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2010 Trend Report

1 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Contents of Trend Report

  1.  Trend Report Introduction
  2.  Detailed Trend Analysis
  3.  About the Authors

2 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend Report Introduction       1

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Emerging Trend Report Introduction

       What does it mean to Wave? How is crowdfunding revolutionizing
       the non-profit sector? What does it mean to make tangible impact?

       Since our 2009 trend report, Google Wave has turned the tech world
       on its head, Kiva revolutionized the non-profit business model and
       Kliener Perkins is funding eco-innovation with the $500 million Green
       Fund. While there is a unifying theme (think sustainability, green,
       digital communities, crowdsourcing) throughout the 2010 trends,
       there is also a feeling of restlessness. Wall Street culture is causing a
       class divide with Main Street and we have seen little, of the
       promised change.

       What does all of this mean? We have analyzed key digital
       innovators, such as Google and Amazon, alongside the rise of China
       and the global marketplace and the class divide between Wall Street
       and Main Street to provide a comprehensive view of what we can
       expect in 2010.

4 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#1 – 5)

       1. Web of Intelligence
       Since the late 1990s, Amazon has leveraged web intelligence to create a personalized user experience. Today,
       Google is taking this concept into new areas, such as e-mail and search. We explore how will web intelligence will
       change the way we learn, communicate and navigate the web.

       2. Agile Development
       In the past, corporations have been slow to innovate -- erring on the side of caution instead of action. As company
       coffers continue to shrink, it's becoming evermore crucial to innovate on a dime. IBM's new CIO study showed that
       55 percent of their time is focused on innovation.

       3. Freedom: new way of creativity
       With more self-publishing tools on the web than ever, everyone can share their voice. Whether you're a graphic
       designer on Tumblr or a poet on Google Wave or a WordPress auto aficionado, everyday online platforms are
       making creative expression more accessible to a greater audience.

       4. Influencer Society
       The web completely revolutionized influence by enabling niche community leaders to become global digital
       superstars and have real-world impact. The web enabled Perez Hilton to transition from anonymity to internet
       superstar. As internet usage increases in 2010, we should expect more digital superstars to become book authors
       to television hosts.

       5. Crowdsourcing
       blur Group, alongside the non-profit, Kiva are tapping into the resources of many to create impact. Whether it's
       loans for entrepreneurs in developing nations or the creative talents of thousands of freelancers, the crowdsourcing
       business model is changing the way we do business in new and exciting ways.

5 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#6 – 10)

       6. Differentiation Diva
       In 2009, the Heene family pretended that their child was floating around in a balloon and Tareq and Michaele
       Salahi managed to crash the White House. More and more people and companies are trying to get attention --
       whether it's crashing the Whitehouse or Lady Gaga in ridiculous outfits.

       7. Reputational Currency
       What is the role of reputation in a network economy? Social media, in particular, has become an important staple in
       our professional and personal lives. As such, our digital identities have merged together and no longer is there a
       separate professional you or a personal you. Google search, Facebook and more recently Twitter Lists have made
       your online reputation one of your most valued digital assets.

       8. Reciprocity
       Through vast networks of internet users from around the globe, the web has brought us closer together than ever
       before in history. As such, the value of reciprocity in communities is increasing in value. For instance, the crowd-
       funding non-profit, Kiva reached an incredible $100 million in loans in just four short years.

       9. Giving is In, Greedy is Out
       We were spot-on with our Pay Forward trend in 2009, but will it carry over into 2010? While budgets might be
       tight, our time is not. Accordingly, volunteerism is up. A CNCS report shows that about 8.2 million young people
       (ages 16-24) volunteered in 2008, compared with about 7.6 million in 2007.

       10. Global Village
       The US is developing into an increasingly multicultural nation as immigrants pour into the country. Meanwhile, the
       US is sharing the international stage with China and other emerging nations. As a result, marketers and stock
       brokers alike should be diversifying their audience to meet this growing multicultural demand.

6 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#11 – 15)

       11. Green Stream
       Going green is not just an added benefit, it is quickly becoming the cost of doing business. We can see spots of
       green in the luxury market (think Lexus' new eco-auto), politics (think Obama's eco-funding) and investing,
       particularly from legendary venture capital firm, Kliener Perkins.

       12. Control RX
       What does it mean to be healthy? There is a rising trend in sustainable eating -- from locally sourced meat to green
       dining -- as we become more cognizant of our consumption and overall well-being.

       13. Reality Check
       The digital world can often feel intangible. While sharing ideas in online communities or answering questions on
       LinkedIn has value, the Reality Check trend is about transitioning online discussion into real-world action. For
       instance, Tweet-Ups gather like-minded people online to meet in person for real-world impact.

       14. Recessionista Chic
       Whether it's three-year degrees or pay-as-you-go cellular plans, we are maximizing our time and wallets more than
       ever. Technology, such as Zipcars, and digitally savvy buyers are pushing the limits to get more for less.

       15. ReNew
       Hulu, the Kindle, Google Wave are many of the brands taking a unique spin on old products and services to create
       new, compelling offerings. Hulu spun TV, the Kindle spun books, Google Wave spun e-mail. We will explore how re-
       invention can open entire markets.

7 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#16 – 20)

       16. Getting Real
       We are all human, we all make mistakes. It is how we live-up to our mistakes that defines our character. For
       instance, Ralph Lauren sent a heated letter to blog superstar, Boing Boing, demanding the site take down a
       criticism of their ad. In the spirit of transparency, Boing Boing published the letter on their site along with a long,
       detailed article of their communication. Shortly thereafter, Boing Boing's criticism of Ralph Lauren was in the top
       five results in a Google search for the brand.

       17. Community Mobilization
       Facebook users post an average of 55 million status updates every day and created more than 3.5 million events
       each month. While internet users are engaging in the online world, they are also forming local communities groups. has grown significantly in recent months as users seek real-world community.

       18. Safety Net
       Issues of security are surfacing in many areas of our lives -- from airports to social media. For instance, airport
       scanners in the Netherlands can see through clothing and there has recently been push for a safer Facebook.

       19. Class Conflict
       The great bridge between Wall Street and Main Street was Fannie and Freddie Mac and other mortgage companies.
       The relationship between the two became strained when that bridge deteriorated with the near collapse of the
       financial system. Since then, Main Street loathes the pervasive greed and corruption on Wall Street.

       20. Skeptic Nation
       When Obama took office in 2008, there was hope for a better health care system, more job growth and serious
       Wall Street reform. A year later, Obama's approval ratings have started to slip. Has this hope faded in the wake of
       little reform or recovery? Americans are growing skeptical of the much anticipated change.

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Detailed Trend Analysis         2

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Trend 1. Web of Intelligence

    Definition                                                           Examples
    Everyday we are bombarded with a seemingly endless stream of         Google Magic. In the quest to find relevant, interesting
    information and we need clarity. Google is a forerunner in finding   information, tech companies such as Google are developing
    relevancy amid this sea of information. Recently, the search giant   adaptive algorithms that speak to our personal preferences. Google
    created personalized search, whereby users browsing history          Magic is an effective application of this technology. The RSS
    impacts search results. Personalized search is a small part of a     Reader feature sifts through all your RSS browsing history to find
    much larger trend: web intelligence.                                 relevant feeds and posts.

    Amazon was an early leader in web intelligence technology.           Newssift. Newssift is a sentiment analysis tool developed by the
    Users were recommended products based on their browsing              Financial Times. Based on keywords, Newssift measures how many
    history on What makes Google different from              articles are positive, negative or neutral regarding your query.
    Amazon? Google is making web intelligence tools more                 Accordingly, users can find information that is in-line with their
    commonplace over its vast array of apps and product offerings in     opinion of a particular topic, person, place or organization.
    an effort to develop a more dynamic interchange between user
    and product.
                                                                         Advertisers will target audiences based on user opinions on
                                                                         particular issues. Based on browsing history, advertisers could
    • There are an estimated 200 million blogs (source)                  target psychographics and lifestyle, not just demographics. With
                                                                         the framework of sites such as Newssift, advertisers could find
    • The Huffington Post publishes an average of 1,700 posts per
                                                                         audiences that are interested in their messages. Based on a user's
                                                                         demographics and psychographics, advertisements, such as those
    • The average American receives 5,000 advertising messages per       on Facebook, are focused on a highly specific target audience
    day (source)                                                         rather than a broad swath of users.
    • PETA has 53% negative and 17% positive sentiment (source)          Key Words
                                                                         Crowdsourcing, data synthesis, sentiment analysis, web intelligence

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Trend 2. Agile Development

    Definition                                                           Examples
    Often times, large, bureaucratic organizations get too caught up     blur Group. Why have a few brilliant minds when you can tap
    in the process. All thinking and no doing leads to nowhere. Agile    into the creative talents of thousands? blur Group crowdsources
    development is about innovating on a dime. For industry leaders,     creativity and the talents of their hand-selected online community.
    it means focusing on product development and implementation          The company is a liaison between client and freelancer -- curating
    over strategy.                                                       the project development process to ensure quality

    Google thrives on agile development. The search giant is a           Law of Devolution. What is profitable today might not be
    strong proponent of alpha and beta testing. First, Google builds a   profitable tomorrow. The Law of Devolution tells us that we should
    framework, then releases it to a team of outside developers who      be perpetually progressive and forward thinking to compete
    provide feedback and refine the product before it hits the beta      another day. Google will build a compelling product today --
    testing phase. After the developers finish building a strong         without any profitability strategy -- so tomorrow it can be
    framework, the product is then released on an invitation basis.      monetized.
    Google is an agile developer because they can make updates in
    real time and thrive on open-ended outcomes.
                                                                         The crowdsourcing model for innovation will be repeated by more
                                                                         corporations in 2010 -- such as Apple and car manufacturers like
    • Google crowdsources innovation. Much like Dell's Ideastorm, the    Ford. Open-source platforms, such as FireFox, will become more
    search giant calls on the creative talents of its community to       pervasive in online apps.
    submit and vote on new, innovative ideas. To date, there are
    9,945 product ideas for Google Mobile and a total of 408,417
    votes.                                                               Key Words
    • Over the past decade, Google has developed over 40 unique          Innovation, cutting edge, alpha and beta testing, real-time
    products, including Gmail to Blogger to Wave.                        feedback

11 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 3. Freedom: new way of creativity

    Definition                                                           Examples
    In each period of art and creativity, the major artists of the era   Tumblr. The microblogging site has become popular with creative
    were influenced by one another, each adhering to certain rules       types due to its simplistic yet powerful functionality. With Tumblr,
    and styles that others had developed and made popular --             users have the ability to customize every part of their blog page,
    creating their own unique style along the way. When the current      update their page using a cell phone or smartphone, and become a
    period of art and creativity is looked back on, there will be much   part of a community of people interested in the same things. The
    more to analyze than a painting on a wall.                           platform provides a creative outlet, where users free to put up
                                                                         whatever they want, and become inspired by others. Tumblr is one
    With the technology we have available today, creative tools are
                                                                         of the only blogging platforms that encourages self-expression
    more accessible than ever before. We all have the freedom to
                                                                         beyond just writing. Tumblr is a platform for artists and creatives
    think as big as we want, and that freedom has brought about a
                                                                         to showcase their work, and to help promote others. Tumblr's real-
    new way of creativity, and the way we think about what’s
                                                                         time updates on "The Wire" feature some of the most creative and
    creative today. The Internet provides a unique platform for self-
                                                                         inspiring things you'll find on the Internet today.
    expression, allowing anyone with access to speak their mind,
    share thoughts, and exchange information easily and efficiently.
    Stats                                                                Online versions of Adobe Suite products give everyone the
                                                                         opportunity to be creative without paying a high cost. A new
    • Android phones may outsell the iPhone by as early as 2012
                                                                         developer code will be written so that anyone, with or without a
    • 60 percent of Gen Y business owners consider themselves to be      computer science education will be able to contribute to programs
    serial entrepreneurs, and 70 percent of today's high schoolers       such as Firefox and Google, and even the development of an
    intend to start their own companies.                                 iPhone app.
    • In one year, Tumblr experienced a 300 percent growth in the
    number of unique visitors per month.
                                                                         Key Words
    • In only four years, the percentage of Americans getting tattoos
                                                                         Creative geek, spontaneous, simple, freedom, developer,
    rose from 15 percent to nearly 25 percent.

