News. She later started to co host, People Are Talking, where she found her niche in the business. She enjoyed the work she was doing and knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. Due to her success on the show, ratings went through the roof and later she launched, The Oprah Winfrey Show. I think her early success with her radio station set her up for success in her show today. She was able to easily connect with people on the radio as she does in her ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Analysis Of The Movie The Kids Are Alright Media Logs, Psych 4 Johanna Allen 1. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Kids Are Alright . It centers on a lesbian couple, Nic and Jules, and their two children, Laser and Joni. Laser and Joni are biologically half brother and sister, sharing the same sperm donor father. Laser is only fifteen, but interested in getting to know his biological father. He convinces his older sister to look him up, knowing he would have to be eighteen to do it himself. The movie follows the repercussions of the discovery of their biological dad, and also examines Nic and Jules relationship, and Laser s development of independence, self, and identity. Throughout the movie it is clear that Laser is still stuck in the transitional place between ... Show more content on ... We see him to begin to develop self confidence, and a true sense of independence. 2. For this portion of the assignment, I chose to watch a rerun of one of my all time favorite TV shows, Law and Order Special Victims Unit. In this episode, Choice (season 5), we are introduced to an assault victim who is pregnant. Over the course of the episode, we discover that the victim, Jennifer, has been drinking heavily due to the stress she has been put under. Initially she agrees to stop, but it is soon discovered that Jennifer is a severe alcoholic, and has no intention of altering her behavior. The lead detective, Olivia, tries to get her help, but it s eventually discovered that Jennifer has already given birth to another child who was later adopted, and who is now suffering with fetal alcohol syndrome. In this episode, we see that Jennifer s husband, along with many of the SVU detectives try to provide her with resources, support, and advice, but it takes her being introduced to her biological child and seeing the severity of the consequences of her actions that she chooses to accept the help she needs. There were many other factors in this pregnancy that could also be harmful to the child. Not only was the mother an alcoholic who continued to drink, she also was under a severe amount of stress throughout the pregnancy. She suffers a nasty fall and countless ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Radley And Boo People often fear what they don t understand. During the time that Boo or Arthur Radley was being kept in his house by his own father, many of the townspeople became almost superstitious about Boo, they would say he would walk by their own houses and scratch on their windows, one lady even said she saw him through the window others said he walks by shuffling his feet but I think with a mind like Boo he would be too scared or shy even to leave his house knowing that everyone in town was disgusted at his sight. The whole reason Boo was to be kept in his house, was he first locked Maycomb s county beadle in an outhouse then stabbed his father s leg with a pair of scissors, whether that was an accident we have no idea, but all his mother did ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Abolishing The Gambia, New Zealand And Singapore Chapter 5: Abolishing the JCPC in The Gambia, New Zealand and Singapore 5.1: Introduction Based on the importance of the role the judiciary plays in POGG, I theorize that states will choose a final appellate court that is likely to uphold its policies when challenge. The quantitative analysis presented in Chapter 4 provides evidence that across the all 28 states in the sample the probabily.............. This chapter presents a closer look at three states that retained the JCPC at independence and subsequently abolished the right of appeal. The goal is to increase our understanding of the factors that influence the decision to abolish all appeals to the JCPC in The Gambia, New Zealand and Singapore. Firstly, I argue that states are more likely to perceive a disconnect with the JCPC based on their level of success before the JCPC in cases where the state is a party to the proceedings. Secondly, cases where the state is the appellant may be particularly salient. In these cases, the state has decided to use public resources to challenges the decision of a lower domestic appeals court decision. This indicates that the state takes the challenge very seriously and would like a final appellate court that is likely to uphold its policies. Finally, I argue that change in the governing political coalition will influence the view of the court a partner. Seow (1997) asserts that less democratic or more authoritarian states are likely to be more sensitive to JCPC decisions that do not uphold the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sap Crystal Essay Overview of SAP Crystal Reports Software The SAP Crystal solutions presented offer affordable and simplistic approaches to business intelligence. Users can explore, view, report, visualize, and