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Trend 4. Influencer Society

    Definition                                                            Examples
    Influencers can be found on nearly every medium -- online,            Coca Cola. Coca Cola has really set the stage for corporate
    through mass media, and through face-to-face contact. The             influencers. Their unique approach to connecting to customers and
    newest influencers in the digital space have been empowered by        fans on Facebook, combined with their timeless and historic brand
    new digital tools and are strategizing ways to make an impact on      has kept them riding high despite a tough economy. Coca Cola has
    digital society. As the internet continues to grow, more and more     also set the curve for many corporations looking to branch out on
    people are learning how to make a name for themselves and             Facebook and other social networks. The brand’s interactive and
    become influencers for their peer groups or industry niches.          eye-catching Facebook fan page is one of, if not the best corporate
                                                                          fan page out there.
    They’re doing something different and unique – and the world is
    listening and following their lead. While the internet has provided
    a platform for more equal opportunity at becoming an influencer,
    it is up to each person to study their space and learn how to use
    these tools to their maximum advantage.                               We’ll see a decline in traditional advertising as, despite the FCC
                                                                          disclosure regulations, companies will utilize the influence of others
                                                                          and continue to seek out bloggers and influential online faces to
    Stats                                                                 promote their brand and product on their personal Web sites.
    • A JC Williams Group consumer survey found that 91 percent of
    respondents ranked consumer generated content as the number
                                                                          Just as Myspace and YouTube have paved the way for a number of
    one aid to a buying decision.
                                                                          successful musicians, top bloggers and Tweeters will be
    • 74 percent of customers said they are influenced by the             approached by companies for partnership and sponsorship deals.
    opinions of others in their decision to buy a product.
    • Buzz Agent found that one word of mouth conversation has the
                                                                          Key Words
    impact of 200 TV ads.
                                                                          Influence, media, social networks, connections, social capital,

13 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 5. Crowdsourcing

    Definition                                                            Examples
    The phrase “following the crowd” has always had a negative            Groupon. Groupon’s “Collective Buying Power” relies upon its
    connotation. Nobody wants to think of themselves as a lemming         crowd to make sure everyone else gets something in return,
    or, that their efforts are an inconsequential "drop in the bucket."   through the participation of a brave few who are willing to put
    With the advent of the internet, though, crowdsourcing has            some money on the line without any return. Currently spanning 45
    changed the way we look at the "crowd." Though still in its           major cities, Groupon produces one deal per day, per city. The
    infancy, crowdsourcing has taken the online world by storm.           catch? Enough people have to participate blindly (that is, buying in
                                                                          with the chance of not actually getting the deal) before “the deal is
                                                                          on.” Now that it’s reached a such wide audience, the deal are
    Through the power of the crowd, people from across the world          almost always “on” before the sun rises. Groupon's founders help
    have come together -- virtually -- and have contributed to the        to connect customers with businesses looking to give a good deal,
    building and development of products and services for almost          and customers are able to participate in a group like they never
    every industry imaginable. Entrepreneurs have embraced                have done before.
    crowdsourcing, finding a whole new platform on which to create
    and grow a business.
                                                                          Online productivity will be ruled by crowdsourcing efforts. From
    Stats                                                                 designing a web page to writing a book or making music, more and
                                                                          more people will become part of the crowd; because of this, the
    • Kiva raised more than $100 million in its first four years of
                                                                          opinion of the masses will be taken much more seriously than that
                                                                          of a few experts. The internet is not top down, but side-to-side. It's
    • Blur group has over 2,000 members in its marketers crowd            producer and sender interact and exchange ideas and knowledge.
    • The discount crowd, Groupon, boasts over 500,000 members
                                                                          Key Words
                                                                          Funding, microfinance, social crowd, crowdsource, Internet,
                                                                          collective intelligence, collaboration

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Trend 6. Differentiation Diva

    Definition                                                            Examples
    Statistics show that the average American is exposed to between       Lady Gaga. Love her or hate her, there's no arguing that Lady
    250 and 850 advertising messages each day. Many of these              Gaga has made an impression in the music industry, as well as in
    messages don't make a difference, but the ones we pay attention       the world of fashion with her eccentric style and Euro flare. Though
    to stand out for a reason – the product is unique, special, and       her efforts are extreme, they definitely get her noticed and get
    most of all, has value. Over the past few years, consumers have       people talking. Unlike the Heene's or the Salahi's, Lady Gaga's
    changed their buying habits, seeking products with a higher           extreme measures of standing out are constructive -- she's sold
    standard of quality over those that, while inexpensive, won’t last    millions of records, gained even more fans, and is admirably
    long.                                                                 securing her place in a notoriously harsh industry.
    When times are tough, we recognize how far our money will go,
    and we’re willing to pay a little extra for something that hold its   Predictions
    value. Though it may seem that luxury has taken a backseat in
                                                                          Luxury brand web sites will create more gated online communities
    this economy, giving something that extra touch is what will
                                                                          for affluent customers. There will be an affinity for exclusivity
    make it succeed even more.
                                                                          rather than just wealth.

                                                                          Similar to how streaming television platforms work, TV ads will be
    • Tiffany & Co. has continually reported higher-than expected         short, simple, and will only have one or two per commercial break.
    profits throughout 2009; sales exceeded $598 million in the third     Product placement will take over for traditional advertising,
    quarter alone                                                         satisfying viewers and advertisers at the same time.
    • Precious metals are en vogue as evidenced by the US Mint sale
    of 247,500 ounces of the yellow metal during December despite
                                                                          Key Words
    a suspension (due to increased sales)
                                                                          Luxury, gold standard, leadership, targeted marketing, streamlined,
    • The Gilt Group raised $43 million to bring luxury designs and
                                                                          special, unique
    goods to more people

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Trend 7. Reputational Currency

    Definition                                                            Examples
    Seth Godin is the marketing guru, Guy Kawasaki is the                 Twitter. Not only can you follow other thought leaders, you can
    entrepreneur, Chris Brogan is the social media master and Dan         also build an audience of your own. Twitter is a great place to build
    Schwabel is the personal branding leader. Each of these               social and human capital, a place to show off your skills, relay
    enterprising individuals spent years crafting their reputation as     opinions, and learn from others. If done right, others may soon
    thought leaders. Each has utilized one or more digital platforms      look to you as a leader in your field. Chris Brogan wrote in his book
    to build a strong, lasting reputation. While blogging is the          Trust Agents that a true social media expert won’t refer to him or
    primary media, Twitter and LinkedIn are also powerful platforms       herself as such, but will develop the reputation from his or her
    to build a meaningful reputation.                                     peers.
                                                                          LinkedIn. LinkedIn recommendations feature is unique to its
                                                                          network. No longer do job applicants need to write “references
                                                                          available upon request” at the bottom of a resume, or keep a
    • Harvard’s reputation for education, as well as its reputation for   running list of possible references who employers may or may not
    providing outstanding financial aid packages, drew more than          call. Recommendations give a more personalized and honest view
    29,000 applicants for just 1,700 spots last year. Numbers like        of you, and may touch on areas of your work habits that a hiring
    these add to the university’s reputation for very low acceptance      manager may neglect to ask about over the phone.

    • In a survey of 2,500 hiring managers, found
                                                                          Paper resumes are decreasing in value. LinkedIn becomes the
    that 38 percent of respondents said they had searched social
                                                                          number one place to view and review candidates.
    networks to find out more information about applicants. One in
    four said the results contributed to the hiring of an applicant,
    while 38 percent admitted to dismissing a candidate because of
                                                                          Key Words
    what they’d found.
                                                                          Value, reputation, connections, relationships, network

16 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 8. Reciprocity

    Definition                                                           Examples
    “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” The Golden         Kiva. As a prime example of a digital exchange economy, Kiva
    Rule is often repeated, but seems to be rarely followed. That is,    connects entrepreneurs and lenders from around the world over
    until you look closely. We are entering into a network economy,      the Internet. Through Kiva, lenders donate money to help others
    where our online connections are just as important as those          build their business, but are paid back when the entrepreneurs find
    offline. Social media and online interactions have brought us        success. The cycle continues, over and over, building the perfect
    together in ways like never before, causing our culture to           example of reciprocity.
    develop an unwritten rule of reciprocity both on and offline. Call
                                                                         Authenticity. In the days of AOL, chat rooms abounded with
    it karma, paying it forward, or returning the favor – it all boils
                                                                         hate and attacks among users of all ages. Now with social media
    down to reciprocity, and the act of exchanging goods, services,
                                                                         networks, that feeling of hate has changed to respect, with positive
    or goodwill with people in your own backyard, and all around the
                                                                         conversations being fostered on public platforms such as blog
                                                                         comments and community forums. We can put a name to a face
                                                                         and interact in a much different way, making these networks more
                                                                         human and enabling individuals to connect on deeper levels.
    • Reciprocity can be found in basic human connection. For
    instance, Craigslist has seen an increased use of the bartering      Predictions
    section of the classifieds; the number of ad listings has doubled
                                                                         Less passive following and more active listening and participation
    in the past year.
                                                                         will be done across all platforms. Social networks relying entirely
                                                                         on interaction will begin to sprout, rather than be placeholding
                                                                         profiles for users.
    • The number of companies matching charitable donations
    continues to stay steady despite a tough economic outlook.
                                                                         Key Words
    • Kiva has a 98 percent success rate for the repayment of loans.     Reciprocity, exchange economy, social capital, karma, goodwill,

17 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 9. Giving is in. Greedy is out.

    Definition                                                         Examples
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do     Volunteerism. While our wallets might be pinched from the
    for your country." J.F. Kennedy spoke these words in 1961 and      recession, our time is not. Eighty six percent of non-profit
    their meaning has not faded since. At the time JFK gave this       organizations are under financial stress. However, a recent survey
    famous address, there was racial strife, inequality and our        conducted by MAVA found that unemployed workers are
    soldiers were fighting a war in another country. The former        volunteering more frequently. Consequently, 50 percent of non-
    President understood the value in unity -- working together to     profits reported an increase in volunteer hours are their
    promote change. Today, we face similar challenges in our           organization.
    political, economic and social systems and it is through
                                                                       Social Entrepreneurship. There has been a surge of social
    volunteerism and altruism that we can move forward into a
                                                                       entrepreneurs in recent years. Social entrepreneurs blend the
    brighter future.
                                                                       traditional financial model with a social mission. "It's true that 'just
                                                                       send the check' philanthropy has been flatlining for years -- the
                                                                       figure of about 1 percent of pre-tax profits for America's corporate
                                                                       giving has hardly moved for decades," writes the Washington Post.
    • A CNCS report shows that about 8.2 million young people (ages
    16-24) volunteered in 2008, compared with about 7.6 million in
    2007                                                               Predictions
    • Fifty percent of non-profits reported an increase in volunteer   As the economy recovers, there will be an uptick in financial
    hours are their organization                                       donations and volunteerism.
    • Community volunteerism increased 31 percent in the last year.
                                                                       Key Words
                                                                       Benevolence, altruism, volunteerism, unity, social entrepreneurship

18 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 10. Global Village

    Definition                                                             Examples
    For many years now, the US has been top dog on the                     China. "Economists think it will take only three to four years for
    international stage. However, that level of influence might            China, which recently overtook Britain, to surpass Japan ($4.4tn
    decline as other economies experience tremendous growth. The           GDP) to become the world's number two economy," writes the
    economic impact of the recession might have changed the US's           Guardian. The emerging nation's manufacturing sector grew by the
    influence in the long-term. More and more, China is moving into        largest margin in five years in December, reports the BBC.
    the purview. The Shanghai Composite Index was valued at 35
                                                                           Multi-Culturalism. "While the aging population will be
    times reported earnings, more than doubling in a year.
                                                                           dominated by non-Hispanic white consumers," writes Nielson, "the
                                                                           majority of new families will be multi-cultural in less than two
                                                                           decades." Nielson predicts that more than 50 percent of families
    Aside from our international presence, within US borders, Nielsen
                                                                           with children are expected to be multi-cultural and one of every
    predicts multi-culturalism is going to drastically impact our
                                                                           two people entering the US workforce will be Hispanic by 2025.
    national consumer package goods (CPG) in the future. The
    growth of the Latino population is reflected in political and social   Predictions
    systems (think Sonia Sotomayor) and that same influence is
                                                                           As China continues to grow exponentially, the US will lose
    going to greatly impact economy -- particularly in the CPG
                                                                           economic influence on the international stage .

                                                                           Key Words
                                                                           Global, multiculturalism, diversity, China, Latino
    • China's overall economy is expected to grow 10% in 2010
    • One out of two workers entering the US workforce will be
    Hispanic by 2025
    • More than 70% of Facebook's users are outside of the US

19 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 11. Green Stream

    Definition                                                            Examples
    While there were flickers of the green movement in the 1960s          Green Funding. Venture capital firms are funding powerhouses
    only recently have we seen an explosion in the green sector.          and every year, more are turning to the green sector to invest.
    Much like plastics in the early 1970s, starry-eyed investors are      Last year, the venture capital firm that helped usher in some of the
    lining up at the door to invest in sustainable technology because     most successful tech companies (most famously Google), Kleiner
    it is not just a trend, it is necessary for a sustainable future.     Perkins launched their $500 million Green Growth Fund.
    Whether it's green innovation from Kleiner Perkins or sustainable
                                                                          Green Packaging Inc. "Designers are the architects of how we
    packaging, the eco-sector is booming.
                                                                          interact with the world around us," says Krista Svalbonas, a
                                                                          Graphic Design Instructor at The Art Institute of New York City.
                                                                          "They have the ability to shape our relationships with products."
                                                                          Green Packaging Inc. speaks to the green movement in the design
    • The pool of socially responsible investment dollars in the United   world. Providing sustainable packaging (with eco-materials), Green
    States has now grown to $2.34 trillion and the second quarter of      Packaging Inc and other green collar designers are finding new and
    this year has seen a 12% increase in clean tech investment, a         innovative ways to stretch their thinking to make a sustainable
    $1.2 billion upswing.                                                 impact.
    • Though “green” products typically cost more, 80% of
    consumers are still buying green products and services today,         Predictions
    according to Green Seal and EnviroMedia Social Marketing. Half
                                                                          Several of China's metropolitan areas are covered in a thick,
    of the 1,000 people surveyed buy just as many green products
                                                                          pollution-filled fog. As the emerging super-power makes significant
    now as before the economic downturn, while 19 percent say they
                                                                          economic gains, the country will address the cost of unsustainable
    are buying more green products.
    • Hewlett Packard ranked #1 on Newsweeks' Green Study.
    Newsweek says, "[Hewlett Packard has] strong programs to
    reduce GHG emissions. The first major IT company to report            Key Words
    GHG emissions associated with its supply chain. Has made an
                                                                          Green, sustainability, eco-design, fuel-efficient, venture capital,
    effort to remove toxic substances from its products, but
    Greenpeace has targeted it for failing to do better.“

20 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 12. Control RX

    Definition                                                          Examples
    When filmmaker Martin Spurlock released “Super Size Me” in          Going Local. Forget vegetarian and vegan – the newest trend in
    2004, he made a big impact on the food industry. While              health is going local. Also known as the “localvore” movement,
    everyone knew fast food wasn’t the healthiest option, few           people following this trend strive to only eat foods produced in
    realized just what it was doing to their bodies. Ever since then,   their local areas. The movement has many positive effects –
    there has been a noticeable shift in health and fitness activity    money stays in the local economy, and the foods they eat aren’t
    across the United States.                                           processed – encouraging a much healthier diet. To help localvores
                                                                        in the New York City area, Clean Plates NYC offers reviews of New
                                                                        York’s 75 best restaurants, including details such as where the food
    As we enter a new year, millions of people around the country       is grown and produced.
    will resolve to lose weight and get healthy. Though this happens
    every year, getting and staying healthy seems to have become
                                                                        Wii Fit. Five years ago, who would have thought that a gaming
    increasingly more important over the past few years. As more
                                                                        system could do so much for fitness? Combined with its unique
    and more reports and studies are released chronicling the effects
                                                                        balance board, the Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus systems are
    of being overweight and unhealthy, individuals are responding
                                                                        revolutionizing the way people work out. Better yet, it makes
    and making a difference for themselves – with a lot of help along
                                                                        working out fun.
    the way.

                                                                        Supermarkets consisting of only local foods will pop up, taking the
    • Wii Fit has sold more than 22 million copies worldwide, making    farmers market to a new level
    it the number two console game of all time.
    • So called “Twinkie Taxes” have been put in place at seven to 10
                                                                        Key Words
    percent of U.S. corporate cafeterias, adding extra taxes on junk
    food and other foods deemed unhealthy for workers.                  Fitness, healthy eating, diet, health, wellness, aging

21 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 13. Reality Check

    Definition                                                             Examples
    The rise in digital media and technology has definitely given us       Tweetups. Out of all of the people you follow on Twitter, and
    many advantages over the last decade. Entrepreneurs can run an         those that follow you, how many of them have you actually met in
    entire business using only a smartphone and a laptop. But is all       person? Chances are, there are very few. While Twitter has done a
    of this change for the better? Do we lose something when things        great job of helping us establish new connections with people from
    go digital?                                                            all over the world, these connections can be made even more
                                                                           powerful and effective when you’re able to converse in more than
                                                                           140 characters, instead of talking face-to-face with someone else.
    It can be easy to lose sight of our actions and relationships in the
    digital world if they’re not reinforced by physical actions. Often,
                                                                           Polaroid. Not everyone is transitioning to digital photography. In
    we’re too focused on the digital side of something, and fail to see
                                                                           2009, a massive campaign by Urban Outfitters, as well as an
    the effects and impact something has in the real world. To
                                                                           independent group The Impossible Project, successfully brought
    balance this out, we need to find the intersection between the
                                                                           back the production of the classic Polaroid film. This group has
    two, and making things tangible, real again and making virtual
                                                                           proved that just because photos are going digital doesn’t mean
    reality back to reality.
                                                                           everyone wants them to be that way, while at the same time
                                                                           proving the power of the crowd.
    • Gold reached a new all-time high, surpassing $1,200 per ounce        Predictions
    in December 2009.
                                                                           The use of cash will increase over credit cards, as consumers seek
    • In a survey done by Rasmussen Reports, 81 percent of                 to rebuild the economy the right way
    respondents said they prefer reading a book in a traditional
    printed format as opposed to a digital reading device.
                                                                           Key Words
    • People who pay with cash spend about 20% less on average
    than those who use credit cards.                                       Digital, physical, tangible, impact, intersection

22 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 14. Recessionista Chic

    Definition                                                              Examples
    "The recession has been a painful 'rite of passage' that has            3 Year Degrees. As college costs continue to rise in both the
    caused people to re-evaluate themselves and what they want out          private and public sectors, many students are seeking a unique
    of life," said Robbie Blinkoff, founder of the Baltimore-based          solution such as graduating college in three years or less. Though
    Context-Based Research Group.                                           they sacrifice one less year of growth, education and friendships,
                                                                            students are saving tens of thousands of dollars by opting out of a
                                                                            fourth year and pushing themselves harder in the time they do
    Without question, the recession taught us early on that “less is        have on campus.
    more.” In our “want vs. need” world, we’re now focusing less on
    wants and more on needs – even if we have the means to get
                                                                            Comparison Shopping. Electronics giant Best Buy is well known
    those “wants.” Individuals and businesses alike are maximizing
                                                                            for its Price Match Guarantee Policy. Now, more stores are offering
    their efforts through eliminating clutter, using digital tools to get
                                                                            similar deals; Sears, Lowes, Walmart and Staples are just a few
    the best bang for their buck and fitting more education into less
                                                                            examples of other retailers with price matching policies. These
                                                                            retailers help consumers be maximizers, and encourage them to do
                                                                            their homework to find the best deals. Online sites such as Snipi
                                                                            and NexTag help consumers find the best online deals, so nobody
                                                                            has to visit hundreds of sites to find the lowest price.
    • More than 17 million people per month use NexTag to research,
    compare, and save on products and services online
    • A recent survey done by Harris Interactive found that 37
    percent of adults say they will increase their use of coupons in a      Retail stores will offer convenient in-store comparison shopping
    recessionary period.                                                    stations, challenging all stores to lower prices and become more
                                                                            competitive .
    • Pay-as-you-go cell phone provider Boost Mobile recently began
    to offer an unlimited plan with a flat monthly fee; the change
    brought in more than 600,000 customers in less than three
                                                                            Key Words
                                                                            Saving, de-clutter, efficiency, green, transparency, frugal, value

23 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 15. ReNew

    Definition                                                         Examples
    What makes trends cutting edge and unique are the ways they        Google Wave. With Wave, Google has changed the way many
    are reinvented or portrayed, with the special touches that blend   internet users perceive e-mail. Though many of us are still figuring
    the trend of yesterday with the latest and greatest of today.      out how to use the innovative collaboration tool to its fullest, it’s
    What is reinvented doesn’t have to be decades old; in fact, it     clear enough to see that, when opened to the general public, Wave
    may only be a few years before improvements are made.              might replace personal e-mails.
    Established brands can still succeed and have influence, as long
    as they can adapt to change, stay on top of trends, and continue
    to search for the next big thing.                                  Kindle. Ten years ago, the thought of reading an e-book would
                                                                       have sounded preposterous. Now, it doesn’t seem that out of the
                                                                       ordinary. Amazon’s Kindle device has reinvented how we read
    Stats                                                              books. With other retailers getting in on the trend and debuting
                                                                       their own electronic reading devices, it’s clear that the Kindle is not
    • Hulu (TV reinvented) has more viewers than Time Warner
                                                                       a fad, and is here to stay. Though many scoff at the thought of
    Cable, with 38 million views vs. TWC’s 34 million.
                                                                       seeing books replaced by a battery-operated device, millions of
    • The Dark Knight, the latest installment in the Batman series,    others don’t seem to think so.
    and Spiderman 3 each made box-office records as the highest
    grossing films of 2008 and 2007, continuing the trend of
    reinvented superhero icons and introducing them to a whole new     Predictions
                                                                       The Kindle will expand beyond books, giving users the ability to
    • Netflix, the company that has reinvented the movie rental        read magazines and newspapers via the device, becoming an iPod
    industry, sees users add 2 million movies to their queues each     for the publishing world. An App Store equivalent will be formed
    day.                                                               by leading publishing houses to bring users all available content.
    • Mad Men, AMC’s runaway hit, has reinvented the way we see
    the 1960s era, and has become the cable network’s biggest hit to
                                                                       Key Words
                                                                       Retrofitting, reinvent, adapt, trend

24 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 16. Getting Real

    Definition                                                           Examples
    With access to more information than ever before, consumers          Transparency. As more and more businesses recognize how
    can be savvier buyers. We have the power to make more                much transparency initiatives can do, they’re quick to form new
    informed decisions through online tools, such as Google. More        policies to give more power to the customer while growing the
    importantly, we’re able to better trust our judgment, and go with    business as well. Ralph Lauren is an example of a company that
    our instincts.                                                       learned a valuable lesson about transparency.