manage business critical information in a simplified and secure way. The SAP demo and tools site is well organized and presents a multi faceted view of the capabilities of these tools. It demonstrates how SAP Crystal solutions can help all business and IT users turn data into useful reports using the reporting software. The SAP Crystal Presentation Design software seems to allow for better decision through the use of visually, interactive presentations. The SAP Crystal Interactive Analysis software can answer important business decision by synthesizing important information effortlessly. The SAP Crystal Dashboard Design software offers real time information What I appreciate most about all of the tools is the way they offer a personalized view into trusted, timely, information. This translates into quicker, smarter decisions that can help create a competitive edge. All of the tools offer a great way to gain insight into every aspect of the business, monitor performance, identify opportunities for growth, and transform overall business operations. Users can leverage business information from across the organization to make informed decisions, and data from disparate systems can be analyzed and compiled quickly and easily. SAP Crystal Dashboard Design, in particular, seems that it ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Effects Of Shooting A Basketball And The Human Visual... Executive summary This essay is going to talk about the relationship between shooting a basketball and the human visual perception. Based on the research about visual control for basketball shooting and how to aim the rim can increase the hit rate to explain how the visual control relate to the basketball shooting. There are many researchers done some experiments about that, and come up with some idea relate with human s visual perception. This essay is divide to different parts, at first this essay will introduce about the visual perception. And the part of aim shooting,and the gaze behavior when people aim a far target, also will mention the visual information pick up about human. 1.Introduction There are a lot of sports have aiming tasks from a very far distance. And all the players are trying to get as much score as they to hit the target. Basketball as the one of the most popular sports become the representative of these sports. People always can see that a basketball player throw the ball from a very far way to put the ball into the basket. There are lots of research is about the tactical and the physics in basketball. However, there have only a few researchers focus primarily on visual control and information processing while player shooting a basketball. For people who often watch the basketball game will always wonder how the basketball player can shoot the basketball in a very high hit rate. Apart from the lots of practice, is there something else that ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Robert Henri Cozad For 74 years the individuals of this community are full of the actual fact that nobody knew what became of the person World Health Organization based our city that bears his name. when a agonizing incident that occurred on on a daily basis late within the fall of 1882, John J. Cozad on the Q.T. slipped away. His woman missioner Gatewood Cozad with their 2 sons John and parliamentarian conjointly disappeared shortly when, though adult male. Cozad came for on a daily basis within the early nineties he didn t reveal his secret and ever since the blackout has been complete. There has been a persistent rumor that one in every of the Cozad boys became illustrious as an author however the mystery was ne er cleared. On September twenty eighth, ... Show more content on ... Cozad, his father, World Health Organization died in ny in 1906. The portrait was painted in 1903 and is signed and dated. at the present the portrait, size thirty two x twenty six is within the hands of Hirschl and Adler, 270 Park Avenue, New York. Mr. Norman Hirschl like a shot wrote: I am terribly happy to advise you that within the assortment of paintings of the estate of Robert Henri there s a fabulous portrait of John J. Cozad by Henri signed and dated January seventeen, 1903. i might say that it s one in all his finest portraits, since it s the precise quality of a portrait painted with nice personal feeling. The portrait is presently in our gallery. A photograph is being send to you beneath separate cowl. it s conjointly thought attainable that Miss Organ World Health Organization was heir to the Henri estate may even have in her possession a photograph of John J. Cozad. This well tried to be true and on Gregorian calendar month fifteen, 1956, she gracefully armored not solely a photograph of Robert Henri however conjointly variety of images of his paintings in conjunction with 2 rare previous family images of man. Cozad, the sole 2 that area unit famous to exist. They weren t solely rare however invaluable. Negatives are product of the first images of man. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Imagery and Metaphor as Resistance in Miguel Asturias ... Imagery and Metaphor as Resistance in Miguel Asturias The President In The President, Miguel Angel Asturias uses madness as his initial tool to launch a social examination of evil versus good under the strains of a terrifying dictatorship. To paint a vivid picture of the political and social atmosphere under the regime of The President, Asturias wields rich and abstract imagery, repetition and metaphors throughout his novel to punctuate, foreshadow, and illuminate. Wind is one of these recurring metaphors, and is used as a representation of a storm brewing, a constant reminder (premonition of) that what is to come. Like the weather, acts of political tyranny cannot be foreseen with much clarity. The underlying corruption of ... Show more content on ... le golpeaban y arrancaban las ropas a pedazaos. (p9). After such subjugation, and in a state of utter exhaustion, el Pelele can finally withstand no more and falls asleep at the Portal de Señor. When he was rudely startled from his sleep by someone yelling mother, the lunatic viciously attacked his tormentor, Colonel José Parrales Sonriente (known as the man with the little mule), to death (p11). This incident occurred `just before dawn, and is in fact the dawn of all of the events that followed. As the catalyst of gigantic storms brewing, el Pelele fled from the attack on Colonel Sonriente, and found respite in a rubbish pile outside the city. There, in keeping with the misfortune that was his life, he was viciously attacked by turkey buzzards and while trying to fight the birds off, he fell down an escarpment of garbage and broke his leg (p 22). Injured, el Pelele is rescued by a wood cutter, and between the wood cutters dog and el Pelele palpitaciones formaban gráficas de angutia a través de sus gritos y los ladridos del can, como el viento cuando entretela la lluvia. (p29 my emphasis). Wind as metaphor of a storm brewing, hints at what lies ahead for el Pelele. The wood cutter is joined by Miguel Angel Face to help el Pelele off the rubbish pile, Angel Face puts some money in the madman s pocket, and both men leave the injured man to fend for himself. Terrorized and hurt, el Pelele ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Treatment Of Treatment For Bipolar Disorder Treatment Treatment for bipolar disorder has to this day been approach using the biomedical model approach. Which means that BP disorder has been predominantly treated pharmacologically. Pharmacological treatment of BP disorder is not to be underestimated, but it is also not to be considered the first and last option of treatment. Research has shown that the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (along with various other treatments) combined with pharmacological treatment has been shown to have better efficacy than each of these approaches separately (Singleton, 2006). However, it has been seen as a long time technique to use medication as a validator of the diagnosis. This techniques seems appropriate considering how hard it is to diagnose BP ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately the neurobiology in relation to lithium treatment is not well understood and most of the research on it is primarily speculative and theoretical, and in turn does not offer much insight. Although, the great efficacy of this treatment does not come without a price, lithium has a very thin line between therapeutic effect and toxicity. Blood levels must be check regularly to make sure that the lithium is within therapeutic levels to avoid lithium poisoning (Jann M. W., 2014). The next pharmacological treatment that will be discussed is probably the most controversial treatment for BP disorder, and that is antidepressants. Antidepressant are not a FDA accepted treatment for BP disorder and the efficacy of this treatment is questionable. Antidepressant may be used on patients with BP disorder, it is not advised to use them on patients with a history of rapid cycling (of symptoms). There seems to be a consensus in the research that antidepressants should never be used to treat BP disorder alone. Antidepressants should be used with antipsychotic or mood stabilizers in order to protect the patient from potential pharmacologically induced episode of mania that could be a danger to the patient. Brief Overview of Psychotherapy People with BP disorder usually end up in therapy by one of multiple way, either the subject is in a depressive phase and recognizes that they need help. The subject is in a manic phase and is admitted against their own will ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of Psychoanalysis In psychology, a psychodynamic theory is a view that explains personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and beliefs. In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud proposed a psychodynamic theory according to which personality consists of the id, the superego, and the ego. The id is responsible for a person s instincts and pleasure seeking, the superego attempts to obey the rules of authority and society, and the ego mediates between the two to meet the demands of reality and what a person needs. Psychodynamic theories commonly hold that childhood experiences shape personality. Such theories are associated with psychoanalysis, a type of therapy that attempts to reveal unconscious thoughts and desires. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release represses emotions and experiences and to help the patient develop insight into his or her unconscious. Patients may suppress their vulnerabilities, motives, tensions, impulses, guilt, fantasies, and urges. Freud believed that individuals must unravel, experience, and understand their true, unconscious feelings to understand them. Classical psychoanalysis has become the least commonly practices form of psychodynamic therapy because of its intense demands on the patients time and emotions. It is, however, the oldest form of psychodynamic therapy. Psychoanalysis is not usually considered useful for patients suffering from severe depression or psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, people ... Get more on ...