    Whether it’s choosing our next elected representative or just        Epinions. Nearly every online retailer provides the opportunity for
    debating between some items at the grocery store, we have            customer feedback and product reviews on products,
    access to all of the information we need, as long as we’re willing   being a major proponent of customer reviews and feedback. What
    to put some time into making those decisions count. In the           few people realize, however, is that many companies censor
    business world, human instincts play a big part in relationships,    product reviews, allowing only favorable ones to make it through to
    both personally and professionally. By understanding our             the end.
    instincts as well as the thought process of others, we’re able to
    make those relationships stronger than ever, and make lasting
    personal connections.                                                Predictions
                                                                         More processes will be in place to make sure reviews are truly
                                                                         customer generated. Facebook or other social media sites will
                                                                         show where information has been modified, adulterated.
    • 77 percent of online shoppers use reviews and ratings when
    making purchasing decisions
                                                                         Key Words
    • Epinions' unique visitors grew from 3.8 million in Sept. 2009 to
    4.5 million in Dec of that same year                                 Transparency, instinct, feeling, strategy, relationships, decision-

25 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 17. Community Mobilization

    Definition                                                           Examples
    “A reason we may be seeing a growth in networking is because         Four Square. FourSquare is a mobile location-based application
    of its use in terms of stabilizing relationships, understanding      for smartphones like the iPhone, Android and soon, the Blackberry.
    business climates, overcoming challenges or exchanging off-the-      Users “check in” when they arrive at say a local cafe, book store,
    record information in an informal environment,” Mandy Torrens,       park or even a friends house. As more of your friends sign up,
    president of Meetings Professionals International’s UK Chapter       you’ll get a better understanding of their favorite hang out spots.
    said to Meetings “In the prevalent business              Based on your “check ins,” FourSquare can suggest new places for
    conditions, this can prove invaluable.”                              you to explore. And as you discover new places and frequent your
                                                                         favorite spots, you’ll get points and work your way up to
                                                                         “Mayorship” of a local cafe or restaurant or movie theater —
    The current economic climate necessitates action and community       wherever you visit the most.
    mobilization. Whether it's networking online or turning digital
    relationships into real-world contacts, there is a heightened need
    to build communities. We will explore how digital connections        Meetups. While it's one thing to post a comment on a Facebook
    can translate into real world impact and how users are engaging      group page, it's another thing to join a local Meetup. There are
    with an creating digital content.                                    book clubs, Harry Potter enthusiast events, local networking events
                                                                         and even bee keeping Meetups. According to, there
                                                                         are 6 million monthly visitors to the site -- 5.7 million of those
    Stats                                                                visitors are members. Furthermore, of the nearly 60,000 Meetup
                                                                         groups, there are nearly 180,000 monthly Meetups.
    • Users post 55 million status updates each day, according to
    Marketing Profs
    • There are 3.5 million events are created each month on
    Facebook                                                    will incorporate Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr to
                                                                         increase event awareness and attendance.
    • There are nearly 180,000 monthly Meetups
                                                                         Key Words
                                                                         Network, community, exchange, publishing, ownership

26 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 18. Safety Net

    Definition                                                         Examples
    After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration dialed-up its      Online Security. While the nature of social media is to connect
    efforts to create a more secure America. Homeland Security was     and share information with other users, social networks are
    formed among many other security initiatives. Since then, the      constantly challenged to keep unwanted users and information out
    system has been put to the test, with such terrorist attempts as   of the site. Facebook has recently made several upgrades to its
    the Nigerian extremist's efforts to detonate a chemical bomb on    privacy and security. Since the content licensing disaster in early
    a plane approaching Detroit. Beyond terrorism, over the past       2009, Facebook has been doing damage control by developing new
    year there has been a renewed fear regarding job, online,          privacy settings.
    financial and home security.

                                                                       Job Security. With companies shedding unnecessary positions
    Stats                                                              and the unemployment rate teetering at 10 percent, there is a
                                                                       heightened fear of layoffs. Many people have taken their future in
    • An estimated 30 percent of the job market -- or 42 million
                                                                       their own hands -- giving rise the freelance workforce. An
    workers -- is made up of freelancers and growing.
                                                                       estimated 30 percent of the job market -- or 42 million workers --
    • By 2020, the freelance workforce will grow an estimated 10       is made up of freelancers. By 2020, the freelance workforce will
    percent                                                            grow an estimated 10 percent.
    • The unemployment rate reached 9.4 percent in Nov 2009
    • The proposed Homeland Security budget for 2010 is $42.7
    billion                                                            In the face of low job security, the best way is to be your own boss
                                                                       is through small business ownership. Accordingly, there will be a
                                                                       rise in entrepreneurship.

                                                                       Key Words
                                                                       Defiance, pioneering, independence, security

27 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 19. Class Conflict

    Definition                                                           Examples
    There is a strong connection between Wall Street and Main            Wall Street. Most believe that the priority of bankers on Wall
    Street. "During the last few years, many consumers borrowed          Street is the bottom line, not compassion. When TARP funds were
    more than they should have, and we helped them do it," said          distributed to banks in the hopes of re-energizing lending, those
    Bank of America's new CEO, Brian Moynihan. As a result of the        funds were retained by the banks. This did not sit well with
    financial crisis, a formerly positive, symbiotic relationship        Congress or the suffering American public. Wall Street received
    between Main Street and Wall Street has turned into a                TARP funds while Main Street was bleeding out.
    tumultuous one. Little financial reform and the shameless bank
    bonuses have created a friction between Main Street and Wall
    Street.                                                              Main Street. The financial crisis was fueled by the egregious
                                                                         borrowing of the middle class. You don't need to be a financial
    The struggle between the haves (large financial institutions) and
                                                                         guru to understand with a $50,000 salary, you can't afford a
    have nots (average consumers) has transformed into class class
                                                                         $500,000 house. While many blame greedy financial institutions for
    conflict between the wealthy and middle class. There has been a
                                                                         creating the economic crisis, consumers also share responsibility.
    different reality on Wall Street than the rest of America. This
    point was perfectly illustrated by the CEO's of top auto
    manufacturing companies flying on private jets to receive            Predictions
    taxpayer bailouts. In this time of have and have nots, these two
                                                                         Until Main Street gets back on their feet, there will continue to be
    clashing realities are creating class conflict.
                                                                         class warfare. Corporations, particularly banks, will need to dial-up
    Stats                                                                their PR efforts to appeal to Main Stream America
    • Banks paid $32.6 billion in bonuses amid U.S. bailout, according
                                                                         Key Words
    • The Treasury doled out $3.8 billion in its third bailout of GMAC
                                                                         Conflict, friction, financial instability, TARP, Main Street, Wall Street
    Financial Services
    • US public pensions face a $2 trillion deficit, according to the
    Financial Times

28 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Trend 20. Skeptic Nation

    Definition                                                           Examples
    "A year ago millions of people were rejoicing over the defeat of     Promise of Change. When Obama took office in 2008, there was
    Bush's hated Republicans and were looking for Obama to follow        hope for a better health care system, more job growth and serious
    through on his promises of change," writes                           Wall Street reform. Have we reached these milestones? "Fast forward to today, and most people    Unfortunately, no. Consequently, Obama's approval ratings have
    have enormous difficulty naming one clear change that he has         started to slip. According to, Obama's job approval
    enacted."                                                            ratings have slipped from around 65% to 47.9% in the past year

    While we support the need for reform, many are growing               Recession. In retrospect, many economists believe the
    apathetic as change is slow-coming. Banks are still receiving        controversial Bush bank bailout did prevent us from slipping into a
    incredibly large bonuses, the public option is off the bargaining    depression. However, the unemployment rate is continuing to
    table, there is still petty partisan rivalry and the list goes on.   climb. Currently, the unemployment rate is lingering at 10 percent
    What happened to the spark that ignited Obama's rise to the          -- a less than 1 percent decrease from its peak in July 2009. While
    top? What happened to real change and eliminating politics as        unemployment traditionally takes longer to recover than the
    usual?                                                               economy, Americans need to see results.

                                                                         The only real political reform will come from catastrophic economic
    • Unemployment is rate lingers at 10% as employers lay off
                                                                         disasters. Until then, there will be partisan disputes -- or politics as
    85,000 jobs, reports
    • The U.S. consumer has 17% less influence from 15 years ago,
    according to Minyanville
                                                                         Key Words
    • According to, Obama's job approval ratings have
    slipped from around 65% to 47.9% in the past year                    Change, Obama, reform, muddling through, apathy

29 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
About the Authors               3

30 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
We strive to create purposeful impact for the long-run

      Sparxoo is pioneering the next   Sparxoo builds sustainable
      generation of business that is   relationships while delivering
      founded in the principles of:    meaningful impact on projects with
                                       a purpose.
      •  Social entrepreneurship
                                       We are expanding our network of
      •  Real responsibility
                                       socially minded leaders and hope to
      •  Creative community            become a leader in this category.
      •  Courageous leadership

31 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
We fuse right-brain and left-brain capabilities to deliver
   creatively strategic solutions



32 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
                                   Branding Goals
      Our Services                 •    Differentiate your products, services, and organization to drive
      •  Brand Strategy
      •  Brand Identity                 preference among your audience
      •  Cause-Related
                                   Our Approach
      •  Trends and Insights       •    Through strategically creative stretching, we develop an aspirational
                                        market positioning that stands out from the competition

             Excerpts from our blog
                                    Emerging Trends
                                    •  We are a step ahead in sharing emerging trends
                                    •  As the crisis turns to opportunity, there is a new breed of creative
                                       maximizers, new icons are emerging, and patriotism 2.0 has arrived

                                    • We believe that segmentation leads to better communication, a more satisfied
                                    customer, increased innovation, and higher market share

                                    Brand Strategy
                                    •  We synthesize research and analysis into key insights on which to build a
                                       cohesive strategy to optimally position brands in the market

33 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Digital Marketing
                                   Digital Marketing Goals
       Our Services
       •  Blogging and             •    Engage your community in meaningful conversations
          Content Strategy
       •  Marketing Plans          Our Approach
       •  Social Marketing
       •  Customer Analysis        •    Through in-depth market analysis, we help you find and share your
          and Research                  unique voice with your target audience.

             Excerpts from our blog
                                    Gen Y Marketing
                                    • 94% of Gen Yers own a cell phone, and comprise 46% of total iPhone users
                                    • Gen Y seeks authenticity, and wants to engage in a real conversation; think
                                    “earned media”

                                    Social Networking Etiquette
                                    •  Use best practices to participate in the discussion online
                                    •  Digg and similar network communities value honesty, your personality, and
                                       real involvement
                                    Niche Communities
                                    •  Beyond the obvious communities at Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, there
                                       are many more smaller communities buzzing with activity
                                    •  We profiled Ning (which has since exploded), as well as niche communities
                                       such as Twitter Moms, Climate Culture, CauseCast and LinkLessons
34 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
Business Development
                                   Business Development Goals
      Our Services                 •    Grow market leadership while achieving financial success
      • Growth Strategy
      • Business Plans             Our Approach
      • Financial Analysis and
      Valuation                    •    Through business planning and financial analysis, we find the best
                                        path forward; our relationships enable us to accelerate the path to
                                        achieving goals

            Excerpts from our blog
                                    Startup Survival Guide
                                    • We shared 10 tips to help entrepreneurs maximize their cash and make it
                                    through tough times
                                    • Suggestions include: be nimble, focus on revenue, reduce your fat, collect
                                    bills, and of course…still provide leadership
                                    Business Plans
                                    •  With a large supply of businesses seeking cash, and a small supply of
                                       investment dollars, the story needs to be smart and compelling: that
                                       means market research and highlighting the key success factors
                                    •  While many focus on venture capital, alternatives include self-funding, debt,
                                       friends and family, and angel financing
                                    •  Angel investors typically fund from $100k to $2 million and are a good
                                       source of early stage investment
35 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
David Capece provides strategic leadership with a focus in
   digital media & entertainment
    David Capece, Managing Partner
    David Capece serves as a strategic advisor to media & entertainment companies.
    His recent projects have included digital growth strategy initiatives with Comcast,
    Lifetime, and NBC, as well as several startups. In these assignments, David has
    provided strategic leadership in market planning, brand positioning, online
    marketing, and business development.