  • 31. I Love The 1950 s The 1950s is the time that I love the most mostly because of the fashion and also the way the house looked back then and the furniture I absolutely love the way everything was back then. When I first started like the 1950s was when I was almost seventeen at the time and I was looking on pintrest one day and I came across a pair of hazel atlas glasses that have roses on them exactly like in the picture. Then for some reason I became almost obsessed with trying to find the glasses then I got to looking online at antiques stores. Which I already have went antique shopping before but never for dishes I always have collect owl perfume bottles I think ever since I got my grate grandmas old perfume bottle. But when me and my mom went to the big ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Fragile Dream Fragile Dream is a Nintendo Wii Japanese role play game created by Kentarou Kawashima. It is a beautiful game that deals with the loneliness of the main character Seto. Seto is an apocalyptic world, where he tries to find survivors of this catastrophic earthquake. He is told by his grandfather that there are survivors at this red tower. Does he find those survivors or is he just wasting his time and life to find people that are not alive? What does this video game offer to the video game industry? The game was released in Japan on January 22, 2009 and was released to America on March 16, 2009. The main character Seto is voiced by the famous voice actor Johnny Yong Bosch. The game starts off with Seto trapped in his grandfather s star lab. ... Show more content on ... IGN reviews the game and had mixed emotion on it. The reviewer said Fragile Dreams is a great example of a spectacular concept whose execution could have used a little more thought and time (Casamassina 7). I love the premise, the setting, some of the characters, and the production values (Casamassina 7). The story is engrossing. Exploring the lush, beautiful environments in search of clues is fun (Casamassina 7). The flashlight controls and effects are impressive (Casamassina 7). Even combat, in dire need of a lock on, is functional (Casamassina 7). It does have a lot going for it, and you ll see that reflected in the scores below. I do agree with this review about all this. The game is very lush and has beautiful environment. He then goes on talking about the cons of the game saying And yet, some of the design decisions and gameplay conventions are exceedingly tired and frustrating (Casamassina 8). The unnecessary, uninspired fetch quests, blatant backtracking and awkward item management system distract and subtract in a big way from what is otherwise a quality experience, (Casamassina 8). I also have to agree with what he say because he said it right. The quest are pretty frustrating and it reaches to the point that it is not enjoyable at all. It is kind of boring and makes the game feel like a chore sometimes (Casamassina ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Zoroastrianism In Religion Zoroastrianism is the world s oldest living monotheistic religion. It may have very few followers today but it is one of the most influential religions of all time. It eventually led to many of the ideas of big religions today including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Zoroastrianism is a very important religion yet if you ask someone on the street they would most likely never have heard of it or its ideas. The two biggest ideas of Zoroastrianism are Dualism, their God Ahura Mazda, and the Amensha spirits. To begin, dualism is the idea of the complete separation of good and evil both morally and cosmically. The battle between the two will never be over and one will never win, Good and evil fight an unequal battle in which the former is assured of triumph. God s omnipotence is thus only temporarily limited (Duchesne Guillemin 1). Good and evil work against each other but they also need each other in order to survive. Without evil, good could not exist Foremost, moral dualism is the fight between good and evil in each and every person mind and body. Essentially, the good angel on one shoulder and the evil devil on the other. In good people, the good in them is winning the battle and shining through into how they interact with others and how they live their live. In bad people, the evil in them shines through and ... Show more content on ... Ahura Mazda is the source of everything good in the world such as progress or happiness. Ahura Mazda is the center importance of the religion and he is always working to overpower the forces of evil in the universe. He is the only god in Zoroastrianism which is why it is the oldest monotheistic religion. The word of Ahura was originally told through his prophet Zoroaster. Most Zoroastrians are very eco friendly because in the religion it is believed that everything created by Ahura