    David has been focused on digital media opportunities beginning with the
    development of the Baltimore Orioles first web site in 1997, continuing in his
    Internet venture capital experience at Katalyst, and more recently as a member of
    the management team. As a Senior Director at, David was a
    key leader in building and executing long range plans. He oversaw marketing
    projects for new media products, led growth strategy, and served as the head of
    online marketing.

    David has 12 years of business experience in investment banking, venture capital,
    and consulting where he has worked on over $800 million in private placement,
    IPO and M&A transactions. David graduated with an MBA in Finance and
    Marketing from Wharton Business School, and has a BA from Johns Hopkins

36 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
We have a team of strategically creative business

                           Katherine Parsons, Strategy Director
                           Katherine Parsons is a creatively strategic marketing professional
                           with a passion for brand development and innovation. Industry
                           experience includes research idea generation, strategic writing
                           and project management. Most recently, Katherine was a Senior
                           Consultant in the Strategy department at Interbrand NY. Prior to
                           that she worked at Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve and McKinsey.
                           She holds a MSc from The London School of Economics in
                           Organizational and Social Psychology and a BA from Wellesley

                           Ethan Lyon, Senior Writer
                           Ethan is a creative writer whose talents stretch to brand
                           development and even business strategy. Ethan has written
                           Internet business plans, developed consumer product brand
                           platforms, and has provided creative leadership to advertising
                           campaign. Previously, Ethan was a creative writer on the
                           advertising team at Partners and Napier. He also contributed to
                           the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper as a News and Politics
                           Editor. He holds a BA in Communications and Journalism from St.
                           John Fisher College.

37 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
We have a team of strategically creative business

                           Deirdre Zahl, Graphic Designer
                           Deirdre Zahl is a graphic designer with seven years of industry
                           experience who specializes in interactive design. She has worked
                           with clients ranging from top-tier luxury brands in the fashion
                           industry such as CHANEL and MAC Cosmetics, commercial and
                           residential real estate clients, Ann Taylor and other
                           small e-commerce sites. She is also experienced in logo, brand
                           and web development, as well as print and web design. She holds
                           a BA in Communication Design from Skidmore College.

                            Tara Lane, Staff Writer
                            Tara is a creative writer with experience in editing, publicity and
                            social media. Tara has led SEO initiatives at the Local Info
                            Company in Pittsford, NY. She has also held multiple positions in
                            the non-profit sector including writing and public relations
                            strategy. Tara has worked at the National Association of
                            Independent Colleges, Universities in Washington, DC and the
                            Kay and Yvonne Whitmore Global Management Center in Provo,
                            Utah. She holds a BA in Communications and Public Relations,
                            and a minor in Business Management from Brigham Young

38 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
100 Merriman Street, #5
                                            Rochester, NY 14607


                         David Capece            Katherine Parsons       Ethan Lyon
                        Managing Partner          Senior Strategist      Senior Writer

                          646-345-1800              917-568-4672          585-730-1404

39 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo

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Sparxoo's 2010 Trend Report

  • 1. 2010 Trend Report 1 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 2. Contents of Trend Report 1.  Trend Report Introduction 2.  Detailed Trend Analysis 3.  About the Authors 2 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 3. Trend Report Introduction 1 3 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 4. Emerging Trend Report Introduction What does it mean to Wave? How is crowdfunding revolutionizing the non-profit sector? What does it mean to make tangible impact? Since our 2009 trend report, Google Wave has turned the tech world on its head, Kiva revolutionized the non-profit business model and Kliener Perkins is funding eco-innovation with the $500 million Green Fund. While there is a unifying theme (think sustainability, green, digital communities, crowdsourcing) throughout the 2010 trends, there is also a feeling of restlessness. Wall Street culture is causing a class divide with Main Street and we have seen little, of the promised change. What does all of this mean? We have analyzed key digital innovators, such as Google and Amazon, alongside the rise of China and the global marketplace and the class divide between Wall Street and Main Street to provide a comprehensive view of what we can expect in 2010. 4 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 5. The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#1 – 5) 1. Web of Intelligence Since the late 1990s, Amazon has leveraged web intelligence to create a personalized user experience. Today, Google is taking this concept into new areas, such as e-mail and search. We explore how will web intelligence will change the way we learn, communicate and navigate the web. 2. Agile Development In the past, corporations have been slow to innovate -- erring on the side of caution instead of action. As company coffers continue to shrink, it's becoming evermore crucial to innovate on a dime. IBM's new CIO study showed that 55 percent of their time is focused on innovation. 3. Freedom: new way of creativity With more self-publishing tools on the web than ever, everyone can share their voice. Whether you're a graphic designer on Tumblr or a poet on Google Wave or a WordPress auto aficionado, everyday online platforms are making creative expression more accessible to a greater audience. 4. Influencer Society The web completely revolutionized influence by enabling niche community leaders to become global digital superstars and have real-world impact. The web enabled Perez Hilton to transition from anonymity to internet superstar. As internet usage increases in 2010, we should expect more digital superstars to become book authors to television hosts. 5. Crowdsourcing blur Group, alongside the non-profit, Kiva are tapping into the resources of many to create impact. Whether it's loans for entrepreneurs in developing nations or the creative talents of thousands of freelancers, the crowdsourcing business model is changing the way we do business in new and exciting ways. 5 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 6. The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#6 – 10) 6. Differentiation Diva In 2009, the Heene family pretended that their child was floating around in a balloon and Tareq and Michaele Salahi managed to crash the White House. More and more people and companies are trying to get attention -- whether it's crashing the Whitehouse or Lady Gaga in ridiculous outfits. 7. Reputational Currency What is the role of reputation in a network economy? Social media, in particular, has become an important staple in our professional and personal lives. As such, our digital identities have merged together and no longer is there a separate professional you or a personal you. Google search, Facebook and more recently Twitter Lists have made your online reputation one of your most valued digital assets. 8. Reciprocity Through vast networks of internet users from around the globe, the web has brought us closer together than ever before in history. As such, the value of reciprocity in communities is increasing in value. For instance, the crowd- funding non-profit, Kiva reached an incredible $100 million in loans in just four short years. 9. Giving is In, Greedy is Out We were spot-on with our Pay Forward trend in 2009, but will it carry over into 2010? While budgets might be tight, our time is not. Accordingly, volunteerism is up. A CNCS report shows that about 8.2 million young people (ages 16-24) volunteered in 2008, compared with about 7.6 million in 2007. 10. Global Village The US is developing into an increasingly multicultural nation as immigrants pour into the country. Meanwhile, the US is sharing the international stage with China and other emerging nations. As a result, marketers and stock brokers alike should be diversifying their audience to meet this growing multicultural demand. 6 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 7. The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#11 – 15) 11. Green Stream Going green is not just an added benefit, it is quickly becoming the cost of doing business. We can see spots of green in the luxury market (think Lexus' new eco-auto), politics (think Obama's eco-funding) and investing, particularly from legendary venture capital firm, Kliener Perkins. 12. Control RX What does it mean to be healthy? There is a rising trend in sustainable eating -- from locally sourced meat to green dining -- as we become more cognizant of our consumption and overall well-being. 13. Reality Check The digital world can often feel intangible. While sharing ideas in online communities or answering questions on LinkedIn has value, the Reality Check trend is about transitioning online discussion into real-world action. For instance, Tweet-Ups gather like-minded people online to meet in person for real-world impact. 14. Recessionista Chic Whether it's three-year degrees or pay-as-you-go cellular plans, we are maximizing our time and wallets more than ever. Technology, such as Zipcars, and digitally savvy buyers are pushing the limits to get more for less. 15. ReNew Hulu, the Kindle, Google Wave are many of the brands taking a unique spin on old products and services to create new, compelling offerings. Hulu spun TV, the Kindle spun books, Google Wave spun e-mail. We will explore how re- invention can open entire markets. 7 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 8. The Top 20 Trends for 2010 (#16 – 20) 16. Getting Real We are all human, we all make mistakes. It is how we live-up to our mistakes that defines our character. For instance, Ralph Lauren sent a heated letter to blog superstar, Boing Boing, demanding the site take down a criticism of their ad. In the spirit of transparency, Boing Boing published the letter on their site along with a long, detailed article of their communication. Shortly thereafter, Boing Boing's criticism of Ralph Lauren was in the top five results in a Google search for the brand. 17. Community Mobilization Facebook users post an average of 55 million status updates every day and created more than 3.5 million events each month. While internet users are engaging in the online world, they are also forming local communities groups. has grown significantly in recent months as users seek real-world community. 18. Safety Net Issues of security are surfacing in many areas of our lives -- from airports to social media. For instance, airport scanners in the Netherlands can see through clothing and there has recently been push for a safer Facebook. 19. Class Conflict The great bridge between Wall Street and Main Street was Fannie and Freddie Mac and other mortgage companies. The relationship between the two became strained when that bridge deteriorated with the near collapse of the financial system. Since then, Main Street loathes the pervasive greed and corruption on Wall Street. 20. Skeptic Nation When Obama took office in 2008, there was hope for a better health care system, more job growth and serious Wall Street reform. A year later, Obama's approval ratings have started to slip. Has this hope faded in the wake of little reform or recovery? Americans are growing skeptical of the much anticipated change. 8 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 9. Detailed Trend Analysis 2 9 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 10. Trend 1. Web of Intelligence Definition Examples Everyday we are bombarded with a seemingly endless stream of Google Magic. In the quest to find relevant, interesting information and we need clarity. Google is a forerunner in finding information, tech companies such as Google are developing relevancy amid this sea of information. Recently, the search giant adaptive algorithms that speak to our personal preferences. Google created personalized search, whereby users browsing history Magic is an effective application of this technology. The RSS impacts search results. Personalized search is a small part of a Reader feature sifts through all your RSS browsing history to find much larger trend: web intelligence. relevant feeds and posts. Amazon was an early leader in web intelligence technology. Newssift. Newssift is a sentiment analysis tool developed by the Users were recommended products based on their browsing Financial Times. Based on keywords, Newssift measures how many history on What makes Google different from articles are positive, negative or neutral regarding your query. Amazon? Google is making web intelligence tools more Accordingly, users can find information that is in-line with their commonplace over its vast array of apps and product offerings in opinion of a particular topic, person, place or organization. an effort to develop a more dynamic interchange between user and product. Predictions Advertisers will target audiences based on user opinions on Stats particular issues. Based on browsing history, advertisers could • There are an estimated 200 million blogs (source) target psychographics and lifestyle, not just demographics. With the framework of sites such as Newssift, advertisers could find • The Huffington Post publishes an average of 1,700 posts per audiences that are interested in their messages. Based on a user's week demographics and psychographics, advertisements, such as those • The average American receives 5,000 advertising messages per on Facebook, are focused on a highly specific target audience day (source) rather than a broad swath of users. • PETA has 53% negative and 17% positive sentiment (source) Key Words Crowdsourcing, data synthesis, sentiment analysis, web intelligence 10 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 11. Trend 2. Agile Development Definition Examples Often times, large, bureaucratic organizations get too caught up blur Group. Why have a few brilliant minds when you can tap in the process. All thinking and no doing leads to nowhere. Agile into the creative talents of thousands? blur Group crowdsources development is about innovating on a dime. For industry leaders, creativity and the talents of their hand-selected online community. it means focusing on product development and implementation The company is a liaison between client and freelancer -- curating over strategy. the project development process to ensure quality Google thrives on agile development. The search giant is a Law of Devolution. What is profitable today might not be strong proponent of alpha and beta testing. First, Google builds a profitable tomorrow. The Law of Devolution tells us that we should framework, then releases it to a team of outside developers who be perpetually progressive and forward thinking to compete provide feedback and refine the product before it hits the beta another day. Google will build a compelling product today -- testing phase. After the developers finish building a strong without any profitability strategy -- so tomorrow it can be framework, the product is then released on an invitation basis. monetized. Google is an agile developer because they can make updates in real time and thrive on open-ended outcomes. Predictions The crowdsourcing model for innovation will be repeated by more Stats corporations in 2010 -- such as Apple and car manufacturers like • Google crowdsources innovation. Much like Dell's Ideastorm, the Ford. Open-source platforms, such as FireFox, will become more search giant calls on the creative talents of its community to pervasive in online apps. submit and vote on new, innovative ideas. To date, there are 9,945 product ideas for Google Mobile and a total of 408,417 votes. Key Words • Over the past decade, Google has developed over 40 unique Innovation, cutting edge, alpha and beta testing, real-time products, including Gmail to Blogger to Wave. feedback 11 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 12. Trend 3. Freedom: new way of creativity Definition Examples In each period of art and creativity, the major artists of the era Tumblr. The microblogging site has become popular with creative were influenced by one another, each adhering to certain rules types due to its simplistic yet powerful functionality. With Tumblr, and styles that others had developed and made popular -- users have the ability to customize every part of their blog page, creating their own unique style along the way. When the current update their page using a cell phone or smartphone, and become a period of art and creativity is looked back on, there will be much part of a community of people interested in the same things. The more to analyze than a painting on a wall. platform provides a creative outlet, where users free to put up whatever they want, and become inspired by others. Tumblr is one With the technology we have available today, creative tools are of the only blogging platforms that encourages self-expression more accessible than ever before. We all have the freedom to beyond just writing. Tumblr is a platform for artists and creatives think as big as we want, and that freedom has brought about a to showcase their work, and to help promote others. Tumblr's real- new way of creativity, and the way we think about what’s time updates on "The Wire" feature some of the most creative and creative today. The Internet provides a unique platform for self- inspiring things you'll find on the Internet today. expression, allowing anyone with access to speak their mind, share thoughts, and exchange information easily and efficiently. Predictions Stats Online versions of Adobe Suite products give everyone the opportunity to be creative without paying a high cost. A new • Android phones may outsell the iPhone by as early as 2012 developer code will be written so that anyone, with or without a • 60 percent of Gen Y business owners consider themselves to be computer science education will be able to contribute to programs serial entrepreneurs, and 70 percent of today's high schoolers such as Firefox and Google, and even the development of an intend to start their own companies. iPhone app. • In one year, Tumblr experienced a 300 percent growth in the number of unique visitors per month. Key Words • In only four years, the percentage of Americans getting tattoos Creative geek, spontaneous, simple, freedom, developer, rose from 15 percent to nearly 25 percent. technology 12 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 13. Trend 4. Influencer Society Definition Examples Influencers can be found on nearly every medium -- online, Coca Cola. Coca Cola has really set the stage for corporate through mass media, and through face-to-face contact. The influencers. Their unique approach to connecting to customers and newest influencers in the digital space have been empowered by fans on Facebook, combined with their timeless and historic brand new digital tools and are strategizing ways to make an impact on has kept them riding high despite a tough economy. Coca Cola has digital society. As the internet continues to grow, more and more also set the curve for many corporations looking to branch out on people are learning how to make a name for themselves and Facebook and other social networks. The brand’s interactive and become influencers for their peer groups or industry niches. eye-catching Facebook fan page is one of, if not the best corporate fan page out there. They’re doing something different and unique – and the world is listening and following their lead. While the internet has provided a platform for more equal opportunity at becoming an influencer, Predictions it is up to each person to study their space and learn how to use these tools to their maximum advantage. We’ll see a decline in traditional advertising as, despite the FCC disclosure regulations, companies will utilize the influence of others and continue to seek out bloggers and influential online faces to Stats promote their brand and product on their personal Web sites. • A JC Williams Group consumer survey found that 91 percent of respondents ranked consumer generated content as the number Just as Myspace and YouTube have paved the way for a number of one aid to a buying decision. successful musicians, top bloggers and Tweeters will be • 74 percent of customers said they are influenced by the approached by companies for partnership and sponsorship deals. opinions of others in their decision to buy a product. • Buzz Agent found that one word of mouth conversation has the Key Words impact of 200 TV ads. Influence, media, social networks, connections, social capital, community 13 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 14. Trend 5. Crowdsourcing Definition Examples The phrase “following the crowd” has always had a negative Groupon. Groupon’s “Collective Buying Power” relies upon its connotation. Nobody wants to think of themselves as a lemming crowd to make sure everyone else gets something in return, or, that their efforts are an inconsequential "drop in the bucket." through the participation of a brave few who are willing to put With the advent of the internet, though, crowdsourcing has some money on the line without any return. Currently spanning 45 changed the way we look at the "crowd." Though still in its major cities, Groupon produces one deal per day, per city. The infancy, crowdsourcing has taken the online world by storm. catch? Enough people have to participate blindly (that is, buying in with the chance of not actually getting the deal) before “the deal is on.” Now that it’s reached a such wide audience, the deal are Through the power of the crowd, people from across the world almost always “on” before the sun rises. Groupon's founders help have come together -- virtually -- and have contributed to the to connect customers with businesses looking to give a good deal, building and development of products and services for almost and customers are able to participate in a group like they never every industry imaginable. Entrepreneurs have embraced have done before. crowdsourcing, finding a whole new platform on which to create and grow a business. Predictions Online productivity will be ruled by crowdsourcing efforts. From Stats designing a web page to writing a book or making music, more and more people will become part of the crowd; because of this, the • Kiva raised more than $100 million in its first four years of opinion of the masses will be taken much more seriously than that operation of a few experts. The internet is not top down, but side-to-side. It's • Blur group has over 2,000 members in its marketers crowd producer and sender interact and exchange ideas and knowledge. • The discount crowd, Groupon, boasts over 500,000 members Key Words Funding, microfinance, social crowd, crowdsource, Internet, collective intelligence, collaboration 14 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 15. Trend 6. Differentiation Diva Definition Examples Statistics show that the average American is exposed to between Lady Gaga. Love her or hate her, there's no arguing that Lady 250 and 