Mazda is sacred and must be treated with respect ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Gun History Essay Gun History/Development: What is the history of guns and gun building throughout the world? Over 43% of Americans own a gun for either sporting or protection ( 21 unbelieveable ). Guns have been improved throughout many years and there are still many people making many improvements yet today. The history and evolution of guns improved by the creators who made them and how the improvements better helped the gun overall are some of the things you will find in this paper. Some background of gunpowder started with a man named Berthold Schwarz. He was a German monk who was the first to make gunpowder around the 1300s. He also invented the first gun which wasn t technically a gun but a huge heavy cannon which used gunpowder to fire (Kevin 4). ... Show more content on ... After people got tired of dragging around a huge heavy cannon they then made a smaller handled cannon but it was still very hard to aim because you had to hold it with one hand and light it with the other (Supica, Jim). The Arquebuses were the first handheld gun that didn t need to be lit by match or fuse. Also with the Arquebuse being able to be held with two hands and not having to lit by hand made it way more accurate than earlier guns (14). The Arquebuse also greatly helped to create the musket which had a better more advanced ignition system. The musket first began to be used during the 1400s. Then muskets helped to design the flintlock (14). Also by the mid 1400s people began to develope handguns or pistols. By the 1500s people were able to make pistol effective to about four feet. One bad thing was how long the pistols took to reload so they then began to design and create the revolver (18). Then around 1833 the very first breech loader was created. A breech loader is loaded from the back of the gun instead of the front making it a lot quicker and easier to reload. Then shortly after in around 1840 they began to mass produce the first revolver called the pepperbox (Supica, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Natural Selection In Biology Ernst Berliner separated microscopic organisms which killed a Mediterranean flour moth in late 1911. In 1911 BT was rediscovered and named it as Bacillus thuringiensis after the German town Thuringia where the moth was found. In 1901 the name bacterium bacillus sotto was named from Ishiwatari. The benefits and risks correlated with utilizing BT proteins as a part of cultivating and utilizing BT gens as a part of GMO products to fabricate the characteristic insecticides spray. This normal insecticides spray is delivered by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (called Bt ) that has been utilized for quite a long time by natural agriculturists to control yield eating insects and by the World Health Organization to kill mosquitoes without utilizing ... Show more content on ... The more noteworthy the genetic diversity within an animal species groups, the more prominent that species chances of long term survival. This is because that negative traits, (for example, inherited diseases) become widespread within a population when that populace is left to reproduce just with its own particular individuals. Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genes within a species. Within a species types there may additionally be discrete populaces with particular genes. One commonly used to measure of genetic diversity in a population is gene diversity, which is the probability that two alleles at a locus chosen randomly from a population differ. Unfortunately, the process of domestication tends to decrease the genetic diversity of selected crop species, due in part to the genetic bottleneck (diversity loss or which may reduce the population and cause natural disaster) imposed when only a few plants are selected and propagated. (Ref. NSF, National Science ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Kierkegaard s An Age Of Dispassionate Reflection Soren Kierkegaard, in his essay, the Present Age, writes about two ages the passionate age and the present age: an age of dispassionate reflection. Kierkegaard believes the present age to be centered on reflection (deliberation, representation, anticipation), which substitutes for decisive action. The present age, according to Kierkegaard is characterized by an unhappy objectivity, in which the individual has become leveled down and loses himself as part of a crowd. One aspect of this unhappy objectivity is that our age is an age of reflection rather than of passion. Kierkegaard suggests, the most dangerous, if also the most respectable of all diseases is to admire in public what is considered unimportant in private since ... Show more content on ... This is dangerous because in the act of doing so, we lose our true selves in the process. Kierkegaard strongly believes in the idea of individuality. If individuals (as individuals) take it upon themselves to experience first hand meaningful action and informed opinion (which is risky) they will gain something precious. Yet, many would rather stay in the safety (and effortlessness) of the public and live meaninglessly. Kierkegaard uses the example of the skater to demonstrate his assertion of the most dangerous of all diseases . The skater, on a frozen lake with dangerously thin ice, sees a jewel in the distance. In the passionate age, he argues, the public would cheer and support the skater as he made efforts to reach the jewel. They would worry for him and show concern at any sign of danger. However, in an age absent of passion, the crowds would agree on the fact that it was unreasonable and not worthwhile to engage in such a dangerous activity. In addition, they would praise themselves for being clever and practical for figuring this out. The qualities of being daring and enthusiastic for something an individual may be passionate about is malformed into a feat of skill, in which people are encouraged to surrender to the most dangerous of all diseases : to admire in public what is ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Corporate Governance And Insider Trading CHAPTER I THE CONCEPT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND INSIDER TRADING This chapter shall deal with the concepts of corporate governance and insider trading, with explaining the development of the insider trading laws. It is essential to understand the concept of corporate governance first, in order to be able to understand the offence of insider trading in detail. Then the meaning and the concept of insider trading along with its evolution is explained subsequently in this chapter. 1.1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The SEBI has defined Corporate Governance as Corporate governance is the acceptance by management of the inalienable rights of shareholders as the true owners of the corporation and of their own role as trustees on behalf of the ... Show more content on ... The following things can be expected to be ensured by good corporate governance: Effectual decision making by the management with proper disclosures necessary from time to time to accomplish the corporate objectives. The business transactions are expected to be carried out transparently by the management. All the statutory and legal obligations to be followed without any breach of the law. Interest of all the stakeholders to be protected by the actions of the management. The maintenance of ethical conduct and commitment to the values while carrying out the business transactions. In other words, corporate governance is the acceptance by management of the inalienable rights of shareholders as the true owners of the corporation and of their own role as trustees on behalf of the shareholders. It deals with conducting the affairs of a company such that there is fairness to all stakeholders and that its actions benefit the greatest number of stakeholders. In this regard, the management needs to prevent asymmetry of benefits between various sections of shareholders, especially between the owner, managers and the rest of the shareholders. A good Corporate Governance is integral to the very existence of a company and strengthens investor s confidence by ensuring company s commitment to higher growth and profits. Broadly, it seeks to achieve the following objectives: A properly structured board capable of taking ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Institutional Pharmacy Setting Institutional Pharmacy Setting latrice HCP 210 December 5, 2010 Patrice Daniels Institutional Pharmacy Setting Pharmacy Institutional setting is a service provided 24 hours a day 365 (Johnston, 2006) days a year. Most Institutional pharmacy provides blister pack medications to ensure the safety and quality to the patient. Institutional pharmacy are design to provide safe and secure prescriptions most of the time the patients are on site within the pharmacy. Pharmacist works hand and hand with doctors, Physical Therapist, and nurses to provide consultations and feedback to the doctors if needed. Not only does an institutional pharmacy provide quality care they also allow for patients to return unused and unopened ... Show more content on ... The most common one I have seen is where the doctor misses the dispense quantity. The doctor can also confuse the two patients together with same name. One of the things that may be unique is getting a patient mixed up with another patient and not having the drug available. Although working in an institutional pharmacy may be challenging it can be interesting as well. I have discussed in this paper the the roles a technician has as well as the process it take to prepare a prescription in an institutional pharmacy. It is very important that the doctors and staff work together as a team to ensure the safety of the patient and the quality that is expected of them. Technicians not only perform more tasks at an institutional pharmacy but they require more intense training. The importance of the pharmacy is to satisfy the patients and that is most important. Reference Johnston, M. (2006). The Pharmacy Technician Series: Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prectice ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Traumatic Brain Injury Research Paper AAC In Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries Cassie M. Meche Southern University and A M College Table of Contents: Introduction........................................................................... 3 Background ...........................................................................4 5 Review of Literature ................................................................ 