850 advertising messages each day. Many of these Gaga has made an impression in the music industry, as well as in messages don't make a difference, but the ones we pay attention the world of fashion with her eccentric style and Euro flare. Though to stand out for a reason – the product is unique, special, and her efforts are extreme, they definitely get her noticed and get most of all, has value. Over the past few years, consumers have people talking. Unlike the Heene's or the Salahi's, Lady Gaga's changed their buying habits, seeking products with a higher extreme measures of standing out are constructive -- she's sold standard of quality over those that, while inexpensive, won’t last millions of records, gained even more fans, and is admirably long. securing her place in a notoriously harsh industry. When times are tough, we recognize how far our money will go, and we’re willing to pay a little extra for something that hold its Predictions value. Though it may seem that luxury has taken a backseat in Luxury brand web sites will create more gated online communities this economy, giving something that extra touch is what will for affluent customers. There will be an affinity for exclusivity make it succeed even more. rather than just wealth. Stats Similar to how streaming television platforms work, TV ads will be • Tiffany & Co. has continually reported higher-than expected short, simple, and will only have one or two per commercial break. profits throughout 2009; sales exceeded $598 million in the third Product placement will take over for traditional advertising, quarter alone satisfying viewers and advertisers at the same time. • Precious metals are en vogue as evidenced by the US Mint sale of 247,500 ounces of the yellow metal during December despite Key Words a suspension (due to increased sales) Luxury, gold standard, leadership, targeted marketing, streamlined, • The Gilt Group raised $43 million to bring luxury designs and special, unique goods to more people 15 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 16. Trend 7. Reputational Currency Definition Examples Seth Godin is the marketing guru, Guy Kawasaki is the Twitter. Not only can you follow other thought leaders, you can entrepreneur, Chris Brogan is the social media master and Dan also build an audience of your own. Twitter is a great place to build Schwabel is the personal branding leader. Each of these social and human capital, a place to show off your skills, relay enterprising individuals spent years crafting their reputation as opinions, and learn from others. If done right, others may soon thought leaders. Each has utilized one or more digital platforms look to you as a leader in your field. Chris Brogan wrote in his book to build a strong, lasting reputation. While blogging is the Trust Agents that a true social media expert won’t refer to him or primary media, Twitter and LinkedIn are also powerful platforms herself as such, but will develop the reputation from his or her to build a meaningful reputation. peers. LinkedIn. LinkedIn recommendations feature is unique to its network. No longer do job applicants need to write “references Stats available upon request” at the bottom of a resume, or keep a • Harvard’s reputation for education, as well as its reputation for running list of possible references who employers may or may not providing outstanding financial aid packages, drew more than call. Recommendations give a more personalized and honest view 29,000 applicants for just 1,700 spots last year. Numbers like of you, and may touch on areas of your work habits that a hiring these add to the university’s reputation for very low acceptance manager may neglect to ask about over the phone. rates. Predictions • In a survey of 2,500 hiring managers, found Paper resumes are decreasing in value. LinkedIn becomes the that 38 percent of respondents said they had searched social number one place to view and review candidates. networks to find out more information about applicants. One in four said the results contributed to the hiring of an applicant, while 38 percent admitted to dismissing a candidate because of Key Words what they’d found. Value, reputation, connections, relationships, network 16 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 17. Trend 8. Reciprocity Definition Examples “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” The Golden Kiva. As a prime example of a digital exchange economy, Kiva Rule is often repeated, but seems to be rarely followed. That is, connects entrepreneurs and lenders from around the world over until you look closely. We are entering into a network economy, the Internet. Through Kiva, lenders donate money to help others where our online connections are just as important as those build their business, but are paid back when the entrepreneurs find offline. Social media and online interactions have brought us success. The cycle continues, over and over, building the perfect together in ways like never before, causing our culture to example of reciprocity. develop an unwritten rule of reciprocity both on and offline. Call Authenticity. In the days of AOL, chat rooms abounded with it karma, paying it forward, or returning the favor – it all boils hate and attacks among users of all ages. Now with social media down to reciprocity, and the act of exchanging goods, services, networks, that feeling of hate has changed to respect, with positive or goodwill with people in your own backyard, and all around the conversations being fostered on public platforms such as blog world. comments and community forums. We can put a name to a face and interact in a much different way, making these networks more human and enabling individuals to connect on deeper levels. Stats • Reciprocity can be found in basic human connection. For instance, Craigslist has seen an increased use of the bartering Predictions section of the classifieds; the number of ad listings has doubled Less passive following and more active listening and participation in the past year. will be done across all platforms. Social networks relying entirely on interaction will begin to sprout, rather than be placeholding profiles for users. • The number of companies matching charitable donations continues to stay steady despite a tough economic outlook. Key Words • Kiva has a 98 percent success rate for the repayment of loans. Reciprocity, exchange economy, social capital, karma, goodwill, respect 17 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 18. Trend 9. Giving is in. Greedy is out. Definition Examples "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do Volunteerism. While our wallets might be pinched from the for your country." J.F. Kennedy spoke these words in 1961 and recession, our time is not. Eighty six percent of non-profit their meaning has not faded since. At the time JFK gave this organizations are under financial stress. However, a recent survey famous address, there was racial strife, inequality and our conducted by MAVA found that unemployed workers are soldiers were fighting a war in another country. The former volunteering more frequently. Consequently, 50 percent of non- President understood the value in unity -- working together to profits reported an increase in volunteer hours are their promote change. Today, we face similar challenges in our organization. political, economic and social systems and it is through Social Entrepreneurship. There has been a surge of social volunteerism and altruism that we can move forward into a entrepreneurs in recent years. Social entrepreneurs blend the brighter future. traditional financial model with a social mission. "It's true that 'just send the check' philanthropy has been flatlining for years -- the figure of about 1 percent of pre-tax profits for America's corporate Stats giving has hardly moved for decades," writes the Washington Post. • A CNCS report shows that about 8.2 million young people (ages 16-24) volunteered in 2008, compared with about 7.6 million in 2007 Predictions • Fifty percent of non-profits reported an increase in volunteer As the economy recovers, there will be an uptick in financial hours are their organization donations and volunteerism. • Community volunteerism increased 31 percent in the last year. Key Words Benevolence, altruism, volunteerism, unity, social entrepreneurship 18 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 19. Trend 10. Global Village Definition Examples For many years now, the US has been top dog on the China. "Economists think it will take only three to four years for international stage. However, that level of influence might China, which recently overtook Britain, to surpass Japan ($4.4tn decline as other economies experience tremendous growth. The GDP) to become the world's number two economy," writes the economic impact of the recession might have changed the US's Guardian. The emerging nation's manufacturing sector grew by the influence in the long-term. More and more, China is moving into largest margin in five years in December, reports the BBC. the purview. The Shanghai Composite Index was valued at 35 Multi-Culturalism. "While the aging population will be times reported earnings, more than doubling in a year. dominated by non-Hispanic white consumers," writes Nielson, "the majority of new families will be multi-cultural in less than two decades." Nielson predicts that more than 50 percent of families Aside from our international presence, within US borders, Nielsen with children are expected to be multi-cultural and one of every predicts multi-culturalism is going to drastically impact our two people entering the US workforce will be Hispanic by 2025. national consumer package goods (CPG) in the future. The growth of the Latino population is reflected in political and social Predictions systems (think Sonia Sotomayor) and that same influence is As China continues to grow exponentially, the US will lose going to greatly impact economy -- particularly in the CPG economic influence on the international stage . industry. Key Words Stats Global, multiculturalism, diversity, China, Latino • China's overall economy is expected to grow 10% in 2010 • One out of two workers entering the US workforce will be Hispanic by 2025 • More than 70% of Facebook's users are outside of the US 19 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 20. Trend 11. Green Stream Definition Examples While there were flickers of the green movement in the 1960s Green Funding. Venture capital firms are funding powerhouses only recently have we seen an explosion in the green sector. and every year, more are turning to the green sector to invest. Much like plastics in the early 1970s, starry-eyed investors are Last year, the venture capital firm that helped usher in some of the lining up at the door to invest in sustainable technology because most successful tech companies (most famously Google), Kleiner it is not just a trend, it is necessary for a sustainable future. Perkins launched their $500 million Green Growth Fund. Whether it's green innovation from Kleiner Perkins or sustainable Green Packaging Inc. "Designers are the architects of how we packaging, the eco-sector is booming. interact with the world around us," says Krista Svalbonas, a Graphic Design Instructor at The Art Institute of New York City. "They have the ability to shape our relationships with products." Stats Green Packaging Inc. speaks to the green movement in the design • The pool of socially responsible investment dollars in the United world. Providing sustainable packaging (with eco-materials), Green States has now grown to $2.34 trillion and the second quarter of Packaging Inc and other green collar designers are finding new and this year has seen a 12% increase in clean tech investment, a innovative ways to stretch their thinking to make a sustainable $1.2 billion upswing. impact. • Though “green” products typically cost more, 80% of consumers are still buying green products and services today, Predictions according to Green Seal and EnviroMedia Social Marketing. Half Several of China's metropolitan areas are covered in a thick, of the 1,000 people surveyed buy just as many green products pollution-filled fog. As the emerging super-power makes significant now as before the economic downturn, while 19 percent say they economic gains, the country will address the cost of unsustainable are buying more green products. petro-consumption. • Hewlett Packard ranked #1 on Newsweeks' Green Study. Newsweek says, "[Hewlett Packard has] strong programs to reduce GHG emissions. The first major IT company to report Key Words GHG emissions associated with its supply chain. Has made an Green, sustainability, eco-design, fuel-efficient, venture capital, effort to remove toxic substances from its products, but investing Greenpeace has targeted it for failing to do better.“ 20 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 21. Trend 12. Control RX Definition Examples When filmmaker Martin Spurlock released “Super Size Me” in Going Local. Forget vegetarian and vegan – the newest trend in 2004, he made a big impact on the food industry. While health is going local. Also known as the “localvore” movement, everyone knew fast food wasn’t the healthiest option, few people following this trend strive to only eat foods produced in realized just what it was doing to their bodies. Ever since then, their local areas. The movement has many positive effects – there has been a noticeable shift in health and fitness activity money stays in the local economy, and the foods they eat aren’t across the United States. processed – encouraging a much healthier diet. To help localvores in the New York City area, Clean Plates NYC offers reviews of New York’s 75 best restaurants, including details such as where the food As we enter a new year, millions of people around the country is grown and produced. will resolve to lose weight and get healthy. Though this happens every year, getting and staying healthy seems to have become Wii Fit. Five years ago, who would have thought that a gaming increasingly more important over the past few years. As more system could do so much for fitness? Combined with its unique and more reports and studies are released chronicling the effects balance board, the Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus systems are of being overweight and unhealthy, individuals are responding revolutionizing the way people work out. Better yet, it makes and making a difference for themselves – with a lot of help along working out fun. the way. Predictions Stats Supermarkets consisting of only local foods will pop up, taking the • Wii Fit has sold more than 22 million copies worldwide, making farmers market to a new level it the number two console game of all time. • So called “Twinkie Taxes” have been put in place at seven to 10 Key Words percent of U.S. corporate cafeterias, adding extra taxes on junk food and other foods deemed unhealthy for workers. Fitness, healthy eating, diet, health, wellness, aging 21 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 22. Trend 13. Reality Check Definition Examples The rise in digital media and technology has definitely given us Tweetups. Out of all of the people you follow on Twitter, and many advantages over the last decade. Entrepreneurs can run an those that follow you, how many of them have you actually met in entire business using only a smartphone and a laptop. But is all person? Chances are, there are very few. While Twitter has done a of this change for the better? Do we lose something when things great job of helping us establish new connections with people from go digital? all over the world, these connections can be made even more powerful and effective when you’re able to converse in more than 140 characters, instead of talking face-to-face with someone else. It can be easy to lose sight of our actions and relationships in the digital world if they’re not reinforced by physical actions. Often, Polaroid. Not everyone is transitioning to digital photography. In we’re too focused on the digital side of something, and fail to see 2009, a massive campaign by Urban Outfitters, as well as an the effects and impact something has in the real world. To independent group The Impossible Project, successfully brought balance this out, we need to find the intersection between the back the production of the classic Polaroid film. This group has two, and making things tangible, real again and making virtual proved that just because photos are going digital doesn’t mean reality back to reality. everyone wants them to be that way, while at the same time proving the power of the crowd. Stats • Gold reached a new all-time high, surpassing $1,200 per ounce Predictions in December 2009. The use of cash will increase over credit cards, as consumers seek • In a survey done by Rasmussen Reports, 81 percent of to rebuild the economy the right way respondents said they prefer reading a book in a traditional printed format as opposed to a digital reading device. Key Words • People who pay with cash spend about 20% less on average than those who use credit cards. Digital, physical, tangible, impact, intersection 22 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 23. Trend 14. Recessionista Chic Definition Examples "The recession has been a painful 'rite of passage' that has 3 Year Degrees. As college costs continue to rise in both the caused people to re-evaluate themselves and what they want out private and public sectors, many students are seeking a unique of life," said Robbie Blinkoff, founder of the Baltimore-based solution such as graduating college in three years or less. Though Context-Based Research Group. they sacrifice one less year of growth, education and friendships, students are saving tens of thousands of dollars by opting out of a fourth year and pushing themselves harder in the time they do Without question, the recession taught us early on that “less is have on campus. more.” In our “want vs. need” world, we’re now focusing less on wants and more on needs – even if we have the means to get Comparison Shopping. Electronics giant Best Buy is well known those “wants.” Individuals and businesses alike are maximizing for its Price Match Guarantee Policy. Now, more stores are offering their efforts through eliminating clutter, using digital tools to get similar deals; Sears, Lowes, Walmart and Staples are just a few the best bang for their buck and fitting more education into less examples of other retailers with price matching policies. These time. retailers help consumers be maximizers, and encourage them to do their homework to find the best deals. Online sites such as Snipi and NexTag help consumers find the best online deals, so nobody Stats has to visit hundreds of sites to find the lowest price. • More than 17 million people per month use NexTag to research, compare, and save on products and services online Predictions • A recent survey done by Harris Interactive found that 37 percent of adults say they will increase their use of coupons in a Retail stores will offer convenient in-store comparison shopping recessionary period. stations, challenging all stores to lower prices and become more competitive . • Pay-as-you-go cell phone provider Boost Mobile recently began to offer an unlimited plan with a flat monthly fee; the change brought in more than 600,000 customers in less than three Key Words months. Saving, de-clutter, efficiency, green, transparency, frugal, value 23 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 24. Trend 15. ReNew Definition Examples What makes trends cutting edge and unique are the ways they Google Wave. With Wave, Google has changed the way many are reinvented or portrayed, with the special touches that blend internet users perceive e-mail. Though many of us are still figuring the trend of yesterday with the latest and greatest of today. out how to use the innovative collaboration tool to its fullest, it’s What is reinvented doesn’t have to be decades old; in fact, it clear enough to see that, when opened to the general public, Wave may