5 6 Discussion and Summary ......................................................... 6 Limitations .............................................................................7 Scope of Practice ....................................................................7 What I learned ....................................................................... 8 Resources ............................................................................ 8 References .......................................................................... 9 Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injuries are serious issues in the United States for health care providers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). A TBI occurs ... Show more content on ... Review of the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. kant Essay Kants Critiques of Pure reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics Kant states that, In the order of time, therefore, we have no knowledge antecedent to experience, and with experience all our knowledge begins, but although all of our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it all arises out of experience, (CPR,41). What he means is that we do not rely on experience inorder to have knowledge, but knowledge and experience are connected for to have knowledge we must begin with experience. There are four types of knowledge that Kant deduced. A priori, which is knowledge that is independent of experience, knowledge which is always true, does not rely on a person to experience it inorder for one to realize that it is true. A ... Show more content on ... Kant affirms that, Judgments of experience, as such, are one and all synthetic, (CPR, 49). This makes sense because it would not make sense to found an analytic judgment on experience. Kant thinks that the general problem of pure reason is contained in the question: How are apriori synthetic judgments possible? Kant postulates that if he is able to figure out or understand the conditions in which the sciences are possible to exist he can also figure out the conditions of which a priori synthetic judgments can exist. Kant defines pure reason as, that which contains the principles whereby we know anything absolutely a priori. Phenomena is an object as it is perceived by the senses, as opposed to a noumena which is an object as it is in itself independent of the mind (the thing in itself). Rational beings may align their quot;will quot; either with the objective laws of reason and morality or with subjective needs and interests. Reason s demands may be called quot;imperatives. quot; quot;Hypothetical imperatives quot; command that a particular action is necessary as a means to some purpose, such as the attainment of personal happiness. Categorical imperatives require that some action is necessary in and of itself. Thus the categorical imperative may be formulated as follows: act only in such a way that you could want the maxim of your action to become a universal law. This statement can ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Essay about Comapring Porters 5 Forces for the Airline... Assignment # 1 Strategic Practice Exercise: (page #81) 1. Score each competitive force in the airline industry and provide a brief rationale for your assessment. · Rivalry Among Existing Firms: (High) When one major company in an industry makes a change in costs or services that could potentially increase their clientele, a major competitor almost always follows suit. Price matching is a prime example of that, therefore the threat is high. West Jet is one company that offers flights at a discount and forced Air Canada to create new banners to compete with the discounted prices. All major companies and firms in an industry watch each other s every move very carefully, and match any move with a countermove. During slow season in the airline ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the threat of substitution is a significant factor in the airline industry. However, if a customer has to travel very quickly or a significant distance, that person would most likely choose the flight option instead of a cheaper alternative. · Bargaining Power of Buyers/Distributors: (Medium) Bargaining power is a tricky one because it can work both ways. Buyers have a certain level of power in any industry. A buyer may switch suppliers very easily if there are no penalties and it is cost effective for them. If a large firm makes a large purchase of goods from another firm, it may be mutually beneficial and if serviced well, have the potential for repeat business. However, the buyer then has the power to use a substitute or competitor which would negatively affect the seller. Buyers are always the more powerful of the two because some buyers have the ability to put pressure on lower costs from suppliers, while demanding an increase of the quality of products or services provided to them. Also, the bargaining power in industries with high fixed costs like the airline industry can play a big factor. On the other hand, things like jet engines, tires and other key safety devices on aircrafts can cause severe consequences if this equipment malfunctions. For that reason, the buyer has a reduced amount of bargaining power with suppliers in this industry. The bargaining power of buyers is both high and low, so I ranked it medium. · Bargaining ... Get more on ...