only be a few years before improvements are made. might replace personal e-mails. Established brands can still succeed and have influence, as long as they can adapt to change, stay on top of trends, and continue to search for the next big thing. Kindle. Ten years ago, the thought of reading an e-book would have sounded preposterous. Now, it doesn’t seem that out of the ordinary. Amazon’s Kindle device has reinvented how we read Stats books. With other retailers getting in on the trend and debuting their own electronic reading devices, it’s clear that the Kindle is not • Hulu (TV reinvented) has more viewers than Time Warner a fad, and is here to stay. Though many scoff at the thought of Cable, with 38 million views vs. TWC’s 34 million. seeing books replaced by a battery-operated device, millions of • The Dark Knight, the latest installment in the Batman series, others don’t seem to think so. and Spiderman 3 each made box-office records as the highest grossing films of 2008 and 2007, continuing the trend of reinvented superhero icons and introducing them to a whole new Predictions audience. The Kindle will expand beyond books, giving users the ability to • Netflix, the company that has reinvented the movie rental read magazines and newspapers via the device, becoming an iPod industry, sees users add 2 million movies to their queues each for the publishing world. An App Store equivalent will be formed day. by leading publishing houses to bring users all available content. • Mad Men, AMC’s runaway hit, has reinvented the way we see the 1960s era, and has become the cable network’s biggest hit to Key Words date. Retrofitting, reinvent, adapt, trend 24 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 25. Trend 16. Getting Real Definition Examples With access to more information than ever before, consumers Transparency. As more and more businesses recognize how can be savvier buyers. We have the power to make more much transparency initiatives can do, they’re quick to form new informed decisions through online tools, such as Google. More policies to give more power to the customer while growing the importantly, we’re able to better trust our judgment, and go with business as well. Ralph Lauren is an example of a company that our instincts. learned a valuable lesson about transparency. Whether it’s choosing our next elected representative or just Epinions. Nearly every online retailer provides the opportunity for debating between some items at the grocery store, we have customer feedback and product reviews on products, access to all of the information we need, as long as we’re willing being a major proponent of customer reviews and feedback. What to put some time into making those decisions count. In the few people realize, however, is that many companies censor business world, human instincts play a big part in relationships, product reviews, allowing only favorable ones to make it through to both personally and professionally. By understanding our the end. instincts as well as the thought process of others, we’re able to make those relationships stronger than ever, and make lasting personal connections. Predictions More processes will be in place to make sure reviews are truly customer generated. Facebook or other social media sites will Stats show where information has been modified, adulterated. • 77 percent of online shoppers use reviews and ratings when making purchasing decisions Key Words • Epinions' unique visitors grew from 3.8 million in Sept. 2009 to 4.5 million in Dec of that same year Transparency, instinct, feeling, strategy, relationships, decision- making 25 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 26. Trend 17. Community Mobilization Definition Examples “A reason we may be seeing a growth in networking is because Four Square. FourSquare is a mobile location-based application of its use in terms of stabilizing relationships, understanding for smartphones like the iPhone, Android and soon, the Blackberry. business climates, overcoming challenges or exchanging off-the- Users “check in” when they arrive at say a local cafe, book store, record information in an informal environment,” Mandy Torrens, park or even a friends house. As more of your friends sign up, president of Meetings Professionals International’s UK Chapter you’ll get a better understanding of their favorite hang out spots. said to Meetings “In the prevalent business Based on your “check ins,” FourSquare can suggest new places for conditions, this can prove invaluable.” you to explore. And as you discover new places and frequent your favorite spots, you’ll get points and work your way up to “Mayorship” of a local cafe or restaurant or movie theater — The current economic climate necessitates action and community wherever you visit the most. mobilization. Whether it's networking online or turning digital relationships into real-world contacts, there is a heightened need to build communities. We will explore how digital connections Meetups. While it's one thing to post a comment on a Facebook can translate into real world impact and how users are engaging group page, it's another thing to join a local Meetup. There are with an creating digital content. book clubs, Harry Potter enthusiast events, local networking events and even bee keeping Meetups. According to, there are 6 million monthly visitors to the site -- 5.7 million of those Stats visitors are members. Furthermore, of the nearly 60,000 Meetup groups, there are nearly 180,000 monthly Meetups. • Users post 55 million status updates each day, according to Marketing Profs Predictions • There are 3.5 million events are created each month on Facebook will incorporate Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr to increase event awareness and attendance. • There are nearly 180,000 monthly Meetups Key Words Network, community, exchange, publishing, ownership 26 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 27. Trend 18. Safety Net Definition Examples After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration dialed-up its Online Security. While the nature of social media is to connect efforts to create a more secure America. Homeland Security was and share information with other users, social networks are formed among many other security initiatives. Since then, the constantly challenged to keep unwanted users and information out system has been put to the test, with such terrorist attempts as of the site. Facebook has recently made several upgrades to its the Nigerian extremist's efforts to detonate a chemical bomb on privacy and security. Since the content licensing disaster in early a plane approaching Detroit. Beyond terrorism, over the past 2009, Facebook has been doing damage control by developing new year there has been a renewed fear regarding job, online, privacy settings. financial and home security. Job Security. With companies shedding unnecessary positions Stats and the unemployment rate teetering at 10 percent, there is a heightened fear of layoffs. Many people have taken their future in • An estimated 30 percent of the job market -- or 42 million their own hands -- giving rise the freelance workforce. An workers -- is made up of freelancers and growing. estimated 30 percent of the job market -- or 42 million workers -- • By 2020, the freelance workforce will grow an estimated 10 is made up of freelancers. By 2020, the freelance workforce will percent grow an estimated 10 percent. • The unemployment rate reached 9.4 percent in Nov 2009 Predictions • The proposed Homeland Security budget for 2010 is $42.7 billion In the face of low job security, the best way is to be your own boss is through small business ownership. Accordingly, there will be a rise in entrepreneurship. Key Words Defiance, pioneering, independence, security 27 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 28. Trend 19. Class Conflict Definition Examples There is a strong connection between Wall Street and Main Wall Street. Most believe that the priority of bankers on Wall Street. "During the last few years, many consumers borrowed Street is the bottom line, not compassion. When TARP funds were more than they should have, and we helped them do it," said distributed to banks in the hopes of re-energizing lending, those Bank of America's new CEO, Brian Moynihan. As a result of the funds were retained by the banks. This did not sit well with financial crisis, a formerly positive, symbiotic relationship Congress or the suffering American public. Wall Street received between Main Street and Wall Street has turned into a TARP funds while Main Street was bleeding out. tumultuous one. Little financial reform and the shameless bank bonuses have created a friction between Main Street and Wall Street. Main Street. The financial crisis was fueled by the egregious borrowing of the middle class. You don't need to be a financial The struggle between the haves (large financial institutions) and guru to understand with a $50,000 salary, you can't afford a have nots (average consumers) has transformed into class class $500,000 house. While many blame greedy financial institutions for conflict between the wealthy and middle class. There has been a creating the economic crisis, consumers also share responsibility. different reality on Wall Street than the rest of America. This point was perfectly illustrated by the CEO's of top auto manufacturing companies flying on private jets to receive Predictions taxpayer bailouts. In this time of have and have nots, these two Until Main Street gets back on their feet, there will continue to be clashing realities are creating class conflict. class warfare. Corporations, particularly banks, will need to dial-up Stats their PR efforts to appeal to Main Stream America • Banks paid $32.6 billion in bonuses amid U.S. bailout, according to Key Words • The Treasury doled out $3.8 billion in its third bailout of GMAC Conflict, friction, financial instability, TARP, Main Street, Wall Street Financial Services • US public pensions face a $2 trillion deficit, according to the Financial Times 28 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 29. Trend 20. Skeptic Nation Definition Examples "A year ago millions of people were rejoicing over the defeat of Promise of Change. When Obama took office in 2008, there was Bush's hated Republicans and were looking for Obama to follow hope for a better health care system, more job growth and serious through on his promises of change," writes Wall Street reform. Have we reached these milestones? "Fast forward to today, and most people Unfortunately, no. Consequently, Obama's approval ratings have have enormous difficulty naming one clear change that he has started to slip. According to, Obama's job approval enacted." ratings have slipped from around 65% to 47.9% in the past year While we support the need for reform, many are growing Recession. In retrospect, many economists believe the apathetic as change is slow-coming. Banks are still receiving controversial Bush bank bailout did prevent us from slipping into a incredibly large bonuses, the public option is off the bargaining depression. However, the unemployment rate is continuing to table, there is still petty partisan rivalry and the list goes on. climb. Currently, the unemployment rate is lingering at 10 percent What happened to the spark that ignited Obama's rise to the -- a less than 1 percent decrease from its peak in July 2009. While top? What happened to real change and eliminating politics as unemployment traditionally takes longer to recover than the usual? economy, Americans need to see results. Predictions Stats The only real political reform will come from catastrophic economic • Unemployment is rate lingers at 10% as employers lay off disasters. Until then, there will be partisan disputes -- or politics as 85,000 jobs, reports usual. • The U.S. consumer has 17% less influence from 15 years ago, according to Minyanville Key Words • According to, Obama's job approval ratings have slipped from around 65% to 47.9% in the past year Change, Obama, reform, muddling through, apathy 29 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 30. About the Authors 3 30 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 31. We strive to create purposeful impact for the long-run Sparxoo is pioneering the next Sparxoo builds sustainable generation of business that is relationships while delivering founded in the principles of: meaningful impact on projects with a purpose. •  Social entrepreneurship We are expanding our network of •  Real responsibility socially minded leaders and hope to •  Creative community become a leader in this category. •  Courageous leadership 31 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 32. We fuse right-brain and left-brain capabilities to deliver creatively strategic solutions Branding Digital Marketing Business Development 32 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 33. Branding Branding Goals Our Services •  Differentiate your products, services, and organization to drive •  Brand Strategy •  Brand Identity preference among your audience •  Cause-Related Our Approach Mission •  Trends and Insights •  Through strategically creative stretching, we develop an aspirational market positioning that stands out from the competition Excerpts from our blog Emerging Trends •  We are a step ahead in sharing emerging trends •  As the crisis turns to opportunity, there is a new breed of creative maximizers, new icons are emerging, and patriotism 2.0 has arrived Segmentation • We believe that segmentation leads to better communication, a more satisfied customer, increased innovation, and higher market share Brand Strategy •  We synthesize research and analysis into key insights on which to build a cohesive strategy to optimally position brands in the market 33 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 34. Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Goals Our Services •  Blogging and •  Engage your community in meaningful conversations Content Strategy •  Marketing Plans Our Approach •  Social Marketing •  Customer Analysis •  Through in-depth market analysis, we help you find and share your and Research unique voice with your target audience. Excerpts from our blog Gen Y Marketing • 94% of Gen Yers own a cell phone, and comprise 46% of total iPhone users • Gen Y seeks authenticity, and wants to engage in a real conversation; think “earned media” Social Networking Etiquette •  Use best practices to participate in the discussion online •  Digg and similar network communities value honesty, your personality, and real involvement Niche Communities •  Beyond the obvious communities at Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, there are many more smaller communities buzzing with activity •  We profiled Ning (which has since exploded), as well as niche communities such as Twitter Moms, Climate Culture, CauseCast and LinkLessons 34 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 35. Business Development Business Development Goals Our Services •  Grow market leadership while achieving financial success • Growth Strategy • Business Plans Our Approach • Financial Analysis and Valuation •  Through business planning and financial analysis, we find the best path forward; our relationships enable us to accelerate the path to achieving goals Excerpts from our blog Startup Survival Guide • We shared 10 tips to help entrepreneurs maximize their cash and make it through tough times • Suggestions include: be nimble, focus on revenue, reduce your fat, collect bills, and of course…still provide leadership Business Plans •  With a large supply of businesses seeking cash, and a small supply of investment dollars, the story needs to be smart and compelling: that means market research and highlighting the key success factors Fundraising •  While many focus on venture capital, alternatives include self-funding, debt, friends and family, and angel financing •  Angel investors typically fund from $100k to $2 million and are a good source of early stage investment 35 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 36. David Capece provides strategic leadership with a focus in digital media & entertainment David Capece, Managing Partner David Capece serves as a strategic advisor to media & entertainment companies. His recent projects have included digital growth strategy initiatives with Comcast, Lifetime, and NBC, as well as several startups. In these assignments, David has provided strategic leadership in market planning, brand positioning, online marketing, and business development. David has been focused on digital media opportunities beginning with the development of the Baltimore Orioles first web site in 1997, continuing in his Internet venture capital experience at Katalyst, and more recently as a member of the management team. As a Senior Director at, David was a key leader in building and executing long range plans. He oversaw marketing projects for new media products, led growth strategy, and served as the head of online marketing. David has 12 years of business experience in investment banking, venture capital, and consulting where he has worked on over $800 million in private placement, IPO and M&A transactions. David graduated with an MBA in Finance and Marketing from Wharton Business School, and has a BA from Johns Hopkins University. 36 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 37. We have a team of strategically creative business professionals Katherine Parsons, Strategy Director Katherine Parsons is a creatively strategic marketing professional with a passion for brand development and innovation. Industry experience includes research idea generation, strategic writing and project management. Most recently, Katherine was a Senior Consultant in the Strategy department at Interbrand NY. Prior to that she worked at Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve and McKinsey. She holds a MSc from The London School of Economics in Organizational and Social Psychology and a BA from Wellesley College. Ethan Lyon, Senior Writer Ethan is a creative writer whose talents stretch to brand development and even business strategy. Ethan has written Internet business plans, developed consumer product brand platforms, and has provided creative leadership to advertising campaign. Previously, Ethan was a creative writer on the advertising team at Partners and Napier. He also contributed to the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper as a News and Politics Editor. He holds a BA in Communications and Journalism from St. John Fisher College. 37 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 38. We have a team of strategically creative business professionals Deirdre Zahl, Graphic Designer Deirdre Zahl is a graphic designer with seven years of industry experience who specializes in interactive design. She has worked with clients ranging from top-tier luxury brands in the fashion industry such as CHANEL and MAC Cosmetics, commercial and residential real estate clients, Ann Taylor and other small e-commerce sites. She is also experienced in logo, brand and web development, as well as print and web design. She holds a BA in Communication Design from Skidmore College. Tara Lane, Staff Writer Tara is a creative writer with experience in editing, publicity and social media. Tara has led SEO initiatives at the Local Info Company in Pittsford, NY. She has also held multiple positions in the non-profit sector including writing and public relations strategy. Tara has worked at the National Association of Independent Colleges, Universities in Washington, DC and the Kay and Yvonne Whitmore Global Management Center in Provo, Utah. She holds a BA in Communications and Public Relations, and a minor in Business Management from Brigham Young University. 38 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo
  • 39. 100 Merriman Street, #5 Rochester, NY 14607 646-345-1800 David Capece Katherine Parsons Ethan Lyon Managing Partner Senior Strategist Senior Writer 646-345-1800 917-568-4672 585-730-1404 39 | 2010 Trend Report | Sparxoo